USC® RADIO PRODUCTIONS™ CH THREE® RADIO PRODUCTIONS™, LLC CHANNEL'S ONE,TWO and THREE is NOW at A Spiritual Leader as a catalyst for humanity's shift from human nature to Divine Greatness, through both the spoken word and our host sharing compelling and exciting topics to create a greater understanding of the subject and how it relates to our world today. Whether our host is speaking at conferences to world-wide audiences, organizing live global events, or presenting unique life changing empowering knowledge, our mission has always remained at the forefront of our minds and in our hearts; to create opportunities for all to claim their empowerment, stand in Unity and to meet the greater parts of themselves, and each other. This is our heart calling. “You” are our calling. At the most pivotal time in our human evolution, we are deeply inspired to continue to meet the needs of humanity and our planet as we birth into Empowered Greatness. It is our fervent hope and intention that our shows will serve as both a guiding light and trusted resource providing you with ever changing spiritual knowledge, inspiration and support to enable you to achieve your highest potential. The time has arrived to claim your GREATness and be the Voice of your Hearts! Call~In Number:347.327.9164 THE UNIVERSAL SPIRITUAL CONNECTION®COPY RIGHTS©ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. enCopyright May Leilani Graham (C/O Blogtalkradio)Sun, 16 Jun 2019 02:00:00 GMTWed, 29 Jan 2014 23:00:00 GMTSpiritualityBlogTalkRadio Feed v2.0® RADIO PRODUCTIONS™ CH THREE® RADIO PRODUCTIONS™, LLC CHANNEL'S ONE,TWO and THREE is NOW at A Spiritual Leader as a catalyst for humanity's shift from human nature to Divine Greatness, through both the spoken word and our host sharing compelling and exciting topics to create a greater understanding of the subject and how it relates to our world today. Whether our host is speaking at conferences to world-wide audiences, organizing live global events, or presenting unique life changing empowering knowledge, our mission has always remained at the forefront of our minds and in our hearts; to create opportunities for all to claim their empowerment, stand in Unity and to meet the greater parts of themselves, and each other. This is our heart calling. “You” are our calling. At the most pivotal time in our human evolution, we are deeply inspired to continue to meet the needs of humanity and our planet as we birth into Empowered Greatness. It is our fervent hope and intention that our shows will serve as both a guiding light and trusted resource providing you with ever changing spiritual knowledge, inspiration and support to enable you to achieve your highest potential. The time has arrived to claim your GREATness and be the Voice of your Hearts! Call~In Number:347.327.9164 THE UNIVERSAL SPIRITUAL CONNECTION®COPY RIGHTS©ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. feeds@blogtalkradio.comBlogTalkRadio.comspirituality,rhonda brackett,era of spiritual living,modern day spiritual journey,cindy fess,michael fess,antiqua libbey,harmony now,intuitive readings,universal spiritual connectionUSC RADIO PRODUCTIONS CH THREEnoUSC® RADIO PRODUCTIONS™, LLC CHANNEL'S ONE,TWO and THREE is NOW at A Spiritual Leader as a catalyst for humanity's shift from humanepisodicEra of Spiritual Living - Rhonda Marie Brackett, 29 Jan 2014 23:00:00 GMTEra of Spiritual Living - Rhonda Marie BrackettWe will be talking about spiritual healing on this show. Rhonda invites her listeners to call in with questions or comments. The call in number is 347-327-9164 During a decade long spiritual journey, host Rhonda stumbled on certain life success principles which she used to heal her spirit, health and finances. She spent the next decade studying some of the great spiritual masters and success gurus and combines this wisdom into her coaching and programs. It was during this time that she received her Master’s degree in Metaphysical Sciences. Today Rhonda is an internationally known spiritual leader, empowerment coach and spiritual teacher. As a Spiritual Life Success™ Consultant and Coach, her greatest joy is to share this information with others, which she does freely through her spiritual coaching and her programs. For information on Rhonda’s spiritual life changing program, call Rhonda at 314-616-6175 or email her at 01:33:00USC RADIO PRODUCTIONS CH THREEnoEra of Spiritual Living,Modern Day Spiritual Journey,Rhonda Brackett,Rhonda Marie Brackett,Spiritual CoachingWe will be talking about spiritual healing on this show. Rhonda invites her listeners to call in with questions or comments. The call in number is 347-327-9164HUGS Talk - It's all about awareness - STOP running from your brilliance, 28 Jan 2014 01:00:00 GMTHUGS Talk - It's all about awareness - STOP running from your brillianceHUGS Heart Uniting Gods Spirit - A coffee break for your soul.  This show is all about empowering women to feel their best - beautiful, secure and powerful.  Our host Antiqua Lisha Libbey is a self - care expert with over 20 years helping women feel beautiful and confident.  She specializes helping women who are suffering with the pain and self-doubt that follows abuse to reconnect with their beauty and esteem through this show, her books and her signature program Divine in 9.   Step into your brilliance, beauty and confidence today - where you will get her free gift the Embrace You video series and can hear all her previous HUGS shows.  SIGN UP NOW - http://www.DIVINEIN9.COM Join HUGS TALK with Antiqua weekly on USC Radio/TV -    01:00:00USC RADIO PRODUCTIONS CH THREEnoAntiqua Libbey,HUGS,Women,Success,FitnessHUGS Heart Uniting Gods Spirit - A coffee break for your soul.  This show is all about empowering women to feel their best - beautiful, secure and powerful.  OuUniversal Spiritual Connection with Leilani Graham, 21 Jan 2014 22:30:00 GMTUniversal Spiritual Connection with Leilani GrahamJoin Leilani and... USC Leader & Author Nancy Griffin is an intuitive spiritual counselor, connected to the Angelic forces of Higher Realm.  Assigned to empower, support the light-workers whom have come to earth on a mission for God, as volunteer souls on earth.  She is assigned to the Akashic Records reflected in the cells of the body this is referred to as cell memory.  She will give you a technique to remove this limited negative cell memory from your body.  You will start to see some of your blocks fading and permanently leaving the cells of your body which will enable you to become more empowered by your soul. WEBSITE: 02:02:00USC RADIO PRODUCTIONS CH THREEnoUniversal Spiritual Connection,Leilani Graham,Nancy Griffin,Intuituve Counselor,Light WorkersJoin Leilani and... USC Leader & Author Nancy Griffin is an intuitive spiritual counselor, connected to the Angelic forces of Higher Realm.  Assigned to empoweHUGS Talk - When your bodies response makes no since., 21 Jan 2014 01:00:00 GMTHUGS Talk - When your bodies response makes no since.HUGS Heart Uniting Gods Spirit - A coffee break for your soul.  This show is all about empowering women to feel their best - beautiful, secure and powerful.  Our host Antiqua Lisha Libbey is a self - care expert with over 20 years helping women feel beautiful and confident.  She specializes helping women who are suffering with the pain and self-doubt that follows abuse to reconnect with their beauty and esteem through this show, her books and her signature program Divine in 9.   Step into your brilliance, beauty and confidence today - where you will get her free gift the Embrace You video series and can hear all her previous HUGS shows.  00:57:00USC RADIO PRODUCTIONS CH THREEnoAntiqua libbey,Women,Empowerment,HUGS Talk,WeightHUGS Heart Uniting Gods Spirit - A coffee break for your soul.  This show is all about empowering women to feel their best - beautiful, secure and powerful.  OuHUGS Talk - Why you're not seeing that extra weight leaving...., 14 Jan 2014 01:00:00 GMTHUGS Talk - Why you're not seeing that extra weight leaving.... HUGS Talk- A coffee break for your soul.  This show is all about empowering women to feel their best - beautiful, secure and powerful.   Antiqua Lisha Libbey is a self - care expert with over 20 years helping women feel beautiful and confident.  She specializes helping women who are suffering with the pain and self-doubt that follows abuse to reconnect with their beauty and esteem through this show, her books and her signature program Divine in 9.  Learn all about it - -  Get my new release book - Holistic Fashoinista Memoirs Step into your brilliance, beauty and confidence today - where you will get her free gift the Embrace You video series and can hear all her previous HUGS shows.  Catherine is the Founder of Weight Loss Tools 4 Life and creator of the signature programs Thin From Within: The First 5 Steps to Jump Start Your Mind-Body Weight Loss Success and Thin From Within: 8 Weeks To Cleanse and Feed Your Body, Mind & Soul. For the last two years Catherine has concentrated her talents on helping women who are ready to release the weight from the inside out.  Women’ who have tried and failed at exercise and diets and know that they need to do something different for them to be able to successfully get lasting results.   The Weight Loss Tools 4 Life programs are an opportunity for women who are ready to get to the bottom of what has been weighing them down and keeping them stuck  using a mind-body approach to address the real reasons why their body is holding onto extra weight and release it once and for all. 01:00:00USC RADIO PRODUCTIONS CH THREEnoHUGS,Antiqua Libbey,Catherine McMahon,Weight Loss,womenHUGS Talk- A coffee break for your soul.  This show is all about empowering women to feel their best - beautiful, secure and powerful.   Antiqua Lisha Libbey iEra of Spiritual Living - Layers of the Soul, 08 Jan 2014 23:00:00 GMTEra of Spiritual Living - Layers of the SoulANNEMIEK DOUW, MSc is a management coach, lightworker, medium, energetic therapist, trainer and author. Her personal experience with long-term illness combined with her own work as a healer have led her to understand how the soul is an internal compass that continuously guides us. She has helped thousands of clients heal at many levels. Her unprecedented work is now available as 21 Layers of the Soul: Healing the Karmic Ties with Friends, Lovers, Family and Enemies.  In this book, author Annemiek Douw MSc shares more than 100 case histories gathered over 15 years of healing work. During this time she discovered the 21 layers of the aura—something never before revealed in any other healing book. Meticulously analysed and defined, Annemiek shows us how exploring these layers can provide us with a clear blueprint of the intricate system that leads us to incarnate on the Earth. Host of the show “Era of Spiritual Living”, formerly “Modern Day Spiritual Journey”, Rhonda Brackett is an internationally known host and spiritual teacher in the field of spiritual living and empowerment.  As a long time spiritual healing consultant, metaphysician, holistic practitioner, environmentalist and Law of Attraction specialist, her innermost desire is to deliver shows that are spiritual and informative in nature and provide knowledge that is helpful to others on a spiritual journey, those with compromised health, and those who seek to make positive changes in their lives. She is dedicated to helping others on their life journey.   Rhonda is the creator of The Art of Peacefulness, The Path of Self-Healing and Spiritual Life Success™. For information about her spiritual life coaching, email or call Rhonda at 314-616-6175. 01:34:00USC RADIO PRODUCTIONS CH THREEnoAnniemiek Douw,Rhonda Brackett,Rhonda Marie Brackett,Layers of the Soul,Era of Spiritual LivingANNEMIEK DOUW, MSc is a management coach, lightworker, medium, energetic therapist, trainer and author. Her personal experience with long-term illness combinedHUGS Talk - STOP, DROP and ROLL, 07 Jan 2014 01:00:00 GMTHUGS Talk - STOP, DROP and ROLLHUGS Talk- A coffee break for your soul.  This show is all about empowering women to feel their best - beautiful, secure and powerful.  Our host Antiqua Lisha Libbey is a self - care expert with over 20 years helping women feel beautiful and confident.  She specializes helping women who are suffering with the pain and self-doubt that follows abuse to reconnect with their beauty and esteem through this show, her books and her signature program Divine in 9 which you can get ONLINE in 2014 to reconnect to all of you - your beautiful body, joyous state of mind and confidence towards tomorrow no matter what you have had to overcome from your past.   Learn all about it -    Step into your brilliance, beauty and confidence today - where you will get her free gift the Embrace You video series and can hear all her previous HUGS shows.    00:59:00USC RADIO PRODUCTIONS CH THREEnoHUGS,Antiqua Libbey,Weight,Confidence,WomenHUGS Talk- A coffee break for your soul.  This show is all about empowering women to feel their best - beautiful, secure and powerful.  Our host Antiqua Lisha LHUGS - Lead on to 2014, 31 Dec 2013 01:00:00 GMTHUGS - Lead on to 2014HUGS Heart Uniting Gods Spirit - A coffee break for your soul.  This show is all about empowering women to feel their best - beautiful, secure and powerful.  Our host Antiqua Lisha Libbey is a self - care expert with over 20 years helping women feel beautiful and confident.  She specializes helping women who are suffering with the pain and self-doubt that follows abuse to reconnect with their beauty and esteem through this show, her books and her signature program Divine in 9.   Step into your brilliance, beauty and confidence today - where you will get her free gift the Embrace You video series and can hear all her previous HUGS shows.  SIGN UP NOW - http://www.DIVINEIN9.COM Dr. Dee Adio-Moses is a Visionary, Author, Life Strategist and Educator.  An ordained Minister with a PhD specializing in Holistic Life and Spiritual Counseling. Dr. Dee is the Founder and Spiritual Leader of Healing Center of Christ International and Better than Ever Community. Dr. Dee is a modern day key proponent of Oneness Consciousness as a healing strategy, and provides  step by step programs to help you on your oneness journey, teaching you to  master your emotions, your body, your relationships, your finances, and your life.  Her next adventure beginning 2014 is Ageless Beauty TV - join the audience at  or 01:00:00USC RADIO PRODUCTIONS CH THREEnoHUGS,Antiqua Libbey,Dee Adio-Moses,Women,BeautyHUGS Heart Uniting Gods Spirit - A coffee break for your soul.  This show is all about empowering women to feel their best - beautiful, secure and powerful.  OuHUGS Talk - The Love of the Holy Spirit, 24 Dec 2013 01:00:00 GMTHUGS Talk - The Love of the Holy SpiritHUGS Heart Uniting Gods Spirit - A coffee break for your soul.  This show is all about empowering women to feel their best - beautiful, secure and powerful.  Our host Antiqua Lisha Libbey is a self - care expert with over 20 years helping women feel beautiful and confident.  She specializes helping women who are suffering with the pain and self-doubt that follows abuse to reconnect with their beauty and esteem through this show, her books and her signature program Divine in 9.   Step into your brilliance, beauty and confidence today - where you will get her free gift the Embrace You video series and can hear all her previous HUGS shows.  SIGN UP NOW - http://www.DIVINEIN9.COM Allen and Debbie Kemp have recently moved from New York where they pastored a church for 23 years to a new home in Hampton, Virginia. Their home is called "Father's Place of Rest." Their new calling is to bring God’s love as Father into the heart of Hampton and out to the world.  There are 3 basic parts to their call: First is their home, with the “ministry of the front porch” where they meet neighbors and people walking their dogs and get to know them and pray with them. They invite people to come and stay while to rest and be restored, to experience Father’s love and healing there. Second is their call to bring Father’s love to their neighborhood and city which is primarily African American and has many urban kinds of challenges. Third is their teaching ministry across the USA and in countries like Uganda, Kyrgyzstan, and Haiti, again, bringing the love of the Father to the nations. 01:00:00USC RADIO PRODUCTIONS CH THREEnoHUGS,Antiqua Libbey,Allen KempHUGS Heart Uniting Gods Spirit - A coffee break for your soul.  This show is all about empowering women to feel their best - beautiful, secure and powerful.  OuHUGS - Trusting Your Inner Desires - even if you haven't before, 17 Dec 2013 01:00:00 GMTHUGS - Trusting Your Inner Desires - even if you haven't beforeHUGS Heart Uniting Gods Spirit - A coffee break for your soul.  This show is all about empowering women to feel their best - beautiful, secure and powerful.  Our host Antiqua Lisha Libbey is a self - care expert with over 20 years helping women feel beautiful and confident.  She specializes helping women who are suffering with the pain and self-doubt that follows abuse to reconnect with their beauty and esteem through this show, her books and her signature program Divine in 9.   Step into your brilliance, beauty and confidence today - where you will get her free gift the Embrace You video series and can hear all her previous HUGS shows.  SIGN UP NOW - http://www.DIVINEIN9.COM Our guest today is Laura Brzegowy After 18 years of burying her dreams, Laura Brzegowy now chooses to live a creative and divinely inspired life in Indiana with her husband of 20 years and 16 & 17 year old son and daughter. Now Laura continually opens up to her dreams which has guided her to serving others as a color consultant, authoring 2 blogs and inspiring women from all walks of life to uncover and start living the life of their dreams. Blogs: Http://  and Http:// 01:00:00USC RADIO PRODUCTIONS CH THREEnoHUGS,Antiqua,LIbbey,Laura Brzegowy,womenHUGS Heart Uniting Gods Spirit - A coffee break for your soul.  This show is all about empowering women to feel their best - beautiful, secure and powerful.  OuEra of Spiritual Living - Spiritual Healing 12-10-13, 10 Dec 2013 19:00:00 GMTEra of Spiritual Living - Spiritual Healing 12-10-13ANNEMIEK DOUW, MSc is a management coach, lightworker, medium, energetic therapist, trainer and author. Her personal experience with long-term illness combined with her own work as a healer have led her to understand how the soul is an internal compass that continuously guides us. She has helped thousands of clients heal at many levels. Her unprecedented work is now available as 21 Layers of the Soul: Healing the Karmic Ties with Friends, Lovers, Family and Enemies.  In this book, author Annemiek Douw MSc shares more than 100 case histories gathered over 15 years of healing work. During this time she discovered the 21 layers of the aura—something never before revealed in any other healing book. Meticulously analysed and defined, Annemiek shows us how exploring these layers can provide us with a clear blueprint of the intricate system that leads us to incarnate on the Earth. Host of the show “Era of Spiritual Living”, formerly “Modern Day Spiritual Journey”, Rhonda Brackett is an internationally known host and spiritual teacher in the field of spiritual living and empowerment.  As a long time spiritual healing consultant, metaphysician, holistic practitioner, environmentalist and Law of Attraction specialist, her innermost desire is to deliver shows that are spiritual and informative in nature. She is dedicated to helping others on their life journey.   Rhonda is the creator of The Art of Peacefulness, The Path of Self-Healing and Spiritual Life Success™. For information about her spiritual life coaching, email or call Rhonda at 314-616-6175. 01:34:00USC RADIO PRODUCTIONS CH THREEnoEra of Spiritual Living,Rhonda Brackett,Annemiek Douw,Spiritual Healing,Spiritual AuthorANNEMIEK DOUW, MSc is a management coach, lightworker, medium, energetic therapist, trainer and author. Her personal experience with long-term illness combinedHUGS Talk - The Spirit unfolding Embrace Your Inner Hottness, 10 Dec 2013 01:00:00 GMTHUGS Talk - The Spirit unfolding Embrace Your Inner HottnessHUGS Heart Uniting Gods Spirit - A coffee break for your soul.  This show is all about empowering women to feel their best - beautiful, secure and powerful.  Our host Antiqua Lisha Libbey is a self - care expert with over 20 years helping women feel beautiful and confident.  She specializes helping women who are suffering with the pain and self-doubt that follows abuse to reconnect with their beauty and esteem through this show, her books and her signature program Divine in 9.   Step into your brilliance, beauty and confidence today - where you will get her free gift the Embrace You video series and can hear all her previous HUGS shows.  SIGN UP NOW - http://www.DIVINEIN9.COM Today's guest - Leta Greene author of the fabulous book Embrace Your Inner Hottness available on Amazon NOW!!  In this interview she is sharing how Spirit lead her to her beauty and is leading her as she inspires women around the world to live their best lives and embrace their inner hottness.  01:00:00USC RADIO PRODUCTIONS CH THREEnoLeta Greene,HUGS,Antiqua Libbey,Women,GodHUGS Heart Uniting Gods Spirit - A coffee break for your soul.  This show is all about empowering women to feel their best - beautiful, secure and powerful.  OuEra of Spiritual Living - Life Coaching and Life Purpose Help, 04 Dec 2013 23:00:00 GMTEra of Spiritual Living - Life Coaching and Life PurposeSuzanne Strisower is an author, certified spiritual and career coach and life purpose expert who has been guiding people for the past 35 years. She specializes in helping people find their life purpose, successfully reinvent themselves and make meaningful career changes. A member of the Who's Who of American Women, Suzanne holds a Bachelor's in Fine Arts and a Master’s in Counseling Psychology. She has written a new workbook “111 Inspirational Life Purpose Quotes & Exercises to Find Your Purpose in Life: A Workbook to Be Your Best Self and Life Your Best Life, ” an insightful guide to discovering and achieving your true life purpose.“  Suzanne has authored two other books: ”One Hundred and Eleven ”Tweetable” Inspirational Life Purpose: A Book of Original Thoughts,”  “The Runes of the Four Realms”, contributed to the books “Be Happy, Healthy and Wealthy: A Guidebook for Women”, and “Word Colors.” She hosts 2 shows of her own. For more information, please visit Host Rhonda Brackett has spent a decade studying some of the great spiritual masters and success gurus and combines this wisdom into her coaching and programs. It was during this time that she received her Master’s degree in Metaphysical Sciences.  Rhonda is an internationally known spiritual leader, empowerment coach and spiritual teacher. As a Spiritual Life Success™ Consultant and Coach, her greatest joy is to share this information with others so they can have harmonious living in every area of their lives. For information on Rhonda’s spiritual life changing program, call Rhonda at 314-616-6175. 01:02:00USC RADIO PRODUCTIONS CH THREEnoRhonda Brackett,Suzanne Strisower,Life Coaching,Spiritual Coaching,Law of AttractionSuzanne Strisower is an author, certified spiritual and career coach and life purpose expert who has been guiding people for the past 35 years. She specializesHUGS Talk - Feel Beautiful Again....after abuse, 03 Dec 2013 01:00:00 GMTHUGS Talk - Feel Beautiful Again....after abuseHUGS Heart Uniting Gods Spirit - A coffee break for your soul.  This show is all about empowering women to feel their best - beautiful, secure and powerful.  Our host Antiqua Lisha Libbey is a self - care expert with over 20 years helping women feel beautiful and confident.  She specializes helping women who are suffering with the pain and self-doubt that follows abuse to reconnect with their beauty and esteem through this show, her books and her signature program Divine in 9.   Step into your brilliance, beauty and confidence today - where you will get her free gift the Embrace You video series and can hear all her previous HUGS shows.  SIGN UP NOW - http://www.DIVINEIN9.COM 00:59:00USC RADIO PRODUCTIONS CH THREEnoWomen,Antiqua Libbey,HUGS,Abuse,SurvivorHUGS Heart Uniting Gods Spirit - A coffee break for your soul.  This show is all about empowering women to feel their best - beautiful, secure and powerful.  OuHUGS Talk - The Golden Rule, 26 Nov 2013 01:00:00 GMTHUGS Talk - The Golden RuleHUGS Heart Uniting Gods Spirit - A coffee break for your soul.  This show is all about empowering women to feel their best - beautiful, secure and powerful.  Our host Antiqua Lisha Libbey is a self - care expert with over 20 years helping women feel beautiful and confident.  She specializes helping women who are suffering with the pain and self-doubt that follows abuse to reconnect with their beauty and esteem through this show, her books and her signature program Divine in 9.   Step into your brilliance, beauty and confidence today - where you will get her free gift the Embrace You video series and can hear all her previous HUGS shows.  Todays guest is Lisa Van Allen.  00:58:00USC RADIO PRODUCTIONS CH THREEnoHUGS,Antiqua,Antiqua Lisha Libbey,Beauty,RecoveryHUGS Heart Uniting Gods Spirit - A coffee break for your soul.  This show is all about empowering women to feel their best - beautiful, secure and powerful.  OuEra of Spiritual Living welcomes Nancy Griffin-Healthy Eating for Healthy Living, 20 Nov 2013 23:00:00 GMTEra of Spiritual Living welcomes Nancy Griffin-Healthy Eating for Healthy LivingHealthy Eating for Healthy Living.  I had originally scheduled host Nancy Griffin to join me, but she was unable to be on the show this evening.  As a long time holistic practitioner, I talked about health, alkalinity, foods and how our thoughts affect our health.  Host of the show “Era of Spiritual Living”, formerly “Modern Day Spiritual Journey”, Rhonda Brackett is an internationally known host and spiritual teacher in the field of spiritual living and empowerment.  As a long time spiritual healing consultant, metaphysician, holistic practitioner, environmentalist and Law of Attraction specialist, her innermost desire is to deliver shows that are spiritual and informative in nature. Her guests are interesting and entertaining and offer information and knowledge that is helpful to others on a spiritual journey, those with compromised health, and those who seek to make positive changes in their lives. She is dedicated to helping others on their life journey.   Rhonda has many different types of spiritual coaching sessions and programs available.  For information about her life changing coaching and programs, email or call Rhonda at 314-616-6175. 01:01:00USC RADIO PRODUCTIONS CH THREEnoRhonda Brackett,Era of Spiritual Living,Modern Day Spiritual Living,Holistic Living,Healthy EatingHealthy Eating for Healthy Living.  I had originally scheduled host Nancy Griffin to join me, but she was unable to be on the show this evening.  As a long timHUGS Talk - Embracing your inner hottness, 19 Nov 2013 01:00:00 GMTHUGS Talk - Embracing your inner hottnessHUGS is dedicated to bring you inspiring and educational teachers and speakers that will help you live at your best. featuring health and body experts, confidence and recovery experts and inspiring stories about healing, restoration and hope.  Join our FREE network for gifts and more at  Antiqua Libbey is your link to high self-esteem and a rockin’ body.  She has been a leader healing the backlashes of abuse for women all over the world for over 20 years.  Her kind approach and understanding nature restores confidence, beauty and peace in her client’s bodies. Her mission is to see all abuse survivors thrive fully healed, complete and in control so they are 100% restored. Be a part of this movement...   Our Guest Today!! Leta Greene                   International Speaker, Author of How to Embrace Your Inner Hottness, Makeup Artist, Image Consultant,  Owner of Glamour Connection®, Mother of 3, and a Very Hot Wife You can find her at 00:59:00USC RADIO PRODUCTIONS CH THREEnoAntiqua Libbey,HUGS,Leta Greene,Beauty,WomenHUGS is dedicated to bring you inspiring and educational teachers and speakers that will help you live at your best. featuring health and body experts, confidenCelebrate You welcomes Rhonda Brackett, 13 Nov 2013 23:00:00 GMTCelebrate You welcomes Rhonda BrackettThis show is a replay of when Rhonda as on the Celebrate You show doing energy card readings using angel cards. Host of the show “Era of Spiritual Living”, formerly “Modern Day Spiritual Journey”, Rhonda Brackett is an internationally known host and spiritual teacher in the field of spiritual healing and empowerment.  As a long time spiritual healing consultant, metaphysician, holistic practitioner, environmentalist and Law of Attraction specialist, her innermost desire is to deliver shows that are spiritual and informative in nature. Her guests are interesting and entertaining and offer information and knowledge that is helpful to others on a spiritual journey, those with compromised health, and those who seek to make positive changes in their lives. She is dedicated to help others on their life journey, regardless of where they are. Rhonda has many different types of coaching sessions and programs available.  For information about her life changing spiritual coaching and her life changing programs, email or call Rhonda at 314.616-6175.  01:04:00USC RADIO PRODUCTIONS CH THREEnoRhonda Brackett,Era of Spiritual Living,Angels,Empowerment,Spiritual HealingThis show is a replay of when Rhonda as on the Celebrate You show doing energy card readings using angel cards. Host of the show “Era of Spiritual Living”, forHUGS - Your mission, your business, your legacy., 12 Nov 2013 01:00:00 GMTHUGS - Your mission, your business, your legacy. HUGS is dedicated to bring you inspiring and educational teachers and speakers that will help you live at your best. featuring health and body experts, confidence and recovery experts and inspiring stories about healing, restoration and hope.  Join our FREE network for gifts and more at  Antiqua Libbey is your link to high self-esteem and a rockin’ body.  She has been a leader healing the backlashes of abuse for women all over the world for over 20 years.  Her mission is to see all abuse survivors thrive fully healed, complete and in control so they are 100% restored. Be a part of this movement...   Todays guest is Claudia Langford  the President and co-founder of C-Synergy and a globally recognized transformation catalyst, happiness expert, and conscious success coach. She helps conventional companies to transform their organizations into thriving Conscious Corporations that achieve exceptional purpose-driven Triple Quadruple Bottom Line Success. 01:01:00USC RADIO PRODUCTIONS CH THREEnoHUGS TALK,ANTIQUA LIBBEY,Women,Business,MindsetHUGS is dedicated to bring you inspiring and educational teachers and speakers that will help you live at your best. featuring health and body experts, confidenEra of Spiritual Living welcomes Survivor Erica Tucci Help, 06 Nov 2013 23:00:00 GMTEra of Spiritual Living welcomes Survivor Erica Tucci Recovery from Life Challenges Erica Tucci had a full life as a corporate manager of a Fortune 500 Company, a healing arts business owner and an author of three books. It all came to a screeching halt in June 2011 when she had a stroke that left her completely paralyzed on her right side. During Erica’s recovery, she gained much wisdom about what’s really important in life, and she re-entered the world with a new mission: to use her story as an inspiration for others facing life challenges, which we all have, big or small. That story can be found in Erica’s new book, Radiant Survivor: How to Shine and Thrive through Recovery from Stroke, Cancer, Abuse, Addiction and Other Life-Altering Experiences. Radiant Survivor is a book about healing. It is a wellspring of hope, inspiration, and encouragement to anyone facing trauma in their lives. As readers progress on their own journey of rehabilitation, the life lessons and practical exercises in Radiant Survivor can help awaken a new life. During a decade long spiritual journey, host Rhonda stumbled on certain life success principles which she used to heal her spirit, health and finances. She spent the next decade studying some of the great spiritual masters and success gurus and combines this wisdom into her coaching and programs. It was during this time that she received her Master’s degree in Metaphysical Sciences. Today Rhonda is an internationally known spiritual leader, empowerment coach and spiritual teacher. As a Spiritual Life Success™ Consultant and Coach, her greatest joy is to share this information with others, which she does freely through her spiritual coaching and her programs. For information on Rhonda’s spiritual life changing program, call Rhonda at 314-616-6175 or email her at 01:33:00USC RADIO PRODUCTIONS CH THREEnoRhonda Brackett,Era of Spiritual Living,Erica Tucci,Recovery,SurvivalRecovery from Life Challenges Erica Tucci had a full life as a corporate manager of a Fortune 500 Company, a healing arts business owner and an author of threHUGS - Treat yourself beautiful - your life depends on it., 05 Nov 2013 01:00:00 GMTHUGS - Treat yourself beautiful - your life depends on it.  HUGS is dedicated to bring you inspiring and educational teachers and speakers that will help you live at your best. featuring health and body experts, confidence and recovery experts and inspiring stories about healing, restoration and hope.   Join our FREE network for gifts and more at Antiqua Libbey is your link to high self-esteem and a rockin’ body.  She has been a leader healing the backlashes of abuse for women all over the world for over 20 years.  Her kind approach and understanding nature restores confidence, beauty and peace in her client’s bodies. Her mission is to see all abuse survivors thrive fully healed, complete and in control so they are 100% restored. Be a part of this movement...  01:00:00USC RADIO PRODUCTIONS CH THREEnoHUGS Talk,ANTIQUA LIBBEY,Beauty,Abuse Recovery,HealthHUGS is dedicated to bring you inspiring and educational teachers and speakers that will help you live at your best. featuring health and body experts, confideEra of Spiritual Living - Rhonda Brackett - Joshua Shapiro, 30 Oct 2013 22:00:00 GMTEra of Spiritual Living - Rhonda Brackett - Joshua Shapiro Era of Spiritual Living welcomes Crystal Skull Explorer Joshua Shapiro Joshua has been involved with the crystal skulls since 1983 when he saw one made out of amethyst in northern California (“Ami”).  He felt such a strong connection with this artifact that since that time he has devoted his life and resources to sharing the best information he can about these crystalline artifacts with other people all over the world and the future role they will play to help our planet see world peace.  Since Katrina Head has entered in his life in the early spring of 2009, they have been working closely together, offering various crystal skull presentations to the public as well as a unique type of private consultation with their personal skulls that combines their individual spiritual and creative talents.  Joshua is the author of various books including “Mysteries of the Crystal Skulls Revealed”, written jointly with Sandra Bowen and the F. R. ‘Nick’ Nocerino. He has released various versions of “Journeys of the Crystal Skull Explorers”.  He is also the co-founder of VJ Enterprises, dedicated to sharing the best information that describes how or planet will be transformed into a “Golden Age”. During a decade long spiritual journey, host Rhonda Brackett was guided to life success principles which when utilized, healed her spirit, health and finances. She has studied some of the great spiritual masters and success gurus and combines all of this wisdom into her coaching and programs. Rhonda is an Ordained Minister, Reiki Master and has a Master’s Degree in Metaphysical Sciences. Her greatest joy is to share this information with others. For information on Rhonda’s spiritual life spiritual coaching, call Rhonda at 314-616-6175 or email her at 01:34:00USC RADIO PRODUCTIONS CH THREEnoRhonda Brackett,Era of Spiritual Living,Joshua Shapiro,Crystal Skulls,PeaceEra of Spiritual Living welcomes Crystal Skull Explorer Joshua Shapiro Joshua has been involved with the crystal skulls since 1983 when he saw one made out ofHUGS - Being beautiful is nothing to be ashamed about., 29 Oct 2013 00:00:00 GMTHUGS - Being beautiful is nothing to be ashamed about.  HUGS is dedicated to bring you inspiring and educational teachers and speakers that will help you live at your best. featuring health and body experts, confidence and recovery experts and inspiring stories about healing, restoration and hope.  Join our FREE network for gifts and more at Antiqua Libbey is your link to high self-esteem and a rockin’ body.  She has been a leader healing the backlashes of abuse for women all over the world for over 20 years.  Her kind approach and understanding nature restores confidence, beauty and peace in her client’s bodies. Her mission is to see all abuse survivors thrive fully healed, complete and in control so they are 100% restored. Be a part of this movement...     Paula Lacobara is a women's empowerment coach who specializes in assisting women entrepreneurs to reconnect and own their true beauty from the inside out, so they can share their gift and truth with the world.  She gracefully guides women from getting out of feeling exhausted and overwhelmed into allowing themselves to receive support in their life and in their business by focusing on themselves first. 01:00:00USC RADIO PRODUCTIONS CH THREEnoHUGS,ANTIQUA LIBBEY,PAULA LACOBARA,Beauty,Skin CareHUGS is dedicated to bring you inspiring and educational teachers and speakers that will help you live at your best. featuring health and body experts, confidEra of Spiritual Living with Rhonda Brackett -Bethany Perry, 23 Oct 2013 22:00:00 GMTEra of Spiritual Living with Rhonda Brackett -Bethany PerryDo you know your brain type and how to nourish your brain? This will be a fascinating show! Bethany Perry is a Holistic Health and Life Counselor who teaches women and families the pivotal importance and essential value of nourishing their brain so they can say “Yes!” to themselves again and finally start living their healthiest lives ever. As an emerging thought leader on the combining power of neuroscience and holistic health and life counseling, Bethany transforms the lives of women who are challenged with personal or family difficulties around weight loss, depression, hormonal issues, ADD, and ADHD. The life changing results she has seen in her own life and the lives of her clients, have fueled her passion to share this work with an ever increasing audience. She is a Certified Holistic Health and Life Counselor, a Registered Yoga Instructor, and is certified as a brain-health practitioner through the Amen Affiliated Education Center. She can be reached through her website is During a decade long spiritual journey, host Rhonda stumbled on certain life success principles which she used to heal her spirit, health and finances. She spent the next decade studying some of the great spiritual masters and success gurus and combines this wisdom into her coaching and programs. It was during this time that she received her Master’s degree in Metaphysical Sciences. Today Rhonda is an internationally known spiritual leader, empowerment coach and spiritual teacher. As a Spiritual Life Success™ Consultant and Coach, her greatest joy is to share this information with others so they can have harmonious living in every area of their lives and achieve the life of their dreams. For information on Rhonda’s spiritual life changing program, call Rhonda at 314-616-6175 or email her at 01:31:00USC RADIO PRODUCTIONS CH THREEnoEra of Spiritual Living,Rhonda Brackett,Bethany Perry,Holistic Health,ADDDo you know your brain type and how to nourish your brain? This will be a fascinating show! Bethany Perry is a Holistic Health and Life Counselor who teaches wHUGS Talk - See your inner beauty reflected back to you. Help, 22 Oct 2013 00:00:00 GMTHUGS Talk - See your inner beauty reflected back to you. HUGS is dedicated to bring you inspiring and educational teachers and speakers that will help you live at your best. featuring health and body experts, confidence and recovery experts and inspiring stories about healing, restoration and hope.  Join our FREE network for gifts and more at  Antiqua Libbey is your link to high self-esteem and a rockin’ body.  She has been a leader healing the backlashes of abuse for women all over the world for over 20 years.  Her kind approach and understanding nature restores confidence, beauty and peace in her client’s bodies. Her mission is to see all abuse survivors thrive fully healed, complete and in control so they are 100% restored. Be a part of this movement...  Beauty Matters; and it feeds the soul. Through Milly is a consultation and personal styling, we will embark on a journey of discovery and celebration of the one-of-akind YOU. Using tools such as your personal palette of colours and your unique body and face shape, you will learn to showcase your persona with fashion, clothing, and accessories. Regardless of body type or size, confidence and poise will await at the conclusion of our consultations. MillyVF@yahoo.com00:58:00USC RADIO PRODUCTIONS CH THREEnoHUGS Talk,Antiqua Libbey,Beauty,Fashion,BodyHUGS is dedicated to bring you inspiring and educational teachers and speakers that will help you live at your best. featuring health and body experts, confidenEra of Spiritual Living welcomes Kandace Jones, 16 Oct 2013 22:00:00 GMTEra of Spiritual Living welcomes Kandace JonesKandace’s Jones is a spiritual life coach and founder of Living in the Light, LLC. Kandace's daily messages of inspiration have attracted a following of close to 25,000 people across 20 countries via her Living in the Light blog and Facebook page.  In 2012, after struggling with depression and anxiety, Kandace had a profound spiritual awakening which inspired her to write her forthcoming spiritual memoir From Stress to Peace: An Intimate Journal on the Journey from Living in Darkness to Living in the Light, and transition her life’s work to assisting others in achieving and sustaining inner peace. As a Certified Spiritual Life Coach, Reiki Practitioner, and lover of spiritual wisdom, her passion for assisting others on the spiritual path is palpable.  Currently, Kandace assists others on the journey to inner peace through her Living in the Light blog, From Stress to Peace 21-Day Challenge and the Living in the Light Community.  Kandace can be found at or  During a decade long spiritual journey, host Rhonda stumbled on certain life success principles which she used to heal her spirit, health and finances. She spent the next decade studying some of the great spiritual masters and success gurus and combines this wisdom into her coaching and programs. It was during this time that she received her Master’s degree in Metaphysical Sciences. Today Rhonda is an internationally known spiritual leader, empowerment coach and spiritual teacher. As a Spiritual Life Success™ Consultant and Coach, her greatest joy is to share this information with others so they can have harmonious living in every area of their lives and achieve the life of their dreams. For information on Rhonda’s spiritual life changing program, call Rhonda at 314-616-6175. 01:29:00USC RADIO PRODUCTIONS CH THREEnoEra of Spiritual Living,Rhonda Brackett,Kandace Jones,Stress,PeaceKandace’s Jones is a spiritual life coach and founder of Living in the Light, LLC. Kandace's daily messages of inspiration have attracted a following of close tHUGS Talk - Beauty has no limits Help, 15 Oct 2013 00:00:00 GMTHUGS Talk - Beauty has no limitsHUGS is dedicated to bring you inspiring and educational teachers and speakers that will help you live at your best. featuring health and body experts, confidence and recovery experts and inspiring stories about healing, restoration and hope.  Join our FREE network for gifts and more at  Antiqua Libbey is your link to high self-esteem and a rockin’ body.  She has been a leader healing the backlashes of abuse for women all over the world for over 20 years.  Her kind approach and understanding nature restores confidence, beauty and peace in her client’s bodies. Her mission is to see all abuse survivors thrive fully healed, complete and in control so they are 100% restored. Be a part of this movement...   Today's guest is a chapmion figure competitor and mother who began her career when she turned 40.  She is a previous guest on HUGS and this time she is going to lay out her beauty secrets for all of us approaching 40 or beyond. Welcome Melanie Redington -  01:00:00USC RADIO PRODUCTIONS CH THREEnoHUGS Talk,Antiqua Libbey,Melanie Redington,Figure Fitness,BeautyHUGS is dedicated to bring you inspiring and educational teachers and speakers that will help you live at your best. featuring health and body experts, confidenEra of Spiritual Living welcomes Cancer Survivor Kat Kanavos, 02 Oct 2013 22:00:00 GMTEra of Spiritual Living welcomes Cancer Survivor Kat KanavosKathleen Kat  O’Keefe-Kanavos is an Inner Guidance Expert who offers real-life solutions to everyday challenges and moves you ahead in your life with confidence. She has used her unique techniques and inner wisdom to tap into the power of her client’s innate guidance. This has allowed them to live healthier, happier and more financially successful lives. Kathleen is a three-time breast cancer survivor whose Inner Guidance saved and changed her life for the better. All of her cancers where missed by the medical community and the tests on which they relied. Therefore, her knowledge and personal wisdom comes from “the trenches of life,” not from hypothetical theories. You can reach Kat through her website, or call her at 561-301-7940. This show was prerecorded.  During a decade long spiritual journey, host Rhonda stumbled on certain life success principles which she used to heal her spirit, health and finances. She spent the next decade studying some of the great spiritual masters and success gurus and combines this wisdom into her coaching and programs. It was during this time that she received her Master’s degree in Metaphysical Sciences. Today Rhonda is an internationally known spiritual leader, empowerment coach and spiritual teacher. As a Spiritual Life Success™ Consultant and Coach, her greatest joy is to share this information with others so they can have harmonious living in every area of their lives and achieve the life of their dreams. For information on Rhonda’s spiritual life changing program, call Rhonda at 314-616-6175 or email her at   01:33:00USC RADIO PRODUCTIONS CH THREEnoRhonda Brackett,Era of Spiritual Living,Modern Day Spiritual Journey,Cancer Survival,Kat OKeefe KanavosKathleen Kat  O’Keefe-Kanavos is an Inner Guidance Expert who offers real-life solutions to everyday challenges and moves you ahead in your life with confidenceEra of Spiritual Living welcomes Pamela Senzee, 25 Sep 2013 22:00:00 GMTEra of Spiritual Living welcomes Pamela Senzee Pamela Senzee is a patriotic American devoted to the full restoration of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights – she is a U.S. citizen who has deep concerns over the profound loss of liberties and the broad and sweeping draconian measures which have emerged as a direct result of the official story for 9/11. As an activist, she has served the peace and social justice community and the truth movement since 2006. She has been a practicing yogi since 1988 and as such has studied and followed the teachings of Eastern mystics as well as the mystical teachings of the world's great religions. She is currently researching, as a student of life, the correlations between quantum physics and Eastern philosophy – it is this study which presented itself, during her cross country trek, as a possible pathway to transformation from a post 9/11 world to a world of peace. During a decade long spiritual journey, host Rhonda stumbled on certain life success principles which she used to heal her spirit, health and finances. She spent the next decade studying some of the great spiritual masters and success gurus and combines this wisdom into her coaching and programs. It was during this time that she received her Master’s degree in Metaphysical Sciences. Today Rhonda is an internationally known spiritual leader, empowerment coach and spiritual teacher. As a Spiritual Life Success™ Consultant and Coach, her greatest joy is to share this information with others so they can have harmonious living in every area of their lives and achieve the life of their dreams. For information on Rhonda’s spiritual life changing program, call Rhonda at 314-616-6175 or email her at 01:30:00USC RADIO PRODUCTIONS CH THREEnoRhonda Brackett,Era of Spiritual Living,Pamela Senzee,Politics and Peace,Quantum physicsPamela Senzee is a patriotic American devoted to the full restoration of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights – she is a U.S. citizen who has deep concernsEra of Spiritual Living welcomes host Judy Hansen, 18 Sep 2013 22:00:00 GMTEra of Spiritual Living welcomes host Judy Hansen This show will be a fun show as host Rhonda Brackett and host Judy Hansen of the Celebrate You show talk about spiritual healing and do spiritual and intuitive readings for the listeners. The call in number is 347-327-9164. Host Rhonda Brackett is an internationally known spiritual leader, empowerment coach and spiritual teacher who is a Spiritual Life Coach, helping bring peace and tranquility to countless others through her Spiritual Life Coaching. She brings much knowledge from her own spiritual journey and years of study, as well as her own life experiences. Rhonda is an Ordained Minister with a Master’s degree in Metaphysical Sciences. For information on Rhonda’s spiritual coaching and life changing programs, call Rhonda at 314-616-6175 or email her at Rhonda invites her listeners to visit her website, to receive a free e-book about Intuitive Spiritual Living. Host Judy Hansen is a dynamic Transformational Whole Life Guide and the founder of R.E.A.L. Therapy. For over a decade, Judy has been providing REAL solutions for real people. Her integrative practice offers comprehensive original and life changing techniques that are tailored to meet the needs of each individual. Judy’s proven methods of working with body, mind and spirit uncover and resolve the vast array of common and complex issues that inhibit many in living the life they desire. . Judy holds 11 Certifications in Holistic Health Care. For information on Judy’s life changing programs, visit Judy at or email her at  01:03:00USC RADIO PRODUCTIONS CH THREEnoEra of Spiritual Living,Rhonda Brackett,Judy Hansen,Spiritual Readings,Intuitive ReadingsThis show will be a fun show as host Rhonda Brackett and host Judy Hansen of the Celebrate You show talk about spiritual healing and do spiritual and intuitiveUNIVERSAL SPIRITUAL CONNECTION WITH LEILANI GRAHAM, 13 Sep 2013 01:00:00 GMTUNIVERSAL SPIRITUAL CONNECTION WITH LEILANI GRAHAMTHE CHRIST CONSCIOUSNESS   Join Leilani and...   USC Leader & Author Nancy Griffin is an intuitive spiritual counselor, connected to the Angelic forces of Higher Realm.  Assigned to empower, support the light-workers whom have come to earth on a mission for God, as volunteer souls on earth.  She is assigned to the Akashic Records reflected in the cells of the body this is referred to as cell memory.  She will give you a technique to remove this limited negative cell memory from your body.  You will start to see some of your blocks fading and permanently leaving the cells of your body which will enable you to become more empowered by your soul. WEBSITE: 02:03:00USC RADIO PRODUCTIONS CH THREEnoUNIVERSAL SPIRITUAL CONNECTION,LEILANI GRAHAM,NANCY GRIFFIN,INTUITIVE READINGS,SPIRITUAL EMPOWERMENTTHE CHRIST CONSCIOUSNESS   Join Leilani and...   USC Leader & Author Nancy Griffin is an intuitive spiritual counselor, connected to the Angelic forces of HigEra of Spiritual Living-What in the world is going on?, 11 Sep 2013 22:00:00 GMTEra of Spiritual Living-What in the world is going on?What in the World is Going On? May Leilani Graham: MAY LEILANI SCHMIDT~GRAHAM is the Founder and the Senior Producer of the (USC© TV & Radio Productions™ ) Universal Spiritual Connection® worldwide radio talk show, an official member of the N.A.P.W (National Association of Professional Women), an International Speaker, a Universal EN SOF Empowerment of the new paradigm, Certified Master Teacher/Healer of the highest GOD source and a multi~verse mind channel. Leilani is a Certified Hawaiian Kahu and the Founder/Instructor of the Multi~ Dimensional Healer’s® of Arizona. Leilani is also a Certified Reiki Master Teacher, Transpersonal Master Hypnotherapies, Iridologist, and a Certified Past Life Regression Master. Leilani offers the “ACTIVE” Empowerments for those whom are ready to work within the higher source connection. Each of these “ACTIVE” empowerments is intended as a key for you to integrate the higher multi~verse frequencies. Host Rhonda Brackett was the host of Modern Day Spiritual Journey for four years, recently changing her show name to Era of Spiritual Living. She is the creator of the Spiritual Life Success™ program and is known as a healer, spiritual teacher, visionary, empowerment coach and life success coach. Rhonda is a Reiki Master and an Ordained Minister with a Master’s Degree in Metaphysical Sciences. Her greatest joy is to share her knowledge with others, wherever they are on their spiritual and life journey so they can live a life of joy, happiness, love, good health and abundance.  For more information on Rhonda’s spiritual life coaching, visit or call Rhonda at 314-616-6175. 01:29:00USC RADIO PRODUCTIONS CH THREEnoRhonda Brackett,Era of Spiritual Living,Leilani Schmidt Graham,Spiritual Empowerment,Universal HealingWhat in the World is Going On? May Leilani Graham: MAY LEILANI SCHMIDT~GRAHAM is the Founder and the Senior Producer of the (USC© TV & Radio Productions™ ) UniEra of Spiritual Living welcomes Alijandra Claire, 04 Sep 2013 22:00:00 GMTEra of Spiritual Living welcomes Alijandra Claire Alijandra is an internationally-known author, teacher, healer and vehicle for both Source information and energy and ascended master St. Germain. Intuitive and empathic her whole life, she graduated from college with a registered nurse degree and one in English. She has focused her attention the last 28 years to the development and practice of color energy therapy. Additionally, she has trained in several other healing/ body- work modalities, which she frequently uses.   She is the founder and author of Healing with the Rainbow Rays, a pioneering work published in 1995. About 15 years ago, she began to develop the modality of Transfigurational Matrix Healing, which continues to yield on-going, cutting-edge new material. In the last two years, she developed the Rainbow Liquid Light work for ascension, which continues her work begun over 15 years ago on reversing the aging process and immortality. Alijandra's website is  She also has her own radio program, "Healing with the Rainbow Rays" .   You can reach Alijandra at (408) 986-8550. Her email address is    Host Rhonda Brackett is the creator of the Spiritual Life Success program and is known as a healer, spiritual teacher , visionary, empowerment coach and life success coach. Her greatest joy is to share her knowledge with others, wherever they are on their spiritual and life journey so they can live a life of joy, happiness, love, good health and abundance.  For more information on Rhonda’s spiritual life coaching, visit 01:35:00USC RADIO PRODUCTIONS CH THREEnoRhonda Brackett,Era of Spiritual Living,Alijandra Claire,Color healing,Healing with dolphinsAlijandra is an internationally-known author, teacher, healer and vehicle for both Source information and energy and ascended master St. Germain. Intuitive andUNIVERSAL SPIRITUAL CONNECTION WITH LEILANI GRAHAM, 04 Sep 2013 01:00:00 GMTUNIVERSAL SPIRITUAL CONNECTION WITH LEILANI GRAHAMSPIRIT VISION Join Leilani Graham and... USC Leader Rev. Anne Taylor has been engaged in the synthesis of , spiritual growth, and metaphysics for many decades. She is a highly gifted spiritual intuitive, whose readings support you in gaining fulfillment in your life. "Anne Taylor is more than a gifted psychic, She is a master at bringing forth enlightened spiritual information about your soul's purpose in life" - Gary Quinn - author / Motivational Speaker. As a channel myself, I take this work seriously. I have never experienced a reading with such clarity,accuracy and integrity. I was moved beyond words and grateful that she has aligned herself with the God within to be of such service to humanity."- Athena Demetrios, channel for Dr.Peebles as referenced in the book To Dance With Angels. Website: USC Leader & Author Nancy Griffin is an intuitive spiritual counselor, connected to the Angelic forces of Higher Realm.  Assigned to empower, support the light-workers whom have come to earth on a mission for God, as volunteer souls on earth.  She is assigned to the Akashic Records reflected in the cells of the body this is referred to as cell memory.  She will give you a technique to remove this limited negative cell memory from your body.  You will start to see some of your blocks fading and permanently leaving the cells of your body which will enable you to become more empowered by your soul. WEBSITE:     02:04:00USC RADIO PRODUCTIONS CH THREEnoUNIVERSAL SPIRITUAL CONNECTION,ANNE TAYLOR,NANCY GRIFFIN,SPIRITUAL EMPOWERMENT,INTUITIVE READINGSSPIRIT VISION Join Leilani Graham and... USC Leader Rev. Anne Taylor has been engaged in the synthesis of , spiritual growth, and metaphysics for many decades.UNIVERSAL SPIRITUAL CONNECTION WITH LEILANI GRAHAM, 30 Aug 2013 01:00:00 GMTUNIVERSAL SPIRITUAL CONNECTION WITH LEILANI GRAHAMTHE CHRIST CONSCIOUSNESS Join Leilani and... USC Leader & Author Nancy Griffin is an intuitive spiritual counselor, connected to the Angelic forces of Higher Realm.  Assigned to empower, support the light-workers whom have come to earth on a mission for God, as volunteer souls on earth.  She is assigned to the Akashic Records reflected in the cells of the body this is referred to as cell memory.  She will give you a technique to remove this limited negative cell memory from your body.  You will start to see some of your blocks fading and permanently leaving the cells of your body which will enable you to become more empowered by your soul. WEBSITE: 00:34:00USC RADIO PRODUCTIONS CH THREEnoUNIVERSAL SPIRITUAL CONNECTION,LEILANI GRAHAM,NANCY GRIFFIN,INTUITIVE READINGS,SPIRITUAL EMPOWERMENTTHE CHRIST CONSCIOUSNESS Join Leilani and... USC Leader & Author Nancy Griffin is an intuitive spiritual counselor, connected to the Angelic forces of Higher ReEra of Spiritual Living - Rhonda Brackett, 28 Aug 2013 22:00:00 GMTEra of Spiritual Living - Rhonda Brackett Era of Spiritual Living shows will be airing at soon.  This show is a replay of a show Rhonda as on with host Judy Hansen where Rhonda talks about her spiritual journey.  After being on a spiritual journey and experiencing devastating life events, was guided to certain spiritual and life principles and miracles started happening in her life, and she healed her spirit, mind and health. Se then embarked on a decade long journey to learn as much as she could so she could have a deeper understanding and help others on their spiritual and life journey.Rhonda has studied spiritual leaders, new thought leaders, motivational and success gurus, philosophy and science during the past decade, becoming an Ordained Minister and receiving her Masters Degree in Metaphysical Sciences, in her quest for knowledge and truth. Today Rhonda is known as a as a visionary, life strategist, empowerment coach, and spiritual teacher. Her greatest joy to help others on their spiritual life journey and help them recreate their lives in a more meaningful and passionate way, creating harmony and abundance in every area of their lives, which she does through her spiritual and life changing coaching programs.  01:29:00USC RADIO PRODUCTIONS CH THREEnoRhonda Brackett,Era of Spiritual Living,Spiritual journey,Law of Attraction,HealingEra of Spiritual Living shows will be airing at soon.  This show is a replay of a show Rhonda as on with host Judy Hansen where RhondaEra of Spiritual Living - The Magic of Numerology, 21 Aug 2013 22:00:00 GMTEra of Spiritual Living - The Magic of Numerology As a spiritual counselor, Elizabeth combines the ancient esoteric tools of Numerology, Astrology and Tarot to give well-rounded and practical guidance to her clients through her readings with them.  As a professional Esoteric Numerologer since 1988, her clientele is now broad based and international.  After a brief residence in California, Elizabeth has made Colorado her permanent home since 1997.  From this home base, her work has spread internationally through her radio show, The Magical World of Numbers, constant referrals by clients, and a wide variety of original and unique publications.  Elizabeth Summers’ very comprehensive website clearly indicates the scope of her talents and offerings.  Her website is Elizabeth will be doing readings on this show. The call in number is 347-327-9164. We would like to invite guests to call in for readings. During a decade long spiritual journey, host Rhonda stumbled on certain life success principles which she used to heal her spirit, health and finances. She spent the next decade studying some of the great spiritual masters and success gurus and combines this wisdom into her coaching and programs. It was during this time that she received her Master’s degree in Metaphysical Sciences. Today Rhonda is an internationally known spiritual leader, empowerment coach and spiritual teacher. As a Spiritual Life Success™ Consultant and Coach, her greatest joy is to share this information with others so they can have harmonious living in every area of their lives and achieve the life of their dreams.  For information on Rhonda’s spiritual life changing program, call Rhonda at 314-616-6175 or visit 01:43:00USC RADIO PRODUCTIONS CH THREEnoRhonda Brackett,Era of Spiritual Living,Elizabeth Summers,Numerology,ReadingsAs a spiritual counselor, Elizabeth combines the ancient esoteric tools of Numerology, Astrology and Tarot to give well-rounded and practical guidance to her cUNIVERSAL SPIRITUAL CONNECTION WITH LEILANI GRAHAM, 16 Aug 2013 01:00:00 GMTUNIVERSAL SPIRITUAL CONNECTION WITH LEILANI GRAHAM THE CHRIST CONSCIOUSNESSJoin Leilani Graham and...   USC Leader & Author Nancy Griffin is an intuitive spiritual counselor, connected to the Angelic forces of Higher Realm.  Assigned to empower, support the light-workers whom have come to earth on a mission for God, as volunteer souls on earth.  She is assigned to the Akashic Records reflected in the cells of the body this is referred to as cell memory.  She will give you a technique to remove this limited negative cell memory from your body.  You will start to see some of your blocks fading and permanently leaving the cells of your body which will enable you to become more empowered by your soul. WEBSITE:   01:05:00USC RADIO PRODUCTIONS CH THREEnoUNIVERSAL SPIRITUAL CONNECTION,LEILANI GRAHAM,NANCY GRIFFIN,INTUITIVE READINGS,SPIRITUAL EMPOWERMENTTHE CHRIST CONSCIOUSNESSJoin Leilani Graham and...   USC Leader & Author Nancy Griffin is an intuitive spiritual counselor, connected to the Angelic forces ofEra of Spiritual Living welcomes Judy Brizendine-Grief, 14 Aug 2013 22:00:00 GMTEra of Spiritual Living welcomes Judy Brizendine-Grief Judy Brizendine—author, blogger, and speaker—is a woman with a passionate mission that developed as a result of a tragic loss. The statement, “Out of your deepest pain comes your greatest gift,” describes her experience. In 1998, Judy’s husband of twenty-nine years died suddenly on a mountain bike ride, and her grief journey changed her life, perspective, and career. Because she was painfully unprepared to face grief—just as most of us are—she is committed to easing your struggle to understand and deal with grief. Her goal is to meet you wherever you are, and connect with you in such a way that you will know that you can make it through this experience and discover a new sense of hope and direction. Her STUNNED by Grief books gently guide you through the chaos and confusion of grief in a realistic, revealing, personal, and practical way. Readers facing grief and loss have discovered a source of sanity, solutions, validation, and life-changing support inSTUNNED by Grief. During a decade long spiritual journey, host Rhonda stumbled on certain life success principles which she used to heal her spirit, health and finances. She spent the next decade studying some of the great spiritual masters and success gurus and combines this wisdom into her coaching and programs. It was during this time that she received her Master’s degree in Metaphysical Sciences. Today Rhonda is an internationally known spiritual leader, empowerment coach and spiritual teacher. As a Spiritual Life Success™ Consultant and Coach, her greatest joy is to share this information with others so they can have harmonious living in every area of their lives and achieve the life of their dreams. For information on Rhonda’s spiritual life changing program, call Rhonda at 314-616-6175. 01:33:00USC RADIO PRODUCTIONS CH THREEnoEra of Spiritual Living,Rhonda Brackett,Judy Brizendine,Coping with loss,Grief toolsJudy Brizendine—author, blogger, and speaker—is a woman with a passionate mission that developed as a result of a tragic loss. The statement, “Out of your deepEra of Spiritual Living welcomes Life CoachSuzanne Strisower, 07 Aug 2013 22:00:00 GMTEra of Spiritual Living welcomes Life CoachSuzanne Strisower   Suzanne Strisower is an author, certified spiritual and career coach and life purpose expert who has been guiding people for the past 35 years. She specializes in helping people find their life purpose, successfully reinvent themselves and make meaningful career changes. A member of the Who's Who of American Women, Suzanne holds a Bachelor's in Fine Arts and a Master’s in Counseling Psychology. She has written a new workbook “111 Inspirational Life Purpose Quotes & Exercises to Find Your Purpose in Life: A Workbook to Be Your Best Self and Life Your Best Life, ” an insightful guide to discovering and achieving your true life purpose.“  Suzanne has authored two other books: ”One Hundred and Eleven ”Tweetable” Inspirational Life Purpose: A Book of Original Thoughts,”  “The Runes of the Four Realms”, contributed to the books “Be Happy, Healthy and Wealthy: A Guidebook for Women”, and “Word Colors.” She hosts 2 shows of her own. For more information, please visit Host Rhonda Brackett has spent a decade studying some of the great spiritual masters and success gurus and combines this wisdom into her coaching and programs. It was during this time that she received her Master’s degree in Metaphysical Sciences.  Rhonda is an internationally known spiritual leader, empowerment coach and spiritual teacher. As a Spiritual Life Success™ Consultant and Coach, her greatest joy is to share this information with others so they can have harmonious living in every area of their lives. For information on Rhonda’s spiritual life changing program, call Rhonda at 314-616-6175.         01:02:00USC RADIO PRODUCTIONS CH THREEnoRhonda Brackett,Era of Spiritual Living,Suzanne Strisower,Spiritual Coaching,Life PurposeSuzanne Strisower is an author, certified spiritual and career coach and life purpose expert who has been guiding people for the past 35 years. She specialiUNIVERSAL SPIRITUAL CONNECTION WITH LEILANI GRAHAM, 07 Aug 2013 01:00:00 GMTUNIVERSAL SPIRITUAL CONNECTION WITH LEILANI GRAHAM               SPIRIT VISION Join Leilani Graham and... USC Leader Rev. Anne Taylor has been engaged in the synthesis of , spiritual growth, and metaphysics for many decades. She is a highly gifted spiritual intuitive, whose readings support you in gaining fulfillment in your life. "Anne Taylor is more than a gifted psychic, She is a master at bringing forth enlightened spiritual information about your soul's purpose in life" - Gary Quinn - author / Motivational Speaker. As a channel myself, I take this work seriously. I have never experienced a reading with such clarity,accuracy and integrity. I was moved beyond words and grateful that she has aligned herself with the God within to be of such service to humanity."- Athena Demetrios, channel for Dr.Peebles as referenced in the book To Dance With Angels. Website: USC Leader & Author Nancy Griffin is an intuitive spiritual counselor, connected to the Angelic forces of Higher Realm.  Assigned to empower, support the light-workers whom have come to earth on a mission for God, as volunteer souls on earth.  She is assigned to the Akashic Records reflected in the cells of the body this is referred to as cell memory.  She will give you a technique to remove this limited negative cell memory from your body.  You will start to see some of your blocks fading and permanently leaving the cells of your body which will enable you to become more empowered by your soul. WEBSITE: 02:02:00USC RADIO PRODUCTIONS CH THREEnoUNIVERSAL SPIRITUAL CONNECTION,LEILANI GRAHAM,ANNE TAYLOR,INTUITIVE READINGS,SPIRITUAL EMPOWERMENTSPIRIT VISION Join Leilani Graham and... USC Leader Rev. Anne Taylor has been engaged in the synthesis of , spiritual growth, and metaphysics forEra of Spiritual Living welcomes cancer surviver Kat Kanavos, 31 Jul 2013 22:00:00 GMTEra of Spiritual Living welcomes cancer surviver Kat Kanavos There was a scheduling conflict with my guest this evening, so she will be on at another time. This show was about the Law of Attraction and Quantum Success. I hope you enjoy!  During a decade long spiritual journey, host Rhonda stumbled on certain life success principles which she used to heal her spirit, health and finances. She spent the next decade studying some of the great spiritual masters and success gurus and combines this wisdom into her coaching and programs. It was during this time that she received her Master’s degree in Metaphysical Sciences. Today Rhonda is an internationally known spiritual leader, empowerment coach and spiritual teacher. As a Spiritual Life Success™ Consultant and Coach, her greatest joy is to share this information with others so they can have harmonious living in every area of their lives and achieve the life of their dreams. For information on Rhonda’s spiritual life changing program, call Rhonda at 314-616-6175. 00:57:00USC RADIO PRODUCTIONS CH THREEnoRhonda Brackett,Era of Spiritual Living,Law of Attraction,quantum,Intuitive guidanceThere was a scheduling conflict with my guest this evening, so she will be on at another time. This show was about the Law of Attraction and Quantum Success. IUNIVERSAL SPIRITUAL CONNECTION WITH LEILANI GRAHAM, 26 Jul 2013 01:00:00 GMTUNIVERSAL SPIRITUAL CONNECTION WITH LEILANI GRAHAM                THE CHRIST CONSCIOUSNESS   Join Leilani and... USC Leader & Author Nancy Griffin is an intuitive spiritual counselor, connected to the Angelic forces of Higher Realm.  Assigned to empower, support the light-workers whom have come to earth on a mission for God, as volunteer souls on earth.  She is assigned to the Akashic Records reflected in the cells of the body this is referred to as cell memory.  She will give you a technique to remove this limited negative cell memory from your body.  You will start to see some of your blocks fading and permanently leaving the cells of your body which will enable you to become more empowered by your soul. WEBSITE:   02:04:00USC RADIO PRODUCTIONS CH THREEnoUNIVERSAL SPIRITUAL CONNECTION,LEILANI GRAHAM,NANCY GRIFFIN,INTUITIVE READINGS,SPIRITUAL EMPOWERMENTTHE CHRIST CONSCIOUSNESS   Join Leilani and... USC Leader & Author Nancy Griffin is an intuitive spiritual counselor, connected to the AngeRhonda Brackett welcomes Sallie Felton-declutter-, 24 Jul 2013 22:00:00 GMTRhonda Brackett welcomes Sallie Felton-declutter- During a decade long spiritual journey, host Rhonda stumbled on certain life success principles which she used to heal her spirit, health and finances. She spent the next decade studying some of the great spiritual masters and success gurus and combines this wisdom into her coaching and programs. It was during this time that she received her Master’s degree in Metaphysical Sciences. Today Rhonda is an internationally known spiritual leader, empowerment coach and spiritual teacher. As a Spiritual Life Success™ Consultant and Coach, her greatest joy is to share this information with others so they can have harmonious living in every area of their lives and achieve the life of their dreams. For information on Rhonda’s spiritual life changing programs, call Rhonda at 314-616-6175.  As featured on ABC, CBS, NBC and FOX News affiliates across the country, Sallie Felton, President of Sallie Felton LLC is a professional life coach, international radio talk show host, #1 best selling author, facilitator, international speaker, former hypnotherapist and deep imagery therapist. She was formally trained with Mentor Coach LLC and certified as a Professional Certified Coach (PCC) by the International Coach Federation. Drawing on all types of counseling and acting as a partner and cheerleader, it is her passion to help individuals who are either in a transition or trying to seek order and balance in their lives. Her book, If I’m So Smart Why Can’t I Get Rid of This Clutter? (2012) reached #1 on Amazon and made the top 5 in 5 other categories. As a challenge, she de-cluttered her entire house for one full year. In this book she shares her own private stories of her wins and struggles dealing with the 3 types of clutter we all have: mental, emotional and, of course, physical.  01:30:00USC RADIO PRODUCTIONS CH THREEnoRhonda Brackett,Modern Day Spiritual Journey,Sallie Felton,Declutter,CoachingDuring a decade long spiritual journey, host Rhonda stumbled on certain life success principles which she used to heal her spirit, health and finances. She speModern Day Spiritual Journey welcomes Kathy Kirk, 17 Jul 2013 22:30:00 GMTModern Day Spiritual Journey welcomes Kathy Kirk Due to technical issues last week, this show is being replayed. Host Rhonda Brackett is an internationally known spiritual leader, empowerment coach and spiritual teacher with a Master’s degree in Metaphysical Sciences. For information on Rhonda’s spiritual coaching and life changing programs, call Rhonda at  314-616-6175 . We are instructed to love our neighbors as ourselves, but looking out into the world and observing the effects of that consciousness, it appears that we do not love ourselves at all. In this time of the awakening and the evolution of mankind, what this means is loving Who We Really Are. But all humans are of two minds, the human ego mind and the Godmind or Presence/Awareness Field. The process of loving yourself unconditionally is diminishing the mis-beliefs of human ego mind by reunifying the fragmented soul parts and allowing the human mind to blend with the Godmind. The process of awakening and the expansion of individual consciousness is a natural process much like a dandelion pushes itself up through the asphalt. Join us in this fascinating discussion of the process of 'losing your mind' in order to gain your Real Mind.   Kathy is the Creator and Founder of Applied Spirituality™ Applied Spirituality explains Consciousness as cause of every effect. Applied Spirituality is a cosmology as well as an everyday practice. As a cosmology, The Ordinary Person's TOE (Theory of Everything) continues to evolve from research, observation, experiences and contemplation. As a personal practice, it is the means to allow the natural expansion and evolution of the individual.  Kathy is the author of two books each with online course, The Earthling’s Quick Start Guide: Master Operating Your Unit on Earth and Well Done. .  She can be reached at 01:33:00USC RADIO PRODUCTIONS CH THREEnoRhonda Brackett,Kathy Kirk,Modern Day Spiritual Journey,Empowerment,EnlightenmentDue to technical issues last week, this show is being replayed. Host Rhonda Brackett is an internationally known spiritual leader, empowerment coach and spiritUNIVERSAL SPIRITUAL CONNECTION WITH LEILANI GRAHAM, 17 Jul 2013 01:00:00 GMTUNIVERSAL SPIRITUAL CONNECTION WITH LEILANI GRAHAM                       SPIRIT VISION USC Leader Rev. Anne Taylor has been engaged in the synthesis of , spiritual growth, and metaphysics for many decades. She is a highly gifted spiritual intuitive, whose readings support you in gaining fulfillment. USC Leader & Author Nancy Griffin is an intuitive spiritual counselor, connected to the Angelic forces of Higher Realm.  Assigned to empower, support the light-workers whom have come to earth on a mission for God, as volunteer souls on earth. 02:04:00USC RADIO PRODUCTIONS CH THREEnoUNIVERSAL SPIRITUAL CONNECTION,LEILANI GRAHAM,ANNE TAYLOR,SPIRITUAL READINGS,SPIRITUAL EMPOWERMENTSPIRIT VISION USC Leader Rev. Anne Taylor has been engaged in the synthesis of , spiritual growth, and metaphysics for many decades. SheModern Day Spiritual Journey welcomes Applied Spirituality, 10 Jul 2013 22:30:00 GMTModern Day Spiritual Journey welcomes Applied Spirituality Host Rhonda Brackett is a known spiritual leader, empowerment coach and spiritual teacher with a Master’s degree in Metaphysical Sciences.  You can contact Rhonda at 314-616-6175. We are instructed to love our neighbors as ourselves, but looking out into the world and observing the effects of that consciousness, it appears that we do not love ourselves at all. In this time of the awakening and the evolution of mankind, what this means is loving Who We Really Are. But all humans are of two minds, the human ego mind and the Godmind or Presence/Awareness Field. The process of loving yourself unconditionally is diminishing the mis-beliefs of human ego mind by reunifying the fragmented soul parts and allowing the human mind to blend with the Godmind. The process of awakening and the expansion of individual consciousness is a natural process much like a dandelion pushes itself up through the asphalt. Join us in this fascinating discussion of the process of 'losing your mind' in order to gain your Real Mind.   01:33:00USC RADIO PRODUCTIONS CH THREEnoRhonda Brackett,Kathy Kirk,Consciousness,Empowerment,Modern Day Spiritual JourneyHost Rhonda Brackett is a known spiritual leader, empowerment coach and spiritual teacher with a Master’s degree in Metaphysical Sciences.  You can contact RhoUNIVERSAL SPIRITUAL CONNECTION WITH LEILANI GRAHAM, 03 Jul 2013 01:00:00 GMTUNIVERSAL SPIRITUAL CONNECTION WITH LEILANI GRAHAMSPIRIT VISION USC Leader Rev. Anne Taylor is a highly gifted spiritual intuitive, she is a master at bringing forth enlightened spiritual information about your soul's purpose in life". Website: USC Leader & Author Nancy Griffin is an intuitive spiritual counselor, connected to the Angelic forces of Higher Realm.  Assigned to empower, support the light-workers whom have come to earth on a mission for God.   WEBSITE:     02:03:00USC RADIO PRODUCTIONS CH THREEnoUNIVERSAL SPIRITUAL CONNECTION,ANNE TAYLOR,NANCY GRIFFIN,SPIRITUAL READINGS,EMPOWERMENTSPIRIT VISION USC Leader Rev. Anne Taylor is a highly gifted spiritual intuitive, she is a master at bringing forth enlightened spiritual information about youUNIVERSAL SPIRITUAL CONNECTION WITH LEILANI GRAHAM, 28 Jun 2013 01:00:00 GMTUNIVERSAL SPIRITUAL CONNECTION WITH LEILANI GRAHAM              THE CHRIST CONSCIOUSNESS   Join Leilani and....  USC Leader & Author Nancy Griffin is an intuitive spiritual counselor, connected to the Angelic forces of Higher Realm.  Assigned to empower, support the light-workers whom have come to earth on a mission for God, as volunteer souls on earth.  She is assigned to the Akashic Records reflected in the cells of the body this is referred to as cell memory.  She will give you a technique to remove this limited negative cell memory from your body.  You will start to see some of your blocks fading and permanently leaving the cells of your body which will enable you to become more empowered by your soul. WEBSITE:   02:04:00USC RADIO PRODUCTIONS CH THREEnoUNIVERSAL SPIRITUAL CONNECTION,LEILANI GRAHAM,NANCY GRIFFIN,EMPOWERMENT INSIGHTS,READINGSTHE CHRIST CONSCIOUSNESS   Join Leilani and....  USC Leader & Author Nancy Griffin is an intuitive spiritual counselor, connected to the AngModern Day Spiritual Journey and HUGS Talk, 26 Jun 2013 22:00:00 GMTModern Day Spiritual Journey and HUGS TalkLast week Antiqua Libbey with HUGS Talk on USC Radio Productions 2 was the main host for our show, which was supposed to be synchronized. When I listened to the replay, I found that  for some reason it had not worked and it was music; because the show did not air on USC Radio Productions 3 last week, I am doing a replay of that show this week. HUGS is joining hands with Era of Spiritual Living host Rhonda Brackett is an internationally known spiritual leader, empowerment coach and spiritual teacher with a Masters degree in Metaphysical Sciences. For information on Rhonda’s spiritual coaching and life changing programs, call Rhonda at  314-616-6175  or email her at H.U.G.S. (Hearts Uniting Gods Spirit) features inspirational  thought leaders and experts in wellness, fitness and mindfulness who are following Gods lead and bringing light into our world. Join us each Wednesday at 3pm PST/6pm EST to be inspired.  Antiqua Libbey is a confidence excavator and soul fitness trainer who is lovingly known as the trauma transformer.  Her signature course Divine in 9 will uncover your internal confidence and divine beauty so you can feel great about being you, authentically. Her intention with each HUGS is to help you feel great about being YOU from head to toe. Join the HUGS family at Get your FREE gift at - 01:04:00USC RADIO PRODUCTIONS CH THREEnoRhonda Brackett,Modern Day Spiritual Journey,Life challenges,Health and fitness,EmpowermentLast week Antiqua Libbey with HUGS Talk on USC Radio Productions 2 was the main host for our show, which was supposed to be synchronized. When I listened to theModern Day Spiritual Journey and HUGS Talk, 19 Jun 2013 22:30:00 GMTModern Day Spiritual Journey and HUGS Talk Last week Antiqua Libbey with HUGS Talk on USC Radio Productions 2 was the main host for our show, which was supposed to be synchronized. When I listened to the replay, I found that  for some reason it had not worked and it was music; because the show did not air on USC Radio Productions 3 last week, I am doing a replay of that show this week. If you would like to listen to the show, the link is My apologies as I did not realize it had not recorded. HUGS is joining hands with Era of Spiritual Living host Rhonda Brackett is an internationally known spiritual leader, empowerment coach and spiritual teacher with a Masters degree in Metaphysical Sciences. For information on Rhonda’s spiritual coaching and life changing programs, call Rhonda at 314-616-6175. H.U.G.S. (Hearts Uniting Gods Spirit) features inspirational  thought leaders and experts in wellness, fitness and mindfulness who are following Gods lead and bringing light into our world. Join us each Wednesday at 3pm PST/6pm EST to be inspired.  Antiqua Libbey is a confidence excavator and soul fitness trainer who is lovingly known as the trauma transformer.  Her signature course Divine in 9 will uncover your internal confidence and divine beauty so you can feel great about being you, authentically. Her intention with each HUGS is to help you feel great about being YOU from head to toe. Join the HUGS family at Get your FREE gift at - 01:04:00USC RADIO PRODUCTIONS CH THREEnoModern Day Spiritual Journey and HUGS Talk,Rhonda Brackett,Empowerment,Enlightenment,Spiritual livingLast week Antiqua Libbey with HUGS Talk on USC Radio Productions 2 was the main host for our show, which was supposed to be synchronized. When I listened to theUNIVERSAL SPIRITUAL CONNECTION WITH LEILANI GRAHAM, 14 Jun 2013 01:00:00 GMTUNIVERSAL SPIRITUAL CONNECTION WITH LEILANI GRAHAMJoin Leilani and... USC Leader Nancy R. Griffin’s profession as an intuitive counselor began in 1983. Her intuitive gifts led to the discovery of her ability to heal illnesses in the body, mind and spirit from past life cell memory working in conjunction with holistic doctors. Additionally, she is connected to the Angelic Realm, the Christ Consciousness, Mother-Father God, Space Brothers and Sisters, the Ashtar Command and the White Robed Masters. Out of her creative flow came two metaphysical television cable shows. Wesite: 02:01:00USC RADIO PRODUCTIONS CH THREEnoUNIVERSAL SPIRITUAL CONNECTION,LEILANI GRAHAM,NANCY GRIFFIN,INTUITIVE READINGS,EMPOWERMENTJoin Leilani and... USC Leader Nancy R. Griffin’s profession as an intuitive counselor began in 1983. Her intuitive gifts led to the discovery of her ability tModern Day Spiritual Journey-Guest Antiqua Libbey, 12 Jun 2013 22:30:00 GMTModern Day Spiritual Journey-Guest Antiqua Libbey Host Rhonda Brackett is an internationally known spiritual leader, empowerment coach and spiritual teacher with a Masters degree in Metaphysical Sciences. For information on Rhonda’s spiritual coaching and life changing programs, call Rhonda at 314-616-6175. Antiqua Libbey is a confidence excavator. Her clients get excited about being alive, freed to believe in themselves and filled with faith knowing they are able to bring their dreams to life. With her roots in health and fitness Antiqua’s passion to “fix” herself for over 20 years turned into 10 years of professional studies and over 15,000 hours of teaching and training yoga and meditation in her signature Soul Fitness system Divine in 9. In 2010 magic began to happen when she combined her Divine in 9 program with her God given gifts and began to share her secrets to her own confidence building and life saving transformation. She now shares her successes with others so their healing and recovery walk is shorter. In 9 weeks or less with the Divine in 9 program and her Purpose Filled healing session her clients slough off the old and begin again refreshed in the new. This unconventional way of combining the power of healing prayer and fitness coaching quickly coined her nicknames of the “trauma transformer” leaving her clients confident and beautiful and the rest is making history. In 2012 she was honored as one of America’s Premier Experts as a leader in the self-care movement. Her personal inspirational story and her signature Divine in 9 program, has been seen on ABC, NBC, FOX, CBS and affiliates as well as heard on talk shows and radio shows across the U.S. You can listen to her weekly radio program HUGS at and learn more about her programs at 01:35:00USC RADIO PRODUCTIONS CH THREEnoRhonda Brackett,Antiqua Libbey,Empowerment,Self care,Modern Day Spiritual JourneyHost Rhonda Brackett is an internationally known spiritual leader, empowerment coach and spiritual teacher with a Masters degree in Metaphysical Sciences. ForModern Day Spiritual Journey-Celebrate You!, 05 Jun 2013 22:30:00 GMTModern Day Spiritual Journey-Celebrate You! Host Rhonda Brackett is an internationally known spiritual leader, empowerment coach and spiritual teacher who brings a wealth of knowledge from her own spiritual journey and years of study, as well as her own life experiences. Rhonda is an Ordained Minister with a Masters degree in Metaphysical Sciences. For information on Rhonda’s spiritual coaching and life changing programs, call Rhonda at 314-616-6175. Judy Hansen is a dynamic Transformational Whole Life Guide and the founder of R.E.A.L. Therapy. For over a decade, Judy has been providing REAL solutions for real people. Her integrative practice offers comprehensive original and life changing techniques that are tailored to meet the needs of each individual. Judy’s proven methods of working with body, mind and spirit uncover and resolve the vast array of common and complex issues that inhibit many in living the life they desire. A graduate of Ohio University with a degree in Education, Judy is a respected educator, seminar leader and entrepreneur. Judy holds 11 Certifications in Holistic Health Care practices in addition to business, career, personal development, and wealth management. Judy’s approach to healing is based in both traditional western modalities and the scientific evaluation of the healing practices of various Indigenous cultures. Her unique methods in working with children with special needs and learning disabilities succeed where others fail. Women, men and children from all walks of life are thriving testaments to her diverse healing work. Doctors, lawyers, sports professionals and celebrities continue to seek and recommend her services. For information on Judy’s life changing programs, visit Judy at or email her at  01:03:00USC RADIO PRODUCTIONS CH THREEnoRhonda Brackett,Body Mind Spirit,Judy Hansen,Empowerment,Holistic HealthHost Rhonda Brackett is an internationally known spiritual leader, empowerment coach and spiritual teacher who brings a wealth of knowledge from her own spiritThe Harmony Now Radio Show with Michael and Cindy Fess, 05 Jun 2013 01:00:00 GMTThe Harmony Now Radio Show with Michael and Cindy Fess"The Harmony Now Radio Show with Cindy and Michael Fess." We bring timely topics to facilitate truth and enlightenment in an easy-to-understand, lighthearted and fun way. Our shows include a variety of topics, interesting and informative guests, music, guided meditations, Angel Harmony messages, and more! Fun, Fulfilling, Fascinating....Feel the love with Cindy & Michael! www.GetHarmonyNow.com01:31:00USC RADIO PRODUCTIONS CH THREEnocindy fess,Michael Fess,spiritual,meditation,metaphysical"The Harmony Now Radio Show with Cindy and Michael Fess." We bring timely topics to facilitate truth and enlightenment in an easy-to-understand, lighthearted anUNIVERSAL SPIRITUAL CONNECTION WITH LEILANI GRAHAM, 31 May 2013 01:00:00 GMTUNIVERSAL SPIRITUAL CONNECTION WITH LEILANI GRAHAMJoin Leilani and... USC Leader Nancy R. Griffin’s profession as an intuitive counselor began in 1983. Her intuitive gifts led to the discovery of her ability to heal illnesses in the body, mind and spirit from past life cell memory working in conjunction with holistic doctors. Additionally, she is connected to the Angelic Realm, the Christ Consciousness, Mother-Father God, Space Brothers and Sisters, the Ashtar Command and the White Robed Masters. Out of her creative flow came two metaphysical television cable shows. Wesite: 01:31:00USC RADIO PRODUCTIONS CH THREEnoUNIVERSAL SPIRITUAL CONNECTION,LEILANI GRAHAM,NANCY GRIFFIN,INTUITIVE READINGS,ENLIGHTENMENTJoin Leilani and... USC Leader Nancy R. Griffin’s profession as an intuitive counselor began in 1983. Her intuitive gifts led to the discovery of her ability tTHE HARMONY NOW RADIO SHOW WITH MICHAEL AND CINDY FESS, 29 May 2013 01:00:00 GMTTHE HARMONY NOW RADIO SHOW WITH MICHAEL AND CINDY FESSTammi Rager is a full-time student of life committed to raising consciousness. She dedicates her life sharing spiritual information as an author, magazine publisher, internet radio host, iPhone/iPod app text developer and the ULE Chairperson and Booth Chair. She has more with 20+ years experience as an Advanced Master Numerologist, Akashic Record Consultant/Workshop Facilitator, Angelologist and more. Tammi’s greatest gift is her ability to present and interpret esoteric knowledge and universal principles in an easy-to-understand and practical way. "The Harmony Now Radio Show with Cindy and Michael Fess." We bring timely topics to facilitate truth and enlightenment in an easy-to-understand, lighthearted and fun way. Our shows include a variety of topics, interesting and informative guests, music, guided meditations, Angel Harmony messages, and more! Fun, Fulfilling, Fascinating....Feel the love with Cindy & Michael! www.GetHarmonyNow.com01:31:00USC RADIO PRODUCTIONS CH THREEnoHARMONY NOW,MICHAEL AND CINDY FESS,TAMMI RAGER,ANGELS,NUMEROLOGYTammi Rager is a full-time student of life committed to raising consciousness. She dedicates her life sharing spiritual information as an author, magazine publiUNIVERSAL SPIRITUAL CONNECTION WITH LEILANI GRAHAM, 24 May 2013 01:00:00 GMTUNIVERSAL SPIRITUAL CONNECTION WITH LEILANI GRAHAM   Learn About Free Eco-Businesses, Free Eco-Training, Free Lands & Homes Below Cost, Free Sustainability & Early Retirement WHY: Simple Steps Towards Free Sustainability... Local and International Homes & Profits Included  A WARM WELCOME TO YOU & YOUR FRIENDS TO MEET http://FreeSustainability.orgWe Offer Simple Steps Towards Free Sustainability… eco homes & international profit shares included 1) STEP #1 = FREE ECO BUSINESSES: We Give you Free Eco Businesses Towards Your Own Path of Freedom & Sustainability 2) STEP #2 = FREE ECO TRAINING:We Give you Eco & Sustainability Training Towards Your Own Path of Freedom & Sustainability 3) STEP #3 = ECO LANDS PAID IN FULL BY YOUR ECO BUSINESSES & ECO HOMES BELOW COST: We Give you Free Lands & Eco Homes Below Cost Towards Your Own Path of Freedom & Sustainability 4) STEP #4 = FREE SUSTAINABILITY & EARLY RETIREMENT VIA THE PROFITS GENERATED BY THE ECO BUSINESSES WE GIVE YOU TODAY Local Community Solutions and Our Global Community Solutions and Get Your Free Online Sustainable Store at   02:00:00USC RADIO PRODUCTIONS CH THREEnoUNIVERSAL SPIRITUAL CONNECTION,LEILANI GRAHAM,Pay it forward,Eco Homes,Community SolutionsLearn About Free Eco-Businesses, Free Eco-Training, Free Lands & Homes Below Cost, Free Sustainability & Early Retirement WHY: Simple Steps Towards Free SustModern Day Spiritual Journey-LOA Intro, 22 May 2013 22:30:00 GMTModern Day Spiritual Journey-LOA Intro Host Rhonda Brackett has been a long time law of attraction practitioner and utilizes the law of attraction every day in her life. This evening’s show is an introductory show about the law of attraction. The law of attraction is in our lives, whether we realize it or not. By understanding the law of attraction and how to harness it in our lives, we can truly create lives we desire. There are many who have made amazing changes in their lives by understanding the law of attraction. If you would ask someone, they might not understand the law of attraction or know what it is, but if you ask specific questions, like do you visualize, or do you focus on what you desire, they will say yes. Rhonda welcomes listeners to call in with questions. If you would like to call in the number is 347-327-9164. Rhonda has a Masters Degree in Metaphysical Sciences and is a spiritual consultant and coach, helping many who wish to make changes in their lives, to live the life of their dreams.  For information on Rhonda’s coaching, call Rhonda at 314-596-2356.  01:31:00USC RADIO PRODUCTIONS CH THREEnoRhonda Brackett,Modern Day Spiritual Journey,Law of Attraction,Desires of heart,Dream lifeHost Rhonda Brackett has been a long time law of attraction practitioner and utilizes the law of attraction every day in her life. This evening’s show is an inThe Harmony Now Radio Show with Michael and Cindy Fess, 15 May 2013 01:00:00 GMTThe Harmony Now Radio Show with Michael and Cindy Fess TONIGHT'S EPISODE: Cindy and Michael share stories of life's greatest moments and the heroes that inspire them. Call in and share yours! Share Angel Stories! "The Harmony Now Radio Show with Cindy and Michael Fess" endeavors to establish an all inclusive platform of spirituality that reaches the entire community to bring all people together as a spiritual family. We bring timely topics to facilitate truth and enlightenment in an easy-to-understand, lighthearted and fun way. Our shows include a variety of topics, interesting and informative guests, music, guided meditations, Angel Harmony messages, and more! Fun, Fulfilling, Fascinating....Feel the love with Cindy & Michael!   01:31:00USC RADIO PRODUCTIONS CH THREEnoHARMONY NOW,MICHAEL FESS,CINDY FESS,music,spiritualityTONIGHT'S EPISODE: Cindy and Michael share stories of life's greatest moments and the heroes that inspire them. Call in and share yours! Share Angel Stories! "HEALING LIGHT with Chelsea Damali, 14 May 2013 01:00:00 GMTHEALING LIGHT with Chelsea DamaliChelsea Damali is one of the stars of A&E/Bio’s “Haunted Encounters: Face To Face.” She is a member of The Syndicate, a team which was carefully assembled to be one of the most innovative paranormal groups ever formed. Every week on “Haunted Encounters,” Damali uses a combination of the first formally trained K9 in the paranormal field, periodic reenactments with contradictions to documented events, and as a proven psychic investigator that stimulates the dead into choosing to communicate like never before. Damali is a natural born clairvoyant/clairsentient, medium, and empath that has been practicing professionally for 20 years. She has a lifetime of study and education of the metaphysical field. She is known specifically for her unique scientific perspective that has set her apart from other psychics and intuitives, or other types of “sensitives.” Her accuracy is off the charts with past and future, and she not only reads clairvoyantly, but also residual energy in multiple layers of time, as well as intelligent activity of entities that still reside unseen in homes and other structures alike. In the paranormal field, this translates to empathic pain and symptoms, sometimes not just seeing it, but fully experiencing situations that have occurred in structures and buildings. You can watch “Haunted Encounters: Face To Face” Friday nights at 10/9c only on Bio and visit the Haunted Encounters: Face to Face official site.   You can learn more about Healing Light on our website, 02:03:00USC RADIO PRODUCTIONS CH THREEnoHealing Light,Teri Van Horn,Chelsea Damali,Haunted Encounters,psychic readingsChelsea Damali is one of the stars of A&E/Bio’s “Haunted Encounters: Face To Face.” She is a member of The Syndicate, a team which was carefully assembled to beModern Day Spiritual Journey-music alchemist Laren Loveless, 08 May 2013 22:30:00 GMTModern Day Spiritual Journey-music alchemist Laren LovelessHost Rhonda Brackett is a spiritual healer and advocate of the Law of Attraction. To find out more about her coaching, contact Rhonda at 314-596-2356. This show has been prerecorded. Laren Loveless learned to play music at a very young age. He started developing a keen sense of lyrical images or messages from being outdoors in nature and in fields or landscapes when on adventure trips. He noticed he could pick up on a transcendental wave length and could hear choral or angelic waves of voices and lyrical chants when he was in anyplace of stillness.  At first the voices kept him awake and affected his sleep patterns. He eventually figured out how to use the messages he was receiving to help others and how to express them to help others.  He picked up on the study of musical therapy, producing a musical experience for different ailments to help treat others who suffered from traumas, helping with the creative and healing process of music.  He found it had a profound healing effect on those with dementia and hearing loss.   He also worked on instrumentation to be shared and played at cancer treatment centers. At 24-25 he had his first brush with death and a lung collapse, which enabled him to tap into the subconscious dream state of music and spiritual enlightenment.  Then at work, he had a near death experience where he had an opportunity to cross over and come back. This experience gave him the insight to understand what he should be doing with  his gifts, that we truly achieve greatness through love and listening to the voice and gifts that we all inside of us. You can contact Laren by email at 01:27:00USC RADIO PRODUCTIONS CH THREEnoModern Day Spiritual Journey,Rhonda Brackett,Laren Loveless,Musical healing,Angelic healingHost Rhonda Brackett is a spiritual healer and advocate of the Law of Attraction. To find out more about her coaching, contact Rhonda at 314-596-2356. This showThe Harmony Now Radio Show with Michael and Cindy Fess, 08 May 2013 01:00:00 GMTThe Harmony Now Radio Show with Michael and Cindy Fess TONIGHT'S EPISDODE: "Ghosts and Psychic Messages with Victor Paruta"  with renowned psychic medium Victory Paruta. Callers welcome! Victor Paruta is one of Cincinnati's most trusted psychics, paranormal investigator, and animal communicator. A popular radio and television personality, Victor was featured on ABC'S "Barbara Walters' The View" as an expert on ghosts and hauntings. Victor was voted Cincinnati's Best Psychic by Cincinnati Magazine (Dec. 2005). His Victory of Light Psychic Festival is the Cincinnati's Regions largest and finest metaphysical convention. Victor is on the faculty of Baker Hunt Art & Cultural Center in Covington, KY where he teaches classes in psychic development, ghosts and hauntings, past lives, and many other medtaphysical topics. Victor owned and operated the landmark New Age emporium, Victory Books for over ten years.Please visit:   "The Harmony Now Radio Show with Cindy and Michael Fess" --Fun, Fulfilling, Fascinating....Feel the love with Cindy & Michael!     01:31:00USC RADIO PRODUCTIONS CH THREEnoHARMONY NOW,MICHAEL FESS,CINDY FESS,VICTOR PARUTA,GHOSTSTONIGHT'S EPISDODE: "Ghosts and Psychic Messages with Victor Paruta"  with renowned psychic medium Victory Paruta. Callers welcome! Victor Paruta is one of CiHEALING LIGHT on Distant Healing, 07 May 2013 01:00:00 GMTHEALING LIGHT on Distant Healing Join host, Teri Van Horn, along with several guests discussing the benefits of Distant Healing.  Distant Healing is a method of energy healing at any long distance. In distant energy healing, energy is controlled and can be guided by mind.   In the world of energy, there is no such thing as time or space. Distant Healing is based on Quantum Physics discoveries that energy is not restricted to any time and location. It is possible to transmit healing energies over any distance and this form of healing can be very effective. Distant healing is an advanced form of bio-energy healing.  We'll discuss techniques, as well as hearing from those who have benefitted from Distant Healing sessions. During the last half of our show, we'll be taking questions from callers, as well as providing readings on health and healing.  To learn more about Distant Healing, you can go to 02:02:00USC RADIO PRODUCTIONS CH THREEnoHealing Light,Teri Van Horn,Distant Healing,spiritual empowerment,psychic readingsJoin host, Teri Van Horn, along with several guests discussing the benefits of Distant Healing.  Distant Healing is a method of energy healing at any long distThe Harmony Now Radio Show with Michael and Cindy Fess, 01 May 2013 01:00:00 GMTThe Harmony Now Radio Show with Michael and Cindy Fess   Tonight's Topic:“All About Family.” This Tuesday we feature special guest, Michael Tibbetts, M.S., a 40 year career marketor/educator, and author of "The 7 Divine Lessons of Family Healing." Michael is the Founder, through God's Loving Grace, of his Family Healing Minisitry: "The Family Center For The Sacred Heart." "The Harmony Now Radio Show with Cindy and Michael Fess" endeavors to establish an all inclusive platform of spirituality that reaches the entire community to bring all people together as a spiritual family. We bring timely topics to facilitate truth and enlightenment in an easy-to-understand, lighthearted and fun way. Our shows include a variety of topics, interesting and informative guests, music, guided meditations, Angel Harmony messages, and more! Fun, Fulfilling, Fascinating....Feel the love with Cindy & Michael!   01:31:00USC RADIO PRODUCTIONS CH THREEnoHARMONY NOW,MICHAEL FESS,CINDY FESS,SPIRITUALITY,AURASTonight's Topic:“All About Family.” This Tuesday we feature special guest, Michael Tibbetts, M.S., a 40 year career marketor/educator, and author of "The 7 DHEALING LIGHT with Adrienne Dumas, 30 Apr 2013 01:00:00 GMTHEALING LIGHT with Adrienne DumasAdrienne Dumas is a spiritual author, teacher and healer. She is an advanced oracle card reader, a Reiki Master and Angelic Healer who has worked with the Angel, Faery, Unicorn and Mermaid Kingdoms for many years. She is the creator and CEO of  The Faeries and Angels Magazine TM and The Faeries and Angels Radio Network TM.  She hosts LIVE online radio shows, produces and creates many podcast shows as well as youtube video's and has written the book "The Angels: A Guidebook to Angels, Angelic Healing and Angelic Manifesting."  Adrienne also has had many UFO sightings and feels a deep connection with what she calls The Star Beings, or also known as Our Star Family. She is available for interviews on spiritual topics like Angels, Faeries, Unicorns, Mermaids, Star Beings and other new-age topics. To contact her for an interview or to request a Personal Reading from her, please email her at  ("Ecstacy" referring to "Divine Fulfillment").  She also creates powerful healing meditations, eCourses and is in the midst of writing a book on Faeries as well as some fictional new-age romance eBooks. You can find out more about Adrienne on her website at 02:04:00USC RADIO PRODUCTIONS CH THREEnoHealing Light,Teri Van Horn,Adrienne Dumas,Angels,psychic readingsAdrienne Dumas is a spiritual author, teacher and healer. She is an advanced oracle card reader, a Reiki Master and Angelic Healer who has worked with the AngelThe Harmony Now Radio Show with Michael and Cindy Fess, 24 Apr 2013 01:00:00 GMTThe Harmony Now Radio Show with Michael and Cindy Fess Tonight, we discuss family healing. Our featured guest, Michael Tibbetts, M.S., a 40 year career marketer/educator and  author of "The Seven Divine Lessons of Family Healing," is Founder, through God's Loving Grace, of his Family Healing Ministry: "The Family Center For The Sacred Heart." Visit: We welcome callers, as we discuss ways to heal the family unit.     "The Harmony Now Radio Show with Cindy and Michael Fess" endeavors to establish an all inclusive platform of spirituality that reaches the entire community to bring all people together as a spiritual family. We bring timely topics to facilitate truth and enlightenment in an easy-to-understand, nonthreatening, and lighthearted way. Our shows include a variety of topics, interesting and informative guests, music, guided meditations, Angel Harmony messages, and more! Fun, Fulfilling, Fascinating....Feel the love with Cindy & Michael!           00:49:00USC RADIO PRODUCTIONS CH THREEnoHARMONY NOW,MICHAEL FESS,CINDY FESS,FAMILY HEALING,MICHAEL TIBBETTSTonight, we discuss family healing. Our featured guest, Michael Tibbetts, M.S., a 40 year career marketer/educator and  author of "The Seven Divine Lessons ofHEALING LIGHT and Patty Stene, 23 Apr 2013 01:00:00 GMTHEALING LIGHT and Patty SteneTonight's Guest:  Patty Stene, Patty is a Psychic, Equine Assisted Growth and Learning Counselor (EAGALA). Light worker, Reiki II practitioner, and the Owner of Pistol Patty's All Natural Horse and Cowgirl (and dog) Products. Favorite Saying: We do the best we can until we know better, then we do better.  M. Angelou She'll be discussing her all natural products for horses and women (dogs too) and how essential oils can be healthy and beneficial for a variety of things. Pest control, anti biotic properties, therapeutic for emotions and physical well being. 02:01:00USC RADIO PRODUCTIONS CH THREEnoHealing Light,Teri Van Horn,Patty Stene,all natural products,essential oilsTonight's Guest:  Patty Stene, Patty is a Psychic, Equine Assisted Growth and Learning Counselor (EAGALA). Light worker, Reiki II practitioner, and the Owner oModern Day Spiritual Journey-Essential Oils!, 17 Apr 2013 22:30:00 GMTModern Day Spiritual Journey-Essential Oils! After a spiritual experience, host Rhonda Brackett was led to the Law of Attraction. Rhonda is an advocate of the Law of Attraction and helps others embrace this phenomenal knowledge so they can transform their lives in a positive way. She coaches others and can be contacted about her coaching at 314-596-2356.  My guest this afternoon is John Kluge. John  is an aromotherapist and has been studying the benefits of Young Living Essential Oils for over 10 years. Up until 2009, he spent 30 years as an Information Business Systems Analyst for 3 major St Louis corporations. Realizing the means to 'shift gears,' he transitioned to a new career, as a full-time aromatherapist in 2011.  Shortly thereafter, John joined forces with St Louis Intuitive Amanda Dowel to incorporate a metaphysical process for selecting oils, through the intuitive suggestion of the client's personal Guides and Angels. Using reflexology principles, their 'HeavenScent Anointment' massage of the client's neck, hands, and feet, with pure organic floral/herbal essential oils has been well received by hundreds of women, over the last 2 years. Frankincense, myrrh, rose, jasmine, and sandalwood are among the many oils applied to soothe pain and inflammation. This afternoon we will be talking about the benefits of essential oils, their uses and properties.  Stay tuned! This show will be an informative show! 01:32:00USC RADIO PRODUCTIONS CH THREEnoRhonda Brackett,Modern Day Spiritual Journey,John Kluge,Essential oils,AromatherapyAfter a spiritual experience, host Rhonda Brackett was led to the Law of Attraction. Rhonda is an advocate of the Law of Attraction and helps others embrace thHARMONY NOW RADIO SHOW WITH CINDY AND MICHAEL FESS, 17 Apr 2013 01:00:00 GMTHARMONY NOW RADIO SHOW WITH CINDY AND MICHAEL FESS"LOVE LOVE LOVE"   This Tueday night we will be talking about the greatest subject of them all: LOVE Please joins Cindy and Michael Twin Flame couple on how to find and keep love in your life by just keepin it real- and keepin your Heart open .....:)    Harmony Now with Cindy and Michael Fess endeavors to establish an all inclusive platform of spirituality that reaches the entire community to bring all people together as a spiritual family. We bring timely topics to facilitate truth and enlightenment in an easy-to-understand, lighthearted and fun way. Our shows will include a variety of enlighten01:31:00USC RADIO PRODUCTIONS CH THREEnoHARMONY NOW,Michael Fess,Cindy Fess,Spiritual Enlightenment,Meditation"LOVE LOVE LOVE"   This Tueday night we will be talking about the greatest subject of them all: LOVE Please joins Cindy and Michael Twin Flame couple on how toHEALING LIGHT with Master Clairvoyant Rachel Mai, 16 Apr 2013 01:00:00 GMTHEALING LIGHT with Master Clairvoyant Rachel MaiRACHEL MAI: Born with past life and between life memories. Known to thousands as a reader of choice. Rachel is an expert working with the Akashic Records, an amazing channel for humans and animals, gifted psychic and expert at removing negative blockages and releasing your full potential... her gifts go on and on!  Rachel is a clairvoyant who is renowned in America and England for unusual accuracy and having such great insight and understanding that her sessions have led to enormous positive shifts in the lives of many of those with whom she has worked. She has appeared many times on radio and television in England and the USA. She hosted Europe's leading new Age radio show for two years. This show had up to a million listeners. She has also appeared on TNT and the Astrology Channel and many other tv stations. She has read for me 100's of times and has always been 100% accurate.  Find out why more than 98% of her clients come back for more, most many times!  You can contact Rachel and learn more about her on Facebook at Rose Heart Master Clairvoyant Readings, Medium Rachel Mai OR you can call her at 614-607-2370. 02:06:00USC RADIO PRODUCTIONS CH THREEnoHealing Light,Teri Van Horn,Rachel Mai,intuitive readings,psychicRACHEL MAI: Born with past life and between life memories. Known to thousands as a reader of choice. Rachel is an expert working with the Akashic Records, anENERGETIC ADVANTAGE -Andi & Dr. Eric Pearl, 12 Apr 2013 01:00:00 GMTENERGETIC ADVANTAGE -Andi & Dr. Eric PearlI AM Honored to Have a Very Special Guest - A Man who is Confounding Medicine with Spontaneous Healings:Dr. Eric PearlDr. Eric Pearl is the Author of The Reconnection™, and he teaches people How to Access the Power of Reconnective Healing™ for Themselves and Others!Dr. Eric Pearl clearly demonstrated the power of Reconnective Healing before millions of viewers - leaving Dr. Oz flabbergasted!  To see that Dr. Oz clip: will be AN AMAZING HOUR!!!  01:02:00USC RADIO PRODUCTIONS CH THREEnoAndi Feinberg,Dr Eric Pearl,The Reconnection,Healing,Reconnective HealingI AM Honored to Have a Very Special Guest - A Man who is Confounding Medicine with Spontaneous Healings:Dr. Eric PearlDr. Eric Pearl is the Author of The ReconnImagination ! Cindy and Michael Fess, 10 Apr 2013 01:00:00 GMTImagination ! Cindy and Michael Fess"It was just my imagination...runnin away with me la la la " Tonight we explore the foundation of the very fabric of the Universe--Imagination! Join Cindy and Michael in a magical show about the wonders of imagination and the creative process that fulfills our lives and spins us into forever....   Harmony Now with Cindy and Michael Fess endeavors to establish an all inclusive platform of spirituality that reaches the entire community to bring all people together as a spiritual family. We bring timely topics to facilitate truth and enlightenment in an easy-to-understand, lighthearted and fun way. Our shows will include a variety of enlightening topics, interesting and informative guests, 01:34:00USC RADIO PRODUCTIONS CH THREEnoHARMONY NOW,MICHAEL FESS,CINDY FESS,Spiritual Enlightenment,Meditation"It was just my imagination...runnin away with me la la la " Tonight we explore the foundation of the very fabric of the Universe--Imagination! Join Cindy and MHEALING LIGHT - The Magic of Crystals, 09 Apr 2013 01:00:00 GMTHEALING LIGHT - The Magic of Crystals Tonight we'll be discussing The Magic of Crystals - How & Why Crystals Work For You.  Crystals have been used by mankind for 1,000's of years and now we know exactly what it is they do for us and how they work the way they do.  In tonight's session, we'll be discussing some of the scientific reasons crystals work and raise our vibrations, as well as discuss some of the many ways that they can help enrich our lives. We'll end our session with readings, letting our callers know what their power crystals are and why. Healing Light – A place where we will discuss and explore the many facets of energy work, including healing, psychic communication, manifesting, getting to know your Angels and working with crystals.  In our sessions, we will visit a variety of topics… we’ll explore the world of crystals - how and why the work for us and the amazing things that they can bring to our lives.  We’ll discuss the art of energy healing and ways it can improve the quality of our lives, the importance of psychic protection, Shamanism, Angel communication and ways to manifest the life you desire to live.  We want you to live the life you came here to live!  In addition to these subjects, we will also provide healing and intuitive sessions with your pets – helping you to create the perfect life for them.  We’ll have inspirational stories about animals that we have helped in the past, as well as those that we are continuing to help today. We will provide intuitive readings for our callers, as well as bringing in thought-provoking guests from a variety of backgrounds to help enrich your live and ours. You can learn more about Teri and the services that she provides on her website 02:03:00USC RADIO PRODUCTIONS CH THREEnoHealing Light,Teri Van Horn,The Magic of Crystals,spiritual empowerment,intuitive readingsTonight we'll be discussing The Magic of Crystals - How & Why Crystals Work For You.  Crystals have been used by mankind for 1,000's of years and now we know eENERGETIC ADVANTAGE, 05 Apr 2013 01:00:00 GMTENERGETIC ADVANTAGE              Your Gifts! Deep inside you know you have great gifts – but they are so buried under many energetic layers, you’ve been doubting yourself and wondering if you’ll ever have access to use them...  Does this Sound Familiar? Call-in!  Tonight we’re clearing for you to Trust your Guidance more  and for the Soul to allow you to use your God-Given gifts.  Welcome to Interactive SOUL Radio. Andi’s been clearing Souls for 21 years and with immediate results.  Don’t worry - your Soul will let you know! We're Moving Energy for Your Gifts to BLOOM! Soul Clearings with Andi: Web:                    Email:       Office:  (480) 442-6349 01:02:00USC RADIO PRODUCTIONS CH THREEnoAndi Feinberg,Energetic Advantage,Pocket Tools for Transformation,Blocked Energy,Soul FreedomYour Gifts! Deep inside you know you have great gifts – but they are so buried under many energetic layers, you’ve been doubting yourself and wondePrerecord: Modern Day Spiritual Journey Author Eric Herm, 03 Apr 2013 22:30:00 GMTPrerecord: Modern Day Spiritual Journey Author Eric Herm   Host Rhonda Brackett has studied the Law of Attraction extensively over the past 10 years after a spiritual experience that led her to embark on a journey to understand the Law of Attraction. She has a Masters Degree in Metaphysical Sciences.  You can contact Rhonda at 314-596-2356 for more information about  Law of Attraction coaching.  About Eric Herm Author, activist, and fourth generation farmer Eric Herm was raised on a 6,000 acre cotton farm near Ackerly, Texas. He graduated from Abilene University with a degree in broadcast journalism. After working in sports television broadcasting, he traveled extensively and eventually returned to Texas to work the land that has been in his family for almost 100 years. Startled by the changes he saw in the land, Eric began to change practices on his own farm and to speak out against the ravages caused by commercial agriculture.  His book, Son of a Farmer, Child of the Earth, was awarded the Book of the Week by Organic Consumers. Eric was a featured speaker for the GMO Right2Know Rallies in front of the White House and the state capital in Austin, Texas. The national GMO Right2Know movement advocates the labeling of genetically modified foods. Eric has been visible across America recently with his TV appearances, magazine features, and radio interviews, including Coast to Coast. He lives on the farm with his wife, Alison, and their two sons.    01:00:00USC RADIO PRODUCTIONS CH THREEnoFarming methods,Engineered foods,Rhonda Brackett,Modern Day Spiritual Journey,HealthHost Rhonda Brackett has studied the Law of Attraction extensively over the past 10 years after a spiritual experience that led her to embark on a journey tHARMONY NOW RADIO SHOW WITH CINDY AND MICHAEL FESS, 03 Apr 2013 01:00:00 GMTHARMONY NOW RADIO SHOW WITH CINDY AND MICHAEL FESS"The Magic of Meditation!" Tonight we will discuss the benefits and wonders of meditation...and how it can change your life! We have been teaching meditation for years...please join us for a fun and informative talk that you will absolutly love!! Harmony Now with Cindy and Michael Fess endeavors to establish an all inclusive platform of spirituality that reaches the entire community to bring all people together as a spiritual family. We bring timely topics to facilitate truth and enlightenment in an easy-to-understand, lighthearted and fun way. Our shows will include a variety of enlightening topics, interesting and informative guests, music, guided meditations, prayers, angel messages and more! 01:31:00USC RADIO PRODUCTIONS CH THREEnoHARMONY NOW,MICHAEL FESS,CINDY FESS,SPIRITUALITY,Psychic"The Magic of Meditation!" Tonight we will discuss the benefits and wonders of meditation...and how it can change your life! We have been teaching meditation foHEALING LIGHT on Animal Communication, 02 Apr 2013 01:00:00 GMTHEALING LIGHT on Animal Communication For tonight's show we will talk about working with our pets and how we can communicate with them, as well as providing distant healing sessions with listeners pets.  If you would like for me to work with your pet on the show, please send me an email before air time letting me know a little about your pet so that I can connect with them. We’ll have inspirational stories about animals that we have helped in the past, as well as those that we are continuing to help today.  We'll also take your questions about working with and healing pets. For the last half of the show we'll provide you with totem animal readings so that you'll know a little more about the animals who help guide you on a daily basis. For more information about the pet services that we provide, go to our websites: and 02:02:00USC RADIO PRODUCTIONS CH THREEnoHealing Light,Teri Van Horn,healing pets,pet readings,intuitive readingsFor tonight's show we will talk about working with our pets and how we can communicate with them, as well as providing distant healing sessions with listeners"SPIRIT RISING" with SHELLY PINNELL--THERAPY THAT WORKS, 30 Mar 2013 00:00:00 GMT"SPIRIT RISING" with SHELLY PINNELL--THERAPY THAT WORKSHost of "Spirit Rising" Shelly Pinnell, LISW,  launches her USC programs with a series of insightful discussions about contemporary psychotherapy and how it has been influenced by alternative modalities. Shelly has successfully incorporated energy  psychotherapy into her own coaching and therapy practices for over eighteen years. Keeping one foot in the world of metaphysics and another in the realm of managed care counseling has given her a unique perspective.  Learn the the differences between first wave and second wave techniques for emotional healing, those you can safely do on your own and possible new directions for the field.  This program features a 4-week series beginning with information about the therapy process, what makes it work, and techniques that produce body level changes. Take a more in-depth look at the powerful  modalities of rapid eye-movement (EMDR), Emotional Accupressure ( like EFT), Schema Therapy, and Spiritually Guided Healing. She will discuss what characterizes first from second wave therapies and the basic strategies employed.01:03:00USC RADIO PRODUCTIONS CH THREEnoTHERAPY THAT WORKS,SHELLY PINNELL,EMOTIONAL HEALING,EFT,PSYCHOTHERAPYHost of "Spirit Rising" Shelly Pinnell, LISW,  launches her USC programs with a series of insightful discussions about contemporary psychotherapy and how it hasEnergetic Advantage, 29 Mar 2013 01:00:00 GMTEnergetic AdvantageIs Your Soul As Ready as YOU?Welcome to Interactive Soul RadioLet’s Tune-In to Your Soul and Guidance and See Where Its Biggest Hurdle Is!     You May Be Ready For: Love, a Promotion, Health, Life Path, Finances, Family…          Is Your Soul?     Call in and We’ll Check it Out!Tonight: You'll get Complimentary Soul Clearing, inspirational Rhymes, & Energetic Tips - Every Energetic Advantage to Succeed! For Private & Group Clearings, Please contact Andi:                Web:                                          Email:       Office:  (480) 442-6349 01:02:00USC RADIO PRODUCTIONS CH THREEnoAndi Feinberg,Energetic Advantage,Pocket Tools for Transformation,Soul Clearing,EnergyIs Your Soul As Ready as YOU?Welcome to Interactive Soul RadioLet’s Tune-In to Your Soul and Guidance and See Where Its Biggest Hurdle Is!     You May Be ReadyHARMONY NOW RADIO SHOW WITH CINDY AND MICHAEL FESS, 27 Mar 2013 01:00:00 GMTHARMONY NOW RADIO SHOW WITH CINDY AND MICHAEL FESSHarmony and Me-Cindy discusses her book, Harmony and Me, and how she met Angel Harmony. Michael shares his own angel encounters. Angel Messages. Call in and share your stories! Harmony Now with Cindy and Michael Fess endeavors to establish an all inclusive platform of spirituality that reaches the entire community to bring all people together as a spiritual family. We bring timely topics to facilitate truth and enlightenment in an easy-to-understand, lighthearted and fun way. Our shows will include a variety of enlightening topics, interesting and informative guests, music, guided meditations, prayers, angel messages and more! 01:28:00USC RADIO PRODUCTIONS CH THREEnoHarmony Now,Michael Fess,Cindy Fess,angels,spiritualityHarmony and Me-Cindy discusses her book, Harmony and Me, and how she met Angel Harmony. Michael shares his own angel encounters. Angel Messages. Call in and shaHEALING LIGHT with The Secret Psychic, 26 Mar 2013 01:00:00 GMTHEALING LIGHT with The Secret Psychic This week's show features the "Secret Psychic".  This is a woman who has unofficially provided a great deal of psychic information to the US Government, assisting with socio-economic and other issues. We'll also discuss the importance of protection when doing psychic work and ways that you can protect yourself. She does amazing work and is available to discuss some of the projects that she has worked with over the years, as well as answering questions for you related to the socio-economic climate in the world today.  You can learn more about her at Healing Light – A place where we will discuss and explore the many facets of energy work, including healing, psychic communication, manifesting, getting to know your Angels and working with crystals.  In our sessions, we will visit a variety of topics… we’ll explore the world of crystals - how and why the work for us and the amazing things that they can bring to our lives.  We’ll discuss the art of energy healing and ways it can improve the quality of our lives, the importance of psychic protection, Shamanism, Angel communication and ways to manifest the life you desire to live.  We want you to live the life you came here to live!  In addition to these subjects, we will also provide healing and intuitive sessions with your pets – helping you to create the perfect life for them.  We’ll have inspirational stories about animals that we have helped in the past, as well as those that we are continuing to help today. We will provide intuitive readings for our callers, as well as bringing in thought-provoking guests from a variety of backgrounds to help enrich your live and ours. You can learn more about Teri and the services that she provides on her website 01:59:00USC RADIO PRODUCTIONS CH THREEnoHealing Light,Teri Van Horn,Secret Psychic,intuitive readings,psychic protectionThis week's show features the "Secret Psychic".  This is a woman who has unofficially provided a great deal of psychic information to the US Government, assistSACRED COUNSELING, 23 Mar 2013 00:00:00 GMTSACRED COUNSELING When was the last time you heard an advertisement telling you about the wonders of psychotherapy or overheard folks at the next restaurant table raving about their last counseling session?  Not recently?  Yet, thousands of individuals and couples quietly enter and leave therapists offices every week with problems understood and resolved, relationships healed and traumas dissolved.   Host of "Spirit Rising" Shelly Pinnell, LISW,  launches her first USC program with an insightful discussion about what she sees as the sacredness of the  psychotherapy relationship and process and how it has been influenced by alternative modalities. Shelly has successfully incorporated energy  psychotherapy into her own coaching and therapy practices for over eighteen years. Keeping one foot in the world of metaphysics and another in the realm of managed care counseling has given her a unique perspective. Hear about the elements of psychothearpay which make it effective.  Learn the the differences between first wave and second wave techniques for emotional healing, those you can safely do on your own and possible new directions for the field.  This program kicks off  a 4-week series of programs each featuring a more in-depth look at the powerful  modalities of rapid eye-movement (EMDR), Emotional Accupressure ( like EFT), Hypnosis, and Peak States.    01:30:00USC RADIO PRODUCTIONS CH THREEnoSACRED COUNSELING,SHELLY PINNELL,ENERGY PSYCHOLOGY,SELF DEVELOPMENT,EMOTIONAL HEALINGWhen was the last time you heard an advertisement telling you about the wonders of psychotherapy or overheard folks at the next restaurant table raving about tENERGETIC ADVANTAGE, 22 Mar 2013 01:00:00 GMTENERGETIC ADVANTAGEWHAT IF….There is more to God’s Universes than what Hollywood chooses to represent?WHAT IF…Human beings and Universal Beings are part of God’s Greater Plan and aligned with Love and Peace for the Universes Greatest Good?Would you like to see that movie?Emmy-Nominated Filmmaker Craig Campobasso is our very special and inspiring guest!!  So THAT MOVIE is almost finished and has been completely funded by people like you and me that want to watch a movie like this with a “Spiritual Heart”!  You can see film clips AND…You can help finish the “last leg” of this movie for the world – being created by Emmy Nominated Filmmaker Craig Campobasso, at an amazing hour with Craig Campobasso and Andi tonight!01:03:00USC RADIO PRODUCTIONS CH THREEnoAndi Feinberg,Craig Campobasso,Energetic Advantage,Straner at the Pentagon,Universal WisdomWHAT IF….There is more to God’s Universes than what Hollywood chooses to represent?WHAT IF…Human beings and Universal Beings are part of God’s Greater Plan andModern Day Spiritual Journey welcomes healer Jenn Scalia!, 20 Mar 2013 22:30:00 GMTModern Day Spiritual Journey welcomes healer Jenn Scalia!   Host Rhonda Brackett, after a spiritual journey, stumbled on the Law of Attraction and healed her spirit and her health utilizing the Law of Attraction. There are principles and steps to achieve that which we desire in our lives. Through these scientific and yet spiritual principles, one can heal any aspect of their lives, including spiritual, health and finances. Rhonda has a Masters in Metaphysical Sciences and is  helps others through coaching others to understand the Law of Attraction. Through the Law of Attraction, we can heal ourselves and our world. You can contact Rhonda at 314-596-2356 to schedule a coaching session.   As an intuitive energy healer, Jennifer Scalia assists animals and people to find balance in their chakra system to help heal emotional and physical issues. Jennifer’s greatest passion is assisting horses as they are in a special partnership with riders. She has developed three very specific equine energetic techniques that are beneficial for performance as well as healing... focus and grounding, patience and calmness, and hormonal balance for mares. Jen also offers energy healing for adults and children through nature retreats. You can check out her website at or contact her at 01:28:00USC RADIO PRODUCTIONS CH THREEnoSpiritual healing,Rhonda Brackett,Modern Day Spiritual Journey,Jennifer Scalia,Healing for petsHost Rhonda Brackett, after a spiritual journey, stumbled on the Law of Attraction and healed her spirit and her health utilizing the Law of Attraction. TheHEALING LIGHT, 19 Mar 2013 01:00:00 GMTHEALING LIGHT Healing Light – A place where we will discuss and explore the many facets of energy work, including healing, psychic communication, manifesting, and working with crystals.  In our sessions, we will visit a variety of topics to help you live your ultimate life. We’ll discuss the art of energy healing and ways it can improve the quality of our lives, the importance of psychic protection, and ways to manifest the life you desire to live.  We want you to live the life you came here to live!  In addition to these subjects, we will also provide healing and intuitive sessions with your pets – helping you to create the perfect life for them.  We’ll have inspirational stories about animals that we have helped in the past, as well as those that we are continuing to help today. We will provide intuitive readings for our callers, as well as bringing in thought-provoking guests from a variety of backgrounds to help enrich your live and ours. Teri Van Horn is an Intuitive and Master Teacher who has been exploring Spirituality for over 30 years.  In that time she has become a Usui, Tibetan, Karuna, Atlantean and Crystal Reiki Master, in addition to being a Certified Crystal Healer.  Teri is a powerful intuitive, empath, and practicing shaman who also has a tremendous connection working with animals.  She is the author of several books, including:  365 Days of Blessings, Harness the Power of the Light, Manifesting the Life You Desire, and The Magic of Crystals.   You can learn more about Teri and the services that she provides on her website Tonight we'll be talking about one of my favorite subjects:  Gratitude and Blessings!  At the end of the show we'll also provide some of our listeners with one-card readings. 02:03:00USC RADIO PRODUCTIONS CH THREEnoHealing Light,Teri Van Horn,intuitive readings,spiritual empowerment,holistic healingHealing Light – A place where we will discuss and explore the many facets of energy work, including healing, psychic communication, manifesting, and working wiENERGETIC ADVANTAGE, 15 Mar 2013 01:00:00 GMTENERGETIC ADVANTAGEStill Looking Inward to Fix What’s Wrong?Are you feeling energy/emotions and still convinced that there's something wrong with YOU?   Isn't it time to move energy and bring your abilities out into the world?If it’s Soul ‘stuff’ – you could be stuck there indefinitely.  And if it IS Soul 'Stuff' - We can Clear it out because there is nothing wrong with you! The emotions you’re feeling may be Soul energy and after tonight – You may still feel energy – but you won’t feel the need to own it anymore - and that’s when things really change!Andi’s Unique Soul work will clear out old energies and Soul programs with immediate results! Welcome to Interactive SOUL Radio!  Call In!  Let’s Move Energy and Get You Moving Forward! You Can Contact Andi at: - Rhymes of Inspiration Office: 480-442-6349 01:02:00USC RADIO PRODUCTIONS CH THREEnoAndi Feinberg,Energetic Advantage,Pocket Tools of Transformation,Soul Baggage,Energy HealingStill Looking Inward to Fix What’s Wrong?Are you feeling energy/emotions and still convinced that there's something wrong with YOU?   Isn't it time to move enerHARMONY NOW RADIO SHOW WITH CINDY AND MICHAEL FESS, 13 Mar 2013 01:00:00 GMTHARMONY NOW RADIO SHOW WITH CINDY AND MICHAEL FESSHarmony Now with Cindy and Michael Fess endeavors to establish an all-inclusive platform of spirituality that reaches the entire community to bring all people together as a spiritual family. We bring timely topics to facilitate truth and enlightenment in an easy-to-understand, light-hearted and fun way. Our shows will include a variety of enlightening topics, interesting and informative guests, music, guided meditations, angel messages, and more! "How To Live and Inspired Life"        This show explores the methodology of how to use certain tools to live and inspired life!    01:31:00USC RADIO PRODUCTIONS CH THREEnoHARMONY NOW,MICHAEL FESS,CINDY FESS,SPIRITUALITY,ENLIGHTENMENTHarmony Now with Cindy and Michael Fess endeavors to establish an all-inclusive platform of spirituality that reaches the entire community to bring all people tENERGETIC ADVANTAGE, 08 Mar 2013 02:00:00 GMTENERGETIC ADVANTAGEWHERE ARE YOUR RESOURCES?? Have you been waiting for the focus and the clarity to show up so you can know what to do next? If a Soul’s been harmed while working in life purpose – its fears may be keeping you from fully stepping on your path until its spiritual “baggage” gets cleared!  Tonight is about clearing for the Soul to feel safe and secure with Life Purpose – so you can soar! Welcome to Interactive Soul Radio! Andi’s clearing work will clear out old energies and Soul programs with immediate results. Let’s Move Energy and Move Forward!00:54:00USC RADIO PRODUCTIONS CH THREEnoEnergetic Advantage,Andi Feinberg,Pocket Tools for Transformation,Soul energy,spiritual healingWHERE ARE YOUR RESOURCES?? Have you been waiting for the focus and the clarity to show up so you can know what to do next? If a Soul’s been harmed while workinModern Day Spiritual Journey -spiritual coach - Asha Parker, 06 Mar 2013 23:30:00 GMTModern Day Spiritual Journey -spiritual coach - Asha Parker     Asha Parker lives in San Diego, California but grew up in St. Louis, Missouri.  She was raised in a fundamental Christian belief-system and became a religious-addict.  As she approached middle-age and matured, she started to heal from her upbringing.  When a brother of hers was violently murdered, she was deeply grief-stricken. A Grief Counselor suggested she attend a meeting of I.A.N.D.S. which is the International Association of Near Death Studies. There she was exposed to survivors of N.D.E.’s telling their accounts of dying and coming back to life.  She experienced a Sprititually Transformative Experience (S.T.E.) herself.  This catapulted her into a shift in consciousness and a deep spiritual journey of curiosity and investigation. Asha left St. Louis for New York City when she was twenty-three, living in The Big Apple until her early forties.  She relocated to Tucson, Arizona in the 1990’s to do intensive healing.  After much internal change, she then moved to San Diego in 2001. Asha provides Spiritual Coaching, having a gift for people feeling comfortable and drawn to share their deeper concerns with what is transpiring in their lives. Her favorite spiritual passions are reincarnation, near death experiences, spiritually transformative experiences, life in other dimensions, people’s spiritual journeys, cosmology, karma, and ultimately: Self-Realization.  Asha can be reached by email at: and phone #: 760.715.7725. Host Rhonda Brackett, M.Msc. has a degree in Metaphysical Sciences and was guided to  study the Law of Attraction after a profound spiritual experience. Rhonda is a spiritual coach and teaches the principles of the Law of Attraction in her coaching. Rhonda can be contacted by calling her at 314-596-2356. 01:32:00USC RADIO PRODUCTIONS CH THREEnoRhonda Brackett,Modern Day Spiritual Journey,Asha Parker,Near death experiences,Self realizationAsha Parker lives in San Diego, California but grew up in St. Louis, Missouri.  She was raised in a fundamental Christian belief-system and became a reliHARMONY NOW RADIO SHOW WITH CINDY AND MICHAEL FESS, 06 Mar 2013 02:00:00 GMTHARMONY NOW RADIO SHOW WITH CINDY AND MICHAEL FESSHarmony Now with Cindy and Michael Fess endeavors to establish an all-inclusive platform of spirituality that reaches the entire community to bring all people together as a spiritual family. We bring timely topics to facilitate truth and enlightenment in an easy-to-understand, light-hearted and fun way. Our shows will include a variety of enlightening topics, interesting and informative guests, music, guided meditations, angel messages, and more!~~~~Tuesday Mar. 5th "Honoring Your Intuition" How to use and acknowledge your intuition as a guiding force in your life! We will be exploring this fascinating topic and talking how our intuition guides our lives!~~~~01:31:00USC RADIO PRODUCTIONS CH THREEnoHarmony Now,MICHAEL FESS,CINDY FESS,SPIRITUALITY,ENLIGHTENMENTHarmony Now with Cindy and Michael Fess endeavors to establish an all-inclusive platform of spirituality that reaches the entire community to bring all people tENERGETIC ADVANTAGE, 01 Mar 2013 02:00:00 GMTENERGETIC ADVANTAGEARE YOU WORKING IN LIMIT?We're Going to CLEAR the LIMITING Soul Programs and GAIN UNLIMITED Perpective & More!! Is there one area in life that no matter what you do – you’re stuck at the same place?  With money, life purpose, love, recognition, family….the Soul’s fears can keep you right where it feels safe!  Welcome to Interactive Soul Radio! When past life harm &/or harm to others has left an imprint on the Soul…it often keeps you sidetracked with energy – and trying to figure out what inside of you needs to be fixed.  Clearing these Soul “limits” will have you fully stepping forward where you’ve been stuck!We'll Lose the Limit AND GAIN UNLIMITED Perspective with Special Guest:  Rita of  Rita is clearly a Master and tonight - She'l talk take us through our 12 chakra system....and help us tune-in and fine tune the chakras we need to use now....and forward on the Path to Unity!Let’s Move Energy and Move Forward!01:15:00USC RADIO PRODUCTIONS CH THREEnoEnergetic Advantage,Andi Feinberg,Posket Tools for Transformation,Soul blocks,Energetic HealingARE YOU WORKING IN LIMIT?We're Going to CLEAR the LIMITING Soul Programs and GAIN UNLIMITED Perpective & More!! Is there one area in life that no matter what yoModern Day Spiritual Journey welcomes Dreammaster1, 27 Feb 2013 23:30:00 GMTModern Day Spiritual Journey welcomes Dreammaster1 My guest this afternoon is Dennis Dyche. Dennis is a healer and spiritual coach who resides in Ontario, Canada.     This afternoon we will be talking about dreams, lucid dreaming and astral travel. Dennis  is a lucid dreamer and astral traveler and has offered to share his wisdom about dreaming with us this afternoon. Dennis hosts his own show, Dreammaster1, on Blog Talk Radio, where he discusses spirituality and consciousness and the link between Spirit and science, the interconnectivity we all share with Universal Energy.  You can contact Dennis through his Facebook page, Host Rhonda Brackett has studied the Law of Attraction extensively over the past 10 years after a spiritual experience that led her to embark on a journey to understand the Law of Attraction. She has a Masters Degree in Metaphysical Sciences.  You can contact Rhonda at 314-596-2356 for more information about  Law of Attraction coaching.  01:27:00USC RADIO PRODUCTIONS CH THREEnoRhonda Brackett,Modern Day Spiritual Journey,Dennis Dyche,Astral Travel,Lucid DreamingMy guest this afternoon is Dennis Dyche. Dennis is a healer and spiritual coach who resides in Ontario, Canada.     This afternoon we will be talking about drHARMONY NOW SHOW with Hosts Michael and Cindy, 27 Feb 2013 02:00:00 GMTHARMONY NOW SHOW with Hosts Michael and Cindy Harmony Now with Cindy and Michael Fess endeavors to establish an all-inclusive platform of spirituality that reaches the entire community to bring all people together as a spiritual family. We bring timely topics to facilitate truth and enlightenment in an easy-to-understand, lighthearted and fun way. Our shows will include a variety of enlightening topics, interesting and informative guests, music, guided meditations, angel messages, and more with call in questions welcome! In that light, we will create programs that help individuals be self-empowered and sovereign in their own being. Please join us each week for upliftment, empowerment, relaxation, and fun!  Website: "Reationships and Boundaries"    Tonight's broadcast will explore finding relationships and the boundaries that are inherent in that process. Join Cindy and Michael in a very in-depth and fun talk about the relationships in our lives-- and those that are on their way!!! 02:00:00USC RADIO PRODUCTIONS CH THREEnoHarmony Now,Cindy Fess,Michael Fess,universal spiritual connection,spiritual upliftmentHarmony Now with Cindy and Michael Fess endeavors to establish an all-inclusive platform of spirituality that reaches the entire community to bring all people tENERGETIC ADVANTAGE, 22 Feb 2013 02:00:00 GMTENERGETIC ADVANTAGEDoes Any Area in Your Life Feel Blocked? If those stuck places are coming from your Soul and past lives – We’re going to clear them tonight. Call in with one area that’s challenged you to a point beyond knowing what or why!  Souls can be mighty creative to take on energy that keeps you from FULLY stepping and moving forward. Welcome to Interactive SOUL Radio! Andi’s clearing work will clear past lives, limiting Soul programs and blocked energetic pathways in the body and more – with immediate results. Website: At 7:30 tonight - Licensed and Master Acupuncturist  and health Expert Richard Brightheart L.Ac, M.Ac., L.M.P will join us for a bit….he is also the author of what I consider ‘one of the most important books of the decade:              “An Integrative Approach to Healing Chronic Illness –Revealing the ROOT CAUSE of Modern Disease.   You may check him out at…  His offices are in Arizona – Prescott and Scottsdale.  (360) 705-1960 Let’s Move Energy and Move Forward! 01:00:00USC RADIO PRODUCTIONS CH THREEnoEnergetic Advantage,Andi Feinberg,Pocket Tools for Transformation,Healing Energy,Energetic PathwaysDoes Any Area in Your Life Feel Blocked? If those stuck places are coming from your Soul and past lives – We’re going to clear them tonight. Call in with oneHARMONY NOW RADIO SHOW WITH CINDY AND MICHAEL FESS, 20 Feb 2013 02:00:00 GMTHARMONY NOW RADIO SHOW WITH CINDY AND MICHAEL FESSHarmony Now with Cindy and Michael Fess endeavors to establish an all-inclusive platform of spirituality that reaches the entire community to bring all people together as a spiritual family. We bring timely topics to facilitate truth and enlightenment in an easy-to-understand, lighthearted and fun way. Our shows will include a variety of enlightening topics, interesting and informative guests, music, guided meditations, angel messages, and more with call in questions welcome! In that light, we will create programs that help individuals be self-empowered and sovereign in their own being. Please join us each week for upliftment, empowerment, relaxation, and fun! www.harmonynow.comCindy Fess~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~" How To Find Your Joy and Keep It!"       On tonight's show we will discuss the art of staying in your joy....which affects all other areas of your life! We will be speaking about true happiness and how passionate people go about making it the priority of their life! Please join us and give us a call if you are so inspired!02:00:00USC RADIO PRODUCTIONS CH THREEnoHARMONY NOW,MICHAEL FESS,CINDY FESS,SPIRITUALITY,EMPOWERMENTHarmony Now with Cindy and Michael Fess endeavors to establish an all-inclusive platform of spirituality that reaches the entire community to bring all people tENERGETIC ADVANTAGE, 15 Feb 2013 02:00:00 GMTENERGETIC ADVANTAGEHAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY!! This isInteractive Soul Radio with Andi! Tonight we're clearing any Soul "snags" that might be in your 'Path of Love'! If your Soul is carrying any "Spiritual Baggage" from past lives hindering you or have you working in 'limit', Let's clear it out! This work offers immediate results! Many Soul "Symptoms" can show up, from blocked energetic pathways in the body to times you may feel insecure, have unexplainable fears or hesitancies.  No worries. Your Soul will let you know! Andi has been working with Souls for 21 years, clearing to "smooth out the bumps" in all areas of Life!  COUPLES: One or both of you: Call in & we'll look in your Soul's Records & see what energies can be cleared out for good!  SINGLES: If you want to bring in Love but feel there's something in the way - Please call!  Let's have FUN & Make a Difference for LOVE to BLOOM!01:01:00USC RADIO PRODUCTIONS CH THREEnoEnergetic Advantage,Andi Feinberg,Pocket Tools for Transformation,Energy Healing,Soul RecordsHAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY!! This isInteractive Soul Radio with Andi! Tonight we're clearing any Soul "snags" that might be in your 'Path of Love'! If your Soul isPrerecord: Modern Day Spiritual Journey- Shaman Pat Tulhoske, 13 Feb 2013 23:30:00 GMTPrerecord: Modern Day Spiritual Journey- Shaman Pat Tulhoske Pat’s life purpose is to help people reconnect with Nature and claim their sense of wholeness as they heal Nature from the effects of pollution and habitat destruction.  Awareness of ancient people’s philosophy and spiritual folk traditions has taught her the power of natural healing and deep spiritual living. In her late teens, Pat became a student of horticulture and plant medicine.  In 1983 she began her studies in earth awareness with Sun Bear as a tribal apprentice and nature spirit communication with Dorothy Maclean of Findhorn and Machaelle Small Wright of Perelandra.  Shamanic skills were cultivated with Michael Harner, Sandra Ingerman, Brant Secunda and Tom Cowan.  Pat is a member of the Society of Shamanic Practitioners and is a perpetual pupil of plants; spirit allies; Celtic ancestors; and her dogs, Finn and Morgan. Pat now offers her Sacred Circle wreath as a portal to healing. Contact her with your request and she will weave your intentions and prayers into your Sacred Circle. Nature retreats are facilitated by Pat Tuholske who has been a Missouri Ozark forest dweller working with herbal medicine and practicing shamanism for three decades.   This show has been pre-recorded.  Host Rhonda Brackett stumbled on the Law of Attraction while on her spiritual journey and has studied these principles extensively for the past ten years. For more information about co01:02:00USC RADIO PRODUCTIONS CH THREEnoShamanism,Pat Tuholske,Rhonda Brackett,Modern Day Spiritual Journey,Law of attractionPat’s life purpose is to help people reconnect with Nature and claim their sense of wholeness as they heal Nature from the effects of pollution and habitat desHARMONY NOW RADIO SHOW WITH CINDY AND MICHAEL FESS, 13 Feb 2013 02:00:00 GMTHARMONY NOW RADIO SHOW WITH CINDY AND MICHAEL FESSHarmony Now with Cindy and Michael Fess endeavors to establish an all-inclusive platform of spirituality that reaches the entire community to bring all people together as a spiritual family. We bring timely topics to facilitate truth and enlightenment in an easy-to-understand, lighthearted and fun way. Our shows will include a variety of enlightening topics, interesting and informative guests, music, guided meditations, angel messages, and more with call in questions welcome! In that light, we will create programs that help individuals to be self-empowered and sovereign in their own being. Please join us each week for upliftment, empowerment, relaxation, and fun!Website:      ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                             "Your Living Space"   On our 2nd installment we pull out all the stops on creating a beautiful and thriving environment in the place that you call 'home'! We'll be talking about how water, crystals, plants, music, light, aromatherapy and the art of  feng shui all play a major role in buildng the energy that  you live with at home! Join Cindy and I for an interesting and fun show Tuesday night at 9 (eastern) 8 (central) right here at USC !!02:00:00USC RADIO PRODUCTIONS CH THREEnoHARMONY NOW,MICHAEL FESS,CINDY FESS,SPIRITUALITY,SELF EMPOWERMENTHarmony Now with Cindy and Michael Fess endeavors to establish an all-inclusive platform of spirituality that reaches the entire community to bring all people tHARMONY NOW SHOW HOSTS MICHAEL AND CINDY FESS, 06 Feb 2013 02:00:00 GMTHARMONY NOW SHOW HOSTS MICHAEL AND CINDY FESSHarmony Now with Cindy and Michael Fess endeavors to establish an all-inclusive platform of spirituality that reaches the entire community to bring all people together as a united spiritual family. We will bring timely topics to facilitate truth and enlightenment in an easy-to-understand, lighthearted and fun way. Our shows will include a variety of enlightening topics, interesting and informative guests, music, guided meditations, angel messages, and more with call in questions welcome! In that light, we will create programs that help individuals be self-empowered and sovereign in their own being. Please join us each week for upliftment, empowerment, relaxation, and fun!Website:                            "The Loop"   Please join us as we discuss one of the  most important universal laws of cause and effect, that we call "being in the loop." In this new energy, it is more important than ever to be mindful of our actions and thoughts, as they come back to us on a loop very quickly. The quality of your life, is a direct result of the quality of the energy you put "in the loop."   Please call in or sign into our chat room and join the discussion for a fun, fast-paced show! Cindy and Michael02:00:00USC RADIO PRODUCTIONS CH THREEnoHARMONY NOW,MICHAEL FESS,CINDY FESS,SPIRITUALITY,ENLIGHTENMENTHarmony Now with Cindy and Michael Fess endeavors to establish an all-inclusive platform of spirituality that reaches the entire community to bring all people tTEST SHOW ONLY, 02 Feb 2013 01:00:00 GMTTEST SHOW ONLYTEST SHOW WITH LEILANI, CINDY AND MICHAEL01:01:00USC RADIO PRODUCTIONS CH THREEnoTEST SHOW,LEILANI GRAHAM,MICHAEL FESS,CINDY FESS,TEST RADIOTEST SHOW WITH LEILANI, CINDY AND MICHAELPre-record: Modern Day Spiritual Journey - Dream messages!, 30 Jan 2013 23:30:00 GMTPre-record: Modern Day Spiritual Journey - Dream messages! “Dreaming is the most commonly recognized means that the inner mind communicates to the outer mind. The idea that dreams are a communication from beyond the physical existence is not new. For thousands of years mankind has been captivated and perplexed by memories of experiences arising when his physical consciousness is at rest. These memories have become an integral part of ever culture on this planet.” My guest this evening is Judy Weber, Area Director for the School of Metaphysics. We will be talking about dreams, their importance and messages to us as dreamers. The phone number for the St Louis School of Metaphysics where Judy can be reached is 314-645-0036. This show has been recorded. I hope you enjoy finding out more about dreams! Rhonda Brackett, M.Msc. has a Masters Degree in Metaphysical Sciences.     While on her spiritual journey,  Rhonda stumbled on the Law of Attraction. Rhonda is a spiritual teacher and an avid Law of Attraction practitioner and teacher. She can be reached by calling 314-596-2356.  01:28:00USC RADIO PRODUCTIONS CH THREEnoDreams,Rhonda Brackett,Modern Day Spiritual Journey,Law of Attraction,Empowerment“Dreaming is the most commonly recognized means that the inner mind communicates to the outer mind. The idea that dreams are a communication from beyond the phModern Day Spiritual Journey - Rhonda Brackett - Angels 101, 09 Jan 2013 23:30:00 GMTModern Day Spiritual Journey - Rhonda Brackett - Angels 101 Rhonda welcomes Joy Barker. Joy Barker is a Certified Angel Therapy Practitioner, having received her Certification from Doreen Virtue, PhD.  This evening we will be talking about angels and how to work with your angels. Joy is also a Reiki Master, Spiritual Teacher and Healer.  Joy can also be heard on her own show, Love, Light and Joy on the Wake UP, Lightworkers on Blog Talk Radio.   For more information on Joy’s services, visit her website at This show will be about angels and working with your angels. There will be no readings on this particular show. If you have a question about angels, please call us at 347-327-9164. Host Rhonda Brackett has a Masters Degree in Metaphysical Sciences.  She has studied the Law of Attraction extensively over the past 10 years after a spiritual experience that led her to embark on a journey to understand the Law of Attraction. You can contact Rhonda at 314-596-2356 for more information about  Law of Attraction coaching.  01:29:00USC RADIO PRODUCTIONS CH THREEnoJoy Barker,Angels,Modern Day Spiritual Journey,Rhonda Brackett,Law of AttractionRhonda welcomes Joy Barker. Joy Barker is a Certified Angel Therapy Practitioner, having received her Certification from Doreen Virtue, PhD.  This evening we