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Living up to its title, this episode of Alba Voce (White Voices) will feature THE pre-eminent White voice in our history since the coming of Jesus, and one even within living memory has been slandered, vilified and lied about unceasingly by the enemy. So much so that a great many of our own people turn away in fear or disgrace rather than ALLOW themselves the right to an object look at the facts surrounding this great man.
Tonight's show will feature a reading of Chapter 11, Nation & Race, from Mein Kampf, Hitlers semi-autobiography and statement of purpose as the spokesmen not only of the German nation but of the White race in general. This IS from the Murphy translation, it is not garbled, the message is quite clear and it WILL require multiple hearings so be sure to download the poscast and study this most important chapter of this seminal book on White identity. Also, there is NO question whatsoever that Hitler was at the very least a GERMAN CHRISTIAN, though give HIS understanding of the story of Adam & Eve in the Garden, it can be argued that he was indeed a Christian Identist before the