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The ROAD TO RECOVERY Hosted by Daniel Czuba "Working to bring addictions out ...

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...of the Darkness of ignorance into the Light of Help, Healing and Acceptance!

84 DEAD - 50 Critical - Who could do such an outrageous act of cowardice? So what is this week's theme or topic so to say? Well by Gosh - even I/we don't know - however recovery from any Addictive behavior is always a good start as we'll discuss and review the past week - and how we faired dealing with Life on Life's terms. Is it easy to get Sober? How about to Stay Sober once you arrive at Recoveries Doorstep? Is it only Drugs and Alcohol addicted individuals - that we can help out? Of course not ONLY these persons but ANYONE struggling to live in todays world longing for HOPE and LOVE and ACCEPTANCE. Sound vaguely familiar? Perhaps its not you but a Loved one struggling to maintain their Sanity in todays somewhat INSANE WORLD CULTURE... Don't fret - you are in very good company. Join us LIVE from 7 to 9 PM EVERY SUNDAY EVENING - CST (CENTRAL STANDARD TIME) as we CANDIDLY DISCUSS WHAT WE WENT THROUGH WHEN WE WERE CAUGHT UP IN OUR ADDICTIVE BEHAVIORS AND WHAT WE DID TO OVERCOME THIS REPETITIVE BEHAVIOR AND BECOME USEFUL PERSONS IN TODAYS EVERYDAY LIVING! OUR CALL IN NUMBER IS 323-580-5755 and we welcome ALL Comments / Questions / Stories / Inquiries / Requests for personal assistance/NEW Friendships / Suggestions / Ideas.

Our email address is Daniel@daare.com and we can be reached 24/7 through out the week - just in case someone needs help when we are not on the Air.  We look forward to hearing from you ALL. Just remember to give ""HELLO'S & HUGS" to each and everyone you can - not just because it will help them - but because YOU TOO ARE BLESSED BY THIS SELFLESS ACT OF LOVE & KINDNESS. We sure hope you can Join us!