WehemyMesu/CulturalRebirthConnectionshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/iyaadjuaWhmy Msu is the Kemetic term for Cultural Rebirth. On this show we will discuss the multiple theories, approaches & life experiences relevant to the implementation of ACE/African Centered Education. Via these discussions listeners will gain insight into assisting parents, students & teachers in attaining a Wehemy Mesu or a Cultural Rebirth! enCopyright Iya Adjua (C/O Blogtalkradio)Sat, 15 Jun 2019 16:30:00 GMTWed, 04 Feb 2015 21:04:55 GMTCultureBlogTalkRadio Feed v2.0https://dasg7xwmldix6.cloudfront.net/hostpics/4b812ba5-67bd-460d-b197-37b04e953094_whmy_msu.jpgWehemyMesu/CulturalRebirthConnectionshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/iyaadjuaWhmy Msu is the Kemetic term for Cultural Rebirth. On this show we will discuss the multiple theories, approaches & life experiences relevant to the implementation of ACE/African Centered Education. Via these discussions listeners will gain insight into assisting parents, students & teachers in attaining a Wehemy Mesu or a Cultural Rebirth! feeds@blogtalkradio.comBlogTalkRadio.comculture,afrikan people,afrikans,africa,african,afrikan,youth,afrikan culture,freedom,afrikaIya Adjua WMP CRCnoWhmy Msu is the Kemetic term for Cultural Rebirth. On this show we will discuss the multiple theories, approaches & life experiences relevant to the implementaepisodicUNsung Sheroes of Afrikan World Movements!http://www.blogtalkradio.com/iyaadjua/2015/02/04/unsung-sheroes-of-afrikan-world-movementsCulturehttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/iyaadjua/2015/02/04/unsung-sheroes-of-afrikan-world-movements/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/iyaadjua/2015/02/04/unsung-sheroes-of-afrikan-world-movementsWed, 04 Feb 2015 21:04:55 GMTUNsung Sheroes of Afrikan World Movements!In Afrikan peoples quest for knowledge of our life experiences, we relish in learning of the names of Afrikan Heroes.We celebrate them joyously!  But, what about our Afrikan Sheroes?  Who are they? Can we say the names of five of them in a row with knowledge of their life stories? I say no, we cannot and as an educator, the aim of this show is to assist in calling their names and sharing some parts of their life stories. Perhaps this is why we cant get it right in benefitting from the many movements we have iniatiated worldwide. Afrikan people have always been about balance and Afrikan women have always "rode" along with Afrikan men in making changes for our collective survival. Many of us know the names of many Afrikan men who have contributed to our collective "freedom," yet few know the names of the women who supported those men, stood in their stead and made it possible for them to "fight for our freedom!" We call the names of the women who fought against our enslavement, the women of the Ayiti Revolution, the women of the Civil Rights Movement and more. They are all UNsung Sheroes whose names should be remembered and called upon as often as their Afrikan male counterparts.  00:36:00Iya Adjua WMP CRCnoAfrikan Women,Afrikans,Sheroes,Heroes,UNsungIn Afrikan peoples quest for knowledge of our life experiences, we relish in learning of the names of Afrikan Heroes.We celebrate them joyously!  But, what abouJoin Iya Adjua, The Culture Rebel & Baba Amin Imamu Ojuok, Uhuru Academy/Tx!http://www.blogtalkradio.com/iyaadjua/2014/06/25/join-iya-adjua-the-culture-rebel-baba-amin-imamu-ojuok-uhuru-academytxCulturehttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/iyaadjua/2014/06/25/join-iya-adjua-the-culture-rebel-baba-amin-imamu-ojuok-uhuru-academytx/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/iyaadjua/2014/06/25/join-iya-adjua-the-culture-rebel-baba-amin-imamu-ojuok-uhuru-academytxWed, 25 Jun 2014 20:00:00 GMTJoin Iya Adjua, The Culture Rebel & Baba Amin Imamu Ojuok, Uhuru Academy/Tx!Join Iya Adjua, The Culture Rebel & Baba Ojuok, CEO/Founder of "The Uhuru Academy!" The Uhuru Academy in Fort Worth, Tx is an independent institution of learning dedicated to developing programs that encourage, educate, and empower young people to succeed! MISSION:                                                                                                                                                           Our mission is to provide parents with an alternative to education that is culturally relevant and global in scope. For students, we aim to build their self esteem by telling the truth about their history and the impact that their people have had on the human family. Contact Info: 682-233-5054 or email at uhuru4youth@gmail.com Presently this independent school is having a fundraiser, please support this effort! http://www.gofundme.com/Support-The-Uhuru-Academy 00:25:00Iya Adjua WMP CRCnoUhuru,Cultural Education,Afrika,Afrikans,GlobalJoin Iya Adjua, The Culture Rebel & Baba Ojuok, CEO/Founder of "The Uhuru Academy!" The Uhuru Academy in Fort Worth, Tx is an independent institution of learninIya Adjua, The Culture Rebel & Asar Imhotep Researcher/Author of Bakala/Aajalu!http://www.blogtalkradio.com/iyaadjua/2014/06/18/iya-adjua-the-culture-rebel-asar-imhotep-researcherauthor-of-bakalaaajaluCulturehttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/iyaadjua/2014/06/18/iya-adjua-the-culture-rebel-asar-imhotep-researcherauthor-of-bakalaaajalu/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/iyaadjua/2014/06/18/iya-adjua-the-culture-rebel-asar-imhotep-researcherauthor-of-bakalaaajaluWed, 18 Jun 2014 20:00:00 GMTIya Adjua, The Culture Rebel & Asar Imhotep Researcher/Author of Bakala/Aajalu!Join Iya Adjua, The Culture Rebel & Asar Imhotep who is a computer programmer and Africana researcher from Houston, TX whose research focus is the cultural, linguistic and philosophical links between the Ancient Egyptian civilizations and modern BaNtu cultures of central and South Africa. He is the founder of the MOCHA-Versity Institute of Philosophy and Research and the Madu-Ndela Institute for the Advancement of Science and Culture. He is also the author of The Bakala of North America, the Living Suns of Vitality: In Search for a Meaningful Name for African-Americans, Passion of the Christ or Passion of Osiris: The Kongo Origins of the Jesus Myth and Aaluja: Rescue, Reinterpretation & the Restoration of Major Ancient Egyptian Themes, Vol. I. Asar is a noted speaker and philosopher and is currently organizing efforts in a nation-wide venture titled The African-American Cultural Development Project—a national project aimed at creating a framework for an African-American culture which will help vitally stimulate the economic, political, scientific and cultural spheres of African-American life in the United States. 00:45:00Iya Adjua WMP CRCnoAfrika,Afrikans,Languages,Linguistics,BantuJoin Iya Adjua, The Culture Rebel & Asar Imhotep who is a computer programmer and Africana researcher from Houston, TX whose research focus is the cultural, linIya Adjua, The Culture Rebel & Sis Afua Ampoa on Urban Afrikan Displacement!http://www.blogtalkradio.com/iyaadjua/2014/06/11/iya-adjua-the-culture-rebel-sis-afua-ampoa-on-urban-afrikan-displacementCulturehttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/iyaadjua/2014/06/11/iya-adjua-the-culture-rebel-sis-afua-ampoa-on-urban-afrikan-displacement/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/iyaadjua/2014/06/11/iya-adjua-the-culture-rebel-sis-afua-ampoa-on-urban-afrikan-displacementWed, 11 Jun 2014 20:00:00 GMTIya Adjua, The Culture Rebel & Sis Afua Ampoa on Urban Afrikan Displacement!Join Iya Adjua, The Culture Rebel & Sis Afua Ampoa in a notice on urban Afrikan Displacement! For Afrikan people displacement occurs on many levels; land, home & family.In this case, it's all three; ;et's support this Sista in her efforts to restabilize her family who was illegally displaced out of their New Jersey home. Tune in2day 4-:30pm est for info on how you can support a member of a our Afrikan family. PLEASE SIGN THE PETITION & SHARE WITH YOUR NETWORKS!!! http://www.thepetitionsite.com/takeaction/607/816/277/?taf_id=11478369&cid=fb_na 00:45:00Iya Adjua WMP CRCnoMs. Suzie,Afirkans,Displacement,Urban,Wells FargoJoin Iya Adjua, The Culture Rebel & Sis Afua Ampoa in a notice on urban Afrikan Displacement! For Afrikan people displacement occurs on many levels; land, homeIya Adjua, The Culture Rebel & Kamau Makesi- Tehuti/ Afrika's Reascentionhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/iyaadjua/2014/06/04/iya-adjua-the-culture-rebel-kamau-makesi-tehuti-afrikas-reascentionCulturehttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/iyaadjua/2014/06/04/iya-adjua-the-culture-rebel-kamau-makesi-tehuti-afrikas-reascention/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/iyaadjua/2014/06/04/iya-adjua-the-culture-rebel-kamau-makesi-tehuti-afrikas-reascentionWed, 04 Jun 2014 20:00:00 GMTIya Adjua, The Culture Rebel & Kamau Makesi- Tehuti/ Afrika's ReascentionBrother Kamau of Bolekaja Enterprises and Afrika's Reascention will share the lead article by the Creators of the Sankofa conference, Baba Agyei & Mama Akua Akoto entitled A NARROW AND WELL WORN ROAD: EKWAN OBININI (eh-kwan Oh-bee-nee-nee), http://www.afrikanworldanalysis.com/ -760.454.1111 http://www.blogtalkradio.com/kamau301/2014/04/21/readings-from-the-sankofa-journal-2014 for a more in depth listen to the details of this information.  Tune is every Heru-wa (sun). @ 9pm EST, 760.454.1111. 00:45:00Iya Adjua WMP CRCnoAfrika's Reascention,Afrikan,Afrika,Sankofa,CultureBrother Kamau of Bolekaja Enterprises and Afrika's Reascention will share the lead article by the Creators of the Sankofa conference, Baba Agyei & Mama Akua AkoJoin Iya Adjua The Culture Rebel & Bro. Ernst Ford/An Update on Ayiti (Haiti)!http://www.blogtalkradio.com/iyaadjua/2014/05/21/join-iya-adjua-the-culture-rebel-bro-ernst-fordan-update-on-ayiti-haitiCulturehttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/iyaadjua/2014/05/21/join-iya-adjua-the-culture-rebel-bro-ernst-fordan-update-on-ayiti-haiti/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/iyaadjua/2014/05/21/join-iya-adjua-the-culture-rebel-bro-ernst-fordan-update-on-ayiti-haitiWed, 21 May 2014 20:00:00 GMTJoin Iya Adjua The Culture Rebel & Bro. Ernst Ford/An Update on Ayiti (Haiti)!Join Iya Adjua, The Culture Rebel and Brother Ernst Ford who is the co-editor of the "Global Star Magazine!" He is also a Freedom Fighter for our Haitian family and will update us on what's continuing to happen in Haiti! He will speak to the roles played by the Clintons in the continuing oppression of the Haitian community. Brother Ford is also running for political office of state representative under the platform of halting the PPA - Phila Parking Authority from taking of the cars of the citizens of Philadelphia! Tune in for an update on the continuing suffering of the people of Haiti & Philly! It ain't ova!!! 00:45:00Iya Adjua WMP CRCnoHaiti,Freedom,Oppression,Politricks,ClintonsJoin Iya Adjua, The Culture Rebel and Brother Ernst Ford who is the co-editor of the "Global Star Magazine!" He is also a Freedom Fighter for our Haitian familyCARICOM AND AFRIKAN SITUATIONS w/ BRO PIANKHIhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/iyaadjua/2013/12/18/caricom-and-afrikan-situations-w-bro-piankhiCulturehttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/iyaadjua/2013/12/18/caricom-and-afrikan-situations-w-bro-piankhi/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/iyaadjua/2013/12/18/caricom-and-afrikan-situations-w-bro-piankhiWed, 18 Dec 2013 21:00:00 GMTCARICOM AND AFRIKAN SITUATIONS w/ BRO PIANKHIJoin Iya Adjua, The Culture Rebel and Brother Kwame Piankhi, scholar activist and Afrikan connector! Brother Piankhi is a trained engineer who has volunteered in Chicago as a tutor at the Center for Inner City Studies after-school program and in Detroit's Public School’s Malcolm X academy. He was also member of Nsoroma Institute's "Babas’ Club." Nsoroma Institute was an African-centered charter school and the "Babas’ Club" conducted the Rites of Passage program for young boys transitioning into puberty. In the Rites of Passage program Bro Piankhi taught the boys on the principles of Ma’at in addition to introducing them to the concepts of solar energy, where they made solar cookers. He has also helped to set up a Saturday academy primarily intended for Black students in the public school system where his children currently attend. Kwame Piankhi has been one of the panelists on LIB radio’s “The Falcon Forum” since 2008. He is currently a member of ASCAC and also studies Mdw Ntr having been trained by Bonotchi Montgomery and Rkhty Amen.  00:46:00Iya Adjua WMP CRCnocaricom,Afrikans,Rites of Passage,Maat,ConnectionsJoin Iya Adjua, The Culture Rebel and Brother Kwame Piankhi, scholar activist and Afrikan connector! Brother Piankhi is a trained engineer who has volunteered iJoin Iya Adjua, The Culture Rebel & Odwirafo Kwesi Ra Ptahhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/iyaadjua/2013/12/04/join-iya-adjua-the-culture-rebel-odwirafo-kwesi-ra-ptahCulturehttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/iyaadjua/2013/12/04/join-iya-adjua-the-culture-rebel-odwirafo-kwesi-ra-ptah/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/iyaadjua/2013/12/04/join-iya-adjua-the-culture-rebel-odwirafo-kwesi-ra-ptahWed, 04 Dec 2013 21:00:00 GMTJoin Iya Adjua, The Culture Rebel & Odwirafo Kwesi Ra PtahJoin, Iya Adjua, The Culture Rebel, in a discussion on the book,"Uben-Hyeng/The Ancestral Summons," Brother Kwesi Ra Ptah shares insight on Heshima (Respect) and our Afrikan ancestors. As many Afrikans celebrate the holydays of people who have slaughtered, murdered, disrespected & abused our Afrikan Ancestors and continue to do the same to Afrikan people, we need guidance on how to stay in our own Afrikan blood circles & keep sane within the realms of our Okra/Okraas! Tune in, call in & see Bro Kwesi on 12/7/13 in Philly! This is a free event,so make it a part of your day to keep sane from all of the consumer madness being imposed on Afrikans!  00:45:00Iya Adjua WMP CRCnoAfrikans,Summons,Ritual,Practice,AncestorsJoin, Iya Adjua, The Culture Rebel, in a discussion on the book,"Uben-Hyeng/The Ancestral Summons," Brother Kwesi Ra Ptah shares insight on Heshima (Respect) anIya Adjua, The Culture Rebel & Ezili Danto/HLLNhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/iyaadjua/2013/10/30/iya-adjua-the-culture-rebel-ezili-dantohllnCulturehttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/iyaadjua/2013/10/30/iya-adjua-the-culture-rebel-ezili-dantohlln/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/iyaadjua/2013/10/30/iya-adjua-the-culture-rebel-ezili-dantohllnWed, 30 Oct 2013 20:00:00 GMTIya Adjua, The Culture Rebel & Ezili Danto/HLLN Join me in a conversation w/ Ezili Danto. She is a performance poet, playwright, lawyer & activist for Afrikan people of Haiti. Her work is extensive as she is very serious about assisting Hiatians in attaining their human rights. The information she shares is ultimate in terms of updated knowledge on what's happening in Haiti, to Haitians. Further, Ezili Danto is informs on who's harming Haitians for their own personal greed & profit.     00:44:00Iya Adjua WMP CRCnoAfrikans,Haitians,Human Rights,HLLN,FreeHaitiMovementJoin me in a conversation w/ Ezili Danto. She is a performance poet, playwright, lawyer & activist for Afrikan people of Haiti. Her work is extensive as she isThe Culture Rebel, Sis Kentake/Bro Morganhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/iyaadjua/2013/10/23/the-culture-rebel-sis-kentakebro-kulchaCulturehttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/iyaadjua/2013/10/23/the-culture-rebel-sis-kentakebro-kulcha/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/iyaadjua/2013/10/23/the-culture-rebel-sis-kentakebro-kulchaWed, 23 Oct 2013 20:00:00 GMTThe Culture Rebel, Sis Kentake/Bro MorganJoin the Culture Rebel & special guests Sis Kentakte & Bro Morgan. We will share info on building wealth among Afrikan ppl via reciprocal support of one another's products & services. Ujamaa/Cooperative Economics will save Afrikan ppll!!! #SusuAnyone?00:43:00Iya Adjua WMP CRCnoJamaica,Business,Freedom,Afrikan people,UjamaaJoin the Culture Rebel & special guests Sis Kentakte & Bro Morgan. We will share info on building wealth among Afrikan ppl via reciprocal support of one anotherThe Culture Rebel & Sis Kentake/Bro Kulchahttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/iyaadjua/2013/10/16/the-culture-rebel-sis-kentakebro-kulchaCulturehttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/iyaadjua/2013/10/16/the-culture-rebel-sis-kentakebro-kulcha/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/iyaadjua/2013/10/16/the-culture-rebel-sis-kentakebro-kulchaWed, 16 Oct 2013 20:00:00 GMTThe Culture Rebel & Sis Kentake/Bro KulchaJoin the Culture Rebel & special guests Sis Kentakte & Bro Kulcha. We will share info on building wealth among Afrikan ppl via reciprocal support of one another's products & services. Ujamaa/Cooperative Economics will save Afrikan ppll!!! #SusuAnyone?00:39:00Iya Adjua WMP CRCnoJamaica,Business,Freedom,Afrikan people,UjamaaJoin the Culture Rebel & special guests Sis Kentakte & Bro Kulcha. We will share info on building wealth among Afrikan ppl via reciprocal support of one anotherIya Adjua. The Culture Rebel & Dr.Congo/AAPRPhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/iyaadjua/2013/10/09/iya-adjua-the-culture-rebel-drcongoaaprpCulturehttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/iyaadjua/2013/10/09/iya-adjua-the-culture-rebel-drcongoaaprp/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/iyaadjua/2013/10/09/iya-adjua-the-culture-rebel-drcongoaaprpWed, 09 Oct 2013 20:00:00 GMTIya Adjua. The Culture Rebel & Dr.Congo/AAPRP Join Iya Adjua, The Culture Rebel & Dr. Congo of the All African Peoples Revolutionary Party as they discuss multiple ways Afrikans can & should organize for freedom. Some of the questions will include; What is African Liberation Day? Where is it celebrated? Why should African ppl have a day of celebrating liberation? ...& more tune in & call in too! 1. 347.838.9391 00:45:00Iya Adjua WMP CRCnoCongo,Afrikan People,Revolutionary,Liberation,FreedomJoin Iya Adjua, The Culture Rebel & Dr. Congo of the All African Peoples Revolutionary Party as they discuss multiple ways Afrikans can & should organize for fThe Culture Rebel & Kwesi Ra Nehem Ptah Akhanhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/iyaadjua/2013/10/02/the-culture-rebel-kwesi-ra-nehem-ptah-akhanCulturehttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/iyaadjua/2013/10/02/the-culture-rebel-kwesi-ra-nehem-ptah-akhan/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/iyaadjua/2013/10/02/the-culture-rebel-kwesi-ra-nehem-ptah-akhanWed, 02 Oct 2013 20:00:00 GMTThe Culture Rebel & Kwesi Ra Nehem Ptah AkhanJoin Iya Adjua, The Culture Rebel & Kwesi Ra Nehem Ptah Akhan of www.odwirafo.com - Download free articles  on Afrikan knowledge & belief systems. Brother Kwesi is Akan and shares a generous amount of information on Afrikan connections across, cultures, belief systems and language. Tune in & turn on to your Afrikan self, we are infinitely more connected than we can ever imagine!   00:46:00Iya Adjua WMP CRCnoAfrikan Beliefs,Akan,Culture,Language,OdwirafoJoin Iya Adjua, The Culture Rebel & Kwesi Ra Nehem Ptah Akhan of www.odwirafo.com - Download free articles  on Afrikan knowledge & belief systems. Brother KwesFemale/Male Relations in the Afrikan Communityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/iyaadjua/2013/09/25/femalemale-relations-in-the-afrikan-communityCulturehttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/iyaadjua/2013/09/25/femalemale-relations-in-the-afrikan-community/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/iyaadjua/2013/09/25/femalemale-relations-in-the-afrikan-communityWed, 25 Sep 2013 20:00:00 GMTFemale/Male Relations in the Afrikan CommunityHotep All, 2day Iya Adjua the Culture Rebel will discuss the importance of gender relations in maintaing the Afrikan community. I will recommend souces to assist the Afrikan family in developing our Afrikan youth in fulfilling their roles as Females/Males who are continuing Afrikan legacies via making contributions to our Afrikan existence as well as producing more Afrikan people.. Aditionally, the Culture Rebel will share some passages from books recommended for a sound Afrikan foundation as listed on www.wehemymesu.com00:41:00Iya Adjua WMP CRCnoAfrikan Females Afrikan Males,Afrikan Love,Afrikan Culture,Afrikan Agency,AbibifahodieHotep All, 2day Iya Adjua the Culture Rebel will discuss the importance of gender relations in maintaing the Afrikan community. I will recommend souces to assisThe Culture Rebel & Empress Chi/MWMhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/iyaadjua/2013/09/18/the-culture-rebel-empress-chimwmCulturehttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/iyaadjua/2013/09/18/the-culture-rebel-empress-chimwm/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/iyaadjua/2013/09/18/the-culture-rebel-empress-chimwmWed, 18 Sep 2013 20:00:00 GMTThe Culture Rebel & Empress Chi/MWMThe Culture Rebel extends Akwaaba (Welcome) to Empress Chi who is the visionary,architect, and sole founder of the historic 1997 Million Woman March and President General of the MWM Universal Movements. The historic 1997 Million Woman March is the largest gathering in the world of any women, anywhere, and now it is rising up as more than just an organization but a nation building pro-active force and self-de00:46:00Iya Adjua WMP CRCnoAfrikan Women,Afrikan Culture,Million Women March,Empress Chi,Power Prosperity PeaceThe Culture Rebel extends Akwaaba (Welcome) to Empress Chi who is the visionary,architect, and sole founder of the historic 1997 Million Woman March and PresideThe Culture Rebel Reconnecting, Pt 2! http://www.blogtalkradio.com/iyaadjua/2013/09/11/the-culture-rebel-empress-chimwmCulturehttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/iyaadjua/2013/09/11/the-culture-rebel-empress-chimwm/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/iyaadjua/2013/09/11/the-culture-rebel-empress-chimwmWed, 11 Sep 2013 20:00:00 GMTThe Culture Rebel Reconnecting, Pt 2! Iya Adjua, The Culture Rebel extends Akwaaba (Welcome) to the audience to note what she has been doing, acting upon while away. She will share some info on books, scholars and actions in which she has read, heard and been involved with over the past few months.  00:42:00Iya Adjua WMP CRCnoAfrikans,Afrikan Scholars,Culture,Black Afrikan Power,AgencyIya Adjua, The Culture Rebel extends Akwaaba (Welcome) to the audience to note what she has been doing, acting upon while away. She will share some info on bookThe Culture Rebel Reconnects!http://www.blogtalkradio.com/iyaadjua/2013/09/04/the-culture-rebel-reconnectsCulturehttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/iyaadjua/2013/09/04/the-culture-rebel-reconnects/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/iyaadjua/2013/09/04/the-culture-rebel-reconnectsWed, 04 Sep 2013 21:00:00 GMTThe Culture Rebel Reconnects!Hotep Afrikan Family! I'm excited to reconnect with you after some time away. There's plenty to share so tune in as I discuss what I've been doing & what I plan to do in the near fujture. However, know that I will continue connecting Afrikan people to Afrikan people as this is what the ancestors have sent me here to do in terms of assisting with continuing their legacies. We are all that we have and we don't need anyone else. Afrikan Love is the greatest and most beneficial for Afrikan people. Im, Iya Adjua, the Culture Rebel as I refuse to accept false cultural ways, because Njia (The Path) is our way so say our Afrikan ancestors!00:39:00Iya Adjua WMP CRCnoNjia,The Path,Afrikans,Afrika,AbibifahodieHotep Afrikan Family! I'm excited to reconnect with you after some time away. There's plenty to share so tune in as I discuss what I've been doing & what I planIya Adjua, w/Hru Assaan Anu - Afrikan Spirituality - Pt 2http://www.blogtalkradio.com/iyaadjua/2012/09/19/iya-adjua-whru-assaan-anu--afrikan-spirituality--pt-2Culturehttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/iyaadjua/2012/09/19/iya-adjua-whru-assaan-anu--afrikan-spirituality--pt-2/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/iyaadjua/2012/09/19/iya-adjua-whru-assaan-anu--afrikan-spirituality--pt-2Wed, 19 Sep 2012 20:00:00 GMTIya Adjua, w/Hru Assaan Anu - Afrikan Spirituality - Pt 2 2day we'll continue where we temporarily ended in a discussion about the strategic implementation of Afrikan Spirituality in the lives of Afrikan ppl. As we remain fodder for the whims of whatever life-taking whims are thrown at our Afrikan communities, we must collectively build ladders, steps, & pyramids that will lead us to our Njia -The Way! We are the ones we've been waiting 4 & now that we know we are here, let's meet up & work together for a better Afrikan future.  00:46:00Iya Adjua WMP CRCnoAfrikan People,Afrikan Spirituality,Life Strategies,Njia-TheWay,Afrikan Future2day we'll continue where we temporarily ended in a discussion about the strategic implementation of Afrikan Spirituality in the lives of Afrikan ppl. As we reReconnecting & Healing via Afrikan Spiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/iyaadjua/2012/09/12/reconnecting-healing-via-afrikan-spiritualityCulturehttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/iyaadjua/2012/09/12/reconnecting-healing-via-afrikan-spirituality/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/iyaadjua/2012/09/12/reconnecting-healing-via-afrikan-spiritualityWed, 12 Sep 2012 20:00:00 GMTReconnecting & Healing via Afrikan Spirituality Hru Assan-Anu is a healer, author & activist. He is concerned about the Afrikan community & is doing things, contributing to  the healing of Afrikan families. He writes: "For almost 10 years I've been plotting out a project entitled "Mother's Rising Suns" and now I've actually put my hand to it. The concept of the project centers on the paternal need of young boys in homes with no MEN."  http://metaphysicmusic.com/MM/index.php/music/mother-s-rising-suns  - Black Cree sessions & Sunz of Sankofa U can listen 2 samples at the link listed above.  http://hruassaan.com/HA/index.php - for articles, btr show clips & info on accessing assitance from Hru Assan on community development, cultural workshops, rites of passage & spiritual instruction. 00:46:00Iya Adjua WMP CRCnoSpiritual Instruction,Rites of Passage,Cultural Healing,Afrikan people,SankofaHru Assan-Anu is a healer, author & activist. He is concerned about the Afrikan community & is doing things, contributing to  the healing of Afrikan families.Per-aat Mazama - AIPPC- Tudituvuluka Ceremony!http://www.blogtalkradio.com/iyaadjua/2012/09/05/per-aat-mazama--aippc-tudituvuluka-ceremonyCulturehttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/iyaadjua/2012/09/05/per-aat-mazama--aippc-tudituvuluka-ceremony/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/iyaadjua/2012/09/05/per-aat-mazama--aippc-tudituvuluka-ceremonyWed, 05 Sep 2012 20:00:00 GMTPer-aat Mazama - AIPPC- Tudituvuluka Ceremony! Hotep All, Iya Adjua, The Culture Rebel returns with information to share about sustaining Afrikan communities! Today we speak with Per-aat Mazama, co-founder of Afrocentricity International. We will share about an event hosted by Afrocentricity International, Philly, PA Chapter! The Tudituvuluka (too-deh-too-voo-loo-kah) Ceremony is a serious event that honors the resistors and victims of enslavement. As we move into new ways of thinking and being we must start with how we celebrate, honor and acknowledge our ancestors and freedom fighters who have gone before alla we. The Tudituvuluka Ceremony will allow our ancestors to hear our DUA-PRAISE for their previous existence and fight for our right to exist today. Come join us & HONOR, SHOW LOVE for our Afrikan ascendents!   00:44:00Iya Adjua WMP CRCnoAfrikan People,Tudituvuluka,Honor,Ancestors,ResistorsHotep All, Iya Adjua, The Culture Rebel returns with information to share about sustaining Afrikan communities! Today we speak with Per-aat Mazama, co-founderIya Adjua w/ Mark Wells/Teresa Sanders "Knowledge Is King"http://www.blogtalkradio.com/iyaadjua/2012/06/13/iya-adjua-w-mark-wellsteresa-sanders-knowledge-is-kingCulturehttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/iyaadjua/2012/06/13/iya-adjua-w-mark-wellsteresa-sanders-knowledge-is-king/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/iyaadjua/2012/06/13/iya-adjua-w-mark-wellsteresa-sanders-knowledge-is-kingWed, 13 Jun 2012 20:00:00 GMTIya Adjua w/ Mark Wells/Teresa Sanders "Knowledge Is King" Join Iya Adjua, The Culture Rebel, w/ Sis Teresa Odom Sanders & Bro Mark Wells who will share how "Knowledge Is King" ... & Kween 2!!! We'll discuss the KIK Nia/Purpose & how 2 gain access to the wealth of information shared on the KIK website & much more on 2day's show! We need strategy implementation so we can "walk our talk."  Our Afrikan communities are beseiged with rage, murder & ill-health! Let's connect with this part of our Afrikan afmily who are providing solutions to what ails all of us!!! 00:46:00Iya Adjua WMP CRCnoAfrikan Families,Afrikan Culture,Afrikan Solutions,Knowledge,Afrikan Kweens KingsJoin Iya Adjua, The Culture Rebel, w/ Sis Teresa Odom Sanders & Bro Mark Wells who will share how "Knowledge Is King" ... & Kween 2!!! We'll discuss the KIK NiIya Adjua, The Culture Rebel, RingTheAlarm-Nikolai Pizarro!http://www.blogtalkradio.com/iyaadjua/2012/06/06/iya-adjua-the-culture-rebel-ringthealarm-nikolai-pizarroCulturehttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/iyaadjua/2012/06/06/iya-adjua-the-culture-rebel-ringthealarm-nikolai-pizarro/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/iyaadjua/2012/06/06/iya-adjua-the-culture-rebel-ringthealarm-nikolai-pizarroWed, 06 Jun 2012 20:00:00 GMTIya Adjua, The Culture Rebel, RingTheAlarm-Nikolai Pizarro! Join me 2day as we discuss strategies for building new life cycles for success among Afrikan/Latino children with Nikolai Pizarro, author of "Ring The Alarm: The Hope of Black and Brown Communities." This is a 0-5 parenting guide for low-income Afrikan & Latino Caregivers. Many of us know what struggle looks like, still it's not what we want for our children. Nikolai Pizarro writes that "This is a movement towards empowerment & success for Afrikan & Latino children. Recognizing our conditions, changing our behaviors & adopting new strategies will give our babies opporutnity!"     00:41:00Iya Adjua WMP CRCnoAfrikan Families,Afrikan Children,Strategies,Success,HopeJoin me 2day as we discuss strategies for building new life cycles for success among Afrikan/Latino children with Nikolai Pizarro, author of "Ring The Alarm: TIya Adjua w/ The CuIture Rebel w/Terry Jackson, PhD http://www.blogtalkradio.com/iyaadjua/2012/05/23/iya-adjua-w-the-cuiture-rebel-wterry-jackson-phdCulturehttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/iyaadjua/2012/05/23/iya-adjua-w-the-cuiture-rebel-wterry-jackson-phd/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/iyaadjua/2012/05/23/iya-adjua-w-the-cuiture-rebel-wterry-jackson-phdWed, 23 May 2012 20:00:00 GMTIya Adjua w/ The CuIture Rebel w/Terry Jackson, PhD Join us 2day as we discussthe importance of Intellectual Warfare & it's significance in Afrikan People's continued survival. We must free ourselves from that which binds us to the perpetual, non-stop support of systems; #Schools, #Health, #Groceries, #Media etc who don't support our Afrikan existence.Afrikan peoples recognition of our need for Maatian warriors who practice "Intellectual Warfare" will empower us to know our Afrikan selves, liberate our Afrikan minds and move forward in continuing the legacies of our Afrikan ancestors!!!       00:45:00Iya Adjua WMP CRCnoAfrikan People,Intellectual Warfare,Afrikan Action,Maatian Warriors,Afrikan LiberationJoin us 2day as we discussthe importance of Intellectual Warfare & it's significance in Afrikan People's continued survival. We must free ourselves from that wIya Adjua the Culture Rebel & MBTS - W/Mama Adanna!http://www.blogtalkradio.com/iyaadjua/2012/05/09/iya-adjua-the-culture-rebel-mbts--wmama-adannaCulturehttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/iyaadjua/2012/05/09/iya-adjua-the-culture-rebel-mbts--wmama-adanna/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/iyaadjua/2012/05/09/iya-adjua-the-culture-rebel-mbts--wmama-adannaWed, 09 May 2012 20:00:00 GMTIya Adjua the Culture Rebel & MBTS - W/Mama Adanna! "Mind Beneath The School" founder, Adanna Aina Oluwasey is a knowledgeable, energetic, passionate advocate for the minds of Afrikan youth. She is a frontline solder who is dedicated and committed to the education of the entire Afrikan community. Her lead is by example and do tune in as we discus the implemenation of real solutions for age old problems that remain in the Afrikan community. Check in w Mama Adanna, here http://www.themindbeneatheschool.com/ and here   00:35:00Iya Adjua WMP CRCnoAfrikan Centered,Mind,School,Afrikan Youth,Strategies"Mind Beneath The School" founder, Adanna Aina Oluwasey is a knowledgeable, energetic, passionate advocate for the minds of Afrikan youth. She is a frontline sIya Adjua The Culture Rebel w Brother E -StarvingTheSystem!http://www.blogtalkradio.com/iyaadjua/2012/03/21/iya-adjua-the-culture-rebel-w-brother-e-starvingthesystemCulturehttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/iyaadjua/2012/03/21/iya-adjua-the-culture-rebel-w-brother-e-starvingthesystem/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/iyaadjua/2012/03/21/iya-adjua-the-culture-rebel-w-brother-e-starvingthesystemWed, 21 Mar 2012 20:00:00 GMTIya Adjua The Culture Rebel w Brother E -StarvingTheSystem! Join us 2day on WMP/CRC w Iya Adjua, The Culture Rebel w "Starving The System" founder and show host, Brother Eloheem. We're discussing strategies to counter the continuing usage of the Afrikan family as fodder for various systems of destruction that exist around the world. Yebo, let's "starve these systems' out of existence by bringing into consciousness, those Afrikans who unconsciously keep them running!  00:46:00Iya Adjua WMP CRCnoAfrikan Ppl,Afrikan Value Systems,Prison Systems,Fool-School Systems,Death-Healthcare SystemsJoin us 2day on WMP/CRC w Iya Adjua, The Culture Rebel w "Starving The System" founder and show host, Brother Eloheem. We're discussing strategies to counter tPt 2 w/ Iya Adjua, The Culture Rebel & RBG Street Scholar http://www.blogtalkradio.com/iyaadjua/2012/03/14/pt-2-w-iya-adjua-the-culture-rebel-rbg-street-scholarCulturehttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/iyaadjua/2012/03/14/pt-2-w-iya-adjua-the-culture-rebel-rbg-street-scholar/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/iyaadjua/2012/03/14/pt-2-w-iya-adjua-the-culture-rebel-rbg-street-scholarWed, 14 Mar 2012 20:00:00 GMTPt 2 w/ Iya Adjua, The Culture Rebel & RBG Street Scholar Continuing to build about Afrikan culture, Afrikan Value Systems & the importance thereof in maintaining Afrikan ppl as a part of the human family. We'll share functional definitions that Afrikan ppl can apply 2 daily life. Thoughts, words & actions are significant  factors in dealing  w/ one's culture, color & consciousness, this we need in order to continue the legacies of our Afrikan ancestors.  00:46:00Iya Adjua WMP CRCnoAfrikan Families,Afrikan Culture,Afrikan Value Systems,Afrikan OurStory,Afrikan PeopleContinuing to build about Afrikan culture, Afrikan Value Systems & the importance thereof in maintaining Afrikan ppl as a part of the human family. We'll shareIya Adjua-The Culture Rebel/RBG Street Scholar Get It In! http://www.blogtalkradio.com/iyaadjua/2012/03/07/iya-adjua-the-culture-rebelrbg-street-scholar-get-it-inCulturehttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/iyaadjua/2012/03/07/iya-adjua-the-culture-rebelrbg-street-scholar-get-it-in/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/iyaadjua/2012/03/07/iya-adjua-the-culture-rebelrbg-street-scholar-get-it-inWed, 07 Mar 2012 21:00:00 GMTIya Adjua-The Culture Rebel/RBG Street Scholar Get It In!   About Rbg RBG DEFINED:  No matter if one relates R.B.G. with Red Black and Green, Revolutionary But Gangstas, Redeemed By God, Read Bout Garvey, Revolutionary Black Gangstas, Real Black Girls, Righteous Black Guerrillas, Ready 2 Bust Gats or Riders Basic Guidelines, etc We must know that the principles and guidelines were passed down from great leaders like Marcus Garvey, Malcolm X and Huey P. Newton. They must know that the RBG Family consists of real leaders that will forever ride for our Black and Brown People worldwide. OUR TREATY, PROGRAM AND SOLUTION-FROLINAN http://www.scribd.com/rbg_scholar00:46:00Iya Adjua WMP CRCnoAfrikans,Freedom,Restoration,Resistance,OurStoryAbout Rbg RBG DEFINED:  No matter if one relates R.B.G. with Red Black and Green, Revolutionary But Gangstas, Redeemed By God, Read Bout Garvey, ReIya Adjua, "Maintaining Afrikan Families" with Mea Meeks!http://www.blogtalkradio.com/iyaadjua/2012/02/08/iya-adjua-maintaining-afrikan-families-with-mea-meeksCulturehttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/iyaadjua/2012/02/08/iya-adjua-maintaining-afrikan-families-with-mea-meeks/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/iyaadjua/2012/02/08/iya-adjua-maintaining-afrikan-families-with-mea-meeksWed, 08 Feb 2012 21:00:00 GMTIya Adjua, "Maintaining Afrikan Families" with Mea Meeks! The Afrikan family remains an important part of the Afrikan community.  Afrikan people are stronger with their families. Join Iya Adjua, The Culture Rebel and Mea Meeks.  Mea Meeks is a strategist on the front line, operating to keep Afrikan families together and join children with families to make them stronger in navigating the human life cycle.     00:46:00Iya Adjua WMP CRCnoAfrikan Families,Afrikan Children,Survival Strategies,Humanity,Life CyclesThe Afrikan family remains an important part of the Afrikan community.  Afrikan people are stronger with their families. Join Iya Adjua, The Culture Rebel andIya Adjua, The Culture Rebel w/Tracey Lewis on Volunteering!http://www.blogtalkradio.com/iyaadjua/2012/01/11/iya-adjua-the-culture-rebel-wtracey-lewis-on-volunteeringCulturehttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/iyaadjua/2012/01/11/iya-adjua-the-culture-rebel-wtracey-lewis-on-volunteering/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/iyaadjua/2012/01/11/iya-adjua-the-culture-rebel-wtracey-lewis-on-volunteeringWed, 11 Jan 2012 21:00:00 GMTIya Adjua, The Culture Rebel w/Tracey Lewis on Volunteering!Although giving back to the community has always been in my heart, I officially began volunteering during the summer of 2010. My first project was at the St. Francis Xavier Church...  It was a lot of work but such a wonderful experience! Mainly adults and seniors, everyone who stopped by was kind and such a pleasure to speak with. A lot of the visitors wanted to share their stories...  With volunteer work, your approach has to be open minded and compassionate -- you should be getting as much from the moment as the people you are helping. I always leave my projects with a feeling of having had the unique opportunity to touch one life or many. And that is an addictive feeling! 00:46:00Iya Adjua WMP CRCnoMLK Day,volunteering,support,donate,Afrikan PeopleAlthough giving back to the community has always been in my heart, I officially began volunteering during the summer of 2010. My first project was at the St. FrIya Adjua The Culture Rebel w Sentwate Ngozi-Black Seeds Calhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/iyaadjua/2011/12/28/iya-adjua-the-culture-rebel-w-sentwate-ngozi-black-seeds-calCulturehttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/iyaadjua/2011/12/28/iya-adjua-the-culture-rebel-w-sentwate-ngozi-black-seeds-cal/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/iyaadjua/2011/12/28/iya-adjua-the-culture-rebel-w-sentwate-ngozi-black-seeds-calWed, 28 Dec 2011 21:00:00 GMTIya Adjua The Culture Rebel w Sentwate Ngozi-Black Seeds Cal Brother Sentwate Ngozi is an educatorof Afrikan youth. One of the things he does for the Afrikan community is assist w/ keeping us in Afrikan time!  He is a distributor of the Black Seeds Calendar  http://www.cbpm.org/blackseeds.html Join us in a discussion on strategies & the importance of being in Afrikan time. 00:46:00Iya Adjua WMP CRCnoAfrikan Time,Black Seeds Calendar,Survival Strategies,Afrikan Worldview,Afrikan PeopleBrother Sentwate Ngozi is an educatorof Afrikan youth. One of the things he does for the Afrikan community is assist w/ keeping us in Afrikan time!  He is a diIya Adjua TheCultureRebel BlackHistory Cal w/Robert Bailey!http://www.blogtalkradio.com/iyaadjua/2011/12/21/iya-adjua-theculturerebel-blackhistory-cal-wrobert-baileyCulturehttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/iyaadjua/2011/12/21/iya-adjua-theculturerebel-blackhistory-cal-wrobert-bailey/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/iyaadjua/2011/12/21/iya-adjua-theculturerebel-blackhistory-cal-wrobert-baileyWed, 21 Dec 2011 21:00:00 GMTIya Adjua TheCultureRebel BlackHistory Cal w/Robert Bailey!Join me in a discussion on the significance of Afrikan contributions w/ Brother Robert Bailey.  He will share with us the value of living daily in Afrikan Time!  Join us in this discussion of the 365 Days of Real Black History Wall Calendar. 00:46:00Iya Adjua WMP CRCnoAfrikan Time,Afrikan People,Afrikan Inventions,Afrikan Events,Afrikan ThoughtJoin me in a discussion on the significance of Afrikan contributions w/ Brother Robert Bailey.  He will share with us the value of living daily in Afrikan Time!Iya Adjua, w/ Brother Mutope Natambu/AlkebulanKalendars!!http://www.blogtalkradio.com/iyaadjua/2011/12/14/iya-adjua-w-brother-mutope-natambualkebulankalendarsCulturehttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/iyaadjua/2011/12/14/iya-adjua-w-brother-mutope-natambualkebulankalendars/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/iyaadjua/2011/12/14/iya-adjua-w-brother-mutope-natambualkebulankalendarsWed, 14 Dec 2011 21:00:00 GMTIya Adjua, w/ Brother Mutope Natambu/AlkebulanKalendars!! The purpose of the Alke-bu-lan Kalendar is 2 begin 2 satisfy the need to fill in the missing historical dynamics of the contributions of Afrikan people The preservation of the historical records  r a necessity!  www.alkebulankalendar.com  00:30:00Iya Adjua WMP CRCnoAfrikan,Alkebulan Kalendar,Kemet,Time,OurStoryThe purpose of the Alke-bu-lan Kalendar is 2 begin 2 satisfy the need to fill in the missing historical dynamics of the contributions of Afrikan people The preIya Adjua, The Culture Rebel w/Bro L. Abdullah/Back2Society!http://www.blogtalkradio.com/iyaadjua/2011/11/30/iya-adjua-the-culture-rebel-wbro-l-abdullahback2societyCulturehttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/iyaadjua/2011/11/30/iya-adjua-the-culture-rebel-wbro-l-abdullahback2society/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/iyaadjua/2011/11/30/iya-adjua-the-culture-rebel-wbro-l-abdullahback2societyWed, 30 Nov 2011 21:00:00 GMTIya Adjua, The Culture Rebel w/Bro L. Abdullah/Back2Society!Brother LuQman Abdullah is a multi-talented Brother who provides many services to the Afrikan community. such as - Personal Community, Corporate, Strategic Development & Training, Anti-Violence Workshops, Community Organizing, Lifeskills Training, Motivational Coaching, Prison Reform Outreach.   00:31:00Iya Adjua WMP CRCnoAfrikans,Restoration,Rejuvenation,Progress,CommunityBrother LuQman Abdullah is a multi-talented Brother who provides many services to the Afrikan community. such as - Personal Community, Corporate, Strategic DeveIya Adjua, The Culture Rebel w/ El Ha Gahn, The Herbalist!http://www.blogtalkradio.com/iyaadjua/2011/11/23/iya-adjua-the-culture-rebel-wel-ha-gahnthe-herbalistCulturehttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/iyaadjua/2011/11/23/iya-adjua-the-culture-rebel-wel-ha-gahnthe-herbalist/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/iyaadjua/2011/11/23/iya-adjua-the-culture-rebel-wel-ha-gahnthe-herbalistWed, 23 Nov 2011 21:00:00 GMTIya Adjua, The Culture Rebel w/ El Ha Gahn, The Herbalist! Join Iya Adjua, The Culture Rebel today as she engages with the great Herbalist...El Ha Gahn who is the Director of The Academy of the Cultural Arts & Life Sciences, a school that trains people In the art of natural living. He Is a graduate of The Gibran Institute. He Is also a Master instructor In The Institute Of Certified Martial Artists. He has been involved In the Essene healing arts for 34 years. His Interest in this pursuit has taken him literally around the World on a journey of discovery about herbal systems, healing methods and wellness strategies. 00:46:00Iya Adjua WMP CRCnoEl Ha Gahn,Herbalist,Africa,Plants,HealingJoin Iya Adjua, The Culture Rebel today as she engages with the great Herbalist...El Ha Gahn who is the Director of The Academy of the Cultural Arts & Life SciBro Haneef/Sis Ayoko- AllDemDvds!http://www.blogtalkradio.com/iyaadjua/2011/11/02/bro-haneefsis-ayoko-alldemdvdsCulturehttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/iyaadjua/2011/11/02/bro-haneefsis-ayoko-alldemdvds/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/iyaadjua/2011/11/02/bro-haneefsis-ayoko-alldemdvdsWed, 02 Nov 2011 20:00:00 GMTBro Haneef/Sis Ayoko- AllDemDvds! Tune in Afrikan Fam as Iya Adjua, The Culture Rebel, shares another information source. "All Dem DVDs" w/Bro Haneef/Sis Ayoko is a united connection needed in the Afrikan family.  The provision of historical lectures and documentaries is valuable as the Afrikan story must be told!   Bro Haneef/Sis Ayoko will be sponsoring Queen Quet, head of State of the Gullah Geechee Nation in Philly on Nov. 5, 2011!! Join up & tune in to hear this sharing of wealth & family building.  "The Real Thanksgiving: The Re-Membering of the African Family."  12Noon-6pm. For more info on this event; tickets/sponsorship/vending - contact www.alldemdvds.com or call 267.257.3270!  00:46:00Iya Adjua WMP CRCnoQueen Quet,Gulla Geechee,Afrikan Nation,Thanksgiving,UnityTune in Afrikan Fam as Iya Adjua, The Culture Rebel, shares another information source. "All Dem DVDs" w/Bro Haneef/Sis Ayoko is a united connection needed inMy Seven Other Mothers: A Journey... Dr. Lenetta Raysha Leehttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/iyaadjua/2011/10/12/my-seven-other-mothers-a-journey-dr-lenetta-raysha-leeCulturehttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/iyaadjua/2011/10/12/my-seven-other-mothers-a-journey-dr-lenetta-raysha-lee/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/iyaadjua/2011/10/12/my-seven-other-mothers-a-journey-dr-lenetta-raysha-leeWed, 12 Oct 2011 20:00:00 GMTMy Seven Other Mothers: A Journey... Dr. Lenetta Raysha LeeAuthor Lenetta Raysha Lee has experienced a spiritual renaissance occur within her, igniting the energy and inspiration to write her memoir, Seven Other Mothers. This memoir illuminates each mother and the relationship the author experienced over time. Each divine mother talked to Lee about herself, and actively listened to what she had to say. The lessons created a vessel or pathway toward freedom, a way of becoming alive and free.   00:46:00Iya Adjua WMP CRCnoAfrican,Mothers,Journey,transformation,spiritAuthor Lenetta Raysha Lee has experienced a spiritual renaissance occur within her, igniting the energy and inspiration to write her memoir, Seven Other MothersLets Get HYPE with Dr Diahttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/iyaadjua/2011/09/07/lets-get-hype-with-dr-diaCulturehttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/iyaadjua/2011/09/07/lets-get-hype-with-dr-dia/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/iyaadjua/2011/09/07/lets-get-hype-with-dr-diaWed, 07 Sep 2011 20:00:00 GMTLets Get HYPE with Dr DiaJoin Iya Adua, The Culture Rebel, as she interviews Dr. Dia! Dr. Dia is a married, mother of four, a Hip Hop scholar, who holds a doctorate degree in Clinical Psychology. she has a lifelong relationship with the Hip Hop culture.  Healing Young People through (Hip-Hop) Empowerment - H.Y.P.E. was born out of her lifelong love of Hip Hop, and desire to upplift our youth. Dr. Dia is honored and blessed to talk to professionals and parents about H.Y.P.E., and even more so to work with youth using the H.Y.P.E. curriculum. visiting letsgethype.com!!  Please pass the word on to others... 00:46:00Iya Adjua WMP CRCnoHip-Hop Scholar,Lets Get HYPE,Clinical Psychologist,Afrikan Youth,HealingJoin Iya Adua, The Culture Rebel, as she interviews Dr. Dia! Dr. Dia is a married, mother of four, a Hip Hop scholar, who holds a doctorate degree in Clinical PDr. Bailey -You R Already A Wife...Long Before The 1st Date!http://www.blogtalkradio.com/iyaadjua/2011/08/31/dr-bailey-you-r-already-a-wifelong-before-the-1st-dateCulturehttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/iyaadjua/2011/08/31/dr-bailey-you-r-already-a-wifelong-before-the-1st-date/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/iyaadjua/2011/08/31/dr-bailey-you-r-already-a-wifelong-before-the-1st-dateWed, 31 Aug 2011 20:00:00 GMTDr. Bailey -You R Already A Wife...Long Before The 1st Date! Join Iya Adjua, The Culture Rebel, as she discusses w/ Dr. Bailey some of the prescriptions she shares with new wives & future wives in her book "You Are Already a Wife, Long Before The First Date." In this book, Latoyia K. Bailey, PhD couples her personal anecdotes with biblical principles to guide both newly married and single women toward understanding God's purpose for each individual's "wifedom" experience.   00:32:00Iya Adjua WMP CRCnoWives,Marriage,Afrikan Couples,Purpose,AnecdotesJoin Iya Adjua, The Culture Rebel, as she discusses w/ Dr. Bailey some of the prescriptions she shares with new wives & future wives in her book "You Are AlreaBilal Sankofa - Afrikan Centered Family Healer/Ankh Serviceshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/iyaadjua/2011/08/24/bilal-sankofa--afrikan-centered-family-healerankh-servicesCulturehttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/iyaadjua/2011/08/24/bilal-sankofa--afrikan-centered-family-healerankh-services/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/iyaadjua/2011/08/24/bilal-sankofa--afrikan-centered-family-healerankh-servicesWed, 24 Aug 2011 20:00:00 GMTBilal Sankofa - Afrikan Centered Family Healer/Ankh Services Join Iya Adjua, The Culture Rebel in a discussion with Bilal Sankofa an Afrikan Centered Family Healer and owner of Ankh Services, Inc.  Tune in as he discusses the "Duties of Manhood."  All 'RAW - Real Afrikan Women' should heed this important info so that you can appropriately select an Afrikan man who will Black Love, Honor & Respect you!!! 00:32:00Iya Adjua WMP CRCnoAfrikan Centered,Afrikan Family,Afrikan Manhood,RAW-RealAfrikanWomen,Coach BilalJoin Iya Adjua, The Culture Rebel in a discussion with Bilal Sankofa an Afrikan Centered Family Healer and owner of Ankh Services, Inc.  Tune in as he discusseSister Folami - Phila Rep for ICTC/Fndr Precious Jewels... http://www.blogtalkradio.com/iyaadjua/2011/08/17/sister-folami--phila-rep-for-ictcfndr-precious-jewelsCulturehttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/iyaadjua/2011/08/17/sister-folami--phila-rep-for-ictcfndr-precious-jewels/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/iyaadjua/2011/08/17/sister-folami--phila-rep-for-ictcfndr-precious-jewelsWed, 17 Aug 2011 20:00:00 GMTSister Folami - Phila Rep for ICTC/Fndr Precious Jewels... Today, Iya Adjua, The Culture Rebel, will speak with Sister Folami, Phila Rep for ICTC - International Center for Traditional Childbearing.  Sister Folami is also the founder of the Precious Jewels Prevention Program that focuses on assisting African ascended girls in transitioning into adulthood.     00:32:00Iya Adjua WMP CRCnoAfrikan,Mothers,Infant Mortality,Childbirth,PreventionToday, Iya Adjua, The Culture Rebel, will speak with Sister Folami, Phila Rep for ICTC - International Center for Traditional Childbearing.  Sister Folami is aSis Basiymah Black Cross Nurses and The CBPMhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/iyaadjua/2011/08/10/sis-basiymah-black-cross-nurses-and-the-cbpmCulturehttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/iyaadjua/2011/08/10/sis-basiymah-black-cross-nurses-and-the-cbpm/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/iyaadjua/2011/08/10/sis-basiymah-black-cross-nurses-and-the-cbpmWed, 10 Aug 2011 20:00:00 GMTSis Basiymah Black Cross Nurses and The CBPM Join Iya Adjua, The Culture Rebel & Sis Basiymah a stalwart Freedom Fighter, committed, dedicated & unmoved in her individual yet collective pursuit of Liberation for Afrikan people everywhere.  Get primary source information on  what Afrikan people are doing & continue doing to maintain our souls, sanity and perseverance!!!   00:31:00Iya Adjua WMP CRCnoBlack Power,Black Cross Nurses,Freedom Fighter,Liberation,UNIA ACL CBPMJoin Iya Adjua, The Culture Rebel & Sis Basiymah a stalwart Freedom Fighter, committed, dedicated & unmoved in her individual yet collective pursuit of LiberatELECTRIC LADY - Her Multigenius is Nfr Neferhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/iyaadjua/2011/08/03/electric-lady--her-multigenius-is-nfr-neferCulturehttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/iyaadjua/2011/08/03/electric-lady--her-multigenius-is-nfr-nefer/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/iyaadjua/2011/08/03/electric-lady--her-multigenius-is-nfr-neferWed, 03 Aug 2011 20:00:00 GMTELECTRIC LADY - Her Multigenius is Nfr NeferA teacher by day & always a critical thinker, Electric Lady has a rare artistic form of emceeing not seen among female rappers. W/ a vast proficiency of educating, marketing, entrepreneurship, journalism & traveling aboard, this Gemini—which she proudly represents—has a niche for continuous internal growth & a spirit for teaching others her knowledge.   “The music that I see, that I aspire to is really just such a high level of expression that in my mind, I’m constantly working towards that,” Electric Lady said. Her passion for her craft of emceeing is highly influenced from artists such as Jimmy Hendrix, Erykah Badu, John Coltrane and Gil Scott-Heron.“Music can really be my life; it doesn’t have to be separate from it.   Trenae V. McDuffie  00:31:00Iya Adjua WMP CRCnoElectric Lady,Araminta,Female Emcee,Afrikan Scholar,Sebayet Afrikan ScholarA teacher by day & always a critical thinker, Electric Lady has a rare artistic form of emceeing not seen among female rappers. W/ a vast proficiency of educatiNubian Language - Taharka Sa Amunhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/iyaadjua/2011/07/27/nubian-language--taharka-sa-amunCulturehttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/iyaadjua/2011/07/27/nubian-language--taharka-sa-amun/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/iyaadjua/2011/07/27/nubian-language--taharka-sa-amunWed, 27 Jul 2011 20:00:00 GMTNubian Language - Taharka Sa Amun Ankh Udja Seneb (Life, Health & Prosperity), this show will address the importance of Afrikan language as a part of Afrikan culture.  Brother Taharka will share with us how he learned the Afrikan langauage spoke in Nubia.  He translates and now has a book available on the subject.  We are in agreement on advacacy for Afrikan language exposure to all Afrikan people, espeically Afrikan youth.  Join us for this very important topic.  Hotep!!! 00:31:00Iya Adjua WMP CRCnoAfrikan Language,Nubia,Afrikan Culture,Afrikan Youth,Afrikan PeopleAnkh Udja Seneb (Life, Health & Prosperity), this show will address the importance of Afrikan language as a part of Afrikan culture.  Brother Taharka will sharMzee, Ari Merratazon M.S. CEO - NCOBRA Board Memberhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/iyaadjua/2010/12/15/mzee-ari-merratazon-ms-ceo--ncobra-board-memberCulturehttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/iyaadjua/2010/12/15/mzee-ari-merratazon-ms-ceo--ncobra-board-member/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/iyaadjua/2010/12/15/mzee-ari-merratazon-ms-ceo--ncobra-board-memberWed, 15 Dec 2010 21:00:00 GMTMzee, Ari Merratazon M.S. CEO - NCOBRA Board MemberMzee Ari S. Merretazon,M.S.CED N'COBRA Board Member Northeast Regional Representative http://www.ncobraphiladelphia.org "Never forget,Reparations is the cross-road solution to our human capital infrastructure in the context of a Reparations Accord for Blacks in America as a matter of public policy." Merretazon, 8/23/2008 01:00:00Iya Adjua WMP CRCnoAfrikan,Human,Capital,Reparations,NCOBRAMzee Ari S. Merretazon,M.S.CED N'COBRA Board Member Northeast Regional Representative http://www.ncobraphiladelphia.org "Never forget,Reparations is theAsk4Tutoring w/ Sewa-Coach Kellihttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/iyaadjua/2010/12/08/ask4tutoring-w-sewa-coach-kelliCulturehttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/iyaadjua/2010/12/08/ask4tutoring-w-sewa-coach-kelli/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/iyaadjua/2010/12/08/ask4tutoring-w-sewa-coach-kelliWed, 08 Dec 2010 21:00:00 GMTAsk4Tutoring w/ Sewa-Coach KelliAFT - just one of the many things Sis Sewa contributes to in her efforts to assist Afrikan youth. She is a multi-faceted Queen who is completing her life circle in many ways. Join us as we discuss positive transition & transformation strategies for youth. www.ask4tutoring.com01:01:00Iya Adjua WMP CRCnoAfrican,Youth,Tutoring,Teen,TransformationAFT - just one of the many things Sis Sewa contributes to in her efforts to assist Afrikan youth. She is a multi-faceted Queen who is completing her life circlBrother Omari-Darnell Richardson & African Dance Phillyhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/iyaadjua/2010/12/01/brother-omari-darnell-richardson-african-dance-phillyCulturehttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/iyaadjua/2010/12/01/brother-omari-darnell-richardson-african-dance-philly/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/iyaadjua/2010/12/01/brother-omari-darnell-richardson-african-dance-phillyWed, 01 Dec 2010 21:00:00 GMTBrother Omari-Darnell Richardson & African Dance PhillyBorn and raised in Philadelphia, PA. Omari/Darnell Richardson continues to motivate his friends and peers to think critically about life’s choices. Determined, strong willed, and ambitious are three words that come to mind to describe his character. He enjoys learning about his [African] culture, traveling, and introducing new concepts to peers eager to learn. 01:00:00Iya Adjua WMP CRCnoAfrican,Dance,Culture,Business Owner,College StudentBorn and raised in Philadelphia, PA. Omari/Darnell Richardson continues to motivate his friends and peers to think critically about life’s choices. Determined,Age of Aquil - Aquil Farimbahttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/iyaadjua/2010/11/24/age-of-aquil--aquil-farimbaCulturehttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/iyaadjua/2010/11/24/age-of-aquil--aquil-farimba/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/iyaadjua/2010/11/24/age-of-aquil--aquil-farimbaWed, 24 Nov 2010 21:00:00 GMTAge of Aquil - Aquil FarimbaJoin me 2day as I interview Aquil Farimba. Aquil is an acclaimed artist, activist & educator. He's doing great things as a product of African centered education. Tune in & hear his strategies on surviving on arrival! Balancing music, activism & education is a challenging task but Aquil makes it look easy. 01:04:00Iya Adjua WMP CRCnoAfrican,education,music,activism,strategiesJoin me 2day as I interview Aquil Farimba. Aquil is an acclaimed artist, activist & educator. He's doing great things as a product of African centered educatiSis ZahraAya - A Woman of Scientific Artistry!http://www.blogtalkradio.com/iyaadjua/2010/11/17/sis-zahraaya--a-woman-of-scientific-artistryCulturehttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/iyaadjua/2010/11/17/sis-zahraaya--a-woman-of-scientific-artistry/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/iyaadjua/2010/11/17/sis-zahraaya--a-woman-of-scientific-artistryWed, 17 Nov 2010 21:00:00 GMTSis ZahraAya - A Woman of Scientific Artistry!Like the fantabulous Hypatia many eons before her, ZahrahAya is an eclectic person as she is a mix of Rhythmic Scientific Art. She is an educator, artist and child activist who is well traveled. Join us on The WMP/CRC show with Sis ZahraAya! She will share her wealth of wisdom & life experiences which she also readily passes on daily to her students.01:01:00Iya Adjua WMP CRCnoAfrican,Science,Rhythm,Art,YouthLike the fantabulous Hypatia many eons before her, ZahrahAya is an eclectic person as she is a mix of Rhythmic Scientific Art. She is an educator, artist and chDeveloping Excellence in African Youthhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/iyaadjua/2010/11/10/developing-excellence-in-african-youthCulturehttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/iyaadjua/2010/11/10/developing-excellence-in-african-youth/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/iyaadjua/2010/11/10/developing-excellence-in-african-youthWed, 10 Nov 2010 21:00:00 GMTDeveloping Excellence in African YouthDuring the 2nd season of WMP-CRC, Iya Adjua will introduce the BTR audience to the founders of various organizations that support the intellectual,rhythmic development of African youth. The 1st show will feature Developing Excellence's founder the multi-talented Sister Ameenah! She will share inside information on the many components of Developing Excellence, a youth, parent, community based organization. 01:01:00Iya Adjua WMP CRCnoAfrican,Youth,Developing,Excellence,CommunityDuring the 2nd season of WMP-CRC, Iya Adjua will introduce the BTR audience to the founders of various organizations that support the intellectual,rhythmic deveThe Origin of the Word Amenhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/iyaadjua/2010/08/18/what-is-wehemy-mesuCulturehttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/iyaadjua/2010/08/18/what-is-wehemy-mesu/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/iyaadjua/2010/08/18/what-is-wehemy-mesuWed, 18 Aug 2010 20:00:00 GMTThe Origin of the Word AmenThis week's WMP/CRC will introduce listeners to the book titled "Origin of the Word Amen: Ancient Knowledge the Bible has Never Told" by Drs. Jahi Issa & Salim Faraji. Another compact source to share wisdom & knowledge with your youth be you parent, teacher or mentor. This is an excellent source to discuss some of the information that is necessary for people of all religions as it gives Afrikan sources relative to the origins of the worlds three major forms of worship; Judaism, Christianity & Islam.01:01:00Iya Adjua WMP CRCnoAfrica,Judaism,Christianity,Islam,RebirthThis week's WMP/CRC will introduce listeners to the book titled "Origin of the Word Amen: Ancient Knowledge the Bible has Never Told" by Drs. Jahi Issa & SalimThe Global African Community - Travel Noteshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/iyaadjua/2010/08/11/what-is-wehemy-mesuCulturehttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/iyaadjua/2010/08/11/what-is-wehemy-mesu/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/iyaadjua/2010/08/11/what-is-wehemy-mesuWed, 11 Aug 2010 20:00:00 GMTThe Global African Community - Travel NotesThis week: Teaching African children to love themselves via knowledge of our existence around the planet. Runoko Rashidi shares his life experiences of interacting with African people in South, West and Northeast Africa, India, Thailand, Japan Australia & Belize! The point being that African people are in existence all over the world and therefore the African community born in America needs to know this information so that the acceptance and thinking of ourselves as 'minorities' will cease! 01:01:00Iya Adjua WMP CRCnoAfrica,Ethiopia,Thailand,Culture,BelizeThis week: Teaching African children to love themselves via knowledge of our existence around the planet. Runoko Rashidi shares his life experiences of interacFrom The Maroons To Marcushttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/iyaadjua/2010/08/04/what-is-wehemy-mesuCulturehttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/iyaadjua/2010/08/04/what-is-wehemy-mesu/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/iyaadjua/2010/08/04/what-is-wehemy-mesuWed, 04 Aug 2010 20:00:00 GMTFrom The Maroons To MarcusAnother compact book to share with your child, students or mentees! The author, Ras Sekou S. Tafari provides a historical development of the UNIA led by Garvey & the Garveyites focusing on how movements in the Americas (North, Central & South)contributed to the development of a Pan-African identity. 01:01:00Iya Adjua WMP CRCnoAfrican Identity,Africa,Pan-Afrikan,Marcus Garvey,AmericasAnother compact book to share with your child, students or mentees! The author, Ras Sekou S. Tafari provides a historical development of the UNIA led by GarveyThe Lost Treasures of King Juba: The Evidence of Africans in America before Columbus http://www.blogtalkradio.com/iyaadjua/2010/07/07/the-lost-treasures-of-king-juba-the-evidence-of-africans-in-america-before-columbusCulturehttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/iyaadjua/2010/07/07/the-lost-treasures-of-king-juba-the-evidence-of-africans-in-america-before-columbus/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/iyaadjua/2010/07/07/the-lost-treasures-of-king-juba-the-evidence-of-africans-in-america-before-columbusWed, 07 Jul 2010 20:00:00 GMTThe Lost Treasures of King Juba: The Evidence of Africans in America before Columbus This week's topics include the The Lost Treasure of King Juba.Specifically there will be a focus on chapter 2, "It All Started with Cleopatra." This information will dispel the false information about Cleopatra contained within the traveling exhibit. 01:00:00Iya Adjua WMP CRCnoAset,Africa,Greece,Cleopatra,cultureThis week's topics include the The Lost Treasure of King Juba.Specifically there will be a focus on chapter 2, "It All Started with Cleopatra." This informationWhat is Wehemy Mesu?http://www.blogtalkradio.com/iyaadjua/2010/06/30/what-is-wehemy-mesuCulturehttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/iyaadjua/2010/06/30/what-is-wehemy-mesu/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/iyaadjua/2010/06/30/what-is-wehemy-mesuWed, 30 Jun 2010 20:00:00 GMTWhat is Wehemy Mesu?This week's topics include an introductory discussion of the concept of "Wehemy Mesu" or the "Repetition of the Rebirth." I will also include factors & events that reflect why some African societies need a Wehemy Mesu or Cultural Rebirth! 01:00:00Iya Adjua WMP CRCnoAfrica,Africans,Connection,Culture,RebirthThis week's topics include an introductory discussion of the concept of "Wehemy Mesu" or the "Repetition of the Rebirth." I will also include factors & events t"African Power"http://www.blogtalkradio.com/iyaadjua/2010/06/09/what-is-wehemy-mesuCulturehttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/iyaadjua/2010/06/09/what-is-wehemy-mesu/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/iyaadjua/2010/06/09/what-is-wehemy-mesuWed, 09 Jun 2010 20:00:00 GMT"African Power"This week's session will share some strategies Afrikan centered parents & educators can use to instill Afrikan identity, love & self-confidence in Afrikan youth. "African Power" is a small book that is concentrated with infinite Afrikan knowledge. Our ancestor Nana Amankwatia Baffour II/Asa Hilliard has left us a worthy legacy in this compact source of wisdom & knowledge. 01:00:00Iya Adjua WMP CRCnoAfrikan,Culture,Identity,Afrikan Youth,Afrikan KnowledgeThis week's session will share some strategies Afrikan centered parents & educators can use to instill Afrikan identity, love & self-confidence in Afrikan youtThe Teachings of Ptah Hotephttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/iyaadjua/2010/06/02/what-is-wehemy-mesuCulturehttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/iyaadjua/2010/06/02/what-is-wehemy-mesu/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/iyaadjua/2010/06/02/what-is-wehemy-mesuWed, 02 Jun 2010 20:00:00 GMTThe Teachings of Ptah HotepThis week's topics include a discussion of the oldest book in the world, "The Teachings of Ptah Hotep" by Hilliard, Williams & Damali. This is a book that can be used by parents & teachers to help youth develop common sense and gain the ability to think before they speak, before they act. Know ourstory!!! 01:00:00Iya Adjua WMP CRCnoAncestors,Africans,Ptah Hotep,Youth,WisdomThis week's topics include a discussion of the oldest book in the world, "The Teachings of Ptah Hotep" by Hilliard, Williams & Damali. This is a book that can b7 Step Towards Black ReEmergencehttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/iyaadjua/2010/05/26/7-step-towards-black-reemergenceCulturehttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/iyaadjua/2010/05/26/7-step-towards-black-reemergence/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/iyaadjua/2010/05/26/7-step-towards-black-reemergenceWed, 26 May 2010 20:00:00 GMT7 Step Towards Black ReEmergenceGoing into step 4 of the "7 steps towards Black ReEmergence." This is a transformative process effective for parents 7 teachers to use with their studentd to provide alternatives to the usual 'job track' promoted in Afrikan communities. Our own conscious awareness will help our youth counter the negativity thrown at them daily. Additionally, these steps will assist our youth in navigating towards effective, successful life experiences to pass on for generations to come!01:00:00Iya Adjua WMP CRCnoBlack,Afrikan,Youth,Education,OrganizeGoing into step 4 of the "7 steps towards Black ReEmergence." This is a transformative process effective for parents 7 teachers to use with their studentd to p7 Steps Towards Black ReEmergence/E. Jerome Johnsonhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/iyaadjua/2010/05/19/7-steps-towards-black-reemergencee-jerome-johnsonCulturehttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/iyaadjua/2010/05/19/7-steps-towards-black-reemergencee-jerome-johnson/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/iyaadjua/2010/05/19/7-steps-towards-black-reemergencee-jerome-johnsonWed, 19 May 2010 20:00:00 GMT7 Steps Towards Black ReEmergence/E. Jerome JohnsonWe're continuing with the 7 steps towards Black ReEmergence. Steps to assist African parents, teachers and students in developing into contributing adults in African communities in America! 01:00:00Iya Adjua WMP CRCnoAfrican,Black,transformation,identity,connectionsWe're continuing with the 7 steps towards Black ReEmergence. Steps to assist African parents, teachers and students in developing into contributing adults in A7 Steps Towards Black Re-Emergencehttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/iyaadjua/2010/05/12/7-steps-towards-black-re-emergenceCulturehttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/iyaadjua/2010/05/12/7-steps-towards-black-re-emergence/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/iyaadjua/2010/05/12/7-steps-towards-black-re-emergenceWed, 12 May 2010 20:00:00 GMT7 Steps Towards Black Re-EmergenceThis episode will discuss E. Jerome Johnson's Book; "7 Steps Towards Black Re-Emergence." The focus is to assist parents, teachers & students in engaging in practice via dialogue about Black self empowerment! 01:00:00Iya Adjua WMP CRCnoBlack,Parents,Teachers,Students,EmpowermentThis episode will discuss E. Jerome Johnson's Book; "7 Steps Towards Black Re-Emergence." The focus is to assist parents, teachers & students in engaging in pr!2 Conscious Moveshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/iyaadjua/2010/05/05/2-conscious-movesCulturehttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/iyaadjua/2010/05/05/2-conscious-moves/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/iyaadjua/2010/05/05/2-conscious-movesWed, 05 May 2010 20:30:00 GMT!2 Conscious MovesThis episode will discuss 12 things parents & teachers can do to assist their youth in maintaining & remaining conscious of their African culture & African people.01:00:00Iya Adjua WMP CRCnoAfrica,African,Culture,Conscious,YouthThis episode will discuss 12 things parents & teachers can do to assist their youth in maintaining & remaining conscious of their African culture & African peopWhat is Wehemy Mesu?http://www.blogtalkradio.com/iyaadjua/2010/04/28/what-is-wehemy-mesuCulturehttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/iyaadjua/2010/04/28/what-is-wehemy-mesu/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/iyaadjua/2010/04/28/what-is-wehemy-mesuWed, 28 Apr 2010 20:00:00 GMTWhat is Wehemy Mesu?This week's topics include an introductory discussion of the concept of "Wehemy Mesu" or the "Repetition of the Rebirth." I will also include factors & events that reflect why some African societies need a Wehemy Mesu or Cultural Rebirth! 01:00:00Iya Adjua WMP CRCnoAfrica,Africans,Connection,Culture,RebirthThis week's topics include an introductory discussion of the concept of "Wehemy Mesu" or the "Repetition of the Rebirth." I will also include factors & events tConnecting to Africa & the Worldhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/iyaadjua/2010/04/14/connecting-to-africa-the-worldCulturehttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/iyaadjua/2010/04/14/connecting-to-africa-the-world/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/iyaadjua/2010/04/14/connecting-to-africa-the-worldWed, 14 Apr 2010 20:00:00 GMTConnecting to Africa & the WorldThis episode will share information, approaches, recommended readings that allow African people born in the United States to reconnect to their African heritage. We will define Africa, African and the migration of African people to the United states, Further we will discus how all of us need to reconnect to one another and share our stories. This will help us to recognize our the fact that African people are a majority human component within the human family. 01:00:00Iya Adjua WMP CRCnoAfrica,African,Human,Culture,WorldThis episode will share information, approaches, recommended readings that allow African people born in the United States to reconnect to their African heritage