The Amber Vibration Radio carries the Vibration of Organic Life something very friendly & familiar to us. This show will educate, support & inspire. Providing info on Energy Healing! All Rights Reserved.Sun, 16 Jun 2019 04:00:00 GMTSat, 06 Feb 2016 04:00:00 GMTHealthBlogTalkRadio Feed v2.0 Amber Vibration Radio carries the Vibration of Organic Life something very friendly & familiar to us. This show will educate, support & inspire. Providing info on Energy Healing!feeds@blogtalkradio.comBlogTalkRadio.comREIKI,ENERGY,HEALING,TONES,FREQUENCY,AMBER,GEMSTONES,CRYSTALS,TRAVEL,EXCURSIONS,VIBRATION,528,CHAKRAS,YOGA,MEDITAIONThe Amber VibrationnoThe Amber Vibration is a Healing Experiance, giving you information and insight to the world of Energy healing from the Perspective of Amber. Energy Healing/ ReepisodicThe Chakra Systems, 06 Feb 2016 04:00:00 GMTThe Chakra Systemsthe ?#‎Chakra??#‎Systems?! Why they are so important? What are they? How we can clear ?#‎Heal? and ?#‎Balance? them? People also ask What is Chakra Energy? How many chakras are there in the body? What are the seven Chakras and what do they mean? Why they are so important? What are they? How we can clear ?#‎Heal? and ?#‎Balance? them?   Tune in tonight and find out the Answers. 00:31:00The Amber VibrationnoChakra,Chakrah,Crystals,energy,PranaTonight's show is about the ‪#‎Chakra‬ ‪#‎Systems‬! Why they are so important? What are they? How we can clear ‪#‎Heal‬ and ‪#‎Balance‬ them? Tune in.ReDo: The Healing Power of Sound! Part 2, 30 Jan 2016 05:00:00 GMTReDo: The Healing Power of Sound! Part 2There were Technical difficulties with the show for an hour ago. so let's do over. How Does Sound Heal? How does this work? How does sound make for the mending of bones, the softening and soothing of broken hearts, the nearly instant increase in auto-immunity? According to some experts, it is the vibration itself. The simplest example of this principle is the use of sonic vibrations (like what is used in the generation of sonograms) to heal soft-tissue injuries. This is now a common occurrence in vocational rehabilitation. Frequency healing, as it is called, has been studied intensely and broken down Hz by Hz. Every frequency “range” has a specific, non-random effect. For instance, 1.0 Hz impacts the pituitary, stimulating the production of growth hormones, while 111 Hz will increase beta endorphins and stimulate cell regeneration. For some people, music (whether that is the strain of a violin or the crash of the ocean’s waves) is as vital and necessary as breathing. 1 woman’s chronic nausea from cancer treatment was only alleviated when she listened to classical music. Yet another client who recently lost her son claims she can only get through her day by playing old records of Peter Pan, which she used to play for him. We feel music in our hearts just as we hear words in our cells: Who hasn’t felt the electricity of driving down the road at a normal clip only to find himself cruising at 85 mph when the Allman Brothers came on the radio or felt hopeful and young when she heard the words to an old song that reminded her of that perfect summer and her first boyfriend? We all seem to instinctively know and respect their impacts on us. We know it in our bones, in the beating of our hearts, and in the tapping of our feet. And if the research is correct, we know it far before we even have the words to say so. 00:41:00The Amber Vibrationnohz,frequency,sound,tone,reikithis is a do overThe Healing Power of Sound! Part 2, 30 Jan 2016 04:00:00 GMTThe Healing Power of Sound! Part 2 How Does Sound Heal? How does this work? How does sound make for the mending of bones, the softening and soothing of broken hearts, the nearly instant increase in auto-immunity? According to some experts, it is the vibration itself. The simplest example of this principle is the use of sonic vibrations (like what is used in the generation of sonograms) to heal soft-tissue injuries. This is now a common occurrence in vocational rehabilitation. Frequency healing, as it is called, has been studied intensely and broken down Hz by Hz. Every frequency “range” has a specific, non-random effect. For instance, 1.0 Hz impacts the pituitary, stimulating the production of growth hormones, while 111 Hz will increase beta endorphins and stimulate cell regeneration. For some people, music (whether that is the strain of a violin or the crash of the ocean’s waves) is as vital and necessary as breathing. 1 woman’s chronic nausea from cancer treatment was only alleviated when she listened to classical music. Yet another client who recently lost her son claims she can only get through her day by playing old records of Peter Pan, which she used to play for him. We feel music in our hearts just as we hear words in our cells: Who hasn’t felt the electricity of driving down the road at a normal clip only to find himself cruising at 85 mph when the Allman Brothers came on the radio or felt hopeful and young when she heard the words to an old song that reminded her of that perfect summer and her first boyfriend? We all seem to instinctively know and respect their impacts on us. We know it in our bones, in the beating of our hearts, and in the tapping of our feet. And if the research is correct, we know it far before we even have the words to say so. Tune in Friday the 29th of Jan at 11pm Eastern - 8 pm Pacific ... to find out More!     00:02:00The Amber VibrationnoHz,Frequency,Tone,Reiki,VibrationHow Does Sound Heal? How does this work? How does sound make for the mending of bones, the softening and soothing of broken hearts, the nearly instant increaseThe Healing Power of Sound Part 1, 27 Jan 2016 04:00:00 GMTThe Healing Power of Sound Part 1“Everything in Life is Vibration” – Albert Einstein But What is Vibration? Physics  explains it as an oscillation of the parts of a fluid or an elastic solid whose equilibrium has been disturbed, or of an electromagnetic wave. But we Informally know it as, A person's emotional state, the atmosphere of a place, or the associations of an object, as communicated to and felt by others. This Force of Nature within is produced by all things living and not, as Everything, is a group of VIBRATING ATOMS. Sound Therapy has been used for THOUSANDS of Years and is STILL USED and Offered by The Amber Vibration Healing Center. Vibrational medicine interfaces with subtle energy fields that underlie the functions of a physical body. It is based on the idea of resonant frequencies, similar to a tuned string on a musical instrument resonating with anything tuned to the same frequency, or an opera singer smashing a glass by singing at a certain pitch. Sound helps to facilitate shifts in our brainwave state by using entrainment. Entrainment synchronizes our fluctuating brainwaves by providing a stable frequency which the brainwave can attune to. By using rhythm and frequency, we can entrain our brainwaves and it then becomes possible to down-shift our normal beta state (normal waking consciousness) to alpha (relaxed consciousness), and even reach theta (meditative state) and delta (sleep; where internal healing can occur). This same concept isutilized in meditation by regulating the breath, but with sound it's the frequency that is the agent which influences the shift. Learn more about this FACINATING Method of Healing Next week on The Amber Vibration Radio. 00:31:00The Amber Vibrationnovibrations,sound healing,Reiki,Yoga,AmberSound and Vibration... what are they.. how do they Heal?today's show cancelled.01112016, 22 Jan 2016 23:00:48 GMTtoday's show cancelled.01112016The weather has caused technical difficulties, and because of that, the show has been rescheduled. For Tuesday January 26th 2016 @ 11th est00:04:00The Amber Vibrationnorescheduled the showUpcoming Show : What is a Vibration? The Healing Power of Sound..., 16 Jan 2016 04:42:30 GMTUpcoming Show : What is a Vibration? The Healing Power of Sound...The Healing Power ... of Sound. Sound has been used for centries for all types of things. Next Week I cover the topic of Sound and Vibration and how SOUND therapy, can help and Heal! 00:03:00The Amber VibrationnoThis is a reminder for Next weeks show, I'll be covering The Healing power of Sound.What is Amethyst and the Vibration?, 16 Jan 2016 04:00:00 GMTWhat is Amethyst and the Vibration?Amethyst. one of the precious stones in the breastplate of the high priest (Ex. 28:19; 39:12), and in the foundation of the New Jerusalem (Rev. 21:20) in this show we will cover Why Amethyst is such a Valuable stone, and how it's healing can help you to day in your everyday life. Join me on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter: Click the Links located on the Site: 00:31:00The Amber VibrationnoAmber,Vibration,Karma,Amethyst,CrystalsThis Show will cover the meaning and use of the Stone Amethyst.What is Baltic Amber?, 09 Jan 2016 04:30:00 GMTWhat is Baltic Amber?This show will go in depth about Why Amber is so special and what makes it the Go to stone when it comes to balancing, energizing, attracting wealth, and healing. How is it that Amber and so many other Stones and Crystals can heal the body without Ingesting them? Stay Tuned and Join me on my next show. 00:31:00The Amber VibrationnoAmber,?TheAmberVibration?,Excursion?,??Healing?,?Energy? ?This Show will go in depth about Why Amber is so special?Who & What is the Amber Vibration?, 06 Jan 2016 12:30:00 GMTWho & What is the Amber Vibration? Giving a Short but sweet insight into What I do at the Amber Vibration and Why I Believe I can help others and The plans I have for Intensive Energy Healing Sessions. 00:15:00The Amber VibrationnoReiki,Healing,Meditation,Vibration,CrystalsGiving a Short but sweet insight into What I do at the Amber Vibration and Why I Believe I can help others and The plans I have for Intensive Energy Healing Se