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A Social Affair with Pat Tucker and Earl Sewell

  • Broadcast in Books
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What happens when a bored housewife goes searching for an alternative exit on the cyber highway? Well, If you want to know a few option, you need to read a Social Affair by Pat Tucker and Earl Sewell. This book is ripe with excitement and drama.Pat Tucker Wilson works as a radio news director in Houston, TX. By night, she is a talented writer with a knack for telling page-turning stories. A former television news reporter, she draws on her background to craft stories readers will love. With more than 15 years of media experience, the award-winning broadcast journalist has worked as a reporter for ABC, NBC and Fox affiliate TV stations and Radio stations in California and Texas. She also co-hosts the literary talk show From Cover to Cover.Sewell has written a total of seventeen novels over the past eleven years. His books have held steady positions on regional bestseller lists and have been featured in many publications, such as The Washington Post, Publishers Weekly, Upscale Magazine and Black Expressions Magazine

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