Spiritual Charlottehttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/spiritualcharlotteSpiritual Charlotte’s Kendall Heath & Debbie Chisholm muse about all things spiritual and healing in & around Charlotte, NC and waaaay beyond! *Fill out the guest request form on our website to be considered for the show.enBlogTalkRadio.com. All Rights Reserved.Sun, 16 Jun 2019 03:15:00 GMTWed, 14 Mar 2018 13:00:00 GMTSpiritualityBlogTalkRadio Feed v2.0https://dasg7xwmldix6.cloudfront.net/hostpics/9adc72e3-ae26-4b0e-9507-7528aa4ba7b4_podbean_logo.jpgSpiritual Charlottehttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/spiritualcharlotteSpiritual Charlotte’s Kendall Heath & Debbie Chisholm muse about all things spiritual and healing in & around Charlotte, NC and waaaay beyond! *Fill out the guest request form on our website to be considered for the show.feeds@blogtalkradio.comBlogTalkRadio.comspirituality,religion,psychology,alternative healing,energy,The Divine Feminine,Progressive Christianity,Yoga,Meditation,Healing Arts,Eastern Religions,EnneagramSpiritual CharlottenoSpiritual Charlotte’s Kendall Heath & Debbie Chisholm muse about all things spiritual and healing in & around Charlotte, NC and waaaay beyond!episodicEp. 57 - From Trauma & Emotional Insobriety to a HEMP OIL Solution!http://www.blogtalkradio.com/spiritualcharlotte/2018/03/14/ep-57--from-trauma-emotional-insobriety-to-a-hemp-oil-solutionHealthhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/spiritualcharlotte/2018/03/14/ep-57--from-trauma-emotional-insobriety-to-a-hemp-oil-solution/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/spiritualcharlotte/2018/03/14/ep-57--from-trauma-emotional-insobriety-to-a-hemp-oil-solutionWed, 14 Mar 2018 13:00:00 GMTEp. 57 - From Trauma & Emotional Insobriety to a HEMP OIL Solution!http://www.projectcbd.comJoin Co-Hosts, Kendall Heath and Debbie Chisholm, for this powerful interview with Charlotte/Lake Norman-based Psychotherapist and TEDx Speaker, Kim Honeycutt, and Nutritional Science Coach/Faith Based Life Coach, Amy Potvin. We're talking about HEMP OIL and the miracle(s) of moving from trauma and emotional insobriety TO a solution, emotional sobriety, and mind/body/spirit care through plant medicine. This show has some mind-blowing science and heart wrenching/life-affirming truths in it! Amy, a former Pharmaceutical Sales Rep, tells her emotional story of losing one of her twin daughters to cancer, and both discuss how God used tragedy to circle them back together in a process of deep healing and a repurposing of their calling. This show will touch your heart, enlighten your mind, renew your hope, and empower you to use grief, shame, and struggle as a stepping stool to your greatness! For more information about hemp oil, visit: www.pubmed.gov and www.projectcbd.com.     01:11:00Spiritual Charlottenohemp oil,CBD,trauma,trauma healing,PTSDWe're talking with Kim Honeycutt and Amy Potvin about HEMP OIL and the miracle(s) of moving from trauma and emotional insobriety TO a solution, emotional sobrieEp. 56 - Shift happens @Shift Charlotte - CLT's Largest Mind/Body/Spirit Expo!http://www.blogtalkradio.com/spiritualcharlotte/2018/03/07/ep-56--shift-happens-shift-charlotte--clts-largest-mindbodyspirit-expoSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/spiritualcharlotte/2018/03/07/ep-56--shift-happens-shift-charlotte--clts-largest-mindbodyspirit-expo/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/spiritualcharlotte/2018/03/07/ep-56--shift-happens-shift-charlotte--clts-largest-mindbodyspirit-expoWed, 07 Mar 2018 14:00:00 GMTEp. 56 - Shift happens @Shift Charlotte - CLT's Largest Mind/Body/Spirit Expo!SHIFT Charlotte, Charlotte's largest Mind/Body/Spirit Immersion weekend, is right around the corner (March 23 & 24, 2018) and today Co-hosts, Kendall Heath and Debbie Chisholm, are talking all things mind/body/spirit with Shift's Founding & Directing Creative Force (to be reckoned with), Lori Ives-Godwin! Lori tells her own story of being a refugee from corporate America about a decade ago and making the life-changing and life-affirming transition into holistic health and ultimately holistic health networking. A once self-proclaimed close-minded person, local healing professionals and the support of a conscious community lead her to more openness, health, and happiness. And now, Shift Charlotte helps others to be a part of the same community and experience the potential for personal transformation and spiritual support! Lori talks about what the Shift Charlotte experience is and what it isn't, why YOU might be interested in it, and what you can expect this year at this light-filled conference of speakers, workshop presenters, holistic healers, readers, and vendors!     01:02:00Spiritual Charlottenocharlotte,Shift Charlotte,spirituality,spiritual conference,mind body spiritSHIFT Charlotte, Charlotte's largest Mind/Body/Spirit Immersion weekend, is right around the corner (March 23 & 24, 2018) and today we're talking all things minEp. 55 - Heart-centric Leadership with TEDx Charlotte's Mike Watsonhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/spiritualcharlotte/2018/02/21/ep-55--heart-centric-leadership-with-tedx-charlottes-mike-watsonSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/spiritualcharlotte/2018/02/21/ep-55--heart-centric-leadership-with-tedx-charlottes-mike-watson/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/spiritualcharlotte/2018/02/21/ep-55--heart-centric-leadership-with-tedx-charlottes-mike-watsonWed, 21 Feb 2018 14:00:00 GMTEp. 55 - Heart-centric Leadership with TEDx Charlotte's Mike WatsonToday we're interviewing Mike Watson, Founder of Heart-centric Leadership, about what else - heart-centric leadership! What is heart-centric leadership? Here's what Mike has to say about it: "There is a leadership and engagement crisis in organizations that I believe (and I am doing research on for my doctorate) is associated with a lack of willingness by leaders to embrace spiritual intelligence, along with IQ and emotional intelligence. This crisis extends beyond the organization and into our home lives wherein we are all leaders of our own lives, and is evident with the number of people that say they don't know what their purpose in life is, and how to find it. When we listen to our heart, and let it inform our mind prior to decision-making then we are also allowing space for spiritual intelligence to guide us on our own purposeful journey." Mike spent 15 years in organizational leadership, where his insights and foundation were shaped for Heart-centric Leadership www.mikewatson.today. He has done multiple keynotes and workshops for Universities and organizations. He's also appeared on HuffPost Live 3x as guest panelist to discuss leadership and social activism, and has been the beloved Emcee for TEDx Charlotte. He is currently completing his doctorate in organizational leadership, with a dissertation on Spiritual Intelligence in Leadership, with an online course series launching this summer.  He will be hiking Mount Kilimanjaro in July to raise awareness and money for the prevention of foot-born diseases, and to honor the work of Samaritan's Feet 15 year anniversary. Join us as we pick the genius brain and warm heart of Mr. Mike Watson.     01:11:00Spiritual Charlottenoleadership,leadership development coaching,leadership development,heart-centered entrepreneurs,Heart-Centered WisdomToday we're interviewing Mike Watson, Founder of Heart-centric Leadership, about heart-centric living and leading, spiritual intelligence, and following a highEp. 54 - The Sacred "Path of Pollen" with Merryman Casselshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/spiritualcharlotte/2018/02/14/ep-54--the-sacred-path-of-pollen-with-merryman-casselsSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/spiritualcharlotte/2018/02/14/ep-54--the-sacred-path-of-pollen-with-merryman-cassels/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/spiritualcharlotte/2018/02/14/ep-54--the-sacred-path-of-pollen-with-merryman-casselsWed, 14 Feb 2018 14:00:00 GMTEp. 54 - The Sacred "Path of Pollen" with Merryman CasselsToday Co-Hosts, Kendall Heath and Debbie Chisholm, broadcast from Hive Design Stationery Gifts in Gastonia, North Carolina where we get to bask in the golden, honeyed glow of The Hive's Founder, Merryman Cassels. Merryman is one of "those" women; you know the ones! She arrives with stories of sacred pilgrimages, dreams realized and dreams brewing, a buzz of creative life-force swirling around her, and exotic gifts from far-off adventures sparkling in her shaman-starry eyes.She talks about The Hive as being her ministry in the world, as she dredges up the wisdom of The Melissae of Ancient Greece and tells sacred stories of important moments of anointing and connection. She's says, "I love sharing my personal calling from the bee and the powerful ways the hive has stung, taught, and healed me with its guiding love. The hive is a superorganism that is a powerful metaphor for life and our existence as Divine beings. Hive Design in its purest essence is my ministry and our beautifully restored building is the temple." You do NOT want to miss this rich & delicious show with our local (Charotte Metro, NC) High Priestess of Honey! 01:06:00Spiritual Charlottenobeekeeping,Shamanism,Shamanic,shamanic journeys,MelissaeMerryman Cassels, NC Beekeeper and Founder of "The Hive" in Gastonia, shares her honeyed wisdom on the "Path of Pollen" and the sacred, ancient symbolism of livEp. 53 - Learning About Light Language with Debbie Chisholmhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/spiritualcharlotte/2018/01/24/ep-53--learning-about-light-language-with-debbie-chisholmSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/spiritualcharlotte/2018/01/24/ep-53--learning-about-light-language-with-debbie-chisholm/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/spiritualcharlotte/2018/01/24/ep-53--learning-about-light-language-with-debbie-chisholmWed, 24 Jan 2018 14:05:56 GMTEp. 53 - Learning About Light Language with Debbie ChisholmToday, Spiritual Charlotte Co-hosts, Kendall Heath and Debbie Chisholm, talk about Light Language, an illumined, sacred language being channeled and spoken around the world today.   A major component of their work at Light House Spiritual Center in Mooresville, North Carolina (near Charlotte), Debbie Chisholm channels Light Language for all to experience, and Light House Co-Founder & Medium, Kendall Heath, channel-translates this Divine tongue to receive messages from light realms beyond. Those who hear it generally experience activations (openings) of their inner heart light, the direct nurturing love of Highest Consciousness, various levels of healing, reduced stress and increased inner peace, and accelerated spiritual growth and transformation. Today we explore what we know about Light Language and open up a conversation for others who are speaking and working with this phenomenon. Learn more at: www.lighthousespiritualcenter.com .           00:57:00Spiritual Charlottenolight language,light language channel,spirituality,spiritual,metaphysicalToday, Spiritual Charlotte Co-hosts, Kendall Heath and Debbie Chisholm, talk about Light Language, an illumined, sacred language being channeled and spoken arou8ca53efb-dc9b-44b4-a3e8-db787a55294b253fullEp. 52 - Part 3 On The Urantia Book with Thomas Orjalahttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/spiritualcharlotte/2018/01/17/ep-52--part-3-on-the-urantia-book-with-thomas-orjalaSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/spiritualcharlotte/2018/01/17/ep-52--part-3-on-the-urantia-book-with-thomas-orjala/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/spiritualcharlotte/2018/01/17/ep-52--part-3-on-the-urantia-book-with-thomas-orjalaWed, 17 Jan 2018 15:00:00 GMTEp. 52 - Part 3 On The Urantia Book with Thomas OrjalaToday we reconvene with Thomas Orjala, President of the Inland Northwest Urantia Society (among other Urantia group involvement) to talk about the "The Invisible Helpers" mentioned in The Urantia Book. Do you know about the Urantia book?  This is what urantia.org has to say about it: "The Urantia Book, first published by Urantia Foundation in 1955, presents us with the origin, history, and destiny of humanity. It answers questions about God, life in the inhabited universe, the history and future of this world, and it includes an uplifting narrative of the life and teachings of Jesus.The Urantia Book portrays our relationship with God the Father. All human beings are the sons and daughters of a loving God and therefore brothers and sisters in the family of God. The book provides new spiritual truth for modern men and women and a pathway to a personal relationship with God. Building on the world's religious heritage, The Urantia Book describes an endless destiny for humankind, teaching that living faith is the key to personal spiritual progress and eternal survival. It also describes God’s plan for the progressive evolution of individuals, human society, and the universe as a whole." Join us for a most interesting dive into this collection of channeled papers, as we attempt to simplify what it has to offer us during this time in our planet's history.   01:01:00Spiritual CharlottenoUrantia Book,The Urantia Book,Divine Revelation,spirituality,angelsToday we reconvene with Thomas Orjala, President of the Inland Northwest Urantia Society to talk about the "The Invisible Helpers", including angels, mentionedeb92772f-d6d6-41c5-8e9b-6e6a068f1de5252fullEp. 51 - A Spiritual Mediator Reports from The Light Househttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/spiritualcharlotte/2018/01/10/ep-51--a-spiritual-mediator-reports-from-the-light-houseSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/spiritualcharlotte/2018/01/10/ep-51--a-spiritual-mediator-reports-from-the-light-house/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/spiritualcharlotte/2018/01/10/ep-51--a-spiritual-mediator-reports-from-the-light-houseWed, 10 Jan 2018 14:00:00 GMTEp. 51 - A Spiritual Mediator Reports from The Light HouseCo-hosts, Kendall Heath and Debbie Chisholm, interview Andy Silver today from our podcasting table that he nicknamed "The Corpus Callosum" for its job of giving everyone a place to communicated between both hemispheres of the brain. (We loved it!)  A constant comedian, Andy Silver, "Spiritual Mediator in the Field", has been working in the healing/spiritual community much longer than social media and podcasts have been around, and he's got a historical archive inside of him to proove it! Once a reluctant, young member of The Peoples Temple Agricultural Project, better known as "Jonestown", and one of 20 who did not travel on the Guyana trip that resulted in the deaths of more than 900 people in the Jonestown Massacre, Andy moved on to work in the fields of Neuro Linguistic Programming, Conflict Resolution & Divorce Meditation, Hypnosis, and ultimately Intuitive Medium work.  On today's show he talks about his spiritual and vocational journey that spans several decades, including extensive training in The Silva Method, mediation work for Fema after Hurricane Katrina, over 3700 psychic medium readings, and his passion for stand-up comedy. Andy also shares some of the tools he's gathered along the way for spiritual self-care and balance, and talks a little about "the old days" and some of the early key voices in the Charlotte spiritual community.  Dive into the treasure chest that is one of our spiritual community elders here in Charlotte/Lake Norman, Andy Silver. Learn more about Andy at www.ResolutionExperts.com and www.AndySilver.us Learn more about Spiritual Charlotte at www.lighthousespiritualcenter.com     01:02:00Spiritual CharlottenoNLP,hypnosis,jonestown,charlotte,Lake NormanAndy Silver is a Mediator for people living here AND people living...there; in other words people in the flesh and those who've passed on without it! And as a oEp. 50 - The Essential World of Oils with Amy Sutton of My Tribe Essential Oilshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/spiritualcharlotte/2017/12/15/ep-50--the-essential-world-of-oils-with-amy-sutton-of-my-tribe-essential-oilsSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/spiritualcharlotte/2017/12/15/ep-50--the-essential-world-of-oils-with-amy-sutton-of-my-tribe-essential-oils/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/spiritualcharlotte/2017/12/15/ep-50--the-essential-world-of-oils-with-amy-sutton-of-my-tribe-essential-oilsFri, 15 Dec 2017 14:00:00 GMTEp. 50 - The Essential World of Oils with Amy Sutton of My Tribe Essential OilsToday we interview Davidson, North Carolina's Amy Sutton of Bodywork by Amy Sutton and MY TRIBE Essential Oils about her work as a healer and the plant medicine that is available through pure essential oils. Amy has been connecting with bodies for a long time, listening to what the body needs, beneath the words of her clients. She knows the body does not lie, and in fact, informs us about exactly what is needed! The pharmacy, she says, is provided by nature. Learning how to use that pharmacy is something she passionately teaches about and shares through oil education. Amy says, "I think about the connection that we have to everything, how we impact each other and the world at large. I think about our connection to this planet and how we've grown away from all things natural, and how beautiful mother earth is, as it literally we supports us in every manner....I worry about us as a species and how we've evolved, but devolved, at the same time. We know that we have 5 senses, but we actually have 6! ALL of us have the ability to live intuitively, into that 6th sense, but it has largely been lost or outmoded. I believe that the world needs us more than ever. WE need US - the dreamers, the healers, the empaths. We need to call everyone back, back into their bodies, their relationships with self and others, and back to this world that we inhabit. I belong to you. We are connected, inextricably connected to the ebb and flow of life." Amy's body wisdom and connection to nature's medicinal gifts makes for a wonderful Spiritual Charlotte podcast!www.spiritualcharlotte.com 00:57:00Spiritual CharlottenoSpirituality Positive Energy,essential oils,Doterra,Davidson,Natural healingAmy Sutton has been connecting with bodies for a long time, listening to what the body needs, beneath the words of her clients. She knows the body does not lie,Ep. 49 - Minister, Kendall Heath - More Stories on the Sacred Pathhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/spiritualcharlotte/2017/12/06/ep-49--minister-kendall-heath--more-stories-on-the-sacred-pathSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/spiritualcharlotte/2017/12/06/ep-49--minister-kendall-heath--more-stories-on-the-sacred-path/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/spiritualcharlotte/2017/12/06/ep-49--minister-kendall-heath--more-stories-on-the-sacred-pathWed, 06 Dec 2017 14:19:47 GMTEp. 49 - Minister, Kendall Heath - More Stories on the Sacred PathTune into the Spiritual Charlotte podcast on Wednesday, December 6, at 9:00 AM E.T. (or anytime after) as Co-Host, Debbie Chisholm, turns the table on Host, Kendall Heath, in an interview about her spiritual journey and work as an Interfaith Minister, Medium, and Co-Founder of Light House Spiritual Center. Kendall shares what matters to her most (i.e. the primary mission) of her spiritual work, ...and her "awakening journey" thus far, which started in early childhood with stressful family experiences. Today she acts as a bridge and translator of spiritual language across many traditions, making room for a God that she believes is way too large for any one dogma or doctrine. She's thinks (for the most part) that every tradition is onto something - a piece of the gorgeous whole! Kendall also sees healing and spirituality as an intertwined path - one as integral to the other. Her mission includes facilitating healing from the illusions we have of our disconnection and separateness, a perception she says leaves people lost, addicted, and suffering with various forms of soul sickness. She explains how she serves the combined mission of healing and personal & spiritual discovery at Light House Spiritual Center in Mooresville, North Carolina. She also shares some of her early Medium experiences, what keeps her up at night, what makes her "giddy", how she responds to stress, what books are currently on the nightstand, and more.... Get to know Spiritual Charlotte's Kendall Heath just a hair better, and maybe you'll recognize parts of yourself in this version of her faith & life journey. 00:58:00Spiritual Charlottenospirituality,spiritual,interfaith,interfaith minister,mediumCo-Host, Debbie Chisholm, turns the table on Host, Kendall Heath, in an interview about her spiritual journey and work as an Interfaith Minister, Medium, and Co4578ccbf-32f9-4fa4-aa6d-842a4417fb12249fullEp. 48 - Minister, Kendall Heath - Personal Stories on The (Messy) Sacred Pathhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/spiritualcharlotte/2017/11/22/ep-48--minister-kendall-heath--personal-stories-on-the-messy-sacred-pathSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/spiritualcharlotte/2017/11/22/ep-48--minister-kendall-heath--personal-stories-on-the-messy-sacred-path/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/spiritualcharlotte/2017/11/22/ep-48--minister-kendall-heath--personal-stories-on-the-messy-sacred-pathWed, 22 Nov 2017 14:00:00 GMTEp. 48 - Minister, Kendall Heath - Personal Stories on The (Messy) Sacred PathToday Co-Host, Debbie Chisholm, turns the table on Spiritual Charlotte Podcast Host, Kendall Heath, in part 1 of 2 on an interview about her spiritual journey and work as an Interfaith Minister, Medium, and Co-Founder of Light House Spiritual Center. In part 1 on this topic, Kendall shares stories of her  "awakening journey" thus far, which started in early childhood with stressful family experiences. She struggled through trauma, deep depression, drug abuse, love and sex addiction, divorce, single motherhood, soul-sucking relationships, spiritual disconnection, low self-esteem, and more...on a journey that has ultimately always been about a search for the Light (you know, the Light inside!).  Kendall sees healing and spirituality as an intertwined path - one as integral to the other. Her mission includes facilitating healing from the illusions we have of our disconnection and separateness, a perception she says leaves people lost, addicted, and suffering with various forms of soul sickness. She also shares some of her early Medium experiences and how one thing (metaphysical study, self-help work, or psychic ability) leads to another on the sacred path.  Get to know Spiritual Charlotte's Kendall Heath just a hair better, and maybe you'll recognize parts of yourself in this part of her faith & life journey. You can learn more about her and her work at Light House Spiritual Center here: www.lighthousespiritualcenter.com. *Join the Light House Spiritual Center and Spiritual Charlotte/Lake Norman Facebook communities!     01:04:00Spiritual Charlottenomedium,psyhic medium,love addiction,sex addiction,spiritualityThe awakening journey often looks more like a roller coaster ride. Minister, Kendall Heath, knows this first hand. In part 1 of a 2 part show, Kendall will sharEp. 47 - Part 2 on The Urantia Book with Thomas Orjala - Paper 100http://www.blogtalkradio.com/spiritualcharlotte/2017/11/15/ep-47--part-2-on-the-urantia-book-with-thomas-orjala--paper-100Spiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/spiritualcharlotte/2017/11/15/ep-47--part-2-on-the-urantia-book-with-thomas-orjala--paper-100/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/spiritualcharlotte/2017/11/15/ep-47--part-2-on-the-urantia-book-with-thomas-orjala--paper-100Wed, 15 Nov 2017 15:00:00 GMTEp. 47 - Part 2 on The Urantia Book with Thomas Orjala - Paper 100This is Part 2 in a series we're doing on The Urantia Book, a sacred text considered to be a divine revelation of our time by many people. In Episode 44 we did a general overview of this massive body of papers, introducing our listeners to this masterpiece work. Today we're honing in on Paper 100, which addresses many of the questions that seekers have about spiritual growth and progress. What does it mean to be human, having a spiritual experience in the body? Why are we here? How can we understand the role of religion in this world? How do we get off track on these spiritual and religious journies? What is the goal of self realization? Today we look to Paper 100 of 196 for the answers, and raise new questions that The Urantia Book may bring insight to! You can learn more about the Urantia Book here: The Urantia Foundation   01:00:00Spiritual Charlottenourantia,Urantia Book,Urantia Revelation,spirituality,Spiritual GrowthThe Urantia Book is considered a divine revelation of our time by many. What does it have to say about spiritual growth and progress? Tune into today's show wit7edd3b49-bb10-4826-92bc-cc65c99cdcd3247fullEp. 46 - Finally, an Interview with Light House Co-Founder, Debbie Chisholm!http://www.blogtalkradio.com/spiritualcharlotte/2017/11/01/ep-46--finally-an-interview-with-light-house-co-founder-debbie-chisholmSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/spiritualcharlotte/2017/11/01/ep-46--finally-an-interview-with-light-house-co-founder-debbie-chisholm/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/spiritualcharlotte/2017/11/01/ep-46--finally-an-interview-with-light-house-co-founder-debbie-chisholmWed, 01 Nov 2017 13:00:00 GMTEp. 46 - Finally, an Interview with Light House Co-Founder, Debbie Chisholm!It's time to shine a light on Spiritual Charlotte Co-Host and Light House Spiritual Center Co-Founder, Master Energy Work Practitioner, Debbie Chisholm. Debbie is known for her calm, kind presence and her ability to "hold space" for people in a gentle way. And ALSO, in the back office, she has a lot to say and do and is explosive (in a minature explosion sort of way) with a passion for pioneering meaningful work in our region and beyond! Faithful to the meditation and metaphysical path, Debbie's Aquarian energy is one of quiet innovation, inquiry, and a faithful devotion to the "Divine downloads" that come through her meditation practice. She lived many years in a "normal life", primarily focused on going to work in accounting, getting the bills paid, and being a Mom and Caregiver. But in the second chapter of her life, she has aligned with her soul's purpose, stepping out of the spiritual closet and into the calling of being a facilitator who helps others remember who they really are, on the soul level, and working with energy to elevate individuals to the task of aligning with that Truth again. Using intuitive skills, Shamanic tools, Priestess wisdom, Light Language, and Christ Consciousness, Debbie acts as a beacon of light for those wandering through the darkness.  Today she'll talk about her dedication to the work, her immersion into Light Language channeling and study, and some of her favorite things, gut reactions, and very human qualities. Get to know Debbie Chisholm today on the Spiritual Charlotte podcast, and you'll likely learn something about yourself, too! Learn more here: www.lighthousespiritualcenter.com     01:30:00Spiritual Charlottenocharlotte,Lake Norman,spiritual charlotte,Reiki Master,Energy WorkDebbie Chisholm, Light House Spiritual Center Co-Founder and Master Energy Work Practitioner, is in the spotlight today, as we pass through her calm, quiet exteEp. 45: Hollis Crittendon on Addiction, Spirituality, and Choices for Recoveryhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/spiritualcharlotte/2017/10/25/ep-45-hollis-crittendon-on-addiction-spirituality-and-choices-for-recoverySpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/spiritualcharlotte/2017/10/25/ep-45-hollis-crittendon-on-addiction-spirituality-and-choices-for-recovery/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/spiritualcharlotte/2017/10/25/ep-45-hollis-crittendon-on-addiction-spirituality-and-choices-for-recoveryWed, 25 Oct 2017 13:00:00 GMTEp. 45: Hollis Crittendon on Addiction, Spirituality, and Choices for RecoveryToday we interview Hollis Crittendon, Executive Director of Choices for Recovery in Charlotte, NC.  Hollis shares his own harrowing and miraculous addiction/recovery journey and talks about the relationship between addiction, recovery, and spirituality. Twenty-four times in treatment, 30 + times jailed, one month in a coma, at least 5 overdoses, and a couple near death experiences...and living today to teach from it and facilitate healing for others. Unconditional love from "the other side" (and this side, no doubt!) changed the trajectory of his life, and can change yours, too. Hollis talks about how addiction and spirituality are two sides of the same coin. Both are a longing for connection. And remembering who we truly are is central to the path of healing. He also shares various methods for treatment that extend beyond the traditional Twelve Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous.  Learn more about Choices for Recovery here: www.choicesforrecovery.com. Spiritual Charlotte here: http://www.spiritualcharlotte.com .  01:10:00Spiritual Charlottenoaddiction,addiction recovery,charlotte,north carolina,near death experienceToday we interview Hollis Crittendon, Executive Director of Choices for Recovery in Charlotte, NC about his own harrowing and miraculous addiction/recovery jourEpisode 44 - We're Diving Into the Urantia Book with Thomas Orjala!http://www.blogtalkradio.com/spiritualcharlotte/2017/10/18/episode-44--were-diving-into-the-urantia-book-with-thomas-orjalaSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/spiritualcharlotte/2017/10/18/episode-44--were-diving-into-the-urantia-book-with-thomas-orjala/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/spiritualcharlotte/2017/10/18/episode-44--were-diving-into-the-urantia-book-with-thomas-orjalaWed, 18 Oct 2017 14:00:00 GMTEpisode 44 - We're Diving Into the Urantia Book with Thomas Orjala!Join us today for an unforgettable and intriguing interview with Thomas Orjala, President of the Inland Northwest Urantia Society, among other Urantia group involvement. Do you know about the Urantia book? It's a BIG book - a collection of papers that is considered a Divine revelation masterpiece directly from a loving Infinite and Eternal God. It has changed many paradigms, narratives, and lives of individuals and communities who study it. This is what urantia.org has to say about it: "The Urantia Book, first published by Urantia Foundation in 1955, presents us with the origin, history, and destiny of humanity. It answers questions about God, life in the inhabited universe, the history and future of this world, and it includes an uplifting narrative of the life and teachings of Jesus.  All human beings are the sons and daughters of a loving God and therefore brothers and sisters in the family of God. The book provides new spiritual truth for modern men and women and a pathway to a personal relationship with God. Building on the world's religious heritage, The Urantia Book describes an endless destiny for humankind, teaching that living faith is the key to personal spiritual progress and eternal survival. It also describes God’s plan for the progressive evolution of individuals, human society, and the universe as a whole." Join us for a most interesting dive into this collection of channeled papers, as we attempt to simplify what it has to offer us during this time in our planet's history.  01:00:00Spiritual Charlottenourantia,Urantia Book,spirituality,Divine Revelation,spiritual booksDo you know about the Urantia book? It's a BIG book - a collection of papers that is considered a Divine revelation masterpiece directly from a loving Infinite875eedc2-4b2c-4446-ab76-49258c044bed244fullEpisode 43 - The Divine Appointment of the Doula with Rebecca Duerrhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/spiritualcharlotte/2017/10/11/episode-43--the-divine-appointment-of-the-doula-with-rebecca-duerrWomenhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/spiritualcharlotte/2017/10/11/episode-43--the-divine-appointment-of-the-doula-with-rebecca-duerr/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/spiritualcharlotte/2017/10/11/episode-43--the-divine-appointment-of-the-doula-with-rebecca-duerrWed, 11 Oct 2017 13:00:00 GMTEpisode 43 - The Divine Appointment of the Doula with Rebecca DuerrToday on the Spiritual Charlotte podcast, we are joined by Lake Norman-based Pregnancy & Labor Doula and Integrative Nutritionist, Rebecca Duerr, of Mindful Family Wellness in Mooresville, North Carolina. A mother of four girls herself, whom she birthed naturally, Rebecca seems born to be a Doula! Today we talk about the support and wisdom that Doulas bring to the pregnancy, labor, post-labor, and even fertility experiences of couples and/or mothers. We look at the true impact that optimal nutrition makes on getting pregnant, hormone health, having a healthy pregnancy, and a lower stress labor. *Did you know that men are most often (though not always) the reason for fertility issues? Rebecca explains why working with the male partner is so important! The gap that a Doula fills is one of focused mind/body/spirit support for the mother (and father), and the ability to act as an educated liaison to medical teams, midwifes, and others so that a woman can do her most important task of bringing new life into the world from a place of empowerment! We share some of our own birth stories and talk about the ancient practices of birthing that are restoring themselves in our culture today. With no judgement on the type of birth experiences that families choose, we explore the Divine appointment of the Doula. You can learn more about Rebecca and her services here: www.mindfulfamilywellness.com 01:14:00Spiritual CharlottenoPregnancy,Doula,Midwife,Natural Child birth,natural parentingToday we talk about the support and wisdom that Doulas bring to the pregnancy, labor, post-labor, and even fertility experiences of couples and/or mothers.Episode 42 - The Internal Lives & Healing of Men with Dr. Damon Silashttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/spiritualcharlotte/2017/10/04/episode-42--the-internal-lives-healing-of-men-with-dr-damon-silasSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/spiritualcharlotte/2017/10/04/episode-42--the-internal-lives-healing-of-men-with-dr-damon-silas/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/spiritualcharlotte/2017/10/04/episode-42--the-internal-lives-healing-of-men-with-dr-damon-silasWed, 04 Oct 2017 13:00:00 GMTEpisode 42 - The Internal Lives & Healing of Men with Dr. Damon SilasIn October we're focusing on the mental & spiritual health of men, beginning with this incredible interview with Charlotte/Lake Norman-based Psychologist/Hypnotist/Author, Damon Silas, of Damon Silas Psychological and Consultation Services. Damon shares his own journey of overcoming horrific family loss, the murder of his beloved sister, as described in his memoir, From Mourning to Knight. How does a man move through a "Dark Night of the Soul" like this, and into living from a compassionate heart, in service to his authentic self and the world? We cover the topics of stigmas males have around mental health help, the epidemic of men separating the mind/body/spirit connection and numbing their pain, and the mistake of approaching life issues as simple behavorial problems. Damon draws from his years helping veterans through Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and trauma, as we talk more about what PTSD and trauma actually are, and how they can be detected and treated. We also look at how men's relationships with family, particularly their fathers, impact them (you) as adults. Plus, where does society's screwed up messaging stack up against men? What role do their peers play? And what is happening in the brain chemistry of a man who has been struggling for a long time? For all the men who fall through the cracks in this vital and vulnerable conversation about mental/physical/spiritual health - we will not let you fall alone. Tune in as we give men a voice in The Spiritual Charlotte community & beyond. Learn more about Dr. Damon Silas at: www.damonsilaspsychology.com  Check out his book at: www.frommourningtoknight.com 01:31:00Spiritual Charlottenomental health,psychology,counseling,Mens health,mens issuesWe are bringing men into the mind/body/spirit conversation with Psychologist/Hypnotist/Author, Dr. Damon Silas; including the topics of PTSD, trauma, addiction,Episode 41 - Mindfulness & Meditation & Soto Zen Buddhism with Mimi Shermanhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/spiritualcharlotte/2017/09/27/episode-41--mindfulness-meditation-soto-zen-buddhism-with-mimi-shermanSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/spiritualcharlotte/2017/09/27/episode-41--mindfulness-meditation-soto-zen-buddhism-with-mimi-sherman/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/spiritualcharlotte/2017/09/27/episode-41--mindfulness-meditation-soto-zen-buddhism-with-mimi-shermanWed, 27 Sep 2017 13:00:00 GMTEpisode 41 - Mindfulness & Meditation & Soto Zen Buddhism with Mimi ShermanToday on The Spiritual Charlotte Podcast: an enlightening interview with the "Queen of Calm", Lake Norman/Charlotte-based Mindfulness & Meditation Instructor, Mimi Sherman! Mimi's transformative story of once living as a stressed, disconnected, busy business woman in New York to taking a hairpin (life-saving) turn into the study and practice of Soto Zen Buddhism, Zazen meditation, and Mindfulness is an inspiring one. Mimi talks with Co-Hosts, Kendall Heath and Debbie Chisholm, about the many types of meditation and various mindfulness techniques, what mindfulness can actually look like day-to-day, and some of the mentors and teachers who have impacted her own journey. We also touch on mindful eating practices, meditation & mindfulness in Corporate America, and the current classes and series Mimi is leading in the Lake Norman area. And we have to say, we became more calm and mindful as the show went on! #itscontagious#thisstuffworks! Tune in to this episode with Mimi Sherman to take a deeper dive into the practices of Mindfulness & Meditation. (It could save your life!) Learn more about Mimi Sherman here: http://www.breathe-mindfulness.com Learn more about Spiritual Charlotte here: http://www.spiritualcharlotte.com     01:08:00Spiritual CharlottenoMindfulness,Meditation,zazen,Zen Buddhism,BuddhismToday on The Spiritual Charlotte Podcast: an enlightening interview with the "Queen of Calm", Lake Norman/Charlotte-based Mindfulness & Meditation Instructor, MEpisode 40 - Spiritual Healing & Prayer Beads with Author, Kristen Vincenthttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/spiritualcharlotte/2017/09/20/episode-40--spiritual-healing-prayer-beads-with-author-kristen-vincentSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/spiritualcharlotte/2017/09/20/episode-40--spiritual-healing-prayer-beads-with-author-kristen-vincent/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/spiritualcharlotte/2017/09/20/episode-40--spiritual-healing-prayer-beads-with-author-kristen-vincentWed, 20 Sep 2017 13:00:00 GMTEpisode 40 - Spiritual Healing & Prayer Beads with Author, Kristen VincentToday's show is going to be a special one! We're interviewing Kristen Vincent of Prayerworks Studio about healing spiritual wounds caused by pain and trauma, and her unique relationship to and teachings around prayer beads! Kristen will share how healing and wholeness from pain requires not just physical and emotional healing, but spiritual healing as well. She recently published a book in which she shares her own story of childhood trauma and spiritual healing, and offer...s a guide for others who seek healing. On the Spiritual Charlotte Podcast, she'll talk about the need to a) speak your truth before God; b) heal your spirit by addressing the various issues related to your trauma (grief, anger, shame, etc.); and c) experience God's peace through trust, love, forgiveness, peace, etc.. She'll also share how prayer beads can serve as a tool for spiritual healing. Kristen is the author of Beads of Healing: Prayer, Trauma, and Spiritual Wholeness (Upper Room Books, 2017). She also wrote A Bead and Prayer: A Beginner's Guide to Protestant Prayer Beads (Upper Room Books, 2013), and Another Bead, Another Prayer: Devotions for Use with Protestant Prayer Beads (Upper Room Books, 2015). She is the survivor of childhood sexual assault who experienced profound spiritual healing during her time in The Academy for Spiritual Formation, from which she graduated from in May 2014. You can learn more about her here: www.prayerworksstudio.com 01:01:00Spiritual Charlottenospirituality,trauma,prayer,prayer beads,ChristianityKristen Vincent of Prayerworks Studio about healing spiritual wounds caused by pain and trauma, and her unique relationship to and teachings around prayer beadsEpisode 39 - Corporate America & The Spiritual Life with Coach, Katie Jo Suttonhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/spiritualcharlotte/2017/09/13/episode-39--corporate-america-the-spiritual-life-with-coach-katie-jo-suttonSelf Helphttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/spiritualcharlotte/2017/09/13/episode-39--corporate-america-the-spiritual-life-with-coach-katie-jo-sutton/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/spiritualcharlotte/2017/09/13/episode-39--corporate-america-the-spiritual-life-with-coach-katie-jo-suttonWed, 13 Sep 2017 13:00:00 GMTEpisode 39 - Corporate America & The Spiritual Life with Coach, Katie Jo SuttonKatie Jo Sutton, Charlotte-based Intuitive Healer & Meditation Coach, is here to talk about the challenges (and opportunities) of working in a corporate world or day job, while also living a spiritual life. There are also challenges (and gifts) when transitioning out of a corporate reality and moving into an entirely new career paradigm. Sometimes the world of work and the world of our spiritual lives can be quite at odds, difficult to integrate, and part of a larger journey to and through more authenticity, vulnerability, and wholeness in our lives! Can you relate? Today, Katie will tells her own story about The Universe supporting her in moving away from a corporate job that was no longer in alignment with her desires, values, or energy. She also offers valuable insight on how a person can live an authentic and spiritual life while operating in "the real world", including but not limited to corporate America. What spiritual tools and practices are available to us to bring more mindfulness and balance to our work lives?When is a work environ unhealthy or no longer for us? How can we deal with difficult or contrasting energies in our workplaces? What should empathic people know about working in organizations? How do we navigate patriarchal structures in place in many organizations? What does energy have to do with all of this? We talk about all these questions and more! *Kate Jo is also an Aerial Yoga Instructor, Psychic Healer and Sound Healing Practitioner. She completed the undergraduate program with the Boulder Psychic Institute in February of 2017. Her personal experience with stress induced illness and auto-immune disorders has helped to shape her coaching approach. Her goal is to help people find their own Zen Within. Learn more about her here: Zen Within Coaching. 00:58:00Spiritual Charlottenospirituality,work life balance,conscious business,corporate wellness,corporate americaKatie Jo Sutton, Charlotte-based Intuitive Healer & Meditation Coach, is here to talk about the challenges (and opportunities) of working in a corporate world oEpisode 38 - Progressive Pastor, Joshua Adam Scott, is back for Bible School!http://www.blogtalkradio.com/spiritualcharlotte/2017/08/30/episode-38--progressive-pastor-joshua-adam-scott-is-back-for-bible-schoolSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/spiritualcharlotte/2017/08/30/episode-38--progressive-pastor-joshua-adam-scott-is-back-for-bible-school/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/spiritualcharlotte/2017/08/30/episode-38--progressive-pastor-joshua-adam-scott-is-back-for-bible-schoolWed, 30 Aug 2017 13:06:05 GMTEpisode 38 - Progressive Pastor, Joshua Adam Scott, is back for Bible School!Guess whose back on The Spiritual Charlotte Podcast?! Our favorite self-professed "Bible Nerd", Joshua Adam Scott! Josh's theology is refreshing, bold, and unafraid to grow up and away from "the way things have always been done(or taught)". And yet, he loves and knows the Bible through and through! So, if you're going to talk about The Holy Bible and Jesus, this is the Pastor you want to talk about it with! Today we're talking about JESUS, and we'll be ...asking the hard questions: If we struggle with Christianity, do we necessarily have to struggle with Jesus? Is it possible we made him up? Who was/is he and who is he NOT? How can we make peace with Jesus when we don't know how we feel (or have conflicting or adverse feelings) about the religion, the churches, and/or the scripture surrounding him? What teachings of Jesus' are available to us today (regardless of our religious affiliation or UNaffiliation) to help us respond to issues like racial injustice, gender & LBGT rights, government corruption & inhumane politics, poverty, and world suffering? How can the spiritual (non-religious) person get to know Jesus in new ways, and why should they? A conversation with Josh is always too short! Join us as we pick the Bible brain of Joshua Adam Scott! www.joshuaadamscott.com  www.spiritualcharlotte.com 00:59:00Spiritual Charlottenospirituality,Bible Study,Bible Study and Commentary,Jesus,jesus christGuess whose back on The Spiritual Charlotte Podcast?! Our favorite self-professed "Bible Nerd", Joshua Adam Scott! Josh's theology is refreshing, bold, and unafEpisode 36 with Modern Day Shaman & TEDx Speaker, Robbie Warrenhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/spiritualcharlotte/2017/08/02/episode-36-with-modern-day-shaman-tedx-speaker-robbie-warrenSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/spiritualcharlotte/2017/08/02/episode-36-with-modern-day-shaman-tedx-speaker-robbie-warren/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/spiritualcharlotte/2017/08/02/episode-36-with-modern-day-shaman-tedx-speaker-robbie-warrenWed, 02 Aug 2017 14:00:00 GMTEpisode 36 with Modern Day Shaman & TEDx Speaker, Robbie WarrenThis Wednesday, Robbie Warren, a.k.a. Otter Woman Standing, schools us on the sacred path of shamanism and her journey from successful Charlotte Interior Designer to modern day Shaman! Robbie is as authentic as they come! She is a business woman who found her higher calling after 9-11 as a Shamanic Healer. She has traveled the world with her teachings, has spoken about it on the TEDx Charlotte stage, and brings insights from her journey... as an ever-evolving "Medicine Woman of the Modern Age"! This is quite the story and you don't want to miss it! You can learn more at www.otterdance.org. 01:15:00Spiritual CharlottenoShamanism,Shaman,Shamanic,shamanic journeys,Shamanic HealingRobbie Warren, Charlotte, NC based modern day Shaman, walks us through her journey of being a successful Interior Designer turned world-traveling Shaman after 9Episode 37 - Hypnotherapy & Past Life Regression with Cait Allisonhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/spiritualcharlotte/2017/07/26/episode-37--hypnotherapy-past-life-regression-with-cait-allisonSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/spiritualcharlotte/2017/07/26/episode-37--hypnotherapy-past-life-regression-with-cait-allison/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/spiritualcharlotte/2017/07/26/episode-37--hypnotherapy-past-life-regression-with-cait-allisonWed, 26 Jul 2017 13:00:00 GMTEpisode 37 - Hypnotherapy & Past Life Regression with Cait AllisonToday we are joined by the "Wonder Woman of Many Healing Trades", (that's what we like to call her), Cait Allison, Davidson, NC - based Hypntherapist & Intuitive Cunselor, who is breaking down hypnotherapy and past life regression work for us, with a few recaps of Kendall's experience of "going under" in Cait's office! Cait talks about how past-life regressions and hypnotherapy can be incredible tools to achieve deep and profound healing. She says, "Hypnosis, similar to meditation, offers a beautiful way to bridge the subconscious and the conscious. However, hypnosis is much more goal oriented and clients will be working with the hypnotherapist towards achieving a certain change in their conscious lives. Some people come to me to heal certain phobias or relationship patterns, while others come with a curiosity about how their past is informing their present. Each experience is uniquely tailored to the individual and illuminates the universal truth that emotions and memories can move seamlessly across the same/time continuum. Remembering who you truly are and the sacred contract to came into this life time with can lead to a more purposeful and empowered experience of healing, Besides the fact that she is radiant, and everyone in Lake Norman and Charlotte who has worked with her says radiant things about her radiance, do you see why we needed to chat her up?! You can learn more at www.caitallison.com and www.spiritualcharlotte.com   01:11:00Spiritual Charlottenopast life regression,hypnotherapy,consciousness,spirituality,DavidsonHypnotherapist & Intuitive Counselor, Cait Allison, gives us the lowdown on the high consciousness work that is past life regression therapy!Episode 35 - Host, Kendall Heath, shares her own story of clairvoyant mysticismhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/spiritualcharlotte/2017/06/28/episode-35--host-kendall-heath-shares-her-own-story-of-clairvoyant-mysticismSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/spiritualcharlotte/2017/06/28/episode-35--host-kendall-heath-shares-her-own-story-of-clairvoyant-mysticism/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/spiritualcharlotte/2017/06/28/episode-35--host-kendall-heath-shares-her-own-story-of-clairvoyant-mysticismWed, 28 Jun 2017 13:00:00 GMTEpisode 35 - Host, Kendall Heath, shares her own story of clairvoyant mysticismYou've heard her talk for 34 episodes on the Spiritual Charlotte podcast, but have you heard her personal story about becoming and being a "true blue mystic" and clairvoyant? Her mystical journey through spirituality includes her perfectly crooked path through depression, destructive behaviors, love addiction, healing work, Intuitive Medium work, and religious/spiritual study. What is mysticism anyway? How does one know if they are "a mystic"? What does it all mean? And what does cairvoyance have to do with it? She'll talk about all of that! And maybe you'll recognize yourself and parts of your own journey in this show, too. Associated Websites: www.spiritualcharlotte.com  www.lighthousespiritualcenter.com   01:36:00Spiritual Charlottenospirituality,Clairvoyance,Psychic Medium,true story,charlotteKendall Heath, Host of the Spiritual Charlotte podcast and Co-Owner of Light House Spiritual Center, is sharing her personal journey through mysticism. She's coEpisode 34 - Kundalini, Daoist Stone Medicine, and Loving Gaia with Ra Ma Kaurhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/spiritualcharlotte/2017/06/21/episode-34--kundalini-daoist-stone-medicine-and-loving-gaia-with-ra-ma-kaurSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/spiritualcharlotte/2017/06/21/episode-34--kundalini-daoist-stone-medicine-and-loving-gaia-with-ra-ma-kaur/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/spiritualcharlotte/2017/06/21/episode-34--kundalini-daoist-stone-medicine-and-loving-gaia-with-ra-ma-kaurWed, 21 Jun 2017 13:00:00 GMTEpisode 34 - Kundalini, Daoist Stone Medicine, and Loving Gaia with Ra Ma KaurJoin Spiritual Charlotte on location in Asheville, North Carolina, at the sacred space and apothecary of Ra Ma Kaur, Kundalini Yoga Teacher, Arcline Astrologist, Medicine Woman, and Spiritual Midwife. (This really does NOT come close to explaining the gift (encompassing the many gifts) that is Ra Ma Kaur!) Spiritual Charlotte Co-hosts, Debbie Chisholm and Kendall Heath, had the opportunity to experience a Kundalini Yoga class and gong bath healing with Ra Ma at West Asheville Yoga. Then we sat on the floor of her goddess-imbued treatment room and talked about everything from falling in love with Gaia to Yogi Bhajan to her upcoming women's retreat in magical Glastonbury - "it's gonna be epic"! There's almost too much magic to gleen from this episode! Have a listen! www.ramakaur.com  www.spiritualcharlotte.com       01:28:00Spiritual CharlottenoKundalini Yoga,kundalini,Asheville,Asheville North Carolina,Plant MedicineWhat is the alchemical relationship between Kundalini Yoga, sacred sound, plant and stone medicine, and the Western woman who is saving the world? Listen in toEpisode 33 - Transformational Coach, Miri Klements, on the spiritualized egohttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/spiritualcharlotte/2017/06/07/episode-33--transformational-coach-miri-klements-on-the-spiritualized-egoSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/spiritualcharlotte/2017/06/07/episode-33--transformational-coach-miri-klements-on-the-spiritualized-ego/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/spiritualcharlotte/2017/06/07/episode-33--transformational-coach-miri-klements-on-the-spiritualized-egoWed, 07 Jun 2017 13:00:00 GMTEpisode 33 - Transformational Coach, Miri Klements, on the spiritualized egoDo you need to be taken care of today? If so, listen to this show! It's a beautiful, authentic, compassionate interview with Charlotte-based Transformational Coach and Reiki Master Teacher, Miri Klements?. We're talking about the path from childhood programming to spiritual awareness, the spiritualized ego (the spiritual bypass), and the relationship between healing work and the spiritual journey. We're also talking about living in the head verses the heart, the multiplicty within each of us, the forgiving Universe, and the middle way. This show will nourish you from the inside-out! Learn more about Miri Klements at www.OpportunititesforTransformation.com and www.ReikiForWellness.org  Learn more about Spiritual Charlotte at www.spiritualcharlotte.com       01:36:00Spiritual Charlottenospirituality,spirituality for women,Life Coaching,Coaching,healingMiri Klement's transformational coaching is about taking the sacred path from childhood programming to spiritual awareness and the essential healing work alongEpisode 32 - The Bible + God + Politics = Hell Yes! with Pastor Joshua Scotthttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/spiritualcharlotte/2017/05/31/episode-32--the-bible-god-politics-hell-yes-with-pastor-joshua-scottThe Biblehttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/spiritualcharlotte/2017/05/31/episode-32--the-bible-god-politics-hell-yes-with-pastor-joshua-scott/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/spiritualcharlotte/2017/05/31/episode-32--the-bible-god-politics-hell-yes-with-pastor-joshua-scottWed, 31 May 2017 13:00:00 GMTEpisode 32 - The Bible + God + Politics = Hell Yes! with Pastor Joshua ScottToday we continue this 4-part series with episode 3 on "That Other Bible School" with Pastor Joshua Scott. We're going to be zoning in on what God's dream for the world (according to the Bible) has to do with politics. Should God and politics mix? Can you love God and avoid politics? What's the Bible have to say about it? Progressive Pastor, Joshua Adam Scott, of Morgantown Community Church in Morgantown, Kentucky, didn't always read the Bible the way that he does today. In fact, he was an uber-conservative young guy with a fundamental Christian foundation, highly concerned with "the saving people's souls". But later while in seminary, a shift occurred, and he's been shifting ever since! Rather than break up with the Bible, Pastor Scott saw new possibilities in the teachings within this sacred text. He's been our favorite Bible Nerd since we happened upon him speaking at the Open Network stage at the Wild Goose Festival last summer. Influenced by Progressive Theologians like Marcus Borg, Brian McClaran, and Doug Padgett, Pastor Scott tends to help 3 types of people: 1. People who've broken up with the Bible 2. People who suspect that there's something important about the Bible, but don't know for sure what it is 3. People who LOVE the Bible and can't possibly understand why you would want to interpret it any differently than they always have Let's dive into the Bible today with rebel Bible buff, Joshua Scott, as we examine the relationship between God, God's word, and politics! www.joshuaadamscott.com  www.spiritualcharlotte.com   01:01:00Spiritual Charlottenobible,bible study,progressive christianity,Christian Politics,politicsCan you love God and avoid politics? Do you think the two don't mix? Were you taught not to talk about them together at the dinner table? Progressive Pastor, JoEpisode 31: Giving a Voice to ABUSE with Say It, Survivor's Laura Parrott Perryhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/spiritualcharlotte/2017/05/24/episode-31-giving-a-voice-to-abuse-with-say-it-survivors-laura-parrott-perrySpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/spiritualcharlotte/2017/05/24/episode-31-giving-a-voice-to-abuse-with-say-it-survivors-laura-parrott-perry/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/spiritualcharlotte/2017/05/24/episode-31-giving-a-voice-to-abuse-with-say-it-survivors-laura-parrott-perryWed, 24 May 2017 13:00:00 GMTEpisode 31: Giving a Voice to ABUSE with Say It, Survivor's Laura Parrott PerryTwo years ago, Blog Writer, Laura Parrott Perry, reconnected with her cousin, Mary Lovely, whom she had not seen in 35 years. They came back together and discovered they'd both been abused as children by their grandfather. When they reconnected in person, they decided to dance on his grave, but got lost along the way. So they stopped for directions at a police station and ended up reporting their abuse instead!   Laura wrote about that event, the post went viral, and the seeds for Say It, Survivor were born. Today, Say It, Survivor is helping other people reclaim their abuse stories and tell them on their own terms so that they can travel the road of healing towards personal freedom and empowerment. On our show today Laura will talk with Host, Kendall Heath, about her story and how writing an organization that helped others speak the unspeakable restored grace in her life .SayItSurvivor  Spiritual Charlotte           00:59:00Spiritual Charlottenoabuse,sexual abuse,trauma,survivors,counselingLaura Parrott Perry of Say It, Survivor, an org. telling the truth about abuse, knows the power of speaking the unspeakable. Today she shares her story of childEpisode 30 - Walking the Easter Season & Christian Calendar with Susan Heunhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/spiritualcharlotte/2017/05/10/episode-30--walking-the-easter-season-christian-calendar-with-susan-heunReligionhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/spiritualcharlotte/2017/05/10/episode-30--walking-the-easter-season-christian-calendar-with-susan-heun/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/spiritualcharlotte/2017/05/10/episode-30--walking-the-easter-season-christian-calendar-with-susan-heunWed, 10 May 2017 13:00:00 GMTEpisode 30 - Walking the Easter Season & Christian Calendar with Susan HeunWe're in the middle of a 7-part series where we're walking the Christian Calendar with Charlotte-based Methodist Minister, Susan Heafner-Heun, to better understand the "Christian year". Right now we're in the middle of the Easter season, which lasts until June 4. *Raise your hand if you had no idea that Easter was a full season or that it lasts 50 days! We're with you! Easter is about many things, but it's most certainly about hope! What else is it about? What do the Gospel writers tell us about God being a God of Life through the Easter story? What is the message of death not having the last word? What's up with the bodily resurrection? How about the garden where Jesus' open tomb was said by some to be located? How about all the appearances Jesus made after he died? What were all the "little" stories that were included in the larger Easter Story? In our usual inquiring fasion, we hop down a few bunny trails, and ask about "The Way" and the followers of The Way, the significance of breath, the Gospel writers, "Doubting Thomases", mystical experiences, and more! Please join us for this rich, unconventional exploration of the Easter story & season! Learn more about Pastor Susan Hefner-Heun here: www.inclusioncommunity.org  Learn more about Spiritual Charlotte here: www.spiritualcharlotte.com  Join both communities on Facebook!       00:54:00Spiritual CharlottenoEaster,ministry,Progressive Christian,The Resurrection,jesus christThe third episode in our series with Progressive Christian Pastor, Susan Heafner-Heun: Understanding the Christian Calendar. Today we're looking at the Season oSpecial Needs, Spirituality & Ministry - Jared Ginsburg is on a Mission!http://www.blogtalkradio.com/spiritualcharlotte/2017/05/03/special-needs-spirituality-ministry--jared-ginsburg-is-on-a-missionReligionhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/spiritualcharlotte/2017/05/03/special-needs-spirituality-ministry--jared-ginsburg-is-on-a-mission/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/spiritualcharlotte/2017/05/03/special-needs-spirituality-ministry--jared-ginsburg-is-on-a-missionWed, 03 May 2017 13:00:00 GMTSpecial Needs, Spirituality & Ministry - Jared Ginsburg is on a Mission!Faith communities have a challenge, and it's that their regular ministries and their disability ministries often fall short of truly providing individuals and families with special needs with an environment where they can come exactly as they are and worship in the way that they were created to. Jared Ginsburg, Director of The Hideout at Dilworth Church in Charlotte, is creating a multisensory, inclusive, safe space for spiritual exploration where those who struggle to "fit in" in traditional church can find a place to belong and participate in worship. He says, "Five year olds sit next to fifty year olds, and walk away with a meaningful connection with God. The truth is, we all have special needs! Some are just more visible that others." To Jared, this is what the Kingdom of Heaven looks like - joy, creativity, inclusion, celebration, and safety! A former public school educator with an interfaith background, Jared has seen the troubling results of special needs children fall through the cracks without early interventon or communitites that properly support them. It's especially tragic when that community is your church. He wants to change that and engage clergy in conversations about the intersection of disabilities and faith. Please join us as we explore this thought-provoking topic about inclusion of ALL peoples! www.thehideoutclt.org  www.spiritualcharlotte.com           01:04:00Spiritual Charlottenocharlotte,dilworth,Special needs,disabilities,disability awarenessRegarding special needs & spiritual communities, there's a lot of room for improvement and awareness! Jared Ginsburg, Director of The Hideout at Dilworth ChurchEpisode 28: Psychotherapist, Kim Honeycutt, Wants Us to Discard Our Baggage!http://www.blogtalkradio.com/spiritualcharlotte/2017/04/26/episode-28-psychotherapist-kim-honeycutt-wants-us-to-discard-our-baggageSelf Helphttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/spiritualcharlotte/2017/04/26/episode-28-psychotherapist-kim-honeycutt-wants-us-to-discard-our-baggage/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/spiritualcharlotte/2017/04/26/episode-28-psychotherapist-kim-honeycutt-wants-us-to-discard-our-baggageWed, 26 Apr 2017 13:00:00 GMTEpisode 28: Psychotherapist, Kim Honeycutt, Wants Us to Discard Our Baggage!Charlotte-based Psychotherapist, Kim Honeycutt, has a mental health mission that is about authenticity, imperfection, and healing through our shame stories! Through her work with ICU Talks, Kim is encouraging truth-telling for the purpose of transformation, and God's love for each of us, exactly where we are at! Today she's talking about discarding the baggage - whose responsibility is it to discard our baggage? How are we accountable to each other in our pain and our healing (the carrying and discarding of our emotional baggage)? How can a wounded message lead to powerful life rooted in God's view of us instead of other peoples' views of us? We have guests of many different faiths on The Spiritual Charlotte podcast, and Kim comes to us as a Jesus loving Christian who believes that mental health is an essential part of the spiritual journey. Did we mention that she's also a lot of fun? Join us for an hour of laughter (and tears) as we talk about the baggage in our lives and what we can all do about it!     01:04:00Spiritual CharlottenoICU Talks,psychotherapy,counseling,Christianity,mental healthKim Honeycutt, Charlotte-based Psychotherapist and Co-Founder of ICU Talks at Mosiac Church, is baaack and she's talking about discarding our baggage! We've allEpisode 27 - Pastor Joshua Scott is Guiding Us Through The Bible Abyss Today!http://www.blogtalkradio.com/spiritualcharlotte/2017/04/19/episode-27--pastor-joshua-scott-is-guiding-us-through-the-bible-abyss-todaySpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/spiritualcharlotte/2017/04/19/episode-27--pastor-joshua-scott-is-guiding-us-through-the-bible-abyss-today/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/spiritualcharlotte/2017/04/19/episode-27--pastor-joshua-scott-is-guiding-us-through-the-bible-abyss-todayWed, 19 Apr 2017 13:00:00 GMTEpisode 27 - Pastor Joshua Scott is Guiding Us Through The Bible Abyss Today!Today we continue this 4-part series with episode 2 on "That Other Bible School" with Pastor Joshua Scott. Progressive Pastor, Joshua Adam Scott, of Morgantown Community Church in Morgantown, Kentucky, didn't always read the Bible the way that he does today. In fact, he was a very conservative young guy with a fundamental Christian foundation, highly concerned with "the saving people's souls". But later while in seminary, a shift occurred, and he's been shifting ever since! Rather than break up with the Bible, Pastor Scott saw new possibilities in the teachings within this sacred text. He's been our favorite Bible Nerd since we happened upon him speaking at the Open Network stage at the Wild Goose Festival last summer. Influenced by Progressive Theologians like Marcus Borg, Brian McClaran, and Doug Padgett, Pastor Scott tends to help 3 types of people: 1. People who've broken up with the Bible 2. People who suspect that there's something important about the Bible, but don't know for sure what it is 3. People who LOVE the Bible and can't possibly understand why you would want to interpret it any differently than they always have Let's dive into the Bible abyss with Josh this morning and ask some of the hard questions!           01:30:00Spiritual Charlottenoprogressive Christian,progressive Christianity,Christian,spiritual,spiritualityEpisode 2 of our 4-part series on "That Other Bible School" with Progressive Pastor, Joshua Scott, of Morgantown Community Church in Kentucky - He's o.k. with bOur favorite Bible Nerd, Pastor Joshua Scott, is Schooling Us Today!http://www.blogtalkradio.com/spiritualcharlotte/2017/03/29/our-favorite-bible-nerd-pastor-joshua-scott-is-schooling-us-todayChristianityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/spiritualcharlotte/2017/03/29/our-favorite-bible-nerd-pastor-joshua-scott-is-schooling-us-today/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/spiritualcharlotte/2017/03/29/our-favorite-bible-nerd-pastor-joshua-scott-is-schooling-us-todayWed, 29 Mar 2017 12:47:06 GMTOur favorite Bible Nerd, Pastor Joshua Scott, is Schooling Us Today!Progressive Pastor, Joshua Adam Scott, of Morgantown Community Church in Morgantown, Kentucky, didn't always read the Bible the way that he does today. In fact, he was a very conservative young guy, highly concerned with saving people's souls. But later while in seminary, a shift occurred, and he's been shifting ever since! Rather than break up with the Bible, Pastor Scott saw new possibilities in the teachings within this sacred text. He's been our favorite Bible Nerd since we happened upon him speaking at the Open Network stage at the Wild Goose Festival last summer. (More about that later!) Influenced by Progressive Theologians like Brian McClaran and Doug Padgett, Pastor Scott tens to help 3 types of people: 1. People who've broken up with the Bible 2. People who suspect that there's something important about the Bible, but don't know for sure what it is 3. People who LOVE the Bible and can't possibly understand why you would want to interpret it any differently than they always have Today we begin this 4-part series on "That Other Bible School" with Pastor Joshua Scott, and hope you will get as much out of it as we think you will! School is in session!                 01:11:00Spiritual Charlottenobible,christinaity,progressive Christian,pastor,charlotteSelf-proclaimed Bible Nerd, Pastor Joshua Scott, Is Schooling Us Today on the Holy Bible - How We Got It, What It Is, How We're Invited To Read It, And How We CEpisode 25 - Divine Feminine Show 3 - The Priestess Path with Marcela McBridehttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/spiritualcharlotte/2017/03/22/episode-25--divine-feminine-show-3--the-priestess-path-with-marcela-mcbrideSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/spiritualcharlotte/2017/03/22/episode-25--divine-feminine-show-3--the-priestess-path-with-marcela-mcbride/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/spiritualcharlotte/2017/03/22/episode-25--divine-feminine-show-3--the-priestess-path-with-marcela-mcbrideWed, 22 Mar 2017 13:00:00 GMTEpisode 25 - Divine Feminine Show 3 - The Priestess Path with Marcela McBrideCharlotte-based Priestess Path Mentor, Marcela Magdalena McBride, grew up running around barefoot and bathing in creeks (due to lack of running water) in an intentional, remote mountain community in North Carolina. Her parents had moved there in the 70's as a political statement in response to the times. This is where Marcela's relationship with the Divine Feminine really began. At 18 years old, just days after filling her role as a pretty, Southern bridesmaid in a family wedding, she shaved her head and hit the road for Santa Fe, New Mexico. She picked up two canon books that seem to greet many at the begining of the spiritual journey: The Celestine Prophecy by James Redfield and Conversations With God by Neale Donald Walsch. Those readings held pivotal teachings that informed a spiritual path of no looking back. Marcela would go on to study International Human Rights, natural health/wellness, and ultimately evolve into her calling of doing women's work in the forms of Spiritual Guidance, Sound Healing, Priestess Immersions, Spiritual Retreats, Sacred Tours, and Body Work. Through the 8 pillars of her priestess immersions, she assists women in following their divine calling, reconnecting with the wild woman archetype, releasing mindsets of lack and worthlessness that do not serve an abundant life, and breaking old patterns that make room for eternal wisdom and transformation to come through. Today she brings some beautiful insights into the topic of The Divine Feminine. (We rang "the Rob bell" a record number of times in this episode!) Listen in to see what we mean! Learn more about Marcela, and her business partner/husband, John, at the link below: www.marcelamcbride.com                    01:12:00Spiritual CharlottenoPriestess,Shamanic Healing,charlotte,spiritual,womens spiritualityOrdained Minister, Marcela McBride, adds her powerful Priestess voice to the Divine Feminine (and Divine Masculine) conversation, as she discusses the shadow siEpisode 24 - Progressive Pastor, Susan Heafner-Heun Guides Us Through Lent!http://www.blogtalkradio.com/spiritualcharlotte/2017/03/15/episode-24--progressive-pastor-susan-heafner-heun-guides-us-through-lentChristianityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/spiritualcharlotte/2017/03/15/episode-24--progressive-pastor-susan-heafner-heun-guides-us-through-lent/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/spiritualcharlotte/2017/03/15/episode-24--progressive-pastor-susan-heafner-heun-guides-us-through-lentWed, 15 Mar 2017 13:00:00 GMTEpisode 24 - Progressive Pastor, Susan Heafner-Heun Guides Us Through Lent!Susan Heafner-Heun, Progressive Christian Pastor of Inclusion Community Church in Lake Norman (Cornelius), North Carolina, gets excited when she talks about the seasons of the Christian Calendar. Her enthusiasm brings this subject to life, perhaps in contrast to the rather dull way it may have been taught in churches you grew up in. She believes the Christian seasons are rich with ritual, myth, history, symbolism, and the natural rythems of life. But often, some of them are overlooked or entirely left out of church celebrations and practices. Many who have been Christians for years or a lifetime, do not even really know the signifiance of some of the Christian seasons - what they are revealing to us, what they have to offer our modern day lives, and how we are invited to be included in each season. These invitations and offerings can also hold value for non-Christians, as many of the meanings can be applied to anyone's life. Today we are learning about the season of Lent. Lent symbolizes the time of Jesus' Walk to Jerusalem and includes Holy Week, the last week of Jesus' life. Lasting for 40 days, this season also includes Palm Sunday, Passover, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, and Holy Saturday. Using the Gospel of Mark, Susan takes us on a journey of the wisdom that can be gleaned and the questions that can be explored during the season of Lent!     01:22:00Spiritual Charlottenochristianity,charlotte,Lake Norman,progressive Christian,lentThe second episode in our series with Progressive Christian Pastor, Susan Heafner-Heun: Understanding the Christian Calendar. Today we're looking at the SeasonEpisode 23 - We're Talking About Women & Pilgrimage with Amanda Brutus-Philipshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/spiritualcharlotte/2017/03/08/episode-23--were-talking-about-women-pilgrimage-with-amanda-brutus-philipsSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/spiritualcharlotte/2017/03/08/episode-23--were-talking-about-women-pilgrimage-with-amanda-brutus-philips/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/spiritualcharlotte/2017/03/08/episode-23--were-talking-about-women-pilgrimage-with-amanda-brutus-philipsWed, 08 Mar 2017 14:00:00 GMTEpisode 23 - We're Talking About Women & Pilgrimage with Amanda Brutus-PhilipsPilgrimage is an age-old journey that our desert mothers and fathers have been taking since early years. It's an opportunity to extract ourselves from normal life and embark on a voyage into the unknown, to ultimately come to know more about ourselves and our place in a large and miraculous world. It is the seeker within us that is willing to go where the call of spirit might be calling us to go and explore. So many unexpected treasures can be unearthed on pilgrimages both far away and the ones we take closer to home. On today's show, Charlotte-based Spiritual Explorer/Yoga Instructor, Amanda Brutus-Phillips, shares her pilgrimage stories through India, Peru, and Egypt, while being an entrepreneurial married mother of two daughters. She talks about the significance of being a spiritual nomad and the way that pilgrimage can affect us and those we love long after we return home. 01:39:00Spiritual Charlottenospiritual,Travel,Pilgrimage,spiritual pilgrimage,ancient egyptSpiritual Pilgrimage is a journey that affects us long after we return home. Spiritual nomads and pilgrimage novices alike will glean much from Amanda Brutus-PhEpisode 22 - Walking The History of The Divine Feminine - 2 of 6 in This Serieshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/spiritualcharlotte/2017/03/01/episode-22--walking-the-history-of-the-divine-feminine--2-of-6-in-this-seriesSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/spiritualcharlotte/2017/03/01/episode-22--walking-the-history-of-the-divine-feminine--2-of-6-in-this-series/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/spiritualcharlotte/2017/03/01/episode-22--walking-the-history-of-the-divine-feminine--2-of-6-in-this-seriesWed, 01 Mar 2017 14:00:00 GMTEpisode 22 - Walking The History of The Divine Feminine - 2 of 6 in This SeriesCo-Hosts, Kendall Heath and Debbie Chisholm, continue this 6-part series on The Divine Feminine by looking at some of the early history of The Goddess, God, and the feminine & masculine manifestations of the Divine throughout civilization. How did we go from the Age of the Goddess (a.k.a. The Mother God) to the Age of "The Father God"? What were some of the critical moments in history that caused this collective shift? Today we explore the Goddess through mythologies and traditions from Egypt, Ancient Mesopotamia, European Neolithic periods, the Near East (India), Babylon, Indo-Europe, the Mediterranean, Rome, and Greece. We also briefly look at it The Goddess within and relationship to Catholicism, Hebrew culture, early Christianity and various primitive societies. And...We dissect the significance of the virgin birth story that appears throughout many different cultural narratives, not just in the Christian narrative. Wheeeeeww! It's a brain-FULL, but a rich and essential conversation for deepening our understanding about the evolution of the forms of God that we talk about today and have been in relationship with throughout the history of the world! This episode is like a class, folks! Join us today on The Spiritual Charlotte podcast for a mini history class on The Divine Feminine. Visit us on our website, too: www.spiritualcharlotte.com 01:16:00Spiritual CharlottenoThe Divine Feminine,The Sacred Feminine,spirituality,Religious History,CatholicismCo-Hosts, Kendall Heath & Debbie Chisholm, dive into the 2nd podcast in a series of 6 about The Divine Feminine by walking the history of the Goddess, God, andMedical Intuitive, Christine Lang, Is Telling the Spiritual Truths of The Body!http://www.blogtalkradio.com/spiritualcharlotte/2017/02/22/medical-intuitive-christine-lang-is-telling-the-spiritual-truths-of-the-bodySpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/spiritualcharlotte/2017/02/22/medical-intuitive-christine-lang-is-telling-the-spiritual-truths-of-the-body/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/spiritualcharlotte/2017/02/22/medical-intuitive-christine-lang-is-telling-the-spiritual-truths-of-the-bodyWed, 22 Feb 2017 14:00:00 GMTMedical Intuitive, Christine Lang, Is Telling the Spiritual Truths of The Body!  Christine Lang is a Body Whisperer. As her book The Body Whisperer says, "Your symptoms tell me your truth." We can vouch for her. There is NO lie in her fire! One reading with Christine, who is actually very down to earth and relatable, will have you tossing any skepticism out the window. Her spiritual insights and keen intuitive skills about the source of your symptoms and the larger themes running your health and life may leave you awe inspired, empowered, or finally affirmed. Christine has worked with the most high-strung clients and the most low-energy, the most chronic and the generally healthy, well-known celebrities and less known folks like us. She has helped doctors get to the energetic root cause of issues like infertility or severe recurring pain. So much is gleaned about life, relationships, family dynamics, and personal healing in a conversation with her; clearly wisdom she has gathered, in part, through the Divine gift of helping others heal. Christine tells her fascinating story to Co-hosts Kendall Heath and Debbie Chisholm today, and throws a few powerful mini-medicial readings into the show, too! You can learn more about Christine here: christinelang.org 01:25:00Spiritual Charlottenointuitive readings,medical intuitive,Medical issues,chronic pain,infertilityMedicial Intuitive & Author, Christine Lang, used to be an attorney who sniffed out the truth, but now she tells the truth about your life by "reading" your bodEpisode 20 - 1 of a 6 Part Series on The Divine Feminine - Awakening to the Yinhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/spiritualcharlotte/2017/02/15/episode-20--1-of-a-6-part-series-on-the-divine-feminine--awakening-to-the-yinSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/spiritualcharlotte/2017/02/15/episode-20--1-of-a-6-part-series-on-the-divine-feminine--awakening-to-the-yin/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/spiritualcharlotte/2017/02/15/episode-20--1-of-a-6-part-series-on-the-divine-feminine--awakening-to-the-yinWed, 15 Feb 2017 14:18:28 GMTEpisode 20 - 1 of a 6 Part Series on The Divine Feminine - Awakening to the YinHost, Kendall Heath, begins a 6-part series on The Divine Feminine - the awakening of feminine energies in our world and in the cosmos. What is the Divine Feminine? How do we define it? What areas of our lives does it impact? In this series, we'll cover topics like The Black Madonna, religious revision verses revolt, the women of the Bible, Goddess cultures you didn't learn about in history class, the interconnection between Goddess cultures and Judeo-Christian religion, roles of women in churches/religions today, the evolution of women's rights, the current emboldened feminine politic, women's roles in society over time up through today, and our sheparding of Mother Earth. We'll look at how the sands are shifting to allow The Sacred Feminine to come forth in new (and very ancient) ways. You're going to be hearing about The Divine Feminine now, more than ever. This should help you wrap you head and heart around what all the fuss is about. Join us today as we open a can of worms (Goddess serpents, maybe), and without apology, explore the power of The Divine Feminine in our lives.     01:06:00Spiritual Charlottenothe divine feminine,the sacred feminine,womens rights,women's religion,Christian WomenThe Divine Feminine (or Sacred Feminine) is Awakening In Our World - What does this mean for our societies, our churches, our politics, our history, and our plaA look at Forgiveness - The Other F-word, with Psychotherapist, Kim Honeycutt!http://www.blogtalkradio.com/spiritualcharlotte/2017/02/08/a-look-at-forgiveness--the-other-f-word-with-psychotherapist-kim-honeycuttPsychologyhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/spiritualcharlotte/2017/02/08/a-look-at-forgiveness--the-other-f-word-with-psychotherapist-kim-honeycutt/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/spiritualcharlotte/2017/02/08/a-look-at-forgiveness--the-other-f-word-with-psychotherapist-kim-honeycuttWed, 08 Feb 2017 14:00:00 GMTA look at Forgiveness - The Other F-word, with Psychotherapist, Kim Honeycutt!IForgiveness is one of those things - a love/hate relationship of sorts. How do we forgive when we can't seem to? Are certain acts unforgiveable? Do we make the mistake of focusing on forgiveness for others, while withholding it from ourselves? How do we protect ourselves when we are attempting to forgive chronic, abusive behavior? Who is forgiveness for? How do churches mess up the concept of forgiveness? What does Jesus have to say about it? And what's in it for non-Christians? Kim Honeycutt has a mental health ministry in North Carolina that focuses on shame, blame, and guilt issues that people suffer inside and outside of churches. She knows first hand that forgiveness is a process, one that can benefit from a better understanding of what forgiveness is really about and what it defintiely isn't about! Please join Co-Hosts Debbie Chisholm and Kendall Heath as we wiggle and wriggle through a tough show on forgiveness with our resident Psychotherapist! Kim Honeycutt Spiritual Charlotte ICU Talks       00:56:00Spiritual Charlottenoforgiveness,FORGIVE,Jesus,Christianity,spiritualityCharlotte-based Psychotherapist and Co-Founder of ICU Talks at Mosiac Church, Kim Honeycutt, calls forgiveness the other F-word because we can get it so F'd up!Episode 18: Progressive Pastor, Susan Heafner-Heun, guides us through Epiphany!http://www.blogtalkradio.com/spiritualcharlotte/2017/01/25/episode-18-progressive-pastor-susan-heafner-heun-guides-us-through-epiphanySpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/spiritualcharlotte/2017/01/25/episode-18-progressive-pastor-susan-heafner-heun-guides-us-through-epiphany/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/spiritualcharlotte/2017/01/25/episode-18-progressive-pastor-susan-heafner-heun-guides-us-through-epiphanyWed, 25 Jan 2017 14:00:00 GMTEpisode 18: Progressive Pastor, Susan Heafner-Heun, guides us through Epiphany!Today's Spiritual Charlotte podcast (Episode 18) with Progressive Christian Pastor, Susan Heafner-Heun, of Inclusion Community Church in Cornelius, North Carolina, is an exciting exploration of the Christian calendar year and the season of Epiphany, which we now find ourselves in. Not familiar with Epiphany? No worries. You're in for a MAGIcal treat! (You'll see what we did there when you listen to the show. teehee) Not a Christian? Not an issue. You'll be pleasantly surprised by the direction this conversation takes and the parallels you'll be able to draw in regards to your own journey. Identify as a Christian? You'll appreciate this deeper dive into a season that invites us to sift through the darkness, follow and trust the Light, give our gifts, enter new spiritual spaces and journey in new ways. This is the first of 7 Christian seasons that we'll be taking a digital pilgrimage through with Susan through out the year. Beginning with Advent and ending with Christmas, the events and stories of the Christian calendar give us many opportunties for personal reflection and unique, ancient, and even mystical connection with the Divine in our everyday lives. You may find, as we did, a surprising amount of peace in the story of the journey of the Magi, and a beautiful invitation to seek bravely, discover differently, and open the door a bit wider to let new life in. We hope you do! 01:08:00Spiritual CharlottenoEpiphany,Christianity,Progressive Christianity,spiritual jourey,Chrisitian womenProgressive Pastor, Susan Heafner-Heun guides us through the MAGIcal invitation that is the Christian calendar and its stories and seasons, beginning with EpiphEpisode 17 - We're Talking About The Councils of Light with Linda Carter Backeshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/spiritualcharlotte/2017/01/18/episode-17--were-talking-about-the-councils-of-light-with-linda-carter-backesSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/spiritualcharlotte/2017/01/18/episode-17--were-talking-about-the-councils-of-light-with-linda-carter-backes/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/spiritualcharlotte/2017/01/18/episode-17--were-talking-about-the-councils-of-light-with-linda-carter-backesWed, 18 Jan 2017 14:00:00 GMTEpisode 17 - We're Talking About The Councils of Light with Linda Carter BackesToday we're traveling waaay outside of the box and into infinite possibility as we talk with Charlotte-based Spiritual Teacher, Linda Carter Backes, about the work of The Councils of Light, Heart Codes, DNA activations, Light Language, the Higher Realms, a New Celestial Earth Consciousness, and more! ?Wow - that was a mouthfull, and rightfully so! This is a quantum leap-level conversation that you do NOT want to miss! But don't be nervous if you've never heard of any of the things mentioned above. Linda very practically shares her spiritual and vocational journey from High School English-Lit Teacher to Co-Facilitator of Councils of Light gatherings in Charlotte and Atlanta for the last 8 + years, where she has witnessed profound positive shifts in attendees who come to embody a new consciousness - one of wisdom, light, healing, and unconditional love. Linda also speaks about the upcoming event, Initiation into the Heart Codes, A Lightwork Mastery, happening in Charlotte on Saturday and Sunday, January 28 & 29, 2017. You can learn more about it at http://www.councilsoflight.com and on their Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/CouncilsofLight. We hope this show gives you the same truth-resonating goosebumps that it gave us!     01:13:00Spiritual Charlottenospirituality,energy healing,Charlotte,Lake Norman,lightworkersToday we're going way outside of the box and talking with Charlotte-based Spiritual Teacher, Linda Carter Backes, about the work of The Councils of Light, HeartEpisode 16 - Starting Off the New Year Spiritually Bankrupt? Here's a Lifeboat!http://www.blogtalkradio.com/spiritualcharlotte/2017/01/11/episode-16--starting-off-the-new-year-spiritually-bankrupt-heres-a-lifeboatSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/spiritualcharlotte/2017/01/11/episode-16--starting-off-the-new-year-spiritually-bankrupt-heres-a-lifeboat/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/spiritualcharlotte/2017/01/11/episode-16--starting-off-the-new-year-spiritually-bankrupt-heres-a-lifeboatWed, 11 Jan 2017 19:00:00 GMTEpisode 16 - Starting Off the New Year Spiritually Bankrupt? Here's a Lifeboat!Spiritual Charlotte is starting off the New Year by reaching out to those of you who are missing thehappy in Happy New Year. Have you found that you are just as bad off today as you were on Decmeber 31? Have the serious problems of last year not magically diassappeared with the New Year?Is something painful errupting from the volcano of "the great below" inside you? How do we begin to navigate through the darkness of ourselves when feel that the Light has been snuffed out? Although we're not big fans of trendy 10 point lists or "5 Things You Can Do To...." articles, we think this 10 point podcast could save a life - maybe yours! If you are drowning in depression, a lost soul at sea, or at the end of your rope, consider this episode a lifeboat! Spirituality and healing are intertwined - let's talk candidly for a couple hours about what needs to be done to make happiness (and hope) an actual possibility for you in 2017. There is hope and you are not alone. Spiritual Charlotte website Kendall Heath's blog - referenced in this episode     01:56:00Spiritual Charlottenodepression,healing,New Year,trauma,womens empowermentHappy New Year, But What If It's Not? What To Do When Life is Closing In On You, You No Longer Remember Who You Are, And You’re Spiritually Bankrupt?Medical Challenges & Spirituality - How to Navigate a Self in Transitionhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/spiritualcharlotte/2016/12/07/medical-challenges-spirituality--how-to-navigate-a-self-in-transitionSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/spiritualcharlotte/2016/12/07/medical-challenges-spirituality--how-to-navigate-a-self-in-transition/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/spiritualcharlotte/2016/12/07/medical-challenges-spirituality--how-to-navigate-a-self-in-transitionWed, 07 Dec 2016 14:12:03 GMTMedical Challenges & Spirituality - How to Navigate a Self in TransitionMedical Challenges are never what we are seeing or exeriencing on the surface alone. As many of us now understand, they are interconnected with the imprints left by beliefs, experiences, attitudes and so many factors that we just do not discuss with our regular Western doctors. So, how do we navigate our days when medical challenges have us depressed, exhausted, scared, confused or in a state of discomfort or even extreme pain? How do we make sense of the many unknowns and the complex feelings we have about our body experience - a body in transition? Today, Show Hosts Kendall Heath & Debbie Chisholm, are going to fumble through this HUGE topic on the Self in Transition, especially as it relates to health changes or health crisis.   01:00:00Spiritual CharlottenoHealth and Wellness,sickness,disease,Western Medicine,Eastern MedicineToday, Show Hosts Kendall Heath & Debbie Chisholm, are going to fumble through this HUGE topic on the Self in Transition, especially as it relates to health chaInterview with Laura Parrott-Perry: Surviving Thanksgiving - Lord, help us!http://www.blogtalkradio.com/spiritualcharlotte/2016/11/23/interview-with-laura-parrott-perry-surviving-thanksgiving--lord-help-usSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/spiritualcharlotte/2016/11/23/interview-with-laura-parrott-perry-surviving-thanksgiving--lord-help-us/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/spiritualcharlotte/2016/11/23/interview-with-laura-parrott-perry-surviving-thanksgiving--lord-help-usWed, 23 Nov 2016 14:00:00 GMTInterview with Laura Parrott-Perry: Surviving Thanksgiving - Lord, help us!Surviving Thanksgiving - Lord, help us! No, for real, HELP US! Thanksgiving and all family holidays have the magical ability to bring up every trigger, trauma, bad habit, piss poor pattern, toxic behavior, pushed down memory, and internal issue that we just don't want to have in our lives, much less in our faces. How is that even fair? And yet, it's a universal truth that keeps the psychological and spiritual/religious fields busy every holiday season. And yet, this year, we find ourselves also in a shit storm of political/social/cultural/environmental/global unrest, abuse, injustice, and suffering. How in the world are we going to make it through Thanksgiving dinner?! Join us as we discuss the answer to this looming question with the ever insightful and compassionate, Laura Parrott-Perry, Co-Founder of Say It, Survivor (SIS) and author of the popular blog, In Others' Words. We promise to remind you that there is a spiritual toolkit at your disposal and you can and must use it, for your own good!       01:00:00Spiritual CharlottenoThanksgiving,Holiday Triggers,Healing,The Holidays,Say It SurvivorSurviving Thanksgiving - the struggle is real! Today we're talking with Laura Parrott-Perry of Say It, Survivor (SIS) & the popular blog In Others' Words aboutEd Carlton, Charlotte-based Empath & Psychic Medium, Joins Us this AM!http://www.blogtalkradio.com/spiritualcharlotte/2016/11/16/ed-carlton-charlotte-based-empath-psychic-medium-joins-us-this-amSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/spiritualcharlotte/2016/11/16/ed-carlton-charlotte-based-empath-psychic-medium-joins-us-this-am/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/spiritualcharlotte/2016/11/16/ed-carlton-charlotte-based-empath-psychic-medium-joins-us-this-amWed, 16 Nov 2016 14:00:00 GMTEd Carlton, Charlotte-based Empath & Psychic Medium, Joins Us this AM!We are thrilled to be interviewing local Empath & Psychic Medium, Ed Carlton, for a revealing show on the journey of an Empath! Ed will share his story of self-discovery, sickness, and finally self-acceptance. We'll talk about the difference between empathy and being an Empath, the stages of an Empath's journey, and the true call of empathic gifts. We'll also share resources for Empaths. If you suspect you're an Empath, KNOW you're an Empath, love an Empath, or think you might need more Empaths in your life, this show is for you!   01:09:00Spiritual Charlottenoempaths,empathy,psychic,medium,CharlotteEd Carlton, Charlotte-based Empath & Psychic Medium, will share his story through self-discovery, sickness, and self-acceptance as we explore the journey of theJuicy Interview with Psychotherapist & ICU Talks CoFounder, Kim Honeycutt - YES!http://www.blogtalkradio.com/spiritualcharlotte/2016/11/15/juicy-interview-with-psychotherapist-icu-talks-cofounder-kim-honeycutt--yesSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/spiritualcharlotte/2016/11/15/juicy-interview-with-psychotherapist-icu-talks-cofounder-kim-honeycutt--yes/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/spiritualcharlotte/2016/11/15/juicy-interview-with-psychotherapist-icu-talks-cofounder-kim-honeycutt--yesTue, 15 Nov 2016 12:30:00 GMTJuicy Interview with Psychotherapist & ICU Talks CoFounder, Kim Honeycutt - YES!Kim Honeycutt has a story and that story to could help save your life. That's what she hopes - that shared stories through her program, ICU Talks, a mental heath ministry at Mosiac Church in Charlotte, will help you see that you're not alone, and will allow you to witness God's love and the God moments that exist in your life. Kim is a local Psychotherapist who candidly shares her story of alcohlism, abuse, trauma, rejection, pain, failure, self-hatred and the redemptive power of Jesus' love in her life. She's crazy-insightful, crazy-funny, and as she'll tell you, just plain crazy! Like us at Spiritual Charlotte, it is important to her that people know there is a place where they can come as they are, where they don't have to suffer alone, or have all the answers, and where perfection is left outside the church doors. She says perception is everything, and we have to look at how we are perceiving ourselves. Through whose eyes do you pereceive yourself? Join us as we go deep with Kim Honeycutt and explore the topics of perception, spiritual dis-ease, and spiritual healing. 00:55:00Spiritual Charlottenopsychotherapy,counseling,alcoholism,addiction,traumaKim Honeycutt, Charlotte-based Psychotherapist, Recovering Alcoholic, and Co-Founder of ICU Talks, shares her story of addiction & redemption, her mental healthBringing Peace to Election Day Results - Let's Grieve Together & Restore Hopehttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/spiritualcharlotte/2016/11/09/bringing-peace-to-election-day-results--lets-grieve-together-restore-hopeSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/spiritualcharlotte/2016/11/09/bringing-peace-to-election-day-results--lets-grieve-together-restore-hope/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/spiritualcharlotte/2016/11/09/bringing-peace-to-election-day-results--lets-grieve-together-restore-hopeWed, 09 Nov 2016 14:05:25 GMTBringing Peace to Election Day Results - Let's Grieve Together & Restore HopeWow. Just wow. We wish we could stop there, but we can't! Some say spirituality and politics are separate, but we know that spirituality isn't separate from anything. All of it is in the swirl together. Today is an especially tough day for many people who were hoping that fear, hate, racism, misogyny, bigotry, terror, abuse, patriarchal imbalance, etc. would not win out today. But, here we are in an America that is divided and many are disheartened. How do we get through this day and the ones to come? How do we make peace with all of this? How do we make sense of it? Where do we go from here? We wouldl ike to offer you more ways to perceive and digest this experience in our nation and inside ourselves. 00:56:00Spiritual CharlottenoTrump,PantSuitNation,election day results,democrats,inner peaceWe interrupt our regularly scheduled broadcast to bring some peace to these election day results. We want to grieve together, restore hope, and share the voicesWhat is REIKI, exactly? Two Reiki Masters give us the 411 on this healing methodhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/spiritualcharlotte/2016/11/02/what-is-reiki-exactly-two-reiki-masters-give-us-the-411-on-this-healing-methodSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/spiritualcharlotte/2016/11/02/what-is-reiki-exactly-two-reiki-masters-give-us-the-411-on-this-healing-method/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/spiritualcharlotte/2016/11/02/what-is-reiki-exactly-two-reiki-masters-give-us-the-411-on-this-healing-methodWed, 02 Nov 2016 13:00:00 GMTWhat is REIKI, exactly? Two Reiki Masters give us the 411 on this healing methodThe spiritual journey often includes alternative healing therapies that help to open the heart, heal old hurts and toxic beliefs, and remove energetic blockages that can manifest as dis-ease or hold us back in our lives. Reiki is one of those therapies that works in harmony with any spiritual journey or can assist anyone on their lifepath, regardless of religious/spiritual orientation. So, what is reiki exactly? How does it actually work? From where does it originate? How does it contribute to a person's health & wellness? Why is Western medicine taking a closer look at reiki, where it is being included more frequently as an option in mainstream patient care? And what are some success stories/testimonials of reiki treatments? Join Charlotte-based Reiki Masters Kathy Zering of www.kathyzering.com and Co-host Debbie Chisholm of www.debbiechisholm.com, and Co-host Kendall Heath of www.spiritualcharlotte.wordpress.com as we explore reiki.     00:56:00Spiritual Charlottenoreiki,alternative healing,cancer,energy healing,energy medicineYou may be recently hearing about Reiki everywhere or noticing a growth in its popularity over the last decade. What IS reiki, exactly? How can it benefit you?Live Interview with Channeler & Intuitive, Aurora Gabrielhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/spiritualcharlotte/2016/10/26/live-interview-with-channeler-intuitive-aurora-gabrielSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/spiritualcharlotte/2016/10/26/live-interview-with-channeler-intuitive-aurora-gabriel/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/spiritualcharlotte/2016/10/26/live-interview-with-channeler-intuitive-aurora-gabrielWed, 26 Oct 2016 13:00:00 GMTLive Interview with Channeler & Intuitive, Aurora Gabriel Aurora Gabriel has been channeling and offering intuitive readings for over 25 years. Based in Woodstock, MD, Aurora channels for people all over the world, via private phone sessions or in person group channeling. The joy and effervesence that is Aurora is absolutely contagious and utterly comforting - it is no wonder why she was called to bring forth messages of Divine Love from Archangels, Ascended Masters, The Great Mothers, Mary Magdalene and the Women Healers, The Star Nations, The Christ Light, and more!  We just have to share this genuine, gifted, wonderful soul with you today, as she has helped us greatly over the years and may be able to bring you just the message that you need to hear today! 01:00:00Spiritual CharlottenoChanneler,Intuitive,Spiritual,Womens Healing,Intuitive ReadingAurora Gabriel has been channeling and offering intuitive readings for over 25 years. Based in Woodstock, MD, Aurora channels for people all over the world, viLast Look at The Deeper Insights of Cycles & Seasons Through Goddess Wisdomhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/spiritualcharlotte/2016/10/12/last-look-at-the-deeper-insights-of-cycles-seasons-through-goddess-wisdomSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/spiritualcharlotte/2016/10/12/last-look-at-the-deeper-insights-of-cycles-seasons-through-goddess-wisdom/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/spiritualcharlotte/2016/10/12/last-look-at-the-deeper-insights-of-cycles-seasons-through-goddess-wisdomWed, 12 Oct 2016 13:30:00 GMTLast Look at The Deeper Insights of Cycles & Seasons Through Goddess WisdomIn ancient history and even just 200 years ago, western society and cultures around the world were more consciously connected to natural cycles and seasons. In modern times, we are distanced from an understanding of what life's seasons and natural cycles have to teach us and remind us. In our second epsiode on seasons, we are drawing from Goddess Wisdom, one of the best traditions for honoring and preserving our connections to the natural world, our bodies, our personal power, and the heart callings of all people, but most especially women. We will draw on the work of Author/Teacher, Nancy Blair, to revive the wisdom of some of the Goddesses of Autumn: Kuan Yin, Medicine Woman, Inanna, and Demeter. We will also look at what is lost when the femine aspects of God and/or Spiritual Myth/Oracle are rejected by our culture and what is gained when they are revived! Join us as we stir the seasonal soup that is Goddess Wisdom!       01:07:00Spiritual Charlottenogoddess,goddess wisdom,paganism,christianity,womens spiritualityWe're drawing on ancient Goddess Wisdom and the work of Nancy Blair today to connect a little more deeply to the topic of cycles & seasons.Looking at Seasons in Nature & Life As Messengers for Greater Self Awarenesshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/spiritualcharlotte/2016/10/05/looking-at-seasons-in-nature-life-as-messengers-for-greater-self-awarenessSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/spiritualcharlotte/2016/10/05/looking-at-seasons-in-nature-life-as-messengers-for-greater-self-awareness/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/spiritualcharlotte/2016/10/05/looking-at-seasons-in-nature-life-as-messengers-for-greater-self-awarenessWed, 05 Oct 2016 13:00:00 GMTLooking at Seasons in Nature & Life As Messengers for Greater Self AwarenessFor many ages, people relied on the cycles and seasons of the Earth in every facet of their lives. Yet today we are largely disconnected from nature and the natural cycles that are still so much a part of our existence here on Mother Earth. What messages about natural processes and cycles of transformation are available to us when we look at seasons in the natural world and in our lives? Also, what roles do the feminine aspects of God/Higher Conciousness play in our understanding of cycles and seasons? For centuries, Goddesses were primary God-figures. How can resurrecting the Goddess in God help us to better move through the seasons of our selves and our lives? And what does Fall, in particular, teach us about ourselves? We hope you'll explore the ancient wisdom of seasons and cycles with us today to give you inspiration for being present in the seasons of your life! 01:08:00Spiritual CharlottenoFall,Autumn,Seasons,spirituality,the sacred feminineLife's Seasons Are Often Overlooked As Spiritual Messengers - Today we talk about Cycles, Seasons, and the symbolism of Fall in particular, as we draw on ancienWe've Got More To Say About Sistering As Part of The Spiritual Journey!http://www.blogtalkradio.com/spiritualcharlotte/2016/09/28/weve-got-more-to-say-about-sistering-as-part-of-the-spiritual-journeySpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/spiritualcharlotte/2016/09/28/weve-got-more-to-say-about-sistering-as-part-of-the-spiritual-journey/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/spiritualcharlotte/2016/09/28/weve-got-more-to-say-about-sistering-as-part-of-the-spiritual-journeyWed, 28 Sep 2016 13:30:00 GMTWe've Got More To Say About Sistering As Part of The Spiritual Journey!Kendall Heath and Debbie Chisholm of Spiritual Charlotte continue their conversation on sistering as part of the spiritual journey. There is a difference between standard women friendships and sistering. What is that difference and why do you need sistering? In contrast, what does it look like to be unsistered and to unsister others in your life? How does sistering take self love and unconditional love to the next level? You might not know you even need more and deeper sistering, but have a listen and see if this is something missing or underrepresented in your life, that you can begin to work on today! 01:02:00Spiritual Charlottenospirituality,sistering,womens issues,feminism,Glennon Doyle MeltonOur second episode on the growing popularity of the topic of Sistering might be better than the first one! The best sistering is also spiritual in nature. WomenSistering As Support for the Spiritual Journey - Part 1http://www.blogtalkradio.com/spiritualcharlotte/2016/09/21/sistering-as-support-for-the-spiritual-journey--part-1Spiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/spiritualcharlotte/2016/09/21/sistering-as-support-for-the-spiritual-journey--part-1/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/spiritualcharlotte/2016/09/21/sistering-as-support-for-the-spiritual-journey--part-1Wed, 21 Sep 2016 13:00:00 GMTSistering As Support for the Spiritual Journey - Part 1Today Kendall Heath and Debbie Chisholm talk about how sistering supports a woman's spiritual journey. What is sistering? What does it mean to be sistered? What is the experience of being unsistered? How does sistering show up in our lives and where is it missing in our modern culture? What happens to the soul of someone who is unsistered? And how are the men in our lives impacted by sistering? Today we look at this popular topic through a spiritual lens to help you determine what level of sistering you have or need in your life.     01:16:00Spiritual Charlottenosistering,womens issues,womens empowerment,stay at home moms,SistersYou might be hearing a lot about sistering recently. Tody we look at it through a spiritual lens.How Your Mess Becomes Your Message - Part 2http://www.blogtalkradio.com/spiritualcharlotte/2016/09/09/how-your-mess-becomes-your-message--part-2Spiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/spiritualcharlotte/2016/09/09/how-your-mess-becomes-your-message--part-2/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/spiritualcharlotte/2016/09/09/how-your-mess-becomes-your-message--part-2Fri, 09 Sep 2016 11:00:00 GMTHow Your Mess Becomes Your Message - Part 2You've been told "everything happens for a reason", "your (or their) suffering was not in vein", "God had you go through that so that you could help someone else, or so this other thing could happen"... We're disecting all that out in the second half of this episode on how the messes you make or live out in your life are actually often the precise subjects that you get to become an expert on! Of course, tell that to someone while their in the middle of the "Dark Night of the Soul" and see what happens. But having come out on the other side of so many major life messes ourselves, we're now talking about the spiritual growth, hope, Grace, Light, and triumph that comes from the mess! Join us for an even deeper dive into the meaning of messes and messages.     01:02:00Spiritual Charlottenospirituality for women,healing and prayer,healing,Reconciliation,Personal GrowthThis may be the better half of a 2 part episode about how our life's messes often evolve into the very messages that we become experts in and are able to gift tToday We're Talking About How "Your Mess Becomes Your Message." Let's get messy!http://www.blogtalkradio.com/spiritualcharlotte/2016/08/31/today-were-talking-about-how-your-mess-becomes-your-message-lets-get-messySpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/spiritualcharlotte/2016/08/31/today-were-talking-about-how-your-mess-becomes-your-message-lets-get-messy/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/spiritualcharlotte/2016/08/31/today-were-talking-about-how-your-mess-becomes-your-message-lets-get-messyWed, 31 Aug 2016 13:07:21 GMTToday We're Talking About How "Your Mess Becomes Your Message." Let's get messy!Your mess (sometimes) becomes your message. Your tests (have the potential) to become your testimonies. Your victim experiences (might) lead you to future life victories. Today Spiritual Charlotte's Debbie Chisholm and Kendall Heath will explore how life experiences transform us into more brilliant, powerful, people who can become experts in the precise areas where we previously suffered. Where does the spiritual journey fall when it comes to our messes, our messengers, and the ultimate messages we end up sharing in our world? Join us to find out! 01:00:00Spiritual Charlottenospirituality,Spiritual Awakening,womens issues,transformation,Personal GrowthYou've heard the saying, "Your mess becomes your message." What does that mean? How is that true? Is it true for everyone? Today we're diving into the mess to eThe Spiritual Woman's Bookshelf - The 10 Books That Knocked Us Flat On Our Asseshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/spiritualcharlotte/2016/08/19/the-spiritual-womans-bookshelf--the-10-books-that-knocked-us-flat-on-our-assesSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/spiritualcharlotte/2016/08/19/the-spiritual-womans-bookshelf--the-10-books-that-knocked-us-flat-on-our-asses/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/spiritualcharlotte/2016/08/19/the-spiritual-womans-bookshelf--the-10-books-that-knocked-us-flat-on-our-assesFri, 19 Aug 2016 13:03:35 GMTThe Spiritual Woman's Bookshelf - The 10 Books That Knocked Us Flat On Our AssesThere are books, and then there are books. On the spiritual journey, there seems to be lots of books! Spiritual study is so broad that it has to be a personal undertaking, one where your intuition leads you to the next piece of information that you need. Books with spiritual subjects from one end of the spectrum to the other end up being the primary teachers (along with life experiences, of course). Well, in actuality, the authors of books end up being the primary teachers. Today Kendall and Debbie will be discussing the books that have crossed their paths on the road of self-discovery and personal awakening, and they'll also talk briefly about the titles next in line on their book bucket lists. With book audio apps, there's no excuse today for even non-readers. So, let's talk about the books that have knocked us on our asses with their mystical truths and paradigm shattering sentences! Tune in until the end to find your next mind-expanding, heart-opening, life-altering read! 00:58:00Spiritual Charlottenobooks,spirituality,Spiritual Growth,spiritual guidance,spiritual booksToday we're recommending spiritual books from our own bookshelves and talking about why we were forever changed when we closed the back cover. We'll also be lisWhat IS "spirituality" anyway - and what brings people to it as a life path?http://www.blogtalkradio.com/spiritualcharlotte/2016/07/27/what-is-spirituality-anyway--and-what-brings-people-to-it-as-a-life-path-1Spiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/spiritualcharlotte/2016/07/27/what-is-spirituality-anyway--and-what-brings-people-to-it-as-a-life-path-1/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/spiritualcharlotte/2016/07/27/what-is-spirituality-anyway--and-what-brings-people-to-it-as-a-life-path-1Wed, 27 Jul 2016 13:31:33 GMTWhat IS "spirituality" anyway - and what brings people to it as a life path?On this Intro show, Spritual Charlottes, Kendall Heath of www.kendallheath.net and Debbie Chisholm of www.debbiechisholm.com, clear up some misunderstandings about spirituality and discuss majors aspects of their own spiritual journeys to date. What are some of the challenges of moving into a spiritual life path? Why do people go this way? Why is it more common than it was 50 years ago? Why does it seem to resonate so much with women? Aside from Kendall and Debbie being Charlotte-based, they also define what an actual  "Spiritual Charlotte" is! Whether you live in North Carolina or not, you'll definitely want to tune in, as they'll be speaking both about spirituality in The Queen City and ways the show will be reaching out to guests in the CLT and beyond! 00:57:00Spiritual Charlottenospirituality,religion,self-help,transformation,energy healingSpiritual Charlotte's Kendall Heath and Debbie Chisholm embark on the podcasting journey of talking about all things spiritual in Charlotte, NC and way beyond!