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Sagittarius season expands us into more of our spiritual gifts and personal truths that we are ready to embrace now. The Universe is sending you messages around what you have access to, even if you pushed it away or denied it previously. Venus in Aquarius and Mars RX in Leo oppose each other on Dec 12 which signals it is not a good time for relationships as you’ll be on different sides of an issue. But a helpful sextile from Mercury RX in Sagittarius brings our attention to the bigger purpose. We approach the Gemini Full Moon at 24 degrees on December 15, with the ruling planet of Mercury stationing direct on the same day. The Sun moves through the third decan of Sagittarius and makes an expansive conjunction to the Galactic Center on Dec 18 while also squaring Neptune in Pisces at 27 degrees on the same day. Otherworldly energies and realms are influential, and we may feel the need to detach from reality and responsibilities for a few days. More to share in this week’s podcast episode.
~ Your Cosmic Codes: 12 Universal Spiritual Laws In Your Astrology Chart ~ Journey through 12 Spiritual Laws and realign your astrology chart to create new energetic openings, manifestations, and experiences in your life. More details here:
~ Discussing 2025 energies on Reiki Lifestyle Podcast: