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With a habitable super-Earth and UFOs back in the news, we have to ask: Are we going to find the aliens or have they already come to see us?
Could There Be Life? This Newfound 'Super-Earth' May Be Habitable
Only 31 light years away! Pretty close for an earth-like planet.
But then there’s this…
The Hunt Is On for Alpha Centauri’s Planets
Snake-like UFOs seen across US ‘could be military craft used by Space Force’
A trio of ASU experts give their thoughts on recent UFO reports
'Fleet of UFOs' Followed US Aircraft, Navy Pilot Says
-- Between 2014 and 2015, seasoned pilots in the U.S. Navy experienced a number of harrowing encounters with UFOs during training missions in the U.S. While pilots were mid-flight, their aircraft cameras and radar detected seemingly impossible objects flying at hypersonic speeds at altitudes up to 30,00 feet (9,144 meters); these mysterious UFOs did so with no visible means of propulsion, The New York Times reported on May 26.
This stuff has been going on for a long time. Takes us back to the days of the Foo Fighters.
What Were the Mysterious “Foo Fighters” Sighted by WWII Night Flyers?
--Something strange was following the Beaufighter crews of the 415th Night Fighter Squadron.
Dozens of these sightings occurred -- hundreds of similar throughout both theaters of war. What were they?
Popular theory at the time: Secret Nazi Weapons!
WT 493-819 Eternity Kevin MacLeod ( | Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0