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Restoration Place


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Restoration Place delivers encouragement through the word of God, and pastors John & Darlene Bazemore in North Brunswick, New Jersey.

On-Demand Episodes

Pastor John Bazemore, Jr. has an Easter Sunday message regarding our redemption as followers of Jesus Christ. Redemption is at hand, and Pastor B explains to us exactly what the process is. Our key scripture is Revelation 12:7,... more

We have a special RCM Live on the docket, as Thomas "Tre" Gilbert takes the podium to give a word of wisdom from the Lord on a number of topics, including a follow-up on Pastor Bazemore's message of last Sunday of faith and... more

We are all familiar with the saying, "Order in the court!". Pastor John Bazemore teaches us the different parts of our lives where we need to make sure that we have things in order. Pastor B touches on the subjects of marriage, money,... more

Our most listened to show on RCM Live was our trip to Trenton, New Jersey to visit Bishop Lawrence M. Boyd, and Chosen Generation Ministries. This time, Bishop Boyd returns the favor with a visit to North Brunswick, and Restoration... more

First Lady Darlene Bazemore is our speaker on today's RCM Live in our Fourth Sermon with First Lady series, as we must not allow ourselves to be distracted from the assignment that God has given us to do. There are all kinds of... more

In a spinoff of last week';s message entitled "Speak the Word!", in addition to speaking about the things we want to happen, we must also take the proper action and steps to see those things come to fruition. Pastor John Bazemore, Jr.... more

Pastor John Bazemore, Jr. returns to the podium of Restoration Christian Ministries, after both a trip to Passaic, New Jersey to visit Dr. Troy Bazemore, and last week's Fourth Sermon with First Lady message. On today's sermon, we... more

After a week away, we bring you another edition of RCM Live, featuring our Fourth Sermon with First Lady, with co-pastor Darlene Bazemore, who tells us to be ready to answer the call that God has placed on us. We may not be... more

One of the most essential requirements of God is order. Without it, we will have a difficult time functioning in our lives. Based on Mark 4:26-32, Pastor John Bazemore, Jr. tells us what God wants from us, in order to have a productive... more

Pastor John Bazemore, Jr. helps us to understand that first of all, God has already given us what we have asked for, at least those things that are in line with His will. Second, there are times when you have to take inventory of what you... more

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