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Charles Lindbergh - a GREAT White Man

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Holy cow, holy smokes and holy carumba!!! We have a winner! This week Robert Lloyd gives us the true story of a White man, dedicated to the well being of his people. Yes, Charles Lindbergh, 'Lucky Lindy' as they would call him, after flying non-stop in the Spirit of St Louis over the Atlantic ocean. But then something happened, the man became a threat to America. Was he a traitor? Robert will talk about:

  1. His life growing up and dropping out of college.

  2. His dad, a US Congressman, being against America's involvement in the First World War.

  3. Finding a builder for a plane he helped design that could fly 3600 miles non-stop so he could capture a prize of $25,000.

  4. Fighting poor weather, lack of sleep, icing of his plane, and being mobbed when he landed in France.

  5. Speaking out on behalf of National Socialist Germany.

  6. Flying combat clandestinely in the pacific against the Japanese.

  7. Ultimately, exposed for having several 'affairs' and 7 illegitimate children outside of his marriage to Anne.

Is Lindbergh a hypocrite or a great (but not perfect) man? You be the judge. Contact Robert at robertlloysmusic@cs.com



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