The Steve Bussey Radio Experience news/talk "from the right"enCopyright Steve Bussey (C/O Blogtalkradio)Sat, 15 Jun 2019 01:45:00 GMTThu, 13 Feb 2014 15:30:00 GMTPolitics ConservativeBlogTalkRadio Feed v2.0 Steve Bussey Radio Experience news/talk "from the right"feeds@blogtalkradio.comBlogTalkRadio.compolitics conservative,politics,obama,congress,constitution,conservative,education,shutdown,economics,brevardSteve Bussey Radio ExperiencenoPolitical news/talk "from the right"episodicConservatives vs Liberals; Rights vs Privileges Conservative, 13 Feb 2014 15:30:00 GMTConservatives vs Liberals; Rights vs PrivilegesI want to discuss a wide range of ideas today regarding contemporary political debate in America under the general heading of conservatives vs liberals - rights vs privileges. I believe that one of the great things Ronald Reagan did was to speak about freedom and rights instead of always discussing political minutia and macro economics. Reagan inspired Americans to once again believe in and seek freedom - the freedom with which we were endowed by our Creator. So today I want to talk about that and how liberals seek to redefine or fundamentally transform our unalienable rights into mere privileges bestowed upon us by a sometimes "benevolent" tyranny.  01:02:00Steve Bussey Radio Experiencenopolitics,obama,conservatism,rightsI want to discuss a wide range of ideas today regarding contemporary political debate in America under the general heading of conservatives vs liberals - rightsFighting Common Core in South Carolina plus Progressive Political Lies Conservative, 12 Feb 2014 15:00:00 GMTFighting Common Core in South Carolina plus Progressive Political LiesOn today's show we'll interview South Carolina conservative political activist Stacy Shea - wife of a retired Navy SEAL - about her opposition to the controversial education initiative known as "Common Core" in South Carolina and her groups efforts to stop it. We'll also discuss progressive and liberal political lies that permeate modern American political discourse and skew public perceptions. That, plus political news of the day and commentary.   00:54:00Steve Bussey Radio Experiencenocommon core,obama,politicsOn today's show we'll interview South Carolina conservative political activist Stacy Shea - wife of a retired Navy SEAL - about her opposition to the controversIs America a banana republic now? Conservative, 11 Feb 2014 18:00:00 GMTIs America a banana republic now?Today we're going to discuss whether or not America is now a banana republic with a despot, Obama, in-charge. Stories include Iranian warships off our coast - the Constitution as putty in the hands of judges and justices, and more - is it too late to do anything about it? 01:03:00Steve Bussey Radio Experiencenoconsrvatives,politics,constitution,obama,acaToday we're going to discuss whether or not America is now a banana republic with a despot, Obama, in-charge. Stories include Iranian warships off our coast - tShots from the Right Conservative, 28 Oct 2013 22:00:00 GMTShots from the Right01:30:00Steve Bussey Radio Experiencenopolitics,education,conservative,constitution,obamaShots from the RightBrevard County, FL Schools want more money? Conservative, 23 Oct 2013 21:00:00 GMTBrevard County, FL Schools want more money? The Brevard County, FL School Board voted unanomously to seek a half-cent sales tax increase next November - right now they are spending approx. $10,000 per pupil. How much is enough? In 1969 America spent under $900 per pupil which would equal around $5,000 each in today's money...and kids learned more back then for less!   There is an official military doctrine called Low Intensity Conflict and many countries have used it over the decades. The Soviet Union used it against America and the West during the Cold War and we used it against them. Well, Progressives have been waging a 100-year low intensity conflict - war - against America. I'll explain on today's show. 02:00:00Steve Bussey Radio Experiencenopolitics,progressive,conservative,brevard,constitutionThe Brevard County, FL School Board voted unanomously to seek a half-cent sales tax increase next November - right now they are spending approx. $10,000 per puLiberalism causes bullying Conservative, 22 Oct 2013 21:00:00 GMTLiberalism causes bullyingThe evidence is in - the more our country has become liberal - progressive - the more of a problem bullying has become and the more inappropriate the response to bullying has become. That and other issue of the day on today's radio show.01:56:00Steve Bussey Radio Experiencenobullying,politics,conservative,congress,obamaThe evidence is in - the more our country has become liberal - progressive - the more of a problem bullying has become and the more inappropriate the response tMr. President, I accept the blame Conservative, 21 Oct 2013 21:00:00 GMTMr. President, I accept the blamePresident Obama, his royal highness King Barack the First of America, recently blamed bloggers and conservative talk radio for the recent goverment shutdown and I fully accept my part of the blame - except that we call it credit.01:50:00Steve Bussey Radio Experiencenoshutdown,Obama,Congress,politics,conservativePresident Obama, his royal highness King Barack the First of America, recently blamed bloggers and conservative talk radio for the recent goverment shutdown andThe GOP Cave & America's Demise Conservative, 16 Oct 2013 21:00:00 GMTThe GOP Cave & America's DemiseWell, Obama is now officially an imperial president and has snatched the constitutional powers of the purse from the House of Representatives.01:28:00Steve Bussey Radio Experiencenodebt limit,Obama,congress,constitution,shutdownWell, Obama is now officially an imperial president and has snatched the constitutional powers of the purse from the House of Representatives.Dangerous Government Conservative, 14 Oct 2013 21:00:00 GMTDangerous GovernmentThe American federal government is dangerous to our liberty, our safety and our well-being. It has become something unrecognizable to anyone with knowledge of freedom, unalienable rights and limited government. Today we have some very revealing quotes from despotic progressives in our government.02:02:00Steve Bussey Radio Experiencenoshutdown,politics,congress,obama,constitutionThe American federal government is dangerous to our liberty, our safety and our well-being. It has become something unrecognizable to anyone with knowledge of fExplaining Conservatism in light of the gov't shutdown Conservative, 11 Oct 2013 22:30:00 GMTExplaining Conservatism in light of the gov't shutdownToday we will explain what conservatism is to us and why, as well as how it translates into modern society where the rubber hits the road. But, in that explanation we'll also show you how and why liberals and progressives are the little children of American society and politics.02:00:00Steve Bussey Radio Experiencenopolitics,obama,congress,conservative,constitutionToday we will explain what conservatism is to us and why, as well as how it translates into modern society where the rubber hits the road. But, in that explanatGOP House demonstrating just how our system works Conservative, 10 Oct 2013 21:00:00 GMTGOP House demonstrating just how our system worksThe current government shutdown is a prime example of exactly how our federal government is supposed to work and why - to shutdown an imperial presidency.01:03:00Steve Bussey Radio Experiencenopolitics,education,shutdown,conservative,obamaThe current government shutdown is a prime example of exactly how our federal government is supposed to work and why - to shutdown an imperial presidency.The Obama Cabal Conservative, 09 Oct 2013 21:00:00 GMTThe Obama CabalHow and why America and American politics became polarized - who is responsible - in their own words...the Obama cabal & fundamental transformation - the gvernment shutdown.02:00:00Steve Bussey Radio Experiencenoshutdown,Obama,Congress,politics,conservativeHow and why America and American politics became polarized - who is responsible - in their own words...the Obama cabal & fundamental transformation - the gvernmThe Demise of America Conservative, 07 Oct 2013 21:00:00 GMTThe Demise of AmericaGovernment shutdowns - no negotiations - parks unnecessarily closed - the rise of progressivism is the decline of America.01:56:00Steve Bussey Radio Experiencenoprogressivism,conservative,constitution,politics,obamaGovernment shutdowns - no negotiations - parks unnecessarily closed - the rise of progressivism is the decline of America.Saturday Wrap Conservative, 05 Oct 2013 19:00:00 GMTSaturday WrapNews from the week on the Steve Bussey Radio Experience and your Saturday Shots from the Right.01:01:00Steve Bussey Radio Experiencenopolitics,education,obama,congress,shutdownNews from the week on the Steve Bussey Radio Experience and your Saturday Shots from the Right.Oct 4 Shots from the Right - American Stupidity Conservative, 04 Oct 2013 21:00:00 GMTOct 4 Shots from the Right - American StupidityModern Americans are stupid, slothful and irresponsible - little children more concerned with emotions than fact, logic and reason. Today we correctly assign blame for the government shutdown and prove our point, talk about the need to break the poltical "realities" in Washington - discuss why so many Americans are actually freedomophobes - and we have a stupid letter to the editor.01:53:00Steve Bussey Radio Experiencenopolitics,education,constitution,obama,congressModern Americans are stupid, slothful and irresponsible - little children more concerned with emotions than fact, logic and reason. Today we correctly assign blShots from the Right - Going Gandhi Conservative, 03 Oct 2013 21:00:00 GMTShots from the Right - Going GandhiIt is time for Americans to "Go Gandhi" in order to reclaim our American birthright. The only alternative is to "Follow te Founders."01:18:00Steve Bussey Radio Experiencenogovernment shutdown,politics,conservative,obama,congressIt is time for Americans to "Go Gandhi" in order to reclaim our American birthright. The only alternative is to "Follow te Founders."Wednesday Shots from the Right for Oct 2 Conservative, 02 Oct 2013 21:00:00 GMTWednesday Shots from the Right for Oct 2Liberal lies and the government shutdown as well as news of the day.01:13:00Steve Bussey Radio Experiencenopolitics,education,economics,congress,ObamaLiberal lies and the government shutdown as well as news of the day.Government Shutdown Conservative, 01 Oct 2013 21:30:00 GMTGovernment ShutdownToday's Shots from the Right is dedicated to correcting liberal/progressive lies and distractions about Obamacare and the government shutdown.00:31:00Steve Bussey Radio ExperiencenoObamacare,politics,education,congress,shutdownToday's Shots from the Right is dedicated to correcting liberal/progressive lies and distractions about Obamacare and the government shutdown.Wednesday Shots from the Right Conservative, 25 Sep 2013 21:00:00 GMTWednesday Shots from the RightBold, fresh and fearless Shots from the Right for Wednesday, September 25, 2013 about current events in America.00:28:00Steve Bussey Radio Experiencenoconservative,politics,constitution,obama,congressBold, fresh and fearless Shots from the Right for Wednesday, September 25, 2013 about current events in America.Monday Shots from the Right Conservative, 23 Sep 2013 21:00:00 GMTMonday Shots from the RightShots from the political right for Monday, September 23, 2013.00:31:00Steve Bussey Radio Experiencenopolitcs,constitution,congress,obama,conservativeShots from the political right for Monday, September 23, 2013.Nothing Progressives say matters! Conservative, 20 Sep 2013 21:00:00 GMTNothing Progressives say matters! This will be another 30 minute test show in preparation for our regular shows beginning Oct. 15th - 2 hrs per day, 5 days per week. Today's show is about how nothing progressives say in our sociopolitical debate matters because everything they say is in direct opposition to our Constitution, federalist system, limited government, etc...   00:30:00Steve Bussey Radio Experiencenopolitics,education,constitution,progressives,congressThis will be another 30 minute test show in preparation for our regular shows beginning Oct. 15th - 2 hrs per day, 5 days per week. Today's show is about howTest show Conservative, 17 Sep 2013 21:00:00 GMTTest showTesting new technologies for the radio show.00:31:00Steve Bussey Radio Experiencenopolitics,education,economics,constitution,congressTesting new technologies for the radio show.The Goal is Freedom Conservative, 16 Sep 2013 19:00:00 GMTThe Goal is FreedomTEST SHOW: The goal in America is freedom and not someone's bogus idea of "fairness." It doesn't matter if your goal really is to help the poor if your means are tyrannical.00:33:00Steve Bussey Radio Experiencenopolitics,education,constitution,conservatives,ObamaTEST SHOW: The goal in America is freedom and not someone's bogus idea of "fairness." It doesn't matter if your goal really is to help the poor if your means ar