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Lynn, a born-and-raised Texan, graduated from Baylor University with a Bachelor of Science in nursing, but along the way, she realized that writing was her true passion. Currently she lives with her husband, who cooks fantastic meals, and with her young son, who creates fantastic messes but makes up for it by being adorable.
When not lost in the wilds of her own imagination, Lynn works part-time as a registered nurse in surgery. Her other hobbies include reading, listening to music, cleaning the house, and chasing the toddler.
Further, Lynn writes what she call "paranormal romance with a Christian twist." She’s currently self-published but she’s open to finding an agent and publishing with a major press! She has two books already released with a third in the works. Visit her website to learn more!
Currently Lynn has two books available, in print and digital formats. Her books are available from Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Walmart, Books-A-Million, and most e-book retailers.
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