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Mark talks about the first 6 weeks of staying at home, having kids at home, and not being able to get out; you find out how close you are to your spouse or how ready you are to be done with that person.
For a consultation for divorce, family law, child custody, and related issues call Mark L. Scroggins at Scroggins Law Group in Dallas, Frisco, and Plano, Texas at (214) 469-3100.
People who already know they have a problem with addictions, alcohol, or drugs, might be having a difficult time during Coronavirus. Many people who went through substance abuse treatment use a system of support mechanisms to stay sober. Unfortunately, during a shutdown, the coping mechanisms are interrupted. Yes, going for a walk is good, but it just is not the gym. And yes, AA meetings on Zoom are helpful but do not feel the same. Staying sober can be a major challenge.
Topics Covered in this program:
Mental Health and Addiction Issues with Coronavirus and Stay at Home Situation
The New or Temporary Normal in Divorce and Child Custody
What to Expect if You Have an Issue Where You Need to Get a Divorce
Alcohol, Drug Addiction, and Mental Health: Struggling with Coronavirus and Stay at Home Situations
Being the Best Parent While Kids Watch How You React to the Coronavirus and Stay at Home Situation
See the full video interview on the Scroggins Law Group website: