Earth Spirit Radio Spirit Radio is an online spiritual podcast radio show where all things of the Spiritual/Magickal/Mystickal/Religious and Pagan world. We interview major players within the Pagan community, local and online Pagan and Metaphysical shops and discuss all the latest news and topic of the spiritual world. enCopyright Hagrid Bluefire (C/O Blogtalkradio)Sat, 15 Jun 2019 00:15:00 GMTReligionBlogTalkRadio Feed v2.0 Spirit Radio Spirit Radio is an online spiritual podcast radio show where all things of the Spiritual/Magickal/Mystickal/Religious and Pagan world. We interview major players within the Pagan community, local and online Pagan and Metaphysical shops and discuss all the latest news and topic of the spiritual world. feeds@blogtalkradio.comBlogTalkRadio.comreligionEarth Spirit RadionoEarth Spirit Radio is an online spiritual podcast radio show where all things of the Spiritual/Magickal/Mystickal/Religious and Pagan world. We interview majorepisodic