Gulag Media out to remain free, or be quietly enslaved. If we are Gulag Bound, the reason we choose is the threat we bring to tyrants.enCopyright Arlen Williams (C/O Blogtalkradio)Sat, 15 Jun 2019 17:15:00 GMTThu, 30 Jun 2011 02:00:00 GMTPoliticsBlogTalkRadio Feed v2.0 Media out to remain free, or be quietly enslaved. If we are Gulag Bound, the reason we choose is the threat we bring to tyrants.feeds@blogtalkradio.comBlogTalkRadio.compolitics,gulag media the firm foundation,tallulah mamacooks janet,inductive bible study truth,fellowship wisdom salvation in christ,christian jesus christ salvation,fellowship worship music wisdom,jesus christ savior precepts,arlen williams,tallulah starr cj in tx janet smilesGulag MedianoSpeak out to remain free, or be quietly enslaved. If we are Gulag Bound, the reason we choose is the threat we bring to tyrants.episodicGulag Media ~ The Firm Foundation, 30 Jun 2011 02:00:00 GMTGulag Media ~ The Firm Foundation The Foundation of our faith has been laid by the prophets and the apostles, the Chief Cornerstone being Christ Jesus, Himself. We also are living stones being built into a body, the Temple of the Holy Spirit. Join Tallulah and mamacooks as they dig deeper into God's Word to see the treasures it holds. Tonight a study in contrasts Chapter 34 of Genesis where jacob's sons act according to their fleash and Matthew 5 where Jesus tells us to act in  meekness and gentleness a walk worthy of the Gospel.  On topic allers are welcome 310 807 5060 Chat is open during the show for fellowship and comments. 02:07:00Gulag MedianoGulag Media the Firm Foundation,Tallulah mamacooks Janet,Christian Jesus Christ Salvation,Inductive Bible Study Truth,Fellowship Wisdom Salvation in ChristThe Foundation of our faith has been laid by the prophets and the apostles, the Chief Cornerstone being Christ Jesus, Himself. We also are living stones beingGulag Night: Trevor Loudon on Leon Panetta, 28 Jun 2011 02:00:00 GMTGulag Night: Trevor Loudon on Leon Panetta Trevor Loudon, world-leading researcher, revealer, and expositor of Marxist subterfuge, spells out the evidence that former CIA Director and our new Secretary of Defense is a Communist collaborator. Hosts: Arlen Williams & Tallulah Starr 01:56:00Gulag MedianoLeon Panetta CIA Director Defense Department,Barack Obama Hugh DeLacy,Gulag Night Gulag Bound Gulag Media,Marxism communism Marxist communist,Arlen Williams Tallulah StarrTrevor Loudon, world-leading researcher, revealer, and expositor of Marxist subterfuge, spells out the evidence that former CIA Director and our new SecretaryGulag Night: Cliff Kincaid on Leon Panetta & the C-Word, 21 Jun 2011 02:00:00 GMTGulag Night: Cliff Kincaid on Leon Panetta & the C-Word One hour that exposes Leon Panetta, who seems to fit the Obama Administration very well. Track the work of Cliff Kincaid and Trevor Loudon at, which reveals evidence that CIA Director and prospective Secretary of Defense is a communist collaborator. America's leading investigative reporter on the ever developing Marxist movement within America, Mr. Kincaid manages the America's Survival site and is Director of Investigative Journalism for Accuracy in Media (AIM). We may also be joined by Terresa Monroe-Hamilton, AJ, and perhaps others of The Bound. Hosts: Arlen Williams & Tallulah Starr 01:50:00Gulag MedianoLeon Panetta CIA Director Defense Department,Cliff Kincaid Americas Survival,communist communism marxist collaborator,Gulag Night Gulag Media GulagBound,Arlen Williams Tallulah Starr Terresa Monroe-HamiltonOne hour that exposes Leon Panetta, who seems to fit the Obama Administration very well. Track the work of Cliff Kincaid and Trevor Loudon at,Gulag Media ~ The Firm Foundation, 09 Jun 2011 02:00:00 GMTGulag Media ~ The Firm Foundation The Foundation of our faith has been laid by the prophets and the apostles, the Chief Cornerstone being Christ Jesus, Himself. We also are living stones being built into a body, the Temple of the Holy Spirit. Join Tallulah and mamacooks as they dig deeper into God's Word to see the treasures it holds. Tonight we will go back home with Jacob in Genesis 33 and talk about "those who mourn" from Matthew 5:4. Callers are welcome 310-807-5060 Chat is open during the show for fellowship and comments. 02:09:00Gulag MedianoGulag Media the Firm Foundation,Tallulah mamacooks Janet,Christian Jesus Christ Salvation,Inductive Bible Study Truth,Fellowship Wisdom Salvation in ChristThe Foundation of our faith has been laid by the prophets and the apostles, the Chief Cornerstone being Christ Jesus, Himself. We also are living stones beingGulag Media ~ The Firm Foundation, 02 Jun 2011 02:00:00 GMTGulag Media ~ The Firm Foundation The Foundation of our faith has been laid by the prophets and the apostles, the Chief Cornerstone being Christ Jesus, Himself. We also are living stones being built into a body, the Temple of the Holy Spirit. Join Tallulah and mamacooks as they dig deeper into God's Word to see the treasures it holds. Tonight we will follow Jacob as he travels back home and wrestles with an angel.  We will resume our study of the Sermon on the Mount..Blessed are teh poor in spirit and travel to Edom for some end times talk. Callers are welcome for on topic questions or comments @ 310-807-5060  Chat is open during the show for fellowship and comments. 02:08:00Gulag MedianoGulag Media the Firm Foundation,Tallulah mamacooks Janet,Christian Jesus Christ Salvation,Inductive Bible Study Truth,Fellowship Wisdom Salvation in ChristThe Foundation of our faith has been laid by the prophets and the apostles, the Chief Cornerstone being Christ Jesus, Himself. We also are living stones beingGulag Media ~ The Firm Foundation, 26 May 2011 02:00:00 GMTGulag Media ~ The Firm FoundationThe Foundation of our faith has been laid by the prophets and the apostles, the Chief Cornerstone being Christ Jesus, Himself. We also are living stones being built into a body, the Temple of the Holy Spirit. Join Tallulah and mamacooks as they dig deeper into God's Word to see the treasures it holds. Callers are welcome. Chat is open during the show for fellowship and comments.01:30:00Gulag MedianoGulag Media the Firm Foundation,Tallulah mamacooks Janet,Christian Jesus Christ Salvation,Inductive Bible Study Truth,Fellowship Wisdom Salvation in ChristThe Foundation of our faith has been laid by the prophets and the apostles, the Chief Cornerstone being Christ Jesus, Himself. We also are living stones beingGulag Media ~ The Firm Foundation, 19 May 2011 02:00:00 GMTGulag Media ~ The Firm Foundation The Foundation of our faith has been laid by the prophets and the apostles, the Chief Cornerstone being Christ Jesus, Himself. We also are living stones being built into a body, the Temple of the Holy Spirit. Join Tallulah and mamacooks as they dig deeper into God's Word to see the treasures it holds. Tonight we study Chapter 30 of Genesis, begin to study the Sermon on the Mount from Matthew Chapters 5-7 and various and sundry other topics. Callers are welcome. Chat is open during the show for fellowship and comments. 02:07:00Gulag MedianoGulag Media the Firm Foundation,Tallulah mamacooks Janet,Christian Jesus Christ Salvation,Inductive Bible Study Truth,Fellowship Wisdom Salvation in ChristThe Foundation of our faith has been laid by the prophets and the apostles, the Chief Cornerstone being Christ Jesus, Himself. We also are living stones beingGulag Media ~ The Firm Foundation, 12 May 2011 02:00:00 GMTGulag Media ~ The Firm Foundation The Foundation of our faith has been laid by the prophets and the apostles, the Chief Cornerstone being Christ Jesus, Himself. We also are living stones being built into a body, the Temple of the Holy Spirit. Join Tallulah and mamacooks as they dig deeper into God's Word to see the treasures it holds. Tonight we go with Jacob to Uncle Laban's house in Genesis 29.  We will begin a new study in Matthew 5-7. We will continue in our study of Sharia, truth or man's ideas? On topic callers are welcome. 310-807-5060 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting            310-807-5060      end_of_the_skype_highlighting Chat is open during the show for fellowship and comments. 02:05:00Gulag MedianoGulag Media the Firm Foundation,Tallulah mamacooks Janet,Christian Jesus Christ Salvation,Inductive Bible Study Truth,Fellowship Wisdom Salvation in ChristThe Foundation of our faith has been laid by the prophets and the apostles, the Chief Cornerstone being Christ Jesus, Himself. We also are living stones beingGulag Night: Eco-Fascism Guests William Kay & Mark Musser, 10 May 2011 02:00:00 GMTGulag Night: Eco-Fascism Guests William Kay & Mark Musser The hard core fascism behind the Green movement in America and the world.  Trace its corrupt development to the present Soft War on American Sovereignties. In our first interview with Mark Musser, he related the European, Nazi side.  Today, we will further discuss the American side, including Wisconsin's own Aldo Leopold. Guests: Mark Musser, who documented the beginnings of the green movement in NAZI and pre-NAZI Germany, in his book Nazi Oaks, on his site, on the Web including Gulag Bound (articles: "NAZI Political Biology: The Hotwiring of Power Politics, Naturalism, Environmentalism & Racism" and " Raddical Muslims, Environmentalists, and the Green Jihad" - first Gulag Night interview, 4/4/2011, here) William Kay, of the site, Environmentalism is Fascism ( Join the Bound, Arlen Williams, Tallulah Starr, CJ in TX, and Janet Smiles -- perhaps others -- this Gulag Night. See this announcement at for links. 02:14:00Gulag MedianoEnvironmentalism Green Movement Fascism Naziism Nazi,Mark Musser William Kay,Aldo Leopold,Gulag Night Gulag Media GulagBound,Arlen Williams Tallulah Starr CJ in TX Janet SmilesThe hard core fascism behind the Green movement in America and the world.  Trace its corrupt development to the present Soft War on American Sovereignties. IGulag Media ~ The Firm Foundation, 05 May 2011 02:00:00 GMTGulag Media ~ The Firm Foundation The Foundation of our faith has been laid by the prophets and the apostles, the Chief Cornerstone being Christ Jesus, Himself. We also are living stones being built into a body, the Temple of the Holy Spirit. Join Tallulah and mamacooks as they dig deeper into God's Word to see the treasures it holds. Tonight we will follow Jacob as he leaves his father's house in Genesis 28.  Finish Colossians Chapter 4 meeting Paul's companions.  Continue our look at Sharia. Callers on topic are welcome at             310-807-5060      . Chat is open during the show for fellowship and comments. 02:09:00Gulag MedianoGulag Media the Firm Foundation,Tallulah mamacooks Janet,Christian Jesus Christ Salvation,Inductive Bible Study Truth,Fellowship Wisdom Salvation in ChristThe Foundation of our faith has been laid by the prophets and the apostles, the Chief Cornerstone being Christ Jesus, Himself. We also are living stones beingInvestigating Osama & Obama, 03 May 2011 02:00:00 GMTInvestigating Osama & Obama Call in and we'll discuss the odd circumstances of last night's announcement that American special forces killed Osama Bin Ladin. The "most transparent" Obama administration seems to have handled this event, especially in the disposal of the body, so as to invite even more suspicion and conspiracy theory. Also, what about that electronic imagery layering of Barack Obama's presumed official birth certificate? Is he purposefully stirring up a continuing "birther" dust storm, to drown out scrutiny of his other major eligibility and legality problems?  And as an excuse to label anti-Obama dissidents as "racists?" Join the Bound, Arlen Williams, Tallulah Starr, CJ in TX, and Janet Smiles, this Gulag Night. 02:21:00Gulag MedianoBarak Obama Osama Bin Laden Al Queda,eligibility natural born citizen birth certificate,Gulag Bound Gulag Night Gulag Media,Arlen Williams Tallulah Starr,Janet Smiles CJ in TXCall in and we'll discuss the odd circumstances of last night's announcement that American special forces killed Osama Bin Ladin. The "most transparent" ObamGulag Night: George Soros & the Global Bankster 'Fuhrers', 26 Apr 2011 02:00:00 GMTGulag Night: George Soros & the Global Bankster 'Fuhrers' Come let us classify and catalog these global imperialist, mega-money manipulators, who are showing themselves as America's chief enemy. We may take just an hour or take longer, but we will do what it takes, to expose and elucidate George Soros' INET, the IMF, World Bank, the "Federal Reserve," and the central bank empire they serve... ...their neo-Marxist-motivating lies of egalitarianism... ...and their deeply evil goals of world domination, control of nearly every phase of our lives, profiteering, and even our depopulation. The weathiest 1% of 1% of 1%, this Gulag Night More, at Gulag Bound's category: Banksters Our Special Guest is "AJ," whose articles appear in Noisy Room, New Zeal, Emerging  Corruption, and Gulag Bound. Join host, Arlen Williams an co-host, Tallulah Starr. 02:03:00Gulag MedianoGlobalist Banksters Federal Reserve,International Monetary Fund IMF,Institute for New Economic Thinking INET,George Soros Jeffrey Sachs Joseph Stiglitz,Rothschild Sachs Marxism fascism communitarianismCome let us classify and catalog these global imperialist, mega-money manipulators, who are showing themselves as America's chief enemy. We may take just an hGulag Media ~ The Firm Foundation, 21 Apr 2011 02:00:00 GMTGulag Media ~ The Firm Foundation The Foundation of our faith has been laid by the prophets and the apostles, the Chief Cornerstone being Christ Jesus, Himself. We also are living stones being built into a body, the Temple of the Holy Spirit. Join Tallulah and mamacooks as they dig deeper into God's Word to see the treasures it holds. Tonight we will meet Isaac and Rebecca at the end of Isaac's life.  We will continue in chapter 4 of Colossians and  explore , "What is Sharia?" Callers are welcome to call and speak on topic if time permits at 310-807-5060 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting            310-807-5060      end_of_the_skype_highlighting. Chat is open during the show for fellowship and comments. 02:14:00Gulag MedianoGulag Media the Firm Foundation,Tallulah mamacooks Janet,Christian Jesus Christ Salvation,Inductive Bible Study Truth,Fellowship Wisdom Salvation in ChristThe Foundation of our faith has been laid by the prophets and the apostles, the Chief Cornerstone being Christ Jesus, Himself. We also are living stones beingGulag Night: George Soros' Globalist Banking & Media Conf's, 15 Apr 2011 02:00:00 GMTGulag Night: George Soros' Globalist Banking & Media Conf's While Glenn Beck is out on a comedy tour, be sure to track the big evil week of George Soros with us, Monday and Thursday. Monday: Ann Barnhardt on her excellent video rant about coddling and becoming subject to Islam & Islamism. Also, Soros controlling food thru Gavilon. Plus, an intro to Soros and INET at Bretton Woods: Marxofascist Central Bank Globalism. Thursday - Tonight: More on the INET and IMF double-down on Globalist Central Banking. Plus, the Marxofascist Media Moves of George Soros and Company, through his "National Conference for Media Reform" Guests: Trevor Louon of New Zeal & KeyWiki, Terresa Monroe-Hamilton of Noisy Room & KeyWiki.  Jane Aitken of the New Hampshire Tea Party Coalition. Host: Arlen Williams 02:06:00Gulag MedianoGulag Media Gulag Bound,George Soros Media Reform,Terresa Monroe-Hamilton Noisy Room,New Hampshire Tea Party Jane Aitken,Arlen WilliamsWhile Glenn Beck is out on a comedy tour, be sure to track the big evil week of George Soros with us, Monday and Thursday. Monday: Ann Barnhardt on her excelleGulag Media ~ The Firm Foundation, 14 Apr 2011 02:00:00 GMTGulag Media ~ The Firm Foundation The Foundation of our faith has been laid by the prophets and the apostles, the Chief Cornerstone being Christ Jesus, Himself. We also are living stones being built into a body, the Temple of the Holy Spirit. Join Tallulah and mamacooks as they dig deeper into God's Word to see the treasures it holds. Tonight mama and Tallu will follow Isaac as he settles in Beersheba after Abraham's death.  In Colossians 3 we will delve into interpersonal relationships in the "new man".  Finally we will begin our study contrasting Sharia to The Law of God in Scripture.  Callers are welcome. at (310) 807-5060 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting            (310) 807-5060      end_of_the_skype_highlighting Chat is open during the show for fellowship and comments. 02:11:00Gulag MedianoGulag Media the Firm Foundation,Tallulah mamacooks Janet,Christian Jesus Christ Salvation,Inductive Bible Study Truth,Fellowship Wisdom Salvation in ChristThe Foundation of our faith has been laid by the prophets and the apostles, the Chief Cornerstone being Christ Jesus, Himself. We also are living stones beingGulag Night: Ann Barnhardt on Islam, Soros, Gavilon & INET, 12 Apr 2011 02:00:00 GMTGulag Night: Ann Barnhardt on Islam, Soros, Gavilon & INET While Glenn Beck is out on a comedy tour, be sure to track the big evil week of George Soros with us, Monday an Thursday. Monday: Ann Barnhardt on her excellent video rant about coddling and becoming subject to Islam & Islamism. Also, Soros controlling food thru Gavilon. Plus, an intro to Soros and INET at Bretton Woods: Marxofascist Central Bank Globalism. Thursday: More on the INET and IMF double-down on Globalist Central Banking. Plus, the Marxofascist Media Moves of George Soros and Company, through his "National Conference for Media Reform" Guest, Ann Barnhart is the woman who read you some satanic verses of the Koran, sending each page aflame (see video).  She's also tracking Soros with us, including his big buys into grain elevators, anticipating U.S. hyperinflation and worldwide food shortages. Join Gulag laborers, Arlen Williams, host Tallulah Starr, co-host. 02:09:00Gulag MedianoGulag Night Gulag Bound Gulag Media,George Soros Ann Barnhardt,IMF INET World Bank Federal Reserve,Tallulah Starr CJ in TX Janet Smiles,Arlen WilliamsWhile Glenn Beck is out on a comedy tour, be sure to track the big evil week of George Soros with us, Monday an Thursday. Monday: Ann Barnhardt on her excellenGulag Media ~ The Firm Foundation, 08 Apr 2011 02:00:00 GMTGulag Media ~ The Firm Foundation The Foundation of our faith has been laid by the prophets and the apostles, the Chief Cornerstone being Christ Jesus, Himself. We also are living stones being built into a body, the Temple of the Holy Spirit. Join Tallulah and mamacooks as they dig deeper into God's Word to see the treasures it holds. Tonight we will see Abraham's life after Sarah from Genesis 25, Talk about the peace of Christ from Colossian 3 and finish Lord,, I Want to Know you, by Kay Arthur. Callers wishing to join the Bible study topics are welcome, if time permits @ 310-807-5060 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting            310-807-5060      end_of_the_skype_highlighting Chat is open during the show for fellowship and comments. 02:09:00Gulag MedianoGulag Media the Firm Foundation,Tallulah mamacooks Janet,Christian Jesus Christ Salvation,Inductive Bible Study Truth,Fellowship Wisdom Salvation in ChristThe Foundation of our faith has been laid by the prophets and the apostles, the Chief Cornerstone being Christ Jesus, Himself. We also are living stones beinGulag Night: Teri O'Brien on Obamunists & WI War + Mark Musser on Nazis' & Greens' Environmentalism, 05 Apr 2011 02:00:00 GMTGulag Night: Teri O'Brien on Obamunists & WI War + Mark Musser on Nazis' & Greens' EnvironmentalismAmerica's Conservative Warrior Princess (and actual, professional broadcaster) Teri O'Brien graces the Gulag for the first few minutes. She reports on the search for the historical Obama and lately, Wisconsin's Marxist unionist onslaught. See The Teri O'Brien Show for more: (link). For the bulk of our program, Mark Musser will discuss the disturbing similarities between Green Movement Environmentalism and the NAZI philosophy of, yes, Adolf Hitler -- from apparently healthy conservationism right down to eugenics and population reduction. Also, the philosophical underpinnings they share. Mark is the author of Nazi Oaks (link) and has just published "NAZI Political Biology: The Hotwiring of Power Politics, Naturalism, Environmentalism & Racism" in Gulag Bound (link). We will also update last week's subject: George Soros' new Bretton Woods Conference for globalist control of the world's banks. ...a little light, Monday night listening -- feel free to call in, too. Host: Arlen Williams; Co-Host: Tallulah Starr; Gulag Panelist: CJ in TX; Broadcast assistance graciously provided by Janet Smiles. 02:18:00Gulag MedianoTeri OBrien Conservative Warrior Princess,Mark Musser Socialist Nazi Green Environmentalist,Barack Obama George Soros Bretton Woods IMF,Wisconsin Unions Justice David Prosser,Arlen Williams Tallulah Starr CJ Janet SmilesAmerica's Conservative Warrior Princess (and actual, professional broadcaster) Teri O'Brien graces the Gulag for the first few minutes. She reports on the searGulag Media ~ The Firm Foundation, 31 Mar 2011 02:00:00 GMTGulag Media ~ The Firm FoundationThe Foundation of our faith has been laid by the prophets and the apostles, the Chief Cornerstone being Christ Jesus, Himself. We also are living stones being built into a body, the Temple of the Holy Spirit. Join Tallulah and mamacooks as they dig deeper into God's Word to see the treasures it holds. Tonight Abraham decides it's time for Isaac to take a wife in Genesis 24, Look at love and unity in Colossians 3 and Visit with Jehovah shammah. Callers are welcome. 310 807-5060 Chat is open during the show for fellowship and comments.02:07:00Gulag MedianoGulag Media the Firm Foundation,Tallulah mamacooks Janet,Christian Jesus Christ Salvation,Inductive Bible Study Truth,Fellowship Wisdom Salvation in ChristThe Foundation of our faith has been laid by the prophets and the apostles, the Chief Cornerstone being Christ Jesus, Himself. We also are living stones beingGulag Night: Soros to Consolidate World's Banks; Guest, Dan Gainor Events, 29 Mar 2011 02:00:00 GMTGulag Night: Soros to Consolidate World's Banks; Guest, Dan GainorALERT - Dan Gainor of Business & Media Institute just broke the news about George Soros' immedate plans to reorganize central banking, globally. Gainor will be our guest on Gulag Night, this Monday 3/28, 10pm ET, 30 mins. Read the article here: "Unreported Soros Event Aims to Remake Entire Global Economy." For the remainder of the Gulag Night, we will continue to discuss not only George Soros, but what (and whom) he represents: Topics include: o Glenn Beck's recent program with G. Edward Griffin on the Federal Reserve. o Should we revisit the "conspiracy theory" that is so often discarded? o Do central banks and their financiers conspire with global Marxists and Islamofascists? We will have a panel including Gulag Bound dissidents, hosted by Arlen Williams & Tallulah Starr. Also: What is The Globe & Malevolence? See and hear for yourself, Monday 10pm-Midnight. This is the Soft War against America. Let us learn about the enemy at work against us. 02:04:00Gulag MedianoGeorge Soros Rothschild Central Banking,Institute for New Economic Thinking INET,Dan Gainor Media Research Center MRC,Gulag Bound Gulag Night,Arlen Williams Tallulah Starr CJ Janet SmilesALERT - Dan Gainor of Business & Media Institute just broke the news about George Soros' immedate plans to reorganize central banking, globally. Gainor willGulag Media ~ The Firm Foundation, 24 Mar 2011 02:00:00 GMTGulag Media ~ The Firm FoundationThe Foundation of our faith has been laid by the prophets and the apostles, the Chief Cornerstone being Christ Jesus, Himself. We also are living stones being built into a body, the Temple of the Holy Spirit. Tonight we will attend the funeral of Sarah in Genesis 23, Discover what we are to "put on" the new man in Colossians 3 and get to know Jehovah shammah, the God who is there. Join us, Tallulah and mamacooks digging deeper into God's Word to see the treasures it holds. Callers are welcome at 310-807-5060 Chat is open during the show for fellowship and comments.02:09:00Gulag MedianoGulag Media the Firm Foundation,Tallulah mamacooks Janet,Christian Jesus Christ Salvation,Inductive Bible Study Truth,Fellowship Wisdom Salvation in ChristThe Foundation of our faith has been laid by the prophets and the apostles, the Chief Cornerstone being Christ Jesus, Himself. We also are living stones beingGulag Night: Theresa Cao & Walter Fitzpatrick; State Persecution?, 22 Mar 2011 02:00:00 GMTGulag Night: Theresa Cao & Walter Fitzpatrick; State Persecution?Along with guest panelist, Sher Zieve, we welcome both Theresa Cao and Walter Fitzpatrick. They know something of what it is to be Gulag Bound. The Marxist mommies of Code Pink get off "free as a bird," time after time, but Theresa? Since she very briefly challenged Barack Obama's eligibility in the House Chamber,the prosecution and seeming persecution go on. And Walt Fitzpatrick is out of the Monroe County, Tennessee Jail now, but the pitched battle between American principles and deep-seated corruption goes on. Find out the latest from each. Discover more and see the video of Theresa Cao, during the reading of the "natural born Citizen" clause of the U.S. Constitution, here. (LINK) Hosts: Arlen Williams & Tallulah Starr02:09:00Gulag MedianoGulag Night Gulag Media Gulag Bound,Theresa Cao Walter Fitzpatrick Sher Zieve,Barack Obama eligibility natural born citizen,Monroe County TN grand jury corrption,Tallulah Starr Arlen WilliamsAlong with guest panelist, Sher Zieve, we welcome both Theresa Cao and Walter Fitzpatrick. They know something of what it is to be Gulag Bound. The MarxistGulag Media ~ The Firm Foundation, 17 Mar 2011 02:00:00 GMTGulag Media ~ The Firm FoundationThe Foundation of our faith has been laid by the prophets and the apostles, the Chief Cornerstone being Christ Jesus, Himself. We also are living stones being built into a body, the Temple of the Holy Spirit. Join Tallulah and mamacooks as they dig deeper into God's Word to see the treasures it holds. Tonight we will follow Abraham and Isaac to Mt Moriah in Genesis 22, Look at the "things we need to put as" from Colossians 3 and visit again with Jehovah shammah, the God who is there. Maranatha, even so come quickly Jesus. Callers are welcome. 310 807 5060 Chat is open during the show for fellowship and comments.02:15:00Gulag MedianoGulag Media the Firm Foundation,Tallulah mamacooks Janet,Christian Jesus Christ Salvation,Inductive Bible Study Truth,Fellowship Wisdom Salvation in ChristThe Foundation of our faith has been laid by the prophets and the apostles, the Chief Cornerstone being Christ Jesus, Himself. We also are living stones beingGulag Night: Defunding Planned Parenthood, Guest: Jill Stanek, 15 Mar 2011 02:00:00 GMTGulag Night: Defunding Planned Parenthood, Guest: Jill StanekIs there a chance to get it done this week? What will it take? Join special guests including pro-life blogger, Jill Stanek... ...and your host, Arlen Williams of Gulag Bound and the Defund Planned Parenthood Flash Campaign site, Say No to Death Pork.01:48:00Gulag MedianoDefund Planned Parenthood,Jill Stanek Pro-Life,Expose Planned Parenthood Live Action,Gulag Bound Gulag Night,Arlen WilliamsIs there a chance to get it done this week? What will it take? Join special guests including pro-life blogger, Jill Stanek... ...and your host, ArGulag Media ~ The Firm Foundation, 03 Mar 2011 03:00:00 GMTGulag Media ~ The Firm FoundationThe Foundation of our faith has been laid by the prophets and the apostles, the Chief Cornerstone being Christ Jesus, Himself. We also are living stones being built into a body, the Temple of the Holy Spirit. Join Tallulah and mamacooks as they dig deeper into God's Word to see the treasures it holds. Callers are welcome. Chat is open during the show for fellowship and comments.02:12:00Gulag MedianoGulag Media the Firm Foundation,Tallulah mamacooks Janet,Christian Jesus Christ Salvation,Inductive Bible Study Truth,Fellowship Wisdom Salvation in ChristThe Foundation of our faith has been laid by the prophets and the apostles, the Chief Cornerstone being Christ Jesus, Himself. We also are living stones beingGulag Media ~ The Firm Foundation, 24 Feb 2011 03:00:00 GMTGulag Media ~ The Firm FoundationThe Foundation of our faith has been laid by the prophets and the apostles, the Chief Cornerstone being Christ Jesus, Himself. We also are living stones being built into a body, the Temple of the Holy Spirit. Join Tallulah and mamacooks as they dig deeper into God's Word to see the treasures it holds. Tonight we continue in Genesis with Abraham and Sarah, Begin Colossians chapter 3 and continue to search Jehovah-tsidkenu, The Lord our righteousness. Callers are welcome. 310-807-5060 Chat is open during the show for fellowship and comments.02:24:00Gulag MedianoGulag Media the Firm Foundation,Tallulah mamacooks Janet,Christian Jesus Christ Salvation,Inductive Bible Study Truth,Fellowship Wisdom Salvation in ChristThe Foundation of our faith has been laid by the prophets and the apostles, the Chief Cornerstone being Christ Jesus, Himself. We also are living stones beingGulag Night: Jack Cashill, Deconstructing Obama, Book Released!, 15 Feb 2011 03:00:00 GMTGulag Night: Jack Cashill, Deconstructing Obama, Book Released!It is our honor to interview Jack Cashill, the night before his breakthrough book, Deconstructing Obama is to be released. Peek behind the confident mask to see the baby, child, youth, and adult who has found his way into the White House.02:04:00Gulag MedianoJack Cashill,Deconstructing Obama Books,Barack Obama Barry Soetoro Current Events,Gulag Bound Gulag Night Arlen Williams,Tallulah Starr CJ in TX Janet SmilesIt is our honor to interview Jack Cashill, the night before his breakthrough book, Deconstructing Obama is to be released. Peek behind the confident mask toGulag Media ~ The Firm Foundation, 10 Feb 2011 03:00:00 GMTGulag Media ~ The Firm FoundationThe Foundation of our faith has been laid by the prophets and the apostles, the Chief Cornerstone being Christ Jesus, Himself. We also are living stones being built into a body, the Temple of the Holy Spirit. Join Tallulah and mamacooks as they dig deeper into God's Word to see the treasures it holds. Tonight we will dig into Genesis 20, Finish Colossians 2 looking at legalism and our relationship to the Law and meet Jehovah tsidkenu, God my Righteousness. Callers are welcome @ 310-807-5060 Chat is open during the show for fellowship and comments.02:06:00Gulag MedianoGulag Media the Firm Foundation,Tallulah mamacooks Janet,Christian Jesus Christ Salvation,Inductive Bible Study Truth,Fellowship Wisdom Salvation in ChristThe Foundation of our faith has been laid by the prophets and the apostles, the Chief Cornerstone being Christ Jesus, Himself. We also are living stones beingGulag Night: Announcement + Midddle East, 04 Feb 2011 04:00:00 GMTGulag Night: Announcement + Midddle EastWhat is new at the Gulag? Click on over, then listen in. Also, the grave news in Egypt and throughout the region -- as James Simpson has just written, unless there is massive resistance, "We are witnessing the collapse of the Middle East." Just an information-filled half-hour, this time....00:36:00Gulag MedianoGulag Night,Gulag Bound,Globe and Marxofascist Daily Inspection,James Simpson Janet Smiles,Arlen Williams Tallulah Starr CJ in TXWhat is new at the Gulag? Click on over, then listen in. Also, the grave news in Egypt and throughout the region -- as James Simpson has just written, unlesGulag Media ~ The Firm Foundation, 03 Feb 2011 03:00:00 GMTGulag Media ~ The Firm FoundationThe Foundation of our faith has been laid by the prophets and the apostles, the Chief Cornerstone being Christ Jesus, Himself. We also are living stones being built into a body, the Temple of the Holy Spirit. Join Tallulah and mamacooks as they dig deeper into God's Word to see the treasures it holds. Callers are welcome. Tonight we will look into the consequences of Lot's daughter's plan from Genesis 20, Look at Sin, the Law and Christ's solution from Colossians 2 and seek to better know Jehovah-raah; the Lord is my shepherd. Callers are welcome. 310-807-506002:07:00Gulag MedianoGulag Media the Firm Foundation,Tallulah mamacooks Janet,Christian Jesus Christ Salvation,Inductive Bible Study Truth,Fellowship Wisdom Salvation in ChristThe Foundation of our faith has been laid by the prophets and the apostles, the Chief Cornerstone being Christ Jesus, Himself. We also are living stones beingGulag Night: Venezuela, What Now? Who's Propping up Hugo Chavez?, 28 Jan 2011 03:00:00 GMTGulag Night: Venezuela, What Now? Who's Propping up Hugo Chavez?Join special guests, Trevor Loudon, Toby Westerman and Sher Zieve. Host: Arlen Williams Co-Host: Tallulah Starr More on this subject matter here: Speak up.... 02:04:00Gulag MedianoVenezuela Hugo Chavez,Trevor Loudon Toby Westerman Sher Zieve,Honduras Cuba,Tallulah Starr CJ in TX Janet Smiles,Gulag Bound Gulag Night Arlen WilliamsJoin special guests, Trevor Loudon, Toby Westerman and Sher Zieve. Host: Arlen Williams Co-Host: Tallulah Starr More on this subject matter here: httpGulag Media ~ The Firm Foundation, 27 Jan 2011 03:00:00 GMTGulag Media ~ The Firm FoundationThe Foundation of our faith has been laid by the prophets and the apostles, the Chief Cornerstone being Christ Jesus, Himself. We also are living stones being built into a body, the Temple of the Holy Spirit. Join Tallulah and mamacooks as they dig deeper into God's Word to see the treasures it holds. Callers are welcome. Chat is open during the show for fellowship and comments.02:06:00Gulag MedianoGulag Media the Firm Foundation,Tallulah mamacooks Janet,Christian Jesus Christ Salvation,Inductive Bible Study Truth,Fellowship Wisdom Salvation in ChristThe Foundation of our faith has been laid by the prophets and the apostles, the Chief Cornerstone being Christ Jesus, Himself. We also are living stones beingOperation Venezuela Watch: Sunday 1/23, 23 Jan 2011 18:00:00 GMTOperation Venezuela Watch: Sunday 1/23Gulag Media will cover today's critical Anti-Dictatorship protests in Caracas, Venezuela (and around the world). 1/23, 10:41 ET: Tens of thousands of nonviolent protesters are taking to the streets in Venezuela's capital, Caracas, demanding Hugo Chavez, recently given dictator status, be deposed. It has been reported that Chavez' Marxist military forces, including those of Cuba and FARC, have quartered in private houses. They are presumed ready to attack and potentially to apprehend the protesters, while wearing street clothes, thus disguised as a civilian counter-demonstration. At the same time, protests have been arranged for major cities in America and around the world. This Gulag Bound entry serves as a Live Blog with updates given in the Comments section, below in the Gulag Bound entry. Visitors are invited to comment as well. We require all messages and language to be civil (i.e., appropriate for public viewing, not necessarily what America's neo-Marxists are hoping "civil" means to you). Please listen, watch, and pray for the peace of popular sovereignty and liberty, under the ultimate governance of the Eternal King and presently available Savior. Also see previous Gulag Night program, where we interviewed Ulf Erlingsson and were joined by James Simpson: Link Here.02:07:00Gulag MedianoGulag Media Gulag Bound,Venezuela,Hugo Chavez,Anti Dictatorship Protest,Arlen Williams Tallulah Starr CJ in TXGulag Media will cover today's critical Anti-Dictatorship protests in Caracas, Venezuela (and around the world). 1/23, 10:41 ET: Tens of thousands of nonviGulag Media ~ The Firm Foundation, 22 Jan 2011 02:00:00 GMTGulag Media ~ The Firm FoundationThe Foundation of our faith has been laid by the prophets and the apostles, the Chief Cornerstone being Christ Jesus, Himself. We also are living stones being built into a body, the Temple of the Holy Spirit. Tonight Tallulah and mamacoooks will revisit Chapter 17 in Genesis, continue to mine Chapter 2 in Colossians and meet the Lord, My Shepherd; Jehovah-raah. Chat will be open for fellowship and comments and we welcome callers @ at 310-807-5060 Please pray and stand in solidarity with the people of Venezuela as they rise up to peacefully defy the man who has declared himself dictator of their country and who leads the government as it confiscates private property and shuts down liberty to enslave his people all in the name of social justice. The worldwide solidarity protest will be held at 11am Sunday January 23, 2011. #freeVE02:05:00Gulag MedianoGulag Media the Firm Foundation,Tallulah mamacooks Janet,Christian Jesus Christ Salvation,Inductive Bible Study Truth,Fellowship Wisdom Salvation in ChristThe Foundation of our faith has been laid by the prophets and the apostles, the Chief Cornerstone being Christ Jesus, Himself. We also are living stones beingGulag Night: Communist Takeovers in Process - Venezuela & Honduras, Obama Aided, 14 Jan 2011 02:00:00 GMTGulag Night: Communist Takeovers in Process - Venezuela & Honduras, Obama AidedLearn the unreported truth of: o Hugo Chavez' Totalitarian Crackdown in Venezuela o Barack Obama's Anti-Constitutional Aid of Communism in Honduras o The roles of Cuba, Iran, FARC & Mexican Drug Lords Special Guests: o Ulf Erlingsson o Elena Toledo Hosts: Arlen Williams & Tallulah Starr 02:03:00Gulag MedianoVenezuela Hugo Chavez,Honduras Manuel Zuleya,Cuba Iran Drugs Barack Obama,Elena Toledo Ulf Erlingsson,Gulag Night Gulag BoundLearn the unreported truth of: o Hugo Chavez' Totalitarian Crackdown in Venezuela o Barack Obama's Anti-Constitutional Aid of Communism in Honduras o TheGulag Media ~ The Firm Foundation, 13 Jan 2011 03:00:00 GMTGulag Media ~ The Firm FoundationThe Foundation of our faith has been laid by the prophets and the apostles, the Chief Cornerstone being Christ Jesus, Himself. We also are living stones being built into a body, the Temple of the Holy Spirit. Join Tallulah and mamacooks as they dig deeper into God's Word to see the treasures it holds. Tonight we will Study genesis chapter 17, Abram is given a new name,in Colossian chapter 2 we will see Christ and the believer in Him and the name of God "The Lord of Hosts" is our last topic. Callers are welcome. Chat is open during the show for fellowship and comments.02:09:00Gulag MedianoGulag Media the Firm Foundation,Tallulah mamacooks Janet,Christian Jesus Christ Salvation,Inductive Bible Study Truth,Fellowship Wisdom Salvation in ChristThe Foundation of our faith has been laid by the prophets and the apostles, the Chief Cornerstone being Christ Jesus, Himself. We also are living stones beingGulag Media ~ The Firm Foundation, 06 Jan 2011 03:00:00 GMTGulag Media ~ The Firm FoundationThe Foundation of our faith has been laid by the prophets and the apostles, the Chief Cornerstone being Christ Jesus, Himself. We also are living stones being built into a body, the Temple of the Holy Spirit. Since this is the first show of the New Year; here's a little homework! We invite you to take your Bible and your concordance and look up the words "new" in any form you can think of and it's contrast "old" and be ready to call in and share what you learn. Remember pray first asking the Holy Spirit to lead and guide, find the setting and read in context and follow any references to other verses with the same word: observation, interpretation and then application! Come and share what God is teaching you! 310-807-5060 Blessings for a New Year walking with the Lord obedient to His Word.02:02:00Gulag MedianoGulag Media the Firm Foundation,Tallulah mamacooks Janet,Fellowship Worship music Wisdom,Inductive Bible Study Truth,Jesus Christ Savior PreceptsThe Foundation of our faith has been laid by the prophets and the apostles, the Chief Cornerstone being Christ Jesus, Himself. We also are living stones beingGulag Media ~ The Firm Foundation Christmas, 24 Dec 2010 03:00:00 GMTGulag Media ~ The Firm Foundation ChristmasThe Foundation of our faith has been laid by the prophets and the apostles, the Chief Cornerstone being Christ Jesus, Himself. We also are living stones being built into a body, the Temple of the Holy Spirit. Tonight Tallulah and mamacooks spend some time with the women in Jesus' ancestry. The people in Jesus' earthly family weren't perfect people, but they had one thing in common.. a faith in God, knowing who He is and trusting Him. Join us for music and meditation. We will take a break next week and rejoin our listeners in the new year. Christmas Blessings to you and yours.02:01:00Gulag MedianoGulag Media the Firm Foundation,Tallulah mamacooks Janet,Fellowship Worship music Wisdom,Inductive Bible Study Truth,Jesus Christ Savior PreceptsThe Foundation of our faith has been laid by the prophets and the apostles, the Chief Cornerstone being Christ Jesus, Himself. We also are living stones beingGulag Media ~ The Firm Foundation, 17 Dec 2010 03:00:00 GMTGulag Media ~ The Firm FoundationThe Foundation of our faith has been laid by the prophets and the apostles, the Chief Cornerstone being Christ Jesus, Himself. We also are living stones being built into a body, the Temple of the Holy Spirit. Tonight we will study Genesis 16, Colossians 2 and the Lord is peace. Chat is open during the show for fellowship and comments. Call in at 310 807 506002:23:00Gulag MedianoGulag Media the Firm Foundation,Tallulah mamacooks Janet,Fellowship Worship music Wisdom,Inductive Bible Study Music,Fellowship Wisdom Salvation in ChristThe Foundation of our faith has been laid by the prophets and the apostles, the Chief Cornerstone being Christ Jesus, Himself. We also are living stones beingGulag Media ~ The Firm Foundation, 09 Dec 2010 03:00:00 GMTGulag Media ~ The Firm FoundationThe Foundation of our faith has been laid by the prophets and the apostles, the Chief Cornerstone being Christ Jesus, Himself. We also are living stones being built into a body, the Temple of the Holy Spirit. Tonight join Tallulah and mamacooks as we Study the covenant God makes with Abram, the philosophies of men in Colossians 2 and the names of God in Isaiah 9. Chat is open during the show for fellowship and comments. Calls are welcome at 310 807 506002:06:00Gulag MedianoGulag Media the Firm Foundation,Tallulah mamacooks Janet,Fellowship Worship music Wisdom,Inductive Bible Study Truth,Jesus Christ Savior PreceptsThe Foundation of our faith has been laid by the prophets and the apostles, the Chief Cornerstone being Christ Jesus, Himself. We also are living stones beingGulag Night: Trevor Loudon on Mark Ritchie (Communist Vote Counter? - MN), 03 Dec 2010 03:00:00 GMTGulag Night: Trevor Loudon on Mark Ritchie (Communist Vote Counter? - MN)Trevor Loudon reveals Mark Ritchie, Minnesota's Secretary of State as a documented Communist collaborator and effectively, an agent of George Soros. Ritchie is the man who led the overturning of the 2008 election results replacing Norm Coleman with Al Franken, leftwing extremist comedian, as U.S. Senator. (Nice joke, Minnesota.) Ritchie is now leading the recount in Minnesota's 2010 gubernatorial election. Trevor's New Zeal blog: Carol Greenberg will join us. Carol has published numerous articles on the Soros Secretary of State Project, regarding Minnesota, plus other "battleground" states. Carol's Conservative Outlooks blog: Anita MonCrief of Emerging Corruption (where articles on this subject matter are published) will also join The Gulag Bound. Call in with questions & comments -- 310/807-5060 Join the Bound for another intel analysis in the Soft War waged by treasonous, Marxists seeking global empire -- and especially control over your life, here in America. The Gulag Crew: Tallulah Starr, CJ in TX, & Janet Smiles also join host, Arlen Williams; we look forward to your listening or calling.02:28:00Gulag MedianoMark Ritchie Minnesota,George Soros Communist Party USA CPUSA,Trevor Loudon New Zeal,Carol Greenberg Anita MonCrief,Emerging Corruption Gulag Bound Arlen WilliamsTrevor Loudon reveals Mark Ritchie, Minnesota's Secretary of State as a documented Communist collaborator and effectively, an agent of George Soros. Ritchie isGulag Media ~ The Firm Foundation, 02 Dec 2010 03:00:00 GMTGulag Media ~ The Firm FoundationThe Foundation of our faith has been laid by the prophets and the apostles, the Chief Cornerstone being Christ Jesus, Himself. We also are living stones being built into a body, the Temple of the Holy Spirit. Tonight Tallulah and mamacooks will follow Abram's journey in Genesis 14, then we will dig into Colossians 2:1-7 and look at our Jehovah-mekoddishkem from Lord I Want to Know You by Kay Arthur. Chat is open during the show for fellowship and comments. Call in at 347-838-917602:04:00Gulag MedianoGulag Media the Firm Foundation,Tallulah mamacooks Janet,Fellowship Worship music Wisdom,Inductive Bible Study Truth,Jesus Christ Savior PreceptsThe Foundation of our faith has been laid by the prophets and the apostles, the Chief Cornerstone being Christ Jesus, Himself. We also are living stones beingGulag Media ~ The Firm Foundation, 25 Nov 2010 03:00:00 GMTGulag Media ~ The Firm FoundationThe Foundation of our faith has been laid by the prophets and the apostles, the Chief Cornerstone being Christ Jesus, Himself. We also are living stones being built into a body, the Temple of the Holy Spirit. Tonight Tallulah and mamacooks talk about Thanksgiving with songs and poems and historical stories. We pray that the show will inspire your Thankfulness to our Great God for all His manifold blessings. Blessings to you and your family, May God richly bless you with all spiritual wisdom and a true knowledge of the mystery of Christ in you the hope of glory. This show was pre-recorded, we will return next Wednesday at 10pm EST. 01:42:00Gulag MedianoGulag Media the Firm Foundation,Tallulah mamacooks Janet,Fellowship Worship music Wisdom,Inductive Bible Study Truth,Jesus Christ Savior PreceptsThe Foundation of our faith has been laid by the prophets and the apostles, the Chief Cornerstone being Christ Jesus, Himself. We also are living stones beingGulag Media ~ The Firm Foundation, 24 Nov 2010 03:00:00 GMTGulag Media ~ The Firm FoundationThe Foundation of our faith has been laid by the prophets and the apostles, the Chief Cornerstone being Christ Jesus, Himself. We also are living stones being built into a body, the Temple of the Holy Spirit. Join Tallulah and mamacooks as we dig deep into the Word of God to know Him, the power of His resurrection and the fellowship of His suffering. Inductive Bible study, relationship and a true knowledge of the wisdom of God. Chat is open during the show for questions and fellowship. Call in, please to contribute to the digging!02:01:00Gulag MedianoGulag Media the Firm Foundation,Tallulah mamacooks Janet,Fellowship Worship music Wisdom,Inductive Bible Study Truth,Jesus Savior PreceptsThe Foundation of our faith has been laid by the prophets and the apostles, the Chief Cornerstone being Christ Jesus, Himself. We also are living stones beingGulag Night: Trevor Loudon & James Simpson: George Soros in Context + Doreen Hannes: Food Control, 19 Nov 2010 03:00:00 GMTGulag Night: Trevor Loudon & James Simpson: George Soros in Context + Doreen Hannes: Food ControlTrevor Loudon & Doreen Hannes join Gulag Bound resistance agent, Tallulah Starr and your host and instigator, Arlen Williams. Gulag Note: We were also joined by James Simpson, author of the "Manufactured Crisis" articles concerning the Cloward-Piven Strategy. 1. Glenn Beck blew George Soros' "nice liberal philanthropist" cover, showing him as the "Puppet Master" in a global Marxofascist movement for the destruction of our Sovereign, free, and prosperous America. But is he acting as a maverick on the world stage? If not, who else is actually pulling the strings? His strings? 2. Doreen Hannes will tell us what is happening in this war, to our agriculture, food, and water. Why does the "federal" (national) government want to control our vital resources? Are they succeeding with SB-510 & SB-787, this week? (If you have not, call your U.S. Senators!) What does this have to do with U.N. Agenda 21 & Nazi inspired Codex Alimentarius? 3. What roles do ideologically corrupt American foundations play in this? The Aspen Institute? The Council on Foreign Relations? Join the Bound for another intel analysis in the Soft War waged by treasonous, global Marxists. Call in with questions & comments! -- 310/807-506002:04:00Gulag MedianoGulag Night Gulag Bound,Trevor Loudon George Soros James Simpson,Doreen Hannes Food Safety Modernization,Aspen Institute Council on Foreign Relations,CJ in TX Tallulah Starr Arlen WilliamsTrevor Loudon & Doreen Hannes join Gulag Bound resistance agent, Tallulah Starr and your host and instigator, Arlen Williams. Gulag Note: We were also joinedGulag Night: Puppet Master, Glenn Beck's George Soros Expose', 12 Nov 2010 03:00:00 GMTGulag Night: Puppet Master, Glenn Beck's George Soros Expose' Join Gulag Bound dissidents: Sher Zieve, Anita MonCrief, Babe Huggett, CJ in Texas & Tallulah Starr Special call-in by James Simpson Host: Arlen Williams What did Beck leave unsaid? Is Soros America's Global Prime Minister Our Master Saboteur? What if Soros went away; would anything change? More. Call in with questions & comments! 310/807-506002:03:00Gulag MedianoGlenn Beck George Soros,Sher Zieve Anita MonCrief Babe Huggett,Gulag Bound Emerging Corruption,CJ Tallulah,The AwakeningJoin Gulag Bound dissidents: Sher Zieve, Anita MonCrief, Babe Huggett, CJ in Texas & Tallulah Starr Special call-in by James Simpson Host: Arlen WilliamsPost Election Gulag Extravaganza!, 05 Nov 2010 02:00:00 GMTPost Election Gulag Extravaganza! What now? Join the Gulag Bound, as we seek answers. dissidents include: Anita MonCrief, James Simpson, Jim O'Neill, CJ in Texas, Tallulah Starr, Janet Smiles Special Guest:Aaron Proctor, Philadelphia Libertarian Examiner Host: Arlen Williams How can the new Congress contend with Obama? How can it contend with itself? The GOP may have a new majority, but Tea Party Constitutionalists are a tiny minority in Congress. We the People have only begun to fight the forces constraining American Sovereignties and freedoms -- but those constraints wrap around us like a barbwire. What can we do to free America to be America?02:00:00Gulag MedianoGulag Bound Gulag Media,Anita Moncrief Jim ONeill,Aaron Proctor CJ in Texas,Tallulah Starr James Simpson,Arlen WilliamsWhat now? Join the Gulag Bound, as we seek answers. dissidents include: Anita MonCrief, James Simpson, Jim O'Neill, CJ in Texas, Tallulah