ExpandingU Radiohttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradioAn Exploration into Unity Consciousness and New Paradigm Living as One. One Hand. One Heart. One Voice. One Love.enCopyright India Irie Sanatana Dharma (C/O Blogtalkradio)Sat, 15 Jun 2019 06:30:00 GMTTue, 06 Jan 2015 03:30:00 GMTEducationBlogTalkRadio Feed v2.0https://dasg7xwmldix6.cloudfront.net/hostpics/c1f14569-75f9-4168-b824-6354dc6196a7_zh2imh1388760442.jpgExpandingU Radiohttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradioAn Exploration into Unity Consciousness and New Paradigm Living as One. One Hand. One Heart. One Voice. One Love.feeds@blogtalkradio.comBlogTalkRadio.comeducation,expandingu radio,expandingu,new paradigm,india irie sanatana dharma,health,alternative news,anna lipari,clive de carle,healing modalitiesExpandingU RADIOnoAn Exploration into Unity Consciousness and New Paradigm Living as One. One Hand. One Heart. One Voice. One Love.episodicBridge to Paradisehttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2015/01/06/bridge-to-paradiseEducationhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2015/01/06/bridge-to-paradise/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2015/01/06/bridge-to-paradiseTue, 06 Jan 2015 03:30:00 GMTBridge to ParadisePresented by Kami: News & Views & Cobra Interview from 2 weeks ago 01:06:00ExpandingU RADIOnoExpandingu,ExpandingU Radio,New Paradigm,Kami Be,SuperfriendsPresented by Kami: News & Views & Cobra Interview from 2 weeks agoThe Owners' Manual for the Human Body--HEALTH SOLUTIONS:-Thyroidismshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2015/01/03/the-owners-manual-for-the-human-body-health-solutions-thyroidismsEducationhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2015/01/03/the-owners-manual-for-the-human-body-health-solutions-thyroidisms/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2015/01/03/the-owners-manual-for-the-human-body-health-solutions-thyroidismsSat, 03 Jan 2015 21:00:00 GMTThe Owners' Manual for the Human Body--HEALTH SOLUTIONS:-Thyroidisms“THYROIDISM” Hipper-Hippo or “Hashimoto's’” kebang take your pick. As in all the other cases of failing health there is not much difference when we analyze dis-eases with thyroid gland. Hypothyroidism is a prevailing and disturbing problem today. According to experts, 10% to 40% of Americans have suboptimal thyroid function. Thyroid gland is in charge to control cellular energy production and does this through hormones it produces. So if the production of hormones is elevated our cellular metabolism goes up we burn more energy and lose weight. If thyroid gland under produces its hormones we slow metabolism, get sluggish, tired, fogy minded… As is the case with other diseases we had covered same is happening with the thyroid gland. For its proper work thyroid gland needs iodine. The food we eat is nutrient depleted and we have been told lies about the way we should eat so problems that cause cells to acidify will cause problems in the thyroid gland. Some additives interfere with iodine cellular bonds and even if we have iodine in the circulation it cannot do its function. To help you understand this health problem this Saturday we will expose what to do to normalize your thyroid function. GO TO Concious Consumer Network to VIEW this EPISODE, 1-3PM SATURDAYS GMT http://www.consciousconsumernetwork.tv/introductions/expanding-u/ The Owners' Manual you never received at birth--inspired by the book of the same title--authored by panelist, Dr. Darko Velcek. 01:28:00ExpandingU RADIOnoexpandingu,expandingu radio,india irie sanatana dharma,darko velcek,jeremy ayres“THYROIDISM” Hipper-Hippo or “Hashimoto's’” kebang take your pick. As in all the other cases of failing health there is not much difference when we analyze diThe Year in Review & What's Next in the Newhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/12/30/the-year-in-review-whats-next-in-the-newEducationhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/12/30/the-year-in-review-whats-next-in-the-new/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/12/30/the-year-in-review-whats-next-in-the-newTue, 30 Dec 2014 17:00:00 GMTThe Year in Review & What's Next in the NewPresented by: India Irie Sanatana Dharma & Kami Be Special Guests: Janet Hickox, Judyth Sult & Amy Zaborek Pomar We explore the tools of Astrology, Human Design, Intuitive Art, Tarot & Numerology to innerstand our year gone by and our coming new one! If u prefer to see the VIDEO VERSION on our NEW ALTERNATIVE MEDIA PLATFORM on CCN, click here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c4hHDyT32QY ExpandingU is a lifestyle brand with emphasis on Conscious Living, Learning, Teaching & Healing. The project includes an ecovillage and institute of learning and teaching as a template model available globally.  02:02:00ExpandingU RADIOnoExpandingU,Alternative News,New Paradigm,EcoVillage,PermaculturePresented by: India Irie Sanatana Dharma & Kami Be Special Guests: Janet Hickox, Judyth Sult & Amy Zaborek Pomar We explore the tools of Astrology, Human DesiBridge to Paradisehttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/12/30/bridge-to-paradiseEducationhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/12/30/bridge-to-paradise/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/12/30/bridge-to-paradiseTue, 30 Dec 2014 01:00:00 GMTBridge to ParadisePresented by Kami & The Super Friends The World is changing and WE ARE THE CHANGE AGENTS/NEOsONEs we've been waiting for! A Bridge To Paradise is being built across the planet RIGHT NOW & this show is going to support those leading edge constructs & shift shapers reppin THE GLITCH IN THE MATRIX! Focusing on the practical steps we ALL are & will be taking down the yellow brick path to get us there one inspired idea, solution, deed/action, day, week, month & brick at a time is only way to fly now & what good is having wings if u dont spread the Love! Rising Together in U-n-I-TY (U & I supporting one another In ThankFULLGratitude for each & every persons value & contribution to the whole is how we like to DO BE DO BE DO & if your HERE, You Matter; whether u have grasped exactly how yet, or not!) is the fasted route to Everlasting Freedom & the only way to create the coming The Golden Age of Gaia! So, please do join Me & All the Fascinating Earth Angels & Super Heros I have the privelidge to know & love as we sort this planet out & UP! 01:31:00ExpandingU RADIOnoExpandingu,ExpandingU Radio,New Paradigm,Kami Be,SuperfriendsPresented by Kami & The Super Friends The World is changing and WE ARE THE CHANGE AGENTS/NEOsONEs we've been waiting for! A Bridge To Paradise is being built aThe Owners' Manual for the Human Body--HEALTH SOLUTIONS: IN-cure-ABLE!!!http://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/12/27/the-owners-manual-for-the-human-body-health-solutions-in-cure-ableEducationhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/12/27/the-owners-manual-for-the-human-body-health-solutions-in-cure-able/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/12/27/the-owners-manual-for-the-human-body-health-solutions-in-cure-ableSat, 27 Dec 2014 17:00:00 GMTThe Owners' Manual for the Human Body--HEALTH SOLUTIONS: IN-cure-ABLE!!!There Are No incurable Dis-eases, Only Incurable People “The Mind is everything. What you think you become” Buddha If it is true that all dis-ease is a blessing in disguise then true doctors must help people to understand this. They must understand that we are here for a purpose and that most have wondered far from their own truth and light. Dis-ease can be our friend when we honestly look to see – at all levels – where we have strayed from truth and what do we need to see and change. On previous shows we have shown that at the perceived physical level we are dehydrated, acidic, toxic and nutrient deficient, but what about the mind and spirit? Are we supposed to just make the slaves well enough to return to the matrix of bondage? To return them back to a place where deceit and lies are the norm? We believe not. The Shamans and Spiritual Drs alike of the originee tribes knew that there is a spiritual (or more accurately perhaps dimensional) aspect to all dis-ease. That it is here to teach us, to guide us, to help us back to light. For it is said that the truth shall set you free, but it will also set us all dis-ease free. Join us to hear some of our stories of those that got the message and of those that didn’t. To see why Rudulph Steiner maintained, “if you want to heal yourself first heal the earth”. To see that the true Drs of our time duty is not just to show people what is right, but to show them what is light. 01:15:00ExpandingU RADIOnoexpandingu,expandingu radio,india irie sanatana dharma,darko velcek,jeremy ayresThere Are No incurable Dis-eases, Only Incurable People “The Mind is everything. What you think you become” Buddha If it is true that all dis-ease is a blessMission I'Mpossible: Global-- Creating the Impossible - O.U.R. Ecovillagehttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/12/26/mission-impossible-global--creating-the-impossible--our-ecovillageEducationhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/12/26/mission-impossible-global--creating-the-impossible--our-ecovillage/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/12/26/mission-impossible-global--creating-the-impossible--our-ecovillageFri, 26 Dec 2014 23:00:00 GMTMission I'Mpossible: Global-- Creating the Impossible - O.U.R. EcovillagePeak Moment 84: O.U.R. stands for "One United Resource," expressing how interdependence and inclusion undergird this 25 acre demonstration sustainable community on Vancouver Island. This model ecovillage comprises natural buildings, a school, long- and short-term residences, extensive gardens, greenhouses, and even a bed & breakfast. Brandy Gallagher MacPherson describes how they created an entirely new zoning category by building relationships with regulatory agencies that go beyond "us versus them". www.ourecovillage.org O.U.R. ECOVILLAGE is a sustainable learning community and demonstration site located in the beautiful Cowichan Valley on Vancouver Island, British Columbia. We base our work on Permaculture principles and offer learning opportunities for Natural Building, Sustainable Food Production and Leadership. Visitors are welcome for educational tours (see the calendar) with a presentation and walk through OUR permaculture demonstration site and village community, including our beautiful natural buildings. Work parties welcome you to participate in various activities throughout the season. So come on in and have a look around! 00:28:00ExpandingU RADIOnoExpandingU,ExpandingU Radio,Ecovillages,O.U.R. Ecovillage,new paradigm livingPeak Moment 84: O.U.R. stands for "One United Resource," expressing how interdependence and inclusion undergird this 25 acre demonstration sustainable communityThe Origins of Xmas Part 2http://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/12/25/the-origins-of-xmas-part-2Educationhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/12/25/the-origins-of-xmas-part-2/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/12/25/the-origins-of-xmas-part-2Thu, 25 Dec 2014 21:00:00 GMTThe Origins of Xmas Part 2The sleeping masses have hijacked the faith of pagans for a child called Jesus and the corporations are cashing in on the ignorance reflected by the uninformed collective when they buy gifts for their loved ones. The festivals of Rome are innumerable; but five of the most important may be singled out for elucidation--viz., Christmas-day, Lady-day, Easter, the Nativity of St. John, and the Feast of the Assumption. Each and all of these can be proved to be Babylonian. And first, as to the festival in honour of the birth of Christ, or Christmas. How comes it that that festival was connected with the 25th of December? There is not a word in the Scriptures about the precise day of His birth, or the time of the year when He was born. What is recorded there, implies that at what time soever His birth took place, it could not have been on the 25th of December. At the time that the angel announced His birth to the shepherds of Bethlehem, they were feeding their flocks by night in the open fields. Now, no doubt, the climate of Palestine is not so severe as the climate of this country; but even there, though the heat of the day be considerable, the cold of the night, from December to February, is very piercing, and it was not the custom for the shepherds of Judea to watch their flocks in the open fields later than about the end of October. ....How, then, did the Romish Church fix on December the 25th as Christmas-day? Why, thus: Long before the fourth century, and long before the Christian era itself, a festival was celebrated among the heathen, at that precise time of the year, in honour of the birth of the son of the Babylonian queen of heaven; and it may fairly be presumed that, in order to conciliate the heathen, and to swell the number of the nominal adherents of Christianity, the same festival was adopted by the Roman Church, giving it only the name of Christ. 00:46:00ExpandingU RADIOnoExpandingU Radio,ExpandingU,india irie sanatana dharma,Origins of Xmas,Pagan traditionsThe sleeping masses have hijacked the faith of pagans for a child called Jesus and the corporations are cashing in on the ignorance reflected by the uninformedThe ORIGINS of Xmas: India Irie on Talk w/Vince (VegasAllnetRadio)http://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/12/24/the-origins-of-xmas-india-irie-on-talk-wvince-vegasallnetradioEducationhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/12/24/the-origins-of-xmas-india-irie-on-talk-wvince-vegasallnetradio/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/12/24/the-origins-of-xmas-india-irie-on-talk-wvince-vegasallnetradioWed, 24 Dec 2014 20:30:00 GMTThe ORIGINS of Xmas: India Irie on Talk w/Vince (VegasAllnetRadio)India Irie Sanatana Dharma - Planet Tagyati - Who Was Christ - Yeshua’s Ben Joseph - Satan - The Law of The Father - Law Of Mosses - Day of Ascension - Roman Custom - Christmas Bine - Symbols of Christmas - Saturnalia - Santa Claus - Nicolaitane - Gifts - Christmas Tree - Nikos - Holly Wreaths - Celastrales - Yule Logs - Mistletoe - Santalales - Poinsettia - Rudolph The Red Nose Reindeer - Black Friday - Lifecoach - Ascension Guide - Minister of Spirituality - natural empathic and healer - See more at: http://www.vegasallnetradio.com/talk-with-vince.html#sthash.f6pNhZW8.dpuf 01:57:00ExpandingU RADIOnoExpandingU,ExpandingU Radio,India Irie Sanatana Dharma,Talk With Vince Show,Vegas Allnet RadioIndia Irie Sanatana Dharma - Planet Tagyati - Who Was Christ - Yeshua’s Ben Joseph - Satan - The Law of The Father - Law Of Mosses - Day of Ascension - Roman CuExpandingU RADIO Chats w/Jim Cole of Maxam Nutraceuticalshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/12/24/expandingu-radio-chats-wjim-cole-of-maxam-nutraceuticalsEducationhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/12/24/expandingu-radio-chats-wjim-cole-of-maxam-nutraceuticals/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/12/24/expandingu-radio-chats-wjim-cole-of-maxam-nutraceuticalsWed, 24 Dec 2014 01:00:00 GMTExpandingU RADIO Chats w/Jim Cole of Maxam NutraceuticalsPresented by: India Irie Sanatana Dharma & Kami Be w honoured guest, Jim Cole. Jim Cole is the CEO & Founder of Maxam Nutraceutics.  He has been on a life-long quest for knowledge to understand how our human bodies are affected by our toxic environment, our family genetics and our flawed diets since his beloved father died very suddenly at the age of 57 from brain cancer. His research took him through cellular biology, Chinese Medicine, Homeopathy, Ayurveda, chemistry, and of course, nutrition. The key to good health, he felt, was in finding an efficient delivery method for all the nutrients our bodies require. It was then that he met the brilliant chemist who after researching these same issues for over 20 years had hit upon a fermentation method that used micro doses of nutrients to send signals directly to our genes to instruct them to heal themselves.  This became the SMART technology of Maxam Nutraceutics.  Jim’s studies had convinced him that the greatest danger to our health was toxic overload, so the first product Maxam developed was one that would help the body eliminate toxic waste in the most natural way. He called it PCA and it has been Maxam’s premier product for over 15 years.  In that time, Maxam’s product line has expanded to 42 products, all of which Jim has always tested on himself first and most of which he has been taking on a regular basis since their inception.  It’s been over three decades since Jim set out to conquer the longevity that eluded his father, in those years he has outsmarted his genetic fate by beating cancer twice, always naturally.  But Jim’s mission won’t be fulfilled until he has helped all humans beat their own genetic fate and achieve optimum health, naturally.     01:00:00ExpandingU RADIOnoExpandingU,Alternative News,New Paradigm,EcoVillage,PermaculturePresented by: India Irie Sanatana Dharma & Kami Be w honoured guest, Jim Cole. Jim Cole is the CEO & Founder of Maxam Nutraceutics.  He has been on a life-longBridge to Paradisehttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/12/23/bridge-to-paradiseEducationhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/12/23/bridge-to-paradise/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/12/23/bridge-to-paradiseTue, 23 Dec 2014 01:00:00 GMTBridge to ParadiseTaking the day off for my BDay Today :) but I found an AHHHHHH=Sum Interview for u guys that not only ties in the Pluto Uranus/POWERFUL Astrological Influences discussion we've been having but also is in full alignment w the global events updates AND consciousness upgrades we've been trying to help our listeners wrap around on This Bridge, somehow, SO SYNCY! The Universe is helpful like that! This show is going off air & Ive never listened before so Im not going to bother plugging it but I believe the host gives her details out at somepoint if u want to keep following her work! Jim Self is the main guest & one of my fav wayshower co-conspirators so I was happy the eryday magic of the ominous uni allowed me to introduce him to this brilliant audience bc U WILL GET HIM & LOVE IT!! B2P will b back next week wilth more soul sparky & monkey mind leashing content (c; but til then HAVE A MERRY MERRY WEEK!! <3 01:56:00ExpandingU RADIOnoExpandingu,ExpandingU Radio,New Paradigm,Kami Be,SuperfriendsTaking the day off for my BDay Today :) but I found an AHHHHHH=Sum Interview for u guys that not only ties in the Pluto Uranus/POWERFUL Astrological InfluencesEMOTION CODE w/Patricia Aikenhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/12/22/emotion-code-wpatricia-aikenEducationhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/12/22/emotion-code-wpatricia-aiken/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/12/22/emotion-code-wpatricia-aikenMon, 22 Dec 2014 01:00:00 GMTEMOTION CODE w/Patricia AikenPresented by Kami Be and India Irie Sanatana Dharma with special guest, Patricia Aiken. Our guest today keeps a lot of balls in the air. She’s a natural health educator, vaccine and dental amalgam activist. Her involvement at the Bundy Ranch got her roped into hosting her own radio show. You can listen to Sacred Cow BBQ on Tuesdays from 6-8 pm Eastern on Freedomslips.com in Studio B.  http://www.freedomslips.com/hosts/sacred-cow-bbq.htm Today, she’s going to be sharing a remarkable technique that’s simple to learn and easy to use to clear energy blockages created by trapped negative emotions. She’s put her own spin on Dr Bradley Nelson’s Emotion Code and is here to share some great stories about what that’s done for people across the globe. 01:29:00ExpandingU RADIOnoexpandingu,expandingu radio,india irie sanatana dharma,kami be,patricia aikenPresented by Kami Be and India Irie Sanatana Dharma with special guest, Patricia Aiken. Our guest today keeps a lot of balls in the air. She’s a natural healThe Owners' Manual for the Human Body--HEALTH SOLUTIONS: Blood Thinnershttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/12/20/the-owners-manual-for-the-human-body-health-solutions-blood-thinnersEducationhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/12/20/the-owners-manual-for-the-human-body-health-solutions-blood-thinners/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/12/20/the-owners-manual-for-the-human-body-health-solutions-blood-thinnersSat, 20 Dec 2014 15:00:00 GMTThe Owners' Manual for the Human Body--HEALTH SOLUTIONS: Blood ThinnersTHE SHOW AUDIO IS NOW AVAILABLE!! PLEASE ENJOY, SORRY FOR THE DELAY...We appreciate each of you immensely... <3 BLOODTHINNERS”-do they really thin the blood? It has become common practice to give elderly human, baby aspirin daily for the purpose of thinning their blood. Now what does it mean:  “thinning the blood?” How can aspirin thin the blood? Well, it does not. What we call blood thinners are medi-sins that prevent blood from coagulating. What are the side effects of daily aspirin usage? Stomach ulcers, intestinal bleeding, increased risk of pancreatic cancer, kidney damages, eye damages… The benefits of blood thinning therapy taken from Dr. Mercola site; Study Comparing Blood-Thinning Therapies to no Antithrombotic Therapy • Participants included 279 patients who were diagnosed with heart failure that required diuretic therapy • Participants were divided into three groups, aspirin therapy, warfarin therapy and no antithrombotic therapy Results of the Study • Aspirin and warfarin didn't provide the patients with any valuable health benefits • There didn't appear to be any substantial differences of incidences of death, nonfatal heart attacks or nonfatal stroke in the three groups of the study • Patients in the aspirin group had increased chances of experiencing serious gastrointestinal problems • Patients in the aspirin therapy group were twice as likely as the patients in the warfarin group to face hospitalization for cardiovascular complications, particularly worsening cases of heart failure during the first 12 months following the study If you want to thin the blood isn’t it normal that you reach for water first?   00:54:00ExpandingU RADIOnoexpandingu,expandingu radio,india irie sanatana dharma,darko velcek,jeremy ayresTHE SHOW AUDIO IS NOW AVAILABLE!! PLEASE ENJOY, SORRY FOR THE DELAY...We appreciate each of you immensely... <3 BLOODTHINNERS”-do they really thin the blood?THE AMBASSADOR: Red Dragon Bloodline Family Vs The ILLUMINATI CABAL!http://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/12/20/the-ambassador-red-dragon-bloodline-family-vs-the-illuminati-cabalEducationhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/12/20/the-ambassador-red-dragon-bloodline-family-vs-the-illuminati-cabal/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/12/20/the-ambassador-red-dragon-bloodline-family-vs-the-illuminati-cabalSat, 20 Dec 2014 01:00:00 GMTTHE AMBASSADOR: Red Dragon Bloodline Family Vs The ILLUMINATI CABAL!Tonight, a broadcast from Truth Frequency Radio with Kev Baker, John Sinclair & Martin Hardy welcome good friend and fellow host Gwen D. Caldwell onto KBS, and they are going to be joined by a very special guest…. THE AMBASSADOR, OF THE RED DRAGON FAMILY! WHO ARE The Dragon Family? WHAT ARE the changes in the global financial structure?WHY HAS the Fed been shut down? WHAT IS rhe biggest threat to the planet at this time? Kev and the team ask The Ambassador questions on the Dragon families attempt to replace the dollar system. The discussion shifts to various topics including who are the illuminati? why the death cult, bloodlines, human origins, E.T.s living on earth, religion and god, and even 2012! We need some kind of paradigm change, and just possible, possibly, this is the start of what we crave.   00:53:00ExpandingU RADIOnoindia irie sanatana dharma,expandingu,expandingu radio,new paradigm,alternatives to the matrixTonight, a broadcast from Truth Frequency Radio with Kev Baker, John Sinclair & Martin Hardy welcome good friend and fellow host Gwen D. Caldwell onto KBS, andInside the Hollow Earth Phenomenon w/Chris Baird, Researcherhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/12/19/inside-the-hollow-earth-phenomenon-wchris-baird-researcherEducationhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/12/19/inside-the-hollow-earth-phenomenon-wchris-baird-researcher/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/12/19/inside-the-hollow-earth-phenomenon-wchris-baird-researcherFri, 19 Dec 2014 04:00:00 GMTInside the Hollow Earth Phenomenon w/Chris Baird, ResearcherPresented by India Irie and Kami Be with Honoured Guest, Chris Baird--Researcher Extraordinaire of Hollow Earth and many other suppressed data streams that humanity has purposely been denied. Many readers of the paranormal and the unexplained are familiar with the theory that the Earth is hollow. The idea is based on the ancient legends of many cultures that say there are races of people -- entire civilizations -- that thrive in subterranean cities. Very often, these dwellers of the world beneath are more technologically advanced than we on the surface. Some even believe that UFOs are not from other planets, but are manufactured by strange beings in the interior of the Earth. Who are these strange races of beings? How did they come to live inside the Earth? And where are the entrances to their underground cities? The entrances. There are allegedly several entrances to the Kingdom of Agharta throughout the world: Kentucky Mommoth Cave, in south-central Kentucky, US.Mount Shasta, California, US - the Agharthean city of Telos allegedly exists within and beneath this mountain.Manaus, Brazil.Mato Grosso, Brazil - the city of Posid supposedly lies beneath this plain.Iguaçú Falls, border or Brazil and Argentina.Mount Epomeo, Italy.Himalayan Mountains, Tibet - the entrance to the underground city of Shonshe is allegedly guarded by Hindu monks.Mongolia - the underground city of Shingwa allegedly exists beneath the border of Mongolia and China.Rama, India - beneath this surface city is a long lost subterranean city, they say, also named Rama.Pyramid of Giza, Egypt.King Solomon's Mines.Dero CavesNorth and South Poles.02:03:00ExpandingU RADIOnoExpandingU,ExpandingU Radio,India Irie Sanatana Dharma,Kami Be,Chris BairdPresented by India Irie and Kami Be with Honoured Guest, Chris Baird--Researcher Extraordinaire of Hollow Earth and many other suppressed data streams that humaThe SYNCRENICITY of the 21st Century Superhuman w/The School of Love Awarenesshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/12/17/the-syncrenicity-of-the-21st-century-superhuman-wthe-school-of-love-awarenessEducationhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/12/17/the-syncrenicity-of-the-21st-century-superhuman-wthe-school-of-love-awareness/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/12/17/the-syncrenicity-of-the-21st-century-superhuman-wthe-school-of-love-awarenessWed, 17 Dec 2014 17:00:00 GMTThe SYNCRENICITY of the 21st Century Superhuman w/The School of Love AwarenessIndia Irie & Kami Be & Honoured Guest, Founder of the School of Love Awareness: Drew Sinnott Will discuss: • The Nature of Suffering as dualistc confusion & our lack of mastery of dual & non-dual awareness • The nature of non-dual awareness and the capacity of its non-dual akasha / space element to dissolve karmic impasse' and subconscious psychic stalemates scenarios • What is consciousness:Buddhi, the effulgence of magnetic fluid • Awareness is the vehicle through which we learn anything, therefore how to develop pure awareness as the vehicle for education and resolution of today's problems? • How does consciousness exist, behave, unfold, expand, etc and how to develop it. • What is stress and why is it important to understand its nature and solution • What is the nature and cause of conflict and its causal resolution • The issues with intellectual education and real education as awareness: knowledge as love • The School of Love-Awareness teachings • SLA book a practical thesis of educational transformation • Indiegogo project to create an on-line school of consciousness studies to develop SLA material and reach more people. Links: Www.schoolofloveawareness.com www.schoolofloveawareness.wordress.com http://igg.me/at/sla-online-school https://www.facebook.com/pages/The-School-of-Love-Awareness/1408934622711432 https://vimeo.com/user33234839 01:55:00ExpandingU RADIOnoExpandingU radio,india irie sanatana dharma,cary ellis,syncrenicity,21st century superhumanIndia Irie & Kami Be & Honoured Guest, Founder of the School of Love Awareness: Drew Sinnott Will discuss: • The Nature of Suffering as dualistc confusion & oExpandingU RADIO w/Kevin Blundell of the QEG Team Canadahttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/12/17/expandingu-radio-wkevin-blundell-of-the-qeg-team-canadaEducationhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/12/17/expandingu-radio-wkevin-blundell-of-the-qeg-team-canada/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/12/17/expandingu-radio-wkevin-blundell-of-the-qeg-team-canadaWed, 17 Dec 2014 01:00:00 GMTExpandingU RADIO w/Kevin Blundell of the QEG Team CanadaPresented by: India Irie Sanatana Dharma & Kami Be Here is the offer for distributorships and information about the Keshe tech that we are bringing out: http://quantumenergycanada.com QEG Canada (master distributors for Omega Quantum) is looking for localized distributors who are interested in distributing Keshe Foundation technologies that will be mass produced by Omega Quantum (official manufacturer of Keshe technology products in China). The first of many Keshe technologies that will be available via QEG Canada is Keshe’s CO2 Kit.  This inexpensive affordable kit enables one to extract CO2 from the environment and converts it into usable plasma.  The plasma is an incredible energy source. Specific details about the kit, a video and other important information that will answer all questions, will soon be put up on QEG Canada’s website.   The CO2 kit will be ready for distribution the first week of January 2015.  The kit has many applications that will be discussed in the video on QEG Canada’s website.  Briefly, the kit can create different types of plasmas that can be used in many different energy and health applications.   For those interested in distribution, an agreement between QEG Canada (master distributor) and you (local distributor) needs to be signed.  The agreement document will soon be available on QEG Canada’s website. Details about how to use the plasma, as a source of energy and/or for medical treatments, will be provided to distributors. We are seeking people interested in becoming distributors in their local areas. ExpandingU is a lifestyle brand with emphasis on Conscious Living, Learning, Teaching & Healing. The project includes an ecovillage and institute of learning and teaching as a template model available globally.  01:01:00ExpandingU RADIOnoExpandingU,Alternative News,New Paradigm,EcoVillage,PermaculturePresented by: India Irie Sanatana Dharma & Kami Be Here is the offer for distributorships and information about the Keshe tech that we are bringing out: http:Bridge to Paradisehttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/12/16/bridge-to-paradiseEducationhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/12/16/bridge-to-paradise/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/12/16/bridge-to-paradiseTue, 16 Dec 2014 01:00:00 GMTBridge to ParadisePresented by Kami, Cary ''KiraStar'' Ellis & Jedi Knight Ken Chorley The 21st CENTURY SUPERHUMAN: A POWERFUL GUIDE TO HAVING A QUANTUM LIFESTYLE- PART 1 "SHIFT OF THE AGES, SECTION 3; MAKING THE LEAP- LIVE READING & DISCUSSION. This week we r finishing CH. 10~ BEYOND TIME IN 4-5D, as well as, discussing this pivotal day/month of planetary alignments engendering GREAT CHANGE NOW. Ur TRUE NATURE IS OF LIMITLESS POWER & POSSIBILITY & it's forever been held within ur human blueprint by divine design & We intend to help u reclaim it, tap it & more fully harness it to create the life of ur dreams! ;) This Series is about Self-Mastery, Quantum Thinking, The Science of Creation & THE 21st CENTURY SUPERHUMAN LIFESTYLE & will be a live reading, demonstrative & educational workshop series guaranteed to fast track you on your path towards FULL Ascension. It's a complete Eye-Opening Guide on HOW TO apply Quantum Physics, Ancient Wisdom and Fully Grasp the Meaning of IT ALL, including the Cosmic conjunctions that are Now shifting us beyond where we've ever been! Transform your self-designed 'REALity' with empowering, must-have Thought and Lifestyle tools! Join us on this mind-altering/consciousness shifting 21st Century Superhuman adventure! Learn how to use the QUANTUM POWER OF THOUGHT to create what you desire from the Infinite Field of Possibilities! Easily Cleanse and Detox your mind & body from the limiting programming and dis-ease inducing patterns of interference by using well vetted mind/body mastery & reprogramming techniques, as well as, our Superhuman Lifestyle Nutritional and Multi-Dimensional Activation and DNA recoding/re-patterning secrets for ULTIMATE, jaw-dropping VITALITY! Join us ANYTIME u can find the time to pay valuable energy into your own superhuman transformation & we'll help u bridge the gap!! 01:17:00ExpandingU RADIOnoExpandingu,ExpandingU Radio,New Paradigm,Kami Be,SuperfriendsPresented by Kami, Cary ''KiraStar'' Ellis & Jedi Knight Ken Chorley The 21st CENTURY SUPERHUMAN: A POWERFUL GUIDE TO HAVING A QUANTUM LIFESTYLE- PART 1 "SHIFTRob Potter Chats w/Alfred Webre: The Event, Financial Reset, Cabal Arrests...http://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/12/15/rob-potter-chats-walfred-webre--the-event-financial-reset-cabal-arrestsEducationhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/12/15/rob-potter-chats-walfred-webre--the-event-financial-reset-cabal-arrests/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/12/15/rob-potter-chats-walfred-webre--the-event-financial-reset-cabal-arrestsMon, 15 Dec 2014 02:00:00 GMTRob Potter Chats w/Alfred Webre: The Event, Financial Reset, Cabal Arrests...Alfred Webre Google Hangout Streamed live on Dec 12, 2014 Robert Potter: 2015 Outlook – The Event, Financial reset, Cabal arrest, Republic, Ascension? http://www.stage2omega.com/robert-potter-2015-outlook-the-event-financial-reset-cabal-arrest-republic-ascension/ Alfred Lambremont Webre, JD, MEd  Vancouver, B.C. Alfred's new book, The Dimensional Ecology of the Omniverse, integrates empirical data from intelligent extraterrestrial civilizations and from the intelligent civilizations of souls in the Interlife and demonstrates a new hypothesis of a functioning ecology of intelligence in the dimensions in the Omniverse. EXOPOLITICS: Politics, Government, and Law in the Universe http://exopolitics.blogs.com/exopolitics/ 01:04:00ExpandingU RADIOnoExpandingU,ExpandingU Radio,India Irie Sanatana Dharma,The Shift of the Ages,New ParadigmAlfred Webre Google Hangout Streamed live on Dec 12, 2014 Robert Potter: 2015 Outlook – The Event, Financial reset, Cabal arrest, Republic, Ascension? http://The Owners' Manual for the Human Body--HEALTH SOLUTIONS: Hypertensionhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/12/13/the-owners-manual-for-the-human-body-health-solutions-hypertensionEducationhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/12/13/the-owners-manual-for-the-human-body-health-solutions-hypertension/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/12/13/the-owners-manual-for-the-human-body-health-solutions-hypertensionSat, 13 Dec 2014 15:00:00 GMTThe Owners' Manual for the Human Body--HEALTH SOLUTIONS: HypertensionYou are HYPE-, HYPE-, HYPERTENSIVE!! Hypertension is the plague of modern society. Younger and younger people are diagnosed as hypertensive and put on “medi-sin” to “stabilize” this health ''problem''. Why is this happening so rampantly and why is there no cure? Once given the drug FOR (not against) hypertension you are instructed that this is for life. Did you know that according to a survey by the Journal of American Medical Association (JAMA) in July 2003, despite the number of drugs available and the number of prescriptions written no real progress has been made in controlling high blood pressure among the U.S. adult population?? Another study reported by the Archives of Internal Medicine in 2000 revealed 30 percent of patients with mild to moderate hypertension responded well to a placebo – MORE PROOF that they were able to control their blood pressure without medi-sin. A study by the British Medical Association in 2003 revealed 97 percent of people taking drugs for high blood pressure had suffered significant side effects at some point during treatment. All this is known so why do doctors continue with existing treatments? Is elevated blood pressure dangerous for our health? What are the causes of elevated blood pressure, should they be interfered with and how to naturally control it.... This Saturday we will address those issues and we will give you guidance toward healing your circulatory system in a very easy non intrusive way. 01:01:00ExpandingU RADIOnoexpandingu,expandingu radio,india irie sanatana dharma,darko velcek,jeremy ayresYou are HYPE-, HYPE-, HYPERTENSIVE!! Hypertension is the plague of modern society. Younger and younger people are diagnosed as hypertensive and put on “medi-siMission I'Mpossible GLOBALhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/12/13/mission-impossible-globalEducationhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/12/13/mission-impossible-global/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/12/13/mission-impossible-globalSat, 13 Dec 2014 01:00:00 GMTMission I'Mpossible GLOBALHosted by India Irie, Kami Be & Maite Jainko with special guest, Alexander RA-Sol sharing HIS innovative vision for an alternative to matrix living with a template for space to be manifested in Costa Rica! The GLOBAL PLATFORM for New Paradigm Living, Learning, Teaching and Healing! Together we set our finest  intention for resetting the global stage for humanity as a WHOLE with brand new options!!!! Visionaries, innovators, co-creators WELCOME to share what YOU have to offer the world. Let us move as One Hand, One Heart, One Voice to affect change in our world for the 7Billion of our Collective. 01:02:00ExpandingU RADIOnoExpandingU,ExpandingU Radio,India Irie Sanatana Dharma,Kami Be,Maite JainkoHosted by India Irie, Kami Be & Maite Jainko with special guest, Alexander RA-Sol sharing HIS innovative vision for an alternative to matrix living with a templFreedom Council with James Rink presents insight on TONA, NESARA & Saint Germainhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/12/10/freedom-council-with-james-rink-presents-insight-on-tona-nesara-saint-germainEducationhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/12/10/freedom-council-with-james-rink-presents-insight-on-tona-nesara-saint-germain/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/12/10/freedom-council-with-james-rink-presents-insight-on-tona-nesara-saint-germainWed, 10 Dec 2014 17:00:00 GMTFreedom Council with James Rink presents insight on TONA, NESARA & Saint GermainListen to James and Doug share the latest updates on NESARA, TONA, the prosperity programs and the coming new age of freedom for all people of planet earth! For more information about the Titles of Nobility Amendment http://www.kamron.com/Liberty/missing... To read the 13th amendment document http://www.kamron.com/Liberty/1819%20... For more information about the BAR http://www.apfn.org/apfn/secretoath.htm To learn about NESARA please read the casper reports http://www.fourwinds10.com Video edited and created by James Rink Original Recording Date: March 30, 2013 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzoZ_aiAcpM7F4X7Zimnd8A 01:41:00ExpandingU RADIOnoTONA,NESARA,BAR ASSN,13TH AMENDMENT,EXPANDINGUListen to James and Doug share the latest updates on NESARA, TONA, the prosperity programs and the coming new age of freedom for all people of planet earth! FoExpandingU RADIO: Leo Wanta Tells All!http://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/12/09/expandingu-radio-leo-wanta-tells-allEducationhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/12/09/expandingu-radio-leo-wanta-tells-all/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/12/09/expandingu-radio-leo-wanta-tells-allTue, 09 Dec 2014 17:00:00 GMTExpandingU RADIO: Leo Wanta Tells All!Leo Wanta Tells All in this Amazing Interview on Veterans Today Radio! Many of you that read alternative media have either never heard of Leo Wanta or what you did hear were lies put out by the controlled opposition.  Leo just did an amazing interview on Veterans Today Radio that is one of the best I’ve ever heard!  It explains everything you need to know about this great American hero that has the ability to actually End the illegal Federal Reserve and wipe out America’s debt! Leo Wanta has already been vindicated in court and he’s such a threat to the Illuminati that Senator Songstad and Governor Sundquist even got caught on tape plotting to murder him and take the money!   This miracle is what led to Eric Holder being fired because he would not prosecute his masters who were caught red handed plotting to send a hit team to kill Leo Wanta!  That’s an entire other story that was censored by all controlled opposition in alternative media too! You’re going to really enjoy this interview and learn some new history you’ve never been told!   Spread this interview everywhere and especially post it to the “tip of the spear” gatekeepers in alternative media that have lied to their fan base and said Leo Wanta was “as real as the Easter Bunny”. SOURCE: http://kauilapele.wordpress.com/2014/12/06/12-5-14-leo-wanta-he-will-end-the-fed-the-amazing-story-never-told/ 01:31:00ExpandingU RADIOnoExpandingU,Alternative News,New Paradigm,EcoVillage,PermacultureLeo Wanta Tells All in this Amazing Interview on Veterans Today Radio! Many of you that read alternative media have either never heard of Leo Wanta or what youBridge to Paradisehttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/12/09/bridge-to-paradiseEducationhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/12/09/bridge-to-paradise/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/12/09/bridge-to-paradiseTue, 09 Dec 2014 01:30:00 GMTBridge to ParadisePresented by Kami, Cary ''KiraStar'' Ellis & Jedi Knight Ken Chorley w Special Guest Alexander Del Sol The 21st CENTURY SUPERHUMAN: A POWERFUL GUIDE TO HAVING A QUANTUM LIFESTYLE- PART 1 "SHIFT OF THE AGES, SECTION 3; MAKING THE LEAP- LIVE READING & DISCUSSION..   This week we r covering second half of CH. 10~ BEYOND TIME IN 4-5D   Ur TRUE NATURE IS OF LIMITLESS POWER & POSSIBILITY & it's forever been held within ur human blueprint by divine design & We intend to help u reclaim it, tap it & more fully harness it to create the life of ur dreams! ;) This New Series is about Self-Mastery, Quantum Thinking, The Science of Creation & THE 21st CENTURY SUPERHUMAN LIFESTYLE & will be a live reading, demonstrative & educational workshop series guaranteed to fast track you on your path towards FULL Ascension.  It's a complete Eye-opening Guide on HOW TO apply Quantum Physics, Ancient wisdom and grasp the Cosmic conjunctions that are Now shifting us beyond where we've ever been!  Transform your self-designed 'REALity' with empowering, must-have Thought and Lifestyle tools! Join us on this mind-altering/consciousness shifting 21st Century Superhuman adventure!  Learn how to use the QUANTUM POWER OF THOUGHT to create what you desire from the Infinite Field of Possibilities!  Easily Cleanse and Detox your mind & body from the limiting programming and dis-ease inducing patterns of interference by using well vetted mind/body mastery & reprogramming techniques, as well as, our Superhuman Lifestyle Nutritional and Multi-Dimensional Activation and DNA recoding/re-patterning secrets for ULTIMATE, jaw-dropping VITALITY!   Join us ANYTIME u can find the time to pay valuable energy into your own superhuman transformation & we'll help u bridge the gap!! <3 <3 <3 01:28:00ExpandingU RADIOnoExpandingu,ExpandingU Radio,New Paradigm,Kami Be,SuperfriendsPresented by Kami, Cary ''KiraStar'' Ellis & Jedi Knight Ken Chorley w Special Guest Alexander Del Sol The 21st CENTURY SUPERHUMAN: A POWERFUL GUIDE TO HAVINGThe Owners' Manual for the Human Body--HEALTH SOLUTIONS: KIDNEY FAILUREhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/12/06/the-owners-manual-for-the-human-body-health-solutions-kidney-failureEducationhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/12/06/the-owners-manual-for-the-human-body-health-solutions-kidney-failure/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/12/06/the-owners-manual-for-the-human-body-health-solutions-kidney-failureSat, 06 Dec 2014 15:00:00 GMTThe Owners' Manual for the Human Body--HEALTH SOLUTIONS: KIDNEY FAILUREYour KIDNEYS=GOLD Kidney trafficking is a lucrative business. In 2003 estimates from the World Health Organization reported that the price of a trafficked kidney ranges from $700 in South Africa to over $30,000 in the US, with many other countries paying between $1,000 and $10,000 for a kidney. Is there really a necessity for organ transplants or are we deliberately being poisoned so that the industry can thrive? You may think that this is a ridiculous question, but… is it? Tremendous numbers of people suffer from kidney failure and are in need of dialysis while waiting for a kidney match so that they can receive their new kidney. If there is another family member suffering from the same problem immediately we are told that it is a genetic problem and nothing can be done. What if I  tell you that most cases of failing kidneys are easily solved? and that a failing kidney recovered-- taking the patient of the dialysis machine completely? I have coached some of those people and now they are happily living their lives with their kidneys being in perfect health. Unfortunately the majority of people do not want to fallow my protocol when it comes to kidney problems because it requires them to do just the opposite of what they have been told by the medical system. Here I ask you again “is the modern medicine designed to heal people or is it designed to make them sick so it can profit on their suffering”? This Saturdays show will reveal the fraud of modern medicine and show you how easily you can save your kidneys. We will explain what leads to kidney failure and how not to only prevent it but heal it as well. 01:00:00ExpandingU RADIOnoexpandingu,expandingu radio,india irie sanatana dharma,darko velcek,jeremy ayresYour KIDNEYS=GOLD Kidney trafficking is a lucrative business. In 2003 estimates from the World Health Organization reported that the price of a trafficked kidnThe SYNCRENICITY of the 21st Century Superhuman w/Alexander RA-Solhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/12/03/the-syncrenicity-of-the-21st-century-superhuman-walexander-ra-solEducationhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/12/03/the-syncrenicity-of-the-21st-century-superhuman-walexander-ra-sol/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/12/03/the-syncrenicity-of-the-21st-century-superhuman-walexander-ra-solWed, 03 Dec 2014 16:00:00 GMTThe SYNCRENICITY of the 21st Century Superhuman w/Alexander RA-SolPresented by India Irie & Kami Be w/honoured guest, Alexander RA-Sol, Renaissance Spirit with Many Many Gifts! ON THE CUSP OF THE WAVE, a free eBook written by Alexander RA-Sol available here: http://waverider1.wordpress.com/e-book-by-waverider1-on-the-cusp-of-the-wave/ *A Mystic Surfer’s Experiences Of, and Reflections On Gaia’s Epic Transformation Change Agent, Wayshower, Adept, Surfer Extraordinaire, Blogger, Author, Multi-Faceted Healer, Alexander RA-Sol shares with us from his plethora of experience in a variety of topics relating to this incredible Shift of the Ages currently raising the vibration of our planet and humanity. One who lives a fully experiential life --living, learning and growing wiser thru doing--Alexander will bring to us what he has discovered as tools we can use to assist us in matriculating this new energy and awareness we have evolved into as a collective and the responsibility that is part of this new step. We will discover what the 'hole in the fence' is that he has found, what the 'Afterglow' is, the significance of opening one's third eye, twin flames and soul mates, shedding the dogma of indoctrination, bowing out of the blame game, how to FOLLOW YOUR BLISS and a host of other pertinent subjects.       01:30:00ExpandingU RADIOnoExpandingU radio,india irie sanatana dharma,cary ellis,syncrenicity,21st century superhumanPresented by India Irie & Kami Be w/honoured guest, Alexander RA-Sol, Renaissance Spirit with Many Many Gifts! ON THE CUSP OF THE WAVE, a free eBook written byExpandingU RADIOhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/12/02/expandingu-radioEducationhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/12/02/expandingu-radio/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/12/02/expandingu-radioTue, 02 Dec 2014 21:00:00 GMTExpandingU RADIOPresented by: India Irie Sanatana Dharma and Kami Be Today we get an understanding of Swissindo's role in the Shift of this Paradigm to one of abundance for THE ALL OF HUMANITY and learn where to send our proposals of new living alternatives, innovations, intentional communities, products and/or services... with Phil Stallard, Australian Delegate! http://www.godskyearth.org/home.html ExpandingU is a lifestyle brand with emphasis on Conscious Living, Learning, Teaching & Healing. The project includes an ecovillage and institute of learning and teaching as a template model available globally.  This show will include pertinent topics of the New NOWs related to living in symbiosis with our planet and One another. 5min PRESENTATION VIDEO: www.youtube.com/watch?v=yjRApWQwAL0&feature=youtu.be The Vision Board: www.pinterest.com/indiamerkerson/expandingu-brochurepresentation-of-details-ameniti/ The Journey: www.facebook.com/notes/india-irie-sanatana-dharma/birthing-a-dream-the-story-of-expandingu/682190551825057 00:24:00ExpandingU RADIOnoExpandingU,Alternative News,New Paradigm,EcoVillage,PermaculturePresented by: India Irie Sanatana Dharma and Kami Be Today we get an understanding of Swissindo's role in the Shift of this Paradigm to one of abundance for THBridge to Paradisehttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/12/02/bridge-to-paradiseEducationhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/12/02/bridge-to-paradise/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/12/02/bridge-to-paradiseTue, 02 Dec 2014 01:00:00 GMTBridge to ParadisePresented by Kami, Cary ''KiraStar'' Ellis   The 21st CENTURY SUPERHUMAN: A POWERFUL GUIDE TO HAVING A QUANTUM LIFESTYLE- PART 1 "SHIFT OF THE AGES, SECTION 3; MAKING THE LEAP- LIVE READING & DISCUSSION.. This week we r covering first half of CH. 10~ BEYOND TIME IN 4-5D   Ur TRUE NATURE IS OF LIMITLESS POWER & POSSIBILITY & it's forever been held within ur human blueprint by divine design & We intend to help u reclaim it, tap it & more fully harness it to create the life of ur dreams! ;)   This New Series is about Self-Mastery, Quantum Thinking, The Science of Creation & THE 21st CENTURY SUPERHUMAN LIFESTYLE & will be a live reading, demonstrative & educational workshop series guaranteed to fast track you on your path towards FULL Ascension.  It's a complete Eye-opening Guide on HOW TO apply Quantum Physics, Ancient wisdom and grasp the Cosmic conjunctions that are Now shifting us beyond where we've ever been!  Transform your self-designed 'REALity' with empowering, must-have Thought and Lifestyle tools! Join us on this mind-altering/consciousness shifting 21st Century Superhuman adventure!  Learn how to use the QUANTUM POWER OF THOUGHT to create what you desire from the Infinite Field of Possibilities!  Easily Cleanse and Detox your mind & body from the limiting programming and dis-ease inducing patterns of interference by using well vetted mind/body mastery & reprogramming techniques, as well as, our Superhuman Lifestyle Nutritional and Multi-Dimensional Activation and DNA recoding/re-patterning secrets for ULTIMATE, jaw-dropping VITALITY!   Join us ANYTIME u can find the time to pay valuable energy into your own superhuman transformation & we'll help u bridge the gap!! <3 <3 <3 01:20:00ExpandingU RADIOnoExpandingu,ExpandingU Radio,New Paradigm,Kami Be,SuperfriendsPresented by Kami, Cary ''KiraStar'' Ellis   The 21st CENTURY SUPERHUMAN: A POWERFUL GUIDE TO HAVING A QUANTUM LIFESTYLE- PART 1 "SHIFT OF THE AGES, SECTION 3ELEMENTal Evolution--Spiritual Health, Awareness & INpowermenthttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/12/01/elemental-evolution-spiritual-health-awareness-inpowermentEducationhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/12/01/elemental-evolution-spiritual-health-awareness-inpowerment/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/12/01/elemental-evolution-spiritual-health-awareness-inpowermentMon, 01 Dec 2014 01:00:00 GMTELEMENTal Evolution--Spiritual Health, Awareness & INpowermentPresented by: Sherri Fischer, Anna Lipari, Rhonda Paolo and Darko Velcek ELEMENTal Evolution's Wisdom and Vision: Lets talk Elements are in every law that governs nature. These laws are simple and ancient, but they have been forgotten in our modern times.Humanity benefits by regaining and establishing balance and harmony. The body naturally heals itself through the use of nature’s elements of earth, air, water, fire, and ether. Healing humanity is a holistic process which includes the entire human system of the body, the mind, and the spirit as one entity. We at Elemental Evolution intend to achieve and to pass on universal knowledge while here on Earth. We are committed to spreading truths regarding the elementals and holistic healing within the world. We humanity by facilitating them into understanding their life journey in multidimensional ways. You can check out our Facebook page for more information:  https://www.facebook.com/WisdomsElementalEvolution     02:01:00ExpandingU RADIOnoHealth,wellness,spirituality,sherri fischer,expandinguPresented by: Sherri Fischer, Anna Lipari, Rhonda Paolo and Darko Velcek ELEMENTal Evolution's Wisdom and Vision: Lets talk Elements are in every law that goThe Owners' Manual for the Human Body--HEALTH SOLUTIONS: Cancer is CUREablehttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/11/29/the-owners-manual-for-the-human-body-health-solutions-cancer-is-cureableEducationhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/11/29/the-owners-manual-for-the-human-body-health-solutions-cancer-is-cureable/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/11/29/the-owners-manual-for-the-human-body-health-solutions-cancer-is-cureableSat, 29 Nov 2014 15:00:00 GMTThe Owners' Manual for the Human Body--HEALTH SOLUTIONS: Cancer is CUREableCANCER IS CURABLE NOW With Big-Pharma and Medi-Sin making 70% of their profits from the Cancer Industry the world has fallen for one of the biggest and most disgraceful lies perpetrated against its fellow man. That lie, promulgated by induced ignorance to the truth by well meaning people, many of which that are so called cancer survivors and /or the families of those who have allegedly died from cancer is that the world is “FIGHTING & SEARCHING FOR THE CURE FOR CANCER”, and if they only had more money for more research they will find the cure. You have been deceived my friends!!  Its deceit has caused untold suffering, fear, pain, agony and grief and has caused good people to unwittingly donate both money and energy to keep this lie alive. The “legal system” not lawful system, has been written in deceit to criminalize any man/woman who dares utter a word, promote a remedy or educate a protocol or product that is outside of the Pharmaceuticals evil grip. God forbid if we use language such as “cure”, “treat” or “cancer” in the same sentence publicly. From their understandings treatments and protocols have been developed that abide by Hippocrates Laws of “do no harm”. This in complete contrast to Modern Medi-Sins current mod operandi of “CUT, BURN & POISON”. CANCER IS CURABLE NOW!!! Join us to be updated on why this knowledge is not well known, what cancer really is, the advancements in helping people cure themselves and the miracle Natural Doctors have been waiting for GcMAF. Listen to real case histories and understand the CAUSE(S) that then dictate the cures.  Help us help YOU and your loved ones by sharing this information and listen in how you can help us and make the world Naturally Better. 00:59:00ExpandingU RADIOnoexpandingu,expandingu radio,india irie sanatana dharma,darko velcek,jeremy ayresCANCER IS CURABLE NOW With Big-Pharma and Medi-Sin making 70% of their profits from the Cancer Industry the world has fallen for one of the biggest and most diMission I'Mpossible GLOBALhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/11/28/mission-impossible-globalEducationhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/11/28/mission-impossible-global/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/11/28/mission-impossible-globalFri, 28 Nov 2014 15:00:00 GMTMission I'Mpossible GLOBALHosted by India Irie, Kami Be, Maite Jainko, Dave Stewart and Cary Kirastar Ellis The GLOBAL PLATFORM for New Paradigm Living, Learning, Teaching and Healing! MICHAEL UPSTONE: SYSTEMS OPTIMIZATION FOUNDER, THE UNIVERSAL TRUST Michael Upstone is former FTSE100 management consultant and a contributor to the Model of Sustainable Organizations (MoSO), a ‘route map’ to establishing sustainability, based around the International Standard for sustainability, ISO9004/2009, best practice systems and the work of Dr W. Edwards Deming. Michael has contributed to numerous international quality exercises and is founding Chairman of CQI Digital, the first international multi-industry digital quality guidelines for imaging and graphic artwork. An inventor, he is co-founder of NEST (New Energy Systems Trust) and speaker at Breakthrough Energy Movement in Boulder Colorado 2013, voluntary contributor to international quality exercises and the Model of Sustainable Organization. Mike’s diverse range of skills offer innovative sustainable solutions for law, governance, banking, finance, environment and community. He invented ‘digital camera profiling’, a method by which digital image color is managed and linked to other imaging devices. Mike founded the Universal Trust in 2012, dedicated to producing positive solutions for the planet, marrying advanced technology with well proven principles of sustainability and governance, founded on personal responsibility and individual liberty. Together, we set our intention for resetting the global stage for humanity as a WHOLE to that of liberty and abundance! *ALL Visionaries, innovators, co-creators WELCOME to share what YOU have to offer the world. Let us move as One Hand, One Heart, One Voice to affect change in our world for the 7Billion of our Collective. 01:33:00ExpandingU RADIOnoIndia Irie Sanatana Dharma,expandingu,expandingu radio,intentional communities,new paradigmHosted by India Irie, Kami Be, Maite Jainko, Dave Stewart and Cary Kirastar Ellis The GLOBAL PLATFORM for New Paradigm Living, Learning, Teaching and Healing!The SYNCRENICITY of the 21st Century Superhuman: Alkalinity w/Victoria Mareehttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/11/27/the-syncrenicity-of-the-21st-century-superhuman-alkalinity-wvictoria-mareeEducationhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/11/27/the-syncrenicity-of-the-21st-century-superhuman-alkalinity-wvictoria-maree/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/11/27/the-syncrenicity-of-the-21st-century-superhuman-alkalinity-wvictoria-mareeThu, 27 Nov 2014 01:30:00 GMTThe SYNCRENICITY of the 21st Century Superhuman: Alkalinity w/Victoria MareePresented by India Irie, Rhonda Paolo & Kami Be w Honoured Guest, Victoria Maree The standard American diet consists of mostly acid forming foods. Fake fats, sugar, high fructose corn syrup (HFCS), bleached white flours made into breads and pastry is extremely acid forming. You should focus on eating a diet of 60-80% alkaline foods daily. Real nutrition can be found in a diet high in a wide variety of veggies that are eaten every day, all day! Focus on fresh organic green veggies, fresh smoothies as well as green super foods such as chlorella. Fruits of all types, even citrus fruits that are considered acid, are all alkaline forming. The increased consumption of fruits and vegetables in an alkaline diet may benefit bone health, reduce muscle loss through lack of physical activity as well as reduce cases of other chronic diseases such as hypertension, type 2 diabetes and stroke. The true benefit of eating an alkaline diet is that it is high in the minerals and phytonutrients needed by your body to grow and maintain itself. An increase in magnesium that may enter the cell is another added benefit of the alkaline diet. This is one of the greatest benefits of eating lots of green leafy vegetables. Readily available magnesium, which is required to activate vitamin D, would result in numerous added benefits in the body. Work a variety of dark leafy greens into every meal over the course of the day. Order some spinach as a side dish, add a garden salad to your lunch, snack on kale chips, make a green veggie juice smoothie or mix up some powdered greens with your early morning juice. 01:11:00ExpandingU RADIOnoExpandingU radio,india irie sanatana dharma,cary ellis,21st century superhuman,Quantum lifestylePresented by India Irie, Rhonda Paolo & Kami Be w Honoured Guest, Victoria Maree The standard American diet consists of mostly acid forming foods. Fake fats, sExpandingU RADIO: The Geopolitics of the Financial Shifthttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/11/25/expandingu-radio-the-geopolitics-of-the-financial-shiftEducationhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/11/25/expandingu-radio-the-geopolitics-of-the-financial-shift/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/11/25/expandingu-radio-the-geopolitics-of-the-financial-shiftTue, 25 Nov 2014 17:00:00 GMTExpandingU RADIO: The Geopolitics of the Financial ShiftSIMULCAST INTERVIEW DRAGON AMBASSADOR David Schmidt Interviews the Ambassador of the Red Dragon Family of China who are custodians of 95% of the gold in the world. The GCR depends on the release of this gold to the nations. The Ambassador brings us up to date and answers many questions we might have. This is a great interview from the Sedona Connection! **ExpandingU is a lifestyle brand with emphasis on Conscious Living, Learning, Teaching & Healing. The project includes an ecovillage and institute of learning and teaching as a template model available globally.  This show will include pertinent topics of the New NOWs related to living in symbiosis with our planet and One another. 5min PRESENTATION VIDEO: www.youtube.com/watch?v=yjRApWQwAL0&feature=youtu.be The Vision Board: www.pinterest.com/indiamerkerson/expandingu-brochurepresentation-of-details-ameniti/ The Journey: www.facebook.com/notes/india-irie-sanatana-dharma/birthing-a-dream-the-story-of-expandingu/682190551825057 02:01:00ExpandingU RADIOnoExpandingU,Alternative News,New Paradigm,EcoVillage,PermacultureSIMULCAST INTERVIEW DRAGON AMBASSADOR David Schmidt Interviews the Ambassador of the Red Dragon Family of China who are custodians of 95% of the gold in theBridge to Paradisehttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/11/25/bridge-to-paradiseEducationhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/11/25/bridge-to-paradise/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/11/25/bridge-to-paradiseTue, 25 Nov 2014 01:00:00 GMTBridge to ParadisePresented by Kami, Cary, Dave, Karl & John Carl of the Mission I'mpossible team SO MUCH EXCITING DEVELOPMENTS HAPPENING IN OUR/THE WORLD WE HAD TO SHARE THE GOOD NEWS & VIEWS.  NO LIVE BOOK READING ON THIS EPISODE ALTHOUGH WE DID DROP SOME 21ST CENTURY SUPERHUMAN SCIENCE AS USUAL. THIS WAS SUCH A POWERFUL SHOW!! <3 The World is changing and WE ARE THE CHANGE AGENTS/NEOsONEs we've been waiting for! A Bridge To Paradise is being built across the planet RIGHT NOW & this show is going to support those leading edge constructs & shift shapers reppin THE GLITCH IN THE MATRIX! Focusing on the practical steps we ALL are & will be taking down the yellow brick path to get us there one inspired idea, solution, deed/action, day, week, month & brick at a time is only way to fly now & what good is having wings if u dont spread the Love! Rising Together in U-n-I-TY (U & I supporting one another In ThankFULLGratitude for each & every persons value & contribution to the whole is how we like to DO BE DO BE DO & if your HERE, You Matter; whether u have grasped exactly how yet, or not!) is the fasted route to Everlasting Freedom & the only way to create the coming The Golden Age of Gaia! So, please do join Me & All the Fascinating Earth Angels & Super Heros I have the privelidge to know & love as we sort this planet out & UP! 02:22:00ExpandingU RADIOnoExpandingu,ExpandingU Radio,New Paradigm,Kami Be,SuperfriendsPresented by Kami, Cary, Dave, Karl & John Carl of the Mission I'mpossible team SO MUCH EXCITING DEVELOPMENTS HAPPENING IN OUR/THE WORLD WE HAD TO SHARE THE GOELEMENTal Evolution--Spiritual Health, Awareness & INpowermenthttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/11/24/elemental-evolution-spiritual-health-awareness-inpowermentEducationhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/11/24/elemental-evolution-spiritual-health-awareness-inpowerment/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/11/24/elemental-evolution-spiritual-health-awareness-inpowermentMon, 24 Nov 2014 01:00:00 GMTELEMENTal Evolution--Spiritual Health, Awareness & INpowermentPresented by: Sherri Fischer, Anna Lipari & Rhonda Paolo ANCIENT PURITY W/CLIVE DE CARLE ELEMENTal Evolution's Wisdom and Vision: Elements are in every law that governs nature. These laws are simple and ancient, but they have been forgotten in our modern times.Humanity benefits by regaining and establishing balance and harmony. The body naturally heals itself through the use of nature’s elements of earth, air, water, fire, and ether. Healing humanity is a holistic process which includes the entire human system of the body, the mind, and the spirit as one entity. We at Elemental Evolution intend to achieve and to pass on universal knowledge while here on Earth. We are committed to spreading truths regarding the elementals and holistic healing within the world. We humanity by facilitating them into understanding their life journey in multidimensional ways. You can check out our Facebook page for more information:  https://www.facebook.com/WisdomsElementalEvolution 02:01:00ExpandingU RADIOnoHealth,wellness,spirituality,sherri fischer,expandinguPresented by: Sherri Fischer, Anna Lipari & Rhonda Paolo ANCIENT PURITY W/CLIVE DE CARLE ELEMENTal Evolution's Wisdom and Vision: Elements are in every law tThe Owners' Manual for the Human Body--HEALTH SOLUTIONS: Naturopath V Allopathhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/11/22/the-owners-manual-for-the-human-body-health-solutions-naturopath-v-allopathEducationhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/11/22/the-owners-manual-for-the-human-body-health-solutions-naturopath-v-allopath/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/11/22/the-owners-manual-for-the-human-body-health-solutions-naturopath-v-allopathSat, 22 Nov 2014 15:00:00 GMTThe Owners' Manual for the Human Body--HEALTH SOLUTIONS: Naturopath V AllopathTRUST ME, I’M NOT A DOCTOR ALLOPATHIC V NATUROPRACTIC “Just look at us. Everything is backwards, everything is upside down. Doctors destroy health, lawyers destroy justice, psychiatrists destroy minds, scientists destroy truth, major media destroys information, religions destroy spirituality and governments destroy freedom.” --MICHAEL ELLNER Naturopractics Medicine Philosophy is that you’re NOT SICK, You’re TOX-SICK and that the Germ Theory is wrong and that the terrain (environment) is everything and the Pathogen (virus, bacteria, fungus, yeast, etc) is nothing and is a natural result from the change of the terrain. Combined with this we recognize every cell is connected by the nervous system and the blood and the invisible energies (chi, prane etc). Our tools are abstinence (fasting), hydration, cleansing, physical treatments to release stagnations and nutritional, herbal food, supplements and remedies to enable self cleansing and healing. Hippocrates – The Father of Modern Medicine - main doctrine was “first do no harm”, followed by “let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food”. So I ask you, when every pharmaceutical drug and potion is toxic to the human body by their own data (honestly you do watch the drug adverts right?) and every surgical procedure and radiation exposing equipment damaging at cell level causing harm from mild to terminal harm, which philosophy is closer to the founding father? Which is so called “alternative” and which is “true medicine”? Join us as we share the philosophies & case histories and show that Allopathic Medi-Sin makes no sense to any critical thought and why Naturopractics are the True Doctors of OUR Time. 01:02:00ExpandingU RADIOnoexpandingu,expandingu radio,india irie sanatana dharma,darko velcek,jeremy ayresTRUST ME, I’M NOT A DOCTOR ALLOPATHIC V NATUROPRACTIC “Just look at us. Everything is backwards, everything is upside down. Doctors destroy health, lawyers desMISSION I'MPOSSIBLE: GLOBAL....IS BACK!!!!http://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/11/22/mission-impossible-globalis-backEducationhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/11/22/mission-impossible-globalis-back/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/11/22/mission-impossible-globalis-backSat, 22 Nov 2014 01:00:00 GMTMISSION I'MPOSSIBLE: GLOBAL....IS BACK!!!!Hosted by India Irie, Kami Be, Maite Jainko, Dave Stewart of MIP-PERU and Cary Kirastar Ellis The GLOBAL PLATFORM for New Paradigm Living, Learning, Teaching and Healing! Today we set our intention for resetting the global stage for humanity as a WHOLE! Visionaries, innovators, co-creators WELCOME to share what YOU have to offer the world. Let us move as One Hand, One Heart, One Voice to affect change in our world for the 7Billion of our Collective.   01:01:00ExpandingU RADIOnoEXPANDINGU,EXPANDINGU RADIO,INDIA IRIE SANATANA DHARMA,KAMI BE,MAITE JAINKOHosted by India Irie, Kami Be, Maite Jainko, Dave Stewart of MIP-PERU and Cary Kirastar Ellis The GLOBAL PLATFORM for New Paradigm Living, Learning, TeachingIn GOOD COMPANY!! Embracing Our Quantum Lifestyle with Fernando Vossahttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/11/20/in-good-company-embracing-our-quantum-lifestyle-with-fernando-vossaEducationhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/11/20/in-good-company-embracing-our-quantum-lifestyle-with-fernando-vossa/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/11/20/in-good-company-embracing-our-quantum-lifestyle-with-fernando-vossaThu, 20 Nov 2014 19:00:00 GMTIn GOOD COMPANY!! Embracing Our Quantum Lifestyle with Fernando Vossa In GOOD COMPANY!! Embracing Our Quantum Lifestyle with Fernando Vossa Presented by India , Maite Jainko & Kami Be with Honoured Guests: FERNANDO VOSSA , Fernando Morris & Professor John Searl Join us for a more personal inventory of lessons learned, clearing of baggage and tuning to anew channel for what is coming next!! Fernando Vossa has been designing technology experiences for over 18 years. His approach is to reach the psyche and heart of his audience using multidisciplinary techniques from Industrial Design, Cognitive Psychology, Virtual Reality, Cinematography, Architecture, Graphic Design, and Fine Art. His accomplishments include being part of leading edge design teams for major brands such as Microsoft, Sony, US-WEST, GE-Aerospace, and most recently unfolding innovative installation concepts at The Center of Mass Creation. Vossa is currently spearheading the HAIAH campaign. The Healing Art Installation as Home concept that marries permatecture with biometric healing technology to create a home that is keyed to your very own biorhythms. He is a green real estate developer and an expert in ancient civilizations, customs and artifacts. Vossa is implementing 3D printing as part of a revolutionary development concept he is bringing forward. Fernando Vossa gives a high level overview of his foundation of Engines of Mass Creation as a paradigm for the deployment of Free Energy technologies, Healing Solutions, and a Cosmic Awareness of our Galactic neighbors. It is time to unfold the conscious economy and the type of technology transfer based on Love and Compassion! 01:30:00ExpandingU RADIOnoIn Good Company,ExpandingU,ExpandingU Radio,India Irie Sanatana Dharma,Kami BeIn GOOD COMPANY!! Embracing Our Quantum Lifestyle with Fernando Vossa Presented by India , Maite Jainko & Kami Be with Honoured Guests: FERNANDO VOSSA , FerThe SYNCRENICITY of the 21st Century Superhuman, Guest Anayah Joi Holillyhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/11/19/the-syncrenicity-of-the-21st-century-superhuman-guest-anayah-joi-holillyEducationhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/11/19/the-syncrenicity-of-the-21st-century-superhuman-guest-anayah-joi-holilly/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/11/19/the-syncrenicity-of-the-21st-century-superhuman-guest-anayah-joi-holillyWed, 19 Nov 2014 23:30:00 GMTThe SYNCRENICITY of the 21st Century Superhuman, Guest Anayah Joi HolillySorting Our ToolKits: Resonance, Discernment, Good Sense &  Higher Knowing Presented by India Irie with Honoured Guest, Anayah Joi Holilly! Anayah is a certified Angel Intuitive with advanced training, the Founder and Executive Producer of Angel Heart Radio & the creator of www.AngelLight777.com . Anayah is passionate about sharing the angels' unconditional love and support for humanity and all beings & reminding people of their magnificence. Along with fellow Host David Laws, Anayah loves bringing you their show Hot Topics as their schedules allow. To locate any of Anayah's AHR programs click on the link above and search Anayah Holilly today! If you missed her previous appearances you can find them here: http://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/10/08/the-syncrenicity-of-the-21st-century-superhuman-wintuitive-anayah-joi-holilly http://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/11/08/in-good-company-with-anayah-joi-holily 01:33:00ExpandingU RADIOnoExpandingU radio,india irie sanatana dharma,syncrenicity,21st century superhuman,Quantum lifestyleSorting Our ToolKits: Resonance, Discernment, Good Sense &  Higher Knowing Presented by India Irie with Honoured Guest, Anayah Joi Holilly! Anayah is a certifExpandingU RADIOhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/11/18/expandingu-radio https://www.youtube.com/redirect?q=http%3A%2F%2Forigins.well.org%2F&redir_token=8DAb9YAmjRmqFDLupnIyXcNj1Xd8MTQxNjQwNjM4NUAxNDE2MzE5OTg1 ExpandingU is a lifestyle brand with emphasis on Conscious Living, Learning, Teaching & Healing. The project includes an ecovillage and institute of learning and teaching as a template model available globally.  5min PRESENTATION VIDEO: www.youtube.com/watch?v=yjRApWQwAL0&feature=youtu.be ]]> https://www.youtube.com/redirect?q=http%3A%2F%2Forigins.well.org%2F&redir_token=8DAb9YAmjRmqFDLupnIyXcNj1Xd8MTQxNjQwNjM4NUAxNDE2MzE5OTg1 ExpandingU is a lifestyle brand with emphasis on Conscious Living, Learning, Teaching & Healing. The project includes an ecovillage and institute of learning and teaching as a template model available globally.  5min PRESENTATION VIDEO: www.youtube.com/watch?v=yjRApWQwAL0&feature=youtu.be ]]>Educationhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/11/18/expandingu-radio/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/11/18/expandingu-radioTue, 18 Nov 2014 17:00:00 GMTExpandingU RADIO https://www.youtube.com/redirect?q=http%3A%2F%2Forigins.well.org%2F&redir_token=8DAb9YAmjRmqFDLupnIyXcNj1Xd8MTQxNjQwNjM4NUAxNDE2MzE5OTg1 ExpandingU is a lifestyle brand with emphasis on Conscious Living, Learning, Teaching & Healing. The project includes an ecovillage and institute of learning and teaching as a template model available globally.  5min PRESENTATION VIDEO: www.youtube.com/watch?v=yjRApWQwAL0&feature=youtu.be ]]>Presented by: India Irie Sanatana Dharma  ORIGINS, THE DEBUT “The great outdoors gives me energy – the earth and nature inspires me in my work and in my life! Respect for all is my only rule! People need to understand that they are actually a part of nature and my dream is for my work to bridge the divide that civilization and technology have created” The message in the film – Origins – kept me inspired throughout the entire project. I am so happy and privileged to have been able to make this film with Pedram and I believe it carries a message that all of us need to understand and live towards! Learn more here ===> https://www.youtube.com/redirect?q=http%3A%2F%2Forigins.well.org%2F&redir_token=8DAb9YAmjRmqFDLupnIyXcNj1Xd8MTQxNjQwNjM4NUAxNDE2MzE5OTg1 ExpandingU is a lifestyle brand with emphasis on Conscious Living, Learning, Teaching & Healing. The project includes an ecovillage and institute of learning and teaching as a template model available globally.  5min PRESENTATION VIDEO: www.youtube.com/watch?v=yjRApWQwAL0&feature=youtu.be 01:42:00ExpandingU RADIOnoExpandingU,Alternative News,New Paradigm,EcoVillage,PermaculturePresented by: India Irie Sanatana Dharma  ORIGINS, THE DEBUT “The great outdoors gives me energy – the earth and nature inspires me in my work and in my life!Bridge to Paradisehttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/11/17/bridge-to-paradiseEducationhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/11/17/bridge-to-paradise/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/11/17/bridge-to-paradiseMon, 17 Nov 2014 23:30:00 GMTBridge to ParadisePresented by Kami, Cary ''KiraStar'' Ellis & Jedi Knight Ken Chorley The 21st CENTURY SUPERHUMAN: A POWERFUL GUIDE TO HAVING A QUANTUM LIFESTYLE- PART 1 "SHIFT OF THE AGES, SECTION 2; HOW QUANTUM "REALITY" OPERATES- LIVE READING & DISCUSSION..This week we r discussing, CHs. 8 & 9~ THE FIELD AWAITS OUR COMMAND & GET READY TO SHAKE IT UP!!  Ur TRUE NATURE IS OF LIMITLESS POWER & POSSIBILITY & it's forever been held within ur human blueprint by divine design & We intend to help u reclaim it, tap it & more fully harness it to create the life of ur dreams! ;) This New Series is about Self-Mastery, Quantum Thinking, The Science of Creation & THE 21st CENTURY SUPERHUMAN LIFESTYLE & will be a live reading, demonstrative & educational workshop series guaranteed to fast track you on your path towards FULL Ascension.  It's a complete Eye-opening Guide on HOW TO apply Quantum Physics, Ancient wisdom and grasp the Cosmic conjunctions that are Now shifting us beyond where we've ever been!  Transform your self-designed 'REALity' with empowering, must-have Thought and Lifestyle tools! Join us on this mind-altering/consciousness shifting 21st Century Superhuman adventure!  Learn how to use the QUANTUM POWER OF THOUGHT to create what you desire from the Infinite Field of Possibilities!  Easily Cleanse and Detox your mind & body from the limiting programming and dis-ease inducing patterns of interference by using well vetted mind/body mastery & reprogramming techniques, as well as, our Superhuman Lifestyle Nutritional and Multi-Dimensional Activation and DNA recoding/re-patterning secrets for ULTIMATE, jaw-dropping VITALITY!   Join us ANYTIME u can find the time to pay valuable energy into your own superhuman transformation & we'll help u bridge the gap!! <3 <3 <3 01:04:00ExpandingU RADIOnoExpandingu,ExpandingU Radio,New Paradigm,Kami Be,SuperfriendsPresented by Kami, Cary ''KiraStar'' Ellis & Jedi Knight Ken Chorley The 21st CENTURY SUPERHUMAN: A POWERFUL GUIDE TO HAVING A QUANTUM LIFESTYLE- PART 1 "SHIFTELEMENTal Evolution--Spiritual Health, Awareness & INpowermenthttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/11/17/elemental-evolution-spiritual-health-awareness-inpowermentHealthhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/11/17/elemental-evolution-spiritual-health-awareness-inpowerment/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/11/17/elemental-evolution-spiritual-health-awareness-inpowermentMon, 17 Nov 2014 01:00:00 GMTELEMENTal Evolution--Spiritual Health, Awareness & INpowermentPresented by: Sherri Fischer, Anna Lipari & Rhonda Paolo ELEMENTal Evolution's Wisdom and Vision: Cellular Somatic... What is that?  What does it mean?  What does it do?  and Why do I care?  Do your cells remember things that your mind wants you to forget?  Have you ever wondered why you always seem to have the same things happen, over and over, no matter how much you do, or try things just always turn out the same.. Lets understand why and what we can about it!  Elements are in every law that governs nature. These laws are simple and ancient, but they have been forgotten in our modern times.Humanity benefits by regaining and establishing balance and harmony. The body naturally heals itself through the use of nature’s elements of earth, air, water, fire, and ether. Healing humanity is a holistic process which includes the entire human system of the body, the mind, and the spirit as one entity. You can check out our Facebook page for more information:  https://www.facebook.com/WisdomsElementalEvolution 01:30:00ExpandingU RADIOnoHealth,wellness,spirituality,sherri fischer,expandinguPresented by: Sherri Fischer, Anna Lipari & Rhonda Paolo ELEMENTal Evolution's Wisdom and Vision: Cellular Somatic... What is that?  What does it mean?  WhatThe Owners' Manual for the Human Body--HEALTH SOLUTION: Cellular Somaticshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/11/15/the-owners-manual-for-the-human-body-health-solution-cellular-somaticsEducationhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/11/15/the-owners-manual-for-the-human-body-health-solution-cellular-somatics/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/11/15/the-owners-manual-for-the-human-body-health-solution-cellular-somaticsSat, 15 Nov 2014 15:00:00 GMTThe Owners' Manual for the Human Body--HEALTH SOLUTION: Cellular SomaticsCelling Your Soul As we have seen, our beliefs and perceptions are the basis for our thoughts and feelings. Our thoughts and feelings are waves of electromagnetic energy and information that permeate each and every cell in our mind-body system via a connective tissue crystalline matrix. Cellular Biologist Dr Bruce Lipton explains: “Every cell is a programmable chip, and the nucleus of the cell is the hard disk with programs. But, like a computer, it is the programmer that controls the disk, not the disk that controls the programmer.” We are the programmers. These signals of our bodies work in a feedback loop with our brains, and both consciously and subconsciously govern our choices. Our choices, of course, drastically influence the condition of our lives. The implications are immense. As esteemed physics Professor John Hagelin explains succinctly: “It is important to recognise that our body is really the product of our thoughts, we are beginning to understand in medical science the degree to which the nature of our thoughts and emotions actually determine the physical substance and structure and function of our bodies.” If thats not a good enough reason to update our belief systems and emotional reactions then i don’t know what is. Can you disagree? 01:02:00ExpandingU RADIOnoexpandingu,expandingu radio,india irie sanatana dharma,darko velcek,jeremy ayresCelling Your Soul As we have seen, our beliefs and perceptions are the basis for our thoughts and feelings. Our thoughts and feelings are waves of electromagne''Patient''....Heal ThySELF: RICK SIMPSON'S RUN FROM THE CUREhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/11/14/patientheal-thyself-rick-simpsons-run-from-the-cureEducationhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/11/14/patientheal-thyself-rick-simpsons-run-from-the-cure/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/11/14/patientheal-thyself-rick-simpsons-run-from-the-cureFri, 14 Nov 2014 19:00:00 GMT''Patient''....Heal ThySELF: RICK SIMPSON'S RUN FROM THE CURELIFE HAPPENS!! OUR SCHEDULED GUEST HAD TO RESCHEDULE SO PLEASE ENJOY THIS AUDIO PRESENTATION FROM RICK SIMPSON'S CAMP CALLED RUN FROM THE CURE! PLEASE ENJOY!! Hosted by India Irie with Special Guest, Peter Eugene MEDICAL MODALITIES We shall discuss revolutionary natural ways to heal and help your body. The corporations that make up Big-Pharma and the Allopathic Mafia DO NOT want you to know about this stuff, which makes it SO MUCH MORE IMPORTANT.    We will discuss topics strictly related to helping oneself from a personal perspective.  We are NOT doctors, and are NOT prescribing ANYTHING. We are simply taking notes, and making you aware that there ARE alternative solutions to health issues, and we want you to know about them. For example, here's a must-read story on how a physician used extra virgin coconut oil on her husband's alzheimers and brought him back from no man's land.. See the solution and story: http://www.riseearth.com/2014/11/first-coconut-oil-now-cannabis-natural.html More proof the the FDA and big pharma never want your to sort yourself back to helath and wellness. See the hidden 7 modalities they have been suppressing for years.. They never intend to make your well: http://www.getholistichealth.com/39601/the-top-seven-natural-cures-for-cancer-that-got-buried-by-the-fda-ama-cdc/ Great informative `11 minute video explains dosing with cannabis oil.. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ijwpv6x2R6U To follow Peter's work, see his BlogTalk network here: http://www.blogtalkradio.com/iamfreewill 00:59:00ExpandingU RADIOnoExpandingU,ExpandingU Radio,Privatis.me,India Irie Sanatana Dharma,New ParadigmLIFE HAPPENS!! OUR SCHEDULED GUEST HAD TO RESCHEDULE SO PLEASE ENJOY THIS AUDIO PRESENTATION FROM RICK SIMPSON'S CAMP CALLED RUN FROM THE CURE! PLEASE ENJOY!!In GOOD COMPANY!! Embracing Our Quantum Lifestyle with Fernando Vossahttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/11/13/in-good-company-embracing-our-quantum-lifestyle-with-fernando-vossaEducationhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/11/13/in-good-company-embracing-our-quantum-lifestyle-with-fernando-vossa/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/11/13/in-good-company-embracing-our-quantum-lifestyle-with-fernando-vossaThu, 13 Nov 2014 19:00:00 GMTIn GOOD COMPANY!! Embracing Our Quantum Lifestyle with Fernando VossaBLOGTALK SERVER CRASHED ON US....WILL BE REDOING SHOW IN ITS ENTIRETY SAME TIME NEXT WEEK W/VOSSA & PROFESSOR  JOHN SEARLE!! SO SORRY FOR THE INCONVENIENCE,  EXPANDINGU RADIO Presented by India , Maite Jainko & John Festich with Honoured Guests: FERNANDO VOSSA & Fernando Morris Join us for a more personal inventory of lessons learned, clearing of baggage and tuning to anew channel for what is coming next!! Fernando Vossa has been designing technology experiences for over 18 years. His approach is to reach the psyche and heart of his audience using multidisciplinary techniques from Industrial Design, Cognitive Psychology, Virtual Reality, Cinematography, Architecture, Graphic Design, and Fine Art. His accomplishments include being part of leading edge design teams for major brands such as Microsoft, Sony, US-WEST, GE-Aerospace, and most recently unfolding innovative installation concepts at The Center of Mass Creation. Vossa is currently spearheading the HAIAH campaign. The Healing Art Installation as Home concept that marries permatecture with biometric healing technology to create a home that is keyed to your very own biorhythms. He is a green real estate developer and an expert in ancient civilizations, customs and artifacts. Vossa is implementing 3D printing as part of a revolutionary development concept he is bringing forward. Fernando Vossa gives a high level overview of his foundation of Engines of Mass Creation as a paradigm for the deployment of Free Energy technologies, Healing Solutions, and a Cosmic Awareness of our Galactic neighbors. It is time to unfold the conscious economy and the type of technology transfer based on Love and Compassion!   00:25:00ExpandingU RADIOnoExpandingU radio,india irie sanatana dharma,Quantum lifestyle,health,wellnessBLOGTALK SERVER CRASHED ON US....WILL BE REDOING SHOW IN ITS ENTIRETY SAME TIME NEXT WEEK W/VOSSA & PROFESSOR  JOHN SEARLE!! SO SORRY FOR THE INCONVENIENCE,  EXExpandingU RADIO, Fernando Vossa & Engines of Mass CREATIONhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/11/11/expandingu-radio-fernando-vossa-engines-of-mass-creationEducationhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/11/11/expandingu-radio-fernando-vossa-engines-of-mass-creation/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/11/11/expandingu-radio-fernando-vossa-engines-of-mass-creationTue, 11 Nov 2014 17:00:00 GMTExpandingU RADIO, Fernando Vossa & Engines of Mass CREATION Fernando Vossa has been designing technology experiences for over 18 years. His approach is to reach the psyche and heart of his audience using multidisciplinary techniques from Industrial Design, Cognitive Psychology, Virtual Reality, Cinematography, Architecture, Graphic Design, and Fine Art. His accomplishments include being part of leading edge design teams for major brands such as Microsoft, Sony, US-WEST, GE-Aerospace, and most recently unfolding innovative installation concepts at The Center of Mass Creation. Vossa is currently spearheading the HAIAH campaign. The Healing Art Installation as Home concept that marries permatecture with biometric healing technology to create a home that is keyed to your very own biorhythms. He is a green real estate developer and an expert in ancient civilizations, customs and artifacts. Vossa is implementing 3D printing as part of a revolutionary development concept he is bringing forward. Fernando Vossa gives a high level overview of his foundation of Engines of Mass Creation as a paradigm for the deployment of Free Energy technologies, Healing Solutions, and a Cosmic Awareness of our Galactic neighbors. It is time to unfold the conscious economy and the type of technology transfer based on Love and Compassion!   01:20:00ExpandingU RADIOnoExpandingU,Alternative News,New Paradigm,EcoVillage,PermacultureFernando Vossa has been designing technology experiences for over 18 years. His approach is to reach the psyche and heart of his audience using multidisciplinaBridge to Paradisehttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/11/11/bridge-to-paradiseEducationhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/11/11/bridge-to-paradise/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/11/11/bridge-to-paradiseTue, 11 Nov 2014 01:30:00 GMTBridge to ParadisePresented by Kami, Cary ''KiraStar'' Ellis & Jedi Knight Ken Chorley The 21st CENTURY SUPERHUMAN: A POWERFUL GUIDE TO HAVING A QUANTUM LIFESTYLE- SECTION 2; HOW QUANTUM "REALITY" OPERATES- LIVE READING & DISCUSSION..This week we r discussing, from the Shift of The Ages Section, Ch. 7~ QUANTUM THREADS IN ANCIENT TRADITION This New Series is called Self-Mastery, Quantum Thinking, The Science of Creation & THE 21st CENTURY SUPERHUMAN LIFESTYLE & will be a live reading, demonstrative & educational workshop series guaranteed to fast track you on your path towards FULL Ascension.  It's a complete Eye-opening Guide on HOW TO apply Quantum Physics, Ancient wisdom and grasp the Cosmic conjunctions that are Now shifting us beyond where we've ever been!  Transform your self-designed 'REALity' with empowering, must-have Thought and Lifestyle tools! Join us on this mind-altering/consciousness shifting 21st Century Superhuman adventure!  Learn how to use the QUANTUM POWER OF THOUGHT to create what you desire from the Infinite Field of Possibilities!  Easily Cleanse and Detox your mind & body from the limiting programming and dis-ease inducing patterns of interference by using well vetted mind/body mastery & reprogramming techniques, as well as, our Superhuman Lifestyle Nutritional and Multi-Dimensional Activation and DNA recoding/re-patterning secrets for ULTIMATE, jaw-dropping VITALITY!   Join us every Mon @ 8pm EDT, or ANYTIME u can find the time to pay valuable energy into your own superhuman transformation, & access the archives @ http://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio ;) 01:08:00ExpandingU RADIOnoExpandingu,ExpandingU Radio,New Paradigm,Kami Be,SuperfriendsPresented by Kami, Cary ''KiraStar'' Ellis & Jedi Knight Ken Chorley The 21st CENTURY SUPERHUMAN: A POWERFUL GUIDE TO HAVING A QUANTUM LIFESTYLE- SECTION 2; HOELEMENTal Evolution--Spiritual Health, Awareness & INpowermenthttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/11/10/elemental-evolution-spiritual-health-awareness-inpowermentSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/11/10/elemental-evolution-spiritual-health-awareness-inpowerment/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/11/10/elemental-evolution-spiritual-health-awareness-inpowermentMon, 10 Nov 2014 01:00:00 GMTELEMENTal Evolution--Spiritual Health, Awareness & INpowermentPresented by: Sherri Fischer, Anna Lipari, Rhonda Paolo and Darko Velcek ELEMENTal Evolution's Wisdom and Vision: Healing... Who can do it for us.. Who can be followed.. WHAT IF IT IS ALL WITHIN US. Each being made in the image of creation.. the universe, not by mistake but by reflection.  the perfect combination of all elements in a physical reality that we call REAL.. what if we truly are in control of our reality and reality we see, feel and touch???  Elements are in every law that governs nature. These laws are simple and ancient, but they have been forgotten in our modern times.Humanity benefits by regaining and establishing balance and harmony. The body naturally heals itself through the use of nature’s elements of earth, air, water, fire, and ether. Healing humanity is a holistic process which includes the entire human system of the body, the mind, and the spirit as one entity. We at Elemental Evolution intend to achieve and to pass on universal knowledge while here on Earth. We are committed to spreading truths regarding the elementals and holistic healing within the world. We humanity by facilitating them into understanding their life journey in multidimensional ways. You can check out our Facebook page for more information:  https://www.facebook.com/WisdomsElementalEvolution 02:00:00ExpandingU RADIOnoHealth,wellness,spirituality,sherri fischer,expandinguPresented by: Sherri Fischer, Anna Lipari, Rhonda Paolo and Darko Velcek ELEMENTal Evolution's Wisdom and Vision: Healing... Who can do it for us.. Who can beThe Owners' Manual for the Human Body--HEALTH SOLUTION: Distilled Watershttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/11/08/the-owners-manual-for-the-human-body-health-solution-distilled-watersEducationhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/11/08/the-owners-manual-for-the-human-body-health-solution-distilled-waters/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/11/08/the-owners-manual-for-the-human-body-health-solution-distilled-watersSat, 08 Nov 2014 18:00:00 GMTThe Owners' Manual for the Human Body--HEALTH SOLUTION: Distilled WatersTaking The Piss Madness or Medicine? There is perhaps no more controversial subject in the realms of Natural Therapy than Urine Therapy. In fact, no matter how good your reputation as a natural therapist if you want to lose credibility instantly amongst those that have otherwise supported you start suggesting they drink their own urine and see what happens. It’s the great taboo. The great professional reputation suicide topic and yet like so many taboos almost completely miss-understood – even by the many natural therapists. So why do we get so many enquiries asking us to talk about it? Why won’t this inflammatory topic drain away? Are those that asking us to comment just “taking the piss”? Join us Saturday at 11 am EST/Caribbean and discover the science from the myths, the truth from the fallacies, the power of the golden medicine and how to use it internally and externally and why many, many people around the world are getting amazing results from taking the piss The Owners' Manual you never received at birth--inspired by the book of the same title--authored by panelist, Dr. Darko Velcek. 01:00:00ExpandingU RADIOnoexpandingu,expandingu radio,india irie sanatana dharma,darko velcek,jeremy ayresTaking The Piss Madness or Medicine? There is perhaps no more controversial subject in the realms of Natural Therapy than Urine Therapy. In fact, no matter hIn GOOD COMPANY! ...with Anayah Joi Holilyhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/11/08/in-good-company-with-anayah-joi-holilyEducationhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/11/08/in-good-company-with-anayah-joi-holily/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/11/08/in-good-company-with-anayah-joi-holilySat, 08 Nov 2014 00:00:00 GMTIn GOOD COMPANY! ...with Anayah Joi HolilyPresented by India Irie with Honoured Guest, Anayah Joi Holilly! Anayah is a certified Angel Intuitive with advanced training, the Founder and Executive Producer of Angel Heart Radio & the creator of www.AngelLight777.com . Anayah is passionate about sharing the angels' unconditional love and support for humanity and all beings & reminding people of their magnificence. Along with fellow Host David Laws, Anayah loves bringing you their show Hot Topics as their schedules allow. To locate any of Anayah's AHR programs click on the link above and search Anayah Holilly today! If you missed her previous appearance you can find it here: http://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/10/08/the-syncrenicity-of-the-21st-century-superhuman-wintuitive-anayah-joi-holilly   01:34:00ExpandingU RADIOnoexpandingu,expandingu radio,india irie sanatana dharma,anayah joi holily,angel777.comPresented by India Irie with Honoured Guest, Anayah Joi Holilly! Anayah is a certified Angel Intuitive with advanced training, the Founder and Executive ProducCosmic Awakening Show-Relationship Vampires- The Dark Side Of Cupid- Eve Lorgenhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/11/07/cosmic-awakening-show-relationship-vampires-the-dark-side-of-cupid-eve-lorgen-1Educationhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/11/07/cosmic-awakening-show-relationship-vampires-the-dark-side-of-cupid-eve-lorgen-1/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/11/07/cosmic-awakening-show-relationship-vampires-the-dark-side-of-cupid-eve-lorgen-1Fri, 07 Nov 2014 02:00:00 GMTCosmic Awakening Show-Relationship Vampires- The Dark Side Of Cupid- Eve LorgenJoin host Michelle Walling and special guest cohost India Irie Sanatana Dharma as we chat with Eve Lorgen. Eve is an author, researcher and consultant in anomalous trauma. We will discuss the toxic "love bite" relationships, dark side of Cupid love connections, vampirism, and some recent cases like the Reptilian hosting and strip club update. Eve will talk about the various relationship issues people are dealing with from getting involved with these psychic vampires, as well as how healing and clearing are necessary to free oneself of these entities. We will be taking your calls in the second half of the show! http://www.blogtalkradio.com/in5d-radio/2014/11/07/cosmic-awakening-show-relationship-vampires-the-dark-side-of-cupid-eve-lorgen http://evelorgen.com http://in5d.com 02:00:00ExpandingU RADIOnoExpandingU,ExpandingU Radio,India Irie Sanatana Dharma,Michelle Walling,In5DJoin host Michelle Walling and special guest cohost India Irie Sanatana Dharma as we chat with Eve Lorgen. Eve is an author, researcher and consultant in anomalThe SYNCRENICITY of the 21st Century Superhumanhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/11/05/the-syncrenicity-of-the-21st-century-superhumanEducationhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/11/05/the-syncrenicity-of-the-21st-century-superhuman/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/11/05/the-syncrenicity-of-the-21st-century-superhumanWed, 05 Nov 2014 20:00:00 GMTThe SYNCRENICITY of the 21st Century Superhuman Presented by India Irie and tribe with Honoured Guest, Author, Viv Bala VivBala is a Software Engineer by profession but sudden change of events leading to an awakening process forced him to change direction in his life to align himself closely with Universe and to take this 'calling' more seriously. This kind of awakening is being referred as Kundalini Awakening in Eastern literature and this is triggering many awakenings across the world. He's learned to make adjustments to his daily life and to adapt with the new insights. The journal that he wrote going through this process helped me to write a book. Today we get to hear of this perspective of Awakenining & blossoming through the eyes of the 'butterfly'. Life is Binary: The Choice to Live Love or Limitation This book is a compelling account of an ordinary working mans' awakening to the reality of the connectedness of all life and Intelligent Awareness. After suffering with panic attacks for some time he searched deeply for reasons and solutions. He uncovered a whole lot more than he was looking for and through his dedication we have here a wondrous account of the knowledge and wisdom he gleaned. A door is opened to the knowing that this consciousness is available to us all. He lays out simple steps and choices we can make to move towards a personal experience of this natural inherent Universal Intelligence. He inspires us to know that a life unexplored and unexamined is a missed opportunity, a tragedy even, as the fruits of living with Awareness beyond the limited personal logical thinking self are immeasurable. The delights are infinite and the benefits not only to us personally but more importantly to human kind as a whole are deeply needed. http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00KB5OVFY 01:00:00ExpandingU RADIOnoExpandingU radio,india irie sanatana dharma,syncrenicity,21st century superhuman,Quantum lifestylePresented by India Irie and tribe with Honoured Guest, Author, Viv Bala VivBala is a Software Engineer by profession but sudden change of events leading toBridge to Paradisehttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/11/04/bridge-to-paradiseEducationhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/11/04/bridge-to-paradise/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/11/04/bridge-to-paradiseTue, 04 Nov 2014 01:00:00 GMTBridge to ParadiseListen to a great show Cary & Ken did with Grandpa Peter Cayote while on the 21st Century Superhuman Colorado Tour! Cary does a fantastic job expaining the consciousness end game of this work we are doing in the world and she also talks about some of the practical tools taught at the workshops while Ken comprehensively covers his FASCINATING story & our Beloved Grandpa Kayote does a Magical job at creating the perfect light wave for the three of them to ride like a rainbow! 01:58:00ExpandingU RADIOnoExpandingu,ExpandingU Radio,New Paradigm,Kami Be,SuperfriendsListen to a great show Cary & Ken did with Grandpa Peter Cayote while on the 21st Century Superhuman Colorado Tour! Cary does a fantastic job expaining the consELEMENTal Evolution--Spiritual Health, Awareness & INpowermenthttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/11/03/elemental-evolution-spiritual-health-awareness-inpowermentEducationhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/11/03/elemental-evolution-spiritual-health-awareness-inpowerment/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/11/03/elemental-evolution-spiritual-health-awareness-inpowermentMon, 03 Nov 2014 01:00:00 GMTELEMENTal Evolution--Spiritual Health, Awareness & INpowermentPresented by: Sherri Fischer, Anna Lipari, Rhonda Paolo and Darko Velcek.. ELEMENTal Evolution's Wisdom and Vision: Elements are in every law that governs nature. These laws are simple and ancient, but they have been forgotten in our modern times.Humanity benefits by regaining and establishing balance and harmony. The body naturally heals itself through the use of nature’s elements of earth, air, water, fire, and ether. Healing humanity is a holistic process which includes the entire human system of the body, the mind, and the spirit as one entity. We at Elemental Evolution intend to achieve and to pass on universal knowledge while here on Earth. We are committed to spreading truths regarding the elementals and holistic healing within the world. We humanity by facilitating them into understanding their life journey in multidimensional ways. You can check out our Facebook page for more information:  https://www.facebook.com/WisdomsElementalEvolution 00:56:00ExpandingU RADIOnoHealth,wellness,spirituality,sherri fischer,expandinguPresented by: Sherri Fischer, Anna Lipari, Rhonda Paolo and Darko Velcek.. ELEMENTal Evolution's Wisdom and Vision: Elements are in every law that governs natThe Owners' Manual for the Human Body--The Importance of Gut Florahttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/11/01/the-owners-manual-for-the-human-body-the-importance-of-gut-floraEducationhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/11/01/the-owners-manual-for-the-human-body-the-importance-of-gut-flora/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/11/01/the-owners-manual-for-the-human-body-the-importance-of-gut-floraSat, 01 Nov 2014 15:00:00 GMTThe Owners' Manual for the Human Body--The Importance of Gut Flora Digestion and Elimination: Understanding the Importance of Gut Flora Let me just say this up front, loud and clear: I can not overemphasize the importance of gut flora. We are not educated properly on this subject. We are not eating properly in order to maintain the absolutely crucial bacterial balance necessary for health. If your gut isn’t healthy then you aren’t healthy. You must fix this before you do anything else. There exists a condition called disbacteriosis and sadly, most of us probably have it. Basically it is an imbalance of intestinal flora. Ideally our guts contain both the “good” and the “bad” bacteria, with the good winning out. But when our diets are poor and we introduce antibiotics we allow the bad bacteria to overtake the balance. To give you an idea, a healthy person should have between 3-5 pounds of beneficial flora. Before we can work on our digestion and elimination health we have to understand what the problem really is and how huge of a role friendly bacteria play in our health. Necessary Functions Provided by Friendly Flora include:  They keep our digestive system healthy, chelate heavy metals, carcinogens, and other toxic substances and excrete them out of the body, convert food into nourishing substances for the lining of the gut, keeping it healthy, probiotic microbes are essential for feeding our bodies properly and they are the basis of our immune systems. Signs of disbacteriosis include asthma, allergies, skin eruptions, and chronic infections. You can also tell if your gut is healthy based on whether you are constipated or have issues with gas or bloating. The Owners' Manual you never received at birth--inspired by the book of the same title--authored by panelist, Dr. Darko Velcek. 01:00:00ExpandingU RADIOnoexpandingu,expandingu radio,india irie sanatana dharma,darko velcek,jeremy ayresDigestion and Elimination: Understanding the Importance of Gut Flora Let me just say this up front, loud and clear: I can not overemphasize the importance oGood Company!http://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/10/30/good-companyEducationhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/10/30/good-company/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/10/30/good-companyThu, 30 Oct 2014 01:00:00 GMTGood Company!Presented by India Irie & Sherri Fischer SPECIAL GUEST: JEANMARIE LIAROS, Director of Operations & Institute Director for New Earth Project Welcome to the New Earth Institute... The New Earth Institute is launching as THE Planetary Hub for wisdom-keeping, knowledge sharing, and trans-cultural exchange. Most importantly it seeks to dynamically bypass controlled academia and media manipulated disinformation which pollutes and defiles true learning and knowledge sharing in our age. The Institute brings together a selection of leading luminaries, across a broad range of disciplines, each expert in their respective fields, to offer the benefit of their extensive wisdom and knowledge through a series of Academies,. The Academies will evolve to offer a broad range of materials and resources to create a dynamic and collaborative platform for learning. Additionally the Institute hosts a series of Faculties, where visionary and pioneering individuals have aligned in service of New Earth Nation, to advance consciousness and sustainable development for the betterment of people and planet. Unlike any educational resource ever before presented, the New Earth Institute is a living, organic platform which mirrors the inherent dynamic and changing nature of all life, thereby providing a framework for collaboration to create the most effective, accessible, instructive, transformative and empowering digital resource on Earth. https://www.newearthnation.org/ 01:30:00ExpandingU RADIOnoExpandingU radio,india irie sanatana dharma,Quantum lifestyle,Expandingu,sherri fischerPresented by India Irie & Sherri Fischer SPECIAL GUEST: JEANMARIE LIAROS, Director of Operations & Institute Director for New Earth Project Welcome to the NewIndia Irie on Talk w/Vince talks with Rena Iliadeshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/10/28/india-irie-on-talk-wvince-talks-with-rena-iliadesEducationhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/10/28/india-irie-on-talk-wvince-talks-with-rena-iliades/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/10/28/india-irie-on-talk-wvince-talks-with-rena-iliadesTue, 28 Oct 2014 16:00:00 GMTIndia Irie on Talk w/Vince talks with Rena IliadesIndia Irie Sanatana Dharma on Talk w/Vince & Ardriana!! Special Guest: Rena Iliades, producer & creator of Pirates of the Suburbs,  Extraordinary Researcher  on matters relative to the Australian Common Wealth and It’s Ties to England -  Agenda 21 - DNA Database - Sacred Geometry and DNA - Flower of Life - How Cells Divide - DNA Profiles Being Collected - Gutherie Cards & Much more!! - See more at: http://www.vegasallnetradio.com/talk-with-vince.html#sthash.wxYCeVs8.dpuf   01:56:00ExpandingU RADIOnoExpandingU,Alternative News,New Paradigm,EcoVillage,PermacultureIndia Irie Sanatana Dharma on Talk w/Vince & Ardriana!! Special Guest: Rena Iliades, producer & creator of Pirates of the Suburbs,  Extraordinary Researcher  oBridge to Paradisehttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/10/28/bridge-to-paradiseEducationhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/10/28/bridge-to-paradise/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/10/28/bridge-to-paradiseTue, 28 Oct 2014 00:00:00 GMTBridge to ParadiseTHIS WEEK I PLAYED A SPEECH OUR FELLOW TRIBESMAN & VERITABLE SELF-CONTAINED SUPER CONSCIOUS THINK TANK, FERNANDO VOSSA, GAVE AT THE BREAKTHROUGH ENERGY CONFERENCE ABOUT THE ART AND SCIENCE OF CONSCIOUS CREATION. 00:46:00ExpandingU RADIOnoExpandingu,ExpandingU Radio,New Paradigm,Kami Be,SuperfriendsTHIS WEEK I PLAYED A SPEECH OUR FELLOW TRIBESMAN & VERITABLE SELF-CONTAINED SUPER CONSCIOUS THINK TANK, FERNANDO VOSSA, GAVE AT THE BREAKTHROUGH ENERGY CONFERENELEMENTal Evolution--Spiritual Health, Awareness & INpowermenthttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/10/26/elemental-evolution-spiritual-health-awareness-inpowermentEducationhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/10/26/elemental-evolution-spiritual-health-awareness-inpowerment/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/10/26/elemental-evolution-spiritual-health-awareness-inpowermentSun, 26 Oct 2014 15:30:00 GMTELEMENTal Evolution--Spiritual Health, Awareness & INpowermentPresented by: Sherri Fischer, Anna Lipari Rhonda Paolo and Darko Velcek ELEMENTal Evolution's Wisdom and Vision: Join us in talking with Clive de Carl, the founder of Ancient Purity, about a product the pharmaceutical companies don’t want you to know about, Gc Maf.  Elements are in every law that governs nature. These laws are simple and ancient, but they have been forgotten in our modern times.Humanity benefits by regaining and establishing balance and harmony. The body naturally heals itself through the use of nature’s elements of earth, air, water, fire, and ether. Healing humanity is a holistic process which includes the entire human system of the body, the mind, and the spirit as one entity. We at Elemental Evolution intend to achieve and to pass on universal knowledge while here on Earth. We are committed to spreading truths regarding the elementals and holistic healing within the world. We humanity by facilitating them into understanding their life journey in multidimensional ways. You can check out our Facebook page for more information:  https://www.facebook.com/WisdomsElementalEvolution 02:00:00ExpandingU RADIOnoHealth,wellness,spirituality,sherri fischer,expandinguPresented by: Sherri Fischer, Anna Lipari Rhonda Paolo and Darko Velcek ELEMENTal Evolution's Wisdom and Vision: Join us in talking with Clive de Carl, the foThe Owners' Manual for the Human Body--HEALTH SOLUTIONS: Sick or Detoxing?http://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/10/25/the-owners-manual-for-the-human-body-health-solutions-sick-or-detoxingEducationhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/10/25/the-owners-manual-for-the-human-body-health-solutions-sick-or-detoxing/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/10/25/the-owners-manual-for-the-human-body-health-solutions-sick-or-detoxingSat, 25 Oct 2014 15:00:00 GMTThe Owners' Manual for the Human Body--HEALTH SOLUTIONS: Sick or Detoxing?Running nose, phloem, fever and diarrhoea, YOU ARE SICK!!! Whenever one comes up with those symptoms, doctors response is antibiotics. Well this could be the signs of bacterial infestation but no one is making anti-biogram. You are probably asking “what the heck is anti-biogram”? This is a test that should be performed every time before antibiotic is prescribed. This test will determine which antibiotic will be most effective and should be used. So why it is not performed? Because it takes couple of days and in the mean time the patient may get well. Yes you heard me right. The patient may get well because all these signs are the signs of body cleansing itself so it can start the process of self healing. This is why we decided to make a program about detoxification so we can understand what is going on and liberate ourselves from intentional poisoning performed by medical cartel. This may sound silly but look at it with clear head. Mucosal tissue will eliminate toxins wrapped in phlegm causing cough and-or diarrhea. Body will burn toxins by raising body temperature (fever). Rapid detoxification may cause inflammation and headaches. Are doctors healing us by suppressing those symptoms or are they preventing our body from detoxing and self healing? The Owners' Manual you never received at birth--inspired by the book of the same title--authored by panelist, Dr. Darko Velcek. 01:00:00ExpandingU RADIOnoexpandingu,expandingu radio,india irie sanatana dharma,darko velcek,jeremy ayresRunning nose, phloem, fever and diarrhoea, YOU ARE SICK!!! Whenever one comes up with those symptoms, doctors response is antibiotics. Well this could be theAdjusting During the Shift--Celebrating Our Divine Feminine & Masculine Energieshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/10/24/adjusting-during-the-shift-celebrating-our-divine-feminine-masculine-energiesEducationhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/10/24/adjusting-during-the-shift-celebrating-our-divine-feminine-masculine-energies/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/10/24/adjusting-during-the-shift-celebrating-our-divine-feminine-masculine-energiesFri, 24 Oct 2014 23:00:00 GMTAdjusting During the Shift--Celebrating Our Divine Feminine & Masculine EnergiesThe Earth is changing, the Times are changing, We are changing and so are our relationships. Sit down with India Irie, Dustin Bond, Sherri Fischer, The Alchemyst, Kami Be and Judy Jandora as we discuss how we and our loved ones are SHIFTING. How are our relationships affected during these times of change we can barely understand, let alone explain. Are we able to ask for what we need? Do we allow others to take care of us as we so often rush to care for them? Do we create bonds or break them unconsciously because we withdraw, rather than connect, in our times of need and/or confusion. Are we able to say, ''I'm scared''? Are we single and searching for new ripe connections? Are we too picky to allow anyone in close--or are we just picky enough because we've learned of our worth? Where is the line between being too picky and just being selective? Join us as we try to gain some understanding of our new NOWs... 02:01:00ExpandingU RADIOnoindia irie sanatana dharma,sherri fischer,expandingu,expandingu radio,celebrating our divine feminine and masculine energiesThe Earth is changing, the Times are changing, We are changing and so are our relationships. Sit down with India Irie, Dustin Bond, Sherri Fischer, The AlchemysIndia Irie on Talk w/Vince: Secret Societies, Part Twohttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/10/23/india-irie-on-talk-wvince-secret-societies-part-twoEducationhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/10/23/india-irie-on-talk-wvince-secret-societies-part-two/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/10/23/india-irie-on-talk-wvince-secret-societies-part-twoThu, 23 Oct 2014 00:00:00 GMTIndia Irie on Talk w/Vince: Secret Societies, Part TwoPresented by India Irie  Ancient Aliens/UFO’s in Antiquity and Modern Day - Satan’s Children - Original Meaning of Swastika - Blood the Life-Force Energy - Satanism - Bloodline Hierarchy - US Military in New Guinea - Heslod - Secret Societies - Opus Dei - UFO’s In The Bible - Ancient Aliens and Planes - The Dream of Flight - Abydos, Egypt & Ancient Airplanes - See more at: http://www.vegasallnetradio.com/talk-with-vince.html#sthash.rrdKID29.dpuf 01:55:00ExpandingU RADIOnoExpandingU radio,india irie sanatana dharma,Quantum lifestyle,essential oils,healthPresented by India Irie  Ancient Aliens/UFO’s in Antiquity and Modern Day - Satan’s Children - Original Meaning of Swastika - Blood the Life-Force Energy - SatIndia Irie on Talk w/Vince --Secret Societies Pt. 1http://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/10/22/india-irie-on-talk-wvince--secret-societies-pt-1Educationhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/10/22/india-irie-on-talk-wvince--secret-societies-pt-1/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/10/22/india-irie-on-talk-wvince--secret-societies-pt-1Wed, 22 Oct 2014 00:00:00 GMTIndia Irie on Talk w/Vince --Secret Societies Pt. 1Ancient Aliens/UFO’s in Antiquity and Modern Day - Satan’s Children - Original Meaning of Swastika - Blood the Life-Force Energy - Satanism - Bloodline Hierarchy - US Military in New Guinea - Heslod - Secret Societies - Opus Dei - UFO’s In The Bible - Ancient Aliens and Planes - The Dream of Flight - Abydos, Egypt & Ancient Airplanes - See more at: http://www.vegasallnetradio.com/talk-with-vince.html#sthash.XTilUi9r.dpuf 01:56:00ExpandingU RADIOnoExpandingU,Alternative News,New Paradigm,EcoVillage,PermacultureAncient Aliens/UFO’s in Antiquity and Modern Day - Satan’s Children - Original Meaning of Swastika - Blood the Life-Force Energy - Satanism - Bloodline HierarchOMHB SPECIAL EDITION--The Trouble w/Men (& their Health) with Jeanice Barcelohttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/10/18/omhb-special-edition-the-trouble-wmen-their-health-with-jeanice-barceloEducationhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/10/18/omhb-special-edition-the-trouble-wmen-their-health-with-jeanice-barcelo/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/10/18/omhb-special-edition-the-trouble-wmen-their-health-with-jeanice-barceloSat, 18 Oct 2014 15:00:00 GMTOMHB SPECIAL EDITION--The Trouble w/Men (& their Health) with Jeanice BarceloThe Owners' Manual for the Human Body Panelists: India Irie, Dr. Darko Velcek, Dr, Jeremy Ayres & Clive De Carle are honoured to welcome for a returning INpowering special, JEANICE BARCELO.  We are going to look at the common problems men suffer from and how this connects with how men - for the most part - have been steered away from their natural identity. So often we hear on the airwaves about the Divine Feminine but what about the Divine Masculine? In a nutshell -- let's talk about (1) western ideas of "masculinity" and how they affect male sexuality and relationships between men and women; (2) the importance of men's consciousness in the creation of children (i.e., conscious conception); (3) the male role during the gestation of children; and (4) the male role during birth and what men need to do to protect their partner's and children from medical abuse. 02:11:00ExpandingU RADIOnoexpandingu,expandingu radio,india irie sanatana dharma,darko velcek,jeremy ayresThe Owners' Manual for the Human Body Panelists: India Irie, Dr. Darko Velcek, Dr, Jeremy Ayres & Clive De Carle are honoured to welcome for a returning INpowerBridge to Paradisehttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/10/14/bridge-to-paradiseEducationhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/10/14/bridge-to-paradise/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/10/14/bridge-to-paradiseTue, 14 Oct 2014 00:00:00 GMTBridge to ParadisePresented by Kami & The Super Friends The World is changing and WE ARE THE CHANGE AGENTS/NEOsONEs we've been waiting for! A Bridge To Paradise is being built across the planet RIGHT NOW & this show is going to support those leading edge constructs & shift shapers reppin THE GLITCH IN THE MATRIX! Focusing on the practical steps we ALL are & will be taking down the yellow brick path to get us there one inspired idea, solution, deed/action, day, week, month & brick at a time is only way to fly now & what good is having wings if u dont spread the Love! Rising Together in U-n-I-TY (U & I supporting one another In ThankFULLGratitude for each & every persons value & contribution to the whole is how we like to DO BE DO BE DO & if your HERE, You Matter; whether u have grasped exactly how yet, or not!) is the fasted route to Everlasting Freedom & the only way to create the coming The Golden Age of Gaia! So, please do join Me & All the Fascinating Earth Angels & Super Heros I have the privelidge to know & love as we sort this planet out & UP! 01:08:00ExpandingU RADIOnoExpandingu,ExpandingU Radio,New Paradigm,Kami Be,SuperfriendsPresented by Kami & The Super Friends The World is changing and WE ARE THE CHANGE AGENTS/NEOsONEs we've been waiting for! A Bridge To Paradise is being built aELEMENTal Evolution--Spiritual Health, Awareness & INpowermenthttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/10/13/elemental-evolution-spiritual-health-awareness-inpowermentEducationhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/10/13/elemental-evolution-spiritual-health-awareness-inpowerment/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/10/13/elemental-evolution-spiritual-health-awareness-inpowermentMon, 13 Oct 2014 00:00:00 GMTELEMENTal Evolution--Spiritual Health, Awareness & INpowermentPresented by: Sherri Fischer, Anna Lipari, Rhonda Paolo and Darko Velcek ELEMENTal Evolution's Wisdom and Vision: So many different answers to the questions we are all asking.. what is happening to us, to the planet.  What can we expect in future and what did we miss in the past.. Join us tonight in talking about these things and more.. <3   Elements are in every law that governs nature. These laws are simple and ancient, but they have been forgotten in our modern times.Humanity benefits by regaining and establishing balance and harmony. The body naturally heals itself through the use of nature’s elements of earth, air, water, fire, and ether. Healing humanity is a holistic process which includes the entire human system of the body, the mind, and the spirit as one entity. We at Elemental Evolution intend to achieve and to pass on universal knowledge while here on Earth. We are committed to spreading truths regarding the elementals and holistic healing within the world. We humanity by facilitating them into understanding their life journey in multidimensional ways. You can check out our Facebook page for more information:  https://www.facebook.com/WisdomsElementalEvolution 02:01:00ExpandingU RADIOnoHealth,wellness,spirituality,sherri fischer,expandinguPresented by: Sherri Fischer, Anna Lipari, Rhonda Paolo and Darko Velcek ELEMENTal Evolution's Wisdom and Vision: So many different answers to the questions wThe Owners' Manual for the Human Body--HEALTH SOLUTIONS: Obesityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/10/11/the-owners-manual-for-the-human-body-health-solutions-obesityEducationhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/10/11/the-owners-manual-for-the-human-body-health-solutions-obesity/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/10/11/the-owners-manual-for-the-human-body-health-solutions-obesitySat, 11 Oct 2014 15:00:00 GMTThe Owners' Manual for the Human Body--HEALTH SOLUTIONS: Obesity**Repeat show The Owners' Manual you never received at birth--inspired by the book of the same title--authored by panelist, Dr. Darko Velcek. HEALTH SOLUTIONS: OBESITY Obesity is common, serious, costly and global. Obesity now affects 17% of all children and adolescents in the United States - triple the rate from just one generation ago. Why is this? The fastest growing medical supply product now is machinery and handling aids to handle obese patients.  Beds, lifts, baths, wheelchairs etc., all are getting too small.  Overweight and obesity are major risk factors for a number of chronic conditions, including diabetes, cardiovascular conditions and cancer. Once considered a problem only in high income countries, overweight and obesity are now dramatically on the rise in low- and middle-income countries, particularly in urban settings. The question is really a simple one: WHAT is making us SO fat? ''We are NOT sick. We are TOX-SICK!!!'' --Dr. Jeremy Ayres 02:04:00ExpandingU RADIOnoexpandingu,expandingu radio,india irie sanatana dharma,darko velcek,jeremy ayres**Repeat show The Owners' Manual you never received at birth--inspired by the book of the same title--authored by panelist, Dr. Darko Velcek. HEALTH SOLUTIONSThe SYNCRENICITY of the 21st Century Superhuman--w/Intuitive Anayah Joi Holillyhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/10/08/the-syncrenicity-of-the-21st-century-superhuman-wintuitive-anayah-joi-holillyEducationhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/10/08/the-syncrenicity-of-the-21st-century-superhuman-wintuitive-anayah-joi-holilly/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/10/08/the-syncrenicity-of-the-21st-century-superhuman-wintuitive-anayah-joi-holillyWed, 08 Oct 2014 23:00:00 GMTThe SYNCRENICITY of the 21st Century Superhuman--w/Intuitive Anayah Joi HolillyPresented by India Irie & Sherri Fischer with Honoured Guest, Anayah Joi Holilly! Anayah is a certified Angel Intuitive with advanced training, the Founder and Executive Producer of Angel Heart Radio & the creator of www.AngelLight777.com . Anayah is passionate about sharing the angels' unconditional love and support for humanity and all beings & reminding people of their magnificence. Along with fellow Host David Laws, Anayah loves bringing you their show Hot Topics as their schedules allow. To locate any of Anayah's AHR programs click on the link above and search Anayah Holilly today! 01:54:00ExpandingU RADIOnoExpandingU radio,india irie sanatana dharma,syncrenicity,21st century superhuman,Quantum lifestylePresented by India Irie & Sherri Fischer with Honoured Guest, Anayah Joi Holilly! Anayah is a certified Angel Intuitive with advanced training, the Founder andExpandingU RADIO is In GOOD COMPANY with the MAGICAL CORNER!http://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/10/07/expandingu-radio-is-in-good-company-with-the-magical-cornerEducationhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/10/07/expandingu-radio-is-in-good-company-with-the-magical-corner/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/10/07/expandingu-radio-is-in-good-company-with-the-magical-cornerTue, 07 Oct 2014 21:00:00 GMTExpandingU RADIO is In GOOD COMPANY with the MAGICAL CORNER!The magic corner is a safe shelter that was created with the aim of: providing some basic rights for children in vulnerable situations, such as the right to food and education; and encourage good eating habits, healthy lifestyle and all actions that benefit food security with the participation of the community. The lot chosen for the construction of the new dining room was donated three years ago by an anonymous person, with writing and public domain, just as a professional support plans to donate the work. Give these children a new place to attend daily benefit better and better infrastructure, equipped with a multifunctional room, two bathrooms for boys and girls, a kitchen with all utensils for operation, fully plated, enough tables and chairs, a computer room, a library, and a workshop for training for entrepreneurship. The Community Diner "Magic Corner" is really important to the community of El Poblado and the surrounding neighborhoods, as the children who are attending are part of the displaced and vulnerable population. His parents did not have sufficient resources to provide the food they need every day, for this reason many of the girls and girls show signs of malnutrition. With the help of this Dining Room has been improving these conditions. The Community Diner "Magic Corner" is essential for this area that is already located in one of the poorest and most violent communities, so this class shares routed to an optimal and healthy diets of our children as well as training in moral values ??and leisure time in productive activities that sow in them an entrepreneurial spirit and give them tools to interact positively in a troubled environment. The Community Diner "Magic Corner" does their bit to eliminate the biggest  affliction of humanity: hunger. If we can build the physical plant may receive assistance and support for operation of the Colombian Institute of Family Welfare ICBF.   01:21:00ExpandingU RADIOnoExpandingU,Alternative News,New Paradigm,EcoVillage,PermacultureThe magic corner is a safe shelter that was created with the aim of: providing some basic rights for children in vulnerable situations, such as the right to fooELEMENTal Evolution--Spiritual Health, Awareness & INpowermenthttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/10/06/elemental-evolution-spiritual-health-awareness-inpowermentEducationhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/10/06/elemental-evolution-spiritual-health-awareness-inpowerment/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/10/06/elemental-evolution-spiritual-health-awareness-inpowermentMon, 06 Oct 2014 00:00:00 GMTELEMENTal Evolution--Spiritual Health, Awareness & INpowermentPresented by: Sherri Fischer, Anna Lipari ,Rhonda Paolo and Darko Velcek ELEMENTal Evolution's Wisdom and Vision: We have joining us tonight John Mckenna, who through music, martial arts and Life coaching has come to a place of understanding the Mind.. Body.. and Soul.  www.ezlivingsystems.com www.purplemusic.com www.johnnyandthemuse.com www.wu-li.com Elements are in every law that governs nature. These laws are simple and ancient, but they have been forgotten in our modern times.Humanity benefits by regaining and establishing balance and harmony. The body naturally heals itself through the use of nature’s elements of earth, air, water, fire, and ether. Healing humanity is a holistic process which includes the entire human system of the body, the mind, and the spirit as one entity. We at Elemental Evolution intend to achieve and to pass on universal knowledge while here on Earth. We are committed to spreading truths regarding the elementals and holistic healing within the world. We humanity by facilitating them into understanding their life journey in multidimensional ways. You can check out our Facebook page for more information:  https://www.facebook.com/WisdomsElementalEvolution 02:01:00ExpandingU RADIOnoHealth,wellness,spirituality,sherri fischer,expandinguPresented by: Sherri Fischer, Anna Lipari ,Rhonda Paolo and Darko Velcek ELEMENTal Evolution's Wisdom and Vision: We have joining us tonight John Mckenna, whoThe Owners' Manual for the Human Body--HEALTH SOLUTIONS: Multiple Sclerosishttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/10/04/the-owners-manual-for-the-human-body-health-solutions-multiple-sclerosisEducationhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/10/04/the-owners-manual-for-the-human-body-health-solutions-multiple-sclerosis/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/10/04/the-owners-manual-for-the-human-body-health-solutions-multiple-sclerosisSat, 04 Oct 2014 16:30:00 GMTThe Owners' Manual for the Human Body--HEALTH SOLUTIONS: Multiple SclerosisChronic, debilitating diseases are on the rise. One of them frequently mentioned is MS or multiple sclerosis. There is no "cure" because we claim that we do not know if it is genetic, is it auto immune, is it of a viral or a bacterial origin? What we know is that it is characterized by a damaged isolating coat of nerve cells, inflammation and inability of neurons to communicate. This is one of those disease that used to be extremely rare. Since it does not affect animals in the wilderness it is obvious it has something to do with what we eat and what we do as humans. As soon as inflammation occurs we have to assume that the cells involved are acidic and that means toxic. The insulating cover around the nerve cells is made of fats delivered by cholesterol. Does tempering with cholesterol contribute to the problem? Is it the lack of saturated fats or presence of glucose in the diet or does stress have anything to do with this problem? The fact is that this disease was unknown since the 1800 although some refer to several cases as possible MS. This is clearly disease of modern human and that means polluted human. So is the claim that there is no cure because it is genetic problem correct? This Saturday our panel will elaborate over this topic pointing on possible causes and the way this dis ease can be dealt with. 00:59:00ExpandingU RADIOnoexpandingu,expandingu radio,india irie sanatana dharma,darko velcek,jeremy ayresChronic, debilitating diseases are on the rise. One of them frequently mentioned is MS or multiple sclerosis. There is no "cure" because we claim that we do notELEMENTal Evolution--Spiritual Health, Awareness & INpowermenthttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/09/29/elemental-evolution-spiritual-health-awareness-inpowermentSpiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/09/29/elemental-evolution-spiritual-health-awareness-inpowerment/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/09/29/elemental-evolution-spiritual-health-awareness-inpowermentMon, 29 Sep 2014 00:00:00 GMTELEMENTal Evolution--Spiritual Health, Awareness & INpowermentPresented by: Sherri Fischer, Anna Lipari, Rhonda Paolo and Darko Velcek ELEMENTal Evolution's Wisdom and Vision: Thomas Hughes and Judy Jandora join us at Elemental Evolution in defining and understanding what is happening on this planet.  Elements are in every law that governs nature. These laws are simple and ancient, but they have been forgotten in our modern times.Humanity benefits by regaining and establishing balance and harmony. The body naturally heals itself through the use of nature’s elements of earth, air, water, fire, and ether. Healing humanity is a holistic process which includes the entire human system of the body, the mind, and the spirit as one entity. We at Elemental Evolution intend to achieve and to pass on universal knowledge while here on Earth. We are committed to spreading truths regarding the elementals and holistic healing within the world. We humanity by facilitating them into understanding their life journey in multidimensional ways. You can check out our Facebook page for more information:  https://www.facebook.com/WisdomsElementalEvolution 01:46:00ExpandingU RADIOnoHealth,wellness,spirituality,sherri fischer,expandinguPresented by: Sherri Fischer, Anna Lipari, Rhonda Paolo and Darko Velcek ELEMENTal Evolution's Wisdom and Vision: Thomas Hughes and Judy Jandora join us at ElThe Owners' Manual for the Human Body--HEALTH SOLUTIONS: The Ebola Lieshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/09/27/the-owners-manual-for-the-human-body-health-solutions-the-ebola-liesEducationhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/09/27/the-owners-manual-for-the-human-body-health-solutions-the-ebola-lies/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/09/27/the-owners-manual-for-the-human-body-health-solutions-the-ebola-liesSat, 27 Sep 2014 13:00:00 GMTThe Owners' Manual for the Human Body--HEALTH SOLUTIONS: The Ebola LiesSCARED TO DEATH--THE EBOLA LIES "In a time of universal deceit - telling the truth is a revolutionary act." - George Orwell  Our panel consists of very experienced researchers and practitioners in what we know to be real medicine. We have privately & publicly taken the stand to share the truths about mans dis-ease where we can, even when this has proved unpopular or even worse for ourselves or our families. We know – as many millions now do – that the level of deceit promulgated as truth in our time is simply incomprehensible for those who have yet to awaken form a well designed construct that literally has been manipulating and poisoning you from even before your birth. Ghandi said,”a lie is a lie, even if everyone believes it to be the truth; just as the truth is the truth, even if everyone believes it to be a lie”. As of yesterday the FDA announced it will arrest anyone suggesting that they have natural remedies or cures for Ebola. If ever there was a time to stand stronger on these subjects and know that they fear the others who also have stood strong have reached a greater audience it is now. Like the pig and bird flu before them, this so called Pandemic has as many holes and questions they don’t want asked as the Vatican has priests who like boys in all the wrong ways. In this show, we will once again share what we know about all viruses and infections, what they truly are and how you can protect yourselves and your loved ones. We will also dispel the germ theory as the plagiarized farce it is and share what we believe is really going on for all to see if they open their eyes.   01:08:00ExpandingU RADIOnoexpandingu,expandingu radio,india irie sanatana dharma,darko velcek,jeremy ayresSCARED TO DEATH--THE EBOLA LIES "In a time of universal deceit - telling the truth is a revolutionary act." - George Orwell  Our panel consists of very experiMISSION: I'MPOSSIBLE--Mission 29http://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/09/27/mission-impossible-mission-29Educationhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/09/27/mission-impossible-mission-29/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/09/27/mission-impossible-mission-29Sat, 27 Sep 2014 00:00:00 GMTMISSION: I'MPOSSIBLE--Mission 29MISSION #29: MISSION I’M POSSIBLE 29 : Projects ongoing. Bio Char, Bokashi, Bio Gas, EM-1 work : Working in the Jungle. From the New Offices 1) THE NEW OFFICE, Is it fully functioning? 2) Shimiyacu Amazon Lodge Project and How it is all going with Simone. 3) Ashleys Jungle Ayahuasca Retreat and How that Project is going. 4) The latest On The Q.E.G. PERU: 5) The Latest on The Dome Aquaponics Project. 6) Karl Moltzan When How and Where is he? 7) Paul Exall Will he Make it to Peru? 8) The Latest From Chazuta Ceramics for EM-1 works. Jungle Consciousness is here, When You take from the Jungle all that it provides you, One Can do so by Replacing the riches you need with EM-1  or Bokashi or Bio-char. In Light From Dave and all at MIP, Tarapoto, Peru. 3D PRINTING GLOBAL ENERGY NETWORK EXPLOSION!!  FREE ENERGY, 3D PRINTING, 4D DESIGN, PERMACULTURE, QUANTUM ENERGY GENERATORS, CENTRE FOR MASS CREATION, AND MORE TO COME!   00:26:00ExpandingU RADIOnoexpandingu,expandingu radio,expanding consciousness,3d printing,3d printing global energy networkMISSION #29: MISSION I’M POSSIBLE 29 : Projects ongoing. Bio Char, Bokashi, Bio Gas, EM-1 work : Working in the Jungle. From the New Offices 1) THE NEW OFExpandingU RADIOhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/09/24/expandingu-radioEducationhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/09/24/expandingu-radio/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/09/24/expandingu-radioWed, 24 Sep 2014 00:00:00 GMTExpandingU RADIOPresented by: India Irie Sanatana Dharma & The SUPERFriends on Talk W Vince Talk With Vince: Dave Stewart, Fernando Vossa, Tony Kilvert, Daniel Nunez:  Weather as a weapon and political tool - Celestial Navigator - Tesla technology - E-Clinic Doctors - Germanic New Medicine (GNM) - Human Design System (HDS) - Quantum Physicians - self-healing - ENERGY DEPENDENCE - RepRap - POE coils - re-energised water imploder - Sacred Geometry - aquaponics - 3D printed solar panels - 3D printing Technology - See more at: http://www.vegasallnetradio.com/talk-with-vince.html#sthash.W9c8rqzo.dpuf The Journey: www.facebook.com/notes/india-irie-sanatana-dharma/birthing-a-dream-the-story-of-expandingu/682190551825057 01:55:00ExpandingU RADIOnoExpandingU,Alternative News,New Paradigm,EcoVillage,PermaculturePresented by: India Irie Sanatana Dharma & The SUPERFriends on Talk W Vince Talk With Vince: Dave Stewart, Fernando Vossa, Tony Kilvert, Daniel Nunez:  WeatherThe Owners' Manual for the Human Body--HEALTH SOLUTIONS: Erectile Dysfunctionhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/09/20/the-owners-manual-for-the-human-body-health-solutions-erectile-dysfunctionEducationhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/09/20/the-owners-manual-for-the-human-body-health-solutions-erectile-dysfunction/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/09/20/the-owners-manual-for-the-human-body-health-solutions-erectile-dysfunctionSat, 20 Sep 2014 15:00:00 GMTThe Owners' Manual for the Human Body--HEALTH SOLUTIONS: Erectile DysfunctionAVAILABLE NOW FOR LISTNING! THINGS ARE LOOKING UP!! WHY THE LEAD'S DROPPED OUT OF YOUR PENCIL.... ''As much as I try this subject is just one of those subjects that attracts a great deal of comic fodder. However, for those men that have erectile dysfunction or impotent it is no joking matter. This condition has ruined relationships, caused great mental/emotional suffering and worse. No wonder the highly toxic drugs and Cialis do so well but what is truly the reason Percy won’t Perform? In this show we will use humor melded with truth to make the real reasons available for all and what you can do to remedy this. We take this very seriously but want it accessible whilst we share with you all the dangerous underbelly that this condition is possibly a symptom of and the need to remedy this. We will listen to our resident specialist on this matter, Dr. Darko Velcek --who is now infamous for giving many men erections (sorry Darko, Just couldn’t resist putting it this way), and the rest of the panel add their knowledge and experience to this very impotent – sorry, important subject. =D Rest assured, if your suffering from this or know someone who is then listen in, share and follow our suggestions and see how things will soon be LOOKING UP!!'' -- Jeremy Ayres 01:08:00ExpandingU RADIOnoexpandingu,expandingu radio,india irie sanatana dharma,darko velcek,jeremy ayresAVAILABLE NOW FOR LISTNING! THINGS ARE LOOKING UP!! WHY THE LEAD'S DROPPED OUT OF YOUR PENCIL.... ''As much as I try this subject is just one of those subjectMISSION: I'MPOSSIBLE--Mission 28http://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/09/20/mission-impossible-mission-28Educationhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/09/20/mission-impossible-mission-28/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/09/20/mission-impossible-mission-28Sat, 20 Sep 2014 00:00:00 GMTMISSION: I'MPOSSIBLE--Mission 28MISSION #28: UPDATES, UPDATES, UPDATES! 3D PRINTING GLOBAL ENERGY NETWORK EXPLOSION!!  FREE ENERGY, 3D PRINTING, 4D DESIGN, PERMACULTURE, QUANTUM ENERGY GENERATORS, CENTRE FOR MASS CREATION, AND MORE TO COME!   01:18:00ExpandingU RADIOnoexpandingu,expandingu radio,expanding consciousness,3d printing,3d printing global energy networkMISSION #28: UPDATES, UPDATES, UPDATES! 3D PRINTING GLOBAL ENERGY NETWORK EXPLOSION!!  FREE ENERGY, 3D PRINTING, 4D DESIGN, PERMACULTURE, QUANTUM ENERGY GENEThe SYNCRENICITY of the 21st Century Superhuman: GC Maf w/Clive de Carlehttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/09/18/the-syncrenicity-of-the-21st-century-superhuman-gc-maf-wclive-de-carleEducationhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/09/18/the-syncrenicity-of-the-21st-century-superhuman-gc-maf-wclive-de-carle/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/09/18/the-syncrenicity-of-the-21st-century-superhuman-gc-maf-wclive-de-carleThu, 18 Sep 2014 19:30:00 GMTThe SYNCRENICITY of the 21st Century Superhuman: GC Maf w/Clive de CarlePresented by India Irie & the Panel of the Owner's Manual for the Human Body. Special Guest, Clive de Carle for more info on this material, email Clive at gcmaf@thesolutionsclinic.com   00:56:00ExpandingU RADIOnoExpandingU radio,india irie sanatana dharma,21st century superhuman,Quantum lifestyle,healthPresented by India Irie & the Panel of the Owner's Manual for the Human Body. Special Guest, Clive de Carle for more info on this material, email Clive at gcmExpandingU RADIO Sits Down w/Intuitive Artist, Amy Pomarhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/09/17/expandingu-radio-sits-down-wintuitive-artist-amy-pomarEducationhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/09/17/expandingu-radio-sits-down-wintuitive-artist-amy-pomar/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/09/17/expandingu-radio-sits-down-wintuitive-artist-amy-pomarWed, 17 Sep 2014 00:00:00 GMTExpandingU RADIO Sits Down w/Intuitive Artist, Amy PomarPresented by: India Irie Sanatana Dharma & Sherri Fischer It has only been 5 years and a few days since I caught my mother’s breath and my life changed. Five years and a few days ago, I awakened to the ascension of evolution. It has been quite a journey with more to come for me, for my family, for my friends and their friends, and for humanity as we evolve along with our planet Earth, her real name Gaia, unveiling and granting all living beings with greater understanding of their divine role and greater purpose. I am not a hippie, a new ager, a religious nutcase, an atheist or agnostic, I am not a cult member or a neo-pagan. I am on the forefront of this evolution and it is my service to all living energy to share my knowledge and experience of this evolutionary process. I did not seek this way of life, but have accepted it and now embrace it. I am writing this to assist those who are seeking because in this process anything that you could dream of exists and because all that exists is connected, this process can be a fine line between insanity and sanity. Therefore, do not be surprised if you find some blog entries are so far out there they are hard to believe or are just irrelevant, while others will provide additional information which validate or enhance your own intuitive KNOWledge base. I do not expect that all of you will believe every word, nor am I attempting to challenge your beliefs. You will find your own path and purpose of true self, based on your perceptions, perspectives, and experiences. As you learn how all is connected, how we complement each other to make a whole, your life will change in ways you never expected. http://divineabstract.wordpress.com/2014/01/04/hello-my-name-is-amy/   02:03:00ExpandingU RADIOnoExpandingU,Alternative News,New Paradigm,india irie sanatana dharma,expandingu radioPresented by: India Irie Sanatana Dharma & Sherri Fischer It has only been 5 years and a few days since I caught my mother’s breath and my life changed. Five yBridge to Paradisehttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/09/16/bridge-to-paradiseEducationhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/09/16/bridge-to-paradise/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/09/16/bridge-to-paradiseTue, 16 Sep 2014 00:00:00 GMTBridge to Paradise   Presented by Kami & Cary ''KiraStar'' Ellis The 21st CENTURY SUPERHUMAN: A POWERFUL GUIDE TO HAVING A QUANTUM LIFESTYLE- SECTION 1 (SHIFT OF THE AGES), CH 2 LIVE READING & DISCUSSION..This wk we r joined by Jedi Knight Ken Chorley & High Vibe Tribe Goddesses Judy Jandora for part 2 of 2 discussion on The 2012 Shift that was predicted by the Mayan Calender & MANY OTHERS…that is still ONGOING NOW!! This New Series is called Self-Mastery, Quantum Thinking, The Science of Creation & THE 21st CENTURY SUPERHUMAN LIFESTYLE & will be a live reading, demonstrative & educational workshop series guaranteed to fast track you on your path towards FULL Ascension.  It's a complete Eye-opening Guide on HOW TO apply Quantum Physics, Ancient wisdom and grasp the Cosmic conjunctions that are Now shifting us beyond where we've ever been!  Transform your self-designed 'REALity' with empowering, must-have Thought and Lifestyle tools! Join us on this mind-altering/consciousness shifting 21st Century Superhuman adventure!  Learn how to use the QUANTUM POWER OF THOUGHT to create what you desire from the Infinite Field of Possibilities!  Easily Cleanse and Detox your mind & body from the limiting programming and dis-ease inducing patterns of interference by using well vetted mind/body mastery & reprogramming techniques, as well as, our Superhuman Lifestyle Nutritional and Multi-Dimensional Activation and DNA recoding/re-patterning secrets for ULTIMATE, jaw-dropping VITALITY!   01:16:00ExpandingU RADIOnoExpandingu,ExpandingU Radio,New Paradigm,Kami Be,SuperfriendsPresented by Kami & Cary ''KiraStar'' Ellis The 21st CENTURY SUPERHUMAN: A POWERFUL GUIDE TO HAVING A QUANTUM LIFESTYLE- SECTION 1 (SHIFT OF THE AGES),ELEMENTal Evolution--Spiritual Health, Awareness & INpowermenthttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/09/15/elemental-evolution-spiritual-health-awareness-inpowermentEducationhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/09/15/elemental-evolution-spiritual-health-awareness-inpowerment/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/09/15/elemental-evolution-spiritual-health-awareness-inpowermentMon, 15 Sep 2014 00:00:00 GMTELEMENTal Evolution--Spiritual Health, Awareness & INpowermentPresented by: Sherri Fischer, Anna Lipari & Rhonda Paolo Darko Velcek and John Carl.. Lets talk about the way we talk.. the tones we hear.. the energy that surrounds the creation of our reality.  ELEMENTal Evolution's Wisdom and Vision: Elements are in every law that governs nature. These laws are simple and ancient, but they have been forgotten in our modern times.Humanity benefits by regaining and establishing balance and harmony. The body naturally heals itself through the use of nature’s elements of earth, air, water, fire, and ether. Healing humanity is a holistic process which includes the entire human system of the body, the mind, and the spirit as one entity. We at Elemental Evolution intend to achieve and to pass on universal knowledge while here on Earth. We are committed to spreading truths regarding the elementals and holistic healing within the world. We humanity by facilitating them into understanding their life journey in multidimensional ways. You can check out our Facebook page for more information:  https://www.facebook.com/WisdomsElementalEvolution 02:00:00ExpandingU RADIOnoHealth,wellness,spirituality,sherri fischer,expandinguPresented by: Sherri Fischer, Anna Lipari & Rhonda Paolo Darko Velcek and John Carl.. Lets talk about the way we talk.. the tones we hear.. the energy that surThe Owners' Manual for the Human Body--HEALTH SOLUTIONS: Mystery virus EV-D68http://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/09/13/the-owners-manual-for-the-human-body-health-solutions-mystery-virus-ev-d68Educationhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/09/13/the-owners-manual-for-the-human-body-health-solutions-mystery-virus-ev-d68/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/09/13/the-owners-manual-for-the-human-body-health-solutions-mystery-virus-ev-d68Sat, 13 Sep 2014 15:00:00 GMTThe Owners' Manual for the Human Body--HEALTH SOLUTIONS: Mystery virus EV-D68The Owners' Manual you never received at birth--inspired by the book of the same title--authored by panelist, Dr. Darko Velcek. Mystery virus EV-D68 exploding among vaccinated children; U.S. medical system clueless without a vaccine...or IS IT?? Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/046810_pandemic_outbreak_EV-D68_vaccines.html#ixzz3D8s6Fb80 Something In the Air??? An outbreak of another virus has been reported recently that has Dr’s & Scientists dumbfounded. What could possibly be the cause? Why has it “spread” so quickly? For any true natural Dr who knows the influence of the celestial bodies and the annual rhythms of the lunar year this is easy to explain. Join us this Saturday to see what’s in the air, why people are NOT Getting SICK, how to predict upcoming behavior and what you can do to benefit yourselves and your loved ones these coming weeks of September.   00:59:00ExpandingU RADIOnoexpandingu,expandingu radio,india irie sanatana dharma,darko velcek,jeremy ayresThe Owners' Manual you never received at birth--inspired by the book of the same title--authored by panelist, Dr. Darko Velcek. Mystery virus EV-D68 explodingMISSION: I'MPOSSIBLE--Mission 27http://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/09/13/mission-impossible-mission-27Educationhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/09/13/mission-impossible-mission-27/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/09/13/mission-impossible-mission-27Sat, 13 Sep 2014 00:00:00 GMTMISSION: I'MPOSSIBLE--Mission 27MISSION #27: 3D PRINTING GLOBAL ENERGY NETWORK EXPLOSION!!  FREE ENERGY, 3D PRINTING, 4D DESIGN, PERMACULTURE, QUANTUM ENERGY GENERATORS, CENTRE FOR MASS CREATION, AND MORE TO COME!   01:50:00ExpandingU RADIOnoexpandingu,expandingu radio,expanding consciousness,3d printing,3d printing global energy networkMISSION #27: 3D PRINTING GLOBAL ENERGY NETWORK EXPLOSION!!  FREE ENERGY, 3D PRINTING, 4D DESIGN, PERMACULTURE, QUANTUM ENERGY GENERATORS, CENTRE FOR MASS CREALIVING ASTROLOGY SIMULCAST: JANET HICKOX' SHOW FEATURING INDIA IRIEhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/09/11/living-astrology-simulcast-janet-hickox-show-featuring-india-irieEducationhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/09/11/living-astrology-simulcast-janet-hickox-show-featuring-india-irie/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/09/11/living-astrology-simulcast-janet-hickox-show-featuring-india-irieThu, 11 Sep 2014 23:00:00 GMTLIVING ASTROLOGY SIMULCAST: JANET HICKOX' SHOW FEATURING INDIA IRIEThis Week on Living Astrology:  Interview with India Irie Sanatana Dharma - Healing Emotional Traumas We've all had them - emotional experiences, traumas and dramas.  Wouldn't it be nice to be able to move forward in our lives without carrying the extra baggage that emotions trigger for us?  Today my guest, India Irie Sanatana Dharma and I will take callers and do readings for you that will be designed to give you tools to overcome these challenges.  If you would like to have a reading, please email me your birth information at janet@living-astrology.com or janethickox@hotmail.com India Irie Sanatana Dharma is a Radio chat show host, global humanitarian project innovator, visionary, holistic life coach, Minister of Spirituality and personal advisor. As an empath, she has the ability to connect heart space to heart space to provide support and counsel to assist in making sense of life and its lessons.Often times, we find ourselves reliving vexing cycles that are based in past traumas and unexpressed emotion which presents as us living a perpetuating pattern no matter how much discomfort, pain, angst or stress these patterns cause. India works with the individual to peel back the layers of these unpleasant reflexive responses to allow resolution and release which is the beginning of creating a new SELF Paradigm.With a firm grasp on the nuances of how our outer experiences reflect our inner balance or lack thereof, India works to help create new, more healthy self dialogue and to provide and demonstrate symbiotic tools with which to heal our journey here of our past karmic debts and move forward into the experience of a life we WISH to be living–but never could work out how. 01:08:00ExpandingU RADIOnoExpandingU radio,india irie sanatana dharma,cary ellis,syncrenicity,21st century superhumanThis Week on Living Astrology:  Interview with India Irie Sanatana Dharma - Healing Emotional Traumas We've all had them - emotional experiences, traumas and dExpandingU RADIO: The Tribe has a Cosmic Conversation with Daniel Alvinhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/09/11/expandingu-radio-the-tribe-has-a-cosmic-conversation-with-daniel-alvinEducationhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/09/11/expandingu-radio-the-tribe-has-a-cosmic-conversation-with-daniel-alvin/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/09/11/expandingu-radio-the-tribe-has-a-cosmic-conversation-with-daniel-alvinThu, 11 Sep 2014 00:00:00 GMTExpandingU RADIO: The Tribe has a Cosmic Conversation with Daniel AlvinPresented by: India Irie Sanatana Dharma, Sherri Fischer, Judy Jandora, Kami Be, Anna Lipari & Alchemystique with Special Guest, Daniel Alvin, Pleiadian Contactee & Incarnate with LOTS to share!  ExpandingU is a lifestyle brand with emphasis on Conscious Living, Learning, Teaching & Healing. The project includes an ecovillage and institute of learning and teaching as a template model available globally.  This show will include pertinent topics of the New NOWs related to living in symbiosis with our planet and One another. 5min PRESENTATION VIDEO: www.youtube.com/watch?v=yjRApWQwAL0&feature=youtu.be The Vision Board: www.pinterest.com/indiamerkerson/expandingu-brochurepresentation-of-details-ameniti/ The Journey: www.facebook.com/notes/india-irie-sanatana-dharma/birthing-a-dream-the-story-of-expandingu/682190551825057 02:00:00ExpandingU RADIOnoExpandingU,Alternative News,New Paradigm,EcoVillage,PermaculturePresented by: India Irie Sanatana Dharma, Sherri Fischer, Judy Jandora, Kami Be, Anna Lipari & Alchemystique with Special Guest, Daniel Alvin, Pleiadian ContactBridge to Paradisehttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/09/09/bridge-to-paradiseEducationhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/09/09/bridge-to-paradise/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/09/09/bridge-to-paradiseTue, 09 Sep 2014 00:00:00 GMTBridge to ParadisePresented by Kami & Cary ''KiraStar'' Ellis The 21st CENTURY SUPERHUMAN: A POWERFUL GUIDE TO HAVING A QUANTUM LIFESTYLE- SECTION 1 (SHIFT OF THE AGES), CH 2 LIVE READING & DISCUSSION..This wk we r joined by Jedi Knight Ken Chorley & High Vibe Tribe Goddess Judy Jandora for part 1 of the 2 part discussion on The 2012 Shift that was predicted by the Mayan Calender & that is still ONGOING NOW!! This New Series is called Self-Mastery, Quantum Thinking, The Science of Creation & THE 21st CENTURY SUPERHUMAN LIFESTYLE & will be a live reading, demonstrative & educational workshop series guaranteed to fast track you on your path towards FULL Ascension.  It's a complete Eye-opening Guide on HOW TO apply Quantum Physics, Ancient wisdom and grasp the Cosmic conjunctions that are Now shifting us beyond where we've ever been!  Transform your self-designed 'REALity' with empowering, must-have Thought and Lifestyle tools! Join us on this mind-altering/consciousness shifting 21st Century Superhuman adventure!  Learn how to use the QUANTUM POWER OF THOUGHT to create what you desire from the Infinite Field of Possibilities!  Easily Cleanse and Detox your mind & body from the limiting programming and dis-ease inducing patterns of interference by using well vetted mind/body mastery & reprogramming techniques, as well as, our Superhuman Lifestyle Nutritional and Multi-Dimensional Activation and DNA recoding/re-patterning secrets for ULTIMATE, jaw-dropping VITALITY!   Join us every Mon @ 8pm EDT, or anytime you can find the time to pay valuable energy into your own superhuman transformation ;) 01:31:00ExpandingU RADIOnoExpandingu,ExpandingU Radio,New Paradigm,Kami Be,SuperfriendsPresented by Kami & Cary ''KiraStar'' Ellis The 21st CENTURY SUPERHUMAN: A POWERFUL GUIDE TO HAVING A QUANTUM LIFESTYLE- SECTION 1 (SHIFT OF THE AGES), CH 2 LIELEMENTal Evolution--Spiritual Health, Awareness & INpowermenthttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/09/08/elemental-evolution-spiritual-health-awareness-inpowermentEducationhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/09/08/elemental-evolution-spiritual-health-awareness-inpowerment/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/09/08/elemental-evolution-spiritual-health-awareness-inpowermentMon, 08 Sep 2014 00:00:00 GMTELEMENTal Evolution--Spiritual Health, Awareness & INpowermentPresented by: Sherri Fischer, Anna Lipari & Rhonda Paolo and Darko Velcek ELEMENTal Evolution's Wisdom and Vision: "Watch your tone?  What are is YOUR frequency telling the Universe? "If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration." Tesla "The thought manifests as the word; the word manifests as the deed; the deed develops into habit; and habit hardens into character.  So watch the thought and its ways with care, and let it spring form love born out of concern for all beings."  Gautama Buddha "Everything in life is Vibration"  Einstein.. Elements are in every law that governs nature. These laws are simple and ancient, but they have been forgotten in our modern times.Humanity benefits by regaining and establishing balance and harmony. The body naturally heals itself through the use of nature’s elements of earth, air, water, fire, and ether. Healing humanity is a holistic process which includes the entire human system of the body, the mind, and the spirit as one entity. We at Elemental Evolution intend to achieve and to pass on universal knowledge while here on Earth. You can check out our Facebook page for more information:  https://www.facebook.com/WisdomsElementalEvolution 02:13:00ExpandingU RADIOnoHealth,wellness,spirituality,sherri fischer,expandinguPresented by: Sherri Fischer, Anna Lipari & Rhonda Paolo and Darko Velcek ELEMENTal Evolution's Wisdom and Vision: "Watch your tone?  What are is YOUR frequencThe Owners' Manual for the Human Body--HEALTH SOLUTIONS: Displacing Dental Dogmahttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/09/06/the-owners-manual-for-the-human-body-health-solutions-displacing-dental-dogmaEducationhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/09/06/the-owners-manual-for-the-human-body-health-solutions-displacing-dental-dogma/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/09/06/the-owners-manual-for-the-human-body-health-solutions-displacing-dental-dogmaSat, 06 Sep 2014 15:00:00 GMTThe Owners' Manual for the Human Body--HEALTH SOLUTIONS: Displacing Dental DogmaThe Owners' Manual you never received at birth--inspired by the book of the same title--authored by panelist, Dr. Darko Velcek. Open Wide and say HUH???????!! The question is "are our dentists truly working towards ACTUAL dental health and healing our mouths and our teeth? If you happen to be under the impression that drilling the tooth and filing it with toxic materials is curing or even helping anything, you are greatly mistaken. We are being told that brushing our teeth with toxic fluoridated toothpaste is the only way to keep our mouth healthy yet we all suffer from tooth decay; yet wild animals that never clean their teeth have perfect teeth and healthy gums. What causes tooth de-key and inflammation of gums. How do we prevent it? And what are the mistakes our dentists make that endanger our health?  We take a bite out of the dental dogma today! 01:01:00ExpandingU RADIOnoexpandingu,expandingu radio,india irie sanatana dharma,darko velcek,jeremy ayresThe Owners' Manual you never received at birth--inspired by the book of the same title--authored by panelist, Dr. Darko Velcek. Open Wide and say HUH???????!!MISSION: I'MPOSSIBLE--Mission 26http://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/09/06/mission-impossible-mission-26Educationhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/09/06/mission-impossible-mission-26/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/09/06/mission-impossible-mission-26Sat, 06 Sep 2014 00:00:00 GMTMISSION: I'MPOSSIBLE--Mission 26Mission I’m Possible 26 : Cancer Curing ongoing in Peru : Ashley’s Place gets 12 New Buildings : And Some Self Sustainability : Plus New Arrivals : It really is all about this 68 year old frail old Cancer ridden Lady Who is just about to get better with MIP on Dr Darko’s Protocol: Simply Known to us as Mama Dr Darko’s Protocol With MIP Peru. Mama now has a 2 treatment per day every day and Sea salt, Noni /EM Elixir Plus Graviola & Coconut Oil and The Robert Beck Pulsar. And here is all the rest of the pics from today’s treatment: Please hold the space for Mama. Now Once we have your love for Mama we can move on To Ashley’s Project: Ashley’s Project : Tucked away in the Mountains North West of Tarapoto by 30 miles and north of Lamas  The Clemson University Ram Pump Ready for installation as Water is the first priority and Ashleys retreat is full of it So our Job is to pump it 120 meters up hill with a Ram Pump. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F1eTdvSgKj4 02:00:00ExpandingU RADIOnoexpandingu,expandingu radio,expanding consciousness,3d printing,3d printing global energy networkMission I’m Possible 26 : Cancer Curing ongoing in Peru : Ashley’s Place gets 12 New Buildings : And Some Self Sustainability : Plus New Arrivals : It really iSync 21: Linguistics w/Mark Kishon Christopherhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/09/04/sync-21-linguistics-wmark-kishon-christopherEducationhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/09/04/sync-21-linguistics-wmark-kishon-christopher/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/09/04/sync-21-linguistics-wmark-kishon-christopherThu, 04 Sep 2014 22:00:00 GMTSync 21: Linguistics w/Mark Kishon ChristopherPresented by India Irie (BLOGTALK SERVER CRASHED, WILL RE RECORD THIS INTERVIEW & REPOST WHEN AVAILABLE...THANK U, ExpandingU Radio) “There is something about words. In expert hands, manipulated deftly, they take you prisoner. Wind themselves around your limbs like spider silk, and when you are so enthralled you cannot move, they pierce your skin, enter your blood, numb your thoughts. Inside you they work their magic.”  --Diane Setterfield, The Thirteenth Tale The man lives in a world of mystery, surrounded by invisible occult forces that mold and shape the entire universe.  Words produce vibrations that echo through the cosmic web and create effects in the visible world. Words also act as verbal symbols that embody your intentions and project your objectives out into the universe. Pay attention to any words you speak in connection with “I AM.” Because this statement is imbued with creative power, it has a profound effect on you. Never say things like, “I am stupid” or, “I am afraid” or, “I am incapable of doing something.” Such expressions are likely to manifest the conditions you've described. How are we using our own power of the word? Are we INpowering ourselves or the opposite? Let's take notes from the mind of one of the best in the field of linguistics and etymology, Mark Kishon Christopher.     00:09:00ExpandingU RADIOnoExpandingU radio,india irie sanatana dharma,syncrenicity,21st century superhuman,Quantum lifestylePresented by India Irie (BLOGTALK SERVER CRASHED, WILL RE RECORD THIS INTERVIEW & REPOST WHEN AVAILABLE...THANK U, ExpandingU Radio) “There is something aboutAn Expose' of Free Energy w/HopeGirlhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/09/03/an-expose-of-free-energy-whopegirlEducationhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/09/03/an-expose-of-free-energy-whopegirl/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/09/03/an-expose-of-free-energy-whopegirlWed, 03 Sep 2014 16:00:00 GMTAn Expose' of Free Energy w/HopeGirlFree Energy has been predominantly a man’s industry, but the energy itself focuses on feminine characteristics.  Its time we had some women talking about this to bring the balance back into focus so that we can bring this much needed resource through for ALL of humanity. This is an exclusive inside look into the free energy circles and how we can use the new paradigm business model to overcome the nonsense that’s holding humanity back. This one hour interview covers the following topics that you wont want to miss! The QEG and its global co-development global environment. Explaining terminology: overunity and resonance. Explaining the different phases of development of the QEG. How the system uses complicated language to confuse us and make us give up our power. Types of personalities and behaviors inside the free energy circles.  Hype, attack and discredit, choosing to fail to maintain passive income: Business patterns that occur in free energy circles. How the free energy world acts like a political smear campaign which holds humanity back. The 5 reasons why humanity has not had free energy. The 4 rules the debunkers follow to keep you from knowing the truth. The positive people in the free energy circles who have what it takes to bring this through to humanity. The difference between a cooperative paradigm and a competitive paradigm. How people can create their own small businesses around the QEG: CICU’s. How to distribute this technology so that it wont be suppressed. How the “Big Boys” are already introducing free energy concepts into well known businesses..AND MUCH MUCH MORE! You choose. Don’t give your power away through someone else’s opinion. 01:05:00ExpandingU RADIOnoExpandingu,ExpandingU radio,India Irie Sanatana Dharma,HopeGirl,Kami BEFree Energy has been predominantly a man’s industry, but the energy itself focuses on feminine characteristics.  Its time we had some women talking about this tExpandingU RADIO Explores the Media Treaty Provisos w/Mark Kishon Christopherhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/09/02/expandingu-radio-explores-the-media-treaty-provisos-wmark-kishon-christopherEducationhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/09/02/expandingu-radio-explores-the-media-treaty-provisos-wmark-kishon-christopher/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/09/02/expandingu-radio-explores-the-media-treaty-provisos-wmark-kishon-christopherTue, 02 Sep 2014 16:00:00 GMTExpandingU RADIO Explores the Media Treaty Provisos w/Mark Kishon ChristopherTHE MEDIA TREATY Presented by: India Irie Sanatana Dharma  Did you know that there are provisos in place to allow you to legally and freely travel this globe as a porter of the news? Did you know there existed such documents as Media Treatys? Did you know they apply to you? I didn't and this impromptu learning session just happened to be captured on record as we wanted to have a reference to go back to in sorting out this process. A large group of the tribe sat with Mark Kishon Christopher this past weekend and were entranced at the information that he and his peers Donald and Richard  shared with us!   00:54:00ExpandingU RADIOnoExpandingU,Alternative News,New Paradigm,EcoVillage,PermacultureTHE MEDIA TREATY Presented by: India Irie Sanatana Dharma  Did you know that there are provisos in place to allow you to legally and freely travel this globeBridge to Paradisehttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/09/02/bridge-to-paradiseEducationhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/09/02/bridge-to-paradise/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/09/02/bridge-to-paradiseTue, 02 Sep 2014 00:00:00 GMTBridge to ParadisePresented by Kami  This week I explore with my super audience the world of DMT even more in depth than the past several weeks w the airing of the extremely eye opening documentary 'Stepping Into The Fire' which addresses the statistically significant & in all ways compelling medical (physical & emotional) healing phenomena that scientists are calling "The Spirit Molecule" bc of the EXTRAordinary findings & effects/affects it's clearly having on the human condition in its entireity. For another great show with first hand accts of naturally & plant induced DMT activations also listen to the 8/12/14 B2P broadcast, as well as, both the Superhuman & Sacred Scrolls series of the past few months in the archives! <3  The World is changing and WE ARE THE CHANGE AGENTS/NEOsONEs we've been waiting for! A Bridge To Paradise is being built across the planet RIGHT NOW & this show is going to support those leading edge constructs & shift shapers reppin THE GLITCH IN THE MATRIX! Focusing on the practical steps we ALL are & will be taking down the yellow brick path to get us there one inspired idea, solution, deed/action, day, week, month & brick at a time is only way to fly now & what good is having wings if u dont spread the Love! Rising Together in U-n-I-TY (U & I supporting one another In ThankFULLGratitude for each & every persons value & contribution to the whole is how we like to DO BE DO BE DO & if your HERE, You Matter; whether u have grasped exactly how yet, or not!) is the fasted route to Everlasting Freedom & the only way to create the coming The Golden Age of Gaia! So, please do join Me & All the Fascinating Earth Angels & Super Heros I have the privelidge to know & love as we sort this planet out & UP! 01:34:00ExpandingU RADIOnoExpandingu,ExpandingU Radio,New Paradigm,Kami Be,SuperfriendsPresented by Kami  This week I explore with my super audience the world of DMT even more in depth than the past several weeks w the airing of the extremely eyeELEMENTal Evolution--Spiritual Health, Awareness & INpowermenthttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/09/01/elemental-evolution-spiritual-health-awareness-inpowermentEducationhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/09/01/elemental-evolution-spiritual-health-awareness-inpowerment/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/09/01/elemental-evolution-spiritual-health-awareness-inpowermentMon, 01 Sep 2014 00:00:00 GMTELEMENTal Evolution--Spiritual Health, Awareness & INpowermentPresented by: Sherri Fischer, Anna Lipari & Rhonda Paolo ELEMENTal Evolution's Wisdom and Vision: “Ego could be defined as whatever covers up basic goodness. From an experiential point of view, what is ego covering up? It’s covering up our experience of just being here, just fully being where we are, so that we can relate with the immediacy of our experience. Egolessness is a state of mind that has complete confidence in the sacredness of the world. It is unconditional well being, unconditional joy that includes all the different qualities of our experience.” —Pema Chodron Elements are in every law that governs nature. These laws are simple and ancient, but they have been forgotten in our modern times.Humanity benefits by regaining and establishing balance and harmony. The body naturally heals itself through the use of nature’s elements of earth, air, water, fire, and ether. Healing humanity is a holistic process which includes the entire human system of the body, the mind, and the spirit as one entity. We at Elemental Evolution intend to achieve and to pass on universal knowledge while here on Earth. We are committed to spreading truths regarding the elementals and holistic healing within the world. We humanity by facilitating them into understanding their life journey in multidimensional ways. You can check out our Facebook page for more information:  https://www.facebook.com/WisdomsElementalEvolution 02:00:00ExpandingU RADIOnoHealth,wellness,spirituality,sherri fischer,expandinguPresented by: Sherri Fischer, Anna Lipari & Rhonda Paolo ELEMENTal Evolution's Wisdom and Vision: “Ego could be defined as whatever covers up basic goodness.The Owners' Manual for the Human Body--HEALTH SOLUTIONS: ALS, B.S. & ICEhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/08/30/the-owners-manual-for-the-human-body-health-solutions-als-bs-iceEducationhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/08/30/the-owners-manual-for-the-human-body-health-solutions-als-bs-ice/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/08/30/the-owners-manual-for-the-human-body-health-solutions-als-bs-iceSat, 30 Aug 2014 15:00:00 GMTThe Owners' Manual for the Human Body--HEALTH SOLUTIONS: ALS, B.S. & ICEWHAT’S ALS THE FUSS ABOUT? THE ICE BUCKET CHALLENGE SCAM Its ALL in the words!! ALS (the new exciting and memorable name for Lou Gehrig's Disease) stands for  Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis…WOW, that sounds serious. But what does it mean? If we know what things mean the fear begins to diminish. * Amyotrophic = NO MUSCLE NOURISHMENT, Lateral = MEANS ITS POSITION (OUTSIDE, AWAY FROM MIDDLE), Sclerosis = SCARRING &/OR HARDENING. In actual fact it is the motor neurons that begin to degenerate, they can no longer send impulses to the muscle fibers that normally result in muscle movement. Early symptoms of ALS often include increasing muscle weakness, especially involving the arms and legs, speech, swallowing or breathing. When muscles no longer receive the messages from the motor neurons that they require to function, the muscles begin to atrophy (become smaller). Limbs begin to look "thinner" as muscle tissue atrophies. This is obviously very distressing for the one suffering and their loved ones but the question should not be do I or don’t I pour a bucket of ice cold water over my head and donate some money to BIG PHARMA, but it should be why are my neurons hardening, becoming starved to death and hardening (calcifying)? Here are some other questions that should be asked” “how much of every $ donated goes to the alleged research”? “do you test on animals (pc code for absolute cruelty)? “Will this alleged research (my god they’re for ever researching aren’t they) develop a cure or a treatment? “is it possible heavy metals such as mercury & aluminum could actually be a major cause of this condition”? “What about lack of saturated fats”? …and on we can go..and will.     01:04:00ExpandingU RADIOnoexpandingu,expandingu radio,india irie sanatana dharma,darko velcek,jeremy ayresWHAT’S ALS THE FUSS ABOUT? THE ICE BUCKET CHALLENGE SCAM Its ALL in the words!! ALS (the new exciting and memorable name for Lou Gehrig's Disease) stands forMISSION: I'MPOSSIBLE--Mission 25http://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/08/30/mission-impossible-mission-25Educationhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/08/30/mission-impossible-mission-25/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/08/30/mission-impossible-mission-25Sat, 30 Aug 2014 00:00:00 GMTMISSION: I'MPOSSIBLE--Mission 25MISSION #25: Mission I’m Possible 25 : Mona Cooks the Books : Paul Fries the Orgonite : Dave bags Ashley’s Project : Kinetic Water Pump, Aquaponics and More Mona Cooks The Books: Paul Doucette was able to provide a comprehensive list of all Donations as we set to show where all our funds have been spent and adds credibility to all the money that has been sent our way by Donation : It is not easy asking a bunch of Jungle Bunnies what they have been up to But after all the Chaos Mona cuts through all the bullshit and puts something meaningful down on Paper : SHE  TOO has Contributed To The Project out of her Own Pocket: You can see the book work for your self and how much we have received and please continue with the donations we need every cent or Penny or Sol here in Peru. Totally Transparent way of working is now released for the general public so Take a look your self: On the MIP PERU Facebook site : https://www.facebook.com/groups/489417927856822/ Ashley’s project Announcement: Now Ashley and his project in the jungle is set to get it’s own Aquaponics System from Mission I’m Possible Team Peru. This is basically what we will be building: So A new Water supply and a food supply It does not get better than that or Does it? Stay Tuned for more news from the very Holistic Peru: In Light Dave and The MIP Team Tarapoto: http://xi4.com/2014/08/28/mission-im-possible-25-mona-cooks-books/     02:01:00ExpandingU RADIOnoexpandingu,expandingu radio,expanding consciousness,3d printing,3d printing global energy networkMISSION #25: Mission I’m Possible 25 : Mona Cooks the Books : Paul Fries the Orgonite : Dave bags Ashley’s Project : Kinetic Water Pump, Aquaponics and More MThe SYNCRENICITY of the 21st Century Superhuman w/Janet Hickoxhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/08/28/the-syncrenicity-of-the-21st-century-superhuman-wjanet-hickoxEducationhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/08/28/the-syncrenicity-of-the-21st-century-superhuman-wjanet-hickox/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/08/28/the-syncrenicity-of-the-21st-century-superhuman-wjanet-hickoxThu, 28 Aug 2014 00:00:00 GMTThe SYNCRENICITY of the 21st Century Superhuman w/Janet HickoxPresented by India Irie  ARE YOU LOOKING FOR GUIDANCE? DO YOU NEED CLARITY ON YOUR LIFE'S DIRECTION?  Discover what amazing tools are to be found when utilising what we can learn from Astrology and Human Design! KNOW THYSELF . . . Living Astrology - Knowing yourself is the most important tool you have to live your life fully and authentically.  A Human Design chart reading will reveal to you sides of yourself previously known to your subconscious, but beyond your daily awareness.  Once these pieces of information are unlocked for you, making decisions and living from your inner authority is easy and fulfilling!  Find out more about Human Design at Janet's website . .  http://www.living-astrology.com/ 02:23:00ExpandingU RADIOnoExpandingU radio,india irie sanatana dharma,cary ellis,syncrenicity,21st century superhumanPresented by India Irie  ARE YOU LOOKING FOR GUIDANCE? DO YOU NEED CLARITY ON YOUR LIFE'S DIRECTION?  Discover what amazing tools are to be found when utilisExpandingU RADIO: An Out of this World Chat w/Julien Wells, Reality Programmerhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/08/26/expandingu-radio-an-out-of-this-world-chat-wjulien-wells-reality-programmer Currently the site he's using for sessions: http://jwsessions.simplybook.me I offer Private and Public Skype or Phone sessions. Because of the benefit for others sharing them publicly, I have discounted the price for that option and have begun posting them here.  Note that phone sessions cannot be recorded, and thus cannot be made public.   ]]> Currently the site he's using for sessions: http://jwsessions.simplybook.me I offer Private and Public Skype or Phone sessions. Because of the benefit for others sharing them publicly, I have discounted the price for that option and have begun posting them here.  Note that phone sessions cannot be recorded, and thus cannot be made public.   ]]>Educationhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/08/26/expandingu-radio-an-out-of-this-world-chat-wjulien-wells-reality-programmer/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/08/26/expandingu-radio-an-out-of-this-world-chat-wjulien-wells-reality-programmerTue, 26 Aug 2014 16:00:00 GMTExpandingU RADIO: An Out of this World Chat w/Julien Wells, Reality Programmer Currently the site he's using for sessions: http://jwsessions.simplybook.me I offer Private and Public Skype or Phone sessions. Because of the benefit for others sharing them publicly, I have discounted the price for that option and have begun posting them here.  Note that phone sessions cannot be recorded, and thus cannot be made public.   ]]>Presented by: India Irie Sanatana Dharma, Kami Be, Sherri Fischer, Judy Jandora & Edan Sehayek Honoured Guest: Julien Wells, Reality Programmer. Join us as we have a lively discussion about all things pertaining to this impressive shifting of the ages. We will learn more about the Pleiadian perspective, the fact that we are a reality show for the cosmos, what we mean when we speak of dimensionality, how he came to embrace his telepathic gifts, what other realms are we failing to perceive as a collective, the role of the Silver Legion and MUCH MUCH MORE!! Julien is a most kind-hearted wayshower who is humbly making himself available to anybody who has been trying to make these connections with themselves and finding difficulty. Julien also has a direct empathic/telepathic link with the star civilization The Pleiadians, and shares much insight from their perspective.  After no more than 5 minutes of speaking to Julien, his kind (and Canadian) authencity simply shines through, and his psychic abilities and connection to his own heart are undeniable. I live with the guy, I can certainly attest as these are sincere words from my own heart!" -Crystal Walker To reach Julien....find him here =====> Currently the site he's using for sessions: http://jwsessions.simplybook.me I offer Private and Public Skype or Phone sessions. Because of the benefit for others sharing them publicly, I have discounted the price for that option and have begun posting them here.  Note that phone sessions cannot be recorded, and thus cannot be made public.   02:10:00ExpandingU RADIOnoExpandingU,Alternative News,New Paradigm,EcoVillage,PermaculturePresented by: India Irie Sanatana Dharma, Kami Be, Sherri Fischer, Judy Jandora & Edan Sehayek Honoured Guest: Julien Wells, Reality Programmer. Join us as weBridge to Paradisehttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/08/26/bridge-to-paradise-1Educationhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/08/26/bridge-to-paradise-1/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/08/26/bridge-to-paradise-1Tue, 26 Aug 2014 00:00:00 GMTBridge to ParadisePresented by Kami: SO U HAVE 2 MINDS! The conscious/creative You (ur wishes, desires & dreams) & the subconcious/autopilot You (ur recorded, hypnotic programs & default mode)..BUT WHICH ONE IS DRIVING YOU?!!!!?  For a majority of u, the answer is: programs that arent even urs & have been instilled by other ppl & societal structures in ur life so that its possible even ur desires or how u would even do anything without these underlying programs r actually being controlled by other ppl & influences outside of ur highest mind/internal guidance/soul seated self. This Week I address the science & EXTREME IMPORTANCE of addressing our subconcious programming if ur interested in living ur potential as a master manifestor, conscious/harmonious partner in ur relationships or even just as a parent who wants to be the most empowering influence as possible on ur children since our unconscious programming comes from our nuturing at home, as well as, the world who is more mad and bent on self sabotage than well being nowadays. Living consciously & living ur full potential as an individual & as in a romantic partnership (Did U KNO That The Honeymoon Phase Is Not A Temporary Phenom For Those Couples That R Consciously Addressing Their Programming & Engaging In A Spiritual Partnership?) Start learning how raise self promoting children, naturally, & receive the AHSUM side effect of improving ur relationships & mastery over urself & every partnership ur engaged in, romantic or not.  Our relationships & cocreation abilities r such an imperative part of our life experience & this show can help u take a step in the right direction in under 90 mins! <3 01:17:00ExpandingU RADIOnoExpandingu,ExpandingU Radio,New Paradigm,Kami Be,SuperfriendsPresented by Kami: SO U HAVE 2 MINDS! The conscious/creative You (ur wishes, desires & dreams) & the subconcious/autopilot You (ur recorded, hypnotic programs &ELEMENTal Evolution--Spiritual Health, Awareness & INpowermenthttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/08/25/elemental-evolution-spiritual-health-awareness-inpowermentEducationhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/08/25/elemental-evolution-spiritual-health-awareness-inpowerment/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/08/25/elemental-evolution-spiritual-health-awareness-inpowermentMon, 25 Aug 2014 00:00:00 GMTELEMENTal Evolution--Spiritual Health, Awareness & INpowermentPresented by: Sherri Fischer, Anna Lipari, Rhonda Paolo and Darko Velcek ELEMENTal Evolution's Wisdom and Vision:  Please join us in welcoming Sasha Niala, she is a Creative Healer. She helps clients to tap into the beauty of their soul's wisdom and experience creative solutions for healing in their lives. She is the creator of the Astro Soul Oracle, a renewal of the ancient ways where astrology and soul blended for truly empowered guidance. You can find her at http://sashaniala.com Elements are in every law that governs nature. These laws are simple and ancient, but they have been forgotten in our modern times.Humanity benefits by regaining and establishing balance and harmony. The body naturally heals itself through the use of nature’s elements of earth, air, water, fire, and ether. Healing humanity is a holistic process which includes the entire human system of the body, the mind, and the spirit as one entity.  We at Elemental Evolution intend to achieve and to pass on universal knowledge while here on Earth. We are committed to spreading truths regarding the elementals and holistic healing within the world. We humanity by facilitating them into understanding their life journey in multidimensional ways. You can check out our Facebook page for more information:  https://www.facebook.com/WisdomsElementalEvolution 02:00:00ExpandingU RADIOnoHealth,wellness,spirituality,sherri fischer,expandinguPresented by: Sherri Fischer, Anna Lipari, Rhonda Paolo and Darko Velcek ELEMENTal Evolution's Wisdom and Vision:  Please join us in welcoming Sasha Niala, sheThe Owners' Manual for the Human Body--HEALTH SOLUTION: Down $yndromehttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/08/23/the-owners-manual-for-the-human-body-health-solution-down-yndromeEducationhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/08/23/the-owners-manual-for-the-human-body-health-solution-down-yndrome/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/08/23/the-owners-manual-for-the-human-body-health-solution-down-yndromeSat, 23 Aug 2014 15:00:00 GMTThe Owners' Manual for the Human Body--HEALTH SOLUTION: Down $yndromeLET’S GET DOWN TO BASICS ''Retard, cretin, mongul'' and worse. Twisted labels-- all of them--upon a group that are now more commonly called “special”. But are they “special”?  Is this just not a thinly veiled re-marketing of their condition so as to make us feel more able to ignore their true issues? After all, the cancer industry has managed to get many women to shave their heads in support for the draconian poisoning of chemo & radiation touted as a therapy and convince people that patients are actually happy whilst their poisoned (often to death). Could ther be more to these conditions and syndromes? Are the “symptoms” screaming to those with eyes to see? In this show our panel will share the deeper, underlying reasons as to why these conditions exists, and what’s really causing them and how they CAN be helped. So join us as we Get Down To Basics this Saturday at 11 EST 01:03:00ExpandingU RADIOnoexpandingu,expandingu radio,india irie sanatana dharma,darko velcek,jeremy ayresLET’S GET DOWN TO BASICS ''Retard, cretin, mongul'' and worse. Twisted labels-- all of them--upon a group that are now more commonly called “special”. But areMISSION: I'MPOSSIBLE--Mission 24http://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/08/23/mission-impossible-mission-24Educationhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/08/23/mission-impossible-mission-24/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/08/23/mission-impossible-mission-24Sat, 23 Aug 2014 00:00:00 GMTMISSION: I'MPOSSIBLE--Mission 24MISSION 24: Live from Peru on ExpandingU Radio With Hostess Goddess India Irie, Co-Host Dave Stewart, and The Panel with special guests Morgaine Owens and Fernando Vossa.  -Update on new visitor and team member arrivals; Chase, Lars and Mario on their way to Tarapoto (http://chasetoperu.weebly.com) -Update on Karl and the QEG arrival -Human Design t-shirts have been very popular! Contact Dave for Human Design sessions (http://xi4.com/human-design-system/) -the jungle welcomes Marco and MarieSol into their new home  -Fernando Vossa gives updates on The Center of Mass Creation -- optimal location in Tarapoto/San Roque? Will discuss his vision and integration into the jungle... -Welcome Mona Berg and family, administration and macro projects  -Javier Quintana, Morgaine and Chase discuss documentary and promotional film for crowd-funding initiative And more! Be there and play your part by spreading the word amongst your media circles, for those who you would think would like to donate to our cause if you feel compelled to do so. We mean business here and we are understanding of what it is that the Quechuan people want from their own people NOW. It is time now to start proceedings to look for the site of “The Center of Mass Creation." Victory of the Light is in Peru in the time of NOW. Dave and the MIP Team Peru.   02:04:00ExpandingU RADIOnoexpandingu,expandingu radio,expanding consciousness,3d printing,3d printing global energy networkMISSION 24: Live from Peru on ExpandingU Radio With Hostess Goddess India Irie, Co-Host Dave Stewart, and The Panel with special guests Morgaine Owens and FernMark Kishon Christopher's Clarion Callhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/08/21/mark-kishon-christophers-clarion-callEducationhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/08/21/mark-kishon-christophers-clarion-call/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/08/21/mark-kishon-christophers-clarion-callThu, 21 Aug 2014 22:00:00 GMTMark Kishon Christopher's Clarion CallPresented by India Irie with Special Guest, Mark Kishon Christopher sharing his newest project!! Home of Tesla Coils, Royal Rife Machines, 3D Printers  Land of Facts and Contractual Integrity Call for all Doers, Teachers, and Learners interested in re-creating ourselves in a self-sustaining community with superior wholesome technologies and practising Natural law, contributing to a better world All are welcome to work on any of the projects in the pdf below linked https://www.hightail.com/download/ZUcwSU5BaFJZY1JqQThUQw. All who wish to give of their experience and wisdom are welcome to come and teach. All are welcome to come and learn from us about any of the projects below in order to spread  the knowledge and implement it around the globe. All doer, teacher, and learner participants will be housed and kept warm. Personal  accommodation may require painting and fixing up. Participants will contribute their time, expertise and in any other ways they wish to benefit the Hamlet, their own communities, and the world at large. Those already working on projects at other locations are requested to stay and finish those  projects. No government or corporate funding will be accepted.   01:16:00ExpandingU RADIOnoExpandingU radio,india irie sanatana dharma,cary ellis,syncrenicity,21st century superhumanPresented by India Irie with Special Guest, Mark Kishon Christopher sharing his newest project!! Home of Tesla Coils, Royal Rife Machines, 3D Printers  Land oCelebrating our Divine Feminine & Masculinehttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/08/20/celebrating-our-divine-feminine-masculineEducationhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/08/20/celebrating-our-divine-feminine-masculine/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/08/20/celebrating-our-divine-feminine-masculineWed, 20 Aug 2014 00:00:00 GMTCelebrating our Divine Feminine & MasculineSisterhood, Bromance, BFFs....Male/Female Friendships, Friends with Benefits? The ''Friend Zone''... If you’re a single woman with male friends, you’ve heard it a million times: “So, are you guys dating or what ... ?”  It’s accepted gospel that “men and women cannot be friends because the sex part always get in the way.” Interestingly enough, the purported wisdom of When Harry Met Sally has never really held true. Sexual tension has never been the chief barrier to befriending straight men...or IS IT? We will talk about the nuances and the experiences we've gathered where this is concerned.  We also need our same sex friendships now to be more foundational and powerfully supportive than ever.  Sisterhood  is women/sisters covering sisters until destiny is birthed; it is a relationship that has no boundaries that has to be driven by agape love, the same type of love that Creator has for us, which means you have to be willing to love your sister the way you love yourself no matter what her issues are; no matter what her troubles maybe; no matter what she's going through, because the love you possess for your sister overrides all of that. Equivalently, male friends and male bonding plays a very important role in the life of men. But is there more to this than just sharing beer and talking about the game or women? Let's find out why men need male friends.       02:30:00ExpandingU RADIOnoExpandingU,Alternative News,New Paradigm,EcoVillage,PermacultureSisterhood, Bromance, BFFs....Male/Female Friendships, Friends with Benefits? The ''Friend Zone''... If you’re a single woman with male friends, you’ve heard iBridge to Paradisehttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/08/19/bridge-to-paradise-1Educationhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/08/19/bridge-to-paradise-1/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/08/19/bridge-to-paradise-1Tue, 19 Aug 2014 00:00:00 GMTBridge to ParadisePresented by Kami & Cary ''KiraStar'' Ellis The 21st CENTURY SUPERHUMAN: A POWERFUL GUIDE TO HAVING A QUANTUM LIFESTYLE- SECTION 1 (SHIFT OF THE AGES), LIVE READING & DISCUSSION..This wk we r joined by Jedi Knight Ken Chorley & to discuss Ch. 5~ Adapting to Solar Changes This New Series is called Self-Mastery, Quantum Thinking, The Science of Creation & THE 21st CENTURY SUPERHUMAN LIFESTYLE & will be a live reading, demonstrative & educational workshop series guaranteed to fast track you on your path towards FULL Ascension.  It's a complete Eye-opening Guide on HOW TO apply Quantum Physics, Ancient wisdom and grasp the Cosmic conjunctions that are Now shifting us beyond where we've ever been!  Transform your self-designed 'REALity' with empowering, must-have Thought and Lifestyle tools! Join us on this mind-altering/consciousness shifting 21st Century Superhuman adventure!  Learn how to use the QUANTUM POWER OF THOUGHT to create what you desire from the Infinite Field of Possibilities!  Easily Cleanse and Detox your mind & body from the limiting programming and dis-ease inducing patterns of interference by using well vetted mind/body mastery & reprogramming techniques, as well as, our Superhuman Lifestyle Nutritional and Multi-Dimensional Activation and DNA recoding/re-patterning secrets for ULTIMATE, jaw-dropping VITALITY!  01:52:00ExpandingU RADIOnoExpandingu,ExpandingU Radio,New Paradigm,Kami Be,SuperfriendsPresented by Kami & Cary ''KiraStar'' Ellis The 21st CENTURY SUPERHUMAN: A POWERFUL GUIDE TO HAVING A QUANTUM LIFESTYLE- SECTION 1 (SHIFT OF THE AGES), LIVE REELEMENTal Evolution--Spiritual Health, Awareness & INpowermenthttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/08/18/elemental-evolution-spiritual-health-awareness-inpowermentEducationhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/08/18/elemental-evolution-spiritual-health-awareness-inpowerment/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/08/18/elemental-evolution-spiritual-health-awareness-inpowermentMon, 18 Aug 2014 00:00:00 GMTELEMENTal Evolution--Spiritual Health, Awareness & INpowermentunday at 8PM EST US and Monday 12pm AEST Aust ELEMENTal Evolution: The EGO MELTDOWN  - round two..   Please Join Sherri, Renee and Annette on this weeks Elemental Evolution in revealing how to move forward with the new vibration on this planet.  We will have Special Guest Amanda Reineke Pinkerman who is a certified Cellular Somatic Life Coach.  She will be taking us through her journey and sharing with us what it has taken for her to feel like a success in this life. It was such a pleasure having Naushad Thariani with us last week, We have asked him to return and take us through a guided meditation. Please read the article below to find out more about this special healer! http://newsweekpakistan.com/taking-a-breather/  Elemental Evolution is on Facebook! https://www.facebook.com/WisdomsElementalEvolution   ELEMENTal Evolution's Wisdom and Vision: Elements are in every law that governs nature. These laws are simple and ancient, but they have been forgotten in our modern times.Humanity benefits by regaining and establishing balance and harmony. The body naturally heals itself through the use of nature’s elements of earth, air, water, fire, and ether. Healing humanity is a holistic process which includes the entire human system of the body, the mind, and the spirit as one entity. 01:46:00ExpandingU RADIOnoHealth,wellness,spirituality,sherri fischer,expandinguunday at 8PM EST US and Monday 12pm AEST Aust ELEMENTal Evolution: The EGO MELTDOWN  - round two..   Please Join Sherri, Renee and Annette on this weeks ElemThe Owners' Manual for the Human Body--HEALTH SOLUTIONShttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/08/16/the-owners-manual-for-the-human-body-health-solutionsEducationhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/08/16/the-owners-manual-for-the-human-body-health-solutions/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/08/16/the-owners-manual-for-the-human-body-health-solutionsSat, 16 Aug 2014 15:00:00 GMTThe Owners' Manual for the Human Body--HEALTH SOLUTIONSThe Owners' Manual you never received at birth--inspired by the book of the same title--authored by panelist, Dr. Darko Velcek. THIS IS A RE-BROADCAST OF AN EARLIER EPISODE AS WE ARE ON A BRIEF HIATUS THIS WEEK ON EXPANDINGU RADIO. WE WILL RETURN W ORIGINAL NEW CONTENT BEGINNING NEXT WK ON OMHB. Today we invite you to explore a canvas of personal transformation intentions guided by our panel of healing artists in the world of energetic medicine. In this art studio of sculpted wellness we will explore how free energy, healing technologies and ancient traditions are the platform for an awakening public-- ready to discover the possibilities now being released within our DNA...THE MASTER STORAGE AND DATA DEVICE in the Universe!! Folks, its time for us to UPGRADE. 02:00:00ExpandingU RADIOnoexpandingu,expandingu radio,india irie sanatana dharma,darko velcek,jeremy ayresThe Owners' Manual you never received at birth--inspired by the book of the same title--authored by panelist, Dr. Darko Velcek. THIS IS A RE-BROADCAST OF AN EAMISSION: I'MPOSSIBLE--Mission 23http://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/08/16/mission-impossible-mission-23Educationhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/08/16/mission-impossible-mission-23/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/08/16/mission-impossible-mission-23Sat, 16 Aug 2014 00:00:00 GMTMISSION: I'MPOSSIBLE--Mission 23MISSION #23: Crowd Funding : QEG Updates : August Projects Latest as the Students make free energy out of Water Fruit and Soil : What will be discussed on the show. QEG Updates. Crowd-funding For  all of the projects. We shall begin to make the 3 1/2 minute film of all the projects. August Projects Latest News. The Students of Science School San Antonio Make free energy with Water, Fruit and Soil. Human Design New Chart additions on a New Program of MAIA Mechanics. Plus the Light worker shop with Taj in Lamas gets an overhaul and new toilet design. And there is more as we all get to Understand more about Our Meta Physics. This week as we share 3 most incredible Videos From The Template Sit down and be ready for the information coming into you on how you Operate and your Human design. You Really are very special people Victory of the light is in Peru. In Light,  Dave   02:20:00ExpandingU RADIOnoexpandingu,expandingu radio,expanding consciousness,3d printing,3d printing global energy networkMISSION #23: Crowd Funding : QEG Updates : August Projects Latest as the Students make free energy out of Water Fruit and Soil : What will be discussed on theBridge to Paradisehttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/08/12/bridge-to-paradise-1Educationhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/08/12/bridge-to-paradise-1/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/08/12/bridge-to-paradise-1Tue, 12 Aug 2014 00:00:00 GMTBridge to Paradise Presented by Kami & Cary ''KiraStar'' Ellis   The 21st CENTURY SUPERHUMAN: A POWERFUL GUIDE TO HAVING A QUANTUM LIFESTYLE- SECTION 1 (SHIFT OF THE AGES), CH 4 LIVE READING & DISCUSSION..This wk we r joined by Jedi Master Ken Chorley & High Vibe Tribe Councilman Paul Doucette to discuss DMT, The Spirit Molecule, & Pineal/3rd Eye Actvation as great tools for gracefully navigating this Earth Matrix. This New Series is called Self-Mastery, Quantum Thinking, The Science of Creation & THE 21st CENTURY SUPERHUMAN LIFESTYLE & will be a live reading, demonstrative & educational workshop series guaranteed to fast track you on your path towards FULL Ascension.  It's a complete Eye-opening Guide on HOW TO apply Quantum Physics, Ancient wisdom and grasp the Cosmic conjunctions that are Now shifting us beyond where we've ever been!  Transform your self-designed 'REALity' with empowering, must-have Thought and Lifestyle tools! Join us on this mind-altering/consciousness shifting 21st Century Superhuman adventure!  Learn how to use the QUANTUM POWER OF THOUGHT to create what you desire from the Infinite Field of Possibilities!  Easily Cleanse and Detox your mind & body from the limiting programming and dis-ease inducing patterns of interference by using well vetted mind/body mastery & reprogramming techniques, as well as, our Superhuman Lifestyle Nutritional and Multi-Dimensional Activation and DNA recoding/re-patterning secrets for ULTIMATE, jaw-dropping VITALITY!   02:11:00ExpandingU RADIOnoExpandingu,ExpandingU Radio,New Paradigm,Kami Be,SuperfriendsPresented by Kami & Cary ''KiraStar'' Ellis   The 21st CENTURY SUPERHUMAN: A POWERFUL GUIDE TO HAVING A QUANTUM LIFESTYLE- SECTION 1 (SHIFT OF THE AGES),ELEMENTal Evolution--Spiritual Health, Awareness & INpowermenthttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/08/11/elemental-evolution-spiritual-health-awareness-inpowermentEducationhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/08/11/elemental-evolution-spiritual-health-awareness-inpowerment/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/08/11/elemental-evolution-spiritual-health-awareness-inpowermentMon, 11 Aug 2014 00:00:00 GMTELEMENTal Evolution--Spiritual Health, Awareness & INpowermentPresented by: Sherri Fischer, Anna Lipari & Rhonda Paolo ELEMENTal Evolution's Wisdom and Vision: Michelle Emerson, OTL,CHT,MT is our guest tonight. She is a metaphysician, healer, and empath experienced and trained in Bio-Energy Healing, Quantum Healing Hypnosis Therapy (Dolores Cannon Method), Certified Wholeness Blessing Facilitator, Teacher of the Fountain of Life Class, Reiki Master, Wellness Advocate and doTERRA Therapeutic Grade Essential Oils Consultant: http://www.mydoterra.com/michelleemerson We will explore the new energies and our own place as humans within the Universe during this great awakening. Michelle shares her vision of peace in the cosmos with our galactic family and her mission of service to others from her heart-space. Elements are in every law that governs nature. These laws are simple and ancient, but they have been forgotten in our modern times.Humanity benefits by regaining and establishing balance and harmony. The body naturally heals itself through the use of nature’s elements of earth, air, water, fire, and ether. Healing humanity is a holistic process which includes the entire human system of the body, the mind, and the spirit as one entity. We at Elemental Evolution intend to achieve and to pass on universal knowledge while here on Earth. We are committed to spreading truths regarding the elementals and holistic healing within the world. We humanity by facilitating them into understanding their life journey in multidimensional ways. Check out our Facebook page for more information: https://www.facebook.com/WisdomsElementalEvolution 02:27:00ExpandingU RADIOnoHealth,wellness,spirituality,sherri fischer,expandinguPresented by: Sherri Fischer, Anna Lipari & Rhonda Paolo ELEMENTal Evolution's Wisdom and Vision: Michelle Emerson, OTL,CHT,MT is our guest tonight. She is aThe Owners' Manual for the Human Body--HEALTH SOLUTIONS: The Ebola Debaclehttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/08/09/the-owners-manual-for-the-human-body-health-solutions-the-ebola-debacleEducationhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/08/09/the-owners-manual-for-the-human-body-health-solutions-the-ebola-debacle/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/08/09/the-owners-manual-for-the-human-body-health-solutions-the-ebola-debacleSat, 09 Aug 2014 15:00:00 GMTThe Owners' Manual for the Human Body--HEALTH SOLUTIONS: The Ebola DebacleTHE TRUTH ABOUT THE EBOLA VIRUS... The Owners' Manual you never received at birth--inspired by the book of the same title--authored by panelist, Dr. Darko Velcek. The new pretend ''boogie man'' is in town.  Have you noticed, the scare propaganda is not working any longer? Ebola virus is spreading but is it REALLY as dangerous as we are being told? For one, if what we are being told this through major media venues, rest assured it is a big lie. How many deaths have there been? Statistically, there have many more deaths from the common cold. Biological weapons are being outlawed so why is it that the US military operates biological weapon laboratories? What EXACTLY are they for? Incidentally they have created this Ebola virus. But no matter what,  we can see that the virus is not performing to their liking. A similar failure as the swine and bird flu viruses. If you wonder why, there is a simple explanation:  lack of the trust in what we are being served by our government via the media of misrepresentation. The mechanism is simple to explain. It is a black magic (voodoo) approach since fear robs the body of energy and prevents it from annhilating the virus. We are told that there is no remedy to counter it. This is categorically untrue. Every pathogen will be destroyed with colloidal silver and oxygen. Oops,  did I say oxygen? What about oxidative stress. Oxygen is bad we are told. Well if you believe what government is telling you I have Brooklyn bridge to sell you right after the show....JOIN US!. Let's get a firm grasp on JUST what we are dealing with here....and the SOLUTIONS for it. 01:02:00ExpandingU RADIOnoexpandingu,expandingu radio,india irie sanatana dharma,darko velcek,jeremy ayresTHE TRUTH ABOUT THE EBOLA VIRUS... The Owners' Manual you never received at birth--inspired by the book of the same title--authored by panelist, Dr. Darko VelcMISSION: I'MPOSSIBLE--Mission 22http://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/08/09/mission-impossible-mission-22Educationhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/08/09/mission-impossible-mission-22/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/08/09/mission-impossible-mission-22Sat, 09 Aug 2014 00:00:00 GMTMISSION: I'MPOSSIBLE--Mission 22MISSION 22: The Radio show will have Special Guests and an Open Discussion on The Following Subjects. 1) THE QEG Latest from Karl Moltzan and Special Guest Hope Moore And The announcement of QEG PERU CICU Mission I’m Possible team Peru Are Proud to announce Hope Girl Live on Friday Night Show giving us the latest Breaking news on the QEG worldwide and the latest CICU’s. 2) Dragon Dreaming WHAT IS THIS ALL ABOUT? Who is Gabriel Ojeda in Columbia? and John Croft Who is in Spain? 3) Mission I’m Possible NGO now being formed in Tarapoto, Peru. 4) Mona Berg  ( Nurse) and family Plus  Karl Moltzan Coming to Join team in El Achual Eco lodge, Tarapoto. 5) Mission I’m possible Own Brand Tee-Shirts are now in the group.Largo form Sweden Funded these tee shirts by ordering a complete 6 Pack Session of Human Design which is listed in the Auguest Project list in Mission 21. You Colour Your Own Chart in when you get one and have a session with Dave in Peru. 6) The August Micro Projects Update. Blessings From Tarapoto, Peru. Victory of the light is here. Love from Dave and All at Mission I’m Possible team.     02:01:00ExpandingU RADIOnoexpandingu,expandingu radio,expanding consciousness,3d printing,3d printing global energy networkMISSION 22: The Radio show will have Special Guests and an Open Discussion on The Following Subjects. 1) THE QEG Latest from Karl Moltzan and Special Guest HoA Spiritual Re-Calibration w/Allfaaraa: Mastering the Keys to Ascensionhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/08/07/a-spiritual-re-calibration-wallfaaraa-mastering-the-keys-to-ascensionEducationhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/08/07/a-spiritual-re-calibration-wallfaaraa-mastering-the-keys-to-ascension/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/08/07/a-spiritual-re-calibration-wallfaaraa-mastering-the-keys-to-ascensionThu, 07 Aug 2014 22:00:00 GMTA Spiritual Re-Calibration w/Allfaaraa: Mastering the Keys to AscensionMASTERING THE KEYS TO ASCENSION  Presented by India Irie, Anna Lipari, Alchemistyque & Sherri Fischer w Special Guest Journeyman & Spiritual Guide, ALLFAARAA  It’s my opinion that if you are going to explain reality you must explain all of it. You can’t just explain duality, or just explain nonduality (oneness). Nor can you just explain light and leave out the dark.  Everything must be on the table all the time. Science, religion, mysticism, the occult, paranormal research, enlightenment, near death, astral projection, past-life regression, etc. All of it must be included. All of it must be explained. The why and the how. How did we get here, what are we doing here, where are we going…and of course, every child’s favorite question, why, why, why. That’s what Allfaaraa brings to the table. And as always, keep what works and discard the rest. Only you can determine your own truth on your own journey at your own pace. Raise the planet! http://allfaaraa.com/   01:59:00ExpandingU RADIOnoIndia Irie Sanatana Dharma,expandingu,expandingu radio,sherri fischer,the Keys to AscensionMASTERING THE KEYS TO ASCENSION  Presented by India Irie, Anna Lipari, Alchemistyque & Sherri Fischer w Special Guest Journeyman & Spiritual Guide, ALLFAARAAThe SYNCRENICITY of the 21st Century Superhuman: w/Antonia Hagenshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/08/07/the-syncrenicity-of-the-21st-century-superhuman-wantonia-hagensEducationhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/08/07/the-syncrenicity-of-the-21st-century-superhuman-wantonia-hagens/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/08/07/the-syncrenicity-of-the-21st-century-superhuman-wantonia-hagensThu, 07 Aug 2014 00:00:00 GMTThe SYNCRENICITY of the 21st Century Superhuman: w/Antonia HagensPresented by India Irie, Allfaaraa, Alchemystique & Sherri Fischer Antonia Hagens is a Nutritionist, Healer, Speaker, Author and Visionary Leader.  From a very young age, Antonia was connected to the spiritual world. She facilitated many energy healings. She was already on-stage speaking by the time she was 12 years old. Then her life changed and she closed the door on all things spiritual. Her intense desire to understand the “Why” and “How” of Life has lead her to become certified in many healing modalities. Through her transformational company, Masterpiece Life Inc. she has assisted thousands to transform their lives all over the world. She has worked with and interviewed some of the leading edge healers, scientists, thought leaders and spiritual teachers in the world today. As a healer and intuitive Antonia has been certified in Nutrition, Nutritional Metabolic Typing, Functional Diagnostic Nutrition, Neurostructural Integration Technique – NST (Advance Bowen Therapy), Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), Theta Healing, Reiki, Universalis Modality, Qi Gong, Reconnective Healing and many more. Antonia gently and powerfully guides you to question the source of your issue so that you can learn and move forward. You are here to Play, Experience, Learn and Enlighten. Your soul is on an accelerated path of growth.  Your natural state is Love, Peace, Oneness and Fluidity. To book a session with Antonia call 416-224-5200. - See more at: http://masterpiecelife.com/speakers/antonia-hagens/#sthash.qxshG0mz.dpuf 02:10:00ExpandingU RADIOnoExpandingU radio,india irie sanatana dharma,syncrenicity,21st century superhuman,Quantum lifestylePresented by India Irie, Allfaaraa, Alchemystique & Sherri Fischer Antonia Hagens is a Nutritionist, Healer, Speaker, Author and Visionary Leader.  From a verCelebrating our Divine Energies: Embracing the Concept of the Sacred Femininehttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/08/06/celebrating-our-divine-energies-embracing-the-concept-of-the-sacred-feminineEducationhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/08/06/celebrating-our-divine-energies-embracing-the-concept-of-the-sacred-feminine/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/08/06/celebrating-our-divine-energies-embracing-the-concept-of-the-sacred-feminineWed, 06 Aug 2014 00:00:00 GMTCelebrating our Divine Energies: Embracing the Concept of the Sacred FeminineThe Sacred Feminine: The Micro & the Macro, The Myth, The Mystery and the Return What does it mean when someone praises the divine feminine? Or when someone says the divine feminine is the way to healing and enlightenment? Or that the divine feminine is reawakening our world at this time, heralding a return to higher frequencies of light and thought? Is this a Christian concept? Buddhist? Pagan? New Age? Is it tied to religion? Or is it a spiritual concept? What is its history and where are its roots? The answer is simple. The divine feminine is the goddess is in all traditions, and has been since the beginning of time. These traditions are a mystical, magical, powerful, part of primal Mother Earth. They symbolize balance and healing, renewal and restoration. Sophia is a very ancient form of the Goddess of Wisdom. She is known in many traditions by different names but she carries the mantle of intuitive intelligence. Sometimes she is Isis, spreading her wings of ascension. Sometimes she is Asherah, the original bread of life. Mary Magdalene is said to have been an incarnation of Sophia. The symbol of Sophia is the dove, depicted as the bird descending from the heavens, known in Christianity as the Holy Spirit. So what is the feminine principle? Simply put, her principles are ones of nurturing, of love, understanding, compassion, insight, intuition, creativity, forgiveness, healing, and wisdom. Whatever your beliefs and choice of traditions are, whether She appears to you as Ishtar or Mari, Gaia or Quan Yin, as the great Mother Mary or Magdalene, or as one of the pantheon of goddesses from ancient Egypt or Greece or Rome, to Africa or the Middle East, to the cults of the Black Madonna, or whether she is spun from one of the archetypes of the indigenous tribes, such as Spider Woman, the divine feminine is still the primordial She who creates from a central source.   02:03:00ExpandingU RADIOnoExpandingU,Alternative News,New Paradigm,EcoVillage,PermacultureThe Sacred Feminine: The Micro & the Macro, The Myth, The Mystery and the Return What does it mean when someone praises the divine feminine? Or when someone saBridge to Paradisehttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/08/05/bridge-to-paradise-1Educationhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/08/05/bridge-to-paradise-1/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/08/05/bridge-to-paradise-1Tue, 05 Aug 2014 00:00:00 GMTBridge to ParadisePresented by Kami & Cary ''KiraStar'' Ellis The 21st CENTURY SUPERHUMAN: A POWERFUL GUIDE TO HAVING A QUANTUM LIFESTYLE- SECTION 1 (SHIFT OF THE AGES), CH 3 LIVE READING & DISCUSSION on Earth & Human Magnetics w Crop Circle Expert Patty Greer. This New Series is called Self-Mastery, Quantum Thinking, The Science of Creation & THE 21st CENTURY SUPERHUMAN LIFESTYLE & will be a live reading, demonstrative & educational workshop series guaranteed to fast track you on your path towards FULL Ascension.  It's a complete Eye-opening Guide on HOW TO apply Quantum Physics, Ancient wisdom and grasp the Cosmic conjunctions that are Now shifting us beyond where we've ever been!  Transform your self-designed 'REALity' with empowering, must-have Thought and Lifestyle tools! Join us on this mind-altering/consciousness shifting 21st Century Superhuman adventure!  Learn how to use the QUANTUM POWER OF THOUGHT to create what you desire from the Infinite Field of Possibilities!  Easily Cleanse and Detox your mind & body from the limiting programming and dis-ease inducing patterns of interference by using well vetted mind/body mastery & reprogramming techniques, as well as, our Superhuman Lifestyle Nutritional and Multi-Dimensional Activation and DNA recoding/re-patterning secrets for ULTIMATE, jaw-dropping VITALITY!   Join us every Mon @ 8pm EDT, or anytime you can find the time to pay valuable energy into your own transformation ;) 01:49:00ExpandingU RADIOnoExpandingu,ExpandingU Radio,New Paradigm,Kami Be,SuperfriendsPresented by Kami & Cary ''KiraStar'' Ellis The 21st CENTURY SUPERHUMAN: A POWERFUL GUIDE TO HAVING A QUANTUM LIFESTYLE- SECTION 1 (SHIFT OF THE AGES), CH 3 LIELEMENTal Evolution--Spiritual Health, Awareness & INpowermenthttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/08/04/elemental-evolution-spiritual-health-awareness-inpowermentEducationhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/08/04/elemental-evolution-spiritual-health-awareness-inpowerment/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/08/04/elemental-evolution-spiritual-health-awareness-inpowermentMon, 04 Aug 2014 00:00:00 GMTELEMENTal Evolution--Spiritual Health, Awareness & INpowermentPresented by: Sherri Fischer, Anna Lipari & Rhonda Paolo ELEMENTal Evolution's Wisdom and Vision:  Please Join us in welcoming Dave VonKleist;  Exposing the Truth about 9/11 During all the years commuting between gigs and recording studios, Dave vonKleist listened to numerous talk shows on the radio and became a fan of political discussions. In 1995, he became a talk-show host at WATR AM1320, in Waterbury, CT. Using the airname “Dave Riddell” at the suggestion of the program director. The show became extremely popular and was one of the most listened to programs in the central CT. One of the many guests he interviewed was of particular interest.  He was familiar with several Gulf War vets in my area and one of his guests, Joyce Riley, captured their hearts as well as his own. Later, after becoming an expat and living in Argentina, Dave was asked to write several articles for Escape From America Magazine We at Elemental Evolution intend to achieve and to pass on universal knowledge while here on Earth. We are committed to spreading truths regarding the elementals and holistic healing within the world. You can check out our Facebook page for more information:  https://www.facebook.com/WisdomsElementalEvolution 01:59:00ExpandingU RADIOnoHealth,wellness,spirituality,sherri fischer,expandinguPresented by: Sherri Fischer, Anna Lipari & Rhonda Paolo ELEMENTal Evolution's Wisdom and Vision:  Please Join us in welcoming Dave VonKleist;  Exposing theThe Owners' Manual for the Human Body--HEALTH SOLUTIONS: Mental Healthhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/08/02/the-owners-manual-for-the-human-body-health-solutions-mental-healthEducationhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/08/02/the-owners-manual-for-the-human-body-health-solutions-mental-health/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/08/02/the-owners-manual-for-the-human-body-health-solutions-mental-healthSat, 02 Aug 2014 15:00:00 GMTThe Owners' Manual for the Human Body--HEALTH SOLUTIONS: Mental HealthYOU’RE BLOODY INSANE(ATARY) DIRTY BLOOD = DIRTY MIND “Our society is run by insane people for insane objectives. I think we're being run by maniacs for maniacal ends and I think I'm liable to be put away as insane for expressing that. That's what's insane about it.” --John Lennon Still the great stigma and the label that can’t be shrugged off: MENTAL ILLNESS. But what is insanity? After all, the definition of insanity is to keep doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results? This is the world we live in…Insane! All dis-ease is a blessing in disguise (potentially), and so called mental illness is no different. Depression is the #1 mental illness, followed by schizophrenia and then Bi-Polar. These terrible afflictions range in severity of course, but what are they really? Is it all in the mind? Or could it be more? Could it – like all the dis-eases when listened to – reveal the true nature of their dis-ease and how they have strayed far from their true path? Join us this week to find out the key causes of these misunderstood afflictions and that there are paths back to vibrant health and a place where you can once more see that the truth will set you free – dis-ease free! 01:01:00ExpandingU RADIOnoexpandingu,expandingu radio,india irie sanatana dharma,darko velcek,jeremy ayresYOU’RE BLOODY INSANE(ATARY) DIRTY BLOOD = DIRTY MIND “Our society is run by insane people for insane objectives. I think we're being run by maniacs for maniacMISSION: I'MPOSSIBLE--Mission 21http://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/08/02/mission-impossible-mission-21 http://xi4.com/2014/07/31/mission-im-possible-21-august-targets-for-peru/ ]]> http://xi4.com/2014/07/31/mission-im-possible-21-august-targets-for-peru/ ]]>Educationhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/08/02/mission-impossible-mission-21/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/08/02/mission-impossible-mission-21Sat, 02 Aug 2014 00:00:00 GMTMISSION: I'MPOSSIBLE--Mission 21 http://xi4.com/2014/07/31/mission-im-possible-21-august-targets-for-peru/ ]]>MISSION 21: Mission I’m Possible 21. August targets for Peru. Human Design Shows on Projector and Tee-Shirts for Own Brand Tarapoto MIP Super foods. What are they? What do we expect from our team in Peru ? What can we seriously achieve? List of Missions for August: see blogpost BELOW for detailed listing ===> http://xi4.com/2014/07/31/mission-im-possible-21-august-targets-for-peru/ 02:03:00ExpandingU RADIOnoexpandingu,expandingu radio,expanding consciousness,3d printing,3d printing global energy networkMISSION 21: Mission I’m Possible 21. August targets for Peru. Human Design Shows on Projector and Tee-Shirts for Own Brand Tarapoto MIP Super foods. What areThe SYNCRENICITY of the 21st Century Superhumanhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/07/31/the-syncrenicity-of-the-21st-century-superhumanEducationhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/07/31/the-syncrenicity-of-the-21st-century-superhuman/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/07/31/the-syncrenicity-of-the-21st-century-superhumanThu, 31 Jul 2014 00:00:00 GMTThe SYNCRENICITY of the 21st Century SuperhumanPresented by India Irie w Special Guests: Carmelle Migliore, the Empress of Time and Judy Jandora Time, Tarot, Numerology....OH MY!!  ''The Eternal Multi-Dimensional Human Creator BE-ing Imagine, if you will, that Time is (like) a machine,- a heavy, low frequency construct laden with deliberate illusion, and distraction for testing your resolve and focus in Now Presence and your Eternal Creative power.   A Goliath of a gauntlet for some. But, for the Multi-Dimensional YOU,  it's a toy to be played with. The OPPORTUNITIES (in Time) serve to support and develop your Multi-dimensional skills and talents, and mastery of Your personal objectives as an Eternal Multi-dimensional Creator Being. It is quite temporary in terms of Eternal.  So, you can relax NOW and find your Happy thought to play and create with.   The OBSERVER within recognizes that here isn't a molecule out of place.    We are ALREADY multi-Dimensional Beings; in the mirror of larger Collective, we are only just beginning to accept this ideology in social circles and journeys. As witnessed by the current Global shifting and hub-bub of unrest regarding  disengagements from constriction and inequality in many directions, the surge of expansion and the upgrade of the awareness of Truth within the global consciousness is beginning to beam with a Lighter perspective of WHO we ARE, and what WE are actually capable of when we Trust and focus on our individual NOW Power within a common direction.'' **THIS  Translation on this topic of Time and Presence in personal expansion by John Smallman is brilliant with resonance.  There are many perspectives to explore along the way.     02:03:00ExpandingU RADIOnoExpandingU radio,india irie sanatana dharma,cary ellis,syncrenicity,21st century superhumanPresented by India Irie w Special Guests: Carmelle Migliore, the Empress of Time and Judy Jandora Time, Tarot, Numerology....OH MY!!  ''The Eternal Multi-DimeExpandingU RADIO: Save Amy Janssen and her Children!http://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/07/29/expandingu-radio-save-amy-janssen-and-her-childrenEducationhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/07/29/expandingu-radio-save-amy-janssen-and-her-children/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/07/29/expandingu-radio-save-amy-janssen-and-her-childrenTue, 29 Jul 2014 21:00:00 GMTExpandingU RADIO: Save Amy Janssen and her Children!Presented by: India Irie Sanatana Dharma & Russell Blattberg Let Us Help to Save Amy Janssen and Her Children I desperately need your help with an issue I am in touch with a woman who is facing 5 yrs in prison for trying to protect her children from her ex boyfriend who is pedophile he now has custody of the kids she has no money and no lawyer and will be put in jail if we do nothing we need to help this woman we need to expose these people..... and we need to help her raise money and get her kids back --Russell Blattberg 7/25/2014 https://www.facebook.com/pages/Save-Amy-Janssen-and-her-children/682346148508184 https://www.facebook.com/shewhoisthescribe   **ExpandingU is a lifestyle brand with emphasis on Conscious Living, Learning, Teaching & Healing. The project includes an ecovillage and institute of learning and teaching as a template model available globally.    01:01:00ExpandingU RADIOnoExpandingU,Alternative News,New Paradigm,EcoVillage,PermaculturePresented by: India Irie Sanatana Dharma & Russell Blattberg Let Us Help to Save Amy Janssen and Her Children I desperately need your help with an issue I amBridge to Paradisehttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/07/29/bridge-to-paradise-1Educationhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/07/29/bridge-to-paradise-1/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/07/29/bridge-to-paradise-1Tue, 29 Jul 2014 00:00:00 GMTBridge to Paradise   Presented by Kami & Cary ''KiraStar'' Ellis 21st CENTURY SUPERHUMAN: A POWERFUL GUIDE TO HAVING A QUANTUM LIFESTYLE- SECTION 1 (SHIFT OF THE AGES), CHAPTER 1 LIVE READING & DISCUSSION This New Series is called Self-Mastery, Quantum Thinking, The Science of Creation & THE 21st CENTURY SUPERHUMAN LIFESTYLE & will be a live reading, demonstrative & educational workshop series guaranteed to fast track you on your path towards FULL Ascension.  It's a complete Eye-opening Guide on HOW TO apply Quantum Physics, Ancient wisdom and grasp the Cosmic conjunctions that are Now shifting us beyond where we've ever been!  Transform your self-designed 'REALity' with empowering, must-have Thought and Lifestyle tools! Join us on this mind-altering/consciousness shifting 21st Century Superhuman adventure!  Learn how to use the QUANTUM POWER OF THOUGHT to create what you desire from the Infinite Field of Possibilities!  Easily Cleanse and Detox your mind & body from the limiting programming and dis-ease inducing patterns of interference by using well vetted mind/body mastery & reprogramming techniques, as well as, our Superhuman Lifestyle Nutritional and Multi-Dimensional Activation and DNA recoding/re-patterning secrets for ULTIMATE, jaw-dropping VITALITY!  Join us every Monday or anytime you can find the time to pay energy into your own vehicle of transformation as we ride this 9th Wave of the Mayan Calendar and gracefully navigate the  staggering s02:02:00ExpandingU RADIOnoExpandingu,ExpandingU Radio,New Paradigm,Kami Be,SuperfriendsPresented by Kami & Cary ''KiraStar'' Ellis 21st CENTURY SUPERHUMAN: A POWERFUL GUIDE TO HAVING A QUANTUM LIFESTYLE- SECTION 1 (SHIFT OF THE AGES), CHAELEMENTal Evolution--Spiritual Health, Awareness & INpowermenthttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/07/28/elemental-evolution-spiritual-health-awareness-inpowermentEducationhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/07/28/elemental-evolution-spiritual-health-awareness-inpowerment/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/07/28/elemental-evolution-spiritual-health-awareness-inpowermentMon, 28 Jul 2014 00:00:00 GMTELEMENTal Evolution--Spiritual Health, Awareness & INpowermentPresented by: Sherri Fischer, Anna Lipari & Rhonda Paolo ELEMENTal Evolution's Wisdom and Vision: Elements are in every law that governs nature. These laws are simple and ancient, but they have been forgotten in our modern times.Humanity benefits by regaining and establishing balance and harmony. The body naturally heals itself through the use of nature’s elements of earth, air, water, fire, and ether. Healing humanity is a holistic process which includes the entire human system of the body, the mind, and the spirit as one entity. We at Elemental Evolution intend to achieve and to pass on universal knowledge while here on Earth. We are committed to spreading truths regarding the elementals and holistic healing within the world. We humanity by facilitating them into understanding their life journey in multidimensional ways. You can check out our Facebook page for more information:  https://www.facebook.com/WisdomsElementalEvolution 02:01:00ExpandingU RADIOnoHealth,wellness,spirituality,sherri fischer,expandinguPresented by: Sherri Fischer, Anna Lipari & Rhonda Paolo ELEMENTal Evolution's Wisdom and Vision: Elements are in every law that governs nature. These laws arThe Owners' Manual for the Human Body-- The Great Cholesterol MYTHhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/07/26/the-owners-manual-for-the-human-body--the-great-cholesterol-mythEducationhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/07/26/the-owners-manual-for-the-human-body--the-great-cholesterol-myth/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/07/26/the-owners-manual-for-the-human-body--the-great-cholesterol-mythSat, 26 Jul 2014 15:00:00 GMTThe Owners' Manual for the Human Body-- The Great Cholesterol MYTHThe Great Cholesterol Myth – How Big Pharma Conned You…Again. As David Icke says, ''If everyone knows something then it has been put there to manipulate and deceive.'' Cholesterol is one of these great examples. Ask the average (wo)man in the street about cholesterol and their answers will almost certainly be: 1. There is good & bad cholesterol, 2. Too high cholesterol is bad for you & 3. Cholesterol causes heart disease. Absolute LIES!!! ...But as Gandhi said, “A lie is a lie even if everyone believes it to be the truth; just as the truth is the truth even if everyone believes it to be a lie." In this show we are going to blow the lies out of the water and show that 1.  Cholesterol is not a deadly poison, but a substance vital to the cells of all mammals.  2. There are no such things as good or bad cholesterol 3. A high cholesterol is not dangerous by itself, but may reflect an unhealthy condition, or it may be totally innocent.  4.  A high blood cholesterol is NOT the culprit in arthrosclerosis  5.  Your body produces three to four times more cholesterol than you eat. The production of cholesterol increases when you eat little cholesterol and decreases when you eat much.  6. There is no evidence that too much animal fat and cholesterol in the diet promotes atherosclerosis or heart disease. 7. The only effective way to lower cholesterol is with drugs. 8.  That cholesterol-lowering drugs, the statins, stimulate cancer in rodents, disturb the functions of the muscles, the heart and the brain and pregnant women taking statins may give birth to children with malformations more severe than those seen after thalidomide. 9. The Benefits Of High Cholesterol 10. And much, much more…… 01:01:00ExpandingU RADIOnoexpandingu,expandingu radio,india irie sanatana dharma,darko velcek,jeremy ayresThe Great Cholesterol Myth – How Big Pharma Conned You…Again. As David Icke says, ''If everyone knows something then it has been put there to manipulate and deMISSION: I'MPOSSIBLE--Mission 20 MIP PERU MICRO PROJECTShttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/07/26/mission-impossible-mission-20-mip-peru-micro-projectsEducationhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/07/26/mission-impossible-mission-20-mip-peru-micro-projects/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/07/26/mission-impossible-mission-20-mip-peru-micro-projectsSat, 26 Jul 2014 00:00:00 GMTMISSION: I'MPOSSIBLE--Mission 20 MIP PERU MICRO PROJECTSMISSION 20: MIP PERU MICRO PROJECTS. MICRO PROJECTS FUNDING PROPOSALS : Our Mission Statement for Tarapoto, Disrict of San Martin, Peru. Our Mission here in Peru came from within each of us as a grand collective consciousness to do three main tasks. 1) Meet our ancient ancestors 2) Learn the culture and diversity in Nature to become familiar with its outstanding Natural Beauty and 3) Devise a plan to create a new system of the future that will allow the old corrupt system to simply go away. 4 Months ago a group of people assembled here in Peru on a mission to clean the Jungle and it’s rivers and show the people new friendly technologies and ancient technologies and it just makes great sense that Peru was the chosen place from within. We have managed to currently fund the Acquisition of most of the new technology items that will be apart of the New Dome Operational Technology as listed below. The reason for doing this is the fact that Villagers will need at least 6 months intuitive sessions to understand what is landing on their doorstep and it is wise to assume the education needs of these beautiful people, when it comes to new technologies such as the QEG and the 3D Printer and The Light Mandala. Currently you can pick one microproject and help fund that project like the demonstration Aquaponics system here in El Achual, Tarapoto or the Bio-Gas project that is not yet being funded or the radio station. This will be a precursor to The Crowd-funding for the New Dome Center once we have completed all Micro  projects below and taught the children and villagers how to use the new technologies and new health medicines on route to their villages. 02:01:00ExpandingU RADIOnoexpandingu,expandingu radio,expanding consciousness,3d printing,3d printing global energy networkMISSION 20: MIP PERU MICRO PROJECTS. MICRO PROJECTS FUNDING PROPOSALS : Our Mission Statement for Tarapoto, Disrict of San Martin, Peru. Our Mission here inOHMB: The Syncrenicity of Energy Medicinehttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/07/24/ohmb-the-syncrenicity-of-energy-medicine  http://teespring.com/syncrenicity   ]]>  http://teespring.com/syncrenicity   ]]>Educationhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/07/24/ohmb-the-syncrenicity-of-energy-medicine/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/07/24/ohmb-the-syncrenicity-of-energy-medicineThu, 24 Jul 2014 19:00:00 GMTOHMB: The Syncrenicity of Energy Medicine  http://teespring.com/syncrenicity   ]]>Presented by India Irie & Tony Kilvert of http://syncrenicity.com/ Richard Cumbers from Pain Genie outlines some health solutions that will raise consciousness and help the global un-ease of our times. The Benefits of Scenar Therapy The Pain Genie Scenar is an advanced pain relief device and represents a breakthrough in accelerating the body's natural self healing abilities. Developed by an elite team of doctors and scientists to keep cosmonauts in optimum health during space travel, it is now the treatment of choice by an increasing number of world-class athletes and medical professionals. It is highly effective in all forms of pain relief including neck and back pain, sports injuries, whiplash, fractures, arthritis, RSI, IBS, burns and aching joints. As the Pain Genie is brushed over an area of inflammation or pain, gentle electrical impulses, similar to those produced by the nervous system, are registered by the body, triggering an accelerating the release of powerful natural healing compounds known as neuropeptides. The results are usually immediate and long lasting, with most people able to achieve a dramatic reduction in pain, often within minutes. Developed by an elite team of doctors and scientists to keep cosmonauts in optimum health during space travel, it is now the treatment of choice by an increasing number of world-class athletes and medical professionals. It is highly effective in all forms of pain relief including neck and back pain, sports injuries, whiplash, fractures, arthritis, RSI, IBS, burns and aching joints. SEE TONY KILVERT' & SYNCRENICITY'S NEWEST FEATURE HERE === >  http://teespring.com/syncrenicity   02:02:00ExpandingU RADIOnoExpandingU radio,india irie sanatana dharma,syncrenicity,Quantum lifestyle,essential oilsPresented by India Irie & Tony Kilvert of http://syncrenicity.com/ Richard Cumbers from Pain Genie outlines some health solutions that will raise consciousnessOMHB SPECIAL EDITION--The Trouble w/Men (& their Health) with Jeanice Barcelohttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/07/23/omhb-special-edition-the-trouble-wmen-their-health-with-jeanice-barceloEducationhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/07/23/omhb-special-edition-the-trouble-wmen-their-health-with-jeanice-barcelo/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/07/23/omhb-special-edition-the-trouble-wmen-their-health-with-jeanice-barceloWed, 23 Jul 2014 18:00:00 GMTOMHB SPECIAL EDITION--The Trouble w/Men (& their Health) with Jeanice BarceloThe Owners' Manual for the Human Body Panelists: India Irie, Dr. Darko Velcek, Dr, Jeremy Ayres & Clive De Carle are honoured to welcome for a returning INpowering special, JEANICE BARCELO.  We are going to look at the common problems men suffer from and how this connects with how men - for the most part - have been steered away from their natural identity. So often we hear on the airwaves about the Divine Feminine but what about the Divine Masculine? In a nutshell -- let's talk about (1) western ideas of "masculinity" and how they affect male sexuality and relationships between men and women; (2) the importance of men's consciousness in the creation of children (i.e., conscious conception); (3) the male role during the gestation of children; and (4) the male role during birth and what men need to do to protect their partner's and children from medical abuse. 02:11:00ExpandingU RADIOnoexpandingu,expandingu radio,india irie sanatana dharma,owners manual for the human body,healthThe Owners' Manual for the Human Body Panelists: India Irie, Dr. Darko Velcek, Dr, Jeremy Ayres & Clive De Carle are honoured to welcome for a returning INpowerCelebrating Our Divine Feminine & Masculine Energies: Understanding Attractionhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/07/23/celebrating-our-divine-feminine-masculine-energies-understanding-attractionEducationhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/07/23/celebrating-our-divine-feminine-masculine-energies-understanding-attraction/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/07/23/celebrating-our-divine-feminine-masculine-energies-understanding-attractionWed, 23 Jul 2014 00:00:00 GMTCelebrating Our Divine Feminine & Masculine Energies: Understanding AttractionPresented by: India Irie Sanatana Dharm, Anna Lipari, Kami Be, Annie Sunday, Alchemyst Mystique & a panel of the Sacred Feminine and Masculine to speak openly--together.  Why do some people make us hot and bothered while others leave us cold? It can be hard to put your finger on the specific reason, but the scientists of sex appeal all have their ideas of why we like what we like. What does the everyday person have to say about it? Where is the line between attraction and obsession? Why do we create LISTS of characteristics of that ULTIMATE PARTNER when that is usually the beginning of our exclusionary process?  What role does peer pressure, the media, society, religion & custom play in setting our mental programming? Why to we develop fetishes?  We discuss it all on this edition of Celebrating Our Divine Feminine & Masculine Energies/Reconnecting Broken Bonds. Annie is currently learning new energy techniques at this school, if you also want to learn self mastery and energy, sign up here:  http://evolvedministry.com/?page_id=175&pa=677CF4A856 02:00:00ExpandingU RADIOnoExpandingU,Alternative News,New Paradigm,EcoVillage,PermaculturePresented by: India Irie Sanatana Dharm, Anna Lipari, Kami Be, Annie Sunday, Alchemyst Mystique & a panel of the Sacred Feminine and Masculine to speak openly--Bridge to Paradisehttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/07/21/bridge-to-paradiseEducationhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/07/21/bridge-to-paradise/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/07/21/bridge-to-paradiseMon, 21 Jul 2014 22:00:00 GMTBridge to ParadisePresented by Kami Be & Cary ''KiraStar'' Ellis The World is changing and WE ARE THE CHANGE AGENTS/ONEs we have been waiting for!  A Bridge To Paradise is being built across the planet RIGHT NOW & this show is going to support the steps we ALL are & will be taking to get us there..This New Series is called Self-Mastery, Quantum Thinking, The Science of Creation & THE 21st CENTURY SUPERHUMAN LIFESTYLE & will be a live reading, demonstrative & educational workshop series garunteed to fast track you on your path towards full Ascension.  It's a complete Eye-opening Guide on HOW TO apply Quantum Physics, Ancient wisdom and grasp the Cosmic conjunctions that are Now shifting us beyond where we've ever been!  Transform your self-designed 'REALity' with empowering, must-have Thought and Lifestyle tools! Join us on this mind-altering/cousciousness shifting 21st Century Superhuman adventure!  Learn how to use the QUANTUM POWER OF THOUGHT to create what you desire from the Infinite Field of Possibilities!  Easily Cleanse and Detox your mind & body from the limiting programming and dis-ease inducing patterns of interference by using well vetted mind/body mastery & reprogramming techniques, as well as, our Superhuman Lifestyle Nutritional and Multi-Dimensional Activation and DNA recoding/repatterning secrets for ULTIMATE, jaw-dropping VITALITY!  Join us every Monday or anytime you can find the time to pay energy into your own vehicle of transformation as we ride this 9th Wave of the Mayan Calendar and gracefully navigate the  staggering shifts occuring in our perception of this Earth Reality. 01:44:00ExpandingU RADIOnonew paradigm,kami be,cindy kay currier,expandingu,expandingU radioPresented by Kami Be & Cary ''KiraStar'' Ellis The World is changing and WE ARE THE CHANGE AGENTS/ONEs we have been waiting for!  A Bridge To Paradise is beingELEMENTal Evolution--Spiritual Health, Awareness & INpowermenthttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/07/21/elemental-evolution-spiritual-health-awareness-inpowermentEducationhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/07/21/elemental-evolution-spiritual-health-awareness-inpowerment/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/07/21/elemental-evolution-spiritual-health-awareness-inpowermentMon, 21 Jul 2014 00:00:00 GMTELEMENTal Evolution--Spiritual Health, Awareness & INpowermentPresented by: Sherri Fischer, Darko Velcek and Dhyana Moyer ELEMENTal Evolution's Wisdom and Vision:  Do You Have to Worry About Aging.. Being Sick.. Dying.. ??? There is so much happening on the planet right now.. so many people experiencing things that they dont understand.. and being told lies that are simply presented to limit the understanding of who and what we truly are.. it is time to break out of the box.    Elements are in every law that governs nature. These laws are simple and ancient, but they have been forgotten in our modern times.Humanity benefits by regaining and establishing balance and harmony. The body naturally heals itself through the use of nature’s elements of earth, air, water, fire, and ether. Healing humanity is a holistic process which includes the entire human system of the body, the mind, and the spirit as one entity. We at Elemental Evolution intend to achieve and to pass on universal knowledge while here on Earth. We are committed to spreading truths regarding the elementals and holistic healing within the world. We humanity by facilitating them into understanding their life journey in multidimensional ways. You can check out our Facebook page for more information: https://www.facebook.com/WisdomsElementalEvolution 01:04:00ExpandingU RADIOnoHealth,wellness,spirituality,sherri fischer,expandinguPresented by: Sherri Fischer, Darko Velcek and Dhyana Moyer ELEMENTal Evolution's Wisdom and Vision:  Do You Have to Worry About Aging.. Being Sick.. Dying.. ?The Owners' Manual for the Human Body--HEALTH SOLUTIONS: Aginghttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/07/19/the-owners-manual-for-the-human-body-health-solutions-agingEducationhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/07/19/the-owners-manual-for-the-human-body-health-solutions-aging/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/07/19/the-owners-manual-for-the-human-body-health-solutions-agingSat, 19 Jul 2014 15:00:00 GMTThe Owners' Manual for the Human Body--HEALTH SOLUTIONS: AgingWhat the cell is going on? You're as old as you heal! In this weeks show we look at age, what it is and what it isn't. We delve into the longevity chasm where everyone and his dog has a potion or product to keep you young. But how can you discern what will work? Is it all snake oil and exaggerated dreams? How is it that our elders are now our aged? How have they fallen from their position of nobility to one expected to lose their marbles and other bodily fluids. What is aging? Can it really be halted, slowed or even better...reversed? Tune in to explore the physical,mental, emotional & the spiritual, plus the science and the myths of growing old disgracefully. Its all here this saturday on What the Cell Is Going On? Your as Old as you Heal. The Owners' Manual you never received at birth--inspired by the book of the same title--authored by panelist, Dr. Darko Velcek. 01:57:00ExpandingU RADIOnoexpandingu,expandingu radio,india irie sanatana dharma,darko velcek,jeremy ayresWhat the cell is going on? You're as old as you heal! In this weeks show we look at age, what it is and what it isn't. We delve into the longevity chasm whereMISSION: I'MPOSSIBLE--Mission 19: New Tech Comes to Peruhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/07/19/mission-impossible-mission-19-new-tech-comes-to-peruEducationhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/07/19/mission-impossible-mission-19-new-tech-comes-to-peru/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/07/19/mission-impossible-mission-19-new-tech-comes-to-peruSat, 19 Jul 2014 00:00:00 GMTMISSION: I'MPOSSIBLE--Mission 19: New Tech Comes to PeruMISSION I’M POSSIBLE 19. New Tech Comes to Peru. Special Guests Ralph Ring, Clive De Carle, Fernando Vossa and Alex from Dragons Gate to discuss the amazing healing modality of Sacred Geometric Healing with the Light Mandala. On Saturday we will hold  a large show here in El Achual Eco Lodge, Tarapoto. 5PM Live display DON’T MISS IT IF YOU ARE IN TARAPOTO Reading this. School Children and Science students from Tarapoto will be here. AND THERE IS MORE.  We will be discussing The new 5D/3D Project Jungle star hotel and spiritual wellness center. This is where Alex has seeded his new Peruvian Home. We now have all the land and all the people needed to build this for you to  return to your ancestors here in Peru. This will be the perfect landing ground to come and visit our projects here in San Martin District, as progress now on the ground notches up another gear. Visit Simone here for a warm welcoming http://www.shimiyaculodgetarapoto.com/ OTHER NEWS  We are working with Mayors now directly in 4 different locations and Private awakened Hotel owners and Farm Owners now, to ensure that the jungle will now be cleaned in no less than 12 months. This also Includes the rivers and the Road ways in Villages. plus our Dome Center project in San Roque is now going ahead. These are very exciting times indeed so we will be putting a presentation out primarily to appeal to the spiritual world in Sweden USA Canada and the rest of the world for funding to get the project on the go.     02:01:00ExpandingU RADIOnoexpandingu,expandingu radio,expanding consciousness,3d printing,3d printing global energy networkMISSION I’M POSSIBLE 19. New Tech Comes to Peru. Special Guests Ralph Ring, Clive De Carle, Fernando Vossa and Alex from Dragons Gate to discuss the amazingSacred Union and the Yoga of Tantrahttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/07/16/sacred-union-and-the-yoga-of-tantraEducationhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/07/16/sacred-union-and-the-yoga-of-tantra/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/07/16/sacred-union-and-the-yoga-of-tantraWed, 16 Jul 2014 00:00:00 GMTSacred Union and the Yoga of TantraA new awakening is taking place, a resurfacing of ancient truths — an inner alchemy - a merging of divine feminine and divine masculine that religious dogma has enshrouded for centuries. A divine union relationship—is a co-creative partnership of equality. To experience Divine Union in all its power and beauty is to participate in the dance of creation. The child of cosmic birth is referred to in alchemy as the True Self, and it is created from a union known as the sacred marriage of dualities. In the Greek alphabet, the letter Delta (triangle/triune) was the symbol for cosmic birth. The triangle can represent: father/mother/child or the Perfect Union of the Two that creates the Third or the perfect union when two become one. The union of masculine and feminine polarities is fundamental in the quantum physics of creation. The two polarities, the magnetic (female) and electric, (male) coming together to form a trinity. This geometry occurs when a planet is being born and when the first 2 cells of a human being form in the womb and the creation of Light.  We need both the feminine and masculine in equal proportions for creation to occur and to keep all life in balance. The lack of acknowledgment of the divinity of the feminine has created a state of imbalance that permeates all life. Feelings of inequality have set up boundaries between women and men. Our deeper higher self knows a great re-awakening and shift is happening. In order for sacred union to occur—individually and globally—the illusion of separation has to be healed. We must dissolve duality and clear our energy channels of judgments. These judgments create disconnection from the feminine principles—from the body and emotions. We must reclaim the sacredness and spiritual union and embrace an alchemical relationship of co-creation. 02:01:00ExpandingU RADIOnoexpandingu,expandingu radio,india irie,kami,kami beA new awakening is taking place, a resurfacing of ancient truths — an inner alchemy - a merging of divine feminine and divine masculine that religious dogma hasBridge to Paradise w/Change Agent Russell Blattberghttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/07/15/bridge-to-paradise-wchange-agent-russell-blattbergEducationhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/07/15/bridge-to-paradise-wchange-agent-russell-blattberg/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/07/15/bridge-to-paradise-wchange-agent-russell-blattbergTue, 15 Jul 2014 00:00:00 GMTBridge to Paradise w/Change Agent Russell Blattberg''Do unto others as you would have others do unto you.  I have done my best to bring truth to the world and it has left me in a terrible situation.  I helped my friend Jordan Maxwell with his legal defense and now it is my turn to be helped.''-- R. Blattberg EXCERPT from Mad World  by Russell Blattberg  Why am I here? What is the meaning and purpose of life? What in point of fact is actually the truth? These questions have plagued humanity since the dawn of time.... So how do we resolve these seemingly insolvable preponderances? Why is the world so crazy? What's really going on? Every question can be answered, but a simple answer does not suffice, and only sparks thousands of additional questions. I am just one man, with one perspective, but I will attempt to reconcile these burning issues. Where does one begin? I began at 11:10 p.m. December 8th, 1988 at Boston Brigham and Women's Hospital. Why? Is a better question. I believe that I came in order to help... With what exactly? The situation on this planet. I certainly did not plan it. If this were "my" world I would structure it much much differently. I was conceived out of confusion... Out of a desire for love. The lesson is always love. The love that you withhold is the pain that you carry, lifetime after lifetime. I would like to see the world change... Change is the only constant in life. But will the world change for the better or for the worse? That all depends on you. - See more at: http://www.youcaring.com/other/save-russell-/201659#sthash.gIvAVAqn.dpuf 01:02:00ExpandingU RADIOnonew paradigm,kami be,expandingu,expandingU radio,the shift''Do unto others as you would have others do unto you.  I have done my best to bring truth to the world and it has left me in a terrible situation.  I helped myELEMENTal Evolution--Spiritual Health, Awareness & INpowermenthttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/07/14/elemental-evolution-spiritual-health-awareness-inpowermentEducationhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/07/14/elemental-evolution-spiritual-health-awareness-inpowerment/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/07/14/elemental-evolution-spiritual-health-awareness-inpowermentMon, 14 Jul 2014 00:00:00 GMTELEMENTal Evolution--Spiritual Health, Awareness & INpowermentPresented by: Sherri Fischer, Anna Lipari & Rhonda Paolo ELEMENTal Evolution's Wisdom and Vision: Please help us welcome a very special guest to the show tonight.  Dhyana Moyer is a Fascial Counterstrain, and Somatic Emotional Release and SHERRI FISCHER'S MUM!!  She draws upon over 30 years of experience in body work , and brings the spiritual aspect to her work. Fascial Counterstrain is a fascial release that relieves strain and pains giving your body back its full range of motion.   You can visualize a necklace that is full of knots.  How are you going to release these knots?  You are not going to stretch that necklace or pound on the necklace right?  By gently taking it into each knot and allowing it to unfold will give you back your necklace fully intact.  The same goes with your fascia.  By understanding where these knots are coming from, a skilled Strain Counterstrain Practitioner will take each system of your body into consideration, and gently take each knot into itself in order to release.  Traumas are set up in the body in a number of ways.  Injuries from car accidents, falls, surgery, sports injuries, illness, stresses of all kinds can tie your body up and give you pain. Fascial Counterstrain is a fascial release that relieves strain and pains giving your body back its full range of motion. a skilled Strain Counterstrain Practitioner will take each system of your body into consideration,   01:40:00ExpandingU RADIOnoHealth,wellness,spirituality,sherri fischer,expandinguPresented by: Sherri Fischer, Anna Lipari & Rhonda Paolo ELEMENTal Evolution's Wisdom and Vision: Please help us welcome a very special guest to the show toniThe Owners' Manual for the Human Body--HEALTH SOLUTIONS: The Trouble With Menhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/07/12/the-owners-manual-for-the-human-body-health-solutions-the-trouble-with-menEducationhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/07/12/the-owners-manual-for-the-human-body-health-solutions-the-trouble-with-men/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/07/12/the-owners-manual-for-the-human-body-health-solutions-the-trouble-with-menSat, 12 Jul 2014 15:00:00 GMTThe Owners' Manual for the Human Body--HEALTH SOLUTIONS: The Trouble With Men''The trouble with men? Well, ask my Mother and she will say everything and frankly she may have a point? In this prequel to Wednesdays special show of the same title with Jeanice barcelo we are going to look at the common problems men suffer from and how this connects with how men - for the most part - have been steered away from their natural identity. So often we here on the airwaves about the feminine but what about the masculine? What is masculine and have men lost their masculinity? Is masculinity still a negative word in the feminine new age conscious shift? Join us to explore the dance of the eternal yin and yang, the balance of masculine and feminine, and let us see what is THE TROUBLE WITH MEN?  -- Dr. Jeremy Ayres LET'S HEAL THE SACRED MASCULINE, SHALL WE?  The Owners' Manual you never received at birth--inspired by the book of the same title--authored by panelist, Dr. Darko Velcek. 02:01:00ExpandingU RADIOnoexpandingu,expandingu radio,india irie sanatana dharma,darko velcek,jeremy ayres''The trouble with men? Well, ask my Mother and she will say everything and frankly she may have a point? In this prequel to Wednesdays special show of the sameMISSION: I'MPOSSIBLE--Mission 18http://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/07/12/mission-impossible-mission-18Educationhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/07/12/mission-impossible-mission-18/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/07/12/mission-impossible-mission-18Sat, 12 Jul 2014 00:00:00 GMTMISSION: I'MPOSSIBLE--Mission 18MISSION I’M POSSIBLE 18 The Future of Project Financing With Representatives of the White Dragon Society Here in Tarapoto This is a special show with our Very special Visitors. Representatives of The White Dragons gate are here with us in Peru. Does it get any bigger than this ? And you can play your part by submitting Questions. A  week long session of Private Interviews Projects discussions Take place with the WDS Gate team representatives. For security Reasons we have not included Photos of the guests due to personal requests from our visitors. We shall be here with them all week so we can ask questions you pose and let you know their answers. Peru was always going to be a special place for a group of individuals to get together and start living the new 5D lifestyle. The benefits of abundance are now clearer every day the more our team drop their 3D Realms and open the gates into their own freedom No matter how hard this all seems at first. Reforestation and cleaning Amazonian Rivers Plus projects that turn farming green and Village centers that return the wealth of the village to the residents are now on the map. A complete self sustainable Lifestyle reinvented From Inside the jungle itself. Peru is a self elevating Vortex, surrounded by Natural Medicine that is in it’s self – Sustainable. Now all we have to do is build self sustainable communities to match our surrounding and get back to Harmony with the Wild. We can and will live once more with our ancestors. VOSSA'S QUANTUM FUNDING MODEL AT LINK BELOW: https://www.dropbox.com/s/xp4ajjlvsp2ok0n/Vossa%20Quantum%20Funding%20Model.pdf 02:00:00ExpandingU RADIOnoexpandingu,expandingu radio,expanding consciousness,3d printing,3d printing global energy networkMISSION I’M POSSIBLE 18 The Future of Project Financing With Representatives of the White Dragon Society Here in Tarapoto This is a special show with our VerySpirituality, Sex & Our Relationships--Reconnecting Broken Bondshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/07/11/spirituality-sex-our-relationships-reconnecting-broken-bondsEducationhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/07/11/spirituality-sex-our-relationships-reconnecting-broken-bonds/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/07/11/spirituality-sex-our-relationships-reconnecting-broken-bondsFri, 11 Jul 2014 00:00:00 GMTSpirituality, Sex & Our Relationships--Reconnecting Broken BondsPresented by Kami, India Irie, Anna & a guest panel of Our Divine Masculine Counterparts A Credo for My Relationships with Others: ''You and I are in a relationship which I value and want to keep. We are also two separate persons with our own individual values and needs. So that we will better know and understand what each of us values and needs, let us always be open and honest in our communication.  When you are experiencing a problem in your life, I will try to listen with genuine acceptance and understanding in order to help you find your own solutions rather than imposing mine. And I want you to be a listener for me when I need to find solutions to my problems. At those times when your behavior interferes with what I must do to get my own needs met, I will tell you openly and honestly how your behavior affects me, trusting that you respect my needs and feelings enough to try to change the behavior that is unacceptable to me.  Also, whenever some behavior of mine is unacceptable to you, I hope you will tell me openly and honestly so I can try to change my behavior. And when we experience conflicts in our relationship, let us agree to resolve each conflict without either of us resorting to the use of power to win at the expense of the other’s losing. I respect your needs, but I also must respect my own. So let us always strive to search for a solution that will be acceptable to both of us.  Your needs will be met, and so will mine–neither will lose, both will win. In this way, you can continue to develop as a person through satisfying your needs, and so can I. Thus, ours can be a healthy relationship in which both of us can strive to become what we are capable of being. And we can continue to relate to each other with mutual respect, love and peace.  Dr. Thomas Gordon Copyright 1978 Gordon Training International  01:59:00ExpandingU RADIOnoPresented by Kami, India Irie, Anna & a guest panel of Our Divine Masculine Counterparts A Credo for My Relationships with Others: ''You and I are in a relatiExpandingU RADIO Returns to Ancient Purity w/Clive De Carlehttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/07/09/expandingu-radio-returns-to-ancient-purity-wclive-de-carleEducationhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/07/09/expandingu-radio-returns-to-ancient-purity-wclive-de-carle/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/07/09/expandingu-radio-returns-to-ancient-purity-wclive-de-carleWed, 09 Jul 2014 15:00:00 GMTExpandingU RADIO Returns to Ancient Purity w/Clive De CarleA continuation in the series with Special Guest Clive de Carle, who founded Ancient Purity in 2010, along with Tom Stavely. Ancient Purity's products are supplied worldwide. Their focus is on natural health and wel-lbeing. They have researched and source the highest quality organic Superfoods, Supplements & Cutting Edge Health Products from around the world enabling them to present natural, real health items in superfood and supernutrient form along with health technology that encourages the body to return to its optimum healing capacity. It's your body that does the healing, supplements and devices simply provide the correct fuel the body requires to make this possible. Clive de Carle hosts “The Health Revolution Show” interviewing some of the world’s leading natural health experts. Much of the fruits of Ancient Purity's research are presented on the site including Clive's Health Talks (See Events) or in (Videos). Links below: http://ancientpurity.com/about.asp 01:22:00ExpandingU RADIOnoA continuation in the series with Special Guest Clive de Carle, who founded Ancient Purity in 2010, along with Tom Stavely. Ancient Purity's products are suppliELEMENTal Evolution--Spiritual Health, Awareness & INpowermenthttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/07/07/elemental-evolution-spiritual-health-awareness-inpowermentEducationhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/07/07/elemental-evolution-spiritual-health-awareness-inpowerment/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/07/07/elemental-evolution-spiritual-health-awareness-inpowermentMon, 07 Jul 2014 00:00:00 GMTELEMENTal Evolution--Spiritual Health, Awareness & INpowermentElements are in every law that governs nature. These laws are simple and ancient, but they have been forgotten in our modern times. Humanity can benefit by regaining and establishing balance and harmony. The body naturally heals itself through the use of nature’s elements of earth, air, water, fire, and ether. Healing humanity is a holistic process which includes the entire human system of the body, the mind, and the spirit as one entity. Tonight we chat with Ardriana Cahill, a very proud Generational Witch. This student of magick (since the age of 4) will educate us on what means to be Coven Trained. Our beautiful sister  and my co-host on the Talk With Vince Show says she, ''Marches to the aardvark of a different ironing board!!" Special guest: Our friend Emma Eeke to share some of her experiences living near ancient sacred sites!  Find out what the differences between hereditary and traditional schools of teachings are! With Sherri, India, Renee and Jon!! You can check out our Facebook page for more information:  https://www.facebook.com/WisdomsElementalEvolution 02:00:00ExpandingU RADIOnoHealth,wellness,spirituality,sherri fischer,expandinguElements are in every law that governs nature. These laws are simple and ancient, but they have been forgotten in our modern times. Humanity can benefit by regThe Owners Manual for the Human Body--The Big Salty Remedy Showhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/07/05/the-owners-manual-for-the-human-body-the-big-salty-remedy-showEducationhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/07/05/the-owners-manual-for-the-human-body-the-big-salty-remedy-show/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/07/05/the-owners-manual-for-the-human-body-the-big-salty-remedy-showSat, 05 Jul 2014 15:00:00 GMTThe Owners Manual for the Human Body--The Big Salty Remedy Show The Big Salty Remedy Show .... What will keep us healthy and vibrant? Tail of Lizard and Eye of Frog! Really? Is that a remedy? With a little salt added or some spicy cayenne. A touch of ginger and a swirl of honey. Where does garlic fit in the lineup of natural remedies? The confusion around natural remedies is almost louder than the confusion of Big Pharma these days. Everyone has a remedy for something. Is pink salt truly better than grey salt? Or what about the browns? What makes the color anyway? Yes, all salt is sea salt. Table salt is just denatured sea salt, with most of the minerals removed and a few added ingredients where somebody had some additional waste product from another industrial process and decided to add it to salt. What role does the group of minerals called salt, play in our health and how can we use this as a remedy? Then we will move on to a sparkling list of natural remedies. We're past Big Pharma and Dr. Feelgood ''take 2 tablets and call me in the morning'' style. What should be in your home alchemical pharmacy? Which spices and natural remedies keep the blood healthy and flowing and of course, healthy blood contributes to a healthy brain and a functional and energetic body - Cayenne, Cinnamon and Turmeric. We will touch on turpentine, the old remedy that eats that which may be eating you. We've had wonderful testimonials about turpentine for fungus, candida and weight loss. Turpentine? Yes, the tree oil. The old stand-by, Apple Cider Vinegar: When to take it, How to take it, What to take it for? How does one use honey as a healing remedy and which honey should we be using? Join us for a show that will increase your ability to be your own healer.     02:06:00ExpandingU RADIOnomedical,expandingu radio,expandingu,painfree clinic,syncrenecityThe Big Salty Remedy Show .... What will keep us healthy and vibrant? Tail of Lizard and Eye of Frog! Really? Is that a remedy? With a little salt added or soMISSION: I'MPOSSIBLE--Mission 17http://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/07/05/mission-impossible-mission-17Educationhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/07/05/mission-impossible-mission-17/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/07/05/mission-impossible-mission-17Sat, 05 Jul 2014 00:00:00 GMTMISSION: I'MPOSSIBLE--Mission 17MISSION 17: Mission I’m Possible 17 : 4th July Financial special, School Kids Get a Practical Mentor. Pilot projects now in the making. as we go from Micro to Macro. Peru School Youngsters Get a Mentor for science projects from Mission I’m Possible team. The Psychologist from Takiwasi Ayahuasca healing Center here in Tarapoto recommended us to San Antonio School kids to help with their Physics Expo. So we chose four Subjects that we will help the Young Students of Tarapoto to grasp. 1) Making free energy and lighting a light from Soil Fruit and water. 2) Water filtration system using natural materials and Bio char. 3) Sacred Geometry and how to count to nine in tune with Nature and music as per SacredVortex Geometry site with Roman Bloom. http://sacredvortexgeometry.com/ 4) Who was Nikola Tesla and why is he important today. Here are some of the other projects were are doing in El Achual for the ECO Lodge in Tarapoto. Solar shower for some of the only hot water in Peru. Orgonite Crystal Tower Busters  Made By Paul Doucette Of Mission I’m Possible. Water Filtration system with Stones, Biochar from Nelson Dario and the gang Paul, Taj and Peter.  End Result is inevitably Good solid Biochar, Just as they did all those years ago in from Macchu Picchu in Peru, Now for rebuilding the Jungle back to its glory days.     02:01:00ExpandingU RADIOnoexpandingu,expandingu radio,expanding consciousness,3d printing,3d printing global energy networkMISSION 17: Mission I’m Possible 17 : 4th July Financial special, School Kids Get a Practical Mentor. Pilot projects now in the making. as we go from Micro toXU Radio: Sacred Vortex Geometry--the New Paradigm of the Decoded Martix: Pt2/3http://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/07/03/xu-radio-sacred-vortex-geometry-the-new-paradigm-of-the-decoded-martix-pt23Educationhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/07/03/xu-radio-sacred-vortex-geometry-the-new-paradigm-of-the-decoded-martix-pt23/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/07/03/xu-radio-sacred-vortex-geometry-the-new-paradigm-of-the-decoded-martix-pt23Thu, 03 Jul 2014 23:00:00 GMTXU Radio: Sacred Vortex Geometry--the New Paradigm of the Decoded Martix: Pt2/3Presented by: India Irie Sanatana Dharma  **CONTINUING A discussion on the FIBONACCI SEQUENCE & CYMATICS, brought to you by ROMAIN CARRENO, Sacred Vortex Geometry Master! Romain is interviewed by Peter Van Runt for this series to be found at link below: Male & female energy at play in vibration; AS ABOVE, SO BELOW, how is energy naturally meant to flow and why...? MUST SEE VISUALS AT SITE BELOW TO APPRECIATE FULLY ALL DEMONSTRATIONS  http://sacredvortexgeometry.com/ ______________________________ ExpandingU is a lifestyle brand with emphasis on Conscious Living, Learning, Teaching & Healing. The project includes an ecovillage and institute of learning and teaching as a template model available globally.  This show will include pertinent topics of the New NOWs related to living in symbiosis with our planet and One another.   01:25:00ExpandingU RADIOnoExpandingU radio,india irie sanatana dharma,Quantum lifestyle,essential oils,healthPresented by: India Irie Sanatana Dharma  **CONTINUING A discussion on the FIBONACCI SEQUENCE & CYMATICS, brought to you by ROMAIN CARRENO, Sacred Vortex GeomeXU Radio: Sacred Vortex Geometry--the New Paradigm of the Decoded Martix pt. 1http://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/07/01/xu-radio-sacred-vortex-geometry-the-new-paradigm-of-the-decoded-martix-pt-1Educationhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/07/01/xu-radio-sacred-vortex-geometry-the-new-paradigm-of-the-decoded-martix-pt-1/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/07/01/xu-radio-sacred-vortex-geometry-the-new-paradigm-of-the-decoded-martix-pt-1Tue, 01 Jul 2014 16:00:00 GMTXU Radio: Sacred Vortex Geometry--the New Paradigm of the Decoded Martix pt. 1Presented by: India Irie Sanatana Dharma  A discussion on the validity of what we identify as our numbers system, brought to you by ROMAIN CARRENO, Sacred Vortex Geometry Master! Romain is interviewed by Peter Van Runt for this series to be found at link below: http://sacredvortexgeometry.com/ ExpandingU is a lifestyle brand with emphasis on Conscious Living, Learning, Teaching & Healing. The project includes an ecovillage and institute of learning and teaching as a template model available globally.  This show will include pertinent topics of the New NOWs related to living in symbiosis with our planet and One another. 5min PRESENTATION VIDEO: www.youtube.com/watch?v=yjRApWQwAL0&feature=youtu.be The Vision Board: www.pinterest.com/indiamerkerson/expandingu-brochurepresentation-of-details-ameniti/ The Journey: www.facebook.com/notes/india-irie-sanatana-dharma/birthing-a-dream-the-story-of-expandingu/682190551825057 00:59:00ExpandingU RADIOnoExpandingU,Alternative News,New Paradigm,EcoVillage,PermaculturePresented by: India Irie Sanatana Dharma  A discussion on the validity of what we identify as our numbers system, brought to you by ROMAIN CARRENO, Sacred VortBridge to Paradisehttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/07/01/bridge-to-paradiseEducationhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/07/01/bridge-to-paradise/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/07/01/bridge-to-paradiseTue, 01 Jul 2014 00:00:00 GMTBridge to ParadisePresented by Kami  The World is changing and WE ARE THE CHANGE AGENTS/ONEs we have been waiting for!  A Bridge To Paradise is being built across the planet RIGHT NOW & this show is going to support the steps we ALL are & will be taking to get us there one inspired idea, solution, deed or action, day, week & month at a time!  Rising Together in U-n-I-TY  (supporting one another In Gratitude for each & every persons value & contribution to the whole..if your HERE, you matter!) is our path to Everlasting Freedom & the only way to create the coming The Golden Age of Gaia! 02:05:00ExpandingU RADIOnonew paradigm,kami be,expandingu,expandingU radio,the shiftPresented by Kami  The World is changing and WE ARE THE CHANGE AGENTS/ONEs we have been waiting for!  A Bridge To Paradise is being built across the planet RIGELEMENTal Evolution--Spiritual Health, Awareness & INpowermenthttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/06/30/elemental-evolution-spiritual-health-awareness-inpowermentEducationhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/06/30/elemental-evolution-spiritual-health-awareness-inpowerment/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/06/30/elemental-evolution-spiritual-health-awareness-inpowermentMon, 30 Jun 2014 00:00:00 GMTELEMENTal Evolution--Spiritual Health, Awareness & INpowermentPresented by: Sherri Fischer ~  Rhonda Paolo~ Anna Lipari ~~<3 ELEMENTal Evolution's Wisdom and Vision: Learning a new way of understanding our bodies.. and the way we are creating our reality.  Join us tonight with Darko Velcek in exploring new concepts that will help us be in control of the reality we live in, understanding Universal law that is requried in this physical reality.  Stepping outside the box.. Cant wait!!   Elements are in every law that governs nature. These laws are simple and ancient, but they have been forgotten in our modern times.Humanity benefits by regaining and establishing balance and harmony. The body naturally heals itself through the use of nature’s elements of earth, air, water, fire, and ether. Healing humanity is a holistic process which includes the entire human system of the body, the mind, and the spirit as one entity. We at Elemental Evolution intend to achieve and to pass on universal knowledge while here on Earth. We are committed to spreading truths regarding the elementals and holistic healing within the world. We humanity by facilitating them into understanding their life journey in multidimensional ways. You can check out our Facebook page for more information: https://www.facebook.com/WisdomsElementalEvolution 02:46:00ExpandingU RADIOnoHealth,wellness,spirituality,sherri fischer,expandinguPresented by: Sherri Fischer ~  Rhonda Paolo~ Anna Lipari ~~<3 ELEMENTal Evolution's Wisdom and Vision: Learning a new way of understanding our bodies.. and tThe Owners' Manual for the Human Body--Prescriptions & Perceptionshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/06/28/the-owners-manual-for-the-human-body-prescriptions-perceptionsEducationhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/06/28/the-owners-manual-for-the-human-body-prescriptions-perceptions/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/06/28/the-owners-manual-for-the-human-body-prescriptions-perceptionsSat, 28 Jun 2014 15:00:00 GMTThe Owners' Manual for the Human Body--Prescriptions & PerceptionsThe Owners' Manual you never received at birth--inspired by the book of the same title--authored by panelist, Dr. Darko Velcek.  PRESCRIPTIONS and PERCEPTIONS Trilateral Perplexicon: Old Mcdonald has no farm! Big Pharma owns it ! Ronald Mcdonald poisoned me with Bilderbergers and fries !Medical marxists are exterminating our souls. The prison planet matrix has us Aspertame lame! Their flouride Jahad calcifies my Pineal worse than Captain and Tenile ! Yes my tongue is glued to my cheek but I will not go softly into this incontinent confederacy of FRIGHT ! Cell phones are messin wit my chakras is comin from Doctas Go ahead let DR. feel zero be your guide, As for me and mine, WE ARE THE LIGHT ! ---Written by Joe Hollinger  https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100004908693159&fref=ts Presented by India Irie, Anna Lipari, Dr. Darko Velcek, Dr. Jeremy Ayres, Amarynth & Clive De Carle. 02:03:00ExpandingU RADIOnoexpandingu,expandingu radio,india irie sanatana dharma,darko velcek,jeremy ayresThe Owners' Manual you never received at birth--inspired by the book of the same title--authored by panelist, Dr. Darko Velcek.  PRESCRIPTIONS and PERCEPTIONSMISSION: I'MPOSSIBLE--Mission 16http://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/06/27/mission-impossible-mission-16Educationhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/06/27/mission-impossible-mission-16/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/06/27/mission-impossible-mission-16Fri, 27 Jun 2014 19:00:00 GMTMISSION: I'MPOSSIBLE--Mission 16MISSION 16: THE VISIONARIES' ROUNDTABLE Mission I’m Possible 16 With Special Guests Clive De Carle, Paul Exall, Nicky Love and Others. Cleaning rivers & Reforestation with Bokashi Mix. Bio Gas from human waste.  Plus a  Funding Phenomena Extraordinaire from Fernando Vossa from Mexico. We shall be embroiled in a discussion with our new Project San Roque De Cumbaza. This Peruvian/Amazonian Village is going Green for a natural face lift. How do we intend to reforest this devestating deforestation of 8 Acres? Plus the List of Projects that we will be embarking on to set a protocol on How to cleanse the Amazonia in the Rivers and  in the Jungle and in the village which will include the utilization of all Human and Animal wastes. HOW TO TURN WASTE MATERIAL INTO REVENUE AND FOOD FOR VILLAGERS. HERE IS A LIST OF THOSE PROJECTS FOR SAN ROQUE DE CUMBAZA. Brief list of Projects:  1)Aquaponics Dome and Plaza Center ( Turned over to Locally trained experts)MIP/MC 2)Bio-Gas System ( Turned into Local Business ) MIP/MC 3)Bokashi Natural Fertilizer System ( Turned to local business) MIP/MC 4)EM Balls for Rio Cumbaza Clean up MIP/MC/Villagers 5)Waste Recycling and Conversion system ( Turned to local business) MIP/MC/Villagers 6)Bio-Char System ( Part of Item 3 Local Business) MIP/MC 7)Reforestation and Road restoration  Program MIP/MC/Villagers 8)The Permaculture Restoration Program MIP/MC/Villagers We shall also discuss all the other aspects of the projects and put out the science as open source to help others create the new Center of Consciousness.       01:45:00ExpandingU RADIOnoindia irie sanatana dharma,expandingu,expandingu radio,dave stewart,3d global energy printing networkMISSION 16: THE VISIONARIES' ROUNDTABLE Mission I’m Possible 16 With Special Guests Clive De Carle, Paul Exall, Nicky Love and Others. Cleaning rivers & ReforeAwakening Your Orgasmic Powerhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/06/27/awakening-your-orgasmic-powerEducationhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/06/27/awakening-your-orgasmic-power/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/06/27/awakening-your-orgasmic-powerFri, 27 Jun 2014 00:00:00 GMTAwakening Your Orgasmic PowerSPECIAL PRESENTATION BY KAMI BE  This show is a conversation about Awakening Your Orgasmic Power and why it's sooo important to mastering not only your biology but for comprehending the Goddess Archetype that allows for conscious sexuality in both men and women. Eventually there will be Tantra centers all over the world as prevalently as the yoga centers have become nowadays bc practicing the art of pleasure and mastering your energy body is a crucial component to harnessing your life force energy and keeping the Thrive ALIVE.   02:01:00ExpandingU RADIOnoExpandingU radio,india irie sanatana dharma,sherri fischer,cary ellis,syncrenicitySPECIAL PRESENTATION BY KAMI BE  This show is a conversation about Awakening Your Orgasmic Power and why it's sooo important to mastering not only your biologyThe Syncrenicity of the 21st Century Superhuman--Quantum Lifestylehttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/06/26/the-syncrenicity-of-the-21st-century-superhuman-quantum-lifestyleEducationhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/06/26/the-syncrenicity-of-the-21st-century-superhuman-quantum-lifestyle/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/06/26/the-syncrenicity-of-the-21st-century-superhuman-quantum-lifestyleThu, 26 Jun 2014 00:00:00 GMTThe Syncrenicity of the 21st Century Superhuman--Quantum LifestylePresented by India Irie, Kami Be, Edan Sehayak and Special Guest Panelist, Elizabeth Mulligan from Diamonds Forever Show Host & Blogger. TODAY WE DISCUSS ALL ASPECTS OF THIS PARADIGM SHIFT WITH ONE OF THE BEST, Brendan Murphy! Author of The Grand Illusion, and co-founder of Global Freedom Movement, Brendan D. Murphy (a.k.a. “The Freedom Agent”) is a leading Australian writer, researcher, and thinker. He has contributed articles to various popular publications, and is also a passionate musician with some skill on the guitar, and a powerful voice—with which he co-hosts Global Freedom Movement Radio with Aimee Devlin (“Queen of the New Normal”).  The Grand Illusion books (volumes 1 and 2 in particular) constitute Brendan’s long-term, ground-breaking research project into the nature of consciousness and reality. Specifically, they are designed to permanently blow minds and transform human consciousness, and to the same extent, life on earth. After TGI 2, the remaining titles will continue to challenge conventional thinking and raise awareness in order to transform the quality of life on Earth for all—that is their raison d’être.  “A masterpiece...The Grand Illusion is mind-blowing.”—Sol Luckman, author of Potentiate Your DNA.   02:01:00ExpandingU RADIOnoindia irie,kami be,elizabeth mulligan,expandingu radio,expandinguPresented by India Irie, Kami Be, Edan Sehayak and Special Guest Panelist, Elizabeth Mulligan from Diamonds Forever Show Host & Blogger. TODAY WE DISCUSS ALL AExpandingU RADIO--REGGAE, LOVE & SPIRITUALITY w/ Pato Banton & Antoinette Hallhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/06/24/expandingu-radio-reggae-love-spirituality-w-pato-banton-antoinette-hallEducationhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/06/24/expandingu-radio-reggae-love-spirituality-w-pato-banton-antoinette-hall/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/06/24/expandingu-radio-reggae-love-spirituality-w-pato-banton-antoinette-hallTue, 24 Jun 2014 18:00:00 GMTExpandingU RADIO--REGGAE, LOVE & SPIRITUALITY w/ Pato Banton & Antoinette HallREGGAE, LOVE & SPIRITUALITY in a MASTER MIX in this DYNAMIC MUSICAL ANGELIC DUO! Presented by: India Irie Sanatana Dharma with honoured guests: Pato Banton and Antoinette Hall of Pato Banton and the NOW Generation and globally adored teachers of spirituality based on the Urantia Book! We will be hearing all about the path to enlightenment from these very special soul family members of mine who probably have no idea the power of their impact on my life and so many others. They walk their talk and SING IT as well! Let's hear them share their journey, their love story, their mission and The Urantia Book and what gifts our awakening to our own inner power and connectivity to all things offers us in this time of a paradigm shift of the AGES!!  01:59:00ExpandingU RADIOnoExpandingU,Alternative News,New Paradigm,EcoVillage,PermacultureREGGAE, LOVE & SPIRITUALITY in a MASTER MIX in this DYNAMIC MUSICAL ANGELIC DUO! Presented by: India Irie Sanatana Dharma with honoured guests: Pato Banton andELEMENTal Evolution--Spiritual Health, Awareness & INpowermenthttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/06/22/elemental-evolution-spiritual-health-awareness-inpowermentEducationhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/06/22/elemental-evolution-spiritual-health-awareness-inpowerment/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/06/22/elemental-evolution-spiritual-health-awareness-inpowermentSun, 22 Jun 2014 15:00:00 GMTELEMENTal Evolution--Spiritual Health, Awareness & INpowermentElemental Evolution:  Presented by: Sherri Fischer, India Irie, Anna Lipari & Rhonda Paolo A continuation in the series with Special Guest Clive de Carle, who founded Ancient Purity in 2010, along with Tom Stavely. Ancient Purity's products are supplied worldwide. Their focus is on natural health and wel-lbeing. They have researched and source the highest quality organic Superfoods, Supplements & Cutting Edge Health Products from around the world enabling them to present natural, real health items in superfood and supernutrient form along with health technology that encourages the body to return to its optimum healing capacity. It's your body that does the healing, supplements and devices simply provide the correct fuel the body requires to make this possible. Clive de Carle hosts “The Health Revolution Show” interviewing some of the world’s leading natural health experts. Much of the fruits of Ancient Purity's research are presented on the site including Clive's Health Talks (See Events) or in (Videos). Links below: http://ancientpurity.com/about.asp https://www.facebook.com/WisdomsElementalEvolution 02:06:00ExpandingU RADIOnoHealth,wellness,spirituality,sherri fischer,expandinguElemental Evolution:  Presented by: Sherri Fischer, India Irie, Anna Lipari & Rhonda Paolo A continuation in the series with Special Guest Clive de Carle, whoThe Owners' Manual for the Human Body--HEALTH SOLUTIONS: OBESITYhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/06/21/the-owners-manual-for-the-human-body-health-solutions-obesityEducationhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/06/21/the-owners-manual-for-the-human-body-health-solutions-obesity/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/06/21/the-owners-manual-for-the-human-body-health-solutions-obesitySat, 21 Jun 2014 15:00:00 GMTThe Owners' Manual for the Human Body--HEALTH SOLUTIONS: OBESITYHEALTH SOLUTIONS: OBESITY Obesity is common, serious, costly and global. Obesity now affects 17% of all children and adolescents in the United States - triple the rate from just one generation ago. Why is this? The fastest growing medical supply product now is machinery and handling aids to handle obese patients.  Beds, lifts, baths, wheelchairs etc., all are getting too small.  Overweight and obesity are major risk factors for a number of chronic conditions, including diabetes, cardiovascular conditions and cancer. Once considered a problem only in high income countries, overweight and obesity are now dramatically on the rise in low- and middle-income countries, particularly in urban settings. The question is really a simple one: WHAT is making us SO fat? ''We are NOT sick. We are TOX-SICK!!!'' --Dr. Jeremy Ayres 02:04:00ExpandingU RADIOnoexpandingu,expandingu radio,india irie sanatana dharma,darko velcek,jeremy ayresHEALTH SOLUTIONS: OBESITY Obesity is common, serious, costly and global. Obesity now affects 17% of all children and adolescents in the United States - tripleMISSION: I'MPOSSIBLE--MISSION 15http://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/06/21/mission-impossible-mission-15Educationhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/06/21/mission-impossible-mission-15/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/06/21/mission-impossible-mission-15Sat, 21 Jun 2014 00:00:00 GMTMISSION: I'MPOSSIBLE--MISSION 15MISSION 15: Mission I’MPossible 15. Amazonian Village Aquaponics Center. Turns Recycled rubbish into Food for all the family. http://www.purpleparadiseresort.com/ Plus on the show the latest on The QEG in UK. And Our Model of the Geodesic Dome. And From Peru Our Model Aquaponics Geodesic Dome and how to turn Human waste into food for all the amazonian Villagers. Plus a top view showing sacred geometry and spin with just squares in a circular format. Plus Bio-Gas from Human Waste and How we intend to build Prototypes in El Achtual in Tarapoto, Peru. How Paul is about to make Wireless Low Frequency antenna defence systems for clients in Tarapoto. Also a look at number one project just now San Roque De Cumbaza . From Deforestation to Reforestation with Bokashi mix and EM technology. Where there’s muck there money and how our new paradigm village will convert muck to money. In Light Dave   02:02:00ExpandingU RADIOnoexpandingu,expandingu radio,dave stewart,india irie sanatana dharma,sherri fischerMISSION 15: Mission I’MPossible 15. Amazonian Village Aquaponics Center. Turns Recycled rubbish into Food for all the family. http://www.purpleparadiseresort.The SYNCRENICITY of the 21st Century Superhuman: HEALTH REVOLUTION--Chiropractichttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/06/19/the-syncrenicity-of-the-21st-century-superhuman-health-revolution-chiropracticEducationhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/06/19/the-syncrenicity-of-the-21st-century-superhuman-health-revolution-chiropractic/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/06/19/the-syncrenicity-of-the-21st-century-superhuman-health-revolution-chiropracticThu, 19 Jun 2014 23:00:00 GMTThe SYNCRENICITY of the 21st Century Superhuman: HEALTH REVOLUTION--ChiropracticPresented by India Irie & Sherri Fischer The Health Revolution - Episode 28 John Bergman, world's LEADING CHIROPRACTOR, talks w Clive De Carle about RECOVERY FROM DIS-EASE and MAINTAINING OPTIMUM HEALTH!! Products mentioned can be found at: http://www.ancientpurity.com   00:51:00ExpandingU RADIOnoExpandingU radio,india irie sanatana dharma,sherri fischer,cary ellis,syncrenicityPresented by India Irie & Sherri Fischer The Health Revolution - Episode 28 John Bergman, world's LEADING CHIROPRACTOR, talks w Clive De Carle about RECOVERYBridge to Paradisehttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/06/16/bridge-to-paradiseEducationhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/06/16/bridge-to-paradise/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/06/16/bridge-to-paradiseMon, 16 Jun 2014 21:00:00 GMTBridge to ParadisePresented by Kami and India Irie with SPECIAL GUEST: TONY SAYERS, from UK to discuss THE RESET--A GRASSROOTS MOVEMENT TO RESTORE BALANCE TO THE PEOPLE OF THE UK. This template is one that can be replicated globally. Simply tailor it to your locality and BE THE CHANGE! Mission statement of TheReset.org A constitutional re-set to re-store fair principles, accountability, community led governance and ethics. Ensuring peoplecare, earthcare and fairshare for the benefit of all. Be part of the solution...The solutions we are proposing require local support throughout the United Kingdom.  http://www.thereset.org/ The re-set is a solutionary approach with three ethics at its core: peoplecare earthcare fairshare These are well established ethics, which are guidelines on how we should behave towards each other and the earth, common to many cultures and beliefs. The re-set will introduce a new fair way of raising revenue. It will re-store economic and social prosperity for all, and allow our constitutional framework to grow, revitalising all communities.   01:01:00ExpandingU RADIOnonew paradigm,kami be,cindy kay currier,expandingu,expandingU radioPresented by Kami and India Irie with SPECIAL GUEST: TONY SAYERS, from UK to discuss THE RESET--A GRASSROOTS MOVEMENT TO RESTORE BALANCE TO THE PEOPLE OF THE UKELEMENTal Evolution--Spiritual Health, Awareness & INpowermenthttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/06/15/elemental-evolution-spiritual-health-awareness-inpowermentEducationhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/06/15/elemental-evolution-spiritual-health-awareness-inpowerment/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/06/15/elemental-evolution-spiritual-health-awareness-inpowermentSun, 15 Jun 2014 15:00:00 GMTELEMENTal Evolution--Spiritual Health, Awareness & INpowermentPresented by: Sherri Fischer, India Irie, Anna Lipari & Rhonda Paolo Special Guest is Clive de Carle, who founded Ancient Purity in 2010, along with Tom Stavely. Ancient Purity's products are supplied worldwide. Their focus is on natural health and wel-lbeing. They have researched and source the highest quality organic Superfoods, Supplements & Cutting Edge Health Products from around the world enabling them to present natural, real health items in superfood and supernutrient form along with health technology that encourages the body to return to its optimum healing capacity. It's your body that does the healing, supplements and devices simply provide the correct fuel the body requires to make this possible. Clive de Carle hosts “The Health Revolution Show” interviewing some of the world’s leading natural health experts. Much of the fruits of Ancient Purity's research are presented on the site including Clive's Health Talks (See Events) or in (Videos). Links below: http://ancientpurity.com/about.asp ELEMENTal Evolution's Wisdom and Vision: Elements are in every law that governs nature. These laws are simple and ancient, but they have been forgotten in our modern times. You can check out our Facebook page for more information: https://www.facebook.com/WisdomsElementalEvolution   02:03:00ExpandingU RADIOnoHealth,wellness,spirituality,sherri fischer,expandinguPresented by: Sherri Fischer, India Irie, Anna Lipari & Rhonda Paolo Special Guest is Clive de Carle, who founded Ancient Purity in 2010, along with Tom StavelThe Owners' Manual for the Human Body--WOMEN'S HEALTH : Pregnancy & Fertilityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/06/14/the-owners-manual-for-the-human-body-womens-health-pregnancy-fertilityEducationhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/06/14/the-owners-manual-for-the-human-body-womens-health-pregnancy-fertility/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/06/14/the-owners-manual-for-the-human-body-womens-health-pregnancy-fertilitySat, 14 Jun 2014 15:00:00 GMTThe Owners' Manual for the Human Body--WOMEN'S HEALTH : Pregnancy & FertilityThe Owners' Manual you never received at birth--inspired by the book of the same title--authored by panelist, Dr. Darko Velcek. WAR ON WOMEN= WAR ON HUMANITY The continuation on this topic will be focused on pregnancy. In the past people had no problems to conceive. Infertility was seldom seen. Women would give birth in their homes. Seldom there was a problem.  Families were together, living in harmony. There was always someone singing and dancing in the household.  Lot of the people did not write or read but they were smart making logical decisions. Life was harder but people were helping each other. No one was locking their doors.  What has happened? Why did everything change?  Awakened people know the answer. It is the greed of the few that has spilled onto the many. This has caused destruction of everything from the health, the family and mother Earth. Now those that WE refer to as the ELITE are waging the war against the population under the pretense of saving the planet Earth. The war against women is part of this war. In a special edition show Jeanice Barcelo  presented the ugly face of medicine and the brutal truth of medical misconduct.  And if you think that health professionals do not know what they are doing you are mistaken. For the sake of money real medi-sin is being practiced or better said committed. Join the show and learn how to protect yourself and your family. You will learn how to help yourself so you can help others. Presented by: India Irie, Sherri Fischer, Anna Lipari w Healing Artists: Dr. Darko Velcek, Dr. Jeremy Ayres, Amarynth & Clive De Carle 01:59:00ExpandingU RADIOnoexpandingu,expandingu radio,india irie sanatana dharma,darko velcek,jeremy ayresThe Owners' Manual you never received at birth--inspired by the book of the same title--authored by panelist, Dr. Darko Velcek. WAR ON WOMEN= WAR ON HUMANITYMISSION: I'MPOSSIBLE 14http://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/06/14/mission-impossible-14Educationhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/06/14/mission-impossible-14/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/06/14/mission-impossible-14Sat, 14 Jun 2014 00:00:00 GMTMISSION: I'MPOSSIBLE 14MISSION PROJECTS & PRESENTATIONS: The Presentation of The new project Yaku Kawsanapa ( water is life) with the Villagers on PERU TV Wednesday. Mission I’m Possible team Peru have now secured The Yaku Kawsanapa Project and the Land in which to build it with the local Quechuan people in the Amazonian Village of Aguano Muyuna. This is now an official project in the Amazonian Jungle Village where we can find the best possible start for the new paradigm as there are no cars or bikes,  so we discuss this and more and why Sacred Geometry is so important for our Project. We also discuss our other project that we hope to run in conjunction with Yaku Kawsanapa and the  Deforestation of San Roque de Cumbaza and how we intend to bring the destruction back to life. Also a chance to ask the experts in The Caribbean who have their own Giant Aquaponics system up and running. EM’s, Bokashi, Bio Char, Bio Gas and how it is going to be the silent revolution. PLUS what does it mean ? Tesla Motors release the latest info and open source all patents pertaining to free energy and electric cars toi provide us with clean efficient electric transportation and recharging stations. WHAT DOES THIS ALL MEAN? Victory of the light is a certainty. Dave FREE ENERGY, 3D PRINTING, 4D DESIGN, PERMACULTURE, QUANTUM ENERGY GENERATORS, CENTRE FOR MASS CREATION, PROYECTO LIBRE DE PERU.   02:02:00ExpandingU RADIOnoIndia irie Sanatana Dharma,expandingu,expandingu radio,dave stewart,sherri fischerMISSION PROJECTS & PRESENTATIONS: The Presentation of The new project Yaku Kawsanapa ( water is life) with the Villagers on PERU TV Wednesday. Mission I’m PosThe Owners' Manual for the Human Body SPECIAL EDITION: w Jeanice Barcelohttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/06/12/the-owners-manual-for-the-human-body-special-edition-w-jeanice-barceloEducationhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/06/12/the-owners-manual-for-the-human-body-special-edition-w-jeanice-barcelo/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/06/12/the-owners-manual-for-the-human-body-special-edition-w-jeanice-barceloThu, 12 Jun 2014 18:00:00 GMTThe Owners' Manual for the Human Body SPECIAL EDITION: w Jeanice BarceloTHE WAR ON WOMEN SPECIAL EDITION: BIRTH TRAUMA--Satanism and Mind Control in medi-sin. Jeanice Barcelo is an educator and activist, educator, TV and radio show host, and  birth trauma prevention specialist. Her work is dedicated to awakening humanity to the keys to healing our condition. To those of us who are awake at this time, it is clear that we are living in a culture of, death, disease, and destruction. Our species has brought the entire ecosphere to the brink of annihilation, and as a result, we have endangered ourselves and other life forms. We must either become aware of what has caused us to get to this place and take steps to eradicate and transform the evil, or we will perish, taking much of life with us. Her work involves exposing the forces that have pushed us to this place. She is able to speak extensively about the dark side of modern medicine, especially as it concerns technological birth. She is also outspoken about things like vaccines, circumcision, mind-control, satanism, ritual abuse, chemtrails, GMOs, nuclear radiation, child abuse, child trafficking, and much more. We have the power to transform our world. And one of the major and most important keys to this transformation involves changing the way we have sex and bring forth children. In a culture where children are conceived as a side-effect of fleshy indulgence, and where haphazard conception is the norm, children are born to parents who do not want them, and millions and millions are suffering. Unwanted babies carry lifelong imprints which convince them they are not lovable and will never be loved. Their traumatic womb experience is often followed by a traumatic birth, which is often followed by an inability to bond with their mother (and/or father), and an inability to attract and create authentic experiences of human love throughout life. 02:10:00ExpandingU RADIOnoexpandingu radio,expandingu,india irie sanatana dharma,sherri fischer,darko velcekTHE WAR ON WOMEN SPECIAL EDITION: BIRTH TRAUMA--Satanism and Mind Control in medi-sin. Jeanice Barcelo is an educator and activist, educator, TV and radio showThe SYNCRENICITY of the 21st Century Superhumanhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/06/11/the-syncrenicity-of-the-21st-century-superhumanEducationhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/06/11/the-syncrenicity-of-the-21st-century-superhuman/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/06/11/the-syncrenicity-of-the-21st-century-superhumanWed, 11 Jun 2014 19:00:00 GMTThe SYNCRENICITY of the 21st Century SuperhumanPresented by India Irie & Sherri Fischer (MUSICAL INTERLUDE FIRST 13MINS AS STORM LOST SERVER, SKIP IF U LIKE TO SHOW CONTENT COS THE UNIVERSE SORTED US RIGHT OUT!! ) SPECIAL GUEST: Paul Exall, Consultant for environmental EM Technologies in Greater Manchester & Worldwide. His company offers products for EM technologies, based in East Manchester. From in house microbial composting systems, natural farming practices and remediation of polluted ground and waterways. Morff has a keen interest in the future well being of the planets eco systems and bio-sphere.  We are working to further the global remediation work initiated by professor Higa in the early 80's with EM technology in Greater Manchester. We adhere to the principles laid out by the Professor, co-operation, community responsibility and harmony between ourselves and our external environment. What is EM? EM consists of a wide variety of effective, beneficial and non-pathogenic micro-organisms produced through a natural fermentation process and not chemically synthesized or genetically engineered. EM has no adverse effects on and is beneficial to plants, animals, and humans. EM lives off our waste. Their waste simply translates to a healthy environment for us in which EM becomes inactive. EM has the potential to suppress putrefactive micro-organisms through lactic acid bacteria, similar to the production of cheese or yogurt. It creates re-animated surroundings through the process of fermentation instead of putrefaction. Living organisms, as well as, inorganic materials are enabled with the means to impede deterioration through increased activity of active oxygen or free-radicals through which organisms degenerate and inorganic materials corrode. EM can be considered as an antioxidant. 01:40:00ExpandingU RADIOnoExpandingU radio,india irie sanatana dharma,sherri fischer,cary ellis,syncrenicityPresented by India Irie & Sherri Fischer (MUSICAL INTERLUDE FIRST 13MINS AS STORM LOST SERVER, SKIP IF U LIKE TO SHOW CONTENT COS THE UNIVERSE SORTED US RIGHTExpandingU RADIO: Pato Banton & Antoinette Hall--Reggae Love Meets Spiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/06/10/expandingu-radio-pato-banton-antoinette-hall-reggae-love-meets-spiritualityEducationhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/06/10/expandingu-radio-pato-banton-antoinette-hall-reggae-love-meets-spirituality/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/06/10/expandingu-radio-pato-banton-antoinette-hall-reggae-love-meets-spiritualityTue, 10 Jun 2014 19:00:00 GMTExpandingU RADIO: Pato Banton & Antoinette Hall--Reggae Love Meets SpiritualityREGGAE, LOVE & SPIRITUALITY in a MASTER MIX in this DYNAMIC MUSICAL ANGELIC DUO! Presented by: India Irie Sanatana Dharma with honoured guests: Pato Banton and Antoinette Hall of Pato Banton and the NOW Generation! We will be hearing all about the path to enlightenment from these very special soul family members of mine who probably have no idea the power of their impact on my life and so many others. They walk their talk and SING IT as well! Let's hear them share their journey, their love story, their mission and The Urantia Book and what gifts our awakening to our own inner power and connectivity to all things offers us in this time of a paradigm shift of the AGES!!  ExpandingU: 5min PRESENTATION VIDEO: www.youtube.com/watch?v=yjRApWQwAL0&feature=youtu.be The Vision Board: www.pinterest.com/indiamerkerson/expandingu-brochurepresentation-of-details-ameniti/ The Journey: www.facebook.com/notes/india-irie-sanatana-dharma/birthing-a-dream-the-story-of-expandingu/682190551825057 00:58:00ExpandingU RADIOnoExpandingU,Alternative News,New Paradigm,EcoVillage,PermacultureREGGAE, LOVE & SPIRITUALITY in a MASTER MIX in this DYNAMIC MUSICAL ANGELIC DUO! Presented by: India Irie Sanatana Dharma with honoured guests: Pato Banton andBridge to Paradise: Kira*Star, Sacred Scrolls & ANCIENT PROPHECIES??!!! Oh, My!!http://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/06/10/bridge-to-paradise-kirastar-sacred-scrolls-ancient-prophecies-oh-myEducationhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/06/10/bridge-to-paradise-kirastar-sacred-scrolls-ancient-prophecies-oh-my/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/06/10/bridge-to-paradise-kirastar-sacred-scrolls-ancient-prophecies-oh-myTue, 10 Jun 2014 00:00:00 GMTBridge to Paradise: Kira*Star, Sacred Scrolls & ANCIENT PROPHECIES??!!! Oh, My!!Presented by Kami Be with Special Guest: KiraStar (aka Cary Ellis) Let's catch up with the journey of the SCROLLS!! She's back with more on what she's learned, what she's RECEIVED, what her future plans are and what this all means for the 21st Century Superhuman: Quantum Lifestyle!  The World is changing and WE ARE THE CHANGE AGENTS/ONEs we have been waiting for! A Bridge To Paradise is being built across the planet RIGHT NOW & this show is supporting the steps we ALL are already & will be taking to get us there one inspired idea, solution, deed or action, day, week & month at a time! Rising Together in U-n-I-TY (supporting one another In Gratitude for each & every persons value & contribution to the whole..if your HERE, you matter!) is our path to Everlasting Freedom & the only way to create the coming The Golden Age of Gaia! 02:10:00ExpandingU RADIOnonew paradigm,kami be,expandingu,expandingU radio,the shiftPresented by Kami Be with Special Guest: KiraStar (aka Cary Ellis) Let's catch up with the journey of the SCROLLS!! She's back with more on what she's learned,ELEMENTal Evolution--Spiritual Health, Awareness & INpowermenthttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/06/08/elemental-evolution-spiritual-health-awareness-inpowermentEducationhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/06/08/elemental-evolution-spiritual-health-awareness-inpowerment/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/06/08/elemental-evolution-spiritual-health-awareness-inpowermentSun, 08 Jun 2014 15:00:00 GMTELEMENTal Evolution--Spiritual Health, Awareness & INpowermentPresented by: Sherri Fischer, India Irie, Anna Lipari & Rhonda Paolo, Clive de Carle, Guest! ''Ancient Purity was founded in 2010 by Clive de Carle and Tom Stavely, based in England our products are supplied worldwide. Born out of their passion for natural health and wellbeing, they have researched and sourced the highest quality organic Superfoods, Supplements & Cutting Edge Health Products from around the world that will enable you to optimise your development and regain your health. Ancient Purity products are sourced from the highest quality and most reliable producers in the world today. Purposely avoiding products that are deficient in active ingredients or containing GMO’s like so many supplements available on the market.   We spend much of our time investigating the latest health discoveries as well as searching for the lost health secrets of the past. Clive de Carle hosts “The Health Revolution Show” and we interview some of the world’s leading natural health experts. Much of the fruits of our research are presented on the site (See Articles), presented at Health Talks. Our goal is to educate and guide you to understand how to return to health or how to optimise it naturally and effectively. We aim to promote the use of natural health across the world as the first step to promoting health and recovering from a lack of it. We pride ourselves on our reputation of providing a personal, friendly service and exceptional health products. We hope you will join us in choosing to live a healthy, abundant, happy life and put your health first. We’d love to meet you so please come along to one of our Natural Health Events.'' --BE WELL, Ancient Purity, Clive De Carle 02:59:00ExpandingU RADIOnoHealth,wellness,spirituality,sherri fischer,expandinguPresented by: Sherri Fischer, India Irie, Anna Lipari & Rhonda Paolo, Clive de Carle, Guest! ''Ancient Purity was founded in 2010 by Clive de Carle and Tom StaThe Owners' Manual for the Human Body--WOMEN'S HEALTH SOLUTIONShttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/06/07/the-owners-manual-for-the-human-body-womens-health-solutionsEducationhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/06/07/the-owners-manual-for-the-human-body-womens-health-solutions/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/06/07/the-owners-manual-for-the-human-body-womens-health-solutionsSat, 07 Jun 2014 15:00:00 GMTThe Owners' Manual for the Human Body--WOMEN'S HEALTH SOLUTIONSThe WAR ON WOMEN The depopulation agenda is in full play.  Is this the reason for the attack on women’s health? In essence, every human being is male and female so why are we treated differently?  For centuries women were assaulted by men and other women alike, mainly using systems given us by religions for this assault.  This has resulted in women being second rate citizens in most cultures. Is there any reason for this? The simple truth is that women could in the past (and probably today, but the science of this is lost in the mists of time), reproduce without an intervention of sperm specifically.  This is called pathenogenesis.  In terms of reproduction, the man then becomes less important.  As soon as a woman's egg cell wall is pierced, cell division starts, whether the piercing is by sperm, mechanical or spiritual means.    As we frequently point out in our radio shows, our knowledge is controlled so our conclusions are drawn from faulty premises and can never be correct.  As the war rages against the humanity it is obvious that attacking the women will be the top agenda of the Illuminati element and their apparatus of enslavement.   We will be talking about vaccinations of pregnant women, women's dis-eases, radiation and breast cancer and much more.  Tune in this Saturday to “The Owner’s Manual For The Human Body” radio show as we go deeper into this topic of an assault on women’s health.   How can we as humanity fight back and protect ourselves. 02:25:00ExpandingU RADIOnoexpandingu,expandingu radio,india irie sanatana dharma,darko velcek,jeremy ayresThe WAR ON WOMEN The depopulation agenda is in full play.  Is this the reason for the attack on women’s health? In essence, every human being is male and femaMISSION: I'MPOSSIBLE--MISSION 13http://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/06/07/mission-impossible-mission-13Educationhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/06/07/mission-impossible-mission-13/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/06/07/mission-impossible-mission-13Sat, 07 Jun 2014 00:00:00 GMTMISSION: I'MPOSSIBLE--MISSION 13MISSION 13--THE PROJECTS:   3D PRINTING GLOBAL ENERGY NETWORK EXPLOSION!!  FREE ENERGY, 3D PRINTING, 4D DESIGN, PERMACULTURE, QUANTUM ENERGY GENERATORS, CENTRE FOR MASS CREATION.   01:52:00ExpandingU RADIOnoMISSION 13--THE PROJECTS:   3D PRINTING GLOBAL ENERGY NETWORK EXPLOSION!!  FREE ENERGY, 3D PRINTING, 4D DESIGN, PERMACULTURE, QUANTUM ENERGY GENERATORS, CENTELEMENTal Evolution--Spiritual Health, Awareness & INpowermenthttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/06/02/elemental-evolution-spiritual-health-awareness-inpowermentEducationhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/06/02/elemental-evolution-spiritual-health-awareness-inpowerment/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/06/02/elemental-evolution-spiritual-health-awareness-inpowermentMon, 02 Jun 2014 00:00:00 GMTELEMENTal Evolution--Spiritual Health, Awareness & INpowermentPresented by: Sherri Fischer, Anna Lipari & Rhonda Paolo ELEMENTal Evolution's Wisdom and Vision: Elements are in every law that governs nature. These laws are simple and ancient, but they have been forgotten in our modern times.Humanity benefits by regaining and establishing balance and harmony. The body naturally heals itself through the use of nature’s elements of earth, air, water, fire, and ether. Healing humanity is a holistic process which includes the entire human system of the body, the mind, and the spirit as one entity. We at Elemental Evolution intend to achieve and to pass on universal knowledge while here on Earth. We are committed to spreading truths regarding the elementals and holistic healing within the world. We humanity by facilitating them into understanding their life journey in multidimensional ways. You can check out our Facebook page for more information:  https://www.facebook.com/WisdomsElementalEvolution 02:01:00ExpandingU RADIOnoHealth,wellness,spirituality,sherri fischer,expandinguPresented by: Sherri Fischer, Anna Lipari & Rhonda Paolo ELEMENTal Evolution's Wisdom and Vision: Elements are in every law that governs nature. These laws arThe Owners Manual for the Human Body: HEALTH SOLUTIONS--ALZHEIMER'S 'DIS-EASE'http://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/05/31/the-owners-manual-for-the-human-body-health-solutions-alzheimers-dis-easeEducationhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/05/31/the-owners-manual-for-the-human-body-health-solutions-alzheimers-dis-ease/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/05/31/the-owners-manual-for-the-human-body-health-solutions-alzheimers-dis-easeSat, 31 May 2014 15:00:00 GMTThe Owners Manual for the Human Body: HEALTH SOLUTIONS--ALZHEIMER'S 'DIS-EASE'THE OWNERS' MANUAL FOR THE HUMAN BODY Are you losing your mind? ALZHEIMER’S  dis-ease. As continuation on diabetes mellitus we are going to address another dis-ease that is triggered by the same diet. This dis-ease is expressed when we as humans forget who we are, where we come from and where we are going to and then: “what did I just say?”. An estimated 5.4 million Americans suffer from Alzheimer’s dis-ease and this number is growing daily.  It is the 2nd most scary dis-ease after cancer.  If you are lucky enough to not get cancer, it is most likely you will be affected with memory loss or Alzheimer’s dis-ease.  We've been told that once a human shows the symptoms of memory loss there is nothing one can do to help and the poor soul will wither away.  Yet, we have to bear in mind that Alzheimers does not exist in wild animals.  Can something be done to prevent or to reverse this crippling dis-ease? Is there something that we are not being told?  Yes!! and Yes!! Alzheimer’s disease will be the topic of this weeks expandingU radio show “The Owner’s Manual For The Human Body-Health Solutions”. presented by: India Irie, Sherri Fischer, Anna Lipari, Dr. Darko Velcek, Dr. Jeremy Ayres & Clive De Carle as your PANELISTS with varying guests!   02:18:00ExpandingU RADIOnomedical,expandingu radio,expandingu,painfree clinic,syncrenecityTHE OWNERS' MANUAL FOR THE HUMAN BODY Are you losing your mind? ALZHEIMER’S  dis-ease. As continuation on diabetes mellitus we are going to address another dMISSION: I'MPOSSIBLE--Mission 12http://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/05/31/mission-impossible-mission-12Educationhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/05/31/mission-impossible-mission-12/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/05/31/mission-impossible-mission-12Sat, 31 May 2014 00:00:00 GMTMISSION: I'MPOSSIBLE--Mission 12MISSION 12: CLARITY & TRANSPARENCY  Mission Statement. To create a new paradigm village in Peru to consist of Free Clean Water, Free Friendly Energy, Free Clean Transportation, Free Natural medication, Free naturally grown all year round food and Free Education in spirituality, medicine, self healing and the recycling of all waste materials. The Vision will be to Create a learning center as a precursor to the Manifestation of Fernando Vossa’s, “The Center of Mass Creation”. A totally Ecologically self-sustainable development with perma-culture and education complex. Mission mantra “If it is not good for everyone then it is no good at all”. We are a group of self assembled Scientists, Engineers, Natural Doctors, Environmentalists and enthusiasts who have assembled a team of spiritually aware beings globally and have centered our activities in Tarapoto, Peru. A list of our open sourced technologies that we wish to involve in our ambitious project can be seen below. We appeal to those of you who are both in Peru and those globally to contact us should you have Eco-Projects already active  or  should  you have similar missions that align with our over all vision of The Village of the future. We appeal to all disciplines to come and discuss with us your vision of a brighter future far removed from the slavery on display today. Join us tonight to hear the details of this global vision and the accompanying technology we are bringing forward to shift this paradigm into one of abundance for the ALL A.S.A.P.!! FREE ENERGY, 3D PRINTING, 4D DESIGN, PERMACULTURE, QUANTUM ENERGY GENERATORS, CENTRE FOR MASS CREATION.   02:11:00ExpandingU RADIOnoEXPANDINGU,EXPANDINGU RADIO,INDIA IRIE SANATANA DHARMA,DAVE STEWART,SHERRI FISCHERMISSION 12: CLARITY & TRANSPARENCY  Mission Statement. To create a new paradigm village in Peru to consist of Free Clean Water, Free Friendly Energy, Free CleExpandingU RADIO--The SUPERFRIENDS Talk With Vince, India & Ardrianahttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/05/27/expandingu-radio-the-superfriends-talk-with-vince-india-ardrianaEducationhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/05/27/expandingu-radio-the-superfriends-talk-with-vince-india-ardriana/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/05/27/expandingu-radio-the-superfriends-talk-with-vince-india-ardrianaTue, 27 May 2014 16:00:00 GMTExpandingU RADIO--The SUPERFRIENDS Talk With Vince, India & ArdrianaPresented by: India Irie Sanatana Dharma  AS I'VE JUST COME FROM HOSPITAL W A PINCHED NERVE IN MY BACK:  TODAY, PLEASE ENJOY THIS PRE-RECORDED EPISODE FROM A CHAT THE SUPERFRIENDS HAD WITH ME ON THE TALK WITH VINCE SHOW: NEW PARADIGM LIVING AS IT APPLIES TO HEALTH, SCIENCE AND HUMANITY'S FUTURE!  ExpandingU is a lifestyle brand with emphasis on Conscious Living, Learning, Teaching & Healing. The project includes an ecovillage and institute of learning and teaching as a template model available globally.  This show will include pertinent topics of the New NOWs related to living in symbiosis with our planet and One another. 5min PRESENTATION VIDEO: www.youtube.com/watch?v=yjRApWQwAL0&feature=youtu.be The Vision Board: www.pinterest.com/indiamerkerson/expandingu-brochurepresentation-of-details-ameniti/ The Journey: www.facebook.com/notes/india-irie-sanatana-dharma/birthing-a-dream-the-story-of-expandingu/682190551825057 01:55:00ExpandingU RADIOnoExpandingU,Alternative News,New Paradigm,EcoVillage,PermaculturePresented by: India Irie Sanatana Dharma  AS I'VE JUST COME FROM HOSPITAL W A PINCHED NERVE IN MY BACK:  TODAY, PLEASE ENJOY THIS PRE-RECORDED EPISODE FROM A CThe Owners Manual for the Human Body--HEALTH SOLUTIONS: DIABETES MELLITUShttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/05/24/the-owners-manual-for-the-human-body-health-solutions-diabetes-mellitusEducationhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/05/24/the-owners-manual-for-the-human-body-health-solutions-diabetes-mellitus/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/05/24/the-owners-manual-for-the-human-body-health-solutions-diabetes-mellitusSat, 24 May 2014 15:00:00 GMTThe Owners Manual for the Human Body--HEALTH SOLUTIONS: DIABETES MELLITUSDiabetes Mellitus Recently I overheard a lady bragging to her friend “darling I am 49 years old and I still do not have diabetes. I must be doing things right.”  As strange as this sounds, fact is, she is right.  At least 26 million Americans are diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, and another 79 million are prediabetic. Things are much worse in South of India where a pandemic of diabetes and hypertension is crippling the nation and there is a plea for doctors that can deal with this.   Younger and younger people have to deal with diabetes. Many children in the Caribbean and the United States are born diabetic or receive this dreaded diagnoses soon after birth. In medical schools they teach us that the problem is with the  pancreas and its inability to produce insulin. This is the case in only a few or a small number of cases.  The real cause of this crippling disease, how to prevent it and how to get it under the control will be the topic of our radio show this Saturday.  We will cover diet as principal cause of this dis-ease. Many people are aware of the influence of sugar on our health but are confused about the fructose-glucose relationship. People are getting afraid to eat fruit for for this reason. Join us in our panel discussion and learn the facts.  Knowledge will set you free. presented by:  India Irie, Anna Lipari, Sherri Fischer, Dr. Darko Velcek, Dr. Jeremy Ayres, Clive De Carle, Paul Exall & Tony Kilvert as your PANELISTS !   02:15:00ExpandingU RADIOnomedical,expandingu radio,expandingu,painfree clinic,syncrenecityDiabetes Mellitus Recently I overheard a lady bragging to her friend “darling I am 49 years old and I still do not have diabetes. I must be doing things right.MISSION: I'MPOSSIBLEhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/05/24/mission-impossibleEducationhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/05/24/mission-impossible/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/05/24/mission-impossibleSat, 24 May 2014 00:00:00 GMTMISSION: I'MPOSSIBLEMISSION 11: THE MISSION AND IMPORTANCE OF TONIGHT’S SHOW: WHY ARE WE IN PERU AND HOW WILL WE BE FINANCED BY AN INTERNATIONALLY FORMED N.G.O. FOUNDATION? At last we can narrow our mission down to one paragraph or two. However we need to further reduce this to just one paragraph. MISSION STATEMENT: Our mission in Peru is To build the first totally self-sustainable village of consciousness  for Peruvians and spread the concept far and wide and form a funding foundation based on all other projects open sourcing all new information and construction and operational techniques. Merging both ancient and new earth friendly suppressed technologies to create a village of consciousness consisting of 1) Clean and natural hot and cold water supplies and 2) Quantum Energy Electricity supplies with 3) New clean electric multi-use transportation initiating electric battery recharging stations. Furthermore Introducing our 4) Qualified natural practitioners Studio’s  promoting a blend of natures home grown medicines/oils and new breakthrough health  technologies. 5) Total self-sustainability in Composting techniques and waste recycling use and The implementation of Design and  construction of the latest advancements in an All year round 6) Aquaponics/Aeroponics center of controlled environment and Permaculture based edible landscaping. FREE ENERGY, 3D PRINTING, 4D DESIGN, PERMACULTURE, QUANTUM ENERGY GENERATORS, CENTRE FOR MASS CREATION, AND MORE TO COME! Join Dave, India, Karl, Ed, Kami, Sherri, Anna,  Nelson, Pauli D. and Evens for the tribal council tonight!!!!!!!    02:01:00ExpandingU RADIOnofree energy,india irie sanatana dharma,expandingu,expandingu radio,expanding consciousnessMISSION 11: THE MISSION AND IMPORTANCE OF TONIGHT’S SHOW: WHY ARE WE IN PERU AND HOW WILL WE BE FINANCED BY AN INTERNATIONALLY FORMED N.G.O. FOUNDATION? At lExpandingU RADIO: INDIA IRIE on Just Us Radio w/Geri Joneshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/05/20/expandingu-radio-india-irie-on-just-us-radio-wgeri-jonesEducationhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/05/20/expandingu-radio-india-irie-on-just-us-radio-wgeri-jones/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/05/20/expandingu-radio-india-irie-on-just-us-radio-wgeri-jonesTue, 20 May 2014 22:00:00 GMTExpandingU RADIO: INDIA IRIE on Just Us Radio w/Geri JonesIn experiencing the global paradigm of imbalance, lack, debt and despair, it has always seemed inorganic in its form and manifestation in the human experience—the human condition. My Native American heritage along with having been born ‘awake’ has offered me a wider view of our planet and all within and upon it far greater than that which is ‘educated’ into us. It is from this place that I have decided to launch into ACTION. No more waiting and hoping for some wave of magic that I could champion and jump aboard. I took upon myself the challenge of BECOMING the change I wanted to see in the world. In that effort, I created a vision of ExpandingU. A template for an ecovillage and institute for Conscious living, learning, teaching and healing. Part of that vision includes ExpandingU RADIO--a platform to share information and to network in heartset of creating a new world paradigm of abundance for the 100% of the ALL, AS SOON AS HUMANLY POSSIBLE! I do what I can, with what I have, from where I am....for me, if we all follow this example, we will flow with the evolution that is upon us much more swiftly and organically. I am tired of separation, no more factions, no more FIGHT. Let us, instead, CO-CREATE that which we wish to experience (by integrating all of our collected 'tools' in one UNIFIED playground . . . and make it VIRAL!  ~India Irie Sanatana Dharma **TO DONATE TO SUPPORTING THIS PROJECT AND THIS NETWORK PLS DO SO VIA PAYPAL TO indiamerkerson@yahoo.com The Journey: www.facebook.com/notes/india-irie-sanatana-dharma/birthing-a-dream-the-story-of-expandingu/682190551825057 01:59:00ExpandingU RADIOnoExpandingU,Alternative News,New Paradigm,EcoVillage,PermacultureIn experiencing the global paradigm of imbalance, lack, debt and despair, it has always seemed inorganic in its form and manifestation in the human experience—tThe Owners Manual for the Human Body--HEALTH SOLUTIONS: THE HEART ATTACKhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/05/17/the-owners-manual-for-the-human-body-health-solutions-the-heart-attackEducationhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/05/17/the-owners-manual-for-the-human-body-health-solutions-the-heart-attack/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/05/17/the-owners-manual-for-the-human-body-health-solutions-the-heart-attackSat, 17 May 2014 15:00:00 GMTThe Owners Manual for the Human Body--HEALTH SOLUTIONS: THE HEART ATTACKHEART ATTACK HOW OUR ORGAN OF LOVE HAS BEEN DELIBERATELY SABOTAGED “the blood carries the joy to the heart which then emanates the love” As we continue our journey of greater understanding as to the nature of true health and dis-ease, and at the same time learn to see the connections with the problems of our our 3d world and their connectedness to our cells,bodies and well being, we turn the light upon the worlds most attacked organ – our hearts. Poets, sages, philosophers, song writers, religions and more have long written that this is the organ of love. We know that love is the healer and creator of all things, the highest of all vibrations, and so, with our greater and ever expanding awareness it makes perfect sense why this organ and its precious blood have been constantly under attack. In this show we will explore, discuss and show that this revered organ is much more than medi-sin so mistakenly says. We will see how the blood, the fluid that brings life and substance to create living flesh is more than a blood group. We will delve into how it flows and the importance of where on human health. But most importantly of all, we will show that this organ and its thousands of miles of living canals that our living water flows through truly is the heart of our matter. Join us for another mind-expanding journey and let the truth set you free – dis-ease free. presented by: India Irie, Anna Lipari, Sherri Fischer & Dr. Darko Velcek, Dr. Jeremy Ayres and Clive De Carle as your PANELISTS!   02:01:00ExpandingU RADIOnomedical,expandingu radio,expandingu,painfree clinic,syncrenecityHEART ATTACK HOW OUR ORGAN OF LOVE HAS BEEN DELIBERATELY SABOTAGED “the blood carries the joy to the heart which then emanates the love” As we continue our jMISSION: I'MPOSSIBLE--Mission 10http://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/05/17/mission-impossible-mission-10Educationhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/05/17/mission-impossible-mission-10/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/05/17/mission-impossible-mission-10Sat, 17 May 2014 00:00:00 GMTMISSION: I'MPOSSIBLE--Mission 10MISSION 10: Latest headlines from Peru; 3D Printing; Free Energy . Project Status Report. Apologees from Base Camp and the Mission I Am Possible team here in Peru for lack of radio coverage and bringing you the latest news. There has been lots developing here and drama has been unfolding by the hour . So for tonight’s show we will be discussing what is going on and here are some pointers that you can follow during the Radio show. 1) The Internet Crash in the Jungle and what has been achieved thus far. 2) Bill Ballard, Cary Ellis, Paul Doucette and Nelson Dario expose None Transparency with the originators of Planeta Libre and Nemus Custodis. 3) The Dramatic Road Collapse to the Jungle Village of Aguano Muyuna. 4) The Spanish Free energy group thoughts on the new developments and lack of transparency. 5) Cobra from the Galactic Resistance sends links to  Funding for the projects in the jungle for Humanitarian purposes. 6) The New Base camp set up. 7) Where do we go from here. 8) The Current mood in the camp and the team back home. 9) Spaceship visits us in  Tarapoto .  NO SHIT.     01:58:00ExpandingU RADIOnoEXPANDINGU RADIO,INDIA IRIE SANATANA DHARMA,3D GLOBAL ENERGY PRINTING NETWORK,DAVE STEWART,FERNANDO VOSSAMISSION 10: Latest headlines from Peru; 3D Printing; Free Energy . Project Status Report. Apologees from Base Camp and the Mission I Am Possible team here inThe SYNCRENICITY of the 21st Century Superhumanhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/05/15/the-syncrenicity-of-the-21st-century-superhuman-1Educationhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/05/15/the-syncrenicity-of-the-21st-century-superhuman-1/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/05/15/the-syncrenicity-of-the-21st-century-superhuman-1Thu, 15 May 2014 17:00:00 GMTThe SYNCRENICITY of the 21st Century SuperhumanPresented by India Irie & Sherri Fischer with Guests: Mark Kishon Christopher and Tony Kilvert Linguistics: The importance of our word spells 00:59:00ExpandingU RADIOnoExpandingU radio,india irie sanatana dharma,sherri fischer,cary ellis,syncrenicityPresented by India Irie & Sherri Fischer with Guests: Mark Kishon Christopher and Tony Kilvert Linguistics: The importance of our word spellsExpandingU RADIOhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/05/13/expandingu-radioEducationhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/05/13/expandingu-radio/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/05/13/expandingu-radioTue, 13 May 2014 20:00:00 GMTExpandingU RADIOTODAY WE HEAR MORE ABOUT SODIUM CHLORITE...MMS AND ITS HEALTH BENEFITS! As guests on ELEMENTal Evolution last weekend, Mark Kison Christopher and Tony Kilvert share with Sherri Fischer and I LOADS more information we can utilise to reclaim our health and wellness!  ExpandingU is a lifestyle brand with emphasis on Conscious Living, Learning, Teaching & Healing. The project includes an ecovillage and institute of learning and teaching as a template model available globally.  This show will include pertinent topics of the New NOWs related to living in symbiosis with our planet and One another. 5min PRESENTATION VIDEO: www.youtube.com/watch?v=yjRApWQwAL0&feature=youtu.be The Vision Board: www.pinterest.com/indiamerkerson/expandingu-brochurepresentation-of-details-ameniti/ The Journey: www.facebook.com/notes/india-irie-sanatana-dharma/birthing-a-dream-the-story-of-expandingu/682190551825057 02:01:00ExpandingU RADIOnoExpandingU,Alternative News,New Paradigm,EcoVillage,PermacultureTODAY WE HEAR MORE ABOUT SODIUM CHLORITE...MMS AND ITS HEALTH BENEFITS! As guests on ELEMENTal Evolution last weekend, Mark Kison Christopher and Tony KilvertThe Owners Manual for the Human Body--HEALTH SOLUTIONS: ALLERGIES, ASTHMA & ACNEhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/05/10/the-owners-manual-for-the-human-body-health-solutions-allergies-asthma-acneEducationhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/05/10/the-owners-manual-for-the-human-body-health-solutions-allergies-asthma-acne/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/05/10/the-owners-manual-for-the-human-body-health-solutions-allergies-asthma-acneSat, 10 May 2014 15:00:00 GMTThe Owners Manual for the Human Body--HEALTH SOLUTIONS: ALLERGIES, ASTHMA & ACNEThe Owners Manual for the Human Body Asthma, Allergies, Acne/Eczema How Medi-Sin Knowingly Suppress To Create More Dis-ease As we continue our health series showing You’re NOT sick, You’re TOX-SICK we show how these common ailments have been deliberately suppressed to create deeper and more serious dis-ease for the $ hungry, Pharmaceutical/Medi-Sin industries. It is said knowledge is power, and indeed it is, but HOW that knowledge is used determines it’s outcome. Medi-Sin cannot have things so 180 degrees wrong unless it was known (at least at the top of their nefarious pyramid) what truly is dis-ease and what heals and what suppresses healing and ultimately kills! For if they did they would not be employing suppressive, toxic assaults upon our bodies that drive dis-ease deeper and transmute it into the dreaded diseases man fears today. Join us to (re)discover what caused the above conditions, what your body is truly trying to do, and that if suppressed (even by so called natural means) the path to serious dis-ease has been well and truly determined. presented by:  India Irie, Anna Lipari, Dr. Darko Velcek, Dr. Jeremy Ayres, Cary Ellis, Dave Stewart, Clive De Carle, Paul Exall & Tony Kilvert as your PANELISTS with varying guests!   02:01:00ExpandingU RADIOnomedical,expandingu radio,expandingu,painfree clinic,syncrenecityThe Owners Manual for the Human Body Asthma, Allergies, Acne/Eczema How Medi-Sin Knowingly Suppress To Create More Dis-ease As we continue our health seriesThe SYNCRENICITY of the 21st Century Superhuman--MMS (Miracle Mineral Solution)http://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/05/08/the-syncrenicity-of-the-21st-century-superhuman-mms-miracle-mineral-solutionEducationhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/05/08/the-syncrenicity-of-the-21st-century-superhuman-mms-miracle-mineral-solution/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/05/08/the-syncrenicity-of-the-21st-century-superhuman-mms-miracle-mineral-solutionThu, 08 May 2014 18:00:00 GMTThe SYNCRENICITY of the 21st Century Superhuman--MMS (Miracle Mineral Solution)Presented by India Irie & Sherri Fischer with Special Guest: Mark Kishon Christopher  SWATTING at flying pests in your house is similar to your immune system forever battling against germs, poisons, and viruses. Your immune system has been swatting since your childhood at hundreds of things you took in - like mercury, for example, left over from injections you got as a child plus mercury that may still be creeping out of old tooth fillings. The world needs a miracle supplement, something that can restore us back to the "blood and body purity" we had long ago in childhood.  Day by day we continue to take in toxins, pesticides, chemicals, fluoridated water, and chemically-sweetened soda drinks, We need a way to give our immune systems relief from the shackles and chains we pile onto it every living day. Whatever your age, that's how many years you've been tucking away pathogens and poisons that are now stuck in muscles, brains, and blood.  Using the research, application and succeses of Jim Humble and many others, (INCLUDING the organisations that spout disinformation about this supplement) MMS will be shown herein to be an ultimate terminator, a two-penny mineral supplement that has been demonstrated to be capable of quietly seeking out our stored toxins - eliminating them safely and effectively. Cancer, diabetes, malaria...all reversable using a protocol of MMS if followed.     01:59:00ExpandingU RADIOnoExpandingU radio,india irie sanatana dharma,sherri fischer,cary ellis,syncrenicityPresented by India Irie & Sherri Fischer with Special Guest: Mark Kishon Christopher  SWATTING at flying pests in your house is similar to your immune system fExpandingU RADIO--Birthing a Dream: The Journey to ExpandingUhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/05/06/expandingu-radio-birthing-a-dream-the-journey-to-expandinguEducationhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/05/06/expandingu-radio-birthing-a-dream-the-journey-to-expandingu/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/05/06/expandingu-radio-birthing-a-dream-the-journey-to-expandinguTue, 06 May 2014 16:00:00 GMTExpandingU RADIO--Birthing a Dream: The Journey to ExpandingUPresented by: India Irie Today I take you each with me back to how all of this got started....the journey actually began as a dream--a vision of something more. This is a peek into how it all came about and a little more about me, India Irie!  ExpandingU is a lifestyle brand with emphasis on Conscious Living, Learning, Teaching & Healing. The project includes an ecovillage and institute of learning and teaching as a template model available globally.  This show will include pertinent topics of the New NOWs related to living in symbiosis with our planet and One another. 5min PRESENTATION VIDEO: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yjRApWQwAL0&feature=youtu.be The Vision Board: http://www.facebook.com/notes/india-irie-sanatana-dharma/birthing-a-dream-the-story-of-expandingu/682190551825057 The Journey: http://www.facebook.com/notes/india-irie-sanatana-dharma/birthing-a-dream-the-story-of-expandingu/682190551825057   02:03:00ExpandingU RADIOnoIndia Irie Sanatana Dharma,ExpandingU,ExpandingU Radio,Birthing a Dream,Planeta LibrePresented by: India Irie Today I take you each with me back to how all of this got started....the journey actually began as a dream--a vision of something moreBridge to Paradisehttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/05/06/bridge-to-paradiseEducationhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/05/06/bridge-to-paradise/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/05/06/bridge-to-paradiseTue, 06 May 2014 00:00:00 GMTBridge to ParadisePresented by Cindy Kay & Kami  Tonight we will be discussing the elements of a successful revolution and the power of tribal law. Where did the founding fathers get their ideas about how to organize a free nation? Could it be that the United States of America was founded on the values that guided the indigenous peoples? We will explore the social structure of the Iroquois Federations and their roll in shaping law in the Untied States of America. The World is changing and WE ARE THE CHANGE AGENTS/ONEs we have been waiting for!  A Bridge To Paradise is being built across the planet RIGHT NOW & this show is going to support the steps we ALL are & will be taking to get us there one inspired idea, solution, deed or action, day, week & month at a time!  Rising Together in U-n-I-TY  (supporting one another In Gratitude for each & every persons value & contribution to the whole..if your HERE, you matter!) is our path to Everlasting Freedom & the only way to create the coming The Golden Age of Gaia! 01:59:00ExpandingU RADIOnonew paradigm,kami be,cindy kay currier,expandingu,expandingU radioPresented by Cindy Kay & Kami  Tonight we will be discussing the elements of a successful revolution and the power of tribal law. Where did the founding fatherThe Owners Manual for the Human Body--Anorexia & Bulimia (Eating Distress Disordhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/05/03/the-owners-manual-for-the-human-body-anorexia-bulimia-eating-distress-disordEducationhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/05/03/the-owners-manual-for-the-human-body-anorexia-bulimia-eating-distress-disord/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/05/03/the-owners-manual-for-the-human-body-anorexia-bulimia-eating-distress-disordSat, 03 May 2014 15:00:00 GMTThe Owners Manual for the Human Body--Anorexia & Bulimia (Eating Distress DisordTHE OWNERS MANUAL FOR THE HUMAN BODY Anorexia & Bulimia (Eating Distress Disorders) - TB in Disguise Probably one of the most challenging conditions to help and equally the most torturous for those who love the sufferer. Trapped in a false-belief that they are "fat", but a belief that they see, feel and know to be true even when everything and everyone around them pleads differently. We will show how this slow and destructive condition highlights the combined errors of medi-sin, the follies of a deliberately constructed society that has deviated so far from truth and natures ways, the suppressions of an ancient Dis-Ease and the imbalances and key triggers that have caused this dis-ease to manifest in its transmuted form. Join us to first understand the long path - that started generations ago - that has led these people to such poor state of health and robbed them from their potential. From understanding we can empower ourselves to correct the causes and know how to walk the path back to vibrant health, natural healthy weight, and ultimately to once more feel and realise our potential, comfortable in our skin and empowered to be the change we want to see. presented by: India Irie, Anna Lipari, Sherri Fischer,  Dr. Darko Velcek, Dr. Jeremy Ayres, Clive De Carle, Paul Exall & Tony Kilvert as your PANELISTS with varying guests!   02:01:00ExpandingU RADIOnomedical,expandingu radio,expandingu,painfree clinic,syncrenecityTHE OWNERS MANUAL FOR THE HUMAN BODY Anorexia & Bulimia (Eating Distress Disorders) - TB in Disguise Probably one of the most challenging conditions to help aMISSION: I'MPOSSIBLEhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/05/03/mission-impossibleEducationhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/05/03/mission-impossible/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/05/03/mission-impossibleSat, 03 May 2014 00:00:00 GMTMISSION: I'MPOSSIBLEMISSION:  INNOVATION!! 3D PRINTING GLOBAL ENERGY NETWORK EXPLOSION!!  FREE ENERGY, 3D PRINTING, 4D DESIGN, PERMACULTURE, QUANTUM ENERGY GENERATORS, CENTRE FOR MASS CREATION, PROYECTO LIBRE DE PERU. Whilst we wait to re-connect with the ground crew in Aguana Muyuno, Peru tonight we will catch up on MUCH NEEDED UPDATES with the 3D Printing Network, the printers, addressing questions that have arisen since deliveries and much more pertinent information with Ed Weatherall, Karl Moltzan & John Carle Anderson.  We will also be discussing the latest on the QEG activity, the progress & the challenges as we catch up with what HopeGirl has been doing--in her journey from entropy to overUNITY--from Ed, who is keeping on the forefront of every nuance!   02:00:00ExpandingU RADIOnoMISSION:  INNOVATION!! 3D PRINTING GLOBAL ENERGY NETWORK EXPLOSION!!  FREE ENERGY, 3D PRINTING, 4D DESIGN, PERMACULTURE, QUANTUM ENERGY GENERATORS, CENTRE FORKiraStar, Sacred Scrolls & Peru. Oh My!!http://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/04/30/kirastar-sacred-scrolls-peru-oh-myEducationhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/04/30/kirastar-sacred-scrolls-peru-oh-my/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/04/30/kirastar-sacred-scrolls-peru-oh-myWed, 30 Apr 2014 16:00:00 GMTKiraStar, Sacred Scrolls & Peru. Oh My!!ExpandingU RADIO: Special Edition Today we get to sit down and catch up with Cary Ellis (aka KiraStar) and her dear friend Caroline who are in Lima, Peru at a GORGEOUS & very cosy hostel there.  Cary has done a lot since leaving Florida on her journey back to the future. She has met with Angel, the keeper of the set of sacred scrolls from Ancient Times. We will learn the details of this meeting and the EXTRAORDINARY REVELATIONS this collaboration with Angel has brought forth! What does this mean for us...and what shall we do with this information? Listen to hear this amazing tale that is constantly unfolding and becoming more and more clear--for all of us.  01:00:00ExpandingU RADIOnoExpandingU RADIO: Special Edition Today we get to sit down and catch up with Cary Ellis (aka KiraStar) and her dear friend Caroline who are in Lima, Peru at aExpandingU RADIOhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/04/29/expandingu-radio  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kntgJQbxeKw&feature=youtu.be India Irie's Journey to ExpandingU: www.facebook.com/notes/india-irie-sanatana-dharma/birthing-a-dream-the-story-of-expandingu/682190551825057 ]]>  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kntgJQbxeKw&feature=youtu.be India Irie's Journey to ExpandingU: www.facebook.com/notes/india-irie-sanatana-dharma/birthing-a-dream-the-story-of-expandingu/682190551825057 ]]>Educationhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/04/29/expandingu-radio/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/04/29/expandingu-radioTue, 29 Apr 2014 23:00:00 GMTExpandingU RADIO  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kntgJQbxeKw&feature=youtu.be India Irie's Journey to ExpandingU: www.facebook.com/notes/india-irie-sanatana-dharma/birthing-a-dream-the-story-of-expandingu/682190551825057 ]]>Presented by: India Irie Sanatana Dharma, Sherri Fischer & Cindy Kay with Special Guests--the THUNDERBIRDS--Kimarie Runningdrummer Teter & Kyle Glenn. There is an energy of change sweeping over this planet. Part of that energy is RECONNECTING us all with our indigenous roots in an effort to RECLAIM, RECONCILE & RESTORE this planet to her original standing...where humanity walked this Earth as Brothers. Carrying a torch for the voiceless, these Agents of Change, the Children of the Rainbow, have taken it upon themselves to walk the Red Road. Sparked by an unending desire to find the Truth they are relentless seekers of knowledge and wisdom. We will discuss The American Spring, the Freedom Walk, questioning 'authority', Armistice & Accord and forwarding the vision of uniting the tribes. MENDING THE SACRED HOOP: A NATION HEALS Trailer ===>  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kntgJQbxeKw&feature=youtu.be India Irie's Journey to ExpandingU: www.facebook.com/notes/india-irie-sanatana-dharma/birthing-a-dream-the-story-of-expandingu/682190551825057 01:24:00ExpandingU RADIOnoExpandingU,Alternative News,New Paradigm,EcoVillage,PermaculturePresented by: India Irie Sanatana Dharma, Sherri Fischer & Cindy Kay with Special Guests--the THUNDERBIRDS--Kimarie Runningdrummer Teter & Kyle Glenn. There isBridge to Paradisehttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/04/29/bridge-to-paradiseEducationhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/04/29/bridge-to-paradise/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/04/29/bridge-to-paradiseTue, 29 Apr 2014 00:00:00 GMTBridge to ParadisePresented by Cindy Kay & Kami  The World is changing and WE ARE THE CHANGE AGENTS/ONEs we have been waiting for!  A Bridge To Paradise is being built across the planet RIGHT NOW & this show is going to support the steps we ALL are & will be taking to get us there one inspired idea, solution, deed or action, day, week & month at a time!  Rising Together in U-n-I-TY  (supporting one another In Gratitude for each & every persons value & contribution to the whole..if your HERE, you matter!) is our path to Everlasting Freedom & the only way to create the coming The Golden Age of Gaia! 02:02:00ExpandingU RADIOnonew paradigm,kami be,cindy kay currier,expandingu,expandingU radioPresented by Cindy Kay & Kami  The World is changing and WE ARE THE CHANGE AGENTS/ONEs we have been waiting for!  A Bridge To Paradise is being built across thThe Owners Manual for the Human Body--*HEALTH SOLUTIONS: AUTISMhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/04/26/the-owners-manual-for-the-human-body-health-solutions-autismEducationhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/04/26/the-owners-manual-for-the-human-body-health-solutions-autism/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/04/26/the-owners-manual-for-the-human-body-health-solutions-autismSat, 26 Apr 2014 15:00:00 GMTThe Owners Manual for the Human Body--*HEALTH SOLUTIONS: AUTISMTHE OWNERS MANUAL FOR THE HUMAN BODY AUTISM – THE SILENT, MANMADE PANDEMIC “All warfare is based on deception.”  Sun Tzu, The Art of War World War III has been raging since World War II. The difference is it has been a silent war. A war against our thoughts and beliefs, a war of fear, a war against our health and children. Following on from the explosive show THE GERM THEORY & VACCINATIONS WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION, we focus now upon the silent pandemic which is affecting more and more children with teachers from around the world telling us 6 out of 10 children are registered as autism or learning/behavioral difficulties. Make no mistake, your children are being poisoned through the art of mass deception with ticking time bombs for future dis-ease pictures that await their time to manifest and be further fueled by the same people who poisoned them. In this show we will show how the weapons of mass destruction are being used against our children, why and how the damage is taking effect and how we can stop, reverse and heal the damage. Our first duty are to our children (our own and others all over this planet) and together, empowered with truth and knowledge we are the change we want to see. presented by: India Irie, Anna Lipari, Dr. Darko Velcek, Dr. Jeremy Ayres, Cary Ellis, Dave Stewart, Clive De Carle, Paul Exall & Tony Kilvert as your PANELISTS with varying guests! **IF YOU ENJOY THE BROADCASTS ON ExpandingU RADIO and you are so inspired, please donate via paypal to the stations efforts at paypal address: http://indiamerkerson@yahoo.com 02:02:00ExpandingU RADIOnomedical,expandingu radio,expandingu,painfree clinic,syncrenecityTHE OWNERS MANUAL FOR THE HUMAN BODY AUTISM – THE SILENT, MANMADE PANDEMIC “All warfare is based on deception.”  Sun Tzu, The Art of War World War III has beMISSION: I'MPOSSIBLEhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/04/26/mission-impossibleEducationhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/04/26/mission-impossible/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/04/26/mission-impossibleSat, 26 Apr 2014 00:00:00 GMTMISSION: I'MPOSSIBLEMISSION: INTERMISSION!  While the crew are jungle-ified in Peru... The Venus Project is an organization that proposes a feasible plan of action for social change, one that works towards a peaceful and sustainable global civilization. It outlines an alternative to strive toward where human rights are no longer paper proclamations but a way of life. When one considers the enormity of the challenges facing society today, we can safely conclude that the time is long overdue for us to re-examine our values and to reflect upon and evaluate some of the underlying issues and assumptions we have as a society. This self-analysis calls into question the very nature of what it means to be human, what it means to be a member of a "civilization," and what choices we can make today to ensure a prosperous future for all the world's people. The Venus Project advocates an alternative vision for a sustainable new world civilization unlike any social system that has gone before. Although this description is highly condensed, it is based upon years of study and experimental research by many, many people from many scientific disciplines. We propose a fresh, holistic approach - one that is dedicated to human and environmental concerns. It is an attainable vision of a bright and better future, one that is appropriate to the times in which we live, and both practical and feasible for a positive future for all the world's people.  We realize to make the transition from our present culture, which is politically incompetent, scarcity-oriented and obsolete, to this new, more humane society will require a quantum leap in both thought and action. **IF YOU ENJOY THE PROGRAMMING AND ARE SO INSPIRED, PLS FEEL FREE TO DONATE @ the paypal address: indiamerkerson@yahoo.com to help with administrative costs. In love & gratitude... <3  00:59:00ExpandingU RADIOnoMISSION I'MPOSSIBLE,expandingu radio,expandingu,india irie sanatana dharma,dave stewartMISSION: INTERMISSION!  While the crew are jungle-ified in Peru... The Venus Project is an organization that proposes a feasible plan of action for social chanThe SYNCRENICITY of the 21st Century Superhuman: OILS AND ARTHRITIShttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/04/24/the-syncrenicity-of-the-21st-century-superhuman-oils-and-arthritisEducationhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/04/24/the-syncrenicity-of-the-21st-century-superhuman-oils-and-arthritis/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/04/24/the-syncrenicity-of-the-21st-century-superhuman-oils-and-arthritisThu, 24 Apr 2014 21:30:00 GMTThe SYNCRENICITY of the 21st Century Superhuman: OILS AND ARTHRITISGuest: Paul Dean Arthritis and what "You CAN" do about it.  There ARE solutions and especially where Oils are included.  See below for further details on this issue/subject/solution/s. Show link: http://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/04/12/the-owners-manual-for-the-human-body-health-solution-arthritis This is a shortlist of Oils and Immune boosters that should be taken to re correct (balance) this condition or symptom.  http://nativenutriments.com/arthritis-plus-blend/ & http://nativenutriments.com/relief-blend/ The names of the "Oils" are "Arthritis Plus" (which is specifically blended and works best) + additional booster Oils which are "Relieve" & "Sports Pro."  These are incredible solutions to the problem as those who actually try it will see.  Additionally, in order to "absorb" the goodness (nutrients from foods) Pro-Biotics are used so the body can "access" the minerals and other ingredients taken (this is advised as an "addition" to the detailed remedies detailed.) "We have the best pro-biotic on the market with over 300 billion active cultures, 16 different strains, and the pre-biotic of Freeze Dried Organic Blueberry and Enzyme Active Rice Bran/Germ." Link http://nativenutriments.com/native-flora/   Presented by India Irie & Sherri Fischer 01:01:00ExpandingU RADIOnoExpandingU radio,india irie sanatana dharma,sherri fischer,cary ellis,syncrenicityGuest: Paul Dean Arthritis and what "You CAN" do about it.  There ARE solutions and especially where Oils are included.  See below for further details on thisBridge to Paradisehttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/04/22/keepin-it-realEducationhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/04/22/keepin-it-real/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/04/22/keepin-it-realTue, 22 Apr 2014 00:00:00 GMTBridge to Paradise Presented by Cindy Kay & Kami <3 The World is changing and WE ARE THE CHANGE AGENTS/ONEs we have been waiting for!  A Bridge To Paradise is being built across the planet RIGHT NOW & this show is going to support the steps we ALL are & will be taking to get us there one inspired idea, solution, deed or action, day, week & month at a time!  Rising Together in U-n-I-TY  (supporting one another In Gratitude for each & every persons value & contribution to the whole..if your HERE, you matter!) is our path to Everlasting Freedom & the only way to create the coming The Golden Age of Gaia!!    02:05:00ExpandingU RADIOnoNew Paradigm,5D,Consciousness Exploration,Open Discussion,SpiritualityPresented by Cindy Kay & Kami <3 The World is changing and WE ARE THE CHANGE AGENTS/ONEs we have been waiting for!  A Bridge To Paradise is being built acroRevolutionShips- Navigating relationships in 5Dhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/04/21/revolutionships-navigating-relationships-in-5dRelationshipshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/04/21/revolutionships-navigating-relationships-in-5d/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/04/21/revolutionships-navigating-relationships-in-5dMon, 21 Apr 2014 00:00:00 GMTRevolutionShips- Navigating relationships in 5DHere we are, the Grand Cardinal Cross of Pluto (deep, far-reaching change), Uranus (sudden, shocking events), Mars (action), and Jupiter (expansion).  This astrological alignment is one of the biggest this year, and of course our show happens to keep falling on these dates!  It is honestly the only reason the shows have taken a significant astrological turn lately, but these alignments are effecting relationships more than anything else as they are effecting us on internal levels.  Personal changes and growth ripple outward, and these celestial configurations are literally equipping us with energy to make the shift.  And that's really all it is.  You can choose to see it as a giant wave coming at you, but it's far more accurate and empowering to see it as a ball of clay.  We are always with choice. Let's start making some real art!   Presented by: Crystal Walker & Julien Wells As we step over the threshold into the energies of the New Earth 5th Dimensional awareness, the changes are rippling out into every facet of life.  As we begin to step forward and claim our personal sovereignty on the heels of our awakening, old limiting structures and definitions of how life was lived in 3D are being rapidly replaced with our new understanding of who we really are.  One of the more limiting constructs of the old society was in the realm of romantic relationships.  Romantic relationships are growing and evolving as are all aspects of life as we know it.  A lot of us are asking what it means to be truly free within a relationship?  Can we only love one person?  One gender?  These, and many more, are the questions we'll be exploring as we figure out how to integrate partnership with freewill. Go to Crystal's blog for show archives at: www.CrystalRevolution.blogspot.com 01:14:00ExpandingU RADIOnoRelationships,5D,Polyamory,Sex,New AgeHere we are, the Grand Cardinal Cross of Pluto (deep, far-reaching change), Uranus (sudden, shocking events), Mars (action), and Jupiter (expansion).  This astrThe OWNERS' MANUAL for the Human Body: VACCINES & GERM THEORY IN-DEPTHhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/04/19/the-owners-manual-for-the-human-body-vaccines-germ-theory-in-depthEducationhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/04/19/the-owners-manual-for-the-human-body-vaccines-germ-theory-in-depth/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/04/19/the-owners-manual-for-the-human-body-vaccines-germ-theory-in-depthSat, 19 Apr 2014 15:00:00 GMTThe OWNERS' MANUAL for the Human Body: VACCINES & GERM THEORY IN-DEPTHOWNERS MANUAL FOR THE HUMAN BODY The Germ Theory Deception & Vaccinations - Weapons of Mass Destruction “If you want to win a war, educate your enemies’ children”. Ask most people in the street what causes disease and they will almost always say germs. And yet, most of those people have never read a paper (let alone a book) on what “germs” really are and where they come form and their place in the natural world. So called “medicine” have built their entire practice of cut, burn & poison on the Germ Theory promulgated by Louis Pasteur. Antibiotics & Vaccinations have been born from this very theory but what if the Germ Theory where wrong? What if it is completely wrong and bacteria and viruses are present in a dis-eased condition but not the cause of a diseased condition? Well, EVERYTHING would change!! This week we will sink our teeth deep into this theory and shred it in pieces exposing how the dark forces of corruption have manipulated medical science with even more nefarious agendas and how antibiotics and vaccinations are the weapons of mass destruction. Buckle your seatbelts as we share with you the truth that has the power to literally heal the world and rebalance ourselves back in harmony with nature and actually become greater creators of Light, the ordering power of the physical universe, and so change our realities. Learn how we have all been brainwashed by repetition and how we have submitted ourselves to mass poisoning by being willfully ignorant. The truth will set us free, but it will also set us dis-ease free. presented by:  India Irie, Anna Lipari, Dr. Darko Velcek, Dr. Jeremy Ayres, Cary Ellis, Dave Stewart, Clive De Carle, Paul Exall & Tony Kilvert as your PANELISTS with varying guests! 02:01:00ExpandingU RADIOnomedical,expandingu radio,expandingu,painfree clinic,syncrenecityOWNERS MANUAL FOR THE HUMAN BODY The Germ Theory Deception & Vaccinations - Weapons of Mass Destruction “If you want to win a war, educate your enemies’ childMISSION: I'MPOSSIBLEhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/04/19/mission-impossibleEducationhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/04/19/mission-impossible/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/04/19/mission-impossibleSat, 19 Apr 2014 00:00:00 GMTMISSION: I'MPOSSIBLEPresented by India Irie &  Dave Stewart with a PANEL of Active, ON DUTY Change Agents!!  MISSION 9: Breaking QEG/Peru News . Peru gets the QEG and Project Planeta Libre Bags the First Contract Proposal. The Coordination Centre of Planetary Unification Project Funds Project Planeta Libre in Peru Just got news today. 1) Funding for the QEG has now been confirmed, 2) Mayor of Aguano Muyuna Confirms allotments for Project Planeta Libre Boots on the ground team. 3) New Plan For “The Coordination Centre of Planetary Unification”. 4) This paves the way for the main Project development “The Center of Mass Creation”. Designed by Fernando Vossa And Alosha Linov who could be on the way to Planeta Libre Peru. 5) Proyecto Planeta Libre enter for $4M funds to Build the new Community Center and the New Project of Planetary Coordination and Unification.     02:01:00ExpandingU RADIOnoExpandingU RADIO,India Irie Sanatana Dharma,Dave Stewart,fernando vossa,sherri fischerPresented by India Irie &  Dave Stewart with a PANEL of Active, ON DUTY Change Agents!!  MISSION 9: Breaking QEG/Peru News . Peru gets the QEG and Project PlaExpandingU RADIOhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/04/15/expandingu-radioEducationhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/04/15/expandingu-radio/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/04/15/expandingu-radioTue, 15 Apr 2014 22:00:00 GMTExpandingU RADIOPresented by: India Irie Sanatana Dharma & special Guests: Bec Kestrela and Kelly Killian Sutton We are gonna have a lil chat with our friend RANDY BEANE! Many of you know him from working around many of the swelling global changes. He's been friend to many of the shows we all know and love.  Randy has been in quite a challenging bit of circumstances of late and he is finally sorted, safe and going to share with us his tale of this new and grand beginning he has manifested.  Anyone inspired to donate to Randy in his journey that he's shared. Please follow the link below. We, and he, appreciate any contribution in any form is greatly received in love.  Nauticalboync@gmail.com ExpandingU is a lifestyle brand with emphasis on Conscious Living, Learning, Teaching & Healing. The project includes an ecovillage and institute of learning and teaching as a template model available globally.  This show will include pertinent topics of the New NOWs related to living in symbiosis with our planet and One another. 5min PRESENTATION VIDEO: www.youtube.com/watch?v=yjRApWQwAL0&feature=youtu.be The Vision Board: www.pinterest.com/indiamerkerson/expandingu-brochurepresentation-of-details-ameniti/ The Journey: www.facebook.com/notes/india-irie-sanatana-dharma/birthing-a-dream-the-story-of-expandingu/682190551825057 01:01:00ExpandingU RADIOnoExpandingU,Alternative News,New Paradigm,EcoVillage,PermaculturePresented by: India Irie Sanatana Dharma & special Guests: Bec Kestrela and Kelly Killian Sutton We are gonna have a lil chat with our friend RANDY BEANE! ManyKeepin it Realhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/04/15/keepin-it-realEducationhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/04/15/keepin-it-real/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/04/15/keepin-it-realTue, 15 Apr 2014 00:00:00 GMTKeepin it RealPresented by Paul Doucette & Kami B Well? We keeping it real! All aspects of expression are in flux and evolving. SO let us evolve with it and openly discuss all that is without judgement. An open forum for a variety of topics, it all depends on where the flow of beingness takes us! Come along as we delve into our own potential and explore this many faceted universe! 02:01:00ExpandingU RADIOnoNew Paradigm,5D,Consciousness Exploration,Open Discussion,SpiritualityPresented by Paul Doucette & Kami B Well? We keeping it real! All aspects of expression are in flux and evolving. SO let us evolve with it and openly discuss aRevolutionShips- Navigating relationships in 5Dhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/04/14/revolutionships-navigating-relationships-in-5dRelationshipshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/04/14/revolutionships-navigating-relationships-in-5d/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/04/14/revolutionships-navigating-relationships-in-5dMon, 14 Apr 2014 00:00:00 GMTRevolutionShips- Navigating relationships in 5DPresented by: Crystal Walker & Julien Wells As we step over the threshold into the energies of the New Earth 5th Dimensional awareness, the changes are rippling out into every facet of life.  As we begin to step forward and claim our personal sovereignty on the heels of our awakening, old limiting structures and definitions of how life was lived in 3D are being rapidly replaced with our new understanding of who we really are.  One of the more limiting constructs of the old society was in the realm of romantic relationships.  Romantic relationships are growing and evolving as are all aspects of life as we know it.  A lot of us are asking what it means to be truly free within a relationship?  Can we only love one person?  One gender?  These, and many more, are the questions we'll be exploring as we figure out how to integrate partnership with freewill. Go to Crystal's blog for show archives at: www.CrystalRevolution.blogspot.com We use Beethoven's Symphony 7 Movement 2 because: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hNZM8r7p4gQ&list=RDBLoWisj6AZs&feature=share&index=7 01:02:00ExpandingU RADIOnoRelationships,5D,Polyamory,Sex,New AgePresented by: Crystal Walker & Julien Wells As we step over the threshold into the energies of the New Earth 5th Dimensional awareness, the changes are ripplinThe OWNERS MANUAL for the HUMAN BODY! Health Solution: ARTHRITIShttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/04/12/the-owners-manual-for-the-human-body-health-solution-arthritisEducationhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/04/12/the-owners-manual-for-the-human-body-health-solution-arthritis/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/04/12/the-owners-manual-for-the-human-body-health-solution-arthritisSat, 12 Apr 2014 15:00:00 GMTThe OWNERS MANUAL for the HUMAN BODY! Health Solution: ARTHRITISTHE OWNERS MANUAL FOR THE HUMAN BODY is presented by: India Irie, Anna Lipari, Dr. Darko Velcek, Dr. Jeremy Ayres, Cary Ellis, Dave Stewart, Clive De Carle, Paul Exall & Tony Kilvert as your PANELISTS with varying guests! HEALTH SOLUTIONS FOR THE IN-CURE-ABLE DIS-EASES-- **this week: ARTHRITIS We are told there are over a 100 forms of arthritis, and from rheumatoid to osteoarthritis, there is no cure.  Despite rheumatology doctors having 9 years of education and training, and specializing in children's arthritis takes another 2 to 3 years of training, all this training has not yet provided a cure. The total bill per annum in the US alone to care for arthritis is over 50 billion dollars.  Are we supporting another medical industry that only provides ongoing revenue?   Lets look to nature and determine if there indeed is 'no hope' for sufferers of arthritis, yea?  WANT MORE?  FOR DARKO VELCEK: http://darkovelcek.wordpress.com/ FOR JEREMY AYRES: http://www.thenaturalhealthservice.com/ FOR TONY KILVERT'S ESSENTIAL OILS: http://nativenutriments.com/ FOR CLIVE de CARLE http://ancientpurity.com 02:00:00ExpandingU RADIOnomedical,expandingu radio,expandingu,painfree clinic,syncrenecityTHE OWNERS MANUAL FOR THE HUMAN BODY is presented by: India Irie, Anna Lipari, Dr. Darko Velcek, Dr. Jeremy Ayres, Cary Ellis, Dave Stewart, Clive De Carle, PMISSION: I'MPOSSIBLEhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/04/12/mission-impossibleEducationhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/04/12/mission-impossible/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/04/12/mission-impossibleSat, 12 Apr 2014 00:00:00 GMTMISSION: I'MPOSSIBLEMISSION 8: We FINALLY catch up with Dave!!! He's at GROUND ZERO of Proyecto Planeta Libre in Aguana Muyuno in the San Martin District of Peru! He is having the time of his life in this first of many familial reunions!! Tonight we discuss his journey there, what he's done since he's been there, who he's met, what he sees...what the CONDITIONS ARE, in earnest and an UPDATE you will NOT want to miss!! Joining us tonight we will have Jamil, our beautiful host, Nelson, Karl and the Lord Mayor, Jaime Olivier (fingers crossed he's able to make it again!)      02:01:00ExpandingU RADIOnoexpandingu radio,free energy,quantum energy generator,fix the world,haiahMISSION 8: We FINALLY catch up with Dave!!! He's at GROUND ZERO of Proyecto Planeta Libre in Aguana Muyuno in the San Martin District of Peru! He is having thThe Syncrenicity of the 21st Century Superhumanhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/04/10/the-syncrenicity-of-the-21st-century-superhumanEducationhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/04/10/the-syncrenicity-of-the-21st-century-superhuman/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/04/10/the-syncrenicity-of-the-21st-century-superhumanThu, 10 Apr 2014 00:00:00 GMTThe Syncrenicity of the 21st Century SuperhumanPresented by India Irie, Sherri Fischer and Cary Ellis, Author of the 21st Century Superhuman: Quantum Lifestyle. Today, we discuss how to assimilate the Challenges and Successes of LIVING 21st Century Superhuman Quantum Lifestyle!   01:00:00ExpandingU RADIOnoexpandingu radio,cary ellis,sherri fischer,21st century superhuman,India Irie Sanatana DharmaPresented by India Irie, Sherri Fischer and Cary Ellis, Author of the 21st Century Superhuman: Quantum Lifestyle. Today, we discuss how to assimilate the ChallKeepin it Realhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/04/08/keepin-it-realEducationhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/04/08/keepin-it-real/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/04/08/keepin-it-realTue, 08 Apr 2014 00:00:00 GMTKeepin it RealThis weeks show will appeal to All OPPTers, Sovereigns, Lightworkers & Newly Awakened alike as our guest is The Lovely & Amazing Cindy Kay Currier- Author, Psychologist AND FORMIDABLE FREEDOM FIGHTER SUPERHERO!  Some of you may know her from the many popular fb groups she has pioneered through the years and/or her extraordinarily impressive blog, http://RiseTogether.weebly.com/, where she has not only developed a platform to educate and inspire people but has also tirelessly worked to facilitate further progress towards humanities freedom by creating the lawful documents needed to repossess the unlawfully obtained corporate and government assets that where lawfully foreclosed upon by the One People's Public Trust back in 2012.  While everyone else was busy asking "where's our stuff then?," she was taking the next necessary steps to retrieval.  Risetogether.weebly.com. has the Armistice & Accord and the Letters Patent which are documents that can help us lawfully acquire our stuff back (the necessary repossession step after OPPT foreclosure made it possible to collapse the system) while the scribd.com/Risetogether site has all the docs.... The warrants, repossessions (replevins), etc..we will be speaking about this, the Common Law Court of Ages established to enforce these actions, as well as, the adventures she has been on for the past year following her soul around the country!!  Join Paul, Kami & Cindy for a surely informative & inspiring discussion! https://www.facebook.com/groups/LivingWithoutMoney/   02:01:00ExpandingU RADIOnoNew Paradigm,5D,Consciousness Exploration,Open Discussion,SpiritualityThis weeks show will appeal to All OPPTers, Sovereigns, Lightworkers & Newly Awakened alike as our guest is The Lovely & Amazing Cindy Kay Currier- Author, PsycThe Owner's Manual for the Human Body: A PROPER TRAVEL FIRST AID KIT!http://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/04/05/the-owners-manual-for-the-human-body-a-proper-travel-first-aid-kitEducationhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/04/05/the-owners-manual-for-the-human-body-a-proper-travel-first-aid-kit/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/04/05/the-owners-manual-for-the-human-body-a-proper-travel-first-aid-kitSat, 05 Apr 2014 15:00:00 GMTThe Owner's Manual for the Human Body: A PROPER TRAVEL FIRST AID KIT!THE OWNERS MANUAL FOR THE HUMAN BODY is presented by: India Irie, Anna Lipari, Dr. Darko Velcek, Dr. Jeremy Ayres, Cary Ellis, Dave Stewart, Clive De Carle, Paul Exall & Tony Kilvert, PANELISTS! ARE YOU PROPERLY 'KITTED OUT'??? NATURAL FIRST AID FOR TRAVEL AND HOME FROM THE HEALING ARTISTS!!  What to do about: sun exposure, relief, protection heart attack anxiety/depression diarrhea poison plants hypo/hyper-glycemia hydration antifungals probiotics immune boosters bug bites/reactions spiders/snakes/venomous creatures asthma heat stroke indigestion dysentery burns parasites leeches bleeding/wound care exhaustion lip balm water disinfecting antihistimines!! Darko Velcek: http://darkovelcek.wordpress.com/ Jeremy Ayres: http://www.thenaturalhealthservice.com/ Tony Kilvert's Essential Oils: http://nativenutriments.com/ 02:00:00ExpandingU RADIOnomedical,expandingu radio,expandingu,painfree clinic,syncrenecityTHE OWNERS MANUAL FOR THE HUMAN BODY is presented by: India Irie, Anna Lipari, Dr. Darko Velcek, Dr. Jeremy Ayres, Cary Ellis, Dave Stewart, Clive De Carle, PMISSION: I'MPOSSIBLEhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/04/05/mission-impossibleEducationhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/04/05/mission-impossible/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/04/05/mission-impossibleSat, 05 Apr 2014 00:00:00 GMTMISSION: I'MPOSSIBLEINTERMISSIONARY MISSION~ [AS DAVE IS IN TRAVEL MODE!] Nikola Tesla - Greatest Mysteries of Science Nikola Tesla (Serbian Cyrillic: 10 July 1856 -- 7 January 1943)  Tesla was a Serbian American inventor, electrical engineer, mechanical engineer, physicist, and futurist best known for his contributions to the design of the modern alternating current (AC) electricity supply system. Learn of his dynamic journey from ENTROPY to OVER-UNITY and the sublime methods of his being imparted with information! Experience the HISTORY of our FUTURE!   01:29:00ExpandingU RADIOnoMISSION I'MPOSSIBLE,EXPANDINGU RADIO,DAVE STEWART,INDIA IRIE SANATANA DHARMA,PROYECTO LIBREINTERMISSIONARY MISSION~ [AS DAVE IS IN TRAVEL MODE!] Nikola Tesla - Greatest Mysteries of Science Nikola Tesla (Serbian Cyrillic: 10 July 1856 -- 7 January 1The SYNCRENICITY of the 21ST CENTURY SUPERHUMANhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/04/03/the-syncrenicity-of-the-21st-century-superhumanEducationhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/04/03/the-syncrenicity-of-the-21st-century-superhuman/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/04/03/the-syncrenicity-of-the-21st-century-superhumanThu, 03 Apr 2014 00:00:00 GMTThe SYNCRENICITY of the 21ST CENTURY SUPERHUMANPRESENTED BY: India Irie & Sherri Fischer Special Guest: Paul Dean--AGAIN!! We could NOT get enough!! Why Essential Oils are still Important Today THIS WEEK: ESSENTIAL OILS AND THEIR APPLICABILITY IN CANCER 'DIAGNOSES'-- ...a show to piggyback off the show this past saturday on the COMPLETE MANUAL FOR THE HUMAN BODY and the TRUTH about the dis-ease commonly referred to as 'cancer'. LINK HERE: http://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/03/29/the-owners-manual-for-the-human-body The modern way of life can be extremely stressful at times and can easily become overwhelming. Many people long for what they believe to be quieter times gone by, though they are aware this is likely to be a case of the grass being greener on the other side... One thing that we can learn from our ancestors is the power of natural extracts to make us feel better. Generations of humans from all cultures, countries and climates have made use of plants and minerals in medicines and for relaxation. This knowledge has not been lost, despite the appearance of extremely effective medicines in modern times; natural extracts are still widely used in essential oils and aromatherapy.  SEE: http://nativenutriments.com/?ap_id=syncrenicity for products mentioned  01:01:00ExpandingU RADIOnoexpandingu radio,ExpandingU,Tony Kilvert,syncrenicity,India Irie Sanatana DharmaPRESENTED BY: India Irie & Sherri Fischer Special Guest: Paul Dean--AGAIN!! We could NOT get enough!! Why Essential Oils are still Important Today THIS WEEK:ExpandingU RADIOhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/04/01/expandingu-radio http://www.godskyearth.org/swissindo.html Model and Rationale for a CVAC http://alangjr042.blogspot.com/2013/07/god-sky-earth-is-first-cvac.html ]]> http://www.godskyearth.org/swissindo.html Model and Rationale for a CVAC http://alangjr042.blogspot.com/2013/07/god-sky-earth-is-first-cvac.html ]]>Educationhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/04/01/expandingu-radio/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/04/01/expandingu-radioTue, 01 Apr 2014 12:00:00 GMTExpandingU RADIO http://www.godskyearth.org/swissindo.html Model and Rationale for a CVAC http://alangjr042.blogspot.com/2013/07/god-sky-earth-is-first-cvac.html ]]>Presented by: India Irie Sanatana Dharma  Today, we chat with some of the delegates from Swissindo.  Join me and honoured guests: Rena Iliades, Ron Van Dyke, Peter Van Runt & Grant Murray Finlayson to discuss this global geopolitical game changer in-depth and with follow up questions from things we may have heard and need further clarity on. Is there indeed a ‘Swissindo Trust within the United Nations?’...Here is the back story. ----> http://www.godskyearth.org/swissindo.html Model and Rationale for a CVAC http://alangjr042.blogspot.com/2013/07/god-sky-earth-is-first-cvac.html 02:00:00ExpandingU RADIOnoExpandingU,Alternative News,New Paradigm,EcoVillage,PermaculturePresented by: India Irie Sanatana Dharma  Today, we chat with some of the delegates from Swissindo.  Join me and honoured guests: Rena Iliades, Ron Van Dyke,Keepin it Realhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/04/01/keepin-it-realEducationhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/04/01/keepin-it-real/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/04/01/keepin-it-realTue, 01 Apr 2014 00:00:00 GMTKeepin it RealGuest this week is Thomas Hughes, he has been communicating with numerous Sasquatch since his first encounter in April 2008. He has a wealth of knowledge of our universe. Presented by Paul Doucette & Kami B Well? We keeping it real! All aspects of expression are in flux and evolving. SO let us evolve with it and openly discuss all that is without judgement. An open forum for a variety of topics, it all depends on where the flow of beingness takes us! Come along as we delve into our own potential and explore this many faceted universe! 02:00:00ExpandingU RADIOnoNew Paradigm,5D,Consciousness Exploration,Open Discussion,SpiritualityGuest this week is Thomas Hughes, he has been communicating with numerous Sasquatch since his first encounter in April 2008. He has a wealth of knowledge of ourRevolutionShips- Navigating relationships in 5Dhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/03/31/revolutionships-navigating-relationships-in-5dRelationshipshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/03/31/revolutionships-navigating-relationships-in-5d/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/03/31/revolutionships-navigating-relationships-in-5dMon, 31 Mar 2014 00:00:00 GMTRevolutionShips- Navigating relationships in 5DPresented by: Crystal Walker & Julien Wells As we step over the threshold into the energies of the New Earth 5th Dimensional awareness, the changes are rippling out into every facet of life.  As we begin to step forward and claim our personal sovereignty on the heels of our awakening, old limiting structures and definitions of how life was lived in 3D are being rapidly replaced with our new understanding of who we really are.  One of the more limiting constructs of the old society was in the realm of romantic relationships.  Romantic relationships are growing and evolving as are all aspects of life as we know it.  A lot of us are asking what it means to be truly free within a relationship?  Can we only love one person?  One gender?  These, and many more, are the questions we'll be exploring as we figure out how to integrate partnership with freewill. We use Beethoven's Symphony 7 Movement 2 because: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hNZM8r7p4gQ&list=RDBLoWisj6AZs&feature=share&index=7 02:00:00ExpandingU RADIOnoRelationships,5D,Polyamory,Sex,New AgePresented by: Crystal Walker & Julien Wells As we step over the threshold into the energies of the New Earth 5th Dimensional awareness, the changes are ripplinThe Owner's Manual for the Human Body--HEALTH SOLUTIONS: 'CANCER'http://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/03/29/the-owners-manual-for-the-human-body-health-solutions-cancerEducationhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/03/29/the-owners-manual-for-the-human-body-health-solutions-cancer/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/03/29/the-owners-manual-for-the-human-body-health-solutions-cancerSat, 29 Mar 2014 15:00:00 GMTThe Owner's Manual for the Human Body--HEALTH SOLUTIONS: 'CANCER'The Owner's Manual for the Human Body is presented by: India Irie, Anna Lipari, Dr. Darko Velcek, Dr. Jeremy Ayres, Cary Ellis, Dave Stewart, Clive De Carle, Paul Exall & Tony Kilvert, PANELISTS! THIS IS YOUR BODY CALLING: PLEASE HELP ME!!!!!! This week, we discuss the dis-ease state we commonly refer to as 'cancer' HEAD-ON!! We'll share the technology of how your body is meant to function in its OPTIMAL CONDITION of WELLNESS.       02:00:00ExpandingU RADIOnomedical,expandingu radio,expandingu,painfree clinic,syncrenecityThe Owner's Manual for the Human Body is presented by: India Irie, Anna Lipari, Dr. Darko Velcek, Dr. Jeremy Ayres, Cary Ellis, Dave Stewart, Clive De Carle,MISSION: I'MPOSSIBLEhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/03/29/mission-impossibleEducationhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/03/29/mission-impossible/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/03/29/mission-impossibleSat, 29 Mar 2014 00:00:00 GMTMISSION: I'MPOSSIBLEPresented by: India Irie & Dave Stewart and Panelists MISSION 7: Both Hope Girl & QEG are going to Peru: Plus a lesson on Nikola Tesla. With Extra Special Guests from Proyecto Planeta Libre in Peru. We Will Be discussing 3D printing and Free Energy  and Building the QEG ( Quantum Energy Generator). In addition Dave Stewart,  Hope Girl and and Fernando Vossa and others who are going to the Job Site. Plus A fabulous gathering of Skill-Sets, Environmentalists, Medics and Inventors  also on their way to The Project Site in Amazonia. This weeks Radio show on Mission I’M Possible discusses the GROUNDBREAKING release and Open Sourcing of Hope Girl’s QEG Generator  Manuals on Fix the World Project and the collective success from ground distribution teams all over the world and for those who missed the download here is a second chance.. DOWNLOAD YOUR FREE MANUAL TO MAKE YOUR OWN FREE ENERGY GENERATOR “THE QEG” HERE. http://hopegirl2012.files.wordpress.com/2014/03/qeg-user-manual-3-25-14.pdf Dave leaves for Peru Next Week and many more of our team will follow and will be thanking all those that pledged the  funding to make this happen as our pledge continues on  http://soul2peru.wordpress.com/         02:00:00ExpandingU RADIOnoexpandingu radio,free energy,india irie sanatana dharma,dave stewart,fernando vossaPresented by: India Irie & Dave Stewart and Panelists MISSION 7: Both Hope Girl & QEG are going to Peru: Plus a lesson on Nikola Tesla. With Extra Special GuFOURthirtyTWOhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/03/27/fourthirtytwoMusichttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/03/27/fourthirtytwo/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/03/27/fourthirtytwoThu, 27 Mar 2014 18:00:00 GMTFOURthirtyTWOTODAY: ALTERNATIVE MUSIC OPTIMISED TO 432Hz!! 01:56:00ExpandingU RADIOnoExpandingU RADIO,music,alternative music,432 musicTODAY: ALTERNATIVE MUSIC OPTIMISED TO 432Hz!!The SYNCRENICITY of the 21ST CENTURY SUPERHUMANhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/03/26/the-syncrenicity-of-the-21st-century-superhumanEducationhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/03/26/the-syncrenicity-of-the-21st-century-superhuman/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/03/26/the-syncrenicity-of-the-21st-century-superhumanWed, 26 Mar 2014 13:00:00 GMTThe SYNCRENICITY of the 21ST CENTURY SUPERHUMAN PRESENTED BY: India Irie & Cary Ellis and Honoured Guest: Sam Meyering! What, exactly, IS a 21st Century Superhuman? How does a 21st Century Superhuman care for Body? How does a 21st Century Superhuman care for Mind? How does a 21st Century Superhuman care for Spirit? Today, Cary Ellis takes us through her long awaited newest edition of her book THE 21ST CENTURY SUPERHUMAN, QUANTUM LIFESTYLE and explains it ALL!! Recently published, 21st Century Superhuman, Quantum L i f e s t y l e is about how Cosmic influences, Ancient texts and Quantum Physics are moving us toward one of the most powerful Evolutionary Leaps in human history! SEE: WWW.SYNCRENICITY.COM for products mentioned  01:58:00ExpandingU RADIOnoexpandingu radio,ExpandingU,Tony Kilvert,syncrenicity,India Irie Sanatana DharmaPRESENTED BY: India Irie & Cary Ellis and Honoured Guest: Sam Meyering! What, exactly, IS a 21st Century Superhuman? How does a 21st Century Superhuman careExpandingU RADIOhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/03/25/expandingu-radioEducationhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/03/25/expandingu-radio/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/03/25/expandingu-radioTue, 25 Mar 2014 16:00:00 GMTExpandingU RADIOPresented by: India Irie Sanatana Dharma  ORIGINAL VIDEO PRESENTATION AVAILABLE @ LINK BELOW:  (final 8mins not in broadcast due to time constraints)  This presentation contains the historic chain of custody of paperwork, lineage, events, geopolitical affairs, assassinations, correlations to the Green Hilton Agreement WHICH the honourable JFK died in an effort to enact (11 days after his signing of such, to be precise) to FREE HUMANITY from the cabalistic pseudo-matrix of domination and control. All my gratitude to Romain Carreno for taking the time to coordinate this excellent call with the Australian Delegates to SWISSINDO whilst they were in attendance at this historic signing of the Payments 1-11 of the GodSkyEarth CVAC for this planet and her beings.  Participating in this recorded call are: Rena Iliades, Peter VanRunt, Bill Ballard, John, Dave Stewart, and Romain. Included is a bit prepared by Mel Ve regarding this paradigm changer!! DRAW YOUR OWN INFORMED CONCLUSION. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KccEizXNnJs 02:01:00ExpandingU RADIOnoExpandingU,Alternative News,New Paradigm,EcoVillage,PermaculturePresented by: India Irie Sanatana Dharma  ORIGINAL VIDEO PRESENTATION AVAILABLE @ LINK BELOW:  (final 8mins not in broadcast due to time constraints)  This pKeepin it Realhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/03/25/keepin-it-realEducationhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/03/25/keepin-it-real/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/03/25/keepin-it-realTue, 25 Mar 2014 00:00:00 GMTKeepin it RealThis week our guest is Ryan Myer, a recently awakened starseed from the Lyran system. He intuitively creates musical pieces on his keyboard to heal people. You can listen to his works here:  http://www.youtube.com/user/WhiteShoresBeyond/videos Music Playlist, songs in play order are: Angie's Song (6:12), Dearly Beloved (2:07), Doe Eyes (1:39), Fi's Theme (1:39), End Song(extended) (4:37), Lila (1:57), Titanic (2:04), and Mimento Vita (2:04) Presented by Paul Doucette and Kami B Well? We keeping it real! All aspects of expression are in flux and evolving. SO let us evolve with it and openly discuss all that is without judgement. An open forum for a variety of topics, it all depends on where the flow of beingness takes us! Come along as we delve into our own potential and explore this many faceted universe! 01:16:00ExpandingU RADIOnoNew Paradigm,5D,Consciousness Exploration,Open Discussion,SpiritualityThis week our guest is Ryan Myer, a recently awakened starseed from the Lyran system. He intuitively creates musical pieces on his keyboard to heal people. YouThe Complete Manual to the Human Body: WHERE SCIENCE & 'MEDICINE' MISS THE POINThttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/03/22/the-complete-manual-to-the-human-body-where-science-medicine-miss-the-pointEducationhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/03/22/the-complete-manual-to-the-human-body-where-science-medicine-miss-the-point/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/03/22/the-complete-manual-to-the-human-body-where-science-medicine-miss-the-pointSat, 22 Mar 2014 15:00:00 GMTThe Complete Manual to the Human Body: WHERE SCIENCE & 'MEDICINE' MISS THE POINTTHE COMPLETE MANUAL TO THE HUMAN BODY is presented by: India Irie, Anna Lipari, Dr. Darko Velcek, Dr. Jeremy Ayres, Cary Ellis, Dave Stewart, Clive De Carle, Paul Exall & Tony Kilvert, PANELISTS! Where Science and Medicine Miss the Point! How to Return to Health and Sanity. First Hour ... what is illness? .. where does science and medicine miss the point?  how do germ theory, DNA theory and other theories of sickness lead us astray in terms of our own bodies, our biology and our evolution?  What is it that makes us sick? Second Hour ... How should we manage our own health, and what to do when we are in dis-ease.  Therapies and how to use them.   Very important: How our own healthy state circles out to help our world, and our species and our humanity.  *According to Dr. JEREMY AYRES: ''..wake the water inside your cells and ALL the external reality will change...if there is chaos without then there is harmonic chaos inside.'' 02:00:00ExpandingU RADIOnomedical,expandingu radio,expandingu,painfree clinic,syncrenecityTHE COMPLETE MANUAL TO THE HUMAN BODY is presented by: India Irie, Anna Lipari, Dr. Darko Velcek, Dr. Jeremy Ayres, Cary Ellis, Dave Stewart, Clive De Carle,MISSION: I'MPOSSIBLEhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/03/22/mission-impossibleEducationhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/03/22/mission-impossible/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/03/22/mission-impossibleSat, 22 Mar 2014 00:00:00 GMTMISSION: I'MPOSSIBLEMISSION 6: PLEASE spread far and wide and Help Get Bill Ballard and Dave Stewart on Site NOW. This Project is a Show-Stopper for the cabal. Free energy, 3D Printing all going to start The Center of Mass Creation in Peru. PLEDGE NOW or go to the show Live on Friday evening AT Proyecto Planeta Libre PERU. Fernando Vossa, Nelson Dario and Jamil Eqb (the latter are both on the ground in Peru) will be joining us. Update from Karl on his 3D printing journey! DONATE BUTTON AT LINK BELOW: www.xi4.com/2014/03/20/mission-im-possible-6-pledge-peru/   02:01:00ExpandingU RADIOnomission i'mpossible,expandingu radio,free energy,india irie sanatana,dave stewartMISSION 6: PLEASE spread far and wide and Help Get Bill Ballard and Dave Stewart on Site NOW. This Project is a Show-Stopper for the cabal. Free energy, 3D PThe SYNCRENICITY of the 21ST CENTURY SUPERHUMANhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/03/20/the-syncrenicity-of-the-21st-century-superhumanEducationhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/03/20/the-syncrenicity-of-the-21st-century-superhuman/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/03/20/the-syncrenicity-of-the-21st-century-superhumanThu, 20 Mar 2014 00:00:00 GMTThe SYNCRENICITY of the 21ST CENTURY SUPERHUMANPRESENTED BY: India Irie & Cary Ellis Special Guest: Paul Dean Why Essential Oils are still Important Today The modern way of life can be extremely stressful at times and can easily become overwhelming. Many people long for what they believe to be quieter times gone by, though they are aware this is likely to be a case of the grass being greener on the other side... One thing that we can learn from our ancestors is the power of natural extracts to make us feel better. Generations of humans from all cultures, countries and climates have made use of plants and minerals in medicines and for relaxation. This knowledge has not been lost, despite the appearance of extremely effective medicines in modern times; natural extracts are still widely used in essential oils and aromatherapy.  SEE: WWW.SYNCRENICITY.COM for products mentioned  02:01:00ExpandingU RADIOnoexpandingu radio,ExpandingU,Tony Kilvert,syncrenicity,India Irie Sanatana DharmaPRESENTED BY: India Irie & Cary Ellis Special Guest: Paul Dean Why Essential Oils are still Important Today The modern way of life can be extremely stressfulExpandingU RADIOhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/03/19/expandingu-radioEducationhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/03/19/expandingu-radio/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/03/19/expandingu-radioWed, 19 Mar 2014 00:00:00 GMTExpandingU RADIOJoin Paul Doucette, Kami B, and Dave Stewart with special guest Nelson Dario in Peru, for a teaser show about the Peruvian adventure unfolding and the Center of Mass Creation!! More details to follow on this Friday's Mission I'mpossible here on ExpandingU Radio! http://xi4.com/ http://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/03/22/mission-impossible ExpandingU is a lifestyle brand with emphasis on Conscious Living, Learning, Teaching & Healing. The project includes an ecovillage and institute of learning and teaching as a template model available globally.  This show will include pertinent topics of the New NOWs related to living in symbiosis with our planet and One another. 5min PRESENTATION VIDEO: www.youtube.com/watch?v=yjRApWQwAL0&feature=youtu.be The Vision Board: www.pinterest.com/indiamerkerson/expandingu-brochurepresentation-of-details-ameniti/ The Journey: www.facebook.com/notes/india-irie-sanatana-dharma/birthing-a-dream-the-story-of-expandingu/682190551825057 02:00:00ExpandingU RADIOnoExpandingU,Alternative News,New Paradigm,EcoVillage,PermacultureJoin Paul Doucette, Kami B, and Dave Stewart with special guest Nelson Dario in Peru, for a teaser show about the Peruvian adventure unfolding and the Center ofKeepin it Realhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/03/18/keepin-it-realEducationhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/03/18/keepin-it-real/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/03/18/keepin-it-realTue, 18 Mar 2014 00:00:00 GMTKeepin it RealOur guest this week is the illustrious Aingeal Rose. She is an author, radio host and speaker that helps people all over the world turn pain and sorrow into joy and forgiveness through her akashic records readings, books, workshops and programs all available from her website: http://aingealrose.com/ Presented by: Paul Doucette & Kami B Well? We keeping it real! All aspects of expression are in flux and evolving. SO let us evolve with it and openly discuss all that is without judgement. An open forum for a variety of topics, it all depends on where the flow of beingness takes us! Come along as we delve into our own potential and explore this many faceted universe! 02:00:00ExpandingU RADIOnoNew Paradigm,5D,Consciousness Exploration,Open Discussion,SpiritualityOur guest this week is the illustrious Aingeal Rose. She is an author, radio host and speaker that helps people all over the world turn pain and sorrow into joyRevolutionShips- Navigating relationships in 5Dhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/03/17/revolutionships-navigating-relationships-in-5dRelationshipshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/03/17/revolutionships-navigating-relationships-in-5d/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/03/17/revolutionships-navigating-relationships-in-5dMon, 17 Mar 2014 00:00:00 GMTRevolutionShips- Navigating relationships in 5D This week we are going to have Medusa Mikhlina back on this, our Full Moon in Virgo show, to talk a bit about current romantic astrological trends and astrological perspective on relationships.  Medusa is what I like to lovingly call an Indigo child, with a very firm grasp of astrological energies and way of correlating them with the current shifting energies in a very conscious way.  Julien also has many insights to share about the Equinox and the Ides of March, as much of what he sees corresponds to the way the planets are moving.   Presented by: Crystal Walker & Julien Wells As we step over the threshold into the energies of the New Earth 5th Dimensional awareness, the changes are rippling out into every facet of life.  As we begin to step forward and claim our personal sovereignty on the heels of our awakening, old limiting structures and definitions of how life was lived in 3D are being rapidly replaced with our new understanding of who we really are.  One of the more limiting constructs of the old society was in the realm of romantic relationships.  Romantic relationships are growing and evolving as are all aspects of life as we know it.  A lot of us are asking what it means to be truly free within a relationship?  Can we only love one person?  One gender?  These, and many more, are the questions we'll be exploring as we figure out how to integrate partnership with freewill. We use Beethoven's Symphony 7 Movement 2 because: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hNZM8r7p4gQ&list=RDBLoWisj6AZs&feature=share&index=7 01:59:00ExpandingU RADIOnoRelationships,5D,Polyamory,Sex,New AgeThis week we are going to have Medusa Mikhlina back on this, our Full Moon in Virgo show, to talk a bit about current romantic astrological trends and astrologThe Complete Manual to the Human Body--HEALTH SOLUTIONS: HYDRATIONhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/03/15/the-complete-manual-to-the-human-body-health-solutions-hydrationEducationhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/03/15/the-complete-manual-to-the-human-body-health-solutions-hydration/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/03/15/the-complete-manual-to-the-human-body-health-solutions-hydrationSat, 15 Mar 2014 15:00:00 GMTThe Complete Manual to the Human Body--HEALTH SOLUTIONS: HYDRATIONTHE COMPLETE MANUAL TO THE HUMAN BODY **NOW AIRING AT 11AM to accomodate U.S. time change and schedules of practitioners. is presented by: India Irie, Anna Lipari, Dr. Darko Velcek, Dr. Jeremy Ayres, Cary Ellis, Dave Stewart, Clive De Carle, Paul Exall & Tony Kilvert, PANELISTS! Hydration, the Doorway to Health through Deeper Consciousness Water is the medicine of now and healing, natural healing is hydrosonics--water resonating with frequencies ideally 528 Hz--that brings us back in tune with not just nature, but the divine inspiration for creation. This week we delve into the depths...of WATER.     02:01:00ExpandingU RADIOnomedical,expandingu radio,expandingu,painfree clinic,syncrenecityTHE COMPLETE MANUAL TO THE HUMAN BODY **NOW AIRING AT 11AM to accomodate U.S. time change and schedules of practitioners. is presented by: India Irie, Anna LMISSION: I'MPOSSIBLEhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/03/15/mission-impossible Fernando Vossa, Maite Jainko and From Planeta Libra in Peru and on location: Jamil Eqb and his team of Global Warriors and Shamanic Villagers. With Show Host India Irie & Dave Stewart. Expect Spanish Translations with Dialogue with Jamil Eqb. But here are just some of the topics we will be posing to Jamil and his Spiritual Team at Proyecto Libra in Peru. 1)  The 3 Story Center Wellness Conference and Edible Office Complex with in keeping with the main Central hub of the Project and what it will look like. 2) 24 Geo-matrix Houses for all skilled staff at 3DPEGN and eventually visitors to the Wellness Health Complex run by our own skilled Naturo-Practors. 3) Free energy Workshop and Milling area to Make the QEG and spaceship technology. 4) Giant Energy Aquaponics Farm all around the Central hub of the Sacred Geometric Estate. 5) Conceptual Decoration and Designs of exceptional Energy and sacred Geometric nature by Architects Fernando Vossa and Alosha Lynov. 6) Using the latest in Grey and Sewer Water technology for Regeneration growers. http://xi4.com/2014/03/13/mission-im-possible-5-peru/   ]]> Fernando Vossa, Maite Jainko and From Planeta Libra in Peru and on location: Jamil Eqb and his team of Global Warriors and Shamanic Villagers. With Show Host India Irie & Dave Stewart. Expect Spanish Translations with Dialogue with Jamil Eqb. But here are just some of the topics we will be posing to Jamil and his Spiritual Team at Proyecto Libra in Peru. 1)  The 3 Story Center Wellness Conference and Edible Office Complex with in keeping with the main Central hub of the Project and what it will look like. 2) 24 Geo-matrix Houses for all skilled staff at 3DPEGN and eventually visitors to the Wellness Health Complex run by our own skilled Naturo-Practors. 3) Free energy Workshop and Milling area to Make the QEG and spaceship technology. 4) Giant Energy Aquaponics Farm all around the Central hub of the Sacred Geometric Estate. 5) Conceptual Decoration and Designs of exceptional Energy and sacred Geometric nature by Architects Fernando Vossa and Alosha Lynov. 6) Using the latest in Grey and Sewer Water technology for Regeneration growers. http://xi4.com/2014/03/13/mission-im-possible-5-peru/   ]]>Educationhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/03/15/mission-impossible/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/03/15/mission-impossibleSat, 15 Mar 2014 00:00:00 GMTMISSION: I'MPOSSIBLE Fernando Vossa, Maite Jainko and From Planeta Libra in Peru and on location: Jamil Eqb and his team of Global Warriors and Shamanic Villagers. With Show Host India Irie & Dave Stewart. Expect Spanish Translations with Dialogue with Jamil Eqb. But here are just some of the topics we will be posing to Jamil and his Spiritual Team at Proyecto Libra in Peru. 1)  The 3 Story Center Wellness Conference and Edible Office Complex with in keeping with the main Central hub of the Project and what it will look like. 2) 24 Geo-matrix Houses for all skilled staff at 3DPEGN and eventually visitors to the Wellness Health Complex run by our own skilled Naturo-Practors. 3) Free energy Workshop and Milling area to Make the QEG and spaceship technology. 4) Giant Energy Aquaponics Farm all around the Central hub of the Sacred Geometric Estate. 5) Conceptual Decoration and Designs of exceptional Energy and sacred Geometric nature by Architects Fernando Vossa and Alosha Lynov. 6) Using the latest in Grey and Sewer Water technology for Regeneration growers. http://xi4.com/2014/03/13/mission-im-possible-5-peru/   ]]>MISSION 5: Meets PLANETA LIBRA, PERU. 10 miles by 4 miles un-spoilt Amazonian Forest: To be Home for 3D Printing Energy Global Network’s Professional Team : New Free Energy Workshops & Wellness Center with a Community Health Village with a Giant Aquaponics System . Called “The Center for Mass Creation” will be the first major development of a New Consciousness City in Peru. Special Guests > Fernando Vossa, Maite Jainko and From Planeta Libra in Peru and on location: Jamil Eqb and his team of Global Warriors and Shamanic Villagers. With Show Host India Irie & Dave Stewart. Expect Spanish Translations with Dialogue with Jamil Eqb. But here are just some of the topics we will be posing to Jamil and his Spiritual Team at Proyecto Libra in Peru. 1)  The 3 Story Center Wellness Conference and Edible Office Complex with in keeping with the main Central hub of the Project and what it will look like. 2) 24 Geo-matrix Houses for all skilled staff at 3DPEGN and eventually visitors to the Wellness Health Complex run by our own skilled Naturo-Practors. 3) Free energy Workshop and Milling area to Make the QEG and spaceship technology. 4) Giant Energy Aquaponics Farm all around the Central hub of the Sacred Geometric Estate. 5) Conceptual Decoration and Designs of exceptional Energy and sacred Geometric nature by Architects Fernando Vossa and Alosha Lynov. 6) Using the latest in Grey and Sewer Water technology for Regeneration growers. http://xi4.com/2014/03/13/mission-im-possible-5-peru/   02:00:00ExpandingU RADIOnomission i'mpossible,expandingu radio,free energy,aquaponics,India Irie Sanatana DharmaMISSION 5: Meets PLANETA LIBRA, PERU. 10 miles by 4 miles un-spoilt Amazonian Forest: To be Home for 3D Printing Energy Global Network’s Professional Team :FOURthirtyTWOhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/03/12/fourthirtytwoEducationhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/03/12/fourthirtytwo/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/03/12/fourthirtytwoWed, 12 Mar 2014 16:00:00 GMTFOURthirtyTWOIn this new show we will be featuring popular music in ALL GENRES OPTIMISED TO 432Hz.  If you are an artist/musician and have music you would like to submit to be played on the series, feel free to email India Irie Sanatana Dharma at indiamerkerson@gmail.com with your selection and any links to your work if they are available so that people can find you if they wish to do so after hearing your creations.  Tesla said it. Einstein Agreed. Science proved it. It is a known fact that everything—including our own bodies—is made up of energy vibrating at different frequencies. That being said, can sound frequencies affect us? They sure can. Frequencies affect frequencies; much like mixing ingredients with other ingredients affects the overall flavor of a meal.  432 Hz is said to be mathematically consistent with the patterns of the universe. Studies reveal that 432hz tuning vibrates with the universe’s golden mean PHI and unifies the properties of light, time, space, matter, gravity and magnetism with biology, the DNA code and consciousness. When our atoms and DNA start to resonate in harmony with the spiraling pattern of nature, our sense of connection to nature is said to be magnified. The number 432 is also reflected in ratios of the Sun, Earth, and the moon as well as the precession of the equinoxes, the Great Pyramid of Egypt, Stonehenge, the Sri Yantra among many other sacred sites.  02:00:00ExpandingU RADIOno432 music,music,playlistsIn this new show we will be featuring popular music in ALL GENRES OPTIMISED TO 432Hz.  If you are an artist/musician and have music you would like to submit toExpandingU RADIOhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/03/11/expandingu-radioEducationhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/03/11/expandingu-radio/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/03/11/expandingu-radioTue, 11 Mar 2014 22:00:00 GMTExpandingU RADIOTIME CHANGE...SHOW WILL AIR AT 6PM EST TO ACCOMODATE U.S. TIME FLIP OF LAST WEEKEND. STAY WITH US! Presented by: India Irie Sanatana Dharma & Pauli D. TODAY, we do BOHEMIAN...and get a bit POETIC with Sean Maguire (Out of the Bag Radio) & Geri Jones (of INFLOWMENT) sharing their fruits of embracing the Divine Aspect of the Creative Arts. The Right Brain Journey. FOR MORE OF SEAN, find him here:  www.peoplesinternetradio.com and www.outofthebagradio.weebly.com  FOR MORE OF GERI, find her here: www.pomesbyjones.com  Just Us Radio Network website: www.just-us-radio-network.weebly.com/ Just Us Radio Network Blogtalk page: www.blogtalkradio.com/justushealingspiritually ExpandingU is a lifestyle brand with emphasis on Conscious Living, Learning, Teaching & Healing. The project includes an ecovillage and institute of learning and teaching as a template model available globally.  This show will include pertinent topics of the New NOWs related to living in symbiosis with our planet and One another. 5min PRESENTATION VIDEO: www.youtube.com/watch?v=yjRApWQwAL0&feature=youtu.be The Vision Board: www.pinterest.com/indiamerkerson/expandingu-brochurepresentation-of-details-ameniti/ The Journey: www.facebook.com/notes/india-irie-sanatana-dharma/birthing-a-dream-the-story-of-expandingu/682190551825057 02:01:00ExpandingU RADIOnoExpandingU,Alternative News,New Paradigm,EcoVillage,PermacultureTIME CHANGE...SHOW WILL AIR AT 6PM EST TO ACCOMODATE U.S. TIME FLIP OF LAST WEEKEND. STAY WITH US! Presented by: India Irie Sanatana Dharma & Pauli D. TODAY,Keepin it Realhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/03/11/keepin-it-realEducationhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/03/11/keepin-it-real/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/03/11/keepin-it-realTue, 11 Mar 2014 00:00:00 GMTKeepin it RealPresented by Paul Doucette & Emma EekE Well? We keeping it real! All aspects of expression are in flux and evolving. SO let us evolve with it and openly discuss all that is without judgement. An open forum for a variety of topics, it all depends on where the flow of beingness takes us! Come along as we delve into our own potential and explore this many faceted universe! Guests this week are Thomas Hughes, he has been communicating with numerous Sasquatch since his first encounter in April 2008. He has a wealth of knowledge of our universe. And Kami. She is a vibrational alignment specialist, wayshower & manifest generator assisting the planetary shift n a myriad of ways!  02:01:00ExpandingU RADIOnoNew Paradigm,5D,Consciousness Exploration,Open Discussion,SpiritualityPresented by Paul Doucette & Emma EekE Well? We keeping it real! All aspects of expression are in flux and evolving. SO let us evolve with it and openly discusRevolutionShips- Navigating relationships in 5Dhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/03/10/revolutionships-navigating-relationships-in-5dEducationhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/03/10/revolutionships-navigating-relationships-in-5d/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/03/10/revolutionships-navigating-relationships-in-5dMon, 10 Mar 2014 00:00:00 GMTRevolutionShips- Navigating relationships in 5DSpecial Guest Chris Hales will be with us this week! We are very excited! Presented by: Crystal Walker & Julien Wells As we step over the threshold into the energies of the New Earth 5th Dimensional awareness, the changes are rippling out into every facet of life.  As we begin to step forward and claim our personal sovereignty on the heels of our awakening, old limiting structures and definitions of how life was lived in 3D are being rapidly replaced with our new understanding of who we really are.  One of the more limiting constructs of the old society was in the realm of romantic relationships.  Romantic relationships are growing and evolving as are all aspects of life as we know it.  A lot of us are asking what it means to be truly free within a relationship?  Can we only love one person?  One gender?  These, and many more, are the questions we'll be exploring as we figure out how to integrate partnership with freewill. We use Beethoven's Symphony number 7 movement 2 because: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hNZM8r7p4gQ&list=RDBLoWisj6AZs&feature=share&index=7 02:13:00ExpandingU RADIOnoRelationships,5D,Polyamory,Sex,New AgeSpecial Guest Chris Hales will be with us this week! We are very excited! Presented by: Crystal Walker & Julien Wells As we step over the threshold into the eThe Owners Manual for the Human Body INTRODUCTION TO HEALTH SOLUTIONShttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/03/08/the-owners-manual-for-the-human-body-introduction-to-health-solutionsEducationhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/03/08/the-owners-manual-for-the-human-body-introduction-to-health-solutions/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/03/08/the-owners-manual-for-the-human-body-introduction-to-health-solutionsSat, 08 Mar 2014 15:00:00 GMTThe Owners Manual for the Human Body INTRODUCTION TO HEALTH SOLUTIONSThe Owners Manual for the Human Body! is presented by: India Irie, Anna Lipari, Dr. Darko Velcek, Dr. Jeremy Ayres, Cary Ellis, Dave Stewart, Clive De Carle, Paul Exall, Fernando Vossa & Tony Kilvert as your PANELISTS with varying guests! Today we invite you to explore a canvas of personal transformation intentions guided by our panel of healing artists in the world of energetic medicine. In this art studio of sculpted wellness we will explore how free energy, healing technologies and ancient traditions are the platform for an awakening public-- ready to discover the possibilities now being released within our DNA...THE MASTER STORAGE AND DATA DEVICE in the Universe!! Folks, its time for us to UPGRADE.   02:00:00ExpandingU RADIOnomedical,expandingu radio,expandingu,painfree clinic,syncrenecityThe Owners Manual for the Human Body! is presented by: India Irie, Anna Lipari, Dr. Darko Velcek, Dr. Jeremy Ayres, Cary Ellis, Dave Stewart, Clive De Carle,MISSION: I'MPOSSIBLEhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/03/08/mission-impossible REAL TIME STATION INNOVATORS AND PIONEERS! Let us chat with them to see what is new, what's occurred since last week, shipments, plans, etc!! Welcome Karl, Gijs, John Carl, Ed & Dan to this weeks sit-down.     ]]> REAL TIME STATION INNOVATORS AND PIONEERS! Let us chat with them to see what is new, what's occurred since last week, shipments, plans, etc!! Welcome Karl, Gijs, John Carl, Ed & Dan to this weeks sit-down.     ]]>Educationhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/03/08/mission-impossible/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/03/08/mission-impossibleSat, 08 Mar 2014 01:00:00 GMTMISSION: I'MPOSSIBLE REAL TIME STATION INNOVATORS AND PIONEERS! Let us chat with them to see what is new, what's occurred since last week, shipments, plans, etc!! Welcome Karl, Gijs, John Carl, Ed & Dan to this weeks sit-down.     ]]>MISSION 4: FEATURING===> REAL TIME STATION INNOVATORS AND PIONEERS! Let us chat with them to see what is new, what's occurred since last week, shipments, plans, etc!! Welcome Karl, Gijs, John Carl, Ed & Dan to this weeks sit-down.     02:00:00ExpandingU RADIOnoMISSION 4: FEATURING===> REAL TIME STATION INNOVATORS AND PIONEERS! Let us chat with them to see what is new, what's occurred since last week, shipments, planFOURthirtyTWOhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/03/05/fourthirtytwoEducationhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/03/05/fourthirtytwo/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/03/05/fourthirtytwoWed, 05 Mar 2014 17:00:00 GMTFOURthirtyTWOTHIS WEEK: SOUNDS OF ANCIENT EGYPT!! In this new show we will be featuring popular music in ALL GENRES OPTIMISED TO 432Hz.  If you are an artist/musician and have music you would like to submit to be played on the series, feel free to email India Irie Sanatana Dharma at indiamerkerson@gmail.com with your selection and any links to your work if they are available so that people can find you if they wish to do so after hearing your creations.  Tesla said it. Einstein Agreed. Science proved it. It is a known fact that everything—including our own bodies—is made up of energy vibrating at different frequencies. That being said, can sound frequencies affect us? They sure can. Frequencies affect frequencies; much like mixing ingredients with other ingredients affects the overall flavor of a meal.  432 Hz is said to be mathematically consistent with the patterns of the universe. Studies reveal that 432hz tuning vibrates with the universe’s golden mean PHI and unifies the properties of light, time, space, matter, gravity and magnetism with biology, the DNA code and consciousness. When our atoms and DNA start to resonate in harmony with the spiraling pattern of nature, our sense of connection to nature is said to be magnified. The number 432 is also reflected in ratios of the Sun, Earth, and the moon as well as the precession of the equinoxes, the Great Pyramid of Egypt, Stonehenge, the Sri Yantra among many other sacred sites.  02:00:00ExpandingU RADIOno432 music,music,playlistsTHIS WEEK: SOUNDS OF ANCIENT EGYPT!! In this new show we will be featuring popular music in ALL GENRES OPTIMISED TO 432Hz.  If you are an artist/musician andExpandingU RADIOhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/03/04/expandingu-radioEducationhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/03/04/expandingu-radio/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/03/04/expandingu-radioTue, 04 Mar 2014 19:00:00 GMTExpandingU RADIOPresented by: India Irie Sanatana Dharma & Pauli D.  SPECIAL GUESTS: CARY ELLIS, Author of the 21st Century Human and Paul Exall of Spiral Earth!! From Cary Ellis:  what IS a 21st Century Human? Healing BROKEN arm in 6 HOURS, firewalking with Tony Robbins, working with wild dolphins (the light and sound not visible to naked eyes and ears), Director of the Wheatgrass Institute and the Gerson Cancer Therapy Institute and partaking of many MIRACULOUS healings, how Quantum Physics impacts us!! From Paul Exall:  the Health Revolution, what is Spiral Earth? the truth about how we heal, ORMUS or not ormus? the importance, structure and function of water, Spiral Earth Ceramics, MORFF--Manchester Organic Rejuvenation Farming Foundation, Seto Inland Sea Clean Up with EM, training and products to support individuals, community groups and business in natural farming techniques [the core of which is based on bokashi composting and EM]       02:01:00ExpandingU RADIOnoExpandingU,Alternative News,New Paradigm,EcoVillage,PermaculturePresented by: India Irie Sanatana Dharma & Pauli D.  SPECIAL GUESTS: CARY ELLIS, Author of the 21st Century Human and Paul Exall of Spiral Earth!! From Cary ERevolutionShips- Navigating relationships in 5Dhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/03/03/revolutionships-navigating-relationships-in-5dEducationhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/03/03/revolutionships-navigating-relationships-in-5d/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/03/03/revolutionships-navigating-relationships-in-5dMon, 03 Mar 2014 01:00:00 GMTRevolutionShips- Navigating relationships in 5DThis week, we're going to be talking about sex and the massive cultural shifts it has seen. There's so much to this subject, but we will generally be focusing on how our perceptions and practice of it are changing as we shed decades (or even centuries) of programming about how it "should" look or be. We will have a very special guest Tom Benzian who is a close friend of ours and very skilled in the practice of sexual energy projection as a Freeform Energy Healer. Tom's Youtube channel and new series The Truth of the Universe: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCP1D80gD29b-46gMjer76wA/videos Check Crystal's blog for archives of past shows: CrystalRevolution.blogspot.com Presented by: Crystal Walker & Julien Wells As we step over the threshold into the energies of the New Earth 5th Dimensional awareness, the changes are rippling out into every facet of life.  As we begin to step forward and claim our personal sovereignty on the heels of our awakening, old limiting structures and definitions of how life was lived in 3D are being rapidly replaced with our new understanding of who we really are.  One of the more limiting constructs of the old society was in the realm of romantic relationships.  Romantic relationships are growing and evolving as are all aspects of life as we know it.  A lot of us are asking what it means to be truly free within a relationship?  Can we only love one person?  One gender?  These, and many more, are the questions we'll be exploring as we figure out how to integrate partnership with freewill. 02:00:00ExpandingU RADIOnoRelationships,5D,Polyamory,Sex,New AgeThis week, we're going to be talking about sex and the massive cultural shifts it has seen. There's so much to this subject, but we will generally be focusing oKeepin it Realhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/03/01/keepin-it-realEducationhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/03/01/keepin-it-real/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/03/01/keepin-it-realSat, 01 Mar 2014 17:00:00 GMTKeepin it RealPresented by Paul Doucette & Tishauna Williams Well? We keeping it real! All aspects of expression are in flux and evolving. SO let us evolve with it and openly discuss all that is without judgement. An open forum for a variety of topics, it all depends on where the flow of beingness takes us! Come along as we delve into our own potential and explore this many faceted universe! This episode I will be taking a back seat and airing for the listeners an audio of the show Messiah Complex by Russell Brand. It can be a bit lewd, a bit rude but it is keepin it real with a twist of humour and a touch of truth.  01:40:00ExpandingU RADIOnoNew Paradigm,5D,Consciousness Exploration,Open Discussion,SpiritualityPresented by Paul Doucette & Tishauna Williams Well? We keeping it real! All aspects of expression are in flux and evolving. SO let us evolve with it and openlMISSION: I'MPOSSIBLEhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/03/01/mission-impossible SPECIAL CHANGE AGENT: HOPEGIRL!! THE QUANTUM ENERGY GENERATOR IS HERE!!! QEG in a nutshell is a 10-15KVA Generator that needs no fuel and the designs and plans are going viral in an open source manner. Hope Girl is the instigator of the release of those plans and we at Mission I’M Possible are delighted to get this opportunity to discuss this live on air with our team. This is NOT about making $$. It’s about getting the devices into the hands of the people who need them most. If you would like to support Hope, here is the link to her Gofundme campaign:http://www.gofundme.com/hopegirlfixtheworldqeg - Quantum Energy Generators – From Hope Girl… ]]> SPECIAL CHANGE AGENT: HOPEGIRL!! THE QUANTUM ENERGY GENERATOR IS HERE!!! QEG in a nutshell is a 10-15KVA Generator that needs no fuel and the designs and plans are going viral in an open source manner. Hope Girl is the instigator of the release of those plans and we at Mission I’M Possible are delighted to get this opportunity to discuss this live on air with our team. This is NOT about making $$. It’s about getting the devices into the hands of the people who need them most. If you would like to support Hope, here is the link to her Gofundme campaign:http://www.gofundme.com/hopegirlfixtheworldqeg - Quantum Energy Generators – From Hope Girl… ]]>Educationhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/03/01/mission-impossible/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/03/01/mission-impossibleSat, 01 Mar 2014 01:00:00 GMTMISSION: I'MPOSSIBLE SPECIAL CHANGE AGENT: HOPEGIRL!! THE QUANTUM ENERGY GENERATOR IS HERE!!! QEG in a nutshell is a 10-15KVA Generator that needs no fuel and the designs and plans are going viral in an open source manner. Hope Girl is the instigator of the release of those plans and we at Mission I’M Possible are delighted to get this opportunity to discuss this live on air with our team. This is NOT about making $$. It’s about getting the devices into the hands of the people who need them most. If you would like to support Hope, here is the link to her Gofundme campaign:http://www.gofundme.com/hopegirlfixtheworldqeg - Quantum Energy Generators – From Hope Girl… ]]>MISSION 3 ==> SPECIAL CHANGE AGENT: HOPEGIRL!! THE QUANTUM ENERGY GENERATOR IS HERE!!! QEG in a nutshell is a 10-15KVA Generator that needs no fuel and the designs and plans are going viral in an open source manner. Hope Girl is the instigator of the release of those plans and we at Mission I’M Possible are delighted to get this opportunity to discuss this live on air with our team. This is NOT about making $$. It’s about getting the devices into the hands of the people who need them most. If you would like to support Hope, here is the link to her Gofundme campaign:http://www.gofundme.com/hopegirlfixtheworldqeg - Quantum Energy Generators – From Hope Girl… 02:00:00ExpandingU RADIOnoMISSION I'MPOSSIBLE,EXPANDINGU RADIO,FREE ENERGY,QUANTUM ENERGY GENERATOR,DAVE STEWARTMISSION 3 ==> SPECIAL CHANGE AGENT: HOPEGIRL!! THE QUANTUM ENERGY GENERATOR IS HERE!!! QEG in a nutshell is a 10-15KVA Generator that needs no fuel and the deFOURthirtyTWOhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/02/26/fourthirtytwoEducationhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/02/26/fourthirtytwo/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/02/26/fourthirtytwoWed, 26 Feb 2014 17:00:00 GMTFOURthirtyTWOTHIS WEEK'S GENRE: REIKI HEALING MUSIC!! PLEASE ENJOY... In this new show we will be featuring popular music in ALL GENRES OPTIMISED TO 432Hz.  If you are an artist/musician and have music you would like to submit to be played on the series, feel free to email India Irie Sanatana Dharma at indiamerkerson@gmail.com with your selection and any links to your work if they are available so that people can find you if they wish to do so after hearing your creations.  Tesla said it. Einstein Agreed. Science proved it. It is a known fact that everything—including our own bodies—is made up of energy vibrating at different frequencies. That being said, can sound frequencies affect us? They sure can. Frequencies affect frequencies; much like mixing ingredients with other ingredients affects the overall flavor of a meal.  432 Hz is said to be mathematically consistent with the patterns of the universe. Studies reveal that 432hz tuning vibrates with the universe’s golden mean PHI and unifies the properties of light, time, space, matter, gravity and magnetism with biology, the DNA code and consciousness. When our atoms and DNA start to resonate in harmony with the spiraling pattern of nature, our sense of connection to nature is said to be magnified. The number 432 is also reflected in ratios of the Sun, Earth, and the moon as well as the precession of the equinoxes, the Great Pyramid of Egypt, Stonehenge, the Sri Yantra among many other sacred sites.  02:01:00ExpandingU RADIOno432 music,music,playlistsTHIS WEEK'S GENRE: REIKI HEALING MUSIC!! PLEASE ENJOY... In this new show we will be featuring popular music in ALL GENRES OPTIMISED TO 432Hz.  If you are anRevolutionShips- Navigating relationships in 5Dhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/02/24/revolutionships-navigating-relationships-in-5dEducationhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/02/24/revolutionships-navigating-relationships-in-5d/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/02/24/revolutionships-navigating-relationships-in-5dMon, 24 Feb 2014 01:00:00 GMTRevolutionShips- Navigating relationships in 5DRegular Air Time: Sundays 5-7pm PST, 8-10pm EST Call-in to listen or share: (347) 215-7697 Presented by: Crystal Walker & Julien Wells As we step over the threshold into the energies of the New Earth 5th Dimensional awareness, the changes are rippling out into every facet of life.  As we begin to step forward and claim our personal sovereignty on the heels of our awakening, old limiting structures and definitions of how life was lived in 3D are being rapidly replaced with our new understanding of who we really are.  One of the more limiting constructs of the old society was in the realm of romantic relationships.  Romantic relationships are growing and evolving as are all aspects of life as we know it.  A lot of us are asking what it means to be truly free within a relationship?  Can we only love one person?  One gender?  These, and many more, are the questions we'll be exploring as we figure out how to integrate partnership with freewill. Check Crystal's blog for archives of past shows: CrystalRevolution.blogspot.com Visit www.julienwells.com for links to Julien's other material, as well as his Youtube channel Book a session with Julien or Crystal: jwsessions.simplybook.me 02:01:00ExpandingU RADIOnoRelationships,5D,Polyamory,Sex,New AgeRegular Air Time: Sundays 5-7pm PST, 8-10pm EST Call-in to listen or share: (347) 215-7697 Presented by: Crystal Walker & Julien Wells As we step over the thKeepin it Realhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/02/22/keepin-it-realEducationhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/02/22/keepin-it-real/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/02/22/keepin-it-realSat, 22 Feb 2014 17:00:00 GMTKeepin it RealPresented by Paul Doucette & Tishauna Williams Well? We keeping it real! All aspects of expression are in flux and evolving. SO let us evolve with it and openly discuss all that is without judgement. An open forum for a variety of topics, it all depends on where the flow of beingness takes us! Come along as we delve into our own potential and explore this many faceted universe! Our guest this week is Emma Eeke. A free thinker and visionary. Described as an angel harmonics energy changer. Let us delve and play in the experiences/perspective she has to share! 02:00:00ExpandingU RADIOnoNew Paradigm,5D,Consciousness Exploration,Open Discussion,SpiritualityPresented by Paul Doucette & Tishauna Williams Well? We keeping it real! All aspects of expression are in flux and evolving. SO let us evolve with it and openlMISSION: I'MPOSSIBLEhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/02/22/mission-impossible 'SPECIAL CHANGE-AGENT'ROMAIN, Sacred Vortex Geometry, Innovator, New Paradigm Technology Specialist M A J O R  A N N O U N C E M E N T~!!     ]]> 'SPECIAL CHANGE-AGENT'ROMAIN, Sacred Vortex Geometry, Innovator, New Paradigm Technology Specialist M A J O R  A N N O U N C E M E N T~!!     ]]>Educationhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/02/22/mission-impossible/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/02/22/mission-impossibleSat, 22 Feb 2014 01:00:00 GMTMISSION: I'MPOSSIBLE 'SPECIAL CHANGE-AGENT'ROMAIN, Sacred Vortex Geometry, Innovator, New Paradigm Technology Specialist M A J O R  A N N O U N C E M E N T~!!     ]]>MISSION 2: FEATURING===> 'SPECIAL CHANGE-AGENT'ROMAIN, Sacred Vortex Geometry, Innovator, New Paradigm Technology Specialist M A J O R  A N N O U N C E M E N T~!!     02:01:00ExpandingU RADIOnoMISSION 2: FEATURING===> 'SPECIAL CHANGE-AGENT'ROMAIN, Sacred Vortex Geometry, Innovator, New Paradigm Technology Specialist M A J O R  A N N O U N C E M EOHMs of Musichttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/02/21/ohms-of-musicEducationhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/02/21/ohms-of-music/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/02/21/ohms-of-musicFri, 21 Feb 2014 01:00:00 GMTOHMs of MusicPresented by: Chris Grillo and James Baillargeon from The OHMs of Music OHMS OF MUSIC: Spontanious Montreal Music Men moving ahead voluminously at light speed! Enjoying life to the fullest while exploring positive influences, we remain as young hearts volleying for the essence of lifes good frequencies. Singer songwriter Chris Grillo and drummer James Baillargeon from the Montreal band OHMS OF MUSIC explore music, the music scene and artists of the light. 00:52:00ExpandingU RADIOnoMusic,New Paradigm,Higher ConsciousnessPresented by: Chris Grillo and James Baillargeon from The OHMs of Music OHMS OF MUSIC: Spontanious Montreal Music Men moving ahead voluminously at light speed!FOURthirtyTWOhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/02/19/fourthirtytwoEducationhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/02/19/fourthirtytwo/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/02/19/fourthirtytwoWed, 19 Feb 2014 22:00:00 GMTFOURthirtyTWOHour 1 FEATURED ARTIST: DANE PAUL BERRY, Country Musician/Writer FIND HIM HERE ON REVERB NATION:   www.reverbnation.com/danepaul7 FIND HIM ON FACEBOOK: www.facebook.com/dpberry   HOUR 2: REGGAE MIX!     01:54:00ExpandingU RADIOno432 music,music,playlists,ExpandingU,Dane Paul BerryHour 1 FEATURED ARTIST: DANE PAUL BERRY, Country Musician/Writer FIND HIM HERE ON REVERB NATION:   www.reverbnation.com/danepaul7 FIND HIM ON FACEBOOK: wwExpandingU RADIOhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/02/18/expandingu-radioEducationhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/02/18/expandingu-radio/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/02/18/expandingu-radioTue, 18 Feb 2014 17:00:00 GMTExpandingU RADIOPresented by: India Irie Sanatana Dharma & Pauli D. This week we sit down with TONY of the family KILVERT, Author, Researcher EXTRAORDINAIRE & Innovator--a true RENAISSANCE MAN. He has gone down the rabbit hole and he's bringing the rabbit out and laying him on the table for u to poke, prod and see what to make of him!! ...and whether we still have use for him or NOT!  Follow Tony's research at his website and also at his broadcast station available at: http://syncrenicity.com/  Find his book, BLUEPRINTS OF COSMIC CONCIOUSNESSin a pdf format FOR A DONATION, where possible, here:  www.awakeconsciousawareness.com/ ExpandingU is a lifestyle brand with emphasis on Conscious Living, Learning, Teaching & Healing. The project includes an ecovillage and institute of learning and teaching as a template model available globally.  This show will include pertinent topics of the New NOWs related to living in symbiosis with our planet and One another.     01:00:00ExpandingU RADIOnoExpandingU,Alternative News,New Paradigm,EcoVillage,PermaculturePresented by: India Irie Sanatana Dharma & Pauli D. This week we sit down with TONY of the family KILVERT, Author, Researcher EXTRAORDINAIRE & Innovator--a truRevolutionShips- Navigating relationships in 5Dhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/02/17/revolutionships-navigating-relationships-in-5d-2Educationhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/02/17/revolutionships-navigating-relationships-in-5d-2/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/02/17/revolutionships-navigating-relationships-in-5d-2Mon, 17 Feb 2014 01:00:00 GMTRevolutionShips- Navigating relationships in 5DThis week we are going to finally introduce the other member of our polyamorous relationship, Medusa.  This show came together quite synchronistically as far as the subject which will be Drug Experiences and Relationships.  These substances have the power to knock down walls between people and within oneself.  We are also going to have Judy Vancil Jandora from the In-Joy show on the 5D Media Network here on BTR who recently had a very expansive experience of her own on mushrooms.  There's MUCH more to this story, folks, and I am ECSTATIC for this show! Join us on Sunday 5pm PST, 8pm EST!   Presented by: Crystal Walker & Julien Wells As we step over the threshold into the energies of the New Earth 5th Dimensional awareness, the changes are rippling out into every facet of life.  As we begin to step forward and claim our personal sovereignty on the heels of our awakening, old limiting structures and definitions of how life was lived in 3D are being rapidly replaced with our new understanding of who we really are.  One of the more limiting constructs of the old society was in the realm of romantic relationships.  Romantic relationships are growing and evolving as are all aspects of life as we know it.  A lot of us are asking what it means to be truly free within a relationship?  Can we only love one person?  One gender?  These, and many more, are the questions we'll be exploring as we figure out how to integrate partnership with freewill. 02:00:00ExpandingU RADIOnoRelationships,5D,Polyamory,Sex,New AgeThis week we are going to finally introduce the other member of our polyamorous relationship, Medusa.  This show came together quite synchronistically as far asKeepin it Realhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/02/15/keepin-it-realEducationhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/02/15/keepin-it-real/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/02/15/keepin-it-realSat, 15 Feb 2014 17:00:00 GMTKeepin it RealPresented by Paul Doucette & Tishauna Williams Well? We keeping it real! All aspects of expression are in flux and evolving. SO let us evolve with it and openly discuss all that is without judgement. An open forum for a variety of topics, it all depends on where the flow of beingness takes us! Come along as we delve into our own potential and explore this many faceted universe! Our guest this week Michelle Walling! Michelle Walling is a Certified Holistic Life Coach. She has devoted her life to being a bearer and grounder of the light in service to others. As a truth seeker, she is committed to share her experiences with the world. She is also a hands-on healer, a distance healer, an empath, and an intuitive. Michelle has recently joined forces with Gregg Prescott as an admin for the In5d Facebook page, as an assistant for In5d Events and as a contributing author for www.in5d.com. Michelle also supports Gregg’s endeavors in many other areas including alternative and holistic healthcare. Their next project is a walk in clinic under the name AHH- Alternative Holistic Healthcare to be launched in 2014-2015 in the Sarasota, Florida area, and then subsidiaries will be opened around the world based upon that model. 02:01:00ExpandingU RADIOnoNew Paradigm,5D,Consciousness Exploration,Open Discussion,SpiritualityPresented by Paul Doucette & Tishauna Williams Well? We keeping it real! All aspects of expression are in flux and evolving. SO let us evolve with it and openlMISSION: I'MPOSSIBLE!http://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/02/15/mission-impossibleEducationhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/02/15/mission-impossible/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/02/15/mission-impossibleSat, 15 Feb 2014 01:00:00 GMTMISSION: I'MPOSSIBLE!3D Printing Energy Global Network : MISSION I’M POSSIBLE The Real Game Changer  Hosts India Irie and Dave Stewart: With Special guest Panelists : Rena Iliades : Alfred L Webre and Tony Kilvert Brief description of The creation of 3D Printing Energy Global Network: The 3D Printing industry is undoubtedly the fastest growing futuristic industry right now which basically gives people in their homes the ability to create almost any item of personal value for themselves on a 3D printer that builds in layers and produces NO WASTE. Those household items can be of their own style and design too with a little bit of creative 3D Building computer knowledge: This is ideal for people who have their own vision or small eco-project of the future. Bringing Nikola Tesla back  into your own home : Free Energy has been suppressed for well over 100 years however what the Global ruling elite ( Euro Royals, Rothschilds, Rockefellers and Vatican/Jesuit Rulers in Switzerland) have not managed to suppress is the readily available information on the internet. The information to make a free energy vehicles and devices has been around for well over 80 years, it is this hidden information that is now becoming available, due to the vigilance in such networks, such as this. http://xi4.com/3d-printing-energy-global-network/ 02:01:00ExpandingU RADIOnoSACRED VORTEX GEOMETRY,FERNANDO VOSSA,3D GLOBAL PRINTING NETWORK,FREE ENERGY,HAIAH3D Printing Energy Global Network : MISSION I’M POSSIBLE The Real Game Changer  Hosts India Irie and Dave Stewart: With Special guest Panelists : Rena IliadeFOURthirtyTWOhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/02/12/fourthirtytwoEducationhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/02/12/fourthirtytwo/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/02/12/fourthirtytwoWed, 12 Feb 2014 17:00:00 GMTFOURthirtyTWOTHIS EDITION: HIP HOP~THE OLD AND THE NEW STUFF!! by Marc-Andre!  In this new show we will be featuring popular music in ALL GENRES OPTIMISED TO 432Hz.  If you are an artist/musician and have music you would like to submit to be played on the series, feel free to email India Irie Sanatana Dharma at indiamerkerson@gmail.com with your selection and any links to your work if they are available so that people can find you if they wish to do so after hearing your creations.  Tesla said it. Einstein Agreed. Science proved it. It is a known fact that everything—including our own bodies—is made up of energy vibrating at different frequencies. That being said, can sound frequencies affect us? They sure can. Frequencies affect frequencies; much like mixing ingredients with other ingredients affects the overall flavor of a meal.  432 Hz is said to be mathematically consistent with the patterns of the universe. Studies reveal that 432hz tuning vibrates with the universe’s golden mean PHI and unifies the properties of light, time, space, matter, gravity and magnetism with biology, the DNA code and consciousness. When our atoms and DNA start to resonate in harmony with the spiraling pattern of nature, our sense of connection to nature is said to be magnified. The number 432 is also reflected in ratios of the Sun, Earth, and the moon as well as the precession of the equinoxes, the Great Pyramid of Egypt, Stonehenge, the Sri Yantra among many other sacred sites.  02:01:00ExpandingU RADIOno432 music,music,playlists,hip hopTHIS EDITION: HIP HOP~THE OLD AND THE NEW STUFF!! by Marc-Andre!  In this new show we will be featuring popular music in ALL GENRES OPTIMISED TO 432Hz.  If youExpandingU RADIOhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/02/11/expandingu-radioEducationhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/02/11/expandingu-radio/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/02/11/expandingu-radioTue, 11 Feb 2014 17:00:00 GMTExpandingU RADIOPresented by: India Irie Sanatana Dharma  This week we sit down with Lucas of Lucas2012info.wordpress.com and DOUBLE DUTCH RADIO to catch up on our current state of global affairs. ExpandingU is a lifestyle brand with emphasis on Conscious Living, Learning, Teaching & Healing. The project includes an ecovillage and institute of learning and teaching as a template model available globally.  This show will include pertinent topics of the New NOWs related to living in symbiosis with our planet and One another. 5min PRESENTATION VIDEO: www.youtube.com/watch?v=yjRApWQwAL0&feature=youtu.be The Vision Board: www.pinterest.com/indiamerkerson/expandingu-brochurepresentation-of-details-ameniti/ The Journey: www.facebook.com/notes/india-irie-sanatana-dharma/birthing-a-dream-the-story-of-expandingu/682190551825057 01:01:00ExpandingU RADIOnoExpandingU,Alternative News,New Paradigm,EcoVillage,PermaculturePresented by: India Irie Sanatana Dharma  This week we sit down with Lucas of Lucas2012info.wordpress.com and DOUBLE DUTCH RADIO to catch up on our current staRevolutionShips- Navigating relationships in 5Dhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/02/10/revolutionships-navigating-relationships-in-5d-2Spiritualityhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/02/10/revolutionships-navigating-relationships-in-5d-2/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/02/10/revolutionships-navigating-relationships-in-5d-2Mon, 10 Feb 2014 01:00:00 GMTRevolutionShips- Navigating relationships in 5DThis week we are going to hear a fairy-tale love story of two AMAZING individuals whose coming together I was fortunate enough to personally witness and participate in.  A lot of you might know Bethany Crawmer as she is an extremely enlightened and talented lady loved by many.  She has been with the OPAL/Oppt crew from the beginning, and is pioneering a 5d life complete with magic, miracles, and manifestations.  "Sebastian Pleiadian Iam'that Iam"  is somebody I loved immediately for his brilliance, awareness, and unending capacity for love.  Bethany had moved in with us in October 2013 shortly after she met him, and together, with over 6,000 miles between them, they began their first 5d relationship.  Ohhh, this is a treat!! I hope you all will join us! <3   Presented by: Crystal Walker & Julien Wells As we step over the threshold into the energies of the New Earth 5th Dimensional awareness, the changes are rippling out into every facet of life.  As we begin to step forward and claim our personal sovereignty on the heels of our awakening, old limiting structures and definitions of how life was lived in 3D are being rapidly replaced with our new understanding of who we really are.  One of the more limiting constructs of the old society was in the realm of romantic relationships.  Romantic relationships are growing and evolving as are all aspects of life as we know it.  A lot of us are asking what it means to be truly free within a relationship?  Can we only love one person?  One gender?  These, and many more, are the questions we'll be exploring as we figure out how to integrate partnership with freewill.   Music is Beethoven's Symphony 7 Movement 2 JulienWells.com for links to more of his material including The Transitioning radio show, and the Daily Transitioning video blog 02:01:00ExpandingU RADIOnoRelationships,5D,Polyamory,Sex,New AgeThis week we are going to hear a fairy-tale love story of two AMAZING individuals whose coming together I was fortunate enough to personally witness and particiKeepin it Realhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/02/08/keepin-it-realEducationhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/02/08/keepin-it-real/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/02/08/keepin-it-realSat, 08 Feb 2014 17:00:00 GMTKeepin it RealPresented by Paul Doucette & Tishauna Williams Well? We keeping it real! All aspects of expression are in flux and evolving. SO let us evolve with it and openly discuss all that is without judgement. An open forum for a variety of topics, it all depends on where the flow of beingness takes us! Come along as we delve into our own potential and explore this many faceted universe! Our guests this week are Rhonda Paolo and Lesley Blair. We will discuss ET interactions and whatever else the flow brings us on this awesome ride we call mother Earth. 02:02:00ExpandingU RADIOnoNew Paradigm,5D,Consciousness Exploration,Open Discussion,SpiritualityPresented by Paul Doucette & Tishauna Williams Well? We keeping it real! All aspects of expression are in flux and evolving. SO let us evolve with it and openlOHMs of Musichttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/02/07/ohms-of-music-1Educationhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/02/07/ohms-of-music-1/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/02/07/ohms-of-music-1Fri, 07 Feb 2014 01:00:00 GMTOHMs of MusicPresented by: Chris Grillo and James Baillargeon from The OHMs of Music OHMS OF MUSIC: Spontanious Montreal Music Men moving ahead voluminously at light speed! Enjoying life to the fullest while exploring positive influences, we remain as young hearts volleying for the essence of lifes good frequencies. Singer songwriter Chris Grillo and drummer James Baillargeon from the Montreal band OHMS OF MUSIC explore music, the music scene and artists of the light. 01:53:00ExpandingU RADIOnoMusic,New Paradigm,Higher ConsciousnessPresented by: Chris Grillo and James Baillargeon from The OHMs of Music OHMS OF MUSIC: Spontanious Montreal Music Men moving ahead voluminously at light speed!FOURthirtyTWOhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/02/05/fourthirtytwoMusichttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/02/05/fourthirtytwo/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/02/05/fourthirtytwoWed, 05 Feb 2014 17:00:00 GMTFOURthirtyTWOToday's Featured Artist is LESLEY BLAIR of ButterVille Music.   01:01:00ExpandingU RADIOno432 music,music,playlistsToday's Featured Artist is LESLEY BLAIR of ButterVille Music.ExpandingU RADIOhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/02/04/expandingu-radioEducationhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/02/04/expandingu-radio/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/02/04/expandingu-radioTue, 04 Feb 2014 17:00:00 GMTExpandingU RADIOPresented by: India Irie Sanatana Dharma  TODAY LIFE HAPPENS...so the episode I planned to do today is postponed to another time. Lots of drilling sounds and repair noises streaming from my home/office today thanks to some persnickety electrical wiring faults so please enjoy this presentation called Pythagoras, Sacred Geometry, "The Fundamental Programming Language of the Holographic Universe": This is the biggest mystery. For over 25,000 years the Universal Truth was not available to the people of this planetary system. It is now finally being received on this planet. Deep seekers of the truth that are open minded and ready will receive it. **UTUBE VIDEO OF THIS PRESENTATION http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-cJ8CL1497U Cymatics experiement referenced 2min: http://www.youtube.com/watchv=GtiSCBXbHAg A simple experiment demonstrating the visualisation of cymatics can be done by sprinkling sand on a metal plate and vibrating the plate, for example by drawing a violin bow along the edge, the sand will then form itself into standing wave patterns such as simple concentric circles. The higher the frequency, the more complex the shapes produced, with certain shapes having similarities to traditional mandala designs. HIDDEN MESSAGES IN WATER - Dr. Masaru Emoto Experiment With Meditation At Brahma Kumaris HQ  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2_dmYT83ZKY THANK YOU FOR LISTENING!!  ~Namaste, India Irie                  00:57:00ExpandingU RADIOnoExpandingU,Alternative News,New Paradigm,EcoVillage,PermaculturePresented by: India Irie Sanatana Dharma  TODAY LIFE HAPPENS...so the episode I planned to do today is postponed to another time. Lots of drilling sounds and rWhat do you REALLY Want??http://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/02/04/what-do-you-really-wantEducationhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/02/04/what-do-you-really-want/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/02/04/what-do-you-really-wantTue, 04 Feb 2014 01:00:00 GMTWhat do you REALLY Want??Presented by: Tammy Anahata & Sherri Fischer What do you REALLY want??? So the burning question, one which we fail to ask ourselves at the time when it matters the most: "What do we REALLY want?" Come join us as we candidly voice aloud ‘conversations with self’ and ponder questions such as: Why we made certain things unattainable simply because we were too afraid to connect with our true desires? … and How do our conflicting conversations with SELF keep us out of alignment with what we truly want to experience? What is it that you are waiting for anyway? What happens when the inner world is at odds with the outer world? What is the missing elusive ingredient? Join us weekly as we discuss, explore and uncover the genesis of our illustrious manifestations and creations!! 02:00:00ExpandingU RADIOnoManifestation,New Paradigm,EvolutionPresented by: Tammy Anahata & Sherri Fischer What do you REALLY want??? So the burning question, one which we fail to ask ourselves at the time when it matterRevolutionShips- Navigating Relationships in 5Dhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/02/03/revolutionships-navigating-relationships-in-5d-2Relationshipshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/02/03/revolutionships-navigating-relationships-in-5d-2/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/02/03/revolutionships-navigating-relationships-in-5d-2Mon, 03 Feb 2014 01:00:00 GMTRevolutionShips- Navigating Relationships in 5DPresented by: Crystal Walker & Julien Wells **SUPERBOWL SHOW: The show will be airing LIVE as planned and we will be with Anoka Shiva who is a very advanced visionary, and a forerunner of the shift toward community living and oneness.  He has many, many thoughts on polyamory and 5d relating, and this is going to be a very hearty conversation!                                               *** As we step over the threshold into the energies of the New Earth 5th Dimensional awareness, the changes are rippling out into every facet of life.  As we begin to step forward and claim our personal sovereignty on the heels of our awakening, old limiting structures and definitions of how life was lived in 3D are being rapidly replaced with our new understanding of who we really are.  One of the more limiting constructs of the old society was in the realm of romantic relationships.  Romantic relationships are growing and evolving as are all aspects of life as we know it.  A lot of us are asking what it means to be truly free within a relationship?  Can we only love one person?  One gender?  These, and many more, are the questions we'll be exploring as we figure out how to integrate partnership with freewill. 01:51:00ExpandingU RADIOnoRelationships,5D,Polyamory,Sex,New AgePresented by: Crystal Walker & Julien Wells **SUPERBOWL SHOW: The show will be airing LIVE as planned and we will be with Anoka Shiva who is a very advanced viKeepin it Realhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/02/01/keepin-it-real-1Educationhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/02/01/keepin-it-real-1/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/02/01/keepin-it-real-1Sat, 01 Feb 2014 17:30:00 GMTKeepin it RealPresented by Paul Doucette & Tishauna Williams Well? We keeping it real! All aspects of expression are in flux and evolving. SO let us evolve with it and openly discuss all that is without judgement. An open forum for a variety of topics, it all depends on where the flow of beingness takes us! Come along as we delve into our own potential and explore this many faceted universe!  Our guest is Yona Curtis: Spiritual life coach, Aura energy reader, Channeler, Shaman, Higher communicator and Past, Present, Future Seer! Excerpt from Yona's bio via her website: I came into this life with extra sensory abilities, tapping into them now and again in my formative years. Now I have stepped into my path to heal, help, and share my knowledge and visions openly. I show people that they have the power to create and change fundamentally; that 'they' are the divine, and give them advice on how to do this. I aid in connecting them back with universal energy and teach them how to do it for themselves again. I show them where to look within, using my second sight so they can heal themselves. I give them their power back, teaching them that they never lost it, just forgot that it is within. I pass messages on from past loved ones' spirit guides and higher beings. Yona's website: http://yonacurtis.wix.com/yona-curtis 02:00:00ExpandingU RADIOnoPresented by Paul Doucette & Tishauna Williams Well? We keeping it real! All aspects of expression are in flux and evolving. SO let us evolve with it and openlExpandingU RADIO chats with Thomas Hugheshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/01/31/expandingu-radio-chats-with-thomas-hughesEducationhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/01/31/expandingu-radio-chats-with-thomas-hughes/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/01/31/expandingu-radio-chats-with-thomas-hughesFri, 31 Jan 2014 17:00:00 GMTExpandingU RADIO chats with Thomas HughesPresented by: India Irie Sanatana Dharma, Paul Doucette & Bill Parrish Thomas Hughes has been communicating with numerous Sasquatch since his first encounter in April 2008. He has a wealth of knowledge about their existence and whereabouts, some of which he shared with me. Sasquatch are gentle and playful giants. They range in height from 6 – 15 feet and live to an age of approximately 120-140 years. They are natural pranksters and are caretakers of Mother Earth. What I mean by caretakers is that they have adapted themselves to the planet instead of trying to change the environment to suit them. These beings have the ancient knowledge of plants and the way this planet operates. Sasquatch are highly intelligent, multi-dimensional beings who used to reside on a planet called Malduk, which is now the asteroid belt. When their planet was destroyed approximately 300,000 years ago, they migrated to other planetary systems by teleportation through the use of pyramids, and some by space ships. These beings live mostly in small, close-knit communities. Their decisions are based on how it would affect the whole group and not just the individual. They have the ability to raise their frequency just enough to be able to become invisible to humans. They fear humans – seeing them as their greatest threat. So, most of the time, they go invisible when humans are around to avoid being hunted and killed. Sasquatch are aware they are seen from time to time. 01:01:00ExpandingU RADIOnothomas hughes,expandingu,bigfoot,paranormal,contacteePresented by: India Irie Sanatana Dharma, Paul Doucette & Bill Parrish Thomas Hughes has been communicating with numerous Sasquatch since his first encounter iOHMs of Musichttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/01/31/ohms-of-music-1Educationhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/01/31/ohms-of-music-1/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/01/31/ohms-of-music-1Fri, 31 Jan 2014 01:00:00 GMTOHMs of MusicPresented by: Chris Grillo and James Baillargeon from The OHMs of Music OHMS OF MUSIC: Spontanious Montreal Music Men moving ahead voluminously at light speed! Enjoying life to the fullest while exploring positive influences, we remain as young hearts volleying for the essence of lifes good frequencies. Singer songwriter Chris Grillo and drummer James Baillargeon from the Montreal band OHMS OF MUSIC explore music, the music scene and artists of the light. 01:26:00ExpandingU RADIOnoMusic,New Paradigm,Higher ConsciousnessPresented by: Chris Grillo and James Baillargeon from The OHMs of Music OHMS OF MUSIC: Spontanious Montreal Music Men moving ahead voluminously at light speed!FOURthirtyTWOhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/01/29/fourthirtytwo-1Educationhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/01/29/fourthirtytwo-1/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/01/29/fourthirtytwo-1Wed, 29 Jan 2014 17:00:00 GMTFOURthirtyTWOIn this new show we will be featuring popular music in ALL GENRES OPTIMISED TO 432Hz.  If you are an artist/musician and have music you would like to submit to be played on the series, feel free to email India Irie Sanatana Dharma at indiamerkerson@gmail.com with your selection and any links to your work if they are applicable so that people can find you if they wish to do so after hearing your creations.  Tesla said it. Einstein Agreed. Science proved it. It is a known fact that everything—including our own bodies—is made up of energy vibrating at different frequencies. That being said, can sound frequencies affect us? They sure can. Frequencies affect frequencies; much like mixing ingredients with other ingredients affects the overall flavor of a meal.  432 Hz is said to be mathematically consistent with the patterns of the universe. Studies reveal that 432hz tuning vibrates with the universe’s golden mean PHI and unifies the properties of light, time, space, matter, gravity and magnetism with biology, the DNA code and consciousness. When our atoms and DNA start to resonate in harmony with the spiraling pattern of nature, our sense of connection to nature is said to be magnified. The number 432 is also reflected in ratios of the Sun, Earth, and the moon as well as the precession of the equinoxes, the Great Pyramid of Egypt, Stonehenge, the Sri Yantra among many other sacred sites.  02:55:00ExpandingU RADIOnoIn this new show we will be featuring popular music in ALL GENRES OPTIMISED TO 432Hz.  If you are an artist/musician and have music you would like to submit tExpandingU RADIOhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/01/28/expandingu-radioEducationhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/01/28/expandingu-radio/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/01/28/expandingu-radioTue, 28 Jan 2014 17:00:00 GMTExpandingU RADIOPresented by: India Irie Sanatana Dharma & Manly Nash SPECIAL GUEST:  FERNANDO VOSSA of HAIAH A Sustainable Home as Preventive Medicine for Your Body A multidisciplinary team of bio architects to design a home that can transform its occupants through ancient technology San Diego, CA – A Baja California team of researchers in advanced energy technologies and alternative healers are collaborating to design and build a HAIAH (Healing Art Installation As Home).  “The goal of our HAIAH team is to build a home that offers true independence from existing energy grid, mass processed foods and the addiction to a cyber-lifestyle.”   “A home should sustain, heal and inspire the entire family” is what Vossa adds, while sharing that HAIAH homes could help us improve ourselves with lessons from our ancestors in the use of natural stone, crystals, water and specific geometric forms in the kitchen, bathroom and living areas.  A HAIAH home would be like living in a natural spa that also is a work of technological art. The HAIAH project is now open through a public campaign so that individuals, organizations, and businesses can participate as collaborators, founding members and even have a custom HAIAH home for themselves.  Construction blueprints and training videos will be available to project participants. Please address all Inquiries and interest in participation through the HAIAH home Project site at http://igg.me/at/haiah/x/1191729 Contact: Fernando Vossa, 619 866-4332, vossamedia@gmail.com 01:56:00ExpandingU RADIOnoExpandingU,Alternative News,New Paradigm,EcoVillage,PermaculturePresented by: India Irie Sanatana Dharma & Manly Nash SPECIAL GUEST:  FERNANDO VOSSA of HAIAH A Sustainable Home as Preventive Medicine for Your Body A multiWhat do you REALLY Want??http://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/01/28/what-do-you-really-wantEducationhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/01/28/what-do-you-really-want/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/01/28/what-do-you-really-wantTue, 28 Jan 2014 01:00:00 GMTWhat do you REALLY Want??Presented by: Tammy Anahata & Sherri Fischer What do you REALLY want??? So the burning question, one which we fail to ask ourselves at the time when it matters the most: "What do we REALLY want?" Come join us as we candidly voice aloud ‘conversations with self’ and ponder questions such as: Why we made certain things unattainable simply because we were too afraid to connect with our true desires? … and How do our conflicting conversations with SELF keep us out of alignment with what we truly want to experience? What is it that you are waiting for anyway? What happens when the inner world is at odds with the outer world? What is the missing elusive ingredient? Join us weekly as we discuss, explore and uncover the genesis of our illustrious manifestations and creations!! Link to last week's show:  http://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/01/21/what-do-you-really-want 01:59:00ExpandingU RADIOnoManifestation,New Paradigm,EvolutionPresented by: Tammy Anahata & Sherri Fischer What do you REALLY want??? So the burning question, one which we fail to ask ourselves at the time when it matterRevolutionShips- Navigating relationships in 5Dhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/01/27/revolutionships-navigating-relationships-in-5d-2Educationhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/01/27/revolutionships-navigating-relationships-in-5d-2/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/01/27/revolutionships-navigating-relationships-in-5d-2Mon, 27 Jan 2014 01:00:00 GMTRevolutionShips- Navigating relationships in 5DAs we step over the threshold into the energies of the New Earth 5th Dim...ensional awareness, the changes are rippling out into every facet of life. As we begin to step forward and claim our personal sovereignty on the heels of our awakening, old limiting structures and definitions of how life was lived in 3D are being rapidly replaced with our new understanding of who we really are. One of the more limiting constructs of the old society was in the realm of romantic relationships. Romantic relationships are growing and evolving as are all aspects of life as we know it. A lot of us are asking what it means to be truly free within a relationship? Can we only love one person? One gender? These, and many more, are the questions we'll be exploring as we figure out how to integrate partnership with freewill.   02:01:00ExpandingU RADIOnoRelationships,5D,Polyamory,Sex,New AgeAs we step over the threshold into the energies of the New Earth 5th Dim...ensional awareness, the changes are rippling out into every facet of life. As we begiOHMs of Musichttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/01/24/ohms-of-music-1Educationhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/01/24/ohms-of-music-1/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/01/24/ohms-of-music-1Fri, 24 Jan 2014 01:00:00 GMTOHMs of MusicPresented by: Chris Grillo and James Baillargeon from The OHMs of Music OHMS OF MUSIC: Spontanious Montreal Music Men moving ahead voluminously at light speed! Enjoying life to the fullest while exploring positive influences, we remain as young hearts volleying for the essence of lifes good frequencies. Singer songwriter Chris Grillo and drummer James Baillargeon from the Montreal band OHMS OF MUSIC explore music, the music scene and artists of the light. 01:43:00ExpandingU RADIOnoMusic,New Paradigm,Higher ConsciousnessPresented by: Chris Grillo and James Baillargeon from The OHMs of Music OHMS OF MUSIC: Spontanious Montreal Music Men moving ahead voluminously at light speed!ExpandingU RADIOhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/01/21/expandingu-radioEducationhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/01/21/expandingu-radio/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/01/21/expandingu-radioTue, 21 Jan 2014 17:00:00 GMTExpandingU RADIOPresented by: India Irie Sanatana Dharma Join me and my guest co-host, Manly Nash for ExpandingU RADIO at a new time:  NOON EST/5pm UK/9am PST   Today we will be discussing the phenomenon of the ecovillage: What does that term mean? What types are there? What is the purpose and who benefits?  01:02:00ExpandingU RADIOnoPermaculture,ecovillages,alternative media,gaia,new paradigmPresented by: India Irie Sanatana Dharma Join me and my guest co-host, Manly Nash for ExpandingU RADIO at a new time:  NOON EST/5pm UK/9am PST   Today we willWhat do you REALLY want??http://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/01/21/what-do-you-really-wantEducationhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/01/21/what-do-you-really-want/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/01/21/what-do-you-really-wantTue, 21 Jan 2014 01:00:00 GMTWhat do you REALLY want??Presented by: Tammy Anahata, Sherri Fischer and Paul Doucette What do you REALLY want??? So the burning question, one which we fail to ask ourselves at the time when it matters the most: "What do we REALLY want?" Come join us as we candidly voice aloud ‘conversations with self’ and ponder questions such as: Why we made certain things unattainable simply because we were too afraid to connect with our true desires? … and How do our conflicting conversations with SELF keep us out of alignment with what we truly want to experience? What is it that you are waiting for anyway? What happens when the inner world is at odds with the outer world? What is the missing elusive ingredient? Join us weekly as we discuss, explore and uncover the genesis of our illustrious manifestations and creations!! 01:49:00ExpandingU RADIOnoPresented by: Tammy Anahata, Sherri Fischer and Paul Doucette What do you REALLY want??? So the burning question, one which we fail to ask ourselves at the tiRevolutionShips- Navigating relationships in 5Dhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/01/20/revolutionships-navigating-relationships-in-5dRelationshipshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/01/20/revolutionships-navigating-relationships-in-5d/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/01/20/revolutionships-navigating-relationships-in-5dMon, 20 Jan 2014 01:00:00 GMTRevolutionShips- Navigating relationships in 5DPresented by: Crystal Walker, Julien Wells As we step over the threshold into the energies of the New Earth 5th Dimensional awareness, the changes are rippling out into every facet of life.  As we begin to step forward and claim our personal sovereignty on the heels of our awakening, old limiting structures and definitions of how life was lived in 3D are being rapidly replaced with our new understanding of who we really are.  One of the more limiting constructs of the old society was in the realm of romantic relationships.  Romantic relationships are growing and evolving as are all aspects of life as we know it.  A lot of us are asking what it means to be truly free within a relationship?  Can we only love one person?  One gender?  These, and many more, are the questions we'll be exploring as we figure out how to integrate partnership with freewill.   01:56:00ExpandingU RADIOnoRelationships,5D,Polyamory,Sex,New AgePresented by: Crystal Walker, Julien Wells As we step over the threshold into the energies of the New Earth 5th Dimensional awareness, the changes are ripplingEvoBuddies!http://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/01/18/evobuddiesEducationhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/01/18/evobuddies/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/01/18/evobuddiesSat, 18 Jan 2014 17:00:00 GMTEvoBuddies!Presented by: Sherri and Tishauna :) ''I feel that Life is upping the stakes, Just to see what it will take, To get me to stand up tall and straight.'' --Kaypacha Full Moon in Cancer today! The message is to FEEL it! And with this one it is also to SHOW it, SHARE it, and LET GO of it! Challenges can help us to get real with ourselves, our limits, our humanity and then to bond and unite with others emotionally and build new relationships, nests, and support systems. On the lookout for those who want to control, manipulate or shame us, it is time to stand up for ourselves (and those close to us). Don’t back down…. go for it! 02:00:00ExpandingU RADIOnoPresented by: Sherri and Tishauna :) ''I feel that Life is upping the stakes, Just to see what it will take, To get me to stand up tall and straight.'' --KaypaExpandingU RADIOhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/01/15/expandingu-radioEducationhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/01/15/expandingu-radio/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/01/15/expandingu-radioWed, 15 Jan 2014 01:00:00 GMTExpandingU RADIOPresented by: India Irie Sanatana Dharma  ExpandingU is a lifestyle brand with emphasis on Conscious Living, Learning, Teaching & Healing. The project includes an ecovillage and institute of learning and teaching as a template model available globally.  This show will include pertinent topics of the New NOWs related to living in symbiosis with our planet and One another. 5min PRESENTATION VIDEO: www.youtube.com/watch?v=yjRApWQwAL0&feature=youtu.be The Vision Board: www.pinterest.com/indiamerkerson/expandingu-brochurepresentation-of-details-ameniti/ The Journey: www.facebook.com/notes/india-irie-sanatana-dharma/birthing-a-dream-the-story-of-expandingu/682190551825057       01:00:00ExpandingU RADIOnoExpandingU,Alternative News,New Paradigm,EcoVillage,PermaculturePresented by: India Irie Sanatana Dharma  ExpandingU is a lifestyle brand with emphasis on Conscious Living, Learning, Teaching & Healing. The project includesWhat do you REALLY want??http://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/01/14/what-do-you-really-wantEducationhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/01/14/what-do-you-really-want/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/01/14/what-do-you-really-wantTue, 14 Jan 2014 01:00:00 GMTWhat do you REALLY want??Presented by: Amy Brimicombe & Tammy Anahata What do you REALlY want??? So the burning question, one which we fail to ask ourselves at the time when it matters the most: "What do we REALLY want?"  Come join us as we candidly voice aloud ‘conversations with self’ and ponder questions such as: Why we made certain things unattainable simply because we were too afraid to connect with our true desires? … andHow do our conflicting conversations with SELF keep us out of alignment with what we truly want to experience? What is it that you are waiting for anyway? What happens when the inner world is at odds with the outer world? What is the missing elusive ingredient? Join us weekly as we discuss, explore and uncover the genesis of our illustrious manifestations  and creations!! 01:00:00ExpandingU RADIOnoPresented by: Amy Brimicombe & Tammy Anahata What do you REALlY want??? So the burning question, one which we fail to ask ourselves at the time when it matterRevolutionShips- Navigating relationships in 5Dhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/01/13/revolutionships-navigating-relationships-in-5dEducationhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/01/13/revolutionships-navigating-relationships-in-5d/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/01/13/revolutionships-navigating-relationships-in-5dMon, 13 Jan 2014 01:00:00 GMTRevolutionShips- Navigating relationships in 5DPresented by: Crystal Walker, Julien Wells As we step over the threshold into the energies of the New Earth 5th Dimensional awareness, the changes are rippling out into every facet of life.  As we begin to step forward and claim our personal sovereignty on the heels of our awakening, old limiting structures and definitions of how life was lived in 3D are being rapidly replaced with our new understanding of who we really are.  One of the more limiting constructs of the old society was in the realm of romantic relationships.  Romantic relationships are growing and evolving as are all aspects of life as we know it.  A lot of us are asking what it means to be truly free within a relationship?  Can we only love one person?  One gender?  These, and many more, are the questions we'll be exploring as we figure out how to integrate partnership with freewill. The first episode will introduce myself, Crystal, with a bit of background as to how I collaborated with Julien Wells, and our first guest will be a mutual best friend of ours, Sheri Rogers Gordon! I hope you all join us, this is going to be a very interesting show! <3 01:59:00ExpandingU RADIOnoRelationships,5D,Polyamory,Sex,New AgePresented by: Crystal Walker, Julien Wells As we step over the threshold into the energies of the New Earth 5th Dimensional awareness, the changes are ripplingEvoBuddies!http://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/01/11/evobuddiesEducationhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/01/11/evobuddies/#commentshttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/expandinguradio/2014/01/11/evobuddiesSat, 11 Jan 2014 17:00:00 GMTEvoBuddies!Presented by: Sherri Fischer & Amy Brimicombe Each being on this planet is on their own personal journey of Evolution. This journey can be one of isolation and confusion--causing a person fear instead of excitement; leaving them with no one to talk to and feeling alone. This is why Evo Buddies has been created. We found that by coming together and sharing our thoughts and feelings it has helped us evolve at a much easier and faster rate than if we had continued to go it alone. We are now at a place where we want to share in this instigation of awareness and connect like minded people with each other to broaden the awakening that we are experiencing. *Listen to Sherri Fischer also weekly, Sundays on ELEMENTal Evolution on the 5D Media Network-- Link to Archive: (sort by 'date' relevance and ENJOY!) www.blogtalkradio.com/search?q=elemental+evolution ELEMENTal Evolution on fb:                02:00:00ExpandingU RADIOnoPresented by: Sherri Fischer & Amy Brimicombe Each being on this planet is on their own personal journey of Evolution. This journey can be one of isolation and