COSMIC MANIFESTATION show will teach listeners that you can create anything you desire, because we were created to create. desire along with observation is the key.enCopyright Willie Prophet (C/O Blogtalkradio)Fri, 14 Jun 2019 21:15:00 GMTTue, 14 Nov 2017 16:00:00 GMTSelf HelpBlogTalkRadio Feed v2.0 MANIFESTATION show will teach listeners that you can create anything you desire, because we were created to create. desire along with observation is the key.feeds@blogtalkradio.comBlogTalkRadio.comawareness,mind hacks,science of mind,guidance,deliberate creation,self-realization,powerDeliberate CreationnoWhy the Law of Attraction may not be working for you!!!episodicwillie prophet metaphysical life coach and trainer Help, 14 Nov 2017 16:00:00 GMTwillie prophet metaphysical life coach and trainerWILL PERSISTENCE VS WILL ARROGANCE!! Lets define what I mean by WILL PERSISTENCE; YOUR PERSISTENCE TO BE WHAT YOU INTEND TO BE, OR DO.   WILL ARROGANCE IS ; YOUR HALF-HEARTED ATTEMPTS TO DO OR BE . When you intend something and you use your will, you will never give up!  in fact giving up or quiting is not an option. The basic ingredient of will persistence is ; NO MATTER WHAT HAPPENS I WILL NEVER QUIT UNTIL WHAT I WANT HAPPENS.  NOTHING CAN STOP ME. Once you decide to use your WILL PERSISTENCE healings start to take place. All those things that you have left incomplete, In other words everytime you stated to do something and quit, and blamed your failure on something outside of yourself.  That is called WILL ARROGANCE.  Lets talk about that mental chatter inside your head, that voice that tease''s you and says YOU CANT DO THAT, YOUVE NEVER DONE THAT BEFORE!!  DONT GET YOUR HOPES UP, etc, etc, etc......All that is, is a part of the brain called the amygdala it is hard wired to protect you at all cost. In other words its unfamailiar territory. When a space ship takes off it make the most noice when taking off once it breaks through our atmospher it can no longer be heard. You have to breat through your mental chatter with your WILL PERSISTENCE.  That voice in your head is responsible for all our psychological, physiological, and neurological ups and downs. It is controlloing your life!! The good news is, YOU ARE NOT YOUR FAILURES.  YOU ARE YOUR INTENTIONS TO BE!   Any thing else is IRRELEVANT. take some time and list all your failures, frustrations, hopeleness, prayers, incomplete projects, and broken relationships, and bring them to completion  admit that they were the result of your WILL ARROGANCE: your half-hearted attempts, and excuses for not exercising your WILL PERSISTENCE. 00:15:00Deliberate CreationnoWellness,Wealth,Success,successful,success coachinglearn how to harness the power of your own mind and manipulate reality easily1f134d50-639e-4383-80ea-99e22b0e03eb14fullWillie Prophet Meta-physical L life Coach & Trainer they were fully aware of their oneness with source. We will look into how we must allow the greatness that is you to come forth, You are inheretently GREAT!! ]]> they were fully aware of their oneness with source. We will look into how we must allow the greatness that is you to come forth, You are inheretently GREAT!! ]]>Self Help, 24 Oct 2017 19:30:00 GMTWillie Prophet Meta-physical L life Coach & Trainer they were fully aware of their oneness with source. We will look into how we must allow the greatness that is you to come forth, You are inheretently GREAT!! ]]>I wish to share with you today the fact there is with-in you seeds of GREATNESS. All you have to do is realize them, and internalize them and they will come forth.  Most ppl have never been told they are GREAT. It disturbs me when ever I witness parents , or school teachers telling children that they will never amount to anything!  That is the worst thing that you could tell a child. Never ,never never tell anyone that they will never be anything..  Every person on the planet is created in the image of GOD.  the all, source, whatever you choose to call it. Just because a person is not living up to their greatness does not mean it isnt there. They like the majority are NOT AWARE of it.  The most derilic hard case person you could think of has genius inside of them, they are PURE POTENTIALITY, THEY ARE GOD. YOU ARE ONE WITH THE SOURCE OF ALL CREATION, THAT SOURCE IS YOU!!  the only difference between you and source is DEGREE IN FREQUENCY.... The only difference between you and jesus, or buhdda, or kristna or any of the ascended masters is > they were fully aware of their oneness with source. We will look into how we must allow the greatness that is you to come forth, You are inheretently GREAT!! 00:15:00Deliberate CreationnoWellness,Wealth,abundance,prosperity,mindTHE SEEDS OF GREATNESS9ca40bd9-b037-4ba0-b18b-bb3006a095a913fullWillie Prophet Meta-physical L life Coach & Trainer Help, 23 Oct 2017 17:00:00 GMTWillie Prophet Meta-physical L life Coach & TrainerTHE POWER OF SELF BELIEF: Ther are seedz of GREATNESS WITH-IN every person on planet earth. You may not be aware of them, but that doesnt mean they are not there. Just becaus ni inwe has never told you that is irrelevant. So today we are going to look at the ability to allow the GREATNESS that is you to come forth like a mighty river.. You are inherently GREAT. Are you aware of your greatness? how do you feel about this? Most ppl are very uncomfotable about this, some evn think that feeling great is not being humble.  Or they think that if you admit to your greatness that they would be arrogant.  this is simply not true, YOU MUST SEE YOURSELF AS GREAT!!. 00:14:00Deliberate CreationnoSuccess,Wellness,Wealth,prosperity,abundanceSELF BELIEFaf329593-136b-4cc8-bc25-55f5dcb24afa12fullWillie Prophet Meta-physical L life Coach & Trainer Help, 30 Sep 2017 22:00:00 GMTWillie Prophet Meta-physical L life Coach & TrainerMOTION,MOVEMENT, MOMENTUM  THE (3) M'S OF CREATION; Motion or movement is the key to all of life. We know in the quatum field that all matter consists of the motion of electrons cicrcling around the ATOM. Motion then is the reason we are able to see everything that is physical. Eventhough it appears to be a solid object, we know that it is not substance at all. It just appears to be. These electrons are moving faster than the speed of light. In fact the entire universe is moving in and out of existence. Like the pulse of your heart rate.  You and I are shifting our consciousness all the time,  Like the television you look at those movies are called MOTION PICTURES.  Each picture is broken down into 24 smaller pictures, that appear to be one picture, however its not it appears to be one picture. Life works pretty much the same way there is constant motion. Nothng is ever at rest, everything is moving, You are either moving forward or backward.  Your past, present and future are all one TIME-LINE, YOU HAVE THE POWER TO CHANGE IT.  To the degree we act or move on our ideas will be the degree that we create momentum, in other words the universe will move at your pace!!   00:14:00Deliberate CreationnoWellness,well-being,Wealth,abundance,ElightenmentLearn the secrets of deliberate creationf470d4c2-ac66-4a2f-9f51-4f2e731c8c9311fullwillie prophet metaphysical life coach and trainer Help, 22 Sep 2017 14:30:00 GMTwillie prophet metaphysical life coach and trainerTHE GOLDEN AGE ?We are living in a time where everything is moving faster than before. Positive thoughts are lighter , and have a higher frequency than Negative slower moving thoughts. There are more frequencies being downloaded into our atmosphere. The electro-magnetic field around the earth is changing to allow for much easier manifestations. This happen every 25,000 yeats. Thus we are in the golden age. Basically what this means is that we ate able to create what we want much faster. So if you are feeling stuck, or if your dreams and goals appear to be taking to long, then listen to what I am about to teach you.  i will talk with you about RYTHYM, PACE, MOMENTUM.   00:15:00Deliberate CreationnoLAW OF ATTRACTION,SUCCESS,WEALTH,ABUNDANCE,PROSPERITTYlearn how to harness the power of your own mind and manipulate reality easilyWillie Prophet Metaphysical Life Coach Help, 26 Jun 2017 17:00:00 GMTWillie Prophet Metaphysical Life CoachThe Law of polarity   states that everything has its polar opposite, that nothing is in itself absolute.Everything in the universe is light and magnetism. we have both an electrical and magnetic charge that travels down our spine. In fact some ppl are more electric which means you tend to push things away from you. If you are magnetic then you will draw things to you a lot easier. I t depends on your astrological birth chart. So this is not to say that if you are elcetrical that you cannot attract the right ppl and situations towards you, it just means that you will have to pay attention to your own personality. Remember that like thoughts will attract  to them the same. there is a certain truth in the axiom that opposites attract one another but this only for the sae of balance. for example if you are fixed then you probably will get along better with someone who is mutable. Just like in most parental relationships one parent is usually the diciplinarian while the other is usuall more easy going, so there is balance. Now the Law of polarity works along side of the law of vibration. Remember that your thoughts vibrate at a particular frequency. Whatever you are experiencing there is available to its opposite at the same time.  Iif you are sad there is joy, if you are experiencing lack there is abundance, if you are experiencing a broken relationship there is a better one available. All you have to do is reach for the thought that makes you feel better, Its really just that simple.Why because remeber the only reason you are experiencing what you are is because of your habitual thought patters, beliefs, and unconscious imprints/ templates.  Everything takes its origin in the thought world. 00:15:00Deliberate CreationnoSuccess,Wellness,Wealth,abundance,Opulencelearn how to harness the power of your own mind and manipulate reality easilyWillie Prophet Meta-physical Life Coach & Trainer He who understands the law of vibration, has grasp the scepter of power. Our thoughts, beliefs, emotions, and feeling all vibrate at a particular frequency. If you dont like what you are experiencing in your life, all you have to do is RAISE YOUR VIBRATION. yOU CAN ONLY ATTRACT WHAT YOU ARE A VIBRATIONAL MATCH FOR!!. This law is important because once you are aware of where you are vibrationally you then become a deliberate creator, and the master of your world. The HIGHER your vibration the faster things show up for you> people, money, circumstances, syncronicity takes place, you find yourself in the RIGHT PLACE AT THE RIGHT TIME. tHERE ARE ONLY 2 REASONS WHY YOU DONT HAVE WHAT YOU WANT OR WHY YOUR NOT LIVING LIFE ON YOUR TERMS:  1) YOU HAVE BLOCKAGES, PHYSICAL, MENTAL, EMOTIONALLY, ENERGETIC(DNA) 2) YOU DO NOT UNERSTAND OR KNOW HOW TO DRIVE YOUR PERSONAL HOLOGRAM TO CREATE THE REALTY YOU WANT.   ]]> He who understands the law of vibration, has grasp the scepter of power. Our thoughts, beliefs, emotions, and feeling all vibrate at a particular frequency. If you dont like what you are experiencing in your life, all you have to do is RAISE YOUR VIBRATION. yOU CAN ONLY ATTRACT WHAT YOU ARE A VIBRATIONAL MATCH FOR!!. This law is important because once you are aware of where you are vibrationally you then become a deliberate creator, and the master of your world. The HIGHER your vibration the faster things show up for you> people, money, circumstances, syncronicity takes place, you find yourself in the RIGHT PLACE AT THE RIGHT TIME. tHERE ARE ONLY 2 REASONS WHY YOU DONT HAVE WHAT YOU WANT OR WHY YOUR NOT LIVING LIFE ON YOUR TERMS:  1) YOU HAVE BLOCKAGES, PHYSICAL, MENTAL, EMOTIONALLY, ENERGETIC(DNA) 2) YOU DO NOT UNERSTAND OR KNOW HOW TO DRIVE YOUR PERSONAL HOLOGRAM TO CREATE THE REALTY YOU WANT.   ]]>Self Help, 05 Jun 2017 16:00:00 GMTWillie Prophet Meta-physical Life Coach & Trainer He who understands the law of vibration, has grasp the scepter of power. Our thoughts, beliefs, emotions, and feeling all vibrate at a particular frequency. If you dont like what you are experiencing in your life, all you have to do is RAISE YOUR VIBRATION. yOU CAN ONLY ATTRACT WHAT YOU ARE A VIBRATIONAL MATCH FOR!!. This law is important because once you are aware of where you are vibrationally you then become a deliberate creator, and the master of your world. The HIGHER your vibration the faster things show up for you> people, money, circumstances, syncronicity takes place, you find yourself in the RIGHT PLACE AT THE RIGHT TIME. tHERE ARE ONLY 2 REASONS WHY YOU DONT HAVE WHAT YOU WANT OR WHY YOUR NOT LIVING LIFE ON YOUR TERMS:  1) YOU HAVE BLOCKAGES, PHYSICAL, MENTAL, EMOTIONALLY, ENERGETIC(DNA) 2) YOU DO NOT UNERSTAND OR KNOW HOW TO DRIVE YOUR PERSONAL HOLOGRAM TO CREATE THE REALTY YOU WANT.   ]]>The Law of vibration states that everything is motion all reality is nothing but motion. All matter everything you can physically see is not substance, it only appears to be.Thats because it is vibrating at a slower frequency, you see evrerything in this 3 deminsional universe is very dense and slower rate of motion. The difference between the tree outside and a human is the rate or speed of motion which we call frequency. An old Axiom states that > He who understands the law of vibration, has grasp the scepter of power. Our thoughts, beliefs, emotions, and feeling all vibrate at a particular frequency. If you dont like what you are experiencing in your life, all you have to do is RAISE YOUR VIBRATION. yOU CAN ONLY ATTRACT WHAT YOU ARE A VIBRATIONAL MATCH FOR!!. This law is important because once you are aware of where you are vibrationally you then become a deliberate creator, and the master of your world. The HIGHER your vibration the faster things show up for you> people, money, circumstances, syncronicity takes place, you find yourself in the RIGHT PLACE AT THE RIGHT TIME. tHERE ARE ONLY 2 REASONS WHY YOU DONT HAVE WHAT YOU WANT OR WHY YOUR NOT LIVING LIFE ON YOUR TERMS:  1) YOU HAVE BLOCKAGES, PHYSICAL, MENTAL, EMOTIONALLY, ENERGETIC(DNA) 2) YOU DO NOT UNERSTAND OR KNOW HOW TO DRIVE YOUR PERSONAL HOLOGRAM TO CREATE THE REALTY YOU WANT.   00:16:00Deliberate CreationnoSuccess,Wellness,Wealth,abundance,prosperitylearn how to harness the power of your own mind and manipulate reality easilyWillie Prophet Metaphysical life Coach and Trainer Help, 30 May 2017 17:30:00 GMTWillie Prophet Metaphysical life Coach and TrainerWelcome back as you know we have been talking about the 7 Hermetic Laws that govern your universe, they are as follows, the law of :  vibration, polarity, gender, cause & effect, rythym, mentalism, and correspondence. These laws govern your youniverse, you should recognize them and therefore be able to apply them to your everyday life. The first law that we have studied is Mentalism, which states that the universe is mental. The ALL or source( GOD) IS bothe spiritual and Mind. All of life is the result of Mental and spiritual substance. All matter is the duality os this substance, in other words there is no difference between matter and spirit.  we are here to transmute spirit into matter, so that SOURCE can experience itself as you in what ever from you chosse.  All that is necessary is for you to choose an ideal, or goal, vivsion something you wish to experience. Set the intention, focus your attention on it, because where focus goes energy flows.  remember everything is energy vibrating at a particular frequency. So mental transmutation is simply changing one form of matter into another.  Disease to health, poverty to wealth sadness to joy  etc  etc. 00:16:00Deliberate CreationnoSuccess,abundance,Wealth,health,Law of Attractionlearn how to harness the power of your own mind and manipulate reality easilyWillie Prophet Metaphysical lifeCoach and Trainer Help, 22 May 2017 18:00:00 GMTWillie Prophet Metaphysical lifeCoach and TrainerTHE SEVEN HERMETIC PRINCIPLES that govern all life, The very first principle or law is that of MENTALISM which states that everything is mental. The ALL or source is living mind, and spirit. Therefore we live in a living breathing intelligent youniverse, that is very very sensitive to your thoughts, feelings, beliefs, and perceptions.I said to you that the universe has a languge that consist of: sound, light, geometric forms, color, and frequency.I also told you that everything is Vibrating at a particular frequency.  Your thoughts proceed out from you into the ether to connect to LIKE VIBRATIONS. This is why we continue to attract into  our lives the same experiences.So mental transmutation is the ability to change a form or substance to another. 00:16:00Deliberate Creationnolearn how to harness the power of your own mind and manipulate reality easilywillie prophet Metaphysical life coach and trainer Help, 18 May 2017 17:00:00 GMTwillie prophet Metaphysical life coach and trainerTHE 7 hermetic principles of creation, once you learn these you can really manipulate reality.Y ou are a God you are a powerful creator, with extraordinary powers and abilities. we simply are not living our true potential. the laws of the universe are as follows, cause and effect, vibration, polarity, rhythim, gender, correspondence, and mentalism. These are the very basic laws that govern your universe. Remember evrything is law, nothing just happens  the point is if you learn these then you become the master of your world.   00:16:00Deliberate Creationnosuccess coaching,abundance,money,dream,Wealthlearn how to harness the power of your own mind and manipulate reality easilywillie prophet metaphysical life coach and trainer Help, 08 May 2017 20:00:00 GMTwillie prophet metaphysical life coach and trainerLearn how to use the 7 Hermetic Principles to create anything you desire These laws were given to us thousands of years ago.These laws tell us exactly how the universe works. Everything is governed by LAW, there are no coincidences,or luckjust because we cannot explain an event does not mean that it was happen-stance.  Everything is CAUSE & EFFECT.  We are always the Cause, although most of the time we are creating unconsciously.  We need to know how to create what we want on purpose. 00:17:00Deliberate Creationnosuccess,wealth,dreambig,abundance,prosperitylearn how to harness the power of your own mind and manipulate reality easilyWillie Prophet Meta-physical Life Coach & Trainer Help, 04 May 2017 19:00:00 GMTWillie Prophet Meta-physical Life Coach & TrainerYOU ARE A GOD  ( GET OVER IT) Thats right my friend you are more powerful than you realize. Y ou are able to bend reality the way you want to, you are a powerful creator with the universe. The youniverse responds to you instantly!! you can realy do, be and have anything you desire, because your beliefs create your world. there are know mistakes, there is no such thing as luck. you are a deliberate creator although for the most part you maybe doing it unconsciously or unware.  nonetheless you are doing it every second, every moment. There is only cause and effect    YOU ARE THE CAUSE!!   There is NOTHING outside of you rresponsible for where you are or responsible for your desiny.    It begins with your THOUGHTS.   00:16:00Deliberate CreationnoSUCCESS,PROSPERITY,MIND,ABUNDANCE. HEALTH,OPPULENCElearn how to harness the power of your own mind and manipulate reality easilywillie prophet metaphysical life coach and trainner Help, 24 Apr 2017 17:30:00 GMTwillie prophet metaphysical life coach and trainnerYou have to align with what you want, allow what you want and give it your attention. Why the law of attraction may not be working for you, its because of your inner conflicts, and lack of clarity. Ther must be congruency between what you want and WHO YOU ARE!!.ou have to make sure that you are.We are told that if we decree something it would be established, however you can only decree what you are, for example you may desire wealth, and you may be saying all the right things, but if there is a conflict between the subconscious and your words the subconscious will always choose what s inside your core beliefs and emotional state that you are projecting most of the time, in other words we are what we project vibrationaly. The question is what do you really believe about yourself and what is possible for you??           00:15:00Deliberate Creationnosuccess,wealth,mind,law of attraction,dream biglearn how to harness the power of your own mind and manipulate reality easilyWillie Prophet Metaphysical life coach and trainer, 03 Apr 2017 20:30:00 GMTWillie Prophet Metaphysical life coach and trainerwillie prophet discusses how you can overcome any problem easily once you understand the power of your subconscious mind!!  over come all your fears, pain in your body, bad relationships, illness, disease, lack of funds, un-employment. You are the center of the youniverse, you are the only creative power that there is!!  everything is the result of cause and effect. our circumstances are nothing more than our beliefs objectified. You can begin to condition your I AM, GOD CONSCIOUSNESS to create whatever YOU WANT.  It will require your effort, attention, and perseverance to experience lasting change. The first step is to get crystal clear about what you want, decide what you will no longer tolerate in your life. Since you have a choice to think the way you want to then think BIG!, SEE YOURSELF AS YOU WISH TO BE, because the law is , whatever you assume yourself to be, eventhough your physical senses may deny it, IMAGINAL ACTS HARDEN INTO FACTS. You can control your world by your thoughts, beliefs, FEELINGS, AND WORDS!!     think right, believe right, feel right, and you will be ALRIGHT. 00:16:00Deliberate CreationnoSUCCESS,WEALTH,LAW OF ATTRACTION,THE MIND,SUBCONSCIOUS MINDwillie prophet discusses how you can overcome any problem easily once you understand the power of your subconscious mind!!  over come all your fears, pain in yo