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Joanne Hughes

Joanne Hughes


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A Show that talks about Strategies for living your best possible life. This includes topics that deal with menopause, nutrition and wellness and spirituality.

On-Demand Episodes

It is my joy and pleasure to bring to you Michael Nitti, Acclaimed Life Coach, Spiritual Teacher and Author of the book The Trophy Effect. Michael has had an amazing journey that has taken him down many interesting roads including;... more

Dr. Michael Smith is a Traditional Chinese Doctor that was told that he would die and 15 years later he is still thriving and practicing in Nelson, B.C. Dr. Michael Smith is joining me this Saturday as we talk about his take on food, the... more

I am thrilled to be bringing you this young Dynamo! Justin Sachs is the President & CEO of Justin Sachs Companies consisting of 8 organizations including his industry leading publishing company, Motivational Press, Inc. and his... more

I am so excited to bring you my Friend and Mentor Sheryl Roush this Saturday regular time! Sheryl's rise from difficult circumstances to become a self-made businesswoman and acclaimed international speaker will motivate and inspire... more

Join me this Saturday as we hear from Barbara Hofmeister International Speaker and Best selling Author of "The To Be Book". Barbara is a passionate advocate of helping people lives their dreams. Join me this Saturday Jan. 22,2010 at 10:00... more

Join me as we talk to Andrew O'Kane a Psych Nurse at the Trail,BC hospita. Andrew has volunteered in one of the hospitals in Port Au prince, Haiti. We'll hear some of his stories Saturday Jan. 15th,2010. Join me on blogtalk radio as... more

After a long summer break it's time for kids to head back to school and harvesting time! Let's talk about what's been happening for you and for me!

Tonight we will look closely at bringing awareness to our being by daily intentions and ritual. Join me this Saturday night at 9:00MST.

Join me this Saturday night as we take abit of a breather from our 10 week living Authentically with purpose and passion series and touch abit on fear and flow so naturally into relationships...misery or bliss! This show will be a mix of learning... more

Join me as we continue with our 10 week series on living authentically with purpose and passion. On tonight's show we will continue to look at our assesment's, evaluation and then begin to look at our fears and "our stories" so... more

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