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100Radio Episode 31: Initiative 502, Cheating, & Ask 100Radio
This week on 100Radio, we are going to pick up where we left off last week and cover the following topics:
• Washington Initiative 502
• Cheating: "Niggas ain't cheatin’ on a good woman. If you got cheated on, you ain't a good woman. That simple"; "Cheating hurts a woman more than beating her, but I'm wide awake though"; and "Is it okay to cheat on someone you love if the sex is bad?"
• Android VS. iPhone: Which one is ultimately better?
• Ask B/S100/100Radio: What is "thirsty"?; Is it possible to have a threesome with two dudes and it NOT be considered a train?; and much MUCH more!
• Good News, Lousy News and things that you seem to care about, that we don't.