Threepercenters Citizens for Constitutional Restoration. enCopyright Jim arroll Commander (C/O Blogtalkradio)Sat, 15 Jun 2019 01:45:00 GMTFri, 01 Jun 2012 02:00:00 GMTPolitics ConservativeBlogTalkRadio Feed v2.0 Citizens for Constitutional Restoration. feeds@blogtalkradio.comBlogTalkRadio.compolitics conservative,liberty,republic,constitution,americanism,fidelity,globalism,honor,thomas jefferson,patriotThreepercentersnoConcerned Citizens for Constitutional Restoration.episodicOur Republic in Crisis!, 01 Jun 2012 02:00:00 GMTOur Republic in Crisis! What is our people unwittingly throwing away by embracing the culture and propaganda that is promoted in our society today? What does it mean to be an American? What made America special, unique, free? Who were those long dead men and women in America's past that talked about liberty, responsibility, honor, duty, respect,... values that seem to be fading in our minds and attitudes? Join with me in discussing these things and let us rediscover the vision that later became America. Help me rediscover the drive, determination, and will to restore that America... if we don't do it, our children's children will pay the price of our failure. The time is now to discover the 3% of determined patriots that will do whatever it takes to secure the blessings of liberty once again for the benefit of future generations of Americans... and eventually by our example, the world. 00:34:00Threepercentersnoamericanism,republic,liberty,fidelity,honorWhat is our people unwittingly throwing away by embracing the culture and propaganda that is promoted in our society today? What does it mean to be an AmericanOur Republic in Crisis!, 18 May 2012 02:00:00 GMTOur Republic in Crisis! What is our people unwittingly throwing away by embracing the culture and propaganda that is promoted in our society today? What does it mean to be an American? What made America special, unique, free? Who were those long dead men and women in America's past that talked about liberty, responsibility, honor, duty, respect,... values that seem to be fading in our minds and attitudes? Join with me in discussing these things and let us rediscover the vision that later became America. Help me rediscover the drive, determination, and will to restore that America... if we don't do it, our children's children will pay the price of our failure. The time is now to discover the 3% of determined patriots that will do whatever it takes to secure the blessings of liberty once again for the benefit of future generations of Americans... and eventually by our example, the world. 02:00:00Threepercentersnoamericanism,republic,liberty,fidelity,honorWhat is our people unwittingly throwing away by embracing the culture and propaganda that is promoted in our society today? What does it mean to be an AmericanOur Republic in Crisis!, 11 May 2012 02:00:00 GMTOur Republic in Crisis! What is our people unwittingly throwing away by embracing the culture and propaganda that is promoted in our society today? What does it mean to be an American? What made America special, unique, free? Who were those long dead men and women in America's past that talked about liberty, responsibility, honor, duty, respect,... values that seem to be fading in our minds and attitudes? Join with me in discussing these things and let us rediscover the vision that later became America. Help me rediscover the drive, determination, and will to restore that America... if we don't do it, our children's children will pay the price of our failure. The time is now to discover the 3% of determined patriots that will do whatever it takes to secure the blessings of liberty once again for the benefit of future generations of Americans... and eventually by our example, the world. 02:06:00Threepercentersnoamericanism,republic,liberty,fidelity,honorWhat is our people unwittingly throwing away by embracing the culture and propaganda that is promoted in our society today? What does it mean to be an AmericanOur Republic in Crisis!, 04 May 2012 02:00:00 GMTOur Republic in Crisis! What is our people unwittingly throwing away by embracing the culture and propaganda that is promoted in our society today? What does it mean to be an American? What made America special, unique, free? Who were those long dead men and women in America's past that talked about liberty, responsibility, honor, duty, respect,... values that seem to be fading in our minds and attitudes? Join with me in discussing these things and let us rediscover the vision that later became America. Help me rediscover the drive, determination, and will to restore that America... if we don't do it, our children's children will pay the price of our failure. The time is now to discover the 3% of determined patriots that will do whatever it takes to secure the blessings of liberty once again for the benefit of future generations of Americans... and eventually by our example, the world. 02:07:00Threepercentersnoamericanism,republic,liberty,fidelity,honorWhat is our people unwittingly throwing away by embracing the culture and propaganda that is promoted in our society today? What does it mean to be an AmericanOur Republic in Crisis! Government, 27 Apr 2012 02:00:00 GMTOur Republic in Crisis! Let's talk about the restoration of our republican form of government... resistance to tyranny in all its forms...and other topics of interest to Americans from a constitutional perspective. 02:00:00ThreepercentersnoAmerican,heritage,Constitution,patriot,governmentLet's talk about the restoration of our republican form of government... resistance to tyranny in all its forms...and other topics of interest to Americans froOur Republic in Crisis! Government, 20 Apr 2012 02:00:00 GMTOur Republic in Crisis! Today is Patriot Day... at least it used to be. Come join with me in remembering our revolutionary heritage. 02:05:00Threepercentersnopatriot,radio,III,Constitution,revolutionToday is Patriot Day... at least it used to be. Come join with me in remembering our revolutionary heritage.Our Republic in Crisis! Conservative, 13 Apr 2012 02:00:00 GMTOur Republic in Crisis! Tonight we're going to discuss the forces arrayed against us, with particular emphasis on the oath of office and the various ways we are under attack. 02:01:00Threepercentersnoliberty,Constitution,Thomas,Mick,threeTonight we're going to discuss the forces arrayed against us, with particular emphasis on the oath of office and the various ways we are under attack.Our Republic in Crisis! Government, 06 Apr 2012 02:00:00 GMTOur Republic in Crisis! This is a show sponsored by the Three Percenters to discuss information vital to the restoration of our republic from those that are destroying it. The host, Thomas Mick, has been watching our enemies and warning people for nearly 40 years, for the most part people too busy with their day to day lives to see the looming threat... Now people can actually see what our enemies are doing and millions are waking up. If the republic is to survive, if our children's children are to live in a land of liberty and opportunity, then you must say enough, take a stand, and defeat those that will enslave us. It is the goal of the host to inform and enlighten you on the principles of the republic.... see the actions of the government from a constitutional perspective... and discover who is pulling the strings of our legislators in Congress. This will NOT be like any show most of you have heard; at least once I get aclimated to hosting it! 02:00:00Threepercentersnoglobalism,liberty,Constitution,Thomas Jefferson,republicThis is a show sponsored by the Three Percenters to discuss information vital to the restoration of our republic from those that are destroying it. TheOur Republic in Crisis! Government, 30 Mar 2012 02:00:00 GMTOur Republic in Crisis! This is a show sponsored by the Three Percenters to discuss information vital to the restoration of our republic from those that are destroying it. The host, Thomas Mick, has been watching our enemies and warning people for nearly 40 years, for the most part people too busy with their day to day lives to see the looming threat... Now people can actually see what our enemies are doing and millions are waking up. If the republic is to survive, if our children's children are to live in a land of liberty and opportunity, then you must say enough, take a stand, and defeat those that will enslave us. It is the goal of the host to inform and enlighten you on the principles of the republic.... see the actions of the government from a constitutional perspective... and discover who is pulling the strings of our legislators in Congress. This will NOT be like any show most of you have heard; at least once I get aclimated to hosting it! 01:58:00Threepercentersnoglobalism,liberty,Constitution,Thomas Jefferson,republicThis is a show sponsored by the Three Percenters to discuss information vital to the restoration of our republic from those that are destroying it. TheOur Republic in Crisis! Government, 23 Mar 2012 02:00:00 GMTOur Republic in Crisis! This is a show sponsored by the Three Percenters to discuss information vital to the restoration of our republic from those that are destroying it. The host, Thomas Mick, has been watching our enemies and warning people for nearly 40 years, for the most part people too busy with their day to day lives to see the looming threat... Now people can actually see what our enemies are doing and millions are waking up. If the republic is to survive, if our children's children are to live in a land of liberty and opportunity, then you must say enough, take a stand, and defeat those that will enslave us. It is the goal of the host to inform and enlighten you on the principles of the republic.... see the actions of the government from a constitutional perspective... and discover who is pulling the strings of our legislators in Congress. This will NOT be like any show most of you have heard; at least once I get aclimated to hosting it! 01:23:00Threepercentersnoglobalism,liberty,Constitution,Thomas Jefferson,republicThis is a show sponsored by the Three Percenters to discuss information vital to the restoration of our republic from those that are destroying it. TheOur Republic in Crisis!, 21 Mar 2012 02:00:00 GMTOur Republic in Crisis! Tonight we're going to discuss the definition of "natural born citizens" as that term was understood by those who wrote the Constitution in 1787. We are also going to discuss, at length, the oaths taken by various branches of the military, Congress, the President, the Federal Judiciary, and our representatives to the United Nations. All of this enhanced by your calls. 02:01:00ThreepercentersnoOaths,natural born citizen,sovereignty,Rights,allegianceTonight we're going to discuss the definition of "natural born citizens" as that term was understood by those who wrote the Constitution in 1787. We are alsoOur Republic in Crisis! Government, 16 Mar 2012 02:00:00 GMTOur Republic in Crisis! This is a show sponsored by the Three Percenters to discuss information vital to the restoration of our republic from those that are destroying it. The host, Thomas Mick, has been watching our enemies and warning people for nearly 40 years, for the most part people too busy with their day to day lives to see the looming threat... Now people can actually see what our enemies are doing and millions are waking up. If the republic is to survive, if our children's children are to live in a land of liberty and opportunity, then you must say enough, take a stand, and defeat those that will enslave us. It is the goal of the host to inform and enlighten you on the principles of the republic.... see the actions of the government from a constitutional perspective... and discover who is pulling the strings of our legislators in Congress. This will NOT be like any show most of you have heard; at least once I get aclimated to hosting it! 01:57:00Threepercentersnoglobalism,liberty,Constitution,Thomas Jefferson,republicThis is a show sponsored by the Three Percenters to discuss information vital to the restoration of our republic from those that are destroying it. TheTest Show, 15 Mar 2012 06:30:00 GMTTest Show This is a test show to familiarize  us with this application. 00:24:00Threepercentersnotest,show,three,percenters,hello worldThis is a test show to familiarize  us with this application.