The Cosmic Revolution, Evolution and All Rights Reserved.Fri, 14 Jun 2019 23:00:00 GMTSun, 31 Oct 2010 19:00:00 GMTCurrent EventsBlogTalkRadio Feed v2.0 Cosmic Revolution, Evolution and Truthfeeds@blogtalkradio.comBlogTalkRadio.comcurrent events,spirituality,truth,alternative energy,love,war,2012,alternative living,boarders,changeThe Cosmic RevolutionnoRevolution, Evolution and TruthepisodicTHE SHIFT Events, 31 Oct 2010 19:00:00 GMTTHE SHIFTThe Shift is a new feature length film that is designed to: 1. Raise consciousness 2. Bring people together 3. Help people learn to live in a way that does no harm Utilizing Ancient Sound Technologies, and a moving and inspirational story, The Shift is designed activate millions to take action, get motivated, and step into their United, Harmonious Selves. Producers, Samara Shaw and Ben Sheppard will be interviewed about their plans for this exciting project. Synopsis: It is November, 2011. In the buildup to Dec 23rd, 2012, the controlling powers on earth know that they will soon loose their sway over the world, and yet, even in the midst of a major global shift in consciousness, they continue to play out their control games. They have even devised all sorts of new ways to keep the population dumed down, in fear, and under their control. Their latest scheme - to convince millions of people that they need to be implanted by microchips, is a part of a much larger plan that involves creating ongoing, wide spread, fear and panic. The story this time around, (for as we all know, they have done this many times before) is that the earth is under electromagnetic attack from malevolent ET's, and that people need to be chipped in order to protect themselves. Our hero, Candice Bicknell isn't buying it. After her best friend, along with millions of others around the world, kill themselves as a result of electromagnetic interference, Candice embarks on a mission to uncover and reveal the truth about the chips. She eventually gets in touch with some powerful, otherworldly guides who help her realize that her powerful warriors' spirit must be tempered and fine tuned for her mission to succeed. Always up for a fight, Candice is good at getting what she wants, but for this particular mission, nothing less than total surrender, will do. As we envision our future, so it becomes.01:28:00The Cosmic RevolutionnoSpiritual Cinema,The Shift,2012,Mayan Calender,MicrochipsThe Shift is a new feature length film that is designed to: 1. Raise consciousness 2. Bring people together 3. Help people learn to live in a way that dotest Events, 31 Oct 2010 18:30:00 GMTtestwe will be testing the equipment here00:06:00The Cosmic Revolutionnogood,love,help,knowkedge,finishwe will be testing the equipment hereWHAT WE PROPOSE IF WE WERE ELECTED PRESIDENT AND FIRST LADY!!! Events, 12 Aug 2010 18:00:00 GMTWHAT WE PROPOSE IF WE WERE ELECTED PRESIDENT AND FIRST LADY!!!The sad Truth is..The behavior of earth humans is disgraceful to other advanced human beings in the universe. In ignorance you kill each other, you destroy the earth, you seem to indulge in believeing lies rather than the Truth. Spiritual growth is extremely minimal, if at all. You make your heros those who delight in vanity, pettiness, delusion and artificialness. The leaders that are chosen are madmen and women who seek only control and comfort for themselves. IF this Behavior does not change NOW, then it is almost certain self annihilation is emmenant and Nature will resort to unimmaginable destruction suddenly without warning!!! The Choice is yours!!! IN THIS SEGMENT WE WILL OUT LINE 25 THINGS WE WOULD CHANGE IMMEDIATELY!!! NO PUPPET PRESIDENCY HERE!!! 1. ALL PRESENT GOVERNMENT OFFICIALS REMOVED 2. COMPLETE AND IMMEDIATE WITHDRAWEL OF ALL US TROOPS FROM ALL COUNTRIES 3. COMPLETE DISMANTELING OF THE MILITARY INDUSRIAL COMPLEX 4. ALL ATOMIC WEAPONS DISMANTLED 5. A COMPLETE RELEASE OF PRISONERS EXCEPT MURDERERS AND RAPISTS 6. THE MEDIA WILL BE BASED ON COMPLETE AND ACCURATE TRUTH BY INDEPENDANT JOURNALISTS WITH COMPLETE FREEDOM OF SPEECH. 7. EVERY COUNTRY SHOULD GET THEIR SOVEREIGNTY BACK. 8. ALL KNOWN POISONOUS CHEMICALS IN WATER, AIR, FOOD TO BE BANNED IMMEDIATELY. 9. THE IRS IS TO BE COMPLETELY DISMANTLED AND REMOVED 10. ANYONE WHO HAS AN EXCESS OF ASSETS WILL BE REQUIRED TO DISTRIBUTE THEM AMONG PEOPLE WHO DON'T 11. NO MORE COMPARTMENTALISM, ALL DISCOVERIES IN SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY AND HEALTH WILL BE OPENLY DISCUSSED WITH THE PUBLIC, NOTHING HELD BACK!! 12. THE JUDICIAL AND LAW ENFORCEMENT SYSTEM IS TO BE COMPLETELY OVERHAULED. JUSTICE IS NO LONGER TO BE BASED ON HOW MUCH EDUCATION OR WEALTH YOU HAVE, BUT IS TO BE BASED ON TRUTH, COMPASSION, LOGIC, KNOWLEDGE AND COMMON SENSE!! TO BE CONTINUED 01:00:00The Cosmic RevolutionnoLeadership,Spirituality,Truth,Destruction,NatureThe sad Truth is..The behavior of earth humans is disgraceful to other advanced human beings in the universe. In ignorance you kill each other, you destroy theBOARDERS Events, 10 Aug 2010 03:00:00 GMTBOARDERSMexicans here in America. People are not burning the USA Flag because they do not want freedom, but what the Flag now represents has become and is a DisGrace!! You want to talk about the mexican people violating boarders and yet, the United States Marches it’s military into what ever country it likes under some false item and begins to destroy it by killing in masse innocent men, women and me that is a hypocritical nation!!! Not too mention what the european did to the Native Indians on this USA Land. Not only this, but the United States actually used Atomic Bombs on another Nation i.e. Hiroshema and Nagasaki!! If one looks at this situation with logic and reason, then the United States must be mute in this battle for simple Human Rights!! 00:31:00The Cosmic Revolutionnomexicans,war,boarders,freedom,rightsMexicans here in America. People are not burning the USA Flag because they do not want freedom, but what the Flag now represents has become and is a DisGrace!!Consciousness Rising Events, 05 Aug 2010 03:00:00 GMTConsciousness RisingIn this segment we will be talking about the silent revolution of consciousness and how some are awaking at a furious pace, while others seem to be slumping into deeper slumber by swollowing the inherent falsehoods of popular media, entertainment and things that really don't matter. There are many who when faced with reality by those who are awake and conscious, resort to name calling by saying they are crazy. When in fact, it is just the opposite. Thus, Many are called and few are chosen and why are they not chosen..Because their Hearts are so set upon the things of this world! Woe unto those who call good evil and evil good and who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter!!!01:01:00The Cosmic Revolutionnoconsciousness,truth,revolution,change,warIn this segment we will be talking about the silent revolution of consciousness and how some are awaking at a furious pace, while others seem to be slumping intINTENTIONAL COMMUNITIES Events, 30 Jul 2010 03:00:00 GMTINTENTIONAL COMMUNITIESWe will be discussing current events, Why Intentional Communities and how they will give us back our freedom and human rights. We will discuss how voting and liscensing is a complete fraud, scam and deception that has been planned (Planned Obsolescence)and used to enslave us all by "The Anglo World Order Elite (TA-WOE)" There is nothing NEW about the New World Order!!! see my intentional communities page if you really want freedom! 01:01:00The Cosmic RevolutionnoIntentional Communities,Spirituality,Love,Alternative Living,New World OrderWe will be discussing current events, Why Intentional Communities and how they will give us back our freedom and human rights. We will discuss how voting and liMANMADE LAWS AND THE LAWS OF NATURE AND CREATION Events, 10 May 2010 21:00:00 GMTMANMADE LAWS AND THE LAWS OF NATURE AND CREATIONIN THIS SEGMENT WE WILL EXPLAIN THE DIFFERENCES BETWEEN THE LAWS OF MEN WHICH IS USED TO CONTROL AND ENSLAVE THE WHOLE PLANET AND THE LAWS OF NATURE AND CREATION WHICH BY LIVING AND OBEYING RESULTS IN PURE PEACE, LOVE AND HARMONY WITH A TRUE FREEDOM AND LIBERTY TO ACT ACCORDING TO ONES CONSCIOUSNESS AND BY THE ALMIGHTY SPIRIT WITHIN EACH OF US. IT IS THE RIGHT OF EVERY HUMAN BEING TO HAVE FREE ACCESS TO THE RESOURCES OF NATURE WITHOUT THERE BEING A METER PLACED ON.. YES.. FREE WATER FREE FOOD FREE AIR FREE HOUSING FREE TRAVEL FREE HEALTHCARE FREE TO BE SOVEIRGN ALL THAT IS REQUIRED IS FOR EVERYONE TO DEVELOPE SKILLS THAT WILL REBUILD AND REPLENISH PLANET EARTH AND TO WORK ACCORDING TO ONES TALENTS AND ABILITIES 01:00:00The Cosmic RevolutionnoLAWS,CORRUPTION,JUSTICE,NATURAL LAW,INDEPENDANCEIN THIS SEGMENT WE WILL EXPLAIN THE DIFFERENCES BETWEEN THE LAWS OF MEN WHICH IS USED TO CONTROL AND ENSLAVE THE WHOLE PLANET AND THE LAWS OF NATURE AND CREATIOMAGNETIC ENGINE TECHNOLOGY, 30 Apr 2010 04:00:00 GMTMAGNETIC ENGINE TECHNOLOGYI have designed and am in the process of having a Magnetic Engine built. I have $60,000 invested and need another $100,000 to complete prototype. Man from turkey has proven the concept is a link to his machine My Magnetic Engine: The Tri-Metatron Magnetic Motor is more advanced as it will produce 25KW and My Design makes it easier to operate and inspect. If you would like to invest please contact me at Or call 760-222-4609 for details This show will discuss the Machine and The possibility of establishing a Research and Develoment project around the world.00:30:00The Cosmic RevolutionnoEngines,Magnetism,Alternative Energy,Technology,InvestmentI have designed and am in the process of having a Magnetic Engine built. I have $60,000 invested and need another $100,000 to complete prototype. Man from tuAwareness, Attachment, Action Events, 26 Apr 2010 01:00:00 GMTAwareness, Attachment, ActionIn this segment we will be outlining what being aware of means and what to be aware of. Once you understand and have a knowing from your awareness, then you Attach yourself to what you are aware of. Then you are able to Act on what you have found, meaning, help others see in a new way and a real way.01:00:00The Cosmic Revolutionnoinformation,crisis,light,truth,conciousnessIn this segment we will be outlining what being aware of means and what to be aware of. Once you understand and have a knowing from your awareness, then you AttA New Nation Events, 24 Apr 2010 23:00:00 GMTA New NationThis show will explore the idea of a New Nation, that allows Freedom of Choice, Freedom of Expression, Freedom From Man-Made Laws, Freedom from Government. etc 00:15:00The Cosmic Revolutionnohealthcare,education,housing,transportation,foodThis show will explore the idea of a New Nation, that allows Freedom of Choice, Freedom of Expression, Freedom From Man-Made Laws, Freedom from Government. etcThe Cosmic Revolution-Overview Show Events, 23 Apr 2010 01:00:00 GMTThe Cosmic Revolution-Overview ShowWe will be discussing various topics for people interested in expanded concepts of life, revolutionary ideas and inventions, music that has meaning,the truth behind the truth. We will be discussing the false realities of the present day structures and leaderships that currently rule our lives. We will be sharing meditation and revolutionary music that will inspire,relax, and ease your present moment We will also present amazing technologies including the Tri-Metatron Magnetic Engine, The Kangen Water machine,and many others. We will also have open discussions with other up and coming inventors and inventions. Our intention is to offer real practical solutions to the topics we discuss. We hope our blend of all things we believe are relevant,will assist you in your path towards freedom and truth! Peace and Blessings Ione and Jeremiah 02:00:00The Cosmic RevolutionnoMusic,Alternative Energy,World Affairs,Spirituality,Hidden TruthWe will be discussing various topics for people interested in expanded concepts of life, revolutionary ideas and inventions, music that has meaning,the truth be