peoplegogy by Will Deyamport, MSEd, Peoplegogy is a show that discusses and explores an array of issues and topics related to family, life, and All Rights Reserved.Sun, 16 Jun 2019 04:30:00 GMTWed, 28 Sep 2011 15:00:00 GMTEducationBlogTalkRadio Feed v2.0 by Will Deyamport, MSEd, Peoplegogy is a show that discusses and explores an array of issues and topics related to family, life, and education.feeds@blogtalkradio.comBlogTalkRadio.comeducation,career,peoplegogy,will deyamport,blogging,branding,consulting,deyamport,teachers,a lenisepeoplegogynoHosted by Will Deyamport, MSEd, Peoplegogy is a show that discusses and explores an array of issues and topics related to family, life, and education.episodicEducation Speak with Capella University, 28 Sep 2011 15:00:00 GMTEducation Speak with Capella University The show will discuss for-profit universities, their place in higher education, as well as the degree programs and successes at Capella University. 00:37:00peoplegogynoEducation,Career,Capella University,will deyamport,peoplegogyThe show will discuss for-profit universities, their place in higher education, as well as the degree programs and successes at Capella University.Career Talk with Robin Roffer, 17 Aug 2011 21:00:00 GMTCareer Talk with Robin Roffer The show will discuss reinvention from Branding Expert and Reinvention Specialist, Robin Roffer Fisher. 00:42:00peoplegogynoCareer,Reinvention,Branding,Robin Roffer,peoplegogyThe show will discuss reinvention from Branding Expert and Reinvention Specialist, Robin Roffer Fisher.Career Talk with Angela Maiers, 12 Aug 2011 18:30:00 GMTCareer Talk with Angela Maiers The show will discuss educational consulting, the field of education, and the role social media and conferences like TED and 140 are playing in education. 00:46:00peoplegogynoCareer,Will Deyamport,Angela Maiers,Teachers,ConsultingThe show will discuss educational consulting, the field of education, and the role social media and conferences like TED and 140 are playing in education.Education Speak with Shelly Terrell, 09 Aug 2011 20:00:00 GMTEducation Speak with Shelly Terrell The show will discuss Ed reform, the Reform Symposium, social media, and the war against teachers. 00:44:00peoplegogynoEducation,RSCON3,Shelly Terrell,Teachers,peoplegogyThe show will discuss Ed reform, the Reform Symposium, social media, and the war against teachers.All Things Considered with Elisa Doucette, 22 Jul 2011 16:00:00 GMTAll Things Considered with Elisa Doucette The show will focus on career, business, and blogging with  Elisa Doucette.  00:46:00peoplegogynoElisa Doucette,Career,Business,Blogging,BrandingThe show will focus on career, business, and blogging with  Elisa Doucette.The Business of You with A. Lenise, 21 Jul 2011 16:00:00 GMTThe Business of You with A. Lenise The show will feature a conversation with the Publisher and Editorial Director of Kouture Magazine, A. Lenise. 00:38:00peoplegogynoA Lenise,Kouture Magazine,Will Deyamport,Peoplegogy,CareerThe show will feature a conversation with the Publisher and Editorial Director of Kouture Magazine, A. Lenise.Blogging Cafe with Noel Rozny, 20 Jul 2011 16:00:00 GMTBlogging Cafe with Noel Rozny The show will discuss the fundamentals of blogging with blogger and web editor, Noel Rozny. 00:36:00peoplegogynoBlogging,Will Deyamport,Noel Rozny,Peoplegogy,CareerThe show will discuss the fundamentals of blogging with blogger and web editor, Noel Rozny.Career Talk with Diana Antholis, 10 Jun 2011 16:00:00 GMTCareer Talk with Diana Antholis The show will cover career development.  00:27:00peoplegogynoCareer,Passion,Education,Diana Antholis,PerformanceThe show will cover career development.The Art of Being Funny with Leighann Lord?, 04 Feb 2011 17:00:00 GMTThe Art of Being Funny with Leighann Lord?This show will discuss what's funny, the making of a comedian, and the the perceptions of Black women comics.00:46:00peoplegogynoBlack Women,Comedy,Comedienne,Leighann Lord,StereotypesThis show will discuss what's funny, the making of a comedian, and the the perceptions of Black women comics.Online Graduate Degrees, 07 Jan 2011 17:00:00 GMTOnline Graduate DegreesThis show will discuss the highs, the lows, the rewards, the expectations of pursuing an online graduate degree.00:31:00peoplegogynoOnline Learning,Capella,Education,Deyamport,Graduate SchoolThis show will discuss the highs, the lows, the rewards, the expectations of pursuing an online graduate degree.What the Blog?, 30 Dec 2010 17:00:00 GMTWhat the Blog?This show will discuss blogging.00:32:00peoplegogynoBlogging,Deyamport,Writing,Blogger,WordpressThis show will discuss blogging.The Personal You with personal development coach Vicki Berry, 29 Dec 2010 17:00:00 GMTThe Personal You with personal development coach Vicki BerryWe will discuss the importance of personal development with Vicki Berry.00:31:00peoplegogynoVicki Berry,Inspiring Minds,Coaching,Personal Development,peoplegogyWe will discuss the importance of personal development with Vicki Berry.The Doctoral Journey, 17 Dec 2010 17:00:00 GMTThe Doctoral JourneyThis show will discuss the highs, lows, and reasons for pursuing a doctorate.00:29:00peoplegogynoDoctorate,Dissertation,Qualitative Research,Quantitative Research,TwitterThis show will discuss the highs, lows, and reasons for pursuing a doctorate.Global Competence with Dr. Miriam Kragness, 16 Dec 2010 14:00:00 GMTGlobal Competence with Dr. Miriam KragnessThis show will focus on what it means to successfully work with individuals and organizations on an international level.00:29:00peoplegogynoGlobal Competency,Awareness,Training,Consulting,Dr KragnessThis show will focus on what it means to successfully work with individuals and organizations on an international level.Financial College Planning, 10 Dec 2010 19:00:00 GMTFinancial College PlanningThis show will discuss the many options available for financing a college education00:27:00peoplegogynoFinancial Aid,Grants,Scholarships,Loans,Tisa SilverThis show will discuss the many options available for financing a college educationWhat is Student Affairs?, 22 Oct 2010 16:00:00 GMTWhat is Student Affairs?We will discuss the field of Student Affairs, including the education needed and the job opportunities available.00:30:00peoplegogynoStudent Affairs,Res Life,Career Services,Leadership,Student ActivitiesWe will discuss the field of Student Affairs, including the education needed and the job opportunities available.