Conversations of Utmost Importance do we restore the souls to ourselves, our families, our communities, our country, our world, our lives? One conversation at a time! All Rights Reserved.Sat, 15 Jun 2019 06:15:00 GMTMon, 19 Dec 2011 04:00:00 GMTSpiritualityBlogTalkRadio Feed v2.0,current events,family,inspirational,life,self-help,self helpheartsnapsnoHow do we restore the souls to ourselves, our families, our communities, our country, our world, our lives? One conversation at a time!episodicConversations of Utmost Importance, 19 Dec 2011 04:00:00 GMTConversations of Utmost Importance Volume III - Show Topic: The Pattern of Our Response - Our Link to Listen is Psalms Chapter 51, Versus 1 thru 12. When you have a few minutes, read the above-referenced scriptures, so powerful in nature and encompassing the Supreme Voice of Wisdom, that I was inspired to write the following. It's a contract between me and My Creator: The Promise I will always strive to be inspired to do the right thing, with conscientious thought and intent for the best outcome in all situations. Ivy Rose Food For Thought  If we were only looking at the negative things we did and corrected them, we would always do the right thing for and by each other because we'd always be on our best behavior. 00:29:00heartsnapsnoinspirational,self-help,current events,family,lifeVolume III - Show Topic: The Pattern of Our Response - Our Link to Listen is Psalms Chapter 51, Versus 1 thru 12. When you have a few minutes, read the above-Conversations of Utmost Importance, 12 Dec 2011 04:00:00 GMTConversations of Utmost ImportanceVolume II of Heartsnaps by Ivy Rose Show Topic: "We the People - Outcasts in Our Own Country" Remember, each week, we will take a journey towards regaining control of our lives! This week, Heartsnaps is introducing "Links to Listen" -- When you have a few minutes, check out Part 1 of President Obama's Speech in Osawatomie, Kansas on December 6, 2011 and Part 2 of President Obama's Speech in Osawatomie, Kansas on December 6, 2011 Listen and offer your feedback at Heartsnaps by clicking the following link: and then registering for a free blogtalkradio account. Enter "heartsnaps" in the search bar and then click the magnifying glass! Scroll down to the "Comments" section and leave your comment there! You will be asked to register your account before your comments can be accepted though, so, please don't hesitate to create an account so that your comments are heard, too!! Ivy Rose would love to hear from you and share your comments on an upcoming show! 00:37:00heartsnapsnoinspirational,self-help,current events,family,lifeVolume II of Heartsnaps by Ivy Rose Show Topic: "We the People - Outcasts in Our Own Country" Remember, each week, we will take a journey towards regaining contConversations of Utmost Importance, 05 Dec 2011 04:00:00 GMTConversations of Utmost Importance Two Steps Forward, Three Steps Back : Each week, we will take a journey towards regaining control of our lives. I have decided to one day live in my dreams. To wake up daily already where God has designated is living in freedom. To do what I want, to come and go as I please; this is freedom sublime. To make others smile as a familiar feeling of hope comes to visit, and hopefully stays a while. To only do those things necessary for the betterment of our lives; this is truly living -- not simply existing. Yes, the day is quickly arriving, and the only thing I hope is that we will be ready. Will we? 00:32:00heartsnapsnoinspirational,self help,current events,family,lifeTwo Steps Forward, Three Steps Back : Each week, we will take a journey towards regaining control of our lives. I have decided to one day live in my dreams. To