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  • Broadcast in Self Help
WDKK Radio

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French philosopher and inventor of the first mechanical calculator, Blaise Pascal stated, 'You are today, where the thoughts of yesterday have brought you, and you will be tomorrow where the thoughts of today take you' How true is that?! Your beliefs, based upon your values are theories not facts, but they are theory that you treat as though they were facts, and because of this, they tend to appear true. Your beliefs can either box you in or allow you to live your life by DESIGN. Your beliefs can be heard in what you say to yourself and to others. Your beliefs are the rules that run your life; they are your blueprint. Do you want your Blueprint to be old, out-of-date, medieval, restrictive, or do you want to update your rulebook your Blueprint that has as its title,"If I want to do it, I can!" LISTEN IN.

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