The Fabulous Medium: Dusten Lyvers show is about living a spiritual lifestyle, hearing about my story and my day-to-day life, and witnessing raw real-time readings over the air.enCopyright Dusten Lyvers (C/O Blogtalkradio)Sat, 15 Jun 2019 10:45:00 GMTFri, 31 Aug 2018 15:00:00 GMTSpiritualityBlogTalkRadio Feed v2.0 Fabulous Medium: Dusten Lyvers show is about living a spiritual lifestyle, hearing about my story and my day-to-day life, and witnessing raw real-time readings over the air.feeds@blogtalkradio.comBlogTalkRadio.compsychic,medium,spirituality,dusten,dusten lyversThe Fabulous Medium Dusten LyversnoTune in to hear my journey to becoming a psychic mediumepisodicPsychics and Mediums, 31 Aug 2018 15:00:00 GMTPsychics and MediumsIn this episode of "The Fabulous Medium: Dusten Lyvers", Dusten will be talking about the differences between psychics and mediums. There is a common phrase in the intuitive world that goes like this, "all mediums are psychic but not all psychics are mediums". I hate this phrase, it exalts mediums! There is nothing better about being a medium over being a psychic. Dusten will be demonstrating a live psychic reading over the air to show that it can be just as useful and healing to have a psychic as it is to have a mediumistic reading. As always Dusten encourages listeners to call-in, and if you are interested in booking a private appointment you may do so on my website at! Thanks for tuning in! 00:30:00The Fabulous Medium Dusten LyversnoPsychic,Dusten Lyvers,Medium,Spirit,HealingLearn about the differences between psychics and mediums, and witness a live psychic reading on air!c6796364-cb40-41fd-b940-3e3e627721d515fullThe life of a 25 year old Medium, 10 Aug 2018 15:00:00 GMTThe life of a 25 year old MediumIn this week's show "The Fabulous Medium: Dusten Lyvers," Dusten will be sharing his insight into how it is to be a 25 year old psychic medium! Learn about Dusten's personal journey and what his day-to-day life looks like! Dusten definitely lives his own unique lifestyle! Please feel free to call-in and ask Dusten personal questions about his journey, but for the sake of time Dusten will not be performing any readings this time around! Thanks for tuning in! 00:31:00The Fabulous Medium Dusten LyversnoPsychic,Medium,Spirit,Psychic Medium,LoveTune in to "The Fabulous Medium" to learn about Dusten's journey and his day-to-day life!92db9560-20ee-49ba-9af8-b78912707e4814fullSensing Spirit, 29 Jun 2018 15:00:00 GMTSensing Spirit"The Fabulous Medium," Dusten Lyvers will be sharing his insight into how everyone can connect with their own loved ones who have crossed-over. You do not need a medium to connect to your loved ones, signs can be devloped between those in the living and those in spirit. It is in recognizing those signs that a relationship then takes place between those that are here and those that are "over there." You won't want to miss this episode, and Dusten will be able to take callers and connect a lucky caller with their loved one on the other side.  00:30:00The Fabulous Medium Dusten LyversnoMedium,Psychic,Afterlife,Spirit,SignsYou don't need a Medium to connect to your loved ones, you can connect to your loved ones on your own- you just have to notice the signs!0f065f3b-19cd-4bb8-9443-44da244ca6d312fullPets and the Afterlife: Animals have Souls, 15 Jun 2018 15:00:00 GMTPets and the Afterlife: Animals have SoulsDusten Lyvers "The Fabulous Medium" will be talking about pets and the afterlife! Dusten is a Forever Family Foundation certified medium and the lead medium with Michiana Paranormal Investigations. Questions will be allowed by callers and Dusten will be sharing some of his most powerful readings involving animals, and life lessons learned from animals on the other side! You won't want to miss this exciting and interesting episode on BlogTalk!  00:31:00The Fabulous Medium Dusten LyversnoPsychic Medium,Psychic,Spirit,Animal Communication,Spiritual GuidancePets have Souls! Dusten "The Fabulous Medium" will be talking about how pets make it to the afterlife and will be sharing stories about how he has connected witcb024bd3-457c-4390-8055-5c46a11440f611fullQuestions & Answers, 30 Jun 2017 16:00:00 GMTQuestions & AnswersFeel free to ask "The Fabulous Medium" Dusten Lyvers any spiritually-oriented question you can think of,or even a personal question about his life! In this next episode of "The Fabulous Medium" Dusten will be answering all questions callers have to the best of his ability. As with all of his shows, Dusten will also be perfoming live and raw readings over the air, but only as time permits. He cannot promise to read for everyone who calls, but he will try to answer your questions. Thank you for tuning in! :) xoxo, Dusten 00:33:00The Fabulous Medium Dusten Lyversnopsychic,medium,fabulousmedium,dusten,SpiritDusten will be taking questions over the air and answering them to the best of his ability.Checkin In & Living with Gratitude, 09 Jun 2017 16:00:00 GMTCheckin In & Living with GratitudeThanks for tuning into another episode of "The Fabulous Medium" here on BlogTalkRadio with your host Dusten Lyvers. It's been a few months since my last show, and things have been crazy thes last few months so I have not been able to keep up with the show. I would like to check in though with all of my followers at least every month, so I am going to try my best to make time for this show. I want to share with everyone all of the wonderful things going on in my life and what I have been doing, and what exciting things are coming up! I also want to inspire others to live "a lifetsyle filled with gratitude." Gratitude isn't something that magically happens in your life, and it is saying more than "thank you." Real gratitude is a lifestyle, and it is shown in your every action, every word spoken, and interstingly enough, your every thought. Hope you can tune in to hear more! As with most of my shows, I will try to do at least one reading for a caller, but I can't make a promise as to when I will have time during this show. I am Spirit-Lead afterall, I just go with the flow. :)  xoxo, Dusten 00:55:00The Fabulous Medium Dusten LyversnoSpirituality,Medium,Love,Gratitude,FabulousIt's been a while since my last show, and I want to reconnect with all my listeners! Check out what has been happening in my life, and how I live with gratitudeA Modern Spiritual Retreat, 24 Feb 2017 17:00:00 GMTA Modern Spiritual RetreatThanks again for tuning into "The Fabulous Medium." In this episode, I will be talking in more detail about my spiritual retreat from technology that I went on last weekend. For those of you who have followed my blog "DustensFabulousLife" on Blogspot, you've gotten a taste, but there is much more that happened. I learned so many things about myself, and I feel absolutely amazing. As with all of my shows I will also be encouraging feedback from my listeners, and I would love to dish out some live mini-readings over the air. Thanks again! :D 00:56:00The Fabulous Medium Dusten Lyversnopsychic,medium,spirit,spiriutal,loveLast weekend I went on a spiritual retreat from technology, and I'd like to share my experiences from this.Having Fun: A Spiritual Lesson, 10 Feb 2017 17:00:00 GMTHaving Fun: A Spiritual Lesson Hello again everyone! In this next episode of "The Fabulous Medium: Dusten Lyvers" I will be talking about one of the most important lessons we need to learn, to have fun. So many times in readings I will feel that my client isn't having fun in their lives, and they just live everyday the same way without spontaneity. If you are having fun living the same day-to-day life by all means, please continue However, if you aren't having fun doing the same thing day in and day out, it is probably (it is) time for a change. ;) I'm going to lay it all out on the table for you guys in this next show, Spirit wants us to have fun. As with all my shows I will be doing live readings over the air! Thank you again for tuning in! :) xoxo, Dusten 00:56:00The Fabulous Medium Dusten LyversnoPsychic,Medium,Spirit,Dusten,LoveHello again everyone! In this next episode of "The Fabulous Medium: Dusten Lyvers" I will be talking about one of the most important lessons we need to learn,Knowing Yourself: Why it Matters, 27 Jan 2017 17:00:00 GMTKnowing Yourself: Why it MattersHello everyone! Thanks again for tuning into another episode of "The Fabulous Medium" wiith Dusten Lyvers. I want to share what I have learned about knowing yourself. Why it matters when you are living your daily life, and why it matters when you are conecting to Spirit. As with most of my shows, I will also be doing live readings over the air! Check it out, you won't want to miss this one! :) xoxo, Dusten 00:56:00The Fabulous Medium Dusten LyversnoPsychic,Medium,Dusten,Love,SpiritKnowing Yourself is one of the most important keys in working with SpiritMy Relationship with Spirit, 20 Jan 2017 17:00:00 GMTMy Relationship with SpiritGet ready for some awesome stories about how I work with Spirit and how they meet me halfway to communicate! I will share some of my personal philosphy on how Spirit works, and how they meet with their mediums to deliver messages. It isn't a complicated process, but it is a tricky one that I am still learning myself. Thanks for tuning in again, to "The Fabulous Medium." :) xoxo, Dusten 00:57:00The Fabulous Medium Dusten LyversnoPsychic,Medium,Spirit,Dusten,LoveI will share some stories about how I personally work with Spirit.Catching up!, 06 Jan 2017 17:00:00 GMTCatching up!Hello again everyone! Thanks for tuning into another episode of "The Fabulous Medium" with Dusten Lyvers. The hoidays, vacation, and so many business things have been happening lately that have proven difficult to keep up with the show, but now I am back! I plan on continuing my show every Friday at noon! I'll be talking about all of the changes that have been happening and how I have learned Spiritual lessons from them. I am in a new space and getting into a new life! I can feel my spiritual self expanding, and my anxiety leaving. In this show I plan on doing at least one reading, I have a lot to cover so I may not have time for another one. Thanks for tuning in, and I hope to inspire some of you on Friday! :D 00:57:00The Fabulous Medium Dusten LyversnoPsychic,Medium,Dusten,Spirit,LoveTune in to hear what's been going on in my life and hear a spiritual explanation!Let's hear from my Fam and Friends! :D, 09 Dec 2016 17:00:00 GMTLet's hear from my Fam and Friends! :DIn the next episode of "The Fabulous Medium," Dusten will be on the line with friends and family members! Listeners will be able to call in and ask questions about Dusten and hear from those that know Dusten personally. Dusten's mom, Joy, will be one of the family members in attendance! Due to the nature of this episode no readings will be performed, but I can asssure you that this episode will be very fun and packed full of surprises! Thank you for tuning in! :) 00:57:00The Fabulous Medium Dusten LyversnoPsychic,Medium,Dusten,Love,SpiritTune in to hear from the people in my life, and feel free to ask questions!Spirit Comes to You: An Overlooked Truth, 14 Oct 2016 14:00:00 GMTSpirit Comes to You: An Overlooked TruthIn the next episode of "The Fabulous Medium" by Dusten Lyvers, Dusten will be talking about a common misconception many poeple have. Often we hear the term "soul-seeker," but really a better term would be "soul-receiver." We don't have to go out to find Spirit, Spirit comes to us. As with all of his shows, Dusten will also be taking calls from listeners who have questions or feedback about the show, and he will be performing live and raw readings over the air. Thank you for tuning in! :) 00:58:00The Fabulous Medium Dusten LyversnoSpirit,Psychic,Medium,Dusten,LoveSo many times we hear people saying they are "searching" for more in their lives, but what if I told you that you don't need to search?Knowing Yourself: An important lessson, 30 Sep 2016 14:00:00 GMTKnowing Yourself: An important lesssonTune into another great episode of "The Fabulous Medium" with Dusten Lyvers. In this show, I'm going to be discussing one of the most important things you can do- get to know yourself. It is so important to know yourself, and I'll share some of my story about how I became so comfortable with myself. Hopefully this show will inspire others. As with all my shows I will also be taking questions, and I will be performing live readings over the air. Thank you for tuning in! :D 00:58:00The Fabulous Medium Dusten LyversnoLife,Psychic,Medium,Dusten,SpiritOne of the most important things you can do for yourself is to know yourself.What do we mean by "Energy?", 16 Sep 2016 14:00:00 GMTWhat do we mean by "Energy?"Tune in to another episode of "The Fabulous Medium" by your host, Dusten Lyvers. Let's talk about energy! We always hear this word, used in many different contexts, but what is it exactly? Dusten will be diving into the explanation of energy and be sharing what he knows about the topic. Thanks for tuning in, and like all episodes, Dusten will be taking callers for questions and live readings over the air! See you soon 00:58:00The Fabulous Medium Dusten LyversnoPsychic,medium,Dusten,Energy,SpiritTune in to hear about Dusten's explanation of energy.Understanding the Process, 09 Sep 2016 14:00:00 GMTUnderstanding the ProcessThank you for tuning into another great episode of "The Fabulous Medium" with Dusten Lyvers. In this episode I will be talking about the process behind the readings. Sometimes the messages and the information in the readings are not what they seem, and I receive tons of e-mails from cliens who put the pieces together from their readings when they arrive back in their homes. Let's look at some examples together, and what some readings could mean. As always I will be taking calls throughout the show and I will also be performing some live readings over the air! :D Thank you again for tuning in. 00:59:00The Fabulous Medium Dusten LyversnoPsychic,Medium,Dusten,Spirit,LifeThere is a lot behind a reading, let's explore some "hidden" meanings in the messages togetherYou have to do the work, 03 Sep 2016 14:00:00 GMTYou have to do the workIn this episode of "The Fabulous Medium" I am going to be sharing some of the work that needs to be done to become more intutive. I have been teaching intuitive development classes since I was 19 and I have learned a few things since then (I am 23 now). It is not easy, and there is no one workshop that will get you there, it is a lifestyle. As with all my episodes I will be taking calls and perfrom llive readings over the air. I am sure it will be a lively episode as always. Thank you for tuning in! :D 00:58:00The Fabulous Medium Dusten LyversnoPsychic,Medium,Intuitive,Life,DustenYou won't become intuitive overnight, you have to do the work. Learn about the work here.Let's Talk about Past Lives, 27 Aug 2016 14:00:00 GMTLet's Talk about Past LivesIn this episode of "The Fabulous Medium" hosted by Dusten Lyvers, Dusten will be talking about Past Lives. Dusten does not push his opinion of the topic on others, but he does have significant insight in the topic and has attended many events that have discussed past lives. Like most shows, Dusten will also invite callers to call in with questions and he will be performing live readings over the air. Thank you for tuning in! :D 00:59:00The Fabulous Medium Dusten LyversnoPastLife,Spirit,Psychic,Medium,DustenPast Lives is an interesting topic in itself, tune in to hear about the topic from a credible source.The World Traveler: Dusten Lyvers, 21 Aug 2016 14:00:00 GMTThe World Traveler: Dusten LyversThank you for tuning in to another episode of "The Fabulous Medium" with your host Dusten Lyvers. In this show I will be talking about my experiences with travel. Many of you may not know that I am a well-seasoned world traveler. Spirit will work with you when you travel, and when you are plugged into the universe amazing things happen when you travel. Tune in to listen to some of my experiences, and to hear about my recent trip to visiting my dad in Virginia! Of course this would not be a typical show unless I took calls and questions from listeners, and I performed live readings over the air. Thank you again!  00:59:00The Fabulous Medium Dusten LyversnoDusten,Spirit,Psychic,Medium,LifeListen to some stories about how I work with Spirit during my travelsOn the Move: Where I have come from and where I am going, 14 Aug 2016 14:00:00 GMTOn the Move: Where I have come from and where I am goingTune in to another great episode of "The Fabulous Medium" with Dusten Lyvers. In this show I will be sharing my story about how my career first started as a medium and how it has taken off. No more mysteries as to how to get started in the business, and I will be sharing how Spirit has led me from opportunity to opportunity. There are no secrets here, I am laying everything out for ya. ;) Of course, I will also be taking questions that listeners have and you may even be one of the lucky callers to receive a real-time, non-rehearsed, reading over the air! Thank you for tuning in, and this will be another amazing jam-packed episode.  00:58:00The Fabulous Medium Dusten LyversnoPsychic,Medium,Dusten,Life,SpiritIn this show I will be talking about how I my career started as a medium and how it is taking offGet Prepared: How You and I Prepare, 06 Aug 2016 14:00:00 GMTGet Prepared: How You and I PrepareTune into another episode of "The Fabulous Medium" with Dusten Lyvers. In this show, I will be talking about how clients should prepare before they get a reading. I will also share how I prepare before each session, and how I prepare before a show! Of course- I will be taking calls from listeners who have questions for me, and I will also be doing live real-time readings over the air! Get prepared ;) for another episode chocked full of education, laughs, and even emotional insight. Thanks!  00:59:00The Fabulous Medium Dusten LyversnoPsychic,Medium,Spirit,Dusten,LoveTune in to hear how you should prepare for a reading, and how I prepare before readingsMy Life: All Day, Every Day, 30 Jul 2016 14:00:00 GMTMy Life: All Day, Every DayTune in to another episode of "The Fabulous Medium." Learn about what an everyday morning, afternoon, and evening looks like in my life. As you have probably gathered already, balance and time management are two skills my lifestyle demanded that I learn early! I will also be taking a couple questions from listeners calling in, and I will perform a couple readings live over the air! You won't want to miss another fun, informative, inspiring, and sometimes even emotional airing of "The Fabulous Medium." :)  00:59:00The Fabulous Medium Dusten LyversnoDusten,Medium,Psychic,Spirit,LifeLearn about what I do just about every day. I will also be doing a couple short mini-readings and listeners can even ask a question! :DBack to Work!, 23 Jul 2016 14:00:00 GMTBack to Work!Tune in to my second show "Back to Work!" In this show, I will demonstrate how to perform legitimate medimistic readings live and uncut over the air! I will also elaborate on what exactly is happening during the reading and what types of skills I am using during the process of mediumship. This will be a fun and enlightening process! Thank you for tuning in to "The Fabulous Medium" hosted by me, Dusten Lyvers. :) 00:59:00The Fabulous Medium Dusten LyversnoPsychic,Medium,Educate,Dusten,FabulousIn the second airing of "The Fabulous Medium" hosted by Dusten Lyvers, Dusten will demonstrate Mediumship for his listeners.I am Dusten Lyvers, 17 Jul 2016 14:00:00 GMTI am Dusten LyversI am back on the air! This time, I may be a bit more fabulous and a bit more well-known, but I am still the grounded heart-centered person I was all those years before when I first started on BlogTalk. Listen to my life as a medium and learn about how I was put on the path that I am walking today. Be ready for lots of laughs, lots of emotional messages that I channel through Spirit, and hear some of the messages I have received for myself during my journey. I can assure you, my journey is like none I have heard of from anyone else! I hope you will tune in, and enjoy the wonderful show that is sure to unfold. :) 00:59:00The Fabulous Medium Dusten LyversnoLove,Medium,Spirit,Life,DustenTune in to hear about my story and how I became a medium