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The predictions Linda has made in her book and online have so frequently come true, she is attracting hundreds of thousands of readers to her website. She predicted the stock market crash and a global depression starting in 2008, a... more

Are you ready to experience Fort Snelling's resident spirits, Wabasha Street Caves' ghostly gangsters, Native American warriors, and the restless souls of criminals and murder victims? Join ghost hunter and historian Adrian Lee, along... more

Do you ever wonder how to tell the difference between a nightmare and precognitive dream? There's been a lot of talk lately about 2012 predictions several of those stemming from precognitive dreams. Many of us have... more

Matt "DoomGuy? Victor is an expert on doomsday scenarios and survival techniques. He lives in Australia and runs the popular website doomguide.com. His advice to people concerning the coming apocalypse is, "Don't Panic!? He... more

GARY A DAVID AUTHOR: STAR SHRINES AND EARTHWORKS OF THE DESERT SOUTHWEST Gary A. David has studied the archaeology and archaeoastronomy of the Southwest for over 25 years. He earned a master's... more

Dr. Barry Taff, who holds a doctorate in psychophysiology with a minor in biomedical engineering, is a world-renowned parapsychologist who worked out of UCLA's former parapsychology laboratory from 1969 through 1978 as a... more

Free, and Thinking People, or Enslaved Zombies, and Hypocrites, Join us tonight at 7pm MST for a special 1st show in a very long time. The show will be a short 30 minute show, and will cover... well, things I want to talk about ;) Sancho

Free, and Thinking People, or Enslaved Zombies, and Hypocrites, Red Sector Radio

Free, and Thinking People, or Enslaved Zombies, and Hypocrites, Please join us tonight for the news that is truly shaping the world we live in; as always, guaranteed no TMZ style distractionary drivel, or the like. See You All There!

Free, and Thinking People, or Enslaved Zombies, and Hypocrites, Please join us tonight for Week in Review at The Round Table. All are welcome to participate, and share their thoughts. See You All There! VON HELMAN IS IN THE... more

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