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Please join us and our guest, Michael Mayo, for a show on Spirit Speaks: A Step-by-Step & Evidence-Based Approach to Genuine Spirit Communication. Discover how and why evidential mediumship works and learn to apply these methods to your own work with Spirit. This book helps you cultivate your skills, sense the subtle energy around you, and promote healing in yourself and others. You will also discover the history of mediumship, learn about ethical considerations, and gain an understanding of grief.
In addition to debunking myths about mediumship, Michael Mayo shares essential concepts that consistently yield affirming results. With Michael’s practical approach to evidence-based mediumship, you can build a reliable connection to the spirit world and develop the authentic abilities that have always been within you.
Michael has been studying mediumship for more than fifteen years. He created his own online school, the Oakbridge Institute, where he teaches progressive foundational mediumship courses to students all over the world. He has also taught through the Shift Network.