Into Heartspace the stars, the earth, the soul with Julie Wolfrum, as we discuss Tarot, Astrology, and our All Rights Reserved.Sun, 23 Aug 2020 23:45:00 GMTSun, 23 Aug 2020 23:14:23 GMTSpiritualityBlogTalkRadio Feed v2.0 Heartspace the stars, the earth, the soul with Julie Wolfrum, as we discuss Tarot, Astrology, and our Spirit.intoheartspace@gmail.comintoheartspaceAstrology Tarot Spirituality Love Metaphysical Hope JoyintoheartspacenoExplore: Tarot. Astrology. Soul. You.episodicAug 24-30: Weekly Horoscope for all the Signs, 23 Aug 2020 23:14:23 GMTAug 24-30: Weekly Horoscope for all the SignsCollective Weekly Card:  Eight of Cups Reversed There are moments in this week laced in knowing the time has come to say “Adios,” but not saying goodbye quite yet. For some, this realization may be quick, exciting, and so needed allowing for a mourning time and action to follow suit in the upcoming weeks.  For others, this epiphany may be a slow, difficult unraveling that wasn’t necessarily wanted, but…so needed.  Either way, know that Universe is saving you. Trust in the energy and you will be thankful for the upcoming distance, even if it is not today, next week, or in a few months.  It’s time to give space for anew, Sweet Humans. 00:32:00intoheartspacenoAstrology,tarot,metaphysics,aries,taurusLet’s look at the Energy of the upcoming week guided by Tarot.66efefc3-5578-4bec-a82d-3680ed2a0a1214fullAug 17-23: Weekly Horoscope for all the Signs, 17 Aug 2020 13:33:26 GMTAug 17-23: Weekly Horoscope for all the SignsWeek of Aug 17-23: This is New Moon week!  Get ready to set attentions and see what energies you have cultivated in order to create something new.  You are not alone this week and have the potential to draw in those who will stand next to you the upcoming months.  Don't be afraid to ask someone in to your tribe if your soul seeks it. 00:24:00intoheartspacenoastrology,Astrology,tarot,metaphysics,ariesJoin Julie as she digs into the Tarot for guidance for all the signsf7cfba70-df46-4e40-8de3-4960f012137e13fullAug 9-15: Weekly Horoscope for all the Signs, 09 Aug 2020 19:41:13 GMTAug 9-15: Weekly Horoscope for all the SignsThis week plans to be a communication frenzy where emotions and past energies pop up to be dealt with.  Keep your cool, stay calm, and view ALL sides of your scenarios with a cool and collected manner.  Baby steps all week long.   00:26:00intoheartspacenoAstrology,tarot,metaphysics,aries,taurusLast week was quite a doozy, will this week carry on in the sudden minor catastrophes that happened or will we have time to clean up some of our messes?41b8ff07-6a10-479e-8063-d0f25d9c766312fullWeekly Horoscope for all the Signs, 02 Aug 2020 22:19:24 GMTWeekly Horoscope for all the Signs2020 - August 2 - 8: Sweet Humans...As we embark on this Full Moon week, know that this week will set up the ENTIRE month for you.  Take heed in your actions the next few days and set up a beautiful pace for the next 3 weeks.  It is time to show up in clarity, truth, and love.  Step in and receive. For a Reading, go to: 00:13:00intoheartspacenohoroscope,tarot,aries,taurus,geminiWeek of Aug 2-8: FULL MOON ALERT: This week plans to be a doozy with an Aquarius Full Moon!940a4e11-4aad-4118-a090-b91392f52f9d11full