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On-Demand Episodes

New Afrikan Day Planning Committee will be discussing New Afrikan Nation Day that is taking place in Dr. John Henrik Clarke Town ( Columbus,GA )

Minister Bomani Uhuru Jihad Shakur on the Legacy of Malcolm X

The Nguzo Saba and it's relationship to the New Afrikan Independence Movement.

Akil Kijana Abara is the Minister of Intelligence and Dhoruba Balagoon is the Minister of Defense of the Black Nationalists of the Republic of New Libya out of Cleaveland ,Ohio

Baba Lukata is the National Chairman of the National Elections Commission of the Provisional Government of the Republic of New Afrika

Baba Lukata is the Chairman of the National Elections Commission of the New Afrikan Elections of the Provisional Government of the Republic of New Afrika

Elder Malik Kenyatta Yakini, Educator , Revolutionary Farmer, New Afrikan Revolutionary Nationalist, Nation Builder

Baba Hekima and Mama Tamu of the Republic of New Afrika -11

Coco Thompson is a organizer with Community Movement Builders and one of the organizers of the National Black Radical Organizing Conference.

Sistar Coco Thompson is a Conscious New Afrikan Citizen,active member of Community Movement Builders and a organizer of the National Black Radical Organizing Conference

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