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Are your habits of thinking sabotaging your success?

  • Broadcast in Entrepreneur
10-Minute Mentor with Rich Perry

10-Minute Mentor with Rich Perry


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We all have certain behaviors that we routinely do each day. We’ve done them so many times that we can fly through on autopilot, unconsciously performing the task with the greatest of ease. Not only do we perform these tasks daily, but also we’ve ritualized them to the point that we complete these jobs following the same sequence and executed in the same manner each time.

Yes, human beings are creatures of habit. Just as we have physical habits we also have thinking habits. These are the thoughts we think over and over again. But what happens if our thoughts are poor and inefficient? More importantly, would you be able to recognize if your thoughts are holding you back right now?

Well, lucky for you, Deb Crowe is our guest mentor and today she is going to help you identify your habits of thinking.

[About Deb Crowe]

Deb’s first career was in Disability Case Management, where she specialized in Neurotrauma from 1990 – 2013. After 23 years as an entrepreneur in the medical rehabilitation sector, Deb decided to transition to life coaching and has become a certified Og Mandino Habit Finder Coach.  Deb coaches individuals with their habits of thinking using a science-based assessment that is based on metacognition.

By day, Deb lives her life by her own unique design.  You may find Deb leading as a Self-Care Guru while life coaching or leading a chair yoga class with seniors or individuals with a disability. By night, Deb is typically relaxing and embracing the pause, enjoying her own yoga practice, meditating, enjoying the silence, hanging out with her family or playing scrabble to keep her mind sharp.



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