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Our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy have changed. We think you'll like them better this way. Post Traumatic Stress from war or life can be a difficult perspective to live life from. Your Divine Human Blueprint gives us a way to return to a clear mind body and spirit.
In todays episode we will talk about how healing the brain, (brain booster) using cellular quantum mechanics and the Divine Human Blueprint can return you and your emotions and mindset back to a relaxed happy easeful individual.
I have worked with Viet Nam Vets, Pentagon Officials and even UN representatives. What it's all about here is restoring Perception (one of 4 elements of the blueprint) and cellular memory.
Surprisingly, Women speakers and entrepreneurs often exhibit similar PTSD to their male veteran counter parts. Clearing group mind is an important part of healing the debilitating effects of PTSD.
view video of Viet Nam Vet's story here