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The Craft is a learning opportunity. The grail we all aspire toward, some level of transformation to a better person is unclear, as is the way one achieves it. As you will find, this is not a short-cut. It is a thought map designed to shape behaviour. I"m inclined to think it places us in an atmosphere of arguments about truth. There is room at this table for one more. A new language, emphasis on control of emotion, it is more like finishing school that combat training. MasonicFX is simply and extension of that. An acquired taste where conversation is about possibilities. Sit in as you like. We stumble along, still trying to find the edge of this interesting universe!

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One day I sat with an Innuit elder, in a remote community on an remote Arctic island, talking about the issues facing the people. "Eat like a child, think like a child"; could we ban junk food? He had a point but how to implement or enforce a ban? It wasn't feasible, though it had merit. How often do we find ourselves in this dilemma? Ambivalence drains a person, unable to more forward, unable to stand still, unable to go back in time. What to do? We often find functional denial at work. Avoid, compartmentalize, blame, these of things that weaken our resolve. Extremists find a place in this. Condemning a vulnerable, identifyable portion of the community, makes it easy to foment tension. Politics. Dangerous politics. Fortunately for us, we know how to sort out the differences between consipracy thinking and fact. We also carry with us values that inhibit abuse of others to achieve our purpose. They exist because we are not as divided by tribalism as we might want to believe. I suspect the smartest mason realizes his skepticism is well placed. After a time, he becomes comfortable in that perspective. I wonder if he has a bust of Socrates sitting on a nearby shelf as a reminder? As long as we know one of us is carrying on research into arts and science, we can sleep contented. You know I encourage individuality in masonic growth. We realize we know more than we care to acknowledge. Even though it is sensible to use every advantage available, we are cultural hedonists. The religion of capitalism has fallen apart. Churches are sold as yoga studios. The inefficiencies of capitalism and democracy are frigheningly obvious, but it isn't theorists talking. It's our politics and the strain of a global community. Is it a climax or entropy? While we ponder, men like us are examining these questions from both sides, encouraged through Freemasonry to explore possibility.
  • in Lifestyle
  • 02:00

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Like many of us, I do like drama. Without it this expansive universe draws us along into a metaphoric darkness, like little comets streaking across horizons. Your oracles relate to you of course, but how you intepret and what you do with... more

Rebuilding masonry, in the style of a variety of influences remains one of the mysteries of life. Would it challenge us to build our lodges according to particular philosophers aims? It is fascinating to consider groups of men were able to do... more

In a world of BIG picture, grandiosity and exaggeration would it be so hard to believe men are searching for subtlty and civility? We are capable of understanding the young man who reaching maturity finds himself in an... more

Understanding the relationship between a man and the Order of Freemasonry is admittedly a process that defines. Most of us will recognize the law of parsimony by its other more familiar name- Occams razor. It is a well recognized tool,... more

Which do you prefer, believing or knowing? If the world describes me in a particular way, giving me characteristics without ever having met, does that change who and what I am? Perfection in my thinking is so far off in the... more

We could be fanciful and not give a fig. I've got mine and to hell with the rest. We could but we can't. The human condition doesn't give us the tools of a misanthrope. We have only to look at the behaviour of children, before we... more

Freemasonry being one. It's a belief system. Why did we choose this particular system? That's a question for the gods to answer if the man doesn't. Why some men follow a belief system of domination while others tap in to the power of... more

There are many advantages to philosophical discussion, least of which is the way it encourages us to pause. Learning is not uniform for one and all. When we raise an assumption how are we to determine if it is primary, factual, or whimsy? In... more

Maybe I've missed the point entirely. It wouldn't be the first or the last time. Maybe I've read it all wrong, thinking my observations are at all accurately portraying meaning. But I will admit, there is a relationship between masonry and each of... more

Where are those beautiful experiments that gain results? Are we so naive to be unable to appreciate the central purpose of science, replicating successful experiments? So naive or so isolated that we cannot replicate beautiful results?... more
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