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On-Demand Episodes

The H.M.D. Music Resource Guide ®, Selections from Sonny's vast collection of music from all genres. Sit back and enjoy! TG: TheHMD2 G: TheHMD GETTR: TheHMD T: TheHMD2 Support Resolution RADIO. Every $ helps us upgrade &... more

HOSTS: JAMES EDWARDS & KEITH ALEXANDER hr 1 Warren Balogh returns for the final program of 2024 to discuss his recent collaboration with Antelope Hill Publishing. hr 2 Former Congressional Chief of Staff Lew Moore returns on... more

HOSTS: JAMES EDWARDS & KEITH ALEXANDER hr 1 Has the beginning of the end arrived for the existing order as we know it? Hosts James Edwards and Keith Alexander present some reasons to believe that it has. hr 2 We take you inside... more

HOST: ROB BECKMAN. In this week's episode we talk with Patrick Bertagna from Gun Alert about an innovative product he has developed to keep valuable safe. Where can instructors find out more information: GPS Tracker For Your Gun My... more

HOSTS: JAMES EDWARDS & KEITH ALEXANDER hr 1 James Edwards details his recent struggles with the United States Postal Service with determination and good humor. hr 2 Brad Griffin, Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent, spends an... more

HOST: ROB BECKMAN. In this week's episode we talk with Roy Hill about a program he's a big support, SOWW (Special Operations Wounded Warrior) Where can instructors find out more information: Text: SOWW to 41444 Special... more

HOST: MIKE SODINI Join hosts Jake Wiskerchen and Michael Sodini as they sit down with Dr. Emmy Betz, an emergency physician specializing in suicide prevention and firearm safety. Together, they navigate the intricate relationship... more

HOST: KEVIN ALFRED STROM IN 1983 I sat down to dinner w a man about whose life a feature film, The Order, is about to be released. His name was Robert J. Mathews. The event was Labor Day, 1983 National Alliance convention... more

HOST: ROB BECKMAN. In this week's episode we talk with Rachel Moss from Attorneys For Freedom Where can instructors find out more information: Attorneys On Retainer YT: @State of Connecticut decision Andrew and Mark... more

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