Save The Boners create a safe, fun environment for men and their partners to learn about male sexual health issues through nutrition, fitness and mindful All Rights Reserved.Sat, 15 Jun 2019 07:00:00 GMTThu, 12 Nov 2015 19:30:00 GMTHealthBlogTalkRadio Feed v2.0 The Boners create a safe, fun environment for men and their partners to learn about male sexual health issues through nutrition, fitness and mindful living.feeds@blogtalkradio.comBlogTalkRadio.comhealth,diet,erectile disfunction,exercise,men's health,natural health,nutritionSave The BonersnoTo create a safe, fun environment for men and their partners to learn about male sexual health issues through nutrition, fitness and mindful living.episodicSave The Boners!- Healthy Nutrition. It isn't what you think!, 12 Nov 2015 19:30:00 GMTSave The Boners!- Healthy Nutrition. It isn't what you think!There is so much information about dieting and your health out there. A lot of mis-information too! In order to be healthy, and have all of your parts working properly you need to deprive yourself of taste forever right? What if you didn't have to? Join Bruce Anderson and Greg Dyer as they talk about the possibilities of balance in your diet. To be able to eat the things you like, and remain healthy and vibrant in the bedroom and beyond! Wednesday, Nov. 12 at 12:30pm Denver Colorado time. 00:31:00Save The Bonersnodiet,Nutrition,Male HealthLearn nutrtition tips to promote better male health!Save The Boners! Learn tips to naturally improve and maintain your sexual health, 29 Oct 2015 18:30:00 GMTSave The Boners! Learn tips to naturally improve and maintain your sexual healthWhy Save the Boners? Well, why not? It is amazing the stuff you run across in the years following a passion like body building and personal training. In my effort to learn as much as I can about the body, and how it works, I see and read things that may not be practical to building bodies, losing fat, staying in shape, or being healthy in general. Maybe it is just because I am a man or a man over 40 specifically that the articles and reports on erectile dysfunction catch my attention. And they do. And as I read more about it, and more about general health and men’s health, I begin to see the connections. My mane is Greg Dyer. I am a personalt trainer and lifestyle coach. Me and my friend Bruce Anderson, a holistic health practitioner created Save the Boners to do just that. Help men and the partners that love them to have optimal sexual health,naturally. Without the use of potentially dangerous drugs and proceedures. Join us Thursday, October 29th at 12:30pm Denver, CO time for this inaugural show! We will talk a bit about what Save the Boners is, and a couple of things you can do right now to protect or improve your sexual health right now!     00:31:00Save The BonersnoMen's Health,ED,Erectile Disfunction,Natural Health,ExerciseHelping men achieve sexual health without the use of potetially dangerous drugs.