Strategies of Success with host Brian Cohen DTM actionable ideas any small business owner can use. Our guests come from different places but they all share the goal of developing the right Strategies of Success for them. Your takeaway is to use these actionable ideas and make them into yours. enCopyright Brian Cohen (C/O Blogtalkradio)Sun, 16 Jun 2019 00:45:00 GMTSat, 12 Nov 2016 16:30:00 GMTMotivationBlogTalkRadio Feed v2.0 of Success with host Brian Cohen DTM actionable ideas any small business owner can use. Our guests come from different places but they all share the goal of developing the right Strategies of Success for them. Your takeaway is to use these actionable ideas and make them into yours. feeds@blogtalkradio.comBlogTalkRadio.comSuccess,self help,motivation,business,challenge,Toastmasters,Brian Cohen DTM,strategies of success,strategy,successStrategies of Success BriannoYou are not alone in your challenges, medical, business or family. The actionable ideas we share are real. Many of our guests have faced their own unique challeepisodicHow to Make Networking Work, 12 Nov 2016 16:30:00 GMTHow to Make Networking WorkMany discussions, comments and thoughts are shared about networking. Can you really make it work? Lets see where we go with this one, but I do know that there is a balance as to how to make networking work for you instead of just being work, Brian Cohen DTM 631-255-3581 00:32:00Strategies of Success BriannoBrian Cohen,Toastmasters,LI Speakers BureauMany discussions, comments and thoughts are shared about networking.Brian Cohen Running a Business is just like running a Marathon here is how, 05 Nov 2016 18:30:00 GMTBrian Cohen Running a Business is just like running a Marathon here is how26.2 miles is a long way to run, but 26.2 years operating a successful business is even harder and perhaps more exciting 00:31:00Strategies of Success Brianno26.2 miles is a long way to run, but 26.2 years operating a successful business is even harder and perhaps more excitingBrian Cohen Return on Effort - busy for the sake of being busy or effective, 29 Oct 2016 17:00:00 GMTBrian Cohen Return on Effort - busy for the sake of being busy or effectiveBrian Cohen DTM Strategies of Success Long Island Speakers Bureau 631-255-3581 00:31:00Strategies of Success BriannoSuccess,Brian A Cohen,Strategies,Business,business planJoin me at 1pm est for this honest conversation on being effectiveSecret Knock Nov 9th Guest Speaker Janet Russell intuitive TV Host Producer, 22 Oct 2016 14:00:00 GMTSecret Knock Nov 9th Guest Speaker Janet Russell intuitive TV Host ProducerNovember 9th Janet Russell joins as the guest speaker for the Secret Knock Event Janet Russell is a psychic medium, spiritual advisor and television host for one of New York’s top cable access programs titled Beyond the Unexplained. The show has been seen across the country for years. Janet has made guest appearances on many cable programs with interviews that range from her predictions for future events to communicating messages from people who have passed over. She has also co-hosted radio programs on the paranormal as well as television specials in Britain. She recently expanded the scope of Beyond the Unexplained by launching two new televised shows titled When Spirits Connect and The Spirits Within. Strategies of Success Radio Brian A Cohen DTM Host LI Speakers Bureau       00:31:00Strategies of Success BriannoJanet Russell,Brian Cohen,Secret Knock,Long Island,PsychicJanet Russell is a psychic medium, spiritual advisor and television host for one of New York’s top cable access programs titled Beyond the Unexplained. The showCurrent events - Secret Knock what this means to me, 16 Oct 2016 03:00:00 GMTCurrent events - Secret Knock what this means to meThe Secret Knock event is a great representation of some of the qualities of the speakers bureau that should be highlighted.   00:33:00Strategies of Success BriannoSecret Knock three speakers one meaningBrian Cohen no guest - I will be talking about why being adaptable is everything, 08 Oct 2016 13:30:00 GMTBrian Cohen no guest - I will be talking about why being adaptable is everythingWelcome to our newer followers. We are certainly on a growth path and that is good and we are always focusing in on what is best for our speakers. community and the success of this effort. Exciting and if any of you think a business plan is set in stone, you are wrong. Your mission and purpose may be, but how you get there should adapt. As a matter of fact that will be todays podcast. I didn't schedule a guest and I must do it today as I have never missed a week over the past 5 years and I don't want to break that habit. Strategies of Success Brian A Cohen DTM - Host and guest for this one, 631-255-3581   00:31:00Strategies of Success BriannoStrategies of Success,Brian A Cohen DTM,Brian,Toastmasters,LISpeakersIs there a difference between your mission statement, business goals, business plan, plan of action you bet, what are they? Non-scripted so this way I will sayTerrie Magro, Mom and co founder of the Michael Magro Foundation, 29 Sep 2016 13:30:00 GMTTerrie Magro, Mom and co founder of the Michael Magro FoundationMichael Magro was a thirteen-year-old seventh grade student at Hicksville Middle School in Hicksville, New York, when he was diagnosed with leukemia (A.L.L.). He passed away within months of that diagnosis. Michael, loved life, his family and friends. He smiled a lot and was considered a peacemaker with a zest for life and a passion for lacrosse and music; he cared more for others than he did for himself. Mike may not have been the best at everything but whatever he did, he gave it his all and never gave up. During his illness, his remarkable courage and strength were an inspiration to everyone who knew him. The Michael Magro Foundation, a 501(c)3 non-profit organization, was established in January 2005 to honor Mike’s life. The efforts of the Foundation started with, the pediatric cancer patients and their families at the Cancer Center for Kids at Winthrop-University Hospital as well as to other Winthrop pediatric specialties where the treatment of chronic diseases is ongoing because that is where Mike was treated for his leukemia. Additionally, the Foundation awards two scholarships each year; One an academic and sports scholarship is awarded, through the Hicksville High School Scholarship program to a student excelling in academics and sports; the other is a culinary scholarship endowed for a senior entering Culinary School. Office: (516) 935-4510 Cell: (516) 633-5341 Email: Strategies of Success Brian A Cohen DTM 631-255-3581     00:31:00Strategies of Success BriannoMichael Magro Foundation.,Terri Magro,Cancer,Pediatric,healthJoin The Magro Four 12th annual fundraiser showcasing LI's best restaurants, bakeries and wineries. Benefiting The Cancer Center for Kids at Winthrop Univ HospSean Douglas Creating your own Blueprint, 19 Sep 2016 20:00:00 GMTSean Douglas Creating your own Blueprint"Live your Brand" that is words our guest Sean Douglas lives by. He asked the question that we will think about, "If you had a 100% success rate at one thing you have been dreaming about accomplishing, what would it be? So, as I live my brand I answered it. Also I found it interesting to answer and it hit me at a good time. Then I did the next best thing, asked him to be a guest. What will a NCO in the US Airforce say? Someone who is a Motivational Speaker inspiring the uninspired and making a positive impact difference in their lives, want to share? The beauty of this is that we will speak for just a few minutes before the program and what you will listen to is two people with a common goal share ideas. Ideas that you can use to accomplish what you dream about. Sean Douglas Brian A Cohen Host 631-255-3581 00:36:00Strategies of Success Briannousa,air force,military,sean candi douglas,Brian A cohenGo out and inspire the uninspired, and remember to "Live Your Brand"CCFA 2016 Take Steps Shining Star Tyler Cacioppo, 13 Sep 2016 20:00:00 GMTCCFA 2016 Take Steps Shining Star Tyler CacioppoWords from a Mom, "He is currently 17 years old, he is doing well on his new medication, he is just finishing up driver’s education and entering his senior year of high school.  He hopes to attend college to major in animation art, somewhere far away from me I think.  Tyler has always amazed me with how he handled all of what his disease has thrown his way.  He has shown me what true strength and bravery is, and how to find the best in things and smile even when you don’t feel like it.  I always thought as a parent that I was supposed to teach him how to live his life, but it has been him who has been the one who has taught me about life and a better way to live it.  He is my hero and I am so lucky to be his mom!!" What does Rhino Page say about this man? Listen in Event Details Location: North Hempstead Beach Park Date: 10/16/16 Check-in and Festival Start: 11:30AM Walk Start: 1:00PM Donate 8th Annual Rhino Page & Friends "Lace Up" To Strike Out Crohn's & Colitis Event Saturday October 22, 2016 7pm-10pm @ Levittown Lanes, 56 Tanners Lane Levittown, NY 11756 Brian Cohen Host 631-255-3581   00:33:00Strategies of Success BriannoCCFA,Tyler Cacioppo,Rhino Page,Fundraising,IBDTake Steps Honored Heroes represent the Crohn's disease & ulcerative colitis warriors living in our community. They share their story of life with IBD to raiseDina Lynch Eisenberg Leverage Your Time More Effectively, Save Money & Earn More, 08 Sep 2016 15:00:00 GMTDina Lynch Eisenberg Leverage Your Time More Effectively, Save Money & Earn MoreDina Eisenberg , Outsourcing Strategist, Speaker and recovered Attorney. My passion is helping experts and small business owners to leverage their time efficiently by outsourcing the right way. I help you think deeply about who you are as the leader then find the right teammates to support you wherever you are in your entrepreneurial journey. The smart, caring kind of team who won’t let you fail. I also teach you to delegate with grace and ease. Delegation is a mastery level skill that leads to much faster, long term success. Besides, It’s so much fun to see someone re-imagine their biz into the vision they had when they first started- plenty of free time, exciting projects, money coming in almost effortlessly. Outsourcing since 2009, I have a hand picked network of professionals to choose from. I get to work evaluating your needs and assembling your team. Im also pretty geeky and love automation tools so there’s always some of that. Not sure if delegation is worth it?  Check out this white paper, The Bottom Line of Delegating for Solopreneurs 00:33:00Strategies of Success BriannoDina Lynch Eisenberg,business,outsourcing,Leverage,Brian A Cohen DTMMost people throw up a barrier when it come time to leverage themselves. They find themselves hitting a wall where they’re crazy busy, but regardless of how crBrian Cohen it is time for me to go alone no guest this time, 03 Sep 2016 15:00:00 GMTBrian Cohen it is time for me to go alone no guest this timeNo guest day. Normally I have a guest. The idea is to have anyone on that can share three actionable ideas that a business owner can use. OK, fair enough. I gives me the lattitude to cover many topics and still have a clear focus. Today I will follow my own advice. Fair enough? I think so. Every so often we need to look in the mirror and take stock of what we are doing, not what it looks like we are doing as other see us but how we see ourselves. I would rather say what I am thinking rather than type it out, so if you are interested, then listen. If not then this will be a verbal entry into my diary. Brian 631-255-3581   00:32:00Strategies of Success BriannoBrian Cohen,Brian,Toastmasters,DTMIt has been a while since I did a show alone. So many things gong on and its time to let it outVictoria Mangiapane 2016 Shining Star CCFA Take Steps Walk Eastern Long Island, 24 Aug 2016 16:30:00 GMTVictoria Mangiapane 2016 Shining Star CCFA Take Steps Walk Eastern Long IslandDetermined. Self-motivated.  Victorious.  Words that have been used to describe Victoria Mangiapane, the 2016 Eastern LI Take Steps Shining Star, since she was a toddler.  Diagnosed with Crohn's disease at age 12, after a year of weight loss and increasing fatigue, Victoria, now 17 years old, has never let this debilitating disease stop her from pursuing her goals and dreams.  While sleeping, Victoria suffered a catstrophic seizure and other complications from malnutrition.  It was discovered that her duodenum had strictured,a rare occurrence, and food was unable to pass from her now enlarged stomach.  Thanks to her amazing gastroenterologist, Dr. James Markowitz and the staff at Cohen's Children Medical Center, Victoria and her family were teamed up with two surgeons who would change her life forever...Dr. Stephen Dolgin and Dr. Jose Prince.  Through a 10 1/2 hour surgery, Victoria received a duodenal strictoplasty through laporoscopy and made medical history.  She was the first pediatric case to receive this experimental procedure.  "A medical miracle that will open doors," praised her exhausted but rejoiceful family. Walk Day Details:  Date: Sunday, October 23, 2016  Location: Stony Brook University's Student Activity Plaza Address:  100 Nicolls Road, Stony Brook, NY 11790 Time: Registration begins at 11:30 am | Walk starts at 1:00 pm | Snacks and drinks available | Activities open 11:30 am - 2:30 pm  The Take Steps Walk will take place rain or shine, so please dress accordingly! Strategies Host Brian A Cohen DTM Co-Facilitator Long Island CCFA Adult Support Group 631-255-3581 00:32:00Strategies of Success BriannoCCFA,Shining Star,Take Steps,Fundraising,ColitisCrohn's is a part of her and her mom's life and both are verbal about it. It will not stop Victoria from achieving her dreams and leading a full and happy lifePriscilla Arena SASI SUFFOLK ASPERGERS AUTISM SUPPORT & INFORMATION, 20 Aug 2016 13:00:00 GMTPriscilla Arena SASI SUFFOLK ASPERGERS AUTISM SUPPORT & INFORMATIONSASI (SUFFOLK ASPERGERS/AUTISM SUPPORT & INFORMATION) AIMS TO ENRICH THE LIVES OF SPECIAL NEEDS CHILDREN AND THEIR FAMILIES THROUGH EDUCATION AND ADVOCACY, AS WELL AS THROUGH EMOTIONAL AND FINANCIAL SUPPORT. WE ARE A CENTRAL RESOURCE FOR SPECIAL NEEDS FAMILIES  OFTEN WHEN A CHILD IS DIAGNOSED WITH ASD, THE PARENTS DON'T KNOW WHERE TO GO FIRST OR WHAT TO DO IN ORDER TO BETTER THE LIFE OF THEIR CHILD. EARLY INTERVENTION IS THE KEY TO THE LONG TERM SUCCESS OF ASD CHILDREN. SOME OF OUR MAIN OBJECTIVES ARE: PROVIDING MATERIALS TO GUIDE FAMILIES IN FINDING RESOURCES, PROGRAMS AND THERAPIES FOR THEIR CHILDRENAIDING FAMILIES IN NAVIGATING THE OPWDD PROCESSHOLDING SUPPORT GROUP MEETINGS FOR PARENTS, SIBLINGS AND ASD CHILDRENHOSTING A VARIETY OF EVENTS TO BOOST THE SOCIALIZATION AND EMOTIONAL WELL BEING OF ASD CHILDRENPROVIDING FINANCIAL SUPPORT FOR NECESSARY SERVICES AND THERAPIES THAT MAY NOT BE COVERED BY INSURANCEEDUCATING THE GREATER POPULATION ABOUT AUTISM SPECTRUM DISORDER SASI Long Island Co-Founders Priscilla Arena Stephanie Mendelson     Strategies Radio Brian A Cohen Host Long Island Speakers Bureau Strategies of Success 631-255-3581 00:35:00Strategies of Success Briannoautism,sasi,priscilla arena,Brian cohen,BoomWhen are kids have challenges in life it is the parents that are their for them. Who is there for the parents? SASI is there to offer inHenry Balzani author Silver Linings Book reaching beyond immediate gratification, 10 Aug 2016 16:00:00 GMTHenry Balzani author Silver Linings Book reaching beyond immediate gratificationHenry Balzani is a Holistic Health and Nutrition Coach. He brings a 40 year  history in the health field, counseling patients as a pharmacist, an OB-GYN, an Addiction Specialist, and a Age Management and Functional Medicine Physician. He has studied with the worlds top wellness & health experts. His love of cooking and his journey through medicine evolved into a Holistic Health & Nutrition coaching career, blending medical knowledge with a healthy lifestyle, that offers clients the best of both worlds. His purpose and passion is to help men and women establish their individual, sustainable lifestyle, through whole foods and activity, to enjoy a fulfilled lifestyle. Henry Balzani   The Sparkle Agency   00:32:00Strategies of Success BriannoSilver Linings Storybook,Henry Balzani,Addictions,author,Self helpA coauthor in Silver Linings Storybook Vol 1, a retired physician, living in NJ. My passion is helping people with addiction, nutrition, and health.Sheila Skolnick How to be your own motivational force If its to be its up to me, 03 Aug 2016 12:00:00 GMTSheila Skolnick How to be your own motivational force If its to be its up to meSheila overcame challenges that included poverty, an almost nonexistent education, a dysfunctional home and a very dangerous neighborhood. Sheila taught herself to read in high school and developed a “no excuses” mindset.  Today she works as a business advisor, group trainer, and of course, a speaker. Sheila is an engaging speaker whose story of persistence and passion is relevant for  all levels of business,  entrepreneurs,  start-up companies, high school student and college students. They will leave the keynote with great knowledge and a sense of   “If it’s to be it’s up to me.”   Sheila’s number one  principle Use our Contact Us page to ask me any questions you may have Sheila is the perfect combination of a successful entreprenuer and engaging speaker with worthwhile information to share.                  Strategies Radio Brian A Cohen Host Strategies of Success Long Island Speakers Bureau 631-255-3581       00:34:00Strategies of Success BriannoSheila Skolnick,Author,Speaker,Motivation,BusinessSheila Skolnick’s story is truly “rags to riches.” Sheila created and started her business with NO money, NO experience, No mentors and NOconnections. FourteeMark Llewhellin author of The Underdog achieving your dreams against the odds, 30 Jul 2016 15:00:00 GMTMark Llewhellin author of The Underdog achieving your dreams against the oddsBorn (5 days before Christian Bale) on 25th January 1974 in Haverfordwest, Pembrokeshire, Wales.  Mark joined the British army at the age of 16 and served with Junior Leaders Regiment, Royal Artillery.  Mark initially failed his one and a half mile run basic fitness test and was voted the fattest person in his troop.  After building his fitness up over a year and a half and after failing twice (once through lack of fitness & once through injury) Mark successfully passed the British All Arms Commando Course and earned the right to wear the coveted Green Beret.  After serving 7 years in the army (mainly with 7 Commando Battery, 29 CommandoRegiment Royal Artillery) Mark moved to London & worked as a Bodyguard in London's exclusive Park Lane.  Mark Llewhelli Strategies Radio Brian Cohen Long Island Speakers Bueau     00:33:00Strategies of Success BriannoMark Llewhellin,Author,adventure,goals,Brian CohenMark Llewhellin Goal setting is the easy part - it’s achieving that goal that’s the challenge. There’s been times I’ve found it tough, but with sheer determinaProject9Line with Patrick Donohue - How we can help our returning veterans, 23 Jul 2016 15:00:00 GMTProject9Line with Patrick Donohue - How we can help our returning veteransEmpowering Veterans with Reintegration through Art, Entrepreneurship and LOVEAt Project9line, Our focus is to bridge the communication gap between Veterans and civilians. Through Outreach, Communication, and Purpose we enable veterans to express themselves uniquely through forms of art. Through networking, workshops, and career development programs we assist veterans in achieving their entrepreneurial goals. Through LOVE, we give meaning, inspiration and motivation to the lives of Veterans. The name Project9line is derived from a very important U.S. Military protocol known as “9 line MEDVAC”. It is a procedure that has saved the lives of countless soldiers on the battlefield. The 9 Line MEDVAC guides calls for help when there is a casualty on the battlefield. When placing a call, a soldier on the field must provide the 9 most important facts about the scenario so the most effective help can be sent Patrick Donohue - President Project9line, Inc. Strategies Radio Brian A Cohen Host 631-255-3581   00:33:00Strategies of Success Briannomilitary,Project9Line,Patrick Donohue,Veterans,Long Island“9 line MEDVAC”. It is a procedure that has saved the lives of countless soldiers on the battlefield. The 9 Line MEDVAC guides calls for help when there is a caPathways to Health Gala in the Heart Garden 8.11.16 Fairway Foundation, 12 Jul 2016 12:00:00 GMTPathways to Health Gala in the Heart Garden 8.11.16 Fairway FoundationThe Fairway Foundation, a non-profit 501c3 organization, with permission from the Military Order of the Purple Heart national headquarters, has created this Purple Heart, to help raise awareness and funds to assist veterans in need. Comprised of all volunteers, 100% of all net proceeds will go to veteran programs. Sign your name in support of our veterans. Join us at the Pathways To Health Gala Event. This is a great opportunity to meet, greet and sponsor a table as all attendees will be supporting an organization that is focused on the maintenance and promotion of optimum wellness. A portion of the proceeds to be donated to the Fairway Foundations Purple Heart Campaign. Tickets can be purchased at Strategies Radio Brian A Cohen DTM Host Strategies of Success Long Island Speakers Bureau 00:41:00Strategies of Success BriannoPathways to Health,Gala in the Garden,Veterans,Fairway Foundation,Rosemarie KleupfulJoin us at the Pathways To Health Gala Event. This is a great opportunity to meet, greet and sponsor a table as all attendees will be supporting an organizationMark Tewart Three action steps on How to be a Sales Superstar in any Industry, 28 Jun 2016 11:00:00 GMTMark Tewart Three action steps on How to be a Sales Superstar in any Industry Mark Tewart is an in-demand professional speaker, business consultant, business performance turn-around expert, media spokesperson, host of “On The Mark” on CBT and author of the best seller, “How To Be A Sales Superstar.” Mark Tewart and his group of companies also offer: Speaking Engagements, Car Sales Training Programs, Enterprise Management Training, Corporate, Association and Business Sales Training for B2B and B2C of all industries, Business Workshops, Online Training Programs, Consulting, Personal Coaching Many other different products and services to grow your team members and your business CALL You can call us at 1-888-2-TEWART (1-888-283-9278) or 513-932-9526 MAIL Tewart Enterprises, Inc. 307 E. Silver St. Lebanon, OH 45036 Strategies of Success Brian A Cohen Host Long Island Speakers Bureau 631-255-3581   00:33:00Strategies of Success BriannoMark Tewart,Sales,Training,Coaching,Brian CohenMaking the sale is tougher than. That's why sales professionals and business owners who want to be the best need more than just smooth talk to make it in the saKeith Richard CASAC - Helping people in recovery and the challenges they endure Help, 24 Jun 2016 16:00:00 GMTKeith Richard CASAC - Helping people in recovery and the challenges they endureKeith has focused his life on helping  others through the challenges of recovery. He is a CASAC (Certified Alcohol Substance Abuse Counselor). working with veterans in recovery. Besides his individual counseling, Keith delivers his humor-presentations at Recovery Centers, Conventions and private functions. He currently teaches humor therapy, he belongs to the AATH (Applied Association for Therapeutic Humor) Keith can be contacted thru Recovery Comic Comedy To Go LI Speakers Bureau Just Believe Recovery Strategies Radio Brian A Cohen DTM Host Brian's Personal Site Speakers Bureau 631-255-3581     00:33:00Strategies of Success BriannoKeith Richard,Recovery,Brian Cohen,Mental Health,rehabKeith is one man that has devoted his life to helping others. His career, community involvement, radio show and comedy and keynote presentations all give him thDr Elise Cohen Ho Communicating the negative or complicated news to your kids, 17 Jun 2016 17:00:00 GMTDr Elise Cohen Ho Communicating the negative or complicated news to your kidsElise Cohen Ho, "I have a Sociology Background and hold a PhD in Natural Medicine in addition to various certifications including Nutrition, Herbalism and Holistic Health.  Over the last 25+ years I have worked as a Youth Counselor in New York’s Juvenile Detention System, as a Research Scientist studying the effects of alcohol use and abuse on the family unit, as a Weight Loss Coach, as a Wellness Coach and as a Certified Diabetes Specialist. I have the distinct pleasure of working with, and learning from, some truly amazing people including Dr. Mark Hyman, father of Functional Medicine and New York Times Bestselling author of The Blood Sugar Solution and the 10 Day Diet Detox, and Dr. John Gray, New York Times Bestselling Author of Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus. In addition to all this I am a Doctoral Candidate in the field of Naturopathic Psychology" Website Speakers Bureau Site Strategies Radio Brian A Cohen DTM - Host 631-255-3581   . 00:33:00Strategies of Success Briannofamily,news,current events,Elise Cohen Ho,Brian A CohenThe news has been horrific lately. You cannot keep it from your kids, and the question is how do you present it? Dr Cohen Ho and I will share our ideas, and perIDSecurityOnline helping schools with their security, 09 Jun 2016 12:30:00 GMTIDSecurityOnline helping schools with their securityAbout services clients of all sizes- ranging from government agencies to major Fortune 500 corporations to non-profits, hospitals, and schools. Located in NYC has been at the forefront of enterprise-level photo identification services and has become a leading provider of ID card printers, photo ID systems, ID card software, card printer supplies, ID cameras, RFID solutions, and badge accessories. Gabriel Schonzeit, President at IDSecurityOnline firmly believes that security measures should be available to everyone and offers an extensive line of card printers, ID systems, supplies and accessories. These systems resist tampering with advanced features like holographic images, ghosted images, biometric data,smart card technology and enterprise level data base management.  For more information, visit  IDSecurityOnline also provides full customer service and support. A team of ID experts offers toll-free assistance in English and Spanish to answer all your questions and help you find the best solution for your needs. For more information, call 800-897-7024 to talk to an ID expert. 00:33:00Strategies of Success BriannoSchools,safety,idprinter,fargo;zebra,Prox cardsIDSecurityOnline ranked #214 on the 2014 Inc. 5000 list, an exclusive list of America’s fastest-growing private companies. IDSecurityOnline has earned the #214Chrohn's and Colitis 2016 Shining Star - Danielle Bursky June 12th Walk, 04 Jun 2016 12:00:00 GMTChrohn's and Colitis 2016 Shining Star - Danielle Bursky June 12th WalkDanielle Bursky. A 16 year old, junior in high school, lives in Plainview, NY with her parents, brother, and dog, Mickey. She was diagnosed with Crohns Disease at 9 years old. It took a few years for her to get on the right meds and get the Crohn’s under control. During that time she had many ups and downs. Fortunately, She has been in remission for 4.5 years. Event Details Location: Marjorie Post Park Date: 6/12/2016 Check-in and Festival Start: 11:30AM Walk Start: 1:00PM Donate to Danielles team 00:22:00Strategies of Success BriannoCCFA,Chrohn's,Colitis,Take Steps,healthI have been involved with CCFA for 5 years and love participating in the annual Take Steps Walk. I accepted the honor of being the 2016 Shining Star because I wTerry Lancaster habit, focus, and flow. Steps to a more fulfilled business life, 24 May 2016 16:00:00 GMTTerry Lancaster habit, focus, and flow. Steps to a more fulfilled business lifeKEYNOTE SPEAKER AND #1 BEST SELLING AUTHOR Terry Lancaster writes and speaks on the power of habit, focus, and flow, helping people build BETTER! lives, BETTER! careers and BETTER! businesses starting right here, starting right now. Over his 30 year business career, Terry has worked with thousands of business owners, managers and salespeople providing proven strategies for making the cash register ring. Terry Lancaster 800-352-3305 330 Franklin Road Suite 135A – 175 Brentwood, TN 37067 Strategies Radio Brian Cohen DTM 631-255-3581   00:32:00Strategies of Success BriannoTerry Lancaster,Brian A Cohen,DTM,Toastmasters,Self helpTerry Lancaster has been there, done that and he’s got the scars to prove it. Over the last 30 years, he has worked with thousands of successful salespeople andRhonda Klch Angel Awards June 7th 2016 acknowledging outstanding women, 18 May 2016 12:00:00 GMTRhonda Klch Angel Awards June 7th 2016 acknowledging outstanding womenWho are the outstanding women that you know, that deserve a night of appreciation? This event is designed to recognize the women that are achieving success in their business/ non-profit or community efforts. The women that has coordinated the event is outstanding in her efforts. From Christmas Charity events to being a boxer in the fight for charity event. She also runs PEPP Network and her business.  Rhonda Klch is the President/CEO and Founder of Equity First, LLC, an organization that specializes in providing financial guidance for both businesses and consumers. Equity First was created on the principle that long term fiscal success can be achieved through a solid foundation of learning, planning and execution. 631-714-4822 Strategies Radio Brian A Cohen DTM Host 631-255-3581   00:18:00Strategies of Success BriannoRhonda Klch,Brian Cohen,Women,events,awardsThe Angel Awards event will be held June 7th at the Stonebridge Country Club from 6-9pmDoreen Guma Time to Play Living an enriched and more fulfilled life, 12 May 2016 17:00:00 GMTDoreen Guma Time to Play Living an enriched and more fulfilled lifeThe Time to Play Foundation, Inc. is a not for profit 501c3 corporation with the mission and purpose to enrich the lives of others through programs, public awareness outreach activities, events and learning opportunities that further the concept of enjoying life. I’ve tried to put everything I could think of into this project to help people have a better life, have a happier life, and to be able to enjoy life. To learn what they need to know so they can enjoy life.  To “plant a seed” to spark a change to make things better for themselves. offers many different things – programs and education, events, a free podcast, news, and products.  Our goal is to always provide a reminder  for you to schedule time — for ourselves — for our quality of life – for our happiness… triggers that may be helpful to remind you to enjoy life. 00:34:00Strategies of Success BriannoDoreen Guma,Brian Cohen,Time to Play,Success,life"Why did I start this project? Aside from it being my hope to re-learn how to play and enjoy life" Doreen GumaMaria Frey Executive Consultants best strategies for LinkedIn and Social Media, 05 May 2016 16:00:00 GMTMaria Frey Executive Consultants best strategies for LinkedIn and Social MediaMaria Frey is a terrific resource to many people that are furthering their career. Her expertise allows you to fully maximise your expertise, desires and activities when searching for your next career opportunity. Our methodology is to teach people how to attain employment via networking and businesses to develop sustainable advancement. We believe in teaching the fundamentals necessary to be able to recreate a successful job search in the event that employment is lost or reduced more than once. While it would be easier for us as Corporate Headhunters to find employment for the people we assist, we believe that by sharing our synergistic techniques, we assist families for a lifetime. 1.212.500.0585 Profile on the LI Speakers Bureau Strategies Radio Brian A Cohen DTM - Host 631-255-3581   00:32:00Strategies of Success BriannoMaria Frey,Brian Cohen,DTM,Success,CareerMaria Frey has been utilizing LinkedIn in a variety of different situations all with the same end goal. Success. We are talking about effective use of an ever gLisa Navarra Managing your business life when family situations arise, 26 Apr 2016 16:00:00 GMTLisa Navarra Managing your business life when family situations ariseChild behavior Consulting, LLC is a New York based educational consulting company, specializing in the assessment of children and young adults in need of behavior modification.  Founded by Certified educational and behavioral specialist, Lisa M. Navarra, who began providing services in 1996, had the mission to improve behavioral skills, awareness and knowledge to parents, and educational facilities. CBC offers quality behavioral services to children challenged by ADHD/ADD, Learning Disabilities, Motivation, Low Self-Esteem, Anger Management and Social Skills. Parenting: Setting Limits Parenting Tips Lisa Navarra M.S. Ed. Special Education  631-617-1958 "Building the skills from the inside out to let the outside in"Strategies Radio Brian  A Cohen Host Strategies of Success Long Island Speakers Bureau 00:32:00Strategies of Success BriannoLisa Navarra,Brian CohenLisa Navarra has been working with children with a variety of behavioral issues. She has also seen the effect this has on parents. Today we discuss how to managLisa Albinowski Chairwomen Suffolk County Womens Business Enterprise Coalition Help, 17 Apr 2016 13:30:00 GMTLisa Albinowski Chairwomen Suffolk County Womens Business Enterprise CoalitionMEMBERSHIP CRITERIA:  Any woman whose business or residence is located in Suffolk County, NY and she alone, or with one or more women, own at least 51% interest in the business can become a member.  If both your business and residence is outside of Suffolk County, NY you may become an Associate Member. CWBEC is a not-for-profit 501 (C) 3 supported through fundraising events and sponsorships. Members receive a monthly newsletter and have many opportunities to promote their business through sponsorship, networking and membership meetings.  We also offer a $2,000 award twice a year to a qualifying member! Click Here to learn more about us! Click here for Lisa Albinowski's bio on SCWBEC Long Island Speakers Bureau     Strategies of Success Radio Host Brian A Cohen DTM   00:33:00Strategies of Success BriannoSCWBEC,Lisa AlbinowskiSCWBEC Board members are volunteers. We are a working board, who have the best interests of the organization always. The board is comprised of the Executive BoaJim Ryan Talks about his current events and steps to improve your visibility, 15 Apr 2016 21:00:00 GMTJim Ryan Talks about his current events and steps to improve your visibilityJim’s ability to establish rapport immediately as well as his enthusiasm and genuine passion for his subject matter make for an engaging experience for every audience. His own sense of self and his happiness quotient serve to open up the minds and hearts of his listeners. This is what makes Jim a great presenter when on stage, but it is also what is needed when Jim is meeting with event planners, meeting organizers and business owners. Advertising/promoting/networking has seen many changes over the past decade. Being effective and efficient has been a constant. Jim Ryan Talks Jim Ryan Speaker Bio on the LI Speakers Page Brian A Cohen Host Strategies of Success Radio Principal and Chief Talent Agent at LI Speakers Bureau   00:33:00Strategies of Success BriannoJim Ryan,Author,Speaker,Simple Happiness,Self helpJim Ryan is the founder and president of Jim Ryan Talks, an organization dedicated to the cultivation and development of each individual’s potential for livingElizabeth McCourt Clarifying your talents and goals to attain elite performance, 05 Apr 2016 16:00:00 GMTElizabeth McCourt Clarifying your talents and goals to attain elite performanceElizabeth is an executive coach and consultant who helps leaders and teams clarify their talents and goals, leading them to elite performance. Her approach is both direct and thought-provoking for people looking to execute both their personal and professional goals. If elite athletes have coaches to improve their performance, why not take this approach to business? Elizabeth McCourt Dynamic Coaching and Consulting firm specializing in high-achieving individuals and companies for leadership coaching, consulting and speaking engagements. Strategies Radio Brian A Cohen Host 631-255-3581 00:32:00Strategies of Success BriannoElizabeth McCourt,Success,Self help,Brian Cohen,ToastmastersHer approach is both direct and thought-provoking for people looking to execute both their personal and professional goals. If elite athletes have coaches to imDon Mann The day before his journey to Mt Everest begins. How would you prepare, 29 Mar 2016 16:00:00 GMTDon Mann The day before his journey to Mt Everest begins. How would you prepareMy professional career includes serving as a U.S. Navy SEAL, CEO of Odyssey Adventure Racing, CEO of BattleFrog Obstacle Course Racing, CEO of SEAL Adventure Challenge, CEO of Frogman Charities and Director of Primal Quest "the World's Most Challenging Human Endurance Competition. For the vast majority of my life I have enjoyed participating in extreme adventures including ultra-marathons, multi-day road and mountain cycling competitions, multi-day kayak expeditions, Ironman and Double Ironman triathlons, 10-day / 500 - 600 mile non-stop adventure races and have climbed many mountains around the world. This list is incomplete because it does not include climbing the world's highest mountain, which has been a life-time goal. After serving 21 years in the Navy, I have a very clear understanding of the many hardships and sacrifices that our military personnel, our veterans and their families make and live with on a daily basis. So many of these patriots require a lot more help than they receive. Climbing Everest will be the greatest athletic accomplishment of my life. But, more importantly, raising awareness for our military, our veterans and their families makes this goal so much more worthwhile. I ask for you to consider supporting this endeavor. Thank you, Don Mann Click here to support the Mt Everest Climb Don Mann's thoughts on the Mt Everest Climb Strategies Radio Brian A Cohen 00:33:00Strategies of Success BriannoDon Mann,Mt Everest,Climbing,Adventure,Navy SealHe is about to climb Mt Everest, Don Mann’s impressive military biography includes being a decorated combat veteran; Corpsman; SEAL Special Operations TechniciaKarol Ward Find Your Inner Voice for Personal and Professional Success, 22 Mar 2016 16:00:00 GMTKarol Ward Find Your Inner Voice for Personal and Professional SuccessLearn how to cultivate your wise inner voice and make empowered decisions in your life.  Karol speaks professionally in the areas of psychology, communication and wellness. She is a TEDx speaker and the author of Worried Sick (Berkley) and Find Your Inner Voice (Career Press). She also has spoken and delivered presentations for such clients as: The Clinton Global Imitative, Viacom/MTV, The 92nd Street Y-Makor-Steinhardt Center, The JCC of North America, The Open Center, The Renfrew Center Foundation, IDEA Health and Fitness Association, Hunter College, Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome Association, Fashion Institute of Technology, Women's Financial Association, Dowling College and The American Business Women's Association.  Email: Strategies Radio Brian A Cohen Host 631-255-3581 Briansos@optonline,net   00:32:00Strategies of Success BriannoKarol Ward,TEDx,ToastmastersKarol Ward, LCSW, is an inspirational speaker, psychotherapist and author who educates audiences using a combination of psychological insight, mindfulness and gRegina Bonolo generating leads landing clients and the key to great referrals, 15 Mar 2016 16:00:00 GMTRegina Bonolo generating leads landing clients and the key to great referralsFor the past 15 years, Regina Bonolo has been assisting business professionals from start-up entrepreneurs to 7-figure Ceo’s to excel in their careers. aspire Higher develops dynamic training and coaching programs that are designed to boost sales revenue, generate consistent referrals, optimize engagement marketing and refine communication skills. additionally, in 2014 she became an equity partner and Marketer at the entrepreneur Center, an innovative business education facility in Melville, Long Island. prior to launching her business, she was an award-winning Major account executive for 12 years in New York City selling to clients that include Pfizer, Macy’s and Con Edison. Cell: 646.262.5418   Strategies of Success Brian A Cohen DTM Host 631-255-3581   00:32:00Strategies of Success BriannoReginia Bonola,Aspire Higher,Coach,speaker,businessRegina Bonolo Implement a few techniques consistently and you will generate more leads, land more clients, earn more money and pay it forward to help more peoplStony Brook University Womens Leadership Network and Project FORWARD, 08 Mar 2016 17:00:00 GMTStony Brook University Womens Leadership Network and Project FORWARDThe mission of the Stony Brook Women’s Leadership Network and Project FORWARD is to create sustainable initiatives for the retention, advancement and development of Stony Brook women faculty and staff.  This project, initially funded through the President’s Mini-Grant for Departmental Diversity Initiatives works to establish a professional and social climate that enhances opportunities for learning, discovery and engagement among women colleagues. Strategies of Success Brian A Cohen DTM 631-255-3581       00:33:00Strategies of Success BriannoStonyBrook,Univesity,Women,empowerment,menThe 2016 Womens Expo will be taking place March 17th, 2016. On this program we speak with Dawn Pappas to discuss the program and upcoming events and the additioKaren Sullivan eating for energy and health impacts every aspect of your life, 01 Mar 2016 17:00:00 GMTKaren Sullivan eating for energy and health impacts every aspect of your lifeYou would be surprised how making some small shifts in your life can have a profound effect on your physical and mental well being. I believe it’s not just about nutrition. We all have areas of our lives that we want to be in a better place. That is why Bio-Individuality makes so much sense! We are all living in such a stressful time, some of us may have a lot of access to a great support system and some may not. That is where I come into your life, to be your biggest advocate and your biggest cheerleader Karen Sullivan 631-236-7572 Strategies of Success Radio 631-255-3581 Brian A Cohen DTM Host   00:33:00Strategies of Success BriannoKaren Sullivan,Holistic,Health,Coach,LifestyleKaren Sullivan discusses health goals in areas such as achieving optimal weight, reducing food cravings, increasing sleep, and maximizing energy. This programWayne Breitbarth LinkedIn from skeptic to proponent why and how LinkedIn is used, 23 Feb 2016 17:00:00 GMTWayne Breitbarth LinkedIn from skeptic to proponent why and how LinkedIn is usedOnce a skeptic and now an outspoken proponent of LinkedIn, Wayne Breitbarth is passionate about helping business professionals—from entry level to CEO—learn how to combine their previous experience and relationships with this innovative tool in order to more successfully brand and market themselves and their businesses.Wayne’s diverse professional background uniquely positions him to assist not only individuals but corporate entities as well. With thirty years’ experience in the areas of operations, finance, management, consulting, and business ownership, he is able to “put it all together” for his corporate and individual clients. In addition to his consulting work, Wayne is a dynamic speaker. His practical yet entertaining presentations have inspired audiences both locally, at many of Milwaukee’s most prominent companies and organizations, and nationally, at conventions, industry association events, and corporate training sessions. His audiences have included Inc. Magazine, the American Marketing Association, and the National Multiple Sclerosis Society. Wayne’s critically acclaimed book “The Power Formula for LinkedIn Success: Kick-start Your Business, Brand, and Job Search” has helped tens of thousands access the full power of LinkedIn. Wayne is a Certified Public Accountant and received a BBA from the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater and an MBA from Marquette University. He is the CEO of Power Formula LLC and resides in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Contact Wayne at or (414) 313-7785. Strategies of Success Brian A Cohen DTM Host 631-255-3581 00:31:00Strategies of Success BriannoWayne Breitbarth,Author,Speaker,LinkedIn,Brian CohenThe why, what and how to use LinkedIn will be discussed by Wayne Breitbarth's author of “The Power Formula for LinkedIn Success: Kick-start Your Business, BrandGlenn Reed Chief Operating Officer at Vehicle Tracking Solutions, 16 Feb 2016 17:00:00 GMTGlenn Reed Chief Operating Officer at Vehicle Tracking SolutionsTechnology, we look at it as a way to promote our business. Glenn Reed brings a wealth of knowledge to us as we talk about creating, developing and utilizing technology as a product, a sales tool and a way to bring our resources together. C-Level Business Leader with extensive knowledge across industries, products, services and technologies. Highly effective in roles as: business executive, strategist and advisor. Adept at partnering operations, finance and business objectives to drive long-term gains in performance, revenue, and market share. Astute financial management with expertise in M&A, raising venture capital, securing equity funding, debt-structuring and liability management. Intuitive, insightful, creative and compelling. Confidential advisor to CEO's, CFO's, Board Members, and Senior Executives. Impeccable ethics and integrity. Glenn Reed is currenly the COO of Vehicle Tracking Solutions  enjoy this video of the company 00:33:00Strategies of Success BriannoGlenn Reed,Vehicle Tracking Solutions,technology,business,Brian CohenCreating, developing and utilizing technology as a product, a sales tool and a way to bring our resources together.Dr. Will Live In Victory Everyday while Getting ENgaged In Unique Significance, 09 Feb 2016 17:00:00 GMTDr. Will Live In Victory Everyday while Getting ENgaged In Unique SignificanceWe live in a world of abundance. Really? Can anyone acheive success or is success just for a select few?  Dr. Will is on a mission to help individuals “LIVE GENIUS.” That means to Live In Victory Everyday while Getting ENgaged In Unique Significance!!! Over the last two decades he has studied and implemented the tools, habits and mental perspective it takes for ANYONE to achieve success in life. He has read over 500 books , listened to countless audios and video recordings on the subject of personal development, leadership and success. He has been mentored by some of the most respected people in the arena of personal development and business development. Mailing Address:  Will Moreland International 4802 E. Ray Road Ste.23-122 Phoenix, Az 85044 General Inquiries:  Dr. Will Moreland Events, Interviews, or Speaking inquiries Kristie, Director of Operations Strategies of Success Radio Brian A Cohen DTM Host 631-255-3581 00:32:00Strategies of Success BriannoDr Will,author,Authors,Brian Cohen,ToastmastersGrowing up in Compton, California at a time where the drug problem, gang violence and murder rate was at an all time, Dr. Will made a critical CHOICE in his lifRandi Busse: Why employees need to think and act like owners of your company., 02 Feb 2016 17:00:00 GMTRandi Busse: Why employees need to think and act like owners of your company.Randi Busse is the Founder and President of Workforce Development Group, Inc., a coaching and training organization that specializes in improving the customer experience, increasing customer retention and maximizing revenue. Randi challenges business leaders and employees to think in innovative ways when it comes to taking care of their customers.  We partner with you to turn your customers into Raving Fans! Randi Busse, President Workforce Development Group, Inc. Email - Phone - (631) 598-5598 Fax - (866) 596-4260 Strategies of Success Brian A Cohen DTM Host 631-255-3581     00:32:00Strategies of Success BriannoRandi Bussse,Workforce Development,business,customer service,SuccessCustomer service in many of our businesses is everything. It is what we deliver, it is what our clients expect and it very well may be the most visible attributJulie Ann Eason Promote your business as an owner an expert and an author, 26 Jan 2016 17:00:00 GMTJulie Ann Eason Promote your business as an owner an expert and an authorJulie Anne Eason has been a professional writer for over 20 years. After figuring out that fiction writing wasn’t for her, she turned to freelance journalism, copywriting, and ghostwriting for a living in order to stay home and raise her three children. As technology advanced, she witnessed the balance of power in the publishing industry shift. Once the big New York publishers held all the cards. Writers were “lucky” if they could land an agent or a book contract. But now individuals are taking the initiative and writing, publishing, and marketing their own books without the need for an agent or publisher to give them a chance. Finally, businesses and non-profits can take advantage of the amazing power of books to spread their messages and promote their products. Email:  Strategies of Success Brian A Cohen DTM - Host 631-255-3581 00:34:00Strategies of Success BriannoJulie Anne Eason,Brian A Cohen,DTM,Motivation,AuthorA book, really? You can be an author. Julie helps entrepreneurs, CEOs, speakers, coaches, experts, and other business people write, publish, and market books thGermaine Moody three attributes you must include in your quest to success, 19 Jan 2016 17:00:00 GMTGermaine Moody three attributes you must include in your quest to successGermaine has placed the importance of ideas, worldwide networking and surrounding yourself with geniuses at the top of his list.  His success begins with ideas. His level of effectiveness in implementing those ideas is amazing. Germaine Moody is one of the most connected business professionals in the world, with colleagues and business allies in over 180 countries. In addition to including thousands of successful entrepreneurs, multimillionaires, serial networkers, creators and professionals from more than 100 countries in his groundbreaking and inspiring books "50 Seeds of Greatness", "The Networking Bible: Access to your greatest Influence, Wealth and Power" (February 2016), "The Power of Dance" (October 2016), "The Power of A Black Man" (May 2017) and "The Power of An Entrepreneur" (November 2017), he is a global networking icon, game changer, idea generator and an innovative entrepreneur with a vision to unite and change the world. Learn more about Germaine, his books, plus his philanthropy and business interests at and at the new Specialties: Inspiring Nations. Launching Dreams. Building Brands. Empowering People.!connect/cj14 Strategies of Success Brian A Cohen DTM - Host 631-255-3581     00:31:00Strategies of Success BriannoGermain Moody,Author,Speaker,Success,self helpHow does a good idea transform into a successful idea? Make it a worldwide effort market it with your other efforts and most importantly surround yourself withTom Fabbri Turning dreams into goals into reality three actionable ideas for you, 15 Jan 2016 17:00:00 GMTTom Fabbri Turning dreams into goals into reality three actionable ideas for youTom Fabbri has not only dared to dream, but he’s mastered the art. Tom’s list of accomplishments are many, including author and lifestyle coach, international speaker, top trainer, award-winning athlete, corporate helicopter & jet pilot, and culinary arts graduate, just to name a few. Tom has learned to harness fear to achieve his dreams, and he now uses this unique insight to inspire and motivate others through his books, blogs, and personal coaching. He is constantly challenging himself, while acquiring valuable life lessons of inner strength, passion and motivation. To Book Tom for Media Appearances contact: Rhonda Kitchen | (631) 438-7709 | Strategies of Success Brian A Cohen Host - personal website - speakers bureau business website 631-255-3581   00:31:00Strategies of Success BriannoTom Fabbri,Life Wrangler,Goals,Adventure,Brian cohenTom’s equation is simple. Once he decided to do something, he did it! The effort to make his desires a reality was to incorporate it into his lifestyle. And whyVal Neighbors Business owners must master the art of communications this is why, 09 Jan 2016 15:30:00 GMTVal Neighbors Business owners must master the art of communications this is whyOne reason why is that you have a story to tell. Val Neighbors also has a story to tell and it is one of success. Join us as we explore the why behind mastering the art of business communication. Val Neighbors is a self-made entrepreneur, Speaker, TV Personality, Sales Strategist, International Best Selling Author. Val has spent the last 20 years educating new business owners and other professionals in the greater Philadelphia and Southern New Jersey area. She has become both a strong leader and area eldercare expert as featured on NBC 10, 6 ABC, and Fox 29 out of Philadelphia. Val has also been recognized nationally on HLN/CNN and in her fight to protect the rights and dignity of the elderly. Strategies of Success Brian A Cohen DTM - Host - personal website - business website 631-255-3581     00:33:00Strategies of Success BriannoVal Neighbors,speaking,speakers,Coaching,Self helpExplorin the why behind mastering the art of business communication and how that effects your growth with Val Neighbors self-made entrepreneur, Speaker, TV PersDad of Divas Christopher Lewis How you can be the best dad possible, 01 Jan 2016 15:00:00 GMTDad of Divas Christopher Lewis How you can be the best dad possibleOne Dad's Quest to Regain His Kingdom One Day at a Time! Christopher Lewis has been interviewing hundreds of Dads that have found unique ways to be the best dads. His website provides ideas on travel, products and links to the many interviews he has conducted. Welcome to the Dad Spotlight Community. For anyone that has been a part of the community in the past we have worked hard to created a podcast and a community that brings value to all of you. Look for - 15 LOW COST WAYS TO ENGAGE WITH YOUR KIDS and get your free copy Strategies of Success Brian A Cohen Host - personal site - speakers bureau 631-255-3581     00:34:00Strategies of Success BriannoDad,dadofdivas.,Christopher Lewis,Brian CohenAre you the best dad you can be? What does that really mean to you? The Dad of Divas has interviewed hundreds of Dads and the ideas we shares can help you becoJoel Ackerman Being busy with non business activities is the best thing to do, 22 Dec 2015 17:00:00 GMTJoel Ackerman Being busy with non business activities is the best thing to doPlaying an instrument, telling a story, getting on stage are all excellent ways for you to improve the most important thing in this world. You. When you are at your best you are a great leader, listener and supporter. Join Joel Ackerman and I as we talk about our non business activities and how you can benefit from being active in your community. Joel Ackerman Strategies of Success Brian A Cohen Host - personal website business website 631-255-3581   00:31:00Strategies of Success BriannoJoel Ackerman,Brian Cohen,CPA,DTM,HobbiesJoel Ackerman CPA is a very good accountant a very good communicator a very good story teller and a very good listener. So, why is this important to you? All oMichael Fenster perseverance has served him well here is what you can do, 13 Dec 2015 16:00:00 GMTMichael Fenster perseverance has served him well here is what you can doMichael Fensters' motto is: Happy are those who don't fear to see the sun going down, but instead look forward to watching the stars come out. Accounting and financial professional with experience in the following: Budgeting, General Ledger, Accounts Receivable, Accounts Payable, Management Reporting, Grant Reporting, Cost Containment, Forecasting and Percentage of Completion Accounting.  · Ability to quickly analyze and understand “the total business picture.”  · Commitment to accuracy, attention to detail, follow-through and the ability to quickly learn new concepts, accounting and computer software programs. · Excellent written, analytical research and oral communication skills- able to interpret detailed accounting and financial concepts to finance as well as non-finance professionals. · Customer and employee database management. · Strong mathematical aptitude and analytical skills. · Strong-interpersonal skills: accountability, courtesy, tact, patience, and strong team orientation. 00:32:00Strategies of Success BriannoMichael Fenster,Brian Cohen,Strategy of Success,Self Improvement,Careerover the past few years Michael has taken big steps to make major changes in his life. There is much to learn from Michael as he shares his story with us.Monica Bennett author speaker coaching to help you eliminate distractions, 08 Dec 2015 17:00:00 GMTMonica Bennett author speaker coaching to help you eliminate distractionsAs we grow, we gain a clearer understanding of what is possible. Including eliminating your distractions.  After having owned and operated a successful horticultural business for over 20 years, she is presently studying for a doctorates degree in Naturopathy. In her studies she has come to realize the intricate relationship between the body, mind, spirit, and emotional aspects of one’s life. Her devotion to helping others has led her to be a life success consultant as well as a Naturopath, and to be in a position to assist others in achieving whatever it is that you want in life. She has spent many years studying the principles that apply to the forces that motivate the most successful people and how this process can work for you too. You can eliminate distractions, sharpen your focus, and awaken your genius with in you!!!Right now, you’re standing on the brink of your possibility. It’s time to seek out your destiny. It’s time to see and achieve one goal after another with a clear-headed and confident stride … no matter how big you might think that goal to be. Monica Bennett 516-297-0672   Strategies of Success Brian A Cohen DTM  631-255-3581 00:31:00Strategies of Success BriannoMonica Bennett,Coaching,self help,self-help,goalsYou have a clearer set of goals yet with so many distractions it becomes very difficult to stay focused. Monica Bennett shares how to achieve this gaol. She hasDanny Enjetic Rivera Founder of Asking Myself Association positively connecting, 04 Dec 2015 22:00:00 GMTDanny Enjetic Rivera Founder of Asking Myself Association positively connectingFunny thing is that Danny uses music to connect with his audience and his audience is riveted when he speaks with them. Bullying. One would think that bullying is only a school issue. Think again, better yet listen in and act. We wrote an anti bully song that is positive to teach kids to not give in and let them win. This song is called Asking myself  the performers for this song is myself Danny “Enjetic” Rivera. Founder of Asking Myself and started an anti bully campaign called Asking Myself Association “. In the past year we all have visited several schools all over the Tri State area and New Jersey speaking to children about bullying and i perform Im for the children,Teacher and parents. The incredible support in my hometown which led me to receive an award February 2013 from Ed Romaine Town supervisor  and Deputy Dan Pannico from The Town of Brookhaven in Suffolk County for helping raise awareness in my community about bullying. It was an honor to receive such a prestigious award for  Asking Myself  and  a song called immaturity . This positive song is known overseas as well. We are in the process of trying to make it a National Campaign to help kids across the world.            With the use of a powerful message about anti bullying in the workplace at school and in society sung by Danny Enjetic Rivera and produced by his father Eddie Rocky Rivera a well known duo in the music world. AMA hopes to catapult this message to the masses with a campaign of love and caring to stop and eradicate bullying abuse in the world.!about/cadp Office Number (631) 220-0185  Cell Number (631) 394-6204 Strategies of Success Brian A Cohen Host 631-255-3581   00:33:00Strategies of Success BriannoDanny Rivera,Enjetic,Bullying,Self awareness,SchoolFunny thing is that Danny uses music to connect with his audience and his audience is riveted when he speaks with them. Bullying. One would think that bullyingMildred Ehrenfeld Nightingale Management meeting clients where clients meet, 24 Nov 2015 17:00:00 GMTMildred Ehrenfeld Nightingale Management meeting clients where clients meetHealthcare providers in the United States are faced with one of our nation’s greatest challenges. Despite spending twice as much as other industrialized countries, our outcomes remain average and our healthcare delivery system more often provides “ill care” as opposed to “health care”. Conceived and developed a healthcare model to provide primary care by nurse practitioners with a focus on prevention. This model will be replicated in retail settings throughout the state of New York. The purpose of these centers is to improve patient options while making health care affordable and easily accessible to all community members. Mildred Ehrenfeld CEO, Nightingale Management Services, LLC Strategies of Success Brian A Cohen Host 631-255-3581   00:33:00Strategies of Success BriannoMildred Ehrenfeld,Brian Cohen,Health,NurseNurse Practitioners may find themselves as the first contact with the patients. As Mildred Ehrenfeld sees it they will also be owners of a franchise located wiKen Greenberg Patient Innovations and OnTime Care® The brightest ideas, 16 Nov 2015 23:30:00 GMTKen Greenberg Patient Innovations and OnTime Care® The brightest ideasPatient Innovations and OnTime Care®  is designed to focus on the needs and goals of both the patient and the facility they are in.  Aiming for a higher level of efficiency and care is always a goal. You can have any business and apply that thought. Ken Greenberg and Akram Boutros, MD FACHE  have designed a system that can you take that thought and make it into an actionable idea. Ken Greenberg, 516-983-4050, ken@patientinnovations.comAkram Boutros, MD FACHE, 516-815-8118,  | Ken Greenberg explains Patient Innivations on the Daily Blu with ask Mr. Long Island. Strategies of Success Brian A Cohen Host briansos@optonline,net 00:27:00Strategies of Success BriannoKen Greenberg,HealthKen Greenberg and Akram Boutros, MD FACHE have brought together their extensive knowledge and resources to create a company that benefits the end user and the pMargaret Marshall Shares some of her 10 easy-to-follow tips for grocery shopping Help, 10 Nov 2015 17:00:00 GMTMargaret Marshall Shares some of her 10 easy-to-follow tips for grocery shoppingHealthy Living Expert Margaret Marshall shares with us her ideas on food shopping and where a few simple changes will make a big difference The grocery store can be the key to your health or the downward spiral to poor eating. Before you purchase food items, consider not only what you want to eat but also how you want to feel after you've eaten. You always want to think before you eat to insure your after-eating feelings will be of well-being, satisfaction, and good health. This process will help you choose food on the supermarket shelves wisely. Use these 10 easy-to-follow tips for grocery shopping: Margaret Marshall, an articulate communicator, provides expert guidance and teaches uncomplicated, realistic strategies to maintain a healthy mindset and lifestyle. Margaret’s strategies empower you to live a productive and healthy life.•appearances on National and regional TV programs•heard on radio stations across the country•wellness consultant; Verizon Fios Morning News & FIOS1 “Push Pause”•regularly presents one-minute “Weight A Minute” segments on FIOS1 00:32:00Strategies of Success BriannoMargaret Marshall,FIOS,health,Health and Wellness,foodHealthy Living Expert Margaret Marshall shares with us her ideas on food shopping and where a few simple changes will make a big differenceDan Dougherty Living life to its fullest as a patient advocate with Epilepsy, 03 Nov 2015 17:00:00 GMTDan Dougherty Living life to its fullest as a patient advocate with EpilepsyLiving with Epilepsy on a day to day basis can best be explained by one type of person. Someone diagnosed with it, who is now a patient advocate, a public speaker and is very open about his challenges and successes. Dan Dougherty. I am forty- year old man who who enjoys life and engaging with people! As a person with epilepsy and trained Toastmaster, I am offering myself to speak about this mysterious disorder from a personal perspective. I am trained by the Epilepsy Foundation Eastern PA as a Patient Advocate. This training and my personal experience qualify me to speak about epilepsy with authority. I believe epilepsy should be brought out of the shadows of the past and into the light of the present. My Story published in Neurology Now: ! Dan Dougherty Strategy of Success Brian A Cohen DTM Host 00:31:00Strategies of Success BriannoDan Dougherty,Toastmasters,Epilepsy,Brian Cohen,DTMDan Dougherty is a person with epilepsy a trained Toastmaster and offers himself to speak about this mysterious disorder from a personal perspective.Kevin Thompson Three steps to creating a transformational customer experience, 29 Oct 2015 17:30:00 GMTKevin Thompson Three steps to creating a transformational customer experienceDid you know that businesses spend 90% of their marketing budgets attracting new customers rather than engaging and customizing the experience of their current customers in an effort to keep them?  In this economy of shrinking resources the key to being successful is utilizing your limited resources to your best advantage. Kevin Thompson, CEO and owner of Inspired Communications LLC, is a Customer Service, Six Sigma Process Improvement Expert and Business Strategist. He leverages more than 25 years of experience in customer service, leadership and process improvement management, inspiring staff and leaders to optimal performance. Acknowledged for transforming a unionized staff of 50 with mediocre customer service skills to be the leading department for customer service in the organization, Kevin has demonstrated expertise that he wants to share with your organization. A multi-award winning professional speaker Kevin has been honored by Toastmasters International (a communications and leadership club) as a distinguished communicator and leader. A district speech contest winner for two consecutive years in a pool of more than 5,000 people in New York and New Jersey, Kevin graduated from Rutgers University with a Masters in Public Administration, a Six Sigma Black Belt in process improvement, a member of the National Honor Society for Public Affairs & Administration, and an undergraduate degree from Tufts University Inspired Communications  Kevin Thompson MPA DTM 732-778-7847 Strategies of Success Podcast Brian A Cohen Host 631-255-3581 00:31:00Strategies of Success BriannoKevin Thompson,DTM,MPA,Business,SuccessThe Customer experience is designed, developed and implemented by you. Creating a customer experience may very well be one of the most important strategies thatAdina Wolf Spin4 Crohns and Colitis Cycle for Cures CCFA Fundraiser, 20 Oct 2015 16:00:00 GMTAdina Wolf Spin4 Crohns and Colitis Cycle for Cures CCFA FundraiserAdina Wolf will be cycling to raise money to help find a cure for the IBD Diseases of Crohns and Colitis I spin4 so many people living their lives with these diseases -- countless amazing people I met through my incredible job with CCFA, some wonderful and inspiring friends and family members, but most of all my mom. My mom has always been one of my biggest supporters, and as such she participated in two half marathons for CCFA, while I was working there (raising over $10,000!!) mostly because she supported me and causes that I care about, and because she's just pretty fantastic. But, in an ironic turn of events, this year she was diagnosed with Crohn's -- what are the chances?! Well, about 1 in 200 to be exact, but if you look at my network you would think it's so many more. Thank you for supporting me and my mom as we take small steps/spin4 cures in the near future! Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis are both major categories of Inflammatory Bowel Diseases (IBD). IBD affects an estimated 1.6 million Americans. These chronic diseases tend to run in families and they affect males and females equally. Crohn’s disease is a chronic inflammatory condition of the gastrointestinal tract and may affect any part from the mouth to the anus. Ulcerative colitis is a chronic inflammatory condition limited to the colon, otherwise known as the large intestine. Donation Page  - Strategies of Success Host Brian A Cohen 00:32:00Strategies of Success BriannoCCFA,Strategies of Success,Spin,Adina Wolf,Spin4Raising money and awareness to find a cure for Crohns and colitis is a lifetime commitment for many. But it can be fun and exciting alsoVindhya Data - 1200 employee company - most disabled - defying obstacles and why Help, 13 Oct 2015 16:00:00 GMTVindhya Data - 1200 employee company - most disabled - defying obstacles and whyVindhya was found in the 2006 with a vision of Bringing Business & Philanthropy together for a successful cause. We believe in enabling someone to live life with dignity and by no means of charity. At vindhya which is a Back office processing company majority of 1200+ strong employees are all “Persons with Disability”  who have defied every obstacle and have catapulted Vindhya into one of the recognized social enterprise in India. Ashok Giri D Founder & CEO Pavithra Y S Managing Director Vindhya e-Infomedia Private Limited India Mob: +91-98451-18292 Ph: +91-80-41279201 A BPO  Enabled by Differently Enabled Strategies of Success Brian A Cohen Host briansos@optonline,net www. 631-255-3581 00:31:00Strategies of Success BriannoVindhya,India,PWD,Disabilities,Brian Cohen DTMVindhya based in India is one of the most recognized social enterprises in India. And one of the great social enterprise success stories in the worldDan Dougherty Toastmasters gave him the skills to command the audience and you?, 06 Oct 2015 16:00:00 GMTDan Dougherty Toastmasters gave him the skills to command the audience and you?What will Toastmasters give you the courage to do? Dan Dougherty, ACG ALB, was awarded the Charlie & Peggy Roach Founders Award for his years of epilepsy advocacy at the Epilepsy Foundation Eastern PA 8th's annual Mardi Gras Gala! “My toastmasters skills came in handy to command the audience in my acceptance speech!” said Dan. For most of his 42 years, Dan has been living with epilepsy. Dan joined Toastmasters in 2008 and is currently a member of Professionally Speaking Toastmasters Club. He gained his Advanced Communication Gold award last May after successfully run a workshop on team leadership.  Dan walked into the room without hesitation. As he began to talk, he started to feel the energy that comes when he stands in front of an audience. It's an energy, he says, that gives him the courage to face his fears Dan Dougherty Strategies of Success Brian A Cohen Host briansos@optonline,net   00:35:00Strategies of Success BriannoDan Dougherty,Epilepsy,Toastmasters,public speaking,speakerWhat will Toastmasters give you the courage to do? Dan Dougherty explains how he best used Toastmasters to put his best foot forward to command the audience wheThomas M Hopkins President EPIC LI makes a difference three steps you can take, 29 Sep 2015 16:00:00 GMTThomas M Hopkins President EPIC LI makes a difference three steps you can takeEPIC Long Island began in 1953 through the efforts of a small group of parents whose mission was to help children with epilepsy lead productive lives. Sixty years later, we continue to make a difference in the lives of children and adults affected by epilepsy and have expanded our services to include multiple layers of care for thousands of individuals with developmental disabilities and mental health challenges.  EPIC’s mission is to enrich the lives of those we serve through quality care, a broad range of services and an unwavering commitment to excellence.  Our breadth of services, including 15 residential facilities and an array of programs for developmentally disabled adults, a mental health clinic, and dozens of programs related to epilepsy, touches the lives of 11,000 children and adults each year. Epilepsy Foundation Long Island is a division of EPIC Long Island.   Thomas M. Hopkins President & CEO EPIC Long Island 1500 Hempstead Turnpike East Meadow, NY 11554 Telephone: 516.739.7733 x100 Fax: 516.861.3880 Strategies of Success  Brian A Cohen Host 631-255-3581 00:32:00Strategies of Success BriannoTom Hopkins,EPIC,Epilepsy,Health,Self helpEpilepsy effects many on Long Island and around the nation. An array of services are provided by organizations and with the continued support of the business coCCFA 2015 Shining Star 17 yr old Tracy Naschek Living with a Chronic Disease, 25 Sep 2015 21:00:00 GMTCCFA 2015 Shining Star 17 yr old Tracy Naschek Living with a Chronic DiseaseDealing with an incurable chronic disease has challenged me at a young age to question what forever means. When I was just ten years old, my parents told me I will have this disease forever. That’s where CCFA comes in. Raising money through a variety of events, one of them being their annual Take Steps walk, the Crohn’s and Colitis Foundation of America attempts to curtail “forever” by funding research for more advances in medication and maybe one day a cure. My name is Tracy Naschek and I am honored to be the 2015 Shining Star for the Gold Coast Long Island Take Steps Walk for the Crohn’s and Colitis Foundation of America.  As I move on with my life, I will inevitably face novel challenges. The future holds endless possibilities of flare-ups and hospital visits and potential surgeries. That’s why I need your help.  My team, "Team Tracy" has been participating in Take Steps since  2010 and together have raised $15,699 to date.  This year, we are setting high expectations and want to raise $10,000!  We need your help!  We can’t find a cure or fund the mission all on our own. This is your year to REGISTER for Take Steps and  to walk with me, my family, our friends and the hundreds of others in the community who struggle everyday with Crohn’s and ulcerative Colitis. Donate to Team Tracy Strategies of Success Brian A Cohen DTM Host 631-255-3581   00:33:00Strategies of Success BriannoTracy Naschek,CCFA,Shining StarDealing with an incurable chronic disease at a young age is difficult. This 17 year old has found an answer. Have you?Carolyn Brent - A caregivers story learn from her before you are in the role, 16 Sep 2015 16:00:00 GMTCarolyn Brent - A caregivers story learn from her before you are in the roleAt some point in our lives most of us will find ourselves in the caregiver role. It is an emotional, physical and time challenge that can be an even greater strain on you. Carolyn's story and expertise is something you should hear now to help you prepare for later. Her passion was ignited when she was caring for her own father, who was diagnosed with dementia in 1997. From that experience, she found that neither she nor her family truly understood the medical challenges related to aging and chronic illness, or the financial and emotional weight of these issues on the family. In 2009 she founded her organization, Caregivers Story, which works to disseminate information through books, speaking engagements and a web-based info portal, to empower families who are being challenged by the need to plan for their aging parents’ medical, financial and legal well-being, as well as dealing with their own heartaches and intra-family dynamics. An American author, elder care legislation advocate, and inspirational speaker. She is best known as the author of award winning-Best selling books The Caregiver’s Companion: Caring for Your Loved One Medically, Financially and Emotionally While Caring for Yourself and Why Wait? The Baby-Boomers Guide to Preparing Emotionally, Financially and Legally for a Parent’s Death. Brent is also the founder of the nonprofit organizations, CareGiverStory and Grandpa’s Dream.  925-451-8124 CareGiverStory Inc. 7025 CR 46A Ste. Suite 202 Heathrow, Florida 32746-4753 Strategies of Success Brian A Cohen 631-255-3581   00:32:00Strategies of Success BriannoCarolyn BrentAn American author, elder care legislation advocate, and inspirational speaker. She shares with us what you should know nowCarolyn Brent Author Advocate for Caregivers - Three resources you need to know, 15 Sep 2015 16:00:00 GMTCarolyn Brent Author Advocate for Caregivers - Three resources you need to knowAt some point in our lives mots of us will find ourselves in the caregiver role. It is an emotional, physical and time challenge that can be an even greater strain on you, the business owner. Carolyn's story and expertise is something you should hear now to help you prepare for later. Her passion was ignited when she was caring for her own father, who was diagnosed with dementia in 1997. From that experience, she found that neither she nor her family truly understood the medical challenges related to aging and chronic illness, or the financial and emotional weight of these issues on the family. In 2009 she founded her organization, Caregivers Story, which works to disseminate information through books, speaking engagements and a web-based info portal, to empower families who are being challenged by the need to plan for their aging parents’ medical, financial and legal well-being, as well as dealing with their own heartaches and intra-family dynamics. An American author, elder care legislation advocate, and inspirational speaker. She is best known as the author of award winning-Best selling books The Caregiver’s Companion: Caring for Your Loved One Medically, Financially and Emotionally While Caring for Yourself and Why Wait? The Baby-Boomers Guide to Preparing Emotionally, Financially and Legally for a Parent’s Death. Brent is also the founder of the nonprofit organizations, CareGiverStory and Grandpa’s Dream.  925-451-8124 CareGiverStory Inc. 7025 CR 46A Ste. Suite 202 Heathrow, Florida 32746-4753 Strategies of Success Brian A Cohen Host briansos@optonline,net 631-255-3581 00:01:00Strategies of Success BriannoCarolyn Brent,Caregiver,Author,speaker,Brian CohenAt some point in our lives mots of us will find ourselves in the caregiver role. Carolyn's story and expertise is something you should hear now to help you prepZackery Max Driver from prison pipeline to total physical and emotional freedom, 08 Sep 2015 16:00:00 GMTZackery Max Driver from prison pipeline to total physical and emotional freedomWill you take the steps neccessary to completely change how you approach everything? Will you have the strength to stop looking over your shoulder in defense and look straight ahead into a world of abundance? Zackery Max Driver did and he wants to show you how. When I was still a child I was placed in the school to prison pipeline and my education was replaced with incarceration. To most my Life story was written down in the books. When I was 20 years old I was sentenced to 89 months in Washington Department of Correction and in the beginning I was functioning from my cultural ego however, the last 4 years of my life incarcerated were jammed packed with beautiful life lessons and spiritual epiphanies. In fact, they have been the genesis of my realization of my TRUE self and awakening of my consciousness. It seems like yesterday I was an unmotivated, lazy, procrastinating, selfish and sluggish 320 pound mess, lacking confidence and suffering from low self-esteem and the worst of identity crisis. I have overcome these horrific tragedies of life being lived and deep states of unconsciousness. This is why I am 100% sure you will do the same and the very reason why I will give you 300% (100% physical, 100% spiritual and 100% mental) each and every time! I believe in YOU, we can do it! Let’s be the change we want to see in the world! * I am a Certified Toastmaster (public speaker) and would LOVE to speak at your next event  or school about my experiences and the future possibilities I see for our community! ** I am also a Certifiied Master Trainer through the International Sports Science Association. I have a passion for personal training and Life coaching. Strategies of Success Brian A Cohen DTM - Host   00:34:00Strategies of Success BriannoZackery Max Drive,Brian Cohen,Prison,Toastmasters,healthWill you take the steps neccessary to completely change how you approach everything? Will you have the strength to stop looking over your shoulder in defense anDr. Doni Wilson Seven Essential Pillars of Total Wellness Your Wellness Help, 01 Sep 2015 16:00:00 GMTDr. Doni Wilson Seven Essential Pillars of Total Wellness Your WellnessWho is responsible for you? Focusing on our health. food intake, stress levels must be one that is never neglected. Dr Doni joins us to share her Seven Essential Pillars of Total Wellness DR. DONI WILSON, N.D. is a Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine, natural health expert, nutritionist and midwife. She specializes in gluten sensitivity, intestinal permeability, adrenal stress, insulin resistance, neurotransmitter imbalances, hypothyroidism, women's health issues, autoimmunity and genetic variations called 'SNPs', which can have a profound impact upon your health. For nearly 20 years, she has helped women, men, and children overcome their most perplexing health challenges and achieve their wellness goals by crafting individualized strategies that address the whole body and the underlying causes of health issues. DR. DONI is the creator of The Hamptons Cleanse and author of The Stress Remedy: Master Your Body’s Synergy & Optimize Your Health as well as the bestselling e-book Stress Remedies: How to Reduce Stress and Boost Your Health in Just 15 Mintues a Day.   Strategies of Success Brian A Cohen Host 631-255-3581     00:32:00Strategies of Success BriannoDr Doni Wilson,Stress,Author,Speaker,healthWho is responsible for you? Focusing on our health. food intake, stress levels must be one that is never neglected.Ron Shuali Three things we must know and use as adults that we learned as kids, 25 Aug 2015 22:00:00 GMTRon Shuali Three things we must know and use as adults that we learned as kidsRon Shuali has been making a wide variety of presentations to our youth as a professional speaker in the school system. What can he teach us? The successful business owner? Same thing that he teaches them. Time to get humble and real with Ron. He has spent over 15 years working and presenting in the education marketplace. He is an author, speaker and workshop presenter with expertise in the preschool and elementary school arena. His vast knowledge of the inner working of the mind led to the creation of some of the most revolutionary and forward thinking award winning programs in existence today. Participants and organizations alike have agreed that his thought-provoking information combined with his comical entertainment background always left the crowd wanting more. "Nobody watches the clock when Ron is on stage." 820 Raritan Ave Fl 2, Highland Park, NJ 08904 p-732-777-1326   Strategies of Success Brian A Cohen DTM - Host 631-255-3581 00:31:00Strategies of Success BriannoRon Shuali,Brian Cohen,DTM,Author,SpeakerRon Shuali is a professional speaker focusing on our youth, what he teaches them is sometimes what we forget as we get more matureSusan Bennett, Siri, voice over talent - Using your talents without limitations, 18 Aug 2015 16:00:00 GMTSusan Bennett, Siri, voice over talent - Using your talents without limitationsSusan Bennett, Voice-over Artist and Singer. Most of you know her as the voice of Siri. She has seen great success as Siri, but did you know her voice over talents has taken her to movies, stage, corporate events, and much more. Susan continues to explore new opportunities, now you will learn her secret.  FROM SIRI TO EMCEE Moving out of the vocal booth and onto the stage, get a behind the scenes look at Susan’s work as Emcee of the Dallas Digital Summit  The Voice of Siri interviews Siri. The original voice of Apple's Siri not only gives directions; she greets passengers at Delta gates worldwide, helps people discover Better Ingredients in pizza, and makes the Mission Possible. “Susan makes things easy for me... Go ahead—throw it at her: announcer; character; real person…you can’t go wrong. A joy to work with!” Peter AckerArmadillo Audio Group PHONE office: 404-256-4573 Cell: 404-402-8986 FAX 404-255-4919 E-MAIL Strategies of Success Brian A Cohen Host briansos@optonline,net 00:32:00Strategies of Success BriannoSusan Bennett,Siri,voiceovers,Talent,Brian CohenAre you limiting yourself because you are talented? Go beyond, take a risk and enjoy limitless growthAndrea Feinberg - How to accomplish more in less time more effectively, 11 Aug 2015 16:00:00 GMTAndrea Feinberg - How to accomplish more in less time more effectivelyPresident of Coaching Insight, LLC, Andrea nudges ambitious, independence-driven women business owners from the daily grind and towards the big rewards of ownership: a better-run enterprise, more money, a happier life and time to enjoy it all. She has 25 years experience helping clients articulate, achieve and exceed their goals. She’s achieved designations of Certified Strategic Business Leadership Coach, Certified Facilitator-Coach, Certified Professional Behavioral Analyst and Certified Emotional Intelligence Mentor through EQ Mentor, NC. She’s published or contributed to 4 books, the most recent of which is  “How I Achieved Work Life Balance”, available here as a gift: Included among: -50 Top Influential Women, Long Island Business News -Top 5 Coaching Blogs, the School of Coaching Mastery -100 Women in E-Commerce, Women in E-Commerce Association -Top 5 Productivity Gurus,  Connect with her here: Strategies of Success Host Brian A Cohen DTM   00:32:00Strategies of Success BriannoAndrea Feinberg,Brian Cohen,Author,Speaker,CoachYou have goals and dreams and a limited amount of time - Andrea will show you how to create timeJeffrey Reynolds, the FCA help 20,000 people yearly this is how you can help Help, 04 Aug 2015 16:00:00 GMTJeffrey Reynolds, the FCA help 20,000 people yearly this is how you can helpFamily & Children’s is a not-for-profit agency helping nearly 20,000 of our neighbors each year. For more than 130 years, we have worked to protect and strengthen vulnerable children, seniors, families and communities on Long Island. Through an integrated network of services and counseling, Family & Children’s provides help and hope to underserved and disadvantaged individuals struggling to build better lives. We offer Addiction Treatment and Behavioral Health Services; Educational Opportunities and Life Skills for Youth; Strategies for Building Family Success; Counseling, Services and Support for Adults and Seniors; Shelter and Services for Homeless Youth, Adults and Veterans; and Innovative Approaches to Strengthening Communities. An experienced, dynamic and committed public health professional, Dr. Jeffrey L. Reynolds is the President and Chief Executive Officer of Family and Children’s Association (FCA), based in Mineola, NY. Since it began as an orphanage more than 130 years ago, Family and Children’s Association (FCA) has been committed to caring for Long Island’s vulnerable children, youth, seniors and families while helping them prepare for successful futures. The organization offers community-based programs for struggling families, at-risk adolescents, vulnerable seniors, and adults challenged by substance abuse. Today, FCA is one of Long Island’s largest health and human organizations with an annual budget of $22 million, 330 staff, 200 volunteers and 30+ programs 00:32:00Strategies of Success Briannofca,children,assistance,drugs,help20,000 Long Islanders need assistance every day. what are we doing? What can we do? What should we do?Don Mann Frogman Charities Seal Team Six Giving and exercise are not an option, 28 Jul 2015 16:00:00 GMTDon Mann Frogman Charities Seal Team Six Giving and exercise are not an optionWhat is your Why? Letter from Don Mann There are a number of very personal reasons why I created Frogman Charities, Inc.: As a retired Navy SEAL I have a very clear understanding of the many hardships and sacrifices that our military and their families make and live with on a daily basis. The men and woman in uniform are often deployed in harm’s way or away from home training for combat, sometimes up to 300 days a year.  It is far too often that our troops return home injured and/or do not make it home alive. The only people who truly appreciate the magnitude of these sacrifices are the men and women in uniform and their families. Living on a military salary generally meets the needs of the military family but when tragedy strikes, these families require much more than they receive. Frogman Charities’ Objective is to raise over one million dollars for select military and veteran charities per year.. You can be a part of this Seal team members effort. Strategies of Success Radio Brian A Cohen Host 631-255-3581     00:31:00Strategies of Success BriannoDon Mann,Brian Cohen,navy,Seal Team,marinesCreate the mindset needed to overcome your self created limitations and support those that support usRhonda Klch Pepp Network Team approach to business - personal and professional, 21 Jul 2015 16:00:00 GMTRhonda Klch Pepp Network Team approach to business - personal and professionalPEPP Network Solutions PEPP Network Solutions is a membership, which entitles you to a team of licensed and certified professionals, offering a broad array of services. Your PEPP team includes attorneys, financial advisors, insurance professionals, credit advisors, mortgage advisors, accountants, and many other financial professionals to meet the credit and financial needs of its members. PEPP’s goal is to ultimately lower monthly and/or yearly expenses, which in return keeps more money in your pocket, without sacrificing the quality of your existing financial services. A PEPP Membership helps assure credit and financial well-being. Call  1-631-696-PEPP|info@peppnetwork Strategies of Success Brian A Cohen Host 631-255-3581   00:33:00Strategies of Success BriannoPepp,Rhonda Klch,Brian Cohen,self help,financeRhonda Klch talks aboutPepp - this group is here to help individuals and businesses help and be helped.Cathey Armillas stop selling and start loving, 9 and a half ways to get love, 14 Jul 2015 16:00:00 GMTCathey Armillas stop selling and start loving, 9 and a half ways to get loveExpert marketing strategist, international speaker and author of the award-winning book, The Unbreakable Rules of Marketing Isn't it funny how so many marketers suck at marketing? People over-complicate marketing all the time. Cathey simplifies it. Cathey has been creating amazingly successful marketing strategies for decades. Her marketing campaigns have yielded millions of dollars; and has landed her clients on TV shows like David Letterman, CNBC and The History Channel. She passionately helps people outperform their own marketing. Audiences love her charismatic, over-the-top, in-your-face-with-a -smile style. It's not an act, it's who she is. If you were to sit down with Cathey Armillas, she would tell you, stop trying to sell stuff and start getting people to love you. Cathey Armillas helps people stop selling and start loving. Because that's what marketing that doesn't suck is all about: getting people to love you. Portland office: (503) 583-2570 New York office: (646) 535-1465   Strategies of Success Host Brian A Cohen 631-255-3581     00:32:00Strategies of Success BriannoCathey Armillas,speaker,speaking,author,AuthorsCathey Armillas helps people stop selling and start loving. Because that's what marketing that doesn't suck is all about: getting people to love you.Dr. Harris Cohen sustainable weight loss begins with the correct attitude., 07 Jul 2015 12:00:00 GMTDr. Harris Cohen sustainable weight loss begins with the correct attitude.Achieving your goals takes a certain mindset. Hard work is important but working smartly in a sustainable fashion is what it will take. The question answered by Dr. Cohen is how do you acquire, sustain and monopolize on your inner strength. A learned man with life experience, Dr. Harris R. Cohen treated patients in his private chiropractic office for more than 25 years.  During this time, Dr. Cohen listened carefully to their health issues which more often than not translated into emotional issues.  In the process, he observed that his patients inundated themselves with negative messages which prevented them from moving forward in their lives and in their health. He began talking about” negotiating “with themselves to reach the right choice that would provide them a happier and healthier lifestyle.   Strategies of Success Brian A Cohen Host 631-255-3581   00:32:00Strategies of Success BriannoWeight Loss,weight,weightloss,weight management,Harris CohenAchieving your goals takes a certain mindset. Hard work is important but working smartly in a sustainable fashion is what it will take. The question answered byKinja Dixon Be the success you want to be, three ideas to self motivation, 30 Jun 2015 16:00:00 GMTKinja Dixon Be the success you want to be, three ideas to self motivationAre you achieving the life and financial success you desire? This Brooklyn native found early success in sales. With Wyndham Vacation Ownership, Kinja worked diligently with men and women to assist them in making dreams come true. It was during that time that fine-tuned his skills and recognized the power of communication…the power of words. Kinja’s efforts eventually led to him becoming a top salesperson, and in 2013 those efforts were recognized worldwide when he was awarded the Golden Stevie Award and the American Resort Development Association award.  Before Kinja Dixon, no individual had ever won both awards in the same year.  Now read his book or contact him at Strategies of Success Brian A Cohen Host 631-255-3581   00:33:00Strategies of Success BriannoKinja Dixon,Brian Cohen,Sales,Toastmasters,SuccessAre you achieving the life and financial success you desire? This Brooklyn native found early success in sales. With Wyndham Vacation Ownership, Kinja worked dMaxwell Ivey three ways to overcome health issues and follow your dreams, 23 Jun 2015 16:00:00 GMTMaxwell Ivey three ways to overcome health issues and follow your dreamsBorn into a family of carnival owners in Texas, USA, Maxwell Ivey lost his sight at age 12. Having a natural gusto for life, Max graduated college and became heavily involved in the Eagle Scouts. He also worked in the family business alongside brothers until his father succumbed to lung cancer. Faced with his own mortality, Max made some life-altering changes. He underwent gastric surgery and lost over 250 pounds. He started his own business, buying and selling amusement rides, and learned how to blog using software for visually-impaired people. Overcoming many obstacles, Max made a name for himself online and now shares his experiences on The Blind Blogger. Strategies of Success  Brian A Cohen DTM - Host 631-255-3581   00:31:00Strategies of Success BriannoMaxwell Ivy,Brian Cohen,health,Blind,Self helpBorn into a family of carnival owners in Texas, USA, Maxwell Ivey lost his sight at age 12. Having a natural gusto for life, Max graduated college and became heNihar Suthar How to slow down, succeed and enjoy the greatness of every day, 16 Jun 2015 16:00:00 GMTNihar Suthar How to slow down, succeed and enjoy the greatness of every dayDoes your success come from slowing down and enjoying life, challenging yourself or paying attention to others? Our guest will answer all of the above. Will you? And do you live that way? Nihar Suthar is an award-winning writer, covering inspirational stories around the world. Believe it or not, he stumbled upon writing completely by accident after moving to New York City for the very first time. While in the Big Apple, Nihar noticed that there were thousands of people missing out on the greatness of everyday life, due to the very fast paced lifestyles they lived. As a result of his observations, he had a big idea to inspire people around the globe by writing a book (which was strange, because he always hated reading books. Why would he ever write one?). With the support of his family and friends though, Nihar ended up debuting his first international book, Win No Matter What, with Balboa Press in June 2013. To contact Nihar or suggest any collaboration ideas, please email  Strategies of Success Brian A Cohen DTM Host Briansos@optonline,net 631-255-3581   00:31:00Strategies of Success BriannoNihar Suthar,author,Authors,authors and speakers,Brian CohenDoes your success come from slowing down and enjoying life, challenging yourself or paying attention to others? Our guest will answer all of the above. Will youHaim Do you really know what you want? And if not how will you get there?, 09 Jun 2015 16:00:00 GMTHaim Do you really know what you want? And if not how will you get there?Haim, helps others to get what they want from life. Do you really know what you want? January 2009 was the last month that he practiced as an auto mechanic, After starting to work on cars at the age 14, he began searching for something that excited him. The love to help and work with people and coaching look like a good fit. After enrolling in the ICA coaching school he proved to himself and now shares with others that there is no limitations "We are on this planet to make the best we can, and if you don’t know ho, let’s do it together. I have been a life, personal, and business coach. My specialty is personal growth and development, and I also do inspirational speaking as well. I truly believe that if I did it, then you can do it as well. Prior to my coaching career, I was an auto mechanic for over 40 years. I made a change and switched from the passenger to the driver of my life" To learn more about what he can do for your personal and professional life, call him at 516-424-6289 for a free evaluation and assessment.   00:31:00Strategies of Success BriannoHaim,IFA,Coach,self help,Self-HelpHaim, helps others to get what they want from life. Do you really know what you want? January 2009 was the last month that he practiced as an auto mechanic, AfMariellen Thilesen Fundraising ideas by the CCFA Take Steps 2015 Honored Hero, 05 Jun 2015 12:30:00 GMTMariellen Thilesen Fundraising ideas by the CCFA Take Steps 2015 Honored HeroWhat is the key ingredient to fundraising success? Sincerity is a good beginning and the right mix of events. Join us as we share ideas that will help you achieve your fundraising goals. In the past five years, we succeeded in bringing together over 240,000 people and raised nearly $60 million to help further CCFA's mission. 82 cents of every dollar raised goes towards breakthrough research, public and professional education, and patient support services in communities across the nation. visit to find a walk near you.  About CCFA The Crohn’s & Colitis Foundation of America (CCFA) is a non-profit, volunteer-driven organization whose mission is to cure Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis and improve the quality of life of children and adults affected by these diseases. Today, the organization has grown to 40 local chapters, with more than $200 million raised and invested in research for cures. This funding has enabled many groundbreaking treatments, improved the quality of care for individuals with these conditions, and brought hope to countless lives. For the clothing drive: For Paint Night: Seasons 52: Ostomy Secrets: Strategies of Success  Brian A Cohen Host 631-255-3581 00:34:00Strategies of Success BriannoMariellen Thilesen,Brian Cohen,CCFA,Crohns,ColitisWhat is the key ingredient to fundraising success? Sincerity is a good beginning and the right mix of events. Join us as we share ideas that will help you achieDavid Tesser are you maximizing your testimonials website views and interest, 26 May 2015 15:00:00 GMTDavid Tesser are you maximizing your testimonials website views and interestFor numerous years I have worked with many businesses teaching them the power of 'conversions' and introducing many new and creative ways to help their business. Many of them involve loyalty platforms and video. I pride myself on giving each customer 100% of my time and knoweledge. Feel free to call me and I can elaborate on how I can perhaps help your business today!   Strategies of Success Brian A Cohen Host 631-255-3581   00:31:00Strategies of Success BriannoDavid Tesser,Brian Cohen,Social media,videos,TestimoniesFor numerous years I have worked with many businesses teaching them the power of 'conversions' and introducing many new and creative ways to help their businessDawn M Pappas spousal abuse what happens when your partner becomes abusive, 21 May 2015 22:00:00 GMTDawn M Pappas spousal abuse what happens when your partner becomes abusiveDawn M Pappas - this is a story that should be heard directly from someone that has lived through it. Strategies of Success Brian A Cohen Host 631-255-3581     00:32:00Strategies of Success BriannoDawn Pappas,Brian Cohen,Self help,spousal abuseDawn M Pappas - this is a story that should be heard directly from someone that has lived through it. Strategies of Success Brian A Cohen Host 631-255-3581Jean Bailey Robor, DTM ABC's of Success three ideas for you to live by, 12 May 2015 16:00:00 GMTJean Bailey Robor, DTM ABC's of Success three ideas for you to live byIn addition to her professional development and motivational speaking, Jean is a radio host, TV guest, author, freelance writer, teller of crappy jokes, leadership ambassador, ghostwriter and wanna-be tall & skinny girl.    Jean uses life experience, education and personal stories to connect with audience members and tailors each presentation to their needs. Whether you need a humorous speaker, leadership skills workshop, a motivational keynote or professional group or one-on-one coaching, Jean Bailey Robor brings value and passion to your leadership journey and your life! Cell: 336-269-8035 E-mail: Strategies of Success Brian A Cohen DTM Host 631-255-3581         00:32:00Strategies of Success BriannoToastmasters,Toastmaster,DTM,Self help,Self-HelpIn addition to her professional development and motivational speaking, Jean is a radio host, TV guest, author, freelance writer, teller of crappy jokes, leadersDaniel Mollino Victory Ride TBI Rehabilitation Research at Kessler Foundation, 03 May 2015 03:00:00 GMTDaniel Mollino Victory Ride TBI Rehabilitation Research at Kessler FoundationCelebrate Dan's Victory Ride  Support TBI Rehabilitation Research at Kessler Foundation After his injury, Dan relearned the basics that most of us take for granted—walking, talking, and reading at Kessler Institute for Rehabilitation. He worked hard to regain his ability to think, learn, and remember. His therapists at Kessler Institute used intensive therapies, many developed by the scientists at Kessler Foundation.   With the support of our donors, we at Kessler Foundation make a direct and profound impact on the lives of people like Dan—people disabled by diseases and injuries of the brain and spinal cord. Our breakthrough research improves cognition, mobility, and long-term outcomes. Our funding of disability employment initiatives provide access to job opportunities, education, transportation and job training. Dan's story is just one example of how your support can improve the lives of people with disabilities. Celebrate Dan's victory ride by making a gift today—a gift that will help others gain independence. Every dollar of your donation directly supports our misson to change the lives of people with disabilities. Back to Daniel Mollino Strategies of Success Brian A Cohen Host 631-255-3581   00:31:00Strategies of Success BriannoDaniel Mollino,TBI,Head Injuries,Chronic,BikeCelebrate Dan's Victory Ride  Support TBI Rehabilitation Research at Kessler Foundation After his injury, Dan relearned the basics that most of us take for grDoreen Guma Time to Play is Quality of Life how to build that strong foundation, 28 Apr 2015 16:00:00 GMTDoreen Guma Time to Play is Quality of Life how to build that strong foundationWhy did I start this project? Aside from it being my hope to re-learn how to play and enjoy life, I should mention that I am a Board-Certified Healthcare Executive. I’ve worked in the healthcare industry since 1987 and have observed people sick and sad. I’ve talked to people who have regrets. I’ve decided that there has to be something we can do, people helping people, to enjoy life. I’m also a Certified Professional Life Coach and Author. More about me For the purpose of Time to Play, it is important to note that “Play” is used synonymously with “quality of life”. I’ve realized that you cannot have quality of life if you are not happy, healthy, if you don’t have money, or if you have no work-life balance. If any of these are missing you may not “play” but become stressed, sick or sad…  I’ve tried to put everything I could think of into this project to help people have a better life, have a happier life, and to be able to enjoy life. To learn what they need to know so they can enjoy life.  To “plant a seed” to spark a change to make things better for themselves. Doreen Guma, MA, FACHE, CPC, CLC, Founder 631-331-2675 00:33:00Strategies of Success BriannoDoreen Guma,Timetoplay,Self help,Self-Help,Self ImprovementWhy did I start this project? Aside from it being my hope to re-learn how to play and enjoy life, I should mention that I am a Board-Certified Healthcare ExecutBELL Bottle +Storage Body’s Essential Life Liquid TM, 21 Apr 2015 16:00:00 GMTBELL Bottle +Storage Body’s Essential Life Liquid TMOur mission is to provide the best innovative reusable/recyclable products on the planet. Our partnership continues throughout the life cycle of our products.  You determine when your BELL reaches the end of its life usage and we will take it back for free for secure recycling. In turn we will offer future discount incentives on purchases as part of our partnership. One of our biggest concerns driving us to get this project off the ground is the amount of plastic bottle waste that is being produced by the onetime usage of disposable plastic water and soda bottles.  Over 60,000,000 plastic bottles are entering our landfills every day, a staggering statistic. This is something that should be unacceptable to all of us and is not sustainable for the future of our planet.    Strategies of Success Brian A Cohen Host 631-255-3581   00:33:00Strategies of Success BriannoHealth,Exercise,water,Recycling,Brian CohenOur mission is to provide the best innovative reusable/recyclable products on the planet. Our partnership continues throughout the life cycle of our products.C & H Rescue - Cristina rescues animals is this an opportunity for your business, 14 Apr 2015 16:00:00 GMTC & H Rescue - Cristina rescues animals is this an opportunity for your businessC&H Animal Rescue is a Non Profit foster and volunteer based rescue started in early 2012. It was started by a group of dedicated individuals and animal professionals who noticed the increase in deaths by euthanasia across the US.   We are primarily located in Long Island and recently expanded upstate to the Hudson Valley. We also do adoptions throughout the tri-state area.  It is our primary concern to understand the correct placement and behavior of BOTH the adopter and the adopted animal to ensure a proper fit. Cristina- Director - 631-880-9373 Strategies of Success Brian A Cohen Host 631-255-3581   00:31:00Strategies of Success Briannoanimal rescue,CristinaC&H Animal Rescue is a Non Profit foster and volunteer based rescue started in early 2012. It was started by a group of dedicated individuals and animal professVince Lancella Toastmaster Roles that benefit a Professional Speaker, 07 Apr 2015 16:00:00 GMTVince Lancella Toastmaster Roles that benefit a Professional SpeakerVince Lancella founded Speak Freely in 2011 after having built and worked at several businesses.  The knowledge that he now shares during his presentations and workshops is a combination of his acuity for sales and customer service coupled with his genuine interest in helping others.  Whether your interest is in speaking before a group, growing your customer base, being able to network more effectively, close more sales, or all of the above, Vince is "the guy" to teach you the skills you seek. He is an award-winning speaker and strategic business owner.  Vince Lancella Phone 631-236-2001 Strategies of Success Brian A Cohen Host 631-255-3581 00:33:00Strategies of Success BriannoVince Lancella,Speaker,NSA,Toastmasters,Brian CohenVince Lancella founded Speak Freely in 2011 after having built and worked at several businesses.  The knowledge that he now shares during his presentations andDonna Drake Live it Up TV Host - her company Lives it Up and yours can too, 31 Mar 2015 16:00:00 GMTDonna Drake Live it Up TV Host - her company Lives it Up and yours can tooLiving a full life means we are always changing, always adapting always striving to reach our full potential. Creating an exciting business is how our guest Donna Drake Lives it up  with her TV show Live it Up!   Hear how she takes on opportunities and how you can too   With heartfelt dedication to motivation, "Live it Up!" delivers what the world needs most: hope. Join award-winning host Donna Drake and her amazing friends for weekly video adventures that educate, entertain and prove without a doubt that the power to improve our lives – and shape a better world around us – lives inside us all. Tune in on your time to hear celebrity entertainers, sports legends, top journalists, business icons and everyday heroes share their stories of triumph over dire circumstance, of optimism in the darkness, of keeping faith in the face of despair.   Donna Drake   Strategies of Success Brian A Cohen Host 631-255-3581 00:31:00Strategies of Success BriannoDonna Drake,Live it up,TV,Media,Brian CohenLiving a full life means we are always changing, always adapting always striving to reach our full potential. Creating an exciting business is how our guest DonRalph M. Ferraro Emotional Energy strategies to reach your full potential, 24 Mar 2015 16:00:00 GMTRalph M. Ferraro Emotional Energy strategies to reach your full potentialIs your emotional energy negative, positive or just untapped? Ralph Ferraro is an Emotional Energy Consultant & Photographer Ralph has a background in theology, literature, philosophy, psychology and social work. His approach in his teaching focuses on the utilization of spiritual or source energy, cognitive understanding, and efficient use of mental and emotional energies as tools for helping professionals and clients to grow and move toward prosperity Ralph M. Ferraro, MSW, ACCSW, LCSW Emotional Energy  Consultation & Photography 917. 703.7396 < Strategies of Success Host Brian A Cohen DTM 631-255-3581     00:32:00Strategies of Success BriannoRalph Ferraro,Emotional energy,photography,Brian CohenIs your emotional energy negative, positive or just untapped? Ralph Ferraro is an Emotional Energy Consultant & Photographer Ralph has a background in theologyCarla Stockton how did Dan Alon tell his story to her to create Munich Memoir, 17 Mar 2015 16:00:00 GMTCarla Stockton how did Dan Alon tell his story to her to create Munich MemoirOn Sept. 5, 1972, at the Munich, Germany, Summer Olympics, 11 Israeli athletes were massacred by the Palestinian group Black September. Only five Israeli athletes survived. One of them was champion fencer Dan Alon It took more than 40 years for Dan to want to sit down with Carla Stockton to create his book, Munich Memoirs. This is that story and it is part of Dan's Story   Book Intro on You Tube Book on Amazon Strategies of Success Host Brian A Cohen 631-255-3581 00:33:00Strategies of Success BriannoDan Alon,Carla Stockton,Brian Cohen,Munich Memoir,1972On Sept. 5, 1972, at the Munich, Germany, Summer Olympics, 11 Israeli athletes were massacred by the Palestinian group Black September. Only five Israeli athletJoann Venezia YPI Consultants you are the best business card, 10 Mar 2015 16:00:00 GMTJoann Venezia YPI Consultants you are the best business cardYou are Your business Card Nothing speaks more about you than you. We think of our business card as piece of paper yet the real image of us that a prospect takes with them is the image of you. Join Joann Venezia, President of YPI Consultants and I as we talk about the business card that really matters, you. YPI Consultants, LLC provides information, solutions and support to human resources professionals. By offering the most comprehensive and innovative tools available, we deliver effective And customizable solutions for the recognition, understanding and development of human potential. Empower your organization to effectively assess new candidates and existing staff for optimized job placement with The YPI E.D.G.E. Program. Peak Radio with Joann For more information, contact us at: Tel: 631.320.0217 | Email: Strategies of Success Radio Host Brian A Cohen DTM 631-255-3581   00:31:00Strategies of Success BriannoJoann Venezia,YPI Consultants,Brian Cohen,Toastmasters,Strategies of SuccessYou are Your business Card Nothing speaks more about you than you. We think of our business card as piece of paper yet the real image of us that a prospect takJesse and Paul Fowler Specialty Portable X-Ray, Inc. At home or business or...., 03 Mar 2015 17:00:00 GMTJesse and Paul Fowler Specialty Portable X-Ray, Inc. At home or business or....Paul J. Fowler, RT, LRT began his x-ray career in 1978 after graduating, with high honors, from Albany Memorial Hospital School of Radiologic Technology. Shortly thereafter, Mr. Fowler founded Specialty Portable X-Ray, Inc. During the 35 year history, SPX has initiated many major changes in the portable x-ray industry. Innovating and adapting to new technologies as soon as they emerged has kept Specialty Portable x-ray at the forefront of the x-ray industry. In 1990, Specialty Portable X-Ray was the first to design and offer mobile developing units In 1993, Specialty Portable X-Ray was the first company to combine mobile film developing with teleradiology In 2000, Speciality Portable X-Ray was the first portable x-ray provider to invest in and utilize CR (computer radiology) In 2010, Specialty Portable X-Ray went 100% direct-digital capture taking advantage of the reliability and speed of the internet. In 2011, Specialty Portable X-Ray began providing emergency exam results within minutes of completed exams.  In 2014, Specialty Portable X-Ray unveils its custom EHR (electronic health records) software Specialty Portable X-Ray Inc. 1-888-XRAY-NOW (1-888-972-9669) Strategies of Success Host Brian A Cohen DTM 631-255-3581 www. 00:34:00Strategies of Success BriannoPaul Fowler,Jesse Fowler,Brian Cohen,Strategies of Success,ToastmastersPaul J. Fowler, RT, LRT began his x-ray career in 1978 after graduating, with high honors, from Albany Memorial Hospital School of Radiologic Technology. ShortlAlfred Poor Author Speaker discusses How to Attract new and Repeat business, 24 Feb 2015 17:00:00 GMTAlfred Poor Author Speaker discusses How to Attract new and Repeat businessIf you build it will they come? This is one of the questions he asks you when you visit his website. We may assume people will find us but that is not necessarily true. There are many strategies and tools that can be used to help your company get noticed.  Alfreds seminars, videos and blog is a great ongoing source of information and ideas. This is a must listen to program for any growing business and especially for the business that hasn't yet found the right marketing strategy. The Center for Small Business 700 East Walnut Street Perkasie, PA  18944 215-453-9312 email Strategies of Success Radio Brian A Cohen DTM Host 631-255-3581   00:36:00Strategies of Success BriannoAlfred Poor,Speaker,Author,Seminar,Self HelpIf you build it will they come? This is one of the questions he asks you when you visit his website. We may assume people will find us but that is not necessariThe Starving Artist Cafe presents the Long Island Authors Group, 17 Feb 2015 17:00:00 GMTThe Starving Artist Cafe presents the Long Island Authors GroupOur Mission Statement The mission of the Long Island Authors Group is to encourage, support and promote authorship, primarily in the Long Island, New York area. We are a group of local book authors who have joined together to conduct activities and events that add to the availability of our published works while promoting the Long Island writing community.  Our group works with retail bookstores arranging book talks and signings, and conducts events at various locations that are open to the public. Our group fosters knowledge and experience by conducting educational seminars on assorted topics such as writing workshops, marketing techniques, promotion strategies, and the use of emerging Internet outlets & new technologies. Enjoy a different author on the last Monday of each month from February 2015 til June 2015 $45 inlcudes dinner - 6:30pm - til 9:00pm The Starving Artist Cafe 1045 Tulip Ave. Franklin Square, NY 11010 516-358-2233 Call early for reservations - seating is limited. Strategies of Success Host Brian Cohen DTM 631-255-3581     00:31:00Strategies of Success BriannoArtists,Authors,Jim Ryan,Brian Cohen,Long IslandOur Mission Statement The mission of the Long Island Authors Group is to encourage, support and promote authorship, primarily in the Long Island, New York areaDawn Krohberger Author how does self-esteem impact our youth and ourselves, 10 Feb 2015 17:00:00 GMTDawn Krohberger Author how does self-esteem impact our youth and ourselvesDawn started a workshop called the Self-Worth Shop that was designed for children, teens and adults.  While working with children encouraging self-expression she had an idea to put her material into a story hoping to reach and inspire a lot more children with this empowering message of self-esteem . She believes that children are capable of understanding this and that they need to be inspired to be exactly who they are.  Now she is a life coach for children of all ages and the message is no different. "the greatest love is the love for self, this may sound selfish to people but it is the only way we can truly contribute to our families, friends, job and society.  It is the piece of the puzzle that I believe has been missing for way too long and I want to help find it one person at a time so that everyone may live beyond that imaginary line that surrounds us.      Websites are and  Strategies of Success Brian A Cohen DTM - Host 631-255-3581 00:32:00Strategies of Success BriannoDawn Krohberger,Author,Self help,Self-Help,Self ImprovementDawn started a workshop called the Self-Worth Shop that was designed for children, teens and adults.  While working with children encouraging self-expression shJean Marie Prince Inspired Blessings that we can live by learn from and embrace, 03 Feb 2015 17:00:00 GMTJean Marie Prince Inspired Blessings that we can live by learn from and embraceOne day I was walking in the parking lot and I must have been thinking about “Inspired Blessings.” All of a sudden I heard in my mind “Do the book!” I immediately responded, “You’re right!” The Holy Spirit spoke to me and I took a leap of faith. A year later the book was published, thank you God! That "One Day" for Jean Marie Prince has been “Inspired Blessings.”  which has led to the book, video, radio and her hosting a Cable Tv show  The golden question is how does this happen and what can you learn from the path that Jean Manie has been led down? Don’t forget to sign up for your free eBook, “7 Ways for‘Inspired Blessings‘ to Embrace You Every Day!” Go to If any churches, schools, organizations or company is interested in having Author Jean Marie Prince in doing a speaking engagement or fundraiser, please let me know. Contact her at, thank you! Strategies of Success  Brian A Cohen DTM Host 631-255-3581 00:32:00Strategies of Success Briannojean Marie Prince,Inspired Blessings,Author,Speaker,ReligionOne day I was walking in the parking lot and I must have been thinking about “Inspired Blessings.” All of a sudden I heard in my mind “Do the book!” I immediateBrian Cohen how can we really plan for a known outcome, 27 Jan 2015 17:00:00 GMTBrian Cohen how can we really plan for a known outcomeBig storm today that was not as big as expected, or was it 00:30:00Strategies of Success BriannoBig storm today that was not as big as expected, or was itRaluca Vrabie, M.D. treating IBD , Crohns and Colitis with a diverse skill set, 20 Jan 2015 17:00:00 GMTRaluca Vrabie, M.D. treating IBD , Crohns and Colitis with a diverse skill setDr. Raluca Vrabie was born in Bucharest, Romania, under communism. She lived there until the age 13, then emigrated through Austria to the United States. She resides in New York almost the whole time since (high school at Stuyvesant in Manhattan, college at Cooper Union in the Village, medical school and residency at Mount Sinai on the Upper East Side). After travelling to Philladelphia for a fellowship at UPenn, she came right back to begin her career at Winthrop Hospital in 2010. She currently lives in Forest Hills with her husband, whom she knows since high school, and started dating in college. Her Husband is Chinese and a programmer for the Intercontinental Exchange. They have twin girls. She is interested in inflammatory bowel disease because treating it requires so many diverse skills: procedural aptitude, an understanding of the immune system, the ability to communicate complex concepts simply, etc. never bored at work. She thinks her patients are amazing people, for accomplishing all that they do with this disease burden in tow: marriages, children, masters’ degrees, spin classes, quitting IV drug use, divorces, moving to a new country, running a diner. Winthrop Gastroenterology Associates, PC 222 Station Plaza North, Suite 428 Mineola, NY 11501 (516) 663-2066 Strategies of Success Brian A Cohen Host 631-255-3581 00:37:00Strategies of Success BriannoDr. Ruluca Vrabie,Winthrop,CCFA,Crohns,ColitisDr. Raluca Vrabie was born in Bucharest, Romania, under communism. She lived there until the age 13, then emigrated through Austria to the United States. She rCharles Orozco how inspiration and motivation leads to business creation., 13 Jan 2015 17:00:00 GMTCharles Orozco how inspiration and motivation leads to business creation.Charles Orozco the passionate visioneer of Chronic Carriages. Based in the beautiful Pacific Northwest, Chronic Carriages is the Northwest’s Premier Cannabis Tour and Transportation Company. Launched in Seattle, WA our company provides themed tours, custom tours and VIP service, taking our clients to anywhere and everywhere cannabis related. Charles Orozco has been working on Chronic Carriages since April 2013. He also helped plant a new church in Everett, WA and was Operations Manager. Chronic Carriages is currently doing tours, has a new Website and SEO Pro and an experienced team of professionals. We bring over 60 years of combined experience in Business, Sales, Marketing, SEO, events, booking, travel and much more. We have almost 30K fans on Facebook combined pages and we have the clients calling. 1-425-343-7975 CHRONIC CARRIAGES ... Safe, Sound and Reliable. You Medicate -We Accommodate. Strategies of Success Host Brian A Cohen DTM 631-255-3581 www. 00:32:00Strategies of Success BriannoCharles Orozco,Chronic Carriages,washington,Travel,marijuanaCharles Orozco the passionate visioneer of Chronic Carriages. Based in the beautiful Pacific Northwest, Chronic Carriages is the Northwest’s Premier Cannabis TDr Johnny Lops what defines you? Three actionable ideas to find out who you are, 06 Jan 2015 17:00:00 GMTDr Johnny Lops what defines you? Three actionable ideas to find out who you areWho we are is a constant. Our careers paths change as well as our skills sets and experience. Todays guest, Dr. Johnny Lops Psychiatrist brings both his medical and his various “lives” outside of being a physician experience to our program. He is committed to the pursuit of implementing, educating, and advocating for diet, exercise, and healthy living into his patient's and his reader's lives.  As a Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist in Brooklyn, NY, clinical instructor of Psychiatry for the Adult Residency Program at Maimonides Medical Center, and Assistant Professor of Psychiatry at the New York College of Osteopathic Medicine, He has extensive clinical experience. He has been published in various psychiatric journals and was interviewed for the prestigious New England Journal of Medicine for his various “lives” outside of being a physician. His fourteen years experience as an actor, stand up comedian, and improviser make him extremely valuable for marketing, media and speaking opportunities Dr. Lops is Board Certified in Adult Psychiatry and Child and Adolescent Psychiatry.   Dr. Lops is a Professor of Psychiatry for NYCOM and at the residency training program at Maimonides Medical Center.   Follow his blog, Facebook, and Twitter accounts for the most up to date recommended advice, articles, and experiences Office Number 718-744-8657 Strategies of Success Host Brian A Cohen DTM 631-255-3581     00:33:00Strategies of Success BriannoDr Johnny Lops,Psychiatry,psychiatrist,medical,CareerWho we are is a constant. Our careers paths change as well as our skills sets and experience. Todays guest, Dr. Johnny Lops Psychiatrist brings both his medicalTim Healy confidence leads to success and sales. Top ideas to implement today, 30 Dec 2014 17:00:00 GMTTim Healy confidence leads to success and sales. Top ideas to implement todayTim Healy leads a life of confidence and shares this with his coaching clients to help them achieve their true potential. You can too.  Healy Success Solutions Inc. Empowering Your Sales from Prospect to Profit Tim Healy is the President and Owner of Healy Success Solutions.  Tim’s mission is to help you “Turn Prospects into Profits” through his Prospect to Profit Sales Training & Coaching System.  Tim is the host of the business talk show, “The Profit Express” on 88.7 FM WRHU Wednesdays at 6PM EST.  For 6 years Tim has interviewed some of businesses greatest success stories like:     George Foreman, Barbara Corcoran (ABC’s Shark Tank), Rick Harrison (Pawn Stars), Tony Horton (P90X), Paul Teutul SR & JR (American Chopper), the Incredible Hulk Lou Ferrigno, Ken Blanchard, Harvey Mackay, and Michael Gerber.   Tim Healy Strategies of Success Host Brian A Cohen 631-255-3581         00:31:00Strategies of Success BriannoTim Healy,healysolutions,The Profit Express,Brian Cohen,ToastmastersTim Healy leads a life of confidence and shares this with his coaching clients to help them achieve their true potential. You can too.  Healy Success SolutionsJoe Barresi United Solar Supply How to benefit from a constantly changing world, 24 Dec 2014 20:00:00 GMTJoe Barresi United Solar Supply How to benefit from a constantly changing worldStrategies of Success Speaker Joe Barresi a life long business owner in an ever changing and always exciting industry. Joe will share his ideas on how you can be the expert in your field and how to identify the correct strategic partners. see video on Live it Up with Donna Drake With rising global temperatures and traditional energy resources in decline, you may be considering how you can reduce your carbon emissions, improve efficiency of your home or commercial heating system and SAVE MONEY in the process. Solar heating of domestic water is one of the most practical and efficient ways of utilizing the free energy from the sun for home and commercial use.Attention Landlords: Great for MultiFamily or Apartment Buildings if hot water is included, stablize costs! United Solar Supply LLC Phone:888-655-9349 Fax:631-961-8815 Location:Aero Road Bohemia, Long Island NY 11716Mailing:P.O. Box 535 Bohemia, Long Island NY 11716E-mail:sales@utdsolar.comWebsite: Tax Credits Strategies of Success Host Brian A Cohen 631-255-3581       00:32:00Strategies of Success BriannoJoe Barresi,United Solar Supply,Solar,Energy,constructionStrategies of Success Speaker Joe Barresi a life long business owner in an ever changing and always exciting industry. Joe will share his ideas on how you can bChristie Korth Author with Crohns shares her healthy diet and lifestyle ideas, 16 Dec 2014 17:00:00 GMTChristie Korth Author with Crohns shares her healthy diet and lifestyle ideasChristie Korth CHC AADP, Author of the book IBD Healing Plan and recipe book, was diagnosed with Crohns. She is also the Founder and Director of Happy and Healthy Wellness Center. She brings together her knowledge and her personal experience to help people make better diet and lifestyle choices. Join us as we explore ideas that will help sufferers manage a variety of digestive disorders and the lifestyle that goes along with it. Please follow this link to her website. Kristie Korth CHC AADP Strategies of Success Host Brian Cohen DTM     00:33:00Strategies of Success BriannoChristie Korth,Brian Cohen,CCFA,Author,LifestyleChristie Korth CHC AADP, Author of the book IBD Healing Plan and recipe book, was diagnosed with Crohns. She is also the Founder and Director of Happy and HealtJennifer Tripodi how to take a life long dream and make it a lifetime business, 09 Dec 2014 17:00:00 GMTJennifer Tripodi how to take a life long dream and make it a lifetime businessIf you are thinking about the answer then it is time to learn. If you know the answer then it is time to enjoy an inspiring program that will give you ideas to further your own dreams. Just Sweets owner Jennifer Tripodi loves a great party. She also has had a love for candy since she was a little girl. Planning Candy Buffet tables is a dream come true for her. Jennifer understands how to impress her clients with her unique and inspiring creations . After owning other businesses for 12 years she is thrilled to be owning another business that brings smiles to everyone's faces. From our Candy Deliveries to our Candy Buffet tables, we have something for everyone. Jennifer Tripodi (631) 327-8886 Strategies of Success Host - Brian A Cohen Speakers Bureau (631) 255-3581   00:31:00Strategies of Success BriannoJennifer Tripodi,Brian Cohen,Strategies of Success,candy,businessIf you are thinking about the answer then it is time to learn. If you know the answer then it is time to enjoy an inspiring program that will give you ideas toSheryl Roush Heart of a Holidays is the topic how to enjoy the best of it, 02 Dec 2014 17:00:00 GMTSheryl Roush Heart of a Holidays is the topic how to enjoy the best of itAfter visualizing a potential “ideal” workplace throughout her years in marketing, software development and self-development?companies, she tested her theories – starting with her own attitude – and they worked. In spite of experiencing an assortment of character-building challenges (including bankruptcy and a failed marriage), they still worked! Sheryl is an 8-time business owner and a 17-time published author. Heart of a Holidays: Holiday Inspirations Yuletide Treasures & Traditions Bask in the glow of winter s warmth... Heart of the Holidays celebrates the most blessed time of year with lighthearted tales of friends and family, touching stories, beautiful poems, powerful quotations, and some of your favorite yuletide songs... all wrapped up and ready for you to open and enjoy. Whatever your faith or celebration, Heart of the Holidays evokes the spirit of the season and shares the gift of joy, peace, and love. Memories, thoughts, and insight on: Cherished Childhood Memories New vs. Old Holiday Traditions Food, Family, and Friends Visiting and Travel during the Holidays The Goodness, Gratitude and Generosity of Children Holiday Overseas Strategies of Success Host - Brian A Cohen CDTM briansos@optonline,net 631-255-3581 00:31:00Strategies of Success Briannosheryl Roush heart of,Sheryl Rouch,Brian Cohen,Toastmasters,HolidayAfter visualizing a potential “ideal” workplace throughout her years in marketing, software development and self-development?companies, she tested her theoriesSteve Knowlton Running across the US two times. Why you should set goals, 25 Nov 2014 17:00:00 GMTSteve Knowlton Running across the US two times. Why you should set goalsRunning from Seattle, Washington to Key Largo, Florida in 2010 to raise awareness and money to help find a cure for crohn's disease.  He raised awareness and received many letters throughout the country and the world showing appreciation for bringing this unpopular disease to the forefront.  He recently published "Longer I Run" that tells of his early beginnings and introduction to running, his journey through the debilitating diseases of Crohn's and Alcoholism.  "there are great days ahead for me, I am just past two years of sobriety". He recently ran across America to honor veterans and work for change in the areas of homelessness, suicide and employment.  Steve Knowlton Strategies of Success - Brian A Cohen DTM - 00:31:00Strategies of Success BriannoSteve Knowlton,Brian Cohen,Self Help,running,alcholismRunning from Seattle, Washington to Key Largo, Florida in 2010 to raise awareness and money to help find a cure for crohn's disease.  He raised awareness and reMargaret Marshall stop collecting calories start burning them Live a Thin life, 18 Nov 2014 17:00:00 GMTMargaret Marshall stop collecting calories start burning them Live a Thin lifeMargaret Marshall Associates... Providing expert guidance and uncomplicated, realistic advice for your weight loss, wellness and nutrition needs. We empower our clients to be more productive, experience improved health, and  “Live a Thin Life”. Margaret Marshall, “Your Personal Eating Expert”™, has acareer that spans nearly three decades. Margaret has helped 10,000 people live a thin, healthy life. She had aseventeen year run as a speaker for Weight Watchers,where she cultivated a large following. She is a recognized expert in her field, appearing on TV hosting wellnes ssegments. She is a speaker, author, and weight-loss coach.Her book, “Body, Mind, and Mouth…Life’s Eating Connection” was released in 2012. her book Body, Mind and Mouth can be found at and Margaret is the wellness consultant for Push Pause on Verizon Fios 1, TV, and has been seen on NBC Strategies of Success Host Brian A Cohen DTM briansos@optonline,net 631-255-3581   00:31:00Strategies of Success BriannoMargaret Marshall,Why Weight,Weight,Fios,ToastmastersMargaret Marshall Associates... Providing expert guidance and uncomplicated, realistic advice for your weight loss, wellness and nutrition needs. We empower ourFrank Robinson - a unique perspective on how to approach challenges, 11 Nov 2014 17:00:00 GMTFrank Robinson - a unique perspective on how to approach challengesHuman Being,  Life Coach/Bio-energetist, Writer, Playwright, Teacher, TV Producer My strategy for success begins with how the concept is defined.  Is it achievement of intention?  Attainment of wealth, fame or power?   Something that turns out well? Somebody successful?  These are a few of the definitions I’ve found that don’t quite fit how I see it.  To me it is in the process.  In each step whether triumphant or failure that gifts you with knowledge that enlivens you as a person, and enriches the inspiration that drives you.   An analogy to this is to understand how each grain of sand forms the brick and concrete that results in a building structure.  How each step in that process is a form of success leading to the ultimate vision.   This approach helps to tame the inner-critic whose job it is to test your conviction and wherewithal as you continue “the process” towards the realization of your inspiration.  Y? Red, White and Blue Tears Strategies of Success Brian A Cohen Host 631-255-3581   00:32:00Strategies of Success BriannoFrank Robinson,Brian Cohen,Brian,toastmasters,Self helpHuman Being,  Life Coach/Bio-energetist, Writer, Playwright, Teacher, TV Producer My strategy for success begins with how the concept is defined.  Is it achievRay Trinkle and Gregory P. Haegele, PLLC Recovering from Financial Problems, 02 Nov 2014 15:00:00 GMTRay Trinkle and Gregory P. Haegele, PLLC Recovering from Financial ProblemsRay Trinkle Phoenix Recovery Team was created to provide the public with a trusted resource when dealing with financial struggles. Whether you are facing foreclosure, overwhelming debt, unable to finance due to bad credit, or simply struggling to make ends meet we are the one stop for answers. Get honest advice from trusted industry professionals. Greg P Haegele PLLC Throughout his 23 years of practice, Gregory Haegele has established himself as an outstanding trial lawyer. Mr. Haegele learned the ropes under the mentorship of Herman B. Glaser, a pioneer in the field of personal injury law and a founder and dean of the Academy of the New York State Trial Lawyers Institute. Mr. Haegele has successfully tried and handled numerous matters, including motor vehicle collisions, construction injuries, medical malpractice and premise liability, civil rights and police misconduct cases, and other personal injury cases. Strategiess of Success Host - Brian A Cohen DTM 631-255-3581 briansos@optonline,net     00:33:00Strategies of Success BriannoRay Trinkle,Gregory P. Haegele,Brian Cohen,recovery,financialRay Trinkle Phoenix Recovery Team was created to provide the public with a trusted resource when dealing with financial struggles. Whether you are facing foreclLee Munch Monarch 13 How to increase sales by operating with knowledge, 31 Oct 2014 21:00:00 GMTLee Munch Monarch 13 How to increase sales by operating with knowledgeLee Munch noted as the “one to watch” by Long Island Business News, is the one to listen to as she shares her blueprint of the Dialing for Millions program. Lee Munch  "It is my passion to educate, help, and motivate clients and their teams to do their best, to be their best, and to ultimately have what they really want. I believe everyone deserves to have a great life- in and out of work. "     O: (631) 868-3641 M: (631) 793-3141     www.ResultsMastery Events here: Strategies of Success Host Brian A Cohen DTM 631-255-3581 00:31:00Strategies of Success BriannoLee Munch,Brian Cohen,Toastmasterss,self help,small businessLee Munch noted as the “one to watch” by Long Island Business News, is the one to listen to as she shares her blueprint of the Dialing for Millions program. LeCCFA Board President Howard Sosnik Long Island fundraising and awareness events, 08 Oct 2014 12:00:00 GMTCCFA Board President Howard Sosnik Long Island fundraising and awareness eventsHoward Sosnik President of the board of trustees for the Long Island chapter shares with us something every non-profit can learn from.  The Long Island chapter is busy raising money and awareness. Providing support services for many. Helping patients with questions and providing activities for all to participate in.  I know this not from the website but from personal experience. My wife was diagnosed with Colitis as a teenager. Early in our marriage we had a rough spot and came to know the CCFA and the many benefits it provides. Howard has his own reasons for making a commitment to an organization that means so much to so many. In these 30 minutes you will here from Howard. Why he is so devoted to the CCFA and the many ways that you can participate in the activities that will help raise money and awareness and just may make you healthier in the process. Crohn's & Colitis Foundation of America 585 Stewart Avenue, Suite 304 Garden City, NY 11530 Phone: (516) 222-5530  Fax: (516) 222-5535 Email: Edda Ramsdell Executive Director Strategies of Success Radio Host Brian A Cohen 631-255-3581     00:31:00Strategies of Success BriannoHoward Sosnick,Brian Cohen,CCFA,Crohns,ColitisHoward Sosnik President of the board of trustees for the Long Island chapter shares with us something every non-profit can learn from.  The Long Island chapterProstrate Cancer a patients perspective part 2 what you should know, 03 Oct 2014 16:00:00 GMTProstrate Cancer a patients perspective part 2 what you should knowJuly 2013 Tom Edwards discussed what it was like to have and be treated for Prostrate Cancer. He took us from the bedroom to the bathroom and all things in between. He joins us again to share what he has learned and what you should know. Tom Edwards and I discuss what he encountered after being diagnosed with Prostate Cancer. Tom gives us a first hand look into the challenges he encountered. What is also dicussed is why living the healthy lifestyle may not have prevented this but it did give him options. For more of the medical side of Prostate Cancer visit, Strategies of Success Host Brian A Cohen DTM 631-255-3581   00:32:00Strategies of Success BriannoTom Edwards,Brian Cohen,Prostrate Cancer,cancer,healthJuly 2013 Tom Edwards discussed what it was like to have and be treated for Prostrate Cancer. He took us from the bedroom to the bathroom and all things in betwChrohn's how we fight the disease with Amy Hermon-Taylor and Jennifer Klobassa, 24 Sep 2014 16:00:00 GMTChrohn's how we fight the disease with Amy Hermon-Taylor and Jennifer KlobassaDr. Amy Hermon-Taylor grew up not with Crohn's but with a father that has been working on a cure for Crohn's, She began to understand her father's research properly in light of her medical training, taking the decision to get personally involved with fundraising/awareness campaigning... and building a team of people from the Crohn's community (across 3 continents) who are working together to support the research that could lead to a Crohn's cure. One person that is accutely aware of this research is Jennifer Klobassa. Jenny has Crohn's and is member of this team, a Crohn's patient from Minneapolis. She speaks about her experience with anti-MAP antibiotic therapy (AMAT). She contacted Amy's father in 2008 having read several of his scientific papers and he gave her some advice about AMAT. As a result of this treatment, she has been in profound remission from her Crohn's for the last 6 years. She is now helping to fundraise by organising a benefit in April 2015. With Dr. Hermon Taylor in England, Jenny in Minneapolis and I am in New York we are thousands of miles apart but with one goal, to further the idea that a cure can be found. Link to Clinical Trials in the US. Strategies of Success Host Brian A Cohen DTM 631-255-3581         00:32:00Strategies of Success BriannoAmy Hermon-Taylor,Jennifer Klobassa,Brian Cohen,CCFA,CrohnsDr. Amy Hermon-Taylor grew up not with Crohn's but with a father that has been working on a cure for Crohn's, She began to understand her father's research propJon Reiner The Man who couldn't eat Adapting to the challenge of severe Crohns, 16 Sep 2014 16:30:00 GMTJon Reiner The Man who couldn't eat Adapting to the challenge of severe CrohnsNothing by mouth was how he ate for months on end. With a family, a career and one very big challenge Jon tells us how he adjusted then and what that means to him now. Jon Reiner is the award-winning author of the memoir The Man Who Couldn’t Eat, (Simon & Schuster), selected as a Top Pick by the Los Angeles Times, Chicago Tribune and Daily Beast and winner of a Publishers Weekly Listen-Up Award for best audiobook. The book is based on a story of the same title Reiner wrote for Esquire which won the James Beard Foundation Award for Magazine Feature Writing, was nominated for a National Magazine Award, and was translated into multiple languages for international publication. Other recent writing has been published by The Atlantic, The New York Times, The Huffington Post, The Daily Beast,,, DownEast, San Francisco Book Review, Nervous Breakdown, Slice, Creative Nonfiction, Fool, Graze and elsewhere.   Strategies Of Success Speakers Bureau Host - Brian A Cohen DTM 631-255-3581 00:31:00Strategies of Success BriannoJon Reiner,Brian Cohe,CCFA,Crohns,ColitisNothing by mouth was how he ate for months on end. With a family, a career and one very big challenge Jon tells us how he adjusted then and what that means to hDr Talamini shares with us the top advances at Stony Brook Medicine, 09 Sep 2014 16:00:00 GMTDr Talamini shares with us the top advances at Stony Brook MedicineCrohns and Colitis is much more common than you would think. The treatment of it is different for everyone and sometimes the treatment leads to surgery. Dr. Talamini specializes in gastrointestinal surgery, with an emphasis on the treatment of inflammatory bowel disease (Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis). He is considered a pioneer in minimally invasive abdominal surgery, and is recognized as one of the leading authorities on laparoscopic and robotic-assisted surgery in the United States. In addition to his position as Professer and Chairman of surgery at University Hospital, Dr. Talamini serves Stony Brook Medicine as founding director of the Stony Brook Medical Innovation Institute, where he is charged with developing and testing new techniques and devices that solve challenges in surgical and procedurally-based medical, pediatric, and radiological specialties. Dr. Talamini website 631-444-4545 office phone Strategies of Success Host Brian A Cohen DTM briansos@optonlinenet 631-255-3581     00:32:00Strategies of Success BriannoDr Talamini,stonybrook,University,medicine,SurgeryCrohns and Colitis is much more common than you would think. The treatment of it is different for everyone and sometimes the treatment leads to surgery. Dr. TaDr. Ellen Li, MD, PhD Stony Brook University School of Medicine, 02 Sep 2014 16:00:00 GMTDr. Ellen Li, MD, PhD Stony Brook University School of MedicineCrohn’s disease may affect as many as 700,000 Americans. Men and Women are equally likely to be affected, and while the disease can occur at any age, Crohn's is more prevalent among adolescents and young adults between the ages of 15 and 35. Ulcerative colitis may affect as many as 700,000 Americans. Men and Women are equally likely to be affected, and most people are diagnosed in their mid-30s. The disease can occur at any age and older men are more likely to be diagnosed than older women What is being done to research and find the cause of these diseases? For that we ask Dr. Ellen Li. Dr. Ellen Li, MD, PhD, a gastroenterologist and research scientist, is Chief of the Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology in the Department of Medicine at Stony Brook University School of Medicine. Dr. Li oversees the clinical, research and training of a Division that specializes in the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the digestive tract and liver. Dr. Li’s major research interest is on defining the role of the gut microbiome in digestive diseases, particularly inflammatory bowel diseases, colon cancer, and functional GI disorders (e.g. irritable bowel syndrome). Since coming to Stony Brook in 2009, Ellen has launched an interdepartmental Digestive Diseases Biobanking Core, with the generous support of the Simons Foundation, that will provide an infrastructure that encourages collaborations between clinicians and basic scientists in conducting clinical translational research.She is the author of 77 peer-reviewed articles and several chapters in the Textbook of Gastroenterology.  Strategies of Success Speakers Bureau Host Brian A Cohen DTM 631-255-3581   00:33:00Strategies of Success BriannoDr Li,StonyBrook University,School,Medicine,CCFACrohn’s disease may affect as many as 700,000 Americans. Men and Women are equally likely to be affected, and while the disease can occur at any age, Crohn's isKeri Dolan Don't let anything ever stop you from achieving your full potential, 30 Aug 2014 14:30:00 GMTKeri Dolan Don't let anything ever stop you from achieving your full potentialKeri Dolan - "Don't let anything ever stop you from achieving your full potential; especially crohns or colitis" Keri is living by her words and you will learn how she has found strength in her that helps her manage and even overcome some of her challenges. Learn from an amazing young women that uses her talents as an artist, confidence as person and her own determination to teach others that you are "a million times stronger" than your obstacle to overcome. Keri Dolan Strategies of Success Website content that speaks for you Host Brian A Cohen DTM 631-255-3581 00:31:00Strategies of Success BriannoKeri Dolan,Brian Cohen,DTM,Toastmasters,ToastmasterKeri Dolan - "Don't let anything ever stop you from achieving your full potential; especially crohns or colitis" Keri is living by her words and you will learnHow do you build a popular business just ask Betsy Maniotis of Betsys Baskets, 22 Aug 2014 16:00:00 GMTHow do you build a popular business just ask Betsy Maniotis of Betsys BasketsHow do you take your skills from a prior career, a hobby and a love people and turn it into a business that fully supports charities, networking events while promoting the business relationships she has created over the years? Easy, ask Betsy. Betsy Maniotis Betsy’s Baskets is celebrating their 14th year creating custom Corporate and Personal Gift Baskets, Bears, Favors, Florals & Home Decor for All Occasions.  Ask for Famous Brand Products & Business/Event Promo Ideas! In business since April of 2000, our President, Betsy Maniotis, is a member of Who’s Who for Business Executives, Professionals & Entrepreneurs, as well as held board positions in numerous networking groups.Betsy’s Baskets was honored in 2013 to be placed in LinkedIn’s Top 1% of US Gift Businesses.In addition to being on the board for the World Adhesion Foundation, Baskets of Hope, and Jacie’s Kids, Betsy’s Baskets contributes to numerous organizations supporting Cleaning Angels, “Get A Voice” ~ an anti-bullying awareness & support group, sick & disabled children, breast cancer research, heart research, autism, lymphoma,, as well as special needs fundraisers that arise each year. Strategies of Success Host Brian A Cohen 631-255-3581     00:32:00Strategies of Success Briannobetsy maniotis,brian cohen,westernsuffolkprofessionals,baskets,GiftsHow do you take your skills from a prior career, a hobby and a love people and turn it into a business that fully supports charities, networking events while prMark Llewhellin Running the USA seven times for seven charities USA Run Of Hope, 15 Aug 2014 21:00:00 GMTMark Llewhellin Running the USA seven times for seven charities USA Run Of HopeMark Llehellin Born (5 days before Christian Bale) on 25th January 1974 in Haverfordwest, Pembrokeshire, Wales. Mark joined the British army at the age of 16 and served with Junior Leaders Regiment, Royal Artillery. Mark initially failed his one and a half mile run basic fitness test and was voted the fattest person in his troop.  After building his fitness up over a year and a half and after failing twice (once through lack of fitness & once through injury) Mark successfully passed the British All Arms Commando Course and earned the right to wear the coveted Green Beret.  The USA Run of Hope is a run across the United States that British runner Mark Llewhellin has set up. It goes through 48 of the mainland American States and the route has been uniquely designed in the shape of the U.S flag, as pictured below. The distance of the run is roughly 21,000 miles and the run will take place over several years. Even though Mark is doing all of the run, the event is designed 'for the people' People from all different backgrounds are invited to join Mark in this epic journey. While Mark goes from State to State you can join in be it just for fitness or to raise money for a worthwhile charity or cause that you believe in.   Strategies of Success Host Brian Cohen 631-255-3581 briansos@optonline,net  00:32:00Strategies of Success BriannoMark Llewhellin,Brian Cohen,Running,Marathon,extremeMark Llehellin Born (5 days before Christian Bale) on 25th January 1974 in Haverfordwest, Pembrokeshire, Wales. Mark joined the British army at the age of 16 aLee Munch is Dialing for Millions and this is the Blueprint, 09 Aug 2014 13:30:00 GMTLee Munch is Dialing for Millions and this is the BlueprintLee Munch noted as the “one to watch” by Long Island Business News, is the one to listen to as she shares her blueprint of the Dialing for Millions program. Lee Munch  "It is my passion to educate, help, and motivate clients and their teams to do their best, to be their best, and to ultimately have what they really want. I believe everyone deserves to have a great life- in and out of work. "     O: (631) 868-3641 M: (631) 793-3141     www.ResultsMastery Events here: Strategies of Success Host Brian A Cohen DTM 631-255-3581       00:31:00Strategies of Success Briannolee munch,brian cohen,sales,marketing,Self helpLee Munch noted as the “one to watch” by Long Island Business News, is the one to listen to as she shares her blueprint of the Dialing for Millions program. LeBecca Moore Mom Author and founder of the Bipolar Project, 02 Aug 2014 17:00:00 GMTBecca Moore Mom Author and founder of the Bipolar ProjectThree years ago Becca Moore was diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder. Alone and scared she reached out to find other parents going through the same thing. Sadly there were not any resources for parents. That is when she started The Bipolar Parenting Project. Raising funds to turn the Project into a non-profit organization that can help parents on a national level. For more information including how to purchase her book and for other resources. Visit or call 1.570.216.4070   Strategies of Success Brian A Cohen DTM Host briansos@optonline,net 631-255-3581     00:32:00Strategies of Success BriannoBipolar,Becca Moore,Brian Cohen,Toastmasters,ToastmasterThree years ago Becca Moore was diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder. Alone and scared she reached out to find other parents going through the same thing. Sadly therWhat is NetWALKing for Success and how do you benefit, 26 Jul 2014 17:00:00 GMTWhat is NetWALKing for Success and how do you benefitElise Cohen Ho - Naturally Yours and Brian Cohen DTM - Strategies of Success both had an idea. This idea came naturally as Elise was already walking and so was Brian. The difference was that she is on the west coast and he in the east. How can they support each other as they walked to acheive their own goals? The answer was very simple, by supporting the goals and efforts of others. Join us as we discuss why walking is so important in our lives, how it effects our business and what we have learned about others who are making efforts to improve themselves on a daily basis. Elise Cohen HO Naturally Yours Brian Cohen DTM Strategies of Success 631-255-3581 00:32:00Strategies of Success Briannoelise cohen ho,Brian Cohen DTM,Toastmasters,Toastmaster,District 46Elise Cohen Ho - Naturally Yours and Brian Cohen DTM - Strategies of Success both had an idea. This idea came naturally as Elise was already walking and so wasActionable ideas for you to support Habitat for Humanity with Michael Pfeiffer, 18 Jul 2014 16:00:00 GMTActionable ideas for you to support Habitat for Humanity with Michael PfeifferMichael Pfeiffer, Executive Director for Habitat for Humanity, Nassau County, NY and I will be discussing nothing but actionable ideas on this program. How can you and why would you want to assist Habitat for Humanity? There are a lot more reasons than you thought. Our Vision A world where everyone has a decent place to live. United in Mission Seeking to put God’s love into action, Habitat for Humanity brings people together to build homes, communities and hope. An estimated 5.4 million American households face worst-case housing needs, according to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. Receiving little or no government housing assistance, these families are unable to find a decent place to live at a price they can afford to pay. Strategies of Succces  Host Brian A Cohen DTM 631-255-3581 briansos@optonline,net   Three actionable ideas any small business owner can use. Our guests come from different places but they all share the goal of developing the right Strategies of Success for them. Your takeaway is to use these actionable ideas and make them into yours.   00:33:00Strategies of Success BriannoMichael Pfeiffer,Executive Director for Habitat for Humanity,Nassau County,New york,self helpMichael Pfeiffer, Executive Director for Habitat for Humanity, Nassau County, NY and I will be discussing nothing but actionable ideas on this program. How canJim Ryan Talks about simple happiness, 10 Jul 2014 16:30:00 GMTJim Ryan Talks about simple happinessJim Ryan is the founder and president of Jim Ryan Talks, an organization dedicated to the cultivation and development of each individual’s potential for living a life full of joy, fulfillment and success. Jim has the unique ability to take profound, life changing concepts and turn them into easily understood solutions. Jim is a visionary, a leading edge thinker, whose words gently penetrate to the core of his listeners. His message empowers and inspires his audiences to live their best lives: a message that encourages each attendee to achieve his personal best, at home, at work and in personal relationships. Tens of thousands have been inspired by Jim’s empowering seminars and books, his weekly “Aha Moments” as well as his online coaching and blog. If you are looking for a happier, more fulfilled life, you have landed in the right spot. Take a moment. Look around. Be inspired Strategies of Success Host Brian A Cohen DTM 631-255-3581       00:33:00Strategies of Success BriannoJim Ryan,simple happiness,brian A cohen,toastmater,toastmastersJim Ryan is the founder and president of Jim Ryan Talks, an organization dedicated to the cultivation and development of each individual’s potential for livingWhat should be taught to ourselves to get a straight A in life by Jack Rolfe, 01 Jul 2014 15:30:00 GMTWhat should be taught to ourselves to get a straight A in life by Jack RolfeMr. Rolfe is the Founder and President of the School of Life Foundation.This 501(c)3 nonprofit organization has a mission to increase high school graduation rates. The character building curriculum taught by the School of Life Foundation is contained in Mr. Rolfe’s book/ Learn to “School” Your Toughest Opponent./ Mr. Rolfe’s vision with this work is to lead a “positive disruption” in education. Jack is also a contributing author in the books/ Life Choices: It’s Never Too Late/ and /Heart of a Toastmaster/. Mr. Rolfe is a professional speaker and holds the honor of presenting at the First Annual National Mentoring Summit held in the Library of Congress. School of Life Foundation  81 North 1100 West St. George, Utah 84770 P: 435-632-2947 Strategies of Success  Host Brian A Cohen 631-255-3581     00:31:00Strategies of Success BriannoJack Rolfe,Brian Cohen,Strategies of success,heart of a toastmaster,ToastmasterMr. Rolfe is the Founder and President of the School of Life Foundation.This 501(c)3 nonprofit organization has a mission to increase high school graduation ratElder Annmarie Godwin how does spirituality factor into our business, 28 Jun 2014 21:00:00 GMTElder Annmarie Godwin how does spirituality factor into our businessBeliefs. We all have them. We believe in our family. We believe in our business parties and for some our strongest belief is in our religious beliefs. But where does the belief in you come from? One of the above or from yourself? Perhaps it is a combination of all. My guest today is Elder Annmarie Godwin. She has been a friend of mine for many years, yet this will be our first real discussion in the topic and you are invited. Pull up a chair as this may be one of the more interesting business conversations I have had in a while. Strategies of Success Host Brian A Cohen DTM       00:33:00Strategies of Success BriannoAnnmarie Godwin,Elder Annmarie Godwin,Religion,business,business successBeliefs. We all have them. We believe in our family. We believe in our business parties and for some our strongest belief is in our religious beliefs. But whereHow to create a thirty second elevator pitch in three easy steps by Brian Cohen, 21 Jun 2014 19:00:00 GMTHow to create a thirty second elevator pitch in three easy steps by Brian CohenAn elevator speech: the 30 second pitch that explains what you do, why you do it while delivering a call to action. Join me for 30 minutes as we discuss the creation and delivery of your 30 second elevator pitch. The preparation needed to deliver a short speech may be challanging, but it should not be too difficult. Strategies of Success Host Brian A Cohen DTM 631-255-3581 00:31:00Strategies of Success BriannoBrian Cohen,Toastmasters,Toastmaster,Strategies of success,BusinessAn elevator speech: the 30 second pitch that explains what you do, why you do it while delivering a call to action. Join me for 30 minutes as we discuss the crAdventure Grand Slam The South Pole is the next step for Tom Fabbri, 14 Jun 2014 22:00:00 GMTAdventure Grand Slam The South Pole is the next step for Tom FabbriTom Fabbri - 11th American to complete the Adventure Grand Slam? That is the goal and the next climb on this journey is The South Pole. The end of this year, Tom will be closer to becoming the 11th American to complete the Adventure Grand Slam. This new adventure will take him to Antarctica to climb Vinson Massif, his 6th of the 7 summits. Around the corner from that will be Everest, the mother of all mountains, but that’s for another program. Follow Tom on this journey by joining his mailing list. This can be found at   For media and speakin engagements please contact Brian Cohen 631-255-3581 Stategies of Success  host Brian Cohen DTM 631-255-3581 Please contact us for our Speakers Bureau and radio/tv/internet interview services.     00:32:00Strategies of Success BriannoTom Fabbri,Brian Cohen,South Pole,Climbing,HikingTom Fabbri - 11th American to complete the Adventure Grand Slam? That is the goal and the next climb on this journey is The South Pole. The end of this year, THow does Toastmasters teach management skills Amanda Meeker shares her story, 02 Jun 2014 15:30:00 GMTHow does Toastmasters teach management skills Amanda Meeker shares her storyToastmasters help you become a better manager in business, with family and that all important manager of time. Amanda Meeker, ACB, ALB, is finishing her term as Area 26 Governor in Virginia and will be the Burke Toastmasters President following her term. She has been a Toastmaster since  2009 and, after her term as president, will have been in all officer positions except for VPE and Treasurer. She is a contributor to Sheryl Roush's Heart of a Toastmaster and hopes that someday soon she will be a Division Officer. Strategies of Success Host Brian A Cohen DTM 631-255-3581 briansos@optonline,net     00:33:00Strategies of Success BriannoBrian Cohen,Amanda Meeker,Toastmaster,toastmasters,Toastmasters InternationalToastmasters help you become a better manager in business, with family and that all important manager of time. Amanda Meeker, ACB, ALB, is finishing her term aThe Trek to the South Pole with Tom Fabbri, 31 May 2014 15:00:00 GMTThe Trek to the South Pole with Tom FabbriWhat is it that drives a man to accomplish one goal after another, Chef, Pilot, Author and Adventurer Tom Fabbri will share with ths the challenges, the preparation and the mental preparedness needed to endure an adventure to Vinson Massif the highest peak on the South Pole. On November 22, 2014 Tom will be closer to becoming the 9th American to complete the Adventure Grand Slam. This new adventure will take him to Antarctica to climb Vinson Massif, the 6th of the 7 summits. Around the corner from that will be Everest, the mother of all mountains, but that's for another time. Join Tom and I as we talk about this climb and how it differs from the previous ones, the new challenges he will face and what it is that we are to learn from his ventures. Please sign up for Tom's mailing list at we will update you as best as possible as he ventures to the South Pole. For media/sponsorship or speaking opportunities please contact me. Strategies of Success Brian A Cohen 631-255-3581 briansos@optonline,net   00:32:00Strategies of Success BriannoWhat is it that drives a man to accomplish one goal after another, Chef, Pilot, Author and Adventurer Tom Fabbri will share with ths the challenges, the preparaWhat is the true Toastmasters value to a business person with Brian Cohen DTM, 24 May 2014 21:00:00 GMTWhat is the true Toastmasters value to a business person with Brian Cohen DTMMy speaking career started with a promotion and it was this promotion that highlighted my speaking skils. The problem? I was too comfortable on stage thus making me boring. To the point that one gentleman fell asleep two meetings on a row. I needed to be inspirational, motivational or go into pillow sales. That is in 2006, today I have learned to be effective. You can too, this program is focused on what a small business owner or networker will gain from the program and how each type of speaking portion of the meeting will support your efforts. Call me with any questions. My cell is 631-255-3581. Brian Cohen       00:32:00Strategies of Success BriannoBrian Cohen,Toastmasters,Toastmaster,Self help,Self ImprovementMy speaking career started with a promotion and it was this promotion that highlighted my speaking skils. The problem? I was too comfortable on stage thus makinYour past does it decide or inspire your future? Daniel Ally Speaker Author, 13 May 2014 16:00:00 GMTYour past does it decide or inspire your future? Daniel Ally Speaker AuthorYour past decide does it decide or inspire your future? Daniel Ally is a personal development expert. He is the founder and CEO of The Ally Way International. Daniel Ally broke many store records as he sold suits, insurance, cars, knives, and other products and services worth millions of dollars all across the country! He has always been known for his exceptional client service, time management, sales, and leadership skills. Daniel Ally attended Penn State University and took MBA courses there. He conducts seminars in various states in the United States. He also has traveled extensively among numerous countries. You can find his exclusive book entitled, 'You are the Boss!' worldwide on Daniel Ally blogs weekly and has read hundreds of books and has given hundreds of electrifying speeches on a professional level. Daniel A. Ally 717-379-0126 Penn State University Alumnus  The Ally Way, LLC Personal Development Expert "Like" me on  Facebook!   Strategies of Success Host Brian Cohen   Speakers Bureau Contact Briansos@optonline,net 631-255-3581         00:32:00Strategies of Success BriannoDaniel Ally,Brian Cohen,Self Help,Business,ToastmastersYour past decide does it decide or inspire your future? Daniel Ally is a personal development expert. He is the founder and CEO of The Ally Way International.Mark Bevilacque cross media solutions, 06 May 2014 12:00:00 GMTMark Bevilacque cross media solutionsPROforma Bevilacque Group is a cross-media solutions provider for local and global projects! Our niche is creating something from nothing in unreasonable time periods! We love being your virtual production team and making you look good!  PROforma Bevilacque Group is a Production Company with a huge bandwidth of capabilities  and offerings; from Print & Direct Mail Production, Promotional Items, Packaging as well as Web, Mobile, APP'S, InterActive Games, Location based Services, Social Media, Multimedia, Event Production, Word-of-Mouth Marketing, Marketing Services as well as Emerging Media Technologies. ~ Creative ~ Marketing ~ Studio ServicesMark Bevilacque (212) 414-8858 Strategies of Successs Host Brian Cohen DTM Speakers Bureau 631-255-3581 00:37:00Strategies of Success BriannoMark Bevilacque cross media solutions,Mark Bevilacque,Brian Cohen DTM,Media,promotionsPROforma Bevilacque Group is a cross-media solutions provider for local and global projects! Our niche is creating something from nothing in unreasonable time pNavel Expo Steve Rizzo, 30 Apr 2014 15:30:00 GMTNavel Expo Steve RizzoIs humor important? Are you kidding me?  Humor inspires us to recall facts, it inspires us to overcome challenges and it creates an attitude that anything is possible.  Steve Rizzo Strategies of Success Host Brian Cohen DTM 631-255-3581 00:32:00Strategies of Success BriannoBrian Cohen,Steve Rizzo,Navel Expo,Alex Lubarsky,Self helpIs humor important? Are you kidding me?  Humor inspires us to recall facts, it inspires us to overcome challenges and it creates an attitude that anything is pDr Harris Cohen Bullying is it just for kids Stop it in your office, 26 Apr 2014 13:00:00 GMTDr Harris Cohen Bullying is it just for kids Stop it in your officeBullying - is it just for kids? Join Dr. Cohen and I as we discuss a issue that continues to effect our youth and maybe our adult population also. A learned man with life experience, Dr. Harris R. Cohen treated patients in his private chiropractic office for more than 25 years.  During this time, Dr. Cohen listened carefully to their health issues which more often than not translated into emotional issues.  In the process, he observed that his patients inundated themselves with negative messages which prevented them from moving forward in their lives and in their health. He began talking about” negotiating “with themselves to reach the right choice that would provide them a happier and healthier lifestyle. Dr. Harris Cohen 631-924-5078 Strategies of Success Host Brian Cohen 631-255-3581   00:32:00Strategies of Success BriannoDR Haris Cohen,Brian Cohen,Bullying,Self help,toastmastersBullying - is it just for kids? Join Dr. Cohen and I as we discuss a issue that continues to effect our youth and maybe our adult population also. A learned mDavid T Jones Certified Business Coach, Business Mentor, Partner & Group Manager, 19 Apr 2014 16:30:00 GMTDavid T Jones Certified Business Coach, Business Mentor, Partner & Group ManagerIntroducing David Jones Are you working longer hours than you want to or ever thought you would be?  Do you want to regain the vision and dream that led you to forming your own business in the first place? What would you do to regain control of your life and spend more time with family and friends?  I am a certified Business Coach with ActionCOACH, the World’s #1 Business Coaching Franchise (Entrepreneur Magazine).  I specialize in the commercial and residential design and construction industry. As your coach, I will be working with you in five key areas. The emphasis on each area depends on your needs, the type of business you have, and your goals. The key areas are: Sales; Marketing and Advertising; Team Building and Recruitment; Processes and Systems; Business Development; and Customer Service.  My goal is to help business owners; CEOs; and presidents; such as yourself, spend less time working in your business and more time working on your business. In the end, you'll be spending less total time working and will be making more money. I’d also like to help you put the FUN back in your business and your life. 623.377.3143 Strategies of Success Host - Brian A Cohen DTM Strategies Speakers Bureau 631-255-3581   Contributer to:           00:33:00Strategies of Success BriannoBrian Cohen DTM,Toastmasters,Toastmaster,business coaching,ActionCoachIntroducing David Jones Are you working longer hours than you want to or ever thought you would be?  Do you want to regain the vision and dream that led you twhat happens when you get busy you get focused with Brian Cohen DTM, 12 Apr 2014 18:30:00 GMTwhat happens when you get busy you get focused with Brian Cohen DTMBrian Cohen shares with you the importance of setting goals and getting them done. 00:31:00Strategies of Success BriannoBrian Cohen,Toastmasters,toastmaster,goal,vision boardsBrian Cohen shares with you the importance of setting goals and getting them done.Brian Cohen alone unprepared no script and what of you had to do this, 04 Apr 2014 21:00:00 GMTBrian Cohen alone unprepared no script and what of you had to do thisThis is what being a more confident speaker is all about. Doing the show with theoretically no preparation. I go live 18 minutes from when I am writing this and as I write I am preparing, as a write I think abiut what the message will be and the message is. Brian Cohen DTM 631-255-3581 briansos@optonline,net   00:31:00Strategies of Success BriannoBrian Cohen,Toastmasters,Toastmaster,public Speaking,Long IslandThis is what being a more confident speaker is all about. Doing the show with theoretically no preparation. I go live 18 minutes from when I am writing this andHeart of a Toastmaster Sheryl Roush Author Speaker, 24 Mar 2014 16:00:00 GMTHeart of a Toastmaster Sheryl Roush Author SpeakerSheryl Roush has created a collection of Heart-centered books and has a program that she can bring to a group. Our conversation focuses on The Heart of a Toastmaster. The lessons will focus on the passion, desire and determination you must have to make your dreams a reality. Sheryl Roush realized early on that there must be a better way of doing business. Perhaps one where there was more “heart” … a place where people would willingly bring their talents to work. If staff was happier and could express themselves assertively, they felt better about themselves Sparkle Presentations, Inc. Based in San Diego, CA, USA P.O. Box 2373, La Mesa, CA 91943 Phone: (858) 569-6555 Strategies of Success Host Brian A Cohen DTM 631-255-3581 00:31:00Strategies of Success BriannoSheryl Roush,Brian Cohen,toastmasters,Toastmaster,Toastmasters InternationalSheryl Roush has created a collection of Heart-centered books and has a program that she can bring to a group. Our conversation focuses on The Heart of a ToastDeborah Clark DTM Speaker Toastmaster Author Unstoppable, 17 Mar 2014 22:30:00 GMTDeborah Clark DTM Speaker Toastmaster Author UnstoppableAs a member of Toastmasters International. I earned my DTM, (Distinguished Toastmaster). I am an experienced facilitator that mentors individuals who want to improve their Public Speaking Skills. My objective is to increase your comfort level while sharing valuable tools you can use right away. I offer resources, and supportive evaluations that give my clients the tools which enables them to be ready for opportunities. You can do this. I can help. As a niche professional speaker, I know how to deliver programs that provide value to audiences. With a background in all aspects of meeting development, staff training, and event organization, I understand how to meet the needs of my clients for a successful event. My client list includes adult school/continuing education programs, professional associations, non-profit groups, and private clients. As an author of several motivation books, I am passionate about encouraging self growth and improvement. My book , “The Unstoppable Woman's Guide to Emotional Well being”, will be included in “2013 Edition of “50 Great Writers You Should be Reading” Deborah Clark, DTM offers on line, customized one-on-one consultations, and if you mention this interview you can receive a free one hour session. Visit the website DDCDTMentor Strategies of Success Radio Host Brian Cohen DTM Strategies of Success Speakers Bureau 631-255-3581   00:31:00Strategies of Success BriannoDeborah Clark,Brian Cohen,Toastmaster,Toastmasters,AuthorsAs a member of Toastmasters International. I earned my DTM, (Distinguished Toastmaster). I am an experienced facilitator that mentors individuals who want to imHilary M Topper HJMT Public Relations Services, 10 Mar 2014 16:00:00 GMTHilary M Topper HJMT Public Relations ServicesTwo Billion Impressions in one year - How effective is you social media efforts Hilary’s experience includes working at top PR agencies such as Ogilvy & Mather PR; Hill, Holiday/PR; and Ruder Finn/PR. She also worked as the Director of Public Relations and Development for two non-profit organizations in New York City. In March 1992, Hilary founded HJMT Public Relations, Inc., the award-winning public relations and social media agency. Today, HJMT has three office locations — in Melville, New York City and Rochester, New York. Now she joins us we learn, laugh and enjoy thirty minutes with one very exciting guest Melville 145 Pinelawn Road Suite 300 South Melville, New York 11747 Office: (631) 393-0220   New York City 575 Madison Avenue 10th Floor New York, NY 10022 Office: (347) 696-0220 Rochester 7410 Forest Trail Victor, NY 14564 Office: (585) 764-9057 Strategies of Success Host Brian Cohen briansos@optnline,net 631-255-3581   00:32:00Strategies of Success BriannoHilary Topper,HJMT,Brian Cohen,Strategies of Success,Public RelationsTwo Billion Impressions in one year - How effective is you social media efforts Hilary’s experience includes working at top PR agencies such as Ogilvy & MatherAndrea Feinberg More Free Time Zone Author Speaker Coach, 03 Mar 2014 23:30:00 GMTAndrea Feinberg More Free Time Zone Author Speaker CoachDo you want to make more money by day & sleep better at night? I know I do and our guest will be sharing ideas, resources and programs that can help you get into the More Free Time Zone. Ask our guest - Andrea Feinberg - Founder of the More Free Time Zone. Free gift Click here - During the 11 years Andrea Feinberg has coached business owners, there’s been a constant theme they’ve all shared: the desire to have more free time; to be engaged in activities that, for them, represent passion, personal growth, more money and, ultimately, freedom. Whether seeking improved processes, effective hiring practices, focused marketing strategies or a solid strategic plan, every single one has ultimately wanted these business improvements to result in more free time. Free gift Click here - Andrea Feinberg Coaching Insight LLC  41 Village Green Drive Port Jefferson Sta., NY 11776 Phone: 631.642.7434  Fax: 631.476.4965 Skype: rebeccaaunt Strategies of Success Radio Host Strategies of Success Speakers Bureau Founder Brian Cohen 631-255-3581       00:31:00Strategies of Success BriannoBrian Cohen,Toastmasters,Andrea Feinberg,More Free Time Zone,Self HelpDo you want to make more money by day & sleep better at night? I know I do and our guest will be sharing ideas, resources and programs that can help you get inMarilyn Jess DTM Author Wellness Coach Blog Talk Radio CoHost, 24 Feb 2014 23:30:00 GMTMarilyn Jess DTM Author Wellness Coach Blog Talk Radio CoHostAre you embracing new technologies and combining them with new opportunities? Our guest today takes a very interesting approach and one that may be right for you. Marilyn Jess DTM My twin passions are public speaking and wellness coaching. I believe that one should never have to choose one thing from life's menu, and I never have. I co-host The Wellness Coaches radio show on, and am the author of Ignite Your Speaking Skills, a book available on all major eBook retailers. My second eBook is titled Virtual Speaking.   I am a certified professional health and wellness coach. My specialty is email private coaching, which is a distinct writing and coaching skill.  Specialties: Online wellness coach, workshop speaker, freelance writing, online instruction   Strategies of Success Host Brian Cohen DTM 631-255-3581 briansos@optonline,net 00:33:00Strategies of Success BriannoMarilyn Jess,Brian Cohen,Wellness Coach,Blog Talk Radio,Strategies of successAre you embracing new technologies and combining them with new opportunities? Our guest today takes a very interesting approach and one that may be right for yoSonia Marsh Gutsy Women author adventurer world traveler, 17 Feb 2014 23:30:00 GMTSonia Marsh Gutsy Women author adventurer world travelerYou want to be an author? Publish your own book and be recognized as an expert and not sure where to begin? Start right here, you don't want to miss this. Sonia Marsh is a “Gutsy” woman who can pack her carry-on and move to another country in one day. She inspires her audiences to get out of their comfort zone and take a risk. She says everyone has a “My Gutsy Story®”; some just need a little help to uncover theirs. Her story, told in her travel memoir Freeways to Flip-Flops: A Family’s Year of Gutsy Living on a Tropical Island, is about chucking it all and uprooting her family—with teenagers— to reconnect on an island in Belize. Her memoir has received 7 awards, including 1st Place, in the “Autobiography/Memoir E-Lit Awards 2012/13. Sonia is the founder of the “My Gutsy Story®” series and has published the first Anthology: My Gutsy Story® Anthology: True Stories of Love, Courage and Adventure From Around the World, Sonia now offers "gutsy" book marketing and coaching to indie authors. Contact her at: or visit her website:   Strategies of Success Host Brian A Cohen DTM 631-255-3581 00:32:00Strategies of Success BriannoSonia Marsh,brian cohen,toastmasters,toastmaster,toastmastersinternationalYou want to be an author? Publish your own book and be recognized as an expert and not sure where to begin? Start right here, you don't want to miss this. SoniJoyce Feustel Baby boomers social media tutor, 10 Feb 2014 23:30:00 GMTJoyce Feustel Baby boomers social media tutorAre you ready to start your career? As a Baby Boomer or even a Baby Boomer plus? Joyce Feustel founded Boomers’ Social Media Tutor in 2012. She provides personalized social media tutoring and social media training to people new, or relatively new, to such social media websites as Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Pinterest and others. She works with job seekers, business owners, retired people and leaders of nonprofit groups to help them become more proficient with social media. A graduate of the University of Wisconsin – Madison, Joyce has worked in education and business. Contact Joyce Feustel : 303-570-9864 Strategies of Success Host Brian A Cohen DTM briansos@optonline,net 631-255-3581   00:31:00Strategies of Success BriannoJoyce Fuestel,Brian Cohen,Baby Boomers,boomerssocialmedia,Strategies of successAre you ready to start your career? As a Baby Boomer or even a Baby Boomer plus? Joyce Feustel founded Boomers’ Social Media Tutor in 2012. She provides personAdrian Miller Sales Training Network Author and Speaker, 03 Feb 2014 23:30:00 GMTAdrian Miller Sales Training Network Author and SpeakerJoin Adrian and I as we discuss what can make you a big success Adrian Miller is President and Founder of Adrian Miller Sales Training, a sales consulting organization that she launched 27 years ago. She is also a professional speaker, trainer and author (“The Blatant Truth: 50 Ways to Sales Success” and “The Blatant Truth: How to Not Screw Up the Customer Service Game”). Adrian’s byline also appears in many business publications. Adrian is also the creator of Adrian’s Network, a highly successful business networking community comprised of 300+ members. 516-767-9288 The Blatant Truth: 50 Ways to Sales Success Adrian's Network Strategies of Success Host Brian Cohen Strategies of Success Speakers Bureau 00:32:00Strategies of Success BriannoAdrian miller,Brian Cohen,Sales Training,Networking,speakerJoin Adrian and I as we discuss what can make you a big success Adrian Miller is President and Founder of Adrian Miller Sales Training, a sales consulting orgaPatricia D Bokowski Image Consultant Nine Frogs, 27 Jan 2014 23:30:00 GMTPatricia D Bokowski Image Consultant Nine FrogsPatti's tag line represents her ambitions when it comes to her business and her clients: "Where Style meets Motivation and = Success" Bringing her sense of style, positive attitude and love for fashion, Patti looks to lift others higher to achieve their personal best and NineFrogs, her Image Consulting Business, is the perfect platform for her to succeed. Patti's objective is insuring that her clients get the very best customer service from her and she works daily at providing that value in her services. Patti is known for her warm personality, genuine charm, winning smile and ease at working with her clients. Patti has a proven talent for easily and effectively handling challenging tasks and requests, problem-solving, crisis management and leadership. She is a true leader and knows how to motivate people. Patti has a very impressive background with over twenty successful years in business administration, with a strong emphasis on office management and corporate administration. Patti cultivated her event management skills by years of coordinating conferences, retreats, reunions & office functions. She has a reputation as a true professional, possesses excellent communication and organizational skills, and can be counted on to handle any confidential matter with tact and discretion. Strategies of Success Host Brian Cohen DTM 00:31:00Strategies of Success BriannoBrian Cohen,Patrica Bokowski,Image Consultant,Fashion,Dress for successPatti's tag line represents her ambitions when it comes to her business and her clients: "Where Style meets Motivation and = Success" Bringing her sense of stJess Todtfeldt President, Results First Training / Success In Media, Inc, 20 Jan 2014 20:00:00 GMTJess Todtfeldt President, Results First Training / Success In Media, IncJess Todtfeld is one of the leading communication and media training authorities in the U.S.  With more than 15 years as a media trainer and consultant, Todtfeld helps CEOs, business executives, spokespersons, public relations representatives, experts, and authors to become more confident, more in control, and to create more results from their speaking engagements and media appearances. He brings with him 13 years experience as a TV producer for NBC, ABC, and FOX, having booked  and produced over 4,000 segments.10 of those years were spent at Cable TV’s #1 news channel, FOX NEWS CHANNEL.  Todtfeld spent 2 years with cable’s #1 prime time show, “The O’Reilly Factor” with Bill O’Reilly, and 7 years with cable’s #1 morning show “FOX & Friends.” Jess helps people create tangible results from their media interviews and presentations. People feel more comfortable and confident, create more sales, positive word of mouth and most of all… create the outcome they desire. President, Results First Training  / Success In Media, Inc. 295 Madison Avenue - 12th Floor New York, NY 10017  NY Office: (646) 233-1424 L.A. Office: (323) 529-8554 Cell:  (917) 207-1039  Toll Free: (800) 369-3421  Email: Web: Strategies of Success Speakers Bureau and PR Services Host Brian Cohen 631-255-3581 00:31:00Strategies of Success BriannoJess Todtfeld is one of the leading communication and media training authorities in the U.S.  With more than 15 years as a media trainer and consultant, TodtfelCarol Whitaker Life Transformation Expert, 13 Jan 2014 23:30:00 GMTCarol Whitaker Life Transformation ExpertWe all deserve to have our dreams come true, including you! You can break free from your limiting thoughts & beliefs that are keeping you stuck in your emotional rut by learning how to balance your body, mind and spirit to enable you to create and manifest your dreams intentionally to live the life of your dreams. You can be Ridiculously Happy and fit, it’s just a matter of shifting the paradigm in your mind from having self-doubt to having self-belief.   Carol can teach you how to become all that you want to be, do or have. Copyright ©2013 Carol Whitaker, Life Transformation Expert. Read more at: | Carol Whitaker, Life Transformation Expert Strategies of Success Host Brian Cohen DTM Strategies of Success Motivational/Sales Training Speakers Bureau briansos@optonline,net 631-255-3581       00:31:00Strategies of Success BriannoBrian Cohen,Carol Whitaker,Life Transformation expert,ridiculously happy,exerciseWe all deserve to have our dreams come true, including you! You can break free from your limiting thoughts & beliefs that are keeping you stuck in your emotionaDebi Silber MS, RD, WHC™, FDN The Mojo Coach®, President of Lifestyle Fitness, 06 Jan 2014 23:30:00 GMTDebi Silber MS, RD, WHC™, FDN The Mojo Coach®, President of Lifestyle FitnessDebi Silber MS, RD, WHC™, FDN The Mojo Coach®, President of Lifestyle Fitness, Inc. and founder of, is a recognized health, weight loss, fitness, wellness, lifestyle and self improvement expert. Specifically, she’s a Registered Dietitian with a Master’s degree in Nutrition, a certified Personal Trainer, Whole Health Coach (a health expert trained to teach how your lifestyle creates health/wellness or illness/disease), has two certifications in pre- and post-natal fitness with specialty recognition in weight loss and weight maintenance and is a Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioner. She’s a sought-after speaker and author of “A Pocket Full of Mojo: 365 Proven Strategies To Create Your Ultimate Body, Mind, Image and Lifestyle“ (recommended by best-selling authors Brian Tracy and Marshall Goldsmith, Kristi Frank of Donald Trump’s “The Apprentice“, James Malinchak, Featured on ABC’s Hit TV Show “Secret Millionaire” among others) and “The Lifestyle Fitness Program: A Six Part Plan So Every Mom Can Look, Feel and Live Her Best” (recommended by Parenting Magazine and Jack Canfield, Co-Author of the best-selling “Chicken Soup for the Soul” series and “The Success Principles“). She’s also the creator of The Mojo Fuel Bar, her own private label nutrition bar available in 3 flavors. Strategies of Success Host - Brian Cohen DTM briansos@optonline,net 00:31:00Strategies of Success BriannoDebie Silber,Brian Cohen,Strategies of success,MojoCoach,Lifestyle FitnessDebi Silber MS, RD, WHC™, FDN The Mojo Coach®, President of Lifestyle Fitness, Inc. and founder of, is a recognized health, weight loss, fiBrian Cohen Strategies of Success Speakers Bureau, 04 Jan 2014 17:30:00 GMTBrian Cohen Strategies of Success Speakers BureauBrian Cohen - That is me, Talks about the New Year - That is now. Strategies of Success Speakers Bureau - that is us.  2006 I joined Toastmasters and have learned much about public speaking and what a truly good presentation should include 2008 brought a few changes in my day job that prompted me to really reflect on what I want to do, what I am good at and what needs of the community I want to focus on. 2010 I gave a speech at my Toastmasters club and stated that I wanted to speak to 5000 people over the course of the year, the "evaluation" of that comment asked my why not at one time? Within weeks I was on a radio show speaking to way more than 5000 and I have been growing ever since. The question has always been the business. What is the business? This program will answer that question and many others. Brian Cohen DTM Strategies of Success Radio/TV Show - Host Speakers Bureau - Founder 631-255-3581         00:33:00Strategies of Success BriannoBrian Cohen,Strategies of success,confidence,speakers bureau,comedytogoBrian Cohen - That is me, Talks about the New Year - That is now. Strategies of Success Speakers Bureau - that is us.  2006 I joined Toastmasters and have leaJohn Hassler 2000 Computer Solutions, Inc., 23 Dec 2013 23:30:00 GMTJohn Hassler 2000 Computer Solutions, Inc.In today's ever changing world, trying to keep up with technology can be overwhelming. That's where 2000 Computer Solutions, Inc., a Microsoft Small Business Specialist, comes in. Providing solutions and products that enables Small Business like yours keep up on new technologies. We are professionals and understand the needs of today's small business. We help companies that have a diverse set of needs including the following industries: Property Management & Development, Health Care, Accounting & Financial, Manufacturing, Insurance, Mortgage Brokerage and Legal. Let us focus on your data and voice needs so you can spend more time on your business. In addition, John Hassler is a Board Member of Shoes For All, (SFA). 393 Old Country Rd, Carle Place, NY 11514 (516) 876-8761 Strategies of Success Motivational/Sales Training Speakers Bureau Host Brian A Cohen 631-255-3581 00:31:00Strategies of Success BriannoIn today's ever changing world, trying to keep up with technology can be overwhelming. That's where 2000 Computer Solutions, Inc., a Microsoft Small Business SpJulie Solomon Corporate Hiring Solutions, 17 Dec 2013 22:30:00 GMTJulie Solomon Corporate Hiring SolutionsJulie Solomon has demonstrated her knowledge and understanding of the recruitment industry for a solid decade. She has been able to attain this level of competence due to her education and hands-on experience.  This includes five years as the number one recruiter in her division at Ajilon, a nation-wide staffing firm, located in Hauppauge, New York; here she ranked #1 in her division for 5 consecutive years. Currently, as managing partner of Corporate Hiring Solutions, Inc. Julie discovers the needs of both clients and prospective job-seekers to make placements to her client companies even more successful. Not only does she match the skills of the job applicant, she recommends the type of work environment (for example, formal corporate vs. informal, business casual) in which they will thrive. Julie also excels over her competitors by finding job opportunities and identifying qualified applicants from entry level -- to middle-management --- to CFO and CEO. Providing qualified professionals for the following positions: Executive Assistants Operations Logistics Sales Customer Service Marketing Manager/Director Finance/Accounting Human Resources IT Graphic Designers/Creative and much more... jsolomon@cohirescom Strategies of Success Host Brian Cohen DTM 631-255-3581   00:31:00Strategies of Success BriannoJulie Solomon,brian cohen,jobseekers,resume,employmentJulie Solomon has demonstrated her knowledge and understanding of the recruitment industry for a solid decade. She has been able to attain this level of competeDr. Harris Cohen - The Business, 11 Dec 2013 23:30:00 GMTDr. Harris Cohen - The BusinessA learned man with life experience, Dr. Harris R. Cohen treated patients in his private chiropractic office for more than 25 years.  During this time, Dr. Cohen listened carefully to their health issues which more often than not translated into emotional issues.  In the process, he observed that his patients inundated themselves with negative messages which prevented them from moving forward in their lives and in their health. He began talking about” negotiating “with themselves to reach the right choice that would provide them a happier and healthier lifestyle. Visit Dr. Cohen website for more information about his book, his speaking engagements and coaching for personal services businesses. Strategies of Success Host - Brian Cohen DTM briansos@optonline,net 631-255-2581 00:31:00Strategies of Success BriannoBrian Cohen,Dr. Harris Cohen,Coaching,business practices,successA learned man with life experience, Dr. Harris R. Cohen treated patients in his private chiropractic office for more than 25 years.  During this time, Dr. CohenDon Mann Seal Team Six Coach Speaker Adventurist, 04 Dec 2013 12:30:00 GMTDon Mann Seal Team Six Coach Speaker AdventuristDon Mann’s impressive military biography includes being a decorated combat veteran; Corpsman; SEAL Special Operations Technician; jungle survival, desert survival, and arctic survival instructor; small arms weapons instructor, foreign weapons instructor, armed and unarmed defense tactics, advanced hand-to-hand combat instructor; and Survival, Evade, Resistance and Escape Instructor; in addition to other credentials. Mann is the author of the autobiography Inside SEAL Team Six: My Life and Missions with America’s Elite Warriors. When Osama bin Laden was assassinated, the entire world was fascinated by the men who had completed the seemingly impossible mission that had dogged the U.S. government for over a decade. SEAL Team 6 became synonymous with heroism, duty, and justice. Only a handful of the elite men who make up the SEALs, the US Navy’s best and bravest, survive the legendary and grueling selection process that leads to Team 6, a group so classified it technically does not even exist. There are no better warriors on Earth. Mann knows what it takes to be a brother of this ultra-selective fraternity. Hosted by Brian Cohen 631-255-3581   00:32:00Strategies of Success Briannobrian Cohen,Don Mann,seal team six,military,goalsDon Mann’s impressive military biography includes being a decorated combat veteran; Corpsman; SEAL Special Operations Technician; jungle survival, desert survivSocial Media with Laurinda Handlik, 26 Nov 2013 04:00:00 GMTSocial Media with Laurinda HandlikNYI is a social media marketing company and more…  We help promote your business through various means.   If you are thinking of promoting your company but can’t afford the big marketing  companies then you need to speak with me.  NY Introductions has your best interest at heart. There are various ways of  promoting your business online through social networking.  With such platforms as Facebook / Facebook business pages, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, Blogging,  & On-line advertisng, I am sure we can put a package together to fit your needs. Looking to make your first impression a lasting impression with the online community?  Then we can also talk about  optimizing your linkedin profile. Through my affiliates, NYI can also take care of most or all of your additional marketing needs from printing business cards/brochures (graphic designs)  to videos – website design and even promotional products.   Planning on doing a trade show? well we can help with that as well. Call 631-670-6079 for more information. Laurinda Handlick   Host of Strategies of Success - Brian Cohen briansos@optonline,net 631-255-3581 00:32:00Strategies of Success BriannoBrian Cohen,Laurinda Handlick,Social Media,networking,strategies of successNYI is a social media marketing company and more…  We help promote your business through various means.   If you are thinking of promoting your company but can’The Perfect Snaque with Cricket Allen, 18 Nov 2013 23:00:00 GMTThe Perfect Snaque with Cricket AllenThe Perfect Snaque was the snaque I took with me running the NYC Marathon. EXPadventures takes it along on ther expeditions, My friend adds it to her salads. What is is and who is behing the Perfect Snaque? Cricket Allen I knew about the amazing nutritional qualities of lentils and ancient grains like quinoa and amaranth (shout out to Dr. Oz) and had prepared them like you would rice. They were fantastic, tasted great and I wondered how they would work in a dry snack mix without any sugary gook holding them together - I am not a huge bar fan. Anyway...(insert ongoing exciting and delicious experience), the results are The Perfect SNAQUE line of products. Everything we create stems from my belief that the absolutely best tasting product with the highest nutritional value come from real, whole and un-engineered foods. Ingredients in The Perfect Snaque products work together to deliver an incredibly healthy, crunchy and delicious bite. Check out our Super Food Ingredients SNAQUE products contain nutrition dense ingredients and do not have any of the unnecessary extra ingredients. Contacts     00:32:00Strategies of Success BriannoBRIANS RADIO BLOG SHOW,Strategies of Success,The Pefect Snaque,Cricket Allen,ExpadventuresThe Perfect Snaque was the snaque I took with me running the NYC Marathon. EXPadventures takes it along on ther expeditions, My friend adds it to her salads. WhJerry Holl, 11 Nov 2013 23:30:00 GMTJerry HollI felt completely stale …the office felt lifedraining …and I was determined to feel ALIVE again. Like a rocket needs critical thrust to break the bonds of gravity, I needed to escape this constraining environment and break the bonds of my professional career. I knew that I just didn’t need to change professions …I needed adventure.  and now I deliver professional and pragmatic sales techniques and deal management honed from 33 years of experience in sales and sales leadership. My training and mentoring will simply put your sales professionals in control of the deal.  Your salesforce will be more customer focused, attain competitive advantage, and simply be much more effective as a result of my services. The story of transition. Strategies of Success Brian Cohen briansos@optonline00:31:00Strategies of Success BriannoBrian Cohen,Jerry Holl,adventure,success,empowermentI felt completely stale …the office felt lifedraining …and I was determined to feel ALIVE again. Like a rocket needs critical thrust to break the bonds of graviBrian Cohen NYC Marathon with you, 03 Nov 2013 20:00:00 GMTBrian Cohen NYC Marathon with you Did you ever wonder how you would feel running the NYC Marathon?  This program is taking place 4 hours and 30 minutes into the NYC Marathon and I will be broadcasting as i am running and with a little luck, a lot of training and with the help of Rebecca Norrington my guest co-host we will cross the finish line on air. in 1991 and 1992 I ran the Marathon with a finishing time of 4:20 and 4:40. Assuming the same times, maybe a little slower as I am 21 years older you and I should cross while I am on air. Guest Host Rebecca Norrington Strategies of Success Host Brian Cohen 631-255-3581   00:46:00Strategies of Success BriannoBrian Cohen,Rebecca Norrington,NYC Marathon,Success,runningDid you ever wonder how you would feel running the NYC Marathon?  This program is taking place 4 hours and 30 minutes into the NYC Marathon and I will be broaTami Racaniello, 31 Oct 2013 12:00:00 GMTTami Racaniello The Holiday season has begun and so has the nibbling, gnawing and noshing. Did you know Halloween is now the official starting gun for eating season? It used to be Thanksgiving through New Years, but much like the retail market that now starts holiday push in the fall, we start our binge season. "It's okay, it's a holiday, I can indulge" Yah...62 days of holiday!! Tis the season for more networking, parties, drinking, and foods with little to no nutritional value, and it is very difficult for people to be healthy, unless they are mindful. CPFT-HFI, Health Empowerment Coach Tami, President of It's Time to Get Fit, Inc. & Yummilicious Creations, Incorporated, is a Certified Personal Trainer, Nutritional Consultant, Reiki Master, Pilates & Yoga Instructor, and Raw Food Chef/Healthy Cook. At the age of 40, Tami realized she was on a path destructive to her health, and changed her mindset and lifestyle, leading to a weight loss of 130 pounds. Tami teaches clients innovative and easy ways to fit exercise and healthy eating into their life for better health and lasting results. She believes that health is represented by more than just numbers on a scale.   Tami Racaniello, CPFT-HFI, Special Population Certified, Nutrition Consultant, Corporate Wellness, Health Empowerment Coach, Speaker, Author (631)793-1945 Strategies of Success Host Brian Cohen 631-255-3581 00:31:00Strategies of Success BriannoBrian Cohen,Tami Racaniello,Holidays,Weight,Self HelpThe Holiday season has begun and so has the nibbling, gnawing and noshing. Did you know Halloween is now the official starting gun for eating season? It usedBrian E Miller answers your questions, 20 Oct 2013 22:00:00 GMTBrian E Miller answers your questions The Oct 20th  6pm will take your questions about the challenges and obstacles that you face. Email me at, message Brian E. Miller or log into the chat room. Brian E. Miller is an author with three books, Brian has also travelled to many places around the world that many people jusy dream of. Through his own personal success he leads others along their own paths of acheivement. Strategies of Success Host Brian Cohen 631-255-3581 00:31:00Strategies of Success BriannoBrian Cohen,Brian Miller,Goals,Self help,successThe Oct 20th  6pm will take your questions about the challenges and obstacles that you face. Email me at, message Brian E. MillGerry Laytin, 15 Oct 2013 11:30:00 GMTGerry Laytin Have you ever wondered how a coach decides on their specialty? Why does someone decide on being a life coach, business coach or is it learning what works by becoming a certified coach and then letting your experiences come through your personality? Our guest, Gerry Laytin, will be addressing these questions and sharing ideas with us on how we can find our own Strategies of Success. Strategies of Success Host Brian Cohen DTM 631-255-3581   00:32:00Strategies of Success BriannoBrian Cohen,Gerry Laytin,Success,self help,coachHave you ever wondered how a coach decides on their specialty? Why does someone decide on being a life coach, business coach or is it learning what works by beThe Blue Card NYC Marathon Fundraiser, 07 Oct 2013 11:30:00 GMTThe Blue Card NYC Marathon FundraiserThis will be our fifth annual Blue Card team at the ING New York City Marathons.We also host smaller teams in Miami, Atlanta, informally in Los Angeles and Boston, as well as Jerusalem and Tel Aviv. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced runner, whether you are honoring family members or friends who perished in or survived the Holocaust, or just to give back to such a powerful cause, your race will be a profound spiritual experience. Unlike the 40,000 plus other runners, you will no longer be just one of the many in the undifferentiated mass of participants. contact us by email or phone, or 212.239.2251 The Blue Card 171 Madison Avenue, Suite # 1405 New York, NY 10016   00:31:00Strategies of Success BriannoBrian Cohen,Steve Joseph,The Blue Card,NYC Marathon,HolocaustThis will be our fifth annual Blue Card team at the ING New York City Marathons.We also host smaller teams in Miami, Atlanta, informally in Los Angeles and BostMonique Merhige, 29 Sep 2013 22:00:00 GMTMonique MerhigeInfusion Direct Marketing's founder Monique Merhige has over 20 years of experience in marketing communications and specializes in the security industry.  Ms. Merhige has worked with companies ranging from small security system integrators to high profile security manufacturers including Sony Security Systems to help increase brand exposure with targeted Public Relation campaigns.  Ms. Merhige serves as an Adjunct Professor of Marketing at Dowling College on Long Island, NY and holds a Bachelor Degree in Marketing and an MBA in General Management.  Her wide array of experience includes Public Relations, Marketing Strategy & Planning, Branding, Direct Marketing, Social Media, and collateral development.   Strategies of Success Radio Host Brian Cohen     00:31:00Strategies of Success BriannoBrian Cohen,Monique Merhige,Infusion Direct,ASP Summits,Electronic Security Technology SummitInfusion Direct Marketing's founder Monique Merhige has over 20 years of experience in marketing communications and specializes in the security industry.  Ms. MBrian E Miller, 27 Sep 2013 22:00:00 GMTBrian E Miller About Brian E. Miller Brian E. Miller is an American author whose works include both fiction and nonfiction. He now has several books in print including Shambhala, One More Chance and Small Steps to Giant Leaps. Brian’s passion to help others discover their limitless potential has led him to teach those looking to overcome limiting beliefs and cultivate empowering habits in any arena of life. His vivid and descriptive works of fiction meld his teachings into the journeys of his characters. Realizing there are many paths and something to be learned from everyone and everything, Brian teaches from many sources. He has traveled all over the United States and India, amongst other parts of the world, studying and practicing intently with many credible teachers and healers. He realizes that one’s journey is that of self-exploration and expression and all he can do is be a medium for those wishing to search within for their own truth. Strategies of Success Radio Host Brian Cohen www, 631-255-3581           00:31:00Strategies of Success BriannoBrian Cohen,Brian E Miller,adventure,success,travelAbout Brian E. Miller Brian E. Miller is an American author whose works include both fiction and nonfiction. He now has several books in print including ShambhEileen Lichtenstein, 20 Sep 2013 22:00:00 GMTEileen LichtensteinEileen Lichtenstein, MS. Ed.     Coaching and Consulting within the arena of Stress Management, Anger Management and Conflict Resolution, Effective Communication, Life Balance, Relationships,Stress Reduction Techniques. I integrate the use of mind-body modalities into the context of the work as indicated. I am a certified career and transition coach and hold an Anger Managagement Specialist certification which is recognized by the US courts. I believe centered, well balanced people can reach their goals and be happy. Recently I've incorporated Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT, Tapping) into my work with individuals and groups. My book:    How to SOAR!™ with Resilience - 516 623 4353 Strategies of Success hosted by Brian A Cohen DTM 00:31:00Strategies of Success BriannoBrian Cohen,Eileen Lichtenstein,Emotional Freedom Techniques,self help,stressEileen Lichtenstein, MS. Ed.     Coaching and Consulting within the arena of Stress Management, Anger Management and Conflict Resolution, Effective CommunicatioMilo Pierwola EXPadventures, 11 Sep 2013 22:30:00 GMTMilo Pierwola EXPadventuresMilo Pierwola EXPadventures Milo shares why a successful New York City lawyer decides that the time for a high end luxury adventure travel business is not just a good business but the only business. Milo Pierwola is the founder and CEO of EXP Adventures.  As an attorney in New York, he discovered a demand from professionals who sought to reach the world’s most incredible destinations.  As a passionate lifetime adventurer, he received training under the world’s top expedition programs by elite adventurers.  He has now organized and led multiple international expeditions across the globe and focuses on designing custom experiences to any destination   This program is hosted by Brian A Cohen DTM If you would like to be a guest or have a program idea for the radio please let me know. Strategies of Success Motivational speaking and sales training. 631-255-3581 00:31:00Strategies of Success BriannoBrian Cohen,Milo Pierwola,ExpAdventures,Mountain Climbing,Milo GlobetrotterMilo Pierwola EXPadventures Milo shares why a successful New York City lawyer decides that the time for a high end luxury adventure travel business is not justTildet Varon, 04 Sep 2013 11:30:00 GMTTildet VaronTildet is an inspirational speaker, empowerment coach, and author. She is the president of Growing with Truth Inc. and delivers keynote addresses, seminars, and workshops on stress management, empowerment, emotional intelligence, perfecting life balances, and meditation for the public and for corporate audiences. Her presentations are engaging, powerful, practical, and transformational. Tildet attended Eagean University in Izmir, Turkey, where her love for healing, and her desire to understand the processes of the body led her to pursue and earn a degree in pharmacy. This starting point led her to expand her studies to complimentary and energy medicine. She has contributed to the book “Wake up… Live the Life You Love: Empowered” along with well-known authors Wayne Dyer and Brian Tracy. She is a trained facilitator of the Dr. Demartini Breakthrough Method. Tildet’s business acumen helped her launch and develop several successful businesses including Varona Boutique, Custom Billing Services, and Growing With Truth. By developing and running these companies she gained extensive knowledge in management and marketing. Tildet Varon  631-682-4085 Host Brian Cohen DTM 631-255-3581 Motivational/Sales Training Speakers Bureau 00:31:00Strategies of Success BriannoBrian Cohen,Tildet Varon Schoenbrot,Motivational sales training,Holistic Empowerment Specialist,BNI memberTildet is an inspirational speaker, empowerment coach, and author. She is the president of Growing with Truth Inc. and delivers keynote addresses, seminars, andRebecca L. Norrington, 27 Aug 2013 22:30:00 GMTRebecca L. NorringtonRebecca L. Norrington is first and foremost a student of the Universe and ITs Laws. She has a Bachelor of Science degree in Psychology, along with decades of education and training on topics from Spirituality to Human Behavior. Her professional journey includes several vocations: Radio Personality, Author, Speaker, Spiritual Teacher, and Fitness Instructor. In August 2011, Rebecca premiered RealitySpirituality, an online radio show that shares revolutionary tools and strategies that enable you to maintain and sustain a personal vibration of internal peace and contentment, regardless of your external circumstances. Rebecca has a clear vision of hosting RealitySpirituality on the OWN network. RealitySpirituality can be heard LIVE every Saturday & Sunday at 7:00 AM (PST) In June 2013, Rebecca was one of 17 authors who contributed to publishing "If I Knew Then What I Know Now: Our Quest for a Quality Life" found on Amazon and Barnes & Noble. Rebecca authored Chapter 3 which focused on (1) Defining a Quality Life, (2) What's Important, (3) Life is a Gift and (3) Forgiveness. Twitter: rlnorrington FaceBook: RealitySpirituality Blog: Email: 00:31:00Strategies of Success BriannoBrian Cohen,Rebecca Norrington,Sprirituality,self empowerment,Time to playRebecca L. Norrington is first and foremost a student of the Universe and ITs Laws. She has a Bachelor of Science degree in Psychology, along with decades of edLaurinda Handlik, 22 Aug 2013 11:00:00 GMTLaurinda Handlik NY INTRODUCTIONS Here at NY Introductions we understand how overwhelming and mystifying social media can be so we take the mystery out of it for you.  NYI not only develops a customized social media campaign for our clients but we implement and manage it as well.   We encourage our clients to jump on board and get involved in their campaigns so that we can share in the success.  But, we also know that for many of our clients their time  is better spent running their business and letting NY Introductions handle the planning, execution and management of their social media campaign.!home/mainPage     00:31:00Strategies of Success BriannoBrian Cohen,Laurinda Handlik,social media,newtworking,Marketing tipsNY INTRODUCTIONS Here at NY Introductions we understand how overwhelming and mystifying social media can be so we take the mystery out of it for you.  NYI notDonna Sirianni Moving Forward Seminars, 17 Aug 2013 14:00:00 GMTDonna Sirianni Moving Forward Seminars Donna Sirianni Moving Forward Seminars Donna Sirianni brings a high-energy, sincere and enthusiastic experience to her well sought-out interactive seminars. As a public speaker and consultant, Donna has conducted seminars for major companies such as SONY Music and Entertainment,  Verizon, Motorola, BLDG real estate investment & management company, Penguin Publishing and MTV. Donna is often asked to do return seminars based on feedback from her audiences about her transparency, warmth and the ability to truly connect with people in order to help them make practical positive shifts in their work/life experiences. You can call Donna at (516) 308-7783 Strategies of Success Radio Brian A Cohen DTM Host (631) 255-3581 Contact me if you are interested in being a guest or learning about how we can help you develop and execute your Strategies of Success       00:31:00Strategies of Success BriannoBrian Cohen,Donna Sirianni,Moving forward,self help,motivationDonna Sirianni Moving Forward Seminars Donna Sirianni brings a high-energy, sincere and enthusiastic experience to her well sought-out interactive seminars. AJudy Cavallo, 06 Aug 2013 11:00:00 GMTJudy Cavallo EFFECTIVE COMMUNICATION & PRESENTATION SKILLS EXECUTIVE SPEECH COACHING • ACCENT REDUCTION • PUBLIC SPEAKING TRAINING JudyCavallo transforms business professionals into strong, confident and successful speakers. As a licensed speech-language pathologist and certified accent reduction specialist with close to 20 years of experience, she is uniquely qualified to deliver critical techniques that impact her clients' communication skills and ultimately, their success in business. Effective communication is essential for building confidence and success in the workplace. Whether speaking to one person or a large group, if a professional is not able to get his/her point across in the most effective way, he/she may be left behind in today's highly competitive work environment. O: 516-355-6001 C: 516-382-8761   00:32:00Strategies of Success BriannoBrian Cohen,Judy Cavallo,presentation skills,communication,public speakingEFFECTIVE COMMUNICATION & PRESENTATION SKILLS EXECUTIVE SPEECH COACHING • ACCENT REDUCTION • PUBLIC SPEAKING TRAINING JudyCavallo transforms business professTom Fabbri Over 50 and on the summit, 01 Aug 2013 03:00:00 GMTTom Fabbri Over 50 and on the summit The second portion of the interview with Tom Fabbri will focus on some the amazing physical acheivements. As of 7.31.13 Tom ahas summited 5 of the highest peaks peaks on each continent around the world. Each one presented a different situation and a different challenge, physical mental or both. visit the website for more information To book Tom for your next event contact Brian Cohen DTM 631-255-3581       00:31:00Strategies of Success BriannoBrian Cohen,Thomas Fabbri,Adventure,Climbing,Self helpThe second portion of the interview with Tom Fabbri will focus on some the amazing physical acheivements. As of 7.31.13 Tom ahas summited 5 of the highest peakTom Fabbri Motivational Speaker, 26 Jul 2013 03:00:00 GMTTom Fabbri Motivational Speaker Have you been told: 1) You are too old 2) That is for other people 3) You want to do what? Maybe you have had setbacks such as: 1) Bankruptcy 2) Divorce 3) Drug/alcohol and other issues Tom Fabbri has experienced these "issues" first hand and from these challenges he has done what most are afraid to do, and that is better himself and ovecome each challenge. Our discussion with Tom will focus on his many acheivements, including; becoming a helicopter and fixed wing pilot, author, a mountain climber, winner of an all natural body building contest at age 53, an author, and a very proud father. contact Tom at or through me 631-255-3581 Brian Cohen Strategies of Success Motivational Speaking and sales training           00:32:00Strategies of Success BriannoBrian Cohen,Tom Fabbri,Self help,Mountain Climbing,successHave you been told: 1) You are too old 2) That is for other people 3) You want to do what? Maybe you have had setbacks such as: 1) Bankruptcy 2) DivorceDavid Schwartz, 20 Jul 2013 14:00:00 GMTDavid SchwartzDavid Schwartz has spent his entire career practicing law as a litigator and is actively involved with the political landscape in New York State. Mr. Schwartz, in his career as a trial attorney, has successfully tried high profile Murder cases, White Collar cases, felony cases, misdemeanors as well as civil cases. No matter how big or small the case is, David Schwartz personally manages every criminal case. Every criminal case aggressively fought with vigor and every angle is analyzed in order to achieve positive results for our clients. Mr. Schwartz has been a regular guest legal commentator for the Fox News Channel, MSNBC, Headline News, WABC News, Fox Morning Show, Court TV and for the ESPN morning show. Mr. Schwartz has been asked by these television networks to give legal analysis and his expert opinion on criminal cases, constitutional legal issues, civil cases and has argued for stronger drug testing guidelines affecting professional athletes. Mr. Schwartz was appointed by the New York State Senate as a Commissioner on the Commission on Judicial Nomination which nominates Justices to the NYS Court of Appeals and is also a Trustee of the Brooklyn Bar Association. Mr. Schwartz and i will be discussing some current event items and how we percieve them based on how they are presented to us. 00:31:00Strategies of Success BriannoBrian Cohen,David Schwartz,Lawyer,News,Schwartz DefenseDavid Schwartz has spent his entire career practicing law as a litigator and is actively involved with the political landscape in New York State. Mr. Schwartz,Chris Curran Radio Host and Author, 11 Jul 2013 11:30:00 GMTChris Curran Radio Host and Author Chris Curran Radio Host and Author Author of Leap beyond your limits joins us as we talk about doing more than you ever thought possible.   Chris is also a radio show host with multiple shows and is the owner and audio engineer of Fractal Recording 973-532-2163     00:31:00Strategies of Success BriannoBrian Cohen,Chris Curran,Fractal Recording,self help,goalsChris Curran Radio Host and Author Author of Leap beyond your limits joins us as we talk about doing more than you ever thought possible.   Chris is also aProstate Cancer a patients perspective, 04 Jul 2013 13:30:00 GMTProstate Cancer a patients perspective Tom Edwards and I discuss what he encountered after being diagnosed with Prostate Cancer. Tom gives us a first hand look into the challenges he encountered. What is also dicussed is why living the healthy lifestyle may not have prevented this but it did give him options. For more of the medical side of Prostate Cancer visit, Brian Cohen DTM Strategies of Success 631-255-3581       00:31:00Strategies of Success BriannoBrian Cohen,Tom Edwards,Prostate Cancer,Self Help,healtTom Edwards and I discuss what he encountered after being diagnosed with Prostate Cancer. Tom gives us a first hand look into the challenges he encountered. WhThe Blue Card team at the 2013 ING NYC Marathon, 23 Jun 2013 21:00:00 GMTThe Blue Card team at the 2013 ING NYC Marathon This year, The Blue Card will host a team of 60-plus new and previous members. New ones with a fundraising requirement of $3,000 as mandated by NYRR, the organizers of the New York Marathon; the amount to be collected from family, friends, colleagues and the runners themselves.   This will be our fifth annual Blue Card team at the ING New York City Marathons.We also host smaller teams in Miami, Atlanta, informally in Los Angeles and Boston, as well as Jerusalem and Tel Aviv. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced runner, whether you are honoring family members or friends who perished in or survived the Holocaust, or just to give back to such a powerful cause, your race will be a profound spiritual experience. Unlike the 40,000 plus other runners, you will no longer be just one of the many in the undifferentiated mass of participants.   If you are listening to this program and want to support our fundraising efforts please call me at 631-255-3581. Please share this prgram with you community. We are looking to help destitute people who have suffered more than they ever should have. This effort will gain strength by taking many small steps. Your sharing this podcast is one of the most important small steps you can take. A small step donation is also greatly appreciated. Our goal is 3,000 per runner. Help us, help them. Brian Cohen 631-255-3581     00:31:00Strategies of Success BriannoBrian Cohen,George Wolf,NYC Marathon,Holocaust,self helpThis year, The Blue Card will host a team of 60-plus new and previous members. New ones with a fundraising requirement of $3,000 as mandated by NYRR, the organCarmen Adriana, 18 Jun 2013 11:00:00 GMTCarmen Adriana       Carmen Adriana FabInjection Proprietrix 646-483-3354 @hamptonsfloozy     00:31:00Strategies of Success BriannoBrian Cohen,Carmen Adriana,movie stars,fashion,imageCarmen Adriana FabInjection Proprietrix 646-483-3354 @hamptonsfloozyEffective HR with Rick Maher, 14 Jun 2013 03:00:00 GMTEffective HR with Rick MaherAs a business owner, you are laser-focused on growing your business. You don't want to struggle with Human Resource related issues that can steal your strength and love of your business. Issues like: Compliance- There are too many HR laws and rulesEmployee Issues- Hiring, firing and all of the challenges employees createPolicies and Procedures- From employee handbooks to complex analysis and systems     00:32:00Strategies of Success BriannoBrian Cohen,Rick Maher,employee,business,legalAs a business owner, you are laser-focused on growing your business. You don't want to struggle with Human Resource related issues that can steal your strengthDoreen Guma Time to Play, 05 Jun 2013 11:00:00 GMTDoreen Guma Time to Play Doreen Guma - creator and driving force behind the Time to Play effort. Our mission is to provide resources for a better life! We are everyday people helping people enjoy life by learning how to be happy, healthy, have money, have a work life balance and quality of life. It's Time to Enjoy YOUR Life! June 10th 7 -9:30pm Book SIgning event - free to attend Ramada Plaza 1730 North Ocean Road Holtsville NY       00:31:00Strategies of Success BriannoBrian Cohen,Doreen Guma,Time to Play,Self help,empowermentDoreen Guma - creator and driving force behind the Time to Play effort. Our mission is to provide resources for a better life! We are everyday people helpingBrian Cohen - Just me Help, 01 Jun 2013 22:00:00 GMTBrian Cohen - Just me May 2011 was the very first show of Strategies of Success and we are still going strong. Thought it would be fun to do a show without a guest and see where it goes. I will tell you it is unscripted but not necessarily unprepared. How could I not think about what I will say after I decided to do the show. Now there have been times where unprepared is an understatement. Join me for 30 minutes of me. If you are interested in being a guest on this or the comedytogo radio show, just ask. For this one, I am looking for businesses, small or large that are achieving goals or overcoming hardships. For the comedytogo show, if it has to do with humor as a business calll me, I am interested. Brian Cohen 631-255-3581     00:31:00Strategies of Success BriannoBrian Cohen,Comedytogo,Strategies of success,Live it up,self improvementMay 2011 was the very first show of Strategies of Success and we are still going strong. Thought it would be fun to do a show without a guest and see where itSusan Sommers, 21 May 2013 11:00:00 GMTSusan Sommers Her experience includes over 25 years as a fashion and beauty editor, spokesperson, writer and stylist for a range of newspapers, websites and women’s magazines, including many of the best-known publications. The creation of hundreds of editorials and makeovers allowed her to hone her style approach and critical eye so she can best ascertain my client's best colors, silhouettes and proportions…and develop the right correct message for his or her brand. Contact Information phone: (212) 877-4963 email: website: Dresszing 411 W End Ave 4 E New York, New York 10024   00:31:00Strategies of Success BriannoBrian Cohen,Susan Sommers,Trade shows,Image,self helpHer experience includes over 25 years as a fashion and beauty editor, spokesperson, writer and stylist for a range of newspapers, websites and women’s magazineMarty Greenstein, 15 May 2013 11:00:00 GMTMarty GreensteinAuthor of the book, A how to approach to selling, entitled… “How to sell the Brooklyn Bridge and Getting to People with Creative Strategies” After a lifetime of selling, motivational public speaking, writing and creating nearly 20,000 memorable events, my seemingly unexhausted energy has been additionally directed in helping others to succeed in business & in sales. Trade shows hold a particular fascination for me as they are the “Perfect Storm” when it comes to selling… you do it right or drown! Martin G. Greenstein, CSEP CEO Amazing Events & Celebrations Your Event Pros Group O 631-467-6628  C 631-404-6969   00:34:00Strategies of Success BriannoBrian Cohen,Marty Greenstein,Trade shows,Business,sucessAuthor of the book, A how to approach to selling, entitled… “How to sell the Brooklyn Bridge and Getting to People with Creative Strategies” After a lifetime ofHIA Trade Show 2013, 08 May 2013 11:00:00 GMTHIA Trade Show 2013 How will you achieve the maximum results from the trade show? It starts here. Sponsor & Exhibitor Resources Learn tips and tricks for a better trade show experience from our experts! Download the resources you need to have a great show! Visit the website Call the Branding Coach that prepared many of the tips and tricks for a better trade show experience found on HIA website Arthur Germain (w) 631-239-6335   And don't forget to call Sue Hundertmark at the HIA, (631) 543-5355 to become a sponsor and gather even more information to help you create and achieve your own Strategies of Success Brian Cohen DTM Strategies of Success 631-255-3581 Contact me for guest information         00:31:00Strategies of Success BriannoBrian Cohen,Susan Hundertmark,Arthur Germaine,HIA Trade Show,self improvementHow will you achieve the maximum results from the trade show? It starts here. Sponsor & Exhibitor Resources Learn tips and tricks for a better trade show expeTim Healy, 04 May 2013 18:00:00 GMTTim Healy Healy Success Solutions has created the Prospect to Profit Sales Training Systems for companies in business-to-business and business-to-consumer environments. Prospect to Profit Sales Training Systems are consultative systems that are designed to offer sales teams the following results: Qualify prospects from the start Meet with real decision makers Leverage your referral base Manage sales teams with greater efficiency Negotiate higher profit margins Close more deals Listen & Earn to The Profit Express with the host Tim Healy each Wednesday from 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM on 88.7 FM WRHU and streaming live on the web at Join Tim for his 200th anniversary show on May 15th, 2013. Email Tima nd tell him Brian sent you.   Brian Cohen DTM Srategies of Success Visibility through TV, Radio and event sponsorships www.briansos.com6 631-255-3581     00:31:00Strategies of Success BriannoBrian Cohen,Tim Healy,Self improvement,Sales,CoachingHealy Success Solutions has created the Prospect to Profit Sales Training Systems for companies in business-to-business and business-to-consumer environments.Linneth Hall - Tea of Life, 27 Apr 2013 04:00:00 GMTLinneth Hall - Tea of Life Meet Linneth Hall - Tea of Life at the Navel Expo May 5th 2013, Huntington Hilton 598 Broadhollow Rd Melville, NY 11747 516-596-8974 SPECIALIZES IN MARKETING THIS PATENTED, 100% NATURAL HERBAL GREEN TEA WITH MEDICINAL PROPERTIES. This herb has been used since the 1800’S for its Benefits in Promoting Health and Wellness being. In the 1800’s many of its benefits had been re-enforced through common uses by Yucatan Indians who used it in their cooking and folk remedies for their everyday Healing and Well being. WHAT IS SO SPECIAL ABOUT THE BACK TO NATURE WONDER HERB? * SEMI-CONTRA HERBAL TEA * CAFFEINE FREE * PRESERVATIVE FREE * AN ANTIOXIDANT * ENERGIZING TEA * MEN’S TEA * WOMEN’S TEA * 100% ALL NATURAL * A CALMING TEA * GLUTEN FREE E-mail:info@theteaoflife.comThis e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Telephone: (516) 825-4156   00:32:00Strategies of Success BriannoBrian Cohen,Linneth Hall,Tea of Life,Naval Expo,Alex LubarskyMeet Linneth Hall - Tea of Life at the Navel Expo May 5th 2013, Huntington Hilton 598 Broadhollow Rd Melville, NY 11747 516-596-8974 SPECIALAll Kids Fair Barbara Kaplan, 17 Apr 2013 11:00:00 GMTAll Kids Fair Barbara Kaplan All Kids Fair - Sunday , April 28, 2013 from 10:00 – 4:30 at the Melville Marriott The All Kids Fair was created to celebrate childhood here on Long Island.  "From Mommy & Me to the SAT!" is the event slogan, and there's truly something for All Kids – typical, special needs and gifted alike. This event is part health and wellness fair and part education and activities expo.  With over 80 exhibitors and 24 fun and interesting classes for the kids and adults, it's sure to be a great day for all.  email or call 516-621-1446. Mon-Fri from 9 a.m. - 6 p.m., Sat-Sun 10 a.m. - 5 p.m Twitter #AllKidsfair Strategies of Success - Providing your company with sponsorship and product placement opportunities through a wide variety of outlets. Such as: ComedytoGo comedy night fundraising for charities, LiveitUpTVshow broadcast on CBS WLNY channel 10/55 and special events and situations. All are supported by my radio programs and social media outlets. Brian Cohen 631-255-3581 Strategies of Success   00:31:00Strategies of Success BriannoBrian Cohen,Barbara Kaplan,All Kids Fair,special needs,parentAll Kids Fair - Sunday , April 28, 2013 from 10:00 – 4:30 at the Melville Marriott The All Kids Fair was created to celebrate childhood here on Long IslanLong Island Special Needs Expo, 10 Apr 2013 11:00:00 GMTLong Island Special Needs Expo Why Attend the Long Island Special Needs Expo? Parents and children will have an opportunity to explore products, services and activities in a fun-filled and informative environment,  specifically geared for Long Island’s  special needs community!  Our goal is to expose families to the many products and services available to make their lives and their loved ones lives more manageable and productive. Our sponsors and exhibitors include: Organizations dedicated to special needs Service providers and evaluators (speech, physical, occupational therapists) Special needs schools and camp programs Recreational sports and respite programs Social skills groups Financial advisors and attorneys specializing in special needs trusts Party venues and ideas Non-traditional therapies And much more all under one roof at one time!!! Attendees are free, please register Contact Mark Neuwirt Expos Your Business Long Island Commercial Real Estate Expo Long Island Special Needs Expo Phone 347-699-6040   00:28:00Strategies of Success BriannoBrian Cohen,Autism,Mark Neuwirt,Heather Angstreich,expos your businessWhy Attend the Long Island Special Needs Expo? Parents and children will have an opportunity to explore products, services and activities in a fun-filled and iChristopher C. Gagliardi Anti Bullying, 02 Apr 2013 22:30:00 GMTChristopher C. Gagliardi Anti Bullying Christopher Gagliardi, a recent guest on the Live it Up Show, will join us with updates on the progress he is making in his anti-bullying campaign.   Chris's story is truly inspirational.   Brian Cohen       00:31:00Strategies of Success BriannoBrian Cohen,Christopher C Gagliardi,Antibullying,autism,healthChristopher Gagliardi, a recent guest on the Live it Up Show, will join us with updates on the progress he is making in his anti-bullying campaign.   Chris's sAnthony McCabe Genesis Creations, 27 Mar 2013 03:00:00 GMTAnthony McCabe Genesis Creations Aging in Place Specialists Certified Distributor & Installer of Safety Monitoring Devices for Alzheimer and Dementia Patients. Environmental Modifications Providor. Licensed & Insured in Nassau, Suffolk, and the Five Boroughs. Call 516-783-5454 Our services are directed towards veterans, seniors who would choose to age in place as well as someone with a disability or an individual about to be discharged from the hospital or rehab. We are on a mission to promote awareness and help to avoid the complications that can occur from an injury that could have been prevented. This leads to safety and security, piece of mind, independence and gives you the ability to maintain a quality of life which you have come to know and deserve 00:30:00Strategies of Success BriannoBrian Cohen,Anthony McCabe,Genesis Creations,Health care,SeniorsAging in Place Specialists Certified Distributor & Installer of Safety Monitoring Devices for Alzheimer and Dementia Patients. Environmental Modifications ProBeast of the East Hurricane Sandy, 19 Mar 2013 22:30:00 GMTBeast of the East Hurricane Sandy Hurricane Sandy was a devastating force all throughout the East coast. Millions lost thier homes, and power. Once the storm passed the government began the process of rebuilding. Some places came back fairly quickly, and are already recuperating from the damage. Other places like Long Island have not. Powerless is a documentary piece with a combination of interviews of residents of both the Long Beach area and other affected areas in Long Island that remained without power. Please feel free to share this video via social media, to raise awareness and raise much needed funds for those effected. For more information please visit, or stay tuned to our facebook for any upcoming events and screening of Powerless. Adam Lawrence Ramfis Myrthil Shayok Mukhopadhyay 00:31:00Strategies of Success BriannoBrian Cohen,Ramfis Myrthil,Shayok Mukhopadyay,Adam Lawrence,Beast of the EastHurricane Sandy was a devastating force all throughout the East coast. Millions lost thier homes, and power. Once the storm passed the government began the proRob Goldman Just Like me Project, 13 Mar 2013 22:30:00 GMTRob Goldman Just Like me ProjectJust Like Me is a comprehensive drug awareness and character development program rooted in the arts, community involvement and peer-to-peer education. All of these aspects I’ve come to know firsthand as powerful agents in "lifting kids up so they turn drugs down". As Jeff Reynolds, Executive Director of the Long Island Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence commented regarding Just Like Me, "We need something like this, the schools need something like this, certainly families need something like this, and most importantly, our kids need something like this." Rob Goldman Founder & Program Director Just Like Me Project The event will begin at 6:30 p.m. For more information about the Just Like Me Project "I Matter" Spring 2013 Fundraiser, contact Lindsay at 516-719-7100, or send an email to: 00:34:00Strategies of Success BriannoBrian Cohen,Rob Goldman,photography,Just Like Me,RecoveryJust Like Me is a comprehensive drug awareness and character development program rooted in the arts, community involvement and peer-to-peer education. All of thMark Neuwirt exposyourbusiness, 06 Mar 2013 12:00:00 GMTMark Neuwirt exposyourbusinessProducer of Trade Shows with Purposeemail -  Phone 347-699-6040Long Island Commercial Real Estate Expo  Go to for info Hilton Long Island, 598 Broad Hollow Road, Melville, NY 11747Tuesday Mar 12, 201300:31:00Strategies of Success BriannoBrian Cohen,Mark Neuwirt,Exposyourbusiness,LICREE,trade showsProducer of Trade Shows with Purposeemail -  Phone 347-699-6040Long Island Commercial Real Estate Expo  Go to for info HiTim Joseph Revitalize Travel, 27 Feb 2013 12:00:00 GMTTim Joseph Revitalize Travel Tim is passionate about travel for the experiences it brings. "With the stressful lives that we lead, we deserve a break to see the world. When we do not get that break, we can become consumed by our everyday stresses."   Tim will share thoughts on his greatest travel experiences and what you should consider before you begin yours.  Revitalize Travel is an Independently Owned and Operated Affiliate of Avoya Travel / American Express Tel 631-764-1834     00:31:00Strategies of Success BriannoBrian Cohen,Revitalize Travel,Tim Joseph,cruise,TravelTim is passionate about travel for the experiences it brings. "With the stressful lives that we lead, we deserve a break to see the world. When we do not get tRon Volper Author Business Coach, 20 Feb 2013 12:00:00 GMTRon Volper Author Business Coach RON VOLPER, PH.D, is a consultant, speaker and sales trainer on customer service and business development. He has appeared on national television programs, including Bloomberg Television, Fox, MSNBC, and CNBC and been interviewed on several dozen radio programs. His articles and ideas on customer service and sales have been published in Fortune, Inc., Forbes, Investors Business Daily, Lodging, Marketing Review, Bottom Line Business, Nation's Bu