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The ROAD TO RECOVERY Hosted by Daniel Czuba working to bring ADDICTIONS OUT OF..

  • Broadcast in Business



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...the darkness of DENIAL into the Light of ACCEPTANCE and ULTIMATELY RECOVERY.

I wish to Thank tonights guest - Phil La Duke Author and Management Consultant, for joining me on our LIVE Brodcast. The topic centered around GUNMEN in the workplace, however the underlying issue for me was - HOW MANY OF THESE PERPETRATORS WERE UNDER THE INFLUENCE OF EITHER DRUGS OR ALCOHOL? In some instances - NONE. Not all crimes of this type are fueled by Drugs or Alcohol, however many of them are and being prepared for the potentialof such actions taking place is something that we all need to be aware of and also be prepared for now and in the future.

Tonights show brings to the forefront a topic we have touched on many times in the past and thus I wish to make it NEXT WEEK'S TOPIC OF THE SHOW. CO-DEPENDENCY and ENABLING by friends and family members of those individuals struggling (or not ) with matters of drug and alcohol dependency. What is the right thing to do to help someone caught up in their addictions?

Join me next Sunday evening December 8th, from 7 to 9PM CST Centrl Standard Time as I open the discussion as to whether or not someone is an enabler or Co-Dependent - and what if anything can or should be done to help or assist these individuals. I know I have several ideas but they are mine and I would like to hear from everyone or anyone with ideas or suggestions of their own. Our call-in nukber for the show is 323-580-5755. I personally can be reached during the week at 630-918-6129 and I welcome any and ALL callers with comments, Questions or even personal stories of their own..

I hope you will join me!