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Progressive news & analysis from Florida and around the world Produced and Hosted by Jeanine Molloff Producer Emeritus Rick Spisak

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For months, Trump cultists have been threatening violence if their side loses the election. This is the "Trump Retribution Machine." Mainstream media treats these threats as the loony by-product of some mob of toothless, IQ challenged, inbred hillbilly reunion. It is not. Make no mistake, the violence witnessed for instance on January 6th, was implemented by such hillbillies along with some rather affluent professionals who love Trump's brand of neo Nazism. That being said, the Trump murder and retribution machine has been orchestrated and planned by Ivy League trained attorneys, high ranking military officers, billionaires, and corporate officers. One such operative is a former Green Beret named Ivan Raiklin, who has claimed the mantle of Trump's future 'Retribution Czar.' This retribution involves the premeditated plot to arrest and subsequently execute democratic office holders, liberals, and any minorities daring to get 'uppity.' This is not hyperbole. It is real. This is our first story. Our second story is an interview conducted by Producer Emeritus Rick Spisak with noted academician Professor Wendy Lynn Lee. We will also have our musical parodies. Come join me. Jeanine

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Academics and environmental justice campaigners are demanding that the International Criminal Court (ICC), begin investigating and prosecuting environmental criminals. This demand would most likely include prosecution of... more

The Atlantic meridional overturning circulation (AMOC) current brings warm air to the EU resulting in warmer climates than you would expect so close to the Arctic. Unfortunately it is coming closer to collapse which could result in climate... more

This week I will discuss the treachery of conservatives on the Supreme Court. Apparently, section 3 of the 14th Amendment doesn't apply to presidents who commit insurrection. But, that's not the end of this mockery as the Trump claim... more

This week, I will be discussing the way Nazis were openly welcomed in Nashville by the GOP. Now to be fair, republican office holders did "denounce" the Nazis--but this denunciation was as credible as a hooker's exclamation that her... more

This week I am going to discuss the Gish Gallop aka how to shovel BULLSHIT as fast as possible in the poltiical sphere--and how to counter it. Trump and his GOP have become experts at the art of throwing bullshit at opponents. They... more

Trump is guilty of insurrection. Period. He must be banned from holding any office ever again. This plea for sanity and justice goes far beyond Donald Trump. If Trump isn't made to face justice, his MAGA lynch mob will become bolder.... more

This week on EJR, I will discuss the impending end of the Chevron Doctrine. First created to establish EPA regulatory power, the doctrine has allowed federal agencies such as the EPA to create regulations consistent with the law, while... more

This week on PNN, I will discuss the asinine statement made by JP Morgan CEO Jamie Dimon, where he admonishes Trump MAGA critics. Dimon said in Davos that we shouldn't 'demonize' MAGA. Dimon then praised Trump for his alleged... more

The first show of 2024 will focus on how the US is rapidly entering what has been termed as fascism's 'legal' phase. This is consistent with Project 2025 under the direction of the Heritage Foundation and associated groups. This fascistic... more

This show SHOULD have aired last Sunday, but BlogTalkRadio was having a 'nervous breakdown.' This episode challenges the ludicrous narrative coming from the Trump camp--the asinine idea that the president has 'absolute... more

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