Matthew Currie astrology, all the time! Come on in and have a good time! Matthew Currie (C/O Blogtalkradio)Sat, 15 Jun 2019 17:15:00 GMTFri, 17 Feb 2012 03:00:00 GMTSpiritualityBlogTalkRadio Feed v2.0 Currie astrology, all the time! Come on in and have a good time!,astrology,advice,love,finance,humor,relationships,predictions,romance,new ageMatthewAstrologernoAll astrology, all the time! Come on in and have a good time! The Universe With Astrology!, 17 Feb 2012 03:00:00 GMTConquer The Universe With Astrology! Insight? Predictions? Understanding? Sure, that's all a part of Astrology. But the real power is in taking charge! Find out how! 01:05:00MatthewAstrologernoastrology,love,finance,romance,readingsInsight? Predictions? Understanding? Sure, that's all a part of Astrology. But the real power is in taking charge! Find out how!Conquer The Universe With Astrology!, 10 Feb 2012 03:00:00 GMTConquer The Universe With Astrology! Insight? Predictions? Understanding? Sure, that's all a part of Astrology. But the real power is in taking charge! Find out how!   TONIGHT: Come and bask in the awe and wonder that is MARGUERITE MANNING!   01:11:00MatthewAstrologernoastrology,love,finance,romance,readingsInsight? Predictions? Understanding? Sure, that's all a part of Astrology. But the real power is in taking charge! Find out how!   TONIGHT: Come and bask inAstrology: The Pants-Optional Venus And Mars Show, 03 Feb 2012 03:00:00 GMTAstrology: The Pants-Optional Venus And Mars Show Insight? Predictions? Understanding? Sure, that's all a part of Astrology. But the real power is in taking charge! Find out how! 00:29:00MatthewAstrologernoastrology,love,finance,romance,readingsInsight? Predictions? Understanding? Sure, that's all a part of Astrology. But the real power is in taking charge! Find out how!Conquer The Universe With Astrology: The Void Of Course Show, 27 Jan 2012 03:00:00 GMTConquer The Universe With Astrology: The Void Of Course Show Insight? Predictions? Understanding? Sure, that's all a part of Astrology. But the real power is in taking charge! Find out how!   TONIGHT: The Moon may not be "void of course" yet... but I certainly am. Listen in for more, and don't expect as much astrology as usual.  00:34:00MatthewAstrologernoastrology,love,finance,romance,readingsInsight? Predictions? Understanding? Sure, that's all a part of Astrology. But the real power is in taking charge! Find out how!   TONIGHT: The Moon may notThe Astrology Of 2012 Events, 13 Jan 2012 01:30:00 GMTThe Astrology Of 2012 It's the big scary year you were warned about... are you ready? Probably not. None of us ever really are. But here's what to expect from the next twelve months of your future! 01:19:00MatthewAstrologernoastrology,advice,love,finance,romanceIt's the big scary year you were warned about... are you ready? Probably not. None of us ever really are. But here's what to expect from the next twelve monthsConquer The Universe With Astrology: A Brief Message Help, 14 Oct 2011 02:00:00 GMTConquer The Universe With Astrology: A Brief Message The Universe shouldn't be something that "just happened to you." Conquer it with Astrology! Fun, advice, and an entire Universe in just one show! 00:05:00MatthewAstrologernoAstrology,advice,love,sex,financeThe Universe shouldn't be something that "just happened to you." Conquer it with Astrology! Fun, advice, and an entire Universe in just one show!Conquer The Universe With Astrology: Two Sides Of Mercury Help, 30 Sep 2011 02:00:00 GMTConquer The Universe With Astrology: Two Sides Of Mercury The Universe shouldn't be something that "just happened to you." Conquer it with Astrology! Fun, advice, and an entire Universe in just one show! HOUR ONE: Listen to my interview with novelist Sarah Humpries. The first volume of her "Amoveo" series, Unleashed, is about to hit the shelves, and is the first of a multi-part series. Does writing ability show in a birth chart? A tendency to write romantic fantasy novels? How about that childhood crush on Captain Kirk? And are bigger things coming in the next few months? Have a look at the chart below, listen to the interview, and play along! THEN: Carrying on with the romance theme, I will be beginning a new twelve-part series... LET'S ALL SEDUCE SOMEONE WITH ASTROLOGY! This episode: How to seduce an Aries... man or woman... by Sun, Venus and Mars sign. Listen to this show (and the next eleven), and you'll be The Most Dangerous Dater on your block. HOUR TWO: I interview medical astrologer Eileen Nauman about the role of Mercury in the birth chart as it relates specifically to your physical condition. It's informative, it's entertaining, and it's more proof that Astrology is probably even more awesome than you realized. 02:01:00MatthewAstrologernoAstrology,advice,love,sex,PredictionsThe Universe shouldn't be something that "just happened to you." Conquer it with Astrology! Fun, advice, and an entire Universe in just one show! HOUR ONE: LiConquer The Universe With Astrology! Help, 23 Sep 2011 02:00:00 GMTConquer The Universe With Astrology!   FIRST: Karmic Astrologer Marguerite Manning joins me to discuss "FATHER HUNGER AND MOMMY DEAREST: ARE YOU INVOLVED IN AN UNCONSCIOUS 3-WAY?" (I swear she came up with that title). We'll be talking about all the unconscious ways your Venus and/or Saturn placement can really screw with your love life.   THEN: Canadian recording artist Veronica Start will join us for a very specific look at how that Uranus-Pluto square has panned out in her life so far.    AND IN BETWEEN: Your questions answered when you call in or join the Chat Room, what to expect from Mars in Leo, and the occasional sound effect. 02:00:00MatthewAstrologernoAstrology,advice,love,Finance,PredictionsFIRST: Karmic Astrologer Marguerite Manning joins me to discuss "FATHER HUNGER AND MOMMY DEAREST: ARE YOU INVOLVED IN AN UNCONSCIOUS 3-WAY?" (I swear she caConquer The Universe With Astrology! Help, 16 Sep 2011 02:00:00 GMTConquer The Universe With Astrology!The Universe shouldn't be something that "just happened to you." Conquer it with Astrology! Fun, advice, and an entire Universe in just one show!   Hour One: April Elliot Kent returns to discuss her new book, why Venus in Libra may not be as much fun as advertised, and the astrology behind those nude pictures of Scarlett Johansson that leaked out. Hour Two: Your questions answered... call (323) 443-7252!   Find me on Facebook! I'm on Twitter too! @MatthewCurrie    Please feel free to drop by and visit my Donations Page. It's what keeps me going and, and you might just get a surprise...And yes, I still send free stuff to everyone who writes me! 01:38:00MatthewAstrologernoAstrology,advice,love,Finance,PredictionsThe Universe shouldn't be something that "just happened to you." Conquer it with Astrology! Fun, advice, and an entire Universe in just one show!   Hour One: AThe Return Of Conquer The Universe With Astrology! Help, 09 Sep 2011 02:00:00 GMTThe Return Of Conquer The Universe With Astrology! The Universe shouldn't be something that "just happened to you." Conquer it with Astrology! Fun, advice, and an entire Universe in just one show! Tonight Nadiya Shah will be joining us to discuss her video projects, her upcoming appearance at SOTA to discuss Mars, and more! PLUS: Debates, void of course Moons, job plans, and why I demand to see Rick Perry's long-form Birth Certificate. Find me on Facebook!  Write me for free stuff! ...and if you like what you hear... please feel free to visit My Tip Jar!  01:50:00MatthewAstrologernoAstrology,advice,love,Finance,PredictionsThe Universe shouldn't be something that "just happened to you." Conquer it with Astrology! Fun, advice, and an entire Universe in just one show! Tonight NadiAstrology: Weight Loss And Steven Forrest!, 26 Aug 2011 02:00:00 GMTAstrology: Weight Loss And Steven Forrest!The Universe shouldn't be something that "just happened to you." Conquer it with Astrology! Fun, advice, and an entire Universe in just one show! HOUR ONE: Medical Astrologer Eileen Nauman discusses weight loss and health from the perspective of your birth chart! HOUR TWO: Legendary author and astrologer Steven Forrest.    Write me for free stuff!Find me on Facebook and Twitter @MatthewCurrie)! And if you like what you hear... visit my Tip Jar! 02:00:00MatthewAstrologernoAstrology,advice,diet,love,PredictionsThe Universe shouldn't be something that "just happened to you." Conquer it with Astrology! Fun, advice, and an entire Universe in just one show! HOUR ONE: MediConquer The Universe With Astrology!, 19 Aug 2011 02:00:00 GMTConquer The Universe With Astrology!HOUR ONE: "Twelve Signs Of Love": true-life stories of love, hilarity, romance, tragedy, sex, friendship, and kitchen appliances based on my e-book, "Love Around The Zodiac." HOUR TWO: Also from December... my interview with legendary astrologer Michael Lutin!   Write me for free stuff! If you like what you hear... visit my Tip Jar!   Twitter: @MatthewCurrie Facebook: 01:57:00MatthewAstrologernoAstrology,advice,love,romance,PredictionsHOUR ONE: "Twelve Signs Of Love": true-life stories of love, hilarity, romance, tragedy, sex, friendship, and kitchen appliances based on my e-book, "Love ArounConquer The Universe With Astrology!, 12 Aug 2011 02:00:00 GMTConquer The Universe With Astrology!The Universe shouldn't be something that "just happened to you." Conquer it with Astrology! Fun, advice, and an entire Universe in just one show! TONIGHT: master Astrologer Jeff Jawer in Hour One, and Mesoamerican Astrology with Bruce Scofield in Hour Two! 01:58:00MatthewAstrologernoAstrology,advice,love,Finance,2012The Universe shouldn't be something that "just happened to you." Conquer it with Astrology! Fun, advice, and an entire Universe in just one show! TONIGHT: masteSex, Drugs, and Rock & Roll! (And Astrology!), 29 Jul 2011 02:00:00 GMTSex, Drugs, and Rock & Roll! (And Astrology!)The Universe shouldn't be something that "just happened to you." Conquer it with Astrology! Fun, advice, and an entire Universe in just one show!  TONIGHT:  HOUR ONE: Artist, author, and rock and roll legend COMMANDER CODY will discuss his new book, smoking pot, the Saturn Transit that launched his career... and did I mention the pot? HOUR TWO: Astrologer Maria DeSimone will discuss teaching astrology, indicators of psychic ability in the birth chart, tortellini, Tauruses, and pole dancing... among other things. And in between: we'll discuss the upcoming Leo New Moon and how it will affect you, your questions will be answered... call (323) 443-7252! 01:28:00MatthewAstrologernoAstrology,advice,Commander Cody,rock,drugsThe Universe shouldn't be something that "just happened to you." Conquer it with Astrology! Fun, advice, and an entire Universe in just one show!  TONIGHT:  HOConquer The Universe With Astrology: My Mars Transit, 22 Jul 2011 02:00:00 GMTConquer The Universe With Astrology: My Mars TransitThe Universe shouldn't be something that "just happened to you." Conquer it with Astrology! Fun, advice, and an entire Universe in just one show! TONIGHT: Anger. Lots of anger. And Mars transits! Call in with your questions and see if your get Matthew or his friend Mr. Hyde... 00:29:00MatthewAstrologernoAstrology,advice,love,Finance,PredictionsThe Universe shouldn't be something that "just happened to you." Conquer it with Astrology! Fun, advice, and an entire Universe in just one show! TONIGHT: AngerConquer The Universe With Astrology!, 15 Jul 2011 02:00:00 GMTConquer The Universe With Astrology!The Universe shouldn't be something that "just happened to you." Conquer it with Astrology! Fun, advice, and an entire Universe in just one show!  00:42:00MatthewAstrologernoAstrology,advice,love,Finance,PredictionsThe Universe shouldn't be something that "just happened to you." Conquer it with Astrology! Fun, advice, and an entire Universe in just one show!Conquer The Universe With Astrology!, 24 Jun 2011 02:00:00 GMTConquer The Universe With Astrology!The Universe shouldn't be something that "just happened to you." Conquer it with Astrology! Fun, advice, and an entire Universe in just one show! TONIGHT: the astounding BALROK from Creepy KOFY Movie Time, and the return of astrologer April Elliot Kent! PLUS:  Your Soulmate Is Hiding In Our Chat Room, Drinking and Eclipsing with Amy Winehouse, and another installment of "How's Matthew's Ass?"   02:01:00MatthewAstrologernoAstrology,advice,love,relationships,financeThe Universe shouldn't be something that "just happened to you." Conquer it with Astrology! Fun, advice, and an entire Universe in just one show! TONIGHT: the aConquer Your Week With Astrology, 20 Jun 2011 16:00:00 GMTConquer Your Week With Astrology Give me five minutes, and I'll give you your work week forecast! PLUS: Every week... a special mini-feature! 00:05:00MatthewAstrologernoAstrology,advice,relationships,Finance,PredictionsGive me five minutes, and I'll give you your work week forecast! PLUS: Every week... a special mini-feature!Conquer The Universe With Astrology!, 17 Jun 2011 02:00:00 GMTConquer The Universe With Astrology!The Universe shouldn't be something that "just happened to you." Conquer it with Astrology! Fun, advice, and an entire Universe in just one show! TONIGHT: Astrologer Claire-France Perez, The Mailbag, your questions answered, and a practical guide the the effects of an eclipse called  "How's Matthew's Ass?": Yes, really. 02:00:00MatthewAstrologernoAstrology,advice,love,relationships,financeThe Universe shouldn't be something that "just happened to you." Conquer it with Astrology! Fun, advice, and an entire Universe in just one show! TONIGHT: AstroConquer The Universe With Astrology: Last Show Ever?, 10 Jun 2011 02:00:00 GMTConquer The Universe With Astrology: Last Show Ever?The Universe shouldn't be something that "just happened to you." Conquer it with Astrology! Fun, advice, and an entire Universe in just one show! TONIGHT: The last show EVER. Well, not really... it's just changing and I love being dramtic. Listen in for details! 00:49:00MatthewAstrologernoAstrology,advice,love,relationships,financeThe Universe shouldn't be something that "just happened to you." Conquer it with Astrology! Fun, advice, and an entire Universe in just one show! TONIGHT: The lThe End Of Conquer The Universe W/Astrology As We Know It!, 07 Jun 2011 18:00:00 GMTThe End Of Conquer The Universe W/Astrology As We Know It!The Universe shouldn't be something that "just happened to you." Conquer it with Astrology! Fun, advice, and an entire Universe in just one show!  01:17:00MatthewAstrologernoAstrology,advice,love,Finance,PredictionsThe Universe shouldn't be something that "just happened to you." Conquer it with Astrology! Fun, advice, and an entire Universe in just one show!Conquer The Universe With Astrology!, 03 Jun 2011 02:00:00 GMTConquer The Universe With Astrology!The Universe shouldn't be something that "just happened to you." Conquer it with Astrology! Fun, advice, and an entire Universe in just one show! 00:52:00MatthewAstrologernoAstrology,advice,love,relationships,financeThe Universe shouldn't be something that "just happened to you." Conquer it with Astrology! Fun, advice, and an entire Universe in just one show!Conquer The Universe With Astrology - Jupiter In Taurus, 01 Jun 2011 18:00:00 GMTConquer The Universe With Astrology - Jupiter In TaurusThe Universe shouldn't be something that "just happened to you." Conquer it with Astrology! Fun, advice, and an entire Universe in just one show! THIS EPISODE: Jupiter enters Taurus. All the good news (and all the indigestion) for all twelve signs! PLUS: Solar Eclipse in Gemini today! 00:49:00MatthewAstrologernoAstrology,advice,love,Finance,PredictionsThe Universe shouldn't be something that "just happened to you." Conquer it with Astrology! Fun, advice, and an entire Universe in just one show! THIS EPISODE:Conquer The Universe With Astrology - Three Eclipses!, 27 May 2011 02:00:00 GMTConquer The Universe With Astrology - Three Eclipses!The Universe shouldn't be something that "just happened to you." Conquer it with Astrology! Fun, advice, and an entire Universe in just one show! THIS EPISODE: Three Eclipses, no waiting! June 1st, June 15th, and July first all feature some remarkable stuff. Listen in and find out how it will affect YOU! 01:02:00MatthewAstrologernoAstrology,advice,love,relationships,financeThe Universe shouldn't be something that "just happened to you." Conquer it with Astrology! Fun, advice, and an entire Universe in just one show! THIS EPISODE:Conquer The Universe With Astrology!, 24 May 2011 18:00:00 GMTConquer The Universe With Astrology!The Universe shouldn't be something that "just happened to you." Conquer it with Astrology! Fun, advice, and an entire Universe in just one show!  01:59:00MatthewAstrologernoAstrology,advice,love,Finance,PredictionsThe Universe shouldn't be something that "just happened to you." Conquer it with Astrology! Fun, advice, and an entire Universe in just one show!Conquer Your Love Life With Astrology!, 17 May 2011 18:00:00 GMTConquer Your Love Life With Astrology!The Universe shouldn't be something that "just happened to you." Conquer it with Astrology! Fun, advice, and an entire Universe in just one show! THIS WEEK: Hilary Young of, "Cosmic Karma" author Marguerite Manning, and's Christopher Witecki! 02:03:00MatthewAstrologernoAstrology,advice,love,relationships,financeThe Universe shouldn't be something that "just happened to you." Conquer it with Astrology! Fun, advice, and an entire Universe in just one show! THIS WEEK: HilConquer The Universe With Astrology!, 13 May 2011 02:00:00 GMTConquer The Universe With Astrology!The Universe shouldn't be something that "just happened to you." Conquer it with Astrology! Fun, advice, and an entire Universe in just one show!  THIS EPISODE: Astrologer Beth Turnage and I will take on the mysterious dogma and irrationality that is, ironically... The Skeptics. 01:30:00MatthewAstrologernoAstrology,advice,relationships,love,skepticThe Universe shouldn't be something that "just happened to you." Conquer it with Astrology! Fun, advice, and an entire Universe in just one show!  THIS EPISODE:Conquer The Universe With Astrology - Astrology & Depression, 10 May 2011 18:00:00 GMTConquer The Universe With Astrology - Astrology & DepressionThe Universe shouldn't be something that "just happened to you." Conquer it with Astrology! Fun, advice, and an entire Universe in just one show! Live readings for all who call! THIS EPISODE: The complex issue of depression, and what astrology has gto say about it... and how astrology can help. 01:36:00MatthewAstrologernoAstrology,advice,love,relationships,depressionThe Universe shouldn't be something that "just happened to you." Conquer it with Astrology! Fun, advice, and an entire Universe in just one show! Live readingsConquer Your Week With Astrology - May 9-13, 2011, 09 May 2011 15:00:00 GMTConquer Your Week With Astrology - May 9-13, 2011 Give me five minutes, and I'll give you your work week forecast! PLUS: this week only, a contest! Yayyy! Everyone loves a contest, right? 00:08:00MatthewAstrologernoAstrology,Forecast,Work,Finance,PredictionsGive me five minutes, and I'll give you your work week forecast! PLUS: this week only, a contest! Yayyy! Everyone loves a contest, right?Conquer The Universe With Astrology - Stephanie Jean Clement, 26 Apr 2011 18:00:00 GMTConquer The Universe With Astrology - Stephanie Jean ClementThe Universe shouldn't be something that "just happened to you." Conquer it with Astrology! Fun, advice, and an entire Universe in just one show! Live readings for all who call! THIS EPISODE: My guest is Stephanie Clement, PhD! 02:01:00MatthewAstrologernoAstrology,advice,love,relationships,financeThe Universe shouldn't be something that "just happened to you." Conquer it with Astrology! Fun, advice, and an entire Universe in just one show! Live readingsConquer The Universe With Astrology!, 22 Apr 2011 02:00:00 GMTConquer The Universe With Astrology!The Universe shouldn't be something that "just happened to you." Conquer it with Astrology! Fun, advice, and an entire Universe in just one show! THIS EPISODE: My guest will be legendary astrologer Jeff Jawer! 00:54:00MatthewAstrologernoAstrology,advice,relationships,love,financeThe Universe shouldn't be something that "just happened to you." Conquer it with Astrology! Fun, advice, and an entire Universe in just one show! THIS EPISODE:Conquer The Universe With Astrology!, 19 Apr 2011 18:00:00 GMTConquer The Universe With Astrology!The Universe shouldn't be something that "just happened to you." Conquer it with Astrology! Fun, advice, and an entire Universe in just one show! Live readings for all who call! THIS EPISODE: The amazng return of Nadiya Shah! 02:01:00MatthewAstrologernoAstrology,advice,love,relationships,financeThe Universe shouldn't be something that "just happened to you." Conquer it with Astrology! Fun, advice, and an entire Universe in just one show! Live readingsConquer Your Week With Astrology!, 18 Apr 2011 06:00:00 GMTConquer Your Week With Astrology!Your weekly podcast giving you the lowdown on the astrological environment for the upcoming work week! Give me five minutes... I'll give you five days! Join me for my regular shows Tuesdays at 2 PM Eastern (11 AM Pacific) and Thursdays at 10 PM Eastern (7PM Pacific)!   Like Free Stuff? Write me and get some!   If you like what you hear... meet my tip jar. All kindness are rewarded. 00:07:00MatthewAstrologernoAstrology,advice,forecast,relationships,financeYour weekly podcast giving you the lowdown on the astrological environment for the upcoming work week! Give me five minutes... I'll give you five days! Join meAstrology - Dr. Pluto's House Of Horrors, 17 Apr 2011 01:00:00 GMTAstrology - Dr. Pluto's House Of HorrorsThe Universe shouldn't be something that "just happened to you." Conquer it with Astrology! Fun, advice, and an entire Universe in just one show! Live readings for all who call! THIS EPISODE:  We've traced that phone call you keep getting from Pluto. And it's coming from the basement! Your guide to understanding and surviving the challenges brought by everyone's favorite planet-that-isn't-a-planet-that-still-wants-to-blow-up-your-life-anyway. 01:23:00MatthewAstrologernoAstrology,advice,relationships,finance,humorThe Universe shouldn't be something that "just happened to you." Conquer it with Astrology! Fun, advice, and an entire Universe in just one show! Live readingsF___, F___, F___ A Duck: The Uranus-Pluto Square, 16 Apr 2011 03:00:00 GMTF___, F___, F___ A Duck: The Uranus-Pluto Square The Universe shouldn't be something that "just happened to you." Conquer it with Astrology! Fun, advice, and an entire Universe in just one show! Live readings for all who call! THIS EPISODE: A special look ahead at the Uranus-Pluto Square, how it will affect you, and a sensitive discussion about duck genitals. Yes, really. 01:07:00MatthewAstrologeryesAstrology,advice,forecast,relationships,financeThe Universe shouldn't be something that "just happened to you." Conquer it with Astrology! Fun, advice, and an entire Universe in just one show! Live readingsConquer The Universe With Astrology - Neptune in Pisces II, 13 Apr 2011 20:00:00 GMTConquer The Universe With Astrology - Neptune in Pisces II The Universe shouldn't be something that "just happened to you." Conquer it with Astrology! Fun, advice, and an entire Universe in just one show! Live readings for all who call! THIS EPISODE:  Neptune in Pisces II - The Re-Neptuning! Is the world going nuts? Yes! Will things get stranger? Yes! Will we survive? You'd better listen to find out! (FREE STUFF for all who write me!) (If you like what you hear, feel free to drop by and visit my Donations Page!) 00:30:00MatthewAstrologernoAstrology,advice,love,relationships,financeThe Universe shouldn't be something that "just happened to you." Conquer it with Astrology! Fun, advice, and an entire Universe in just one show! Live readingsTo All The Signs I Loved Before, 08 Apr 2011 01:00:00 GMTTo All The Signs I Loved Before TONIGHT: A special pre-recorded program: my e-book "Love Around The Zodiac," feature twelve true tales of love, seduction, tragedy, amusement, kitchen appliances and more. Listen in and enjoy the show, and see if any of these stories sound the least bit like your own experiences with the Twelve Signs Of The Zodiac... 00:53:00MatthewAstrologernoAstrology,romance,relationships,love,heartbreakTONIGHT: A special pre-recorded program: my e-book "Love Around The Zodiac," feature twelve true tales of love, seduction, tragedy, amusement, kitchen appliaConquer The Universe With Astrology - Neptune in Pisces Events, 05 Apr 2011 18:00:00 GMTConquer The Universe With Astrology - Neptune in PiscesThe Universe shouldn't be something that "just happened to you." Conquer it with Astrology! Fun, advice, and an entire Universe in just one show! Live readings for all who call! THIS EPISODE: Neptune enters Pisces, which is a huge event. Maybe it's the end of the world... or the beginning. Listen to find out!01:19:00MatthewAstrologernoastrology,advice,relationships,finance,humorThe Universe shouldn't be something that "just happened to you." Conquer it with Astrology! Fun, advice, and an entire Universe in just one show! Live readingsConquer Your Week With Astrology! Events, 04 Apr 2011 14:00:00 GMTConquer Your Week With Astrology!Your weekly podcast giving you the lowdown on the astrological environment for the upcoming work week!00:07:00MatthewAstrologernoAstrology,romance,forecast,predictions,financeYour weekly podcast giving you the lowdown on the astrological environment for the upcoming work week!Conquer The Universe With Astrology - New Moon In Aries? Shut The Hell Up!, 01 Apr 2011 02:00:00 GMTConquer The Universe With Astrology - New Moon In Aries? Shut The Hell Up!The Universe shouldn't be something that "just happened to you." Conquer it with Astrology! Fun, advice, and an entire Universe in just one show! Live readings for all who call! THIS EPISODE: New Moon in Aries has a message for you. Shut your pie hole and listen to it.00:51:00MatthewAstrologernoAstrology,advice,forecast,relationships,financeThe Universe shouldn't be something that "just happened to you." Conquer it with Astrology! Fun, advice, and an entire Universe in just one show! Live readingsConquer The Universe With Astrology - Mercury Retrograde Ate My Homework, 29 Mar 2011 18:00:00 GMTConquer The Universe With Astrology - Mercury Retrograde Ate My HomeworkThe Universe shouldn't be something that "just happened to you." Conquer it with Astrology! Fun, advice, and an entire Universe in just one show! Live readings for all who call!01:25:00MatthewAstrologernoastrology,advice,relationships,finance,humorThe Universe shouldn't be something that "just happened to you." Conquer it with Astrology! Fun, advice, and an entire Universe in just one show! Live readingsConquer Your Week With Astrology!, 28 Mar 2011 11:00:00 GMTConquer Your Week With Astrology!Your weekly podcast giving you the lowdown on the astrological environment for the upcoming work week!00:06:00MatthewAstrologernoAstrology,romance,forecast,predictions,financeYour weekly podcast giving you the lowdown on the astrological environment for the upcoming work week!Conquer The Universe With Astrology - Free Curse Removal!, 25 Mar 2011 02:00:00 GMTConquer The Universe With Astrology - Free Curse Removal!The Universe shouldn't be something that "just happened to you." Conquer it with Astrology! Fun, advice, and an entire Universe in just one show! I'll be discussing the current Jupiter-Saturn opposition and its effects on you. Plus, give me a call at (323) 443-7252 and I'll answer your questions! PLUS: free curse removal!01:51:00MatthewAstrologernoAstrology,advice,relationships,finance,humorThe Universe shouldn't be something that "just happened to you." Conquer it with Astrology! Fun, advice, and an entire Universe in just one show! I'll be discuConquer The Universe With Astrology - It's Call In Sick Day!, 22 Mar 2011 18:00:00 GMTConquer The Universe With Astrology - It's Call In Sick Day!The Universe shouldn't be something that "just happened to you." Conquer it with Astrology! Fun, advice, and an entire Universe in just one show! Live readings for all who call!01:01:00MatthewAstrologernoastrology,advice,relationships,finance,humorThe Universe shouldn't be something that "just happened to you." Conquer it with Astrology! Fun, advice, and an entire Universe in just one show! Live readingsConquer The Universe With Astrology - Supermoon Fever!, 18 Mar 2011 02:00:00 GMTConquer The Universe With Astrology - Supermoon Fever!The Universe shouldn't be something that "just happened to you." Conquer it with Astrology! Fun, advice, and an entire Universe in just one show! TONIGHT: Marguerite Manning and St. Patrick's day. Open Bar!01:03:00MatthewAstrologernoAstrology,advice,relationships,supermoon,humorThe Universe shouldn't be something that "just happened to you." Conquer it with Astrology! Fun, advice, and an entire Universe in just one show! TONIGHT: MarguConquer The Universe With Astrology - What Can An Astrologer Do For YOU?, 15 Mar 2011 18:00:00 GMTConquer The Universe With Astrology - What Can An Astrologer Do For YOU?The Universe shouldn't be something that "just happened to you." Conquer it with Astrology! Fun, advice, and an entire Universe in just one show! Live readings for all who call! THIS EPISODE: 8 things and astrologer can do for you. You might be surprised...01:48:00MatthewAstrologernoastrology,advice,relationships,finance,humorThe Universe shouldn't be something that "just happened to you." Conquer it with Astrology! Fun, advice, and an entire Universe in just one show! Live readingsConquer The Universe With Astrology - The Mating Game, 11 Mar 2011 18:00:00 GMTConquer The Universe With Astrology - The Mating GameThe Universe shouldn't be something that "just happened to you." Conquer it with Astrology! Fun, advice, and an entire Universe in just one show! Live readings for all who call! THIS EPISODE: Let's get some men in here and see what happens!01:30:00MatthewAstrologernoAstrology,advice,love,men,womenThe Universe shouldn't be something that "just happened to you." Conquer it with Astrology! Fun, advice, and an entire Universe in just one show! Live readingsConquer The Universe With Astrology - The Shocking Uranus Ram, 11 Mar 2011 03:00:00 GMTConquer The Universe With Astrology - The Shocking Uranus RamThe Universe shouldn't be something that "just happened to you." Conquer it with Astrology! Fun, advice, and an entire Universe in just one show! TONIGHT: Uranus enters Aries. Are you braced for impact?01:03:00MatthewAstrologernoastrology,advice,love,humor,new ageThe Universe shouldn't be something that "just happened to you." Conquer it with Astrology! Fun, advice, and an entire Universe in just one show! TONIGHT: UranuConquer The Universe With Astrology - Mars Make Hulk Angry, 08 Mar 2011 21:00:00 GMTConquer The Universe With Astrology - Mars Make Hulk AngryThe Universe shouldn't be something that "just happened to you." Conquer it with Astrology! Fun, advice, and an entire Universe in just one show! THIS EPISODE: Mars... he isn't just the God of War in Ancient Rome... he's in charge of your temper in astrology too! PLUS: Sex. Oh yes. Sex.01:19:00MatthewAstrologernoastrology,advice,love,sex,new ageThe Universe shouldn't be something that "just happened to you." Conquer it with Astrology! Fun, advice, and an entire Universe in just one show! THIS EPISODE:Conquer The Universe With Astrology! - Gender Roles, 07 Mar 2011 19:00:00 GMTConquer The Universe With Astrology! - Gender RolesThe Universe shouldn't be something that "just happened to you." Conquer it with Astrology! Fun, advice, and an entire Universe in just one show! THIS EPISODE: Gender roles have changed over the last few decades. Has Astrology? ALSO: Your questions answered LIVE!01:12:00MatthewAstrologernoAstrology,advice,relationships,finance,humorThe Universe shouldn't be something that "just happened to you." Conquer it with Astrology! Fun, advice, and an entire Universe in just one show! THIS EPISODE:Conquer The Universe With Astrology - Tiger Blood And Adonis DNA II: The Re-Sheening, 04 Mar 2011 18:00:00 GMTConquer The Universe With Astrology - Tiger Blood And Adonis DNA II: The Re-SheeningThe Universe shouldn't be something that "just happened to you." Conquer it with Astrology! Fun, advice, and an entire Universe in just one show! THIS EPISODE: Your questions answered, plus PART TWO of my look at one of the most educational charts going these days... Charlie Sheen!01:28:00MatthewAstrologernoAstrology,advice,relationships,humor,Charlie SheenThe Universe shouldn't be something that "just happened to you." Conquer it with Astrology! Fun, advice, and an entire Universe in just one show! THIS EPISODE:Conquer The Universe With Astrology - Weddings And More!, 04 Mar 2011 03:00:00 GMTConquer The Universe With Astrology - Weddings And More!The Universe shouldn't be something that "just happened to you." Conquer it with Astrology! Fun, advice, and an entire Universe in just one show! TONIGHT: my guest is astrologer and author APRIL ELLIOT KENT!01:02:00MatthewAstrologernoastrology,advice,love,weddings,marriageThe Universe shouldn't be something that "just happened to you." Conquer it with Astrology! Fun, advice, and an entire Universe in just one show! TONIGHT: my guConquer The Universe With Astrology - The Charlie Sheen Episode, 01 Mar 2011 21:00:00 GMTConquer The Universe With Astrology - The Charlie Sheen EpisodeThe Universe shouldn't be something that "just happened to you." Conquer it with Astrology! Fun, advice, and an entire Universe in just one show! THIS EPISDOE: Your questions answered, plus a look at one of the most educational charts going these days... Charlie Sheen!01:25:00MatthewAstrologernoastrology,advice,love,charlie sheen,new ageThe Universe shouldn't be something that "just happened to you." Conquer it with Astrology! Fun, advice, and an entire Universe in just one show! THIS EPISDOE:Conquer The Universe With Astrology - Sit Down, Shut Up, And Listen To Saturn, 28 Feb 2011 20:00:00 GMTConquer The Universe With Astrology - Sit Down, Shut Up, And Listen To SaturnThe Universe shouldn't be something that "just happened to you." Conquer it with Astrology! Fun, advice, and an entire Universe in just one show! THIS EPISODE: Saturn. You can survive it... just stay calm and make sure you cut the blue wire first. No, wait, the red wire. No, the blue one. Oh, damn you Saturn.00:55:00MatthewAstrologernoastrology,advice,love,finance,comedyThe Universe shouldn't be something that "just happened to you." Conquer it with Astrology! Fun, advice, and an entire Universe in just one show! THIS EPISODE:Conquer The Universe With Astrology!, 25 Feb 2011 19:00:00 GMTConquer The Universe With Astrology!The Universe shouldn't be something that "just happened to you." Conquer it with Astrology! Fun, advice, and an entire Universe in just one show!01:07:00MatthewAstrologernoAstrology,advice,love,humor,moneyThe Universe shouldn't be something that "just happened to you." Conquer it with Astrology! Fun, advice, and an entire Universe in just one show!Conquer The Universe With Astrology - What Can An Astrologer Do For You?, 25 Feb 2011 03:00:00 GMTConquer The Universe With Astrology - What Can An Astrologer Do For You?The Universe shouldn't be something that "just happened to you." Conquer it with Astrology! Fun, advice, and an entire Universe in just one show! THIS EPISODE: Okay, so Astrology explains your personality and stuff. But: what can Astrology *really DO* for you? Find out tonight!01:02:00MatthewAstrologernoastrology,advice,love,humor,new ageThe Universe shouldn't be something that "just happened to you." Conquer it with Astrology! Fun, advice, and an entire Universe in just one show! THIS EPISODE:Conquer The Universe With Astrology - Show Me The Money!, 23 Feb 2011 18:00:00 GMTConquer The Universe With Astrology - Show Me The Money!The Universe shouldn't be something that "just happened to you." Conquer it with Astrology! Fun, advice, and an entire Universe in just one show! THIS EPISODE: Money, finance, and career in your birth chart, and your questions answered!01:23:00MatthewAstrologernoastrology,advice,comedy,finance,moneyThe Universe shouldn't be something that "just happened to you." Conquer it with Astrology! Fun, advice, and an entire Universe in just one show! THIS EPISODE:Conquer The Universe With Astrology!, 22 Feb 2011 21:00:00 GMTConquer The Universe With Astrology!The Universe shouldn't be something that "just happened to you." Conquer it with Astrology! Fun, advice, and an entire Universe in just one show! THIS EPISODE: My guest is astrologer Nadiya Shah!02:01:00MatthewAstrologernoastrology,advice,love,humor,new ageThe Universe shouldn't be something that "just happened to you." Conquer it with Astrology! Fun, advice, and an entire Universe in just one show! THIS EPISODE:Conquer The Universe With Astrology Before It Blows Up!, 21 Feb 2011 18:00:00 GMTConquer The Universe With Astrology Before It Blows Up!The Universe shouldn't be something that "just happened to you." Conquer it with Astrology! Fun, advice, and an entire Universe in just one show! THIS EPISODE: the Uranus-Pluto square, the reason why the world looks so crazy today, and what you can do about it!01:11:00MatthewAstrologernoastrology,advice,future,love,comedyThe Universe shouldn't be something that "just happened to you." Conquer it with Astrology! Fun, advice, and an entire Universe in just one show! THIS EPISODE:Conquer The Universe With Astrology - Full Moon Fever, 18 Feb 2011 03:00:00 GMTConquer The Universe With Astrology - Full Moon FeverThe Universe shouldn't be something that "just happened to you." Conquer it with Astrology! Fun, advice, and an entire Universe in just one show! TONIGHT: Your questions answered, plus a look at the effects of this Full Moon... one of the wildest of the year!01:01:00MatthewAstrologernoastrology,advice,love,humor,new ageThe Universe shouldn't be something that "just happened to you." Conquer it with Astrology! Fun, advice, and an entire Universe in just one show! TONIGHT: YourConquer The Universe With Astrology - and ElsaElsa!, 16 Feb 2011 18:00:00 GMTConquer The Universe With Astrology - and ElsaElsa!The Universe shouldn't be something that "just happened to you." Conquer it with Astrology! Fun, advice, and an entire Universe in just one show! THIS EPISODE: Your questions answer by me and (in Hour One) by Astrology Blogging legend Elsa Panizzon!01:35:00MatthewAstrologernoastrology,advice,love,humor,new ageThe Universe shouldn't be something that "just happened to you." Conquer it with Astrology! Fun, advice, and an entire Universe in just one show! THIS EPISODE:Conquer The Universe With Astrology - The Valentine's Post-Game Analysis!, 15 Feb 2011 21:00:00 GMTConquer The Universe With Astrology - The Valentine's Post-Game Analysis!THIS EPISODE: Join me and "Cosmic Karma" author MARGUERITE MANNING for a look at your Venus and Mars, and how understanding them might make your NEXT Valentine's Day better than this one was... no mater how good (or bad!) this last one was!02:02:00MatthewAstrologernoastrology,love,sex,romance,adviceTHIS EPISODE: Join me and "Cosmic Karma" author MARGUERITE MANNING for a look at your Venus and Mars, and how understanding them might make your NEXT Valentine'Conquer The Universe With Astrology - The Valentine's Edition, 14 Feb 2011 18:00:00 GMTConquer The Universe With Astrology - The Valentine's EditionThe Universe shouldn't be something that "just happened to you." Conquer it with Astrology! Fun, advice, and an entire Universe in just one show! THIS EPISODE: Come and get some Love, or find out why you haven't yet. ALSO: I will do something incredibly naughty in public at the end of the show.02:01:00MatthewAstrologernoastrology,love,sex,advice,romanceThe Universe shouldn't be something that "just happened to you." Conquer it with Astrology! Fun, advice, and an entire Universe in just one show! THIS EPISODE:Conquer The Universe With Astrology - Steven Forrest!, 11 Feb 2011 03:00:00 GMTConquer The Universe With Astrology - Steven Forrest!The Universe shouldn't be something that "just happened to you." TONIGHT: my guest will be astrological legend Steven Forrest!01:02:00MatthewAstrologernoAstrology,future,author,humor,new ageThe Universe shouldn't be something that "just happened to you." TONIGHT: my guest will be astrological legend Steven Forrest!Conquer The Universe With Astrology - Moon Time Part Two!, 08 Feb 2011 21:00:00 GMTConquer The Universe With Astrology - Moon Time Part Two!Things went haywire during Moon Time Part One. It was a Void Of Course Moon, so what did you expect? Astrology: it works. Here's Part Two...01:37:00MatthewAstrologernoAstrology,humor,advice,love,humorThings went haywire during Moon Time Part One. It was a Void Of Course Moon, so what did you expect? Astrology: it works. Here's Part Two...Conquer The Universe With Astrology - Love Around The Zodiac Part II, 06 Feb 2011 03:00:00 GMTConquer The Universe With Astrology - Love Around The Zodiac Part IIThe Universe shouldn't be something that "just happened to you." Conquer it... with Astrology! THIS EPISODE: Friday night and nothing better to do? Me neither! So: lets talk about love and attraction in your birth chart! What's holding you back? What does the future hold? Listen, join the chat, or call to find out. PLUS: I'll be reading from my e-book, "Love Around The Zodiac"!01:57:00MatthewAstrologernoAstrology,Love,advice,sex,romanceThe Universe shouldn't be something that "just happened to you." Conquer it... with Astrology! THIS EPISODE: Friday night and nothing better to do? Me neither!Conquer The Universe With Astrology - Love Around The Zodiac Part I, 05 Feb 2011 03:00:00 GMTConquer The Universe With Astrology - Love Around The Zodiac Part IThe Universe shouldn't be something that "just happened to you." Conquer it... with Astrology! THIS EPISODE: Friday night and nothing better to do? Me neither! So: lets talk about love and attraction in your birth chart! What's holding you back? What does the future hold? Listen, join the chat, or call to find out. PLUS: I'll be reading from my e-book, "Love Around The Zodiac"!01:22:00MatthewAstrologernoAstrology,advice,love,romance,sexThe Universe shouldn't be something that "just happened to you." Conquer it... with Astrology! THIS EPISODE: Friday night and nothing better to do? Me neither!Conquer The Universe With Astrology : The Amazing Truth About Nibiru!, 04 Feb 2011 03:00:00 GMTConquer The Universe With Astrology : The Amazing Truth About Nibiru!The Universe shouldn't be something that "just happened to you." Conquer it... with Astrology! THIS EPISODE: Something a little different... the amazing, incredible, incontrovertible TRUTH about Nibiru!01:00:00MatthewAstrologernoAstrology,2012,future,planet x,nibiruThe Universe shouldn't be something that "just happened to you." Conquer it... with Astrology! THIS EPISODE: Something a little different... the amazing, incredConquer The Universe With Astrology - Moon Time!, 01 Feb 2011 21:00:00 GMTConquer The Universe With Astrology - Moon Time!The Universe shouldn't be something that "just happened to you." Conquer it... with Astrology! THIS EPISODE, at a special day and time: the power of your Moon Sign unleashed... plus your questions answered! Drop by the Chat Room, or call (323) 443-7252!01:36:00MatthewAstrologernoAstrology,future,predictions,advice,new ageThe Universe shouldn't be something that "just happened to you." Conquer it... with Astrology! THIS EPISODE, at a special day and time: the power of your MooConquer The Universe With Astrology - Sweetness And Light, 29 Jan 2011 23:00:00 GMTConquer The Universe With Astrology - Sweetness And LightThe Universe isn't something that just "happened to you." Take charge of your life with Astrology! THIS EPISODE: Since the Moon is conjunct Venus, let's talk about Venus, sweetness, and how you can make your life sweeter and happier!01:17:00MatthewAstrologernoAstrology,Love,romance,advice,humorThe Universe isn't something that just "happened to you." Take charge of your life with Astrology! THIS EPISODE: Since the Moon is conjunct Venus, let's talk aConquer The Universe With Astrology - The Weight Loss Edition!, 28 Jan 2011 03:00:00 GMTConquer The Universe With Astrology - The Weight Loss Edition!The Universe shouldn't be something that "just happened to you." Take charge with Astrology! TONIGHT: a special on Weight Loss with medical astrologer Eileen Nauman!01:01:00MatthewAstrologernoAstrology,advice,humor,health,weightThe Universe shouldn't be something that "just happened to you." Take charge with Astrology! TONIGHT: a special on Weight Loss with medical astrologer Eileen NaConquer The Universe With Astrology: The Jupiter In Aries Edition!, 26 Jan 2011 18:00:00 GMTConquer The Universe With Astrology: The Jupiter In Aries Edition!The Universe shouldn't be something that "just happened to you." Take charge with Astrology! THIS EPISODE: Jupiter enters Aries. How will that affect you and those around you? My guest MARIA DeSIMONE and I will have all the details for you!01:01:00MatthewAstrologernoAstrology,advice,Love,jupiter,funnyThe Universe shouldn't be something that "just happened to you." Take charge with Astrology! THIS EPISODE: Jupiter enters Aries. How will that affect you and thConquer The Universe With Astrology, And!, 26 Jan 2011 02:00:00 GMTConquer The Universe With Astrology, And!The Universe isn't something that just "happened to you." Take charge of your life with Astrology! TONIGHT: Christopher Witecki of the most happenin' Astrology site on the Net!01:01:00MatthewAstrologernoAstrology,advice,love,funny,futureThe Universe isn't something that just "happened to you." Take charge of your life with Astrology! TONIGHT: Christopher Witecki of the most hapConquer The Universe With Astrology, Like A Millionaire Matchmaker!, 21 Jan 2011 03:00:00 GMTConquer The Universe With Astrology, Like A Millionaire Matchmaker!The Universe isn't something that just "happened to you." Take charge of your life with Astrology! TONIGHT'S GUEST: Dr. Craig Martin, as seen on "Millionaire Matchmaker"!01:00:00MatthewAstrologernoastrology,humor,future,predictions,loveThe Universe isn't something that just "happened to you." Take charge of your life with Astrology! TONIGHT'S GUEST: Dr. Craig Martin, as seen on "Millionaire MaConquer The Universe With Astrology: Surprise Edition!, 19 Jan 2011 22:00:00 GMTConquer The Universe With Astrology: Surprise Edition!The Universe isn't something that just "happened to you." Take charge of your life with Astrology! THIS EDITION: No advance announcement, no guests... just me talking astrology and taking your calls... if anyone feels like calling, that is. Also, stuff on your Moon Sign, and: "What the heck is a reading, anyway"?01:00:00MatthewAstrologernoAstrology,advice,future,love,HumorThe Universe isn't something that just "happened to you." Take charge of your life with Astrology! THIS EDITION: No advance announcement, no guests... just me tConquer The Universe With Astrology: Judi Vitale!, 19 Jan 2011 02:00:00 GMTConquer The Universe With Astrology: Judi Vitale!The Universe shouldn't be something that "just happened to you." Take charge with Astrology! TONIGHT: My guest will be JUDI VITALE, Author of "Lovecasts: The Astrological Guide to Finding Lasting Love"!00:59:00MatthewAstrologernoAstrology,romance,love,humor,adviceThe Universe shouldn't be something that "just happened to you." Take charge with Astrology! TONIGHT: My guest will be JUDI VITALE, Author of "Lovecasts: TheConquer The Universe With Astrology: Look Good And Attract Love!, 14 Jan 2011 22:00:00 GMTConquer The Universe With Astrology: Look Good And Attract Love!The Universe isn't something that just "happened to you." Take charge of your life with Astrology! TODAY'S SHOW: Understanding your own birth chart to maximize your sex appeal and power of attraction! 01:18:00MatthewAstrologernoAstrology,advice,love,ophiuchus,beautyThe Universe isn't something that just "happened to you." Take charge of your life with Astrology! TODAY'S SHOW: Understanding your own birth chart to maximizeConquer The Universe With Astrology: Michael Lutin!, 14 Jan 2011 03:00:00 GMTConquer The Universe With Astrology: Michael Lutin!The Universe shouldn't be something that "just happened to you." Take charge with Astrology! TONIGHT: Michael Lutin! Among other things, we'll discuss this "Ophiuchus" nonsense going around today...01:01:00MatthewAstrologernoAstrology,advice,humor,Ophiuchus,paranormalThe Universe shouldn't be something that "just happened to you." Take charge with Astrology! TONIGHT: Michael Lutin! Among other things, we'll discuss this "OphConquer The Universe With Astrology: Your Resolution Repair Kit, 12 Jan 2011 02:00:00 GMTConquer The Universe With Astrology: Your Resolution Repair KitNew Years Resolutions? Bah. So much for THAT. If you know what you want in 2011, I'll tell you where, when, and how to get it. The rest is up to you!01:02:00MatthewAstrologernoastrology,self help,advice,love,moneyNew Years Resolutions? Bah. So much for THAT. If you know what you want in 2011, I'll tell you where, when, and how to get it. The rest is up to you!Conquer The Universe With Astrology!, 07 Jan 2011 03:00:00 GMTConquer The Universe With Astrology!The Universe shouldn't be something that "just happened to you." Conquer it... with Astrology! TONIGHT: Astrologer, author, co-founder of, and all-around Astrological Idol Jeff Jawer!01:01:00MatthewAstrologernoAstrology,humor,love,predictions,romanceThe Universe shouldn't be something that "just happened to you." Conquer it... with Astrology! TONIGHT: Astrologer, author, co-founder of, and all-aConquer The Universe With Astrology!, 31 Dec 2010 03:00:00 GMTConquer The Universe With Astrology!The Universe shouldn't be something that "just happened to you." Take charge with Astrology! Tonight: Maria DeSimone! www.InsightfulAstrology.com01:03:00MatthewAstrologernoAstrology,advice,humor,love,paranormalThe Universe shouldn't be something that "just happened to you." Take charge with Astrology! Tonight: Maria DeSimone! www.InsightfulAstrology.comConquer The Universe With Astrology: Your 2011 Forecast Part II, 24 Dec 2010 03:00:00 GMTConquer The Universe With Astrology: Your 2011 Forecast Part IIThe Universe shouldn't be something that "just happened to you." Take charge with Astrology! TONIGHT: 2011, by sign, Part Two!01:01:00MatthewAstrologernoAstrology,2011,future,love,predictionsThe Universe shouldn't be something that "just happened to you." Take charge with Astrology! TONIGHT: 2011, by sign, Part Two!Conquer The Universe With Astrology: Your 2011 Forecast, 17 Dec 2010 03:00:00 GMTConquer The Universe With Astrology: Your 2011 ForecastTONIGHT: Your 2011 forecast by sign, plus your questions answered! Part II:,2011,advice,humor,new ageTONIGHT: Your 2011 forecast by sign, plus your questions answered! Part II: The Universe With Astrology!, 10 Dec 2010 03:00:00 GMTConquer The Universe With Astrology!The Universe isn't something that just "happened to you." Take charge of your life with Astrology! TONIGHT: Astrologer and Beliefnet blogger Lynn Hayes, 2011 in review, and the astrology of Wikileaks!01:00:00MatthewAstrologernoastrology,wikileaks,love,romance,adviceThe Universe isn't something that just "happened to you." Take charge of your life with Astrology! TONIGHT: Astrologer and Beliefnet blogger Lynn Hayes, 2011Conquer The Universe With Astrology!, 03 Dec 2010 03:00:00 GMTConquer The Universe With Astrology!The Universe isn't something that just "happened to you." Take charge of your life with Astrology! On tonight's show: an interview with Jessica Shepherd, Author of "A Love Alchemist's Notebook." Not only is Jessica an astrologer who knows a thing or two about thinking with your Venus... she's written a guide as to what you can actually do with it, in practical terms, to find The One!01:01:00MatthewAstrologernoastrology,humor,love,romance,adviceThe Universe isn't something that just "happened to you." Take charge of your life with Astrology! On tonight's show: an interview with Jessica Shepherd, AutConquer The Universe With Astrology: The Astrological Turkey Shoot!, 26 Nov 2010 03:00:00 GMTConquer The Universe With Astrology: The Astrological Turkey Shoot!An hour of astrology and snickers. Happy Thanksgiving!00:54:00MatthewAstrologernoAstrology,humor,comedy,thanksgiving,adviceAn hour of astrology and snickers. Happy Thanksgiving!Conquer The Universe With Astrology!, 19 Nov 2010 03:00:00 GMTConquer The Universe With Astrology!Marguerite Manning, author of "Cosmic Karma: Understanding Your Contract with the Universe" will be my guest!01:03:00MatthewAstrologernoAstrology,advice,love,humor,magicMarguerite Manning, author of "Cosmic Karma: Understanding Your Contract with the Universe" will be my guest!Conquer The Universe With Astrology!, 17 Nov 2010 03:00:00 GMTConquer The Universe With Astrology!TONIGHT: Astrological legend BRUCE SCOFIELD joins us. Learn the mysteries of Mayan Astrology! And: write me, I'll send you a FREEBIE! AstrologyShow@gmail.com01:01:00MatthewAstrologernoAstrology,Mayan,2012,Advice,HumorTONIGHT: Astrological legend BRUCE SCOFIELD joins us. Learn the mysteries of Mayan Astrology! And: write me, I'll send you a FREEBIE! AstrologyShow@gmail.comConquer The Universe With Astrology!, 12 Nov 2010 03:00:00 GMTConquer The Universe With Astrology!The Universe isn't something that just "happened to you." Take charge of your life with Astrology!00:58:00MatthewAstrologernoAstrology,humor,advice,love,romanceThe Universe isn't something that just "happened to you." Take charge of your life with Astrology!