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100Radio Episode 23: 100 Minutes of Sex Volume 4

  • Broadcast in Lifestyle



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100Radio Episode 23: 100 Minutes of Sex Volume 4
It's about that time again to discuss everyones favorite topic: SEX!!
  • How young is TOO young when it comes to a sexual partner?
  • Parents, at what age do you feel it is ok for your child to have sex? Is it different for guys than it is for girls? Why or why not?
  • "Bad Poon"/"Bad Peen": What are the signs? How do you overcome this issue? What do you do if you come across it?
  • Orgasms: What if your partner can not make you have an orgasm? Do you stay or leave? Why are why not?
  • Fetishes: What do you feel are some strange sexual fetishes? Would you leave your significant other because of it? Why or why not?

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