Revelations 14:12 world has become a den of confusion and violence as we have taken in the destructive scenes of a roaring lion seeking whom he may devourer. Everthing that humanity seems to try and build falls completely apart. Jesus is humanities only hope in seeing all of this come to and end. Were is the proof in the pudding?, Were do we go to worship in spirit and in truth?, What can you trust?, and were is God's true believing people? All that and more, as I address the world by God's power on "Revelations 14:12"enCopyright Norman Watson (C/O Blogtalkradio)Sat, 15 Jun 2019 10:00:00 GMTSat, 02 Jul 2011 19:00:00 GMTReligionBlogTalkRadio Feed v2.0 14:12 world has become a den of confusion and violence as we have taken in the destructive scenes of a roaring lion seeking whom he may devourer. Everthing that humanity seems to try and build falls completely apart. Jesus is humanities only hope in seeing all of this come to and end. Were is the proof in the pudding?, Were do we go to worship in spirit and in truth?, What can you trust?, and were is God's true believing people? All that and more, as I address the world by God's power on "Revelations 14:12"feeds@blogtalkradio.comBlogTalkRadio.comreligion,jesus christ,love,end of the world,heavens christian,the fall of lucifer,final days,heaven,life after deathHeavenly Messenger777noThe world has become a den of confusion and violence as we have taken in the destructive scenes of a roaring lion seeking whom he may devourer. Everthing that hepisodicWhat Does it Really Mean to Be "Filthy" Rich!, 02 Jul 2011 19:00:00 GMTWhat Does it Really Mean to Be "Filthy" Rich!In Our day and time, young people scrabble to get a glimps, a picture, or and signiture of what they call, their favorite calebertiy. The so called big timers in this world claim the tittle of Filthy rich, with power, but what does all of this really add up to? Especially when the life span of a Human being even for an aclaimed rich roayl leader.The life span of a human has been mard down by todays perilous times dealing with storms, murder, disease,unhealthy eating,you name it, it will cause dealth, in so much that men and wemon use these very excuses to continue to harm thier bodies saying" Your gonna die from something anyway"- Well I have some thing to say to those people, "Speak for yourself" I am going to soon see Jesus. Join me on " Revelatioins 14:12" 00:27:00Heavenly Messenger777nofinal days,Life after death,Jesus Christ,Heaven,loveIn Our day and time, young people scrabble to get a glimps, a picture, or and signiture of what they call, their favorite calebertiy. The so called big timers iTaking a Crack at the Beginning, 18 Jun 2011 19:00:00 GMTTaking a Crack at the Beginning We are going to look at the Beginning of the bible and talk about, "How does that effect us now?" Like a row of dominos, something can take place a long time ago, and still effect the entire race of humans now liveing on this planet. More on the show, "Taking a Crack at the Beginning" with Heavenly Messenger 777 00:31:00Heavenly Messenger777noThe Fall of Lucifer,end of the world,Jesus Christ,Heavens Christian,LoveWe are going to look at the Beginning of the bible and talk about, "How does that effect us now?" Like a row of dominos, something can take place a long time aTaking a Crack at the Beginning, 11 Jun 2011 19:00:00 GMTTaking a Crack at the Beginning We are going to look at the Beginning of the bible and talk about, "How does that effect us now?" Like a row of dominos, something can take place a long time ago, and still effect the entire race of humans now liveing on this planet. More on the show, "Taking a Crack at the Beginning" with Heavenly Messenger 777 00:33:00Heavenly Messenger777noThe Fall of Lucifer,end of the world,Jesus Christ,Heavens Christian,LoveWe are going to look at the Beginning of the bible and talk about, "How does that effect us now?" Like a row of dominos, something can take place a long time aTaking a Crack at the Beginning, 04 Jun 2011 19:00:00 GMTTaking a Crack at the Beginning We are going to look at the Beginning of the bible and talk about, "How does that effect us now?" Like a row of dominos, something can take place a long time ago, and still effect the entire race of humans now liveing on this planet. More on the show, "Taking a Crack at the Beginning" with Heavenly Messenger 777 00:32:00Heavenly Messenger777noThe Fall of Lucifer,end of the world,Jesus Christ,Heavens Christian,LoveWe are going to look at the Beginning of the bible and talk about, "How does that effect us now?" Like a row of dominos, something can take place a long time a