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Two-Part Series: Anti-Gay Harassment and Bullying

  • Broadcast in Self Help
Lindsay Kenny

Lindsay Kenny


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2-Part Series: Anti-Gay Harassment & Bullying

Lindsay Kenny, Special Guest Host Brendan Neff –Hall & Dr. Tom Arbaugh

Through tragic examples in the news, America has become aware that anti-gay harassment is all too real and commonplace for youth in our culture. Gay men share personal experiences and how they have used Energy Tapping to regain their self esteem and to live full and joyful lives.

Being Gay is not a disease, nor a choice. Yet many men and women, young and old, are still being taunted or bullied because of their sexuality.

Brendan Neff-Hall experienced bullying from 4th grade on. His gay activism has included travels with GLSEN (the Gay, Lesbian and Straight Network) to speak with students about gay harassment in schools.  Brendan is a Holistic Life Coach and EFT Practitioner.

Dr. Tom Arbaugh began his therapeutic work with adolescents in the U.S. public school system and he has counseled with students internationally. Tom's expertise is welcomed within the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgendered community and his practice includes working with sexually abused victims, perpetrators of sexual abuse, sexuality issues and couples counseling.

Regardless of your beliefs about this issue, please listen in and see how you can best support yourself, or those you love who are gay. You can't you "tap away" being Gay! But you can tap away, hurt, frustration, anger, resentment, guilt, shame and more. Learn how in this important 2-part series.

Brendan Neff-Hall

Dr. Thomas Arbaugh, Jr.

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