Pharmacy show is about a lot of diffrent All Rights Reserved.Sat, 15 Jun 2019 01:30:00 GMTFri, 09 Mar 2012 15:00:00 GMTBlogsBlogTalkRadio Feed v2.0,jobs,animals,architecture,buildings,computers,cooking,dog,drugs,foodPharmacy10noMy show is about a lot of diffrent jobs.episodicArchitecture, 09 Mar 2012 15:00:00 GMTArchitecture We went on a tour at a building on greenville tech's campus and we learned about archutecture 00:03:00Pharmacy10noArchitecture,tour,jobs,buildings,computersWe went on a tour at a building on greenville tech's campus and we learned about archutectureSTAT, Animal Studies and Culinary Arts, 28 Feb 2012 15:30:00 GMTSTAT, Animal Studies and Culinary Arts The STAT center is a building at greenville tech, and you learn how to save people's lives. Animal Studies is the study of animals.  Culinary arts is cooking food.   00:02:00Pharmacy10noSTAT,Animals,food,cooking,dogThe STAT center is a building at greenville tech, and you learn how to save people's lives. Animal Studies is the study of animals.  Culinary arts is cooking fPharmacy, 09 Feb 2012 15:30:00 GMTPharmacy Helps people get what they wont and what they need. 00:04:00Pharmacy10noPharmacy,jobs,IV,pills,drugsHelps people get what they wont and what they need.