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Lost Arts Radio Show #346 - Special Guest Dr. Judy Mikovits

  • Broadcast in Health
Lost Arts Radio

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We've been waiting many months for Dr. Judy Mikovits (www.plaguethebook.com) to get a chance to come back on the show, and I'm happy to let you know it's happening this Sunday. Dr. Mikovits is the author of Plague, Plague of Corruption and Ending Plague (due for release September 2, 2021). She is uniquely positioned to know and comment on corruption of medical authority figures during the AIDS epidemic of the 80's, and how the same network of criminal cartels, embedded in government and industry, are running their deadly scams again now, masquerading as the COVID-19 "pandemic." Problems with the narrative underlying this fake disaster are serious, and would lead an observer with what used to be normal common sense to quickly realize the pandemic is fabricated, and an obvious fraud, but the "vaccine" promoted as the answer, is deadly. However, the public has been hypnotized and conditioned for a long time with "education," entertainment, fake science and industry propaganda, to the point where "common sense" is only a myth that was supposed to exist sometime in the distant past, but like the mythical SARSCov-2 Virus, no one seems to actually possess any of it in real life.

Many astute observers say the current tyranny has been centuries in the making, but I would say no, many thousands of years would be more accurate. Judging that we are dumbed down enough now to be herded into position for the final slaughter, our controllers have decided a made-up pandemic and a lot of media induced fear to justify the need for forced deadly vaccines is a perfect next step on the way to exterminating life on Earth. What's wrong with this whole picture that we should have realized by now so we can turn back from global suicide?

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