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WHEN THE REPUBLICANS STOLE AMERICA. This is not the first time the Republican Party has stolen the Government and been totally opposed by the people! " The Black Panther Party Position Paper on the Elimination of the Offices of President and Vice President was first published in February 1974, during the time the Senate Watergate Investigation Committee was conducting hearings on the Watergate scandal. Although the committee has discontinued its investigation, our proposal to eliminate the offices oftne executive branch i s no less timely; in fact its importance is now more apparent than ever. With the forced resignation ofone chiefexecutive, Richard M. Nixon, as a result ofthe exposure of some of his many crimes against the people, and his subsequent pardon for these crimes by his hand-chosen successor, Gerald Ford (whose action was described by one national leader as "the grossest miscarriage of justice in history" , the necessity increases for justice-minded Americans to take swift action toward abolishment ofthe corrupt executive offices, as the following proposal demands.
A conspiratorial coup d'etat intended to secure for Richard M. Nixon the divine right of kings has been revealed through the hearings ofthe Senate Select Committee on Presidential Campaign Activities. This conspiracy under mines our country's republican form ofgovernment, jeopardizes our country's potential for good in the world, and constitutes a serious threat to peace and progress for all humankind.")