H20 Networkhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetworkH2O seeks to explore and engage in truthful dialogue regarding human life emotionally, and spiritually. In today’s connected world experience, access to information is almost limitless. Let us share our insight, broaden the spectrum of understanding so that we can move forward enlightened, hopeful and willing to participate in all human affairs. enCopyright Diah Nunez (C/O Blogtalkradio)Sat, 15 Jun 2019 17:30:00 GMTSun, 11 Feb 2018 20:00:00 GMTSpiritualityBlogTalkRadio Feed v2.0https://dasg7xwmldix6.cloudfront.net/hostpics/0212dcca-b2be-4e94-85ff-d7aeb107d202_h20.jpgH20 Networkhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetworkH2O seeks to explore and engage in truthful dialogue regarding human life emotionally, and spiritually. In today’s connected world experience, access to information is almost limitless. Let us share our insight, broaden the spectrum of understanding so that we can move forward enlightened, hopeful and willing to participate in all human affairs. feeds@blogtalkradio.comBlogTalkRadio.comConsciousness Research,Metaphysics,Spiritual,Authors,The H20 Network,Dia Nunez. Pod casting,Internet RadioH2O NetwonoH2O seeks to explore and engage in truthful dialogue regarding human life emotionally, and spiritually. In today’s connected world experience, access to informepisodicThe H20 Network: Author Sadiki Bakari Reality vs.Virtual Realityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2018/02/11/the-h20-network-author-sadiki-bakari-reality-vsvirtual-realitySpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2018/02/11/the-h20-network-author-sadiki-bakari-reality-vsvirtual-reality/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2018/02/11/the-h20-network-author-sadiki-bakari-reality-vsvirtual-realitySun, 11 Feb 2018 20:00:00 GMTThe H20 Network: Author Sadiki Bakari Reality vs.Virtual RealityTopics: Reality vs. Virtual Reality, Netflix Series Altered Carbon, Uploading Consciousness, Sex Dolls, Sex Robots and AI, Psychosexual Programming, the Nefertiti Distraction, Holograms, and Hollywood, Decoding History, Current Events and more. Sadiki Bakari is a proven futurist, an empowerment specialist, master trainer, one of the preeminent visual lecturers of his generation and has created a three dimensional (literary, visual and audio) blueprint for our progeny. Armed with the ancestor’s primordial intelligence, he is able to invoke the genome of one’s DNA. His lectures and seminars bring forth a renewal of the spirit, cleansing of the soul and a call to action. Bakari is also an international organizer, fearless visionary, luminary, published author, columnist, people’s advocate and explosive spoken word artisan. His creativity and unique style of interfacing with the spirit and meta-information gives Sadiki the rare ability of seizing the moment and awakening the divinity of his audiences. http://www.sadikibakari.com/ Dia Nunez The H20 Network: https://www.facebook.com/TheH20Network/ 02:06:00H2O NetwonoDia Nunez,Author Sadiki Bakari,Transhumanism,Artificial Intelligence,A.I.Topics: Reality vs. Virtual Reality, Netflix Series Altered Carbon, Uploading Consciousness, Sex Dolls, Sex Robots and AI, Psychosexual Programming, the Neferti021de7b1-a8a7-4b2f-9012-45922c858b5b12fullThe Anthony Peake Consciouness Hour: Inventor Pier Rubesa Important Announcementhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2015/12/13/the-anthony-peake-consciouness-hour-inventor-pier-rubesa-important-announcementSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2015/12/13/the-anthony-peake-consciouness-hour-inventor-pier-rubesa-important-announcement/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2015/12/13/the-anthony-peake-consciouness-hour-inventor-pier-rubesa-important-announcementSun, 13 Dec 2015 17:00:00 GMTThe Anthony Peake Consciouness Hour: Inventor Pier Rubesa Important AnnouncementWe are building up to THE most amazing Consciousness Hour show ever ... so important that Dia Nunez and I have agreed that it should be broadcast live on Sunday afternoon at 1700 GMT. Our guest will be a Swiss-based Croatian-Canadian inventor by the name of Pier Rubesa. What Pier will be sharing with us, and broadcast for the first-time ever, is an announcement about his work that will both stun and fascinate. Pier already owns a series of Swiss patents for a handful of revolutionary inventions that have involved him working directly with CERN and others that have been approved by the Swiss medical authorities. In many ways Pier seems to be a latter-day Tesla. Just to confirm that this will be the first time ever that Pier has described the source of his inventions. This story involves two NDE experiences and an encounter with a being that I describe as "The Daemon," But most importantly Pier will be sharing with us the story behind an object he calls "The Octastone" and his plans for this intriguing artefact. You really cannot afford to miss this live show ... 00:58:00H2O NetwonoConsciouness,Anthony Peake,Authors,NDE,DreamingDiscussion about consciousnessThinking About Lukumi Differently With Lukumi Elder Oba Ernesto Pichardo Part 10http://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2015/10/25/thinking-about-lukumi-differently-with-lukumi-elder-oba-ernesto-pichardo-part-10Spiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2015/10/25/thinking-about-lukumi-differently-with-lukumi-elder-oba-ernesto-pichardo-part-10/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2015/10/25/thinking-about-lukumi-differently-with-lukumi-elder-oba-ernesto-pichardo-part-10Sun, 25 Oct 2015 21:00:00 GMTThinking About Lukumi Differently With Lukumi Elder Oba Ernesto Pichardo Part 10Dia Nunez continues conversation with Lukumi elder Oba Ernesto Pichardo Part nine 01:12:00H2O NetwonoLukumi Community,spirituality,Orisha,CLBA,Oba Ernesto PichardoLukumi Community, Orisha,Priesthood, CLBA,Oba Ernesto Pichardo, Historical research,TraditionThinking Differently About Lukumi With Elder Oba Ernesto Pichardo Part 9http://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2015/10/04/thinking-differently-about-lukumi-with-elder-oba-ernesto-pichardo-part-9Spiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2015/10/04/thinking-differently-about-lukumi-with-elder-oba-ernesto-pichardo-part-9/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2015/10/04/thinking-differently-about-lukumi-with-elder-oba-ernesto-pichardo-part-9Sun, 04 Oct 2015 21:00:00 GMTThinking Differently About Lukumi With Elder Oba Ernesto Pichardo Part 9Disscussing Papal visit to Cuba and the United States, and many other topics of interest to Lukumi Community. 02:05:00H2O NetwonoCLBA,Oba Ernesto Pichardo,Orisha,Lukumi,Priestly LifeDiscussing Papal Visit to Cuba and The United StatesThinking About Lukumi Differently with Lukumi Elder Oba Ernesto Pichardo Part 8http://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2015/09/06/thinking-about-lukumi-differently-with-lukumi-elder-oba-ernesto-pichardo-part-8Spiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2015/09/06/thinking-about-lukumi-differently-with-lukumi-elder-oba-ernesto-pichardo-part-8/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2015/09/06/thinking-about-lukumi-differently-with-lukumi-elder-oba-ernesto-pichardo-part-8Sun, 06 Sep 2015 21:00:00 GMTThinking About Lukumi Differently with Lukumi Elder Oba Ernesto Pichardo Part 8Dia Nunez and Oba Ernesto Pichardo continue their conversation.....Lukumi identity, class status in the United States and Cuba 01:57:00H2O NetwonoCLBA,Orisha,community,humanity,way of thinkingSpeaking about Lukumi DifferentlyThinking Differently About Lukumi With Lukumi Elder Oba Ernesto Pichardo Part 7http://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2015/08/16/thinking-differently-about-lukumi-with-lukumi-elder-oba-ernesto-pichardo-part-7Spiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2015/08/16/thinking-differently-about-lukumi-with-lukumi-elder-oba-ernesto-pichardo-part-7/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2015/08/16/thinking-differently-about-lukumi-with-lukumi-elder-oba-ernesto-pichardo-part-7Sun, 16 Aug 2015 21:00:00 GMTThinking Differently About Lukumi With Lukumi Elder Oba Ernesto Pichardo Part 7Dia Nunez talks with Lukumi Elder Oba Ernesto Pichardo about Lukumi Identity, Topics: What is Orisha really? Are we Nature worshipers? What is a sacred space? Is Yemaya the Ocean? Shango fire etc 01:59:00H2O NetwonoLukumi,orisha,oba Ernesto Pichardo,CLBA,EldersLukumi Identity What does that Mean?Retrograde Planets: Part One Venus and The Sunhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2015/07/29/retrograde-planets-part-one-venus-and-the-sunSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2015/07/29/retrograde-planets-part-one-venus-and-the-sun/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2015/07/29/retrograde-planets-part-one-venus-and-the-sunWed, 29 Jul 2015 13:59:23 GMTRetrograde Planets: Part One Venus and The SunDia Nunez discusses the planets that are in retrograde 5 part series 01:06:00H2O Netwonoastrology,Retrograde planets of 2015,Self realization,Relationships,The SunThe Astrology of Retrograde PlanetsLooking At Lukumi Differently with Lukumi Elder Oba Ernesto Pichardo Part 6http://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2015/07/12/looking-at-lukumi-differently-with-lukumi-elder-oba-ernesto-pichardo-part-6Spiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2015/07/12/looking-at-lukumi-differently-with-lukumi-elder-oba-ernesto-pichardo-part-6/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2015/07/12/looking-at-lukumi-differently-with-lukumi-elder-oba-ernesto-pichardo-part-6Sun, 12 Jul 2015 21:00:00 GMTLooking At Lukumi Differently with Lukumi Elder Oba Ernesto Pichardo Part 6Dia Nunez continues her conversation with Lukumi Elder Oba Ernesto Pichardo. Part 6 02:07:00H2O NetwonoLukumi,Orisha,Oba Ernesto Pichardo,CLBA,CommunityJoin us for an intriguing conversation about Lukumi and how we must view it differently in modern timesThinking About Lukumi Differently with Oba Ernesto Pichardo Part 5http://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2015/06/28/thinking-about-lukumi-differently-with-oba-ernesto-pichardo-part-5Spiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2015/06/28/thinking-about-lukumi-differently-with-oba-ernesto-pichardo-part-5/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2015/06/28/thinking-about-lukumi-differently-with-oba-ernesto-pichardo-part-5Sun, 28 Jun 2015 21:00:00 GMTThinking About Lukumi Differently with Oba Ernesto Pichardo Part 5Dia Nunez talks with Lukumi Elder Oba Ernesto Pichardo about Lukumi culture, and priesthood. 01:49:00H2O NetwonoCLBA,Oba Ernesto Pichardo,Orisha,Community,Thinking Differently About LukumiDia Nunez talks with Lukumi Elder Oba Ernesto Pichardo about Lukumi culture, and priesthood.Thinking Differently About Lukumi With Oba Ernesto Pichardo Part 4http://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2015/06/14/thinking-differently-about-lukumi-with-oba-ernesto-pichardo-part-4-1Spiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2015/06/14/thinking-differently-about-lukumi-with-oba-ernesto-pichardo-part-4-1/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2015/06/14/thinking-differently-about-lukumi-with-oba-ernesto-pichardo-part-4-1Sun, 14 Jun 2015 21:00:00 GMTThinking Differently About Lukumi With Oba Ernesto Pichardo Part 4Dia Nunez continues conversation with Lukumi Elder Oba Ernesto Pichardo about Lukumi 00:59:00H2O NetwonoOrisha,Oba Ernesto Pichardo,CLBA,Tradition,CommunityDia Nunez continues conversation with Lukumi Elder Oba Ernesto Pichardo about LukumiLooking at Lukumi Differently With Oba Ernesto Pichardo Part Threehttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2015/05/31/looking-at-lukumi-differently-with-oba-ernesto-pichardo-part-threeSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2015/05/31/looking-at-lukumi-differently-with-oba-ernesto-pichardo-part-three/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2015/05/31/looking-at-lukumi-differently-with-oba-ernesto-pichardo-part-threeSun, 31 May 2015 21:00:00 GMTLooking at Lukumi Differently With Oba Ernesto Pichardo Part ThreeDia Nunez joins Lukumi elder Oba Ernesto Pichardo in a discussion about looking at Lukumi differently. Part Three of an on going discussion 01:51:00H2O NetwonoCLBA,Oba Ernesto Pichardo,Lukumi,Elders,CommunityDia Nunez joins Lukumi elder Oba Ernesto Pichardo in a discussion about looking at Lukumi differently. Part Three of an on going discussionThinking Differently About Lukumi With Oba Ernesto Pichardo Part Twohttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2015/05/17/thinking-differently-about-lukumi-with-oba-ernesto-pichardo-part-twoSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2015/05/17/thinking-differently-about-lukumi-with-oba-ernesto-pichardo-part-two/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2015/05/17/thinking-differently-about-lukumi-with-oba-ernesto-pichardo-part-twoSun, 17 May 2015 21:00:00 GMTThinking Differently About Lukumi With Oba Ernesto Pichardo Part Two Dia Nunez joins Lukumi elder Oba Ernesto Pichardo in a discussion about what CLBA really represents, and why CLBA was created. 01:41:00H2O NetwonoLukumi,Oba Ernesto Pichardo,Orisha,Community,HumanityDia Nunez joins Lukumi elder Oba Ernesto Pichardo in a discussion about what CLBA really represents, and why CLBA was created.Thinking About Lukumi Differently with Lukumi Elder Oba Ernesto Pichardohttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2015/05/03/thinking-about-lukumi-differently-with-lukumi-elder-oba-ernesto-pichardoSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2015/05/03/thinking-about-lukumi-differently-with-lukumi-elder-oba-ernesto-pichardo/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2015/05/03/thinking-about-lukumi-differently-with-lukumi-elder-oba-ernesto-pichardoSun, 03 May 2015 21:00:00 GMTThinking About Lukumi Differently with Lukumi Elder Oba Ernesto PichardoDia Nunez joins Lukumi elder Oba Ernesto Pichardo in a discussion about what CLBA really represents, and why CLBA was created. 01:13:00H2O NetwonoOrisha,community. Lukumi Enlightenment,CLBA,Oba Ernesto Pichardo,Social programmingDia Nunez joins Lukumi elder Oba Ernesto Pichardo in a discussion about what CLBA really represents, and why CLBA was created.The Reading of The Year 2015 With Lukumi Elder Oba Ernesto Pichardohttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2015/01/10/the-reading-of-the-year-2015-with-lukumi-elder-oba-ernesto-pichardoSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2015/01/10/the-reading-of-the-year-2015-with-lukumi-elder-oba-ernesto-pichardo/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2015/01/10/the-reading-of-the-year-2015-with-lukumi-elder-oba-ernesto-pichardoSat, 10 Jan 2015 23:00:00 GMTThe Reading of The Year 2015 With Lukumi Elder Oba Ernesto PichardoLukumi Elder Oba Ernesto Pichardo explains the reading of the year 2015 out of Cuba, and connects it with other letters from around the country and the world. Join Us Oba Ernesto Pichardo https://www.facebook.com/ChurchOfTheLukumiBabaluAye   The H20 Network https://www.facebook.com/TheH20Network 02:10:00H2O NetwonoHumanity,consciousness,Letter of The Year 2015,Orisha,EgunLukumi Elder Oba Ernesto Pichardo explains the reading of the year 2015 out of Cuba, and connects it with other letters from around the country and the world.Moon Notes For 2015 and Looking Back at 2014 with Astrorisa Moon and Dia Nunezhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2014/12/21/moon-notes-for-2015-and-looking-back-at-2014-with-astrorisa-moon-and-dia-nunezSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2014/12/21/moon-notes-for-2015-and-looking-back-at-2014-with-astrorisa-moon-and-dia-nunez/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2014/12/21/moon-notes-for-2015-and-looking-back-at-2014-with-astrorisa-moon-and-dia-nunezSun, 21 Dec 2014 19:00:00 GMTMoon Notes For 2015 and Looking Back at 2014 with Astrorisa Moon and Dia NunezThis evening we'll be discussing the happenings of 2014, and the possible happenings in 2015. It's going to be a wildride. JOIN US! Astrorisa Moon: Iya Olusoga~ Bisi Ade creator of Astrorisa Moon Forecasts. Visit us at http://www.astrorisamoon.com/about-us Dia Nunez: The H20 Network: https://www.facebook.com/TheH20Network 02:14:00H2O NetwonoAstrology,the planet,spirituality,spiritual,ancestorsThis evening we'll be discussing the happenings of 2014, and the possible happenings in 2015. It's going to be a wildride. JOIN US! Astrorisa Moon: Iya OlusogMark Fagan With The Florida Dept of Agriculture: Giant African Snail Invasionhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2014/12/11/mark-fagan-with-the-florida-dept-of-agriculture-giant-african-snail-invasionSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2014/12/11/mark-fagan-with-the-florida-dept-of-agriculture-giant-african-snail-invasion/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2014/12/11/mark-fagan-with-the-florida-dept-of-agriculture-giant-african-snail-invasionThu, 11 Dec 2014 23:00:00 GMTMark Fagan With The Florida Dept of Agriculture: Giant African Snail InvasionMark Fagan BIOGRAPHICAL INFORMATION I am a native Floridian raised in Miami.  I attended (then) Miami-Dade Junior College and then Florida State University majoring in Hotel, Restaurant and Institutional Management.  I worked in the restaurant business for eight years. By 1981 I began my career in radio and television broadcasting as a news reporter and anchor.  For the next   18 years I worked in the media in Nevada and California before returning to Florida in Miami-Dade, Broward and Palm Beach Counties. In 1999 I began my career with the Florida Department of Agriculture & Consumer Services as the primary spokesman for the Citrus Canker Eradication Program.  I am currently a Public Information Officer for the department and based in South Florida. 00:59:00H2O NetwonoErnesto Pichardo,Florida Dept of Agriculture,The African Snail,Awareness,The environmentMark Fagan BIOGRAPHICAL INFORMATION I am a native Floridian raised in Miami.  I attended (then) Miami-Dade Junior College and then Florida State University mThe CLBA Conspiracy: KIM and CLBA Alliancehttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2014/10/26/the-clba-conspiracy-kim-and-clba-allianceSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2014/10/26/the-clba-conspiracy-kim-and-clba-alliance/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2014/10/26/the-clba-conspiracy-kim-and-clba-allianceSun, 26 Oct 2014 01:00:00 GMTThe CLBA Conspiracy: KIM and CLBA AllianceLukumi Elder, and co--founder of CLBA Oba Ernesto Pichardo discusses KIM and CLBA Alliance, along with a few other topics. Join Us! 02:04:00H2O NetwonoLukumi,Elders,Orisha,Oba Ernesto Pichardo,CLBALukumi Elder, and co--founder of CLBA Oba Ernesto Pichardo discusses KIM and CLBA Alliance, along with a few other topics. Join Us!Eji Ogbe: Trends of “Cognitive Dissonance” afflicting our new generation Part 3http://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2014/10/20/eji-ogbe-trends-of-cognitive-dissonance-afflicting-our-new-generation-part-3Spiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2014/10/20/eji-ogbe-trends-of-cognitive-dissonance-afflicting-our-new-generation-part-3/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2014/10/20/eji-ogbe-trends-of-cognitive-dissonance-afflicting-our-new-generation-part-3Mon, 20 Oct 2014 00:00:00 GMTEji Ogbe: Trends of “Cognitive Dissonance” afflicting our new generation Part 3 Join Dia Nunez (Priestess of Yemaya), Lukumi Elder Oba Ernesto Pichardo, and special guest: Advertising expert and Shango priest Charles C. Wright As we discuss the root of the letter of the year Eji Ogbe and The Trends of Cognitive Dissonance in Hunmanity, and how that effects the Orisha community. Part two we will be discussing the "Harry Potter Generation" and how that has affected the Orisha Community, and much, much more! Join us!   CHARLES WRIGHT | Biography Charles Wright has spent most of his 17 year career as a strategist in the advertising industry.  He was a founder and President of Translation, one of the country's preeminent advertising agencies specializing in young adult and teen advertising campaigns for Fortune 500 companies.  His clients have included Samsung, Sprite, Estée Lauder, State Farm, Conde Nast and McDonalds.  An expert in teen and young and young adult consumers, Charles helped Coca Cola field a massive study analyzing the attitudes, beliefs and behaviors of teens.  He is also a member if the Multicultural Marketing Association and the American Association of Hispanic Advertisers.   A crowned Lukumi priest of Shango, 01:53:00H2O NetwonoLukumi,Orisha,Community,Elders,Oba Ernesto PichardoJoin Dia Nunez (Priestess of Yemaya), Lukumi Elder Oba Ernesto Pichardo, and special guest: Advertising expert and Shango priest Charles C. Wright As we disEji Ogbe: Trends of “Cognitive Dissonance” afflicting our new generation Part 2http://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2014/09/29/eji-ogbe-trends-of-cognitive-dissonance-afflicting-our-new-generation-part-2Spiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2014/09/29/eji-ogbe-trends-of-cognitive-dissonance-afflicting-our-new-generation-part-2/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2014/09/29/eji-ogbe-trends-of-cognitive-dissonance-afflicting-our-new-generation-part-2Mon, 29 Sep 2014 00:00:00 GMTEji Ogbe: Trends of “Cognitive Dissonance” afflicting our new generation Part 2Join Dia Nunez (Priestess of Yemaya), Lukumi Elder Oba Ernesto Pichardo, and special guest: Advertising expert and Shango priest Charles C. Wright As we discuss the root of the letter of the year Eji Ogbe and The Trends of Cognitive Dissonance in Hunmanity, and how that effects the Orisha community. Part two we will be discussing the "Harry Potter Generation" and how that has affected the Orisha Community, and much, much more! Join us!   CHARLES WRIGHT | Biography Charles Wright has spent most of his 17 year career as a strategist in the advertising industry.  He was a founder and President of Translation, one of the country's preeminent advertising agencies specializing in young adult and teen advertising campaigns for Fortune 500 companies.  His clients have included Samsung, Sprite, Estée Lauder, State Farm, Conde Nast and McDonalds.  An expert in teen and young and young adult consumers, Charles helped Coca Cola field a massive study analyzing the attitudes, beliefs and behaviors of teens.  He is also a member if the Multicultural Marketing Association and the American Association of Hispanic Advertisers.   A crowned Lukumi priest of Shango, Charles spends much of his time studying African traditional Religions and is an avid amateur photographer. 02:06:00H2O NetwonoElders,Lukumi,Orisha,Letter of The Year,Oba Ernesto PichardoJoin Dia Nunez (Priestess of Yemaya), Lukumi Elder Oba Ernesto Pichardo, and special guest: Advertising expert and Shango priest Charles C. Wright As we discusThe Anthony Peake Consciousness Hour: Gary Lachmanhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2014/09/14/the-anthony-peake-consciousness-hour-gary-lachmanSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2014/09/14/the-anthony-peake-consciousness-hour-gary-lachman/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2014/09/14/the-anthony-peake-consciousness-hour-gary-lachmanSun, 14 Sep 2014 16:00:00 GMTThe Anthony Peake Consciousness Hour: Gary LachmanGary Joseph Lachman (born December 24, 1955, Bayonne, New Jersey, United States) is an American writer and musician. Lachman is best known to readers of mysticism and the occult, in the numerous articles and books he has published. He is additionally known by his stage name as Gary Valentine to musical fans as one of the founders, and bassist for the alternative rock/new wave band, Blondie. Website: http://garylachman.co.uk/ 00:47:00H2O NetwonoAnthony Peake,Consciousness,Mind,Humanity,The H20 Network AuthorsGary Joseph Lachman (born December 24, 1955, Bayonne, New Jersey, United States) is an American writer and musician. Lachman is best known to readers of mysticiEji Ogbe: Trends of “Cognitive Dissonance” afflicting our new generationhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2014/09/13/eji-ogbe-trends-of-cognitive-dissonance-afflicting-our-new-generationSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2014/09/13/eji-ogbe-trends-of-cognitive-dissonance-afflicting-our-new-generation/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2014/09/13/eji-ogbe-trends-of-cognitive-dissonance-afflicting-our-new-generationSat, 13 Sep 2014 01:00:00 GMTEji Ogbe: Trends of “Cognitive Dissonance” afflicting our new generationJoin Dia Nunez, Lukumi Elder Oba Ernesto Pichardo, and special guest: Advertising expert and Shango priest Charles C. Wright As we discuss the root of the letter of the year Eji Ogbe and The Trends of Cognitive Dissonance in Hunmanity, and how that effects the Orisha community. Join us!   CHARLES WRIGHT | Biography Charles Wright has spent most of his 17 year career as a strategist in the advertising industry.  He was a founder and President of Translation, one of the country's preeminent advertising agencies specializing in young adult and teen advertising campaigns for Fortune 500 companies.  His clients have included Samsung, Sprite, Estée Lauder, State Farm, Conde Nast and McDonalds.  An expert in teen and young and young adult consumers, Charles helped Coca Cola field a massive study analyzing the attitudes, beliefs and behaviors of teens.  He is also a member if the Multicultural Marketing Association and the American Association of Hispanic Advertisers.   A crowned Lukumi priest of Shango, Charles spends much of his time studying African traditional Religions and is an avid amateur photographer. 02:02:00H2O NetwonoOrisha community,Oba Ernesto Pichardo,The Letter of The Year,Eji Ogbe,HumanityJoin Dia Nunez, Lukumi Elder Oba Ernesto Pichardo, and special guest: Advertising expert and Shango priest Charles C. Wright As we discuss the root of the lettConscious Entrepreneur: Personal Trainer Jollene Blanding Visits The H20 Networkhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2014/09/06/conscious-entrepreneur-personal-trainer-jollene-blanding-visits-the-h20-networkSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2014/09/06/conscious-entrepreneur-personal-trainer-jollene-blanding-visits-the-h20-network/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2014/09/06/conscious-entrepreneur-personal-trainer-jollene-blanding-visits-the-h20-networkSat, 06 Sep 2014 18:00:00 GMTConscious Entrepreneur: Personal Trainer Jollene Blanding Visits The H20 NetworkMaster Trainer and be certified in Health and Nutrition, Youth Fitness, Strength and Conditioning, and Senior Fitness. I am also taking my passion to the next level and stepping out of my comfort zone. I am opening my own gym! It should be opening in late September/early October. I am excited to see where this next chapter of my life will take me. Join Us!  SHE HAS AN AMAZING STORY TO TELL! 01:05:00H2O NetwonoWellness,health,personal training,success stories,womenMaster Trainer and be certified in Health and Nutrition, Youth Fitness, Strength and Conditioning, and Senior Fitness. I am also taking my passion to the next lCLBA Health Care Initiative: Dr. Ida Tafari, Indigenous Ethnobotanyhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2014/07/06/clba-health-care-initiative-dr-ida-tafari-indigenous-ethnobotanySpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2014/07/06/clba-health-care-initiative-dr-ida-tafari-indigenous-ethnobotany/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2014/07/06/clba-health-care-initiative-dr-ida-tafari-indigenous-ethnobotanySun, 06 Jul 2014 18:00:00 GMTCLBA Health Care Initiative: Dr. Ida Tafari, Indigenous EthnobotanyIda Vintes Tafari is a socio-cultural medical anthropologist and currently teaches as Adjunct Professor in the Graduate Department of the School of Nursing,  Barry University Miami Fl.    She has worked on many research agenda’s in South Florida, the Caribbean and Africa focusing on myths, rituals, dietary practices, mysticism and indigenous ethnobotany which continues to be popular today.   Dr. Tafari served as visiting professor and adjunct professor at FIU in the Department of Global Studies, Africa and African Diaspora Studies, and Public health over the past decade.  She completed a three year Post Doctorial study through the Comprehensive Drug Research Center at the University of Miami Medical School.    Of special interest to Dr. Tafari currently is the integration of traditional medicine into the national health care biomedical system.   The systematic study of the rich heritage of knowledge, skills, and practices based on theories, beliefs, and experiences indigenous to different cultures that are used to maintain health, as well as to prevent, diagnose, improve or treat physical and mental illness is at the forefront of her health promotion agenday. 02:01:00H2O NetwonoCLBA,Oba Ernesto Pichardo,Folk Medicine,Modern Medicine,Sio-Cultural medical AnthropologistIda Vintes Tafari is a socio-cultural medical anthropologist and currently teaches as Adjunct Professor in the Graduate Department of the School of Nursing,  BaConscious Entrepreneur: MYCO Creations Visits The H20 Networkhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2014/06/28/conscious-entrepreneur-myco-creations-visits-the-h20-networkSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2014/06/28/conscious-entrepreneur-myco-creations-visits-the-h20-network/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2014/06/28/conscious-entrepreneur-myco-creations-visits-the-h20-networkSat, 28 Jun 2014 16:00:00 GMTConscious Entrepreneur: MYCO Creations Visits The H20 NetworkAlthough I've been creating since I was child, I never really set out to sell anything until I began trading and bartering my creations. Once word got out, back in 2010, that we offered only the best organic and natural ingredients in harmony with nature and that you can customize and create your own scents, flavor blends, colors and even fabric options it was time to start our journey and "open up shop". I began working on the website, which only had a few items at the time and here we are in 2014, creating and offering more than ever! We are a unique company in that, we allow you to take part in the creation process by selecting your ingredients.We aim to provide quality products that are unique, personal and whose ingredients are those that are natural, organic and in harmony with nature .With every ingredient you add, we strongly believe that you are creating a better world, one creation at a time. Our goal is to help you get to know yourself better through this creation process, so that you can take better care of yourself and your family. We are more than just a company,we are like a family member, because we care and in everything we do we strive to • My = because since you take part in the creation process, it really is uniquely YOURS. • CoCreations = the process whereby you select the ingredients, scents, flavors and/or colors and I take your details and turn your vision into reality. keep you in harmony with nature. MyCoCreations is more than a company name, it has depth and meaning! Family, health, value, quality, fun, helpful, empowering are all qualities that I would like you to associate with MyCoCreations once you have experienced the co-creating process. Experience the difference. We appreciate the love and support of each and every individual! www.MyCoCreations.com INJOY - Arminda Colón 01:10:00H2O NetwonoNatural,oragnic,Myco Creations,Made from The Heart,FamilyAlthough I've been creating since I was child, I never really set out to sell anything until I began trading and bartering my creations. Once word got out, bacThe Anthony Peake Consciousness Hour: Film Director John Alan Simonhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2014/06/25/the-anthony-peake-consciousness-hour-film-director-john-alan-simonSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2014/06/25/the-anthony-peake-consciousness-hour-film-director-john-alan-simon/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2014/06/25/the-anthony-peake-consciousness-hour-film-director-john-alan-simonWed, 25 Jun 2014 21:00:00 GMTThe Anthony Peake Consciousness Hour: Film Director John Alan SimonJust finished post-production on Radio Free Albemuth, movie adaptation that John wrote and directed from novel by Philip K. Dick ("Blade Runner"; "Minority Report"; "Total Recall" and "A Scanner Darkly") Radio Free Albemuth is an indie film based on the novel by Philip K. Dick of the same title. Radio Free Albemuth is PKD's most autobiographical novel, and the author wrote himself in as a character in the novel (played by Shea Whigham in the movie). 01:04:00H2O NetwonoPhilip K. Dick,Radio Free Albemuth,Movies,Humanity,ConsciousnessJust finished post-production on Radio Free Albemuth, movie adaptation that John wrote and directed from novel by Philip K. Dick ("Blade Runner"; "Minority RepoAuthor Shmeymi Padma AO Returns To The H20 Networkhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2014/06/14/author-shmeymi-padma-ao-returns-to-the-h20-networkSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2014/06/14/author-shmeymi-padma-ao-returns-to-the-h20-network/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2014/06/14/author-shmeymi-padma-ao-returns-to-the-h20-networkSat, 14 Jun 2014 16:00:00 GMTAuthor Shmeymi Padma AO Returns To The H20 Network  SHMEYMI PADMA'S NEW NOVEL ARE YOU READY!!   LUCIFER’S LULLABY: TALES OF THE LIGHTBEARER Lucifer’s Lullaby is a sensuous journey into the secret life and hidden histories of Archangel Lucifer. It follows the adventures throughout history of the most brilliant, powerful and misunderstood of all Archangels. Falsely labeled as Satan, blamed for the fall of Adam and Eve, vilified as Prometheus, now Lucifer has returned to earth to help save humanity from itself. There is only one problem. He has forgotten who he is! He has become human. From the ghettos of London to the badlands of Afghanistan, from ancient Israel to the black heart of Africa, Lucifer quests to Remember who he is, leading his colourful band of apostles to battle the most chilling adversary of all time: Satan. Along the way, he joins with old friends Christ, Merlin, Thoth and Lilith in a series of dazzling dialogues to realize he is not the repository of all things shadowy and evil, but The Light Bearer for all humankind. http://padmaaon.com 01:11:00H2O Netwonospirituality,author's,Padma Aon,light bearer,consciousnessSHMEYMI PADMA'S NEW NOVEL ARE YOU READY!!   LUCIFER’S LULLABY: TALES OF THE LIGHTBEARER Lucifer’s Lullaby is a sensuous journey into the secret life andThe Anthony Peake Consciousness Hour: Dia Nunez and Anthony Peake Discussionhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2014/06/08/the-anthony-peake-consciousness-hour-dia-nunez-and-anthony-peake-discussionSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2014/06/08/the-anthony-peake-consciousness-hour-dia-nunez-and-anthony-peake-discussion/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2014/06/08/the-anthony-peake-consciousness-hour-dia-nunez-and-anthony-peake-discussionSun, 08 Jun 2014 16:00:00 GMTThe Anthony Peake Consciousness Hour: Dia Nunez and Anthony Peake DiscussionDia Nunez, and author Anthony Peake discuss what's in the future for The Anthony Peake Consciousness Hour, Future guests,Strange happenings, and the Mysterious ways of Consciousness! ANTHONY PEAKE ON FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/anthony.peake?fref=ts The H20 NETWORK ON FACEBOOK https://www.facebook.com/TheH20Network 01:00:00H2O NetwonoAnthony Peake,Authors,The H20 Network,Consciousness,mindDia Nunez, and author Anthony Peake discuss what's in the future for The Anthony Peake Consciousness Hour, Future guests,Strange happenings, and the MysteriousConversations With Our Elders: Oba Ernesto Pichardohttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2014/06/01/conversations-with-our-elders-oba-ernesto-pichardoSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2014/06/01/conversations-with-our-elders-oba-ernesto-pichardo/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2014/06/01/conversations-with-our-elders-oba-ernesto-pichardoSun, 01 Jun 2014 18:00:00 GMTConversations With Our Elders: Oba Ernesto PichardoDia Nunez talks with Lukumi elder Oba Ernesto Pichardo about latest projects JOIN US ON FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/ChurchOfTheLukumiBabaluAye https://www.facebook.com/CenterForCommunityKnowledge https://www.facebook.com/CLBAFarm 01:41:00H2O NetwonoOba Ernesto Pichardo,Lukumi,OrishaDia Nunez talks with Lukumi elder Oba Ernesto Pichardo about latest projects JOIN US ON FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/ChurchOfTheLukumiBabaluAye https:/The Anthony Peake Consciousness Hour: Author Graham Nichollshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2014/05/11/the-anthony-peake-consciousness-hour-author-graham-nichollsSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2014/05/11/the-anthony-peake-consciousness-hour-author-graham-nicholls/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2014/05/11/the-anthony-peake-consciousness-hour-author-graham-nichollsSun, 11 May 2014 16:00:00 GMTThe Anthony Peake Consciousness Hour: Author Graham NichollsAuthor Anthony Peake interviews author Graham Nicholls I am a writer and artist from London focusing on extended consciousness, out-of-body experiences and spirituality. My first book 'Avenues of the Human Spirit' is out now and my second book is due out in April 2012. See http://www.grahamnicholls.com/ Also Join Author Anthony Peake on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/anthony.peake?fref=ts   01:00:00H2O NetwonoAnthony Peake,Graham Nicholls,Author's,Consciousness,Out-Of-Boy-ExperiencesAuthor Anthony Peake interviews author Graham Nicholls I am a writer and artist from London focusing on extended consciousness, out-of-body experiences and spiTalking with The Elders: The True Essence of Shangohttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2014/05/09/talking-with-the-elders-the-true-essence-of-shangoSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2014/05/09/talking-with-the-elders-the-true-essence-of-shango/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2014/05/09/talking-with-the-elders-the-true-essence-of-shangoFri, 09 May 2014 00:00:00 GMTTalking with The Elders: The True Essence of ShangoDia Nunez of the H20 Network hosts a discussion with Lukumi elders Oba Ernesto Pichardo, and Baba Antonio Mondesire about Shango. What dos that word REALLY mean. How does that energy move in our environment, and our lives.How can we use this energy to improve our world and ourselves. and Lastly, How this connects to 2014 reading of the year. Join Us!! 02:00:00H2O Netwonolukumi elders,consciousness,orisha,shango,eldersDia Nunez of the H20 Network hosts a discussion with Lukumi elders Oba Ernesto Pichardo, and Baba Antonio Mondesire about Shango. What dos that word REALLY meanThe Krone's Kauldronhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2013/10/25/the-krones-kauldronSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2013/10/25/the-krones-kauldron/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2013/10/25/the-krones-kauldronFri, 25 Oct 2013 14:00:00 GMTThe Krone's KauldronJoin Dia Nunez, and Miss Paula as we discuss the moon cycles, crystals for the moon cycle, herbs, and workings from our family blood lines. Call-in number 917-889-720702:02:00H2O NetwonoCrystals,Moon Cycles,Herbs,Metaphysical,spiritualJoin Dia Nunez, and Miss Paula as we discuss the moon cycles, crystals for the moon cycle, herbs, and workings from our family blood lines. Call-in number 917-8The Krone's Kauldronhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2013/10/18/the-krones-kauldronSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2013/10/18/the-krones-kauldron/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2013/10/18/the-krones-kauldronFri, 18 Oct 2013 14:00:00 GMTThe Krone's KauldronJoin Dia Nunez, and Miss Paula as we discuss the moon cycles, crystals for the moon cycle, herbs, and workings from our family blood lines. Call-in number 917-889-720702:06:00H2O NetwonoCrystals,Moon Cycles,Herbs,Metaphysical,spiritualJoin Dia Nunez, and Miss Paula as we discuss the moon cycles, crystals for the moon cycle, herbs, and workings from our family blood lines. Call-in number 917-8The Anthony Peake Consciousness Hour: Serena Roney-Dougal http://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2013/10/13/the-anthony-peake-consciousness-hour-serena-roney-dougalSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2013/10/13/the-anthony-peake-consciousness-hour-serena-roney-dougal/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2013/10/13/the-anthony-peake-consciousness-hour-serena-roney-dougalSun, 13 Oct 2013 16:00:00 GMTThe Anthony Peake Consciousness Hour: Serena Roney-Dougal Serena Roney-Dougal is one of the few people in Britain to have obtained a PhD for a parapsychological thesis, exploring the relationship between subliminal perception and psychic awareness. She has had over 30 years of study and experience in scientific, magical and spiritual explorations of the psyche, has lectured and taught courses, seminars and workshops in America, Britain and Europe; has written numerous articles both technical and popular, and two books; Where Science and Magic Meet and The Faery Faith. She is a founder of Friends of Bride's Mound. http://www.psi-researchcentre.co.uk/ 01:00:00H2O NetwonoAnthony peake Consciousness Hour,Authors,Consciousness,Metaphysical,PsycheSerena Roney-Dougal is one of the few people in Britain to have obtained a PhD for a parapsychological thesis, exploring the relationship between subliminal perThe Moon, The Earth, and Tales From The Krones Kauldronhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2013/10/11/the-moon-the-earth-and-tales-from-the-krones-kauldronSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2013/10/11/the-moon-the-earth-and-tales-from-the-krones-kauldron/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2013/10/11/the-moon-the-earth-and-tales-from-the-krones-kauldronFri, 11 Oct 2013 14:00:00 GMTThe Moon, The Earth, and Tales From The Krones Kauldron JOIN US ON THE BACK PORCH FOR A SPELL Join Dia Nunez, and Miss Paula for morning coffee as we discuss moon cycles, crystals, workings, and much , much more,. Call-in number 917-889-7207 02:05:00H2O NetwonoSpiritualism,Recipes,Crystals,Consciousness,workingsJOIN US ON THE BACK PORCH FOR A SPELL Join Dia Nunez, and Miss Paula for morning coffee as we discuss moon cycles, crystals, workings, and much , much more,.The Wheel Turns On After Dark With The H20, and KDCL Mediahttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2013/10/10/the-wheel-turns-on-after-dark-with-the-h20-and-kdcl-mediaSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2013/10/10/the-wheel-turns-on-after-dark-with-the-h20-and-kdcl-media/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2013/10/10/the-wheel-turns-on-after-dark-with-the-h20-and-kdcl-mediaThu, 10 Oct 2013 23:00:00 GMTThe Wheel Turns On After Dark With The H20, and KDCL Media Greeetings Family, This evening Dia, and Miss Paula will be doing readings, so call-in early. In addition we'll be discussing the moon cycle, crystals and much, much more. 02:00:00H2O NetwonoReadings,Moon Cycles,Metaphyics,Humanity,After DarkGreeetings Family, This evening Dia, and Miss Paula will be doing readings, so call-in early. In addition we'll be discussing the moon cycle, crystals and mucThe Moon, The Earth, and Tales From The Krones Kauldronhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2013/10/04/the-moon-the-earth-and-tales-from-the-krones-kauldronSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2013/10/04/the-moon-the-earth-and-tales-from-the-krones-kauldron/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2013/10/04/the-moon-the-earth-and-tales-from-the-krones-kauldronFri, 04 Oct 2013 14:00:00 GMTThe Moon, The Earth, and Tales From The Krones Kauldron JOIN US ON THE BACK PORCH FOR A SPELL Join Dia Nunez, and Miss Paula for morning coffee as we discuss moon cycles, crystals, workings, and much , much more,. Call-in number 917-889-7207 02:01:00H2O NetwonoSpiritualism,Recipes,Crystals,Consciousness,workingsJOIN US ON THE BACK PORCH FOR A SPELL Join Dia Nunez, and Miss Paula for morning coffee as we discuss moon cycles, crystals, workings, and much , much more,.The Wheel Turns On After Dark With The H20, and KDCL Mediahttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2013/10/03/the-wheel-turns-on-after-dark-with-the-h20-and-kdcl-mediaSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2013/10/03/the-wheel-turns-on-after-dark-with-the-h20-and-kdcl-media/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2013/10/03/the-wheel-turns-on-after-dark-with-the-h20-and-kdcl-mediaThu, 03 Oct 2013 23:00:00 GMTThe Wheel Turns On After Dark With The H20, and KDCL Media Greeetings Family, This evening Dia, and Miss Paula will be doing readings, so call-in early. In addition we'll be discussing the moon cycle, crystals and much, much more. 02:07:00H2O NetwonoReadings,Moon Cycles,Metaphyics,Humanity,After DarkGreeetings Family, This evening Dia, and Miss Paula will be doing readings, so call-in early. In addition we'll be discussing the moon cycle, crystals and mucLuke Janes From Kilgore Books & Comicshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2013/09/30/luke-janes-from-kilgore-books-comicsSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2013/09/30/luke-janes-from-kilgore-books-comics/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2013/09/30/luke-janes-from-kilgore-books-comicsMon, 30 Sep 2013 16:30:00 GMTLuke Janes From Kilgore Books & Comics "Kilgore Books & Comics is the brainchild of Luke Janes and Dan Stafford. One night over beers, one asked the other, ‘What’s your dream job?’ When the answer came back, ‘Well, owning a used bookstore,’ the other nearly fell off the bench and said, ‘me too!’ and a dream was born.  With a love of used books, great literature and independent comics, the two spent two years buying books and comics in every nook and cranny they could get in to, and on June 1, 2008 opened their doors to the public, nestles snugly between Wax Trax’s CD and vinyl shops on thirteenth." 00:19:00H2O Netwonobookstores,Comics,Denver,Used Books,Local Businesses"Kilgore Books & Comics is the brainchild of Luke Janes and Dan Stafford. One night over beers, one asked the other, ‘What’s your dream job?’ When the answer cThe Moon, The Earth, and Tales From The Krones Kauldronhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2013/09/20/the-moon-the-earth-and-tales-from-the-krones-kauldronSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2013/09/20/the-moon-the-earth-and-tales-from-the-krones-kauldron/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2013/09/20/the-moon-the-earth-and-tales-from-the-krones-kauldronFri, 20 Sep 2013 14:00:00 GMTThe Moon, The Earth, and Tales From The Krones Kauldron JOIN US ON THE BACK PORCH FOR A SPELL Join Dia Nunez, and Miss Paula for morning coffee as we discuss moon cycles, crystals, workings, and much , much more,. Call-in number 917-889-7207 01:57:00H2O NetwonoSpiritualism,Recipes,Crystals,Consciousness,workingsJOIN US ON THE BACK PORCH FOR A SPELL Join Dia Nunez, and Miss Paula for morning coffee as we discuss moon cycles, crystals, workings, and much , much more,.The Wheel Turns On After Dark With The H20, and KDCL Mediahttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2013/09/19/the-wheel-turns-on-after-dark-with-the-h20-and-kdcl-mediaSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2013/09/19/the-wheel-turns-on-after-dark-with-the-h20-and-kdcl-media/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2013/09/19/the-wheel-turns-on-after-dark-with-the-h20-and-kdcl-mediaThu, 19 Sep 2013 23:00:00 GMTThe Wheel Turns On After Dark With The H20, and KDCL Media Greeetings Family, This evening Dia, and Miss Paula will be doing readings, so call-in early. In addition we'll be discussing the moon cycle, crystals and much, much more. 02:04:00H2O NetwonoReadings,Moon Cycles,Metaphyics,Humanity,After DarkGreeetings Family, This evening Dia, and Miss Paula will be doing readings, so call-in early. In addition we'll be discussing the moon cycle, crystals and mucThe Moon, The Earth, and Tales From The Krones Kauldronhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2013/09/13/the-moon-the-earth-and-tales-from-the-krones-kauldronSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2013/09/13/the-moon-the-earth-and-tales-from-the-krones-kauldron/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2013/09/13/the-moon-the-earth-and-tales-from-the-krones-kauldronFri, 13 Sep 2013 14:00:00 GMTThe Moon, The Earth, and Tales From The Krones Kauldron JOIN US ON THE BACK PORCH FOR A SPELL Join Dia Nunez, and Miss Paula for morning coffee as we discuss moon cycles, crystals, workings, and much , much more,. Call-in number 917-889-7207 02:00:00H2O NetwonoSpiritualism,Recipes,Crystals,Consciousness,workingsJOIN US ON THE BACK PORCH FOR A SPELL Join Dia Nunez, and Miss Paula for morning coffee as we discuss moon cycles, crystals, workings, and much , much more,.The Wheel Turns On After Dark With The H20, and KDCL Mediahttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2013/09/12/the-wheel-turns-on-after-dark-with-the-h20-and-kdcl-mediaSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2013/09/12/the-wheel-turns-on-after-dark-with-the-h20-and-kdcl-media/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2013/09/12/the-wheel-turns-on-after-dark-with-the-h20-and-kdcl-mediaThu, 12 Sep 2013 23:00:00 GMTThe Wheel Turns On After Dark With The H20, and KDCL Media Greeetings Family, This evening Dia, and Miss Paula will be doing readings, so call-in early. In addition we'll be discussing the moon cycle, crystals and much, much more. 01:56:00H2O NetwonoReadings,Moon Cycles,Metaphyics,Humanity,After DarkGreeetings Family, This evening Dia, and Miss Paula will be doing readings, so call-in early. In addition we'll be discussing the moon cycle, crystals and mucThe Moon, The Earth, and Tales From The Krones Kauldronhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2013/08/16/the-moon-the-earth-and-tales-from-the-krones-kauldronSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2013/08/16/the-moon-the-earth-and-tales-from-the-krones-kauldron/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2013/08/16/the-moon-the-earth-and-tales-from-the-krones-kauldronFri, 16 Aug 2013 14:00:00 GMTThe Moon, The Earth, and Tales From The Krones KauldronJoin Dia Nunez, and Miss Paula as we talk about,  spiritual recipes, spiritual baths, crystals, moon cycles, and much, much more. Join us! Call-in number 917-889-720701:59:00H2O NetwonoSpirituality,Ancestors,Spirit,Moon cycles,MetaphysicsJoin Dia Nunez, and Miss Paula as we talk about,  spiritual recipes, spiritual baths, crystals, moon cycles, and much, much more. Join us! Call-in number 917-88The Wheel Turns On After Dark With The H20, and KDCL Mediahttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2013/08/16/the-wheel-turns-on-after-dark-with-the-h20-and-kdcl-mediaSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2013/08/16/the-wheel-turns-on-after-dark-with-the-h20-and-kdcl-media/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2013/08/16/the-wheel-turns-on-after-dark-with-the-h20-and-kdcl-mediaFri, 16 Aug 2013 00:00:00 GMTThe Wheel Turns On After Dark With The H20, and KDCL Media Join Dia Nunez, and Miss Paula for a disscussion about crystals, the moon /planetary cycles, and much, much more. Call-in number 917-889-7207 00:05:00H2O NetwonoSpirituality,Crystals,Consciousness,Humanity,MetaphysicsJoin Dia Nunez, and Miss Paula for a disscussion about crystals, the moon /planetary cycles, and much, much more. Call-in number 917-889-7207The Moon, The Earth, and Tales From The Krones Kauldronhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2013/08/09/the-moon-the-earth-and-tales-from-the-krones-kauldronSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2013/08/09/the-moon-the-earth-and-tales-from-the-krones-kauldron/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2013/08/09/the-moon-the-earth-and-tales-from-the-krones-kauldronFri, 09 Aug 2013 14:00:00 GMTThe Moon, The Earth, and Tales From The Krones KauldronJoin Dia Nunez, and Miss Paula as we talk about,  spiritual recipes, spiritual baths, crystals, moon cycles, and much, much more. Join us! Call-in number 917-889-720702:00:00H2O NetwonoSpirituality,Ancestors,Spirit,Moon cycles,MetaphysicsJoin Dia Nunez, and Miss Paula as we talk about,  spiritual recipes, spiritual baths, crystals, moon cycles, and much, much more. Join us! Call-in number 917-88The Wheel Turns On After Dark With The H20, and KDCL Mediahttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2013/08/09/the-wheel-turns-on-after-dark-with-the-h20-and-kdcl-mediaSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2013/08/09/the-wheel-turns-on-after-dark-with-the-h20-and-kdcl-media/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2013/08/09/the-wheel-turns-on-after-dark-with-the-h20-and-kdcl-mediaFri, 09 Aug 2013 00:00:00 GMTThe Wheel Turns On After Dark With The H20, and KDCL Media Join Dia Nunez, and Miss Paula for a disscussion about crystals, the moon /planetary cycles, and much, much more. Call-in number 917-889-7207 01:20:00H2O NetwonoSpirituality,Crystals,Consciousness,Humanity,MetaphysicsJoin Dia Nunez, and Miss Paula for a disscussion about crystals, the moon /planetary cycles, and much, much more. Call-in number 917-889-7207The Wheel Turns On After Dark With The H20, and KDCL Mediahttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2013/08/02/the-wheel-turns-on-after-dark-with-the-h20-and-kdcl-mediaSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2013/08/02/the-wheel-turns-on-after-dark-with-the-h20-and-kdcl-media/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2013/08/02/the-wheel-turns-on-after-dark-with-the-h20-and-kdcl-mediaFri, 02 Aug 2013 00:00:00 GMTThe Wheel Turns On After Dark With The H20, and KDCL Media Join Dia Nunez, and Miss Paula for a disscussion about crystals, the moon /planetary cycles, and much, much more. Call-in number 917-889-7207 00:06:00H2O NetwonoSpirituality,Crystals,Consciousness,Humanity,MetaphysicsJoin Dia Nunez, and Miss Paula for a disscussion about crystals, the moon /planetary cycles, and much, much more. Call-in number 917-889-7207The Moon, The Earth, and Tales From The Krones Kauldronhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2013/07/26/the-moon-the-earth-and-tales-from-the-krones-kauldronSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2013/07/26/the-moon-the-earth-and-tales-from-the-krones-kauldron/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2013/07/26/the-moon-the-earth-and-tales-from-the-krones-kauldronFri, 26 Jul 2013 14:00:00 GMTThe Moon, The Earth, and Tales From The Krones Kauldron TODAY'S TOPIC: Mirror alchemy, candles, and crystals Join Dia, and Miss Paula for morning coffee! 02:02:00H2O NetwonoCandles,Crystals,Tools,Moon cycles,Plantary CyclesTODAY'S TOPIC: Mirror alchemy, candles, and crystals Join Dia, and Miss Paula for morning coffee!The Wheel Turns On After Dark With The H20, and KDCL Mediahttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2013/07/26/the-wheel-turns-on-after-dark-with-the-h20-and-kdcl-mediaSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2013/07/26/the-wheel-turns-on-after-dark-with-the-h20-and-kdcl-media/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2013/07/26/the-wheel-turns-on-after-dark-with-the-h20-and-kdcl-mediaFri, 26 Jul 2013 00:00:00 GMTThe Wheel Turns On After Dark With The H20, and KDCL Media Join Dia Nunez, and Miss Paula from KDCL Media as they discuss the moon/planetary cycles, crystals, and much, much more! THIS WEEK'S TOPICS: Mercury Retrograde Jupiter in Cancer Mirror Alchemy THE H20 NETWORK ON FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/TheH20Network KDCL MEDIA ON FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/KDCLMedia?fref=ts 01:35:00H2O NetwonoSpirituality,Moon Cycles,Crystals,Spiritual Tools,AstrologyJoin Dia Nunez, and Miss Paula from KDCL Media as they discuss the moon/planetary cycles, crystals, and much, much more! THIS WEEK'S TOPICS: Mercury RetrograEcstatic Healing:World of Shamanic Spirit Possessionhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2013/07/21/ecstatic-healingworld-of-shamanic-spirit-possessionSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2013/07/21/ecstatic-healingworld-of-shamanic-spirit-possession/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2013/07/21/ecstatic-healingworld-of-shamanic-spirit-possessionSun, 21 Jul 2013 16:00:00 GMTEcstatic Healing:World of Shamanic Spirit PossessionMargaret De Wys is a composer and faculty member at the Milton Avery Graduate School of the Arts. A dramatic shift in her life set her on a pilgrimage to Ecuador and to becoming a world traveler and explorer dedicated to the preservation and transmission of traditional wisdom in the modern world. She currently divides her time between Upstate New York and Southeast Nigeria.00:59:00H2O NetwonoSpirituality,Possession,Shamaic,Authors,Margaret De WysMargaret De Wys is a composer and faculty member at the Milton Avery Graduate School of the Arts. A dramatic shift in her life set her on a pilgrimage to EcuadoThe Moon, The Earth, and Tales From The Krones Kauldronhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2013/07/19/the-moon-the-earth-and-tales-from-the-krones-kauldronSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2013/07/19/the-moon-the-earth-and-tales-from-the-krones-kauldron/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2013/07/19/the-moon-the-earth-and-tales-from-the-krones-kauldronFri, 19 Jul 2013 14:00:00 GMTThe Moon, The Earth, and Tales From The Krones Kauldron TODAY'S TOPIC: Mirror alchemy, candles, and crystals Join Dia, and Miss Paula for morning coffee! 01:59:00H2O NetwonoCandles,Crystals,Tools,Moon cycles,Plantary CyclesTODAY'S TOPIC: Mirror alchemy, candles, and crystals Join Dia, and Miss Paula for morning coffee!The Wheel Turns On After Dark With The H20, and KDCL Mediahttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2013/07/18/the-wheel-turns-on-after-dark-with-the-h20-and-kdcl-mediaSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2013/07/18/the-wheel-turns-on-after-dark-with-the-h20-and-kdcl-media/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2013/07/18/the-wheel-turns-on-after-dark-with-the-h20-and-kdcl-mediaThu, 18 Jul 2013 23:00:00 GMTThe Wheel Turns On After Dark With The H20, and KDCL Media Join Dia Nunez, and Miss Paula from KDCL Media as they discuss the moon/planetary cycles, crystals, and much, much more! THIS WEEK'S TOPICS: Mercury Retrograde Jupiter in Cancer Moons cycles and much, much more THE H20 NETWORK ON FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/TheH20Network KDCL MEDIA ON FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/KDCLMedia?fref=ts 02:01:00H2O NetwonoSpirituality,Moon Cycles,Crystals,Spiritual Tools,AstrologyJoin Dia Nunez, and Miss Paula from KDCL Media as they discuss the moon/planetary cycles, crystals, and much, much more! THIS WEEK'S TOPICS: Mercury RetrograThe Anthony Peake Consciousness Hour: Patricia Awyanhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2013/07/14/the-anthony-peake-consciousness-hour-patricia-awyanSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2013/07/14/the-anthony-peake-consciousness-hour-patricia-awyan/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2013/07/14/the-anthony-peake-consciousness-hour-patricia-awyanSun, 14 Jul 2013 16:00:00 GMTThe Anthony Peake Consciousness Hour: Patricia AwyanOur guest will be the amazing Patricia Awyan of the Khemit School of Ancient Mysticism:  http://khemitology.com/   http://www.esotericonline.net/profile/PatriciaAAwyan   00:58:00H2O NetwonoKhemit,Mysticism,Metaphyics,Anthony Peake consciousness hour,Patricia AwyanOur guest will be the amazing Patricia Awyan of the Khemit School of Ancient Mysticism:  http://khemitology.com/   http://www.esotericonline.net/profile/PatriciThe Moon, The Earth, and Tales From The Krones Kauldronhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2013/06/28/the-moon-the-earth-and-tales-from-the-krones-kauldronSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2013/06/28/the-moon-the-earth-and-tales-from-the-krones-kauldron/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2013/06/28/the-moon-the-earth-and-tales-from-the-krones-kauldronFri, 28 Jun 2013 14:00:00 GMTThe Moon, The Earth, and Tales From The Krones Kauldron TODAY'S TOPIC: Mirror alchemy, candles, and crystals Join Dia, and Miss Paula for morning coffee! 02:04:00H2O NetwonoCandles,Crystals,Tools,Moon cycles,Plantary CyclesTODAY'S TOPIC: Mirror alchemy, candles, and crystals Join Dia, and Miss Paula for morning coffee!The Wheel Turns On After Dark With The H20, and KDCL Mediahttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2013/06/28/the-wheel-turns-on-after-dark-with-the-h20-and-kdcl-media-1Spiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2013/06/28/the-wheel-turns-on-after-dark-with-the-h20-and-kdcl-media-1/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2013/06/28/the-wheel-turns-on-after-dark-with-the-h20-and-kdcl-media-1Fri, 28 Jun 2013 00:00:00 GMTThe Wheel Turns On After Dark With The H20, and KDCL Media Join Dia Nunez, and Miss Paula from KDCL Media as they discuss the moon/planetary cycles, crystals, and much, much more! THIS WEEK'S TOPICS: Mercury Retrograde Jupiter in Cancer Mirror Alchemy THE H20 NETWORK ON FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/TheH20Network KDCL MEDIA ON FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/KDCLMedia?fref=ts 02:02:00H2O NetwonoSpirituality,Moon Cycles,Crystals,Spiritual Tools,AstrologyJoin Dia Nunez, and Miss Paula from KDCL Media as they discuss the moon/planetary cycles, crystals, and much, much more! THIS WEEK'S TOPICS: Mercury RetrograThe Moon, The Earth, and Tales From The Krones Kauldronhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2013/06/14/the-moon-the-earth-and-tales-from-the-krones-kauldronSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2013/06/14/the-moon-the-earth-and-tales-from-the-krones-kauldron/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2013/06/14/the-moon-the-earth-and-tales-from-the-krones-kauldronFri, 14 Jun 2013 14:00:00 GMTThe Moon, The Earth, and Tales From The Krones Kauldron Join Dia NUNEZ, AND MISS PAULA  for morning coffee on the back Porch! Topics: Crystals, moon cycles, and everything spiritual. Call-in number 917-889-7207. This week:'s forecast Sun, Mars in Taurus, Mercury, and Venus in Gemini, Saturn in Scorpio, Jupiter in Gemini, Uranus in Aries, Moon in Leo begins this Saturday squaring the Sun in TAURUS THE H20 NETWORK https://www.facebook.com/TheH20Network KDCL MEDIA https://www.facebook.com/kdclmedia.presents?fref=ts 02:03:00H2O NetwonoConsciousness,Crystals,Herbs,Moon cycles,RecipesJoin Dia NUNEZ, AND MISS PAULA  for morning coffee on the back Porch! Topics: Crystals, moon cycles, and everything spiritual. Call-in number 917-889-7207. ThiThe Wheel Turns On After Dark With The H20, and KDCL Mediahttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2013/06/14/the-wheel-turns-on-after-dark-with-the-h20-and-kdcl-mediaSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2013/06/14/the-wheel-turns-on-after-dark-with-the-h20-and-kdcl-media/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2013/06/14/the-wheel-turns-on-after-dark-with-the-h20-and-kdcl-mediaFri, 14 Jun 2013 00:00:00 GMTThe Wheel Turns On After Dark With The H20, and KDCL MediaJoin Dia Nunez, and Miss Paula from KDCL Media as we discuss the currant moon cycle/planetary cycle, the drama of the past lunar eclipse, cystals and much much more! Join us, call-in number 917-889-720702:01:00H2O NetwonoAstrology,Moon Cycles,Metaphyics,Spiritual,ConsciousnessJoin Dia Nunez, and Miss Paula from KDCL Media as we discuss the currant moon cycle/planetary cycle, the drama of the past lunar eclipse, cystals and much muchThe Moon, The Earth, and Tales From The Krones Kauldronhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2013/06/07/the-moon-the-earth-and-tales-from-the-krones-kauldronSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2013/06/07/the-moon-the-earth-and-tales-from-the-krones-kauldron/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2013/06/07/the-moon-the-earth-and-tales-from-the-krones-kauldronFri, 07 Jun 2013 14:00:00 GMTThe Moon, The Earth, and Tales From The Krones Kauldron Join Dia NUNEZ, AND MISS PAULA  for morning coffee on the back Porch! Topics: Crystals, moon cycles, and everything spiritual. Call-in number 917-889-7207. This week:'s forecast Sun, Mars in Taurus, Mercury, and Venus in Gemini, Saturn in Scorpio, Jupiter in Gemini, Uranus in Aries, Moon in Leo begins this Saturday squaring the Sun in TAURUS THE H20 NETWORK https://www.facebook.com/TheH20Network KDCL MEDIA https://www.facebook.com/kdclmedia.presents?fref=ts 01:57:00H2O NetwonoConsciousness,Crystals,Herbs,Moon cycles,RecipesJoin Dia NUNEZ, AND MISS PAULA  for morning coffee on the back Porch! Topics: Crystals, moon cycles, and everything spiritual. Call-in number 917-889-7207. ThiThe Wheel Turns On After Dark With The H20, and KDCL Mediahttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2013/06/07/the-wheel-turns-on-after-dark-with-the-h20-and-kdcl-mediaSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2013/06/07/the-wheel-turns-on-after-dark-with-the-h20-and-kdcl-media/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2013/06/07/the-wheel-turns-on-after-dark-with-the-h20-and-kdcl-mediaFri, 07 Jun 2013 00:00:00 GMTThe Wheel Turns On After Dark With The H20, and KDCL MediaJoin Dia Nunez, and Miss Paula from KDCL Media as we discuss the currant moon cycle/planetary cycle, the drama of the past lunar eclipse, cystals and much much more! Join us, call-in number 917-889-720702:05:00H2O NetwonoAstrology,Moon Cycles,Metaphyics,Spiritual,ConsciousnessJoin Dia Nunez, and Miss Paula from KDCL Media as we discuss the currant moon cycle/planetary cycle, the drama of the past lunar eclipse, cystals and much muchThe Wheel Turns On After Dark With The H20, and KDCL Mediahttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2013/05/31/the-wheel-turns-on-after-dark-with-the-h20-and-kdcl-mediaSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2013/05/31/the-wheel-turns-on-after-dark-with-the-h20-and-kdcl-media/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2013/05/31/the-wheel-turns-on-after-dark-with-the-h20-and-kdcl-mediaFri, 31 May 2013 00:00:00 GMTThe Wheel Turns On After Dark With The H20, and KDCL MediaJoin Dia Nunez, and Miss Paula from KDCL Media as we discuss the currant moon cycle/planetary cycle, the drama of the past lunar eclipse, cystals and much much more! Join us, call-in number 917-889-720702:00:00H2O NetwonoAstrology,Moon Cycles,Metaphyics,Spiritual,ConsciousnessJoin Dia Nunez, and Miss Paula from KDCL Media as we discuss the currant moon cycle/planetary cycle, the drama of the past lunar eclipse, cystals and much muchThe Moon, The Earth, and Tales From The Krones Kauldronhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2013/05/17/the-moon-the-earth-and-tales-from-the-krones-kauldron-1Spiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2013/05/17/the-moon-the-earth-and-tales-from-the-krones-kauldron-1/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2013/05/17/the-moon-the-earth-and-tales-from-the-krones-kauldron-1Fri, 17 May 2013 14:00:00 GMTThe Moon, The Earth, and Tales From The Krones KauldronJOIN Dia Nunez, and Miss Paula for morning coffee on the back porch as we discus, crystals, herbs, the moon cycle, and much, much more. call-in number 917-889-7207.02:00:00H2O NetwonoCrystals,Herbs,Recipes,Moon cycles,MetaphysicsJOIN Dia Nunez, and Miss Paula for morning coffee on the back porch as we discus, crystals, herbs, the moon cycle, and much, much more. call-in number 917-889-7The Wheel Turns On After Dark With The H20, and KDCL Mediahttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2013/05/17/the-wheel-turns-on-after-dark-with-the-h20-and-kdcl-mediaSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2013/05/17/the-wheel-turns-on-after-dark-with-the-h20-and-kdcl-media/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2013/05/17/the-wheel-turns-on-after-dark-with-the-h20-and-kdcl-mediaFri, 17 May 2013 00:00:00 GMTThe Wheel Turns On After Dark With The H20, and KDCL Media Join Dia Nunez, and Miss Paula from KDCL Media as they discuss the current moon/ planetary cycles, crystals, and much, much more. call in number 917-889-7207 THE H20 NETWORK ON FACEBOOK https://www.facebook.com/TheH20Network KDCL MEDIA ON FACEBOOK https://www.facebook.com/KDCLMedia?ref=ts&fref=ts   02:04:00H2O NetwonoMoon cycles,Crystals,Consciousness,Humanity,Plantary CyclesJoin Dia Nunez, and Miss Paula from KDCL Media as they discuss the current moon/ planetary cycles, crystals, and much, much more. call in number 917-889-7207The Wheel Turns On After Dark With The H20, and KDCL Mediahttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2013/05/10/the-wheel-turns-on-after-dark-with-the-h20-and-kdcl-mediaSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2013/05/10/the-wheel-turns-on-after-dark-with-the-h20-and-kdcl-media/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2013/05/10/the-wheel-turns-on-after-dark-with-the-h20-and-kdcl-mediaFri, 10 May 2013 00:00:00 GMTThe Wheel Turns On After Dark With The H20, and KDCL Media Join Dia Nunez, and Miss Paula from KDCL Media as they discuss the current moon/ planetary cycles, crystals, and much, much more. call in number 917-889-7207 THE H20 NETWORK ON FACEBOOK https://www.facebook.com/TheH20Network KDCL MEDIA ON FACEBOOK https://www.facebook.com/KDCLMedia?ref=ts&fref=ts   02:03:00H2O NetwonoMoon cycles,Crystals,Consciousness,Humanity,Plantary CyclesJoin Dia Nunez, and Miss Paula from KDCL Media as they discuss the current moon/ planetary cycles, crystals, and much, much more. call in number 917-889-7207The Moon, The Earth, and Tales From The Krones Kauldronhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2013/05/04/the-moon-the-earth-and-tales-from-the-krones-kauldronSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2013/05/04/the-moon-the-earth-and-tales-from-the-krones-kauldron/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2013/05/04/the-moon-the-earth-and-tales-from-the-krones-kauldronSat, 04 May 2013 00:00:00 GMTThe Moon, The Earth, and Tales From The Krones Kauldron Join Dia Nunez, and Miss Paula for a discussion on candles, crystals, moon cycles/planetary cycles along with much, much more. Join us call-in number 917-889-7207 THE H20 NETWORK ON FACEBOOK https://www.facebook.com/TheH20Network KDCL MEDIA ON FACEBOOK https://www.facebook.com/kdclmedia.presents?ref=ts&fref=ts   02:00:00H2O NetwonoConsciousness,Crystals,Moon cycles,Recipes,Fire alchemy candlesJoin Dia Nunez, and Miss Paula for a discussion on candles, crystals, moon cycles/planetary cycles along with much, much more. Join us call-in number 917-889-7The Wheel Turns On After Dark With The H20, and KDCL Mediahttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2013/05/03/the-wheel-turns-on-after-dark-with-the-h20-and-kdcl-mediaSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2013/05/03/the-wheel-turns-on-after-dark-with-the-h20-and-kdcl-media/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2013/05/03/the-wheel-turns-on-after-dark-with-the-h20-and-kdcl-mediaFri, 03 May 2013 00:00:00 GMTThe Wheel Turns On After Dark With The H20, and KDCL Media Join Dia Nunez, and Miss Paula from KDCL Media as they discuss the current moon/ planetary cycles, crystals, and much, much more. call in number 917-889-7207 TODAY WE'RE DOING BELTANE READINGS CALL IN EARLY! THE H20 NETWORK ON FACEBOOK https://www.facebook.com/TheH20Network KDCL MEDIA ON FACEBOOK https://www.facebook.com/KDCLMedia?ref=ts&fref=ts   02:40:00H2O NetwonoMoon cycles,Crystals,Consciousness,Humanity,Plantary CyclesJoin Dia Nunez, and Miss Paula from KDCL Media as they discuss the current moon/ planetary cycles, crystals, and much, much more. call in number 917-889-7207The Moon, The Earth, and Tales From The Krones Kauldronhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2013/04/26/the-moon-the-earth-and-tales-from-the-krones-kauldronSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2013/04/26/the-moon-the-earth-and-tales-from-the-krones-kauldron/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2013/04/26/the-moon-the-earth-and-tales-from-the-krones-kauldronFri, 26 Apr 2013 14:00:00 GMTThe Moon, The Earth, and Tales From The Krones Kauldron Join Dia Nunez, and Miss Paula for a discussion on candles, crystals, moon cycles/planetary cycles along with much, much more. Join us call-in number 917-889-7207 THE H20 NETWORK ON FACEBOOK https://www.facebook.com/TheH20Network KDCL MEDIA ON FACEBOOK https://www.facebook.com/kdclmedia.presents?ref=ts&fref=ts   02:00:00H2O NetwonoConsciousness,Crystals,Moon cycles,Recipes,Fire alchemy candlesJoin Dia Nunez, and Miss Paula for a discussion on candles, crystals, moon cycles/planetary cycles along with much, much more. Join us call-in number 917-889-7The Anthony Peake Consciousness Hour: Martin Ball Ph.Dhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2013/04/14/the-anthony-peake-consciousness-hour-martin-ball-phdSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2013/04/14/the-anthony-peake-consciousness-hour-martin-ball-phd/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2013/04/14/the-anthony-peake-consciousness-hour-martin-ball-phdSun, 14 Apr 2013 16:30:00 GMTThe Anthony Peake Consciousness Hour: Martin Ball Ph.D Being Human is the extraordinary new book that articulates a grand unified vision of reality through the Entheological Paradigm. Skillfully avoiding all speculation and metaphysics, Martin W. Ball, Ph.D., presents a concise explanation for the fundamental nature of reality as the fractal expression of a Unitary Energy Being (God). Ball explores how intentional work with entheogens, such as 5-MeO-DMT, gives individuals direct access to their immediate energetic natures. Through such practices, individuals can liberate themselves from the restrictive confines of their illusion-bound egos and embrace their personalities and bodies as direct expressions of God in physical and conscious form. Radical in its implications, stunning for its simplicity, Being Human is humanity's long-awaited guide to genuine fulfillment, transcendence, and global harmony and peace. If you feel ready to understand and experience the truth for yourself, then Being Human is the only book you will ever need. http://www.martinball.net/ 01:05:00H2O NetwonoAnthony Peake Consciousness Hour,Consciousness,Mind,Authors,Nature of RealityBeing Human is the extraordinary new book that articulates a grand unified vision of reality through the Entheological Paradigm. Skillfully avoiding all speculThe Moon, The Earth, and Tales From The Krones Kauldronhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2013/04/12/the-moon-the-earth-and-tales-from-the-krones-kauldronSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2013/04/12/the-moon-the-earth-and-tales-from-the-krones-kauldron/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2013/04/12/the-moon-the-earth-and-tales-from-the-krones-kauldronFri, 12 Apr 2013 14:00:00 GMTThe Moon, The Earth, and Tales From The Krones Kauldron Join Dia Nunez, and Miss Paula for a discussion on candles, crystals, moon cycles/planetary cycles along with much, much more. Join us call-in number 917-889-7207 THE H20 NETWORK ON FACEBOOK https://www.facebook.com/TheH20Network KDCL MEDIA ON FACEBOOK https://www.facebook.com/kdclmedia.presents?ref=ts&fref=ts   02:01:00H2O NetwonoConsciousness,Crystals,Moon cycles,Recipes,Fire alchemy candlesJoin Dia Nunez, and Miss Paula for a discussion on candles, crystals, moon cycles/planetary cycles along with much, much more. Join us call-in number 917-889-7The Wheel Turns On After Dark With The H20, and KDCL Mediahttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2013/04/12/the-wheel-turns-on-after-dark-with-the-h20-and-kdcl-mediaSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2013/04/12/the-wheel-turns-on-after-dark-with-the-h20-and-kdcl-media/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2013/04/12/the-wheel-turns-on-after-dark-with-the-h20-and-kdcl-mediaFri, 12 Apr 2013 00:00:00 GMTThe Wheel Turns On After Dark With The H20, and KDCL Media Join Dia Nunez, and Miss Paula from KDCL Media as they discuss the current moon/ planetary cycles, crystals, and much, much more. call in nummber 917-889-7207 THE H20 NETWORK ON FACEBOOK https://www.facebook.com/TheH20Network KDCL MEDIA ON FACEBOOK https://www.facebook.com/KDCLMedia?ref=ts&fref=ts 02:09:00H2O NetwonoMoon cycles,Spirituality,Crystals,Consciousness,MetaphysicsJoin Dia Nunez, and Miss Paula from KDCL Media as they discuss the current moon/ planetary cycles, crystals, and much, much more. call in nummber 917-889-7207Lukumi Spiritual License With Oba Ernesto Pichardohttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2013/04/11/lukumi-spiritual-license-with-oba-ernesto-pichardoSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2013/04/11/lukumi-spiritual-license-with-oba-ernesto-pichardo/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2013/04/11/lukumi-spiritual-license-with-oba-ernesto-pichardoThu, 11 Apr 2013 00:00:00 GMTLukumi Spiritual License With Oba Ernesto Pichardo .CLBA is not syncretic and preserves Cuba's Lukumi regional form of worship. It is a multinational membership church. CLBA operates as a centralized union of clergy members and adherents, representing members of over thirty-five nationalities.Church of Lukumi Babalu Aye is the first church of its kind established in the United States. CLBA was responsible for the legal recognition of our faith. For detailed court records visit the U.S. Supreme Court site and review the unanimous decision: Church of the Lukumi Babalu Aye and Ernesto Pichardo vs. City of Hialeah, June 11, 1993 http://www.church-of-the-lukumi.org/ On Facebook https://www.facebook.com/ChurchOfTheLukumiBabaluAye/info 02:15:00H2O NetwonoLukumi,Spiritual,Orisha,Metaphyics,Elders.CLBA is not syncretic and preserves Cuba's Lukumi regional form of worship. It is a multinational membership church. CLBA operates as a centralized union of cThe Moon, The Earth, and Tales From The Krones Kauldronhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2013/04/05/the-moon-the-earth-and-tales-from-the-krones-kauldronSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2013/04/05/the-moon-the-earth-and-tales-from-the-krones-kauldron/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2013/04/05/the-moon-the-earth-and-tales-from-the-krones-kauldronFri, 05 Apr 2013 14:00:00 GMTThe Moon, The Earth, and Tales From The Krones KauldronJoin Dia Nunez, and Miss Paula for morning coffee on the back porch, as they discuss the moon, and planetary cycles, along with much, much more. Call-in number 917-889-720702:03:00H2O NetwonoConsciousness,Recipes,Crystals,Moon cycles,MetaphysicsJoin Dia Nunez, and Miss Paula for morning coffee on the back porch, as they discuss the moon, and planetary cycles, along with much, much more. Call-in numberThe Wheel Turns On After Dark With The H20, and KDCL Mediahttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2013/04/05/the-wheel-turns-on-after-dark-with-the-h20-and-kdcl-mediaSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2013/04/05/the-wheel-turns-on-after-dark-with-the-h20-and-kdcl-media/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2013/04/05/the-wheel-turns-on-after-dark-with-the-h20-and-kdcl-mediaFri, 05 Apr 2013 00:00:00 GMTThe Wheel Turns On After Dark With The H20, and KDCL Media Join Dia Nunez, and Miss Paula from KDCL Media, as we discuss the moon cycle, planetary cycles, crystals,herbs, and much, much more. Join us call-in number 917-889-7207. THIS WEEK: Void-of-course moon Effects of karmic moon Crystals of the week     Join Us on FaceBook: H20 Network https://www.facebook.com/TheH20Network KDCL Media https://www.facebook.com/kdclmedia.presents?ref=ts&fref=ts 02:04:00H2O NetwonoMoon cycles,Crystals,Consciousness,The H20 Network,KDCL MediaJoin Dia Nunez, and Miss Paula from KDCL Media, as we discuss the moon cycle, planetary cycles, crystals,herbs, and much, much more. Join us call-in number 917Tales From The Otherside:Spiritualist Carmen P. Rodriguezhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2013/04/04/tales-from-the-othersidespiritualist-carmen-p-rodriguezSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2013/04/04/tales-from-the-othersidespiritualist-carmen-p-rodriguez/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2013/04/04/tales-from-the-othersidespiritualist-carmen-p-rodriguezThu, 04 Apr 2013 00:00:00 GMTTales From The Otherside:Spiritualist Carmen P. RodriguezAs a child in the late 1930’s, Carmen P. Rodriguez trained at the traditional Spiritualist Temple operated by her father in Cuba, and continues her spiritualist work to this day. She is a Lukumi priestess of 42 years to the Orisha Yemaya, and a founding member of the Church of the Lukumi Babalu Aye.  Joining Carmen on the show and providing translation will be Oba Oriate Ernesto Pichardo, Lukumi Elder and president of the Church of the Lukumi Babalu Aye.01:31:00H2O NetwonoSpiritualism,Oba Ernesto Pichardo,Ancestors,CLBA,ConsciousnessAs a child in the late 1930’s, Carmen P. Rodriguez trained at the traditional Spiritualist Temple operated by her father in Cuba, and continues her spiritualistThe Moon, The Earth, and Tales From The Krones Kauldronhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2013/03/22/the-moon-the-earth-and-tales-from-the-krones-kauldronSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2013/03/22/the-moon-the-earth-and-tales-from-the-krones-kauldron/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2013/03/22/the-moon-the-earth-and-tales-from-the-krones-kauldronFri, 22 Mar 2013 14:00:00 GMTThe Moon, The Earth, and Tales From The Krones KauldronJoin Dia Nunez, and Miss Paula for morning coffee, as they discuss the moon, and planetary cycles, along with much, much more. Call-in number 917-889-720702:01:00H2O NetwonoMoon cycles,Planetary cycles,Spiritual,Recipes,CrystalsJoin Dia Nunez, and Miss Paula for morning coffee, as they discuss the moon, and planetary cycles, along with much, much more. Call-in number 917-889-7207The Wheel Turns On After Dark With The H20, and KDCL Mediahttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2013/03/22/the-wheel-turns-on-after-dark-with-the-h20-and-kdcl-mediaSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2013/03/22/the-wheel-turns-on-after-dark-with-the-h20-and-kdcl-media/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2013/03/22/the-wheel-turns-on-after-dark-with-the-h20-and-kdcl-mediaFri, 22 Mar 2013 00:00:00 GMTThe Wheel Turns On After Dark With The H20, and KDCL Media Join Dia Nunez, and Miss Paula as they discuss the moon, and planetary cycles, crystals, and everything metaphysical/spiritual. Ci-number 917-889-7207.   THIS WEEK: Spring Reading.... Call-in early 02:45:00H2O NetwonoReadings,Spring,The H20 Network,KDCL Media,SpiritualJoin Dia Nunez, and Miss Paula as they discuss the moon, and planetary cycles, crystals, and everything metaphysical/spiritual. Ci-number 917-889-7207.   THIThe Anthony Peake Consciousness Hour: Bernard Haisch, PhDhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2013/03/17/the-anthony-peake-consciousness-hour-bernard-haisch-phdSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2013/03/17/the-anthony-peake-consciousness-hour-bernard-haisch-phd/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2013/03/17/the-anthony-peake-consciousness-hour-bernard-haisch-phdSun, 17 Mar 2013 18:00:00 GMTThe Anthony Peake Consciousness Hour: Bernard Haisch, PhDBernard Haisch, Ph.D., is an astrophysicist and author of over 130 scientific publications. He served as a scientific editor of the Astrophysical Journal for ten years, and was Principal Investigator on several NASA research projects. After earning his Ph.D. from the University of Wisconsin in Madison, Haisch did postdoctoral research at the Joint Institute for Laboratory Astrophysics, University of Colorado at Boulder and the University of Utrecht, the Netherlands. His professional positions include Staff Scientist at the Lockheed Martin Solar and Astrophysics Laboratory; Deputy Director of the Center for Extreme Ultraviolet Astrophysics at the University of California, Berkeley; and Visiting Scientist at the Max-Planck-Institut fuer Extraterrestrische Physik in Garching, Germany. He was also Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Scientific Exploration. Prior to his career in astrophysics, Haisch attended the Latin School of Indianapolis and the St. Meinrad Seminary as a student for the Catholic priesthood.01:00:00H2O NetwonoThe God Thoery,Authors,Anthony Peake,Consciousness,HumanityBernard Haisch, Ph.D., is an astrophysicist and author of over 130 scientific publications. He served as a scientific editor of the Astrophysical Journal for teThe Moon, the Earth and Tales From The Krones Kaldronhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2013/03/15/the-moon-the-earth-and-tales-from-the-krones-kaldronSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2013/03/15/the-moon-the-earth-and-tales-from-the-krones-kaldron/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2013/03/15/the-moon-the-earth-and-tales-from-the-krones-kaldronFri, 15 Mar 2013 14:00:00 GMTThe Moon, the Earth and Tales From The Krones KaldronJoin us 02:27:00H2O NetwonoSpirituality,humanity,Metaphysics,The moon Cycle,consciousnessJoin usThe Wheel Turns On After Dark With The H20, and KDCL Mediahttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2013/03/15/the-wheel-turns-on-after-dark-with-the-h20-and-kdcl-mediaSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2013/03/15/the-wheel-turns-on-after-dark-with-the-h20-and-kdcl-media/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2013/03/15/the-wheel-turns-on-after-dark-with-the-h20-and-kdcl-mediaFri, 15 Mar 2013 00:00:00 GMTThe Wheel Turns On After Dark With The H20, and KDCL Media join Dia Nunez, and Miss Paula as we discuss the moon cycle/ planet cycle of the week, crystals, and anything dealing with the metaphysical, spiritual realms of reality. Join us. This Week: New moon in Pisces Mercury still in Retro, ending 3/17/2013 Full moon 3/27/2013 in libra and much more! 02:03:00H2O NetwonoSpirituality,Crystals,Planetary Cycles,Moon cycles,Consciousnessjoin Dia Nunez, and Miss Paula as we discuss the moon cycle/ planet cycle of the week, crystals, and anything dealing with the metaphysical, spiritual realms oOld Guard Spiritualism With Iya Carmen P. Rodriguez, Class 2http://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2013/03/14/old-guard-spiritualism-with-iya-carmen-p-rodriguez-class-2Spiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2013/03/14/old-guard-spiritualism-with-iya-carmen-p-rodriguez-class-2/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2013/03/14/old-guard-spiritualism-with-iya-carmen-p-rodriguez-class-2Thu, 14 Mar 2013 00:00:00 GMTOld Guard Spiritualism With Iya Carmen P. Rodriguez, Class 2As a child in the late 1930’s, Carmen P. Rodriguez trained at the traditional Spiritualist Temple operated by her father in Cuba, and continues her spiritualist work to this day. She is a Lukumi priestess of 42 years to the Orisha Yemaya, and a founding member of the Church of the Lukumi Babalu Aye.  Joining Carmen on the show and providing translation will be Oba Oriate Ernesto Pichardo, Lukumi Elder and president of the Church of the Lukumi Babalu Aye.01:21:00H2O NetwonoSpiritualism,Consciousness,Egun,Th Ancestors,The deadAs a child in the late 1930’s, Carmen P. Rodriguez trained at the traditional Spiritualist Temple operated by her father in Cuba, and continues her spiritualistThe Moon, the Earth and Tales From The Krones Kauldronhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2013/03/08/the-moon-the-earth-and-tales-from-the-krones-kaldronSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2013/03/08/the-moon-the-earth-and-tales-from-the-krones-kaldron/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2013/03/08/the-moon-the-earth-and-tales-from-the-krones-kaldronFri, 08 Mar 2013 15:00:00 GMTThe Moon, the Earth and Tales From The Krones KauldronJoin us 02:00:00H2O NetwonoSpirituality,humanity,Metaphysics,The moon Cycle,consciousnessJoin usThe Wheel Turns On After Dark With The H20, and KDCL Mediahttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2013/03/08/the-wheel-turns-on-after-dark-with-the-h20-and-kdcl-mediaSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2013/03/08/the-wheel-turns-on-after-dark-with-the-h20-and-kdcl-media/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2013/03/08/the-wheel-turns-on-after-dark-with-the-h20-and-kdcl-mediaFri, 08 Mar 2013 01:00:00 GMTThe Wheel Turns On After Dark With The H20, and KDCL MediaWe're Back!!!! This evening Dia Nunez, and Miss Paula will discuss the Moon Cycle, and planetary cycle of the week. In addition, we'll discuss Fire alchemy, and much, much more. Join Us! Call-in number 917-889-720702:19:00H2O NetwonoSpirituality,Moon Cycles,Planetary Cycles,Metaphyics,ConsciousnessWe're Back!!!! This evening Dia Nunez, and Miss Paula will discuss the Moon Cycle, and planetary cycle of the week. In addition, we'll discuss Fire alchemy, andThe Moon, the Earth and Tales From The Krones Kauldron 2http://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2013/02/22/the-moon-the-earth-and-tales-from-the-krones-kauldron-2Spiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2013/02/22/the-moon-the-earth-and-tales-from-the-krones-kauldron-2/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2013/02/22/the-moon-the-earth-and-tales-from-the-krones-kauldron-2Fri, 22 Feb 2013 15:00:00 GMTThe Moon, the Earth and Tales From The Krones Kauldron 2 JOIN DIA NUNEZ, AND MISS PAULA AS WE DISCUSS CRYSTALS, AND EVERYTHING SPIRITUAL/ METAPHYSICAL CALL-IN NUMBER 917-889-7207 H20 NETWORK FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/TheH20Network?ref=hl KDCL MEDIA FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/kdclmedia.presents?ref=ts&fref=ts 02:01:00H2O NetwonoSpiritual,crystals,Moon Cycles,H20 Network,KDCL MEDIAJOIN DIA NUNEZ, AND MISS PAULA AS WE DISCUSS CRYSTALS, AND EVERYTHING SPIRITUAL/ METAPHYSICAL CALL-IN NUMBER 917-889-7207 H20 NETWORK FACEBOOK: https://www.fThe Moon, the Earth and Tales From The Krones Kauldronhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2013/02/22/the-moon-the-earth-and-tales-from-the-krones-kauldron) ]]>) ]]>Spiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2013/02/22/the-moon-the-earth-and-tales-from-the-krones-kauldron/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2013/02/22/the-moon-the-earth-and-tales-from-the-krones-kauldronFri, 22 Feb 2013 01:00:00 GMTThe Moon, the Earth and Tales From The Krones Kauldron) ]]> Join us! Call in nuber 917-889-7207 This evening Dia Nunez, and Miss Paula from KDCL Media will be discussing the moon cycle, crystals, and all that is spiritual/metaphysical. Come hang:>) 02:06:00H2O NetwonoSpirituality,humanity,Metaphysics,The moon Cycle,consciousnessJoin us! Call in nuber 917-889-7207 This evening Dia Nunez, and Miss Paula from KDCL Media will be discussing the moon cycle, crystals, and all that is spiritThe Moon, the Earth and Tales From The Krones Kauldronhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2013/02/15/the-moon-the-earth-and-tales-from-the-krones-kauldron-1Spiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2013/02/15/the-moon-the-earth-and-tales-from-the-krones-kauldron-1/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2013/02/15/the-moon-the-earth-and-tales-from-the-krones-kauldron-1Fri, 15 Feb 2013 01:00:00 GMTThe Moon, the Earth and Tales From The Krones Kauldron Join us 917-889-7207 This evening Dia Nunez, and Miss Paula from kDCL Media will discussThe Year of The Water Snake, and it's similarity to The Letter of The Year. In addition, we'll talk about some current events, The Moon Cycle, Crystals, and all that is spiritual/metaphysical... Lots going on! Let's talk about it! You can call-in to listen 917-889-7207 02:15:00H2O NetwonoSpirituality,humanity,Metaphysics,The moon Cycle,consciousnessJoin us 917-889-7207 This evening Dia Nunez, and Miss Paula from kDCL Media will discussThe Year of The Water Snake, and it's similarity to The Letter of TheThe Anthony Peake Consciousness Hour: F. David Peathttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2013/02/10/the-anthony-peake-consciousness-hour-f-david-peatSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2013/02/10/the-anthony-peake-consciousness-hour-f-david-peat/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2013/02/10/the-anthony-peake-consciousness-hour-f-david-peatSun, 10 Feb 2013 17:00:00 GMTThe Anthony Peake Consciousness Hour: F. David PeatAnthony Peake and producer Dia Nunez are delighted to have quantum physicist Professor F. David Peat join us for this Sunday's "Consciousness Hour". For further information on David and his amazing career please check out his website at: http://www.fdavidpeat.com/biography/biotext.htm00:59:00H2O NetwonoAnthony Peake,Consciousness Hour,Metaphysics,Quatum Physics,MindAnthony Peake and producer Dia Nunez are delighted to have quantum physicist Professor F. David Peat join us for this Sunday's "Consciousness Hour". For furtherThe Moon, the Earth and Tales From The Krones Kauldronhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2013/02/08/the-moon-the-earth-and-tales-from-the-krones-kaldronSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2013/02/08/the-moon-the-earth-and-tales-from-the-krones-kaldron/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2013/02/08/the-moon-the-earth-and-tales-from-the-krones-kaldronFri, 08 Feb 2013 01:00:00 GMTThe Moon, the Earth and Tales From The Krones KauldronJoin us 02:07:00H2O NetwonoSpirituality,humanity,Metaphysics,The moon Cycle,consciousnessJoin usThe Wheel Of The Year Turns On Dark w The H20 & KDCLhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2013/02/02/the-wheel-of-the-year-turns-on-dark-w-the-h20-kdclSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2013/02/02/the-wheel-of-the-year-turns-on-dark-w-the-h20-kdcl/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2013/02/02/the-wheel-of-the-year-turns-on-dark-w-the-h20-kdclSat, 02 Feb 2013 01:00:00 GMTThe Wheel Of The Year Turns On Dark w The H20 & KDCL Join Dia Nunez, and Miss Paula from KDCL Media as we discuss everything from the moon cycles to herbs, to crystals. To call-in 917-889-7207 we would love to hear from you. Tonight we'll continue our conversation on crystals,  give the void-of-course moon schedule for Feb. And of course, talk about the unseen world/ metaphysics of things. Call-in number 917-889-7207 02:05:00H2O NetwonoMoon Cycles,Crystals,Spirituality,Ancestors,HumanityJoin Dia Nunez, and Miss Paula from KDCL Media as we discuss everything from the moon cycles to herbs, to crystals. To call-in 917-889-7207 we would love to heThe Moon, The Earth & Tales From The Krones Kauldronhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2013/02/01/the-moon-the-earth-tales-from-the-krones-kauldronSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2013/02/01/the-moon-the-earth-tales-from-the-krones-kauldron/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2013/02/01/the-moon-the-earth-tales-from-the-krones-kauldronFri, 01 Feb 2013 01:00:00 GMTThe Moon, The Earth & Tales From The Krones Kauldron HAPPY NEW YEAR FAMILY Join Dia Nunez, and Miss Paula FROM kdcl Media as we discuss the cycles of the moon and the planets, crystals, and much, much more. You can also call-in to listen 917-889-7207. Press 1 if you would like to add to the conversation. 01:59:00H2O Netwono2013,spirituality,Humanity,Consciousness,CyclesHAPPY NEW YEAR FAMILY Join Dia Nunez, and Miss Paula FROM kdcl Media as we discuss the cycles of the moon and the planets, crystals, and much, much more. YouMy Notes On The Reading Of The Year On Dark w The H20 & KDCLhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2013/01/27/my-notes-on-the-reading-of-the-year-on-dark-w-the-h20-kdclSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2013/01/27/my-notes-on-the-reading-of-the-year-on-dark-w-the-h20-kdcl/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2013/01/27/my-notes-on-the-reading-of-the-year-on-dark-w-the-h20-kdclSun, 27 Jan 2013 01:00:00 GMTMy Notes On The Reading Of The Year On Dark w The H20 & KDCL join Dia Nunez, and Miss Paula from KDCL Media as we discuss everything from the moon cycles to herbs, to crystals. To call-in 917-889-7207 we would love to hear from you. Iya Dia Nunez will be discussing will share her notes on the subject, and what the "Reading Of The Year Means" and other non understandings from the H20 Network listeners 01:36:00H2O NetwonoMoon Cycles,Crystals,Spirituality,Ancestors,Humanityjoin Dia Nunez, and Miss Paula from KDCL Media as we discuss everything from the moon cycles to herbs, to crystals. To call-in 917-889-7207 we would love to heThe Wheel Of The Year Turns On Dark w The H20 & KDCLhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2013/01/26/the-wheel-of-the-year-turns-on-dark-w-the-h20-kdclSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2013/01/26/the-wheel-of-the-year-turns-on-dark-w-the-h20-kdcl/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2013/01/26/the-wheel-of-the-year-turns-on-dark-w-the-h20-kdclSat, 26 Jan 2013 01:00:00 GMTThe Wheel Of The Year Turns On Dark w The H20 & KDCLjoin Dia Nunez, and Miss Paula from KDCL Media as we discuss everything from the moon cycles to herbs, to crystals. To call-in 917-889-7207 we would love to hear from you.02:18:00H2O NetwonoMoon Cycles,Crystals,Spirituality,Ancestors,Humanityjoin Dia Nunez, and Miss Paula from KDCL Media as we discuss everything from the moon cycles to herbs, to crystals. To call-in 917-889-7207 we would love to heaThe Moon, The Earth & Tales From The Krones Kauldronhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2013/01/25/the-moon-the-earth-tales-from-the-krones-kauldronSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2013/01/25/the-moon-the-earth-tales-from-the-krones-kauldron/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2013/01/25/the-moon-the-earth-tales-from-the-krones-kauldronFri, 25 Jan 2013 01:00:00 GMTThe Moon, The Earth & Tales From The Krones Kauldron HAPPY NEW YEAR FAMILY Join Dia Nunez, and Miss Paula FROM kdcl Media as we discuss the cycles of the moon and the planets, crystals, and much, much more. You can also call-in to listen 917-889-7207. Press 1 if you would like to add to the conversation. 02:01:00H2O Netwono2013,spirituality,Humanity,Consciousness,CyclesHAPPY NEW YEAR FAMILY Join Dia Nunez, and Miss Paula FROM kdcl Media as we discuss the cycles of the moon and the planets, crystals, and much, much more. YouOld Guard Spiritualism with Elder Carmen P. Rodriguezhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2013/01/18/old-guard-spiritualism-with-elder-carmen-p-rodriguezSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2013/01/18/old-guard-spiritualism-with-elder-carmen-p-rodriguez/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2013/01/18/old-guard-spiritualism-with-elder-carmen-p-rodriguezFri, 18 Jan 2013 01:00:00 GMTOld Guard Spiritualism with Elder Carmen P. RodriguezAs a child in the late 1930’s, Carmen P. Rodriguez trained at the traditional Spiritualist Temple operated by her father in Cuba, and continues her spiritualist work to this day. She is a Lukumi priestess of 42 years to the Orisha Yemaya, and a founding member of the Church of the Lukumi Babalu Aye.  Joining Carmen on the show and providing translation will be Oba Oriate Ernesto Pichardo, Lukumi Elder and president of the Church of the Lukumi Babalu Aye.01:22:00H2O NetwonoEgun,Ancestors,CLBA,Teachings,EldersAs a child in the late 1930’s, Carmen P. Rodriguez trained at the traditional Spiritualist Temple operated by her father in Cuba, and continues her spiritualistAuthor Robert Tindall: The Shamanic Odysseyhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2013/01/12/author-robert-tindall-the-shamanic-odysseySpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2013/01/12/author-robert-tindall-the-shamanic-odyssey/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2013/01/12/author-robert-tindall-the-shamanic-odysseySat, 12 Jan 2013 19:00:00 GMTAuthor Robert Tindall: The Shamanic OdysseyThe authors weave a fascinating tale connecting South American shamanic practices of magic plants and wondrous spirit beings to one of the West’s oldest mythic tales of exploration – Homer’s Odyssey. It is encouraging for the evolution of Western civilization that these ancient cultural roots are being examined again – such tales provide nourishment and medicine for the soul’s growth. Ralph Metzner, Ph.D. Psychologist, Professor Emeritus at the California Institute of Integral Studies. Author of Ayahuasca – Sacred Vine of Spirits and Green Psychology. 00:57:00H2O NetwonoShamanism,Authors,Ancient Culture,Spirituality,HumanityThe authors weave a fascinating tale connecting South American shamanic practices of magic plants and wondrous spirit beings to one of the West’s oldest mythicThe Wheel Of The Year Turns On After Dark w The H20 & KDCLhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2013/01/12/the-wheel-of-the-year-turns-on-after-dark-w-the-h20-kdclSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2013/01/12/the-wheel-of-the-year-turns-on-after-dark-w-the-h20-kdcl/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2013/01/12/the-wheel-of-the-year-turns-on-after-dark-w-the-h20-kdclSat, 12 Jan 2013 01:00:00 GMTThe Wheel Of The Year Turns On After Dark w The H20 & KDCLjoin Dia Nunez, and Miss Paula from KDCL Media as we discuss everything from the moon cycles to herbs, to crystals. To call-in 917-889-7207 we would love to hear from you.02:12:00H2O NetwonoMoon Cycles,Crystals,Spirituality,Ancestors,Humanityjoin Dia Nunez, and Miss Paula from KDCL Media as we discuss everything from the moon cycles to herbs, to crystals. To call-in 917-889-7207 we would love to heaIfa Forecast 2013 Miami With Elder Oba Ernesto Pichardohttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2013/01/05/ifa-forecast-2013-miami-with-elder-oba-ernesto-pichardoSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2013/01/05/ifa-forecast-2013-miami-with-elder-oba-ernesto-pichardo/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2013/01/05/ifa-forecast-2013-miami-with-elder-oba-ernesto-pichardoSat, 05 Jan 2013 01:00:00 GMTIfa Forecast 2013 Miami With Elder Oba Ernesto Pichardo Happy New Year Family! This evening Co-founder of CLBA in Miami and Lukumi elder Oba  Ernesto Pichardo will be discussing the annual IFA forecast -MIAMI for 2013. Oba will decode the many layers of the letter of the year and how it has the protential to effect us individualy, our spiritual communities, and HUMANITY as a whole. Join us! YOU CAN ALSO CALL-IN TO LISTEN 917-889-7207. note: WE WILL NOT BE TAKING PHONE CALLS, BUT YOU CAN LISTEN -IN THROUGH THE PHONE LINES. 3 hour show, last hour you will have to call-in to the switch board to continue to listen make sure you call-in early! 917-889-7207 03:00:00H2O NetwonoIfa annual forecast 2013,humanity,metaphysical physical world,orisha,EggunHappy New Year Family! This evening Co-founder of CLBA in Miami and Lukumi elder Oba  Ernesto Pichardo will be discussing the annual IFA forecast -MIAMI for 2The Moon, The Earth & Tales From The Krones Kauldronhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2013/01/04/the-moon-the-earth-tales-from-the-krones-kauldronSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2013/01/04/the-moon-the-earth-tales-from-the-krones-kauldron/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2013/01/04/the-moon-the-earth-tales-from-the-krones-kauldronFri, 04 Jan 2013 01:00:00 GMTThe Moon, The Earth & Tales From The Krones Kauldron HAPPY NEW YEAR FAMILY Join Dia Nunez, and Miss Paula FROM kdcl Media as we discuss the cycles of the moon and the planets, crystals, and much, much more. You can also call-in to listen 917-889-7207. Press 1 if you would like to add to the conversation. 02:06:00H2O Netwono2013,spirituality,Humanity,Consciousness,CyclesHAPPY NEW YEAR FAMILY Join Dia Nunez, and Miss Paula FROM kdcl Media as we discuss the cycles of the moon and the planets, crystals, and much, much more. YouVisual Artist Craiger Martin Visits The H20 Networkhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/12/31/visual-artist-craiger-martin-visits-the-h20-networkSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/12/31/visual-artist-craiger-martin-visits-the-h20-network/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/12/31/visual-artist-craiger-martin-visits-the-h20-networkMon, 31 Dec 2012 17:00:00 GMTVisual Artist Craiger Martin Visits The H20 Network Craiger Martin has a gift for capturing the essence of what is unseen by the naked eye. Join Craiger, and I as we discuss what inspires him, and how his visual alchemy is created from the essence of spirit.. Join us1 Call-in number 917-889-7207 Craiger Martin On Facebook https://www.facebook.com/CRAIGERRRRR 01:00:00H2O NetwonoCriager Martin,Visual Art,Images,Spirit,ConsciousnessCraiger Martin has a gift for capturing the essence of what is unseen by the naked eye. Join Craiger, and I as we discuss what inspires him, and how his visualThe Karmic Moon For 2013 With Astrorisa Moonhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/12/29/the-karmic-moon-for-2013-with-astrorisa-moonSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/12/29/the-karmic-moon-for-2013-with-astrorisa-moon/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/12/29/the-karmic-moon-for-2013-with-astrorisa-moonSat, 29 Dec 2012 20:30:00 GMTThe Karmic Moon For 2013 With Astrorisa MoonAstrorisa Moon, is Astrology ~ Orisa Cosmology~ Lunar observations;their relationships to each other and their combined influences upon our collective psyche. Astrorisa Moon reports are helpful in preparing for the nekebhet-uatchet (subliminal)-(psychic) and ipamon (hidden) energies we are influenced by, and yet many times are unaware of its often challenging command. The planetary- moon influences can be sensed 6-7 days and sometimes 8 days before the date of the new/full moon, and from 4-5 days afterwards.02:49:00H2O NetwonoMoon Cycles,Astrorisa Moon,Humanity,Consciousness,2013Astrorisa Moon, is Astrology ~ Orisa Cosmology~ Lunar observations;their relationships to each other and their combined influences upon our collective psyche. ADenver Psychic Michelle Houchens: Predictions For 2013http://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/12/28/denver-psychic-michelle-houchens-predictions-for-2013Spiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/12/28/denver-psychic-michelle-houchens-predictions-for-2013/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/12/28/denver-psychic-michelle-houchens-predictions-for-2013Fri, 28 Dec 2012 01:00:00 GMTDenver Psychic Michelle Houchens: Predictions For 2013 More information at: www.mbsibm.com   Over the 25 past years, Michelle as been a Medical Intuitive, CEO, Patent Holder, Registered Nurse, and Corporate Executive but since childhood she been gifted the skill of psychic ability.  Michelle remained silent about her psychicskills from the age of five to forty-seven, feeling modern Western Medicine would not value nor accept her gifts.  She finally announced her intuitive skill set to the world and in a short period oftime has built a clientele of well over 300 businesses and professionals that get and understand how the use of frequencies or science can help them gain success in the business world.   Some call her an Energy Consultant as she is clairaudient, clairvisual,and clairsentient.  She is able to communicate, see and feel with Beings in the room, just the same as you and I sitting in a coffee shop chatting.  In her current state of development (we are always growing), she has transcended over 300 levels of consciousness and has discussions with up to eighteen Beings at once on the Other Side or in the Universes.   Over the past 15 years, she has been certified in Advanced Hypnotherapy, Past Life Regression Therapy, PSYCH-K Facilitator,Advanced Theta Healing, Intuitive Philosophies, and Courtroom Mediation.Michelle understands the metaphyics, paranormal, and new age as she uses her gift as a channel to all02:27:00H2O Netwono2013,Denver Psychic,Michelle Houchens,Consciousness,HumanityMore information at: www.mbsibm.com   Over the 25 past years, Michelle as been a Medical Intuitive, CEO, Patent Holder, Registered Nurse, and Corporate ExecutiThe Wheel of The Year Turns On After Dark: Solstice Readingshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/12/22/the-wheel-of-the-year-turns-on-after-dark-solstice-readingsSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/12/22/the-wheel-of-the-year-turns-on-after-dark-solstice-readings/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/12/22/the-wheel-of-the-year-turns-on-after-dark-solstice-readingsSat, 22 Dec 2012 01:00:00 GMTThe Wheel of The Year Turns On After Dark: Solstice Readings Join Miss Paula from KDCL Media and Dia Nunez from The H20 Network as we discuss Moon cycles, crystals, herbs, the Yuletide Season and anything spiritual. We'll be offering messages from Spirit, so come join us! The H20 Network On Facebook https://www.facebook.com/TheH20Network KDCL Media On Facebook https://www.facebook.com/kdclmedia.presents?fref=ts   02:06:00H2O Netwonoreadings,spirituality,humanity,Solstice,Wheel of the yearJoin Miss Paula from KDCL Media and Dia Nunez from The H20 Network as we discuss Moon cycles, crystals, herbs, the Yuletide Season and anything spiritual.The Moon, The Earth & Tales From The Krones' Kauldronhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/12/21/the-moon-the-earth-tales-from-the-krones-kauldron)) H20 Network Facebook Page https://www.facebook.com/TheH20Network KDCL Media Facebook Page https://www.facebook.com/kdclmedia.presents?fref=ts   ]]>)) H20 Network Facebook Page https://www.facebook.com/TheH20Network KDCL Media Facebook Page https://www.facebook.com/kdclmedia.presents?fref=ts   ]]>Spiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/12/21/the-moon-the-earth-tales-from-the-krones-kauldron/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/12/21/the-moon-the-earth-tales-from-the-krones-kauldronFri, 21 Dec 2012 01:00:00 GMTThe Moon, The Earth & Tales From The Krones' Kauldron)) H20 Network Facebook Page https://www.facebook.com/TheH20Network KDCL Media Facebook Page https://www.facebook.com/kdclmedia.presents?fref=ts   ]]>  Happy 40th Dia Nunez Join Dia nunez, and Miss Paula from KDCL Media as we discuss the moon cycles, crystals, herbs, recipes, and other spirital topics! Join Us Call -in 917-889-7207. MAKE SURE YOU FRIEND US ON FACEBOOK:>)) H20 Network Facebook Page https://www.facebook.com/TheH20Network KDCL Media Facebook Page https://www.facebook.com/kdclmedia.presents?fref=ts   02:01:00H2O NetwonoConsciousness,Moon Cycles,Crystals,Metaphysics,HumanityHappy 40th Dia Nunez Join Dia nunez, and Miss Paula from KDCL Media as we discuss the moon cycles, crystals, herbs, recipes, and other spirital topics! JoinIntuitive Reader,and Healer David Deutschhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/12/20/intuitive-readerand-healer-david-deutschSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/12/20/intuitive-readerand-healer-david-deutsch/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/12/20/intuitive-readerand-healer-david-deutschThu, 20 Dec 2012 03:00:00 GMTIntuitive Reader,and Healer David DeutschDavid started doing professional readings in 2009 as one of the three partners in Jaguar's Blessing, a company that focuses on house clearings after Sharon Dakota energetically cleared his house located off of 44th and Tennyson. David focused on picking up energies and presences in people's homes (positive, negative and neutral), while Sharon and other staff would clear the energies if the client wished with Shamanic techniques.David split off from Jaguar's Blessing in August of 2011 and at that time began reading and continues to read 2 days a week (Wednesdays and Saturdays) at Spirit Ways Metaphysical Store located on Colfax and Adams next to the Bluebird Theatre. 02:25:00H2O NetwonoReadings,consciousness,Intuitive,Metaphysical,David DeutschDavid started doing professional readings in 2009 as one of the three partners in Jaguar's Blessing, a company that focuses on house clearings after Sharon DakoCLBA's "LIve" Spiritual Mass On The H20 Network, & KDCLhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/12/19/clbas-live-spiritual-mass-on-the-h20-network-kdclSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/12/19/clbas-live-spiritual-mass-on-the-h20-network-kdcl/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/12/19/clbas-live-spiritual-mass-on-the-h20-network-kdclWed, 19 Dec 2012 01:00:00 GMTCLBA's "LIve" Spiritual Mass On The H20 Network, & KDCL CLBA'S FIRST "LIVE" SPIRITUAL MASS! JOIN US! DECEMBER 18 AT 8 PM EST!/ 6 PM MST  As a child in the late 1930’s, Carmen P. Rodrigeuz trained at the traditional Spiritualist Temple operated by her father in Cuba, and continues her spiritualist work to this day. She is a Lukumi priestess of 42 years to the Orisha Yemaya, and a founding member of the Church of the Lukumi Babalu Aye.  Joining Carmen on the show and providing translation will be Oba Oriate Ernesto Pichardo, Lukumi Elder and president of the Church of the Lukumi Babalu Aye. We ask when you join us tonight that you have a glass of water, a white candle, and a small bunch of white flowers. If you are a practicing espiritista, medium, or spiritualist be sure to prepare as you would for a Misa. Leave your lights on in your living space, and if you are prone to getting lost among the spirits, listen with a friend to help keep you grounded. Call the names of your honored ancestors, and get ready for a wonderful Spiritual Reunion.  This program is rated SST for Super Spiritual Trip. 01:35:00H2O NetwonoSpiritual Mass,Carmen P Rodrigeuz,Oba Ernesto Pichardo,Egun Mass,EspiritisaCLBA'S FIRST "LIVE" SPIRITUAL MASS! JOIN US! DECEMBER 18 AT 8 PM EST!/ 6 PM MST  As a child in the late 1930’s, Carmen P. Rodrigeuz trained at the traditionaThe Anthony Peake Consciousness Hour: Writer Jeff Warrenhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/12/16/the-anthony-peake-consciousness-hour-writer-jeff-warrenSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/12/16/the-anthony-peake-consciousness-hour-writer-jeff-warren/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/12/16/the-anthony-peake-consciousness-hour-writer-jeff-warrenSun, 16 Dec 2012 17:00:00 GMTThe Anthony Peake Consciousness Hour: Writer Jeff Warren Jeff Warren is a writer, public speaker, and meditation teacher. His primary subject is the mind – mostly neuroscience and contemplative philosophy – made fun and accessible. He is the author of The Head Trip: Adventures on the Wheel of Consciousness (Random House 2007), an acclaimed travel guide through sleeping, dreaming and waking consciousness that critics called “enchanting,” “audacious,” “hilarious,” and even “visionary,” though perhaps that was a typo. His piece on the fashionable jungle psychedelic ayahuasca won Gold Medal at the National Magazine Awards and has been anthologized in the 2011 Best Canadian Essays. He is also the self-appointed President of The Consciousness Explorers Club, a weekly meditation adventure group he hosts out of his home in Toronto. He wears a pith helmet during all meditation sits and advises his students to do the same. For more information, see: www.jeffwarren.org 01:00:00H2O NetwonoThe Head Trip,Adventures on the wheel of Consciousnesss,Anthony Peake,Authors,Jeff WarrenJeff Warren is a writer, public speaker, and meditation teacher. His primary subject is the mind – mostly neuroscience and contemplative philosophy – made funThe Wheel Of the Year Turns on After Dark: New Moon Readingshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/12/15/the-wheel-of-the-year-turns-on-after-dark-new-moon-readingsSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/12/15/the-wheel-of-the-year-turns-on-after-dark-new-moon-readings/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/12/15/the-wheel-of-the-year-turns-on-after-dark-new-moon-readingsSat, 15 Dec 2012 01:00:00 GMTThe Wheel Of the Year Turns on After Dark: New Moon Readings Join Miss Paula from KDCL Media and Dia Nunez from The H20 Network as we discuss Moon cycles, crystals, herbs, the Yuletide Season and anything spiritual. We'll be offering messages from Egun, so come join us on the Egun Train doing readings for our listeners. We'll also being doing announcements about the movers and shakers with-in our networks who are creating and changing reality. The H20 Network On Facebook https://www.facebook.com/TheH20Network KDCL Media On Facebook https://www.facebook.com/kdclmedia.presents?fref=ts 02:09:00H2O NetwonoReadings,The H20 Network,KDCL Media,New Moon,SpiritJoin Miss Paula from KDCL Media and Dia Nunez from The H20 Network as we discuss Moon cycles, crystals, herbs, the Yuletide Season and anything spiritual. We'lMoon Cycles, Herbs, & Things On "Door To The mMind" http://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/12/07/moon-cycles-herbs-things-on-door-to-the-mmindSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/12/07/moon-cycles-herbs-things-on-door-to-the-mmind/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/12/07/moon-cycles-herbs-things-on-door-to-the-mmindFri, 07 Dec 2012 01:00:00 GMTMoon Cycles, Herbs, & Things On "Door To The mMind" Greetings Family! Join Dia Nunez, and Miss Paula from KDCL Media as we discuss Moon cycles, crystals, herbs, and anything spiritual. Today, we'll be giving everyone the Void-of-Course moon schedule, talk about where the moon is, and much, much more! Join us call-in number 917-889-7207. The H20 Network https://www.facebook.com/TheH20Network KDCL Media https://www.facebook.com/KDCLMedia?fref=ts 02:08:00H2O NetwonoMoon Cycles,Herbs,Crystals,The H20 Network,KDCL MediaGreetings Family! Join Dia Nunez, and Miss Paula from KDCL Media as we discuss Moon cycles, crystals, herbs, and anything spiritual. Today, we'll be giving evMoon Cycles, Herbs, & Things On "Door To The mMind" http://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/11/30/moon-cycles-herbs-things-on-door-to-the-mmindSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/11/30/moon-cycles-herbs-things-on-door-to-the-mmind/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/11/30/moon-cycles-herbs-things-on-door-to-the-mmindFri, 30 Nov 2012 01:00:00 GMTMoon Cycles, Herbs, & Things On "Door To The mMind" Greetings Family! Join Dia Nunez, and Miss Paula from KDCL Media as we discuss Moon cycles, crystals, herbs, and anything spiritual. Today, we'll be giving everyone the Void-of-Course moon schedule, talk about where the moon is, and much, much more! Join us call-in number 917-889-7207. The H20 Network https://www.facebook.com/TheH20Network KDCL Media https://www.facebook.com/KDCLMedia?fref=ts 02:07:00H2O NetwonoMoon Cycles,Herbs,Crystals,The H20 Network,KDCL MediaGreetings Family! Join Dia Nunez, and Miss Paula from KDCL Media as we discuss Moon cycles, crystals, herbs, and anything spiritual. Today, we'll be giving evClimate Change:Impact On Our Mental/Emotional Heallthhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/11/18/climate-changeimpact-on-our-mentalemotional-heallthSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/11/18/climate-changeimpact-on-our-mentalemotional-heallth/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/11/18/climate-changeimpact-on-our-mentalemotional-heallthSun, 18 Nov 2012 23:00:00 GMTClimate Change:Impact On Our Mental/Emotional Heallth J. Phoenix Smith,MSW is the founder of EcoSoul a healing practice where she provides ecotherapy through mentorship, trainings, writing & ceremonies designed to awaken, restore & heal our connections to the natural world. Her academic training includes a Master’s Degree in Social Work from Howard University, graduate certificate in Ecotherapy & Mindfulness Based practices. As an Orisa priest, certified Ecotherapist, mentor, & professional public health social worker she has been active in transformative healing practices & programming that address issues of social justice and health for the past 17 years. http://www.ecosoulwisdom.org/finding-light-in-the-eye-of-the-storm-ecotherapy-climate-change-and-a-path-to-resiliency/ 01:38:00H2O Netwonoconsciouness,humanity,nature,mental emotional health,climate changeJ. Phoenix Smith,MSW is the founder of EcoSoul a healing practice where she provides ecotherapy through mentorship, trainings, writing & ceremonies designed toMoon Cyles, Herbs, Crystals and More "After Dark"http://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/11/17/moon-cyles-herbs-crystals-and-more-after-darkSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/11/17/moon-cyles-herbs-crystals-and-more-after-dark/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/11/17/moon-cyles-herbs-crystals-and-more-after-darkSat, 17 Nov 2012 01:00:00 GMTMoon Cyles, Herbs, Crystals and More "After Dark" Greetings Family! Join Dia Nunez, and miss Paula from KDCL Media as we discuss the moon cycle, herbs, crystals and anything spiritual. We'll also being doing announcements about the movers, and shakers with-in our networks, who are creating/ changing reality (e.g.. EnergeticXchange.com: https://www.facebook.com/pages/EnergeticXChange/336556233083244.) So please join us! Call-in 917-889-7207, we would love to hear from you! Join Us On Facebook: The H20 Network https://www.facebook.com/TheH20Network?ref=hl KDCL Media https://www.facebook.com/KDCLMedia?fref=ts 02:08:00H2O NetwonoAfter Dark,KDCL media,The H20 Network,Herbs,Moon cyclesGreetings Family! Join Dia Nunez, and miss Paula from KDCL Media as we discuss the moon cycle, herbs, crystals and anything spiritual. We'll also being doingMoon Cycles, Herbs, & Things On "Door To The Mind" http://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/11/16/moon-cycles-herbs-things-on-door-to-the-mmindSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/11/16/moon-cycles-herbs-things-on-door-to-the-mmind/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/11/16/moon-cycles-herbs-things-on-door-to-the-mmindFri, 16 Nov 2012 01:00:00 GMTMoon Cycles, Herbs, & Things On "Door To The Mind" Greetings Family! Join Dia Nunez, and Miss Paula from KDCL Media as we discuss Moon cycles, crystals, herbs, and anything spiritual. Today, we'll be giving everyone the Void-of-Course moon schedule, talk about where the moon is, and much, much more! Join us call-in number 917-889-7207. The H20 Network https://www.facebook.com/TheH20Network KDCL Media https://www.facebook.com/KDCLMedia?fref=ts 02:08:00H2O NetwonoMoon Cycles,Herbs,Crystals,The H20 Network,KDCL MediaGreetings Family! Join Dia Nunez, and Miss Paula from KDCL Media as we discuss Moon cycles, crystals, herbs, and anything spiritual. Today, we'll be giving evAuthor Mary J. Lore: Managing Thoughthttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/11/14/author-mary-j-lore-managing-thoughtSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/11/14/author-mary-j-lore-managing-thought/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/11/14/author-mary-j-lore-managing-thoughtWed, 14 Nov 2012 17:00:00 GMTAuthor Mary J. Lore: Managing Thought Mary J. Lore is the founder and CEO of Managing Thought, LLC, which helps individuals and organizations develop self-awareness and change the way they think to attain long-lasting success. She is an internationally recognized thought leader, multiple award-winning author, executive coach, and mentor to those who influence many. Her work is hailed around the world and is endorsed by corporate leaders, educators K-12, college professors, psychology professionals, spiritual teachers and executive, sports, and life coaches. Her background in business start ups, crisis management, business turnarounds, and entrepreneurship gives Mary the unique ability to apply thought management to corporate culture, leadership, vision and strategy, creativity, communication, team building, motivation, and profitability. to read more about Mary http://www.managingthought.com/whoweare/aboutthefounderMaryLore 01:31:00H2O NetwonoAuthors,Mary J Lore,Managing Thought,Consciousness,How We ThinkMary J. Lore is the founder and CEO of Managing Thought, LLC, which helps individuals and organizations develop self-awareness and change the way they think toScreenwriter Danny Rubin Of The Movie "Groundhog Day" http://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/11/11/screenwriter-danny-rubin-of-the-movie-groundhog-daySpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/11/11/screenwriter-danny-rubin-of-the-movie-groundhog-day/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/11/11/screenwriter-danny-rubin-of-the-movie-groundhog-daySun, 11 Nov 2012 17:00:00 GMTScreenwriter Danny Rubin Of The Movie "Groundhog Day" Join author Anthony Peake for "The Anthony Peake Conscioousness Hour" Special Guest: Screenwriter Danny Rubin Danny Rubin is an American screenwriter, actor, lecturer, celebrity blogger, and most notably the screenwriter of the modern classic Groundhog Day 01:00:00H2O NetwonoAnthony Peake Consciousness hour,movie Groundhog Day,Danny Rubin,Consciousness,MindJoin author Anthony Peake for "The Anthony Peake Conscioousness Hour" Special Guest: Screenwriter Danny Rubin Danny Rubin is an American screenwriter, actor,Moon Cyles, Herbs, Crystals and More "After Dark"http://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/11/10/moon-cyles-herbs-crystals-and-more-after-darkSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/11/10/moon-cyles-herbs-crystals-and-more-after-dark/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/11/10/moon-cyles-herbs-crystals-and-more-after-darkSat, 10 Nov 2012 01:00:00 GMTMoon Cyles, Herbs, Crystals and More "After Dark" Greetings Family! Join Dia Nunez, and miss Paula from KDCL Media as we discuss the moon cycle, herbs, crystals and anything spiritual. Join us! Call-in 917-889-7207, we would love to hear from you! Reminder: New Moon On November, and a total solar eclipse. New Moon means workings on new beginnings... Join Us On Facebook: The H20 Network https://www.facebook.com/TheH20Network?ref=hl KDCL Media https://www.facebook.com/KDCLMedia?fref=ts 01:56:00H2O NetwonoAfter Dark,KDCL media,The H20 Network,Herbs,Moon cyclesGreetings Family! Join Dia Nunez, and miss Paula from KDCL Media as we discuss the moon cycle, herbs, crystals and anything spiritual. Join us! Call-in 917-88Moon Cycles, Herbs, & Things On "Door To The Mind" http://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/11/09/moon-cycles-herbs-things-on-door-to-the-mindSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/11/09/moon-cycles-herbs-things-on-door-to-the-mind/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/11/09/moon-cycles-herbs-things-on-door-to-the-mindFri, 09 Nov 2012 01:00:00 GMTMoon Cycles, Herbs, & Things On "Door To The Mind" Greetings Family! Join Dia Nunez, and Miss Paula from KDCL Media as we discuss Moon cycles, crystals, herbs, and anything spiritual. Today, we'll be giving everyone the Void-of-Course moon schedule, talk about where the moon is, and much, much more! Join us call-in number 917-889-7207. The H20 Network https://www.facebook.com/TheH20Network KDCL Media https://www.facebook.com/KDCLMedia?fref=ts 02:01:00H2O NetwonoMoon Cycles,Herbs,Crystals,The H20 Network,KDCL MediaGreetings Family! Join Dia Nunez, and Miss Paula from KDCL Media as we discuss Moon cycles, crystals, herbs, and anything spiritual. Today, we'll be giving evAll Souls Day Readings On "After Dark" With The H20 & KDCLhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/11/03/all-souls-day-readings-on-after-dark-with-the-h20-kdcl-1Spiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/11/03/all-souls-day-readings-on-after-dark-with-the-h20-kdcl-1/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/11/03/all-souls-day-readings-on-after-dark-with-the-h20-kdcl-1Sat, 03 Nov 2012 00:00:00 GMTAll Souls Day Readings On "After Dark" With The H20 & KDCL Greetings Family!  We will also do readings Join Dia Nunez, and miss Paula from KDCL Media as we discuss the moon cycle, herbs, crystals and anything spiritual.  So please join us! Call-in 917-889-7207, we would love to hear from you! Join Us On Facebook: The H20 Network https://www.facebook.com/TheH20Network?ref=hl KDCL Media https://www.facebook.com/KDCLMedia?fref=ts 03:00:00H2O NetwonoAfter Dark,KDCL media,The H20 Network,Herbs,Moon cyclesGreetings Family!  We will also do readings Join Dia Nunez, and miss Paula from KDCL Media as we discuss the moon cycle, herbs, crystals and anything spirituPrepardness Tools & A Conversation With Oba Ernesto Pichardohttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/11/01/prepardness-tools-a-conversation-with-oba-ernesto-pichardoSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/11/01/prepardness-tools-a-conversation-with-oba-ernesto-pichardo/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/11/01/prepardness-tools-a-conversation-with-oba-ernesto-pichardoThu, 01 Nov 2012 22:00:00 GMTPrepardness Tools & A Conversation With Oba Ernesto Pichardo Greetings Family! This evening Dia Nunez, and Miss Paula will be discussing common sense tools of preparedness that could be helpful to you, and your family. In addition, we'll also be joined by Lukumi Elder Oba Ernesto Pichardo who will make metaphysical/practical sense of this recent strom from an Odu stand point. Join us 917-889-7207. Also join us on Facebook! The H20 Network https://www.facebook.com/TheH20Network KDCL Media https://www.facebook.com/kdclmedia.presents?fref=ts Oba Ernesto Pichardo https://www.facebook.com/ChurchOfTheLukumiBabaluAye And CLBA Community Farm Projecthttps://www.facebook.com/CLBAFarm   02:59:00H2O NetwonoDoor To The Mind,Preparedness,Odu of The Year,Practical Tools,SpiritualityGreetings Family! This evening Dia Nunez, and Miss Paula will be discussing common sense tools of preparedness that could be helpful to you, and your family.Moon Cyles, Herbs, Crystals and More "After Dark"http://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/10/27/moon-cyles-herbs-crystals-and-more-after-darkSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/10/27/moon-cyles-herbs-crystals-and-more-after-dark/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/10/27/moon-cyles-herbs-crystals-and-more-after-darkSat, 27 Oct 2012 00:00:00 GMTMoon Cyles, Herbs, Crystals and More "After Dark" Greetings Family! Join Dia Nunez, and Miss Paula from KDCL Media as we discuss the moon cycle, herbs, crystals and anything spiritual. We'll also being doing announcements about the movers, and shakers with-in our networks, who are creating/ changing reality (e.g.. EnergeticXchange.com: https://www.facebook.com/pages/EnergeticXChange/336556233083244.) So please join us! Call-in 917-889-7207, we would love to hear from you! Join Us On Facebook: The H20 Network https://www.facebook.com/TheH20Network?ref=hl KDCL Media https://www.facebook.com/KDCLMedia?fref=ts 02:05:00H2O NetwonoAfter Dark,KDCL media,The H20 Network,Herbs,Moon cyclesGreetings Family! Join Dia Nunez, and Miss Paula from KDCL Media as we discuss the moon cycle, herbs, crystals and anything spiritual. We'll also being doingControlling The Human Mind and EarthPulse: Dr. Nick Begichhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/10/25/controlling-the-human-mind-and-earthpulse-dr-nick-begichSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/10/25/controlling-the-human-mind-and-earthpulse-dr-nick-begich/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/10/25/controlling-the-human-mind-and-earthpulse-dr-nick-begichThu, 25 Oct 2012 22:00:00 GMTControlling The Human Mind and EarthPulse: Dr. Nick Begich Dr. Nick Begich is the eldest son of the late United States Congressman from Alaska, Nick Begich Sr., and political activist Pegge Begich. He is well known in Alaska for his own political activities. He was twice elected President of both the Alaska Federation of Teachers and the Anchorage Council of Education. He has been pursuing independent research in the sciences and politics for most of his adult life. Begich received Doctor of Medicine (Medicina Alternitiva), honoris causa, for independent work in health and political science, from The Open International University for Complementary Medicines, Colombo, Sri Lanka, in November 1994. He co-authored with Jeane Manning the book Angels Don't Play This HAARP; Advances in Tesla Technology. Begich has also authored Earth Rising - The Revolution: Toward a Thousand Years of Peace and and his latest book Earth Rising II- The Betrayal of Science, Society and the Soul both with the late James Roderick. His latest work is Controlling the Human Mind - The Technologies of Political Control or Tools for Peak Performance. Begich has published articles in science, politics and education and is a well known lecturer, having presented throughout the United States and in nineteen countries. He has been featured as a guest on thousands of radio broadcasts reporting on his research activities including new technologies, health and earth science related issues. He has also appeared on dozens of television documentaries and other programs throughout the world including BBC-TV, CBC-TV, TeleMundo, and others. Begich has served as an expert witness and speaker before the European Parliament. He has spoken on various issues for groups representing citizen concerns, statesmen and elected officials, scientists and others. He is the publisher and co-owner of Earthpulse Press. 02:06:00H2O NetwonoEarthPulsedotcom,Mind control,Dr Nick begich,Authors,HumanityDr. Nick Begich is the eldest son of the late United States Congressman from Alaska, Nick Begich Sr., and political activist Pegge Begich. He is well known inAuthor, and Dream Intuitive Meredith Smithhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/10/22/author-and-dream-intuitive-meredith-smithSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/10/22/author-and-dream-intuitive-meredith-smith/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/10/22/author-and-dream-intuitive-meredith-smithMon, 22 Oct 2012 18:00:00 GMTAuthor, and Dream Intuitive Meredith Smith Meredith is an intuitive reader of dreams, images, spirits, and energy-- with her specialized training entwined with her own natural gifts -- she believes that dreams are pieces to our personal soul's journey past, present, & future. She guides each dreamer through the process of putting together symbolic images of their amazing magical travels through the astral realms. She teaches each dreamer to identify messages to receive and give, to recognize one's spirit guides, and to communicate with others (living, deceased, spirits, and unearthly beings) all while dreaming. I am a dream translator, a dream intuitive, a dream traveler, a spirit rescuer, an empath, and an energy healer..... I Speak In Dreams. http://ispeakindreams.com/ 02:10:00H2O NetwonoDreams,Intuitive,Authors,Meredith Smith,ConsciousnessMeredith is an intuitive reader of dreams, images, spirits, and energy-- with her specialized training entwined with her own natural gifts -- she believes thatAuthor Joseph Pearce: The Heart-Mind Matrixhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/10/20/author-joseph-pearce-the-heart-mind-matrixSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/10/20/author-joseph-pearce-the-heart-mind-matrix/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/10/20/author-joseph-pearce-the-heart-mind-matrixSat, 20 Oct 2012 16:00:00 GMTAuthor Joseph Pearce: The Heart-Mind Matrix Joseph Chilton Pearce (born January 14, 1926, Pineville, Kentucky, US) is an American author of a number of books on child development. He prefers the name "Joe". He served in the U.S. Army Air Corps during World War II. He graduated with a BA from College of William and Mary, received a Master of Arts degree from Indiana University, and did post-graduate studies at Geneva Theological College. He presents the idea of the heart - or compassionate mind - as a category of brain function equal in stature to the thalamus, prefrontal cortex and lower brain. He believes that active, imaginative play is the most important of all childhood activities because it cultivates mastery of one's environment, which he terms "creative competence". Children denied that form of play develop feelings of isolation and anxiety. 01:05:00H2O NetwonoAuthors,Joseph Pearce,Heart-Mind Matrix,Feelings vs Emotions,ConsciousnessJoseph Chilton Pearce (born January 14, 1926, Pineville, Kentucky, US) is an American author of a number of books on child development. He prefers the name "JoConfessions of A Rebel Angel With Author Timothy Wylliehttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/10/20/confessions-of-a-rebal-angel-with-author-timothy-wyllieSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/10/20/confessions-of-a-rebal-angel-with-author-timothy-wyllie/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/10/20/confessions-of-a-rebal-angel-with-author-timothy-wyllieSat, 20 Oct 2012 00:00:00 GMTConfessions of A Rebel Angel With Author Timothy WyllieTimothy Wyllie is a writer, artist, and musician who began specializing in the study of nonhuman intelligences, such as angels and dolphins, after a near-death experience in 1973. The author of several books, including The Return of the Rebel Angels and Love, Sex, Fear, Death, he lives in Mountainair, New Mexico. 01:59:00H2O NetwonoAuthors,Timothy Wyllie,Confessions of A Rebal Angel,Consciousness,HumanityTimothy Wyllie is a writer, artist, and musician who began specializing in the study of nonhuman intelligences, such as angels and dolphins, after a near-deathSioux Doll Artist Charlene Holy Bear: On "Door To The Mind"http://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/10/18/sioux-doll-artist-charlene-holy-bear-on-door-to-the-mindSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/10/18/sioux-doll-artist-charlene-holy-bear-on-door-to-the-mind/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/10/18/sioux-doll-artist-charlene-holy-bear-on-door-to-the-mindThu, 18 Oct 2012 22:00:00 GMTSioux Doll Artist Charlene Holy Bear: On "Door To The Mind"Charlene Holy Bear. She is a Standing Rock Lakota Sioux artist specializing in figurative dolls inspired by the Great Plains region. Charlene’s dolls often have Lakota beadwork designs, quillwork, and parfleche designs. These hand-made mixed-media figurative dolls reflect traditional arts while also having contemporary beadwork/quillwork . There is extreme attention to detail and precision which makes each one unique and precious. (Note: Picture #1 of Charlene taken by Trent Black) http://www.charleneholybear.com/ 02:11:00H2O NetwonoDoll Artist,Charlen Holy Bear,American Indian,Native American,TraditionCharlene Holy Bear. She is a Standing Rock Lakota Sioux artist specializing in figurative dolls inspired by the Great Plains region. Charlene’s dolls often haveAuthor Edward Bruce Bynum: African Unconscioushttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/10/17/author-edward-bruce-bynum-african-unconsciousSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/10/17/author-edward-bruce-bynum-african-unconscious/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/10/17/author-edward-bruce-bynum-african-unconsciousWed, 17 Oct 2012 23:00:00 GMTAuthor Edward Bruce Bynum: African Unconscious Edward Bruce Bynum, Ph.D., A.B.P.P., is a clinical psychologist and the director of behavioral medicine at the University of Massachusetts Health Services in Amherst. A student of Swami Chandrasekharanand Saraswati and a winner of the Abraham H. Maslow award from the American Psychological Association, he is the author of several books, including The African Unconscious. He lives in Pelham, Massachusetts. 01:04:00H2O NetwonoAuthors,Consciousness,Africa,Spirituality,HumanityEdward Bruce Bynum, Ph.D., A.B.P.P., is a clinical psychologist and the director of behavioral medicine at the University of Massachusetts Health Services in AAnthony Peake Consciousness Hour: Ian Armerhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/10/14/anthony-peake-consciousness-hour-ian-armerSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/10/14/anthony-peake-consciousness-hour-ian-armer/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/10/14/anthony-peake-consciousness-hour-ian-armerSun, 14 Oct 2012 16:00:00 GMTAnthony Peake Consciousness Hour: Ian Armer Ian Armer is a freelance writer, optioned screenwriter, published poet and contracted author to John Hunt Publishing. His written work has been featured in numerous newspapers, magazines and online resources. Ian is  a regular contributor to the cult magazine 'The Illustrated Ape' where his short stories and poetry have appeared alongside contributions from Maximo Park's Paul Smith and Radiohead's Stanley Donwood. Ian’s first novel, 'Mad God's & Englishmen', is being printed and released by John Hunt Publishing in 2012 and will be available in paperback and Kindle in the US and UK. He is currently working on several written projects for publication and the screen. In September 2012 Ian began work on his second novel called 'The Magpie in Gethsemane.' 01:01:00H2O NetwonoAnthony Peake Consciousness Hour,Authors,Counsciousness,Humanity,the AfterLifeIan Armer is a freelance writer, optioned screenwriter, published poet and contracted author to John Hunt Publishing. His written work has been featured in numEarth Poet, and Herb Shaman Stephen Harrod Buhnerhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/10/13/earth-poet-and-herb-shaman-stephen-harrod-buhnerSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/10/13/earth-poet-and-herb-shaman-stephen-harrod-buhner/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/10/13/earth-poet-and-herb-shaman-stephen-harrod-buhnerSat, 13 Oct 2012 18:00:00 GMTEarth Poet, and Herb Shaman Stephen Harrod Buhner   Stephen Harrod Buhner is an Earth poet and the award-winning author of fifteen books on nature, indigenous cultures, the environment, and herbal medicine. He comes from a long line of healers including Leroy Burney, Surgeon General of the United States under Eisenhower and Kennedy, and Elizabeth Lusterheide, a midwife and herbalist who worked in rural Indiana in the early nineteenth century. The greatest influence on his work, however, has been his great-grandfather C.G. Harrod who primarily used botanical medicines, also in rural Indiana, when he began his work as a physician in 1911. http://www.gaianstudies.org/Stephen 01:25:00H2O NetwonoSteven Harrod Buhner,Herbs,Fasting,Healing,AuthorsStephen Harrod Buhner is an Earth poet and the award-winning author of fifteen books on nature, indigenous cultures, the environment, and herbal medicine. HeAfter Dark, Talking About The Moon, Herbs, and The Escoterichttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/10/13/after-dark-talking-about-the-moon-herbs-and-the-escoteric-1Spiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/10/13/after-dark-talking-about-the-moon-herbs-and-the-escoteric-1/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/10/13/after-dark-talking-about-the-moon-herbs-and-the-escoteric-1Sat, 13 Oct 2012 00:00:00 GMTAfter Dark, Talking About The Moon, Herbs, and The Escoteric Join Dia Nunez, and Miss Paula as they discuss The Void-of-Course Moon, Crystals, The Chakra's, how to calculate the frequency of nature, and much, much more! Join us! Call-in number 917-889-7207 02:23:00H2O NetwonoThe Moon,Metaphysical,Herbs,Escoterics,SpiritualityJoin Dia Nunez, and Miss Paula as they discuss The Void-of-Course Moon, Crystals, The Chakra's, how to calculate the frequency of nature, and much, much more!Let's Talk About Herbs, The Moon, and Other Escoteric Thingshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/10/11/lets-talk-about-herbs-the-moon-and-other-escoteric-thingsSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/10/11/lets-talk-about-herbs-the-moon-and-other-escoteric-things/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/10/11/lets-talk-about-herbs-the-moon-and-other-escoteric-thingsThu, 11 Oct 2012 22:00:00 GMTLet's Talk About Herbs, The Moon, and Other Escoteric Things Join Dia Nunez, and Miss Paula from KDCL Media as we discuss herbs, the chakras, recipes, and anything spiritual. The call-in numbers 917-889-7207, or 917-889-7526. Join us! 02:19:00H2O NetwonoThe H20 Network,KDCL Media,Herbs,Remedies,SpiritualityJoin Dia Nunez, and Miss Paula from KDCL Media as we discuss herbs, the chakras, recipes, and anything spiritual. The call-in numbers 917-889-7207, or 917-889-Phi & the Alphabet With Author Marty Leedshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/10/10/phi-the-alphabet-with-author-marty-leedsSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/10/10/phi-the-alphabet-with-author-marty-leeds/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/10/10/phi-the-alphabet-with-author-marty-leedsWed, 10 Oct 2012 18:00:00 GMTPhi & the Alphabet With Author Marty LeedsMarty Leeds has been writing songs and poetry for over 18 years and has had an interest in everything from philosophy, esoterica, mathematics and the sciences.  He was born and raised in southern Wisconsin and has lived in Washington, Oregon and Colorado. http://www.martyleeds33.com/about-the-author.html 02:06:00H2O NetwonoAuthors,Marty Leeds,Phi and the alphabet,metaphysics,CosmosMarty Leeds has been writing songs and poetry for over 18 years and has had an interest in everything from philosophy, esoterica, mathematics and the sciences.Author Marie D. Joneshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/10/09/author-marie-d-jonesSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/10/09/author-marie-d-jones/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/10/09/author-marie-d-jonesTue, 09 Oct 2012 01:00:00 GMTAuthor Marie D. Jones   Author of "2013: End of Days or a New Beginning," "PSIence: How New Discoveries in Quantum Physics and New Science May Explain the Existence of Paranormal Phenomena" "11:11 - The Time Prompt Phenomenon" "Supervolcano: The Catastrophic Event That Changed the Course of Human History" "The Resonance Key: Exploring the Links Between Vibration, Consciousness and the Zero Point Grid" "The Deja Vu Enigma: A Journey Through the Anomalies of Mind, Memory and Time" "Destiny Vs. Choice: The Spiritual and Scientific Evidence Behind Fate and Free Will"  "This Book is From the Future: Portals, Relativity, Wormholes and Other Adventures in Time Travel" coming July 2012.Film/TV projects in development: "19 Hz - The Movie," "Twilight Child," and "The Wanderer" with Bruce Lucas Films.  Staff writer - Intrepid Magazine Regular Contributor - New Dawn Magazine http://www.mariedjones.com/ 01:30:00H2O NetwonoSpirituality,Authors,Marie D Jones,Consciousness,HumanityAuthor of "2013: End of Days or a New Beginning," "PSIence: How New Discoveries in Quantum Physics and New Science May Explain the Existence of Paranormal PhCheyenne River Sioux Tribe Doll Maker: Rhonda Holy Bearhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/10/06/cheyenne-river-sioux-tribe-doll-maker-rhonda-holy-bearSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/10/06/cheyenne-river-sioux-tribe-doll-maker-rhonda-holy-bear/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/10/06/cheyenne-river-sioux-tribe-doll-maker-rhonda-holy-bearSat, 06 Oct 2012 00:00:00 GMTCheyenne River Sioux Tribe Doll Maker: Rhonda Holy BearRhonda Holy Bear is an enrolled member of the Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe. She was born in South Dakota, at Old Cheyenne River Agency--also known as "Chief Martin Charger's Camp." Rhonda grew up in extreme poverty and was raised mainly by her grandparents, DeSmet and Angeline [Soft] Holy Bear. Rhonda's earliest dolls were a hammer and a clothespin. She sometimes even dressed up her cats and dogs and pretended they were babies. One day, she made a doll from some scraps of cloth she found around the house. "Look Grandma! I made a doll!" she said, handing her creation to her Grandmother Angeline, who was almost completely blind. Her grandmother examined the doll in her hands and told Rhonda the story that has inspired her to create dolls to this very day http://www.rhondaholybear.com/ 01:52:00H2O NetwonoNative Dolls,American Indian Artists,Rhonda holy Bear,Tradition,HumanityRhonda Holy Bear is an enrolled member of the Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe. She was born in South Dakota, at Old Cheyenne River Agency--also known as "Chief MartiLet's Talk About Herbs&Other Spiritual Stuff The H20, KDCL http://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/10/04/lets-talk-about-herbs-w-the-h20-kdcl-mediaSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/10/04/lets-talk-about-herbs-w-the-h20-kdcl-media/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/10/04/lets-talk-about-herbs-w-the-h20-kdcl-mediaThu, 04 Oct 2012 22:00:00 GMTLet's Talk About Herbs&Other Spiritual Stuff The H20, KDCL Call-in number 917-889-7207 this evening Miss Paula, and i will be discussing herb's, crystals, and many other interesting things 02:06:00H2O NetwonoHerbs,Crystals,Baths,The Moon,Door to The MindCall-in number 917-889-7207 this evening Miss Paula, and i will be discussing herb's, crystals, and many other interesting thingsAuthor Marcus T. Anthony Talks About New Book MindReaderhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/10/02/author-marcus-t-anthony-talks-about-new-book-mindreaderSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/10/02/author-marcus-t-anthony-talks-about-new-book-mindreader/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/10/02/author-marcus-t-anthony-talks-about-new-book-mindreaderTue, 02 Oct 2012 05:30:00 GMTAuthor Marcus T. Anthony Talks About New Book MindReader Beginning from the mid 1990s, Dr. Anthony began to explore visionary worlds through contemplation, deep meditation, and emotional healing. He traveled to many parts of the world, seeking the wisdom and guidance of gifted spiritual teachers. While living in New Zealand from 1996-1999, he engaged in an intensive programme of spiritual exploration with a group of committed spiritual seekers. By the time he had left New Zealand for Taiwan, he had developed an ability to perceive and understand human consciousness at an extraordinarily deep level. This included the capacity to sense the thoughts and emotional energies of others, and to communicate with spiritual realms. Subsequently, he set about formally studying the frontiers of human intelligence, enrolling in a doctoral programme at the University of the Sunshine Coast in Queensland, Australia. During his doctoral candidature, he applied his natural intuitive gifts to develop a unique method of study, Integrated Inquiry. http:// www.mind-futures.com Blog: http://www.22cplus.blogspot.com 00:54:00H2O NetwonoAuthors,Marcus T Anthony,Spiritual experience,The H20 Network,Mind-futuresdotcomBeginning from the mid 1990s, Dr. Anthony began to explore visionary worlds through contemplation, deep meditation, and emotional healing. He traveled to manyEarth Medicine With Shaman, and Healer Julie McIntyrehttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/09/28/earth-medicine-with-shaman-and-healer-julie-mcintyreSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/09/28/earth-medicine-with-shaman-and-healer-julie-mcintyre/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/09/28/earth-medicine-with-shaman-and-healer-julie-mcintyreFri, 28 Sep 2012 19:00:00 GMTEarth Medicine With Shaman, and Healer Julie McIntyre   Indigenous medicine people make the point over and over again that the practitioner must have faith in her medicines.  It must be based on personal relationship with the medicine or the protocol you’re suggesting. Without personal trust in your medicines, as if your own life depended on them, your confidence in the medicines will fail as you approach diseases in which death may occur and your clients will ~ at some level ~ know it.   Plants are living entities and what you do when you heal with plant medicine is that you bring together the living entity of a plant, with the living entity of the person, with the living entity of the organ system through the introductory medium of the herbalist. Your perception has to be sensitive enough to understand how to do that and to perceive what happens inside the person when they are all introduced.  http://www.gaianstudies.org/earth_medicine_intro.html 01:26:00H2O NetwonoHumanity,Health,Earth Medicine,Julie McIntyre,Ancient KnowledgeIndigenous medicine people make the point over and over again that the practitioner must have faith in her medicines.  It must be based on personal relationsPublisher of Super Consciousness Magazine Jair Robleshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/09/24/publisher-of-super-consciousness-magazine-jair-roblesSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/09/24/publisher-of-super-consciousness-magazine-jair-robles/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/09/24/publisher-of-super-consciousness-magazine-jair-roblesMon, 24 Sep 2012 19:00:00 GMTPublisher of Super Consciousness Magazine Jair RoblesJair Robles is the founding editor and publisher of SuperConsciousness Magazine. Born in Mexico City to a family of successful journalists and newspaper publishers, he studied Political Science and has a Masters Degree in Public Administration from the School of International and Public Affairs (SIPA) at Columbia University. His main interests are the evolution and development of spiritual awareness as a means for social change. http://www.superconsciousness.com/ 01:00:00H2O NetwonoSuper Consciousness magazine,spirituality,Jair Robles,Social Change,HumanityJair Robles is the founding editor and publisher of SuperConsciousness Magazine. Born in Mexico City to a family of successful journalists and newspaper publishHerbs, The Moon, & Other Spiritual Stuff On After Darkhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/09/22/herbs-the-moon-other-spiritual-stuff-on-after-darkSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/09/22/herbs-the-moon-other-spiritual-stuff-on-after-dark/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/09/22/herbs-the-moon-other-spiritual-stuff-on-after-darkSat, 22 Sep 2012 00:00:00 GMTHerbs, The Moon, & Other Spiritual Stuff On After Dark Tonight Miss Paula and I will be finishing off were we left off last night with our herbs discussion. Call-in 917-889-7207 02:17:00H2O NetwonoHerbs,After Dark,KDCL Media,H20,wellnessTonight Miss Paula and I will be finishing off were we left off last night with our herbs discussion. Call-in 917-889-7207"Let's Talk Herbs" With the H20 Network, and KDCL Mediahttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/09/20/lets-talk-herbs-with-the-h20-network-and-kdcl-media) Call-in Miss Paula, and I would love to hear from you 917-889-7207. ]]>) Call-in Miss Paula, and I would love to hear from you 917-889-7207. ]]>Spiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/09/20/lets-talk-herbs-with-the-h20-network-and-kdcl-media/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/09/20/lets-talk-herbs-with-the-h20-network-and-kdcl-mediaThu, 20 Sep 2012 22:00:00 GMT"Let's Talk Herbs" With the H20 Network, and KDCL Media) Call-in Miss Paula, and I would love to hear from you 917-889-7207. ]]> Greetings this evening we will be discussing any and everything about herbs, and many other related subjects:>) Call-in Miss Paula, and I would love to hear from you 917-889-7207. 01:10:00H2O NetwonoHerbs,Healing,Door To The Mind,KDCL Media,The H20 NetworkGreetings this evening we will be discussing any and everything about herbs, and many other related subjects:>) Call-in Miss Paula, and I would love to hear frDenver Psychic Michelle Houchens Comes To After Dark http://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/09/15/denver-psychic-michelle-houchens-comes-to-after-darkSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/09/15/denver-psychic-michelle-houchens-comes-to-after-dark/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/09/15/denver-psychic-michelle-houchens-comes-to-after-darkSat, 15 Sep 2012 00:00:00 GMTDenver Psychic Michelle Houchens Comes To After Dark   For over 25 years, Michelle Houchenshas been a Medical Intuitive, CEO, Patent Holder, Registered Nurse, and Corporate Executive but since childhood she been gifted with psychic ability. Michelle remained silent about her psychic skills until the age of 47, feeling Western Medicine would not accept her gifts. She finally announced her intuitive skill to the world and in a short time has built a clientele of over 300 businesses and professionals.  She is clairaudient, clairvisual, and clairsentient, and able to communicate, see and feel Beings in the room, just the same as you and I sitting in a room chatting.  In her current state of development, she has transcended over 300 levels of consciousness and has discussions with up to 18 Beings at once on the Other Side.       She is certified in Advanced Hypnotherapy, Past Life Regression Therapy, PSYCH-K Facilitator, Advanced Theta Healing, Intuitive Philosophies, and Courtroom Mediation. Michelle understands the metaphyics and paranormal as she uses her gift as a channel to all 02:09:00H2O NetwonoThe H20 Network,KDCL Media,Michelle Houchens,Dnver Psychic,HumanityFor over 25 years, Michelle Houchenshas been a Medical Intuitive, CEO, Patent Holder, Registered Nurse, and Corporate Executive but since childhood she beenLet's Talk About Herbs" with The H20 & KCDL Mediahttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/09/13/lets-talk-about-herbs-with-the-h20-kcdl-mediaSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/09/13/lets-talk-about-herbs-with-the-h20-kcdl-media/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/09/13/lets-talk-about-herbs-with-the-h20-kcdl-mediaThu, 13 Sep 2012 22:00:00 GMTLet's Talk About Herbs" with The H20 & KCDL Media  Welcome To Door To The Mind's "Let's Talk About Herbs" Come hangout with Miss Paula, and Dia Nunez for "Door To The Mind". The call-in numbers 917-889-7207, or 917-889-7526. We would love to hear from you <3 02:30:00H2O NetwonoDoor To The Mind,The H20 Network,KDCL Media,Miss Paula,Dia NunezWelcome To Door To The Mind's "Let's Talk About Herbs" Come hangout with Miss Paula, and Dia Nunez for "Door To The Mind". The call-in numbers 917-889-7207, oSatsang:How to Come Back To Communicating With Tony Samarahttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/09/09/satsanghow-to-come-back-to-communicating-with-tony-samaraSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/09/09/satsanghow-to-come-back-to-communicating-with-tony-samara/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/09/09/satsanghow-to-come-back-to-communicating-with-tony-samaraSun, 09 Sep 2012 14:00:00 GMTSatsang:How to Come Back To Communicating With Tony SamaraSatsang: Satsang is a Sanskrit word that means "gathering together for the truth" or, more simply, "being with the truth."    Greetings family I was gifted a pre-recorded satsang with Teacher Tony Samara http:// http://www.TonySamara.org Enjoy!   "Each individual has to experience the truth in his heart because the experience of others cannot be his own experience. The spiritual teacher is he who passes on the information and the student is he who practices and transforms the information into his own truth, his own essence. The true teacher is he who removes the power of competition and jealousy from your heart and makes your heart able to love.  We invite you to come and meet Tony Samara through this fan page and allow yourself the unique experience of finding true wisdom of the heart. “We are creating this reality and we can change it but we have to start with ourselves. . . . . . .You can change everything right now by believing in yourself.” (Tony Samara, Live Satsang 24/2/2010) 01:25:00H2O NetwonoTony Samara,Satsang,Spirituality,Communication,HumanitySatsang: Satsang is a Sanskrit word that means "gathering together for the truth" or, more simply, "being with the truth."    Greetings family I was gifted aAfter Dark with Actors Viktor Aurelius and Jeff Niles http://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/09/08/after-dark-with-actors-viktor-aurelius-and-jeff-nilesSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/09/08/after-dark-with-actors-viktor-aurelius-and-jeff-niles/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/09/08/after-dark-with-actors-viktor-aurelius-and-jeff-nilesSat, 08 Sep 2012 00:00:00 GMTAfter Dark with Actors Viktor Aurelius and Jeff Niles   Jeff Niles and Viktor Aurelius have just completed the first season of their Audio DramaLilith's Children. Angels, Demons, Vampires, creatures of light and darkness are all brought together to battle a single being who wishes to enslave the world under his control. Jeff Niles has been a stage actor with his own Theatre Company for many years. His voice acting talents have been heard in a multitude of productions over the past nine years, from his own productions on The 4077th Productions for the last four years of which he is best known as the Master Detective in his Misadventures of Sherlock Holmes to working with Dream Real Enterprises and many other Audio Production Companies. Viktor Aurelius, the 2000 Year Old Vampire who hostsWhispers in the Dark  recites poetry, writes, directs and produces his own Audio Dramas. Most recently his 10-part series Lilith's Children and voicing characters in many other productions kept him busy, but he is hard at work on several new productions that he and Jeff Niles will release very soon. 02:16:00H2O NetwonoAfter Dark,Liliths Children,Whispers in the dark,Viktor Aurelius,Jeff NilesJeff Niles and Viktor Aurelius have just completed the first season of their Audio DramaLilith's Children. Angels, Demons, Vampires, creatures of light and"Let's Talk Herbs" On Door To The Mind:The H20 & KCDL Mediahttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/09/06/lets-talk-herbs-on-door-to-the-mindthe-h20-kcdl-mediaSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/09/06/lets-talk-herbs-on-door-to-the-mindthe-h20-kcdl-media/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/09/06/lets-talk-herbs-on-door-to-the-mindthe-h20-kcdl-mediaThu, 06 Sep 2012 22:00:00 GMT"Let's Talk Herbs" On Door To The Mind:The H20 & KCDL Media Come hangout with Miss Paula, and Dia Nunez for "Door To The Mind". The call-in numbers 917-889-7207, or 917-889-7526. We would love to hear from you. We'll be discussing herbal remedies for your body, and for spiritual uses, healthy recipes, and recipes for canning food for winter months. Join Us!! 02:11:00H2O NetwonoDoor To The Mind,The H20 Network,KDCL Media,Miss Paula,Dia NunezCome hangout with Miss Paula, and Dia Nunez for "Door To The Mind". The call-in numbers 917-889-7207, or 917-889-7526. We would love to hear from you. We'll beBlue Moon Readings At After Dark with the H20 and KDCL Mediahttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/09/01/blue-moon-readings-at-after-dark-with-the-h20-and-kdcl-mediaSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/09/01/blue-moon-readings-at-after-dark-with-the-h20-and-kdcl-media/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/09/01/blue-moon-readings-at-after-dark-with-the-h20-and-kdcl-mediaSat, 01 Sep 2012 00:00:00 GMTBlue Moon Readings At After Dark with the H20 and KDCL Media Join Miss Paula, and Dia Nunez for "After Dark" This evening we're doing Blue moon readings! Call-in Early! 917-889-7207. Then for 30 min we'll be talking with founder Shanti Toll about the up-coming Denver Metaphysical faif, and the Colorado Springs Metaphysical Fair happening this Oct. Then we will continue with blue Moon Readings. Don't miss out, join us! Call-in number 917-889-7207 Labor Day event Denver http://www.celebrationfair.com/ October event Colorado Springs http://www.2012transcendencefair.com/ 03:00:00H2O NetwonoThe H20 Network,KDCL Media,Blue Moon Readings,after Dark,Denver Metaphysical FairJoin Miss Paula, and Dia Nunez for "After Dark" This evening we're doing Blue moon readings! Call-in Early! 917-889-7207. Then for 30 min we'll be talking withAuthor Alan Abbadessa-Green Talks About Synchronicityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/08/31/door-to-the-mind-with-the-h20-and-kcdl-mediaSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/08/31/door-to-the-mind-with-the-h20-and-kcdl-media/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/08/31/door-to-the-mind-with-the-h20-and-kcdl-mediaFri, 31 Aug 2012 01:00:00 GMTAuthor Alan Abbadessa-Green Talks About Synchronicity   Alan recently published The Sync Book, a collection of 26 authors writing on Synchronicity, as editor and contributor. The incredible feedback and support generated by this venture led to the creation of Sync Book Press, co-founded by Alan and The Sync Book team. Alan is the author of the novel "Look at All the Happy Creatures" and has written for a number of publications, both comics and prose - getting an excellent review in Comic Buyers Guide and having his self-published anthology on display at The Baltimore Museum of Art. His animation has been projected onstage at the New York International Fringe Festival, commissioned by a Bollywood director, shown in corporate boardrooms and featured in music videos. Many of his interviews and writings are collected at: AllTheHappyCreatures.com http://www.allthehappycreatures.com/ 02:20:00H2O NetwonoDoor To The Mind,The H20 Network,KDCL Media,Synchronicity,Alan Abbadessa GreenAlan recently published The Sync Book, a collection of 26 authors writing on Synchronicity, as editor and contributor. The incredible feedback and support geAfter Dark with the H20 and KDCL Mediahttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/08/25/after-dark-with-the-h20-and-kdcl-mediaSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/08/25/after-dark-with-the-h20-and-kdcl-media/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/08/25/after-dark-with-the-h20-and-kdcl-mediaSat, 25 Aug 2012 00:00:00 GMTAfter Dark with the H20 and KDCL Media Join Miss Paula, and Dia Nunez for "After Dark" You never know what your going to get!! Join us 917-889-7207, or 917-889-7526. 02:01:00H2O NetwonoThe H20 Network,KDCL Media,Current Events,Community,HumanityJoin Miss Paula, and Dia Nunez for "After Dark" You never know what your going to get!! Join us 917-889-7207, or 917-889-7526.Door To The Mind with The H20, and KCDL Mediahttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/08/24/door-to-the-mind-with-the-h20-and-kcdl-media-1Spiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/08/24/door-to-the-mind-with-the-h20-and-kcdl-media-1/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/08/24/door-to-the-mind-with-the-h20-and-kcdl-media-1Fri, 24 Aug 2012 01:00:00 GMTDoor To The Mind with The H20, and KCDL Media You never kow what will happen. Call-in 917-889-7207. We will be discussing herbs, and other little goodies. 02:10:00H2O NetwonoSpirituality,Door To The Mind,KDCL Media,The H20 Network,HumanityYou never kow what will happen. Call-in 917-889-7207. We will be discussing herbs, and other little goodies.After Dark with the H20 and KDCL Mediahttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/08/18/after-dark-with-the-h20-and-kdcl-mediaSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/08/18/after-dark-with-the-h20-and-kdcl-media/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/08/18/after-dark-with-the-h20-and-kdcl-mediaSat, 18 Aug 2012 00:00:00 GMTAfter Dark with the H20 and KDCL Media Join Miss Paula, and Dia Nunez for "After Dark" You never know what your going to get!! Join us 917-889-7207, or 917-889-7526. 02:00:00H2O NetwonoThe H20 Network,KDCL Media,Current Events,Community,HumanityJoin Miss Paula, and Dia Nunez for "After Dark" You never know what your going to get!! Join us 917-889-7207, or 917-889-7526.Door To The Mind with The H20, and KCDL Mediahttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/08/16/door-to-the-mind-with-the-h20-and-kcdl-mediaSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/08/16/door-to-the-mind-with-the-h20-and-kcdl-media/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/08/16/door-to-the-mind-with-the-h20-and-kcdl-mediaThu, 16 Aug 2012 22:00:00 GMTDoor To The Mind with The H20, and KCDL Media Come hangout with Miss Paula, and Dia Nunez for "Door To The Mind". The call-in numbers 917-889-7207, or 917-889-7526. We would love to hear from you <3 01:58:00H2O NetwonoDoor To The Mind,The H20 Network,KDCL Media,Miss Paula,Dia NunezCome hangout with Miss Paula, and Dia Nunez for "Door To The Mind". The call-in numbers 917-889-7207, or 917-889-7526. We would love to hear from you <3The Crystal Skulls With Joshua Shapiro Part Twohttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/07/21/the-crystal-skulls-with-joshua-shapiro-part-twoSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/07/21/the-crystal-skulls-with-joshua-shapiro-part-two/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/07/21/the-crystal-skulls-with-joshua-shapiro-part-twoSat, 21 Jul 2012 00:00:00 GMTThe Crystal Skulls With Joshua Shapiro Part Two Joshua has been involved with the crystal skulls since 1983 when he saw one made out of amethyst in northern California (“Ami”). He felt such a strong connection with this artifact that since that time he has devoted his life and resources to sharing the best information he can about these crystalline artifacts with other people all over the world and the future role they will play to help our planet see world peace. http://www.v-j-enterprises.com/crystalskulls/category/joshua-shapiro/ 02:05:00H2O NetwonoDoor To The Mind,Joshua Shapiro,Crystal Skulls,Mysterious Artifacts,Future of HumanityJoshua has been involved with the crystal skulls since 1983 when he saw one made out of amethyst in northern California (“Ami”). He felt such a strong connectiThe Crystal Skulls With Joshua Shapiro Part Onehttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/07/19/the-crystal-skulls-with-joshua-shapiroSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/07/19/the-crystal-skulls-with-joshua-shapiro/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/07/19/the-crystal-skulls-with-joshua-shapiroThu, 19 Jul 2012 22:00:00 GMTThe Crystal Skulls With Joshua Shapiro Part One Joshua has been involved with the crystal skulls since 1983 when he saw one made out of amethyst in northern California (“Ami”). He felt such a strong connection with this artifact that since that time he has devoted his life and resources to sharing the best information he can about these crystalline artifacts with other people all over the world and the future role they will play to help our planet see world peace. http://www.v-j-enterprises.com/crystalskulls/category/joshua-shapiro/ 01:52:00H2O NetwonoDoor To The Mind,Joshua Shapiro,Crystal Skulls,Mysterious Artifacts,Future of HumanityJoshua has been involved with the crystal skulls since 1983 when he saw one made out of amethyst in northern California (“Ami”). He felt such a strong connectiReadings At "After Dark" With The H20 & KDCL Mediahttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/07/07/readings-at-after-dark-with-the-h20-kdcl-mediaSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/07/07/readings-at-after-dark-with-the-h20-kdcl-media/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/07/07/readings-at-after-dark-with-the-h20-kdcl-mediaSat, 07 Jul 2012 00:00:00 GMTReadings At "After Dark" With The H20 & KDCL Media Let Spirit Flow! Call-in Number 917-889-7207 or 917-889-7526 02:18:00H2O NetwonoReadings,Spirit,The H20 Network,KDCL Media,HumanityLet Spirit Flow! Call-in Number 917-889-7207 or 917-889-7526Door To The Mind With The H20, And KDCL Media http://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/07/05/reading-a-food-label-part-2-mycocreations-on-door-to-theSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/07/05/reading-a-food-label-part-2-mycocreations-on-door-to-the/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/07/05/reading-a-food-label-part-2-mycocreations-on-door-to-theThu, 05 Jul 2012 22:00:00 GMTDoor To The Mind With The H20, And KDCL Media KDCL Media & The H2O Network merge to build a Door To The Mind with Hosts Radiah Nunez, and Miss Paula to provide you with Internet radio shows that showcase the talented and independent writers, thinkers and topics of the day. 02:05:00H2O NetwonoFood Labels,MycoCreations,KDCL Media,The H20 Network,HumanityKDCL Media & The H2O Network merge to build a Door To The Mind with Hosts Radiah Nunez, and Miss Paula to provide you with Internet radio shows that showcase tAfter Dark with the H20 and KDCL Mediahttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/06/30/after-dark-with-the-h20-and-kdcl-mediaSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/06/30/after-dark-with-the-h20-and-kdcl-media/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/06/30/after-dark-with-the-h20-and-kdcl-mediaSat, 30 Jun 2012 00:00:00 GMTAfter Dark with the H20 and KDCL Media This evening anything goes. You never know what will happen on after dark! What's on your mind? Call-in Number 917-889-7207, or 917-889-7526 02:54:00H2O NetwonoAfter Dark,H20 Network,KDCL Media,Community,HumanityThis evening anything goes. You never know what will happen on after dark! What's on your mind? Call-in Number 917-889-7207, or 917-889-7526Psychic and Exorcist Jeffery Seelman Part Twohttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/06/28/psychic-and-exorcist-jeffery-seelmanSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/06/28/psychic-and-exorcist-jeffery-seelman/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/06/28/psychic-and-exorcist-jeffery-seelmanThu, 28 Jun 2012 22:00:00 GMTPsychic and Exorcist Jeffery Seelman Part Two   Jeffrey Seelman has been helping individuals, families, and businesses since 1992. STARCLEAR was created to help the public understand the nature of negative emotional energies and negative spirits. Today, STARCLEAR continues to assist thousands of people each year in feeling happier & healthier, and living life to the fullest. Jeffrey is host of Starclear Radio and Face Off , on the Para-X Radio Network, and also host of International Metaphysical University Radio. Jeffrey is a teacher, psychic, and an exorcist, specializing in clearing and psychic protection. A clearing refers to the removal of negative emotional energies and negative spirits from a person or from a location. Jeffrey Seelman is also an expert on hauntings in homes and businesses, psychic ability, good ghosts such as spirit guides, curses, demonic possession, evil spirits, personal protection, and the nature of emotional energies and violence. Read a July 2010 article in Britain's Silent Voices Magazine. http://www.starclear.com/ 02:13:00H2O NetwonoExorcist,Jeffery Seelman,Spirits,Door To The Mind,PossessionJeffrey Seelman has been helping individuals, families, and businesses since 1992. STARCLEAR was created to help the public understand the nature of negativTechnology and Transhumanism Part Two With Sadiki Bakarihttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/06/26/technology-and-transhumanism-part-two-with-sadiki-bakariSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/06/26/technology-and-transhumanism-part-two-with-sadiki-bakari/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/06/26/technology-and-transhumanism-part-two-with-sadiki-bakariTue, 26 Jun 2012 01:00:00 GMTTechnology and Transhumanism Part Two With Sadiki Bakari   Sakari has authored 6 books, including his latest titles, “Hip Hop Androids, Artistic Clones and the Portal of Artificial Intelligence” (2011) and “Is Computer Software the New God: Cyber Consciousness and Cybernetics in the Epoch of Spiritual Transmigration Interface” (2011). These books highlight the portal of expansion, spiritual technology, artificial intelligence and how to design and be architects of the future. Sadiki has been featured in several international publications, radio programs, university campuses, distinguished events, and has shared the stage with many prominent Speakers and Artists. Despite many accolades, decades of research and the respect of many of our greatest scholars, Sadiki remains humble and grateful on his quest to remain a vessel and to constantly elevate his craft. In addition to his scholarly endeavors, Bakari is the California Coordinator for the FTP Movement and has organized the serving of over 50,000 meals and clothing the homeless community in the Los Angeles area over the past 7 years.http://www.sadikibakari.com/02:17:00H2O Netwonoconsciousness,Sadiki Bakari,Transhumanism,Technology,HumanitySakari has authored 6 books, including his latest titles, “Hip Hop Androids, Artistic Clones and the Portal of Artificial Intelligence” (2011) and “Is ComputEnergeticXChange A New Model Of Exchange With George Kaponayhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/06/25/energeticxchange-a-new-model-of-exchange-with-george-kaponaySpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/06/25/energeticxchange-a-new-model-of-exchange-with-george-kaponay/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/06/25/energeticxchange-a-new-model-of-exchange-with-george-kaponayMon, 25 Jun 2012 02:00:00 GMTEnergeticXChange A New Model Of Exchange With George Kaponay   EnergeticXChange is neither a new barter system nor an alternative way to measure value. EnergeticXChange is a new model of exchange-dynamics that goes beyond the ?nancial-driven values that current economic systems have imposed. It works in the knowledge that all needs are valid and are equal in value, given that all offers will ?nd their corresponding needs, irrespective of their ‘perceived value’. It is the understanding that the real value is in the human connection and the role it plays in bringing the world together as one. EnergeticXChange is a globally based community project, offered in service for all toward co-creating a better world. It is not for pro?t, is non-commercial, and seeks the assistance and participation of all people, in whatever capacity they are capable to give and receive. Through the dynamics of freely giving and receiving we can come to understand that these two energies carry one and the same frequency. To give is to truly receive.  http://www.energeticxchange.com/   01:11:00H2O NetwonoEnergeticXChange,New System of Exchange,Giving Freely,New values,Globally based projectEnergeticXChange is neither a new barter system nor an alternative way to measure value. EnergeticXChange is a new model of exchange-dynamics that goes beyoDo You Know How To Read A Food Label? With MycoCreations.comhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/06/24/do-you-know-how-to-read-a-food-label-with-mycocreationscomSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/06/24/do-you-know-how-to-read-a-food-label-with-mycocreationscom/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/06/24/do-you-know-how-to-read-a-food-label-with-mycocreationscomSun, 24 Jun 2012 00:00:00 GMTDo You Know How To Read A Food Label? With MycoCreations.com   MyCoCreations.com where you can create your own health, body and family products. Create your own unique and personalized body lotion, body mist, lip balm, lip gloss, fruit peelers (similar to fruit rollups), dehydrated fruit and vegetables/powders and more. MyCoCreations blossomed out of the need to protect my family. Once I began my journey of discovering the truth, I started inspecting the ingredient labels on the food I purchased. This led me to another truth. Our skin is alive, it breathes and absorbes what you put on it. What you put on your skin is just as important as what you put in your body. I immediately began researching everything I could not pronounce or was not aware of. http://mycocreations.com/AboutUs.aspx 01:44:00H2O NetwonoMycoCreationsdotcom,Organic,Food Labels,Natural foods,knowledgeMyCoCreations.com where you can create your own health, body and family products. Create your own unique and personalized body lotion, body mist, lip balm,Rebroadcast:William Visit's The H20 Network, and KDCL Mediahttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/06/23/rebroadcastwilliam-visits-the-h20-network-and-kdcl-mediaEducationhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/06/23/rebroadcastwilliam-visits-the-h20-network-and-kdcl-media/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/06/23/rebroadcastwilliam-visits-the-h20-network-and-kdcl-mediaSat, 23 Jun 2012 00:00:00 GMTRebroadcast:William Visit's The H20 Network, and KDCL Media   Author, investigative mythologist and host of “Revelations” radio, William Henry is your guide into the transformative power of art and symbols of human ascension. He has been documenting humanity’s awakening to its spiritual magnificence for over 20 years. Inspired by the great accomplishments of antiquity, William brings the evidence of our divinity. By bringing to life the stories of ascension through art, he teaches the secrets of soul transfiguration or metamorphosis and connects people to one another across cultures, time and space. http://www.williamhenry.net/ 02:01:00H2O NetwonoAuthors,William Henry,Consciousness,Humanity,SpiritualityAuthor, investigative mythologist and host of “Revelations” radio, William Henry is your guide into the transformative power of art and symbols of human ascThe Numbers Lady Glynis McCants Comes To " Door To The Mind"http://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/06/21/the-numbers-lady-glynis-mccants-comes-to-door-to-the-mindSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/06/21/the-numbers-lady-glynis-mccants-comes-to-door-to-the-mind/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/06/21/the-numbers-lady-glynis-mccants-comes-to-door-to-the-mindThu, 21 Jun 2012 22:00:00 GMTThe Numbers Lady Glynis McCants Comes To " Door To The Mind"Glynis McCants has been studying Numerology for 21 years. She uses the Pythagoras Number system, which is over 2,500 years old...http://numberslady.com/ For more on Glynis just click the above link   02:00:00H2O NetwonoNumberology,Glynis McCants,Numbers,Charts,AuthorsGlynis McCants has been studying Numerology for 21 years. She uses the Pythagoras Number system, which is over 2,500 years old...http://numberslady.com/ For morThe Anthony Peake Consciousness Hour: Sandie Gustushttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/06/10/the-anthony-peake-consciousness-hour-sandie-gustusSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/06/10/the-anthony-peake-consciousness-hour-sandie-gustus/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/06/10/the-anthony-peake-consciousness-hour-sandie-gustusSun, 10 Jun 2012 16:00:00 GMTThe Anthony Peake Consciousness Hour: Sandie Gustus This week Anthony will be interviewing Author Sandie Gustus They will be discussing her book "Less Incomplete" A Guide To Experiencing The Human Condition Beyond The Physical Body In this book, Sandie Gustus presents the key themes of conscientiology and projectiology, the two new sciences proposed by Dr. Vieira.Conscientiology is the science that studies the consciousness, investigating all of its attributes, properties, characteristics, bodies, lives and phenomena. It is important to make the distinction here between the consciousness and consciousness . In the context of this book the consciousness is used as a synonym of soul, spirit, or self. Consciousness – on its own – is typically used to imply the state of being aware or lucid.  http://sandiegustus.com/ 01:01:00H2O NetwonoConsciousness Research,Sandie Gustus,New Science,Beyond The Body,PhenomenaThis week Anthony will be interviewing Author Sandie Gustus They will be discussing her book "Less Incomplete" A Guide To Experiencing The Human Condition BeyTranshumanism, and Technology with Sadiki Bakarihttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/06/10/transhumanism-and-technology-with-sadiki-bakariSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/06/10/transhumanism-and-technology-with-sadiki-bakari/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/06/10/transhumanism-and-technology-with-sadiki-bakariSun, 10 Jun 2012 01:00:00 GMTTranshumanism, and Technology with Sadiki Bakari   Bakari has authored 6 books, including his latest titles, “Hip Hop Androids, Artistic Clones and the Portal of Artificial Intelligence” (2011) and “Is Computer Software the New God: Cyber Consciousness and Cybernetics in the Epoch of Spiritual Transmigration Interface” (2011). These books highlight the portal of expansion, spiritual technology, artificial intelligence and how to design and be architects of the future. Sadiki has been featured in several international publications, radio programs, university campuses, distinguished events, and has shared the stage with many prominent Speakers and Artists. Despite many accolades, decades of research and the respect of many of our greatest scholars, Sadiki remains humble and grateful on his quest to remain a vessel and to constantly elevate his craft. In addition to his scholarly endeavors, Bakari is the California Coordinator for the FTP Movement and has organized the serving of over 50,000 meals and clothing the homeless community in the Los Angeles area over the past 7 years.http://www.sadikibakari.com/bio.html01:41:00H2O NetwonoTranshumanism,Eugenics,humanity,Indoctrination,Sadiki BakariBakari has authored 6 books, including his latest titles, “Hip Hop Androids, Artistic Clones and the Portal of Artificial Intelligence” (2011) and “Is ComputProfessional Psychic and Exorcist Jeffrey Seelmanhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/06/07/professional-psychic-and-exorcist-jeffrey-seelmanSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/06/07/professional-psychic-and-exorcist-jeffrey-seelman/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/06/07/professional-psychic-and-exorcist-jeffrey-seelmanThu, 07 Jun 2012 22:00:00 GMTProfessional Psychic and Exorcist Jeffrey Seelman   Jeffrey Seelman has been helping individuals, families, and businesses since 1992. STARCLEAR was created to help the public understand the nature of negative emotional energies and negative spirits. Today, STARCLEAR continues to assist thousands of people each year in feeling happier & healthier, and living life to the fullest. Jeffrey is host of Starclear Radio and Face Off , on the Para-X Radio Network, and also host of International Metaphysical University Radio. Jeffrey is a teacher, psychic, and an exorcist, specializing in clearing and psychic protection. A clearing refers to the removal of negative emotional energies and negative spirits from a person or from a location. Jeffrey Seelman is also an expert on hauntings in homes and businesses, psychic ability, good ghosts such as spirit guides, curses, demonic possession, evil spirits, personal protection, and the nature of emotional energies and violence. Read a July 2010 article in Britain's Silent Voices Magazine. http://www.starclear.com/ 02:09:00H2O NetwonoNegative energy,Starclear,spirits,Jeffery Steelman,ExorcistJeffrey Seelman has been helping individuals, families, and businesses since 1992. STARCLEAR was created to help the public understand the nature of negativeDream Researcher, and Teacher Robert Mosshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/06/05/dream-researcher-and-teacher-robert-mossSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/06/05/dream-researcher-and-teacher-robert-moss/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/06/05/dream-researcher-and-teacher-robert-mossTue, 05 Jun 2012 16:00:00 GMTDream Researcher, and Teacher Robert Moss   Robert Moss describes himself as a dream teacher, on a path for which there has been no career track in our culture. He is the creator of Active Dreaming, an original synthesis of dreamwork and shamanism. Born in Australia, he survived three near-death experiences in childhood. He leads popular seminars all over the world, including a three-year training for teachers of Active Dreaming. A former lecturer in ancient history at the Australian National University, he is a best-selling novelist, journalist and independent scholar. His nine books on dreaming, shamanism and imagination include Conscious Dreaming, Dreamways of the Iroquois, The Dreamer's Book of the Dead, The Three ""Only"" Things,The Secret History of Dreaming, Dreamgates, Active Dreaming and Dreaming the Soul Back Home: Shamanic Dreaming for Healing and Becoming Whole. He identifies the great watershed in his adult life as a sequence of visionary events that unfolded in 1987-1988, after he decided to leave the world of big cities and the fast-track life of a popular novelist and put down roots on a farm in the upper Hudson Valley of New York. Moss started dreaming in a language he did not know that proved to be an archaic form of the Mohawk language. Helped by native speakers to interpret his dreams, Moss came to believe that they had put him in touch with an ancient healer, an arendiwanen or "woman of power" and that they were calling him to a different life. http://www.mossdreams.com/ 01:06:00H2O NetwonoDreams,consciousness,Robert Moss,Subconsciousness Mind,Dream LifeRobert Moss describes himself as a dream teacher, on a path for which there has been no career track in our culture. He is the creator of Active Dreaming, aAncient Ways Native Elder Many Horses& Angel Who Dances On Chttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/06/03/ancient-ways-native-elder-many-horses-angel-who-dances-on-cSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/06/03/ancient-ways-native-elder-many-horses-angel-who-dances-on-c/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/06/03/ancient-ways-native-elder-many-horses-angel-who-dances-on-cSun, 03 Jun 2012 00:00:00 GMTAncient Ways Native Elder Many Horses& Angel Who Dances On CManyHorses, and Angel Who Dances On Clouds Native Elder Frank Austin(Many Horses) & Barbara Moreau (Angel Who Dances On Clouds) To discuss the importance of sharing the old ways. Manyhorses was born of Witsuwiten ancestry in the Bulkley Skeena region of British Columbia, Canada.  Raised by his wise Grandparents, both Shamans known as Traditional Medicine People until the age of 15.  Shamanic practices, traditional healings and teachings were and continue to be his way of life.  Barbara was born in the South Slavey Dene Tribe through her mother and French & Cree ancestry through her father.  She was born and raised in the Northwest Territories, Canada. http://www.ancientwisdomtrail.com/#! 01:20:00H2O NetwonoAmerican Indian Community,ancestors,Ancient Medicine,Many Horses,Angel Who Dances On CloudsManyHorses, and Angel Who Dances On Clouds Native Elder Frank Austin(Many Horses) & Barbara Moreau (Angel Who Dances On Clouds) To discuss the importance of shAfter Dark With The H20 Network, and KDCL Media http://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/06/02/after-dark-with-the-h20-network-and-kdcl-media) Call-in 917-889-7207 ]]>) Call-in 917-889-7207 ]]>Spiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/06/02/after-dark-with-the-h20-network-and-kdcl-media/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/06/02/after-dark-with-the-h20-network-and-kdcl-mediaSat, 02 Jun 2012 00:00:00 GMTAfter Dark With The H20 Network, and KDCL Media ) Call-in 917-889-7207 ]]> This week you just never know where Miss Paula, and I will go. You'll have to tune in to find out!:>) Call-in 917-889-7207 02:05:00H2O Netwonoafter dark,humanity,The H20 Network,KDCL media,current eventsThis week you just never know where Miss Paula, and I will go. You'll have to tune in to find out!:>) Call-in 917-889-7207Female Gendercide In China with Kat Lewis:All Girls Allowedhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/05/31/female-gendercide-in-china-with-kat-lewisall-girls-allowedSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/05/31/female-gendercide-in-china-with-kat-lewisall-girls-allowed/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/05/31/female-gendercide-in-china-with-kat-lewisall-girls-allowedThu, 31 May 2012 17:00:00 GMTFemale Gendercide In China with Kat Lewis:All Girls Allowed   OUR MISSION The mission of All Girls Allowed is to restore life, value, and dignity to girls and mothers, and to reveal the injustice of China's One-Child Policy. Since 1980, the implementation of China’s One-Child Policy has led to female gendercide, abandonment of daughters, child trafficking and violations of women’s reproductive rights.  Through education, advocacy, strategic partnerships, and legal defense, All Girls Allowed strives to: EXPOSE the truth about the One-Child Policy and mobilize the global community to advocate against the cruel methods used to enforce the One-Child Policy. http://www.allgirlsallowed.org/about/our-mission 02:08:00H2O NetwonoAll Girls Allowed,Gendercide,China,WOmen,ChildrenOUR MISSION The mission of All Girls Allowed is to restore life, value, and dignity to girls and mothers, and to reveal the injustice of China's One-Child PoPart 3 Media Manipulation With Lenon Honorhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/05/31/part-3-media-manipulation-with-lenon-honorSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/05/31/part-3-media-manipulation-with-lenon-honor/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/05/31/part-3-media-manipulation-with-lenon-honorThu, 31 May 2012 01:00:00 GMTPart 3 Media Manipulation With Lenon Honor   Lenon Honor has produced 8 major documentaries to date. Film topics range from spirituality, religion; media mind control, subliminal manipulation, transhumanism, the occult, politics, the entertainment industry, amongst other salient topics. All of his films are available for viewing at www.lenonhonorfilms.com As a musician Lenon Honor has produced 5 albums of music and has performed in the U.S. and abroad. His most recent music album titled “In the Land of the Ancient Ones” was released in June of 2011. Lenon Honor is also a radio show host on Soul Visions Radio. His flagship radio show “Visions of Manhood” has been well received as a revolutionary discourse concerning the importance and the power of fatherhood02:10:00H2O Netwonomedia manipulation,Lenon Honor,humanity,Consciousness,current eventsLenon Honor has produced 8 major documentaries to date. Film topics range from spirituality, religion; media mind control, subliminal manipulation, transhumTelephone Call's From The Dead With Cal Cooperhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/05/28/telephone-calls-from-the-dead-with-cal-cooperSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/05/28/telephone-calls-from-the-dead-with-cal-cooper/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/05/28/telephone-calls-from-the-dead-with-cal-cooperMon, 28 May 2012 17:00:00 GMTTelephone Call's From The Dead With Cal Cooper To Read Cal's Full Bio Please Click On the provided Link http://www.calcooper.com/ Have you Ever Had a Phone Call From The Dead??? Call-in Tell us about it!! 917-889-7207     01:40:00H2O Netwonodeath,ancestors,Paranormal,The dead,communicationTo Read Cal's Full Bio Please Click On the provided Link http://www.calcooper.com/ Have you Ever Had a Phone Call From The Dead??? Call-in Tell us about it!!Filmmaker Jenny Philips: The Dhamma Brothershttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/05/25/filmmaker-jenny-philips-the-dhamma-brothersSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/05/25/filmmaker-jenny-philips-the-dhamma-brothers/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/05/25/filmmaker-jenny-philips-the-dhamma-brothersFri, 25 May 2012 16:00:00 GMTFilmmaker Jenny Philips: The Dhamma Brothers   An overcrowded, violent maximum-security prison, the end of the line in Alabama's prison system, is dramatically changed by the influence of an ancient meditation program. Behind high security towers and a double row of barbed wire and electrical fence live over 1,500 prisoners, many of whom will never again know life in the outside world. But for some of these men, a spark is ignited when it becomes the first maximum-security prison in North America to hold an extended Vipassana retreat, an emotionally and physically demanding program of silent meditation lasting ten days and requiring 100 hours of meditation.  The Dhamma Brothers tells a dramatic tale of human potential and transformation as it closely follows and documents the stories of the prison inmates at Donaldson Correctional Facility as they enter into this arduous and intensive program. This film has the power to dismantle stereotypes about men behind prison bars.  http://www.dhammabrothers.com/Project.htm 02:03:00H2O Netwonoconsciousness,Films,Jenny Philips,American Prison System,EnlightenmentAn overcrowded, violent maximum-security prison, the end of the line in Alabama's prison system, is dramatically changed by the influence of an ancient meditEmpowering Your Indigo Child With Rabbi, Ellen Dosickhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/05/24/door-to-the-mind-with-the-h20-network-and-kdcl-mediaSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/05/24/door-to-the-mind-with-the-h20-network-and-kdcl-media/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/05/24/door-to-the-mind-with-the-h20-network-and-kdcl-mediaThu, 24 May 2012 22:00:00 GMTEmpowering Your Indigo Child With Rabbi, Ellen Dosick   KDCL Media & The H2O Network merge with Hosts Radiah Nunez, & Miss Paula providing you with a showcase of the talented and independent writers, musicians, thinkers and topics of the day. https://www.facebook.com/TheH20Network https://www.facebook.com/KDCLMedia 00:55:00H2O Netwonodoor to the mind,KDCL MEDIA,H20 Network,Humanity,CommunityKDCL Media & The H2O Network merge with Hosts Radiah Nunez, & Miss Paula providing you with a showcase of the talented and independent writers, musicians, tWriter and Spiritual Teacher Lenon Honor Returnshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/05/24/writer-and-spiritual-teacher-lenon-honor-returnsSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/05/24/writer-and-spiritual-teacher-lenon-honor-returns/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/05/24/writer-and-spiritual-teacher-lenon-honor-returnsThu, 24 May 2012 01:00:00 GMTWriter and Spiritual Teacher Lenon Honor Returns   Lenon Honor is a husband, father, musician, video producer, talk show host, personal consultant, lecturer, and writer.  His website www.lenonhonor.com has provided a wealth of information and inspiration in regards to manhood, fatherhood, marriage, children, family, and personal growth.Lenon Honor is the writer of two published books.  The first, “Writings for the Fathers of the World of Tomorrow” was written to inspire current and future parents and to encourage healthy relationships between fathers and sons.  The second book, “Deep in the Garden of Consciousness” delves deep into metaphysics, spirituality, and consciousness. Lenon Honor has produced two empowering lecture series.  The first series is for women and is titled “What is an Honorable Man, How to Attract One, and Knowing that you are Worthy”.  The second series is for men and is titled “Raising up Masculinity, Honoring the , and Embracing Manhood as a Sacred Institution”.  Both lectures delve deep into issues related to male-female relationships, attraction, self-esteem, self-worth, and personal growth. Lenon Honor offers personal consultations in the areas of marriage, male-female relationships, family, fatherhood, motherhood, children, creativity, and spiritual growth. Lenon Honor has produced 8 major documentaries to date. Film topics range from spirituality, religion; media mind control, subliminal manipulation, transhumanism, the occult, politics, the entertainment industry, amongst other salient topics. All of his films are available for viewing at www.lenonhonorfilms.comAs a musician Lenon Honor has produced 5 albums of music and has performed in the U.S. and abroad. His most recent music album titled “In the Land of the Ancient Ones” was released in June of 2011.02:08:00H2O Netwonoconsciousness,community,human,Lenon Honor,SpiritualityLenon Honor is a husband, father, musician, video producer, talk show host, personal consultant, lecturer, and writer.  His website www.lenonhonor.com has pThe Pyramid Code With Dr. Carmen Boulterhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/05/21/the-pyramid-code-with-dr-carmen-boulterSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/05/21/the-pyramid-code-with-dr-carmen-boulter/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/05/21/the-pyramid-code-with-dr-carmen-boulterMon, 21 May 2012 22:00:00 GMTThe Pyramid Code With Dr. Carmen Boulter   Dr Carmen Boulter is the creative fire behind The Pyramid Code. She is the Director, Producer, and writer of the series. Carmen has had an unshakable passion for Egypt traveling there 25 times. Through embassy support, Carmen did extensive research in the archives of the Egyptain Museum gaining official access to the Rare Books Library of the Faculty of Archaeology, Cairo University where the field notes of excavations done around the pyramids in the early 1900s are held. Carmen is the author of Angels and Archetypes: An Evolutionary Map of Feminine Consciousness. Over the past decade, Carmen has been a university professor developing online curriculum. Her latest achievement is Interactive-U.com, an online learning and social action network.  http://www.pyramidcode.com/index.html     01:10:00H2O NetwonoCarmen Boulter,Egypt,Pyramid Code,Mysterys,Hidden In Plain SightDr Carmen Boulter is the creative fire behind The Pyramid Code. She is the Director, Producer, and writer of the series. Carmen has had an unshakable passionPi- The Great Work with Musician, and Author Marty Leedshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/05/16/pi-the-great-work-with-musician-and-author-marty-leedsSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/05/16/pi-the-great-work-with-musician-and-author-marty-leeds/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/05/16/pi-the-great-work-with-musician-and-author-marty-leedsWed, 16 May 2012 22:00:00 GMTPi- The Great Work with Musician, and Author Marty LeedsMarty Leeds has been writing songs and poetry for over 18 years and has had an interest in everything from philosophy, esoterica, mathematics and the sciences.  He has played in many original bands over the years and has written, recorded and released several records independently.  Marty has been involved in the graphic arts for more than a decade now and currently makes his living as a graphic artist.   He is an avid biker, hiker, mountain climber and traveller and has spent an enormous amount of time in nature.  His first book is Pi - The Great Work, released on createspace.com, was edited by the documentarian and author, Scott Onstott.  He is currently at work on his next book entitled "Gematria & The English Alphabet" that will delve into the subjects of Freemasonry, alchemy and the gematria of the English Alphabet.  He was born and raised in southern Wisconsin and has lived in Washington, Oregon and Colorado http://www.martyleeds33.com/index.html 01:26:00H2O NetwonoAuthors,Marty Leeds,Pi The Great Work,Consciousness,MataphysicsMarty Leeds has been writing songs and poetry for over 18 years and has had an interest in everything from philosophy, esoterica, mathematics and the sciences.Enlightenment Through Pain With Author Steve Taylorhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/05/15/enlightenment-through-pain-with-author-steve-taylorSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/05/15/enlightenment-through-pain-with-author-steve-taylor/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/05/15/enlightenment-through-pain-with-author-steve-taylorTue, 15 May 2012 20:00:00 GMTEnlightenment Through Pain With Author Steve TaylorSteve Taylor is an author and teacher, whose main interests are psychology and spirituality. He is the author of Waking From Sleep, The Fall and Making Time. His books have been published in 10 languages, including Dutch, Korean, Russian, Spanish, Japanese, Polish, Spanish and French. His next book Out of the Darkness: From Turmoil to Transformation will be published in March 2011 by Hay House UK. Steve's articles and essays have been published in over 30 academic journals, magazines and newspapers, including The Journal of Transpersonal Psychology, The Journal of Consciousness Studies, The Transpersonal Psychology Review, The International Journal of Transpersonal Studies, The Scientific and Medical Network Review, Anti-matters, Soul and Spirit, Paradigm Shift, Green Spirit, Odyssey (South Africa) Resurgence and The Daily Express. His work has been featured widely in the media in the UK, including on BBC Breakfast, BBC World TV, Radio Five, and in The Guardian 01:14:00H2O Netwonoconsciousness,Authors,Steve Taylor,Back to Sanity,humanitySteve Taylor is an author and teacher, whose main interests are psychology and spirituality. He is the author of Waking From Sleep, The Fall and Making Time. HiYour Emotional Type With Michael Jawer and Dr. Marc Micozzi http://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/05/12/your-emotional-type-with-michael-jawer-and-dr-marc-micozziSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/05/12/your-emotional-type-with-michael-jawer-and-dr-marc-micozzi/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/05/12/your-emotional-type-with-michael-jawer-and-dr-marc-micozziSat, 12 May 2012 00:00:00 GMTYour Emotional Type With Michael Jawer and Dr. Marc Micozzi   Different people process their feelings in different ways--your emotional style is a fundamental aspect of who you are. It affects more than just your outlook on life; it can affect your well-being as well. Many chronic ailments are not the result of germs or genes but are rooted in our emotional biology. The link between emotional type and health explains why modern medicine--which views treatment as “one size fits all”--often fails to successfully treat chronic pain and illness. http://www.youremotionaltype.com/index.html 02:34:00H2O Netwonoconsciousness,healing,Health,Your Emotional Type,IllnessDifferent people process their feelings in different ways--your emotional style is a fundamental aspect of who you are. It affects more than just your outlooDUG Denver Urban Gardenshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/05/10/dug-denver-urban-gardensSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/05/10/dug-denver-urban-gardens/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/05/10/dug-denver-urban-gardensThu, 10 May 2012 22:00:00 GMTDUG Denver Urban Gardens   Since 2004, Denver Urban Gardens and the Colorado School of Public Health have worked together, through the Gardens for Growing Healthy Communities (GGHC) community-based research initiative, to explore how gardens, as neighborhood places, support healthy living. In short, the results of this research partnership have shown what community gardeners have known all along- that community gardens are good for neighborhoods!http://dug.org/01:58:00H2O NetwonoDUG,Denver Urban Gardens,Health,healing,CommunitySince 2004, Denver Urban Gardens and the Colorado School of Public Health have worked together, through the Gardens for Growing Healthy Communities (GGHC) coDark Light Consciousness with Dr. Edward Bruce Bynumhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/05/09/dark-light-consciousness-with-dr-edward-bruce-bynumSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/05/09/dark-light-consciousness-with-dr-edward-bruce-bynum/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/05/09/dark-light-consciousness-with-dr-edward-bruce-bynumWed, 09 May 2012 21:00:00 GMTDark Light Consciousness with Dr. Edward Bruce BynumEdward Bruce Bynum, Ph.D., A.B.P.P., is a clinical psychologist and the director of behavioral medicine at the University of Massachusetts Health Services in Amherst. A student of Swami Chandrasekharanand Saraswati and a winner of the Abraham H. Maslow award from the American Psychological Association, he is the author of several books, including The African Unconscious. He lives in Pelham, Massachusetts. 01:32:00H2O Netwonoconsciousness,humanity,dark light consciousness,Edward Bruce bynum,AuthorsEdward Bruce Bynum, Ph.D., A.B.P.P., is a clinical psychologist and the director of behavioral medicine at the University of Massachusetts Health Services in AmNew Documentary: The Coming Of Keyto With Lenon Honorhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/05/08/documentary-the-coming-of-keyto-with-lenon-honorSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/05/08/documentary-the-coming-of-keyto-with-lenon-honor/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/05/08/documentary-the-coming-of-keyto-with-lenon-honorTue, 08 May 2012 02:00:00 GMTNew Documentary: The Coming Of Keyto With Lenon Honor   Lenon Honor is a husband, father, musician, video producer, talk show host, personal consultant, lecturer, and writer.  His website www.lenonhonor.com has provided a wealth of information and inspiration in regards to manhood, fatherhood, marriage, children, family, and personal growth.Lenon Honor is the writer of two published books.  The first, “Writings for the Fathers of the World of Tomorrow” was written to inspire current and future parents and to encourage healthy relationships between fathers and sons.  The second book, “Deep in the Garden of Consciousness” delves deep into metaphysics, spirituality, and consciousness.Lenon Honor offers personal consultations in the areas of marriage, male-female relationships, family, fatherhood, motherhood, children, creativity, and spiritual growth. Lenon Honor has produced 8 major documentaries to date. Film topics range from spirituality, religion; media mind control, subliminal manipulation, transhumanism, the occult, politics, the entertainment industry, amongst other salient topics. All of his films are available for viewing at www.lenonhonorfilms.com As a musician Lenon Honor has produced 5 albums of music and has performed in the U.S. and abroad. His most recent music album titled “In the Land of the Ancient Ones” was released in June of 2011. Lenon Honor is also a radio show host on Soul Visions Radio. His flagship radio show “Visions of Manhood” has been well received as a revolutionary discourse concerning the importance and the power of fatherhood02:00:00H2O NetwonoThe Coming of Keyto,consciousness,Lenon honor,Humanity,SpiritualityLenon Honor is a husband, father, musician, video producer, talk show host, personal consultant, lecturer, and writer.  His website www.lenonhonor.com has prAncient Wisdom- Ancient Trail: Renewing Native Knowledgehttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/05/05/ancient-wisdom-ancient-trail-renewing-native-knowledgeSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/05/05/ancient-wisdom-ancient-trail-renewing-native-knowledge/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/05/05/ancient-wisdom-ancient-trail-renewing-native-knowledgeSat, 05 May 2012 00:00:00 GMTAncient Wisdom- Ancient Trail: Renewing Native Knowledge   Witsuwiten Elder Frank Austin(Many Horses) & South Slavey Dene Tribe/Cree  Barbara Moreau (Angel Who Dances On Clouds) To discuss the importance of sharing the old ways, and the launch of their new website http://www.ancientwisdomtrail.com/ to help humanity In our work, it is based on ancient wisdom of the Absolute Truth, precision thinking the terminology we use “mathematical thinking,” pure ancient psychology and parapsychology.  We teach about the human body-the physical matter and the balance of the spiritual being, the tools you need to turn your whole life around to self-empowerment 01:48:00H2O NetwonoAncient wisdom,American Indian Elders,empowerment,healing,humanityWitsuwiten Elder Frank Austin(Many Horses) & South Slavey Dene Tribe/Cree  Barbara Moreau (Angel Who Dances On Clouds) To discuss the importance of sharingThe Biodecoding Institute: A New Consciousness to Healing http://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/05/03/the-biodecoding-institute-a-new-consciousness-to-healingSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/05/03/the-biodecoding-institute-a-new-consciousness-to-healing/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/05/03/the-biodecoding-institute-a-new-consciousness-to-healingThu, 03 May 2012 19:00:00 GMTThe Biodecoding Institute: A New Consciousness to Healing   "Marie Anne Boularand is the president and founder of The Biodecoding® Institute.  Certified Naturopath from France, she imported the Biodecoding® concept in the US. She brings 17 years of experience in groundbreaking healing modalities, pioneering a different consciousness regarding health, self-healing, prevention and personal transformation. She is now considered as a reference expert in her field. Biodecoding® is a revolutionary healing method, which takes into account the psyche-brain-organ correlation. Based on groundbreaking scientific and empiric discoveries, it offers a precise system to decode and deprogram on the cellular level the bio-logical, emotional and ancestral root cause of disease. Its primary foundation comprises elements of various healing modalities such as German New Medicine®, Total Biology®, Project-sense of the child, MBCC, Psycho-bio-genealogy, Family constellations, Bio-NLP and few others. http://www.biodecoding.com/mab2.html 02:04:00H2O Netwonohealing,The Biodecoding Institute,Marie ann,Healing Method,Deprogram"Marie Anne Boularand is the president and founder of The Biodecoding® Institute.  Certified Naturopath from France, she imported the Biodecoding® concept inTranscendental Meditation With Janet Hoffmanhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/05/02/transcendental-meditation-with-janet-hoffmanSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/05/02/transcendental-meditation-with-janet-hoffman/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/05/02/transcendental-meditation-with-janet-hoffmanWed, 02 May 2012 18:00:00 GMTTranscendental Meditation With Janet Hoffman   Janet Hoffman has 42 years of experience working on the international, national, regional, and local levels of the Transcendental Meditation program in leadership, organizational, creative development, and teaching positions. After 40 years of directing the New York City TM center, Janet became the nationwide Director of the TM program for women professionals She learned the TM technique in 1968, became a TM teacher in 1971, and directed five TM teacher training courses under the guidance of the program's founder, Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. http://www.tm.org/ http://tmwomenprofessionals.org/  1-800-635-7173 July conference on women and consciousness For your listeners to follow up if they want to go to the conference http://www.gmdousa.org/4Day     01:00:00H2O NetwonoTranscendental Meditation,Janet Hoffman,consciousness,Humanity,spiritual toolsJanet Hoffman has 42 years of experience working on the international, national, regional, and local levels of the Transcendental Meditation program in leadeDiscover Your Soul Template: Marcus T. Anthony PhD Part 2http://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/05/01/discover-your-soul-template-marcus-t-anthony-phd-part-2Spiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/05/01/discover-your-soul-template-marcus-t-anthony-phd-part-2/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/05/01/discover-your-soul-template-marcus-t-anthony-phd-part-2Tue, 01 May 2012 10:30:00 GMTDiscover Your Soul Template: Marcus T. Anthony PhD Part 2   Beginning from the mid 1990s, Anthony began to explore visionary worlds through contemplation, deep meditation, and emotional healing. He traveled to many parts of the world, seeking the wisdom and guidance of gifted spiritual teachers. While living in New Zealand from 1996-1999, he engaged in an intensive programme of spiritual exploration with a group of committed spiritual seekers. By the time he had left New Zealand for Taiwan, he had developed an ability to perceive and understand human consciousness at an extraordinarily deep level. This included the capacity to sense the thoughts and emotional energies of others, and to communicate with spiritual realms. Subsequently, he set about formally studying the frontiers of human intelligence, enrolling in a doctoral programme at the University of the Sunshine Coast in Queensland, Australia. During his doctoral candidature, he applied his natural intuitive gifts to develop a unique method of study, Integrated Inquiry (described in The Professor’s Other Brain, MindFutures, June 2011). Integrated inquiry combines traditional research tools with intuitive ways of knowing to locate, analyse and communicate knowledge. http://www.mindfutures.com/ 01:06:00H2O NetwonoAuthors,metaphysics,coonsciousness,Marcus T Anthony,Soul TemplateBeginning from the mid 1990s, Anthony began to explore visionary worlds through contemplation, deep meditation, and emotional healing. He traveled to many pEarth Medicine Apprenticeship With Herbalist Julie McIntyrehttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/04/30/earth-medicine-apprenticeship-with-herbalist-julie-mcintyreSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/04/30/earth-medicine-apprenticeship-with-herbalist-julie-mcintyre/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/04/30/earth-medicine-apprenticeship-with-herbalist-julie-mcintyreMon, 30 Apr 2012 18:00:00 GMTEarth Medicine Apprenticeship With Herbalist Julie McIntyre   Earth Medicine Apprenticeship has a new form and location. Rather than meeting one weekend a month, the apprenticeship will meet for three-five day intensives over the course of three months from June to August. This will be an immersion in Earth Medicine, Deep Ecology, becoming a Human Being and Sacred Plant Medicine.The apprenticeship will take place at Agave Ridge Retreat located two miles north of Pinos Altos, New Mexico and 10 miles north of Silver City, New Mexico. This is beautiful, private land bordering the Gila National Forest on two sides. Beautiful stone outcroppings, a seasonal stream and hiking trails afford plant and animal diversity and ample opportunity to stretch your legs after a day of learning. Learning to hold context for yourself with a commitment to deep, potentially life altering changes is in large part, a focus of the work. A commitment to showing up for the classes, for you, for the group, and doing the homework assignments is crucial. Therefore, missing an intensive or any part of an intensive is not an option except in very narrowly defined emergencies. The degree of success you have with the work is directly proportional to the degree you do the work. The nature of the work is deeply intimate, going below superficiality. It may remind you of who you’ve always wanted to be. It will not affirm the limitations you currently have but it will affirm the life you could have if you go beyond those limitations. http://www.agaveridgeretreat.com 01:12:00H2O NetwonoJulie McIntyre,Earth Medicine,Learning,New Mexicao,Ancient KnowledgeEarth Medicine Apprenticeship has a new form and location. Rather than meeting one weekend a month, the apprenticeship will meet for three-five day intensiveFree TeleSeminar May 1, 2012 Birthing Women's Wisdomhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/04/28/free-teleseminar-may-1-2012-birthing-womens-wisdomSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/04/28/free-teleseminar-may-1-2012-birthing-womens-wisdom/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/04/28/free-teleseminar-may-1-2012-birthing-womens-wisdomSat, 28 Apr 2012 21:00:00 GMTFree TeleSeminar May 1, 2012 Birthing Women's WisdomFREE TELE SEMINAR: BIRTHING WOMEN'S WISDOM MAY 1, 2012 http://birthingwomenswisdom.com/ Amy E. Brucker I'm a healer, artist and gardener who loves spending my time reading a good novel. In my work, I help self-employed women turn their talents into lifework that feels deeply aligned on a soul level. You can learn more about me at GrowYourLifework.com.   Katrina Dreamer I help women trust their innate wisdom so they can live in full bloom. As a spiritual healer, writer, public speaker, and teacher I’ve worked with hundreds of women to help them unearth their unique gifts. You can learn more about me at KatrinaDreamer.com. We can do it together! Hey there. We’re Amy and Katrina, two healers who wish to address a growing challenge we see amongst our clients and friends: mainly, that women know they have inner wisdom, but even so, they’re having trouble hearing, trusting and sharing it with others.So to help out our community, we’re co-hosting a FREE teleseminar for women who are ready to heal their pain in order to reconnect with their power. It’s called Birthing Women’s Wisdom Release your pain to own your power! May 1, 2012 at 11:00 pacific time http://birthingwomenswisdom.com/ 01:34:00H2O NetwonoBirthing Womens Wisdom,Katrina Dreamer,Amy Brucker,healing,Hidden PowerFREE TELE SEMINAR: BIRTHING WOMEN'S WISDOM MAY 1, 2012 http://birthingwomenswisdom.com/ Amy E. Brucker I'm a healer, artist and gardener who loves spending myDoctors Are More Harmful Than Germs: Dr. Harvey Bigelsenhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/04/26/doctors-are-more-harmful-than-drugs-dr-harvey-bigelsenSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/04/26/doctors-are-more-harmful-than-drugs-dr-harvey-bigelsen/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/04/26/doctors-are-more-harmful-than-drugs-dr-harvey-bigelsenThu, 26 Apr 2012 17:00:00 GMTDoctors Are More Harmful Than Germs: Dr. Harvey Bigelsen   As a tireless advocate for homeopathy and biological medicine, Dr. Harvey Bigelsen has courted controversy and endured legal persecution, while helping to change the public perception of healthcare. A true pioneer, Bigelsen co-authored the Arizona Homeopathic Medical Practice Act, and was appointed by then Governor Babbitt to establish a board, and while acting as president, to set the standards for holistic medicine. The law gives homeopathy equal legal status with allopathic and osteopathic medicine.  For the first time holistic physicians attained true medical freedom within a peer reviewed board. To assure homeopathic physicians are well-trained, Dr. Bigelsen’s law requires that they must have an active, United States license as a medical doctor or an osteopathic physician. Though he now counsels patients to avoid surgery whenever possible, Dr. Bigelsen began his medical career as an ophthalmologist. As a young doctor, he served his country in Vietnam, ranked as a commanding officer in charge of mass casualties, and performed hundreds of surgeries as a trauma surgeon. The war was a turning point in his life, igniting his lifelong distrust of authority. In 1971, after being honorably discharged, he began a successful practice in Princeton, New Jersey. 1976, after extensive exploration into other healing modalities and a life-changing appointment with Dr. John Diamond, a medical doctor who followed homeopathic philosophy, he moved his family to Arizona to work in a holistic clinic. There he began his path as one of the true medical trailblazers in the United States. In 1978, Dr. Bigelsen was elected as a member of the founding board of trustees of the American Holistic Medical Association, today the oldest holistic medical organization of its kind. http://www.drbigelsen.com/drbigelsen2/Dr._Bigelsen.html 02:02:00H2O NetwonoAuthors,Dr Harvey Bigelsen,Medical,healing,holistic MedicineAs a tireless advocate for homeopathy and biological medicine, Dr. Harvey Bigelsen has courted controversy and endured legal persecution, while helping to cGiza Prophecy with Author Scott Creighton & Gary Osbornhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/04/25/the-giza-prophecy-with-author-scott-creightonSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/04/25/the-giza-prophecy-with-author-scott-creighton/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/04/25/the-giza-prophecy-with-author-scott-creightonWed, 25 Apr 2012 19:00:00 GMTGiza Prophecy with Author Scott Creighton & Gary Osborn   Offering a radical new perspective on the Great Pyramid of Giza and all the structures surrounding it, including the Sphinx, the authors show how the designers of Giza intentionally arranged these massive structures to create an astronomical timeline recording catastrophic events in the past as well as warning later generations of the precise times of future catastrophes. They reveal how the Old Kingdom pyramids of Giza were created, not as tombs for the pharaohs and their queens, but as “recovery vaults” to ensure the rebirth of the Kingdom of Egypt after a global disaster by acting as storehouses for ancient Egyptian culture - its tools, seeds, art, and sacred texts.Through the use of photos, maps, and diagrams of the Giza plateau, the authors explain in detail how the angles and geometry of the Great Pyramid align with the stars of Orion’s Belt to encode an important message: that changes in the tilt of the world’s axis have occurred in the remote past, most recently in 3980 BCE, and will occur again in the near future. Highlighting the ubiquitous appearance of 23.5-degree angles - the most important of the precessional angles encoded in the Giza pyramids - in classic works of art from antiquity through the present day including the work of Leonardo da Vinci and portraits of John the Baptist and George Washington, they reveal how this angle, the Great Pyramid, and its fateful message are tied to Freemasonry and other secret societies and how these groups may know of the coming polar shift.  http://www.scottcreighton.co.uk/gizaprophecy.html   01:55:00H2O NetwonoGiza Prophecy,Authors,Scott Creighton,Gary Osborn,humanityOffering a radical new perspective on the Great Pyramid of Giza and all the structures surrounding it, including the Sphinx, the authors show how the designeBrooklyn Food Conference: May 12, 2012http://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/04/24/blokkyln-food-conferenceSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/04/24/blokkyln-food-conference/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/04/24/blokkyln-food-conferenceTue, 24 Apr 2012 18:30:00 GMTBrooklyn Food Conference: May 12, 2012 BROOKLYN FOOD CONFERENCE: The brooklyn food Conference will be happening this May 12 http://bkfoodconference.org/about/ 01:16:00H2O NetwonoFOOD,Brooklyn,Environment,H20 Network,CommunityBROOKLYN FOOD CONFERENCE: The brooklyn food Conference will be happening this May 12 http://bkfoodconference.org/about/Author, Radio Host Anne Hill: What To Do When Dreams Go Badhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/04/23/author-radio-host-anne-hill-what-to-do-when-dreams-go-badSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/04/23/author-radio-host-anne-hill-what-to-do-when-dreams-go-bad/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/04/23/author-radio-host-anne-hill-what-to-do-when-dreams-go-badMon, 23 Apr 2012 19:00:00 GMTAuthor, Radio Host Anne Hill: What To Do When Dreams Go Bad   Anne Hill, author of What To Do When Dreams Go Bad: A Practical Guide to Nightmares, has used dreams to make tough decisions and access inner resources all her life. Anne’s expertise in dreaming and business has made her a sought-after speaker and workshop leader. Her lively presentations help individuals clarify goals, enjoy greater career success, and access creativity through dreams.Anne is the founder of Creative Content Coaching, where she combines writing, marketing, technology and social media acumen to help people scale themselves and be heard in a larger conversation. She teaches internationally, leads monthly dream groups, writes for the Huffington Post, and is the host of Dream Talk Radio.http://annehill.org/dream-talk-radio/video/01:27:00H2O NetwonoAuthors,dreamtalkradio,consciousness,Humanity,Anne HillAnne Hill, author of What To Do When Dreams Go Bad: A Practical Guide to Nightmares, has used dreams to make tough decisions and access inner resources all hDiscover Your Soul Template: Marcus T. Anthony PhDhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/04/21/discover-your-soul-template-marcus-t-anthony-phdSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/04/21/discover-your-soul-template-marcus-t-anthony-phd/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/04/21/discover-your-soul-template-marcus-t-anthony-phdSat, 21 Apr 2012 16:00:00 GMTDiscover Your Soul Template: Marcus T. Anthony PhD   Marcus has become a prolific writer. He has published Integrated Intelligence (Sense Publishers, 2008), Extraordinary Mind (MindFutures, 2011), The Professor’s Other Brain (MindFutures, 2011) and now Discover Your Soul Template, scores of academic articles, and numerous internet features. Marcus Anthony is the Director of MindFutures (www.mindfutures.com), a company specialising in books and media related to Futures Studies. Its mission is to bring greater balance to discussions, analyses and visions of the future; broadening financial and technologically-dominated discourses with a consideration for deeper philosophical, psychological, and spiritual perspectives. He is an elected member of the World Futures Studies Federation, and the Darwin Project Council - a think-tank comprising many leading futurists, academics, philosophers and scientists, including triune brain theorist Paul Maclean, psychologist Mihalyi Czikszentmihalyi, systems theorist Ervin Laszlo, and feminist philosopher Rianne Eisler. http://www.mindfutures.com/media_kit.php 01:28:00H2O Netwonoconsciousness,Authors,Marcus t Anthony,soul,humanityMarcus has become a prolific writer. He has published Integrated Intelligence (Sense Publishers, 2008), Extraordinary Mind (MindFutures, 2011), The ProfessoAfter Dark With The H20 Network, and KDCL Media http://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/04/21/after-dark-with-the-h20-network-and-kdcl-media-1Spiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/04/21/after-dark-with-the-h20-network-and-kdcl-media-1/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/04/21/after-dark-with-the-h20-network-and-kdcl-media-1Sat, 21 Apr 2012 00:00:00 GMTAfter Dark With The H20 Network, and KDCL Media   KDCL Media & The H2O Network merge with Hosts Radiah Nunez, & Miss Paula . You never know whats going to happen after dark. Call-in number 917-889-7207 02:01:00H2O NetwonoH20 after Dark,KDCL MEDIA,Dia Nunez,Miss Paula,humanityKDCL Media & The H2O Network merge with Hosts Radiah Nunez, & Miss Paula . You never know whats going to happen after dark. Call-in number 917-889-7207The Last Goodnights With Author John Westhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/04/19/the-last-goodnights-with-author-john-westSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/04/19/the-last-goodnights-with-author-john-west/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/04/19/the-last-goodnights-with-author-john-westThu, 19 Apr 2012 22:00:00 GMTThe Last Goodnights With Author John West   A husband and wife, both medical professionals, are gravely ill.  Rather than living in pain, they choose to end their lives, and they turn to their son for help.  Despite the legal risks and emotional turmoil it is sure to cause him, he agrees — and ultimately performs an act of love more difficult than any other.The Last Goodnights provides a unique, powerful, and unflinching look deep inside the reality of one of the most galvanizing issues of our time: assisted suicide.  Told with intensity and bare honesty, John West’s account of the deaths of two brave people is both gritty and loving, frightening and illuminating, nerve-wracking and even, at times, darkly humorous.  As West’s story places him in the middle of one of the most difficult experiences anyone can endure, it also offers a powerful testament to the act of death by choice, and reveals all the reasons why end-of-life issues are far too personal for government intrusion. Intimately told, The Last Goodnights displays the unnecessary pain and suffering that is often forced upon dying people and their families, and honors the choice to die with purpose and dignity.  In the end, this story is not just about death — it is also about love, courage and autonomy. http://thelastgoodnights.net/ 02:04:00H2O Netwonodeath,end of life,terminal illness,death plan,John WestA husband and wife, both medical professionals, are gravely ill.  Rather than living in pain, they choose to end their lives, and they turn to their son forFood Energetics With Author Steve Gagnehttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/04/18/food-energetics-with-author-steve-gagneSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/04/18/food-energetics-with-author-steve-gagne/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/04/18/food-energetics-with-author-steve-gagneWed, 18 Apr 2012 16:00:00 GMTFood Energetics With Author Steve Gagne   Steve sees himself as an ordinary man investigating extraordinary information.An independent investigator/researcher, and alternative historian, Steve is one of the most versatile and experienced teachers in whole foods nutrition. His 30 years of teaching throughout America and Europe have earned him a reputation as a progressive and informed wholistic educator who brings a lively, innovative intelligence to his work.Steve is especially well known as an expert in Food Energetics, where ancient wisdom and dietary traditions merge with modern perspectives and breakthrough research in nutritional science.Steve’s long-standing fascination with theories of human origins and his passion for cultural dietary traditions have led him through exhaustive studies in multiple disciplines, both conventional and alternative, and have taken him all over the globe. Unconvinced by the accepted theory of human origins, Steve decided to investigate traditional cultures and the remains of ancient civilizations by experiencing them first hand. Over the past decade, he has embarked on a series of globe-circling expeditions to pursue his research.These years of research and experience have made it increasingly clear that traditional peoples across the globe are intimately linked by a consistent thread woven through their myths and legends, architecture, astronomy and food traditions. This comprehensive understanding of art and culture, revealed through a wealth of evidence from lost civilizations, extends deep into prehistory–much further back than was originally thought possible. http://www.stevegagne.com/biography/ 01:06:00H2O NetwonoAuthors,food,energetics,Humanity,plant consciousnessSteve sees himself as an ordinary man investigating extraordinary information.An independent investigator/researcher, and alternative historian, Steve is oneAuthor Julie McIntyre:Sex and the Intelligence of the Hearthttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/04/14/author-julie-mcintyresex-and-the-intelligenceof-the-heartSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/04/14/author-julie-mcintyresex-and-the-intelligenceof-the-heart/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/04/14/author-julie-mcintyresex-and-the-intelligenceof-the-heartSat, 14 Apr 2012 16:00:00 GMTAuthor Julie McIntyre:Sex and the Intelligence of the Heart   Julie McIntyre is an Earth ceremonialist and metis of Norwegian and Mohawk/Blackfeet decent. She is the director for the Center for Earth Relations and for the past decade has worked with the Sacred Pipe, Medicine Wheel, and Vision Quests in facilitating closer human bonding with the Earth. An ordained practitioner of the Church of Gaia, Julie recently directed a state ceremonial program for Native men in prison and also works with young women with ceremonial rites of transition into womanhood. A double-degree graduate in Political Science and Public Communications Julie has completed postgraduate training in sacred plant medicine, Ayurveda, Reiki, medical herbalism, Huichol shamanism, and wilderness survival. For six years she wrote a monthly column for Tapestry Magazine (Lansing, IA) on Earth relationship and ceremony, the sacredness and ecology of the Mississippi River system, raptor ecology, and the healing of human disease through the use of Earth medicine. For four years she worked as a Holistic Health Practitioner in an integrative medical clinic in Wisconsin, providing herbal and nutritional counseling, colonic hydrotherapy, laser acupuncture detox, lymphatic drainage therapy, and patient education and support.Devoted to helping people reclaim their ecological identity, Julie has taught adults, young adults and children on the sacredness of Earth relations, the heart as the organ of perception, the ecstatic path, healing shame, medical herbology, and the Medicine Wheel. For six years she had a private Holistic Health practice working with Herbal medicine, sacred Plant Medicine, and spiritual mentoring.http://www.gaianstudies.org/Julie.html01:06:00H2O Netwonohealing,Authors,Sex,The Heart,humanityJulie McIntyre is an Earth ceremonialist and metis of Norwegian and Mohawk/Blackfeet decent. She is the director for the Center for Earth Relations and for tThe Struggle for Your Mind: Author Kingsley L Dennis PhDhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/04/13/the-struggle-for-your-mind-with-author-kingsley-l-dennisSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/04/13/the-struggle-for-your-mind-with-author-kingsley-l-dennis/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/04/13/the-struggle-for-your-mind-with-author-kingsley-l-dennisFri, 13 Apr 2012 15:00:00 GMTThe Struggle for Your Mind: Author Kingsley L Dennis PhD   Kingsley L. Dennis, Ph.D., is a sociologist, writer, and cofounder of WorldShift International. The author of New Consciousness for a New World, he spends his time between Andalusia, Spain, and the United Kingdom. http://www.kingsleydennis.com/ 01:57:00H2O NetwonoAuthors,Kingsley Dennis,mind control,Consciousness,humanityKingsley L. Dennis, Ph.D., is a sociologist, writer, and cofounder of WorldShift International. The author of New Consciousness for a New World, he spends hiThe Spiritual Gift Of Madness With Dr. Seth Farber PhDhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/04/12/door-to-the-mind-with-the-h20-network-and-kdcl-mediaSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/04/12/door-to-the-mind-with-the-h20-network-and-kdcl-media/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/04/12/door-to-the-mind-with-the-h20-network-and-kdcl-mediaThu, 12 Apr 2012 22:00:00 GMTThe Spiritual Gift Of Madness With Dr. Seth Farber PhD   Dr. Seth Farber is a writer, social critic, dissident psychologist (he received his doctorate in 1984),visionary, activist (in the human rights, Green and anti-war movements -- and a supporter of animal rights) and co-founder of the Network Against Coercive Psychiatry (1988). His newest book will be available soon:The Spiritual Gift of Madness:The Failure of Psychiatry and the Rise of the Mad Pride Movement. (The Foreword is written by internationally renowned writer and feminist,human rights advocate Kate Millett, author of Sexual Politics and The Loony Bin Trip.)He has had four books published previously, including a book on Jewish critics of Israel, and numerous essays and articles. A critic of the mental health system, he has been a guest on many television and radio shows. His first book Madness, Heresy and the Rumor of Angels: The Revolt Against the Mental Health System (Open Court, Chicago, 1993) contained a foreword by Thomas Szasz. The publication of his memoir Lunching with Lunatics: Adventures of a Renegade Psychologist has been postponed indefinitely.(See excerpts below right.) Dr Farber is also an editor of the pioneering scholarly review The Journal of Mind and Behavior.01:59:00H2O Netwonodoor to the mind,KDCL MEDIA,H20 Network,community,humanityDr. Seth Farber is a writer, social critic, dissident psychologist (he received his doctorate in 1984),visionary, activist (in the human rights, Green and anOld Souls: Reincarnation or Not with Author Tom Shroderhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/04/11/old-lives-reincarnation-or-not-with-author-tom-shroderSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/04/11/old-lives-reincarnation-or-not-with-author-tom-shroder/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/04/11/old-lives-reincarnation-or-not-with-author-tom-shroderWed, 11 Apr 2012 14:00:00 GMTOld Souls: Reincarnation or Not with Author Tom Shroder   Tom Shroder has been an award-winning journalist, writer and editor for more than 30 years. As editor of The Washington Post Magazine, he conceived and edited the story, Fatal Distraction, which was awarded the 2010 Pulitzer Prize for feature writing. He also edited  and contributed to Pearls Before Breakfast, which was awarded the 2008 Pulitzer Prize for feature writing. In addition to being an author and editor of narrative journalism, Shroder is one of the foremost editors of humor in the country. He has edited humor columns by Dave Barry, Gene Weingarten and Tony Kornheiser, as well as conceived and launched the internationally syndicated comic strip, Cul de Sac, by Richard Thompson. His latest book, written with former oil rig captain John Konrad, is “Fire on the Horizon: The Untold Story of the Gulf Oil Disaster.” It was singled out among all the Gulf oil disaster books by the LA Times, which said it “marries a John McPhee feel for the technology to a Jon Krakauer sense of an adventure turned tragic.” His most recent editing project,  Top Secret America: The Rise of the New American Security State, by Dana Priest and Bill Arkin, was a New York Times Bestseller.  http://tomshroder.com/bio/ 01:16:00H2O NetwonoAuthors,Reincarnation,Tom Shroder,Past lives,Old LivesTom Shroder has been an award-winning journalist, writer and editor for more than 30 years. As editor of The Washington Post Magazine, he conceived and editePine Pollen: Ancient Medicine Stephen Harrod Buhner http://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/04/10/pine-pollen-ancient-medicine-stephen-harrod-buhnerSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/04/10/pine-pollen-ancient-medicine-stephen-harrod-buhner/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/04/10/pine-pollen-ancient-medicine-stephen-harrod-buhnerTue, 10 Apr 2012 20:00:00 GMTPine Pollen: Ancient Medicine Stephen Harrod Buhner   Stephen Harrod Buhner is an Earth poet and the award-winning author of fifteen books on nature, indigenous cultures, the environment, and herbal medicine. He comes from a long line of healers including Leroy Burney, Surgeon General of the United States under Eisenhower and Kennedy, and Elizabeth Lusterheide, a midwife and herbalist who worked in rural Indiana in the early nineteenth century. The greatest influence on his work, however, has been his great-grandfather C.G. Harrod who primarily used botanical medicines, also in rural Indiana, when he began his work as a physician in 1911.Stephen's work has appeared or been profiled in publications throughout North America and Europe including Common Boundary, Apotheosis, Shaman's Drum, The New York Times, CNN, and Good Morning America. Stephen lectures yearly throughout the United States on herbal medicine, the sacredness of plants, the intelligence of Nature, and the states of mind necessary for successful habitation of Earth.He is a tireless advocate for the reincorporation of the exploratory artist, independent scholar, amateur naturalist, and citizen scientist in American society - especially as a counterweight to the influence of corporate science and technology. His most recent works are:Ensouling Language: On the Art of Nonfiction and the Writer’s Life, Inner Traditions, September 2010. (Although this does not appear to be, it is actually the first sequel to The Secret Teachings of Plants and develops his original work with biognosis and the pregnant point in some depth, see Works in Progress for more.  http://www.gaianstudies.org/Stephen.html 01:35:00H2O NetwonoAuthors,Ancient Medicine,Healing,Stephen Harrod Buhner,Earth MedicineStephen Harrod Buhner is an Earth poet and the award-winning author of fifteen books on nature, indigenous cultures, the environment, and herbal medicine. HeWhen Disaster Strikes With Author Matthew Steinhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/04/07/when-disaster-strikes-with-author-matthew-steinSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/04/07/when-disaster-strikes-with-author-matthew-stein/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/04/07/when-disaster-strikes-with-author-matthew-steinSat, 07 Apr 2012 17:00:00 GMTWhen Disaster Strikes With Author Matthew Stein   Matthew Stein holds a Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering from MIT. An engineer and building contractor, Stein has built hurricane resistant, energy efficient and environmentally friendly homes, and has designed commercial water filtration systems, photovoltaic roofing panels, medical bacteriological filters, computer disk drives, portable fiberglass buildings and automated assembly machinery, among other things. He is the author of When Disaster Strikes: A Comprehensive Guide for Emergency Planning and Crisis Survival, and  When Technology Fails: A Manual for Self-Reliance, Sustainability, and Surviving the Long Emergency from Chelsea Green.. For more information visit, www.chelseagreen.com. For many years, Stein has pursued avid interests in renewable energy, alternative healing, sustainable growth, and preventative medicine. His websites are at www.matstein.com, www.stein-design.com and www.whentechfails.com. 01:07:00H2O NetwonoMatthew Stein,Survival Skills,humanity,Self Relience,AuthorsMatthew Stein holds a Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering from MIT. An engineer and building contractor, Stein has built hurricane resistant, enerAfter Dark With The H20 Network, and KDCL Media http://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/04/07/after-dark-with-the-h20-network-and-kdcl-mediaSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/04/07/after-dark-with-the-h20-network-and-kdcl-media/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/04/07/after-dark-with-the-h20-network-and-kdcl-mediaSat, 07 Apr 2012 00:00:00 GMTAfter Dark With The H20 Network, and KDCL Media Join The H20 Network, and KDCL Media for AFTER DARK. Discussing current events, strange news, and everything in between! Call-in 917-889-7207 01:07:00H2O Netwonoafter dark,KDCL MEDIA,H20 Network,Current Events,current eventsJoin The H20 Network, and KDCL Media for AFTER DARK. Discussing current events, strange news, and everything in between! Call-in 917-889-7207New World Mindfulness With Marc S . Micozzi, MD, PhDhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/04/05/door-to-the-mind-with-the-h20-network-and-kdcl-mediaSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/04/05/door-to-the-mind-with-the-h20-network-and-kdcl-media/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/04/05/door-to-the-mind-with-the-h20-network-and-kdcl-mediaThu, 05 Apr 2012 22:00:00 GMTNew World Mindfulness With Marc S . Micozzi, MD, PhD   KDCL Media & The H2O Network merge with Hosts Radiah Nunez, & Miss Paula providing you with a showcase of the talented and independent writers, musicians, thinkers and topics of the day. Call-in number 917-889-7207   Marc S . Micozzi, MD, PhD,  is a worldwide leader in nutritional and complementary/alternative medicine.   He has had a distinguished career as a researcher and physician executive at the National Institutes of Health and Walter Reed National Military Medical Center in Washington, DC, and the College of Physicians in Philadelphia PA.  He has published over 30 medical and trade books, and founded and edited the first scientific journal, and the first textbook, on complementary/alternative and nutritional medicine, now going into a 5th edition (2012) and continuously in print since 1995.    His latest consumer book, Your Emotional Type: Finding the Treatments That Will Work for You, has just been released in November 2011 and has already been recognized by Publishers Weekly as “heralding the next era in Complementary/Alternative Medicine.”   He has also developed and helped market innovative and high-quality nutritional products and dietary supplements for Healing MD (with media personality John Tesh),  Dr Koop LifeCare (with former US Surgeon General C. Everett Koop, with whom he was worked for 25  years on a variety of health initiatives), Signature Supplements/Douglas Laboratories, and other corporations in the US and South Africa. 02:03:00H2O Netwonodoor to the mind,KDCL MEDIA,H20 Network,community,humanityKDCL Media & The H2O Network merge with Hosts Radiah Nunez, & Miss Paula providing you with a showcase of the talented and independent writers, musicians, tDestiny vs. Choice With Author Marie D. Joneshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/04/04/destiny-vs-choice-with-author-marie-d-jonesSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/04/04/destiny-vs-choice-with-author-marie-d-jones/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/04/04/destiny-vs-choice-with-author-marie-d-jonesWed, 04 Apr 2012 17:00:00 GMTDestiny vs. Choice With Author Marie D. Jones   Marie is a best-selling author, screenwriter, researcher, radio show host and public speaker. She is the author of "2013: END OF DAYS OR A NEW BEGINNING- ENVISIONING THE WORLD AFTER THE EVENTS OF 2012," "PSIENCE - HOW NEW DISCOVERIES IN QUANTUM PHYSICS AND NEW SCIENCE MAY EXPLAIN THE EXISTENCE OF PARANORMAL PHENOMENA," and "LOOKING FOR GOD IN ALL THE WRONG PLACES." Marie’s newest book is "DESTINY VS. CHOICE: THE SCIENTIFIC AND SPIRITUAL EVIDENCE BEHIND FATE AND FREE WILL." She also co-authored, "SUPERVOLCANO: THE CATASTROPHIC EVENT THAT CHANGED THE COURSE OF HUMAN HISTORY" written with her father, geophysicist Dr. John M. Savino, and "11:11- THE TIME PROMPT PHENOMENON- THE MEANING BEHIND MYSTERIOUS SIGNS, SEQUENCES AND SYNCHRONICITIES," and "THE RESONANCE KEY: EXPLORING THE LINKS BETWEEN VIBRATION, CONSCIOUSNESS AND THE ZERO POINT GRID" with Larry Flaxman, her partner in ParaExplorers (www.paraexplorers.com). Their newest books are “THE DEJA VU ENIGMA: A JOURNEY THROUGH THE ANOMALIES OF MIND, MEMORY AND TIME" and "THE TRINITY SECRET: THE POWER OF THREE AND THE CODE OF CREATION." Their next book, due in July 2012 is "THIS BOOK IS FROM THE FUTURE: A JOURNEY THROUGH PORTALS, RELATIVITY, WORMHOLES AND OTHER ADVENTURES IN TIME TRAVEL." They are also the authors of the ParaExplorers Series eBook collection of paranormal and scientific writings. http://mariedjones.com/indexdfbd.html?page=the-author 01:28:00H2O NetwonoAuthors,destinny,choice,spirituality,Marie D JonesMarie is a best-selling author, screenwriter, researcher, radio show host and public speaker. She is the author of "2013: END OF DAYS OR A NEW BEGINNING- ENQuantum-Touch with Author/Healer Richard Gordonhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/03/31/quantum-touch-with-authorhealer-richard-gordonSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/03/31/quantum-touch-with-authorhealer-richard-gordon/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/03/31/quantum-touch-with-authorhealer-richard-gordonSat, 31 Mar 2012 19:00:00 GMTQuantum-Touch with Author/Healer Richard Gordon   Richard Gordon is a visionary & a pioneer with 35 years of experience in the field of energy medicine. Mr. Gordon is the best-selling author of “Quantum-Touch: The Power to Heal”, now in 17 languages, and “Your Healing Hands-The Polarity Experience”, 10 languages.  As founder of the Quantum-Touch organization, Richard traveled internationally speaking at medical centers, conferences, chiropractic colleges, and was faculty at Heartwood Institute and the Holistic Health Institute. Dr. C. Norman Shealy, M.D., Ph.D. (Founding President of the American Holistic Medical Association), endorsed his work and called it, “The first technique that may truly allow us all to become healers.” Quantum-Touch has been in business for over 16 years and currently has over 1,300 certified practitioners in over 50 countries around the world. http://www.QuantumTouch.com   01:27:00H2O Netwonohealing,Authors,Richard Gordon,Quantum healing,holistic MedicineRichard Gordon is a visionary & a pioneer with 35 years of experience in the field of energy medicine. Mr. Gordon is the best-selling author of “Quantum-ToucHow To Deal With Explosive People: Albert Bernstein PhDhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/03/30/how-to-deal-with-explosive-people-albert-bernstein-phdSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/03/30/how-to-deal-with-explosive-people-albert-bernstein-phd/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/03/30/how-to-deal-with-explosive-people-albert-bernstein-phdFri, 30 Mar 2012 21:00:00 GMTHow To Deal With Explosive People: Albert Bernstein PhD   Albert J. Bernstein, Ph. D. is a Clinical Psychologist and best-selling author with 30 years of experience in treating emotionally explosive people, and helping their friends, families, and coworkers to avoid getting blown away. Moment to moment, people with mental disorders stand at the crossroads between getting better and getting worse. For disorders to heal, medicine, psychotherapy, the encouragement of friends, and the kindness of strangers must all point explosive people toward a single direction 01:49:00H2O Netwonoemotions,consciousness,Dr Albert Berstein PhD,Mental disorders,Clinical PsychologyAlbert J. Bernstein, Ph. D. is a Clinical Psychologist and best-selling author with 30 years of experience in treating emotionally explosive people, and helDoor To The Mind with The H20 Network, and KDCL Mediahttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/03/29/door-to-the-mind-with-the-h20-network-and-kdcl-mediaSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/03/29/door-to-the-mind-with-the-h20-network-and-kdcl-media/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/03/29/door-to-the-mind-with-the-h20-network-and-kdcl-mediaThu, 29 Mar 2012 22:00:00 GMTDoor To The Mind with The H20 Network, and KDCL Media   KDCL Media & The H2O Network merge with Hosts Radiah Nunez, & Miss Paula providing you with a showcase of the talented and independent writers, musicians, thinkers and topics of the day. Call-in number 917-889-7207 02:03:00H2O Netwonodoor to the mind,KDCL MEDIA,H20 Network,community,humanityKDCL Media & The H2O Network merge with Hosts Radiah Nunez, & Miss Paula providing you with a showcase of the talented and independent writers, musicians, tAfter Dark With The H20 Network, and KDCL Media http://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/03/24/after-dark-with-the-h20-network-and-kdcl-mediaSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/03/24/after-dark-with-the-h20-network-and-kdcl-media/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/03/24/after-dark-with-the-h20-network-and-kdcl-mediaSat, 24 Mar 2012 00:00:00 GMTAfter Dark With The H20 Network, and KDCL Media Join The H20 Network, and KDCL Media for AFTER DARK. Discussing current events, strange news, and everything in between! Call-in 917-889-7207 02:06:00H2O Netwonoafter dark,KDCL MEDIA,H20 Network,Current Events,current eventsJoin The H20 Network, and KDCL Media for AFTER DARK. Discussing current events, strange news, and everything in between! Call-in 917-889-7207Skin: A Natural History With Author Nina Jablonski PhDhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/03/22/door-to-the-mind-with-the-h20-network-and-kdcl-mediaSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/03/22/door-to-the-mind-with-the-h20-network-and-kdcl-media/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/03/22/door-to-the-mind-with-the-h20-network-and-kdcl-mediaThu, 22 Mar 2012 14:00:00 GMTSkin: A Natural History With Author Nina Jablonski PhD   KDCL Media & The H2O Network merge with Hosts Radiah Nunez, & Miss Paula providing you with a showcase of the talented and independent writers, musicians, thinkers and topics of the day. Call-in number 917-889-7207   Nina G. Jablonski is Professor and Head of the Department of Anthropology at the Pennsylvania State University. She edited The First Americans: The Pleistocene Colonization of the New World and The Origin and Diversification of Language (both UC Press), among other books. Her research on human skin has been featured in National Geographic, Scientific American, and other publications. From ucpress.edu02:03:00H2O Netwonodoor to the mind,KDCL MEDIA,H20 Network,community,humanityKDCL Media & The H2O Network merge with Hosts Radiah Nunez, & Miss Paula providing you with a showcase of the talented and independent writers, musicians, tThe Saturn Death Cult with Author Troy Mclachlan Part 3http://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/03/17/the-saturn-death-cult-with-author-troy-mclachlan-part-3Spiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/03/17/the-saturn-death-cult-with-author-troy-mclachlan-part-3/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/03/17/the-saturn-death-cult-with-author-troy-mclachlan-part-3Sat, 17 Mar 2012 07:00:00 GMTThe Saturn Death Cult with Author Troy Mclachlan Part 3   The Saturn Death Cult is an investigation into ancient planetary upheavals that heralded the birth and destruction of a fabled Golden Age following which mankind then degenerated into the obsessive pursuit of wealth and power through the perverted horrors of slavery, child sacrifice and mass-murder rituals. This is Part 3 and Troy, and I will be discussing Saturn Death Cult and H20 01:47:00H2O NetwonoTroy Mclachlan,Saturn,Occult,authors,humanityThe Saturn Death Cult is an investigation into ancient planetary upheavals that heralded the birth and destruction of a fabled Golden Age following which maTraditional Conjure Woman Momma Starrhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/03/17/traditional-conjure-woman-momma-starrSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/03/17/traditional-conjure-woman-momma-starr/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/03/17/traditional-conjure-woman-momma-starrSat, 17 Mar 2012 00:00:00 GMTTraditional Conjure Woman Momma Starr   MOMMA STARR My name is Starr and I’m fifty-eight year old Conjure Woman living in Texas. I was born in the mountains of Kentucky, in a small place called Rockcastle County. I was born at home on August third at midnight. I’m a mother of three and have five grandchildren. I was raised in a family of workers, although they did not call what they did Hoodoo. My mother who raised me comes from Johnsonville, South Carolina. My mother was raised in a small community called Prospect. It consisted of a church, a general store and it sits at a crossroad. My mother was a wonderful reader; she didn’t need cards to read a person. I’ve been a reader since I was sixteen and started learning about healing when I was eighteen. I took on my first client when I was around twenty-three, before that I worked for myself and family. I’ve been a teacher off and on for over fifteen years. I’m a traditional conjure worker; there is no new age twist to my work. I'm a writer and have self published six of my own books. I am a partner in Conjure Crossroads, we put on the Folk Magic Festival in NOLA every year. http://oldstyleconjure.com/whoismommastarr.html 02:06:00H2O Netwonoconjure work,tradition,Momma Starr,Root Work,Southern traditionMOMMA STARR My name is Starr and I’m fifty-eight year old Conjure Woman living in Texas. I was born in the mountains of Kentucky, in a small place calledDoor To The Mind with The H20 Network, and KDCL Mediahttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/03/15/door-to-the-mind-with-the-h20-network-and-kdcl-mediaSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/03/15/door-to-the-mind-with-the-h20-network-and-kdcl-media/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/03/15/door-to-the-mind-with-the-h20-network-and-kdcl-mediaThu, 15 Mar 2012 22:00:00 GMTDoor To The Mind with The H20 Network, and KDCL Media   KDCL Media & The H2O Network merge with Hosts Radiah Nunez, & Miss Paula providing you with a showcase of the talented and independent writers, musicians, thinkers and topics of the day. Call-in number 917-889-7207 02:02:00H2O Netwonodoor to the mind,KDCL MEDIA,H20 Network,community,humanityKDCL Media & The H2O Network merge with Hosts Radiah Nunez, & Miss Paula providing you with a showcase of the talented and independent writers, musicians, tWhat On Earth Is Happening? With Researcher Mark Passiohttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/03/14/what-on-earth-is-happening-with-researcher-mark-passioSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/03/14/what-on-earth-is-happening-with-researcher-mark-passio/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/03/14/what-on-earth-is-happening-with-researcher-mark-passioWed, 14 Mar 2012 18:00:00 GMTWhat On Earth Is Happening? With Researcher Mark Passio   WhatOnEarthIsHappening.com: the official web site of Mark Passio. This body of work is a culmination of many years of my extensive research and investigation into the nature of our shared reality.Through presentation, videos and podcasts, Mark takes individuals on a journey of self-exploration, examining human Consciousness and the way it relates to the universal problems which we currently face as a species. Some of the questions he attempts to answer are: Who are we? What is our purpose? Why do we hold certain beliefs? Why do we tend to see ourselves and others in a certain way? Why do we act the way we do toward ourselves and others? What does any of this have to do with the events we experience in our world?    02:06:00H2O Netwonoconsciousness,humanity,the darkside of the occult,Mark Passio,Mass SleepWhatOnEarthIsHappening.com: the official web site of Mark Passio. This body of work is a culmination of many years of my extensive research and investigationSpirit And Prisons With Lukumi Elder Oba Ernesto Pichardohttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/03/14/spirit-and-prisons-with-lukumi-elder-oba-ernesto-pichardoSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/03/14/spirit-and-prisons-with-lukumi-elder-oba-ernesto-pichardo/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/03/14/spirit-and-prisons-with-lukumi-elder-oba-ernesto-pichardoWed, 14 Mar 2012 00:00:00 GMTSpirit And Prisons With Lukumi Elder Oba Ernesto PichardoJoin The Center For Community Knowledge for another installment of our Spirit series(Egun) This week's topic: SPIRIT AND PRISONS" from a Lukumi indigenous perspective with Lukumi elder Oba Ernesto Pichardo. Call-in number 917-889-7207 02:01:00H2O Netwonoconsciousness,ancestors,center for community knowledge,Oba ernesto pichardo,spiritJoin The Center For Community Knowledge for another installment of our Spirit series(Egun) This week's topic: SPIRIT AND PRISONS" from a Lukumi indigenous perspBook Of Angels With Author Sophy Burnhamhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/03/11/book-of-angels-with-author-sophy-burnhamSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/03/11/book-of-angels-with-author-sophy-burnham/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/03/11/book-of-angels-with-author-sophy-burnhamSun, 11 Mar 2012 21:30:00 GMTBook Of Angels With Author Sophy Burnham   SOPHY BURNHAM IS AN AWARD-WINNING PLAYWRIGHT, NOVELIST, AND NONFICTION WRITER. THREE OF HER BOOKS HAVE APPEARED ON THE NEW YORK TIMES AND OTHER BESTSELLER LISTS. HER WORKS HAVE BEEN TRANSLATED INTO TWENTY-TWO LANGUAGES. HER ARTICLES AND ESSAYS HAVE BEEN PUBLISHED IN ESQUIRE, NEW YORK, THE NEW YORK TIMES MAGAZINE, TOWN & COUNTRY, READER'S DIGEST AND MANY OTHER MAGAZINES. AN INTERNATIONAL SPEAKER, SHE HAS APPEARED FREQUENTLY ON TELEVISION AND RADIO PROGRAMS AROUND THE COUNTRY, INCLUDING OPRAH, LARRY KING LIVE, GOOD MORNING AMERICA, TODAY AND CBS MORNING NEWS. IN ADDITION TO HER THEATER INTERESTS, SHE IS A PSYCHIC OR INTUITIVE, A HEALER AND A SPIRITUAL DIRECTOR. SHE LIVES IN WASHINGTON, D. C. SHE SAYS THIS SAYS NOTHING OF IMPORTANCE ABOUT WHO SHE REALLY IS. http://www.sophyburnham.com/books/nonfiction_files/6_book_of_angels.html00:42:00H2O NetwonoAuthors,Angels,Sophy BurnHam,Angelic energies,EnergySOPHY BURNHAM IS AN AWARD-WINNING PLAYWRIGHT, NOVELIST, AND NONFICTION WRITER. THREE OF HER BOOKS HAVE APPEARED ON THE NEW YORK TIMES AND OTHER BESTSELLER LIThe Stress Doc Mark Gorkin, MSW, LICSWhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/03/10/the-stress-doc-mark-gorkin-msw-licswSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/03/10/the-stress-doc-mark-gorkin-msw-licsw/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/03/10/the-stress-doc-mark-gorkin-msw-licswSat, 10 Mar 2012 01:00:00 GMTThe Stress Doc Mark Gorkin, MSW, LICSW   Acclaimed Keynote Speaker, Retreat Leader and Motivational Humorist Author of Practice Safe Stress, The Four Faces of Anger and The Wit and Wisdom of the Stress Doc http://www.stressdoc.com/ 02:00:00H2O Netwonoafter dark,Stress Doc,Mark Gorkin,KDCL,ConsciousnessAcclaimed Keynote Speaker, Retreat Leader and Motivational Humorist Author of Practice Safe Stress, The Four Faces of Anger and The Wit and Wisdom of the StDoor To The Mind with The H20 Network, and KDCL Mediahttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/03/08/door-to-the-mind-with-the-h20-network-and-kdcl-mediaSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/03/08/door-to-the-mind-with-the-h20-network-and-kdcl-media/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/03/08/door-to-the-mind-with-the-h20-network-and-kdcl-mediaThu, 08 Mar 2012 23:00:00 GMTDoor To The Mind with The H20 Network, and KDCL Media   KDCL Media & The H2O Network merge with Hosts Radiah Nunez, & Miss Paula providing you with a showcase of the talented and independent writers, musicians, thinkers and topics of the day. This week's guest is Feel The Bite:   Ultimate French Quarter Vampyre Adventure If you find the life of a Vampire alluring, and you've wondered what it would be like to explore the world as a nocturnal creature...we have an adventure for you....if you dare!Spend two nights and two days living the life of a Vampire in historic and mysterious New Orleans /www.feelthebite.com/ultimateadventure.html 02:02:00H2O Netwonodoor to the mind,KDCL MEDIA,The H20 Network,Culture,NOLAKDCL Media & The H2O Network merge with Hosts Radiah Nunez, & Miss Paula providing you with a showcase of the talented and independent writers, musicians, tThe Spiritual Imprints of Conception: Doula Jeance Barcelohttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/03/07/the-spiritual-imprints-of-conception-doula-jeance-barceloSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/03/07/the-spiritual-imprints-of-conception-doula-jeance-barcelo/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/03/07/the-spiritual-imprints-of-conception-doula-jeance-barceloWed, 07 Mar 2012 17:00:00 GMTThe Spiritual Imprints of Conception: Doula Jeance Barcelo   Jeanice Barcelo. Topics of disscussion the spiritual imprints of conception/ and the womb.The Dark rituals that are taking place in the hospital to your child as one turns a blind eye. This is a show you will definately not want to miss! Call-in  number 917-889-7207   http://ecstaticbirth.wordpress.com/ 02:00:00H2O Netwonospiritual world,conception,Jeanice Barcelo,Doula,BirthJeanice Barcelo. Topics of disscussion the spiritual imprints of conception/ and the womb.The Dark rituals that are taking place in the hospital to your chiSpirit And Physical Ailments With Oba Ernesto Pichardohttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/03/07/spirit-and-physical-ailments-with-oba-ernesto-pichardoSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/03/07/spirit-and-physical-ailments-with-oba-ernesto-pichardo/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/03/07/spirit-and-physical-ailments-with-oba-ernesto-pichardoWed, 07 Mar 2012 01:00:00 GMTSpirit And Physical Ailments With Oba Ernesto PichardoJoin The Center For Community Knowledge for another installment of our Spirit series(Egun) This week's topIC: SPIRIT AND PHYSICAL AILMENTS" from a Lukumi indigenous perspective with Lukumi elder Oba Ernesto Pichardo. Call-in number 917-889-7207 02:56:00H2O Netwonoegun series,Center For Community Knowledge,H20 Network,Oba ernesto pichardo,LukumiJoin The Center For Community Knowledge for another installment of our Spirit series(Egun) This week's topIC: SPIRIT AND PHYSICAL AILMENTS" from a Lukumi indigeThe Saturn Death Cult with Author Troy Mclachlan Part Twohttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/03/03/the-saturn-death-cult-with-author-troy-mclachlan-part-twoSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/03/03/the-saturn-death-cult-with-author-troy-mclachlan-part-two/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/03/03/the-saturn-death-cult-with-author-troy-mclachlan-part-twoSat, 03 Mar 2012 08:00:00 GMTThe Saturn Death Cult with Author Troy Mclachlan Part Two     The Saturn Death Cult is an investigation into ancient planetary upheavals that heralded the birth and destruction of a fabled Golden Age following which mankind then degenerated into the obsessive pursuit of wealth and power through the perverted horrors of slavery, child sacrifice and mass-murder rituals. 01:24:00H2O Netwonoconsciousness,Saturn Death Cult,Author Troy Mclachlan,Occult,Ancient Planetary upheavalsThe Saturn Death Cult is an investigation into ancient planetary upheavals that heralded the birth and destruction of a fabled Golden Age following whichChristianity and The Occult With Elder Oba Ernesto Pichardohttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/03/03/christianity-and-the-occult-with-elder-oba-ernesto-pichardo-1Spiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/03/03/christianity-and-the-occult-with-elder-oba-ernesto-pichardo-1/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/03/03/christianity-and-the-occult-with-elder-oba-ernesto-pichardo-1Sat, 03 Mar 2012 01:00:00 GMTChristianity and The Occult With Elder Oba Ernesto Pichardo   KDCL Media & The H2O Network merge with Hosts Radiah Nunez, & Miss Paula providing you with a showcase of the talented and independent writers, musicians, thinkers and topics of the day. Lukumi elder Oba Ernesto Pichardo will be discussing Chritainity and the Occult, and the history of occult practices in the Catholic church. Call-in number 917 889-7207 02:59:00H2O Netwonoafter dark,KDCL MEDIA,H20 After Dark,Humanity,ConsciousnessKDCL Media & The H2O Network merge with Hosts Radiah Nunez, & Miss Paula providing you with a showcase of the talented and independent writers, musicians, tSpirit And Depression With Lukumi Elder Oba Ernesto Pichardohttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/02/29/spirit-and-depression-with-lukumi-elder-oba-ernesto-pichardoSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/02/29/spirit-and-depression-with-lukumi-elder-oba-ernesto-pichardo/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/02/29/spirit-and-depression-with-lukumi-elder-oba-ernesto-pichardoWed, 29 Feb 2012 01:00:00 GMTSpirit And Depression With Lukumi Elder Oba Ernesto Pichardo     Join The Center For Community Knowledge for another installment of our Spirit series(Egun) This week's topIC: SPIRIT AND DEPRESSION" from a Lukumi indigenous perspective with Lukumi elder Oba Ernesto Pichardo. Call-in number 917-889-7207 02:36:00H2O Netwonocommunity,Center For Community Knowledge,oba ernesto Pichardo,Spirit,EgunJoin The Center For Community Knowledge for another installment of our Spirit series(Egun) This week's topIC: SPIRIT AND DEPRESSION" from a Lukumi indigeThe Art Of Intuition With Author Sophy Burnhamhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/02/26/the-art-of-intuition-with-author-sophy-burnhamSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/02/26/the-art-of-intuition-with-author-sophy-burnham/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/02/26/the-art-of-intuition-with-author-sophy-burnhamSun, 26 Feb 2012 22:00:00 GMTThe Art Of Intuition With Author Sophy Burnham   SOPHY BURNHAM IS AN AWARD-WINNING PLAYWRIGHT, NOVELIST, AND NONFICTION WRITER. THREE OF HER BOOKS HAVE APPEARED ON THE NEW YORK TIMES AND OTHER BESTSELLER LISTS. HER WORKS HAVE BEEN TRANSLATED INTO TWENTY-TWO LANGUAGES. HER ARTICLES AND ESSAYS HAVE BEEN PUBLISHED IN ESQUIRE, NEW YORK, THE NEW YORK TIMES MAGAZINE, TOWN & COUNTRY, READER'S DIGEST AND MANY OTHER MAGAZINES. AN INTERNATIONAL SPEAKER, SHE HAS APPEARED FREQUENTLY ON TELEVISION AND RADIO PROGRAMS AROUND THE COUNTRY, INCLUDING OPRAH, LARRY KING LIVE, GOOD MORNING AMERICA, TODAY AND CBS MORNING NEWS. IN ADDITION TO HER THEATER INTERESTS, SHE IS A PSYCHIC OR INTUITIVE, A HEALER AND A SPIRITUAL DIRECTOR. SHE LIVES IN WASHINGTON, D. C. SHE SAYS THIS SAYS NOTHING OF IMPORTANCE ABOUT WHO SHE REALLY IS. http://www.sophyburnham.com/ http://sophywisdom.wordpress.com/ 01:45:00H2O NetwonoAuthors,Sophy Burnham,Intuition,spirituality,spiritual toolsSOPHY BURNHAM IS AN AWARD-WINNING PLAYWRIGHT, NOVELIST, AND NONFICTION WRITER. THREE OF HER BOOKS HAVE APPEARED ON THE NEW YORK TIMES AND OTHER BESTSELLER LVertical Farming With Dr. Dickson Despommier PhDhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/02/25/vertical-farming-with-dr-dickson-despommierSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/02/25/vertical-farming-with-dr-dickson-despommier/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/02/25/vertical-farming-with-dr-dickson-despommierSat, 25 Feb 2012 19:00:00 GMTVertical Farming With Dr. Dickson Despommier PhDDR. DICKSON DESPOMMIERspent thirty-eight years as a professor of microbiology and public health in environmental health sciences at Columbia, where he won the Best Teacher award six times. In 2003, he was awarded the American Medical Student Association Golden Apple Award for teaching. He has addressed audiences at leading universities including Harvard and MIT, and he has also been invited to speak at the United Nations. In addition, he has been asked by governments of China, India, Mexico, Jordan, Brazil, Canada, and Korea to work on environmental problems. Despommier lives in Fort Lee, New Jersey.  http://www.verticalfarm.com/blog?108 01:07:00H2O NetwonoAuthors,Vertical Farming,humanity,agriculture,sociertyDR. DICKSON DESPOMMIERspent thirty-eight years as a professor of microbiology and public health in environmental health sciences at Columbia, where he won the BDream Researcher Ryan Hurd visits After Darkhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/02/25/dream-researcher-ryan-hurd-visits-after-darkSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/02/25/dream-researcher-ryan-hurd-visits-after-dark/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/02/25/dream-researcher-ryan-hurd-visits-after-darkSat, 25 Feb 2012 02:00:00 GMTDream Researcher Ryan Hurd visits After Dark   KDCL Media & The H2O Network merge with Hosts Radiah Nunez, & Miss Paula providing you with a showcase of the talented and independent writers, musicians, thinkers and topics of the day.   Ryan Hurd is author of Lucid Immersion Blueprint and Sleep Paralysis. Besides maintaining DreamStudies.org, Ryan also is a member of The Dream Tribe, a collective of professionals who apply dreaming and the imaginal arts to rekindle our own ancestral heritages as well as our collective destiny. Find out more at TheDreamTribe.com 02:04:00H2O Netwonodreaming,KDCL MEDIA,H20 After Dark,Ryan Hurd,ConsciousnessKDCL Media & The H2O Network merge with Hosts Radiah Nunez, & Miss Paula providing you with a showcase of the talented and independent writers, musicians, tDark Light Consciouness with Dr. Edward Bruce Bynum PhDhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/02/23/dark-light-consciouness-with-dr-edward-bruce-bynumSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/02/23/dark-light-consciouness-with-dr-edward-bruce-bynum/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/02/23/dark-light-consciouness-with-dr-edward-bruce-bynumThu, 23 Feb 2012 23:00:00 GMTDark Light Consciouness with Dr. Edward Bruce Bynum PhD   KDCL Media & The H2O Network merge with Hosts Radiah Nunez, & Miss Paula providing you with a showcase of the talented and independent writers, musicians, thinkers and topics of the day. This week's guest is: Dr. Edward Bruce Bynum. r Edward Bruce Bynum, Ph.D., A.B.P.P., is a clinical psychologist and the director of behavioral medicine at the University of Massachusetts Health Services in Amherst. A student of Swami Chandrasekharanand Saraswati and a winner of the Abraham H. Maslow award from the American Psychological Association, he is the author of several books, including The African Unconscious. He lives in Pelham, Massachusetts.Edward Bruce Bynum 02:00:00H2O Netwonodoor to the mind,KDCL MEDIA,The H20 Network,Consciousness,humanityKDCL Media & The H2O Network merge with Hosts Radiah Nunez, & Miss Paula providing you with a showcase of the talented and independent writers, musicians, tThe Labyrinth of the Psychopath With Author Thomas Sheridanhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/02/22/the-labyrinth-of-the-psychopath-with-author-thomas-sheridanSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/02/22/the-labyrinth-of-the-psychopath-with-author-thomas-sheridan/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/02/22/the-labyrinth-of-the-psychopath-with-author-thomas-sheridanWed, 22 Feb 2012 18:00:00 GMTThe Labyrinth of the Psychopath With Author Thomas Sheridan   Born in Dublin, Thomas Sheridan is an internationally renowned artist, author, musician, public speaker and independent researcher currently based in the West of Ireland. His illustrations have appeared on the cover of newstand magazines, books and websites worldwide. He is best known for being the author of the book Puzzling People: the Labyrinth of the Psychopath. The book was well received, becoming an underground success and has made Thomas' entire body of work reach a much larger audience. In tandem with this, Thomas has continued on his own creative exploration, eventually coming to see that what is happening with the modern social neurosis is, in effect, the genesis of an emerging mythos; that the modern 'hero's journey' was evolving through a fusion of art, music, philosophy, science, spirituality, sociology and healing. This modern re-birth of the druidic approach appeared to fuse these aspects of human development into a new holistic culture. Today, Thomas continues this work of moving towards a synchronistic cohesion of the modern human; in terms of positive transcendence from trauma and psychological damage and on towards personal and social renewal. http://labyrinthpsycho.blogspot.com/ http://thomassheridanarts.com 01:13:00H2O NetwonoAuthors,Thomas Sheridan,Puzzling People,The Labyrinth of the Psychopath,ConsciousnessBorn in Dublin, Thomas Sheridan is an internationally renowned artist, author, musician, public speaker and independent researcher currently based in the WeThe Cognitive Stages Of the Spiritual World http://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/02/22/the-cognitive-stages-of-the-spiritual-worldSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/02/22/the-cognitive-stages-of-the-spiritual-world/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/02/22/the-cognitive-stages-of-the-spiritual-worldWed, 22 Feb 2012 01:00:00 GMTThe Cognitive Stages Of the Spiritual World Join The Center For Community Knowledge for another installment of our Spirit series(Egun) This week's topic: "The Cognitive Stages of the Spiritual World" from a Lukumi indigenous perspective with Lukumi elder Oba Ernesto Pichardo. Call-in number 917-889-7207 01:38:00H2O NetwonoOba Ernesto Pichardo,Egun Series,Spiritual world,Lukumi,Center for community knowledgeJoin The Center For Community Knowledge for another installment of our Spirit series(Egun) This week's topic: "The Cognitive Stages of the Spiritual World" froCanupa Gluha Mani Of The Strong Heart Warriors Societyhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/02/18/canupa-gluha-mani-of-the-strong-heart-warriors-society-1Spiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/02/18/canupa-gluha-mani-of-the-strong-heart-warriors-society-1/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/02/18/canupa-gluha-mani-of-the-strong-heart-warriors-society-1Sat, 18 Feb 2012 01:00:00 GMTCanupa Gluha Mani Of The Strong Heart Warriors Society   Canupa Gluha Mani, Founder of The Strong Heart WarriorSociety of Pine Ridge Reservation Will discuss the tribal council, and the corruption that takes place on the rez. Join us, and call-in 917-889-7207 Strong Heart Warrior Society's Facebook Page https://www.facebook.com/cantetenza   KDCL Media & The H2O Network merge with Hosts Radiah Nunez, & Miss Paula providing you with a showcase of the talented and independent writers, musicians, thinkers and topics of the day. 01:59:00H2O NetwonoPine Ridge Reservation,KDCL MEDIA,H20 After Dark,Humanity,American Indian CommunityCanupa Gluha Mani, Founder of The Strong Heart WarriorSociety of Pine Ridge Reservation Will discuss the tribal council, and the corruption that takes placeWhen Technology Fails With Author Matthew Steinhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/02/16/when-technology-fails-with-author-matthew-steinSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/02/16/when-technology-fails-with-author-matthew-stein/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/02/16/when-technology-fails-with-author-matthew-steinThu, 16 Feb 2012 23:00:00 GMTWhen Technology Fails With Author Matthew Stein   KDCL Media & The H2O Network merge with Hosts Radiah Nunez, & Miss Paula providing you with a showcase of the talented and independent writers, musicians, thinkers and topics of the day.      Matthew Stein holds a Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering from MIT. An engineer and building contractor, Stein has built hurricane resistant, energy efficient and environmentally friendly homes, and has designed commercial water filtration systems, photovoltaic roofing panels, medical bacteriological filters, computer disk drives, portable fiberglass buildings and automated assembly machinery, among other things. He is the author of When Disaster Strikes: A Comprehensive Guide for Emergency Planning and Crisis Survival, and  When Technology Fails: A Manual for Self-Reliance, Sustainability, and Surviving the Long Emergency from Chelsea Green.. For more information visit, www.chelseagreen.com. For many years, Stein has pursued avid interests in renewable energy, alternative healing, sustainable growth, and preventative medicine. His websites are at www.matstein.com, www.stein-design.com and www.whentechfails.com. 02:05:00H2O Netwonodoor to the mind,KDCL MEDIA,The H20 Network,authors,When technology failsKDCL Media & The H2O Network merge with Hosts Radiah Nunez, & Miss Paula providing you with a showcase of the talented and independent writers, musicians, tExtra Planetary Experiences w/ Author Thomas Streicher Ph.D http://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/02/15/extra-planetary-experiences-w-author-thomas-streicher-phdSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/02/15/extra-planetary-experiences-w-author-thomas-streicher-phd/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/02/15/extra-planetary-experiences-w-author-thomas-streicher-phdWed, 15 Feb 2012 17:00:00 GMTExtra Planetary Experiences w/ Author Thomas Streicher Ph.D   Thomas Streicher obtained his PH.D. in Psychology at Saybrook University in San Francisco, California. He has obtained his MA degree in Transpersonal Psychology at the Institute of Transpersonal Psychology in Palo Alto, California in 2005. He obtained his BA degree in Psychology from California State University, Sacramento in 1999. Thomas also obtained an AS degree in business management from Moorpark College, California in 1984 and established his own general building contractor business as a state licensed contractor and builder. Thomas had started his advanced education degrees in 1974 and has attended many different schools of higher learning, including the University of Wisconsin, California Lutheran College, Oregon Community College, Ventura College, California State University, Sierra College, Moorpark College, and The Hazelden Foundation, Center City, Minnesota. 01:01:00H2O Netwonoconsciousness,aliens,contact,expansion,AuthorsThomas Streicher obtained his PH.D. in Psychology at Saybrook University in San Francisco, California. He has obtained his MA degree in Transpersonal PsychoMisa's and The Different Egun(spiritual) Commissionshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/02/15/misas-and-the-different-egunspiritual-commissionsSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/02/15/misas-and-the-different-egunspiritual-commissions/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/02/15/misas-and-the-different-egunspiritual-commissionsWed, 15 Feb 2012 01:00:00 GMTMisa's and The Different Egun(spiritual) Commissions   JOIN us for another installment of Center For Community Knowledge's Egun series featuring lukumi elder Oba Ernesto Pichardo. This evening's topic: THE DIFFERENT MISA’S AND THE DIFFERENT EGUN COMMISSIONS.  Call-in we would love to hear from you 917-889-7207 02:26:00H2O Netwonoconsciousness,Oba Ernesto Pichardo,egun,Spirit,MisasJOIN us for another installment of Center For Community Knowledge's Egun series featuring lukumi elder Oba Ernesto Pichardo. This evening's topic: THE DIFFEAfter Dark With The H20 Network, and KDCL Media http://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/02/11/after-dark-with-the-h20-network-and-kdcl-mediaSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/02/11/after-dark-with-the-h20-network-and-kdcl-media/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/02/11/after-dark-with-the-h20-network-and-kdcl-mediaSat, 11 Feb 2012 01:00:00 GMTAfter Dark With The H20 Network, and KDCL Media   KDCL Media & The H2O Network merge with Hosts Radiah Nunez, & Miss Paula providing you with a showcase of the talented and independent writers, musicians, thinkers and topics of the day. 02:02:00H2O Netwonoafter dark,KDCL MEDIA,H20 After Dark,Humanity,ConsciousnessKDCL Media & The H2O Network merge with Hosts Radiah Nunez, & Miss Paula providing you with a showcase of the talented and independent writers, musicians, tDoor To The Mind with The H20 Network, and KDCL Mediahttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/02/09/door-to-the-mind-with-the-h20-network-and-kdcl-mediaSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/02/09/door-to-the-mind-with-the-h20-network-and-kdcl-media/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/02/09/door-to-the-mind-with-the-h20-network-and-kdcl-mediaThu, 09 Feb 2012 23:00:00 GMTDoor To The Mind with The H20 Network, and KDCL Media   KDCL Media & The H2O Network merge with Hosts Radiah Nunez, & Miss Paula providing you with a showcase of the talented and independent writers, musicians, thinkers and topics of the day. This week's guest is Feel The Bite:   Ultimate French Quarter Vampyre Adventure If you find the life of a Vampire alluring, and you've wondered what it would be like to explore the world as a nocturnal creature...we have an adventure for you....if you dare!Spend two nights and two days living the life of a Vampire in historic and mysterious New Orleans /www.feelthebite.com/ultimateadventure.html 02:13:00H2O Netwonodoor to the mind,KDCL MEDIA,The H20 Network,Culture,NOLAKDCL Media & The H2O Network merge with Hosts Radiah Nunez, & Miss Paula providing you with a showcase of the talented and independent writers, musicians, tHow To Protect Yourself When Working With Spirit http://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/02/08/how-to-protect-yourself-when-working-with-spiritSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/02/08/how-to-protect-yourself-when-working-with-spirit/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/02/08/how-to-protect-yourself-when-working-with-spiritWed, 08 Feb 2012 01:00:00 GMTHow To Protect Yourself When Working With Spirit JOIN us for another installment of Center For Community Knowledge's Egun series featuring lukumi elder Oba Ernesto Pichardo. This evening's topic: HOW TO PROTECT YOURSELF WHEN WORKING WITH SPIRIT. Do you always get sick after counseling individual's? And many more questions.. Call-in we would love to hear from you 917-889-7207 02:37:00H2O Netwonoegun series,Oba Ernesto Pichardo,spirit,the ancestors,Center for community knowledgeJOIN us for another installment of Center For Community Knowledge's Egun series featuring lukumi elder Oba Ernesto Pichardo. This evening's topic: HOW TO PROTEThe Saturn Death Cult with Author Troy Mclachlanhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/02/04/the-saturn-death-cult-with-author-troy-mclachlanSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/02/04/the-saturn-death-cult-with-author-troy-mclachlan/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/02/04/the-saturn-death-cult-with-author-troy-mclachlanSat, 04 Feb 2012 08:00:00 GMTThe Saturn Death Cult with Author Troy MclachlanThe Saturn Death Cult is an investigation into ancient planetary upheavals that heralded the birth and destruction of a fabled Golden Age following which mankind then degenerated into the obsessive pursuit of wealth and power through the perverted horrors of slavery, child sacrifice and mass-murder rituals. 01:43:00H2O Netwonooccult,Saturn,humanity,troy mclachlan,AuthorsThe Saturn Death Cult is an investigation into ancient planetary upheavals that heralded the birth and destruction of a fabled Golden Age following which mankinAfter Dark With The H20 Network, and KDCL Media http://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/02/04/after-dark-with-the-h20-network-and-kdcl-mediaSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/02/04/after-dark-with-the-h20-network-and-kdcl-media/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/02/04/after-dark-with-the-h20-network-and-kdcl-mediaSat, 04 Feb 2012 01:00:00 GMTAfter Dark With The H20 Network, and KDCL Media   KDCL Media & The H2O Network merge with Hosts Radiah Nunez, & Miss Paula providing you with a showcase of the talented and independent writers, musicians, thinkers and topics of the day. 02:02:00H2O Netwonoafter dark,KDCL MEDIA,H20 After Dark,Humanity,ConsciousnessKDCL Media & The H2O Network merge with Hosts Radiah Nunez, & Miss Paula providing you with a showcase of the talented and independent writers, musicians, tOcean Oracle Creator Michelle Hanson Visits Door To The Mindhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/02/02/ocean-oracle-creator-michelle-hanson-visits-door-to-the-mindSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/02/02/ocean-oracle-creator-michelle-hanson-visits-door-to-the-mind/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/02/02/ocean-oracle-creator-michelle-hanson-visits-door-to-the-mindThu, 02 Feb 2012 23:00:00 GMTOcean Oracle Creator Michelle Hanson Visits Door To The Mind   Ocean Oracle was created by Michelle Hanson as a method to distribute the wisdom from her life-long seashell partners. Over the years, this has translated into a kit for seashell divination called Ocean Oracle, a book introducing the concept of using shells as energy tools called Ocean Wisdom, and an on-line Seashell Divination course called Ocean Speake. Following 26 years of shell reading, Michelle is delighted to teach students from all over the world to navigate through life with the guidance of these master teachers. For details, please visit: http://www.oceanoracle.com “InOcean Oracle, Michelle Hanson opens up conchomancy to a whole new dimension… rich in oracular language that is accurate, scientific, and downright fascinating!” Ray Buckland Ocean Oracle, with its 200 card seashell deck and companion guidebook: “puts the wisdom of the sea within your reach…and translates its timeless language…a beautiful, unique toolkit to decode the language of the deep.” One Spirit Book Club 02:01:00H2O Netwonodoor to the mind,KDCL MEDIA,H20 Network,community,ConsciousnessOcean Oracle was created by Michelle Hanson as a method to distribute the wisdom from her life-long seashell partners. Over the years, this has translated iThe Dogon with Author Shannon Dorey http://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/02/01/the-dogon-with-author-shannon-doreySpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/02/01/the-dogon-with-author-shannon-dorey/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/02/01/the-dogon-with-author-shannon-doreyWed, 01 Feb 2012 16:00:00 GMTThe Dogon with Author Shannon Dorey The Nummo. is Shannon Dorey’s second book on the Dogon religion. Her first book, The Master Of Speech was published in 2002. Dorey is a graduate of Trent University in Peterborough, Ontario where she studied English, History and mythology. Her interests were expanded into religious studies after studying the New Testament at the University of Windsor in 1991. She began her writing career as a journalist and still continues writing articles for various online publications. She makes her home in Kitchener, Ontario, Canada http://thenummo.com/author.html 01:11:00H2O NetwonoAuthors,The Dogon,Ancient Aliens,indigenous people,MythologyThe Nummo. is Shannon Dorey’s second book on the Dogon religion. Her first book, The Master Of Speech was published in 2002. Dorey is a graduate of Trent UniveEgun (Spirit) and The Death Process w/ Oba Ernesto Pichardohttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/02/01/egun-spirit-and-the-death-process-w-oba-ernesto-pichardoSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/02/01/egun-spirit-and-the-death-process-w-oba-ernesto-pichardo/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/02/01/egun-spirit-and-the-death-process-w-oba-ernesto-pichardoWed, 01 Feb 2012 01:00:00 GMTEgun (Spirit) and The Death Process w/ Oba Ernesto Pichardo Join the H20 Network, and KDCL Media for another installment of The Center For Community Knowledge's Egun Series. Oba will be discussing our spiritual core (example: spiritual guides etc) and what happens to them when a person passes to the next level of existence. Do your guides help in a person's death process? Where do they go when you cross over? Call-in we would love to hear from you! 917=889-7207 01:52:00H2O Netwonodeath,spiritual realm,the process of death,Consciousness,EgunJoin the H20 Network, and KDCL Media for another installment of The Center For Community Knowledge's Egun Series. Oba will be discussing our spiritual core (exAuthor Philip Coppens Visits The H20http://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/01/28/author-philip-coppens-visits-the-h20Spiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/01/28/author-philip-coppens-visits-the-h20/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/01/28/author-philip-coppens-visits-the-h20Sat, 28 Jan 2012 17:00:00 GMTAuthor Philip Coppens Visits The H20   Philip Coppens is an author and investigative journalist, ranging from the world of politics to ancient history and mystery. He co-hosts The Spirit Revolution radio show with his wife Kathleen McGowan and is a frequent contributor to NEXUS Magazine and Atlantis Rising Magazine. Since 1995, he has lectured extensively and has appeared in a number of television and DVD documentaries, including Ancient Aliens: The Series (The History Channel). He is the author of The Stone Puzzle of Rosslyn Chapel, The Canopus Revelation, Land of the Gods, The New Pyramid Age, Servants of the Grail, the ebook 2012, Science or Fiction?, Killing Kennedy and The Ancient Alien Question.http://philipcoppens.com/ 01:11:00H2O NetwonoAuthors,Ancients Aliens,Philip Coppens,Consciousness,MysteriesPhilip Coppens is an author and investigative journalist, ranging from the world of politics to ancient history and mystery. He co-hosts The Spirit RevolutiDream Researcher Ryan Hurd Visits "After Dark"http://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/01/28/dream-researcher-ryan-hurd-visits-after-darkSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/01/28/dream-researcher-ryan-hurd-visits-after-dark/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/01/28/dream-researcher-ryan-hurd-visits-after-darkSat, 28 Jan 2012 01:00:00 GMTDream Researcher Ryan Hurd Visits "After Dark" Join The H20 Network, and KDCL Media for AFTER DARK. Discussing current events, strange news, and everything inbetween! Call-in 917-889-7207    Ryan Hurd I have a MA in Consciousness Studies and a Certificate of Dream Studies from John F. Kennedy University. I also have a BA degree specializing in archaeology. I spent the better part of a decade excavating ruins in North America before turning inward to the riches of the mind, which are infinitely more valuable than any buried treasure. Less back aches this way too. http://dreamstudies.org/about/ 02:01:00H2O Netwonoafter dark,KDCL MEDIA,H20 Network,Humanity,current eventsJoin The H20 Network, and KDCL Media for AFTER DARK. Discussing current events, strange news, and everything inbetween! Call-in 917-889-7207    Ryan Hurd IAuthor Julie Tallard Johnson Visits Door To The Mind http://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/01/26/author-julie-tallard-johnson-visits-door-to-the-mindSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/01/26/author-julie-tallard-johnson-visits-door-to-the-mind/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/01/26/author-julie-tallard-johnson-visits-door-to-the-mindThu, 26 Jan 2012 23:00:00 GMTAuthor Julie Tallard Johnson Visits Door To The Mind Julie Tallard Johnson is a licensed psychotherapist who maintains a private healing service, Healing Services Overlooking the River, established in Prairie du Sac, Wisconsin, in 1995. Here she offers the Wheel of Initiation course, spiritual journaling classes, and one-on-one transpersonal counseling. Her studies and investigation into cognitive-behavioral therapy, mind training, Buddhist philosophy, transpersonal counseling, and group dynamics lead to her development of the Wheel of Initiation and a year-long Initiation course, which she has facilitated since 1998. She employs a multicultural approach in her work, knowing that each person has to find a spiritual practice that is personally relevant for them. In 2008 the land adjacent to her practice was opened up so that others could enjoy its Three-jewel labyrinth, one-acre prairie spiral, and 40 acres of nature paths as a place for meditations and writing retreats. We will be discussing her new Book:   Spiritual Journaling: Writing Your Way to Independence http://www.julietallardjohnson.com 02:01:00H2O Netwonodoor to the mind,KDCL MEDIA,H20 Network,community,ConsciousnessJulie Tallard Johnson is a licensed psychotherapist who maintains a private healing service, Healing Services Overlooking the River, established in Prairie du SAbiku, Children, and Child Birth w Lukumi Elder Oba Pichardohttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/01/25/abiku-children-and-child-birth-w-lukumi-elder-oba-pichardoSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/01/25/abiku-children-and-child-birth-w-lukumi-elder-oba-pichardo/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/01/25/abiku-children-and-child-birth-w-lukumi-elder-oba-pichardoWed, 25 Jan 2012 01:00:00 GMTAbiku, Children, and Child Birth w Lukumi Elder Oba Pichardo  Center For Community Knowledge Egun series: https://www.facebook.com/CenterForCommunityKnowledge http://theh20network.weebly.com/cck-egun-series.html Lukumi elder Oba ernesto Pichardo discusses Egun(Spirit) and children fron conception to birth to childhood. If you have children, or want to have children this is a show that you most definately DON'T  want to miss! Call-in number 917-889-7202 02:59:00H2O Netwonospirit world,Children,oba ernesto Pichardo,Child birth,AbikuCenter For Community Knowledge Egun series: https://www.facebook.com/CenterForCommunityKnowledge http://theh20network.weebly.com/cck-egun-series.html LukumiPronostico De Ifa 2012 Cuba-Miami 2http://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/01/23/pronostico-de-ifa-2012-cuba-miami-2Spiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/01/23/pronostico-de-ifa-2012-cuba-miami-2/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/01/23/pronostico-de-ifa-2012-cuba-miami-2Mon, 23 Jan 2012 01:30:00 GMTPronostico De Ifa 2012 Cuba-Miami 2   The H20 Network y KDCL Media presenta el segundo programa radial Domingo Enero 22, 8:30 PM EST: Descifrando el Pronóstico de Ifá 2012 Miami con el presentador Obá Oriaté Ernesto Pichardo y su invitado Oba Oriate Carlos Valdes desde Miami.01:28:00H2O Netwonopronostico de ifa 2012,Oba Ernesto Pichardo,Miami,Cuba,orishaThe H20 Network y KDCL Media presenta el segundo programa radial Domingo Enero 22, 8:30 PM EST: Descifrando el Pronóstico de Ifá 2012 Miami con el presentadHow To Select A God Parent With Oba Ernesto Pichardo http://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/01/21/how-to-select-a-god-parent-with-oba-ernesto-pichardo-1Spiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/01/21/how-to-select-a-god-parent-with-oba-ernesto-pichardo-1/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/01/21/how-to-select-a-god-parent-with-oba-ernesto-pichardo-1Sat, 21 Jan 2012 01:00:00 GMTHow To Select A God Parent With Oba Ernesto Pichardo Join The H20 Network, KDCL Media, and Oba Ernesto Pichardo as he discusses how to select a God Parent. Call-in 917-889-7207 we would love to hear from you. 02:59:00H2O Netwonoselecting a God Parent,KDCL MEDIA,H20 Network,Lukumi,CommunityJoin The H20 Network, KDCL Media, and Oba Ernesto Pichardo as he discusses how to select a God Parent. Call-in 917-889-7207 we would love to hear from you.Door To The Mind w Doula Jeanice Barcelo http://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/01/19/door-to-the-mind-w-doula-jeanice-barceloSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/01/19/door-to-the-mind-w-doula-jeanice-barcelo/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/01/19/door-to-the-mind-w-doula-jeanice-barceloThu, 19 Jan 2012 23:00:00 GMTDoor To The Mind w Doula Jeanice Barcelo This evening Miss Paula, and I will be speaking with Doula Jeanice Barcelo. Topics of disscussion the metaphyics of giving birth, and the Dark rituals that are taking place in the hospital to your child as one turns a blind eye. This is a show you will definately not want to miss! Call-in  number 917-889-7207 EXPOSING THE REAL AGENDA  BEHIND HOSPITAL BIRTH PROCEDURES http://ecstaticbirth.wordpress.com/about/ And discussing the metaphysical aspects of birth 02:35:00H2O NetwonoBIRTH,Spirituality,Jeanice Barcelo,WOMEN,humanityThis evening Miss Paula, and I will be speaking with Doula Jeanice Barcelo. Topics of disscussion the metaphyics of giving birth, and the Dark rituals that arePeruvian Shaman Shannon Marie Talks About The SAMI Institutehttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/01/18/peruvian-shaman-shannon-marie-talks-about-the-sami-instituteSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/01/18/peruvian-shaman-shannon-marie-talks-about-the-sami-institute/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/01/18/peruvian-shaman-shannon-marie-talks-about-the-sami-instituteWed, 18 Jan 2012 20:00:00 GMTPeruvian Shaman Shannon Marie Talks About The SAMI Institute Peruvian Shaman returns to The H20 Network To discuss the SAMI Intitutes 2012 projects. Call-in 917-889-7207  01:00:00H2O NetwonoSAMI Institute,Shannon Marie,community,Culture,2012 projectsPeruvian Shaman returns to The H20 Network To discuss the SAMI Intitutes 2012 projects. Call-in 917-889-7207Egun , Love, and Relationships with Oba Ernesto Pichadro http://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/01/18/egun-love-and-relationships-with-oba-ernesto-pichadroSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/01/18/egun-love-and-relationships-with-oba-ernesto-pichadro/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/01/18/egun-love-and-relationships-with-oba-ernesto-pichadroWed, 18 Jan 2012 01:00:00 GMTEgun , Love, and Relationships with Oba Ernesto Pichadro Lukumi elder Oba Ernesto Pichardo will be discussing how spirit effects our relationships, and the egun attachments have with-in their spiritual core that can cause problems with-in a relationship. In addition, what happens when individuals have sex with random inviduals, what are the energenic ramifications??  Call-in number 917-889-7207 01:07:00H2O Netwonoelders,Egun,oba ernesto Pichardo,ancestors,spiritLukumi elder Oba Ernesto Pichardo will be discussing how spirit effects our relationships, and the egun attachments have with-in their spiritual core that canPronostico De Ifa 2012 Cuba-Miamihttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/01/15/pronostico-de-ifa-2012-cuba-miamiSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/01/15/pronostico-de-ifa-2012-cuba-miami/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/01/15/pronostico-de-ifa-2012-cuba-miamiSun, 15 Jan 2012 02:00:00 GMTPronostico De Ifa 2012 Cuba-Miami The H20 Network y KDCL Media presenta su primer programa radial por el internet en espanol. Presentador Oba Oriate Ernesto Pichardo  invitado Oba Oriate Carlos Valdes 03:01:00H2O Netwonoespanol,Prontostico de Ifa,Ernesto pichardo,Carlos Valdes,2012The H20 Network y KDCL Media presenta su primer programa radial por el internet en espanol. Presentador Oba Oriate Ernesto Pichardo  invitado Oba Oriate CarlosDeciphering the Odu of 2012 with Oba Ernesto Pichardohttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/01/14/deciphering-the-odu-of-2012-with-oba-ernesto-pichardoSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/01/14/deciphering-the-odu-of-2012-with-oba-ernesto-pichardo/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/01/14/deciphering-the-odu-of-2012-with-oba-ernesto-pichardoSat, 14 Jan 2012 01:00:00 GMTDeciphering the Odu of 2012 with Oba Ernesto Pichardo Join The H20 network, and KDCL Media as Elder Lukumi Priest Oba Ernesto Pichardo deciphers the reading of the year from the elders in Cuba, and Miami. What will 2012 bring for humanity, and as individuals? 02:57:00H2O NetwonoOdu,reading of the year,oba ernesto Pichardo,H20 Network and KDCL Media,2012Join The H20 network, and KDCL Media as Elder Lukumi Priest Oba Ernesto Pichardo deciphers the reading of the year from the elders in Cuba, and Miami. What wilWilliam Henry vists Door To The Mind with the H20 & KDCL http://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/01/12/william-henry-vists-door-to-the-mind-with-the-h20-kdclSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/01/12/william-henry-vists-door-to-the-mind-with-the-h20-kdcl/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/01/12/william-henry-vists-door-to-the-mind-with-the-h20-kdclThu, 12 Jan 2012 23:00:00 GMTWilliam Henry vists Door To The Mind with the H20 & KDCL   KDCL Media & The H2O Network merge with Hosts Radiah Nunez, & Miss Paula providing you with a showcase of the talented and independent writers, musicians, thinkers and topics of the day. William Henry Author, investigative mythologist and host of “Revelations” radio, William Henry is your guide into the transformative power of art and symbols of human ascension. He has been documenting humanity’s awakening to its spiritual magnificence for over 20 years. Inspired by the great accomplishments of antiquity, William brings the evidence of our divinity. By bringing to life the stories of ascension through art, he teaches the secrets of soul transfiguration or metamorphosis and connects people to one another across cultures, time and space. 02:01:00H2O Netwonodoor to the mind,KDCL MEDIA,H20 Network,William Henry,ConsciousnessKDCL Media & The H2O Network merge with Hosts Radiah Nunez, & Miss Paula providing you with a showcase of the talented and independent writers, musicians, tLukumi Ritual Artist Frank Vitierhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/01/11/lukumi-ritual-artist-frank-vitierSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/01/11/lukumi-ritual-artist-frank-vitier/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/01/11/lukumi-ritual-artist-frank-vitierWed, 11 Jan 2012 20:00:00 GMTLukumi Ritual Artist Frank Vitier   Frank Vitier learned how to make thrones, ritual clothing, crowns, and spiritual dolls in the early 90's. In 1992, Frank received Olokum,  Mano de Orula, and then in July of 1994, he was crowned Oshun. Frank 's creations are inspired by everything around him, patakies, and the most important, divine inspiration! Join us! call-in number 917-889-7207; 01:03:00H2O NetwonoFrank Vitier,artists,Ritual clothing,orisha,InspirationFrank Vitier learned how to make thrones, ritual clothing, crowns, and spiritual dolls in the early 90's. In 1992, Frank received Olokum,  Mano de Orula, anAuthor Rick Osmon Visits The H20 Networkhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/01/10/author-rick-osmon-visits-the-h20-networkSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/01/10/author-rick-osmon-visits-the-h20-network/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/01/10/author-rick-osmon-visits-the-h20-networkTue, 10 Jan 2012 22:00:00 GMTAuthor Rick Osmon Visits The H20 Network   Rick Osmon was selected for the United States Air Force Academy right out of high school. He later attended Vincennes University and earned an Associates of Science in Laser and Electro-Optics Technology. He worked for defense contractors a number of years and then took a job with the US Navy as a civilian with an engineering support field activity, specializing in radar, night vision, and laser equipment for surveillance and munitions guidance Most of this work was in direct support of Special Operations forces equipment acquisitions. In that capacity, Rick also became familiar with video-teleconferencing technology. But all those years, Rick was also reading everything he could find about the weird and unusual, history, archeology, paleontology, geography, cartography, cryptozoology, cryptography, and hollow earth theory. After leaving government employment in 2004, Rick began this hunt for hidden knowledge full time. He also began blogging, researching, and writing, and, in early 2007, started an internet radio show entitled “The Oopa Loopa Cafe”. In 2008, he began pestering his long time research buddy, Dennis Crenshaw, to start another internet show about the various mysteries. Dennis chose the title “Unraveling the Secrets”. At the beginning of 2010, those 2 shows became part of an affiliation network with other show hosts to form Paranormal Soup Network. By the end of 2010, the endeavor was re-branded and renamed the Soup Media Network. Now Rick is becoming well known on the conference circuit and is writing more than blogs. His first book, The Graves of the Golden Bear; Ancient Monuments and Fortresses of the Ohio Valley was released in October of 2011. 01:32:00H2O NetwonoAuthors,Rick osmon,civilization,Consciousness,humanityRick Osmon was selected for the United States Air Force Academy right out of high school. He later attended Vincennes University and earned an Associates ofBuffalo Talk With Skuya Fasthorse From The Lakota Nationhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/01/10/buffalo-talk-with-skuya-fasthorse-from-the-lakota-nationSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/01/10/buffalo-talk-with-skuya-fasthorse-from-the-lakota-nation/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/01/10/buffalo-talk-with-skuya-fasthorse-from-the-lakota-nationTue, 10 Jan 2012 02:00:00 GMTBuffalo Talk With Skuya Fasthorse From The Lakota Nation   Buffalo talk is a wellbriety circle that brings people together for healing. “We Are All Related” join us as we gain wisdom, and also give wisdom from our experiences. This is the last Show of 2011 call-in we would love to hear from you family 917-889-7207 01:34:00H2O Netwonoskuya Fasthorse,wellness,roundtable,wellbriety,American Indian CommunityBuffalo talk is a wellbriety circle that brings people together for healing. “We Are All Related” join us as we gain wisdom, and also give wisdom from our eAfter Dark With The H20 Network, and KDCL Media http://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/01/07/after-dark-with-the-h20-network-and-kdcl-mediaSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/01/07/after-dark-with-the-h20-network-and-kdcl-media/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/01/07/after-dark-with-the-h20-network-and-kdcl-mediaSat, 07 Jan 2012 01:00:00 GMTAfter Dark With The H20 Network, and KDCL Media Join The H20 Network, and KDCL Media for AFTER DARK. Discussing current events, strange news, and everything inbetween! Call-in 917-889-7207 02:00:00H2O Netwonoafter dark,KDCL MEDIA,H20 Network,Humanity,current eventsJoin The H20 Network, and KDCL Media for AFTER DARK. Discussing current events, strange news, and everything inbetween! Call-in 917-889-7207Door To The Mind with The H20 Network, and KDCL Mediahttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/01/05/door-to-the-mind-with-the-h20-network-and-kdcl-mediaSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/01/05/door-to-the-mind-with-the-h20-network-and-kdcl-media/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/01/05/door-to-the-mind-with-the-h20-network-and-kdcl-mediaThu, 05 Jan 2012 23:00:00 GMTDoor To The Mind with The H20 Network, and KDCL Media call-in 917-889-7207 02:00:00H2O Netwonodoor to the mind,healing,H20 Network,KDCL,Consciousnesscall-in 917-889-7207Lukumi Elder Oba Ernesto Pichardo:Egun As Sexual Predator http://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/01/04/lukumi-elder-oba-ernesto-pichardoegun-as-sexual-predatorSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/01/04/lukumi-elder-oba-ernesto-pichardoegun-as-sexual-predator/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/01/04/lukumi-elder-oba-ernesto-pichardoegun-as-sexual-predatorWed, 04 Jan 2012 01:00:00 GMTLukumi Elder Oba Ernesto Pichardo:Egun As Sexual Predator Lukumi elder Oba ernesto Pichardo discusses how egun came become a sexual predator, hence interfering with, and even ruin sexuality, and long lasting relationships. Join Us! Can't get to the internet? call-in to listen 917-889-7207 02:50:00H2O Netwonoelders,Egun,Ancestors,spirituality,Oba Ernesto PichardoLukumi elder Oba ernesto Pichardo discusses how egun came become a sexual predator, hence interfering with, and even ruin sexuality, and long lasting relationsThe Eagle's Nest With Khadijah Sevenhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/01/02/the-eagles-nest-with-khadijah-sevenSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/01/02/the-eagles-nest-with-khadijah-seven/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2012/01/02/the-eagles-nest-with-khadijah-sevenMon, 02 Jan 2012 00:00:00 GMTThe Eagle's Nest With Khadijah Seven   A NEST is a safe place to grow, to learn and to develop. The Eagle’s Nest was created to provide the Creator's children a safe and nurturing place to rest. Call-in and nest with us 917-889-7207 01:57:00H2O Netwonokhadijah seven,consciousness,community,Humanity,the eagles nestA NEST is a safe place to grow, to learn and to develop. The Eagle’s Nest was created to provide the Creator's children a safe and nurturing place to rest.After Dark With The H20 Network, and KDCL Media http://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2011/12/31/after-dark-with-the-h20-network-and-kdcl-mediaSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2011/12/31/after-dark-with-the-h20-network-and-kdcl-media/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2011/12/31/after-dark-with-the-h20-network-and-kdcl-mediaSat, 31 Dec 2011 01:00:00 GMTAfter Dark With The H20 Network, and KDCL Media Join The H20 Network, and KDCL Media for AFTER DARK. Discussing current events, strange news, and everything inbetween! Call-in 917-889-7207 02:03:00H2O Netwonoafter dark,KDCL MEDIA,H20 Network,Humanity,current eventsJoin The H20 Network, and KDCL Media for AFTER DARK. Discussing current events, strange news, and everything inbetween! Call-in 917-889-7207Door To The Mind with The H20 Network, and KDCL Mediahttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2011/12/29/door-to-the-mind-with-the-h20-network-and-kdcl-mediaSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2011/12/29/door-to-the-mind-with-the-h20-network-and-kdcl-media/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2011/12/29/door-to-the-mind-with-the-h20-network-and-kdcl-mediaThu, 29 Dec 2011 23:00:00 GMTDoor To The Mind with The H20 Network, and KDCL Media   KDCL Media & The H2O Network merge with Hosts Radiah Nunez, & Miss Paula providing you with a showcase of the talented and independent writers, musicians, thinkers and topics of the day. 02:02:00H2O Netwonodoor to the mind,Dia Nunez,Miss paula,community,ConsciousnessKDCL Media & The H2O Network merge with Hosts Radiah Nunez, & Miss Paula providing you with a showcase of the talented and independent writers, musicians, tDifferent Spiritual Levels of Eggun with Elder Oba Pichardo http://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2011/12/28/different-spiritual-levels-of-eggun-with-elder-oba-pichardoSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2011/12/28/different-spiritual-levels-of-eggun-with-elder-oba-pichardo/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2011/12/28/different-spiritual-levels-of-eggun-with-elder-oba-pichardoWed, 28 Dec 2011 01:00:00 GMTDifferent Spiritual Levels of Eggun with Elder Oba Pichardo   Oba Ernesto Pichardo, president of CLBA (Church of the Lukumi BabaluAye), Founder of  "The Adimu Network", and founder of  "Center For Community Knowledge".Oba will be discussing the different Metaphysical levels of Eggun(The Ancestors) 02:31:00H2O Netwonospiritual world,metaphysics,oba ernesto Pichardo,the ancestors,MisaOba Ernesto Pichardo, president of CLBA (Church of the Lukumi BabaluAye), Founder of  "The Adimu Network", and founder of  "Center For Community Knowledge".Buffalo Talk With Skuya Fasthorse From The Lakota Nationhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2011/12/27/buffalo-talk-with-skuya-fasthorse-from-the-lakota-nationSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2011/12/27/buffalo-talk-with-skuya-fasthorse-from-the-lakota-nation/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2011/12/27/buffalo-talk-with-skuya-fasthorse-from-the-lakota-nationTue, 27 Dec 2011 02:00:00 GMTBuffalo Talk With Skuya Fasthorse From The Lakota Nation   Buffalo talk is a wellbriety circle that brings people together for healing. “We Are All Related” join us as we gain wisdom, and also give wisdom from our experiences. This is the last Show of 2011 call-in we would love to hear from you family 917-889-7207 02:05:00H2O Netwonoskuya Fasthorse,wellness,roundtable,wellbriety,American Indian CommunityBuffalo talk is a wellbriety circle that brings people together for healing. “We Are All Related” join us as we gain wisdom, and also give wisdom from our eAfter Dark With The H20 Network, KDCL Media , and Oba http://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2011/12/24/after-dark-with-the-h20-network-kdcl-media-and-obaSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2011/12/24/after-dark-with-the-h20-network-kdcl-media-and-oba/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2011/12/24/after-dark-with-the-h20-network-kdcl-media-and-obaSat, 24 Dec 2011 01:00:00 GMTAfter Dark With The H20 Network, KDCL Media , and Oba   Sociological Colonialism of Cuba With Elder Oba Pichardo PART TWO Oba Ernesto Pichardo, president of CLBA (Church of the Lukumi BabaluAye), Founder of  "The Adimu Network", and founder of  "Center For Community Knowledge" discusses historical factors of colonialism in Cuba. Oba will also discuss how those historical factors relate to the structure of the Orisha community, and how we relate to each-other in the present. This is a show that you will not want to miss! 02:46:00H2O NetwonoCurrent events,news,KDCL Media,Humanity,CommunitySociological Colonialism of Cuba With Elder Oba Pichardo PART TWO Oba Ernesto Pichardo, president of CLBA (Church of the Lukumi BabaluAye), Founder of  "ThDoor To The Mind with The H20 Network, and KDCL Mediahttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2011/12/22/door-to-the-mind-with-the-h20-network-and-kdcl-mediaSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2011/12/22/door-to-the-mind-with-the-h20-network-and-kdcl-media/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2011/12/22/door-to-the-mind-with-the-h20-network-and-kdcl-mediaThu, 22 Dec 2011 23:00:00 GMTDoor To The Mind with The H20 Network, and KDCL Media   KDCL Media & The H2O Network merge with Hosts Radiah Nunez, & Miss Paula providing you with a showcase of the talented and independent writers, musicians, thinkers and topics of the day. 02:02:00H2O Netwonodoor to the mind,Dia Nunez,Miss paula,community,ConsciousnessKDCL Media & The H2O Network merge with Hosts Radiah Nunez, & Miss Paula providing you with a showcase of the talented and independent writers, musicians, tSynchronicity : Authors Trish and Rob MacGregor Returnhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2011/12/20/synchronicity-authors-trish-and-rob-macgregor-returnSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2011/12/20/synchronicity-authors-trish-and-rob-macgregor-return/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2011/12/20/synchronicity-authors-trish-and-rob-macgregor-returnTue, 20 Dec 2011 21:00:00 GMTSynchronicity : Authors Trish and Rob MacGregor Return Join The H20 Network, and Authors Trish, and Rob MacGregor as we discuss their new projects, and the essence of synchronicity. Call-in we would love to hear from you 917-889-7207 01:36:00H2O NetwonoAuthors,trish and rob MacGregor,synchronicity,spirituality,ConsciousnessJoin The H20 Network, and Authors Trish, and Rob MacGregor as we discuss their new projects, and the essence of synchronicity. Call-in we would love to hear frBuffalo Talk With Skuya Fasthorse From The Lakota Nationhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2011/12/20/buffalo-talk-with-skuya-fasthorse-from-the-lakota-nationSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2011/12/20/buffalo-talk-with-skuya-fasthorse-from-the-lakota-nation/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2011/12/20/buffalo-talk-with-skuya-fasthorse-from-the-lakota-nationTue, 20 Dec 2011 02:00:00 GMTBuffalo Talk With Skuya Fasthorse From The Lakota Nation   Buffalo talk is a wellbriety circle that brings people together for healing. “We Are All Related” join us as we gain wisdom, and also give wisdom from our experiences. Call-in we would love to hear from you 917-889-7207 01:32:00H2O Netwonobuffalo talk,skuya fasthorse,Dia Nunez,wellbriety,American Indian CommunityBuffalo talk is a wellbriety circle that brings people together for healing. “We Are All Related” join us as we gain wisdom, and also give wisdom from our eThe Eagle's Nest With Khadijah Sevenhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2011/12/19/the-eagles-nest-with-khadijah-sevenSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2011/12/19/the-eagles-nest-with-khadijah-seven/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2011/12/19/the-eagles-nest-with-khadijah-sevenMon, 19 Dec 2011 00:00:00 GMTThe Eagle's Nest With Khadijah Seven   A NEST is a safe place to grow, to learn and to develop. The Eagle’s Nest was created to provide the Creator's children a safe and nurturing place to rest. Call-in and nest with us 917-889-7207 02:03:00H2O Netwonokhadijah seven,consciousness,community,Humanity,the eagles nestA NEST is a safe place to grow, to learn and to develop. The Eagle’s Nest was created to provide the Creator's children a safe and nurturing place to rest.Author Penney Peirce: Frequencyhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2011/12/18/author-penney-peirce-frequencySpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2011/12/18/author-penney-peirce-frequency/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2011/12/18/author-penney-peirce-frequencySun, 18 Dec 2011 02:00:00 GMTAuthor Penney Peirce: Frequency   Penney Peirce is a respected and gifted intuitive empath with deep psychological understanding, visionary ability, and business sense. She is one of the early pioneers in the intuition development movement, having worked since 1977 with organizations like the San Francisco-based Center for Applied Intuition, The Institute for the Study of Conscious Evolution, and The Intuition Network. A popular author, lecturer, counselor, and trainer, Penney specializes in intuition and sensitivity development, "skillful perception," personal energy and frequency training, dreamwork, and future trends. She travels widely, working throughout the US, Japan, South Africa, and Europe as an advisor to business executives, scientists, psychologists, other consultants and trainers, and those on a spiritual path. She has counseled tens of thousands of people worldwide about life and business direction, and the fulfillment of destiny. http://www.penneypeirce.com,  http://www.thefrequencybook.com 01:05:00H2O NetwonoAuthors,Penny Peirce,Frequency,Consciousness,current eventsPenney Peirce is a respected and gifted intuitive empath with deep psychological understanding, visionary ability, and business sense. She is one of the earAfter Dark With The H20 Network, and KDCL Media http://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2011/12/17/after-dark-with-the-h20-network-and-kdcl-media-1Spiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2011/12/17/after-dark-with-the-h20-network-and-kdcl-media-1/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2011/12/17/after-dark-with-the-h20-network-and-kdcl-media-1Sat, 17 Dec 2011 01:00:00 GMTAfter Dark With The H20 Network, and KDCL Media The H20 Network, and KDCL Media come together to discuss current events, and everything else under the sun. Call-in we would love to hear from you! 917-889-7207 01:58:00H2O NetwonoCurrent events,news,KDCL Media,Humanity,CommunityThe H20 Network, and KDCL Media come together to discuss current events, and everything else under the sun. Call-in we would love to hear from you! 917-889-720Door To The Mind with The H20 Network, and KDCL Mediahttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2011/12/15/door-to-the-mind-with-the-h20-network-and-kdcl-mediaSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2011/12/15/door-to-the-mind-with-the-h20-network-and-kdcl-media/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2011/12/15/door-to-the-mind-with-the-h20-network-and-kdcl-mediaThu, 15 Dec 2011 23:00:00 GMTDoor To The Mind with The H20 Network, and KDCL Media   KDCL Media & The H2O Network merge with Hosts Radiah Nunez, & Miss Paula providing you with a showcase of the talented and independent writers, musicians, thinkers and topics of the day. 02:04:00H2O Netwonodoor to the mind,Dia Nunez,Miss paula,community,ConsciousnessKDCL Media & The H2O Network merge with Hosts Radiah Nunez, & Miss Paula providing you with a showcase of the talented and independent writers, musicians, tAuthor Anaiya Pistis Sophia Returns To The H20http://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2011/12/14/author-anaiya-pistis-sophia-returns-to-the-h20Spiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2011/12/14/author-anaiya-pistis-sophia-returns-to-the-h20/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2011/12/14/author-anaiya-pistis-sophia-returns-to-the-h20Wed, 14 Dec 2011 17:00:00 GMTAuthor Anaiya Pistis Sophia Returns To The H20   Anaiya is the author of Pilgrimage to Love:  A Tale of Romance, Heartbreak and Meeting The One and the creator of Sacred Reunion, Pathway of the Beloved, Awakening Soulful Sexuality, three 40-Day transformative processes based on her own experiences of stepping ever closer to the Beloved, retrieving Lost Will and healing sexuality. She is also a qualified Kundalini Yoga Teacher, public speaker and the co-author of Womb Wisdom: Awakening the Forgotten and Creative Powers of the Feminine and Open your Heart with Kundalini Yoga. Anaiya gives directly from her feminine heart centered presence, allied with her playful, infectious enthusiasm to inspire and arouse others to surrender their lives to live as love, no matter what it takes. Since the age of twelve she has walked the Path of the Beloved. Fueled by the Power of Love to seek ‘the Beloved’ everywhere. To love even in the darkest of places. Barry Long once quoted “For a tantric teacher is made by God. Tantra is the love of God to the point of self-destruction – the complete obliteration of the self – until all that is left is the love of God”.It is by these words that Anaiya lives.  http://pilgrimageoflove.com/ 01:04:00H2O NetwonoAuthors,Anaiya Aon,coonsciousness,Feminine Energy,Winter CelebrationsAnaiya is the author of Pilgrimage to Love:  A Tale of Romance, Heartbreak and Meeting The One and the creator of Sacred Reunion, Pathway of the Beloved, AwThe Eagle's Nest With Khadijah Sevenhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2011/12/12/the-eagles-nest-with-khadijah-sevenSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2011/12/12/the-eagles-nest-with-khadijah-seven/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2011/12/12/the-eagles-nest-with-khadijah-sevenMon, 12 Dec 2011 00:00:00 GMTThe Eagle's Nest With Khadijah Seven   A NEST is a safe place to grow, to learn and to develop. The Eagle’s Nest was created to provide the Creator's children a safe and nurturing place to rest. Call-in and nest with us 917-889-7207 02:00:00H2O Netwonoeagles nest,khadijah seven,healing,community,ConsciousnessA NEST is a safe place to grow, to learn and to develop. The Eagle’s Nest was created to provide the Creator's children a safe and nurturing place to rest.Ancestors Speak: With Dia Nunez, Seven, and Astrorisa Moonhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2011/12/11/ancestors-speak-with-dia-nunez-seven-and-astrorisa-moonSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2011/12/11/ancestors-speak-with-dia-nunez-seven-and-astrorisa-moon/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2011/12/11/ancestors-speak-with-dia-nunez-seven-and-astrorisa-moonSun, 11 Dec 2011 02:00:00 GMTAncestors Speak: With Dia Nunez, Seven, and Astrorisa MoonJoin The H20 Network with Dia Nunez, Khadijah Seven from the Eagle's Nest, and Astrorisa from Astrorisa Moon to discuss the upcoming full moon, and everything that deals in the realm of the Ancestors! Call in we would love to hear from you! 917-889-7207 02:58:00H2O Netwonofull moon,ancestors,khadijah seven,Dia Nunez,astrorisaJoin The H20 Network with Dia Nunez, Khadijah Seven from the Eagle's Nest, and Astrorisa from Astrorisa Moon to discuss the upcoming full moon, and everything tH20 After Dark With KDCL Media Ater Darkhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2011/12/10/h20-after-dark-with-the-h20-crazy-wolf-radio-and-kdcl-mediaSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2011/12/10/h20-after-dark-with-the-h20-crazy-wolf-radio-and-kdcl-media/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2011/12/10/h20-after-dark-with-the-h20-crazy-wolf-radio-and-kdcl-mediaSat, 10 Dec 2011 02:00:00 GMTH20 After Dark With KDCL Media Ater Dark The H20 Networ, and KDCL Media come together to discuss current events, and everything else under the sun. Call-in we would love to hear from you! 917-889-7207 03:01:00H2O NetwonoCurrent events,neews,KDCL Media,Humanity,CommunityThe H20 Networ, and KDCL Media come together to discuss current events, and everything else under the sun. Call-in we would love to hear from you! 917-889-7207Door To The Mind with The H20 Network, and KDCL Mediahttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2011/12/08/door-to-the-mind-with-the-h20-network-and-kdcl-mediaSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2011/12/08/door-to-the-mind-with-the-h20-network-and-kdcl-media/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2011/12/08/door-to-the-mind-with-the-h20-network-and-kdcl-mediaThu, 08 Dec 2011 23:00:00 GMTDoor To The Mind with The H20 Network, and KDCL Media KDCL Media & The H2O Network merge with Hosts Radiah Nunez, & Miss Paula providing you with a showcase of the talented and independent writers, musicians, thinkers and topics of the day. Call-in we would love to hear from you! 917-889-7207 02:01:00H2O NetwonoMiss Paula,Dia Nunez,KDCL Media,H20 Network,ShowcaseKDCL Media & The H2O Network merge with Hosts Radiah Nunez, & Miss Paula providing you with a showcase of the talented and independent writers, musicians, thinBuffalo Talk With Skuya Fasthorse From The Lakota Nationhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2011/12/06/buffalo-talk-with-skuya-fasthorse-from-the-lakota-nationSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2011/12/06/buffalo-talk-with-skuya-fasthorse-from-the-lakota-nation/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2011/12/06/buffalo-talk-with-skuya-fasthorse-from-the-lakota-nationTue, 06 Dec 2011 02:00:00 GMTBuffalo Talk With Skuya Fasthorse From The Lakota Nation   Buffalo talk is a wellbriety circle that brings people together for healing. “We Are All Related” join us as we gain wisdom, and also give wisdom from our experiences. Call-in we would love to hear from you 917-889-7207 01:34:00H2O Netwonobuffalo talk,skuya fasthorse,Dia Nunez,wellbriety,American Indian CommunityBuffalo talk is a wellbriety circle that brings people together for healing. “We Are All Related” join us as we gain wisdom, and also give wisdom from our eThe Eagle's Nest With Khadijah Sevenhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2011/12/05/the-eagles-nest-with-khadijah-sevenSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2011/12/05/the-eagles-nest-with-khadijah-seven/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2011/12/05/the-eagles-nest-with-khadijah-sevenMon, 05 Dec 2011 00:00:00 GMTThe Eagle's Nest With Khadijah Seven   A NEST is a safe place to grow, to learn and to develop. The Eagle’s Nest was created to provide the Creator's children a safe and nurturing place to rest. Call-in and nest with us 917-889-7207 01:59:00H2O Netwonoeagles nest,khadijah seven,healing,community,ConsciousnessA NEST is a safe place to grow, to learn and to develop. The Eagle’s Nest was created to provide the Creator's children a safe and nurturing place to rest.Door To The Mind with The H20 Network, and KDCL Mediahttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2011/12/01/door-to-the-mind-with-the-h20-network-and-kdcl-mediaSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2011/12/01/door-to-the-mind-with-the-h20-network-and-kdcl-media/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2011/12/01/door-to-the-mind-with-the-h20-network-and-kdcl-mediaThu, 01 Dec 2011 23:00:00 GMTDoor To The Mind with The H20 Network, and KDCL Media KDCL Media & The H2O Network merge with Hosts Radiah Nunez, & Miss Paula providing you with a showcase of the talented and independent writers, musicians, thinkers and topics of the day. Call-in we would love to hear from you! 917-889-7207 02:02:00H2O NetwonoMiss Paula,Dia Nunez,KDCL Media,H20 Network,ShowcaseKDCL Media & The H2O Network merge with Hosts Radiah Nunez, & Miss Paula providing you with a showcase of the talented and independent writers, musicians, thinBuffalo Talk With Skuya Fasthorse From The Lakota Nationhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2011/11/29/buffalo-talk-with-skuya-fasthorse-from-the-lakota-nationSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2011/11/29/buffalo-talk-with-skuya-fasthorse-from-the-lakota-nation/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2011/11/29/buffalo-talk-with-skuya-fasthorse-from-the-lakota-nationTue, 29 Nov 2011 02:00:00 GMTBuffalo Talk With Skuya Fasthorse From The Lakota Nation   Buffalo talk is a wellbriety circle that brings people together for healing. “We Are All Related” join us as we gain wisdom, and also give wisdom from our experiences. Call-in we would love to hear from you 917-889-7207 01:30:00H2O Netwonobuffalo talk,skuya fasthorse,Dia Nunez,wellbriety,American Indian CommunityBuffalo talk is a wellbriety circle that brings people together for healing. “We Are All Related” join us as we gain wisdom, and also give wisdom from our eThe Eagle's Nest With Khadijah Sevenhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2011/11/28/the-eagles-nest-with-khadijah-sevenSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2011/11/28/the-eagles-nest-with-khadijah-seven/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2011/11/28/the-eagles-nest-with-khadijah-sevenMon, 28 Nov 2011 00:00:00 GMTThe Eagle's Nest With Khadijah Seven   A NEST is a safe place to grow, to learn and to develop. The Eagle’s Nest was created to provide the Creator's children a safe and nurturing place to rest. Call-in and nest with us 917-889-7207 02:02:00H2O Netwonoeagles nest,khadijah seven,healing,community,ConsciousnessA NEST is a safe place to grow, to learn and to develop. The Eagle’s Nest was created to provide the Creator's children a safe and nurturing place to rest.Door To The Mind with The H20 Network, and KDCL Mediahttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2011/11/24/door-to-the-mind-with-the-h20-network-and-kdcl-mediaSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2011/11/24/door-to-the-mind-with-the-h20-network-and-kdcl-media/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2011/11/24/door-to-the-mind-with-the-h20-network-and-kdcl-mediaThu, 24 Nov 2011 23:00:00 GMTDoor To The Mind with The H20 Network, and KDCL Media KDCL Media & The H2O Network merge with Hosts Radiah Nunez, & Miss Paula providing you with a showcase of the talented and independent writers, musicians, thinkers and topics of the day. Call-in we would love to hear from you! 917-889-7207 02:04:00H2O NetwonoMiss Paula,Dia Nunez,KDCL Media,H20 Network,ShowcaseKDCL Media & The H2O Network merge with Hosts Radiah Nunez, & Miss Paula providing you with a showcase of the talented and independent writers, musicians, thinLenon Honor Returns To The H20 Network Part Twohttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2011/11/23/lenon-honor-returns-to-the-h20-network-part-twoSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2011/11/23/lenon-honor-returns-to-the-h20-network-part-two/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2011/11/23/lenon-honor-returns-to-the-h20-network-part-twoWed, 23 Nov 2011 02:00:00 GMTLenon Honor Returns To The H20 Network Part Two   Lenon Honor is a proud husband, father, musician, filmmaker, writer, and visionary in decoding the programs embedded in the fabric of reality through media artifacts. Lenon has produced over 25 films that include: What Lies In Plain Sight, Workings of Evil, The Early Works of Walt Disney "The Foundations of a Pedophilic Institution", just to name a few. Lenon, and I will be discussing his new book “Deep in the Garden of Consciousness”, and his spiritual journey. This is a show that you truly don’t want to miss! Put your metaphysical hats on Family! To check out Lenon’s work’s http://www.lenonhonorfilms.com 02:25:00H2O NetwonoLenon Honor,consciousness,humanity,spirituality,humanityLenon Honor is a proud husband, father, musician, filmmaker, writer, and visionary in decoding the programs embedded in the fabric of reality through mediaBuffalo Talk With Skuya Fasthorse From The Lakota Nationhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2011/11/22/buffalo-talk-with-skuya-fasthorse-from-the-lakota-nationSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2011/11/22/buffalo-talk-with-skuya-fasthorse-from-the-lakota-nation/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2011/11/22/buffalo-talk-with-skuya-fasthorse-from-the-lakota-nationTue, 22 Nov 2011 02:00:00 GMTBuffalo Talk With Skuya Fasthorse From The Lakota Nation   Buffalo talk is a wellbriety circle that brings people together for healing. “We Are All Related” join us as we gain wisdom, and also give wisdom from our experiences. Call-in we would love to hear from you 917-889-7207 01:33:00H2O Netwonobuffalo talk,skuya fasthorse,Dia Nunez,wellbriety,American Indian CommunityBuffalo talk is a wellbriety circle that brings people together for healing. “We Are All Related” join us as we gain wisdom, and also give wisdom from our eThe Eagle's Nest With Khadijah Sevenhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2011/11/21/the-eagles-nest-with-khadijah-sevenSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2011/11/21/the-eagles-nest-with-khadijah-seven/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2011/11/21/the-eagles-nest-with-khadijah-sevenMon, 21 Nov 2011 00:00:00 GMTThe Eagle's Nest With Khadijah Seven   A NEST is a safe place to grow, to learn and to develop. The Eagle’s Nest was created to provide the Creator's children a safe and nurturing place to rest. Call-in and nest with us 917-889-7207 02:02:00H2O Netwonoeagles nest,khadijah seven,healing,community,ConsciousnessA NEST is a safe place to grow, to learn and to develop. The Eagle’s Nest was created to provide the Creator's children a safe and nurturing place to rest.American Indian Elder and Artist Unole Galisgia McDarishttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2011/11/20/american-indian-elder-and-artist-unole-galisgia-mcdarisSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2011/11/20/american-indian-elder-and-artist-unole-galisgia-mcdaris/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2011/11/20/american-indian-elder-and-artist-unole-galisgia-mcdarisSun, 20 Nov 2011 00:00:00 GMTAmerican Indian Elder and Artist Unole Galisgia McDaris   We Ani Tsalagi cannot separate our place on earth from our lives in it, nor from our vision and meaning as a people. From birth we are taught that even the plants and animals that we share this place with, are our sisters and brothers. So whenwe speak of land, we do not speak of property, territory or even the piece ofground upon which our houses sit and our crops are grown. We are speaking of something truly sacred. Our American Heritage Is Very Important. Without it We would not have,What we have here Today. I have enjoyed learning who I am and sharing with you..Each part has a Special meaning that I will carry with me,Always. Thanks for Giving me the chance to Learn about my Native American History.. Wado nasgihaihia adawadvdi Donadagohvi Tohidu Let us see each other again Good Peace                                                                           Unole Galisgia 2007 00:58:00H2O Netwonoelders,American Indian Community,Writer,community,healingWe Ani Tsalagi cannot separate our place on earth from our lives in it, nor from our vision and meaning as a people. From birth we are taught that even theDoor To The Mind with The H20 Network, and KDCL Mediahttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2011/11/17/door-to-the-mind-with-the-h20-network-and-kdcl-mediaSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2011/11/17/door-to-the-mind-with-the-h20-network-and-kdcl-media/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2011/11/17/door-to-the-mind-with-the-h20-network-and-kdcl-mediaThu, 17 Nov 2011 23:00:00 GMTDoor To The Mind with The H20 Network, and KDCL Media KDCL Media & The H2O Network merge with Hosts Radiah Nunez, & Miss Paula providing you with a showcase of the talented and independent writers, musicians, thinkers and topics of the day. Call-in we would love to hear from you! 917-889-7207 02:02:00H2O NetwonoMiss Paula,Dia Nunez,KDCL Media,H20 Network,ShowcaseKDCL Media & The H2O Network merge with Hosts Radiah Nunez, & Miss Paula providing you with a showcase of the talented and independent writers, musicians, thinLenon Honor Returns To The H20 Networkhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2011/11/16/lenon-honor-returns-to-the-h20-networkSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2011/11/16/lenon-honor-returns-to-the-h20-network/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2011/11/16/lenon-honor-returns-to-the-h20-networkWed, 16 Nov 2011 02:00:00 GMTLenon Honor Returns To The H20 Network   Lenon Honor is a proud husband, father, musician, filmmaker, writer, and visionary in decoding the programs embedded in the fabric of reality through media artifacts. Lenon has produced over 25 films that include: What Lies In Plain Sight, Workings of Evil, The Early Works of Walt Disney "The Foundations of a Pedophilic Institution", just to name a few. Lenon, and I will be discussing his new book “Deep in the Garden of Consciousness”, and his spiritual journey. This is a show that you truly don’t want to miss! Put your metaphysical hats on Family! To check out Lenon’s work’s http://www.lenonhonorfilms.com 02:03:00H2O NetwonoLenon Honor,consciousness,community,spirituality,humanityLenon Honor is a proud husband, father, musician, filmmaker, writer, and visionary in decoding the programs embedded in the fabric of reality through mediaBuffalo Talk With Skuya Fasthorse From The Lakota Nationhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2011/11/15/buffalo-talk-with-skuya-fasthorse-from-the-lakota-nationSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2011/11/15/buffalo-talk-with-skuya-fasthorse-from-the-lakota-nation/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2011/11/15/buffalo-talk-with-skuya-fasthorse-from-the-lakota-nationTue, 15 Nov 2011 02:00:00 GMTBuffalo Talk With Skuya Fasthorse From The Lakota Nation   Buffalo talk is a wellbriety circle that brings people together for healing. “We Are All Related” join us as we gain wisdom, and also give wisdom from our experiences. Call-in we would love to hear from you 917-889-7207 01:32:00H2O Netwonobuffalo talk,skuya fasthorse,Dia Nunez,wellbriety,American Indian CommunityBuffalo talk is a wellbriety circle that brings people together for healing. “We Are All Related” join us as we gain wisdom, and also give wisdom from our eThe Eagle's Nest With Khadijah Sevenhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2011/11/14/the-eagles-nest-with-khadijah-sevenSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2011/11/14/the-eagles-nest-with-khadijah-seven/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2011/11/14/the-eagles-nest-with-khadijah-sevenMon, 14 Nov 2011 00:00:00 GMTThe Eagle's Nest With Khadijah Seven   A NEST is a safe place to grow, to learn and to develop. The Eagle’s Nest was created to provide the Creator's children a safe and nurturing place to rest. Call-in and nest with us 917-889-7207 01:58:00H2O Netwonoeagles nest,khadijah seven,healing,community,ConsciousnessA NEST is a safe place to grow, to learn and to develop. The Eagle’s Nest was created to provide the Creator's children a safe and nurturing place to rest.Door To The Mind with The H20 Network, and KDCL Mediahttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2011/11/10/door-to-the-mind-with-the-h20-network-and-kdcl-mediaSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2011/11/10/door-to-the-mind-with-the-h20-network-and-kdcl-media/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2011/11/10/door-to-the-mind-with-the-h20-network-and-kdcl-mediaThu, 10 Nov 2011 23:00:00 GMTDoor To The Mind with The H20 Network, and KDCL Media   KDCL Media & The H2O Network merge with Hosts Radiah Nunez, & Miss Paula providing you with a showcase of the talented and independent writers, musicians, thinkers and topics of the day. Stanley Dawejko, Jr. is the author of Life's Recipe For a Rich Soul with the help of the Law of Attraction. I am currently working on my second book that is going to be called The Law of Thought -  The Secret behind manifestation.It is his pleasure to be able to help spread some positive words. Stanley am always looking to help and inspire one person to the next. As a young child he knew how it felt to be put down. He wanted to turn that around and make a difference in our world. Instead of putting someone down you should uplift them. Go with the flow of life and never let anyone tell you cannot do something because the only person who is holding you down is yourself. Let go of all the fears and regrets and just do it. This life is a gift so make every moment count. It is you that can make that change you want. Do not let yourself down. Live your dreams.........!!! 02:01:00H2O NetwonoAuthors,Stanley Dawejko jr,coonsciousness,manifesting,The law of ThoughtKDCL Media & The H2O Network merge with Hosts Radiah Nunez, & Miss Paula providing you with a showcase of the talented and independent writers, musicians, tSociological Colonialism of Cuba With Elder Oba Pichardohttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2011/11/09/sociological-colonialism-of-cuba-with-elder-oba-pichardoSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2011/11/09/sociological-colonialism-of-cuba-with-elder-oba-pichardo/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2011/11/09/sociological-colonialism-of-cuba-with-elder-oba-pichardoWed, 09 Nov 2011 01:00:00 GMTSociological Colonialism of Cuba With Elder Oba Pichardo The H20 Network, and KDCL Media Present: Lukumi Elder Oba Ernesto Pichardo, president of CLBA (Church of the Lukumi BabaluAye), Founder of  "The Adimu Network", and founder of  "Center For Community Knowledge" discusses historical factors of colonialism in Cuba. Oba will also discuss how those historical factors relate to the structure of the Orisha community, and how we relate to each-other in the present. This is a show that you will not want to miss!  02:57:00H2O Netwonoelders,Orisha,history,Oba ernesto pichardo,communityThe H20 Network, and KDCL Media Present: Lukumi Elder Oba Ernesto Pichardo, president of CLBA (Church of the Lukumi BabaluAye), Founder of  "The Adimu Network"Buffalo Talk With Skuya Fasthorse From The Lakota Nationhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2011/11/08/buffalo-talk-with-skuya-fasthorse-from-the-lakota-nationSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2011/11/08/buffalo-talk-with-skuya-fasthorse-from-the-lakota-nation/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2011/11/08/buffalo-talk-with-skuya-fasthorse-from-the-lakota-nationTue, 08 Nov 2011 02:00:00 GMTBuffalo Talk With Skuya Fasthorse From The Lakota Nation   Buffalo talk is a wellbriety circle that brings people together for healing. “We Are All Related” join us as we gain wisdom, and also give wisdom  from our experiences. 01:28:00H2O Netwonowellbriety,Roundtable,Skuya Fasthorse,buffalo talk,American Indian CommunityBuffalo talk is a wellbriety circle that brings people together for healing. “We Are All Related” join us as we gain wisdom, and also give wisdom  from ourThe Eagle's Nest With Khadijah Sevenhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2011/11/07/the-eagles-nest-with-khadijah-sevenSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2011/11/07/the-eagles-nest-with-khadijah-seven/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2011/11/07/the-eagles-nest-with-khadijah-sevenMon, 07 Nov 2011 00:00:00 GMTThe Eagle's Nest With Khadijah Seven   A NEST is a safe place to grow, to learn and to develop. The Eagle’s Nest was created to provide the Creator's children a safe and nurturing place to rest. Call-in and nest with us 917-889-7207 02:03:00H2O Netwonohealing,the Eagles nest,khadijah seven,community,ConsciousnessA NEST is a safe place to grow, to learn and to develop. The Eagle’s Nest was created to provide the Creator's children a safe and nurturing place to rest.Door To The Mind With The H20 Network, and KDCL Mediahttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2011/11/03/door-to-the-mind-with-the-h20-network-and-kdcl-mediaSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2011/11/03/door-to-the-mind-with-the-h20-network-and-kdcl-media/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2011/11/03/door-to-the-mind-with-the-h20-network-and-kdcl-mediaThu, 03 Nov 2011 22:00:00 GMTDoor To The Mind With The H20 Network, and KDCL Media KDCL Media & The H2O Network merge to build A Door To The Mind with Hosts Dia Nunez, and Miss Paula providing you with Internet radio shows that showcase the talented and independent writers, musicians, thinkers and topics of the day. Call-in we would love to hear from you. 917-889-7207 02:00:00H2O NetwonoKDCL Media,The H20 Network,Door to the mind,Community,RoundtableKDCL Media & The H2O Network merge to build A Door To The Mind with Hosts Dia Nunez, and Miss Paula providing you with Internet radio shows that showcase the tBuffalo Talk With Skuya Fasthorse From The Lakota Nationhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2011/11/03/buffalo-talk-with-skuya-fasthorse-from-the-lakota-nationSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2011/11/03/buffalo-talk-with-skuya-fasthorse-from-the-lakota-nation/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2011/11/03/buffalo-talk-with-skuya-fasthorse-from-the-lakota-nationThu, 03 Nov 2011 01:00:00 GMTBuffalo Talk With Skuya Fasthorse From The Lakota Nation   Buffalo talk is a wellbriety circle that brings people together for healing. “We Are All Related” join us as we gain wisdom, and also give wisdom  from our experiences. Call-in we would love to hear from you 917-889-7207 01:42:00H2O Netwonobuffalo talk,skuya fasthorse,wellbriety,American Indian Community,Dia NunezBuffalo talk is a wellbriety circle that brings people together for healing. “We Are All Related” join us as we gain wisdom, and also give wisdom  from ourAncestors Speak: With Dia Nunez, Seven, and Astrorisa Moonhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2011/11/02/ancestors-speak-with-dia-nunez-seven-and-astrorisa-moonSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2011/11/02/ancestors-speak-with-dia-nunez-seven-and-astrorisa-moon/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/theh2onetwork/2011/11/02/ancestors-speak-with-dia-nunez-seven-and-astrorisa-moon