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What's up everybody, you're listening to Obsidian Radio: LIVE! - the Voice, of the Everyday Brotha. I'm your host Mumia Obsidian Ali, welcome to the program and thank you for listening. With everything that's going on these days along "sexual politics" lines - gay/same sex marriage, "hookup" culture, "slut walks", more Black women in college than Black men and so forth, questions emerge as to the changing nature of Black masculinity itself. Is it on the decline? Is it dead altogether? And if so, who killed it? Africana & Black Masculinity Studies Prof. T. Hasan Johnson returns to discuss these and other questions in our time. Join us with your calls at 516.387.1345 - the action begins at 7pm sharp!
Obsidian Radio: LIVE! is made possible by the generous support of listeners like you. If you like what you heard on today's broadcast and would like to hear more such programming by an everyday brotha FOR everyday brothas, than "put five on it!". The I Got Five On It fundraising campaign is ongoing and we need your help to stay on the air and make the show bigger and better. Please consider becoming a Patreon subscriber today. Thank you!
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