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New Leaf Illinois ~ The Law is the Law!
My Guests are: Attorney Geneva Brown (CARPLS Legal Aid) & Supervising Attorney Brandon Williams (Cabrini Green Legal Aid)
The State of Illinois no longer considers Cannabis a Crime, So why does your record say otherwise? New Leaf Illinois is a statewide, state-funded initiative made up of 20 non-profit organizations throughout Illinois who provide free legal representation or legal information to people who want their cannabis convictions off their record. My Guest(s) Attorney's Geneva Brown, is a Chicagoan from the Englewood community. Attorney Brown, is making a difference in her community. Working as a staff attorney with the New Leaf Program at CARPLS . Attorney Geneva Brown, hasr over 25 years of criminal law experience.
Attorney Brandon Williams, is the Supervisory Attorney for the criminal records team at Cabrini Green Legal Aid (CGLA), where he provides criminal records relief and limited civil legal services to clients. Attorney Williams, helps to mitigate the collateral consequences of a criminal record through sealing and expungement, eliminating statutory barriers to employment, and petitioning the governor for executive clemency.
Tune in and Call into MoeTALK 1.563.999.3585