On A Wing of A Angelhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/onawingofanangelCome join me and listen to stories of people having paranormal happenings, psychic mediums, ghost investigating, u.f.o. happenings,producers,authors,and so much more! Now your chance to hear and talk to people who have had these experiances and ask yourself, Do You believe?enBlogTalkRadio.com. All Rights Reserved.Sat, 15 Jun 2019 12:45:00 GMTTue, 29 Apr 2014 03:00:00 GMTParanormalBlogTalkRadio Feed v2.0https://dasg7xwmldix6.cloudfront.net/hostpics/c014aa80-bedd-464c-a639-7394d3795746_thrillvania.jpgOn A Wing of A Angelhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/onawingofanangelCome join me and listen to stories of people having paranormal happenings, psychic mediums, ghost investigating, u.f.o. happenings,producers,authors,and so much more! Now your chance to hear and talk to people who have had these experiances and ask yourself, Do You believe?feeds@blogtalkradio.comBlogTalkRadio.comparanormal,spiritual,psychic,readings,medium,book,books,ghost,prayer,bibleOn A Wing Of An AngelnoCome join me and listen to stories of people having paranormal happenings, psychic mediums, ghost investigating, u.f.o. happenings,producers,authors,and so mucepisodicDo you Believe ? The Stan Romanek Story!http://www.blogtalkradio.com/onawingofanangel/2014/04/29/do-you-believe-the-stan-romanek-storyParanormalhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/onawingofanangel/2014/04/29/do-you-believe-the-stan-romanek-story/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/onawingofanangel/2014/04/29/do-you-believe-the-stan-romanek-storyTue, 29 Apr 2014 03:00:00 GMTDo you Believe ? The Stan Romanek Story!Join us and listen in to the producers of this documentry on the Stan Romanek Story. Jon Sumple, Jack Roth will be live to tell you what they saw while doing this documentary. The film will be coming out soon! Join us and see if You Believe! Stan Romanek claims to be at the center of world’s most documented extraterrestrial contact story, and the multitude of evidence accumulated over the past decade has convinced thousands around the world his story is true. This documentary film takes audiences on a journey through Stan’s past, present and future with one goal in mind: Help the world understand that no one knowingly chooses the challenges Stan and his family have endured over the past decade. His experiences have forever changed his views on life, religion, science and the essence of humanity. He has been emotionally, physically and psychologically altered during this journey, and so have the people he’s encountered along the way. Simply put, the film illustrates how an ordinary man and his family have been transformed by extraordinary experiences. Some viewers may not believe in life beyond planet Earth when they leave the theatre, but they will surely believe Stan does. The film's intention is not to prove the existence of UFOs and extraterrestrials, but it does pose the question: What if this is all true? "extraordinary: the stan romanek story" is about one man’s evolution through a life he did not choose and the messages he is driven to deliver to all mankind. 00:31:00On A Wing Of An AngelnoParanormal,psychic mediums,u.f.o.s,ghosts,hauntingsJoin us and listen in to the producers of this documentry on the Stan Romanek Story. Jon Sumple, Jack Roth will be live to tell you what they saw while doing thSpiritual Warfare are you ready? Free Readingshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/onawingofanangel/2013/07/28/spiritual-warfare-are-you-ready-free-readingsSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/onawingofanangel/2013/07/28/spiritual-warfare-are-you-ready-free-readings/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/onawingofanangel/2013/07/28/spiritual-warfare-are-you-ready-free-readingsSun, 28 Jul 2013 20:00:00 GMTSpiritual Warfare are you ready? Free ReadingsWelcome with me again Michael Sleeth. If you are going through (what alot of us are right now) a lot of pain, depression, anxiety, fighting with spouse etc.. You may be fighting a evil spirit without even knowing it. You maybe going through break ups, heartache and not even have a reason for it. This show is for you! If you ever wanted to know about evil and how to detect it please join me with Michael Sleeth. If you listened to last weeks show you may already know him. The show with technical problems! He was kind enough to come back on so you all had a chance to talk to him. Free readings also. So please join us. Its gonna be a great show!    PS the show is stating right now a half hr but it will be changed to an hr when they fix this site. so 3pm to 4PM Thank you00:37:00On A Wing Of An AngelnoGOD,PRAYER,Bible,EVIL,HOPEWelcome with me again Michael Sleeth. If you are going through (what alot of us are right now) a lot of pain, depression, anxiety, fighting with spouse etc.. YoSpiritual Warfare are you ready? Free Readingshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/onawingofanangel/2013/07/21/spiritual-warfare-are-you-ready-free-readingsSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/onawingofanangel/2013/07/21/spiritual-warfare-are-you-ready-free-readings/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/onawingofanangel/2013/07/21/spiritual-warfare-are-you-ready-free-readingsSun, 21 Jul 2013 22:00:00 GMTSpiritual Warfare are you ready? Free Readings Please join me at 5pm central with special guest Michael Sleeth. If you ever wanted to know anything about spiritual warefare nows your chance. Michael has taught me so much I thought i knew already but had no idea! Are you going through tough times right now? are you all of a sudden in this rut and cant figure out what happened? or maybe something has happened that you truly didnt see coming and cant explain why. Listen in this is your show. Find out what you can do! The first half I will be interviewing Michael. at 5:30 please call in to get readings and ask Michael anything you would like to know! Its really going to surprise you!  Join us! It wont let me add a 530 show so please i will be adding it as the show is airing just be listening and watching in chat! Thanks again!!00:44:00On A Wing Of An AngelnoGod,Spiritual Warfare,Evil,prayer,BiblePlease join me at 5pm central with special guest Michael Sleeth. If you ever wanted to know anything about spiritual warefare nows your chance. Michael has tauDannion Brinkley/ Many More!http://www.blogtalkradio.com/onawingofanangel/2012/09/21/dannion-brinkley-many-moreSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/onawingofanangel/2012/09/21/dannion-brinkley-many-more/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/onawingofanangel/2012/09/21/dannion-brinkley-many-moreFri, 21 Sep 2012 00:00:00 GMTDannion Brinkley/ Many More! Welcome and come get a free reading! We have Dannion Brinkley on from 7pm to 8pm. For those who do not know him, he has died 3 times now and the experiences that he has had changed his life! Come listen and get a reading from Dannion. He also has books out type in his name at amazon.com. The last hour will be a mix, Lizzy Starr whom I think we all love! Dawn Jones( will give email readings if she cannot make it) Jennifer Carrier,And many more. This show is dedicated to helping a family in need. If you do to onawingofanangel.com you can read about this family and leave a donation. Lets all come together and help each other as it should be. Blessings!   01:13:00On A Wing Of An Angelnoreadings,psychics,donations,gifts,loveWelcome and come get a free reading! We have Dannion Brinkley on from 7pm to 8pm. For those who do not know him, he has died 3 times now and the experiences thPsychic Readings!http://www.blogtalkradio.com/onawingofanangel/2012/09/12/psychic-readings-1Spiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/onawingofanangel/2012/09/12/psychic-readings-1/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/onawingofanangel/2012/09/12/psychic-readings-1Wed, 12 Sep 2012 00:00:00 GMTPsychic Readings!   Ok Tonight is the show and I just got word Doreen Virtue may be calling in!!! If she cannot make it She is donating a couple of her books and card decks to the highest donors so get on over to www.onawingofanangel.com and make your donation! You may just get your reading by one of the best!!! i am reschedling this show for tuesday. this show is about helping others. the show is for a family who lost their home. donations are being made at www.onawingofanangel.com i must have chose a bad night so tuesday it is. i am hoping all the psychics will be open on this day. if u know others who would donate for this family please send them to the above website. theeese shows will continue.i will be listing psychics on website and facebook pages. thank u 01:42:00On A Wing Of An Angelnopsychic,prayer,hope,near death experiances,readingsOk Tonight is the show and I just got word Doreen Virtue may be calling in!!! If she cannot make it She is donating a couple of her books and card decks toSpecial guest Dannon Brinkley!http://www.blogtalkradio.com/onawingofanangel/2011/06/23/special-guest-dannon-brinkleySpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/onawingofanangel/2011/06/23/special-guest-dannon-brinkley/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/onawingofanangel/2011/06/23/special-guest-dannon-brinkleyThu, 23 Jun 2011 00:00:00 GMTSpecial guest Dannon Brinkley! Need I say more! Call in at 347-850-1004! Ok if you havent heard of him, He is a man who has died I think its 3 times now and came back to tell us all about his experiences and what he has learned. A wonderful man! I am grateful to have him on my show! Come listen or call in with a question! I Promise youll never forget him! 01:01:00On A Wing Of An AngelnoSpiritual,psychic,medium,near death experience,hospiceNeed I say more! Call in at 347-850-1004! Ok if you havent heard of him, He is a man who has died I think its 3 times now and came back to tell us all about hSpecial Guest Riz Mirzahttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/onawingofanangel/2011/06/21/special-guest-riz-mirzaSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/onawingofanangel/2011/06/21/special-guest-riz-mirza/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/onawingofanangel/2011/06/21/special-guest-riz-mirzaTue, 21 Jun 2011 00:00:00 GMTSpecial Guest Riz Mirza Riz Mirza is a world renowned Psychic Medium, Trance Channel and Spiritual Teacher living in Marina del Rey, CA with partner transformational Life Coach Oriah Miller. Together they bring 'Circle of Light' Channeling gatherings with Chief Red Eagle as the main message bearer and many other Highly Evolved Light Beings in weekly gatherings around the world. Considered one of the best Psychics in Los Angeles, he holds profound one on one private readings in person, by phone and Skype.Many consider his readings to be life changing, and his clients hail from around the globe. Featured on radio, magazine and television shows in several languages, Riz brings his Clairvoyency, Mediumship and Channeling to every session. Please join me call in and get a reading at 347-850-1004!   01:28:00On A Wing Of An AngelnoRed Eagle,psychic,medium,book,channelRiz Mirza is a world renowned Psychic Medium, Trance Channel and Spiritual Teacher living in Marina del Rey, CA with partner transformational Life Coach OriahSpecial Guest Gayle Kirk!http://www.blogtalkradio.com/onawingofanangel/2011/05/06/special-guest-gayle-kirkSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/onawingofanangel/2011/05/06/special-guest-gayle-kirk/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/onawingofanangel/2011/05/06/special-guest-gayle-kirkFri, 06 May 2011 00:00:00 GMTSpecial Guest Gayle Kirk!   GAYLE KIRK IS A PSYCHIC, MEDIUM, HEALING FACILITATOR, AUTHOR, SPEAKER & TEACHER. GAYLE IS THE REAL DEAL. Known for her exceptional abilities, Gayle has brought wisdom, comfort, inspiration, and healing to many people worldwide. She is truly gifted, trustworthy, and compassionate and is highly sought after for her services. Gayle has been tested as legitimate by hundreds of satisfied clients and has many years of experience on TV, radio and in the newspapers. Website:GayleKirk.com Call in for a reading at 347-850-1004!    1 hour show 7pm central 8 pm eastern 5pm pacific01:01:00On A Wing Of An AngelnoPsychic,readings,tv,radio,SpiritualGAYLE KIRK IS A PSYCHIC, MEDIUM, HEALING FACILITATOR, AUTHOR, SPEAKER & TEACHER. GAYLE IS THE REAL DEAL. Known for her exceptional abilities, Gayle hasSpecial Guest David Rosenhaus! Rock and Roll Oracles!http://www.blogtalkradio.com/onawingofanangel/2011/05/05/special-guest-david-rosenhaus-rock-and-roll-oraclesSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/onawingofanangel/2011/05/05/special-guest-david-rosenhaus-rock-and-roll-oracles/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/onawingofanangel/2011/05/05/special-guest-david-rosenhaus-rock-and-roll-oraclesThu, 05 May 2011 00:00:00 GMTSpecial Guest David Rosenhaus! Rock and Roll Oracles! David Rosenhaus is a published author and produced screenwriter and playwright. He is a healer and psychic and created the Power Through Perception™ empowerment workshops and the Rock and Roll Oracle™ divination card series. He also offers website and graphic design services through his company Dichotomy Design. David is dedicated to contributing to positive changes in perception and spirituality around the world. http://PowerThroughPerception.com/ http://RockAndRollOracle.com/ http://DichotomyDesign.com/ Call in at 347-850-1004! 1 hour show.   01:00:00On A Wing Of An Angelnooracles,power through perception,tarot,psychic,spiritualDavid Rosenhaus is a published author and produced screenwriter and playwright. He is a healer and psychic and created the Power Through Perception™ empowermenSpecial Guest David Bakerhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/onawingofanangel/2011/03/29/special-guest-david-bakerSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/onawingofanangel/2011/03/29/special-guest-david-baker/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/onawingofanangel/2011/03/29/special-guest-david-bakerTue, 29 Mar 2011 00:00:00 GMTSpecial Guest David BakerDavid M. Baker is a Medium who has the ability to communicate with the spirits of deceased loved ones and pets in the spirit world. When spirit comes through during a reading and he connects, he starts communication and passes messages of love, guidance, healing, and sometimes forgiveness with the intention of comforting the individual or individuals who come to him for a reading. The readings additionally provide proof of life after death and always offer some degree of closure and reassurance that their loved one still exists, albeit on the Other-side, and are just a thought away. David discovered his abilities when he was just a small boy when he saw his deceased relatives through visits to his bedroom. David’s gift stayed with him all his life as he was always cognizant of the presence of spirits wherever he went, but learned to shut them out. In the mid 1990’s David’s abilities came back in waves so he started to do research and discovered that although he was able to see and communicate with spirits, he did not realize that meant that he was a Medium. After meeting Jams Van Praggh in San Francisco at an event, he was inspired to become a practicing medium himself and started taking courses on Mediumship. Among his teachers were Medium Valerie Camozzi, and Doreen Virtue, Ph.D. Since then David has written a book about his journey which led him to his mediumship, “The Spirit Garden, A Medium’s Journey” which is available on Amazon.com and other booksellers. Since the release of his book in 2007, he has been invited on over one hundred radio shows where he gives interviews and does live readings. David uses Clairvoyance, Claircognizance and Clairsentience to communicate with the spirit world. call in at 347-850-1004 to get a reading!01:31:00On A Wing Of An AngelnoSpiritual,ghost,Medium,radio,SpiritsDavid M. Baker is a Medium who has the ability to communicate with the spirits of deceased loved ones and pets in the spirit world. When spirit comes throughSpecial guest Dayle Shearhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/onawingofanangel/2011/03/05/special-guest-dayle-shearSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/onawingofanangel/2011/03/05/special-guest-dayle-shear/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/onawingofanangel/2011/03/05/special-guest-dayle-shearSat, 05 Mar 2011 02:00:00 GMTSpecial guest Dayle ShearInternationally know psychic, Dayle, is credited with solving numerous cases including finding lost possessions, locating missing items, missing persons, murders, by seeing into the past, present and future. She is able to cross over with uncanny accuracy. One of the few psychics living today that can demonstrate her ability on stage as well as in person with compassion, and precision. Dayle Schear trained for six years with Peter Hurkos (The Foremost Psychic of the 20th Century - Psychic Detective). call in at 347-850-100401:12:00On A Wing Of An Angelnopsychic,missing persons,Peter Hurkos,Detective,SpiritualInternationally know psychic, Dayle, is credited with solving numerous cases including finding lost possessions, locating missing items, missing persons, murderSpecial Guest Star Ce Ce Huntresshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/onawingofanangel/2011/02/25/special-guest-star-ce-ce-huntressSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/onawingofanangel/2011/02/25/special-guest-star-ce-ce-huntress/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/onawingofanangel/2011/02/25/special-guest-star-ce-ce-huntressFri, 25 Feb 2011 01:00:00 GMTSpecial Guest Star Ce Ce HuntressPlease help me in welcoming Ce Ce to the show. She is one of the best huntresses out there!CC Carole is a paranormal huntress. She uses everything she has in her arsenal (spirituality to science ) to track / hunt spirits. She brings you a new educational perspective on the world of the paranormal in a way you have never seen before. call in at 347-850-1004! Lots to hear of her Ghost experiences! Blessings!01:09:00On A Wing Of An Angelnoghost,hunter,reading,Spiritual,arsenalPlease help me in welcoming Ce Ce to the show. She is one of the best huntresses out there!CC Carole is a paranormal huntress. She uses everything she has in heSpecial Guest Doug Jackhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/onawingofanangel/2011/02/22/special-guest-doug-jackSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/onawingofanangel/2011/02/22/special-guest-doug-jack/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/onawingofanangel/2011/02/22/special-guest-doug-jackTue, 22 Feb 2011 01:00:00 GMTSpecial Guest Doug JackOver the past two decades, Emmy®-Award winning choreographer Doug Jack has directed over 40 stadium productions. The world?s biggest events: Summer and Winter Olympic Opening and Closing Ceremonies, Super Bowls, World Cup Spectaculars, and more. Now, in a wonderfully revealing warm, loving, and funny memoir, Doug shows how the lessons he?s learned from others (Celebrities and Unknowns, Divas and Volunteers) changed his life forever! The Back Side Of Wonderful is a joyous love song to the hopes that live in all of us; a guidebook (a dance) showing how to turn these hopes into living, loving realities; a travelogue of a gypsy?s dance through the great cities of the world; a celebration of the people and places who have enriched Doug?s life and work. Above all this is a story of one man?s love affair with the world of entertainment?and the larger world of life and the Possibility of People. The Back Side of Wonderful is a delightful, unforgettable, passionate, and deeply moving book. call in at 347-850-100401:30:00On A Wing Of An Angelnobooks,olympics,entertainment,BACK SIDE OF WONDERFUL,choreographerOver the past two decades, Emmy®-Award winning choreographer Doug Jack has directed over 40 stadium productions. The world?s biggest events: Summer and Winter OSpecial Guest Danielle Gibbonshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/onawingofanangel/2011/02/19/special-guest-danielle-gibbonsSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/onawingofanangel/2011/02/19/special-guest-danielle-gibbons/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/onawingofanangel/2011/02/19/special-guest-danielle-gibbonsSat, 19 Feb 2011 01:00:00 GMTSpecial Guest Danielle GibbonsHelp me in welcoming Danielle to the show! She has been channeling Mother Mary for years. She teaches classes and has events with Mother Mary being there speaker. She will be on the show and she will be Channeling Mother to answer your questions. Please call in at 347-850-1004. She does not want questions on does he like me stuff! She rather you ask your life questions.This is going to be a very interesting show and I hope you can attend! Again call in number is 347-850-1004. Blessings01:49:00On A Wing Of An AngelnoMother Mary,Channeling,Speaker,Blessings,SpiritualHelp me in welcoming Danielle to the show! She has been channeling Mother Mary for years. She teaches classes and has events with Mother Mary being there speakeSpecial Guest Bruce Adams and Steve Allenhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/onawingofanangel/2011/02/17/special-guest-bruce-adams-and-steve-allenSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/onawingofanangel/2011/02/17/special-guest-bruce-adams-and-steve-allen/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/onawingofanangel/2011/02/17/special-guest-bruce-adams-and-steve-allenThu, 17 Feb 2011 01:00:00 GMTSpecial Guest Bruce Adams and Steve AllenPlease welcome Bruce and Steve to the show. Im going to give you the website here to check out his blog on his book. http://blog.beliefnet.com/prophetormadman/ Check it out! Its great! heres a little of it!Good day to you all. We're so pleased you've found us at our new home on Beliefnet. Way back when, that is to say in the 1990s, Bruce Adams, our main character and proprietor of Daddy Dee's Ice Cream parlor in Fort Myers, Florida, had a number of life changing visitations that redirected his life entirely and caused him to write a book meant to help us all awaken to our true nature as spiritual beings, as children of God, as brothers and sisters to one another. After writing Prophet or Madman, another, more earthly realization dawned on Bruce: "I need some help in getting my message out there." This is gonna be a great show! Call in at 347-850-1004! 01:07:00On A Wing Of An AngelnoBeliefnet,book,spiritual,prophet,madmanPlease welcome Bruce and Steve to the show. Im going to give you the website here to check out his blog on his book. http://blog.beliefnet.com/prophetormadman/Special Guest Nancy Matzhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/onawingofanangel/2011/02/16/special-guest-nancy-matzSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/onawingofanangel/2011/02/16/special-guest-nancy-matz/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/onawingofanangel/2011/02/16/special-guest-nancy-matzWed, 16 Feb 2011 01:00:00 GMTSpecial Guest Nancy MatzPlease help me in welcoming Nancy to the show! The show is called Mediumship on the Air, why they are around us! Nancy is a great Medium psychic! call in for a reading at 347-850-1004! I can not wait for this show! I have tried to get her on a long time ago but I couldn't get through to her so now yah!! I did! So join us and get your reading! Blessings!01:03:00On A Wing Of An Angelnopsychic,medium,otherside,spiritual,readingsPlease help me in welcoming Nancy to the show! The show is called Mediumship on the Air, why they are around us! Nancy is a great Medium psychic! call in for aSpecial Guest Madonna Mercedhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/onawingofanangel/2011/02/09/special-guest-madonna-mercedSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/onawingofanangel/2011/02/09/special-guest-madonna-merced/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/onawingofanangel/2011/02/09/special-guest-madonna-mercedWed, 09 Feb 2011 01:00:00 GMTSpecial Guest Madonna MercedShes Back! I love doing shows with Madonna! She is a great Ghost hunter! She is on you tube with some of her places shes been! Check it out! She also has psychic abilities, If you have a question for Madonna call in at 347-850-1004! She also has some books she has written too! She brings a lot of interest to the show! Come join us! Blessings00:54:00On A Wing Of An Angelnobooks,ghost,psychic,you tube,SpiritualShes Back! I love doing shows with Madonna! She is a great Ghost hunter! She is on you tube with some of her places shes been! Check it out! She also has psychiSpecial Guest Dannion Brinkleyhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/onawingofanangel/2011/02/08/special-guest-dannion-brinkleySpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/onawingofanangel/2011/02/08/special-guest-dannion-brinkley/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/onawingofanangel/2011/02/08/special-guest-dannion-brinkleyTue, 08 Feb 2011 01:00:00 GMTSpecial Guest Dannion BrinkleyI'm sure you all know Dannion! If not you need to! He is a upfront, honest, Funny, truthful man! Dannion was struck by lightning and died., He has died 3 times in his life time. He has had NDE. He has a lot to say and his knowledge of the other side is great! if you want to ask Dannion a question call in at 347-850-1004! Shows with Dannion are always Great!01:46:00On A Wing Of An Angelnonde,otherside,psychic,books,SpiritualI'm sure you all know Dannion! If not you need to! He is a upfront, honest, Funny, truthful man! Dannion was struck by lightning and died., He has died 3 timesSpecial Guest Susan Rushinghttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/onawingofanangel/2011/02/01/special-guest-susan-rushingSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/onawingofanangel/2011/02/01/special-guest-susan-rushing/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/onawingofanangel/2011/02/01/special-guest-susan-rushingTue, 01 Feb 2011 01:00:00 GMTSpecial Guest Susan RushingHelp me in welcoming Susan to the show.PSYCHIC, MEDIUM and INTUITIVE GRAPHOLOGIST I am an intuitive, clairsentient, claircognizant, clairvoyant and psychic medium. My gifts were handed down from psychically gifted and beloved aunts through several generations. My maternal grandfather was a very well known animal healer in Ross County Ohio, in the foothills of the Appalachian Mountains. From a very young age, I could see and hear things that others could not. These differences led me to seek answers through the study of New Age Spirituality, different holistic healing modalities, energy work, Reiki, Angels, Crystal Therapy and Quantum Healing. I have attained my Reiki Master/Teacher attunement.I have worked with, and been mentored by some of the top psychics and healers in the United States. Grateful for the gifts of time and love from these professionals, I have come to understand that I am a vessel for Divine Guidance and how readings and energy work are important for personal and spiritual growth, self love, stress reduction and to learn better spiritual mechanisms to cope and thrive in this physical world. Call in and get a free mini reading at 347-850-1004! 01:32:00On A Wing Of An Angelnospiritual,clairvoyant,readings,stress reduction,self loveHelp me in welcoming Susan to the show.PSYCHIC, MEDIUM and INTUITIVE GRAPHOLOGIST I am an intuitive, clairsentient, claircognizant, clairvoyant and psychic medSpecial Guest Tania Gabriellehttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/onawingofanangel/2011/01/28/special-guest-tania-gabrielleSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/onawingofanangel/2011/01/28/special-guest-tania-gabrielle/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/onawingofanangel/2011/01/28/special-guest-tania-gabrielleFri, 28 Jan 2011 01:00:00 GMTSpecial Guest Tania GabriellePlease welcome Tania to the show! Tania does Numerology! She can tell you about your name and how it can tell you about your life! She is great! Please call in at 347-850-1004! You will enjoy this show!01:15:00On A Wing Of An Angelnonumerology,spiritual,names,numbers,lifePlease welcome Tania to the show! Tania does Numerology! She can tell you about your name and how it can tell you about your life! She is great! Please call inSpecial Guest Lizzy Starrhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/onawingofanangel/2011/01/26/special-guest-lizzy-starrSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/onawingofanangel/2011/01/26/special-guest-lizzy-starr/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/onawingofanangel/2011/01/26/special-guest-lizzy-starrWed, 26 Jan 2011 01:00:00 GMTSpecial Guest Lizzy StarrYou all know her! She is so great! Full of Love and Kindness! She gives you great readings when you ask! She is a wonderful angel! She has help so many and she will help so many more! Please call and get a reading from Lizzy at 347-850-1004!02:03:00On A Wing Of An Angelnopsychic,medium,readings,spiritual,BlessingYou all know her! She is so great! Full of Love and Kindness! She gives you great readings when you ask! She is a wonderful angel! She has help so many and sheSpecial Guest Peter Canovahttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/onawingofanangel/2011/01/18/special-guest-peter-canovaSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/onawingofanangel/2011/01/18/special-guest-peter-canova/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/onawingofanangel/2011/01/18/special-guest-peter-canovaTue, 18 Jan 2011 01:00:00 GMTSpecial Guest Peter CanovaPlease help me in welcoming Peter to the show. He is the author of the new book called Pope Anna Lisa. This book is excellent! It is about a Black woman who becomes Pope. She has powers she can perform miracles. But is she the Antichrist or is she really for real? I Can not wait to speak to Peter about all of this and his interest in the supernatural. Where he came up with the idea of a Black woman Pope and how she has these powers. Please join me and call in to talk to Peter at 347-850-1004! This is gonna be a good show!01:08:00On A Wing Of An Angelnoauthor,book,antichrist,powers,miraclesPlease help me in welcoming Peter to the show. He is the author of the new book called Pope Anna Lisa. This book is excellent! It is about a Black woman who becSpecial Guest Michelle Whitedove!http://www.blogtalkradio.com/onawingofanangel/2011/01/14/special-guest-michelle-whitedoveSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/onawingofanangel/2011/01/14/special-guest-michelle-whitedove/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/onawingofanangel/2011/01/14/special-guest-michelle-whitedoveFri, 14 Jan 2011 01:00:00 GMTSpecial Guest Michelle Whitedove!One of my favorite persons in this world! Michelle truly has a gift! She is straight forward and doesn't beat around the bush! Some take this wrong. She is one of the nicest ladies I have ever had the pleasure of interviewing on this show! I look forward to many more! Call in and get a reading from Michelle at 347-850-1004! See ya there!01:25:00On A Wing Of An AngelnoPsychic,Readings,Medium,Spiritual,GiftedOne of my favorite persons in this world! Michelle truly has a gift! She is straight forward and doesn't beat around the bush! Some take this wrong. She is oneSpecial Guest Noreen Renierhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/onawingofanangel/2011/01/12/special-guest-noreen-renierSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/onawingofanangel/2011/01/12/special-guest-noreen-renier/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/onawingofanangel/2011/01/12/special-guest-noreen-renierWed, 12 Jan 2011 01:00:00 GMTSpecial Guest Noreen Renier One of the best books I have ever read is A MIND FOR MURDER. Noreen is a psychic investigator. She has worked hundreds of cases with the FBI. She helped on the Stacey Peterson case. One of the best psychics, Noreen has appeared on Court tvs Psychic Detective. I really enjoy having Noreen on her stories of crime are very interesting. Please join me and welcome Noreen to the show! Call in number is 347-850-1004. Get a mini reading!00:59:00On A Wing Of An Angelnopsychic,investigator,court tv,readings,SpiritualOne of the best books I have ever read is A MIND FOR MURDER. Noreen is a psychic investigator. She has worked hundreds of cases with the FBI. She helped on the