PerspectivePower you are grateful for EVERYTHING that you have, are and do, then MORE things to be grateful for can come to YOU!enCopyright Annette Rochelle Aben (C/O Blogtalkradio)Fri, 14 Jun 2019 18:30:00 GMTWed, 16 Nov 2016 13:00:00 GMTMotivationBlogTalkRadio Feed v2.0 you are grateful for EVERYTHING that you have, are and do, then MORE things to be grateful for can come to YOU!feeds@blogtalkradio.comBlogTalkRadio.commotivation,annette rochelle aben,gratitude,attitude of gratitude,the perspectivepower radio network,david martinka,david a. martinka,perspectivepower,attitude,red belly musicPerspectivepowernoWhen you are grateful for EVERYTHING that you have, are and do, then MORE things to be grateful for can come to YOU!episodicClose Your Eyes and Find Your Attitude of Gratitude, 16 Nov 2016 13:00:00 GMTClose Your Eyes and Find Your Attitude of Gratitude Close Your Eyes and Find Your Attitude of Gratitude. What would happen if our reasons for gratitude are connected to what we see with our eyes? There is something to be said remembering the its less about what you see and more about what you are feeling!  Ah, the founders of Team Gratitude, are #1 Best Selling AuthorAnnette Rochelle Aben and award-winning artist, David A. Martinka & and they are here for you, on The Perspectivepower Radio Network to help GUIDE you through the process of finding your Attitude of Gratitude. So, thank you for FOLLOWING and SHARING our podcasts from this link: CONNECT with us on the Facebook Fan Page for the network: too and stay inspired everyday! 00:15:00PerspectivepowernoClose Your Eyes and Find Your Attitude of Gratitude,Annette Rochelle Aben,David A. Martinka,The Perspectivepower Radio Network,attitude of gratitudeit's all about how you feel!The Quantum Factor of An Attitude of Gratitude, 09 Nov 2016 13:00:00 GMTThe Quantum Factor of An Attitude of GratitudeThe Quantum Factor of An Attitude of Gratitude. What on earth does an Attitude of Gratitude have in common with quantum physics? Is there a connection, subtle or palpable, between your gratitude and the energy of gratitude in others? You can check out what Team Gratitude, AnnetteRochelle Aben and award-winning artist, David A. Martinka & has to say on this topic! Right here on The Perspectivepower Radio Network we give ourselves a reason to put gratitude to work for the betterment of ALL life!  So, with that in mind, thank you for FOLLOWING and SHARING Of course, we also have a Facebook Page where you are always welcome. 00:16:00Perspectivepowernothe quantum factor of an attitude of gratitude,Team Gratitude,Annette Rochelle Aben,David A Martinka,The Perspectivepower Radio Networkquantum physics and gratitude, match made in heavenTime for An Attitude of Gratitude, 02 Nov 2016 12:00:00 GMTTime for An Attitude of GratitudeTime for An Attitude of Gratitude can be any time you choose. There seems to be so much to do, especially this time of year, yet taking time for an attitude of gratitude can help you manage your time beautifully! And maybe, just maybe, it’s time for the world to find time for an attitude of gratitude. What do you think? Let us know… Welcome to The Perspectivepower Radio Network, Team Gratitude, Annette RochelleAben & award-winning artist, David A.Martinka & come together in support of us all taking time for an Attitude of Gratitude, each week. We appreciate you FOLLOWING and SHARING 00:13:00Perspectivepowernotime for an attitude of gratitude,The Perspectivepower Radio Network,Team Gratitude,attitude of gratitude,Annette Rochelle Abenwhat if the world took time for an attitude of gratitude...The Attitude of Affirmation Gratitude, 12 Oct 2016 12:00:00 GMTThe Attitude of Affirmation Gratitude The Attitude of Affirmation Gratitude is where Team Gratitude is taking you today on The Perspectivepower Radio Network.  Sometimes having a few affirmations in your back pocket, can make all the difference in how your day rolls! Tune in and check it out! Rochelle Aben and award-winning artist, David A. Martinka & are here to help you embrace the energy of affirming gratitude each and every day. Have any favofite affirmations that YOU enjoy using? Let us know, leave us a msg here on the network so everyone can enjoy them too!!, Thanks. 00:14:00Perspectivepowernothe attitude of affirmation gratitude,The Perspectivepower Radio Network,Team Gratitude,Perspectivepower,Annette Rochelle Abenaffirmations for a better lifeAnimals and an Attitude of Gratitude, 28 Sep 2016 12:00:00 GMTAnimals and an Attitude of GratitudeAnimals and an Attitude of Gratitude is what Team Gratitude is all about today on The Perspectivepower Radio Network. Animals are great believers in gratitude. They can experience it so effortlessly, perhaps they can teach us something. Annette Rochelle Aben and award-winning artist, DavidA. Martinka & are here for you each week!  Thank you for FOLLOWING us, 00:15:00Perspectivepowernoattitude of gratitude,animals and an attitude of gratitude,Annette Rochelle Aben,David A. Martinka,The Perspectivepower Radio Networkwhat can the animals teach us about gratitude?Find Your Center in an Attitude of Gratitude, 21 Sep 2016 12:00:00 GMTFind Your Center in an Attitude of GratitudeFind Your Center in an Attitude of Gratitude. Team Gratitude will always testify that there is something to be said for having an Attitude of Gratitude. Annette Rochelle Aben and award-winning artist, David A. Martinka & may have a variety of creative endeavors but they always balance starting with gratitude. How do you use gratitude to find YOUR ZEN? Stay in touch where you can find all our podcasts as well as be reminded of the LIVE programs! 00:16:00Perspectivepowernoattitude of gratitude,Team Gratitude,find your center in an attitude of gratitude,Annette Rochelle Aben,David A MartinkaZen for all!It's Not Magic It's an Attitude of Gratitude, 14 Sep 2016 12:00:00 GMTIt's Not Magic It's an Attitude of GratitudeIt’s Not Magic It’s an Attitude of Gratitude. Team Gratitude here, and we’d like to let you know that when you see someone living their bliss, it’s not magic. It’s an Attitude of Gratitude!  That’s right. Here on The Perspectivepower Network, you’ll find the living, breathing examples of this in Annette Rochelle Aben and award-winning artist, David A. Martinka & so be sure to FOLLOW them to witness their successes unfold. Naturally, you are on your way as well, because you FOLLOW and SHARE it with others who want to know how to ROCK their LIVES for the GOOD! 00:16:00PerspectivepowernoIts Not Magic It's an Attitude of Gratitude,Team Gratitude,The Perspectivepower Radio Network,attitude of gratitude,Annette Rochelle Abenabracadabra is just a fun word to say...Commit to an Attitude of Gratitude, 07 Sep 2016 12:00:00 GMTCommit to an Attitude of GratitudeCommit to an Attitude of Gratitude. Wow, that’s a bold statement, from Team Gratitude. Let’s explore it during Attitude of Gratitude today, here on The Perspectivepower Network.  Because we’ll commit quicker to a particular brand of toothpaste or coffee than we will an Attitude of Gratitude, we may want to think about which will actually enrich our lives more in the long run. Annette Rochelle Aben and award-winning artist, David A. Martinka & thank you for tuning in and for SHARING our podcasts. Spread our network around and watch the energy return 10 fold to you! 00:16:00Perspectivepowernocommit to an attitude of gratitude,The Perspectivepower Radio Network,Team Gratitude,attitude of gratitude,Annette Rochelle Abentooth paste, coffee or an attitude of gratitude...It's Your Attitude It's Your Gratitude, 31 Aug 2016 12:00:00 GMTIt's Your Attitude It's Your GratitudeIt’s Your Attitude, It’s Your Gratitude! Lots of people out there can tell you what THEY are GRATEFUL for but only YOU can determine what it is that stimulates YOURATTITUDE OF GRATITUDE! TeamGratitude, here and we have a few thoughts on this topic. Thanks for tuning into The Perspectivepower Radio Network today. Annette Rochelle Aben and award-wining artist, David A. Martinka & are grateful for you! What are YOU grateful for? is where you can SHARE. Be sure to FOLLOW to stay CONNECTED!  Let’s embrace the power of  our perspective! 00:16:00PerspectivepowernoThe Perspectivepower Radio Network,attitude of gratitude,it's your attitude it's your gratitude,Annette Rochelle Aben,David A Martinkaonly you can make the determinationThe Value of an Attitude of Gratitude, 24 Aug 2016 12:00:00 GMTThe Value of an Attitude of GratitudeThe Value of an Attitude of Gratitude is something only YOU can determine. TEAM GRATITUDE is here to help sort through that thought!  Annette Rochelle Aben and award-winning artist David A. Martinka have seen how GRATITUDE works to help create a life of peace, filled with love. Thank you, for tuning into The Perspectivepower Radio Network today and for sharing The Value of an Attitude of Gratitude with others. You are welcome to SHARE as well as and so they can keep up with Annette and David! Oh yes, thank you for finding our podcasts 00:15:00Perspectivepowernothe value of an attitude of gratitude,The Perspectivepower Radio Network,Team Gratitude,attitude of gratitude,Annette Rochelle Abenonly you can determine the value of something...The Better Feeling of an Attitude of Gratitude, 17 Aug 2016 12:00:00 GMTThe Better Feeling of an Attitude of GratitudeThe Better Feeling of An Attitude of Gratitude. Team Gratitude is here to share insights and inspirations to enhance your life. If you can feel better, you can do better! It's all about knowing what and how to get yourself to the other side of whatever the issue might be.  So,  Annette Rochelle Aben and award-winning artist, David. A. Martinka & are your “feel good” crew here at ThePerspectivepower Radio Network where you are always welcome! 00:15:00PerspectivepowernoThe Better Feeling of an Attitude of Gratitude,Team Gratitude,The Perspectivepower Radio Network,attitude of gratitude,Annette Rochelle Abengo higher and feel betterFind Your Zen with an Attitude of Gratitude, 10 Aug 2016 12:00:00 GMTFind Your Zen with an Attitude of GratitudeFind your Zen with an Attitude of Gratitude . So many people search high and low to find peace. Team Gratitude has a suggestion.. Tune in today and let’s rock some Zen into our attitude. Annette Rochelle Aben and award-winning artist, David A.Martinka and are LIVE every Wednesday 8am ET on The Perspectivepower Radio Network 00:16:00PerspectivepowernoFind Your Zen with an Attitude of Gratitude,Team Gratitude,Annette Rochelle Aben,The Perspectivepower Radio Network,attitude of gratitudebe the change you wish to seeGifting Someone Gratitude on Attitude of Gratitude, 03 Aug 2016 12:00:00 GMTGifting Someone Gratitude on Attitude of GratitudeGifting Someone Gratitude on Attitude of Gratitude.  When it comes to celebrations, we love to give gifts. Sure, Team Gratitude fully understands things like weddings, birthdays, etc. however there is something to be said for making every moment, a reason for gifting someone gratitude!  So, Annette Rochelle Aben and award-winning artist, David A. Martinka & come together today on The Perspectivepower RadioNetwork to gift YOU some Gratitude! 00:15:00Perspectivepowernogifting someone gratitude on attitude of gratitude,team gratitude,Annette Rochelle Aben,The Perspectivepower Radio Network,David A. Martinkawhat's always the perfect fit at the right price?You get gratitude and YOU get gratitude, 27 Jul 2016 12:00:00 GMTYou get gratitude and YOU get gratitudeYOU get Gratitude and YOU get Gratitude. Gee, does this sound like a popular talk show host gifting her audience with a take-away?  Welcome to Attitude of Gratitude and you generous Team Gratitude hosts as we spend a few minutes today getting some Gratitude! Get it? Got it? GOOD!  We’ll take a look at the way you get gratitude and how you can actually “gift” it to someone else.  Ah yes, we are grateful for The Perspectivepower Radio Network and YOU who hang with us not only here each week but on our Fan Page  Also, award-winning artist, David A. Martinka hangs out here & where he GIVES AWAY terrific FREE DOWNLOADS!  Me, Annette Rochelle Aben, hangs out all over, but you can get there from here: where there are LINKS to her BOOKS as well as SOCIAL MEDIA connections. 00:15:00Perspectivepowernoyou get gratitude and you get gratitude,Team Gratitude,attitude of gratitude,The Perspectivepower Radio Network,Annette Rochelle Abenhave an open attitude to receiving gratitudeThe Recipe for Gratitude, 20 Jul 2016 12:00:00 GMTThe Recipe for GratitudeThe Recipe for Gratitude is where Team Gratitude is placing their focus today!  Welcome to The Perspectivepower Radio Network and Attitude of Gratitude. Annette Rochelle Aben and award-winning artist, David A. Martinka are here to share the ingredients for a winning recipe!  We are cookin’ today! Cook with David at & on where he has laid out a banquet of yummy CD’s for purchase and well as offers FREE SAMPLES of his great music. Annette can be found at where there are links to her goodies. Share your recipes on our FAN PAGE 00:15:00PerspectivepowernoThe Recipe for Gratitude,Team Gratitude,The Perspectivepower Radio Network,Attitude of Gratitude,Annette Rochelle Abenhow does one MAKE gratitude anywayNurture the Attitude of Gratitude, 13 Jul 2016 12:00:00 GMTNurture the Attitude of GratitudeNurture The Attitude of Gratitude and see what grows, eh!  Team Gratitude here; Annette RochelleAben and award-winning artist, David A. Martinka.  We are LIVE today, on The Perspectivepower Radio Network. We all have choices regarding the attitudes we nurture, and when we choose gratitude, we ca reap the most beautiful harvest. Let’s explore that today here on Attitude of Gratitude. Explore all things David A. Martinka & http://www.sunshadows.netFREEDOWNLOADS and wonderful CDs for purchase is what you’ll find. And you can always explore all things Annette Rochelle Aben at and find out about my books at  We truly appreciate YOU! 00:16:00PerspectivepowernoNurture the Attitude of Gratitude,Team Gratitude,The Perspectivepower Radio Network,Annette Rochelle Aben,David A. Martinkasee what grows, eh?Let Gratitude Set You Free, 06 Jul 2016 12:00:00 GMTLet Gratitude Set You FreeLet Gratitude Set You Free is what we are focusing on today on Attitude of Gratitude. Welcome to The Perspectivepower Radio Network. Annette RochelleAben and award-winning artist, David A. Martinka are Team Gratitude and are here for you LIVE each Wednesday 8am ET. Because we know everyone wants to be free of things that would hold them back, today, we are going to learn why Gratitude can make this happen! Be sure to FOLLOW the network where we house all our archives!  And of course you can find FREE DOWNLOADS & great CD’s from David: & Always something new there. Annette’s site is: and you are always welcome. 00:15:00PerspectivepowernoLet gratitude set you free,The Perspectivepower Radio Network,team gratitude,Attitude of Gratitude,Annette Rochelle Abenhow does gratitude actually set you freeGratitude is the New Attitude, 29 Jun 2016 12:00:00 GMTGratitude is the New AttitudeWelcome to The Perspectivepower Radio Network and Attitude of Gratitude!  Today Team Gratitude will be holding the space for a thoughtful approach to the thought that Gratitude is the New Attitude. Whatever could this mean? Tune in and find out!!  Team Gratitude is Annette Rochelle Aben and award-winning artist, David A. Martinka.  Find Annette at and David’s web homes are &, so stop on in anytime!  Our Facebook Fan Page is where you are always welcome. 00:15:00PerspectivepowernoThe Perspectivepower Radio Network,Attitude of Gratitude,Team Gratitude,Gratitude is the new attitude,Annette Rochelle Abenbeing grateful will change your lifeAttichoose an Attitude of Gratitude, 22 Jun 2016 12:00:00 GMTAttichoose an Attitude of GratitudeATTICHOOSE an ATTITUDE of GRATITUDE is what’s going on today on The Perspectivepower RadioNetwork!  Join Team Gratitude, #1 Best Selling Author, Annette Rochelle Aben and Award-Winning Artist, David A. Martinka for some thought provoking energy designed to center you in gratitude. FOLLOW the network & CONNECT on our Fan Page  David can be found on a couple different sites and for terrific FREE DOWNLOADS and awesome Native American Fusion CDs. Annette’s site will direct you to her social media and books! 00:16:00Perspectivepowernoattichoose and attitude of gratitude,The Perspectivepower Radio Network,#1 Best Selling Author Annette Rochelle Aben,David A. Martinka,Attitude of Gratitudegratitude IS a choiceDaddy Gratitude, 15 Jun 2016 12:00:00 GMTDaddy GratitudeDaddy Gratitude, that’s right, we are celebrating our gratitude for our dads today! Welcome to The Perspectivepower Radio Network and our weekly Attitude of Gratitude program. As we are merely days away from the yearly recognition of Father’s Day, it seemed the perfect opportunity for myself, Annette Rochelle Aben and award-winning artist, David A. Martinka to come together to embrace the gratitude for fathers. Thank you for staying connected And find David at & for some great music. My site is: and I am always happy to have you follow me. Happy Father’s Day, Dad!   00:16:00PerspectivepowernoDaddy Gratitude,Happy Father's Day,The Perspectivepower Radio Network,Annette Rochelle Aben,Attitude of GratitudeHappy Father's Day, Dad!Grateful for Best Friends on Attitude of Gratitude, 08 Jun 2016 12:00:00 GMTGrateful for Best Friends on Attitude of GratitudeGrateful for Best Friends on Attitude of Gratitude is what we are talking about today, here on The Perspectivepower Radio Network. This is National Best Friends Day, so let’s explore the reasons to be grateful for our friendships during the show. Join me, Annette Rochelle Aben and my friend, award-winning artist, David A. Martinka today on Attitude of Gratitude. We make it easy to stay connected to us. Here are David’s sites: &, where you will find his music for purchase or FREE DOWNLOAD! is my site, so come on over whenever you like! is the Fan Page for the network, so let’s hang out.  You are so appreciated. Oh, and the link below will take you to the LIVE show as well as to the archived podcast.  So be sure to use it often!! 00:16:00PerspectivepowernoGrateful for Best Friends on Attitude of Gratitude,The Perspectivepower Radio Network,Attitude of Gratitude,Annette Rochelle Aben,David A. MartinkaNational Best Friends DayWelcome Back Attitude of Gratitude, 01 Jun 2016 12:00:00 GMTWelcome Back Attitude of GratitudeWelcome Back to Attitude of Gratitude!  It’s been about six months since the Wednesday morning program, Attitude of Gratitude has been LIVE and today, June 1st, we bring it back!!  We are AnnetteRochelle Aben and award-winning artist, David A. Martinka. So let’s settle in for 15 minutes of pure gratitude each and every Wednesday morning and remember, we stay connected a couple other ways. is our network Fan Page. And of course find David here: and for his FREE DOWNLOADS and wonderful CDs for purchase. So tell me, what are YOU grateful for? 00:16:00PerspectivepowernoAttitude of Gratitude,The Perspectivepower Radio Network,Inspirational Internet Talk Radio,Annette Rochelle Aben,David A. Martinkaold home week on the network!The Perspective of Service, 29 May 2016 16:00:00 GMTThe Perspective of Service“The highest of distinctions is service to others.”King George VI gave us these words to ponder, on this, 2016 Memorial Day weekend. Today, on ThePerspectivepower Radio Network, we embrace The Perspective of Service.  In service to you, this day, are myself, Annette RochelleAben and award-winning artist, David A. Martinka.  We are honored to be here for you each week and welcome you to connect with us any day of the week.  Find me at and David at and Thank you for following the network 00:31:00PerspectivepowernoThe Perspective of Service,The Perspectivepower Radio Network,Annette Rochelle Aben,David A. Martinka,Memorial Day WeekendThank you for your service, this Memorial Day Weekend 2016A Thought Provoking Perspective, 22 May 2016 16:00:00 GMTA Thought Provoking Perspective“Some of us think holding on makes us strong but sometimes it’s letting go.” Thank to you to poet, novelist and painter, Hermann Hesse, for  A Thought Provoking Perspective.  Today, on The Perspectivepower Radio Network, we are taking a look at how our Perspectivepower influences our definition of strength. Glad to have you join me, Annette Rochelle Aben and award-winning artist, David A. Martinka LIVE every Sunday 12pm ET. You can always find the archived podcast at and of course, David’s sites are loaded with terrific music for you at and Visit and bring friends, he’ll really enjoy that.  I am honored to have you visit me at and to CONNECT with the network Fan Page at  Let’s get this show on the road! 00:30:00PerspectivepowernoA Thought Provoking Perspective,Hermann Hesse,The Perspectivepower Radio Network,Annette Rochelle Aben,David A. MartinkaHermann Hesse is our influence today. Tune in and see why.Our Perspective of Possibilities, 15 May 2016 16:00:00 GMTOur Perspective of Possibilities J.M. Barrie provides the quote we are pondering here on The Perspectivepower Radio Network and it is taken from his most popular book, PeterPan!  “The moment you doubt whether you can fly, you cease for ever to be able to do it!” Wow, is it Our Perspective of Possibilities we have for you today! There is something powerful in our self talk, our thoughts and what we claim is what we will create as a result! We direct you to the websites of award-winning artist, David A. Martinka where you can find terrific FREE DOWNLOADS and marvelous CDs for purchase.  He does Native Fusion music!  Check it out. and I am pleased to have you find me at & This program is LIVE every Sunday 12pm ET and you are encouraged to FOLLOW this network! 00:31:00PerspectivepowernoThe Perspectivepower Radio Network,Our Perspective of Possibilities,J.M. Barrie,Peter Pan,Annette Rochelle Abenwe take our quote from author/playwright J.M. Barrie todayGratitude for a Mother's Perspective, 08 May 2016 16:00:00 GMTGratitude for a Mother's Perspective Gratitude for a Mother’s Perspective is reflected in the Moorish Proverb, “Every beetle is a gazelle in the eyes of its mother.”  Today, is when we celebrate Mother’s Day in the United States and Canada. Many would state that mothers celebrate their children every day and today we will be talking about that. Welcome to The Perspectivepower Radio Network!  Joining me, Annette Rochelle Aben with his wonderful theme music is award-winning artist, David A. Martinka, be sure to find his great CDs & FREEDOWNLOADS at & We welcome you to the FAN PAGE for the network at  Of course, you are always INVITED to JOIN ME at 00:30:00Perspectivepowernogratitude for a mother's perspective,The Perspectivepower Radio Network,Annette Rochelle Aben,Attitude of Gratitude,David A. MartinkaHappy Mother's Day to all the momsA Choice Perspective, 01 May 2016 16:00:00 GMTA Choice PerspectiveActress, Director and Producer, Penny Marshall, provides us this quote: “If you’re not having a good time, find something else that gives you some joy in life!” That sounds like A Choice Perspective to me. Glad you are tuned into The Perspectivepower Radio Network today to explore choosing joy in our lives. Someone who brings a lot of people joy through his music, is award-winning artist, David A. Martinka & are his sites, please visit often. Thank you for visiting my site as well where you are always welcome. Make sure to FOLLOW the network 00:31:00Perspectivepowernofind joy,a choice perspective,the perspectivepower radio network,Annette Rochelle Aben,David A. MartinkaActress, Penny Marshall's quote will help us find joy in our choices!Having a Perspective to Believe In, 24 Apr 2016 16:00:00 GMTHaving a Perspective to Believe InAmerican philosopher and journalist, William James said: “Believe that life is worth living and your belief will create that fact.” Wow, talk about Having a Perspective to Believe In!  Welcome to ThePerspectivepower Radio Network and our weekly program where we connect to the power of our perspective.  I am We have much to gain by owning our power so feel free to share on our Fan Page where we celebrate personal awareness and growth! We celebrate the contribution of award-winning artist David A. Martinka to Perspectivepower.  Find him at and for FREE DOWNLOADS & great CD’s. Be sure to catch up with me, Annette Rochelle Aben at 00:30:00PerspectivepowernoThe Perspectivepower Radio Network,William James,Perspectivepower,motivation,Annette Rochelle AbenWilliam James provides us with a terrific quote to ponderThe Power of What We Think, 17 Apr 2016 16:00:00 GMTThe Power of What We Think“It isn’t what you have, or who you are, or where you are, or what you are doing that makes you happy. It’s what you think about.” American writer and lecturer, DaleCarnegie said that and today, on Perspectivepower, we’ll be exploring The Power of What We Think.  The whole reason for the existence of The Perspectivepower Radio Network is to celebrate using our own power to create a world we can appreciate!  Sharing appreciation for you, who CONNECT with us on our Fan Page, showing love all the time! As well, let’s show some appreciation for award-winning artist, David. A. Martinka by visiting his sites for great CD’s and some FREE DOWNLOADS too! & Me?  I’m available at and my books can be found at I thank you for tuning in and sharing! 00:30:00PerspectivepowernoThe Power of What We Think,The Perspectivepower Radio Network,Perspectivepower,Annette Rochelle Aben,David A MartinkaDale Carnegie is helping us win friends and influencing peopleGratitude's Eternal Spring on Perspectivepower, 10 Apr 2016 16:00:00 GMTGratitude's Eternal Spring on PerspectivepowerWe are all about Gratitude’s Eternal Spring today “Gratitude is the fairest blossom which springs from the soul.” Is a most thought provoking quote from clergyman, social reformer and speaker, Henry Ward Beecher. At this time of year, we are seeing a resurgence of life following a long winter’s chill.  Perhaps we can have Spring all year long if we keep gratitude in our hearts? Let’s talk about that today on The Perspectivepower Radio Network. Join me, Annette Rochelle Aben and the musical support of award-winning artist, David A. Martinka for our weekly program. Find me, at and look for David at and for great FREE DOWNLOADS and many wonderful CD’s to purchase.  Our Fan Page is found 00:30:00PerspectivepowernoGrattiude's Eternal Spring,Henry Ward Beecher,The Perspectivepower Radio Network,Grattiude,Annette Rochelle AbenHenry Ward Beecher brings us into focus todayChoice is the Power of Perspective, 03 Apr 2016 16:00:00 GMTChoice is the Power of PerspectiveLife coach and best-selling author, Martha Beck said: “Every day brings new choices.”Choice is the Power of Perspective. This is something that gives us the advantage in any situation. Today, on The Perspectivepower Network we explore the power of choice. And I choose to embrace gratitude for the musical contribution of award-winning artist, David A. Martinka and where you can find his great FREE DOWNLOADS and super CDs. Find Me, Annette Rochelle Aben and on our Facebook FanPage so we can stay connected. 00:30:00PerspectivepowernoMartha Beck,Choice is the Power of Perspective,The Perspectivepower Radio Network,Annette Rochelle Aben,David A. MartinkaChoice is your best friendA Perspective of Joy, 27 Mar 2016 16:00:00 GMTA Perspective of Joy“Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognize how good things really are.” This uplifting quote comes to us from American author, Spiritual Leader, lecturer, Marianne Williamson. A Perspective of Joy helps to make life amazing!  Here on The Perspectivepower Radio Network, we are celebrating our joy with award-winning artist, David Martinka and are where you can find him celebrating his joy of Native American Fusion music! Celebrate with me, Annette Rochelle Aben and of course to enjoy all our programs! 00:30:00Perspectivepowernojoy,Marianne Williamson,The Perspectivepower Radio Network,Annette Rochelle Aben,David A. Martinkathe JOY in life is echoed by Marianne WilliamsonThe Driving Force of Perspectivepower, 20 Mar 2016 16:00:00 GMTThe Driving Force of PerspectivepowerThe one time, Roman Emperor, Marcus Aurelius said, “You have power over your mind – not outside events. Realize this and you will find strength.” This is The Driving Force of Perspectivepower. When we ‘get-it’ the fact that we hold the power to find our strength, within our perspective, we are capable of creating a fantastic life. Joining me, Annette Rochelle Aben, on The Perspectivepower Radio Network today is award-winning artist, David A. Martinka. I direct you to his home sites to hear his great music! and Grab some free downloads while you are there. Join us on Facebook where we share our attitude of gratitude daily! Connect with my blog so I can connect with you too! 00:30:00PerspectivepowernoMarcus Aurelius,strength,The Perspectivepower Radio Network,Annette Rochelle Aben,David A. MartinkaWhat will we learn from a former, Roman Emperor today?Discovering the Power of Perspective, 13 Mar 2016 16:00:00 GMTDiscovering the Power of PerspectiveOprah Winfrey said, “The greatest discovery of all time, is that a person can change his future, be merely changing his attitude.”  Wow, what a fabulous theme for The Perspectivepower Radio Network this week. I’m Annette Rochelle Aben and it is my pleasure to share some thoughts on Discovering the Power of Perspective. When you visit or you’ll discover award-winning artist, David A.Martinka, who created out theme song. Of course, you’ll discover a community of like-minded folk at so we look forward to seeing you there.  Thank you for FOLLOWING the network where you will find our podcasts 00:31:00PerspectivepowernoOprah Winfrey,Discovering the Power of Perspective,The Perspectivepower Radio Network,Annette Rochelle Aben,David A. MartinkaOprah Winfrey gives us plenty to ponderIt's a Matter of Perspectivepower, 06 Mar 2016 17:00:00 GMTIt's a Matter of Perspectivepower “When you wake up every day, you have two choices. You can either be positive or negative, an optimist or a pessimist. I choose to be an optimist. It’s all a matter of perspective.” U.S. businessman, author and syndicated columnist, Harvey Mackay makes a valid point. It is always our PERSPECTIVE that holds our POWER!  Today, here on The Perspectivepower Radio Network, join me, Annette Rochelle Aben as we explore why it’s a matter of Perspectivepower. We will be joined by award-winning artist, David A. Martinka and are his web home addresses. Our web home address is and we appreciate your FOLLOW. Also, CONNECT at where you will find a community of like-minded folk. Be my guest as well. 00:30:00PerspectivepowernoHarvey Mackay,The Perspectivepower Radio Network,Perspectivepower,Annette Rochelle Aben,David A. Martinka“When you wake up every day, you have two choices. You can either be positive or negative, an optimist or a pessimist. I choose to be an optimist. It’s all a mThe Power into Perspective on Perspectivepower, 28 Feb 2016 17:00:00 GMTThe Power into Perspective on PerspectivepowerGerman philosopher and poet, Friedrich Nietzsche once said, “There are no facts, only interpretations.” This is exactly what puts ThePOWER into PERSPECTIVE. I’m Annette Rochelle Aben and today on The Perspectivepower Radio Network we are exploring how using the POWER of interpretation to CREATE a world of GRATITUDE. Ringing the program in and holding the door for us as we exit, is the MUSIC of award-winning artist, David A. Martinka. Find him in his web homes & You are welcome to CONNECT with us at our Facebook home and of course, my web home is 00:30:00PerspectivepowernoFriedrich Nietzsche,The Perspective Power Radio Network,Annette Rochelle Aben,Gratitude,David A. MartinkaNietzsche is going to school us today!Discovering Gratitude on Perspectivepower, 21 Feb 2016 17:00:00 GMTDiscovering Gratitude on Perspectivepower“The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes but in having new eyes.” French novelist and essayist, Marcel Proust reminds us how our PERSPECTIVE holds the POWER for and in our lives. Join me, Annette Rochelle Aben, here on The Perspectivepower Radio Network today as we explore why this thought is something to embrace with GRATITUDE!  Embracing the contribution of award-winning artist, David A. Martinka, to our show, we direct you to his websites for great music: and And we INVITE you to CONTRIBUTE to the COMMUNITY 24/7.  My personal COMMUNITY is here: and I welcome you with open arms. 00:31:00PerspectivepowernoMarcel Proust,The Perspectivepower Radio Network,Annette Rochelle Aben,Gratitude,David A MartinkaA quote from Marcel Proust helps us on our journey todayLiving a Successful and Fulfilled Life on Perspectivepower, 14 Feb 2016 17:00:00 GMTLiving a Successful and Fulfilled Life on Perspectivepower“Gratitude is the single most important ingredient to living a successful and fulfilled life.” This quote from American author, motivational speaker and co-creator of the enduring Chicken Soup for the Soul series, Jack Canfield, covers all the bases. Regardless of our circumstances, the common denominator in determining the quality of our lives, is our ability to embrace gratitude. I welcome you to the program today and give thanks for your kind attention. Also, giving thanks here for the contribution of award-winning, artist, David A. Martinka & for our theme song.  I invite you to my website, and to our Fan Page for this network 00:30:00Perspectivepowernoliving a successful life,living a fulfilled life,gratitude,chicken soup for the soul,Jack Canfieldhere's some chicken soup for your soul...Happiness Depends Upon Ourselves on Perspectivepower, 07 Feb 2016 17:00:00 GMTHappiness Depends Upon Ourselves on Perspectivepower“Happiness depends entirely upon ourselves” This quote from “ThePhilosopher”, Aristotle, pretty much sums up the philosophy of this network. The Perspectivepower Radio Network exists to celebrate the power each of us owns, our PERSPECTIVE! Today’s program is all about being grateful for our happiness, works for me, Annette Rochelle Aben, let’s see if it works for you!  It works for David A. Martinka, the award-winning artist who created our theme song. & are his sites, check them out. CONNECT on our FanPage be happy to see you there. 00:30:00PerspectivepowernoAristotle,Annette Rochelle Aben,The Perspectivepower Radio Network,Gratitude,David A MartinkaAristotle gives us so much to think aboutA Rose By Any Other Name on Perspectivepower, 31 Jan 2016 17:00:00 GMTA Rose By Any Other Name on PerspectivepowerJean-Baptiste, Alphonse Karr, French journalist and novelist said, “Some people grumble that roses have thorns, but I am grateful that thorns have roses.” Do you see the thorns or the roses? A Rose by Any Other Name on Perspectivepower. Today, join me, Annette Rochelle Aben, on The Perspectivepower Radio Network, as we consider smelling the roses in our lives and why! Being GRATEFUL for each other, we CONNECT on our FAN PAGE And we are always GRATEFUL for Award-Winning, Artist, David A. Martinka, who supplies our theme song! and are his sites, so visit often! 00:30:00Perspectivepowernoroses and thorns,Jean Baptiste Alphonse Karr,The Perspectivepower Radio Network,Attitude of Gratitude,Annette Rochelle Abendoes the rose have thorns or does the thorn have roses....Which Comes First, Happiness or Gratitude on Perspectivepower, 24 Jan 2016 17:00:00 GMTWhich Comes First, Happiness or Gratitude on PerspectivepowerAmerican writer and naturalist, Joseph Wood Krutch said, “Happiness is, itself, a kind of gratitude.” This begs the question, Which Comes First, Happiness or Gratitude on Perspectivepower. Today, join me, Annette Rochelle Aben, on The Perspectivepower Radio Network, as we explore these thoughts and see what conclusions we can draw. Hopefully, we will find something that gives us at least one reason to be GRATEFUL!  Being GRATEFUL for each other, we CONNECT on our FAN PAGE And we are always GRATEFUL for Award-Winning, Artist, David A. Martinka, who supplies our theme song! and are his sites, so visit often! 00:30:00Perspectivepowernohappiness or gratitude,Joseph Wood Krutch,Annette Rochelle Aben,The Perspectivepower Radio Network,David A. MartinkaHappiness is, itself, a kind of gratitudeThe Foundation for all Abundance on Perspectivepower, 17 Jan 2016 17:00:00 GMTThe Foundation for all Abundance on Perspectivepower Echkart Tolle said: “Acknowledging the good that you already have in your life, is the foundation for all abundance.” Couldn’t have said it better myself.  Today, on Perspectivepower, we are going to explore that thought process and share thewhat and the why that which we have in our lives already, rocks!  Rocking right along with us is award-winning artist, David A. Martinka and he can be found here: and so be sure to visit and share those links!  Also, the Fan Page for Perspectivepower is looking forward to meeting up with you there. Connect with me, Annette Rochelle Aben on my web/blog site: where there are links to everything, ME! 00:30:00PerspectivepowernoEckhart Tolle,Perspectivepower,abundance,Annette Rochelle Aben,David A Martinkaacknowledge the good that you already have...Change Means Making Choices on Perspectivepower, 10 Jan 2016 17:00:00 GMTChange Means Making Choices on Perspectivepower Welcome to 2016!  A new year, brings with it many thoughts of change. Change Means Making Choices.  Welcome to Perspective Power, the program that offers you something to OWN that can makes the difference in how you SEE the possiblities in your life!  Our special guest today is Kellie Fitzgerald. Find her at and make sure to CONNECT with her on Facebook too. Thank you to Award-Winning, Artist, David A. Martinka who does the music for our program. His site is where he has FREE DOWNLOADS waiting for you.  Of course, me, Annette Rochelle Aben, can be found at We are LIVE here, every Sunday at 12 noon Eastern Time!       00:30:00PerspectivepowernoChange Means Making Choices,Perspectivepower,Annette Rochelle Aben,Kellie Fitzgerald,David A MartinkaKellie Fitzgerald joins the show today tune in and learn whyAs Much Power As Possible on Perspective Power, 03 Jan 2016 17:00:00 GMTAs Much Power As Possible on Perspective Power Here we GO!  Perspective Power is LIVE every Sunday at 12 noon ET and you are invited to tune in for your weeky infusion of Vitamin G. This is the NEW program, where we fuse Attitude of Gratitude and Vitamin G together and get down to the basics of HOW we reach an A of G and define exactly what IS Vitamin G.  Of course we have plenty of discussion time open and available, so be sure to tune in each week to see who joins us in the studio. Also, CONNECT with our award-winning artist, musician friend, David A. Martinka at and  Rita Anne Gessner, is my guest for this show and she suggests doing READING of uplifting materials, getting into a supportive group to keep you seeking the light.  Thanks, Rita, for sharing. You could be the next guest, contact me via Facebook and let me know that you are interested!        00:30:00PerspectivepowernoPerspective Power,Vitamin G,Annette Rochelle Aben,Attitude of Gratitude,MotivationHere we GO!  Perspective Power is LIVE every Sunday at 12 noon ET and you are invited to tune in for your weeky infusion of Vitamin G. This is the NEW program,Looking Back on Your Year with Vitamin G, 30 Dec 2015 13:00:00 GMTLooking Back on Your Year with Vitamin GLooking Back on Your Year with Vitamin G Because this is the time of year so many people will sit down to figure out what they will DO differently in the coming year, why not take the time to just fill your heart with GRATITUDE for all this past year has done for you!  When you see everything as a gift, acknowledge with GRATITUDE, the fact that life has happened FOR YOU, then you are sure to have a beautiful entrance into the NEWYEAR! We send our GRATITUDE to award-winning artist, David A. Martinka and guide you to his websites where you can find his wonderful cd’s and FREE DOWNLOADS and – be sure to share this with friends! The Perspectivepower Radio Network has a FAN PAGE and be sure to FOLLOW so you’ll stay current on the BIG CHANGES coming in 2016!  I am AnnetteRochelle Aben and I thank you for the GRATITUDE you share each and every day, wherever you are, for this increases the level of Vitamin G for all life, everywhere! 00:16:00PerspectivepowernoLooking Back on Your Year with Vitamin G,Annette Rochelle Aben,David A Martinka,Gratitude,The Perspectivepower Radio NetworkHappy New Year to ALLThe Gift You Want Them to Return, Vitamin G, 23 Dec 2015 13:00:00 GMTThe Gift You Want Them to Return, Vitamin GThe Gift You Want Them to Return, Vitamin G Seriously, give everyone gifts this year, and be sure to give the one thing that you WANT them to RETURN!  Absolutely, give a heapin’ helpin’ of good old VitaminG. It comes in just the right color and size. It’s always in stock and you can find it 24/7. Rock some Vitamin G in the direction of award-winning artist, David A. Martinka and at where you are sure to find some great music!  Also, CONNECT with The Perspectivepower RadioNetwork with our FAN PAGE  This is Annette Rochelle Aben, and want to let you know we are in for some changes come the beginning of 2016.  That’s right, your favorite program that promotes GRATITUDE is MOVING to a new day and time!  Check out the NEW SCHEDULE and FOLLOW us, 00:15:00Perspectivepowernothe gift you want them to return,Annette Rochelle Aben,Vitamin G,David A Martinka,The Perspectivepower Radio Networkwhat you give, comes backVitamin G is More Important than Knowledge, 16 Dec 2015 13:00:00 GMTVitamin G is More Important than KnowledgeVitamin G is More Important than Knowledge Imagine, if you will, an entire room FILLED with people FILLED with GRATITUDE!  It feels GREAT!  Now, imagine an entire CITY that is FILLED with people FILLED with GRATITUDE! Let’s explore this and soon, we will be living in a WORLD that is FILLED with people FILLED with GRATITUDE!  Filling us with reasons to be grateful is award-winning artist, David A. Martinka, find him at & for his awesome music!  CONNECT with me, Annette Rochelle Aben and of course always at my web/blog site 00:15:00Perspectivepowernovitamin g is more important than knowledge,Annette Rochelle Aben,gratitude,David A Martinka,imaginationwith all due respect...Become The Vitamin G That You Wish to See, 09 Dec 2015 13:00:00 GMTBecome The Vitamin G That You Wish to SeeBecome the Vitamin G You Wish To See There is absolutely nothing in this world that you can recognize if there is nothing inside of you that can resonate with you wish to see.  Could be why there is something about that Gandhi quote that can make even Vitamin G become more accessible. So we explore that today and carry the message with us throughout the day. Accessible FREE DOWNLOADS and awesome CD’s are found at and where award winning artist , David A. Martinka houses his musical talents! Lots of Vitamin G is also accessible here & so be sure to CONNECT and SHARE! 00:15:00PerspectivepowernoGandhi,Become The Vitamin G You Wish To See,David A Martinka,Gratitude,The Perspectivepower Radio NetworkGandhi's quote inspired this showGift Someone Vitamin G, 02 Dec 2015 13:00:00 GMTGift Someone Vitamin GGift Someone Vitamin G and you will be giving the best present you could.  Because this is something everyone can use regardless of their circumstances, age, gender… well, you get the point here, you can give Vitamin G and feel confident that your gift will honor both you and the recipient. Passing along some Vitamin G to award-winningartist, David A. Martinka, who so generously graces our program with our theme music.  Find him at & where he offers you FREE DOWNLOADS and a catalogue of great cd’s for purchase. And of course, plenty of Vitamin G for one and all and you can catch all the podcasts so be sure to CONNECT with us. 00:16:00PerspectivepowernoGift Someone Vitamin G,Perspectivepower,David A Martinka,Gratitude,Annette Rochelle AbenHo Ho Fun for AllImagine There's No Vitamin G, 25 Nov 2015 13:00:00 GMTImagine There's No Vitamin GImagine There’s No Vitamin G. No, I’m not writing science fiction and of course why on earth would we WANT to live in a life without Vitamin G. If we can imagine life without, we can surely imagine a life FILLED with VITAMIN G. Bringing together all the imagination we can muster LIVE on Wednesday, November 25th, 8am EST, so mark that on your calendar. Of course we are bringing along the award-winning artist, David A. Martinka, who so generously provides our theme music. Find more of his music at and also FREE DOWNLOADS available. And we are bringing together all kindred spirits; and on our FAN PAGE  Always open to imagining a world FILLEDwith VITAMIN G!  The link below will take you to the LIVE show and the archived podcast, so be sure to SHARE!'s-no-vitamin-g 00:16:00Perspectivepowernoimagine there's no vitamin g,David A. Martinka,perspectivepower,redbellymusic,imaginaitonimagine, indeedKeep Calm and Take Your Vitamin G, 18 Nov 2015 13:00:00 GMTKeep Calm and Take Your Vitamin GKeep Calm and Take your Vitamin G is a good thing to practice whether or not it’s holiday time.  So at this time of year, we really need to make sure we use that Vitamin G to help us keep calm!  We take the always terrific music of award-winning artist, David A. Martinka in generous doses.  We find him at and so load up on the FREE DOWNLOADS. CONNECT with the TRIBE who share their energy  Find some Vitamin G support at where you’ll find great books filled with Perspectivepower! 00:16:00Perspectivepowernokeep calm,vitamin g,perspectivepower,David A Martinka,redbelly musicincrease your doseOne Hundred and One Uses For Vitamin G, 11 Nov 2015 13:00:00 GMTOne Hundred and One Uses For Vitamin GOne Hundred and One uses for Vitamin G – and I believe there are even MORE!  So why not, let’s spend a little time together and see how many we can come up with in 15 minutes! Of course I am pretty well convinced that long after the show, you’ll keep that list rolling.  Keeping the music rolling for us every week, is award-winning artist, David A. Martinka whose great cd’s and FREE DOWLOADS can be found at and SHARE your list with the TRIBE at where it will help everyone!  Thanks for the FOLLOW here at The Perspectivepower Radio Network 00:15:00Perspectivepowernoone hundred and one uses for vitamin g,gratitude,David Martinka,Annette Rochelle Aben,The Perspectivepower Radio Networkhow many uses can we find in 15 minutes?Activate Your Super Power with Vitamin G, 04 Nov 2015 13:00:00 GMTActivate Your Super Power with Vitamin GActivate Your Super Power with Vitamin G - It’s true you know, GRATITUDE is your SUPER POWER!  You can think about being able to leap tall buildings in a single bound or even see through walls to find those in need of help however I can show you that you CAN do all of this and more using VITAMING. Ah, superman, himself, Award-winning artist, David A. Martinka is on board with us, as he is every week.  Find him at and when you are in need, of great music! FOLLOW and of course 00:15:00PerspectivepowernoActivate Your Super Power,Vitamin G,Gratitude,David Martinka,The Perspectivepower Radio Networkis it a bird... is it a plane... tune in and find outVitamin G, Nature's Candy, 28 Oct 2015 12:00:00 GMTVitamin G, Nature's CandyVitamin G, Nature’s Candy – Well now, that’s quite a statement to make but as luck would have it, this is a dilly!  Believe it or not, you can enjoy all the VITAMIN G CANDY you like without the worry of weight gain, dietary restrictions or pesky blood sugar issues.  In fact, this is the candy you can enjoy all day, every day and with or without meals.  Pull up a chair and let’s feast today!  We have award-winning artist, David A. Martinka joining us at the table as well and you can find his great music on a couple sites: and so be sure to load up on FREEDOWNLOADS as well as grab the terrific full length CD’s for purchase.  You are invited to be one of the GRATITUDE TRIBE and we hang out at and of course every week, right here: 00:16:00PerspectivepowernoVitamin G Nature's Candy,David A. Martinka,The Perspectivepower Radio Network,Attitude of Gratitude,Gratitude TribeEat all you want!The Aging Process and Vitamin G, 21 Oct 2015 12:00:00 GMTThe Aging Process and Vitamin GThe Aging Process and Vitamin G – Let’s face it, each and every day we are aging by at least a day!  Well, what will make this journey enjoyable, perhaps even something you can look forward to?  I’ll bet you that during the show today, we are going to find out.  Of course someone who provides a beautiful sound track to wherever we are in our lives is award-winning artist, David A. Martinka and he is found and at so be sure to fill your life with beautiful music!  We gather to share our SUPPORT for GRATITUDE and where you are always welcome to SHARE and FEEL the VIBE of the GRATITUDE TRIBE! 00:15:00Perspectivepowernothe aging process,vitamin g,David A. Martinka,support,gratitudeAge beautifully, gracefully and happilyToday's Show Brought to you by the Letter G, 14 Oct 2015 12:00:00 GMTToday's Show Brought to you by the Letter GToday’s Show Brought to you by the Letter G – A most popular, award-winning children’s show used to use the letters of the alphabet to promote not only their program, but to help children improve their language skills.  Well, we are improving our “GRATITUDE SKILLS” by infusing this show with VITAMIN G.  So cozy on up and let’s see what the LETTER G has in store for us today!  Bet award-winning, artistDavid A. Martinka has some great music in store for us at and over at his other site:  I suggest doing some holiday shopping there for the music lover on your holiday list!  For the GRATEFUL person within you, CONNECT with our GRATITUDE VIBE a couple places: & where you are always welcome! 00:16:00PerspectivepowernoSesame Street,The Perspectivepowe Radio Network,Annette Rochelle Aben,Attitude of Gratitude,Vitamin GGratitude, gratitude and more gratitude!Channel G, 07 Oct 2015 12:00:00 GMTChannel GChannel G – and you can take this any way you like! Tune in to catch my spin on this thought and load up on your weekly dose of Vitamin G.  JOIN the TRIBE who rock the GRATITUDEVIBE as well at  and so we can share that group hug stuff!  We are also hugging the stuffing out of Award-Winning artist, DavidA. Martinka, who provides the musical support for this program!  He has great FREE DOWNLOADS and marvelous CD’s at & so check it out. 00:16:00PerspectivepowernoChannel G,Vitamin G,Attitude of Gratitude,The Perspectivepower Radio Network,David A Martinkagetting your weekly dose of Vitamin GAccessorize Your Autumn Fashion with Vitamin G, 30 Sep 2015 12:00:00 GMTAccessorize Your Autumn Fashion with Vitamin GAccessorize Your Autumn Fashion with Vitamin G for they say we are never fully dressed without a smile, right? Well, where might those smiles originate?  Tune into this program and let’s set up our own fashion show, so to speak.  Keep the conversation going and FOLLOW along so we can keep the loop in motion! Award-winning artist, David A. Martinka, keeps us in motion with his great music so FIND IT at and where he offers FREE DOWNLOADS along with his great CDs for purchase. 00:16:00Perspectivepowernoautumn,fashion,The Perspectivepower Radio Network,Annette Rochelle Aben,Attitude of Gratitudeyou are never fully dressed without a smileWhat Do You Know About Vitamin G, 23 Sep 2015 12:00:00 GMTWhat Do You Know About Vitamin G  What Do You Know About Vitamin G – You actually know a whole lot more about Vitamin G than you give yourself credit for. Tune in today and let’s expand on this thought.  After all, we all need something to talk about for the rest of the day and you may be pleasantly surprised to learn how many others will find you delightfully attractive because you share what you know!  (wink-wink) The delightfully attractive award-winning artist, David. A. Martinka is in the house sharing his wonderful music for the program and you can find him at either of these two websites: and where there are FREE DOWNLOADS as well as great cd’s for purchase. Remember to CONNECT with this network two different places. & where you are always among friends! 00:16:00PerspectivepowernoAttitude of Gratitude,Vitamin G,The Perspectivepower Radio Network,Annette Rochelle Aben,David A MartinkaAttitude of Gratitude is part of itThe Vitamin G Beauty Treatment, 16 Sep 2015 12:00:00 GMTThe Vitamin G Beauty TreatmentThe Vitamin G Beauty Treatment gives you that luxurious feeling all day long and you never have to leave your home! Give yourself an affordable ‘spa’ time that will give you that happy glow so everyone will know that you have that ‘something special’, that special Attitude of Gratitude of course!  Anytime you need a tweak, check out all the ARCHIVES at be sure to SHARE it with your besties! We are sharing our bestie with you, Award-Winning Artist, DavidA. Martinka who generously shares his music for our shows. Find him at and where you can get great FREE DOWNLOADS as well as buy some awesome CDs. Bring your beautiful self to our fan page 00:15:00PerspectivepowernoAttitude of Gratitude,Vitamin G,The Perspectivepower Radio Network,Annette Rochelle Aben,Personal Empowermenta spa treatment for that special glowVitamin G is Good for Every Body, 09 Sep 2015 12:00:00 GMTVitamin G is Good for Every BodyVitamin G is Good for Every Body and that it is the truth!  Be sure to test this out for yourself by first, tuning into the program today and then next, allowing yourself to digest the vitamin G all day long! Of course you can always find ways to get MORE vitamin G into your daily diet, check out the ARCHIVES at where you can download each dose for free! We also have a support group/fan page at where we share how GOOD we feel!  Keeping us supplied with our daily adult requirement of vitamin “D” is award-winningartist, David A. Martinka & 00:15:00PerspectivepowernoAttitude of Gratitude,Vitamin G,The Perspectivepower Radio Network,Annette Rochelle Aben,David A MartinkaAttitude of Gratitude in measured doses works wondersVitamin G for You and Me, 02 Sep 2015 12:00:00 GMTVitamin G for You and MeVitamin G for You and Me this is what sharing the Attitude of Gratitude is all about!  When we ALL share our GRATITUDE then we make this world a better place.  Our own vitamin “D”, award-winning artist, David A. Martinka brings his awesome music to each program. &  And your support @ & is most appreciated.  Remember, we are LIVE 8am ET on Wednesdays and you can ALWAYS catch the ARCHIVES whenever it works for YOU! http://www/ 00:16:00PerspectivepowernoThe Perspectivepower Radio Network,Attitude of Gratitude,Vitamin g,David A Martinka,Annette Rochelle AbenAttitude of Gratitude is a healthy way to start your day!Your Weekly Dose of Vitamin G, 26 Aug 2015 12:00:00 GMTYour Weekly Dose of Vitamin GYour Weekly Dose of Vitamin G is what we are sharing here on Attitude of Gratitude. Tune in whether LIVE or ARCHIVE for something so essential to your well-being, amazing Vitamin G!  Sharing GRATITUDE with everyone at & Joining us weekly is vitamin “D” for the award-winning artist David A. Martinka and his music is found at and You are so appreciated, you make us say GEE! http://www/ 00:15:00PerspectivepowernoAttitude of Gratitude,Vitamin G,Perspectivepower,Annette Rochelle Aben,David A Martinkaattitude of gratitude is all about YOUTop Your To Do List with an Attitude of Gratitude, 19 Aug 2015 12:00:00 GMTTop Your To Do List with an Attitude of GratitudeTop Your To Do List with an Attitude of Gratitude and you will see your life turn into a thing of beauty! When we make gratitude the way we start the day. Happy to have you as part of the network to keep you in the A of G loop.  Then jump into the Fan Page action where we find so much support and share great ideas. Powering up our music is Award-Winning Artist, David A. Martinka and he can be found 2 places: and Let’s claim our power and affirm (with gratitude of course) how great out lives are!  Here is the DIRECT LINK to the LIVE and ARCHIVE presentation! 00:16:00PerspectivepowernoAttitude of Gratitude,To Do List,Perspectivepower,Best Selling Author Annette Rochelle Aben,Inspirationyou can DO thisA Firm Attitude of Gratitude, 12 Aug 2015 12:00:00 GMTA Firm Attitude of GratitudeA FIRM ATTITUDE of GRATITUDE might have you wondering where in the world I am headed with this thought and of course that is precisely what I want to you wonder!  Naturally there is a point I am making and by tuning into to the program today, you will get my drift and be able to come along for the ride. Cruise over to where you will find the updated schedule of LIVE programs as well as all the ARCHIVES!  Then head over to to connect with the Fan Page for the network! Happy to have you along!  Happy to have Award-Winning Artist, David A. Martinka along each week with his musical contribution! and are his home bases. 00:16:00Perspectivepowernoaffirmations,Attitude of Gratitude,Perspectivepower,Best Selling Author Annette Rochelle Aben,David A MartinkaAffirming will get you further, faster...Power your Affirmations with an Attitude of Gratitude, 05 Aug 2015 12:00:00 GMTPower your Affirmations with an Attitude of GratitudePower Your Affirmations with an Attitude of Gratitude because this is what will make it ALL come together!  I promise this and of course we will talk about this practice during the show today. So be sure to head over to to keep you in the A of G loop.  Then jump into the Fan Page action where we find so much support and share great ideas. Powering up our music is Award-Winning Artist, David A. Martinka and he can be found 2 places: and Let’s claim our power and affirm (with gratitude of course) how great out lives are! 00:16:00PerspectivepowernoAffirmations,Attitude of Gratitude,Perspectivepower,Best Selling Author Annette Rochelle Aben,David A. MartinkaWhat is it that makes an affirmation work? Tune in and find out!All We Are Saying is Give an Attitude of Gratitude a Chance, 29 Jul 2015 12:00:00 GMTAll We Are Saying is Give an Attitude of Gratitude a ChanceAll We Are Saying is Give an Attitude of Gratitude a Chance and you’ll be singing its praises to all you meet!  When someone gives gratitude a chance, they find the power to change themselves for the better! It’s one of the easiest things you can do and guaranteed not to rust, bust or bite the baby, honest!! It’s easy to find out network and CONNECT as well as find our Fan Page so ring on in!  Award-WinningArtist, David A. Martinka makes it easy to find him and his great music and 00:15:00PerspectivepowernoAnnette Rochelle Aben,David A. Martinka,Perspectivepower,All We Are Saying is Give an Attitude of Gratitude a Chance,inspirationAll We Are Saying is Give an Attitude of Gratitude a Chance and you’ll be singing its praises to all you meet!  When someone gives gratitude a chance, they findRaise the Vibration with an Attitude of Gratitude, 22 Jul 2015 12:00:00 GMTRaise the Vibration with an Attitude of GratitudeRaise The Vibration with an Attitude of Gratitude and you know, we really can do this!  I have tried it and I know it works so let’s talk about it for a few minutes.  Raising the vibration of not only ourselves but the rest of the world too!  Vibrate on over to our Fan Page and join our like-minded community.  We hold the highest vibration for you on our Perspectivepower Radio Network And the highest musical vibrations can be found at and where you can meet Award-WinningArtist, David A. Martinka who provides the awesome musical vibrations for our programs!          00:16:00PerspectivepowernoRaise the Vibration with an Attitude of Gratitude,Annette Rochelle Aben,David A. Martinka,Perspectivepower,InspirationRaise The Vibration with an Attitude of Gratitude and you know, we really can do this!  I have tried it and I know it works so let’s talk about it for a few minAn Attitude of Gratitude Teaches Your Children Well, 15 Jul 2015 12:00:00 GMTAn Attitude of Gratitude Teaches Your Children WellAn Attitude of Gratitude Teaches Your Children Well. It’s true, I remember learning that when I was grateful for something I was given that energy around me was much more conducive to happiness.  So if what we want is a happier world as we go along, it makes sense to teach our children the benefits of gratitude! Teaching each other how to share is what this network is all about, so thank YOU for CONNECTING and SHARING as well as being a part of our Fan Page where many others get their gratitude on! And of course there is much to learned about great music from Award-Winning Artist, David A. Martinka and (thanks for our theme music David).          00:16:00PerspectivepowernoAn Attitude of Gratitude Teaches Your Children Well,Perspectivepower,Annette Rochelle Aben,David a. Martinka,InspirationAn Attitude of Gratitude Teaches Your Children Well. It’s true, I remember learning that when I was grateful for something I was given that energy around me wasThe Freedom of an Attitude of Gratitude, 08 Jul 2015 12:00:00 GMTThe Freedom of an Attitude of Gratitude  The Freedom of an Attitude of Gratitude is exhilarating!  I’ll just bet you have felt it and would love to feel it again and again.  Well here on the program today we will talk about that feeling and the freedom that it brings.  Feel free to CONNECT with us at so you can catch all the ARCHIVES as well as view the LIVE program schedule. And of course there are plenty of like-minded folks at our Fan Page so feel free to join us there as well. We are so grateful for the FREE DOWNLOADS from Award-Winning Artist, David A. Martinka on his sites and as well as we are grateful for the wonderful theme music he provides for our shows here on the Perspectivepower Radio Network. 00:15:00PerspectivepowernoThe Freedom of an Attitude of Gratitude,Perspectivepower,Annette Rochelle Aben,David A. Martinka,inspirationThe Freedom of an Attitude of Gratitude is exhilarating!  I’ll just bet you have felt it and would love to feel it again and again.  Well here on the programThe Meaning of Life and An Attitude of Gratitude, 01 Jul 2015 12:00:00 GMTThe Meaning of Life and An Attitude of GratitudeOur title here, The Meaning of Life and an Attitude of Gratitude might have some apologies to the Monty Python crew here but hey, we are all working towards the same rainbow’s end, right? So I believe that we can find our meaning of life using gratitude and I’ll just bet when we are finished with today’s program, you will as well. Thank you for tuning into the program, connecting at to listen to the LIVE shows as well as catch the ARCHIVES.  Be sure to connect with Award-Winning Artist, David A. Martinka to add some cool meaning to your life via his great music, find him at and It is his terrific music that ushers our shows in and guides them out each week and we thank him for his generous contribution! Also, bring yourself along to our Fan Page at where we are always sharing some truly uplifting perspectives to give our lives deeper meaning.     00:15:00PerspectivepowernoThe Meaning of Life,Attitude of Gratitude,Perspectivepower,David A Martinka,Annette Rochelle AbenOur title here, The Meaning of Life and an Attitude of Gratitude might have some apologies to the Monty Python crew here but hey, we are all working towards theAn Attitude of Gratitude will a Happy Summer Make, 24 Jun 2015 12:00:00 GMTAn Attitude of Gratitude will a Happy Summer Make\When mostt people think of summer, they think of happy times and happiness is derived from an Attitude of Gratitude!  Did you see what I did there?  Of course you did and because you completely understand how this works then you will appreciate the like-mindedness of today's program.  If this did not resonate with you then be sure to listen not only to the LIVE show, Wednesday, June 24, 2015 but to the ARCHIVES at throughout the summer (and beyond). To connect throughout the summer (and beyond) with a group of like-minded folk, find us at where there is always something uplifting and thought provoking to enjoy. Enjoy the great music of Award-Winning Artist, David A. Martinka and where you will find terrific CDs and FREE DOWNLOADS to rock whatever season you are experiencing!  Check us out LIVE every Wednesday 8am ET right on The Perspectivepower Radio Network  00:15:00Perspectivepowerno\When mostt people think of summer, they think of happy times and happiness is derived from an Attitude of Gratitude!  Did you see what I did there?  Of courseHeal Your Life Using an Attitude of Gratitude, 17 Jun 2015 12:00:00 GMTHeal Your Life Using an Attitude of GratitudeTo some, this may sound like a bombastic claim however to those who have found relief from everything to recovering from surgery to that broken heart, it resonates as truth. Because starting from the point of gratitude is how we get to where we want to be, we will explore how and why having some healing to do in our lives is a good thing!  It is a good thing that you are part of our tribe here on the network, for this is where you will find all of the ARCHIVES so you can listen at your leisure. We are also gathering at so be sure to LIKE that page.  Check out the fabulous CDs and FREE DOWNLOADS available from Award-Winning Artist David A. Martinka on his sites, and (I happen to know that his latest CDs are terrific). Mark it on your calendar to tune in LIVE every Wednesday 8am ET for Attitude of Gratitude!  00:16:00PerspectivepowernoPerspectivepower,Healing Your Life,Best Selling Author Annette Rochelle Aben,Attitude of Gratitude,David A. MartinkaTo some, this may sound like a bombastic claim however to those who have found relief from everything to recovering from surgery to that broken heart, it resonaAn Attitude of Gratitude is that Spark of Divine Fire, 10 Jun 2015 12:00:00 GMTAn Attitude of Gratitude is that Spark of Divine FireYes, and anyone who doubts this has never really experienced gratitude or divine fire earnestly. We are placing our focus today on how to achieve both and of course (spoiler alert) one will always lead to the other!  So glad that you are figuring this out as we journey along and just in case you want to enjoy these programs over and over again, FOLLOW this network at as well as find our social media group at Be sure to journery over to and to meet up with Award-Winning Artist, David A. Martinka, whose music lovinginly leads us in and ushers us out each week.  Remember, that Attitude of Gratitude is LIVE every Wednesday at 8am ET.  Thank you for participating! 00:15:00PerspectivepowernoSpark of Divine Fire,Attitude of Gratitude,Best Selling Author Annette Rochelle Aben,David A. Martinka,PerspectivepowerYes, and anyone who doubts this has never really experienced gratitude or divine fire earnestly. We are placing our focus today on how to achieve both and of coAn Attitude of Gratitude Makes You One with Everything, 03 Jun 2015 12:00:00 GMTAn Attitude of Gratitude Makes You One with EverythingAn Attitude of Gratitude Makes You One with Everything!  Such a profound truth and one of the most empowering.  Let's embrace the thought and then embody the energy as we go forth into our everyday. Be "one" with the music of Award-Winning Artist, David A. Martinka at Home and HOME.  Become one of the many who gather in support of gratitude at Perspectivepower and PerspectivePower Online Radio by Perspectivepower Remember, we are LIVE every Wednesday 8am ET and you are always invited to listen! 00:15:00PerspectivepowernoAttitude of Gratitude,David A. Martinka,Best Selling author Annette Rochelle Aben,Inspirational Talk Radio,PerspectivepowerAn Attitude of Gratitude Makes You One with Everything!  Such a profound truth and one of the most empowering.  Let's embrace the thought and then embody the enThe Song of Your People is an Attitude of Gratitude, 27 May 2015 12:00:00 GMTThe Song of Your People is an Attitude of Gratitude The Song of Your People is an Attitude of Gratitude.  It's the thing that brings us all together and keeps us all together. When we share the gratitude we have within, it will attract those of like mind. I guess you could say that we will find our "tribe." Here's a member of our tribe, Award-Winning Artist, David A. Martinka. His songs can be found at Home and More of the tribe hang out at Perspectivepower and PerspectivePower Online Radio by Perspectivepower  00:15:00PerspectivepowernoAttitude of Gratitude,David A. Martinka,The Song of Your People,Annette Aben,Talk ShowThe Song of Your People is an Attitude of Gratitude.  It's the thing that brings us all together and keeps us all together. When we share the gratitude we haveIt's Personal This Attitude of Gratitude, 20 May 2015 12:00:00 GMTIt's Personal This Attitude of GratitudeIT’S PERSONAL, THIS ATTITUDE of GRATITUDE. It really is a personal thing and because of this many people always want to know if they are doing it right. Let’s explore that today and I’ll just bet you’ll be okay with what you hear. Knowing how much hearing great stuff makes all the difference in the world, I invite you to listen to the music of Award-Winning Artist, David A. Martinka at his sites, and He not only has great CDs for purchase but FREE DOWNLOADS to enjoy. Our Facebook Community is always buzzing with positive energy, so CONNECT at and all our ARCHIVES are housed on the network site which is 00:16:00PerspectivepowernoBest Selling Author,Personal Power,Happiness,Annette Rochelle Aben,Attitude of GratitudeIT’S PERSONAL, THIS ATTITUDE of GRATITUDE. It really is a personal thing and because of this many people always want to know if they are doing it right. Let’s eWear Your Attitude of Gratitude, 13 May 2015 12:00:00 GMTWear Your Attitude of GratitudeWEAR YOUR ATTITUDE of GRATITUDE! Okay, so I am convinced you are going to be wondering where I am going with this, right? Well, tune into the program LIVEWednesday, May 13th 8am EDT and find out. Be sure to CONNECT with our happy family where we SHARE some daily GRATITUDE!  Catch our as well. We are always GRATEFUL for the musical support of Award-Winning Artist, David A. Martinka and his music is available and where he has GREAT FREE DOWNLOADS! 00:16:00PerspectivepowernoWear Your Attitude of Gratitude,Best Selling Author,Perspectivepower,Annette Rochelle Aben,David A MartinkaWEAR YOUR ATTITUDE of GRATITUDE! Okay, so I am convinced you are going to be wondering where I am going with this, right? Well, tune into the program LIVEWednesMoms and an Attitude of Gratitude, 06 May 2015 12:00:00 GMTMoms and an Attitude of GratitudeMoms and an Attitude of Gratitude, what a beautiful sentiment! Each of us is here because of a woman and many of us were blessed to have spent some part of our lives with the woman we have called MOM!  Let’s show some gratitude for our MOMS! Let’s show some gratitude for Award-Winning Artist, David A. Martinka by connecting with him at and Thank you for showing your gratitude for these program by FOLLOWING the network at and on our FAN PAGE at 00:15:00PerspectivepowernoMothers Day,Love,Family,Attitude of Gratitude,PerspectivepowerMoms and an Attitude of Gratitude, what a beautiful sentiment! Each of us is here because of a woman and many of us were blessed to have spent some part of ourThe Energy of an Attitude of Gratitude, 29 Apr 2015 12:00:00 GMTThe Energy of an Attitude of Gratitude  The Energy of an Attitude of Gratitude will determine its effectiveness. Once we realize how powerfully OUR ENERGY is and the BEST WAYS we can direct that ENERGY, then we are rocking our POWER! Tune into the program today to understand what this means!  And speaking of tunes, we guide you to the sites of Award-Winning Artist, David A. Martinka find his great music here &  Be sure to FOLLOW us and LIKE our Fan Page at 00:15:00PerspectivepowernoAttitude of Gratitude,Personal Power,Best Selling Author Annette Rochelle Aben,Perspectivepower,David A MartinkaThe Energy of an Attitude of Gratitude will determine its effectiveness. Once we realize how powerfully OUR ENERGY is and the BEST WAYS we can direct that ENEarth Day and an Attitude of Gratitude, 22 Apr 2015 12:00:00 GMTEarth Day and an Attitude of GratitudeEarth Day and an Attitude of Gratitude is a natural combination. When we are grateful for this beautiful planet upon which we live, we are showing LOVE to the MOTHER of us ALL! This is the easiest way to show our appreciation for this living, breathing body where we make our home. Another great combination is Attitude of Gratitude and  Award-Winning Artist, David A. Martinka find his great music here &  Be sure to FOLLOW us and LIKE our Fan Page at 00:15:00PerspectivepowernoEarth Day 2015,Mother Earth,Love,Attitude of Gratitude,PerspectivepowerEarth Day and an Attitude of Gratitude is a natural combination. When we are grateful for this beautiful planet upon which we live, we are showing LOVE to the MWaking Up with an Attitude of Gratitude, 15 Apr 2015 12:00:00 GMTWaking Up with an Attitude of GratitudeWaking up with an Attitude of Gratitude each and every morning can make the difference in not only YOUR life but ALL life!  Making a difference is the music of Award-Winning Artist, David A. & Of course YOU make this network a rocking place to be so thank YOU for FOLLOWING us here on at as well.  We are LIVE every Wednesday 8am ET. 00:15:00PerspectivepowernoAttitude of Gratitude,Positive Thinking,Love,Best Selling Author Annette Rochelle Aben,PerspectivepowerWaking up with an Attitude of Gratitude each and every morning can make the difference in not only YOUR life but ALL life!  Making a difference is the music ofThe Not So Easy Attitude of Gratitude, 08 Apr 2015 12:00:00 GMTThe Not So Easy Attitude of GratitudeThe Not so Easy Attitude of Gratitude boy does this ever hit home, right? When we want to be upset about something and yet we know that being upset just makes us more upset. Yeah perhaps the shifting into an Attitude of Gratitude will make all the difference! Making a beautiful difference each and every week is the musical contribution of Award-Winning Artist, David A. Martinka find his great music here &  Be sure to FOLLOW us and LIKE our Fan Page at 00:15:00PerspectivepowernoPersonal Empowerment,Perspectivepower,Best Selling Author Annette Rochelle Aben,Attitude of Gratitude,HappinessThe Not so Easy Attitude of Gratitude boy does this ever hit home, right? When we want to be upset about something and yet we know that being upset just makes uIt Comes Back to an Attitude of Gratitude, 01 Apr 2015 12:00:00 GMTIt Comes Back to an Attitude of GratitudeIt Comes Back to an Attitude of Gratitude each and every time. This thought will keep you going but the continual practice of gratitude will make the going easier! Making thing easier for us here is the music of Award-Winning Artist, David A. & Of course YOU make this network a rocking place to be so thank YOU for FOLLOWING us here on at as well.  We are LIVE every Wednesday 8am ET. 00:16:00PerspectivepowernoLaw of Attraction,Gratitude,Personal Empoerment,Best Sellign Author Annette Rochelle Aben,PerspectivepowerIt Comes Back to an Attitude of Gratitude each and every time. This thought will keep you going but the continual practice of gratitude will make the going easiRookie Notes and Chelsea Wilson on Wisdom of Success, 28 Mar 2015 14:00:00 GMTRookie Notes and Chelsea Wilson on Wisdom of SuccessMarch is International Women’s Month and here on Wisdom of Success we are celebrating in full force.  All month long we are going to bring you conversations with amazingly power-filled women who will inspire you to be all that you can be.  Today on the program we bring you a woman who documents her life journey and rookie mistakes on her blog. Chelsea Wilson shares what life has taught her in the hopes that others may be spared a less than joyful experience. She is also a world traveler and has lived in Spain, India, and Pennsylvania all the while hailing from Baltimore, MD originally.  Visit her blog www.rookienotes.wordpress.comWisdom of Success is a presentation of the Perspectivepower network and you can FOLLOW us at and  Learn more about Award-Winning Artist David A. Martinka, who provides our theme music & 00:31:00PerspectivepowernoRookie Notes,World Travel,Learning Lessons,Chelsea Wilson,Wisdom of SuccessMarch is International Women’s Month and here on Wisdom of Success we are celebrating in full force.  All month long we are going to bring you conversations witMentor and Life Coach Jvonna Holliday on Wisdom of Success, 26 Mar 2015 15:00:00 GMTMentor and Life Coach Jvonna Holliday on Wisdom of SuccessMeet, today, a beautiful woman, Michigan’s own, Jvonna Holliday. This blessed lady is a mentor/life coach who has lived through her share of adversity which includes having overcome a stroke. Jvonna is a proud mother and grandmother and a woman of deep and abiding faith bringing her special brand of love and care to Wisdom of Success as we celebrate International Women’s Month. Thank you for tuning into the program today to meet Jvonna Holliday! This is a presentation of the PerspectivepowerRadio Network and you can FOLLOW us at and  Learn more about Award-Winning Artist David A. Martinka, who provides our theme music & 00:33:00PerspectivepowernoMentor,Life Coach,International Women's Month,Jvonna Holliday,Wisdom of SuccessMeet, today, a beautiful woman, Michigan’s own, Jvonna Holliday. This blessed lady is a mentor/life coach who has lived through her share of adversity which incPicking Some Favorite Affirmations on an Attitude of Gratitude, 25 Mar 2015 12:00:00 GMTPicking Some Favorite Affirmations on an Attitude of GratitudePicking Some Favorite Affirmations on an Attitude of Gratitude is where we are going with today’s program.  So today we are going to gather together a nice bouquet of favorite affirmations!  Along for the fun is Award-Winning Artist, David A. and who has great music on these sites to PURCHASE as well as DOWNLOAD! And of course your SUPPORT for this PROGRAM is most APPRECIATED at & 00:15:00PerspectivepowernoAffirmations,Gratitude,Law of Attraction,Perspectivepower,Best Selling Author Annette Rochelle AbenPicking Some Favorite Affirmations on an Attitude of Gratitude is where we are going with today’s program.  So today we are going to gather together a nice bouqTabby Kuehl and Project Storybook on Wisdom of Success, 24 Mar 2015 18:00:00 GMTTabby Kuehl and Project Storybook on Wisdom of SuccessMeet today on Wisdom of Success, Tabby Kuehl of Visiting Nurse Services of Iowa. Tabby is the Intakeand Referral Specialist for VNS but today we will be taking primarily about Project Storybook and ongoing community outreach program that does more than put books in the hands of children; it keeps families connected in a beautiful and unique way.  For more information on Project Storybook and Visiting Nurse Services of Iowa, visit www.vnsia.orgMarch is International Women’s Month and here on Wisdom of Success we are celebrating in full force.  All month long we are bringing you conversations with amazingly power-filled women who will inspire you to be all that you can be. This is a presentation of the PerspectivepowerRadio Network and you can FOLLOW us at and  Learn more about Award-Winning Artist David A. Martinka, who provides our theme music & 00:31:00PerspectivepowernoProject Storybook,Visiting Nurse Services of Iowa,Children,LIteracy,FamiliesMeet today on Wisdom of Success, Tabby Kuehl of Visiting Nurse Services of Iowa. Tabby is the Intakeand Referral Specialist for VNS but today we will be takingJessica Leichtweisz on Wisdom of Success, 23 Mar 2015 19:00:00 GMTJessica Leichtweisz on Wisdom of SuccessMarch is International Women’s Month and here on Wisdom of Success we are celebrating in full force.  All month long we are going to bring you conversations with amazingly power-filled women who will inspire you to be all that you can be.  Today on the program we bring you, Jessica Leichtweisz whom many will recognize as the co-host of The Changing Minds Online Blog Talk Radio program that includes the popular The Empowering Women Series. Jessica is a Behavioral Analyst serving children with autism in New York as well as she is the CEO of Toxic to Exotic her nutritional and life coaching company. With the mission of inspiring and empowering others to achieve the life of their dreams, Jessica is at the ready to support YOU! is where you will find the wonderful twice weekly radio program and  you can find out more about Jessica at This is a presentation of the Perspectivepower radio network and you can and  Learn more about Award-Winning Artist David A. Martinka, who provides our theme music & 00:32:00PerspectivepowernoAutism,Life Coaching,Inspiration,Changing Minds on Line,Jessica LeichtweiszMarch is International Women’s Month and here on Wisdom of Success we are celebrating in full force.  All month long we are going to bring you conversations witDr Aikyna Finch on Wisdom of Success, 20 Mar 2015 16:00:00 GMTDr Aikyna Finch on Wisdom of SuccessMarch is International Women’s Month and here on Wisdom of Success we are celebrating in full force.  All month long we are going to bring you conversations with amazingly power-filled women who will inspire you to be all that you can be.  Today on the program we bring you, Dr. Aikyna D. Finch. Dr. Finch is a University Dean and Professor, a lover of education, motivation and social media.  Many will recognize her as the co-host of The Changing Minds Online Blog Talk Radio program that includes the popular The Empowering Women Series. Find out more about our fascinating guest at and at This is a presentation of the Perspectivepower network and you can FOLLOW us at and  Learn more about Award-Winning Artist David A. Martinka, who provides our theme music & 00:31:00PerspectivepowernoUniversity Professor,Women's Empowerment,Movitvation,Dr Aikyna Finch,Changing Minds OnlineMarch is International Women’s Month and here on Wisdom of Success we are celebrating in full force.  All month long we are going to bring you conversations witThe Dolphins Dance and Micheline Nader on Wisdom of Success, 19 Mar 2015 14:00:00 GMTThe Dolphins Dance and Micheline Nader on Wisdom of SuccessMarch is International Women’s Month and here on Wisdom of Success we are celebrating in full force.  All month long we are going to bring you conversations with amazingly power-filled women who will inspire you to be all that you can be.  Today on the program we bring you successful entrepreneur and author, Micheline Nader.  Her book, The Dolphin’s Dance encompasses the program she created to help us transform our lives into ones of living with conscious awareness! Find out more about MichelineNader at and www.MichelineNader.comWisdom of Success is a presentation of the Perspectivepower network and you can FOLLOW us at and  Learn more about Award-Winning Artist David A. Martinka, who provides our theme music & 00:30:00PerspectivepowernoThe Dolphins Dance,Micheline Nader,International Womens Month,Wisdom of Succsss,PerspectivepowerMarch is International Women’s Month and here on Wisdom of Success we are celebrating in full force.  All month long we are going to bring you conversations witNurturing Affirmations on Attitude of Gratitude, 18 Mar 2015 12:00:00 GMTNurturing Affirmations on Attitude of GratitudeNurturing Affirmations on an Attitude of Gratitude because this is time of year when we are nurturing those seedlings that we have planted in our gardens. Affirmations are seeds we plant in the gardens of our lives.  Let’s plant some seeds today, together! Joining us is Award-Winning Artist, David A. and as he plays the music we dance to each and every week!  FOLLOW & NURTURE this program at and with our FANPAGE on 00:15:00PerspectivepowernoAffirmations,Law of Attraction,Gratitude,Best Selling Author Annette Rochelle Aben,PerspectivepowerNurturing Affirmations on an Attitude of Gratitude because this is time of year when we are nurturing those seedlings that we have planted in our gardens. AffirEverything is Coming up Rosie on Wisdom of Success, 15 Mar 2015 19:00:00 GMTEverything is Coming up Rosie on Wisdom of SuccessEverything’s Coming Up Rosie!  One is totally inspired and invigorated when they see that statement and for our guest today, it is who she is and her way of life. Welcome Rosie Digout, a Canadian single mother of two daughters who writes/hosts the popular lifestyle blog, Everything’s Coming up Rosie on Word Press. She uses her blog to stay motivated, help others do the same and all the while sharing from her heart what her life is life is while she follows her dreams. If Rosie can do it, you can too! Find her at www.ecurosie.wordpress.comMarch is International Women’s Month and here on Wisdom of Success we are celebrating in full force.  All month long we are going to bring you conversations with amazingly power-filled women who will inspire you to be all that you can be.  Wisdom of Success is a presentation of the Perspectivepower network and you can FOLLOW us at and  Learn more about Award-Winning Artist David A. Martinka, who provides our theme music & 00:31:00PerspectivepowernoSingle Mothers,Aborigonies,Canada,Everything's Coming Up Rosie,PerspectivepowerEverything’s Coming Up Rosie!  One is totally inspired and invigorated when they see that statement and for our guest today, it is who she is and her way of lifThe Singing Business Coach Lisa Robbin Young on Wisdom of Success, 13 Mar 2015 14:00:00 GMTThe Singing Business Coach Lisa Robbin Young on Wisdom of SuccessMarch is International Women’s Month and here on Wisdom of Success we are celebrating in full force.  All month long we are going to bring you conversations with amazingly power-filled women who will inspire you to be all that you can be.  Today on the program we bring you, the “Singing Business Coach, Lisa Robbin Young, who helps personality based, business owners get paid well to do what they love without selling their soul. Visit Lisa at and find out MORE about how you can merge “can-do” strategy with “how-to” education. This is a presentation of the Perspectivepower network and you can FOLLOW us at and  Learn more about Award-Winning Artist David A. Martinka, who provides our theme music & 00:31:00PerspectivepowernoThe Singing Business Coach,Lisa Robbin Young,Wisdom of Success,International Womens Month,PerspectivepowerMarch is International Women’s Month and here on Wisdom of Success we are celebrating in full force.  All month long we are going to bring you conversations witWorking Your Affirmations with an Attitude of Gratitude, 11 Mar 2015 12:00:00 GMTWorking Your Affirmations with an Attitude of GratitudeWorking Your Affirmations with an Attitude of Gratitude is where we are going with today’s program.  Let me tell you, I hear all the time how people LOVE the IDEA of AFFIRMATIONS but why do they have to be work?  Okay, let’s explore that and while we are doing this, let’s enjoy the musical works of Award-Winning Artist, David A. and who has great music on these sites to PURCHASE as well as DOWNLOAD! And of course your SUPPORT for this PROGRAM is most APPRECIATED at & 00:16:00PerspectivepowernoAffirmations,Gratitude,Perspectivepower,Best Selling Author Annette Rochelle Aben,David MartinkaWorking Your Affirmations with an Attitude of Gratitude is where we are going with today’s program.  Let me tell you, I hear all the time how people LOVE the IDPsychic Medium and Pet Communicator Shira on Wisdom of Success, 10 Mar 2015 18:00:00 GMTPsychic Medium and Pet Communicator Shira on Wisdom of SuccessMarch is International Women’s Month and here on Wisdom of Success we are celebrating in full force.  All month long we are going to bring you conversations with amazingly power-filled women who will inspire you to be all that you can be.  Today on the program we bring you Shira, who is a PsychicReader/Medium and a Pet Communicator from New York. Many people who have experienced readings with Shira say that they come away feeling spiritually uplifted as well as having enjoyed themselves!  Perhaps Shira will tell us how she helped a horse who wasn’t eating get some much needed medical attention. Visit her website for more information on this gifted servant of spirit. Wisdom of Success is a presentation of the Perspectivepower network and you can FOLLOW us at and  Learn more about Award-Winning Artist David A. Martinka, who provides our theme music & 00:30:00PerspectivepowernoPsychic Medium,Pet Communicator,Shira,International Women's Month,Wisdom of SuccessMarch is International Women’s Month and here on Wisdom of Success we are celebrating in full force.  All month long we are going to bring you conversations witSinger Entertainer Julie Haven on Wisdom of Success, 09 Mar 2015 19:00:00 GMTSinger Entertainer Julie Haven on Wisdom of SuccessMarch is International Women’s Month and here on Wisdom of Success we are celebrating in full force.  All month long we are going to bring you conversations with amazingly power-filled women who will inspire you to be all that you can be.  Today on the program we bring you, singer/entertainerJulie Haven.  She actually wrote her first song by age 7 and at 18 she released her first CD! Julie has a captivating style that engages the audience from the first hello through to the “oh no, please don’t go” whenever and where ever she performs. Enjoy Julie’s music at and enjoy the conversation with Detroit’s Singing Sensation, Julie Haven on today’s Wisdom of Success. This is a presentation of the Perspectivepower network and you can FOLLOW us at and  Learn more about Award-Winning Artist David A. Martinka, who provides our theme music & 00:30:00Perspectivepowernosinger,entertainer,Detroit,Julie Haven,PerspectivepowerMarch is International Women’s Month and here on Wisdom of Success we are celebrating in full force.  All month long we are going to bring you conversations witStacey Couch on Wisdom of Success, 08 Mar 2015 14:00:00 GMTStacey Couch on Wisdom of SuccessMarch is International Women’s Month so all month long here on Wisdom of Success we are featuring amazing women.  Today we have devoted shamanic practitioner, naturalist, archetypal consultant and author, Stacey Couch.  Stacey has written as extraordinary memoir titled Gracious Wild: A Shamanic Journey with Hawks and on today’s program we will learn the significance of not only the hawks but the life-long yearning that lead to her soul-searching quest. Stacey is also the Founder of Wild Gratitude, which among other things is an on-line resource with a wellspring of information on animal symbolism. Thank you for visiting the websites and to learn more about the music of Award-Winning Artist, David A. Martinka, the gracious man who provides our theme music for this program.  00:31:00PerspectivepowernoShamanic Journey,Hawks,Endangered Species,Stacey Couch,Wild GrattiudeMarch is International Women’s Month so all month long here on Wisdom of Success we are featuring amazing women.  Today we have devoted shamanic practitioner, nTehanna Robinson on Wisdom of Success, 07 Mar 2015 15:00:00 GMTTehanna Robinson on Wisdom of SuccessShe is The Soul Purpose Experience Coach and we have her today on Wisdom of Success.  Welcome Tehanna Robinson to the program.  This woman has done so much in her life, written a play, been a professional singer, raised 3 awesome sons, founded the “BeeLivers BeeYond The Stars” non-profit in 2007 and founded The Journey – The Network Enterprises in 2014 which houses Living on Purpose 4Life which is actually the topic for today.  Before, During and After the Storms, Tehanna Robinson is there for you, so visit her website We are celebrating International Women’s Month all March 2015 and are grateful that you are right here with us.  Joining us is Award-Winning Artist, David A. Martinka, who provides out theme music, so visit his websites for great music and 00:30:00PerspectivepowernoLiving Life on Purpose,Empowerment,Women,Tehanna Robinson,Wisdom of SuccessShe is The Soul Purpose Experience Coach and we have her today on Wisdom of Success.  Welcome Tehanna Robinson to the program.  This woman has done so much in hVictoria Broussard Esq on Wisdom of Success, 06 Mar 2015 15:00:00 GMTVictoria Broussard Esq on Wisdom of SuccessMarch is International Women’s Month and here on Wisdom of Success we are celebrating in full force.  All month long we are going to bring you conversations with amazingly power-filled women who will inspire you to be all that you can be.  Today on the program we bring you Victoria Broussard, Esq. author of the remarkable book, i-Comfortable Victim, a Novel Based on True Events. Ms. Broussard has written a trend-setting, cross over novel set in the Deep South that chronicles the life of a young woman who experienced childhood sexual abuse and the soul stains it caused. Find out more at  In addition, Ms. Broussard is a member of the American Bar Association and is licensed to practice law in all courts in the State of Texas. Wisdom of Success is a presentation of the Perspectivepower network and you can FOLLOW us at and  Learn more about Award-Winning Artist David A. Martinka, who provides our theme music & 00:30:00Perspectivepowernochildhood sexual abuse,trues stories],Victoria Broussard,i comfortable victim,perspectivepowerMarch is International Women’s Month and here on Wisdom of Success we are celebrating in full force.  All month long we are going to bring you conversations witMaggie Varney and Wigs 4 Kids on Wisdom of Success, 05 Mar 2015 15:00:00 GMTMaggie Varney and Wigs 4 Kids on Wisdom of SuccessSelf-esteem for children seems to be hard enough to instill what with so much pressure from the world we live in to look a certain way.  Now imagine you are a child who has lost your hair due to an illness such as cancer, where would you turn? Well, in the State of Michigan, you would turn to and licensed cosmetologist Maggie Varney.  Varney is the CEO and Founder of Wigs 4 Kids Wellness Center and Salon which provides custom fitted wigs and support services to children in need.  March is International Women’s Month and here on Wisdom of Success we are celebrating in full force.  All month long we are going to bring you conversations with amazingly power-filled women who will inspire you to be all that you can be. Wisdom of Success is a presentation of the Perspectivepower network and you can FOLLOW us at and  Learn more about Award-Winning Artist David A. Martinka, who provides our theme music & 00:31:00PerspectivepowernoChildren's Cancer,Self Esteem,Wigs 4 Kids,Wisdom of Success,International Women's MonthSelf-esteem for children seems to be hard enough to instill what with so much pressure from the world we live in to look a certain way.  Now imagine you are a cPlanting the Affirmation Seeds on an Attitude of Gratitude, 04 Mar 2015 13:00:00 GMTPlanting the Affirmation Seeds on an Attitude of GratitudePlanting the Affirmation Seeds on an Attitude of Gratitude is the focus of the program today! As we are right here in the month of March, many people are starting their planting by sprouting seedlings in greenhouses or on the kitchen counter. They are affirming their desires by starting at the very beginning, theseed stage.  Let’s plant some seeds today, together! Joining us is Award-Winning Artist, David A. and as he plays the music we dance to each and every week!  FOLLOW & NURTURE this program at and with our FANPAGE on 00:15:00PerspectivepowernoAffirmations,Gratitude,Perspectivepower,Best Selling Author Annette Rochelle Aben,Planting SeedsPlanting the Affirmation Seeds on an Attitude of Gratitude is the focus of the program today! As we are right here in the month of March, many people are startiHelen Woo on Wisdom of Success, 03 Mar 2015 20:00:00 GMTHelen Woo on Wisdom of SuccessMarch is International Women’s Month and here on Wisdom of Success we are celebrating in full force.  All month long we are going to bring you conversations with amazingly power-filled women who will inspire you to be all that you can be.  Today on the program we bring you Co-Author of the best-selling “Sexy with No Boundaries”, Helen Woo! Her NEW BOOK titled SELF-AID Inspirations to Turn Struggles into Success is a gem. You will want to keep the post-it notes handy to mark the spots of your favorites as you will refer to this book again and again.  Find out MORE about Helen Woo, and www.HelenWooToday.comWisdom of Success is a presentation of the Perspectivepower network and you can FOLLOW us at and  Learn more about Award-Winning Artist David A. Martinka, who provides our theme music & 00:31:00PerspectivepowernoInternational Womens Month,Hellen Woo,Bes Selling Authors,Self-Aid,Sexy with No BoundariesMarch is International Women’s Month and here on Wisdom of Success we are celebrating in full force.  All month long we are going to bring you conversations witCornelia Ward on Wisdom of Success, 02 Mar 2015 15:00:00 GMTCornelia Ward on Wisdom of SuccessCornelia Ward helps people LOVE Mondays!  So here on Monday, March 2nd we are thrilled to have this dedicated Career Mentor talk to us about Life Purpose Strategies on Wisdom of Success.  Visit her site, where you can sign up for a FREE SESSION and download her terrific book, Go Forward Fearlessly. March is International Women’s Month and here on Wisdom of Success we are celebrating in full force.  All month long we are going to bring you conversations with amazingly power-filled women who will inspire you to be all that you can be.  Wisdom of Success is a presentation of the Perspectivepower network and you can FOLLOW us at and  Learn more about Award-Winning Artist David A. Martinka, who provides our theme music & 00:31:00PerspectivepowernoCornelia Ward,Life Purpose Strategy Sessions,Go Foward Fearlessly,International Womens Month,Wisdom of SuccessCornelia Ward helps people LOVE Mondays!  So here on Monday, March 2nd we are thrilled to have this dedicated Career Mentor talk to us about Life Purpose StrateDr Wendy Treynor on Wisdom of Success, 01 Mar 2015 20:00:00 GMTDr Wendy Treynor on Wisdom of SuccessMarch is International Women’s Month and here on Wisdom of Success we are celebrating in full force.  All month long we are going to bring you conversations with amazingly power-filled women who will inspire you to be all that you can be.  Today on the program we bring you Dr. Wendy Treynor, author of the book The Gift of Cancer and her personal story will help you turn your tragedy into a treasure.  Her life changing book is truly a treasure map to happiness.  Find out MORE about Dr. Wendy Treynor at of Success is a presentation of the Perspectivepower network and you can FOLLOW us at and  Learn more about Award-Winning Artist David A. Martinka, who provides our theme music & 00:31:00PerspectivepowernoInternational Womens Month,Cancer,I Can Heal,Dr Wendy Treynor,Wisdom of SuccessMarch is International Women’s Month and here on Wisdom of Success we are celebrating in full force.  All month long we are going to bring you conversations witPets and an Attitude of Gratitude, 25 Feb 2015 13:00:00 GMTPets and an Attitude of GratitudePets and an Attitude of Gratitude is the topic of the program today. Having pets can really help us develop an Attitude of Gratitude.  Pets are so grateful to us for even the smallest of kindnesses and just being in their presence can be such a gift!  The gifts of good music and support come from award-winning artist David A. and are his sites. My site is where you are invited to EXPLORE and SHARE!  Thank you for SUPPORTING this show at & of Gratitude is LIVE every WEDS. 8am ET. 00:16:00PerspectivepowernoPets,Health,Gratitude,Annette Rochelle Aben,Attitude of GratitudePets and an Attitude of Gratitude is the topic of the program today. Having pets can really help us develop an Attitude of Gratitude.  Pets are so grateful to uIt Might be an Attitude of Gratitude, 18 Feb 2015 13:00:00 GMTIt Might be an Attitude of GratitudeIt Might Be an Attitude of Gratitude that actually carries us through the toughest moments.  Our attitude IS what really gets us through and when we recognize that, we can really create a life that brings us peace of mind and happiness. I am happy to have award-winning artist David A. Martinka along each week with his terrific music, his web sites are and Attitude of Gratitude is LIVE8am ET every Weds. CONNECT with our network at & . is my website and I invite you to EXPLORE and SHARE! 00:15:00PerspectivepowernoMental Health,Attitude of Gratitude,Best Selling Author,Annette Rochelle Aben,PerspectivepowerIt Might Be an Attitude of Gratitude that actually carries us through the toughest moments.  Our attitude IS what really gets us through and when we recognize tTo Become One with an Attitude of Gratitude, 11 Feb 2015 13:00:00 GMTTo Become One with an Attitude of GratitudeTO BECOME ONE with an ATTITUDE of GRATITUDE might very well be what each and every child says is their MAIN GOALin LIFE one day.  At least we can put it out there like that.  So when we are saying that we want to BE HAPPY, we have first TO BECOME ONE with an ATTITUDE of GRATITUDE.  Helping to become one with our inner musician is award-winning artist, the always grateful, David Martinka. He is grateful that you visit his websites for music at and and we LOVE becoming ONE WITH YOU at @ And become ONE with Annette Rochelle Aben @ You will find her on Pinterest, YOU Tube, Google+, Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook and 00:16:00Perspectivepowernogoals,attitude of gratitude,best selling author Annette Rochelle Aben,inspiration,perspectivepowerTO BECOME ONE with an ATTITUDE of GRATITUDE might very well be what each and every child says is their MAIN GOALin LIFE one day.  At least we can put it out theMihran Kalaydjian on Wisdom of Success, 10 Feb 2015 21:00:00 GMTMihran Kalaydjian on Wisdom of Success Mihran Kalaydjian “Mino” known as “Fast Finger” is a special breed, in the most complimentary sense of the phrase. He has it all – the whole package of artistic gifts – and in abundance. But what it striking about his playing is the sheer beauty – the concept, the intelligence, the control over every sound, the vision, the phenomenal listening to it all – all the attributes that comprise great artistry of the sort that touches out souls. Today on Wisdom of Success, we will not only hear the words of the man known as Mino but be treated to some of his enrapturing music.  You are invited to connect with Mino here: and from there you can find links to him on Facebook, reverbnation, Google+, Twitter and Sound Cloud.  Thank you for supporting this network by FOLLOWING and 00:30:00PerspectivepowernoMusician,Piano,Mihran Kalaydjian,Beautiful Music,ConcertizingMihran Kalaydjian “Mino” known as “Fast Finger” is a special breed, in the most complimentary sense of the phrase. He has it all – the whole package of artistiLove that Attitude of Gratitude, 04 Feb 2015 13:00:00 GMTLove that Attitude of GratitudeLOVE that ATTITUDE of GRATITUDE and why not! When we LOVE how we are FEELING then the chances are, that we are HELPING to CREATE a LOVING WORLD! So let’s LOVEthat ATTITUDE ofGRATITUDE and CREATE a LOVING WORLD! Creating some beautiful music for us is the award-winning artist David Martinka and you can visit and for his great music. FOLLOW  this program/network here on  and  Of course Annette Rochelle Aben is available and all over Social Media Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest , Google+ and YOU Tube as well as   00:16:00PerspectivepowernoLove,Attitude of Gratitude,Best Selling Author Annette Rochelle Aben,Perspectivepower,affirmationsLOVE that ATTITUDE of GRATITUDE and why not! When we LOVE how we are FEELING then the chances are, that we are HELPING to CREATE a LOVING WORLD! So let’s LOVEthAffirmations Create an Attitude of Gratitude, 28 Jan 2015 13:00:00 GMTAffirmations Create an Attitude of GratitudeAFFIRMATIONS CREATE an ATTITUDEof GRATITUDE; are our way of DEMONSTRATING that we really DO have our BEST INTEREST at HEART! When we are making OUR OWN WORLD a BETTER PLACE we will MAKE THE WHOLE WORLD a BETTER PLACE as a result! Someone who makes this world a BETTER PLACE is award-winningartistDavid Martinka and you will FIND MUSIC to LOVE on his websites, and so be sure to keep checking back as they have NEW CDs in the works! I LOVE it when people FOLLOW this network and on Thank you for CONNECTING with me on my website and for checking out my BOOKS for sale at 00:15:00PerspectivepowernoAffirmations,Gratitude,Women,Happiness,Best Selling Author Annette Rochelle AbenAFFIRMATIONS CREATE an ATTITUDEof GRATITUDE; are our way of DEMONSTRATING that we really DO have our BEST INTEREST at HEART! When we are making OUR OWN WORLD aMore Affirmations for Loving Ourselves on an Attitude of Gratitude, 21 Jan 2015 13:00:00 GMTMore Affirmations for Loving Ourselves on an Attitude of GratitudeWe will continue with MORE AFFIRMATIONS for LOVING OURSELVESon an ATTITUDEof GRATITUDE today!  Why? Because each of us was created from LOVE because we ARE LOVE and when we AFFIRM that, we ALIGN ourselves with the TRUE ENERGY of our existence! Someone we LOVE around here is award-winningartistDavid Martinka and you will FIND MUSIC to LOVE on his websites, and so be sure to keep checking back as they have NEW CDs in the works! I LOVE it when people FOLLOW this network and on Thank you for CONNECTING with me on my website and for checking out my BOOKS for sale at 00:15:00PerspectivepowernoAffirmations,Love,Attitude of Gratitude,Annette Rochelle Aben Communicates,PerspectivepowerWe will continue with MORE AFFIRMATIONS for LOVING OURSELVESon an ATTITUDEof GRATITUDE today!  Why? Because each of us was created from LOVE because we ARE LOVEAffirmations for Loving Ourselves on an Attitude of Gratitude, 14 Jan 2015 13:00:00 GMTAffirmations for Loving Ourselves on an Attitude of GratitudeWell, we are exactly one month away from Valentine’s Day 2015 and for many who seek love this can actually give them reason for pause.  To fall in love with ourselves FIRST will BRING the LOVE we SEEK!  So, let’s share some AFFIRMATIONS for LOVING OURSELVESon an ATTITUDEof GRATITUDE today!  Awesome! And someone we LOVE around here is award-winningartistDavid Martinka and you will FIND MUSIC to LOVE on his websites, and so be sure to keep checking back as they have NEW CDs in the works! I LOVE it when people FOLLOW this network and on Thank you for CONNECTING with me on my website and for checking out my BOOKS for sale at 00:15:00PerspectivepowernoLove,Affirmations,Attitude of Gratitude,Best Selling Author Annette Rochelle Aben,David MartinkaWell, we are exactly one month away from Valentine’s Day 2015 and for many who seek love this can actually give them reason for pause.  To fall in love with ourAffirmations for a Clean Slate on an Attitude of Gratitude, 07 Jan 2015 13:00:00 GMTAffirmations for a Clean Slate on an Attitude of GratitudeWOW!  Here we are in 2015 and this BRAND NEW YEAR means that we have a CLEAN SLATE for ALL our HOPES and DREAMS!  Well then, let’s start it off right, AFFIRMATIONS for a CLEAN SLATE on an ATTITUDE of GRATITUDE is the program TODAY!! I am thrilled to have YOU along as well as the award-winning artist David Martinka, who provides the music for our programs. Thank you for visiting and to BUY David’s terrific music!  You are so kind to FOLLOW this network and at and to INVITE FRIENDS!  I am found at where all my LINKS are, so let’s CONNECT TODAY!!  ATTITUDE of GRATITUDE is LIVE every Wednesday 8am EST.  00:15:00PerspectivepowernoAffirmations,2015,Attitude of Gratitude,Best Selling Author Annette Rochelle Aben,David MartinkaWOW!  Here we are in 2015 and this BRAND NEW YEAR means that we have a CLEAN SLATE for ALL our HOPES and DREAMS!  Well then, let’s start it off right, AFFIRMATIA Beautiful Year Lived in an Attitude of Gratitude, 31 Dec 2014 13:00:00 GMTA Beautiful Year Lived in an Attitude of GratitudeA Beautiful Year Lived in an Attitude of Gratitude – Can you believe it? We have done an entire year of Attitude of Gratitude and I am so GRATEFUL to and for YOU!  So much LOVE has been SHARED and on this show we will GIVE the GRATITUDE for a BEAUTIFUL YEAR LIVED in an Attitude of Gratitude! Let’s Tune in and let’s EXPLORE this as we ENJOY the MUSICAL GIFTS of award-winning artist David Martinka. Find his music at and where he offers many FREE DOWNLOADS as well as TERRIFIC CDs for PURCHASE. Thank you for FOLLOWING this program and My website is and of course I am all over the internet on YOU Tube, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Google+ so LIKE, FRIEND, FOLLOW me there as well.  My BOOKS are available on Amazon, Choose, the 2-step plan, and Perspective; it’s all about replacing one thought with another. These are terrific gifts for the holidays, so visit to ORDER YOURS TODAY! 00:16:00PerspectivepowernoAttitude of Gratitude,Best Selling Author Annette Rochelle Aben,Inspiration,David Martinka,Red Belly MusicA Beautiful Year Lived in an Attitude of Gratitude – Can you believe it? We have done an entire year of Attitude of Gratitude and I am so GRATEFUL to and for YOOpen the Present of an Attitude of Gratitude, 24 Dec 2014 13:00:00 GMTOpen the Present of an Attitude of Gratitude  Open the Present of an Attitude of Gratitude – Many will awaken on Christmas morning and have a variety of shiny packages to open and yet what you truly seek may not be found under the tinsel and tape. There is a present which may NOT appear under the tree but it has YOUR NAME on it and that is an Attitude of Gratitude!  Tune in and let’s EXPLORE this as we ENJOY the MUSICAL GIFTS of award-winning artist David Martinka. Find his music at and where he offers many FREE DOWNLOADS as well as TERRIFIC CDs for PURCHASE. Thank you for FOLLOWING this program and My website is and of course I am all over the internet on YOU Tube, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Google+ so LIKE, FRIEND, FOLLOW me there as well.  My BOOKS are available on Amazon, Choose, the 2-step plan, and Perspective; it’s all about replacing one thought with another. These are terrific gifts for the holidays, so visit to ORDER YOURS TODAY! 00:16:00Perspectivepowernogratitude,attitude,Red Belly Music,perspective power,Best Selling Author Annette Rochelle AbenOpen the Present of an Attitude of Gratitude – Many will awaken on Christmas morning and have a variety of shiny packages to open and yet what you truly seekWrap it up with an Attitude of Gratitude, 17 Dec 2014 13:00:00 GMTWrap it up with an Attitude of Gratitude  Wrap it Up with an Attitude of Gratitude – So we are ALL going through quite a bit this time of year and there seems like there is no end of crazy! Well regardless of what we are experiencing, we can wrap it up with an Attitude of Gratitude and it will be present itself as BEAUTIFUL!   Tune in and let’s EXPLORE this as we ENJOY the MUSICAL GIFTS of award-winning artist David Martinka. Find his music at and where he offers many FREE DOWNLOADS as well as TERRIFIC CDs for PURCHASE. Thank you for FOLLOWING this program and My website is and of course I am all over the internet on YOU Tube, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Google+ so LIKE, FRIEND, FOLLOW me there as well.  My BOOKS are available on Amazon, Choose, the 2-step plan, and Perspective; it’s all about replacing one thought with another. These are terrific gifts for the holidays, so visit to ORDER YOURS TODAY! 00:15:00Perspectivepowernogratitude,attitude,positive thinking,law of attraction,Red Belly MusicWrap it Up with an Attitude of Gratitude – So we are ALL going through quite a bit this time of year and there seems like there is no end of crazy! Well regaGiving the Gift of an Attitude of Gratitude, 10 Dec 2014 13:00:00 GMTGiving the Gift of an Attitude of Gratitude  Giving the Gift of an Attitude of Gratitude – We all search for the PERFECT GIFTS to present to our loved ones every year and yet the perfect gift IS our ATTITUDE ofGRATITUDE!  Tune in and let’s EXPLORE this as we ENJOY the MUSICAL GIFTS of award-winning artist David Martinka. Find his music at and where he offers many FREE DOWNLOADS as well as TERRIFIC CDs for PURCHASE. Thank you for FOLLOWING this program and My website is and of course I am all over the internet on YOU Tube, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Google+ so LIKE, FRIEND, FOLLOW me there as well.  My BOOKS are available on Amazon, Choose, the 2-step plan, and Perspective; it’s all about replacing one thought with another. These are terrific gifts for the holidays, so visit to ORDER YOURS TODAY! 00:16:00Perspectivepowernogratitude,Attraction,attitude,positive thinking,law of attractionGiving the Gift of an Attitude of Gratitude – We all search for the PERFECT GIFTS to present to our loved ones every year and yet the perfect gift IS our ATTPersonal Peace and an Attitude of Gratitude, 03 Dec 2014 13:00:00 GMTPersonal Peace and an Attitude of Gratitude  PERSONAL PEACE and an ATTITUDE of GRATITUDE – We are ALL DESERVING of having PERSONAL PEACE and there is really an EASYWAY to BRING IT into YOUR WORLD!  That’s right; you see where we are going with this, right?  Of course you do and we are bringing along our favorite award-winning artist, David Martinka who always supplies us with peace-filled, beautiful music.  Find MORE of David’s great music at and Thank YOU for SHOWING your SUPPORT by FOLLOWING  this program on our network pages & with me, Annette Rochelle Aben on my website and ALL AROUND SOCIAL MEDIA as well as on books make GREAT GIFTS! Remember, I have TRAINING SESSIONS for Internet Radio Show HOSTING/PRODUCING starting SOON! 00:16:00Perspectivepowernogratitude,Red Belly Music,Sun Shadows,Annette Rochelle Aben,perspective powerPERSONAL PEACE and an ATTITUDE of GRATITUDE – We are ALL DESERVING of having PERSONAL PEACE and there is really an EASYWAY to BRING IT into YOUR WORLD!  ThatFrancine Vale on the Wisdom of Success, 02 Dec 2014 15:00:00 GMTFrancine Vale on the Wisdom of SuccessAuthor of Song of the Heart, light worker, and Spiritual teacher, Francine Vale returns to the show to address the topic: How to be Thankful in the Face of Adversity.  As life’s curve balls can give even the most dedicated Spiritual seeker reason for pause, so on today’s show we will learn some very helpful information!  Learn more about our guest at  As always we thank award-winning artist David Martinka for his musical contribution to the program! Find HIS music and so much more and My website is and I am also found on Amazon where I have great books available When you FOLLOW this network, you SUPPORT all our shows past and present and that is most appreciated! 00:39:00PerspectivepowernoSpiritual Teacher,Best Selling Authors,Gratitude,Francine Vale,Annette Rochelle AbenAuthor of Song of the Heart, light worker, and Spiritual teacher, Francine Vale returns to the show to address the topic: How to be Thankful in the Face of AdveThanks Living and an Attitude of Gratitude, 26 Nov 2014 13:00:00 GMTThanks Living and an Attitude of Gratitude  Thanks Living and an Attitude of Gratitude – It dawned on me years ago that LIVING a LIFE of THANKFULNESS was where it was at!  So today, on this day before the much celebrated holiday of Thanksgiving (here in the United States) we spend some time CONNECTING to the meaning of THANKSLIVIING! And we are always THANKFUL for the contributions to the show from award-winning artist David Martinka. Find his music at and where he offers many FREE DOWNLOADS as well as TERRIFIC CDs for PURCHASE. Thank you for FOLLOWING this program and My website is and of course I am all over the internet on YOU Tube, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Google+ so LIKE, FRIEND, FOLLOW me there as well.  My BOOKS are available on Amazon, Choose, the 2-step plan, and Perspective; it’s all about replacing one thought with another. These are terrific gifts for the holidays, so visit to ORDER YOURS TODAY! 00:15:00Perspectivepowernogratitude,attitude,positive thinking,Red Belly Music,Sun ShadowsThanks Living and an Attitude of Gratitude – It dawned on me years ago that LIVING a LIFE of THANKFULNESS was where it was at!  So today, on this day beforeWhy Not an Attitude of Gratitude, 19 Nov 2014 13:00:00 GMTWhy Not an Attitude of GratitudeWhy Not an Attitude of Gratitude - Well, I can think of so many reasons, which is why I am going to be devoting a whole program to this thought process and I am EXCITED to have YOU along for the RIDE!  Much like I am always GRATEFUL for the contributions to the show from award-winning artist David Martinka. Find his music at and where he offers many FREE DOWNLOADS as well as TERRIFIC CDs for PURCHASE. Thank you for FOLLOWING this program and My website is and of course I am all over the internet on YOU Tube, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Google+ so LIKE, FRIEND, FOLLOW me there as well.  My BOOKS are available on Amazon, Choose, the 2-step plan, Perspective, it’s all about replacing one thought with another and the #1 Best Seller, Empowered Women of Social Media that I co-authored with 44 other women from around the world.these are terrific gifts for the holidays, so visit to ORDER YOURS TODAY!           00:23:00Perspectivepowernogratitude,attitude,law of attraction,Red Belly Music,Sun ShadowsWhy Not an Attitude of Gratitude - Well, I can think of so many reasons, which is why I am going to be devoting a whole program to this thought process and I amExhale into an Attitude of Gratitude, 12 Nov 2014 13:00:00 GMTExhale into an Attitude of GratitudeExhale into an Attitude of Gratitude Ever notice that when you are not feeling GRATITUDE you are tense and tight? Well the best way to help you get INTO that ATTITUDE of GRATITUDS is to EXHALE! Let’s explore that today and find our GRATITUDE as a result! Much like we always are always GRATEFUL for the contributions to the show from award-winning artist David Martinka. Find his music at and where he offers many FREE DOWNLOADS as well as TERRIFIC CDs for PURCHASE. Thank you for FOLLOWING this program and My website is and of course I am all over the internet on YOU Tube, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Google+ so LIKE, FRIEND, FOLLOW me there as well.  My BOOKS are available on Amazon, Choose, the 2-step plan, Perspective, it’s all about replacing one thought with another and these are terrific gifts for the holidays, so visit ORDER YOURS TODAY! 00:16:00Perspectivepowernogratitude,attitude,Red Belly Music,Sun Shadows,Annette Rochelle AbenExhale into an Attitude of Gratitude Ever notice that when you are not feeling GRATITUDE you are tense and tight? Well the best way to help you get INTO that ATCornelia Ward and the Wisdom of Success, 11 Nov 2014 15:00:00 GMTCornelia Ward and the Wisdom of SuccessConfused about your career path? Do you hate Mondays? Oh my, then this IS the show for YOU!  Welcome to the Wisdom of Success where today you will meet Cornelia Ward, a career mentor and author who works with people to create career transition plans.  You may want to start your own business or are seeking a career path that lights you UP, either way you DESERVE to be EXCITED about getting back to it on Mondays and everyday!! Connect with Cornelia at where you can request a complimentary Life Purpose Strategy Session and download a free copy of her book, Go Forward Fearlessly, perfect for anyone navigating major life transitions.  And we navigate the waters here on the Wisdom of Success with award-winning artist, David Martinka, sail over to his websites and for terrific music to buy as well as FREE DOWNLOADS. SUPPORT this network and as well as STAY CONNECTED with where you can find links to my Best Selling books, videos and blog! Want to be a guest on the show? Drop me an email 00:32:00PerspectivepowernoLife Purpose,Coaching,Careers,Cornelia Ward,David MartinkaConfused about your career path? Do you hate Mondays? Oh my, then this IS the show for YOU!  Welcome to the Wisdom of Success where today you will meet CorneliaAll About an Attitude of Gratitude, 05 Nov 2014 13:00:00 GMTAll About an Attitude of GratitudeAll About an Attitude of Gratitude . Many people all around the world celebrate the entire month of November by spending each day finding something to be grateful for. For some, this is very easy and others… well, perhaps TODAY we can SHARE some ENERGY that may soon have your life being ALL ABOUT AN ATTITUDE OF GRATITUDE! And we are all about being grateful for award-winning artist David Martinka. Find his music at and where he offers many FREE DOWNLOADS as well as TERRIFIC CDs for PURCHASE. Thank you for FOLLOWING this program and My website is and of course I am all over the internet on YOU Tube, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Google+ so LIKE, FRIEND, FOLLOW me there as well.  My BOOKS are available on Amazon, Choose, the 2-step plan, Perspective, it’s all about replacing one thought with another and the Intl Best Seller, Empowered Women of Social Media! I am GRATEFUL that you support me with your PURCHASE!   00:16:00Perspectivepowernogratitude,attitude,Sun Shadows,perspective power,Best Selling Author Annette Rochelle AbenAll About an Attitude of Gratitude . Many people all around the world celebrate the entire month of November by spending each day finding something to be gratefSimplify Your Affirmations on an Attitude of Gratitude, 29 Oct 2014 12:00:00 GMTSimplify Your Affirmations on an Attitude of GratitudeSimplify Your Affirmations on an Attitude of Gratitude.  Sometimes doing your AFFIRMATIONS can seem cumbersome or tedious, almost as though you have to memorize ALL this STUFF and then what happens when you forget. Let’s SIMPLIFY your Affirmations today and see how that works for you! And always working for us is award-winning artist David Martinka. Find his music at and where he offers many FREE DOWNLOADS as well as TERRIFIC CDs for PURCHASE. Thank you for FOLLOWING this program and My website is and of course I am all over the internet on YOU Tube, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Google+ so LIKE, FRIEND, FOLLOW me there as well.  My BOOKS are available on Amazon, Choose, the 2-step plan, Perspective, it’s all about replacing one thought with another and the #1 Best Seller on Amazon Kindle, Empowered Women of Social Media! I am GRATEFUL that you support me with your PURCHASE!   00:15:00Perspectivepowernogratitude,attitude,Annette Rochelle Aben,affirmations,David MartinkaSimplify Your Affirmations on an Attitude of Gratitude.  Sometimes doing your AFFIRMATIONS can seem cumbersome or tedious, almost as though you have to memorizePUSH YOU into an Attitude of Gratitude, 22 Oct 2014 12:00:00 GMTPUSH YOU into an Attitude of GratitudePUSH YOU into an ATTITUDE of GRATITUDE!  I hear the word P.U.S.H. at a conference one year and actually surprised myself by understanding it without too much effort. Tune into the program TODAY and let me PUSH YOU into an Attitude of Gratitude! Right along with us is of course award-winning artist David Martinka. Find his music at and where he offers many FREE DOWNLOADS as well as TERRIFIC CDs for PURCHASE. Thank you for FOLLOWING this program and My website is and of course I am all over the internet on YOU Tube, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Google+ so LIKE, FRIEND, FOLLOW me there as well.  My BOOKS are available on Amazon, Choose, the 2-step plan, Perspective, it’s all about replacing one thought with another and the #1 Best Seller on Amazon Kindle, Empowered Women of Social Media! I am GRATEFUL that you support me with your PURCHASE!   00:16:00Perspectivepowernogratitude,attitude,Annette Rochelle Aben,Empowered Women of Social Media,David MartinkaPUSH YOU into an ATTITUDE of GRATITUDE!  I hear the word P.U.S.H. at a conference one year and actually surprised myself by understanding it without too much efStick with an Attitude of Gratitude, 15 Oct 2014 12:00:00 GMTStick with an Attitude of GratitudeSTICK with an ATTITUDE of GRATITUDE!  Ever feel STUCK?  Wondering where you are going to turn NEXT? I’ll just bet that when you STICK with an ATTITUDE of GRATITUDE, you’ll find a way to FREE YOURSELF!  We are talking about this on the program today, and right along with us is of course award-winning artist David Martinka. Find his music at and where he offers many FREE DOWNLOADS as well as TERRIFIC CDs for PURCHASE. Thank you for FOLLOWING this program and My website is and of course I am all over the internet on YOU Tube, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Google+ so LIKE, FRIEND, FOLLOW me there as well.  My BOOKS are available on Amazon, Choose, the 2-step plan, Perspective, it’s all about replacing one thought with another and the #1 Best Seller on Amazon Kindle, Empowered Women of Social Media! I am GRATEFUL that you support me with your PURCHASE!   00:15:00Perspectivepowernogratitude,perspective,conversation,Annette Rochelle Aben,Empowered Women of Social MediaSTICK with an ATTITUDE of GRATITUDE!  Ever feel STUCK?  Wondering where you are going to turn NEXT? I’ll just bet that when you STICK with an ATTITUDE of GRATITJessica Ardeal and The Wisdom of Success, 14 Oct 2014 13:00:00 GMTJessica Ardeal and The Wisdom of SuccessShe is featured in the best-selling series Wake Up, Live the Life You Love: In Service, the author and founder of Inner Peace IS World Peace and she also wrote, Your Billion Dollar Body and Heart of The Midwest.  Please welcome to Wisdom of Success, Certified Body Talk Practitioner, Jessica Ardeal!  She has some exciting news for us all, you'll be glad you tuned in. Find Wisdom of and you can also FOLLOW the network at Music for our program is provided by award-winning artist, David Martinka whose music can be found @ and be sure to grab your FREE DOWNLOADS there. CONNECT with #1 Best Selling, Award-Winning  Author, Annette Rochelle Aben @ and find her books Perspective, it’s all about replacing one thought with another, Choose the 2-step plan and the Best Selling book she co-authored with 43 other fabulous women, Empowered Women of Social Media at 00:31:00PerspectivepowernoBest-Selling Authors,Body Talk,Conversation,Jessica Ardeal,Annette Rochelle AbenShe is featured in the best-selling series Wake Up, Live the Life You Love: In Service, the author and founder of Inner Peace IS World Peace and she also wrote,It's All Worth an Attitude of Gratitude, 08 Oct 2014 12:00:00 GMTIt's All Worth an Attitude of GratitudeIt’s All Worth an Attitude of Gratitude! Waking up in the morning can be a JOY or an OH BOY! So what makes THE DIFFERENCE?  An ATTITUDE of GRATITUDE that’s what!  An ATTITUDE of GRATITUDE is what makes it ALL WORTH IT! We are talking about this on the program today, and right along with us is of course award-winning artist David Martinka. Find his music at and where he offers many FREE DOWNLOADS as well as TERRIFIC CDs for PURCHASE. Thank you for FOLLOWING this program and My website is and of course I am all over the internet on YOU Tube, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Google+ so LIKE, FRIEND, FOLLOW me there as well.  My BOOKS are available on Amazon, Choose, the 2-step plan, Perspective, it’s all about replacing one thought with another and the #1 Best Seller on Amazon Kindle, Empowered Women of Social Media! I am GRATEFUL that you support me with your PURCHASE!   00:16:00Perspectivepowernogratitude,Annette Rochelle Aben,Best Selling Author,Empowered Women of Social MediaIt’s All Worth an Attitude of Gratitude! Waking up in the morning can be a JOY or an OH BOY! So what makes THE DIFFERENCE?  An ATTITUDE of GRATITUDE that’s whatSee Clearly Now with an Attitude of Gratitude, 01 Oct 2014 12:00:00 GMTSee Clearly Now with an Attitude of GratitudeSEE CLEARLY NOW with an Attitude of Gratitude!  Most of us BELIEVE that we will SEE things CLEARER once the fog dissipates, or the rain stops yet in REALITY we SEE things CLEARLY when we BELIEVE they are CLEARER!  Let’s TALK ABOUT that on TODAY’S segment of ATTITUDE of GRATITUDE! And right along with us is of course award-winning artist David Martinka. Find his music at and where he offers many FREE DOWNLOADS as well as TERRIFIC CDs for PURCHASE. Thank you for FOLLOWING this program and My website is and of course I am all over the internet on YOU Tube, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Google+ so LIKE, FRIEND, FOLLOW me there as well.  My BOOKS are available on Amazon, Choose, the 2-step plan and Perspective, it’s all about replacing one thought with another and I am GRATEFUL for your PURCHASE!   00:15:00Perspectivepowernogratitude,Attraction,attitude,positive thinking,law of attractionSEE CLEARLY NOW with an Attitude of Gratitude!  Most of us BELIEVE that we will SEE things CLEARER once the fog dissipates, or the rain stops yet in REALITY weFinding Your Strength in an Attitude of Gratitude, 24 Sep 2014 12:00:00 GMTFinding Your Strength in an Attitude of GratitudeFINDING YOUR STRENGTH in an ATTITUDE of GRATITUDE is a REMARKABLE TREASURE! There are times in our lives when we can feel the PRESSURE of LIFE so much that we WONDER where we will FIND the STRENGTH to make it…  We are EXPLORING that on the show today. FINDING YOUR STRENGTHin an ATTITUDE of GRATITUDE!!  And right along with us is of course award-winning artist David Martinka and I invite you to find his music at and where he offers many FREE DOWNLOADS as well as TERRIFIC CDs for PURCHASE. Thank you for FOLLOWING this program and My website is and of course I am all over the internet on YOU Tube, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Google+ so LIKE, FRIEND, FOLLOW me there as well.  My BOOKS are available on Amazon, Choose, the 2-step plan and Perspective, it’s all about replacing one thought with another and I am GRATEFUL for your PURCHASE!   00:15:00Perspectivepowernogratitude,Attraction,attitude,positive thinking,law of attractionFINDING YOUR STRENGTH in an ATTITUDE of GRATITUDE is a REMARKABLE TREASURE! There are times in our lives when we can feel the PRESSURE of LIFE so much that we WPause for an Attitude of Gratitude, 17 Sep 2014 12:00:00 GMTPause for an Attitude of GratitudePause for an ATTITUDE of GRATITUDE, as well it is!  As we go through our lives minute by minute and day by day, there will be CIRCUMSTANCES that give us PAUSE and some that might appear to want to stop us in our tracks.  So what if took A MOMENT to PAUSE and call upon our ATTITUDE of GRATITUDE!  We are EXPLORING that on the show today; that Pause for an ATTITUDE of GRATITUDE!!  And right along with us is of course award-winning artist David Martinka and I invite you to find his music at and where he offers many FREE DOWNLOADS as well as TERRIFIC CDs for PURCHASE. Thank you for FOLLOWING this program and My website is and of course I am all over the internet on YOU Tube, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Google+ so LIKE, FRIEND, FOLLOW me there as well.  My BOOKS are available on Amazon, Choose, the 2-step plan and Perspective, it’s all about replacing one thought with another and I am GRATEFUL for your PURCHASE!       00:15:00Perspectivepowernogratitude,Attraction,attitude,positive thinking,law of attractionPause for an ATTITUDE of GRATITUDE, as well it is!  As we go through our lives minute by minute and day by day, there will be CIRCUMSTANCES that give us PAUSE aMy Story is an Attitude of Gratitude, 10 Sep 2014 12:00:00 GMTMy Story is an Attitude of GratitudeMY STORY is an ATTITUDE of GRATITUDE is truly a CHOICE and it is a CHOICE that we can MAKE whenever we are FACED with a CHOICE.  Because I BELIEVE in the POWER of CHOOSING the ATTITUDE of GRATITUDE I SHARE my STORY through this internet radio show.  Thank YOU for tuning in TODAY for MY STORYis and ATTITUDE of GRATITUDE.  My story includes music compliments of the award-winning artist David Martinka and I invite you to find his music at and where he offers many FREE DOWNLOADS as well as TERRIFIC CDs for PURCHASE. Thank you for FOLLOWING this program and My website is and of course I am all over the internet on YOU Tube, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Google+ so LIKE, FRIEND, FOLLOW me there as well.  My BOOKS are available on Amazon, Choose, the 2-step plan and Perspective, it’s all about replacing one thought with another and I am GRATEFUL for your PURCHASE!   00:15:00Perspectivepowernogratitude,Attraction,attitude,positive thinking,law of attractionMY STORY is an ATTITUDE of GRATITUDE is truly a CHOICE and it is a CHOICE that we can MAKE whenever we are FACED with a CHOICE.  Because I BELIEVE in the POWERImproved Quality of Live and an Attitude of Gratitude, 03 Sep 2014 12:00:00 GMTImproved Quality of Live and an Attitude of GratitudeIMPROVED QUALITY of LIFE and an ATTITUDE of GRATITUDE!  Learn how important this is during today’s show as we all get together and CELEBRATE and ATTITUDE of GRATITUDE. This show reminds us all to CREATE our lives through GRATITUDE so we can LIVE the LIVES that are ours to ENJOY. And we believe in the power of MUSIC so we are grateful for award-winning artist, David Martinka and you can  purchase or DOWNLOAD for FREE his MUSIC @ and and I BELIEVE I am grateful that  YOU choose to find ME @ and ORDER my BOOKS (Annette RochelleAben) available on www.Amazon.comCHOOSE (the 2-step plan) and Perspective it’s all about replacing one thought with another.  SUPPORT this PROGRAM by FOLLOWING us @ And thank you so very much for CONNECTING with me on YOU Tube, Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Google+ and Pintrest too!  FOLLOW me and I will FOLLOW YOU!   00:15:00Perspectivepowernogratitude,Attraction,attitude,positive thinking,law of attractionIMPROVED QUALITY of LIFE and an ATTITUDE of GRATITUDE!  Learn how important this is during today’s show as we all get together and CELEBRATE and ATTITUDE of GRANew Moon Affirmations and an Attitude of Gratitude, 27 Aug 2014 12:00:00 GMTNew Moon Affirmations and an Attitude of GratitudeNEW MOON AFFIRMATIONS and an ATTITUDE of GRATITUDE will ALLOW us ALL to LEARN how to MAXIMIZE the ENERGY of the NEW MOON effectively!  Thank you to award-winning artist David Martinka and for his wonderful music.  I invite YOU to CONNECT with me and to FOLLOW this program @ and as well as THANK YOU for ORDERING my BOOKS from those books are Choose the 2-step plan and Perspective it's all about replacing one thought with anotherCONNECT with me on YOU Tube, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Pintrest and JOIN the great writers at   00:15:00PerspectivepowernoNew Moon,Affirmations,Gratitude,Annette Rochelle Aben,David MartinkaNEW MOON AFFIRMATIONS and an ATTITUDE of GRATITUDE will ALLOW us ALL to LEARN how to MAXIMIZE the ENERGY of the NEW MOON effectively!  Thank you to award-winninAffirmations for Healthy Eating and an Attitude of Gratitude, 20 Aug 2014 12:00:00 GMTAffirmations for Healthy Eating and an Attitude of GratitudeAffirmations for Healthy Eating can help us CREATE and MAINTAIN a LIFE that we truly DESIRE! Today we are going to LEARN how to USE AFFIRMATIONS to generate a CONSTANT ATTITUDE of GRATITUDE where our EATING HABITS are concerned.  Gratitude going out to award-winning artist, David Martinka who supplies this show with it's theme song!  find his music at and and be sure to FOLLOW the network here with ME, Annette Rochelle Aben on Facebook, YOU Tube, Twitter, Google+, LinkedIn, Pintrest and my website is  ORDER my BOOKS from the 2-step plan and Perspective it's all about replacing one thought with another I appreciate YOU!   00:15:00Perspectivepowernogratitude,Attraction,attitude,positive thinking,law of attractionAffirmations for Healthy Eating can help us CREATE and MAINTAIN a LIFE that we truly DESIRE! Today we are going to LEARN how to USE AFFIRMATIONS to generate a COwn your Attitude of Gratitude, 13 Aug 2014 12:00:00 GMTOwn your Attitude of Gratitude  OWN your ATTITUDE OF GRATITUDE!! How many times have YOU been working on your LIFE, making it ALL that you have ever wanted it to be and someone can seem to CHALLENGE your methods! Gadzooks OWNthatATTITUDE ofGRATITUDE and be OKAY with BEING HAPPY!  This show reminds us all to OWN what is GOOD ABOUT having GRATITUDE so we can LIVE the LIVES that are ours to ENJOY. And we believe in the power of MUSIC so we are grateful for award-winning artist, David Martinka and you can  purchase or DOWNLOAD for FREE his MUSIC @ and and I BELIEVE I am grateful that  YOU choose to find ME @ and then CHOOSE to check out my BOOKS (Annette RochelleAben) available on www.Amazon.comCHOOSE (the 2-step plan) and Perspective it’s all about replacing one thought with another.  And thank you so very much for CONNECTING with me on YOU Tube, Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Google+ and Pintrest too!  FOLLOW me and I will FOLLOW YOU! 00:15:00Perspectivepowernogratitude,Attraction,attitude,positive thinking,law of attractionOWN your ATTITUDE OF GRATITUDE!! How many times have YOU been working on your LIFE, making it ALL that you have ever wanted it to be and someone can seem toShift into an Attitude of Gratitude, 06 Aug 2014 12:00:00 GMTShift into an Attitude of GratitudeSHIFT into an ATTITUDE OF GRATITUDE!! Your LIFE can be going along status quo and perhaps that is something you are HAPPY with… but when you are SEEKING to ramp it up a notch or two and are looking for something to HELP, it really WORKS to believe in the POWER of being grateful for EVERYTHING!  This show reminds us all to SHIFT so we can LIVE the LIVES that are ours to ENJOY. And we believe in the power of MUSIC so we are grateful for award-winning artist, David Martinka and you can  purchase or DOWNLOAD for FREE his MUSIC @ and and I BELIEVE I am grateful that  YOU choose to find ME @ and then CHOOSE to check out my BOOKS (Annette RochelleAben) available on www.Amazon.comCHOOSE (the 2-step plan) and Perspective it’s all about replacing one thought with another.  And thank you so very much for CONNECTING with me on YOU Tube, Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Google+ and Pintrest too!  FOLLOW me and I will FOLLOW YOU!   00:15:00Perspectivepowernogratitude,Attraction,attitude,positive thinking,law of attractionSHIFT into an ATTITUDE OF GRATITUDE!! Your LIFE can be going along status quo and perhaps that is something you are HAPPY with… but when you are SEEKING to rampBelieve in an Attitude of Gratitude, 30 Jul 2014 12:00:00 GMTBelieve in an Attitude of GratitudeBELIEVE in an ATTITUDE OF GRATITUDE!! Yes when we are looking for something to BELIEVE IN it really WORKS to believe in the POWER of being grateful for EVERYTHING!  This show reminds us all where to BELIEVE so we can LIVE the LIVES that are ours to ENJOY. And we believe in the power of MUSIC so we are grateful for award-winning artist, David Martinka and you can  purchase or DOWNLOAD for FREE his MUSIC @ and and I BELIEVE I am grateful that  YOU choose to find ME @ and then CHOOSE to check out my BOOKS (Annette RochelleAben) available on www.Amazon.comCHOOSE (the 2-step plan) and Perspective it’s all about replacing one thought with another.  And thank you so very much for CONNECTING with me on YOU Tube, Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Google+ and Pintrest too!  FOLLOW me and I will FOLLOW YOU! 00:15:00Perspectivepowernogratitude,Attraction,attitude,positive thinking,law of attractionBELIEVE in an ATTITUDE OF GRATITUDE!! Yes when we are looking for something to BELIEVE IN it really WORKS to believe in the POWER of being grateful for EVERYTHIIt's an Inside Job; an Attitude of Gratitude, 23 Jul 2014 12:00:00 GMTIt's an Inside Job; an Attitude of GratitudeIT’S AN INSIDE JOB; AN ATTITUDE OF GRATITUDE!! Yes when we are looking for something to be grateful for or about, turning our gaze inward is where it’s at!  This show reminds us all where to look, what we are looking for and WHY this is so important to our lives as well as ALL life in the Universe! And here is an important person we are grateful for, award-winning artist, David Martinka and you can  purchase or DOWNLOAD for FREE his MUSIC @ and and I am grateful  YOU choose to find ME @ and then CHOOSE to check out my BOOKS (Annette RochelleAben) available on www.Amazon.comCHOOSE (the 2-step plan) and Perspective it’s all about replacing one thought with another.  And thank you so very much for CONNECTING with me on YOU Tube, Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Google+ and Pintrest too!  FOLLOW me and I will FOLLOW YOU!   00:15:00Perspectivepowernogratitude,Attraction,attitude,positive thinking,law of attractionIT’S AN INSIDE JOB; AN ATTITUDE OF GRATITUDE!! Yes when we are looking for something to be grateful for or about, turning our gaze inward is where it’s at!  ThiThe Perfect Attitude of Gratitude, 16 Jul 2014 12:00:00 GMTThe Perfect Attitude of GratitudeTHE PERFECT ATTITUDE of GRATITUDE! So, how DOES one find perfection in this world? Is it even possible or are we seeking a grail that might not exist?  If you have EVER asked yourself a question such as this, then this IS the show for YOU! And something else that IS for you, is award-winning artist, David Martinka is excited that you CHOOSE to purchase or DOWNLOAD for FREE his MUSIC @ and and I am grateful  YOU choose to find ME @ and then CHOOSE to check out my BOOKS (Annette RochelleAben) available on www.Amazon.comCHOOSE (the 2-step plan) and Perspective it’s all about replacing one thought with another.  And thank you so very much for CONNECTING with me on YOU Tube, Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Google+ and Pintrest too!  FOLLOW me and I will FOLLOW YOU!   00:15:00Perspectivepowernogratitude,Attraction,attitude,positive thinking,law of attractionTHE PERFECT ATTITUDE of GRATITUDE! So, how DOES one find perfection in this world? Is it even possible or are we seeking a grail that might not exist?  If you hDr Ben Lucey and the Wisdom of Success, 12 Jul 2014 15:30:00 GMTDr Ben Lucey and the Wisdom of SuccessThe Wisdom of Success welcomes today a young Chiropractor from Clare, MI Dr. Ben Lucey!  Dr. Lucey has been working at the Benchley Chiropractic Clinic in Clare, MI for the past 2 years and has received advanced training in Nutrition and therapeutic taping. Tune in today and find out what brought Dr. Ben to choose Chiropractic, why he chose to expand to include nutrition and taping in his practice and we will unveil an interesting surprise for everyone!  There are always interesting surprises when you visit the websites of Award-winning artist, David Martinka and for his FREE DOWNLOADS as well as terrific CDs for purchase.  Thank you for FOLLOWING this program and and of course FOLLOWING me, Annette Rochelle Aben on YOU Tube, Facebook, YOU Tube, Google+, LinkedIn and Pintrest.  My website is and my BOOKS are available on Amazon! 00:30:00Perspectivepowernochiropractic,nutrition,Kinesio Tape,Ben Lucey,Annette Rochelle AbenThe Wisdom of Success welcomes today a young Chiropractor from Clare, MI Dr. Ben Lucey!  Dr. Lucey has been working at the Benchley Chiropractic Clinic in ClareThe Truth of Affirmations and an Attitude of Gratitude, 09 Jul 2014 12:00:00 GMTThe Truth of Affirmations and an Attitude of GratitudeTHE TRUTH OF AFFIRMATIONS! When we are DECLARING our TRUTHS we are using AFFIRMATIONS! Because we STAND FAST in OUR TRUTH at all times, we CREATE these FABULOUS LIVES that constantly and consistently HONOR and UPLIFT us! Let’s STAND together in the TRUTH of AFFIRMATIONS!  The truth is that Award-winning artist, David Martinka is excited that you CHOOSE to purchase or DOWNLOAD for FREE his MUSIC @ and and I am grateful  YOU choose to find ME @ and then CHOOSE to check out my BOOKS (Annette RochelleAben) available on www.Amazon.comCHOOSE (the 2-step plan) and Perspective it’s all about replacing one thought with another.  And thank you so very much for CONNECTING with me on YOU Tube, Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Google+ and Pintrest too!  FOLLOW me and I will FOLLOW YOU!   00:15:00Perspectivepowernogratitude,Attraction,attitude,positive thinking,law of attractionTHE TRUTH OF AFFIRMATIONS! When we are DECLARING our TRUTHS we are using AFFIRMATIONS! Because we STAND FAST in OUR TRUTH at all times, we CREATE these FABULOUSAffirmations in the Present Moment and an Attitude of Gratitude, 02 Jul 2014 12:00:00 GMTAffirmations in the Present Moment and an Attitude of GratitudeAFFIRMATIONS in the PRESENT MOMENT!  What a concept… When we are DECLARING our TRUTHS it is ALWAYS BEST to keep the statements in and about the PRESENT MOMENT.  So let’s connect for this program and find out how those AFFIRMATIONS in the PRESENT MOMENT will help us cultivate and rock our ATTITUDE OF GRATITUDE!  Presently, we are grateful for Award-winning artist, David Martinka is excited that you CHOOSE to purchase or DOWNLOAD for FREE his MUSIC @ and and I am grateful  YOU choose to find ME @ and then CHOOSE to check out to grab my NEW BOOK which is titled: CHOOSE (the 2-step plan).  And thank you so very much for CONNECTING with me on YOU Tube, Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Google+ and Pintrest too!  FOLLOW me and I will FOLLOW YOU! 00:15:00Perspectivepowernogratitude,Attraction,attitude,positive thinking,law of attractionAFFIRMATIONS in the PRESENT MOMENT!  What a concept… When we are DECLARING our TRUTHS it is ALWAYS BEST to keep the statements in and about the PRESENT MOMENT.Supportive Affirmations and an Attitude of Gratitude, 25 Jun 2014 12:00:00 GMTSupportive Affirmations and an Attitude of GratitudeSUPPORTIVE AFFIRMATIONS, exactly what is meant by those words, well let’s EXPLORE that on ATTITUDE of GRATITUDE and find out together. We ALWAYS have the OPTION to CHOOSE how we DIRECT our THOUGHTS so let’s look at our CHOICES during this segment and ROCK some POSITIVE CHOICES, with some SUPPORTIVE AFFIRMATIONS for our lives! Award-winning artist, David Martinka is excited that you CHOOSE to purchase or DOWNLOAD for FREE his MUSIC @ and and I am grateful  YOU choose to find ME @ and then CHOOSE to check out to grab my NEW BOOK which is titled: CHOOSE (the 2-step plan).  And thank you so very much for CONNECTING with me on YOU Tube, Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Google+ and Pintrest too!  FOLLOW me and I will FOLLOW YOU!           00:15:00Perspectivepowernogratitude,Attraction,attitude,positive thinking,law of attractionSUPPORTIVE AFFIRMATIONS, exactly what is meant by those words, well let’s EXPLORE that on ATTITUDE of GRATITUDE and find out together. We ALWAYS have the OPTIONHeather L Tapia and The Wisdom of Success, 23 Jun 2014 14:00:00 GMTHeather L Tapia and The Wisdom of SuccessThe Wisdom of Success is proud to welcome Prosperity Advisor, Heather L. Tapia to the program today.  Heather is an author, radio show host, entrepreneur and the founder of Purpose for Women International Corporation, a non-profit supporting the vision of others to effect change on local, national and international levels. Heather wants to invite everyone to support their continued mission to provide access to resources, funding, education, entrepreneurial opportunities and empowerment events by pledging on their Indiegogo fund raising project funds being raised will help PWI file their application for tax-exempt status as well as fund many wonderful projects to generate involvement in and awareness of National Women’s Day and Purpose for Women International.  Be sure to FOLLOW Heather @ and be sure to visit and to find the great music of award-winning artist David Martinka, who provides the music for our program.  FOLLOW me, Annette Rochelle Aben @ as well as on Facebook, Twitter, Google+, LinkedIn, YOU Tube and Pintrest!  And of course FOLLOW our network and 00:31:00PerspectivepowernoWomen,women's issues,Entrepreneurs,Heather L Tapia,David MartinkaThe Wisdom of Success is proud to welcome Prosperity Advisor, Heather L. Tapia to the program today.  Heather is an author, radio show host, entrepreneur and thAttitude of Gratitude, 18 Jun 2014 12:00:00 GMTAttitude of GratitudeLife is AWESOME!  There is SO MUCH to be GRATEFUL for and to CELEBRATE!  When we EMBRACE this ENERGY we find that ALL that we EXPERIENCEBLESSES us over and over. Every Wednesday8am EST we’ll SHARE the ENTHUSIASM that SUPPORTS our FOCUS of seeing SOMETHING to BE GRATEFUL for in every aspect of our lives!  Need to be away from your computer during the show?  Dial in @ 347-996-5104 and ALLOW our CREW to INSPIRE you to OWN and ROCK and ATTITUDE of GRATTITUDE!  The original music for this program was created by award-winning artist David Martinka of the group Sun Shadows.  David Martinka Music can be found @ and the music of Sun Shadows can be found @  and remember to FOLLOW ME on Facebook, Annette Rochelle Aben so you can SHARE what it is that YOU are GRATEFUL for! And be sure to FOLLOW us on Blog Talk Radio, Perspectivepower. 00:16:00Perspectivepowernogratitude,Attraction,attitude,positive thinking,law of attractionLife is AWESOME!  There is SO MUCH to be GRATEFUL for and to CELEBRATE!  When we EMBRACE this ENERGY we find that ALL that we EXPERIENCEBLESSES us over and overSheryl Glick, The Living Spirit and The Wisdom of Success, 17 Jun 2014 19:00:00 GMTSheryl Glick, The Living Spirit and The Wisdom of SuccessA life time of caring, giving, joy, education and healing shine bright in the latest book by Sheryl Glick, RMT titled The Living Spirit (answers for healing and infinite love) and those who have read it are singing its praises everywhere. Sheryl is grateful to the Sacred Universal Energy for being able to experience life in both the physical and spiritual worlds. She is not only a New York based accredited energy healer and medium, Sheryl holds a BA and MA in Education/Literature. On her website you can find out more about her classes, sessions, books, appearances and her very popular radio show (the archives are most wonderful). Join us today for a conversation with Sheryl Glick about her remarkable book that reminds us we are not alone, that Spirit lives within us all and we can get through this life by trusting and being guided by Spirit, The Living Spirit! The spirit of music comes alive during our show compliments of award-winning artist David Martinka, please visit his websites and for beautiful CD’s to purchase as well as FREE DOWNLOADS of select songs.  Thank you for visiting MY website as well as connecting with me on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+, Pintrest and YOU Tube.  FOLLOW this program @ 00:31:00PerspectivepowernoSheryl Glick,The Living Spirit,Reiki,David Martinka,Annette Rochelle AbenA life time of caring, giving, joy, education and healing shine bright in the latest book by Sheryl Glick, RMT titled The Living Spirit (answers for healing andFrancine Vale and Song of the Heart, 10 Jun 2014 14:00:00 GMTFrancine Vale and Song of the HeartSong of the Heart (walking the path of light) is ‘the’ book that at some point every person will find themselves drawn to read for within its covers is information, a prescription if you will for what is ailing the collective psyche of the world, a world that is requiring that we ALL achieve a higher level of consciousness and that we understand and practice self-healing. Francine Vale has brought forth a great resource capable of connecting us to LOVE while reminding us that we are LOVE.  The book came to her as a vision to allow Vale to “bring greater awareness of the absolute necessity for love and power of love to shift the energy at every turn of our lives”. Be sure to tune in for the program today when we hold the space for healer, visionary, Francine Vale and our discussion about her fascinating book Song of the Heart We also direct you to the website of award-winning artist, David Martinka who provides to beautiful music for our program and for FREE DOWNLOADS as well great CD’s to purchase.  FOLLOW this program’s archives and schedule @ and I can be found through my website as well as on YOU Tube, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+ and Pintrest. 00:30:00PerspectivepowernoFrancine Vale,Song of the Heart,Healing,David Martinka,Annette Rochelle AbenSong of the Heart (walking the path of light) is ‘the’ book that at some point every person will find themselves drawn to read for within its covers is informatHealthy Affirmations and an Attitude of Gratitude, 28 May 2014 12:00:00 GMTHealthy Affirmations and an Attitude of GratitudeHealthy Affirmations! We can ALL use some help keeping our health up to par and the best way to do this is to USE the POWER of AFFIRMATIONS!  Attitude of Gratitude is dedicated to helping us CREATE a HAPPIER, HEALTHIER WORLD beginning with OUR OWN!  Our own, award-winning artist, David Martinka does his best to contribute to the world of HAPPINESS with his MUSIC and and I am always HAPPY at and even happier when you check out to grab my NEW BOOK!   00:15:00Perspectivepowernogratitude,Attraction,attitude,positive thinking,law of attractionHealthy Affirmations! We can ALL use some help keeping our health up to par and the best way to do this is to USE the POWER of AFFIRMATIONS!  Attitude of GratitThe Love Letters by Bruce Davis, 27 May 2014 19:00:00 GMTThe Love Letters by Bruce DavisBruce Davis Ph.D has written a beautifully stirring book of historical fiction about how two legendary Saints, Francis and Clare of Assisi might approve of Pope Francis.  The book, The Love Letters: Saint Francis and Clare of Assisi Meet Pope Francis is something anyone, regardless of their religious affliiation will find though provoking and it may very well find those in the Catholic Church feeling the hope and support that better times are ahead for the Church as well as the world as a whole.  Find more information on Bruce Davis @ and pick up a copy of this book on Amazon or  As always, we thank you for visiting and in support of award-winning artist, David Martinka, who provides the music for the show.  And of course you can CONNECT with me on my website       00:30:00PerspectivepowernoSaint Francis of Assisi,Catholic Church,Saint Clare of Assisi,The Love Letters,Bruce DavisBruce Davis Ph.D has written a beautifully stirring book of historical fiction about how two legendary Saints, Francis and Clare of Assisi might approve of PopeDivine Timing and an Attitude of Gratitude, 21 May 2014 12:00:00 GMTDivine Timing and an Attitude of GratitudeLife is ALL about DIVINE TIMING; ACCEPT and ALLOW this and you’ll be shown so much to be GRATEFUL for.  When you CREATE the OPENING, it ALL can FLOW to YOU in DIVINE TIME of course! Let’s spend some time here together on our Attitude of Gratitude program which is LIVE every Wednesday 8am ET and of course you can stay in the FLOW by CONNECTING on Facebook @ and the network is Spend some time @ and where the FREE DOWNLOADS and CD’s of award-winning artist, David Martinka can be found. And be sure to visit my website and blogs @  AND be sure to head to to pick up my NEW BOOK: CHOOSE (the 2-step plan) which will be available as a Kindle book soon! 00:15:00Perspectivepowernogratitude,attitude,Red Belly Music,Sun Shadows,Annette Rochelle AbenLife is ALL about DIVINE TIMING; ACCEPT and ALLOW this and you’ll be shown so much to be GRATEFUL for.  When you CREATE the OPENING, it ALL can FLOW to YOU in DInspired Attitude of Gratitude, 14 May 2014 12:00:00 GMTInspired Attitude of GratitudeYOU, yes YOU are such an INSPIRATION to ME!  Of course you are an inspiration to ALL LIFE and as such you might find INSPIRATION everywhere you are and everywhere you look. But what if that doesn’t always HAPPEN for you? Here, let me show you how having that Attitude of Gratitude, you can not only FIND that INSPIRATION everywhere but you can BE that INSPIRATION to ALL LIFE! SWEET! Okay, find this program @ and the Fan Page is @ and it is most appreciated that you FOLLOW and LIKE us!  Also it is appreciated that you visit the websites of award-winning artist, David Martinka who supplies our music for this program. www.redbellymusic and and be ready to download some terrific FREE tunes as well as order those grate CD’s.  My website is and I am also found on YOU Tube, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+ and Pintrest!   00:15:00Perspectivepowernoinspiration,attitude,gratitude,joyYOU, yes YOU are such an INSPIRATION to ME!  Of course you are an inspiration to ALL LIFE and as such you might find INSPIRATION everywhere you are and everywheMothers and an Attitude of Gratitude, 07 May 2014 12:00:00 GMTMothers and an Attitude of Gratitude Mothers… we all came here into this existence because of a MOM and therefore I am devoting this Attitude of Gratitude to the MOM of us, in us and all the MOMS around us!  Giving GRATITUDE to and for all MOMS is what this show is all about today, so pull up a computer and let’s rock the MOM energy! Rocking us in and out of the program, as always, is award-winning artist, David Martinka and we rock to his websites for some terrific music (free downloads available) and THEN head on over to MY website and let me know you are there! Letting us know you are HERE@ will allow us to let YOU know about ALL our programs! And we have a FAN PAGE @  Remember I am also hanging out ALL OVER social media: YOU Tube, Facebook, Twitter, Google+, LinkedIn and Pintrest. 00:15:00Perspectivepowernomothers,children,gratitude,thank you,David MartinkaMothers… we all came here into this existence because of a MOM and therefore I am devoting this Attitude of Gratitude to the MOM of us, in us and all the MOMSAction Affirmations and an Attitude of Gratitude, 30 Apr 2014 12:00:00 GMTAction Affirmations and an Attitude of Gratitude The Affirmations program we did a few weeks ago was so popular that we are doing another one here!  Attitude of Gratitude and Affirmations are the greatest of partners and once we grasp that concept we can put its power into action!!  Affirmations are something we ALL use whether or not we are aware of it s let’s examine and OWN those that WILL bring us the lives we WANT to LIVE!  SWEET! Okay, find this program @ and the Fan Page is @ and it is most appreciated that you FOLLOW and LIKE us!  Also it is appreciated that you visit the websites of award-winning artist, David Martinka who supplies our music for this program. www.redbellymusic and and be ready to download some terrific FREE tunes as well as order those grate CD’s.  My website is and I am also found on YOU Tube, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+ and Pintrest!   00:15:00Perspectivepowernogratitude,Attraction,attitude,positive thinking,law of attractionThe Affirmations program we did a few weeks ago was so popular that we are doing another one here!  Attitude of Gratitude and Affirmations are the greatest ofAuthor Chrissie Blaze and the Wisdom of Success, 29 Apr 2014 17:00:00 GMTAuthor Chrissie Blaze and the Wisdom of SuccessShe shares her talk with authority because she has walked her walk with purity; author, Chrissie Blaze joins the program today to introduce us to her latest book, Soul Fitness, a 5 Step Plan for Inner and Outer Peace.  This is her 12th published book and is based on the teachings of her Spiritual Master, Dr. George King, Founder of The Aetherius Society,with whom she studied closely for 25 years.  Filled with beautiful, mystical practices, Soul Fitness is comprised of 5 progressive steps and is available at as well as through We celebrate Authors, Actors and Artists here in the month of April on The Wisdom of Success and are grateful you are tuned in! Gratitude is also extended to award-winning artist, David Martinka for his beautiful music that opens and closes our programs.  Find his music at and where there are many soul stirring CD’s for purchase as well as select FREE MUSIC DOWNLOADS.  FOLLOW me @ and I will FOLLOW you in return.  Be sure to SUBSCRIBE to my YOU Tube channel, TWEET with me on Twitter, linkup with me on LinkedIn and let’s get pinned on Pintrest.  Complete my circles on Google+ and of course FOLLOW this program @ and I will FOLLOW your shows as well! 00:31:00PerspectivepowernoThe Aetherius Society,Soul Fitness,Chrissie Blaze,David Martinka,Annette Rochelle AbenShe shares her talk with authority because she has walked her walk with purity; author, Chrissie Blaze joins the program today to introduce us to her latest booJessica Caine Otterbacher and the Wisdom of Success, 28 Apr 2014 17:00:00 GMTJessica Caine Otterbacher and the Wisdom of SuccessShe studied jewelry and metal design at The University of Toledo and when she left with her degree, Jessica Caine Otterbacher knew exactly what she wanted to do, design jewelry and she most certainly has!  Today, we meet this talented young jeweler who balances her family life (2 adorable children and a handsome hubby) with her career, making jewelry, teaching classes and running her thriving store, The Bead Gallery (find her on Facebook @ The Bead Gallery- North Village).  We are going to enjoy this opportunity to pick the mind of an artist who works her craft each and every day and inspires us to follow in her foot-steps.  Also inspiring us to FOLLOW is the award-winning artist, David Martinka who creates the most remarkable music, find him at and for terrific FREE DOWNLOADS as well as wonderful music to purchase. Additional SUPPORT for this program comes from those who FOLLOW and FRIEND us here: as well as those who CONNECT via along with YOU Tube, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+ and Pintrest. 00:31:00Perspectivepowernojewel,design,artist,The Bead Gallery,David MartinkaShe studied jewelry and metal design at The University of Toledo and when she left with her degree, Jessica Caine Otterbacher knew exactly what she wanted to doFocusing on an Attitude of Gratitude, 23 Apr 2014 12:00:00 GMTFocusing on an Attitude of GratitudeFocusing on an Attitude of Gratitude makes so much sense to me because it is really talking about all of us staying in JOY all the time. Can we do it? Let’s find out, tune into the show and we’ll investigate this together. is the site where you can SUPPORT this program by FOLLOWING. is the social media site where we can ALL come together to SHARE our Attitudes of Gratitude.  Hook up with our award-winning friend David Martinka @ and for great FREE DOWNLOADS and wonderful CD’s to purchase.  I appreciate the participation at my site 00:16:00Perspectivepowernogratitude,Attraction,attitude,positive thinking,law of attractionFocusing on an Attitude of Gratitude makes so much sense to me because it is really talking about all of us staying in JOY all the time. Can we do it? Let’s finSuzi Hendricks and The Wisdom of Success, 21 Apr 2014 16:00:00 GMTSuzi Hendricks and The Wisdom of SuccessCelebrating authors here in The Wisdom of Success this month, we meet quite the prolific author, one Miss. Suzi Hendricks!  Working directly with Spirit in the form of inspirational messages such as her Daily Guidance from Spirit  trilogy, poetry, and songs, Suzi loves to inspire by sharing the messages of love and hope from The Divine, along with having fun. As an inspirational speaker, author, artist, and internet radio host she shares her love of God as well as her journey. Affectionately going by the name Suziangel224, Suzi believes you should have fun living and learning about your path too. Along with all of this Suzi is 1st a D.O.G. (Daughter of God) ruff ruff!  a wife, mother, sister, and grandmother as well as an accomplished hairdresser of over 27 years, which gives her plenty of people skills. Visit Suzi’s website and we also invite you to visit and for the beautiful music of award-winning artist, David Martinka who provides the music for this program.  And thank YOU for FOLLOWING me, Annette Rochelle Aben @ where you can find LINKS for this network, YOU Tube, etc. and of course the daily Angel Messages and of course I am on Twitter, Google+ and Facebook. 00:31:00PerspectivepowernoInspired Wellness,Daughter of God,Author,Suzi Hendricks,David MartinkaCelebrating authors here in The Wisdom of Success this month, we meet quite the prolific author, one Miss. Suzi Hendricks!  Working directly with Spirit in theMi Green Fest and the Wisdom of Success, 17 Apr 2014 14:00:00 GMTMi Green Fest and the Wisdom of SuccessFree green & healthy living event shows how to make every day Earth Day! The 9th annual MI Earth Day Fest  moving to Rochester’s downtown streets this year and is one of the planet’s largest Earth Day celebrations. More than 50,000 could attend the free weekend-long event, showcasing green and healthy-living efforts and offerings of area businesses and community groups, the MI Earth Day Fest features more than 150 exhibits, displays and presentations as well as entertainment, awards, recycling drop-off, food and family fun. The event highlights environmental and wellness issues and solutions through education, innovative product and service offerings and community building. Today on The Wisdom of Success we will be joined by RN and Certified Yoga Instructor, Diane Thornton who teaches us to life a greener, more peaceful and joyful life through yoga, meditation and stress management.  Heidi Jeney of DoTERRA Essential Oils (over 20 years teaching people about introducing various ways to promote a healthy home and life styles) will encourage us to use essential oils for health and home. For more information on schedules, directions, participants, vendors, etc.  We direct you to and to find the music of award-winning artist, David Martinka, who contributes our theme song.  CONNECT with me, where you can find links to my social media.   SUPPORT this program it’s most appreciated! 00:30:00PerspectivepowernoEarth Day,Mi Green Fest,Recycling,David Martinka,Annette Rochelle AbenFree green & healthy living event shows how to make every day Earth Day! The 9th annual MI Earth Day Fest  moving to Rochester’s downtown streets this year andSimran Singh and the Wisdom of Success, 16 Apr 2014 14:30:00 GMTSimran Singh and the Wisdom of SuccessYou’ve read her award-winning magazine 11:11, enjoyed her top-rated, syndicated Talk Radio show by the same name and found her book Conversations with the Universe filled with guidance and wisdom unparalleled and today you get to meet this creative visionary and transformational catalyst as we introduce you to her latest book, Your Journey to Enlightenment; ladies and gentlemen, may I present Simran Singh! Simran guides us along our journey with 12 guiding principles that connect us with love, courage and commitment in the New Dawn.  Please visit her site and learn more, and be sure to get your copy of Your Journey to Enlightenment, a book that will surely, with compassion and love, bring you to life you look forward to living in every moment! We also direct you to and where you can find the music of award-winning artist David Martinka, who so graciously provides this program with our theme music.  Thank you for your SUPPORT of this network and 00:30:00Perspectivepowerno11:11 Magazine,Simran Singh,Enlightenment,David Martinka,Annette Rochelle AbenYou’ve read her award-winning magazine 11:11, enjoyed her top-rated, syndicated Talk Radio show by the same name and found her book Conversations with the UniveMinesh Baxi and the Wisdom of Success, 15 Apr 2014 18:00:00 GMTMinesh Baxi and the Wisdom of SuccessHe is a business coach, an entrepreneur and a best-selling author and today Minesh Baxi helps us continue our celebration of Actors, Artists, and Authors here on The Wisdom of Success for April 2014. He has co-authored Network Your Way to $100,000 & Beyond, Stop Hiring Losers and wrote the 30 Day Total Business Makeover and the inspiring You Will Overcome. Minesh Baxi w ill share why it is important for every professional to write that book and why he wrote HIS books!  He will also go over many business strategies to help those who may be struggling to create a solid six figure income business or perhaps repeatedly face feast and famine. So if your business seems like an uphill climb every day, you must join us for this exciting interview with speaker, author and business coach. Lots to cover and we direct you to for more information about being able to contact Minesh because we know you will WANT to! We also know you will want to contact award-winning artist, David Martinka who provides this program with the theme music. and are the sites where you will find terrific FREE DOWNLOADS as well as great music to purchase.  Thank you also for CONNECTING with me, Annette Rochelle Aben @ and find me on YOU Tube, Twitter, Facebook, Google+, LinedIn and Pintrest.  Naturally you are invited to SUPPORT this program by becoming a FAN @       00:31:00Perspectivepowernoauthor,business coach,Minesh Baxi,David Martinka,Annette Rochelle AbenHe is a business coach, an entrepreneur and a best-selling author and today Minesh Baxi helps us continue our celebration of Actors, Artists, and Authors here oKerry Patrick Clark and The Wisdom of Success, 14 Apr 2014 14:00:00 GMTKerry Patrick Clark and The Wisdom of SuccessFor your listening pleasure, we have a show filled with warmth, heart and authentic joy because we present the music man, Kerry Patrick Clark! As The Wisdom of Success is holding space for Authors, Artists and Actors here in April having Kerry to share his energy is a blessing indeed. With 7 CD’s to his credit, and numerous awards and accolades (new CD is currently #6 on the Top 50 Americana CDs) (title track from new CD, In A Perfect World, is the #1 FOLK SONG IN THE NATION (Week of April 4, 2014) Kerry is also a former member of the folk group, The New Christy Minstrels and a Martin Guitar Preferred Artist. Kerry has been referred to as the musical Norman Rockwell because he crafts and performs songs that paint pictures that are, at once, authentic, whimsical and sublime. Like Rockwell, Kerry takes everyday life scenarios and blends idealism with serious undertones.  We will even get to listen to one of Kerry’s songs today and because that will merely whet your appetite, here is where you can find MORE Kerry Patrick Clark   We are also grateful for the beautiful music award-winning artist, David Martinka provides for this program as our theme song, please find his FREE DOWNLOADS as well as his CD’s @ and Thank you for SUPPORTING this program by FOLLOWING us @ and CONNECTING with ME @ and Twitter, Facebook, YOU Tube, Google+, LinkedIn and Pintrest. 00:31:00PerspectivepowernoFolk Music,Martin Guitars,New Christy Minstrels,Kerry Patrick Clark,David MartinkaFor your listening pleasure, we have a show filled with warmth, heart and authentic joy because we present the music man, Kerry Patrick Clark! As The Wisdom ofDave Kilgore and The Wisdom of Success, 10 Apr 2014 14:00:00 GMTDave Kilgore and The Wisdom of Success Composer, screenwriter, filmmaker, singer, playwright Dave Kilgore is my guest today to share his Wisdom on the topic of Success.  His interest in theatre was sparked in high school and has flourished unabated ever since.  When you visit his websites and you will find so many samples of what Dave has done, has to offer the seeker of film scores, musical theatre or karaoke even!  Today we will get to hear a sample of Dave’s work as well as hear all about the acting, film composing and play writing, perhaps you will be inspired to find your passion by a man who clearly lives and works HIS!  Another man who clearly lives and works his passions is David Martinka, the award-winning artist who gave us the great music for our program and you can find his music @ and that of his group SunShadows @ where there is a lot of music to purchase as well as DOWNLOAD for FREE. Thank you for CONNECTING with me @ on YOU Tube, Twitter, Facebook, Google+ and Pintrest and of course your SUPPORT for this program is APPRECIATED 00:30:00PerspectivepowernoMusician,Playwrite,Actor,Dave Kilgore,David MartinkaComposer, screenwriter, filmmaker, singer, playwright Dave Kilgore is my guest today to share his Wisdom on the topic of Success.  His interest in theatre wasOwn your Attitude of Gratitude, 09 Apr 2014 12:00:00 GMTOwn your Attitude of GratitudeLife is AWESOME!  There is SO MUCH to be GRATEFUL for and to CELEBRATE!  When we EMBRACE this ENERGY we find that ALL that we EXPERIENCEBLESSES us over and over. Every Wednesday8am EST we’ll SHARE the ENTHUSIASM that SUPPORTS our FOCUS of seeing SOMETHING to BE GRATEFUL for in every aspect of our lives!  Need to be away from your computer during the show?  Dial in @ 347-996-5104 and ALLOW our CREW to INSPIRE you to OWN and ROCK and ATTITUDE of GRATTITUDE!  The original music for this program was created by award-winning artist David Martinka of the group Sun Shadows. Find their music and CONNECT with ME, Annette Rochelle Aben on Facebook, YOU Tube, Twitter, Google+, Pintrest and and of course SUPPORT the show HERE 00:15:00Perspectivepowernogratitude,Attraction,attitude,positive thinking,law of attractionLife is AWESOME!  There is SO MUCH to be GRATEFUL for and to CELEBRATE!  When we EMBRACE this ENERGY we find that ALL that we EXPERIENCEBLESSES us over and overIke Engelbaum and the Wisdom of Success, 08 Apr 2014 19:30:00 GMTIke Engelbaum and the Wisdom of SuccessHow authors can get FREE or nearly FREE publicity is what the founder of Entrepreneurs Network of Michigan and the host of his OWN radio programs, an icon in business in the great State of Michigan, Ike Engelbaum. If Ike doesn’t know the answer to your questions, he knows where to guide you to find it; still he is a wealth of information that could take an entire year of shows to share with you. So here today on The Wisdom of Success, Ike is going to share how AUTHORS can get FREE or NEARLY free publicity and what author doesn’t want to get champagne results on a beer budget… Here is the website where you can learn more about Ike Engelbaum and the many outlets he employs to share his vast knowledge and tirelessly promotes YOU the entrepreneur! And sharing his beautiful music, award-winning artist David Martinka invited YOU to visit his sites, and where there are not only remarkable CD’s to purchase but many FREE downloads!  I appreciate YOU FOLLOWING this program network @ and for FOLLOWING my website/blogs @ You’ll find me on YOU Tube, Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter and Google+ too! 00:31:00PerspectivepowernoEntrepreneurship,authors,Publicity,Ike Engelbaum,David MartinkaHow authors can get FREE or nearly FREE publicity is what the founder of Entrepreneurs Network of Michigan and the host of his OWN radio programs, an icon in buAffirmations that Formulate an Attitude of Gratitude, 02 Apr 2014 12:00:00 GMTAffirmations that Formulate an Attitude of GratitudeMany people enjoy using #Affirmations to help them #Focus on their #Dreams so here is a program that is filled with some affirmations that you can use for working the energy of an Attitude of Gratitude And we are so grateful for the award-winning artist, David Martinka who provides the music for this program.  Find his FREE MUSIC DOWNLOADS @ and Then FOLLOW this program @ and when you FOLLOW me, I will FOLLOW you too!  CONNECT with me, Annette Rochelle Aben all over social media: YOU Tube, Facebook, LinkedIn, Pintrest, Twitter, Google+ and MySpace because I LOVE to stay in touch.   00:16:00Perspectivepowernogratitude,Attraction,attitude,positive thinking,law of attractionMany people enjoy using #Affirmations to help them #Focus on their #Dreams so here is a program that is filled with some affirmations that you can use for workiSherry Stanfa Stanley and the Wisdom of Success, 01 Apr 2014 19:00:00 GMTSherry Stanfa Stanley and the Wisdom of SuccessAuthors! Artists! Actors! That is the theme here in the month of April on The Wisdom of Success and who better to begin with than a woman of wit and wisdom, so we bring you a conversation with Sherry Stanfa-Stanley!  Sherry writes fiction (and very well I might add), humor (prepare to have  free arm with which to hold you side or pop suddenly over your mouth as you exclaim, “Oh no you didn’t” and her human interest stories bring the degrees of separation between all of us to mere micro-dots.  FOLLOW her blog @ And be sure to cheer her on as she chronicles her 52 exciting, enlightening and often terrifying new life experiences with her 52/52 Project which you can FOLLOW @ Prepare to enjoy meeting Sherry Stanfa-Stanley!  Prepare to enjoy great music when you visit the websites of award-winning artist David Martinka, who so graciously provides the music for this program.  Visit and where you will find beautiful music to purchase as well as FREE DOWNLOADS.  CONNECT with me, Annette Rochelle Aben on YOU Tube, Facebook, Google+, Pintrest, LinkedIn, MySpace and Twitter as well as FOLLOW my blogs @ and when you are ready to launch your OWN internet radio program, HIRE ME to help you get it DONE! 00:31:00Perspectivepowernohumor,authors,fiction,Sherry Stanfa Stanley,David MartinkaAuthors! Artists! Actors! That is the theme here in the month of April on The Wisdom of Success and who better to begin with than a woman of wit and wisdom, soLyn Casye-O'Shea and the Wisdom of Success and Family, 31 Mar 2014 15:30:00 GMTLyn Casye-O'Shea and the Wisdom of SuccessBalancing family and career effectively takes grace, poise and faith and Lyn Casye-OShea  shows us how it’s done. The female half of the popular Toledo, Ohio morning radio team, Ron and Lyn (WRQN 93.5) Lyn has been blessed to build her successful broadcasting career in her hometown which allows her to be surrounded by family and life -long friends. In between her cherished role as a wife and mother (1 handsome husband and 2 beautiful daughters) and her remarkable broadcasting career, Lyn has worked hard to realize her dream of becoming a realtor and is now licensed and is ready to help you through Welles-Bowen Realtors in Oregon, Ohio!  The celebration of National Women’s History Month embraces the poise and grace of this faith-filled woman who inspires us to keep the faith and be strong by sharing her wisdom on the topic of success with us today.  Enjoy the inspiring music (free downloads and CD”S of remarkable music) from award-winning artist David Martinka available at and for he so graciously provided us with our theme music. CONNECT with me, Annette Rochelle Aben in ALL the popular social media, YOU Tube, Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Google+, Pintrest and MySpace.  I am your Media Consultant working with YOU to promote, market and set up your brand! And thank YOU for supporting this program @ 00:30:00Perspectivepowernobroadcasting,realtor,Radio,Welles Bowen Realtors,Lyn Casye O'SheaBalancing family and career effectively takes grace, poise and faith and Lyn Casye-OShea  shows us how it’s done. The female half of the popular Toledo, Ohio moLisa Angle and the Wisdom of Success, 30 Mar 2014 18:00:00 GMTLisa Angle and the Wisdom of SuccessThe Wisdom of Success is pleased to introduce you to the President of the Screen Writer’s Association of Santa Barbara, California, Lisa Angle!  Lisa Angle of Ninety Degrees is the “right angle” for all of your media needs including websites, video and social media.  She is an award winning author and in 2005, Writer’s Digest chose her website Angle on Writing as one of the best for writers! Currently, Lisa co-produces the talk show, Literary Gumbo with host Fred Klein and a national board member of the Association for Women in Communications. We direct you to her website: www.ninetydegressmedia.con/category/anglewriting as well as we direct you to the websites of award-winning artist David Martinka who provides the music for this show and where you can find not only great music to purchase but FREE downloadable songs too! FOLLOW this program @ so you can stay in touch with all our programs LIVE and ARCHIVE.  And CONNECT with Annette Rochelle Aben on YOU Tube, Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Pintrest, Google+ and MySpace. 00:32:00PerspectivepowernoScreenwriters Association,Women in Communication,Lisa Angle,Literary Gumbo,David MartinkaThe Wisdom of Success is pleased to introduce you to the President of the Screen Writer’s Association of Santa Barbara, California, Lisa Angle!  Lisa Angle of NCarla Wynn Hall and the Wisdom of Success, 29 Mar 2014 14:30:00 GMTCarla Wynn Hall and the Wisdom of SuccessWhen women inspire, motivate and educate each other, we see our world blossom with beauty and strength. Today in our continuing celebration of National Women’s History Month we welcome Carla Wynn Hall who is a woman dedicating her life to supporting and uplifting women on a daily basis. She is a mom and a self-created “WooPreneur” and her exciting new brand is “Sacred Heart Inc.” which is a marketing, publication and training company specializing in helping women create a life that feels good and a career that feels fantastic!  Her self-published book “The Paradigm Series” is available on Amazon and in Kindle form.  This book deals with how the subconscious mind is a powerful player in over-all well-being. You can find Carla on Facebook providing the daily motivation, inspiration and education for over 16,000 women (and growing) with “The Women’s Empowerment Network” and today you can find her sharing her wisdom on the topic of success!  Find great FREE DOWNLOADS from the award-winning artist David Martinka @ and as well as beautiful CD’s to purchase.  FOLLOW this progam @ and CONNECT with ME, Annette Rochelle Aben, your media consultant, YOU Tube, Twitter, Facebook, Google+, LinkedIn, Pintrest and MySpace. 00:30:00Perspectivepowernowomen,authors,empowerment,Carla Wynn Hall,David MartinkaWhen women inspire, motivate and educate each other, we see our world blossom with beauty and strength. Today in our continuing celebration of National Women’sMarcia Maria Lif and the Wisdom of Success, 28 Mar 2014 15:00:00 GMTMarcia Maria Lif and the Wisdom of SuccessNational Women’s History Month is just brimming with remarkable women who are doing their best to create the history we will look back on one day with awe and respect and today’s guest is no exception.  Marcia Maria is the Creator of MarciaMariaLif and joins us today to share her wisdom on the topic of success of not only what has brought her to a life of Spiritual Wellness and Joy but how she can extend that opportunity to everyone else.  If you ache for something more, she can help you find what it holding you back and through loving assistance, will help you set it free! is the site to visit for particulars on services, experience and details on how you can join her in France later this year for the beautiful experience of walking The Mary Magdalene Trail.  We are honored to have Marcia Maria as our guest today, enjoy!  We know you will also enjoy the soul-stirring music of award-winning artist David Martinka and and we thank him for graciously providing the theme music for this program.  When you visit you can FOLLOW us and stay updated on ALL the programs we do.  When you CONNECT with me, Annette Rochelle Aben on YOU Tube, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+, Pintrest and MySpace it is so easy to reach out when I can be of service to you either bringing you on board as a guest or teaching you how to HOST your OWN internet radio program!  And please visit my blogs @ 00:30:00PerspectivepowernoMary Magdalene,France,Spirituality,David Martinka,Annette Rochelle AbenNational Women’s History Month is just brimming with remarkable women who are doing their best to create the history we will look back on one day with awe and rYou are Worth an Attitude of Gratitude, 26 Mar 2014 12:00:00 GMTYou are Worth an Attitude of GratitudeLife is AWESOME!  There is SO MUCH to be GRATEFUL for and to CELEBRATE!  When we EMBRACE this ENERGY we find that ALL that we EXPERIENCEBLESSES us over and over. Every Wednesday8am EST we’ll SHARE the ENTHUSIASM that SUPPORTS our FOCUS of seeing SOMETHING to BE GRATEFUL for in every aspect of our lives!  Need to be away from your computer during the show?  Dial in @ 347-996-5104 and ALLOW our CREW to INSPIRE you to OWN and ROCK and ATTITUDE of GRATTITUDE!  The original music for this program was created by award-winning artist David Martinka of the group Sun Shadows.  David Martinka Music can be found @ and the music of Sun Shadows can be found @ where there are many wonderful tunes to DOWNLOAD for FREE as well as links to CD's to purchase, concerts and events and more!  I am grateful that you FOLLOW ME on Facebook YOU Tube, Twitter,LinkedIn, Google+, Pintrest and MySpace, (I am Annette Rochelle Aben) so you can SHARE what it is that YOU are GRATEFUL for! And be sure to FOLLOW us @ 00:15:00Perspectivepowernogratitude,Attraction,attitude,positive thinking,law of attractionLife is AWESOME!  There is SO MUCH to be GRATEFUL for and to CELEBRATE!  When we EMBRACE this ENERGY we find that ALL that we EXPERIENCEBLESSES us over and overRobin Marvel and the Wisdom of Success, 25 Mar 2014 14:00:00 GMTRobin Marvel and the Wisdom of SuccessHer passion is to reach out to those in need and encourage them to heal from the inside out because Robin Marvel not only understands why this important to become a person who will change the world; she is the living, breathing example! National Women’s History Month is honored to have as our guest today, author, speaker and world changer, Robin Marvel.  She may not have had any choice in how she grew up, still Robin learned to exercise the tool of choice and used less than savory circumstances to help her create a life of success!  Her latest book, Life Check-7 Steps to Balance Your Life is climbing the best selling lists and keeps her heavily booked in national media to share her message, one that teaches us that we have to take action and HOW… but right now you can listen to this conversation today to learn more about that message and WHY it is so important.  Find out MORE about Robin @ and be sure to SHARE that site as many ways as you can as her message is timeless and Universal.  Thank you as well for sharing the sites: and where the music of award-winning artist David Martinka is available, he so graciously provided the theme music for this program.  FOLLOW us @ and CONNECT with Annette Rochelle Aben on YOU Tube, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Pintrest.  Of course when you are seeking expert, professional instruction and support for your internet radio programs, email Annette @ 00:30:00Perspectivepowernobest selling authors,healing,life,Robin Marvel,David MartinkaHer passion is to reach out to those in need and encourage them to heal from the inside out because Robin Marvel not only understands why this important to becoAmy Smith Hall and the Wisdom of Success, 24 Mar 2014 14:00:00 GMTAmy Smith Hall and the Wisdom of SuccessToday, we are speaking with Amy Smith Hall, the Founder of The Empowerment Group LLC whose vision is “perspective, purpose, passion”. Amy is an entrepreneur and philanthropist who crosses the globe to help make this world a better place.  As we continue with the celebration of National Women’s History Month here on The Wisdom of Success, we encourage you to tune in and enjoy this deeply personal conversation with Amy Smith Hall, a woman who has the dedication and energy to power her vision!  Thank you for FOLLOWING this program @ as well as CONNECTING with Annette Rochelle Aben on YOU Tube, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+, Pintrest and MySpace.  Also, please visit these two sites: and for the soul stirring music of award-winning artist, David Martinka who so graciously provides the music for this program. 00:32:00PerspectivepowernoGhana,Philanthrophy,Women,Children,David MartinkaToday, we are speaking with Amy Smith Hall, the Founder of The Empowerment Group LLC whose vision is “perspective, purpose, passion”. Amy is an entrepreneur andDr Kim Bloomer and the Wisdom of Success, 23 Mar 2014 17:00:00 GMTDr Kim Bloomer and the Wisdom of SuccessDr. Kim Bloomer is Certified Animal Naturopath and published author who co-hosts her own weekly internet radio show with her colleague Dr. Jeannie Thomason and they are the founders of the American Council of Animal Naturopathy.  She has been published in many magazines including Animal Wellness, Natural Horse, Dogs Naturally, NM Breeze, Raw Instincts and the Pet Connections.  Dr. Kim co-authored the book Whole Health for Happy Dogs and authored the book Animals Taught Me That.Visit her site @ Dr. Kim is a proficient blogger and LOVES hearing from people everywhere about their pets and pet concerns.  Dr.Kim's passion and mission are "to help our animal companions live longer, healthier lives naturally." We also direct you to Thank you for visiting the website of my friend award-winning artist David Martinka, who provided the music for this program . and We also thank YOU for FOLLOWING this program @ and the Facebook page for this program and of course you can CONNECT with Annette Rochelle Aben on YOU Tube, Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and Pintrest   00:30:00PerspectivepowernoAnimal Care,Dogs,Naturopathy,Dr Kim Bloomer,David MartinkaDr. Kim Bloomer is Certified Animal Naturopath and published author who co-hosts her own weekly internet radio show with her colleague Dr. Jeannie Thomason andVanessa Richardson and the Wisdom of Success, 22 Mar 2014 21:00:00 GMTVanessa Richardson and the Wisdom of SuccessShe’s a minister, poet, playwright, published author (we’ll be talking about the 2nd installment in her inspired series “Love Lifted Me”) and is the Founder and Editor in Chief of the inspirational on-line magazine The Certain Ones and actually she is also the host of the internet radio program by the same name, The Certain Ones.  Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome to the program, Vanessa Richardson and we are so honored to hold the space for her during National Women’s History Month. If you think about it, Vanessa IS creating history with her tireless work to bring like-minded people together so they can build bridges leading to business, spiritual and physical success.  Listen and be inspired! Vanessa Richardson can be found @ and of course her popular Blog Talk Radio program The Certain Ones  is Thursdays 6pm EST AND be sure to read the on-line magazine The Certain Ones.  We are certainly reading the information on the websites and where you can find the information and music of David Martinka, who is the award-winning artist who created the music for our program.  And we are always happy t have you FOLLOW the program here @ and CONNECT with Annette Rochelle Aben on YOU Tube, Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and Pintrest! 00:30:00PerspectivepowernoThe Certain Ones,Vanessa Richardson,theatre,author,David MartinkaShe’s a minister, poet, playwright, published author (we’ll be talking about the 2nd installment in her inspired series “Love Lifted Me”) and is the Founder andSuzanne M Banton and the Wisdom of Success, 21 Mar 2014 15:00:00 GMTSuzanne M Banton and the Wisdom of SuccessOm Swasti Astu!  This mystical Hindu greeting comes from the heart and soul of Suzanne M. Banton Imma (eee-mah which is Hebrew for Mother).  In celebration of National Women’s History Month, Imma shares her inspiring story and work with us on today’s program.  Her journey is one of Spiritual Enlightenment blending the perspectives of Hindu, Buddhist, Hebrew and Catholic/Christian beliefs. She sees herself as the Chief Executive Officer at World School of Happiness as well as offers Spiritual Development Awareness, House Cleansing, Meditations, Inspirational/Motivational Speaking Engagements and MORE, and here’s the opportunity to feel the heart and soul of “Mother” Imma Suzanne.  Here is her website. Om Swasti Astu!  Thank you for FOLLOWING this program @ and for visiting the websites of David Martinka, the award-winning artist who composed and performs the theme song for this program: and And of course you are welcomed to CONNECTING to and with Annette Rochelle Aben on YOU Tube, Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and Pintrest! 00:33:00PerspectivepowernoHindu,Hebrew,Christian beliefs,Imma Suzanne M Banton,David MartinkaOm Swasti Astu!  This mystical Hindu greeting comes from the heart and soul of Suzanne M. Banton Imma (eee-mah which is Hebrew for Mother).  In celebration of NWin Charles and the Wisdom of Success, 20 Mar 2014 14:30:00 GMTWin Charles and the Wisdom of SuccessShe is a disabled woman living a non disabled life, and the title of her autobiography says it all: “I, WIN” our special guest on the program today in the continuing celebration of National Women’s History Month is a history making young lady named Win Charles!  An Aspen Colorado native, this remarkable young woman is an artist, an athlete, of course an author and an inspirational leader.  At age 24 she decided to pay tribute to her family for their inspiration of living their lives with passion and this book is for her mom, who passed in August of 2010.  Here is a quote you can find (along with information on how to contact Win, order her book, watch her videos, and buy her artwork) on her website“My hope is that this book will provide insight into the extraordinary possibilities that those who live with disabilities have. I also hope that those without disabilities – rather than putting a focus on our differences – will come to understand what we all have in common. This book is for my mom, with love.” Thanks to David Martinka for his beautiful music he composed and performed for our show and you can find his work for purchase as well as FREE to download @ and We appreciate you FOLLOWING this program @ and CONNECT with me, Annette Rochelle Aben on YOU Tube, LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook and Pintrest.  Br sure to make me part of your crew when you are looking for expert, professional training for your OWN internet radio program!   00:30:00Perspectivepowernodisabled women,authors,cerebal palsy,Win Charles,David MartinkaShe is a disabled woman living a non disabled life, and the title of her autobiography says it all: “I, WIN” our special guest on the program today in the contiAllowing yourself to Have an Attitude of Gratitude, 19 Mar 2014 12:00:00 GMTAllowing yourself to Have an Attitude of GratitudeYES!  I am ALLOWING myself to HAVE an ATTITUDE of GRATITUDE!  By saying this to yourself each and everyday, you GIVE yourself PERMISSION to BE HAPPY!  Seriously GIVE yourself PERMISSION to BE HAPPY!  And what is so cool about this is something we can ALL do!  No special training.. No special equipment needed...  Enjoy this program and the resulting video and ENJOY giving YOURSELF PERMISSION to HAVE an ATTITUDE of GRATITUDE!  Thank you for JOINING this network and CONNECTING with Annette Rochelle Aben on YOU Tube, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Pintrest.  And thank YOU to award-winning artist David Martinka for his wonderful music that brings our program to life here, find him @ and for some really cool FREE downloadable music as well as many CD's to purchase.  Of course, YOU, yourself have dreams and ideas!  Let Annette guide and mentor YOU into your own internet radio program!  Contact her @ or connect via one of the above sources and let's get you on the air!   00:16:00Perspectivepowernogratitude,Attraction,attitude,positive thinking,law of attractionYES!  I am ALLOWING myself to HAVE an ATTITUDE of GRATITUDE!  By saying this to yourself each and everyday, you GIVE yourself PERMISSION to BE HAPPY!  SeriouslySolana, Psychic Energy Medium and the Wisdom of Success, 18 Mar 2014 17:00:00 GMTSolana, Psychic Energy Medium and the Wisdom of Success Solana, Psychic Energy Medium has assisted people all over the world to move past their fears, giving way to understanding for themselves, their relationships and their careers, and has she graciously accepted the invitation to participate in the National Women’s History Month programs for The Wisdom of Success! Solana’s passion is working with others and her empowering guidance and direction shows us how to connect from within to our chakra energy system.  You will love her grounding videos on YOU Tube as well as enjoy visiting her website @ where you can find out how to connect with Solana who encourages us to all repeat daily: “I AM connected, grounded, balanced and protected.” We direct you to and to learn more about award-winning artist David Martinka who composed and performed our theme song. CONNECT with Annette Rochelle Aben on YOU Tube, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Pintrest. And thank YOU for FOLLOWING this program @ 00:31:00Perspectivepowernopsychic,paranormal investigations,chakras,Solana,David MartinkaSolana, Psychic Energy Medium has assisted people all over the world to move past their fears, giving way to understanding for themselves, their relationshipsSing Your Song, 17 Mar 2014 18:30:00 GMTSing Your SongSing the song of your heart as loud and a long as you possibly can. Lift up your voice and SHARE the ENERGY bubbling up inside you that longs to reach the hearts and souls of all those around you!  GIVE the DREAMS inside of your the FREEDOM to BECOME REALITY and EMBRACE life for all is has to offer.  Your life doesn't happen by accident, so when it is created and tended to with love and care, something BEAUTIFUL will ALWAYS result! CONNECT with ALL of the videos I produce on YOU Tube, as well as CONNECT on Twitter, LinkedIn, Pintrest and Facebook. I am Annette Rochelle Aben and I am here to help YOU DELIVER your MESSAGE through training, coaching and mentoring! 00:06:00Perspectivepowernospring,creativity,hope,gratitude,Annette Rochelle AbenSing the song of your heart as loud and a long as you possibly can. Lift up your voice and SHARE the ENERGY bubbling up inside you that longs to reach the heartYou Have It All, 16 Mar 2014 18:30:00 GMTYou Have It AllYou have it ALL, everything you need to have the best life ever and by embracing this truth as your reality, you WILL create the best life!  So close your eyes and LISTEN to the words that are designed to speak to that part of you that seeks the permission to move forward in its quest for trust and peace.  Thank you for folloiwng this network @ and for CONNECTING with Annette Rochelle Aben on YOU Tube, LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter and Pintrest 00:06:00PerspectivepowernoMeditation,truth,Annette Rochelle Aben,empowerment,loveYou have it ALL, everything you need to have the best life ever and by embracing this truth as your reality, you WILL create the best life!  So close your eyesRita Anne Gessner and the Wisdom of Success, 15 Mar 2014 19:00:00 GMTRita Anne Gessner and the Wisdom of SuccessOne picks up a ton of wisdom when you are balancing family and work, and single mother/career girl, Rita Anne Gessner has come a long way since her days as a professional singer, travels across the country and back to her home State of Michigan with her 2 beautiful young daughters. Today we honor her wisdom on the topic of success and learn how she has chosen to blend her history into the present moment while laying the foundation for the future.  Thank you Rita for joining us for National Women’s History Month!  You are always welcome to FOLLOW her on Facebook!  And we appreciate the beautiful contribution of award-winning artist David Martinka and for his inviting music. Thank you for FOLLOWING this program @ and you can always CONNECT with Annette Rochelle Aben on YOU Tube, Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and Pintrest. 00:40:00Perspectivepowernoimport export,single mother,children,Career,Rita Anne GessnerOne picks up a ton of wisdom when you are balancing family and work, and single mother/career girl, Rita Anne Gessner has come a long way since her days as a prSuzee Corbell and the Wisdom of Success, 14 Mar 2014 14:00:00 GMTSuzee Corbell and the Wisdom of SuccessHere’s the set-up: ‘a steampunk ghost hunter works with a ghost and a spy to stop the bad guys’ this action/thriller/paranormal project is the brain child of my guest writer/director/producer Suzee Corbell and this exciting movie is about to go into production!  National Women’s History Month continues as we share the wisdom of success as it is defined by Suzee Corbell who is the President of Vivid Light Productions LLC who has over 20 years experience in the entertainment industry including working her way through the ranks behind the camera to learn every aspect of the film making process.  Looking forward to not only the film, but the conversation too!   And we appreciate that your attention to and where you will find the music of award-winning artist, David Martinka who s generously created our theme song.  FOLLOW this show @ and CONNECT with Annette Rochelle Aben on YOU Tube, Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and Pintrest! When you are looking to create your OWN internet radio program, talk to Annette about expert, professional training! Email her at 00:36:00Perspectivepowernofilm making,Paranormal,SciFi,movies,Suzee CorbellHere’s the set-up: ‘a steampunk ghost hunter works with a ghost and a spy to stop the bad guys’ this action/thriller/paranormal project is the brain child of myToledo City Councilwoman, Lindsay M Webb and the Wisdom of Success, 13 Mar 2014 14:00:00 GMTToledo City Councilwoman, Lindsay M Webb and the Wisdom of SuccessLindsay M. Webb has been serving the City of Toledo, Ohio as a District 6 City Councilwoman since 2008 with a dedication to the values of ‘community’ that she believes are needed to guide the City’s leaders toward the future.  Her degrees in Urban Studies and Law (University of Toledo) have complimented her focus and energy well as Ms. Webb continues in her second term on the council.  Today we listen intently to the wisdom of this woman who wears many hats; wife, mother, lawyer, public servant and learn her views on success not only for people but the populous she represents in Toledo, Ohio.  We thank her for her service here during National Women’s History Month.  Thanking also award-winning artist David Martinka for his musical contribution to our show and direct you to his websites: and where there are many songs available for FREE download as well as CD’s to purchase.  Also, thank YOU for FOLLOWING this program @ and getting CONNECTED to Annette Rochelle Aben on YOU Tube, Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter and Pintrest. If you have a desire to HOST your OWN internet radio program, Annette can help you with that, so email her @ 00:42:00PerspectivepowernoToledo Ohio,City government,community,women,David MartinkaLindsay M. Webb has been serving the City of Toledo, Ohio as a District 6 City Councilwoman since 2008 with a dedication to the values of ‘community’ that she bDavid Martinka and an Attitude of Gratitude, 12 Mar 2014 12:00:00 GMTDavid Martinka and an Attitude of GratitudeAward-winning artist, David Martinka is a 5th generation musician who successfully blends the beautiful sounds of hand made flutes from his Slovakian roots and his love for the  Native American flute in to songs that are naturally healing, meditative , loving and spiritual.  The result is a step back into a time when the flute was used to heal the soul and bring peace to people’s hearts!  David’s beautiful music brings such peace and joy to our lives as he has graced Perspectivepower with the theme songs for Attitude of Gratitude and The Wisdom of Success and because I am so grateful for this gentle man of music and magic, I invited him to join me on Attitude of gratitude today.  I am sure we will share more music and great words from the heart so thank YOU for tuning in today.  Find out MORE about David Martinka @ and of course you can always CONNECT with Annette Rochelle Aben on YOU Tube, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Pintrest.  And we thank YOU for FOLLOWING us @ where ALL the archives are and we will keep you updated on all future programs! 00:36:00Perspectivepowernogratitude,attitude,Red Belly Music,Sun Shadows,Annette Rochelle AbenAward-winning artist, David Martinka is a 5th generation musician who successfully blends the beautiful sounds of hand made flutes from his Slovakian roots andShanti SunFire Shaharazade and the Wisdom of Success, 11 Mar 2014 18:30:00 GMTShanti SunFire Shaharazade and the Wisdom of SuccessContinuing on here in our celebration of National Women’s History Month, March 2014 , we introduce you today, to a remarkable woman for whom the term SiStar means the WORLD!  Shanti SunFire Shaharazade is an advocate for women of all ages with a soft spot in her heart for young women. She is a light worker, a writer, who sets a strong standard for never believing in the word CANNOT! Her focus is on creating villages that will raise ‘children’ to never give up and recognize that they have choices! Follow this beautiful beacon of light and love @ find her here and be sure to bookmark this program link because you WILL want to share it, and  listen to it over and over again because here today Shanti SunFire Shaharazade is sharing her wisdom on the topic of success!  We know that you will want to check out these websites, and to learn more about the music of David Martinka, the award-winning artist who composed our theme music. Thank you for FOLLOWING this network @ and the CONNECT with Annette Rochelle Aben on YOU Tube, Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and Pintrest. 00:29:00Perspectivepowernowomen,sisterhood,personal responsibility,breaking chains of oppression,David MartinkaContinuing on here in our celebration of National Women’s History Month, March 2014 , we introduce you today, to a remarkable woman for whom the term SiStar meaJoan Wulfsohn and the Wisdom of Success, 10 Mar 2014 19:00:00 GMTJoan Wulfsohn and the Wisdom of SuccessLife has taken Joan Wulfsohn around the world as well as the world of herself and back again and in the process she brought forth the healing magic she was born to bring to the physical world, to share so others could be happy and healthy!  Visit the website and learn more about her wondrous healing modality, you will be moved to contact her!  Then read the book “Stalking Carlos Castaneda” which is her poetic memoir which explains how and why she brought forth Cellular Recall Therapy, when you do you will find that Joan Wulfsohn is a humble, enchanted woman who has lived and is living a remarkable life.  Today Joan is sharing her wisdom on the topic of success and as she has experienced a myriad of what we may call defeats, perhaps these contributed to the wisdom that lead her to success, tune in and find out!  We thank Joan for her sharing, we also thank award winning artist, David Martinka for his beautiful music. and are where you can find his music!  Thank you for FOLLOWING this program @ as well as CONNECTING with Annette Rochelle Aben on YOU Tube, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pintrest. 00:30:00PerspectivepowernoCellular Recall Therapy,Stalking Carlos Castaneda,Joan Wulfsohn,Dancing,David MartinkaLife has taken Joan Wulfsohn around the world as well as the world of herself and back again and in the process she brought forth the healing magic she was bornJoan Marentis Kelly and the Wisdom of Success, 07 Mar 2014 17:00:00 GMTJoan Marentis Kelly and the Wisdom of SuccessA touch old world…a splash trend… and a whole lot of vision!  Could this be a splendid and posh collection of hand crafted jewelry and couture accessories or the designer, Joan Marentis Kelly of which we speak?  It is truly BOTH!  As Joan’s work is an expression of self that she had NO idea would take off to become this sort of custom made gig that speaks to others’ souls as each piece does to Joan.  And Joan’s guiding force through everything? Well it is none other than her dear father, Cosmos, for whom her business is named.  She feels he works with her in a magical way that leads to pieces of wearable art that others say they feel the ‘soul’ of and they get it! Today my guest Joan Marentis Kelly shares her wisdom on the topic of success, in celebration of National Women’s History Month, March 2014 and we direct to her Facebook page:   as well as to her Etsy Shop: www. thank you for your attention. And  As well as thank you for your attention to award winning artist David Martinka and SunShadows who provide the music for our program and We are ever so grateful that you FOLLOW this network at its home and on Facebook and that you CONNECT with the host, Annette Rochelle Aben on YOU Tube, Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and Pintrest. 00:30:00Perspectivepowernojewerly,artists,Greeks,wisdom,cosmik souls handcrafted jewelryA touch old world…a splash trend… and a whole lot of vision!  Could this be a splendid and posh collection of hand crafted jewelry and couture accessories or thI am Manifesting..., 06 Mar 2014 22:30:00 GMTI am Manifesting...I am manifesting... a dialogue with ones self, which is basically a meditation, where we can use the power of our deliberate thought to CREATE that which we truly desire.  Listen to this whenever you seek to align yourself with the POWER that CREATES you reality and KNOW that you are, in effect sending out the VIBRATIONS that you seek to have RETURN.  Meditation is easy for some and not so for others but be of good cheer, it is something everyone CAN do and might even consider doing just to see where it will lead.  You are encouraged and welcome to FOLLOW me here, as well as find us on Facebook @ and of course you can CONNECT with Mentor and Coach, Annette Rochelle Aben on YOU Tube, Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and Pintrest.  Thank you for your kind attention and may you be the magnet, honest and true for ALL you seek to ATTRACT! 00:04:00Perspectivepowernomanifestation,money,Love,Meditation,Annette Rochelle AbenI am manifesting... a dialogue with ones self, which is basically a meditation, where we can use the power of our deliberate thought to CREATE that which we truTrusting the Creative Process with an Attitude of Gratitude, 05 Mar 2014 13:00:00 GMTTrusting the Creative Process with an Attitude of GratitudeTrusting the creative process and an attitude of gratitude… Magic happens when we combine all of this into a ‘spiritual smoothie’ so to speak and as we begin to believe in processes that may not always show us what we feel they SHOULD, we can blow the barn doors of manifestation WIDE OPEN!  Always our attitude IS the KEY and when GRATITUDE is where the ATTITUDE seats itself… well just try it and see what can happen!  The creative award-winning artist David Martinka created a beautiful piece of music for this program and for this we are most grateful, find his works @ and and there are many wonderful options there.  And we are grateful that you FOLLOW this network @ and CONNECT with Annette Rochelle Aben on YOU Tube, Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and Pintrest.  Of course we LOVE that you SHARE your GRATITUDE on our Facebook page, 00:15:00Perspectivepowernogratitude,attitude,creativity,magic,David MartinkaTrusting the creative process and an attitude of gratitude… Magic happens when we combine all of this into a ‘spiritual smoothie’ so to speak and as we begin toSusan Bones and the Wisdom of Success, 03 Mar 2014 19:00:00 GMTSusan Bones and the Wisdom of SuccessMarch is National Women’s History Month and to pay homage to WOMEN and the WISDOM they have to SHARE, we are holding space for WOMEN all month here on The Wisdom of Success.  Today we hold space for energy worker and Oneness Blessing Giver, Susan Bones, of Holland, OH.  She loves supporting people on their healing and life journeys and blesses them with healing arts such as reflexology, Reiki (she is a Reiki Master and Teacher), spiritual counseling  and is a Healing Touch Spiritual Ministry Practitioner.  To quote Susan, “Watching and helping people succeed is what life is all about.”  Thank you to Susan for sharing her wisdom on the topic of success today!  We also thank David Martinka of SunShadows for his beautiful music that we are blessed to have for opening and closing the program. Find out more about both David and SunShadows @ and  You are appreciated for FOLLOWING this program @ and on Facebook @ And of course CONNECT with ME, Annette Rochelle Aben via YOU Tube, Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, and Pintrest! Email me at   00:30:00PerspectivepowernoWomen,Wisdom,Reiki,Reflexology,Annette Rochelle AbenMarch is National Women’s History Month and to pay homage to WOMEN and the WISDOM they have to SHARE, we are holding space for WOMEN all month here on The WisdoThank you to the Trees!, 02 Mar 2014 21:30:00 GMTThank you to the Trees!Just taking time to say thank you to the TREES.  Many people go out and hug trees, some plant them all around their property because they have a desire to beautify their area and still other want to provide a home, shelter for the life that chooses to make a home in them.  I simply enjoy talking to them, sharing my thoughts and feeling the vibrations of what they have to give back.  So I am taking this time to say thank YOU to the trees in a small but heartfelt way. Enjoy and thank YOU for FOLLOWING my network here @ and for finding me Annette Rochelle Aben on YOU Tube, Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook and Pintrest as well. 00:04:00Perspectivepowernotrees,nature,beauty,love,appreciationJust taking time to say thank you to the TREES.  Many people go out and hug trees, some plant them all around their property because they have a desire to beautJoseph Drolshagen, Lifes Lessons and the Wisdom of Success, 01 Mar 2014 19:00:00 GMTJoseph Drolshagen, Lifes Lessons and the Wisdom of SuccessLife’s Lessons can be magical and miraculous and the wisdom Joseph Drolshagen has gleaned from HIS life’s lessons is the topic of discussion today here on the Wisdom of Success.  In our visit with a man who has packed more into his time here on earth than others ever endeavor to attempt yet does he see his life as successful?  Tune in and find out! is Joseph’s thought provoking blog and you are invited to subscribe to him.  We invite you to visit and to find the works of the award-winning artist, David Martinka who composed and performed our theme song.  And it is our pleasure to welcome you as a FOLLOWER @ as well as CONNECTING with Annette Rochelle Aben on YOU Tube, Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and Pintrest. 00:30:00Perspectivepowernobullying,fears,life,Joeseph Drolshagen,Annette Rochelle AbenLife’s Lessons can be magical and miraculous and the wisdom Joseph Drolshagen has gleaned from HIS life’s lessons is the topic of discussion today here on the WHerb Conroy and the Wisdom of Success, 28 Feb 2014 15:00:00 GMTHerb Conroy and the Wisdom of SuccessThe stress of dealing with the needs of an aging parent can be more than some can handle so it is good to know who the caring professionals are and where to find them when you need a hand.  Herb Conroy is one such person and as a Certified Senior Advisor, with Assisted Transition Senior Living and Care Finders he is just the person to reach out to when you are seeking information to help you lovingly house a senior citizen.  As the Area Owner and a Placement Specialist, Herb is able to successfully connect people and facilities and is here to give us hope for the situations that may be overwhelming to many. and you can email him directly @ You can reach the award-winning artist who composed and performs our theme song, David Martinka @ and And we are happy to have you FOLLOW this program and all the archives @ and YOU Tube, Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and Pintrest is where you will find the host, Annette Rochelle Aben. 00:31:00Perspectivepowernoassisted living,senior citizens,eldercare,Assisted Transition,David MartinkaThe stress of dealing with the needs of an aging parent can be more than some can handle so it is good to know who the caring professionals are and where to finInspired By Suzi Hendricks and the Wisdom of Success, 27 Feb 2014 16:00:00 GMTInspired By Suzi Hendricks and the Wisdom of SuccessSuzi Hendricks has worn so many hats in her life that is might not be the easiest thing in the world to label her with any ONE title.  She is an author, an artist, a teacher, a speaker, a counselor, a healer, an Angel and a D.O.G. (daughter of God) in addition to being a woman, daughter, wife, mother, grandmother and where else could we go from here… so if we were to CHOOSE, let’s say she is an INSPIRATION!  For no matter what Suzi Hendricks does, she will inspire SOMEONE, even if that someone is herself!  On the show today we allow Suzi to inspire us in our quest for the Wisdom of Success.  Also along for the ride is David Martinka and as he is for ALL these shows as he is the award-winning artist who created our theme song and we are richer for his work!  Thank YOU for FOLLOWING this program @ and find me, Annette Rochelle Aben all over the place, YOU Tube, Twitter, Facebook, LinkeIn, Pintrest. 00:31:00Perspectivepowernoinspiration,author,healthy,Suzi Hendricks,David MartinkaSuzi Hendricks has worn so many hats in her life that is might not be the easiest thing in the world to label her with any ONE title.  She is an author, an artiChildren and Cultivating an Attitude of Gratitude, 26 Feb 2014 13:00:00 GMTChildren and Cultivating an Attitude of GratitudeThank heaven for our little girl Allison Jeanice Scislowski!  This little girl has come a long way from her premature birth to celebrating her 3rd birthday just a couple days ago.  In fact from conception to ‘NOW’, little Alli’s life has been something the entire family is grateful for.  We continue to find reasons to be grateful for this child and her story inspires Attitude of Gratitude today! And inspiring us with his beautiful music and talent, award-winning artist, David Martinka gives us reason to be grateful for his contribution to this show and you can find his music @ and Thank you for FOLLOWING this program @ and you are always welcome to connect with me, Annette Rochelle Aben; YOU Tube, Twitter, Facebook, Linkedin, and Pintrest!   00:15:00Perspectivepowernochildren,families,gratitude,joy,David MartinkaThank heaven for our little girl Allison Jeanice Scislowski!  This little girl has come a long way from her premature birth to celebrating her 3rd birthday justKristina Montalto and the Wisdom of Success, 25 Feb 2014 18:30:00 GMTKristina Montalto and the Wisdom of SuccessAt a very tender age, Kristina Montalto was developing a passion for cooking in her Nona’s kitchen and ever since she has been creating and serving culinary delights.  And today we find out what success means to Kristina, the owner and operator of Kristina’s Catering in Shelby Twp., Michigan.  So when you are looking for someone to provide you and your guests with a delectable dining experience, Kristina and her team will serve you with joy and honor.  586-443-1005 is the number to call and her website is Serving our program, as always with joy is our own award-winning David Martinka of the group Sunshadows and you are invited to check out their music @ and David’s solo works @  Thank you for FOLLOWING this program @ which is also where ALL the archives are and find us on Facebook @ www.facebook/perspectivepower and of course when YOU are ready to launch your OWN internet radio program, Annette Rochelle Aben is the one who can PRODUCE for YOU!. 00:31:00Perspectivepowernocatering,cooking,food,David Martinka,SunshadowsAt a very tender age, Kristina Montalto was developing a passion for cooking in her Nona’s kitchen and ever since she has been creating and serving culinary delSpadecaller and the Wisdom of Success, 24 Feb 2014 15:00:00 GMTSpadecaller and the Wisdom of SuccessMatthew Schwartz a.k.a.Spadecaller creates passionate, vibrant art with an intensity that speaks directly to the soul of the kindred who are drawn to experience his works. Admirers from all corners of the globe recognize, praise and laud him for his efforts, and with good reason, Matt was born to create and create he certainly does, in as many ways as he is lead and guided to share. And today he is guided to share from the wisdom of his experience from cultivating his vision of the world; a deeply personal perspective on success.  Spend some time exploring the work of Matthew Schwartz @ and you are encouraged as well to visit   We also direct you to the websites and for more information and to enjoy the offerings of award-winning artist David Martinka who so graciously composed and performs our theme song.  And it is most appreciated that you FOLLOW us @ and support the other social media presences we have such as 00:31:00Perspectivepowernovisual arts,photography,Matthew Schwartz,Annette Rochelle Aben,David MartinnkaMatthew Schwartz a.k.a.Spadecaller creates passionate, vibrant art with an intensity that speaks directly to the soul of the kindred who are drawn to experienceThank You, 23 Feb 2014 22:30:00 GMTThank YouThis is a moment I am taking to be grateful for so much in my life and I wanted to share it with as many people as I possibly can.  So I am making this recording and then turning it into a video as well.  Now when you are searching the internet for Gratitude Energy, you will find this wee recording and it will bring a smile to your heart! 00:04:00Perspectivepowernogratitude,smile,happy,BLESSINGSThis is a moment I am taking to be grateful for so much in my life and I wanted to share it with as many people as I possibly can.  So I am making this recordinRaj Chehl and the Wisdom of Success, 20 Feb 2014 18:30:00 GMTRaj Chehl and the Wisdom of SuccessTo live a life that allows one to experience many different cultures would truly enrich one’s perspective on life and cultivate an understanding and appreciation of the similarities and differences of people.  Raj Chehl MA, LPC, NCC is blessed to say that this IS the life she has been able to live and guide others towards their life’s richness. Through her work as the Founder and CEO of WiseLife LLC in Farmington Hills, MI. Raj counsels individuals and groups to create lasting inner transformation that allows them to experience life deeper and have more fulfilling lives.  Her work background went from computers in the corporate world for 20 years to the intensely personal work of psychology and on the program today we hear Raj’s story and learn from the wisdom of her success.  So sit back enjoy our time with Raj Chehl along with the music generously provided by award-winning artist David Martinka and  Thank you for FOLLOWING this channel @ and for connecting with me, Annette Rochelle Aben on YOU Tube, Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and Pintrest so that when you are READY to HOST your OWN internet radio program you can avail yourself of my AFFORDABLE TRAINING and SUPPORT SERVICES! 00:30:00Perspectivepowernopsychology,grief,Addictions,business skills,intuitive guidanceTo live a life that allows one to experience many different cultures would truly enrich one’s perspective on life and cultivate an understanding and appreciatioCattitude Attitude of Gratitude, 19 Feb 2014 13:00:00 GMTCattitude Attitude of GratitudeCattitude!  Gratitude!  I must say that when we have a pet, we can find a WHOLE NEW APPRECIATITION for the definition of GRATITUDE!  Watch how they LOVE every LITTLE thing we do for them.  Observe them as they find JOY in each and every moment, whether they are sleeping, eating or merely ZEN.  In your life it may be a bird, a horse, a dog or like in mine, a cat but regardless we can learn a lot about GRATITUDE from our animal friends.  And I do this with a little help from my friends, friends like David Martinka, the award-winning artist who composed and performs out theme song. Find his music at either or and I thank YOU for being MY FRIEND on YOU Tube, Facebook, LinkedIn and Pintrest and for FOLLOWING this program @   00:16:00PerspectivepowernoLove,Attitude of Gratitude,relaxation,animals,Annette Rochelle AbenCattitude!  Gratitude!  I must say that when we have a pet, we can find a WHOLE NEW APPRECIATITION for the definition of GRATITUDE!  Watch how they LOVE every LMinesh Baxi, The Goal Secret and the Wisdom of Success, 18 Feb 2014 22:00:00 GMTMinesh Baxi, The Goal Secret and the Wisdom of SuccessWhether you are a business success right out of the box or you find that you have a lot to learn, hiring a business coach is a wise idea.  Lucky for everyone today we have the opportunity to meet best-selling author, Speaker, Entrepreneur, Minesh Baxi who has helped countless business people over-come their fears, cultivate important skills and realize their dreams of success through careful mentoring, precise guidance and supportive coaching and you are encouraged to reach out to him TODAY . We also thank the successfully award winning artist/composer David Martinka for his music and we direct you to and for more information on his music.  FOLLOW us here @ 00:30:00Perspectivepowernobusiness coaching,mentoring,success,Minesh Baxi,TheGoalSecretWhether you are a business success right out of the box or you find that you have a lot to learn, hiring a business coach is a wise idea.  Lucky for everyone toAt the heART of Zaheerah Sultan and The Wisdom of Success, 17 Feb 2014 15:00:00 GMTAt the heART of Zaheerah Sultan and The Wisdom of SuccessToday on the Wisdom of Success, we welcome a woman who has put her heart and soul into supporting, developing and creating ART!  K. Zaheerah Sultan is a performing arts development consultant specializing in teaching asset capitalization through networking, social media marketing, and fund development. Zaheerah is the founder of Mind Your Business Art and is the Regional Director of the Black Theatre Network and Development Director for the Lupe Fiasco Foundation. Her career history includes Program Coordinator for Columbia College Chicago’s Raw Voices: Teens in the Media Art and the Institute for Arts Entrepreneurship’s “ Produce It ”.  She is also the co-founded Da’ Coloured Gurlz Collective (DCGC), a Toledo based theater troupe that maintained its residency at the University of Toledo’s Women’s and Genders Studies Department. In 2012 the Chicago Women in Philanthropy recognized Zaheerah for her exceptional development skills. Her motto: “As artists, we must educate ourselves on the business of the Arts. It is the difference between being “Fired up and ready to go” and “Fizzled out and can’t function”. ~ K. Zaheerah Sultan Of course our fabulous music is compliments of award-winning artist, David Martinka and  and we invite you to FOLLOW this program @   00:30:00PerspectivepowernoChicago,art,art atudents,Zaheerah Sultan,David MartinkaToday on the Wisdom of Success, we welcome a woman who has put her heart and soul into supporting, developing and creating ART!  K. Zaheerah Sultan is a performGuinness World Record Holder Kevin Taylor and the Wisdom of Success, 16 Feb 2014 21:00:00 GMTGuinness World Record Holder Kevin Taylor and the Wisdom of SuccessGuinness Book of World Records doesn’t give medals out to just anyone still Kevin Taylor of Warren, MI has 3 of them to his credit.  This Martial arts instructor has founded his own school, tours the world giving demonstrations of his prowess in speed brick breaking to audiences in the United States, Japan, Turkey and Italy as well as having appeared on America’s Got Talent (2008), The Steve Harvey Show (2013) and was invited to be included in Ripley’s Believe it or Not: Dare to Look (2014).  Kevin is a gentle man who is father to 3 year old Luke and goes out of his way to make sure that everyone he comes in contact with understands that they can overcome any fear and bring out their true strength with the proper encouragement and instruction.  His work with students of all ages has earned him respect and he has trained many a champion in his dojo.  Today we are going to learn more about him and get his thoughts on the topic of The Wisdom of Success. As always we give many thanks to the ‘crew’ that helps make this show a success and they are award-winning artist, David who composed and performs our theme song and business coach extraordinaire, Minesh Baxi who invites EVERYONE to his website:  I encourage you to FOLLOW all the shows on my network here at 00:30:00PerspectivepowernoGuinness Book of World Records,World Speed Brick Breaking Association,The Steve Harvey Show,America's Got Talent,Martial ArtsGuinness Book of World Records doesn’t give medals out to just anyone still Kevin Taylor of Warren, MI has 3 of them to his credit.  This Martial arts instructoBetter Health from an Attitude of Gratitude, 12 Feb 2014 13:00:00 GMTBetter Health from an Attitude of GratitudeWe look for many ways to get healthy, stay healthy, BE healthy and in this day and age it can get so confusing, I mean really confusing.  Everyone has a different approach and because many people are challenged financially, affording some of the options might not be a choice.  So what option do we have that costs us NOTHING?  What option do we have that is AVAILABLE to EVERYONE? GRATITUDE! That’s right and besides, what else would you think we’d be doing here in this program!  So mark it on your calendars, set your alarms and TUNE IN for the ATTITUDE whose ALTITUDE will FILL US all with GRATITUDE; just what the Doctor ordered!  And as always I direct you to where you can find the great music of award-winning artist David Martinka.  Also, thank you for FOLLOWING this program @     00:15:00Perspectivepowernogratitude,attitude,health,relaxation,Native American musicWe look for many ways to get healthy, stay healthy, BE healthy and in this day and age it can get so confusing, I mean really confusing.  Everyone has a differeLiving Every Minute in an Attitude of Gratitude, 05 Feb 2014 13:00:00 GMTLiving Every Minute in an Attitude of GratitudeWhen you Live each and every minute in an Attitude of Gratitude it's nearly impossible to be anything but HAPPY!  With each step you take, with each act you perform during your day it is really an Attitude of Gratitude that makes these experiences open new worlds for you!  For instance I am grateful for the awesome music provided for this show by David Martinka and his website is and each time I think about how grateful I am, even if I not listening to his music at the moment I get the same feeling of joy as though I were listening to it.  Try it and let's compare notes!!  FOLLOW me here on BTR, or on Facebook and we can SHARE with everyone the LOVE with everyone else. 00:16:00Perspectivepowernohappiness,gratitude,joy,music,LoveWhen you Live each and every minute in an Attitude of Gratitude it's nearly impossible to be anything but HAPPY!  With each step you take, with each act you perSoul Heart Dolls Tracy Swartz and The Wisdom of Success, 03 Feb 2014 15:00:00 GMTSoul Heart Dolls Tracy Swartz and The Wisdom of SuccessAre Soul Heart Dolls are the creation of Tracy Swartz or did these playful muses for the heart create Tracy to bring them to life?  We are going to find out today on Wisdom of Success.  This remarkable creative has been delighting herself as well as others for quite some little time now with her whimsical creations. So today we invite the Gourdess herself to share the Wisdom of HER Success! And we invite you to visit her website and of course you know that there is a Facebook page just for these saucy, silly, delightful muses @ www.facebook.soulheartdolls Just a reminder that the beautiful music you hear on this program is provided by the award-winning artist, David Martinka and his web-site is and the band he performs/records with is SunShadows and we direct you to their website which is Please remember to FOLLOW this network and be sure to find me on Facebook, YOU Tube, Pintrest, LinkedIn and of course HERE! 00:31:00PerspectivepowernoGourd Art,Soul Dolls,Tracy Swartz,Annette Rochelle Aben,successful businessesAre Soul Heart Dolls are the creation of Tracy Swartz or did these playful muses for the heart create Tracy to bring them to life?  We are going to find out todBuild a Business with an Attitude of Gratitude, 29 Jan 2014 13:00:00 GMTBuild a Business with an Attitude of GratitudeWe are going to talk about BUILDING A BUSINESS and WHY it is SO IMPORTANT to employ that ATTITUDE OF GRATITUDE as your first WORKER!  Seriously, you will have NOTHING worth ANYTHING unless you DO have the attitude of gratitude.  This is what I help people DO, is get things rocking and rolling so they CAN help others get things rocking and rolling. I know that YOU have some terrific examples of how that AOG has helped or is helping you, so head over to the Facebook page for this show and SHARE!  Also, find the VIDEOS for our prorgam on YOU Tube, just type in my name, Annette Rochelle Aben and scroll to Attitude of Gratitude.  And make sure you are checking out for the music of our theme song's composer, David Martinka!  I appreciate you so much. 00:16:00Perspectivepowernogratitude,Attraction,attitude,law of attraction,Red Belly MusicWe are going to talk about BUILDING A BUSINESS and WHY it is SO IMPORTANT to employ that ATTITUDE OF GRATITUDE as your first WORKER!  Seriously, you will have NAttitude of Gratitude, 22 Jan 2014 13:00:00 GMTAttitude of GratitudeLife is AWESOME!  There is SO MUCH to be GRATEFUL for and to CELEBRATE!  When we EMBRACE this ENERGY we find that ALL that we EXPERIENCEBLESSES us over and over. Every Wednesday8am EST we’ll SHARE the ENTHUSIASM that SUPPORTS our FOCUS of seeing SOMETHING to BE GRATEFUL for in every aspect of our lives!  Need to be away from your computer during the show?  Dial in @ 347-996-5104 and ALLOW our CREW to INSPIRE you to OWN and ROCK and ATTITUDE of GRATTITUDE!  The original music for this program was created by award-winning artist David Martinka of the group Sun Shadows.  David Martinka Music can be found @ and the music of Sun Shadows can be found @  and remember to FOLLOW ME on Facebook, Annette Rochelle Aben so you can SHARE what it is that YOU are GRATEFUL for! And be sure to FOLLOW us on Blog Talk Radio, Perspectivepower. 00:16:00Perspectivepowernogratitude,Attraction,attitude,positive thinking,law of attractionLife is AWESOME!  There is SO MUCH to be GRATEFUL for and to CELEBRATE!  When we EMBRACE this ENERGY we find that ALL that we EXPERIENCEBLESSES us over and overThe Wisdom of Success, 20 Jan 2014 15:00:00 GMTThe Wisdom of SuccessThe WISDOM of SUCCESS is something that we can ALL incorporate into our LIVES.  Whether we SEEK to INCREASE our INCOME, ELEVATE our PERSONAL RELATIONSHIPS or EXPERIENCEGLOWING RADIANT GOOD HEALTH, we CAN be SUCCESSFUL at ACHIEVING the DESIRED RESULTS! Bring ourselves INTO ALIGNMENT with the WISDOM of SUCCESS and EMBRACE the HAPPINESS that COMES OUR WAY!  347-966-5104 to become part of the program to SHARE your WISDOM and be sure to CONNECT on Facebook @ Annette Rochelle Aben Wisdom Whisperer and of course you WILL get the notifications of this program by FOLLOWING Perspectivepower @  When you are seeking a successful business mentor and coach, your choice is Minesh Baxi @ The music for this program was created by the award-winning artist David Martinka and his website is and he is a member of the group SunShadows and their music is found @ 00:15:00PerspectivepowernoWisdom,Napoleon HIll,Think and Grow Rich,The Secret,Zig ZiglarThe WISDOM of SUCCESS is something that we can ALL incorporate into our LIVES.  Whether we SEEK to INCREASE our INCOME, ELEVATE our PERSONAL RELATIONSHIPS or EXAttitude of Gratitude, 15 Jan 2014 13:00:00 GMTAttitude of GratitudeLife is AWESOME!  There is SO MUCH to be GRATEFUL for and to CELEBRATE!  When we EMBRACE this ENERGY we find that ALL that we EXPERIENCEBLESSES us over and over. Every Wednesday8am EST we’ll SHARE the ENTHUSIASM that SUPPORTS our FOCUS of seeing SOMETHING to BE GRATEFUL for in every aspect of our lives!  Need to be away from your computer during the show?  Dial in @ 347-996-5104 and ALLOW our CREW to INSPIRE you to OWN and ROCK and ATTITUDE of GRATTITUDE!  The original music for this program was created by award-winning artist David Martinka of the group Sun Shadows.  David Martinka Music can be found @ and the music of Sun Shadows can be found @  and remember to FOLLOW ME on Facebook, Annette Rochelle Aben so you can SHARE what it is that YOU are GRATEFUL for! And be sure to FOLLOW us on Blog Talk Radio, Perspectivepower. 00:15:00Perspectivepowernogratitude,Attraction,attitude,positive thinking,law of attractionLife is AWESOME!  There is SO MUCH to be GRATEFUL for and to CELEBRATE!  When we EMBRACE this ENERGY we find that ALL that we EXPERIENCEBLESSES us over and overAttitude of Gratitude, 08 Jan 2014 13:00:00 GMTAttitude of GratitudeLife is AWESOME!  There is SO MUCH to be GRATEFUL for and to CELEBRATE!  When we EMBRACE this ENERGY we find that ALL that we EXPERIENCE BLESSES us over and over. Every Wednesday 8am EST we’ll SHARE the ENTHUSIASM that SUPPORTS our FOCUS of seeing SOMETHING to BE GRATEFUL for in every aspect of our lives!  Need to be away from your computer during the show?  Dial in @ 247-996-5104 and ALLOW our CREW to INSPIRE YOU to OWN and ROCK an ATTITUDE of GRATTITUDE!   00:10:00Perspectivepowernograttitude,blessings,grattitude journals,enthusiasm,inspirationLife is AWESOME!  There is SO MUCH to be GRATEFUL for and to CELEBRATE!  When we EMBRACE this ENERGY we find that ALL that we EXPERIENCE BLESSES us over and oveAttitude of Gratitude, 01 Jan 2014 13:00:00 GMTAttitude of Gratitude  Life is AWESOME!  There is SO MUCH to be GRATEFUL for and to CELEBRATE!  When we EMBRACE this ENERGY we find that ALL that we EXPERIENCEBLESSES us over and over. Every Wednesday8am EST we’ll SHARE the ENTHUSIASM that SUPPORTS our FOCUS of seeing SOMETHING to BE GRATEFUL for in every aspect of our lives!  Need to be away from your computer during the show?  Dial in @ 247-996-5104 and ALLOW our CREW to INSPIRE you to OWN and ROCK and ATTITUDE of GRATTITUDE!  The original music for this program was created by award-winning artist David Martinka of the group Sun Shadows.  David Martinka Music can be found @ and the music of Sun Shadows can be found @     00:16:00Perspectivepowernograttitude,blessings,grattitude journals,enthusiasm,inspirationLife is AWESOME!  There is SO MUCH to be GRATEFUL for and to CELEBRATE!  When we EMBRACE this ENERGY we find that ALL that we EXPERIENCEBLESSES us over and o